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LESSON 1 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 1 : Our Class

Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Our Class

Learning objectives 6.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and
noun phrases describing times and location on a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics
6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a growing range
of general topics give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an
increasing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives To differ and use abstract and compound nouns properly
To share opinions on the topic
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Organizational moment. Greeting Verbal
5 min What’s in this module? evaluation
Read the title of the module Our class
and ask Ss to suggest what they think it
Teacher presents the lesson objectives,
explains students what they would be able
to do by the end of this lesson.
1. Warming-up. Brainstorming Learners
The lists should be divided into Abstract must decide
and Compound nouns: what to take
Abstract nouns Compound nouns with them to
cross the
desert by
Possible answers: making two
Abstract nouns: Bravery, Friendship, lists.
Hope, Courage
Compound nouns or noun phrases: Some
food, Some bread, Some water, Some
matches, A knife, a mirror
Middle 2. Focus on grammar.
30 min Depending on your learners, either present Learners
or elicit abstract, compound nouns, noun follow the avaluation
phrases. instructions
Elicit the difference between the
Would you like to have a lot of freedom at
school? (abstract )
Shall we go to the swimming pool?
( compound nouns)
I need some more paper. (noun phrases.) Learners Individual
3. Practice match the avaluation
a) Ask learners to do an exercise for items on the
Compound nouns, Match the items on the right to the
right to the items on the left. Form items on the
compound nouns. Reload the page for left
different words.
b) An abstract noun is a noun that names
something that you cannot taste,touch,
smell, hear, or see. An abstract noun
usually names an idea, feeling, or concept.
On the other hand, a concrete noun names
something that you can see, hear, taste,
smell, or touch. A concrete noun names
an object,thing etc. In each of the
following sentences, a noun is in bold.
Circle the noun if it is a concrete noun,
and underline the noun if it is an abstract
Learners list Verbal
4. Focus on speaking “must evaluation
Learners also should explain why the haves”
classroom or school must have this or that countable
item. Ask your learners speak about and
1 minute on the topic. The assessment uncountable
rubrics are available in Handout 3. nouns
Topic: classroom or school according to
Example: their own
Abstract nouns Compound opinion.
nouns, noun

Some food
Some bread
Friendship Some water
Hope Some matches
Courage A knife
A mirror


5 min At the end of the lesson, students reflect assessment
by the "Traffic lights"
Home task: Writing and speaking “My
favoutire school subject
Saying goodbye
LESSON 2 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14
Unit 1 : Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Countries and nationalities

Learning objectives main points in a limitedrangeofshort simple

texts on generalandcurricular topics provide basic information about themselves and others at
discourse level on a range of general topics; understand more complex supported questions which ask for
personal information; use appropriately an increased variety of present and past
simple active and some passive forms on a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics; write with some support about personal feelings and
opinions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information from the text and use some target
vocabulary to describe school subjects accurately in response to
prompts and in production tasks
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information from the text and use a limited
range of target vocabulary to describe school subjects accurately in
response to prompts and in production tasks
Some learners will be able to:
Identify all specific information from the text and use a wide range of
target vocabulary to describe some school subjects accurately in
response to prompts and in production tasks
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Organizational moment. Greeting
5 min Teacher presents the lesson objectives,
explains students what they would be evaluation
able to do by the end of this lesson.
1. Warming-up. think about
What do the classrooms look like in classrooms
Kazakhstan, the USA, Great Britain and around the
Russia? world and
How many students are there in the answer the
classroom? following
What countries have separate classes for questions
boys and girls?
What subjects do they study?
How do the teachers behave themselves?
Middle To present Vocabulary for School Learners Mutual
30 min Subjects listen and avaluation
Play the recording.. Elicit the L1 repeat
equivalents from various Ss.(Ss’ own chorally and/
answers). Draw Ss’ attention to the or
pictures and ask various Ss to say which individually
subject is shown in each picture.
To personalise the topic Individual
Read the sentence stems aloud and allow Learners do
the task avaluation
Ss time to complete them, then ask some
Ss to read their completed sentences
Focus on reading and listening. A
Teacher explains the meaning of a Verbal
survey. Note: The four main reasons to Learners scan evaluation
conduct surveys. Businesses and the survey
researchers across all industries quickly to
conduct surveys to uncover answers to find the
specific, important questions. These answer
questions are varied, cover a diverse
range of topics, and can be asked in
multiple formats. The decisions you will
make as a result of the survey data
Then asks the question.
Teacher points out three choices for
answers in the survey and explains that
not bad means OK –it’s not negative but
it’ not very positive either. Similarly,
quite interested is positive but not very
Conclusion. Focus on speaking and Learners Individual
writing. write at least avaluation
Remind them of the prepositions: good/ three
bad/ not bad at/and interested in. sentences,
Teacher chooses two students to read out based on the
the example dialogue. In pairs, students survey
ask and answer the survey questions.
End REFLECTION At the end of
5 min I can …. the lesson, Self-
-describe my classroom learners
-share my opinions about the classrooms reflect on
around the world their learning
-talk about advantages and disadvantages
of a classroom
Home task: to learn the new words
Saying goodbye

LESSON 3 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 1: Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Countries and nationalities

Learning objectives main points in a limitedrangeofshort simple

texts on generalandcurricular topics provide basic information about themselves and others at
discourse level on a range of general topics; understand more complex supported questions which ask for
personal information; use appropriately an increased variety of present and past simple
active and some passive forms on a growing range of familiar general
and curricular topics; write with some support about personal feelings and opinions on
a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information from the text and use some target
vocabulary to describe school subjects accurately in response to prompts
and in production tasks
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information from the text and use a limited range
of target vocabulary to describe school subjects accurately in response to
prompts and in production tasks
Some learners will be able to:
Identify all specific information from the text and use a wide range of
target vocabulary to describe some school subjects accurately in response
to prompts and in production tasks
Previous learning Countries and nationalities
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Org. moment: Greeting learners
5 min Teacher presents the lesson Learners will
objectives, explains students what already be
they would be able to do by the end familiar with
of this lesson. some words and
Warming-up. Brainstorming others may be
Teacher reads out the words in the similar to words
list. Then asks students to match the in their own
words with the pictures. language.
Middle To speak about vocabulary for Learners speak
30 min School Subjects about Verbal
English, Geography, Music, History, vocabulary for evaluation
Information & Communication School Subjects
Technology [ICT], Maths, Science,
Art, Physical Education [PE],
Design & Technology [D&T])
To read for gist Learners read
Ask Ss to look at the pictures A-D the texts 1-4 and
and elicit what identifies the elicit which
people/subjects in each picture. Ask: picture matches
Which pictures show two teenage which text.
girls in schooluniforms? (A), (B)
Which picture shows a teenage
student in his classroom? (D)
Which picture shows a teenage
student in her ICT class? (C)
Refer Ss to the Word List to look up
the words in the Check these words
box. Play the video for Ss and elicit
their comments.
To listen and read for specific
information Ask Ss to go through Learners do the
the incomplete sentences. task
Allow Ss three minutes to do the
Assessment criteria
Make a presentation for 2 min Learners in
Use 3-4 new words from the text groups of 3-4, Mutual
Make the poster eye- catching choose two avaluation
Practice countries to
Teacher explains that one of Jack’s make a poster
ticks is in the wrong box and asks about their
students to read the survey again and differences in a
to guess which one it is. paper.
Teacher introduces the listening and
makes it clear that Mel is asking Jack
the survey questions.
Teacher plays the recording.
Students listen and follow the
answers in Jack’s survey. Teacher
asks them to pick out the tick that is
wrong and to say where it should go
Teacher drills the questions, answers
and some expressions.
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners assessment
reflect on their learning:
Students describe three things they
have learned.
Home task: Ex: 5 at page 12 (WB)
Saying goodbye

LESSON 4 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 1: Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Countries and nationalities

Learning objectives main points in a limitedrangeofshort simple

texts on generalandcurricular topics provide basic information about themselves and others at
discourse level on a range of general topics; use appropriately an increased variety of present and past
simple active and some passive forms on a growing range of familiar
general and curricular topics; write with some support about personal feelings and opinions
on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information from the text and use some target
vocabulary to describe school subjects accurately in response to
prompts and in production tasks
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information from the text and use a limited
range of target vocabulary to describe school subjects accurately in
response to prompts and in production tasks
Some learners will be able to:
Identify all specific information from the text and use a wide range of
target vocabulary to describe some school subjects accurately in
response to prompts and in production tasks
Previous learning Countries and nationalities
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Organizational moment
5 min Teacher presents the lesson objectives, PPT
explains students what they would be
able to do by the end of this lesson.
1. Warming-up. Brainstorming Handout 1
“Definition bingo”
Where you give the learners a selection Learners
of words to choose 4 from, then you discuss PPT school
read the definitions. First one to cross pictures
off their 4 words wins.
Teacher shows the photos of the
schools around the world, and discuss
about differences of them with
Kazakhstani schools.
Middle 1. Focus on reading Learners read Verbal
30 min After learners match the heading, ask the text and evaluation
them to underline facts from the text. In match the Handout 2
the note you can see some information heading with
about the difference between a fact and the
an opinion. Remember, that the text is paragraphs.
90% based on facts, thus there are more
facts than opinions. (See Solutions,
Elementary Students Book, Tim Falla,
Paul A Davis, Ex 2p30)

