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Professional Dispositions Assessment

Teacher Candidate: Amber Soukup

ID #: 595395 Date Completed: Fall 2021
Advisor(s): Dr. Carrie Mitchell Class Standing (circle): FR SOPH JR SR
Candidate Major/Minor: Comprehensive Education/Elementary and CI
Completed by: __X___ University Faculty/Advisor: Dr. Eleanor Wollett and Julie Ross
Mentor Teacher (during clinical experience)
Clinical Instructor (during clinical experience)
Teacher Candidate

Rubric categories for the four (4) major dispositions are taken from and aligned with the Charlotte
Danielson Framework for Teaching. Beginning in Fall 2017, the Danielson Framework for Teaching
will be used to assess each teacher candidate’s clinical teaching experiences. The selected
measures in this instrument focus on professional dispositions that Siena Heights University
considers critical to teacher candidate success. Alignment with the Danielson Framework provides
teacher candidates an opportunity to know what these expectations are and begin working towards
meeting or exceeding expectations from the beginning of their program, thus establishing
consistency throughout. Danielson category descriptors are targeted to teachers in practice, so
some wording has been edited to flow smoothly for and reflect the experiences of the teacher
candidate. Danielson designates performance at the Basic level (SHU’s Met Expectations level) as
characteristic of student teachers or new teachers. By working on these dispositions from the first
class in teacher education, teacher candidates may achieve proficiency (SHU’s Above Expectations
level) in some categories by the end of their program.

* Candidates earning a majority of “Below Expectations” at any point in the pathway will be up for
review by the education committee prior to any advancement on the certification pathway
Time of Completion/Expectations: EDU 201 (Some Below, while most Met Expectations)
EDU 301 (Few Below, while most Met Expectations)
__X___ EDU 360/371/372 (Met Expectations)
EDU 495/SED 495 (Met or Above Expectations)
______ Content faculty to be included in Full Acceptance app.
Other (please specify):
Please circle or use a check mark to indicate the ranking level for EACH component.

DISPOSITION 1: RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY (InTASC Standards 1, 2, 7; CAEP Standard 3.3)

Danielson Element Below Expectations Met Expectations Above Expectations

Teacher Candidate
Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate
recognizes the value of
displays little or no recognizes the value of
1b. Knowledge of knowledge of students’ understanding
students’ interests and
students’ interests and interests or cultural students’ interests and
cultural heritage but
cultural heritage heritage and does not cultural heritage and
displays this knowledge
indicate that such displays this knowledge
only for the class as a
knowledge is valuable. for groups of students.
Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate
Teacher Candidate
recognizes the value of recognizes the value of
displays little or no
understanding understanding
1b. Knowledge of knowledge of students’
students’ skills, students’ skills,
students’ skills, skills, knowledge, and
knowledge, and knowledge, and
knowledge, and language proficiency
language proficiency language proficiency
language proficiency and does not indicate
but displays this and displays this
that such knowledge is
knowledge only for the knowledge for groups
class as a whole. of students.
Teacher Candidate
Teacher Candidate
displays awareness of
displays little or no
the importance of
understanding of Teacher Candidate is
knowing students’
1b. Knowledge of students’ special aware of students’
special learning or
students’ special needs learning or medical special learning and
medical needs, but
needs or why such medical needs.
such knowledge may
knowledge is
be incomplete or
Teacher Candidate’s
Teacher Candidate sees Teacher Candidate knowledge of how
no value in recognizes the value of students learn is
1b. Knowledge of the
understanding how knowing how students accurate and current;
learning process (how
students learn and learn, but this applies this knowledge
students learn)
does not seek such knowledge is limited or to the class as a whole
information. outdated. and to groups of

Ms. Soukup works hard to not only grow her knowledge of contents and processes but to apply them
as well.

Standard 3.3)

Danielson Element Below Expectations Met Expectations Above Expectations

Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate
Teacher Candidate
accepts, with some welcomes feedback
resists feedback on
4e. Receptivity to reluctance, feedback from colleagues when
performance from
feedback from on performance from made by supervisors
either supervisor
colleagues (and both supervisors (faculty) or when
(faculty) or more
faculty/supervisors) (faculty) and opportunities arise
professional through professional
colleagues. collaboration.
Teacher Candidate
makes no effort to Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate
4e. Service to the share knowledge with finds limited ways to participates actively in
profession others or to assume contribute to the assisting other
professional profession. educators.
Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate
Teacher Candidate
4d. Involvement in a avoids participation in becomes involved in
actively participates in
culture of professional a culture of inquiry, the school’s culture of
a culture of
inquiry resisting opportunities inquiry when invited to
professional inquiry.
to become involved. do so.
Teacher Candidate
Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate volunteers to
4d. Service to the avoids becoming participates in school participate in school
school involved in school events when events, making a
events. specifically asked. substantial

Ms. Soukup continues to develop leadership skills. She is especially passionate about advocating and
protecting those who can’t stand up or speak up for themselves.

