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Apocalypse Humans Project

Project Title Apocalypse Humans

Course and Grade


Essential Question How can we survive our ever changing world?

-Most people get their wisdom teeth removed, why do we still have them?
-Why do we still have an appendix?
-Do goosebumps actually have a purpose?
-The average height of man 100 years ago was 5ft 5in, today the average height is
5ft 8 ½ in. Why are we getting taller?

For this project, we will be learning about the formation of our Earth and how
geological features can play a role in the Theory of Evolution. The Theory of
Evolution is a controversial topic among many religious views and though I am
required to teach the current beliefs, I focus more on the genetic and forward
motion of evolution that science and religious views agree upon.

It’s important to understand the Theory of Evolution because it helps explain

something that is causing humankind a major scare right now! We are finding
superweeds, superbugs, and antibiotic resistant bacteria on a daily basis that is
becoming a real threat to us.

First, we will look into the formation of our planet Earth and the geological features
Summary of Project that have impacted life for millions of years. We will then look into the Theory of
Evolution and the mechanisms that drive change. Evolution is defined as any
change in the gene pool of a population over generations. It basically
comes down to traits born into an organism and passed along generation after
generation. There are many mechanisms that drive evolution that we will learn
about such as: Natural Selection, Genetic Drift, Speciation, and DNA Mutations.

For this project: Each student will choose a scenario in which the human race
must evolve in order to survive and you will create a timeline of the evolutionary
changes your human race and planet will go through going into the future. This
project will have multiple mastery assignments as we cover many mechanism of

The final product: You may choose any method to share your
Some options to consider:
● Comic book or animation of timeline
● Advertisement of the most “efficient” mechanism of evolution
● Design a clothing line based on the evolution of the human race
● Write a dramatization of human evolution using fake Facebook, Twitter,
● Video or documentary of a future human coming back in time to detail
humans evolution
Biology Comp 7 (aka STEM
2 Competency 11): Natural
Selection and Evolution The
student will predict how natural
selection and changes in the
environment have and will affect
the evolution and formation of
species on a micro and macro
SAT Skills Expression of Ideas
Content Covered level.
Evaluated (WHST.11-12.1a -
Environmental Comp 4 (aka
STEM 1 Competency 3):
WHST.11-12.2a -
Climate Change Students will
be able to describe variation in
the flow of energy into and out
of Earth’s systems result in
changes in climate by looking at
geoscience data and global
climate models.

Anticipated Topics/Concepts to be
Anticipated Prior Knowledge

● Organisms have adaptations that allow them to ● Evolution by mechanisms of 1. Natural

survive in their environment. All living Selection 2. Genetic Drift 3. Gene Flow
organisms have DNA and can pass DNA and (Speciation) 4. Mutations
traits to offspring. ● Climate Change

● Evolution, adaptation, gene pool, natural selection, fitness, environmental

Key Vocabulary
pressure, selective pressure (directional, stabilizing, disruptive),

Begin with
What are some ways you have to demonstrate content mastery based on this
the end in

● Written (Essay, Letter, Petition, Blog, Website, Poetry, Prose)

○ Advertisement of the most “efficient” mechanism of evolution
○ Write a dramatization of human evolution using fake Facebook, Twitter, etc.
● Creative (Making, Building, Modeling, Constructing, Installation)
○ Comic book or animation of timeline
○ Design a clothing line based on the evolution of the human race
● Performance/Event (Acting, Speaking, Facilitating, Leading, Advocacy)
○ Advertisement of the most “efficient” mechanism of evolution
○ Video or documentary of a future human coming back in time to
detail humans evolution

Anticipated Project Timeline & Pacing Guide

Date Academic Practices/ Activities/ Details

Antibiotic Resistance Video
Week 1 5 Signs Humans are Still Evolving Article
Project Intro

Evolution Guided Notes (not included in this packet)

