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Assignment :Circular Motion Class -11th

1. Find angular velocity of the earth rotating about its own axis.
  
(a) rad / s (b) rad / h (c) rad / h (d) None of these
12 12 3
2. Find acceleration of the earth revolving around the sun is a circular orbit of radius
1.5 10 m ( = 9.8 )
11 2

2 2 2
(a) 58.8 m / yr (b) 29.4 m / yr (c) 40 m / yr (d) None of these

3. Assume that the earth is a sphere of radius 6400 kmh. A particle is located at the equator. The
acceleration of the particle is

(a) 8 10 m / h (b) 4.36 10 m / h (c) 9 10 m / h

5 2 5 2 5 2
(d) None of these

4. In previous problem, a particle is located at latitude of 60ºN on the surface of the earth. The acceleration
of the particle is
(a) 4.36 10 m / h (b) 1.88 10 m / h
5 2 5 2

(c) 2.18 10 m / h

5 2
(d) None of these

5. A particle is moving on a circular path. The angle turned by radius vector is  =  0 1 − e − t / 3 , where ( )
 is in radian and t is in second. The angular acceleration at t = 0 is
1 1 1
(b) − rad / s 2 −
(a) rad / s 2 (c) 10 rad / s (d) rad / s 2
3 9 6
6. A point P moves in a counter-clockwise direction on a circular path as shown in the figure. The
movement of P is such that it sweeps out a length s = t 3 + 5 , where s is in metre and t is in second.
The radius of the path is 20 m. the acceleration of P when, t = 2s is nearly, is
(a) 13 ms −2

(b) 12 ms −2

(c) 7.2 ms −2

(d) 14 ms −2
7. Mass m is fixed at x = a on a parabolic wire with its axis vertical and vertex at the origin as shown in
the figure. The equation of parabola is x = 4ay . The wire frame is rotating with constant angular

velocity  about Y-axis. The acceleration of the bead is

a 2
(a) 
(b) a 2
(c) zero

8. The value of centripetal acceleration in terms of frequency of revolution is
(a) 4 2 v 2 R 2 (b) 8 2 v 2 R (c) 4 2 v 2 R (d) 8 2 v 2 R 2
9. Which of the following statements is false for a particle moving in a circle with a constant angular speed
(a) The velocity vector is tangent to the circle.
(b) The acceleration vector is tangent to the circle.
(c) The acceleration vector points to the centre of the circle.
(d) The velocity and acceleration vectors are perpendicular to each other.
10. A particle moves on the circular path of radius 0.2 m with an angular acceleration 0.25 rad/s 2. The
particle starts from rest, find the time at which the magnitude of radial acceleration and the magnitude
of tangential acceleration are same.
(a) 1 s (b) 2 s (c) 3 s (d) 4 s
11. A book of mass kg is constrained to move in a circular path and makes one revolution in 1s. It is
attached to the centre of circle by a light spring of spring constant 5 N/m and natural length 1m. The
radius of the circular path is
(a) 1 m (b) 1.1 m (c) 3 m (d) 5 m

12. Two cars A and B move along a concentric circular path of radius rA and rB with velocities v A and
vB maintaining constant distance, then is equal to

r2A r r2A r 2B
(a) 2 (b) A (c) 2 (d)
r B rB r B r2A
13. A small block mass 1 kg is connected by a light string passing through a hole in smooth table with a
block of mass 5 kg which hangs vertically. Find the angular velocity of the block on the table moving
in a circle of radius 0.1 m in order to keep the other block at rest.

(a) 10 rad/s (b) 10 5 rad/s (c) 10 2 rad/s (d) 5 2 rad/s

14. A block of mass 1 kg attached to a light string and whirled around in a horizontal circle of radius 1 m
with angular velocity 10 rad/s. Find minimum tension in string so that string does not break.
(a) 50 N (b) 100 N (c) 200 N (d) 500 N

15. A car runs at a constant speed on a circular track of radius 100m, taking 62.8 s for every circular lap.
The average velocity and average speed for each circular lap respectively is
(a) 0, 0 (b) 0, 10 m/s (c) 10 m/s, 10 m/s (d) 10 m/s, 0
16. A particle is moving along a circular path of radius 5 m with a uniform speed 5 ms . What will be the
average acceleration when the particle completes half revolution ?
10  ms
(a) zero (b) 10 ms (c)
(d) ms −2

17. A motor car is moving with a speed of 20 ms on a circular track of radius 100 m. If its speed is
increasing at the rate of 3 ms , its resultant acceleration is
(a 3 ms −2 (b) 5 ms −2 (c) 2.5 ms −2 (d) 3.5 ms −2

18. When a disc is rotating with angular velocity  , a particle situated at a distance of 4 cm just begins to
slip. If the angular velocity is doubled, at what distance will the particle start to slip ?
(a) 1 cm (b) 2 cm (c) 3 cm (d) 4 cm

19. A particle moves in a circle of radius 5 cm with constant speed and time period 0.2  s . The acceleration
of the particle is
(a) 15 m / s 2 (b) 25 m / s 2 (c) 36 m / s 2 (d) 5 m / s 2

20. A body travelling in a circular path at a constant speed

(a) has a constant velocity (b) is not accelerated

(c) has an inward radial acceleration (d) has an outward radial acceleration

21. If  is angular acceleration,  is angular velocity and a is the centripetal acceleration then, which of
the following is true ?
a v av q
(a)  = (b)  = (c)  = (d)  =
v a  v

22. A stone tied to the end of a string of 1m long is whirled in a horizontal circle with a constant speed. If
the stone makes 22 revolutions in 44 s, what is the magnitude and direction of acceleration of the stone?
(a) ms–2 and direction along the radius towards the centre
(b) π2 ms–2 and direction along the radius away from centre
(c) π2 ms–2 and direction along the radius towards the centre
(d) π2 ms–2 and direction along the tangent to the circle

Answers :
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (b)
10. (b) 11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (d)

20. (c) 21. (a) 22. (c)

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