Projmgt Week2 Short

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▪ The main purpose of the integration
management is to manage and coordinate all
Topics To Cover:
the processes and activities during the project
o Define Project Integration Management
life cycle.
o Project Integration Management Purpose and
▪ It also conducts the project in order to
it’s Process
produce significant outputs. So each of the
o Trends and Emerging Practices
project integration management processes
has another purpose to achieve the main
▪ Includes the processes and activities to PROJECT INTEGRATION MANAGEMENT
identify. define, combine, unify and ▪ Project Integration Management is
coordinate the various processes and project specific to project managers. Whereas other
management activities within the Project Knowledge Areas may be specialists (e.g.,
Management Process Groups. cost analysis, scheduling, specialists, risk
management experts), the accountability of
INTEGRATION Project Integration Management cannot be
▪ Includes characteristics of unification, delegated or transferred.
consolidation, communication, and ▪ The project manager is the one who combines
interrelationship. the results in all the other Knowledge Areas
▪ Project Integration Management includes and has the overall view of the project.
making choices about: ▪ The project manager is ultimately responsible
o Resource allocation, for the project.
o Balancing competing demands, ▪ Project Integration Management is about:
o Examining any alternative approaches. o Ensuring that the due dates of the product,
o Tailoring the processes to meet the project service, or result: project life cycle, and the
objectives, and benefits management plan are aligned;
o Managing the interdependencies among the o Providing a project management plan to
Project Management Knowledge Areas. achieve the project objectives;
o Ensuring the creation and the use of the
▪ Project integration management is the appropriate knowledge to and from the
coordination of all elements of a project. project as necessary:
▪ This includes coordinating tasks, resources, o Managing the performance and changes of
stakeholders, and any other project elements, the activities in the project management plan:
in addition to managing conflicts between o Making integrated decisions regarding key
different aspects of a project, making trade- changes impacting the project:
offs between competing requests and o Measuring and monitoring the project's
evaluating resources. progress and taking appropriate action to
▪ One example would be if a project is not on meet project objectives;
track, you may need to decide between going o Collecting data on the results achieved,
over budget or finishing the project late in analyzing the data to obtain formation, and
order to complete it. communicating this information to relevant
▪ Assessing the situation and making the stakeholders:
decision is a key part of project integration o Completing all the work of the project and
management. Integrated project management formally closing each phase. contract, and the
helps ensure projects are not managed in project as a whole; and
isolation. o Managing phase transitions when necessary.
7 PROJECT INTEGRATION management plan, schedule management
MANAGEMENT PROCESSES plan, cost management plan etc.