Week 2 Genes and Biodiversity Video
Current Human & Earth Scene

Adaptations Guided Notes

Week 3
4 Rules of Natural Selection

Bear Island - Gummy Bear Evolution Game

Week 4
3 Types of Selective Pressure

Climate Change Activity

Week 5
Future Earth Scene & Human Traits

Week 6 Project Deliverable Work

Week 7 Project Deliverable Work

Week 8 Project Deliverable Work

Current Earth Scene & Human Traits (Mastery)
Earth Scene - Directions: Set the current Earth scene for today’s humans. Use Google to find these
Question Description

What is your Location on My location is 959 Midland Ave, Scarborough, ON M1K 4G4. The coordinates
are 43.7378412, -79.2589093.
The average yearly temperature in Toronto varies from -8 °C to 25 °C.
What is the average
temperature at your
In Toronto, the summers are comfortable; the winters are freezing,
What is the average
snowy, and windy; and it is partly cloudy year round. Ontario has 4
climate and/or seasons in
seasons: summer, fall (autumn), winter and spring. The average
your location? temperature in
Vegetables: potatoes, sweet corn, peas, field tomatoes, asparagus, beans, beets,
What is humans most
broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, leeks,
common food source at lettuce, onions, parsnips, peppers, pumpkins, squash, radishes, rhubarb,
your location? rutabagas, spinach, and zucchini.
In Toronto, our drinking water comes from Lake Ontario. Whether you're
What is the most
aware of this or not, if you live in Toronto and drink from the tap, you drink
common freshwater
Lake Ontario. In fact, if you live in Toronto, your body is 60% Lake Ontario!
source in your location?

Describe what the current

Earth scene looks like as a
whole at your location (at
least 5 sentences)
Include information about
ecosystems, temperature,
climate, and development
(cities, rural communities,
suburbs, etc.)

Find pictures that

represent your location.
(at least 3)

Human Traits - Directions: Complete the table below and describe current humans. Use
Google to find these answers.
Feature Description

Physical Description: The typical person has two arms, two eyes, two ears, two feet, ten fingers/toes. Height,
(What do they look body weight, skin tone, body hair, sexual organs, moles, freckles, hair
like?) color and type, eye color, nose shape, ears shape, body shape, body
What is the typical person deformations, mutilations and other variations such as amputations,
look like (2 eyes, 2 arms, scars, burns and wounds.
walk and 2 feet, etc.)

Personalities A study published in Nature Human Behaviour reveals that there are four
personality types — average, reserved, role-model and self-centered.
Civilization (What does
the civilization on Earth
look like?

Family (How do family

units behave?)

Offspring (What is the

average number of
offspring humans have?)

Hobbies (What do we do
for fun/stress

Choose 3 traits of current day humans that allows us to exist generation after generation
and fill in the table.
Ex. Thumbs - allows humans to make tools and grip. Having thumbs and allows us to
influence the environment around us.
Lactose Intolerance
Trait #1

How is this trait used?

Do any environmental
factors influence it?
Disease resistance
Trait #2

How is this trait used?

Do any environmental
factors influence it?
Trait #3

How is this trait used?

Do any environmental
factors influence it?
Adaptations Guided Notes

Directions: Use the Slides to fill in the guided notes on animal adaptations.

1. What is an adaptation?

Adaptation is any characteristic that improves an individual’s ability to survive/reproduce in a particular

2. What are physical adaptations?

Physical adaptations are changes to body structures that make an animal find and consume food easier, as
well as defend and reproduce.

3. What are the adaptations of the following animals and how do you think they help
the animal?
Animal Adaptation How Does It Help The Animal?

Chameleon Camouflage Camouflage can help chameleons by:

attracting mates, scaring off predators,
and also helps them hide from predators.
Woodpecker Sharp pointed beak - Helps with drilling holes into wood
 Marks tree as property
 Drill for food
 Make a nest
Porcupine Quills - Protects itself from predators

Duck Webbed feet - Help move through the water

- Webbed feet work as paddles for
increased mobility

4. What is mimicry? Mimicry is looking or sounding like another organism.

5. What are behavioral adaptations? Behavioral adaptations are the way an animal acts or behaves to
stay alive.

6. Define the two types of behavioral adaptations. The two types are instinctive behaviors and
learned behaviors. Instinctive behaviors are passed on genetically and happen naturally. Learned
behaviors come from experience, such as generational experience, and are usually taught.

