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Cordero, Katherine R.

Philippine Literature

BSEd- English II-A

Comparative Discussion about the different periods of Philippine Literature

Philippine Literature undergone an amazing journey on its foundation and development.
The different periods of literature from the Nationalistic Propaganda, American Period, Japanese
Period and Contemporary Period has their own history and achievements.

First, is the Nationalistic Propaganda. During this period, the gist of literature contained
mostly accusations against the government and was meant to arouse the people to unite and to
prepare for independence. It planted seeds of nationalism in Filipino and the language was
shifted from Spanish to Tagalog. Literary forms come with political essays such as satires,
editorials and news articles that were written to attack and exposed the evils of Spanish rule. It
helped to inflame the Spirit of Revolution. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are the
important works of this period.

Second, is the American Period. Writers of this period were still adjusting to the new
found freedom after the paralyzing effect of repression of thought and speech under the Spanish
regime. They were adjusting the idea of democracy for he knew phraseology of the English
language and to the standards of the English literary style writers had to learn direct expression
and conditioned by direct thinking. Filipino writers imitated English and American models. By
this time, Filing writers had acquired the mastery of English writing. They now confidently and
competently wrote on a lot of subjects through the old-time favorites of love and youth persisted.
They went into all forms of writings like the novel and the drama.

Third, is the Japanese Period. This period had an advantageous effect on Philippine
Literature, which experience renewed attention because writers in English turned to writing in
Filipino. Filipino Literature was given a break during this period. The common theme of most
poems during the Japanese Period was nationalism, country, love and life in the barrios, faith,
religion and the arts. The types of poetry during this period are the Haiku, Tanaga, and
Karaniwang Anyo.

Lastly, is the Contemporary Period. This period is considered as the flowering of

Philippine Literature in the various languages. Filipina writers continue to write poetry, short
stories, novellas, novels and essays. Moreover, the writers used symbolism and allegories to
drive have their message. Almost all themes in most writings dealt with the development of
progress of the country.

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