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2020: The Roller Coaster Year

Have you ever enjoyed a roller coaster ride? I bet you must have! It is full of steep inclination and
declines and the sharp curves are amply to make you feel the butterflies in your stomach. No wonder
it causes your heart to pop out of excitement. Indeed, it is a frabjous experience. I often wonder if we
were seated in a roller coaster throughout the previous year. For all and sundry it was a pompous
start, filled with new resolutions, creative thoughts that were stiffly packed in the mind. Set to make
the greatest strides in the field of education we, the younger generation and the flag bearers of our
ethics were met by an invisible menace, scarily known as ‘corona’ and scientifically as ‘Covid 19’. The
roads were mum, factories shut and people were locked in fear as if the earth reclaimed its lost
paradise. Ironically, all the resolutions took a long flight as watching movies was a newly found
passion. In a wink we found ourselves isolated, however Nikola Tesla once said that being alone is the
secret of invention, that is when new ideas are born. This was unerringly demonstrated through the
multifarious activities in which we participated throughout the period of lockdown. Art, music, dance
and fitness were inordinately acknowledged all across the world by the multitude of all age groups.
Long and broad blackboards were supplanted by the portable laptops, moreover the chalk also found
its substitute in the fast-moving cursor. The usual headlong rush to the classroom through the
corridors, the lush green field of football and the loafing around during recess was exceedingly missed.
In addition, the seemingly endless conversations that took place on stairs, back benches were die
heartedly remembered.
Although video calls brought forth an alternate to meet and connect, it was however unable to convey
the feelings and facial expressions that are suited specifically to physical dialogues. Foodies and street
food lovers had an arduous time, many took to cooking as they were unable to resilient their cravings.
Dalgona coffee, cakes and momos were awfully popular during this phase. This was the time that we
connected with nature and learned that we are evolved from nature, we are a small part of it and not
the nature itself. We are mortal beings who are bound to meet the limit of death just as the pots are
to end by breaking. Covid 19 taught us that in this world of joy and sorrow, death is inevitable and
blessed are those who overcome the fear of death. Wise people wield their time judiciously to help
the other beings and forge their life into an efficacious one. The period of lockdown taught us the
deep meaning of the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’.

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