DISPOSITION 3: ETHICS, HONESTY, FAIRNESS (InTASC Standards 3, 6, 9, 10; CAEP Standard 3.3)

Danielson Element Below Expectations Met Expectations Above Expectations

4f. Integrity and Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate
ethical conduct displays dishonesty in honest in interactions displays high standards
interactions with with colleagues of honesty, integrity,
colleagues (faculty, (faculty, staff, students) and confidentiality in
staff, students) and the and the public. interactions with
public. colleagues (faculty,
staff, students) and the

Teacher Candidate
Teacher Candidate complies minimally Teacher Candidate
4f. Compliance with
does not comply with with school and district complies fully with
school and district
school and district (university) regulations, school and district
(university) regulations
(university) regulations. doing just enough to (university) regulations.
get by.
Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate
contributes to school does not knowingly works to ensure that all
4f. Advocacy practices that result in contribute to some students receive a fair
some students being ill students being ill opportunity to
served by the school. served by the school. succeed.

Ms. Soukup is aware of the confidentiality required of an educator. She takes her professional
responsibilities seriously.

DISPOSITION 4: RESPECT FOR OTHERS (InTASC Standards 3, 10; CAEP Standard 3.3)

Danielson Element Below Expectations Met Expectations Above Expectations

Teacher Candidate
Teacher Candidate
2a. Student interactions are Teacher Candidate
interactions are
interactions with other characterized by does not demonstrate
generally polite and
students conflict, sarcasm, or disrespect for others.
Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate
Teacher Candidate’s maintains cordial relationships with
4d. Relationships with
relationships with relationships with colleagues are
colleagues (faculty,
colleagues are negative colleagues to fulfill characterized by
staff, students)
or self-serving. duties that the mutual support and
university requires. cooperation.

Ms. Soukup works willingly with any of her peers and respectfully listens to other perspectives and

PROFESSIONALISM (Some rubric categories adapted from Seidel School of Education and
Professional Studies, Salisbury University):

Disposition Unacceptable Developing Acceptable Target

Punctuality Punctuality is
(InTASC Stds 9, Frequently late. detrimental to Always on time.
10; CAEP Std 3.3) performance.

Rarely absent,
Attendance Absences
informs Perfect
(InTASC Stds 9, Habitually absent. detrimental to
instructor prior attendance.
10; CAEP Std 3.3 ) one’s performance.
to absence.

Able to set realistic Able to set Able to set

Unable to set
priorities but realistic priorities priorities for self
realistic priorities
Organization unable to manage most of the time and tasks so that
and/or manage time
(InTASC Stds 9, time effectively to so that program program
effectively to
10; CAEP Std 3.3) complete program requirements are requirements are
complete program
requirements completed completed
successfully. successfully. successfully.

Willing to complete Is able to Successfully

Unwilling to take
commitments for complete most completes
Dependability responsibility for
course and commitments for commitments for
(InTASC Stds 9, course and
professional course and course and
10; CAEP Std 3.3) professional
responsibilities but professional professional
lacks consistency. responsibilities. responsibilities.

Disposition Unacceptable Developing Acceptable Target
Always presents
Understands Usually presents
Professional Refuses to adapt oneself in a
reasons for oneself in
Presentation appearance to manner
professional professional
(InTASC Stds 3, professional acceptable by
appearance, but is settings
10; CAEP Std 3.3) settings. peers, instructors
inconsistent. appropriately.
and school sites.

Is inconsistent with
Usually listens Always listens
Does not listen with listening with
Communication— with respect to with respect to
respect to what respect to what
Listening (InTASC what others are what others are
others are saying; others are saying;
Stds 5, 9, 10; saying; rarely saying; does not
interrupts; talks sometimes
CAEP Std 3.3) interrupts and/or interrupt and/or
over others. interrupts and/or
talks over others. talk over others.
talks over others.

Oral Oral
Communication— Oral communication communication is
communication is communication
Oral (InTASC Stds is very unclear with inconsistent and
usually clear with is always clear
5, 9, 10; CAEP Std many grammar can be unclear with
minimal and uses proper
3.3) errors. distracting
grammar errors. grammar.
grammar errors.

communication is
communication can Written Written
unacceptable with
Communication— be unclear with communication is communication
no evidence of
Written (InTASC distracting (4-5) usually clear with is always clear
Stds 5, 9, 10; grammar and/or only a few (< 3) and uses proper
unclear and
CAEP Std 3.3) spelling errors; no grammar and/or grammar with no
confusing, many
evidence of spelling errors. spelling errors.
grammar and
spelling errors (> 5).

Summary Page:

Summary of Ratings
for Dispositions 1-4
Below Expectations
Met Expectations 6
Above Expectations 7

Summary of Ratings
for Professionalism
Acceptable 3
Target 5

Additional Comments:

Ms. Soukup has demonstrated increasing leadership skills over the past few years. She is committed
to being a lifelong learner and is eager to continue growing throughout her student teaching

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