IoT Based Facial Recognition Security System

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Prashanth Balraj Balla Prof.K.T.Jadhao
M.E. [Second Year] - Electronics and Assistant Professor,
Telecommunication Engineering, Alamuri Ratnamala Alamuri Ratnamala Institute of Engineering and
Institute of Engineering and Technology (ARIET), Technology (ARIET) ,
Thane - Maharashtra, India Thane, – Maharashtra, India

Abstract— In recent years, with the demand for better Physiological biometrics - Those that identify an
security, computers have played a large role. Due to individual from an intrinsic physiological or
their precision, large memory banks and high biological traits (ex. Face, iris, fingerprint, etc.)
computing power, considerable development has been Behavioral biometrics – Those that identify an
made in the area of face recognition. Computers now
individual from a behavioral trait (ex. Gait, typing,
surpass humans in many face recognition tasks. A
human being can remember limited number of faces. etc.)
But a computer doesn’t have any limits, and can hence
be used where large databases of facial records are II. PROBLEM DEFINITION
needed. Such a facial recognition system has many As in our everyday lives we have information about
potential applications including crowd and airport everything at our fingertips due to advancement of
surveillance, private security and improved human- various technologies. However we need to know
computer interaction. Such a system is perfectly suited
about the various visitors visiting places ( like office,
to fix security issues and offer flexibility to smart house
control. home, air-ports, bank-lockers) .We need to track
This project is aimed to be a complete system for face information about visitors for various scenarios like
recognition: easy to build, cheap cost and effective. 1. Entry of unauthorized employees at office
Main purpose is to be set as an alert for home visitors work location.
and provide information about the visitors in a dynamic 2. Entry of workers at home.
website and phone application. It can also be used in 3. At the place of bank lockers.
other fields like industries, offices and even air-ports for 4. Violating the security norms at Airport,
identifying wanted people. Among the other bio-metric Malls.
techniques, face recognition method offers one great
5. Thief identification at home, Jewelers shop,
advantage which is user friendliness.
Banks, Warehouse.
Keywords— Internet of things (IoT) ,principal 6. Research laboratories etc.
component analysis (PCA) , raspberry pi (RPI) ,global
system for mobile communication (GSM) , local area III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
network (LAN) ,universal serial bus (USB). Using image processing an intelligent security
system can be created which can be used for face
I. INTRODUCTION identification. The main objective of this system is to
Over the last ten years or so, Biometric has implement for a particular face and distinguishing it
become a popular area of research in computer vision from a number of stored faces with some real time
and one of the most successful applications of image variations as well [1].
analysis and understanding. Because of the nature of This system works as explained below-
the problem, not only computer science researchers Whenever a visitor presses the doorbell , an
are interested in it, but neuroscientists and integrated camera captures picture of it. On this
psychologists also. picture it takes only facial part of it which is required
There are many different traits that can be used as for feature extraction, which is then further processed
biometric, including fingerprints, face, iris, retina, and sends to the database. It tries to match the taken
gait, and voice. In general, biometrics are divided picture with the stored database in it. Once it is
into two broad categories- matched, it gives notification to the owner using IOT
for providing the access. If the image is not matched

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then it is stored in Database under unknown visitor
folder for future reference.
When the captured image is matched from the given
database, it identifies the person and send image of
that visitor to the owner of the house via mail. Owner
will get the notification regarding visitor, visitors
image and time of arrival. Now owner decides
whether to allow visitor getting into home or not.
This can be done by sending mail / message to the
security system. Once system receives message from
the owner , it opens the door automatically.
This intelligent system can be further modified to
identify wanted criminals by storing their images in
the database. As soon as it detects their image,
directly it sends message to nearest police station
without the owner’s permission.


Step 1 : Image will be captured.

Step 2 : Detection of face is done from captured
Step 3: Getting required parameters from image.
Step 4 : Face recognition takes place.
Step 5 : Name of visitor is sent to the owner via Web
, Android notification etc.

Fig1. Block Diagram

In block diagram, it shows various components that
are being used at source. In this, Raspberry Pi model
acts as a centre of the system which will control the VII. PERFORMANCE E VALUATION
action /performance of other devices. It has in built
memory, USB ports, LAN ports. It works at a voltage
of 3.3 volt. Another important thing is camera of Training process: We have trained some images of
5MP, which is going to capture the image of visitor known persons in database. At the time of training it
and it is connected to the RPI. Algorithm for this, is collects maximum number of images of the person.
proposed to be implemented on python which is Larger the number of samples, more will be the
again in built software of RPI accuracy of system.
RPI sends information about visitor to the owner
using IOT i.e., via web notification or android Recognition process: As soon as visitor presses
notification. After receiving reply from owner, the doorbell, camera captures image and tries to match
doors will opened / or remain closed. with the stored database in it. If match found then it
sends mail like as shown in fig. with visitors name as
VI. FLOWCHART OF PROPOSED SYSTEM well as image of visitor.
When someone presses the doorbell, camera captures
picture of that person. From that images, it extracts Granting permission: After receiving mail of visitor
the desired parameters and checks with available information, owner decides whether to grant access
database. or not by sending message as shown in fig. If he
If match found, then it sends message to owner of the sends yes then doors will be opened and if sends no
house about visitors name, visiting timing etc and it then doors will remain closed only.
takes permission from owner to permit visitor or not.
If match did not found, then it saves that image of
new visitor to the new folder, so that it may be
helpful in recognizing that visitor in future [2].

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Fig.3.Training of image

Fig.4.mail sent to owner

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Internet of things is the need of the era. Proposed
system integrates the IoT as a backbone and
biometric face recognition as one of the tool for
security purpose [3]. A biometric technique which
can be used for identification and verification of
person is proposed. The goal of our project is to
benefit and protect human lives as well as to get the
information about visitors of desired location to the
owner using IoT.
The system can be used at various locations like
residences, offices, industries, bank lockers, airports
for various purposes like theft identification,
surveillance etc.

It is a great pleasure and a moment of immense
satisfaction for me to express my profound gratitude
to my project guide Prof. K.T.Jadhao, Assistant
Professor, Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering Department whose constant
encouragement enabled me to work enthusiastically.
His perpetual motivation, patience and expertise in
discussion during progress of work have benefited
me to an extent, which is beyond expression.
Working under his guidance has been a fruitful and
unforgettable experience. Despite of his busy
schedule, he was always available to give me advise,
Fig.5.sending message support and guidance during entire period of my
project and publishing this paper. The completion of
this project and paper would not have been possible
without his constant support and patience guidance.

[1] Ayman Ben Thabet , Nidhal Ben Amor - Enhanced smart
doorbell system based on face recognition
[2] Liton Chandra Paul and Abdulla Al sumam – Face
Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis Method:
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and Integrated Ecosystems (PDF). Aalborg, Denmark: River
Publishers. ISBN 978-87-92982-96-4.
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Fig 6. output of granting access

Authorized licensed use limited to: VIT University. Downloaded on November 06,2022 at 16:10:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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