Tinywow - PROPERTY LAW April, May 2022 (Dec 2021) - 5727504

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401 0 Il|liltililrililrilfl iltll1 ll Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, April/May 2O22 (Dec.

PROPERTY LAW Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 lnstructions : 1. Answer any five questions
from group (a) each question carries 10 marks. 2. Answers any five questions from group (b) each
question carries 6 marks. 3. Figures to right indicate marks. 4. Answer should be written completely
either in English or Kannada. Q. No. 1. a) "Condition repugnant to interest created Explain with
exception. - J * lra is void". Marks : 10 #^J -r-+ ^JclrrJ&6Uult-irirryJr-v -Ja 1<r,9 . l^l C^l \J r!++
{ a.;r -LJ JJrc- ;j:J. J <<.Q^^f (J;-!vCvllYJ:U(JIl ^J Q. No. 1 . b) lmmovable propefi. Marks : 6
J:- ::rJ (J r,3J A Q. No. 2. a) ;rr . Explain the provisions governing the direction for accumulation of
lnconne. I:s*Jil-f\ l:l:i;ilVir* iib:,. =m3";J Q. No. 2. Marks : 10 C.D&5 .a:;-5ftl- e-,rJJ";Jd G dJ b) 'A',
grandson of 'B', is expecting iegacy under'B's will. During the life time of 'B', 'A' transfers his
expectancy to 'C'. ls it valid ? Decide. 'A':;JJ, 'B'i ie5:il, 'B' . (, loedej:Ocad" 'B'S r a\ tj r/\1 -i n<ai \z ( I -
OJry:-9lJ:ru)v_iJ. -J Q. No. Marks : 5 rJ33Jt iFcJJg_ mCil dei,g a;-*0 'A' ciJJ gd q. ct leedoJ:d: o"\ <\
^eUJr a^ a{-:"-tr (,).Ja ij J -dwf 3. a) Explain doctrine of election. q.-?-._(,aidrvl 9 9. Cw^Jlr' Marks :
10 s:i.:dact;,mcUii: -fbi,. Q. No. 3. b) Doctrine of apportionment. Marks : 6 -:!^e12 9-r:i LlJvOUe ,!
U.Js.rn. P.T.O.
401 0 Iiilllllilllflilltiltlflllll Q. No. 4. a) Explain the provisions governing the transfers made by
unauthorised persons who subsequently acquire interest in the property. ;sDi* St:;:;; u-,?6,9
SjqfiEc;ad 6FJlcgud u-c;iJ5 ic]:5:ilr-.i,;5b1,. Marks : 10 c:oJ:9_ f:gU JJ*O. Q. No. 4. b) Ostensible
owner. it:Oz:r: ;i:J:. Q. No. 5. Q. No. 5. Marks : 6 a) Define Mortgage. Explain the various kinds of
Moftgages. Marks . 10 gi5;,i; ;we rrt.dilt'-J .rldDi,. =6C;istr; ffirarr",r,. b) Right of redemption. Marks : 6
i*tedcn d6:_. 6. a) What are the liabilities of a Mortgage in possession ? 3zoa d,'rced esadtid iei-ri
ae#naodilEdQ ? Q. No. 6. b) Subrogation. Q. No. )_ :L.,ic'- Q. No. :.ia- , 7. ,) Wf',at are the modes
of determination of leases ? 7. b) ,"r--*6:,:JJnC;:i,:5 ^.,:^rF wQiinqJ 3J}Jdld Marks : 10 : gift.
Onerous Marks : 6 lJ:d*)d Gi. Q. No. 8. a) Define 'gift'. Explain the principles relating to revocation of
a gift. utraJJ^J:Jvo jJr-JJe-a_n, -JJJ- ^ ^J\--J-JJ*.t-,) / ):l :J* .. (^l- Q. No. 8. .:". $ eJucJ(' -J4 6 ^J-i
.u-.r^JLCi.AJ_:.JOI I ^J-AJ;(.J.dCJ Od. Marks : 6 - * _J\^_\ , 9. a) Explain the statutory powers of a
trustee. si.iDiO3f,l 5DI-?J; UQeOnqf,Q{ ---.-J.i. - Q. No. 9. Q. No.10. Q. No. :?Ja =:t:^J. \J . -6 b)
Extinction of trust. .D".id a) Marks : 10 ? Marks : 6 uo9. no'#.:&ii. created. Explain how a trust is
ien oa-.13Dru36 gEi,. in -i.i5& 10. b) Appointment of Trustee. :i- Marks : 10 - _9_1 _--- b)
Exchange. iaJ(. iu).- v& Q. No. Marks: 6 J- n:fiC;-: Q. No. Marks : 10 c ^Jr !.J. ^J ewiJ _\,\J - J-r-
o cJ r-:.UOd.9. Marks : 10 Marks : 6

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