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KEMAS 14 (2) (2018) 205-213

Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat

Analysis of Malaria Control Situation in Magelang Regency and Obstacles to

Maintain Malaria Elimination Status

Nasir Ahmad1, Adi Isworo2, Citra Indriani3

1Public Health Study Program, STIKES Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi

Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
Field Epidemiology Training Programs, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Article Info Abstract

Article History: Magelang Regency received malaria elimination certificate in April 2014, however, the
Submitted April 2018 epidemic signal was received back in April 2015. Malaria epidemic had occurred for
Accepted June 2018 two months and until the end of December, indigenous cases could still be found. The
Published November 2018
purpose of this study was to find out description of situation regarding malaria, ma-
Keywords: laria control, and obstacles to malaria control in Magelang Regency. Rapid assessment
Malaria, situation method was conducted by adopting the methodology in the protocol and methods for
analysis, malaria malaria situation analysis from WHO (2003) and by using desk review as the reference
elimination, for the research process in malaria control method in a region with similar condition to
Magelang Regency Magelang regency. Data collection was performed through interview and observation.
This study found that in April 2015, the number of indigenous cases was 2 which was
DOI increased to 37 cases in May and the peak prevalence was 56 cases in June. Previously,
import cases were found in March. Up until December, malaria cases were dominated by
indigenous cases (97%). Village regulation regarding malaria migration surveillance was
still not available in most receptive villages. In area which had eliminate malaria, there
should be regulation that govern malaria migration surveillance. Therefore, the Regent
should advise the village chief through a circulatory letter to form a new regulation re-
garding malaria migration surveillance in order to reduce outbreak potential.

Introduction in every provinces in Indonesia. According

In 2012, there were 97 countries and to annual paracyte incidence (API), a region
regions with malaria transmission risk. Those stratification was performed which found
regions were visited by 125 million international that Eastern Indonesia was included in high
tourists annually. Every year, numerous malaria stratification, moderate stratificaiton
international tourists acquired malaria were found in several region of Kalimantan,
infection during their visit to malaria endemic Sulawesi, and Sumatera, while Java and Bali
countries/regions, and more than 10.000 were were included in low stratification, although
reported to get malaria after their return to their there were still high malaria focus/villages
country of origin (World Health Organization, (Center for Data and Information & Directorate
2012). Malaria still become health problem in of P2B2, 2011).
Indonesia because the disease could be found In Central Java Province, the malaria

Correspondence Address: pISSN 1858-1196
Public Health Study Programe, STIKES Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi. eISSN 2355-3596
Email :
Nasir Ahmad, Adi Isworo, Citra Indriani / Analysis of Malaria Control Situation in Magelang Regency

