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The Ahadith of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

1. Hadith # 05

Hadith # 05

1. This hadith mentions different types of charities performed by Muslims.
2. Charity is an act of worship and one of the ways of showing gratitude to Allah for His blessings.
3. The rich Muslims make financial charities to show gratitude to Allah for the wealth and
materials they are blessed with.
4. Similarly, Muslims do non-financial charities to show gratitude to Allah for the might and health
they have been bestowed by Allah.
5. Non-financial charities mean good deeds. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Every good act is charity.”
6. A good act can be a kind attitude, generous behaviour, polite speech and just and equal
treatment, etc.
7. Thus, we learn from this hadith that we are required of doing virtuous deeds regularly from our
body parts to show gratitude to Allah for the might and health He has bestowed upon us.
8. We believe that charity not only makes us a grateful believer, but it also helps us earn the
pleasure of Allah. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Charity certainly quenches the wrath of your Lord
and puts away the evil death.”


1. We should offer virtuous deeds regularly to be grateful to Allah for the might and health He
has bestowed upon us.
2. See Hadith # 03
3. We should treat others equally and justly.
4. We should strive to establish justice everywhere in our society.
5. We should not oppress anyone and fight against the oppressors.
6. If we are trusted as an arbiter, we should act justly.
7. We should not be biased based on gender, religion, color, race, and family, etc.
8. Give an example of Prophet (PBUH)’s just verdict against Fatima of Banu Makhzum who was
found guilty of theft.
9. We should help old and weak to carry their belongings.
10. We should not use washrooms and parking reserved for senior citizens.
11. Instead of making fun of their weakness or disabilities, we should be there for them for
providing ease.
12. We should help blind and young people in finding their way.
Other good deeds:
13. We should plant trees for a healthy society.
14. We should use trash cans and should avoid littering.

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