2. Focus on vocabulary Students Mutual

There are possible words that can be discuss the avaluation
discussed by students. If learners are meaning of
confused, and it is really difficult for the unknown
them, let them use dictionaries or words or
online dictionaries. phrases with
1.Compulsory their partners.
2. science
3. P.E (Physical Education) –
4.leave school
5. stay at school
6. take advanced level exams Posters,
7. expensive crayons
8. cost –

Note: A fact is a statement that can be

proven true or false. An opinion is an
expression of a person's feelings that
cannot be proven. Opinions can be
based on facts or emotions and
sometimes they are meant to
deliberately mislead others.
3.Focus on speaking Learners
Ask learners to do Exercise 3 on page choose true or Individual
30 (Solutions, Elementary Students false avaluation
Book, Tim Falla, Paul A Davis, Ex sentences
2p30). They should decide if the
sentences are true for England and then
say what is true in their country.
5 min The tree of wishes assessment
Apple- I have known much
Flower- I have understood much
information. It was very useful
Leaf- Today some questions were not
clear for me.
Home task: Ex: 11 at page 14
Saying goodbye

LESSON 5 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 1: Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.

Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Creating a Word Cloud of our Class

Learning objectives understandthe main points in a limitedrangeofshort simple

texts on generalandcurricular topics provide basic information about themselves and others at
discourse level on a range of general topics; understand more complex supported questions which ask for
personal information; write with some support about personal feelings and opinions
on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use, pronounce and spell some target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
use, pronounce and spell most target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks and integrate with some success in extended writing
Some learners will be able to:
use, pronounce and spell a range of target vocabulary accurately in
production tasks and integrate to good effect in extended writing task
Previous learning Countries and nationalities
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Org. moment: Greeting learners
5 min Teacher presents the lesson objectives, Verbal
explains students what they would be able
to do by the end of this lesson. Leaners
1. Warming-up. Brainstorming match the
Teacher reads out the words in the list. words with
They will already be familiar with some the
words and others may be similar to words pictures.
in their own language.
Middle Focus on speaking
30 min Ask your learners to watch a video about
the classrooms around the world. Ask
them to share their opinion about the
video of how the classrooms look around
the world. Teacher can ask some Learners Mutual
questions to get information. answer the
Are the classrooms big or small? questions
How any learners are there in one
classroom in South Africa?
Do the students of Afghanistan have any
equipment get qualitative education?
What problems can you see in each
Do our classrooms differ from them? If
yes, how?
Demonstrate your learners PPT with
classrooms around the world and divide
your students into small groups to design
questions to the PPT they have seen.
Assessment criteria:
Ask at least 4-5 questions
Ask open questions to get more detailed
information about opinions and feelings
Use questioning language such as what,
why, where, who
Let learners assess each other or self-
Focus on writing
Teacher asks learners to write about Learners Individual
classrooms in Kazakhstani schools or write about avaluation
describe their classroom. Support them classrooms
with vocabulary if necessary. Show the in
video about how describe a classroom and Kazakhstan
give the handout to your learners to help i schools or
them with designing sentences. describe
Assessment criteria: their
-writes at least 50-60 words classroom.
-writes full description of a classroom
- uses adjectives and the structure there
is/there are properly.
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect assessment
on their learning:
 What they learnt during the lesson:
e.g. new vocabulary.
 What skills did they develop?
e.g.listening, reading
 What did they know about schools
in other countries? (reflection)
Home task: to do Exercise 3 on page 30
Decide if the sentences are true for
England and then say what is true in their
Saying goodbye

LESSON 6 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 1: Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Creating a Word Cloud of our Class
(This relates to Computer Science)
Learning objectives main points in a limitedrangeofshort simple texts
on generalandcurricular topics provide basic information about themselves and others at
discourse level on a range of general topics; begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar
general and curricular topics; understand more complex supported questions which ask for
personal information; write with some support about personal feelings and opinions on
a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use and pronounce some target structures accurately in controlled tasks
with support
Most learners will be able to:
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in controlled tasks
with support
Some learners will be able to:
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in controlled tasks
with little support
Previous learning Creating a Word Cloud of our Class
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Org. moment: Greeting learners
5 min To learn about compound nouns, Learners
abstract nouns and noun phrases learn about
Read out the theory box and then direct Ss compound Verbal
to the text on p. 6 to find the items listed. nouns, evaluation
Elicit answers from Ss around the class. abstract
To present sports nouns and
Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat noun phrases
chorally and/or individually.
Elicit the L1 equivalents from Ss around Learners do
the class and various Ss' favourite sports. the task
(Ss’ own answers)
Middle To listen for specific information Learners
30 min Read the Study Skills box aloud, then ask listen and Individual
Ss to look at the gaps and say what type of complete the avaluation
word is missing from each one. gaps with the
Elicit Ss' answers. missing
Check Ss’ answers. information.
To ask for and give personal information
Ask Ss to complete the task in closed
pairs and make notes. Ask some pairs to
act out the dialogues for the class.

Focus on reading
Ask learners to read the text and match Learners to
the heading with the paragraphs. After read the text
learners match the heading, ask them to and match the
underline facts from the text. In the note heading with
you can see some information about the the
difference between a fact and an opinion. paragraphs
Remember, that the text is 90% based on
facts, thus there are more facts than
opinions. (See Solutions, Elementary
Students Book, Tim Falla, Paul A Davis,
Ex 2p30)
Learners Mutual
Focus on vocabulary discuss the avaluation
Then students discuss the meaning of the meaning of
unknown words or phrases with their the unknown
partners. There are possible words that words or
can be discussed by students. If learners phrases with
are confused, and it is really difficult for their partners.
them, let them use dictionaries or online
2. science
3. P.E (Physical Education) –
4.leave school
5. stay at school
6. take advanced level exams
7. expensive
8. cost -
Note: A fact is a statement that can be
proven true or false. An opinion is an
expression of a person's feelings that
cannot be proven. Opinions can be based
on facts or emotions and sometimes they
are meant to deliberately mislead others.
5 min At the end of the lesson, students reflect assessment
on "Traffic lights"
Home task: To write a short text; to
consolidate the vocabulary of the unit
Saying goodbye

LESSON 7 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 1: Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Creating a Word Cloud of our Class
(This relates to Computer Science)
Learning objectives understand the main points in a limited range of short simple
texts on general and curricular topics - respect differing points of view understand most specific information and detail of supported,
extended talk on a range general and curricular topics plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some
support on a growing range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use and pronounce some target language accurately in response to
prompts and in controlled tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in response to
prompts and in controlled tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in response to
prompts and in controlled tasks with little support
Previous learning Creating a Word Cloud of our Class
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Org. moment: Greeting learners Greeting Verbal
5 min Teacher presents the lesson objectives, evaluation
explains students what they would be able
to do by the end of this lesson.

