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CHAPTER 1: Physical Quantities & Measurements SP015


Definition Dimension is defined as a method used to describe a physical quantity in terms of its basic quantity regardless of the system
of units used.
concept about dimension  Can be written as [ physical quantity OR its symbol ]
 Pure numerical factors/number like ½ , ¾,  have no dimensions. Example : [½] = 1
 a = b + c – d  [a] = [b] = [c] = [d] {Addition & Subtraction can be done only with quantities that have the same
dimension }
Symbols Basic Quantity SI unit Dimension Symbol
of dimension
Length m [l] L
Mass kg [m] M
Time s [t] T
Electric current A [I] A
Temperature K [T] θ
Amount of substance mole [n] N

(1) determine the base unit of a physical quantity (2) check homogenity of an equation
Homogenous means the dimension on the R.H.S. same as
velocity = dimension on the L.H.S
[𝑙] (a) Given equation ∶ 𝒔 = 𝒗𝒕
[𝑣] = [𝒔] = [𝒗][𝒕]
On the L. H. S. : [𝑠] = L
= = L T−1 On the R. H. S. : [𝑣][𝑡] = L T−1 (T) = L
As the dimension on the R.H.S. is the same as dimension
S.I. unit is m s−1 on the L.H.S thus the equation is homogenous.
Use of dimension
(b) Given equation ∶ 𝒗𝟐 =
[𝒗]𝟐 =
On the L. H. S. : [𝒗]𝟐 = (L T−1 )2 = L2 T−2
On the R. H. S. : = = L T −2
As the dimension on the R.H.S. is not the same as
dimension on the L.H.S thus the equation is not

1 Prepared by ChongYL ~ Physics Unit, KMJ

CHAPTER 1: Physical Quantities & Measurements SP015


Definition Example
Scalar quantity Scalar quantity is defined as a quantity with magnitude only. Mass, time, temperature, pressure, electric
current, work, energy, power and etc.

Vector quantity Vector quantity is defined as a quantity with both magnitude & Displacement, velocity, acceleration, force,
direction. momentum, electric field, magnetic field and
Diagram Equation of vector Magnitude of vector
Unit vectors
 A unit vector is a vector that
has a magnitude of 1 with no 
A  Ax iˆ  Ay ˆj  Az kˆ A  ( Ax ) 2  ( A y ) 2  ( Az ) 2
 only purpose is to point − that
is, to describe a direction in s  (4) 2  (3) 2  (2) 2

space. s  (4iˆ  3 ˆj  2kˆ) m
example : s  5.39 m
 𝑖, 𝑗 , 𝑘 is used to represent unit
vectors pointing in the
positive x, y & z directions.

RESOLVING VECTORS INTO TWO PERPENDICULAR COMPONENTS (Tips: bila pergi 1 paksi, sudut jadi beSar  guna sin ; sudut jadi Kecil  guna kos)
Component of vector
y express in unit vector notation : (40.96𝚤̂ + 28.68𝚥̂ ) N
E  50 N
x – comp. y – comp. |𝐸| = 𝐸 + 𝐸 = (40.96) + (28.68) = 50 N

35 E x  50 cos 35  40.96 N E y  50 sin 35  28.68 N
x 𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛 =𝑡𝑎𝑛
= 35º

y express in unit vector notation : (−108.06𝚤̂ + 39.33𝚥̂ ) m

F  115 m 
70 x – comp. y – comp. |𝐹| = 𝐹 +𝐹 = (−108.06) + (39.33)
Fx  115 sin 70  108.06m Fy  115 cos 70  39.33m |𝐹| = 115 m
x .
𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛 =𝑡𝑎𝑛 = 70º

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CHAPTER 1: Physical Quantities & Measurements SP015

Resultant Vectors Magnitude of resultant vector Direction of

resultant vector
Step 1: Resolving vector Step 3:
Determine the resultant acceleration and its Use trigonometry
Vector x – comp. y – comp.
direction. Ry
A 0 +10 m s−2  R  tan 1
B −8 m s−2 0 Rx
C 0 −9 m s−2  7.426
+11 sin 40 −11 cos 40  R  tan 1
D  0.929
= + 7.071 m s−2 = − 8.426 m s−2
 R  82.87º
Resultant, R R x  0.929 m s - 2 R y  7.426 m s 2
below −x axis

Step2: Use Pythagoras theorem to calculate magnitude of vector R Diagram (Show the

R  ( Rx ) 2  ( R y ) 2  resultant vector):

= (−0.929) + (−7.426)
=7.484 m s−2

Multiplication of vectors
Dot (scalar) product Cross (vector) product
Physical meanings 𝐴⃗ • 𝐵⃗ is the magnitude of 𝐴⃗ multiplied by the component of 𝐴⃗ × 𝐵⃗ is the magnitude of 𝐴⃗ multiplied by the component of
𝐵⃗ parallel to 𝐴⃗ 𝐵⃗ perpendicular to 𝐴⃗
   
Equation A  B  AB sin  nˆ
A  B  AB cos 
where 0    180º
where 0    180º
 Direction of cross product is determined by corkscrew
method or right hand rule
   
Example W  Fs   rF

3 Prepared by ChongYL ~ Physics Unit, KMJ

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