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Topic: Loki Debate 11/7/22, 5:14 PM

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Loki Debate
After reading and listening to three stories about Loki, do you think Loki deserves the
punishment that the gods gave him? Explain your opinion using examples from any of the
stories that we read (or that you might know). Respond to someone else's post by agreeing
with them or politely disagreeing with their statement giving a reason for why you agree or


Aug 30 9:38am Last reply Aug 31 6:52am

Im no one to judge someone’s actions because no one is perfect but in my opinion

he deserved to be punished, but without involving his kids because they didn’t do
anything. He was someone who caused a lot of problems and had to be put down
but also maybe not in that way

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Topic: Loki Debate 11/7/22, 5:14 PM

Aug 30 9:37am Last reply Aug 30 9:48am

I think that Loki did deserve his punishment for everything that he has done.  Loki has
caused many problems throughout the rein of the gods, and costed the lives of
others.  For example Baldur was not able to die, but Loki decided to find his
weakness, and have Baldur's brother throw a spear at him.  Loki got Baldur killed,
and refused to mourn Baldur's death which kept Baldur from coming back to life. 
Watching the pain and suffering for the last of Loki's life will never measure the pain,
and agony he has caused for all those around him.

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AR Aug 30 9:45am

to be honest I think that Loki probably didn't deserve both of the punishments, I think
he only should have been bound there with the snake's poison. I think dragging his
kids into it was too far.


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Topic: Loki Debate 11/7/22, 5:14 PM

Aug 30 9:38am Last reply Aug 30 9:44am

I think Loki does deserve punishment and should be held accountable to his actions
but I think the gods take everything too far. For example, the story of the giant
building the wall. Everyone said it was all Loki's fault but it was only his idea. It is
everyone's fault for agreeing to the idea and choosing to do it. Then to want to
punish him with death for it? Ain't no way.

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DM Aug 30 9:43am Last reply Aug 30 9:44am

I think Loki did deserve to be punished but his kids being punish is going too far. I
think he dowe alot of bad things he shouldnt be doing to the gods.

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KW Aug 30 9:35am Last reply Aug 30 9:42am

No, I do not believe he should've taken the punishment the gods gave him. Having to
deal with poison for the rest of his life is horrible enough as it is, but to make his
family suffer the tremendous pain they went through as Loki's punishment, is

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Topic: Loki Debate 11/7/22, 5:14 PM

Aug 30 9:37am Last reply Aug 30 9:40am

Loki is deserving of punishment after all of his thoughtless killings and betrayals of
the gods. Killing kids that are related to the problem or in general is just wrong.

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Aug 30 9:35am Last reply Aug 30 9:39am

I believe that Loki did deserve this punishment because it was basically the same
thing that he had done however having his sons be the ones being killed is cruel and
they should have just killed Loki instead. They involved his whole family in this
punishment even tho they didn't do anything wrong.

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MO Aug 30 9:35am Last reply Aug 30 9:39am

I dont think loki deserves this much of a punishment. The gods went above and
beyond with his punishment. He should of deserved his sons getting killed in front of
him, but suffering until ragnarok dies. The reason why the gods might have given him
this punishment is because of other things loki has done in the past which could have
been built up anger which is why they were so harsh.  

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Topic: Loki Debate 11/7/22, 5:14 PM

AH Aug 30 9:38am

Yes, he did deserve it because he killed a god. And he cheated and didn't give him
credit for building it. Although his kids did not deserve to be killed because they had
nothing to do with it. Loki should've payed for his actions.


DJ Aug 30 9:37am

After reading this, I think loki deserves this punishment after all he's done killing his
brother, killing aegar's servant kidnapping Eden and her apples and just every
mischievious thing he has ever done karma is real and not always pleasant.But the
extent to the punishment seemed a little unnessecary because the gods made loki's
sons vali kill narfi although the one being punished is loki not the kids  


Aug 30 9:36am Last reply Aug 30 9:37am

I dont think he deserves it it was pretty intense. He had to watch his kids kill each
other and then got tied up with his sons guts and then tortured for pretty much for
eternity. I feel like they took it to far and shouldve just got tortured.

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Topic: Loki Debate 11/7/22, 5:14 PM

JR Aug 30 9:37am

I don’t agree with the punishment of Loki, because he is a god of tricks and mischief.
The gods should’ve left the eye for an eye, the killing of Loki’s son to be the
punishment. Not the snake dripping poison onto his eyes or face til Ragnarok. To
punish him til Ragnarok is just cruel and overkill. 


KG Aug 30 9:35am Last reply Aug 30 9:37am

I believe that he deserves his punishment because he has got the apple girl
kidnapped and he even killed the most beautiful god and just overall just tricking the
gods all the time. 

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JB Aug 30 9:37am

loki deserves the punishment because he killed someone


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Topic: Loki Debate 11/7/22, 5:14 PM

AL Aug 30 9:37am

Loki deserved the punishment he got as he has caused trouble for the gods for so


TR Aug 30 9:33am Last reply Aug 30 9:37am

Yes because he was killing people for basically no reason and he got caught and
needs to learn his lesson 

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MN Aug 30 9:35am Last reply Aug 30 9:37am

I think that he deserved to have someone die because he killed or cause other
peoples deaths. I don't think he deserved to have snake venom dripping on him.

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Topic: Loki Debate 11/7/22, 5:14 PM

MB Aug 30 9:37am

Loki's punishment, in my opinion, is something that he deserved. It is an extreme to

watch your own sons kill each other and dishonor themselves as well as be tied in
one of their entrails with snake acid dripping on yuour face but he does it to himself in
a twisted way. He often creates his own consequences and after killing Baldur and
being a menace at the feast as well as all the other things he has done, it is the final
line he has crossed in the gods eyes and he created his own fate. 


IS Aug 30 9:36am

I do believe that Loki deserves the punishment that the gods gave him. The reason I
believe he deserves that punishment is due to the fact the Loki literally murders
God's off of his judgement and he has been a trouble for gods. His action are now
catching up with him. They are equivalent to all the things he has done.  


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