Warming-up. Brainstorming Learners do

“Definition bingo” the task
Middle To compare the Present Simple and the Learners
30 min Present Continuous Tenses compare the Individual
Ss’ books closed. Say, then write on the Present avaluation
board: Ialways eat breakfast in the Simple and
morning. the Present
Elicit what tense the verb is in (present Continuous
simple) and what the sentence expresses Tenses
habit/routine). Say, then write on the
board: I am teaching a lesson now. Elicit
what tense the verb is in (present
continuous) and what the sentence
expresses (an action happening now).
Explain that stative verbs (i.e. verbs that
describe a state not an action) don’t
usually have continuous forms (e.g. I
believe in fairies. NOT I’m believing in
Ss’ books open. Read the theory box
aloud and elicit the L1 equivalents for the
example sentences from Ss around
the class. Then ask Ss to find examples in
the text on p. 6.
To practise the present simple Learners Mutual
and the present continuous practise the avaluation
Explain the task and explain that stative present
verbs are verbs that express a state rather simple and
than an action (, love, hate, the present
believe, etc). Remind Ss that they don’t continuous
have continuous forms.
Give Ss time to complete the task then
check Ss’ answers. Learners do
To revise the third-person singular the task
form of the present simple and
identify third-person verb endings
Explain the task and ask Ss to copy
the table into their notebooks.
Give Ss time to complete it with the verbs
and then play the recording for Ss to
listen and check their answers. Learners
To present adverbs of frequency present
Ask various Ss around the class to read adverbs of
out the sentences. Point out that the frequency
words in bold are adverbs of frequency
and they show how often we
do something.
Elicit where in the sentence the adverbs of
frequency appear (before the main verb,
but after the verb ‘to be’) and read out the
table and elicit the missing words.
To present and practise other adverbs
used as time expressions with the
present simple and present continuous
Explain the task. Read out the time
expressions and the example and elicit
sentences from Ss around the class.
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect assessment
on their learning:
Learners list 3 things they found
out/learnt on the lesson.
Home task: To consolidate the vocabulary
of the unit
Saying goodbye

LESSON 8 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 1: Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Presenting a table of information about our class (This relates to
Computer Science)
Learning objectives understand the main points in a limited range of short simple
texts on general and curricular topics - respect differing points of view understand most specific information and detail of supported,
extended talk on a range general and curricular topics understand independently specific information and detail in
short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; - use common verbs followed by infinitive verb / verb + ing
patterns; use infinitive of purpose on a limited range of familiar general
and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use some language from the module to express views and write some
relevant questions accurately
Most learners will be able to:
use a range of language from the module to express views and write a
range of relevant questions accurately
Some learners will be able to:
use a wide range of language from the module to express views and write
a range of relevant questions accurately
Previous learning Presenting a table of information about our class
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Org. moment: Greeting learners Learners
5 min To revise the present simple and the revise the Individual
present continuous / adverbs of present avaluation
frequency simple and
I go to school every day the present
I’m learning how to cook these days. continuous /
I usually play football on Saturdays. adverbs of
I sometimes walk to school. frequency
I have piano lessons on Mondays.
I am writing sentences at the moment.
I never get up early on Sundays
Middle To practise adverbs of frequency Learners Verbal
30 min Explain the task and read out the write evaluation
example sentence. Give Ss time to write sentences
sentences for the rest of the items and for the rest
then check Ss’ answers around the class. of the items
To present the –ingform and the to- Learners
infinitive present the – avaluation
Go through the theory table with Ss. ingform and
Elicit if there are any similar structures the to-
in Ss’ L1. (Ss’ own answers) infinitive

To present the –ingform and theto-

Read out the example and give Ss time Learners do Individual
to complete the rest of the sentences. the task avaluation
Check Ss’ answers around the class.

To practise the –ingform and theto-

infinitive using personal examples Learners
Give Ss time to complete the sentences, complete the
then elicit answers from various Ss sentences
around the class.

To present and practise adverbs

Read out the theory box and explain the Learners
type andform of adverbs. follow the
Give Ss time to complete the sentences instructions
and then elicit answers from Ss around
the class.

To present the comparative forms

Read out the theory box and then elicit
how we formshort, longer and irregular

To practise comparative forms of

Give Ss time to complete the task and
then elicit answers from Ss around the


5 min At the end of the lesson, students reflect assessment
- what they learned
- what remained unclear for them
- what they need to continue working on
by the "Traffic lights"
Home task: to learn the new vocabulary
Saying goodbye

LESSON 9 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 1: Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Presenting a table of information about our class (This relates to
Computer Science)
Learning objectives understand the main points in a limited range of short simple
texts on general and curricular topics - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups; understand most specific information and detail of supported,
extended talk on a range general and curricular topics plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some
support on a growing range of general and curricular topics; understand independently specific information and detail in
short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information from the text and use some target
vocabulary to describe school subjects accurately in response to prompts
and in production tasks
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information from the text and use a limited range
of target vocabulary to describe school subjects accurately in response to
prompts and in production tasks
Some learners will be able to:
Identify all specific information from the text and use a wide range of
target vocabulary to describe some school subjects accurately in response
to prompts and in production tasks
Previous learning Presenting a table of information about our class (This relates to
Computer Science)
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Org. moment: GREETING
To present classroom objects Learners do Verbal
the task evaluation
Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat
chorally and/or individually.
Elicit the L1 equivalent for each word
and then ask various Ss to say which of
them are in their classroom.
To read for gist Learners
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and give answer the
them time to read through the texts. questions
Elicit Ss’ answers to the question in the
Play the video for Ss and elicit their
comments at the end.
Middle To read for specific information Learners read Individual
30 min Ask Ss to read statements (1-5). the texts and avaluation
Give Ss time to read the texts and complete the
complete the task. task.
Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Refer Ss to the Word List to look up the
words in the Check these words box.
To consolidate and personalise the Learners
topic make
Read through the rubric with Ss and comparisons Mutual
give them some time to think about how between their avaluation
their school compares to the schools in school and
the texts. Ask Ss to get into pairs. the schools
Monitor the activity. in the texts.
Elicit comparisons from various pairs.
To listen for specific information Learners Verbal
Play the recording, twice if necessary. listen for
Encourage Ss to note down key words specific
while they are listening to the information
description. Check Ss’ answers, asking
them what words helped them decide. Learners Mutual
To compare classrooms compare the avaluation
Give Ss time to look at the pictures and classrooms in
think about their answers. Then ask the pictures,
some pairs to tell the class. in pairs.
To present your school and your
classroom Learners
Write the headings on the board. Ss copy present your
them in their notebooks and make notes. school and
Check Ss around the class. your
Ask various Ss to tell the class. classroom
To write a short article about your
ideal school Learners
Ask Ss to copy the headings into their write a short Individual
notebooks and then make notes under article about avaluation
them. Help Ss with any unknown their ideal
vocabulary. (e.g. turn to p. 12 and school
present the school areas). Give Ss time
to use their notes to write a short article
and then ask various Ss to read their
article to the class.
End REFLECTION "Traffic lights" Self-
5 min Home task: to make 5 sentences using assessment
grammar theme
Saying goodbye

LESSON 10 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 1: Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Presenting a table of information about our class (This relates to
Computer Science)
Learning objectives understand the main points in a limited range of short simple
texts on general and curricular topics understand most specific information and detail of supported,
extended talk on a range general and curricular topics understand independently specific information and detail in
short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
take part in some exchanges using some target language accurately and
intelligibly and identify some target information in listening task
Most learners will be able to:
take part in a range of exchanges using most target language accurately
and with some appropriate intonation and identify most target
information in listening task
Some learners will be able to:
take part in a range of exchanges using most target language accurately
and with clear intonation and identify all target information in listening
Previous learning Presenting a table of information about our class (This relates to
Computer Science)
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Org. moment: Greeting learners Greeting Verbal
5 min Teacher presents the lesson objectives, evaluation
explains students what they would be
able to do by the end of this lesson.
To present school areas
Ask Ss to look at the picture. Play the Learners do
recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally the task
and/or individually. Elicit the L1
equivalent for each word
Middle To read for specific information Learners read
30 min Read the rubric aloud. Play the for specific Individual
recording. Ss listen and follow the information avaluation
dialogue in their
books. Elicit answers to the questions in
the rubric.
To ask for/give directions; To present
and practice prepositions of direction/ In pairs, Mutual
movement learners act
Go through the prepositions of out their
direction/movement with Ss. Present dialogues.
each preposition by miming the
movement it shows. Give Ss time to read
through the dialogue in Ex. 2 again.
Monitor the activity around the class
and then ask various pairs to act out
their dialogues in front of the class.
Focus on grammar. Learners do Individual
Depending on your learners, either the task avaluation
present or elicit abstract, compound
nouns, noun phrases.
Elicit the difference between the
Would you like to have a lot of freedom
at school? (abstract )
Shall we go to the swimming pool?
( compound nouns)
I need some more paper. (noun phrases.)
Practice Learners
a) Ask learners to do an exercise for follow the Verbal
Compound nouns, Match the items on instructions evaluation
the right to the items on the left. Form
compound nouns. Reload the page for
different words.
b) An abstract noun is a noun that names
something that you cannot taste,touch,
smell, hear, or see. An abstract noun
usually names an idea, feeling, or
concept. On the other hand, a concrete
noun names something that you
can see, hear, taste, smell, or touch. A
concrete noun names an object,thing etc.
In each of the following sentences, a
noun is in bold. Circle the noun if it is a
concrete noun, and underline the noun if
it is an abstract


5 min Monitor the activity around the class and assessment
then ask pairs of Ss to act out their
dialogues in front of the class.
Home task: To write a short article about
your ideal classroom
Saying goodbye

LESSON 11 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 1: Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Getting to know about other classes around the world (This
relates to Computer Science, Geography)
Learning objectives - understand a longer sequence of supported classroom
instructions; understandwith littlesupportspecific nformationanddetail
inshort,simpletexts onalimitedrangeof generalandcurricular topics
6.13.1 use mightmaycould to express possibility on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some
support on a growing range of general and curricular topics; - respect differing points of view
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information in texts and research and write
short organised text using some of their own words
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in texts and research and write
short organised text using a range of their own words
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information in texts and research and write more
extended organised text using a range of their own words
Previous learning Getting to know about other classes around the world
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Org. moment: GREETING Class CD
To introduce the topic and predict
the content of a text
Initiate a class discussion about Learners evaluation
school rules and elicit Ss’ opinions discuss
about other rules around the world.
Play the recording. Ss listen and follow
the texts in their books and check.
Middle To read for specific information Learners Individual Video
30 min Allow Ss some time to read the text and read the text avaluation
complete the task. and
Ask Ss to use the Word List to look up complete the
the meanings of the words in the Check task.
these words. Check Ss’ answers.
Play the video for Ss and elicit their
comments at the end.

