ข้อสอบอังกฤษมัธยมต้น64 ประเทศ

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การแข&งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ.

วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาตอนตMน
รหัสวิชา อ305 ภาษาอังกฤษ

รหัสชุดข้อสอบ 305005

คำชี้แจงการสอบแบบ Take-Home Examination
รายละเอียดข+อสอบ ข"อสอบฉบับนี้มี 10 หน"า จำนวน 50 ข"อ ระยะเวลา 90 นาที
วิธีการตอบ ให"ใช"ดินสอ 2B ระบายในวงกลมที่เปFนคำตอบในกระดาษคำตอบ หรือ
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เกณฑ6การให+คะแนน สWวน Expression ข"อ 1-10 ข"อละ 1.6 คะแนน
(คะแนนเต็ม 100 คะแนน) สWวน Reading Comprehension ข"อ 11-25 ข"อละ 2.4 คะแนน
สWวน Structure ข"อ 26-40 ข"อละ 2.2 คะแนน
สWวน Vocabulary ข"อ 41-50 ข"อละ 1.5 คะแนน
1. ให%ผู%เข%าสอบปฏิบัติตามระเบียบสำนักงานโครงการสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ (สวช.) ภาคีเครือขHายโรงเรียน
ทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย วHาด%วยแนวทางปฏิบัติเกี่ยวกับการดำเนินการทดสอบ พ.ศ. 2560
2. ให%ผู%เข%าสอบระบายคำตอบลงในกระดาษคำตอบด%วยดินสอ 2B อยHางถูกต%องและชัดเจน (สำหรับโรงเรียน)
3. เมื่อผู%เข%าสอบทำข%อสอบเสร็จ ให%เปYดกล%อง ZOOM ยืนยันตัวตนไว%จนกวHาจะยืนยันกระดาษคำตอบเสร็จ
4. ให%นำโทรศัพท^มือถือมาแสกน QR Code เพื่อเข%าสูHขั้นตอนการยืนยันคำตอบ
โดยกรอกคำตอบลงสูHระบบ (สำหรับผู%เข%ารHวมสอบออนไลน^)

หากผู"เข"าสอบฝ6าฝ7นข"อปฏิบัติโครงการ สวช. หรือมีการทุจริต จะมีการดำเนินการ ดังนี้

1. ไมHประกาศผลการสอบจากการทดสอบดังกลHาว
2. แจ%งไปยังโรงเรียนต%นสังกัดของนักเรียน ผู%ดูแลของผู%สอบเพื่อดำเนินการตักเตือนและกลHาวโทษ
3. แจ%งไปยังผู%บริหารสถานศึกษาที่เปgนภาคีเครือขHาย สวช. เพื่อพิจารณารับเข%าศึกษา

เอกสารนี้เป>นลิขสิทธิ์ของสำนักงานโครงการสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ (สวช.) และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย

บริษัท อีซี่ลิช อินเตอร6-เอ็ดดูเคชั่น (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด
การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2564 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 305005

Part I: Expression (Items 1 – 10)

Choose the best answer.
Situation: At the cafeteria
Waitress: Good evening. …………..(1)…………..
Sue: Yes, please. I’d like a can of soda.
Waitress: Ok. ……(2)……….
Sue: Yes. I will have the onion and mushroom soup, and roast duck with mashed potatoes.
Waitress: Alright! Anything else?
Sue: No, thank you!
1. 1. Is that what you need? 2. What’s your favorite drink?
3. How do you find a can of soda? 4. Would you care for desserts?
5. May I get you any drink?
2. 1. Are you thirsty yet? 2. Do you want the menu?
3. Are you now ready to order? 4. Do you want to take it home?
5. What do you want to eat?
Situation: At the music club
Tina: Hi guys, so this is Star’s band.. What do you need?
Bill: We need a guitarist. Do you like country music?
Tina: I like listening to country, ……(3)…………… . I love playing classical guitar.
John: Ah. We play country and pop, but we don’t know much classical music.
Nick: I play a guitar
Tina: Sorry! ………(4)………
John: Now what do we do?
3. 1. but I don’t like playing it 2. and I like playing rock most
3. and I’m pleased to be in your band 4. but I don’t like classical guitar
5. so I can play the guitar for your band
4. 1. Why don’t you let Nick do it? 2. I’ll play country music for your band
3. I don’t want to play classical guitar 4. I can’t help you
5. I never like rock music
Situation: In the classroom
Alfie: Iris! I’ve been looking for you. How did your presentation go? ………(5)………
Iris: Yes, it was alright ………(6)……. I was so panic at the beginning but I had
quite a few candidates and I could answer most of the questions, so that was quite
helpful. Now, I can relax and enjoy dinner with you.
5. 1. Was it a disaster? 2. Did you get a good turnout?
3. How was the presentation? 4. Was it hard?
5. How are things?
6. 1. however 2. therefore
3. normally 4. yet
5. indeed

