Sobre La Indolencia de Los Filipinos (The Indolence of The Filipino)

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Sobre La Indolencia De Los Filipinos (The Indolence of the Filipino)

The Indolence of the Filipino was written by Dr. Jose Rizal and published in La
Solidaridad in 1889. He intended for this essay to awaken Filipinos to Spanish
corruption and to serve as a reminder of our own country's freedom of speech and
other rights. He added that the wrong treatment for indolence could make it worse,
which is why he researched it before treating it. Filipinos may get quickly exhausted or
sluggish for a variety of reasons, including the weather. The Philippines is a tropical
country, making it hot and difficult to work while feeling sticky and filthy. Furthermore,
because they don't get enough sleep, Filipinos who labor extra and for excessive pay
are already exhausted. Rizal recognized that Filipinos' idleness was caused by abuse
and discrimination rather than a simple lack of desire to work. This is one of Rizal's best
pieces of literature, in my opinion, because it captures the essence of what it is to be a
Filipino. Not only during the Spanish regime but even today, Filipinos are still
discriminated against and accused of being lazy since they are always late or
exhausted. Filipinos frequently arrive late due to traffic, even when they leave early.
One factor in this is a lack of transportation, as they must wait a long time to board a
bus. Filipinos, in my opinion, are the most diligent workers because, despite their low
pay, they are devoted and skilled. For instance, it is upsetting to observe that our
hardworking farmers are being treated unfairly because they want the price of crops
and vegetables to be raised. Being a farmer is not easy, especially in the Philippines,
where we frequently have typhoons that can destroy crops, leaving them with nothing
to sell and nothing to eat. People often claim that we should work for ourselves and
not seek the government for assistance, but farmers have already put forth a lot of
effort without receiving the proper compensation. Also, our ancestors can attest to this;
we became slaves to the Spanish, who treated us as though we were not human while
still giving them our good service. It's normal to be lazy occasionally, but try not to do it
all the time because nothing will change your life if you don't take action. Laziness is a
human trait, not a Filipino trait.

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