To write a comment to post to a blog Learners

Explain the task and allow Ss time to write a
complete it in class. comment to
Ask various Ss around the class to read post to a
out their comments to the class. blog
To present and practise
must/mustn't, need, should Learners Mutual
Read out the theory box and explain present and
how we can express obligation, practise
prohibition, necessity and advice, and must/
provide further examples where mustn't,
necessary. need, should
Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-4) and
replace the phrases in bold with the
words in the list.
Check Ss' answers around the class.
To introduce the topic and predict the
content of the text
Read out the definition and
explain/elicit the meanings of any
unknown words.
Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and
read out the situations. Initiate a class
discussion about shyness and
how someone can overcome their
Play the recording. Ss listen and follow
the text in their books and find out the
answers to the questions in the
To read for specific information
Give Ss time to Learners
Check Ss’ answers around the class. read the text
To identify regular and irregular and answer
adverbs in a text the
Remind Ss that adverbs describe verbs questions.
or other adverbs.
Give Ss time to scan the text and find
the adverbs. Then ask them to look
them up in their dictionaries.
Elicit answer from Ss around the class.
5 min "Traffic lights" assessment
To consolidate information in a text and
give advice Explain the situation and
ask Ss in pairs to take turns and give
advice on how to overcome shyness.
Home task: to make a topic: classroom
or school
Saying goodbye

LESSON 12 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 1: Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Getting to know about other classes around the world (This
relates to Computer Science, Geography)
Learning objectives understandwith littlesupportspecific informationanddetail
inshort,simpletexts onalimitedrangeof generalandcurricular topics
6.13.1 use mightmaycould to express possibility on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics write with some support about real and imaginary past events,
activities and experiences on a limited range of familiar general topics
and some curricular topics; - respect differing points of view
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some main ideas and specific information in the text and
write an email with some appropriate features of style and
organisation with support
Most learners will be able to:
identify most main ideas and specific information in the text and write
an email with a range of appropriate features of style and organisation
with support
Some learners will be able to:
identify all main ideas and specific information in the text and write
an email with a range of appropriate features of style and organisation
with little support
Previous learning Getting to know about other classes around the world (This
relates to Computer Science, Geography)
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Org. moment: GREETING Verbal Class CD
5 min LEARNERS evaluation
To recognise fact and opinion Learners read
Draw Ss’ attention to the underlined the email and
sentences. Explain what fact (sth that then elicit which
is true), and opinion (what sb thinks) sentences
mean. Give Ss time to read the email express
and then elicit which sentences fact/opinion
express fact/opinion.
Middle To practise punctuation Learners Video
30 min Go through the Study Skills box punctuate the Individual
showing Ss some types of sentences avaluation
punctuation in English and drawing
attention to any differences to Ss’ L1.
Ss can give examples of their own.
Ask Ss to punctuate the sentences,
then check Ss’ answers.

To compare two classrooms Learners Mutual

Ask Ss to look at the text in Ex. 1 compare two avaluation
again and then think about their classrooms

Give Ss some time to compare their

classrooms with Nurziya's classroom
in pairs.

Monitor the activity around the class.

Ask various Ss to tell the class.

To write an email to a pen-friend

Tell Ss that they are going to use Learners write Individual
their answers from Ex. 3 to write a an email to a avaluation
reply to the email that Nurziya sent. pen-friend
Ss can complete the task in class, or
you can assign it as HW and check
Ss’ answers in the next lesson.

Tell Ss to make notes under the Learners follow
headings to help them the plan and be
before they start writing. careful with
Remind Ss to follow the plan and be
careful with punctuation.
5 min The tree of wishes assessment
Apple- I have known much
Flower- I have understood much
information. It was very useful
Leaf- Today some questions were
not clear for me.
Home task: to read and retell the text
Saying goodbye

LESSON 13 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 1: Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Getting to know about other classes around the world (This
relates to Computer Science, Geography)
Learning objectives - understand a longer sequence of supported classroom
instructions; understandwith littlesupportspecific
informationanddetail inshort,simpletexts onalimitedrangeof
generalandcurricular topics use mightmaycould to
express possibility on a limited range of familiar general and
curricular topics write with some support about real and imaginary past
events, activities and experiences on a limited range of familiar
general topics and some curricular topics; - respect differing points of view
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use some target language accurately and intelligibly and identify
some target information in listening task
Most learners will be able to:
use most target language accurately and with some appropriate
intonation and identify most target information in listening task
Some learners will be able to:
use most target language accurately and with clear intonation and
identify all target information in listening task
Previous learning Getting to know about other classes around the world (This
relates to Computer Science, Geography)
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Org. moment: Class CD
To discuss the benefits of Learners
learning a foreign discuss the Verbal
language benefits of
Read out the question and ask Ss learning a
to read the list of reasons and then foreign
ask various Ss to tell the class language
using the list.
Elicit further reasons from various
Ss around the class.
(Ss' ownAnswers)
Middle To test knowledge learnt in this Learners test Individual
30 min module knowledge avaluation
Explain the task. Allow Ss some time learnt in this
to read the sentences and complete module
the gaps.
Alternatively, you may allow Ss to
review the module and find the
relevant information to fill each gap.
Check Ss’ answers.

To write a quiz
Explain the task and allow Ss time to Learners
look through Module 1 and think of write a quiz
quiz questions in pairs.
Tell Ss they can use the quiz in Ex. 2
as a model.Offer an example (e.g.
ICT is Information
andCommunication …).
Ss swap their quizzes with another
pair and do itand then
report back to the class.

To listen and read for specific
information Learners
Explain the task and play the listen and avaluation
recording. read for
Ss listen and follow the song in their specific
books. Ask Ss to identify which information
items in the pictures arementioned and sing a
and also name seven school song
subjects.Check Ss’ answers.
Play the recording again for Ss to
sing along.

Play in teams. Say a word from the Learners play
module. The other team writes the a game
word on the board and spells it. Each
correct answer gets a point. The team
with the most points is the winner.

5 min Play the video and elicit Ss’ Self-
comments at the end
Home task: to repeat the grammar
and vocabulary structure
Saying goodbye

LESSON 14 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit : Our Class
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Unit revision

Learning objectives understand independently specific information and detail in

short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some
support on a growing range of general and curricular topics
6.5.8 spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited
range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives To create an outline of a survey
To spell most high-frequency words correctly
To get specific information from the text
Previous learning Getting to know about other classes around the world
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
10 min Teacher presents the lesson objectives,
explains students what they would be
able to do by the end of this lesson.

1. Warming-up.
Brainstorming Handout
Teacher reads out the words in the list. Learners
Then asks students to match the words match the Verbal
with the pictures. They will already be words with evaluation
familiar with some words and others the pictures.
may be similar to words in their own
Teacher plays the recording. Students PPT
listen, check their answers and repeat Answer
the words. Teacher may get students
to repeat the word each time they
check an answer. See for the resources
to show the answer on the smart
Middle 2. Focus on reading and listening. A
25 min survey.
Teacher explains the meaning of a Learners do Individual
survey. You can survey people  the task avaluation
(through questionnaires, opinion polls,
etc) or things (like pollution levels in a
river, or traffic flow).