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2564 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 305005

7. Situation: At the stadium

Fergie: Are you ready for the tournament.
Nutty: Absolutely yes.
Fergie: Glad to hear that. ………(7)………
1. Congratulations 2. Hang out there
3. Hang in there 4. Hang on
5. Hang around
8. Situation: At the restaurant
Waitress: ………(8)………
Poppy: Just a fork, please.
Waitress: Will be here in so time, sir.
1. I guess you want cutleries. 2. Would you like to have a fork, sir?
3. How may I help you? 4. Do you want a fork?
5. Would you like to have cutleries, sir?
9. Situation: In the classroom
Student: What the heck is just happening to our school? I hate it!
Teacher: ………(9)………
1. Beware of you mouth! 2. Clean your mouth!
3. Watch your mouth! 4. Stop your mouth!
5. Close your mouth
10. Situation: In the classroom
Anabelle: Stop playing, you are so annoying. ………(10)………
Soya: Oh, I am so sorry.
1. Cut it out! 2. Cut off!
3. Just cut it! 4. Cut it away!
5. Cut it back!

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2564 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 305005

Part II: Reading Comprehension (Items 11 – 25)

11. Who first saw a pod of pink dolphins? โจทย์มีความผิดพลาดเนื3องมาจากผูอ้ อกข้อสอบ สํานักงาน สวช. จึงยกผลประโยชน์ให้แก่ผสู ้ อบ
1. Sinovac and Astra Zeneca 2. Johnson & Johnson and Astra Zeneca
3. Pfizer and Sinovac 4. Pfizer and Astra Zeneca
5. Sinovac and Pfizer
12. What does the cartoonist call the drive through vaccination center in his cartoon?
1. Drive Thru 2. Melton
3. Vacca’s 4. Vaccinations
5. V Melton

Monkey D. Renovators
9809 Beach View Drive.
Jerome, MI 49249
December 15, 2021
Invoice # 007

Client name: Mark Anderson

Painting 2 rooms: $500

Carpentry repair work: $800
Total due: $1,300

Previous account balance: $700

Paid in full. Thank you
Work completed during the month of
November. Please pay the entire amount by the
end of next month.

13. What does $700 represent on this invoice?

1. The payment due on this invoice
2. The remaining funds in the account
3. The amount billed on invoice #006
4. The previous funds in the account before this invoice
5. None are correct
การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2564 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 305005

14. When does Mr. Anderson have to pay for the bill?
1. November 30 2. January 31
3. December 31 4. December 16
5. January 1

Radiation from radioisotopes can be used to kill cancer cells. Chemist Marie Curie
received two Nobel Prizes for her work with radioisotopes. Her work led to the discovery of
the neutron and synthesis of artificial radioactive elements. She died of leukemia at 67,
caused by extensive exposure of radiation. Curie never believed that radium and other
materials she worked with were a health hazard. In World War I, glowing radium was used
on watch dials to help soldiers read their watches in the dark and to synchronize their attacks.
Unfortunately, women who worked in factories were drawing their radium-stained brushes
to fine points by putting them between their lips. As a result, their teeth would glow in the
dark. But this was an amusement for children more than a cause of worry. About ten years
later, the women developed cancer in their jaws and mouths and had problems making blood
cells. This exposed the dangers of radiation.
(Cited from gotestprep)

