November 22,2021 November 24, 2021 November 26,2021: Daily Lesson Log

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher RUTH CRYSTAL DETALLA-PENALOSA Learning Area 21ST Century Literature from Philippines
and the World
Teaching Dates and Time MWF Grading Period 2nd Grading 1st week

November 22,2021 November 24, 2021 November 26,2021

A. a. Write a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts using a reading approach and identify representative text from Africa and Asia
I. OBJECTIVES B. b. Create/produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multi-media skills
C. c. Show appreciation of different representative literary texts
A. Content Standard Compare and contrast the various 21st Century literary genres and the ones from the earlier genre/periods citing their elements, structure and traditions
The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st Century Philippine literature from the regions through:
1. a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from
B. Performance Standard
research; and
2. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia
C. Learning Competencies
A. References
21st Century Literatures Module 5 page 7 to 8 21st Century Literatures Module 5 page 7 to 8 21st Century Literatures Module 5 page 7 to 8
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from LR portal

B. Other Learning Resources


Prayer Prayer Prayer

A. Preliminary Activity Attendance Attendance Attendance

B. Review Past lesson through asking question Past lesson through asking question Past lesson through asking question

C. Lesson Proper
What can you say about the video? Is there significant thing
happened on the clip?

Comprehension Check
Direction: The story was quite interesting. Now answer
the questions that follow to test you understanding.
1. What descriptions were given about the setting of the
2. What seems to be the conflict surrounding the story?
3. What was the deal made by Sonja and Akhmed?
4. What change in attitude was evident in the main
character of the story at the beginning and at the end?
5. Why was it important for the writer to narrate the
events that happened during the wars to reveal
traditions in Chechnya?

Through PPT and other online activities

2. Presentation

3. Discussion Presentation of Short Story Titles Writing a Close Analysis and Shimenawa
Critical Interpretation of Literary Texts Applying a By Naoko Kumagai
Reading Approach This is a story I was told.
Skimming It was August 1973. My brother Jiro was four, sitting at
In skimming, the main idea of a text is quickly identified. dinner.
The goal is to read shorter texts to extract accurate “E tadaki mas,” my uncle said. Jiro picked up onigiri, a rice
detailed information. Skimming is done at speed three to ball, with his hands and mashed it into his mouth. Fish and
four times faster than regular reading. People often skim rice on his plate, untouched. He stuffed another onigiri in his
when they have lots of material to read in a limited mouth, bits of rice falling.
amount of time. Some students will read the first and “Jiro-chan…” A warning from my mother. Jiro opened his
last paragraphs using headings, summarizes and other mouth wide, splayed his tongue covered in tiny white beads
organizers as they move down the page or screen. of rice. Kazuya stood up and roughly pulled Jiro out of his
Some might also read the title, subtitles, chair.
subheadings, and illustrations. Other people consider “What are you doing?” My mother asked, getting up.
reading the first sentence of each paragraph. Skimming Kazuya went out the back door, carrying Jiro firmly under his
works well to find dates, names, and places. It might be arm. With the other hand, he picked up a circle of rope
used to review graphs, tables, and charts. This technique hanging on the fence by the shed. In the yard was a large
is useful when you are seeking specific information oak tree with heavy, twisted branches. He wrapped the rope
rather than reading for comprehension. around my brother once, then pushed him to the trunk of
Scanning the oak, winding the rope around and around.
Scanning is quickly reading a text to get the summary of “He must eat his dinner properly.” My uncle tied a thick
it. It is a technique wherein students search for keywords knot at the end. “He needs to learn to be a man.”
or ideas. Scanning involves moving eyes quickly down
the page seeking specific words and phrases. Scanning is
also used for the reader to find answers to questions.
Once a student scanned the document, they will go back
and skim it.
Extensive reading
Extensive reading is an approach to language learning, My mother was shouting at my uncle; Jiro was screaming,
including foreign language learning, by means of a large the sound flooding the sky. Kazuya went back into the
amount of reading. The readers view and review of house, relaxed and entitled, as if he had just finished a long
unfamiliar words in a specific context will allow the day’s work.
reader to infer the word’s meaning, to learn unknown No one remembers the rest. My mother never forgave my
words. Extensive Reading is the free reading of books uncle. My father wasn’t there. Jiro can’t recall any of it. He
and other written material that is not too difficult for jokes that the incident is possibly the reason he always,
readers. Extensive Reading is sometimes called Free intuitively eats everything on his plate.
Voluntary Reading.

1. Developmental Activities . Adaptation from The Journey to the River Sea 1. Shimenawa is rice straw or hemp. It is festooned in some
By Eva Ibbotson sacred landmark. The short story is entitled that way
because ___________________________
1. What problems did Maia experience during _________________________________________________
her travel to Brazil? __________________________
2. What are the characteristics of Gwendolyn __________________________
and Beatrice? 2. Onigiri may be wrapped with seaweed and could be
3. What life lessons did she learn from her similar to sandwich by the West. Onigiri is a
friends Finn and Clovis? _____________________________.
3. The main characters in the story were
4. “E tadaki mas,” my uncle said. Jiro picked up onigiri, a
rice ball, with his hands and mashed it into his mouth. The
one telling the story was
5. The setting of the story was in East Asia. Specifically, the
setting was in Japan because (prove your answer by
extracting the text to justify your answer)
6. Asia is known for having a closed family ties. The family
tradition being presented in the story was
7. The story shared a specific culture in the country. The
culture shared was
8. In the story, Jiro was not eating properly, so Kazuya
stood up and roughly pulled Jiro. Write what Kazuya did to
9. Kazuya did something hard to Jiro. Write the reason why
Kazuya did that kind of punishment to Jiro.
10. Years had passed. And Jiro could not recall what
happened before. Write what positive effect the incident
has brought to Jiro.
2. Synthesis/Generalization
3. Additional Activities for application or remediation

V. EVALUATION Short quiz Activity will be given to the students through MS TEAMS LONG QUIZ

VI. HOMEWORK/ASSIGNMENT/AGREEMENT Presentation of Short Story Titles on Monday

A. no. of learners who earned 80% on the formative
B. no. of learners who require additional activities for

Prepared by:


SST II Monitored by:

Master Teacher I

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