Four Step Handout

Here are four steps to a successful
Step one: create the questions
Step two: ask the questions
Step three: tally the results
Step four: present the results
Step One: Create the Questions Learners Mutual Audio “A
The first thing is to decide is What follow the valuation survey”
questions do you want answered?  instructions
Sometimes these may be simple
questions like: 
" What is your favorite color?" 
Other times the questions may be quite
complex such as: 
Which roads have the worst traffic PPT
conditions Exercise
When doing a simple survey, you can answers
use tally marks  to show each person’s
Sometimes, it is helpful to be creative
in how the people can respond.  It
makes it more fun for both you and
your respondents (the people
answering the question). Example:
What is your favorite color?
Have them write down their favorite
color on a piece of paper and drop it in
a fish bowl. 
Then, put all of the pieces of paper
into piles and count them.
Step Two: Asking The Questions
Now you have your questions, go out
and ask them! But who to ask?
If you survey a small group you can
ask everybody (called a Census).


5 min At the end of the lesson, learners assessment
reflect on their learning:
Students describe three things they
have learned today.
Home task: Extra Activity to spell
each of the words in the pictures in
Ex. 4.
Saying goodbye

LESSON 15 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: House and Home, helping around the home

Learning objectives communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level
during, pair, group and whole class exchanges; - understand independently specific information and detail in
short,simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited
range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics - write with some support about real and imaginary past
events, activities and experiences on a limited range of familiar
general topics and some curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information from the text and use some target
vocabulary to describe some things
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information from the text and use some target
vocabulary to describe some things
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information from the text and use a range of target
vocabulary to describe some things
Previous learning Unit revision
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining ORGANIZATIONAL MOMENT Greeting Verbal Class CD
5 min What’s in this module? evaluation
Read the title of the module Helping &
Learners do
Heroes and ask Ss to suggest what they the task
think it means. Go through the topic list
and stimulate a discussion to
prompt Ss’ interest in the module.
Explain/Elicit the meaning of any
unknown words, then Ss find the page
numbers for the items listed. Ask
questions to check Ss’ understanding.
Middle To identify historical figures Learners
30 min vocabulary identify Individual
Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and historical avaluation
ask various Ss to read out the names, figures
countries and dates for each person. vocabulary
Explain/Elicit the meanings of any
unknown words and read out the
example, then Ss match the people to
what they were.
To talk about historical figures Learners Mutual
Explain that we read years before 2000 talk about avaluation
by splitting them into two numbers (e.g. historical
1450 = fourteen fifty, 1899 = eighteen figures
Ask two Ss to read out the example
exchange, thenSs ask and answer in
pairs. Monitor the activity around the
class. Explain that when a date is BC we
count down to zero to go forwards in

Background information
Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian painter,
sculptor and architect. He painted the
Mona Lisa. Marie Curie was a Polish
scientist. She discovered radium and
won the Nobel prize. Cleopatra was an
Egyptian queen. She was a beautiful and
powerful woman. There are many books
and films about her. Florence
Nightingale was a British nurse and
writer who pioneered modern nursing
during the Crimean War. Many people
came to know her as ‘the lady with the
lamp.’ Genghis Khan was a Mongolian
emperor. He built the second largest
empire in the history of the world.
Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was a Kazakh
hero. He was a military officer and
author. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th
American President. He helped end the
Civil War and slavery. William Wallace
was a Scottish warrior. He fought against
the English to help free Scotland.
5 min Evaluate their work as well as the work assessment
of their classmates using certain criteria.
Home task: write two paragraphs about
best friend. Paragraph-1: Say who is
your best friend. Write about her/his
Paragraph-2: Write about his/her
personality. Write what do you like
doing when you’re together.
Saying goodbye

LESSON 16 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: House and Home, helping around the home
Learning objectives communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level
during, pair, group and whole class exchanges; use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups; - understand independently specific information and detail in
short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; - write with some support about real and imaginary past
events, activities and experiences on a limited range of familiar
general topics and some curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information in reading text and use some target
vocabulary accurately in production tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in reading text and use most target
vocabulary accurately in production tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information in reading text and use most target
vocabulary accurately in production tasks with little support
Previous learning House and Home, helping around the home
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
5 min Teacher presents the lesson objectives, Greeting evaluation
explains students what they would be
able to do by the end of this lesson.
Teacher starts the lesson with the
questions about heroes: Learners
What famous people do you know? answer the
Do you have your own hero? questions
Who is your hero?
What is he/she famous for?
Middle Focus on listening
10 min Ask students to look at the title of the Learners do Mutual
the task avaluation
photo story and the photos, you could
also ask them who the girls are in this
episode (Amy and Lucy) and where
they are (in a classroom, at school)

Comprehenssion check Verbal

Students do the tasks to assimilate the Learners evaluation
learnt material. Mark the statements mark the
true or false. (English in Mind1 ex 11 statements
(a,b), p.55) true or false.
Students answer the questions. Check
answers. Students can also correct the
false statements and provide the
location in the text for their answers.

SA Listening
20 min Task 1. Listen what Joshua tells Individual
about his school in Japan. Choose avaluation
the correct answer. Learners
1. Which item did Joshua NOT take to choose the
school? correct
C) School hat answer.
2. What is one of the first things
Joshua does when he comes to school?
A) He stands and bows to the teacher.
3. Where does Joshua eat lunch at
A) In his classroom
4. What time does Joshua get home
from school?
B) at 2:00 PM and at 3:00 PM

Task 2. Work in pairs. Read the Learners ask
examples and possible answers. Then and answer
make up your own 3 questions about the
your class or school and ask your questions
partner. Swap the roles.


5 min At the end of the lesson, learners assessment
reflect on their learning:
What has been learned?
What remained unclear?
What is necessary to work on?
Where possible the learners could
evaluate their own work as well as the
work of their classmates using certain
Home task: to learn the new
Saying goodbye

LESSON 17 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: House and Home, helping around the home

Learning objectives communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level
during, pair, group and whole class exchanges; use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups; - understand independently specific information and detail in
short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; - write with some support about real and imaginary past
events, activities and experiences on a limited range of familiar
general topics and some curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information in speaking and listening and use
some target vocabulary accurately in production tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in speaking and listening and use
most target vocabulary accurately in production tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information in speaking and listening and use
most target vocabulary accurately in production tasks with little

Previous learning House and Home, helping around the home

Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
5 min To present vocabulary for evaluation
appearance Learners
Explain the task and allow Ss some describe
time to complete it and then check Ss’ their
answers around the class. classmates
As an extension, ask Ss to use the
phrases to describe their classmates.

To categorise new vocabulary Learners

Explain the task and ask Ss to write the categorise
headings in their notebooks. new
Write the headings on the board and vocabulary
elicit which words go under which
headings from Ss around the class. Ss
copy the completed table into their

Middle To use vocabulary in context and Learners use Individual

30 min describe people vocabulary avaluation
Explain the task and read out the in context
example. and describe
Ask various Ss around the class to people
describe the people.
Encourage Ss to describe them in as
much detail as they can.
To present vocabulary for describing Learners avaluation
character present
Explain the task and explain/elicit the vocabulary
meanings of the adjectives 1-5 and a-e. for
Ss match them and then complete describing
the sentences. Check Ss’ answers. character
To describe people’s appearance and
character Learners
Explain the task and ask two Ss to act describe
out the example dialogue. people’s
Ss work in pairs and ask and answer the appearance
questions What does he/she look like? and
(ask about appearance)What is he/she character
like? (ask about character) in closed
Monitor the activity around the class
and then ask some pairs to ask and
answer in front of the class.
To listen for specific information Learners
Explain the task and play the recording. listen and
Ss listen and mark the sentences. mark the
Check Ss’ answers, then play the sentences
recording again for Ss to
correct the false statements.
To complete a short paragraph about Learners
a historical figure complete a
Explain the task and give Ss time to short
complete the paragraph. paragraph
Check Ss’ answers.