7. Give an example of instinctive behavioral adaptation. An instinctive behavioral adaption is a dog

shaking off water after it gets wet.

8. Give an example of a learned behavioral adaptation. An example of a learned behavioral

adaptation is a dog learning tricks from its owner.

4 Rules of Natural Selection
Directions: Use the following website to begin to understand what is needed for Natural Selection to
take place in a population. Then google an example of each rule and copy and paste a picture of what
this could look like.

4 Necessary Factors of Natural Selection

1. Overproduction of Offspring.
Definition in your own words: The moment when a population surpasses the amount of
offspring an environment can support. For example, as stated in the article, if there is a lack of
available food for a large population, it will result in the death of humans as there is a lack of food for
every human.
A picture:

2. Variation: There is variation within a species (genotypes and phenotypes)

Definition in your own words: Those adaptations that are occurring in individuals due on a small

A picture:

3. Selection
Definition in your own words: There must be a clear advantage to having a certain trait over others wit

A picture:
4. Reproduction of adaptations.
Definition in your own words: Individuals that possess those favorable traits will live long enough

A picture:


3 Types of Selective Pressure
Directions: Natural Selection states: Nature “selects” those individuals that can survive in a
given environment. Watch the following video to understand what environmental factors causes Natural
Selection to occur and 3 Types of Selective Pressures that allow individuals of a population to survive.
Types of Selective Pressures

Video definition: gradual process by which heritable traits become more/less common in a population because of
environment pressures
1. There are the 4 environmental pressures that can cause Natural Selection to occur. Give an example
of each and explain how each environmental pressure can cause individuals to die off. This is fairly
common sense or an easy google search.
Environmental How can each environmental pressure
Pressure cause individuals to die off?
An example of overpopulation is in In an overpopulated environment, the
Overpopulation India where
numbers of people might be more than the
available essential materials for survival
such as transport, water, shelter, food or
social amenities. This regularly contributes
to environmental deterioration, worsening
in the quality of life, or even the
disintegration of the population.

The rise in global warming is an The changing environment can cause individuals to
Changing example of changing pressure. die because limited resources and the overall limit
Environment of species to adapt to their environments.

Sharks, dolphins, and Competition lowers the fitness of both

Resource seabirds often eat the same organisms involved, since the presence
Competition type of fish in ocean of one of the organisms always reduces
ecosystems. the amount of the resource available to the
Lions, snakes, sharks, and wolves are Predators affect preys by decreasing the prey’s
Predators examples of predators. There are four population so they can grow. The threat of
common types of predators: herbivory, predation imposes strong selective
carnivory, parasitism, and mutualism. pressure on organisms, resulting in a
myriad of behavioral strategies that
allow them to survive.’--0

2. There are the 3 types of selective pressure. Give a definition of each from the video and put it in
your own words. Then give the example given for each from the video.

Types of Selective Pressure Definition Example given in video

Individuals that display a more extreme The peppered moth population during
Directional form of a trait have a greater fitness than the Industrial Revolution had higher
individuals with an average form of the frequencies of darker colours because it
trait was well camouflaged in the soot-
covered trees. The lighter-coloured
moths were easily spotted and eaten by
birds, which decreases the chances of
Individuals with the average form of a In Robins eggs, a clutch of four eggs is
Stabilizing trait have the highest fitness the best. Too few will be hard to survive
and too many will be hard to
feed/sustain. Four is the best balance
Individuals with either extreme Chinook salmon males compete with
Disruptive variation of a trait have greater fitness each other to fertilize the female eggs.
than individuals with the average form The larger fish have the advantage
of the trait because they are strong fighters. Smaller
fish can fertilize the eggs without being
seen which leads them to an advantage
as well. Medium fish are not big enough
nor small enough which places them at
a disadvantage.
3. What goes up must come down! Predators and their prey do not simply interact with one another
on an individual basis. They also affect one another on the level of populations. In fact, the size of the
prey population has a strong affect on the size of the predator population and vice-versa. The
following graph shows how the size of the Lynx and Snowshoe Hare populations in Canada changed
over time. Examine the graph and answer the questions.