15. Based on the information in the passage, which statement about radioisotopes is false?
1. Radioisotopes can kill cancer cells. 2. Radioisotopes can cause cancer.
3. A radioisotope can glow in the dark. 4. A radioisotope was used in watch dials.
5. Einstein received the Nobel Prize for working with isotopes.
16. Which dangers of radiation were mentioned in the passage?
1. Genetic mutation 2. Leukemia
3. Chemotherapy 4. Genetic mutation and Leukemia
5. Leukemia and Chemotherapy

Farm animals can carry salmonella, a kind of bacteria that can cause severe food
poisoning. However, animals fed antibiotics can carry especially deadly strains of
salmonella. In Minnesota in 1983, 11 people were hospitalized with salmonella poisoning.
This number itself was not striking at all. Forty thousand Americans are hospitalized with
salmonella poisoning every year. What was striking about the cases in Minnesota was that
each patient had severe symptoms and all the patients were infected with the same, rare strain
of salmonella, resistant to several common antibiotics. A young scientist, Scott Holmberg,
noted that eight patients were taking the same antibiotics for sore throats. He ruled out the
possibility that the antibiotics themselves were infected with the bacteria because three of
the patients were not taking antibiotics at all. He later showed that the people were infected
with salmonella prior to taking the antibiotics, but that the antibiotics triggered the onset of
salmonella poisoning. He postulated that salmonella suddenly flourished when the patients
took antibiotics because the antibiotics killed off all other competing bacteria. He was also
able to trace the antibiotics resistant salmonella to the beef that was imported to Minnesota
from a farm in South Dakota, at which cattle were routinely fed antibiotics and at which one
calf died of the same strain of salmonella.
(Cited from gotestprep)

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2564 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 305005

17. As a result if this finding, what should the Food and Drug Administration do?
1. FDA should carefully regulate the prescription of antibiotics for sore throats.
2. FDA should prevent the export of meat from South Dakota to Minnesota.
3. FDA should limit the practice of feeding antibiotics to cattle.
4. FDA should take the antibiotic that caused salmonella off the market.
5. FDA should require a special prescription for antibiotics resistant to salmonella.
18. Based in the passage, which one of the following statements is false?
1. Salmonella poisoning is a common bacterial infection.
2. Some strands of bacteria are resistant to antibiotics.
3. Antibiotics kill off bacteria that are not resistant to antibiotics.
4. Antibiotics transmit salmonella.
5. Farm animals can carry salmonella.

Equal Education
“ Today, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local government.
Compulsory school attendance laws and the great expenditures for education both
demonstrate our recognition of the importance of education to our democratic society. It is
required in the performance of our most basic public responsibilities, even service in the
armed forces. It is the very foundation of good citizenship. Today, it is a principal instrument
in awakening the child to cultural values, in preparing him for later professional training,
and in helping him to adjust normally to his environment. In these days, it is doubtful that
any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an
education. Such an opportunity, where the state has undertaken to provide it, is a right which
must be made available to all on equal terms.
We come then to the question presented: Does segregation of children in public schools
solely in the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other ‘tangible’ factors
may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities?
We believe that it does”
-U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren in a 1954 decision that ruled that separate
schools for blacks and whites were unconstitutional Source: Cornell Law School
(Cited from gotestprep)
19. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of educational as expressed in the quotation?
1. To expose children to values
2. To explain the government’s education budget
3. To prepare those who might serve the country as soldiers
4. To produce good citizens
5. To give kids a chance to succeed at life
20. According to the passage, how might the court define “equal educational opportunity”?
1. Schools with the same quality of teaching
2. Schools that only admit students based on sex.
3. Schools that separate minority students to give them a better chance.
4. Schools of the same quality and welcome all students regardless of race.
5. Schools with the same quality of facilities and materials

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2564 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 305005