5 min Game assessment
Choose a leader.
Home task: Ex: 21 at page 36
Saying goodbye

LESSON 18 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: House and Home, helping around the home

Learning objectives 6.6.15 use common verbs followed by infinitive verb / verb + ing
patterns on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
6.5.1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some
support on a growing range of general and curricular topics
6.2.8 understand supported narratives including some extended talk,
on a range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives To make up complex sentences with gerund and infinitive
To identify the difference between gerund and infinitive
Previous learning House and Home, helping around the home
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Organizational moment PPT
5 min Teacher presents the lesson objectives, Greeting My
explains students what they would be able bedroom
to do by the end of this lesson.
1. Warming-up.
- Ask learners to name three things in Learners
Bedroom/Bathroom/On your desk. do the task
-Make it even harder by not allowing
them to repeat something that another
person has already said.
Middle 2. Focus on grammar.
30 min Part 1 Learners Video
Review previous learning: learners say write more avaluation “Gerund,
they enjoy/don’t enjoy doing sentences Infinitive”
Review previous learning: learners say and use or
they want/need to do peer Handout 1
Write example answers on the board assessment
Peer assessment criteria: to check https://
Learners in pairs check their writing if their work www.yout
verb form is used correctly followed by to
do or V-ing. watch?
E.g.: They stopped to speak to each other. v=s1htxR
=> They stopped walking in order to UiLNk
speak to each other
Explain Use of English: gerund/infinitive
Verbs to describe liking or disliking
generally take the gerund.
want takes the infinitive
Examples: Verbal
I like/don’t like helping around the house.
I want to help my grandparents.
I don’t like doing housework
If necessary give example want to/need to
sentences. Explain:
some verbs take to and some ing
some verbs can be followed by both with
no change in meaning:
For example: begin, hate, like, prefer,
continue, start
She started to cry. = She started crying.
I hate watching horror films. = I hate to
watch horror films.
some verbs can be followed both, but
there is a change in meaning
For example: remember, stop
I stopped cleaning the table. = I was
cleaning the table and then I stopped.
I stopped to clean the table. = I was
eating, and I stopped eating in order to
clean the table.
I remembered to do my homework. = I
remembered, and after that I did my
I remember doing my homework. = I
remember (now) that I did my homework
(in the past).
Part 2
Show the video for deeper understanding Learners Individual
of –ing usage and ask learners to create do online avaluation
their own sentences. exercises
Here is an example of the word (infinitive
“remember” and
Remember that by getting to know your gerund).
learners well, you will become more Follow the
aware of the gaps, and so adapt what you link to do
teach accordingly. exercises
Differentiation exercise:
Exercise on Gerund. Complete the
sentences with the gerund form of the
verbs in parentheses. This exercise is
recommended for less – able learners.
5 min Home task: read the text “My best friend” assessment
and complete the table about Rob’s best
Saying goodbye

LESSON 19 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Helping other people

Learning objectives use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics
6.6.5 use questions including questions with whose, how often, how
long and a growing range of tag questions on a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives To learn at least 5 new words which describe people
To use interrogative sentences with “whose, how often, how long”
and give appropriate answers to them
Previous learning House and Home, helping around the home
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Organizational moment
5 min Teacher presents the lesson objectives, Verbal
explains students what they would be
able to do by the end of this lesson.
1.Warming-up. Learners
Who is your best friend? talk in pairs
How old is he?
What does he/she look like?
What is he/she like?
What do you do together?
How often do you meet your best friend?
How long have you known your best

Middle 2. Focus on grammar. Word order

30 min Ask learners if they know anything about Learners do Individual
word order. If yes, ask them to share the task avaluation
information, if not, present them the
Teacher explains the grammar in a
simplified form
Subject + verb + objective
Adjective + noun
Verb be + adjective
We read magazines
She’s a beautiful girl
Tina is beautiful

3. Practice. Learners Mutual

order the avaluation
Ask your more able learners to make 6 words to
sentences paying attention to word order. make
As for less able learners, ask them to sentences
order the words to make sentences (PPT
slide 6)
1. Jack drives an expensive car.
2. Helen wears red lipstick.
3. My parents live in a big house.
4. On Saturdays I cook a big lunch.
5. I don’t like wet days.
6. My grandfather’s quite old.
7. Paula’s children have fair hair.
Ask learners
Ask learners to make sentences putting
to make
the words in the correct order. (See
Handout 1, Full Blast, Students’ Book,
putting the
Module 1E, Ex 3D, page 17)
words in the
1. Betty has got straight hair.
2. My brother is outgoing.
3. Neil does the washing up every day.
4. Kate is a lovely girl.
5. Andrew surfs the net in the evenings.

Focus on writing. Learners

Students write two paragraphs about write two Individual
their best friend. They can use new paragraphs avaluation
vocabulary of the lesson. about their
Paragraph-1: Say who is your best best friend.
friend. Write about her/his appearance
Paragraph-2: Write about his/her
personality. Write what do you like
doing when you’re together.
5 min Evaluate their work as well as the work assessment
of their classmates using certain criteria.
Reflect on what has been learned and
what remained unclear
Discuss the ways of improving the sides
which are necessary to develop.
Home task: complete the assay about
your best friend
Saying goodbye

LESSON 20 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Helping other people

Learning objectives - understand independently specific information and detail in

short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics; spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited
range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics - write with some support about real and imaginary past
events, activities and experiences on a limited range of familiar
general topics and some curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use and pronounce some target language accurately in response to
prompts and in controlled tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in response to
prompts and in controlled tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in response to
prompts and in controlled tasks with little support
Previous learning Helping other people

Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
5 min Greeting evaluation
To present grammar for
Ss close their books. Present the Learners do
Past Simple. Say, then write on the the task
I worked hard yesterday. Underline
worked and explain that this verb is
in the past simple. Point to a S and
say: You worked hard yesterday.
Then write it on the board. Point to
a male S and say: He worked hard
yesterday. Then write it on the
Present the other persons in the
same way. Elicit that the verb is the
same in all
Middle To present the Past Simple Individual
30 min Explain/Elicit the spelling rules of avaluation
the past simple for regular verbs by
writing the verbs work, love, play,
study, travel and their past simple
forms on the board: work – worked
(most verbs take -ed to form their past
simple form), love – loved (verbs ending
in -e add -d), study – studied (verbs
ending in consonant +y lose y and take -
ied), play – played (verbs ending in a
+y add -ed), travel – travelled (verbs
ending in vowel + l, p, k, b, etc double the
consonant and add -ed).
To practise the Past Simple complete task
Explain the task and allow Ss some in their
time to complete it in their notebooks.
notebooks. Check Ss’ answers by
playing the recording. Check
correct spelling on the board.

To pronounce /t/, /d/, /Id/ (Past Learners do Mutual

Simple verb endings) the task avaluation
Play the recording with pauses for
Ss to repeat chorally or
individually. Ss copy the table into
their notebooks.
Play the recording again. Ss listen
and tick the correct sounds. Check
Ss’ answers, then elicit more words
with the same sounds Learners
practise using
To practise using the Past Simple the Past
affirmative and negative Simple
Allow Ss some time to complete the affirmative
task and then check. and negative
Ss’ answers. Elicit which verbs are
5 min At the end of the lesson, students assessment
reflect on:
- what they learned
- what remained unclear for them
- what they need to continue
working on
Home task: make 5 sentences using
grammar theme
Saying goodbye

LESSON 21 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Helping other people

Learning objectives 6.4.5 deduce meaning from context in short texts and some extended
texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics
6.3.3 give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing
range of general and curricular topics
6.5.8 spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited
range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives To recognize most topic vocabulary items in the flow of speech
To spell high frequency words correctly
Previous learning Helping other people

Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Organizational moment
5 min Teacher presents the lesson objectives,
explains students what they would be
able to do by the end of this lesson.
Elicit as many clothes as students Learners
know and write them on the board. repeat
(jacket, shoes, dress, tie, T-shirt, shirt chorally and
etc). individually.
After revise some vocabulary so that
learners could remember.
Middle 2.Focus on vocabulary.
30 min Ask learners to put the letters in order Learners
to make words for clothes. Match complete evaluation
them with the pictures. (See Herbert the exercise.
Puchta & Jeff Stranks , English in
Mind1,second edition ,Helping other
people Unit 2 p19 exercise 1 a)
Teacher goes through the example
with them. They then write in as many
of the words as they can and then
unjumble the other letters and match
the words to the pictures to complete
the exercise.
Weaker students can work in pairs.
Check answers. Check any
pronunciation problems at this point.

Ask learners why they think it's a shirt
, a sweater, a jacket (with article) and 
jeans, shoes, trousers Individual
(no article) and elicit that it's because t avaluation
he latter are plural.
Students are often interested in clothes 
vocabulary and you may want to expa
nd thevocabulary in this area, but be c
areful not to overload students.
Use what you or the student is wearing 
to elicit/teach, e.g. skirt, dress, suit, tr
ainers, T-shirt, coat, socks, etc. 
Model and drill the words and then wr
ite them in the chat box and get the St
udent to
copy them into the vocabulary 

3.Focus on writing Learners Mutual

Ask learners to do exercise 1 b (Say work avaluation
what colour clothes are). Teacher goes together to
through the example with students, decide how
reminding them of the singular and much they
plural forms of the verb to be. need of
Students can complete this exercise in certain
pairs or you can call out the items things for a
from exercise 1 and ask students to party.
Go through the example questions and
answers with students. In pairs or
small groups, students ask and answer
about their favorite clothes.