morbidity numer (annual paracyte incidence/ Results and Discussions

API) tend to decrease from year 2011 Malaria control program in DKK
(0.11/1000 people), 2012 (0.08/1000 people), Magelang was managed by staff of Disease
2013 (0.07/1000 people), and 2014 (0.05/1000). Control and Eradication Section. Magelang
However, there were still indigenous cases in Regency has 29 community health centers
5 regencies, namely Purworejo, Banjarnegara, in every subdistricts. The total number of
Purbalingga, Banyumas, and Kebumen. There healthcare personnel to control malaria in all
were 2 death cases because of malara (CFR community health centers combined were 64
0.1%) di Purbalingga and Kebumen (Dinkes general practitioners, 176 nurses, 28 health
Prov Jateng, 2014). analysts, and 29 surveillants. Health system
Magelang Regency is a regency in Central was already reached village level with the
Java with malaria endemic cases and has direct presence of mobile four-wheeled community
border with Purworejo Regency which is also health centers, 65 auxilliary community health
a malaria endemic region. On April 16th 2014, centers, and 261 village health posts, and 15
the regency acquired malaria elimination village malaria officer in 5 working area of
certificate because the number of cases was malaria receptive community health centers.
decreasing from 15 cases in 2011, to become 31 The supporting facility for malaria case finding
cases in 2012, 32 cases in 2013, and only 6 cases consisted of adequate rapid diagnostic test
in 2014. However, increase of malaria cases (RDT), 1-2 microscope in each community
was happened in 2015 with 161 indigenous health center, adequate reagent, adequate
cases and 5 import cases and peak incidence slide glass, and adequate artemisinin-based
was happened in June with 56 cases and was combination therapy (ACT). The funding
declared as outbreak (DKK Magelang, 2015). for malaria control was received from Health
This finding showed that malaria still became a Operational Assitance of Regional Government
health problem in Magelang Regency, therefore Budget.
analysis of malaria situation is important to be Case finding program consisted of active
conducted in order to acquire description of and passive case finding. Active program was
malaria situation, its control, and obstacles in conducted by village malaria officer through
its control in Magelang Regency, and as basis actively find malaria cases in the community or
for formulation of plan and strategy to maintain through report of the presence of fever cases.
malaria elimination status. The village malaria officer would acquire blood
Methods speciment from the suspect which then be
This situation analysis used rapid checked by microscope or RDT. Meanwhile,
assesment method which adopted passive case finding was conducted when the
methodology from Protocols and Methos for suspect patient came to the healthcare facility.
Malaria Situation Analysis (World Health Report of active and passive surveillance data
Organization, 2003) and also used desk review which had been collected by the community
of several malaria control method in region health centers would be reported monthly to
with similar situation as Magelang. Primary the Dinas Kesehatan before 10th day of each
data collection was performed through direct month. However, malaria positive case would
interview with key informants which consisted directly be reported to the Dinas Kesehatan.
of malaria control officer in Dinas Kesehatan Tabulation and analysis of malaria data
and selected community health centers, village was performed descriptively in the Dinas
chief, hamlet chief, neighborhood chief, and Kesehatan which would then be presented as
ordinary people, while secondary data was text, table, or graphical data. Dissemination of
collected from documents or archives from information was conducted through regular
Dinas Kesehatan dan Badan Pusat Statistik. meeting with malaria officer of community
The collected secondary data consisted of health centers twice in a year, montthly
data regarding geography, demography, socio- meeting with village malaria officer, and cross
economic condition, health care personnel and border meeting with another malaria endemic
facility, and malaria morbidity. regencies and report to Central Java Province

KEMAS 14 (2) (2018) 205-213

Dinas Kesehatan. May, and the peak number of cases was reached
Based on data, between 2011 and 2015, in June with 56 cases. This event happened
in Magelang Regency, there were malaria cases because of delayed in finding and control of
every year. However, there was a significant malaria cases. The distribution of malaria cases
increase from 6 cases in in 2014 to become 166 between men and women was equal (50%
cases in 2015. This finding showed that there each).
was still problems in control and eradication of Figure 2 showed that age group with
malaria in Magelang Regency. the most cases (89 cases) was 15-54 years old
Figure 1 gave more detailed data of age group, while age group with the smallest
malaria cases in Magelang Regency in 2015. number of cases (0 cases) was 0-11 months
Import cases were found in February and old age group. Malaria cases were dominated
March, while indigenous cases started to be by indigenous malaria cases (97%). The most
found in April and continued to be found until common type of malaria parasite in Magelang
December. The number of cases was increased Regency was Plasmodium falciparum (99%).
from 2 cases in April to become 37 cases in Based from Figure 3, it can be known

Figure 1. Malaria Cases in Each Months Based from Patient’s Origin in Magelang Regency, 2015
Source: Health Agency of Magelang Regency, 2015

Figure 2. Distribution of Malaria Cases Based on Age in Magelang Regency, 2015

Source: Health Agency of Magelang Regency, 2015

Nasir Ahmad, Adi Isworo, Citra Indriani / Analysis of Malaria Control Situation in Magelang Regency

Figure 3. Map of Number of Malaria Cases Based on Working Area of Community Health Centers
in Magelang Regency, 2015
Source: Health Agency of Magelang Regency, 2015