Did you know that there is a fiber that is as flexible and lightweight as nylon yet five times
stronger than steel? Did you know that this fabric is resistant to temperatures higher than 500
degrees Fahrenheit? Did you know that a woman invented this fiber? This miraculous fabric
is called Kevlar and it is used to make everything from body armor to musical instruments.
The year was 1964. There were gasoline shortages due to conflict in the Middle East. A
Polish- American chemist named Stephanie Louise Kwolek was working for DuPont, an
American chemical company. She and her group were trying to make a lightweight, yet
durable fiber to be used in tires. Lighter tires would allow vehicles to get better gas mileage,
but the tires had to be strong enough to resist the wear and tear of the road. They had been
working on the problem for some time and had little success, until Kwolek had a
Kwolek and her group were synthesizing or creating fibers to test. During one of the steps
in the process, Kwolek created a milky white solution by mixing two chemicals that were
often used in the process. This solution was usually thrown away, but Kwolek convinced
one of the technicians to help her test it. They were amazed to discover that the fabric that
Kwolek had created was not only more durable than nylon, it was more durable than steel.
Kwolek had invented Kevlar.
Kevlar is a remarkable fabric known for its strength and durability. Since its invention it
has found its way into a wide variety of products. Kevlar is used in sporting equipment like
bike tires, bowstrings, and tennis racquets. It is used in musical instruments like drum heads,
reeds, and speaker cones. And it is used in protective gear like motorcycle safety jackets,
gloves, and shoes. However, Kevlar is best known for its ability to stop bullets.
Richard Armellino created the first Kevlar bulletproof vest in 1975. It contained 15 layers
of Kevlar, which could stop handgun and shotgun bullets. The vest also had a steel plate over
the heart, which made the vest strong enough to stop rifle rounds. Vests like Armellino's
were quickly picked up by police forces and it is estimated that by 1990, half of all police
officers in America wore bulletproof vests daily. By 2006 there were over 2,000 documented
police vest "saves," or instances where officers were protected from deadly wounds by
wearing bulletproof vests.
Kevlar is an amazing fabric not only for its hardness and durability, but also for its heat
resistance. Because of this it has been used to replace asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally
occurring material that is known for its ability to resist fire. Asbestos can resist temperatures
over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. For this reason it was used in roofs, electrical cables, and
brake pads, until people discovered that it causes cancer and other serious health problems.
Kevlar poses no such risks. It is lightweight, flexible, and resistant to fire. Therefore, it has
proven to be a good replacement for asbestos in many cases.
Since its invention in 1964, Kevlar has won its way into our lives. From musical
instruments and brake pads to protective equipment and sporting gear, Kevlar is everywhere.
Every day of your life you are exposed to something that was made better by Kevlar. Who'd
have known?
(Cited from ereadingsheet)
21. Which of the following caused the search for a fabric like Kevlar?
1. A shortage in the gasoline supply 2. A desire to protect police officers
3. The need to replace asbestos 4. The want of better musical instruments
5. The expansion of the industry

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2564 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 305005

22. A vest made of 15 layers of Kevlar with no steel plates could stop all but which of the
following rounds?
1. Handgun rounds 2. Shotgun pellets
3. Rifle rounds 4. Bullet
5. It could stop all of the above
23. Why did people begin using asbestos in buildings?
1. It was extremely durable. 2. It was very heavy.
3. It was poisonous to insects. 4. It was resistant to fire.
5. It was cheap.
24. How much stronger is Kevlar than steel?
1. Half as strong 2. Five times as strong
3. As strong 4. 200 times as strong
5. Not as strong
25. What product was Kwolek trying to improve when she invented Kevlar?
1. Tires 2. Milk
3. Brake pads 4. Armor
5. Plate

Part III: Structure and Writing (Items 26 – 40)

