PPHY 103 Assign Oct 2022 - Due by 31st Oct 2022

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PPHY 103 Assign – 4 17th Oct.

Qns from Angular momentum topic (Ch #5 from Zettili)

1. Arrive at the eigenvalues of J2 and Jz.

2. Obtain explicit matrices for J2, Jx, Jy, Jz, J+ and J- for j = ½ .

3. The operators J+ and J- are defined by J+=Jx+iJy and J- = Jx-iJy, where Jx and Jy are the x- and y-
components of the general angular momentum J.
Prove that (i) J+ | j,m > = √𝑗(𝑗 + 1) − 𝑚(𝑚 + 1) ђ | 𝑗, 𝑚 + 1 >
(ii) J- | j,m > = √𝑗(𝑗 + 1) − 𝑚(𝑚 − 1) ђ | 𝑗, 𝑚 − 1 >

4. A particle is in an eigen state of Jz . Prove that <Jx> = <Jy> = 0 and find the value of <J2x> and <J2y>.

5. Calculate [J2x,Jy], [J2z,Jy], and [J2,Jy]; then show that <jm| J2x | jm> = < jm| J2y| jm >.

6. Consider the case where j=1.

(a) Find the matrices representing the operators J2, Jx, Jy, Jz, J+ and J-
(b) Find the joint eigenstates of J2 and Jz and verify that they form an orthonormal and complete basis.
(c) Use the matrices of Jx, Jy and Jz to calculate [Jx, Jy], [Jy, Jz], and [Jz, Jx].


8. Consider a particle of total angular momentum j=1. Find the matrix for the component of J;
along a unit vector with arbitrary direction n;. Find its eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

9. Work out all the possible commutation relations with J (J2, Jx, Jy, Jz, J+, J-),
with L (L2, Lx, Ly, Lz, L+, L-), with Px, Py, Pz

10. i) State the matrices that represent the x, y, z components of the spin angular momentum vector ‘S’
and obtain their eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

ii) The components of arbitrary vectors A and B commute with those of σ.

Show that (σ.A)(σ.B) = A . B + iσ. (A x B)
11. The projection of S on the z-axis is restricted to two values only: ±ђ/2 corresponding to spin-up and
spin-down. Study the matrix representation of the spin s = 1/ 2.
Verify that their corresponding eigenvectors form a basis that is complete and orthonormal.

12. Eigen functions of Orbital Angular momentum.

Consider |l,m> to be the joint eigenstates of L and Lz. Write the eigenvalue equations for L2 and Lz and then Obtain

their Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues.

13. a) Find <L+> in the state √3 [ |11> + |10> +|1 –1>], where the first number in each term represents l and the second
number represents m.
b) Evaluate the commutator [Lx, Ly] in the momentum representation.

[To be submitted by 31th Oct. 2022 (Mon) ….8:30PM]

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