Learners pay close attention they are

using the key language correctly.
Learners pay close attention to
5 min Monitor the activity around the class assessment
and check Ss answers
At the end of the lesson, students
reflect on:
- what they learned
- what remained unclear for them
- what they need to continue working
by the "Traffic lights"
Home task: to learn the new
Saying goodbye

LESSON 22 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Helping other people

Learning objectives recount some extended stories and events on a limited range
of general and curricular topics develop intercultural awareness through reading and
discussion - understand the main points in a growing range of short,
simple texts on general and curricular topics; spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited
range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics deduce meaning from context in supported extended talk on a
range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use and pronounce some target language accurately in response to
prompts and in controlled tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in response to
prompts and in controlled tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
use and pronounce most target structures accurately in response to
prompts and in controlled tasks with little support
Previous learning Helping other people

Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
5 min Teacher presents the lesson objectives,
explains students what they would be
able to do by the end of this lesson.

To revise rules of pronunciation of Learners

/t/, /d/, /Id/ (Past Simple verb endings) / revise rules of
Past Simple affirmative / Past Simple pronunciation
Middle To practise using the Past Simple Learners Verbal
30 min interrogative practise using evaluation
Explain the task and read out the the Past
example. Simple
Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ interrogative
answers by asking various Ss to ask
and answer in front of the class.

To ask and answer about the past Learners Individual

using the Past Simple interrogative complete the avaluation
Explain the task and ask two Ss to read task
out the example. Ss complete the task
in pairs. Monitor the activity around
the class and then ask some pairs to
ask and answer in front of the class.
To ask and answer about the past Learners ask Mutual
using question words and answer
Explain the task and ask two Ss to read about the past
out the example. Ss complete the task using
in pairs. Monitor the activity around question
the class and then ask some pairs to words
ask and answer in front of the class.
To practise using time expressions
with the Past Simple
Explain the task and read out the Learners
example. Give Ss time to write similar write similar
sentences, then check Ss’ answer sentences
around the class.
To present and practise prepositions
of movement Learners
Go through the prepositions in the present and
pictures. Point out that the pictures practise
will help Ss complete the task. prepositions
Give Ss time to complete the text with of movement
the correct preposition. Then check Ss’
To write a short paragraph,
personalize the topic Learners
Give Ss time to complete the task in write a short
class and then ask various Ss to read paragraph,
out their completed paragraphs to the personalize
class. the topic

End REFLECTION Learners Self-

5 min Make the conclusion of the activity by reflect on assessment
giving individual commentaries about their learning
strengths and weaknesses of some
groups you have pointed.
Home task:
Tell about a person you admire (from s
port, music/art, films, history):
 What has this person done?
 Why do you admire them?
 Why do people need heroes?
Saying goodbye

LESSON 23 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Heroes of Kazakhstan

Learning objectives recount some extended stories and events on a limited range
of general and curricular topics develop intercultural awareness through reading and
discussion - understand the main points in a growing range of short,
simple texts on general and curricular topics; spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited
range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics - use an increased variety of adverbs, including adverbs of
degree too, not enough, quite, rather on a growing range of familiar
general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information in reading text and use some target
vocabulary accurately in production tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in reading text and use most target
vocabulary accurately in production tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information in reading text and use most target
vocabulary accurately in production tasks with little support
Previous learning Heroes of Kazakhstan

Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
5 min To introduce the topic
Initiate a class discussion about
giants and elicit any tales about
giants Ss know of.
Middle To read and listen for specific Verbal
30 min information Learners evaluation
Play the recording. Ss listen and answer the
follow the text in their books. Give questions
Ss time to answer the questions.
To consolidate new vocabulary Learners
Ask Ss to use the Word List to look consolidate avaluation
up the meanings of the words in the new
Check these words box. vocabulary
Explain the task and give Ss some
time to completeit.
To present and practise adverbs of Learners Individual
degree and too/enough present and avaluation
Explain that adverbs of degree are practise
used before an adjective to express to adverbs of
what degree something is done. Read degree and
the table aloud and explain that the too/enough
ticks show the degree with (✓) being
mild and (✓✓✓) being strong.
Say, then write on board: That dress
is very/really beautiful. Explain to Ss
that we use very/really + adjective to
make an adjective stronger.
Say, then write on board: He’s too
old to drive.
And He is old enough to drive. Tell
Ss that in the first example the person
is old and can’t drive whereas, in the
second example the person is of a
suitable age to drive. Explain that we
use too + adjective to show that
something is more than we want
(negative meaning) whereas, we use
adjective + enough to show that there
is as much as needed. (positive
To predict missing information in Learners Mutual
a listening task predict
Draw Ss’ attention to the advert and missing
elicit what part of speech is missing information
in each gap. in a listening
To listen for specific information task
Play the recording. Ss listen and
complete the gaps. Draw Ss’ Learners Verbal
attention to the notes box and ask listen and evaluation
them to complete the
copy the headings and the gaps
subheadings into their notebooks and
complete the task.
End REFLECTION “Traffic lights” Self-
5 min -Green The lesson is clear for me assessment
-Yellow I have got some question
-Red I don’t understand anything
Home task: Write the email in the
Suggested Answer Key in Ex. 7 and
remove words to create a gapped
text. Saying goodbye

LESSON 24 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Heroes of Kazakhstan (describing people).

Learning objectives 6.R6 Recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts
on a growing range of general and curricular topics
6.W3 Write with some support about personal feelings and opinion
on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
6.W8 Spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a
limited range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives Identify the author’s attitude and viewpoint in short texts
Express personal feelings and opinion in written form with little
Write high-frequency topic related words accurately
Previous learning Heroes of Kazakhstan

Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
3 min To identify the context of a dialogue Learners
and practise pronunciation identify the evaluation
Explain the task. Play the recording context of a
with pauses for Ss to repeat chorally or dialogue
individually. Then Ss read the
sentences and say what they think the
dialogue is about (a book a person

Middle To read for specific information and Learners Individual

10 min consolidate situational language read the avaluation
through translation dialogue and
Allow Ss time to read the dialogue and answer the
answer the questions. questions.
Elicit the L1 equivalents for the
sentences in Ex. 1.

To act out a dialogue

Ask Ss to work in pairs and take roles Learners Mutual
and read out the dialogue. Pay attention take roles avaluation
to Ss’ rhythm and intonation and and read out
correct as necessary. the dialogue.
Monitor the activity around the class
and ask some pairs to read out the
dialogue in front of the class.
READING Learners
Task 1. Read the text and complete read the text
the tasks below. and answer
Bill likes to help his mom make the
cookies. Chocolate chip cookies are his questions
favourite. His mom likes them too.
He adds the chocolate chips to the
batter. Then he stirs them in. He forms
the batter into balls and places them on
a baking sheet. His mom places the
baking sheet into the oven.
When the cookies are in the oven, Bill
licks the last bits of batter from the
bowl. He can hardly wait for the
cookies to be ready. In 30 minutes the
cookies are finished baking. The
cookies are hot and yummy.

Answer the questions.

1.What kind of cookies are Bill’s
2.What does he do when the cookies
are in the oven?
3.Where does Bill’s mother place the
baking sheet?
4.When are the cookies finished

Task 2. Write about your Sunday
household chores. Learners
Follow the steps for writing: write about
Write one sentence about Sunday. your Sunday
Write what household chores you can household
do at home to help your parents or chores
elderly people.Write about your
feelings after help
2 min All learners put stickers into three assessment
groups according their understanding of
the lesson
I know and I can I need a
understand speak help

Home task: to complete the dialogue

Saying goodbye

LESSON 25 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Heroes around the world

Learning objectives 6.6.15 use common verbs followed by infinitive verb / verb + ing
patterns on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
6.5.1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some
support on a growing range of general and curricular topics
6.2.8 understand supported narratives including some extended talk,
on a range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Most learners will be able to:
To make up sentences with verb +ing
respect different points of view
communicate meaning clearly at sentence during work
understand with support the main points of extended talk
Some learners will be able to:
To make up complex sentences with gerund and infinitive
communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level during
understand with little support the main points of extended talk
A few learners will be able to:
Identify the difference between gerund and infinitive
communicate meaning clearly at discourse level during whole class
understand with no support the main points of extended talk
Previous learning Heroes of Kazakhstan (describing people).

Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining ORGANIZATIONAL MOMENT Greeting Verbal
5 min Warming-up evaluation
-explain the learning objectives Learners do
the task
-name three things in
Bedroom/Bathroom/On your desk 
- Make it even harder by not allowing
them to repeat something that another
person has already said.
Middle Part 1 https://
30 min Review previous learning: learners say Learners Individual www.thoug
they enjoy/don’t enjoy doing follow the avaluation
Review previous learning: learners say instructions verb-types-
they want/need to do in-english-
Write example answers on the board 1210668
Ask learners to write more sentences
and use peer assessment to check their Handout
work Gerund and
Peer assessment criteria: Infinitive
Learners in pairs check their writing if
verb form is used correctly followed by
to do or V-ing.
E.g.: They stopped to speak to each
other. => They stopped walking in
order to speak to each other.
Explain Use of English:
Verbs to describe liking or disliking
generally take the gerund.
want takes the infinitive
Examples: I like/don’t like helping http://
around the house. learnenglis
I want to help my grandparents. hteens.briti
I don’t like doing housework shcouncil.o
If necessary give example want to/need rg/
to sentences. Explain: grammar-
some verbs take to and some ing vocabulary/
some verbs can be followed by both grammar-
with no change in meaning: videos/
Part 2 Learners verb-ing-
Show the video for deeper individually avaluation or-verb-
understanding of –ing usage and ask do exercises infinitive
learners to create their own sentences.
Here is an example of the word https://
“remember” www.youtu
Remember that by getting to know your
learners well, you will become more watch?
aware of the gaps, and so adapt what v=2_OAbp
you teach accordingly. OLTTo
Differentiation exercise:
Students individually do exercises
Students individually do exercises on
End REFLECTION The teacher gives Self-
5 min comments about learners work and assessment
awards learner. Students will choose
one and put on the board their stickers.
Home task: To write about a hero from
your country, look up information on
the Internet or in encyclopaedias or
other reference books about a hero from
their country and write a short text.
Saying goodbye

LESSON 26 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Heroes around the world (This relates to Geography).

Learning objectives 6.1.1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively
and cooperatively in groups
6.3.3 give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing
range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives To express their opinion with insufficient reasoning.
To understand some main points in a talk.
To describe heroes students admire
Previous learning Heroes around the world
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
5 min Teacher presents the lesson Greeting Verbal
objectives, explains students what
they would be able to do by the end
of this lesson.

1. Warming-up. Blackboard,
Introduce the topic by asking some chalk, pens,
Learners do
questions, such as: the task pencils,
What is a hero? notebooks
What is a community?
You may use the blackboard to make
sure that everybody understands the
Middle 2. Focus on speaking
30 min Teacher creates different groups for Learners
this activity. Distribute index cards answer the avaluation
for each student and they have to find questions
their group mates. Here is a
suggested way of forming pairs or
groups of three students:
1st group of fruits: watermelon,
grapes, strawberry Handout 1
2ndgroup of citrus fruits: lemon,
grapefruit, banana
3rdgroup of vegetables: potato,
carrot, cucumber
4thgroup of fast food: coke, pizza,
Show some pictures of different Learners Individual
heroes. Great examples include follow the avaluation
firefighters, police officers, doctors, instructions
teachers, librarians, farmers, and
postmen. A group leader may come
and choose any of the pictures to
fulfill the task.
Some able learners’ group may PPT
choose more than one picture. Pictures

Share a large piece of poster paper,

markers, and highlighters and inform
your students that they can draw a
hero and write their ideas in it.
Students prepare their posters and pieces of
share each member’s responsibilities. poster
You may suggest your students or markers,
divide yourself their roles following highlighters
these instructions: , crayons
Speaker - presents well the summary
of the issue to the classroom
Supply master - picks up, distributes
and collects relevant materials
Time-keeper - keeps track of time
and reminds group members how
much time is left

NOTE:Walk around the classroom

to see how effective students are
working and support them if they
have any questions during the work
Each group presents their poster and
share ideas with the class.
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners Self-
reflect on their learning: assessment
Make the conclusion of the activity
by giving individual commentaries
about strengths and weaknesses of
some groups you have pointed.
Home task: to write an assay about
Heroes around the world
Saying goodbye

LESSON 27 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Summative control work for the 1st term

Learning objectives 6.L5 Understand most specific information and detail of supported,
extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics
6.R1 Understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple
texts on general and curricular topics curricular topics
6.W1Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some
support on a growing range of general and curricular topics
6.S1 Provide basic information about themselves and others at
discourse level on a range of general topics 6.S3 Give an opinion at
sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and
curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners should write on topics ‘Our class’ or ‘Helping and Heroes’.
They should answer the questions in full sentences expressing their
feelings on topic.
Learners are provided with some questions for a discussion. They
provide own points of view on topics, ask questions to clarify the
answers and get the needed information, explaining and justifying
their positions and answers.
Previous learning Heroes around the world (This relates to Geography).
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
2 min 1.Greeting
2. Lesson objective
SA LISTENING Learners Individual Worksheets
35 min Task 1. Listen to the talk with Ben and listen to the avaluation
Katy twice. talk and fill
Fill in the gaps with ONE WORD in the gaps
only. with ONE
Katy: Have lots of breaks. I always WORD
for thirty minutes. Then I have a only.
break for five minutes.
Ben: I never have a . I sometimes
study for two or three hours.

READING Learners
Task. Read the article about London read the
police The History of the London article and
Police. answer the
Answer the questions. questions
1.Why did people stay in their homes as
much as possible?
2.How did “Bow Street Runners” get
their name?
Choose True or False. Learners
3.In 1800, there were not enough choose True
policemen in London. or False
4.All of the first 3000 London Police sentences
Force rode horses.
5.Today, police officers who work with
horses are paid more than their

Task. Choose ONE of the topics Learners
below and write an article. choose ONE
Topic 1. Our class of the topics
Think about your favourite class and write an
What is your favourite subject? Why? article
What does a person do to be good at
school? Do you enjoy spending time
with your classmates? Why?
What clubs or sport activities do you
like most at your school? Why?

Topic 2. Helping and Heroes

Think about heroes of modern life.
Who do you think is a hero of modern
life? Why? What does a hero do?
Why do heroes enjoy helping the other
people? Who is your superhero or a
hero in real life? Why?

Task 4. Work in pairs. Give own choose one
opinion on topic, ask questions, explain of the cards
your position and answer your partners’ and make a
questions. You have 1 minute to dialogue
prepare and 2 minutes to talk.
3 min Tree of success assessment
Green leaf - I totally understand
Yellow leaf - I understand the lesson
but I need some helps
Red leaf - I don't understand
Home task: to revise grammar themes
Saying goodbye

LESSON 28 School: Pavlodar State Middle School #14

Unit 2. Helping and Heroes
Date: Teacher name: Kadyrkhanov F.O.
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Unit revision

Learning objectives - recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts
on a growing range of general and curricular topics give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an
increasing range of general and curricular topics; -write with some support about personal feelings and opinion
on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; recognize the opinion of the speaker(s) in supported extended
talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some main ideas and specific information in the text and
write a short text with some appropriate features of style and
organisation with support
Most learners will be able to:
identify most main ideas and specific information in the text and write
a short text with a range of appropriate features of style and
organisation with support
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information in texts and research and write a short
text with a range of appropriate features of style and organisation with
Previous learning Summative control work for the 1st term
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining ORGANIZATIONAL MOMENT Greeting Verbal
5 min Teacher presents the lesson objectives, evaluation
explains students what they would be
able to do by the end of this lesson.
Teacher starts the lesson with the Learners
questions about heroes: answer the
What famous people do you know? questions
Do you have your own hero?
Who is your hero?
What is he/she famous for?
Middle Focus on listening Learners read
30 min Ask students to look at the title of the the photo Individual Handout 1
photo story and the photos, you could story and avaluation
also ask them who the girls are in this answer the Track_50.
episode and where they are question mp3
Comprehenssion check Learners Mutual
Students do the tasks to assimilate the correct the avaluation
learnt material. Mark the statements false
true or false. Students answer the statements
questions. Check answers. and provide
the location
Find the expressions in the photo
a) Ask students to find the expressions Learners
in the photo story. If it helps, you can follow the
read aloud or ask one or two stronger instructions
students to read them aloud with
expressions. Students translate the
expressions into their own language,
checking in pairs, before a whole class
check. Encourage them to guess the
meaning from the context of the story.
b) Read the dialogue. Fill in the spaces
with the underlined expressions from
Exercise 11a. If necessary, do the first
one as an example with students.

Focus on speaking
Learners are divided into two groups Learners are
and discuss in the form of debate: those divided into Verbal
who believe celebrities can be heroes two groups evaluation
against those who think celebrities are and discuss in
publicity seeking and therefore not true the form of
heroes debate
After the debate students critically
analyse whether celebrities can ever be
true heroes


5 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect assessment
on their learning:
 What has been learned?
 What remained unclear?
 What is necessary to work on?
Where possible the learners could
evaluate their own work as well as the
work of their classmates using certain
Home task: to revise grammar and
Saying goodbye

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