Module 11 Epidemiological Investigation

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Food microbiology

Dr. Charis LI
School of Life Science, CUHK
Course Evaluation:
1. Mid-term test 30% (open book)
2. Poster presentation 20%
3. Final exam 50% (open book)
Final exam description
ØDate: 28 April (cover all lectures)
ØOpen book test with invigilation
1. 15 MCQ (30%)
2. 3 short questions (30%)

3. 2 case study questions (40%)

Time allow: 2 hours

9:30 am -11:30am
log in time: 9:15 am (set up zoom)
Final exam regulation
Ø you are not allowed to look for answers from the
internet nor communicating with other people.
Ø You may retrieve the powerpoint files in your
computer within the scope of the Zoom camera.
Ø You may also read your own note or books printed on
paper or stored in another tablet computer under the
surveillance of the Zoom camera.
Ø Just to make sure the Zoom camera can capture
all the materials that you use for the exam.
Ø Turn on the camera and set an angle that your
computer screen (but not your answers), desk, hands
and yourself are captured as shown below.
Ø Your microphone is required to be ready to turn on
Final exam regulation
Ø Students are required to submit to blackboard
between 11:30 am-11:35 am.
Ø Please write all answers in the space provided,
Additional papers will not be marked.
Ø You have to write in your own words to answer all the
questions. Directly copy and paste the information
from internet/notes is strictly prohibited.
Ø Discusssion with others is strictly prohibited.
Final exam regulation
ØIf you have overcome any problems
during the examination period, please
leave message in the Zoom meeting
100 students and teachers
went to a picnic..
40 students were reported

gastroenteritis, vomiting and mild fever

Lunch (12:00 noon)

tuna sandwiches
(with ham, mushroom, pineapples)

Cesar salad with grilled chicken and egg

After they go home...
1st diarrhea + vomiting start:
ØAt 8:00pm on Saturday
40th diarrhea + vomiting start:
Øat 3:00am on Monday
Laboratory testing result: 1

Salmonella enterica from the feces Norovirus from patients & the chefs (making pizza)
Of patient
Laboratory testing result: 2

Salmonella enterica from the salad leftover Norovirus (stocks of the toppings /pizza)

Staphylococcus aureus from the dough (pizza)

Food handling…
Tuna sandwiches
(prepared in the morning and transported to
the picnic area at room temperature)

(baked just before lunch time, packed by the chef)

Cesar salad
(made in the morning,
stored in a plastic box )
what is the microbes caused
the foodborne outbreak?
ØDescribe the implicated
microorganism(s) involved, their
transmission, food implicated, and
events that caused the outbreak.
list all the that you are found k involved in the outbreak
organism concerned
risk food that the
list all kind of high

list ontalltwfctagambyelabenitn
Do you know …
ØIncubation period?
ØTransmission ?
ØHigh risk food?
} list all information of micro

matching to the case


a marks as write as
much as
no marks )
background information .
Salmonella enterica
hhighriskfoodiegg ,
the food that are not
completely cooked .

Øfrom the feces of patient

Øfrom the salad leftover
ØIncubation: 6-48 hours
ØSymptoms: vomiting,
diarrhea, mild fever
Salmonella enterica
Øfrom the feces of patient
Øfrom the salad leftover
ØIncubation: 6-48 hours
ØSymptoms: vomiting,
diarrhea, mild fever
àchicken and egg in salad was
not thoroughly cooked pnnskfood
àmade in the morning, stored in a
plastic box (not below 4˚C ) temperature
s abuse
Staphylococcus aureus
Ø from the dough (pizza)
Ø Not exist in the feces from
patients and chefs..
Ø Incubation: 30 minutes -6 hours
Ø Symptoms: vomiting , diarrhea,
mild fever

How does it contaminate the dough?

Staphylococcus aureus
Food Poisoning

Sushi and sashimi Siu mei Salads Sandwiches

_________________ food
Staphylococcus aureus
Food Poisoning
ØFoods that are made with hand contact
and require no additional cooking
Ø Infectious Dose:
u 105-108 organism or 1 ng/g toxin

With temperature abuse :

Ø food is prepared more than two hours before
Ø à avoid keep foods at danger zone
Ø Completely reheating
Staphylococcus aureus
Ø from the dough (pizza)
Ø Not exist in the feces from
patients and chefs..
Ø Incubation: 30 minutes -6 hours
Ø Symptoms: vomiting , diarrhea,
mild fever
àAfter the pizza is baked, it is killed !
àCannot find in the feces sample!
à in this case, incubation: 8-39 hrs
Ø From stocks of the toppings /pizza
Ø from patients & the chefs (making
Ø baked just before lunch time,
packed by the chef
Ø Incubation: 12 - 48 hours
Ø symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea
Ø From stocks of the toppings /pizza
Ø from patients & the chefs (making
Ø baked just before lunch time,
packed by the chef
Ø Incubation: 12 - 48 hours
Ø symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea
à Pizza is not the high risk food
à Contaminated by sick chef
à (feces of chef + pizza handled by
at 100°C nhnn killed
→ baked at temperature , is … so i
Ø From stocks of the toppings /pizza
Ø from patients & the chefs (making
Ø baked just before lunch time,
packed by the chef
Ø Incubation: 12 - 48 hours
Ø symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea
à Pizza is not the high risk food
à Contaminated by sick chef
à (feces of chef + pizza handled by
àbaked at temp above 100˚C, norovirus is killed…so..
Ø From stocks of the toppings /pizza
Ø from patients & the chefs (making
Ø baked just before lunch time,
packed by the chef
Ø Incubation: 12 - 48 hours
Ø symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea Remember this !
à Pizza is not the high risk food
à Contaminated by sick chef
à (feces of chef + pizza handled by
àbaked at temp above 100˚C, norovirus is killed…so..
what is the microbes caused
the foodborne outbreak?
ØSuggest the preventive measures for
this outbreak
“Grilled salmon with rice and
boiled broccoli”
Øall possible hazards of raw materials and
suggest corresponding control method
for each hazard you listed
Øall possible hazards of raw materials and
suggest corresponding control method
for each hazard you listed
ØParasite/ pest contamination
Øpesticide contamination
Øall the possible control points (CPs) and
critical control points (CCPs) and
suggest the critical limit(s) for each CCP,
illustrate with the use of the CCP
Decision Tree
“Grilled salmon with rice and
boiled broccoli”
Revision focus:
ØCompare and contrast types:
u the production of beer and wine by
fermentation using yeast.
u Chemical and Microbiological
u Infection and intoxication

u Any one conventional method with any one

rapid method
u Mechanism of actions of pathogenesis of
any two microbes.
Revision focus:
Ø Explain the reason why….
u bacteria/virus/protozoa (either one) is able to live in
_______ condition.
u Egg, milk, fry rice, ice cream or ground beef is the
high risk food
u Elderly should avoid eating raw food, especially the
raw oyster
u Infective dose of bacteria/virus/protozoa (either
one) is low/high
u Cooked beef may be still hazardous

u bacteria/virus/protozoa (either one) food poisoning

would lead to watery/bloody/mucous/pea-like/rice
water-like diarrhea
Revision focus:
Ø Comment on the following statement:
u Theresa May said, “scraped the mould off from the
jam and eats what’s underneath will not do any
u Samples with low bacterial level must be treated
with membrane filtration, prior for the experimental
u Botulinum cook can only kill the Clostridium
Botulinum in the food.
u Sufficient heat treatment is the effective way to
prevent all kinds of foodborne disease
u Salmonella will always result in the
cholecystectomy, etc…
The End

Thank you for your


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