Figure 4. Map of Malaria Receptive Area Based on Working Area of Community Health Centers
in Magelang Regency, 2015
Source: Health Agency of Magelang Regency, 2015

that malaria cases occurred in working area Regency, which were also malaria endemic
of Kaliangkrik, Secang 1, Salaman 1, and areas.
Borobudur Community Health Centers, Species of mosquito which ever founded
however, the highest number of cases occured in working area of Salaman 1 Community
in Salaman 1 Community Health Center with Health Center were An. aconitus, An. barbir,
more than 15 cases. An. maculatus, An. balabacensis which could
Figure 4 showed that in Magelang be captured inside and outside the house,
Regency, there were several working area of An. Balabacensis captured on the wall; An.
community health centers which determined barbirostris, An. vogus, An. moculatus, An.
to be malaria receptive area, namely Kajoran kochi, An. annularis, An. balabacensis, An.
1, Kajoran 2, Salaman 1, Salaman 2, and acunitus were captured in the nest.
Borobudur Community Health Centers. Environmental data consisted of
Those area had direct borders with Wonosobo physical environment, biology, and social
Regency, Purworejo Regency, and Kulon Progo culture. Physical environment data in

KEMAS 14 (2) (2018) 205-213

Magelang Regency were as follows: average malaria migration surveillance; (2) Aspect
temperature was 25.62oC, humidity was 82%, of institution and its structure in supporting
average rainfall was 2.589 mm/year, average malaria control program regarding resources
rain days was 12.1, wind speed was 1.8 knot, to empower accurate and rapid diagnosis and
and average altitude was 360 meters above effective malaria treatment; (3) Aspect of health
sea level. Biologival environment consisted of sector and other sectors, so they could execute
agricultural field in the form of rice field, the more effective control measures regarding
majority was irrigation rice field with area cross program and cross sector cooperation;
of 28,028ha or around 32.44%. Meanwhile, (4) Aspect of partners and opportunities for
dry field was dominated with vegetables more effective intervention, particularly in
field/garden with area percentage of 37.54% community level regarding people participation
from dry field area of 32,437ha. According to in improving environmental condition and
Ristiyanto (2007), socio-cultural environment human resources capacity.
in Magelang Regency were knowledge and Based from above SWOT analysis, a
attitude of respondents in supporting measures focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted
to prevent malaria transmission (80% from 31 in order to determine the main priority of
respondent), however, this was not followed malaria control program and maintenance
by acts to prevent malaria such as usage of of malaria elimination status in Magelang
mosquito net and mosquito essence (39.76% Regency, particularly by developing existing
from 31 respondents). The habit of watching programs and policies such as the presence of
TV together in the night with open door and village regulation regarding malaria migration
windows (5 malaria cases) had the potential surveillance.
to transmit malaria (Ristiyanto, 2007). Beside Village regulation regarding malaria
that, male villagers often conduct religious migration were not entirely present in every
gathering every Thursday night while female malaria receptive villages. This policy regulated
villagers conduct it every Tuesday night. These new comer and person from outside of the
habit might also support malaria transmission. region who went back to their village to report
The malaria control measures which had to the local hamlet chief/neigbourhood chief/
been taken were: early malaria diagnosis using cadres. This was important to screen for malaria
microscopic confirmation and rapid diagnostic import case as early as possible. The recurrence
test (RDT); treatment using Artemisinin-based of malaria case in a place where transmission
combination therapy (ACT) in positive case of could occur was a potential cause of epidemic
malaria; prevention of malaria transmission or parasite reintroduction in a place which
using long lasting insecticidal net (LLINs) previously has eliminated malaria cases. In the
was not completely used in receptive area; United States of America, indigenous malaria
campaigning for cooperation and partnership outbreaks were reported to be started from
between government sector and people import cases which were related to migrant
thorugh national forum on hitting malaria; worker from endemic areas in Mexico. Import
establishment of malaria control policy in cases were reported sporadically and in 2015,
every village, namely the publication of an outbreak occurred in Chiapas coast with
village regulation regarding malaria migration 10 indigenous cases. This outbreak was highly
surveillance; routine meeting between malaria probable to be caused by parasite reintroduction
officer of Dinas Kesehatan and malaria officer (Betanzos, 2012).
of community health centers. Dinas Kesehatan and its structure had
Based on SWOT analysis towards cover until village level in malaria control
malaria control measures, the following results system. High commitmen was possessed by
were obtained: (1) Aspect of local policy and program executioner. In every community
malaria control strategy regarding development health center in receptive areas, there were a
of existing programs and policies continuity health analyst, 2 microscope, adequate reagent
in order to obtain optimum results such as and ACT drugs, and also 3 village malaria
formulation of village regulation regarding officers. The diagnosis of malaria which used