1. Develop Project Charter
▪ This is the third of the project integration
2. Develop Project management plan
management processes. It belongs to
3. Direct and manage project work
executing process group.
4. Manage project knowledge
▪ The process of leading and performing the
5. Monitor and control project work
work defined in the project management plan
6. Perform integrated change control
and implementing approved changes to
7. Close project phase
achieve the project's objectives.
▪ This process ensures the deliverables of the
project will be produced.
▪ These integration management processes
▪ Main outputs of the project are produced and
occur throughout the entire project lifecycle.
delivered to the customer during executing
▪ In other words, at least one of these seven
processes falls within each of the five
standard phases of a project.
▪ This is because managing project integration
▪ This is the fourth of the project integration
is an ongoing task that needs to continually
management processes. It belongs to
happen throughout a project.
executing process group.
▪ The process of using existing knowledge and
creating new knowledge to achieve the
▪ This is the first of the project integration
project's objectives and contribute to
management processes. It belongs to the
organizational learning.
project initiation phase.
▪ The process of developing a document that
formally authorizes the existence of a project
▪ This is the fifth of the project integration
and provides the project manager with the
management processes. It belongs to project
authority to apply organizational resources to
monitoring and controlling process group.
project activities.
▪ The process of tracking, reviewing, and
▪ This will help in authorizing the project in the
reporting overall progress to meet the
performance objectives defined in the project
▪ And then, the planning phase will start.
management plan.
▪ PROJECT CHARTER is a formal short
▪ However, the actual results will not be
document that states a project exists and
exactly as you planned no matter how well
provides project managers with written
your project plan is.
authority to begin work
▪ Deviations and variances from the planned
values are measured with the help of monitor
and control project work process.
▪ This is the second of the project integration
management. It belongs to project planning
process group.
▪ The process of defining, preparing, and
▪ This is the sixth of the project integration
coordinating all plan components and
management processes. It belongs to project
consolidating them into an integrated project
monitoring and control process group as well.
management plan.
▪ The process of reviewing all change requests;
▪ This process will ensure proper planning of a
approving changes and managing changes to
deliverables, organizational process assets,
▪ Also, it will help in producing project
project documents, and the project
management plans such as scope
management plan; and communicating the
▪ Changes might be requested due to deviations interfaces with various functional and
or variances from the planned values. Or, the operational departments and senior
customer might require changes to the management personnel.
project, for instance, they can come with a ▪ Hybrid methodologies. Some project
new requirement or change their existing management methodologies are evolving to
requirement. incorporate successfully applied new
▪ If changes are approved, these need to be practices Examples include the use of agile
implemented in the project and perform and other iterative practices; business
integrated change control process ensures analysis techniques for requirements
proper implementation of changes in a management, tools for identifying complex
project. elements in projects; and organizational
change management methods to prepare for
CLOSE PROJECT OR PHASE transitioning the project outputs into the
▪ This is the last one of the project integration organization.
management processes. It belongs to project
closing process group. PROJECT ONE
▪ Once the project is completed, if customer ▪ DEVELOP PROJECT CHARTER
accepted the final product and signed-off the ▪ Is the process of developing a document that
acceptance, if all project objectives are met, formally authorizes the existence of a project
the project can be closed officially. and provides the project manager with the
▪ The process of finalizing all activities for the authority to apply organizational resources to
project, phase, or contract. project activities. The key benefits of this
process are that it provides a direct link
TRENDS AND EMERGING between the project and the strategic
PRACTICES objectives of the organization, creates a
▪ Use of automated tools. The volume of data formal record of the project, and shows the
and information that project managers need organizational commitment to the project.
to integrate makes it necessary to use a This process is performed once or at
project management information system predefined points in the project.
(PMIS) and automated tools to collect,
analyze, and use information to meet project
objectives and realize project benefits.
▪ Use of visual management tools. Some
project teams use visual management tools,
rather than written plans and other
documents, to capture and oversee critical
project elements.
▪ Project knowledge management. The
increasingly mobile and temporary work
force requires a more rigorous process of
identifying knowledge throughout the project PROJECT CHARTER INPUT
life cycle and transferring it to the target 1. Business documents
audience so that the knowledge is not lost. ▪ Business case
▪ Expanding the project manager's ▪ Benefits management plan
responsibilities. Project managers are being 2. Agreements
called on to initiate and finalize the project, 3. Enterprise environmental factors
such as project business case development 4. Organizational process assets
and benefits management. Project managers
are also engaging in more comprehensive
identification and engagement of
stakeholders. This includes managing the
▪ The approved business case, or similar, is the
business document most used to create the
project charter.
▪ The business case describes the necessary
information from a business standpoint to
determine whether the expected outcomes of
the project justify the required investment.
▪ It is commonly used for decision making by
managers or executives above the project
level. Typically, the business need and the
cost benefit analysis are contained in the
business case to justify and establish
boundaries for the project.
▪ The business case is created as a result of one
or more of the following:
o Market demand
o Organizational need
o Customer request
o Technological advancement
o Legal requirement
o Ecological impacts
o Social need

▪ Agreements are used to define initial

intentions for a project. Agreements may
take the form of contracts, memorandums of
understanding (MOUs), service level
agreements (SLA), letters of agreement,
letters of intent, verbal agreements, email, or
other written agreements
▪ Typically, a contract is used when a project is
being performed for an external customer.

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