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Production cost

Income statement
Break even analysis
CVP analysis
Actual and standard cost
Inventory management- Any methods used ?
Costing and pricing
Selling price- Tools??
Planning and forecasting 5 years-Varience analysis
Material purchase done? EOQ Economic order quantity
Awareness of inventory ??
Is shown value and physical stock same? If yes, why?
Inventory cost reduction plans and techniques?
In case if you are expanding or into new project, what are the contribution by finance
manager? If feasibilty study, what all includes in it?
P/L , Balance sheet & Cash flow, Can you understand the financial performance of your
company using this, Any steps to improve them.
Ask for financial statement for 3 years

How/What is their organisational structure - AOP - Know total employees
How/when did you plan for your HR requirment? - On what basis - what all criteria
considered while recruiting in each designatiion
How is the recruitment and selection process of your organisation? - If there are any ads -
what all description do they seek for - sources of recruitment - During recruitment, whats
fills the vacancy
Selection process - tests- training - interview ( parllel inteview - face to face interview).
After selection - Offer letter - written test - Offer letter - Appoitment letter. AOP
Onboarding and orientation - Project - Culture - Authorities - Superiority - Structure - What
all programes if any ? if yes which ?
Employee perfomance evaluation - Methods - critearia
Performance appraisal - incentive - bonus - other any benefits
Differernt trainign programs for employees - Who - When - Who trains - what all training -
Season based or according to their need ? Introduction to new machinery training ?
How do you retain the employees - Motivational - Make them productive ? Is it while they
are demotivated or seasonal ?
Maintain employee relation with each other - Any facilities EX: Any free time - Break time
Per day working hours - Any outside the company relation? Is communicating among
managers and empployee easy or beurocratic?
Different forms of recognition, appreciation, best employee of the month, apart from salary
what all, any facilities to satisfy the employees, Are there any meetings held if yes on what
Salary information- When, How much, What kind, Range
Employee relation and commitment - How to make sure - Is work done properly - Are they
involved in meetings - Their commitment in organizatin programes
Leave policy and wekfare plans - Monthly or yearly - Any salary cut - Additional salary for
extra work - Consequences for late coming - Medical leave - Paid leave - weekly working
hours - Night shift ? Any insurance policy - PF ??
Emplyee disciplines - Policy - Rules - Dons and Dos - Avoid employee conflict
Grievance/Dissatisfaction raised by your employees - Do they report - Written complaint or
direct contact to higher authorities - How do you solve grievance - Personal/mental issues
reporting ways - How do you solve them ?
Are you having employee attrition ? - Reason - rate - What do you do to reduce it ?
How do you deliver salary - By accounts or cash
Steps taken to control employee turnover rate - any actions ?
Based on your experience, what are his opinions on importance of HR practises fro the
success of a business?
Do this actually effect the organisation if there is no HR
Do you maintain salary slip and salary payroll - Do you keep books or in excel ?
Project management
Know their research and devolpment basics
Any plan or project to be implemented soon - If yes - how ? - when ?
Your pre-plan and safeguard to protect from loss during the implementation
Project life-cycle - Gantt chart - Using or not ?
Any benefits from project life-cycle or pre-planning
Usual time,cost and risk ? Indentifying ? Solve ? How do you plan the cost ? - How do you
reduce the risk ?
Do you have/use any software for project management planning like ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning)
Data collection sources ? - questionnaire - interview ??? Research method ?
How much is the R&D dept beneficial for the organization ?
How and to whom/which manager do you report/present the final result done by R&D
Operation management
Two sector - Service sector - Product sector
Map operational functions
Do you have operational department ? - Their roles and responsibility ? m
How to make operation ( Day to day programs ) more effecient - methodology - logistics -
manufacturing unit - Supply -
Do you have competitive advantage ?Anything unique that your competitor doesn't have
Do you have any long term plan , if yes what is it ?
How do petel and swot affect your organisatiol functions?
What supplychain network do they use ?
What are the benefits and risks in implementing technology in your company?
Do you use JIT
How do you measure operational perfoemance? Quantity - Quality - Time
What method do you use to control inventory?
Any framework or techniques are used or not ?
Any ERP software or CSR are used or not ?
IT improvement and contribution to the company ?
Marketing manager
Product life cycle
Product features
Pricing ( Cost-based pricing ) Procong strategy
Place - Distribution strategy - manufactures to costumers - Online shopping
Owners definition of marketing ????
Is there any physical model - online model ?
What are the digital technology that can be applied to the company ?
We need to suggest them which digital technology is good for'em ?
How could you use mobile phone to improve its revenue ?

Need to get macro - Pestle

Industry - Global 3 companies - India top 3 - Their strategies - Kerala top 3 - New trend in
the industry
Competitors - Ex:Popies -

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