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Step 1: Research the E-commerce space and find your niche
Start with some questions : Will you be selling products or services? If you're
selling products, are they physical or digital? Where will you source your
products? Along these lines, you'll also want to think about the type of
business model you want to employ — will you offer single products,
packages, subscriptions, or something else?
How will you get your products or services to your customers? What will your
startup costs look like? Are there legal or other regulations on your product or
service that you need to keep in mind?
Step 2: Select your business name and choose a legal structure
Step 3: Apply for an EIN (mã số thuế )
Next, you'll want to apply for an EIN, or employer identification number, for
your e-commerce business. Although not all business entity types are required
to have an EIN, this nine-digit number can be useful to help you separate your
personal and business finances.
Step 4: Obtain business permits and licenses
Step 5: Choose an e-commerce platform and create your website
website will be the face of your business — it's what your customers will see
first and what they'll use to browse and purchases your products or services.
Step 6: Source or develop products
you'll need to actually source the products you're going to sell. You should
have already thought about how you're going to go about this process when
you performed your research in step one. You may make your own products,
source them from distributors, or — if you're selling your own services, like as
a consultant, for example, you may simply have to describe and list these
services on your business website.
Step 7: Market you e-commerce business
There you have it — you've learned how to start an e-commerce business.
Now that you have your products or services prepared and listed on your
online store, your website is up and running, you're ready to start serving
customers. In order to do this, of course, you'll need to properly market your e-
commerce business.

The revenue model defines how a business captures value from its customers.
In order to capture value, the business must create value for customers, which
is reflected in the value proposition. In reality, many businesses will create
multiple forms of value for different types of customers.
Viral Marketing is a style of promotion that relies on an audience to generate
the message of a product or service

Marketing is considered “viral” when it reaches the point where it’s being
shared by the public at large rather than just its target audience. If achieved,
your message will be in nearly everyone’s social media feed.

And how does it work?

Well, much of modern viral marketing on social media can be illustrated by the
popularity of memes. Although not necessarily tied to a specific product, how
memes spread goes hand in hand with the principles going viral.


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