a. What happens to the Lynx population when the Snowshoe Hare population goes up?
When the Snowshoe Hare population increases, the Lynx population also increases because there will be more food available
for the predator population.

b. How would you expect the increasing Lynx population to affect the Snowshoe Hare population?
An increase in the Lynx population would decrease the Snowshoe Hare population. The predator hunts and feeds on
the prey, therefore it would decrease the population of the Snowshoe Hares. For example, this can be shown on the
graph where the hare population decreases when the lynx population increases in the year 1885.
c. What happens to the Lynx population when the Snowshoe Hare population goes down? Why do
you think this happens?
The lynx population declines when the Snowshoe Hare population goes down. It is most likely
because of the limiting factor of less food as the prey’s population decreases. That causes the lack
of reproduction as there is less energy and resources for the lynxes to survive as well.

d. What factors other than its interaction with the Lynx might affect the population of Snowshoe
Hares? (Refer back to the environmental pressures from the beginning of this assignment.)
The factors that may affect the population of Snowshoe Hares may include: competition with other herbivores,
hunting by humans, other predators hunting down the hare (e.g foxes), disease, habitat destruction, and abiotic
limiting factors such as natural disasters that limit water/food supply.
Climate Change
Directions: Answer the Questions below using the links provided.

Read and Take Notes on: These PDFs linked on the assignment
Resource #1

1 If the greenhouse effect didn't exist would the normal temperature on Earth be higher or lower? By how much?

2 Why might an increase in greenhouse gases be a concern? What might be the effect of an increase?

Resource #2

1 What are some natural sources and sinks of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

2 What are the other two greenhouse gases in this article other than carbon dioxide? What is the main source of each? DON’T DO

Resource #3

1 Read through these cartoons and write down a 2 sentence summary of what you read.

1.i) Without this greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature would be 255 degrees kelvin (-18
degrees Celsius or 0 degrees Fahrenheit); a temperature so low that all water on Earth would freeze, the
Resource # 4

Write down 2 takeaways from the video 1.

oceans would turn into ice and life, as we know it, would not exist.
ii) Too much of these greenhouse gases can cause Earth's atmosphere to trap more and
Resource # 5

Write down 2 takeaways from the video 1. The brain invents excuses to not act on the issue when faced with uncertain threats, espe
more heat. This causes Earth to warm up.
2) Carbon sources include emissions from burning fossil fuels, forest fires, and respiration. Carbon sinks include the
oceans, plants, and soil.

Write down 2 takeaways from the video .

Back in the 10th century, the Vikings settled in Greenland, which had fertile fields and water full of fish. It
was warmer and the farmland was better then. By the year 1100, the population was thriving until they were
wiped out because of climate change 100 years later. The animals passed as a result of the cold climate,
which caused the humans to die as there were no source of food for them.
1. Scientists have determined periods on Earth where it has been warming which is the global warming cycle.
The Sun’s radiation contributes to variation of temperature/climates on Earth.
2. The role of carbon dioxide affects the Earth’s climate, whether it be from humans or the Sun. The Earth’s
temperature always rises first, which is followed by a rise of CO2. Temperature leads CO2 by 600 years, and
a warmer Earth leads to higher CO2 levels.

Write down 2 takeaways from the video

1. The brain invents excuses to not act on the issue when faced with uncertain threats, especially because
climate change seems to happen in the future. This is called optimism bias, assuming we face lower risks
than others do. Because it will affect people in the future, people nowadays are not as worried about climate
2. Social conformity affects the perception of people on climate change. Hyperbole-infused media affects
people’s perception of climate change. According to Patricia Linville and Gregory Fischer, we have a “pool of
worry” and climate change is not allowed in the pool. People choose to not notice it depending on their social
beliefs and surroundings.