Nasir Ahmad, Adi Isworo, Citra Indriani / Analysis of Malaria Control Situation in Magelang Regency

Table 1. Strength Weeknes Opportunity Threat (SWOT) Analysis of Malaria Situation in Magelang
Regency, 2015
Positive Negative
Internal Strength Weakness
The government was committed to eliminate Cross program cooperation had not have
malaria. active role yet.
Implementation of malaria eradication High work burden of malaria village officer
programs were supported by adequate fund. because each officer supervised 3-4 villages
Appropriate early detection and treatment. in each working area of community health
The presence of mosquito net with insecticide, centers.
although the coverage was still not even. Inadequate courageness in submitting
The presence of active and passive detection budget.
supervision. Lack of malaria case management ability,
Campaign to carry out routine cross particularly in malaria receptive area,
border cooperation and coordination and case management was impeded by poor
simultaneous mass blood survey (MBS). logistical planning in healthcare facility.
The presence of village malaria officer.
External Opportunity Threat
The presence of human resources who Implementation of policy regarding malaria
would help in malaria eradication, namely migration surveillance in all receptive
healthcare personnel, public figure, village village.
malaria officer, cadres, and others. Resistance towards available antimalarial
The presence of policy in malaria receptive drugs or insecticide and lack of mosquito
village regarding malaria migration net.
surveillance. Instability in people migration.
Tradition of night religious gathering in the
Numerous mosquito breeding area such as,
rice field, vegetable field/garden, river, and
Hilly geographical characteristic and the
presence of house on the hill which caused
difficulty for malaria village officer to
actively find malaria cases.
(Source: Primary Data)

microscopic examination of blood specimen at Dinas Kesehatan or community health center

and rapid diagnostic test had the highest impact levels was still lacking. This was based from
in malaria control. Both examination provided interviews with malaria executioner program
high expectation for accurate diagnosis as in community health center who stated that
key components of successful malaria control malaria education were more often to be given by
although each of them had their own special village malaria officer or cadre, while brochure
strengths and weaknesses (Kusuma, 2014; and environmental survey were performed
Wongsrichanalai, 2007). Therefore, in order by the executioners themselves. Therefore,
to definitely establish a malaria cases, multiple intensive and continuous coordination were
examination should be conducted towards new needed particularly between health promotion
comer who was suspected as import cases. Early program and environmental health program.
treatment was already appropriate to use ACT. In Bali, cross program coordination had
Cross program coordination in Dinas been conducted between health promotion
Kesehatan and community health centers had program and environmental health program by
not have active role yet in malaria control. conducting health promotion and observation
Coordination with health promotion program surveys to areas which were suspected as