26. By the end of the day, the exchange student from Brazil_________to our school.
1. will arrive 2. is arriving
3. will be arriving 4. will have arrived
5. arrives
27. The apartment_________. It is reported_________by this interior company.
1. was renovated badly, to have been designed 2. was badly renovated, that it was designed
3. was renovated badly, to have designed 4. badly renovated, to have been designed
5. badly renovated, that to have been designed
28. Trading venues need to spot immediate and_________threats.
1. emerged 2. emergence
3. emergingly 4. emergent
5. emerging
29. In front of the stadium_________cheering up the athletes loudly.
1. was a number of people 2. a number of people was
3. were a number of people 4. A number of people were
5. a number of people
30. _________wants to make an appointment with the doctor is welcome.
1. Whomever 2. Who
3. Whom 4. Whoever
5. She
31. If the government_________the financial solution, the citizen would not have faced the crisis.
1. had been setting up 2. was set up
3. had set up 4. was setting up
5. sets up

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2564 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 305005

32. I have had several conversations with friends in large companies_________are already
planning 2022 resolutions.
1. whom 2. where
3. that 4. who
5. in which
33. There has been a push to seize_________rental units and put them in public ownership.
1. corporates owns 2. corporate-owned
3. corporate-owning 4. owned corporate
5. owning corporate
34. If you_________coffee, change to Espresso or black coffee, both of which have no sugar.
1. are used to having 2. used to have
3. used to having 4. are used to have
5. were used to have
35. The chairman delivered_________speech that I recommended all employees listen and follow.
1. so powerful 2. such a powerful
3. too powerful 4. such powerful
5. so a powerful

Directions: Choose the answer which is grammatically incorrect.

36. Springtime brings (1) such beautiful moods in the morning, especially (2) at the top of
this hill (3) in which you can visit this nice church. (4) Free and open every day and (5) night.
37. Seoul’s (1) electrifying growth, from (2) impoverished war-torn capital in the 1950s to
economic (3) powerhouse, (4) has turned its cityscape into a dense grid of houses and
office towers. Its transformation (5) will prove that rapid growth can bring rapid wealth.
38. (1) Thousands of people have travelled from the Middle East (2) via Minsk to Belarus’s
borders with Poland, (3) Lithuanian and Latvia in recent (4) months in (5) the hope of entering
the EU.
39. (1) So-called range anxiety, or the fear that an EV will (2) run out of energy, presents
(3) a more acute problem for (4) renting customers than (5) everyday drivers.
40. (1) Sit in his ramshackle Tokyo office (2) filled with the stench of cigarette smoke and the
leftover decor of the Chinese restaurant it (3) was before. Taisuke Ono is the (4) unlikely face
of a populist wave that (5) has upended Japanese politics.

Part IV: Vocabulary (Items 41 – 50)

Odd one out
41. 1. Bespoke 2. Discuss 3. Spoke 4. Address 5. Debate
42. 1.Waters 2. Bank 3. Levee 4. Dam 5. Rival
43. 1. Coordination 2. Collude 3. Collaboration 4. Cooperation 5. Cooperatives
44. 1. Previous 2. Precious 3. Former 4. Preceding 5. Prior
45. 1. Preserve 2. Reserve 3. Conserve 4. Maintain 5. Save

การแข'งขันสอบวัดทักษะวิชาการระดับชาติ ประจำป9 พ.ศ. 2564 ข"อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ภาคีเครือข+ายโรงเรียนทั่วประเทศ และสถาบันอีซี่ลิชประเทศไทย รหัสชุดข"อสอบ 305005

Complete the sentence with the appropriate vocabulary

46. Please don’t ask for personal information about our customers, as we keep that
information ___________.
1. scarce 2. preserved 3. confidential 4. knowledgeable 5. reliable
47. We have high___________for your performance and hope that we won’t be disappointed.
1. expectation 2. expectancy 3. expected 4. expect 5. expects
48. Our products have been ___________dramatically. “Fewer and fewer customers are”
1. advertising 2. stabilizing 3. decreasing 4. increasing 5. moving up
49. ___________its surroundings have been turned into a shopping and residential district,
the Jim Thompson House Museum still survives.
1. Ever since 2. Even though. 3. Ever been 4. Even 5. Regarding
50. Two cats could be___________only by the number of rings on their tails; otherwise, they
were exactly alike.
1. diversified 2. separated 3. differentiated 4. disconnected 5. determined


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