DON’T DO #2^ and 3

Future Earth Scene & Human Traits (Mastery)
Earth Scene - Directions: Choose a scenario that has either made the human population evolve
adaptations to survive or a scenario the human population must evolve adaptations to in order to
survive. Choose the environmental pressure that has affected the survival of the human population.

What Scenario did you pick?

What location did you pick on the Current Earth Scene and Human Traits?

*Some scenarios have more than one environmental pressure. You only need to choose one. Set the
Earth scene for humans based on the scenario you chose by filling in the table.
Question Description
Choose and bold one of the 4 environmental pressures that drives Natural
Selection to take place based on the scenario you chose. Describe how the
Which of the 4 environmental pressure caused some of the population to die off
and others to survive.
environmental pressures
drives Natural Selection Environmental Pressure Affect on population
based on the scenario you
chose? Overpopulation

Changing Environment
Resource Competition


What is the average

Has this changed based on
your scenario?
If not, use the answer from your
Current Earth Scene and Human
Traits Assignment.

What is the average climate

and/or seasons? Has this
changed based on your
If not, use the answer from your
Current Earth Scene and Human
Traits Assignment.

What is the most common

food source and where does
it come from? Has this
changed based on your
If not, use the answer from your
Current Earth Scene and Human
Traits Assignment.

What is our most common

fresh water source and
where does it come from?
Has this changed based on
your scenario?
If not, use the answer from your
Current Earth Scene and Human
Traits Assignment.

Describe what the current

Earth scene looks like as a
whole (at least 5 sentences).
This needs to be updated based on
your scenario choice!

How did Earth get like this?

Find pictures that represent

the new Earth. (copy and
paste at least 3.)
Human Traits - Directions: Choose a scenario that has either made the human
population evolve to survive or a scenario the human population must evolve
adaptations to in order to survive. Choose a selective pressure that has affected the
survival of the human population.
*Be creative and have fun with this! Set the Human Traits scene for humans based on the scenario
you chose by filling in the table.
Feature Description
Choose and bold one of the selective pressures that drives Natural Selection to
take place based on the scenario you chose. Describe how the selective
pressure is the best for survival and explain how humans that fit in
the category survived your chosen scenario.

Which of the types of Natural

Why is this the best for
Selection selective pressure Selective Pressure
was the most successful for
human survival? Directional



Natural selection states that at least one of the 4 rules of Natural Selection are needed for
evolution to take place in a population. Humans follow the rule of Genetic Variation (each
one of us is genetically unique) and reproduction of adaptations (able to pass on our genes
to our own children); therefore Natural Selection can take place in the human race.
Directions: Make up 3 traits/adaptations that allowed the human population to survive the scenario
you chose and fill in the table. Choose 2 physical and 1 behavioral trait.
*Be creative with this section but try to be somewhat realistic.

Trait 1 (physical)

How is this trait used?

How did this new

trait evolve? Do any
environmental factors
influence it?

What is the process of

natural selection? What are
the requirements for it to
occur? How did natural
selection play a factor in your
human’s development?

Trait 2 (physical)

How is this trait used?

How did this new
trait evolve? Do any
environmental factors
influence it?

New Trait 3 (behavioral)

How is this trait used?

How did this new

trait evolve? Do any
environmental factors
influence it?

What is the process of

natural selection? What are
the requirements for it to
occur? How did natural
selection play a factor in your
human’s development?

Above is a picture of the rubric, below is a link for the digital rubric for this project.

Student Project Choices:

● Comic book or animation of timeline
● Advertisement of the most “efficient” mechanism of evolution
● Design a clothing line based on the evolution of the human race
● Short Story written about a person living in your selected scenario
● Write a dramatization of human evolution using fake Facebook, Twitter, etc.
● Video or documentary of a future human coming back in time to detail humans evolution
● Develop your own idea!

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