KEMAS 14 (2) (2018) 205-213

malaria focus areas (Roosihermiatie, 2012). were predicted to affect malaria prevalence
Cross sectoral cooperation in malaria were temperature, humidity, and people house
control program was still become a weakness construction (presence of ceiling, type of wall)
because there was no effort from other sector (Hasyim, 2014; Noviarti, 2016). A study by
to actively participate in malaria control Friaraiyatini (2006) showed that temperature,
program. However, the commitment from humidity, and house construction had
Regional Government was quite high which significant influence on malaria prevalence.
could be seen by the presence of budget for Optimal temperature for parasite development
malaria control. Partnership building between inside mosquito body was between 20oC-30oC.
related stakeholdres (government agencies, non Sixty percent humidity was the lowest threshold
governmental organizations, personal figure or for malaria reproduction. In Magelang Regency,
other institution) was important in order to the average temperature was 25.62oC and the
achieve malaria control objectives. Partnership humidity was 82%. This findings showed that
building was important because there would be in term of physical environment, there was
no decrease in malaria cases when there was a high potential of mosquito development
no change in people attitude. People attitude (Friaraiyatini, 2006). Increase in malaria
was not an easy task because it need sincerity prevalence was caused by environmental
strategy, and cooperation with related parties changes beside climate changes, for example the
(Lestari, 2012). According to Laihad (2011), presence of puddle was a risk factor of malaria
factors which affected the success of people disease (Fibrianto, 2009).
participation in malaria control program were In socio-cultural aspect, several health
people habit and behaviour. Coordination promotion program need to be conducted,
with other sectors need to be conducted as did particularly education regarding malaria
in Bali, where Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan prevention and control measures in the
scattered fish seed as predator of mosquito community such as the importance of mosquito
larvae, Dinas Pertanian regulated farming net utilization, closing the door and windows
pattern in farming area by rotating rice and during the nigh, application of repellant and
secondary crop farming alternately in order usage of long closed sleeve when go out door,
to inhibit mosquito development, and Dinas et cetera. A study by Mangguang (2015) found
Pekerjaan Umum regulated the permission that usage of mosquito net was a dominant
and supervision of physical process of factor which affect the prevalence of malaria.
construction and constructing drainage system People’s knowledge regarding malaria was
(Roosihermiatie, 2012). quite good, however, the preventive measures
The natural habitat of An. aconitus were still inadequate. Continuous education
mosquite was in rice field, particularly in could be conducted in hamlet level through
terraced field (the water flow slowly). Larvae of demonstration media/film or other health
An. aconitus were present in the field portion promotion media such as poster, banner,
and at the edge of water canal, particularly billboard, brochure, and radio program.
ones with grassy water poskets (Hakim, 2011). Usage of health communication media with
Agricultural fields in Magelang Regency was appropriate and clear message delivery
dominated by irrigated field. This finding technique and attractive visual communication
showed that the potential of mosquito design media would be a more effective way to
development was quite high, therefore measures give information for people regarding efforts
to improve environmental condition were to control malaria in community which had
needed such as maintenance of agriculture field high mobility. Those media could be posted
so the water canal condition remained clean at at certain busy places such as market or at the
the edge and the water flow smoothly, regular entrance of malaria endemic areas (Wulandari,
drying of irrigated field every 10 days, scattering 2013; Waris, 2014).
of fish which ate larvae, and maintenaning the Other partner and all community
environment so there would not be puddle. institution had the potential to participate in
Physical environment parameters which order to produce more effective intervention,

Nasir Ahmad, Adi Isworo, Citra Indriani / Analysis of Malaria Control Situation in Magelang Regency

for example: non governmental organizations acquire blood sample which will be examined
(NGOs) could provide health message using rapid diagnostic test and microscopic
regarding malaria, farmer could have examination. When diagnosis of malaria is
role in maintaining agricultural/rice field established, the patient will be given malaria
environment, public figures, hamlet chief and treatment according to the type of parasite
neighbourhood chief could mobilize their and mass blood survey would be conducted in
people to maintain their house environments. the surrounding area in order to screen and to
Conclusions detect malaria cases early.
Programs and policies such as village Acknowledgement
regulation regarding malaria migratio We would like to express our gratitude to
surveillance could become strength, however, the Chief of DKK Magelang for his permission
that policy was not optimal because the to conduct the study in working area of DKK
villages were not entirely had village regulation Magelang.
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