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By: Angelika Mendones

Good governance, good service, free from corruption, people’s welfare and economic
growth, that is what our Municipal Mayor has done during his two terms. From infants to senior
citizens, he extended his help in the way he knows is right. Free bags and school supplies for
students, whether from public school or private school. Scholarship grants for almost 800
students. Free medicines for senior citizens. Free seeds and fertilizers for farmers. Farm to
market roads, bridges and day care centers. Invited potential investors and well-known
convenience store like 7-Eleven, banks like Landbank of the Philippines, BPI and BDO. With
the outbreak of the pandemic, he spearheaded the distribution of disinfectants, alcohols and
thermal scanners throughout the town. He also gave relief packs to every family in his town, not
just once but thrice. With the outbreak of the pandemic in the town this year 2022, he provided
food and medical assistance and 25 kilos of rice to 30,000 families in the entire municipality. He
also programmed the procurement of 58 ambulance for the 58 barangays of the Municipality.
"Even if I run out of funds, the funds of the Office of the Mayor, it is okay as long as my
constituents are given assistance to alleviate or to lessen the impact of this pandemic.", that's
what he said. Our Municipal Mayor’s top priority is the welfare of his constituents.
Here comes the 2022 National and Local Election. Politics has begun. The campaign of
the other side is full of slander and criticism while the current administration is full of platforms
and achievements. Because of the achievements and programs of our mayor, and also because of
people’s warm welcome to him, it sets a high confidence that he will be able to win his last term
for mayor via landslide vote. It's election day, he wins. He won by only 170 votes. He wins but
with sadness and disappointment. Sad and disappointed because it seems that many of his
supporters turned their backs on him last minute. Those who really supported our mayor also get
curious why the Municipal Mayor won only by 170 votes. Some people say, he doesn’t deserved
it. What he deserve is to win by landslide votes. In realization, money can really make people
change real quick. People will forget what an incumbent Mayor’s achievements. People will
forget how the Municipal Mayor helped and cared for his townspeople. Fortunately, 22, 075
voters believed, stood up and trusted our incumbent Municipal Mayor. This would be a great
lesson to everybody holding a government position or not, you do good, you love your
townspeople, you cared for them, but without MONEY on the day of the election, you will be
forgotten, your projects and programs will be forgotten.
“Politics is known as the dirtiest game throughout the world.” That is what most people
in the world say. I do not personally believe that it is the dirtiest game, but after this May 09,
2022 election, I saw it, I felt it of how dirty it is. Your ally today, can be your enemy tomorrow,
same with your supporters today, can turn their backs on you. It is very hard to trust everyone
whose around you, it is very hard to be too kind. Family, relatives and friends should be the first
one in supporting you but because of their insecurities, they are the ones who will drag you down
or they are the one who are waiting for you to fail. Sometimes, those who are not your relatives,
and close acquaintances are the ones who will truly support, stand up and fight for you.

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