Benchmark - Reflection of Professional Development Session

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Benchmark – Reflection of Professional Development Session

Nevada Fox

College of Education Grand Canyon University


With this presentation, I have received a lot of feedback about how to incorporate more

resources for teachers to look back on for examples and how to effectively give the presentation.

The teachers that I gave the presentation to felt that it was excellent to look at new ways to

engage students in their classrooms. They felt that they were valued in the presentation because I

gave them time to work on the strategies that were presented and were present to give answers to

any of their questions. The feedback that I received on the actual presentation of the PD there

were many takeaways of teachers not knowing how to do a flipped classroom in their subject

area, but because I included examples and videos for all subject areas they were able to get a

better grip of how they can make it work in their classrooms. Since this strategy was so liked a

lot of teachers are wanting to try it.

School-based Data

Since flipped classroom was the most sought-after strategy I have feedback and evidence-

based data to support student engagement. Flipped classrooms happen a little differently in the

Litchfield school district. Our teachers know that students are probably not going to do the

homework that we assign them so because of this teachers are recording short 5-10 minute

lectures and then they are pulling the whole class together to have a discussion about what they

learned. We are a Kegan-based school so many of these discussions are jigsaws or think pair,

shares. A study done by Burak Ayçiçek states, “flipped classroom model, students can get

opportunities to make one to one interaction with teachers and friends and to study the course

content at different times independent from time and space.” (Ayçiçek, 2018). Flipped

classrooms allow students to learn more from one another than just listening to someone lecture

and show a slide show.

School Vision and Mission

At L. Thomas Heck our mission is to connect, educate, and empower our LESD family

and community. This presentation supports that mission statement by us allowing students to

connect to one another in engaging ways that are powerful to their education. Not only are the

teacher monitoring the education but the students are instilling the learning themselves. Part of

our vision statement is to prepare the students for life. This is helpful in classroom engagement

because if we have students collaborating with one another they are gaining life-long skills for

their futures.


Technology is important in today’s education. With all the engagement strategies that

were presented, they used technology in some sense. Technology guides the students to work

independently at their own pace in flipped classrooms. Engagement in writing in subjects can be

done in a variety of ways (i.e. Jamboard, blog post, pen pals).

Next Steps

When thinking of the next steps to ensure that PD is being embedded in the classrooms I

would like to observe the teachers that I gave the presentation to and see how they are using the

strategies in their classrooms. This would give me great insight into seeing new ways to

implement the strategy the teacher is using, but also to give positive and constructive feedback to

the teachers so they know if they are on the right track or how I could better support them in the

engagement journey.

Emerging Trends and Initiatives

Trends that are happening in education right now is the use of technology in classrooms.

By being proactive with giving students one-to-one devices to use at home and at school we can
help student engagement increase. One study states, “Increasingly, technology in the classroom

will enable instant digital interactions between teachers and students.” (Brown, 2017). As a

school leader, I want to help support students by applying for grants so my campus can be one-

to-one and teachers cannot lecture so much and students can learn through each other.

Preparation and Confidence

To prepare for this presentation I had to find a good time to meet with all the teachers and

my principal. I didn’t want to have to meet individually with all the teachers so that they can

learn from one another. I also had to reserve the library so that I could present this on a screen

for all to see. I would say that I had confidence in giving the presentation because I have worked

on and revised the presentation multiple times so I knew the information thoroughly.

Ayçiçek, B. (2018). The Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on Students’ Classroom

Engagement in Teaching English. International Journal of Instruction, 11(2), 385–398.

Brown, J. L. (2017, November 6). 5 tech trends influencing student engagement. K12 Dive.

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