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Topic 4: Talk about your favorite restaurant or coffee shop.

 Recycled language: locations and directions, vehicles, adjective words to

describe the place
 Locations and directions: on the right/ left side; around the corner of …;
be located on ... street; …
 Vehicles: by bike; motorbike; bus; on foot; …
 Adj words: interesting; colorful; friendly; lovely; …
 Grammar: can, can’t/ simple present tense. 
 Introduction: 
Hello teacher, my name is … Today, I would like to talk about …  
This sentence should include: 
1. Name / Full name 
2. The main idea of the paragraph 

 Body: 
1. The name and the location of the restaurant or coffee shop:  
This restaurant / coffee shop is called… . It’s located at / on … 
How far is it from your house? 
How do you go there?  

2. Decribe the restaurant or the coffee shop: 

What color is the restaurant / coffee shop?

What are on the menu?
What is your favorite food/ drink there?
How much is your favorite food/ drink?
How is the staff?

3. Your own ideas:

How often do you go there?

Do you go there alone or with your friends? Why?
What do you love most about that place?
Is there anything you don’t like about the restaurant/ coffee shop?

 Conclusion: 
In short, this restaurant/ coffee shop brings me many different feelings whenever I go there and
it’s always my best place to hang out with friends and my family… (Dành cho các bạn khá, giỏi
muốn có thêm điểm thì trình bày ý này) 

Ý bắt buộc có: 1 trong 2 cách

That’s all I want to share with you about my favorite restaurant/ coffee shop.
Thank you for your listening. 

That is the end of my speaking/ That brings me to the end of my talk. Thank you
for listening.
This sentence should: 
1. Inform the listener that the paragraph is coming to a close 
2. Provide a summary of the main points 
Student’s writing: 
Hello teacher, My name is Huy, I’m 19. I’m a student, I study Graphic Design at FPT college.
Today I would like to share about a delicious restaurant in Bien Hoa. That’s the most restaurant I

Its name is Viet Hoa Vegetarian. The first time, I went to that restaurant When I was 15 years
old. Its location is at 193 Ha Huy Giap street, Quyet Thang, Bien Hoa city. I spend 20 minutes
from my home to the restaurant. At the time, I was just 15 so my parents drive me by moped. A
first sight I saw a huge buddha at the end of that place. Around It paint yellow wall, a table so
clean, and their service staff so generous and a bit of humor. They give my parents a menu, It’s
so many dishes in there: a kind of rice, noodles, and drinks. And my favorite food is “Com nieu”,
that’s the most dish I love in a kind of food. Because I feel like so much taste in this food, there
have slide of cabbage, a little salted sherdded. All seasoning like dance in my taste very special.
I often go there on the 30th of the month. I always go with my family, Because my mother and
me are a vegetarian. On the 30th this place so crowded, and I don’t like a noisy or crowded
place. This is a thing I don’t like.

This restaurant brings me many different feelings whenever I go there and it’s always my best
place to hang out with my family Due to my family doesn’t wan to avoid want to be cruel to

That is the end of my speaking. Thank you for your time.

Teacher’s comment: 

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