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Jakarta to prepare tents for displaced COVID-19 patients during floods

News Desk The Jakarta Post Jakarta   /   Wed, November 4, 2020   /   06:17 pm

The Jakarta administration will prepare a special tent for displaced COVID-19 patients who are
affected by floods, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said on Wednesday. The tent will consist
of several booths, which can be used by patients or other displaced residents who are
undergoing self-isolation. “We will prepare special tents in the flood shelters, as well as the
transportation [for the COVID-19 patients],” Anies said as quoted by on

Moreover, the Jakarta administration will also provide a special boat to carry COVID-19 patients
as well as asymptomatic patients. This boat will be marked to separate it from boats for healthy
residents. Previously the national COVID-19 task force spokesperson, Wiku Adisasmito, warned
the public about possible infection clusters at shelters for flood victims. “We are calling on
regional governments to be vigilant to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission. One potential
source of COVID-19 clusters would be the flood victims’ shelters,” he said.

Adherence to health protocols at the shelters, including wearing masks, physical distancing and
washing hands, could reduce the risk of transmission, he said. He also noted the importance of
maintaining the cleanliness of the shelters and providing sufficient air circulation and sunlight to
protect the people from common rainy season illnesses.

Anies explained that the La Nina phenomenon was most likely to occur in Indonesia this year.
This phenomenon is forecast to cause weather anomalies, such as a spike in rainfall intensity
across the nation, including in Jakarta. Previously, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics
Agency (BMKG) warned that the current La Nina weather phenomenon could increase
accumulated precipitation in Indonesia by up to 40 percent, with heavy rainfall expected in
several regions across the archipelago. Anies revealed that Jakarta's drainage capacity was only
able to cope with 100 millimeters of rainfall intensity per day, which means he predicted that
there would be no flooding if the intensity of rainfall was below 100 mm.

However, if it amounts to more 100 mm, he expected the flooding to subside within six hours.
“It’s our responsibility to combine our efforts so that the flooding will subside in less than six
hours,” Anies said. Intensive precipitation, Anies went on to say, could lead to flooding. Heavy
rainfall in the mountain area could lead to inundations in coastal areas, including Jakarta. “We
have time to prepare since it takes nine to 10 hours for the water in Katulampa Dam to arrive in
Jakarta. It will take three hours until it reaches Depok, and six hours from Depok to Manggarai,”
he said. (dpk) Editor’s note: This article is part of a public campaign by the COVID-19 task force
to raise people’s awareness about the pandemic.

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1. What is the news worthy of this text? (10 score)

2. Why does the governor of Jakarta prepare the tent for diplaced COVID 19 patients? (20 score)

3. Who are the sources of the news ? (20 score)

4. Write 4 sentences in Reported Speech. (20 score)

5. Write 3 sentences in Passive Voice. (15 score)

6. Write 3 sentences in Past Tense. (15 score)

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