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Lecturer: PhD Ngo Thanh Tra

1. Le Thi Ngoc Ngan K184081117

2. Tran Hoai Linh K184081112
3. Le Minh Anh K184081095
4. Tran Thi Ngoc Ngan K184081118
5. Nguyen Van Anh K184081097

Table of contents
1. Project background and history .......................................................................................... 6
1.1. General information ..................................................................................................... 6
1.1.1. Project overview...................................................................................................... 6
1.1.2. Investor introduction ................................................................................................ 6
1.1.3. Investment form - capital source ................................................................................ 6
1.2. Project objectives ......................................................................................................... 6
2. Project analysis .................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Demand analysis ........................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 General demand for eat-clean meal plan service .......................................................... 6
2.2 Product ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Unique points........................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Value added points ................................................................................................... 7
2.2.3 SWOT analysis ......................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Target market: A survey was done on 100 people living in Ho Chi minh city. ....................... 9
2.4 Target sales ................................................................................................................. 12
2.5 Competitors ................................................................................................................. 12
3. Technical analysis ............................................................................................................ 13
3. 1 Product description .................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Usage guideline ........................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Product unique selling points....................................................................................... 14
3.4 Determine the capacity of the project ........................................................................... 14
3.5 Research technology and production methods .............................................................. 15
3.6 Research on machinery and equipment ........................................................................ 15
3.7 Research the location of the project ............................................................................. 18
3.8 Studying the environmental impact of the project ........................................................ 18
3.9 Research on construction engineering of the project ..................................................... 18
3.10. Calculate the amount of investment capital of the project .......................................... 18
4. Manpower and Administrative analysis ............................................................................ 19
5. Financial analysis ............................................................................................................. 21
5.1 Table of parameter ..................................................................................................... 21
5.2 Cash flow estimation ................................................................................................... 22
5.3 Investment Criteria for Project Appraisal .................................................................... 25
6. Economic and social analysis ............................................................................................ 26
6.1 From equity view point ............................................................................................... 26

6.2. Macro viewpoint ....................................................................................................... 27
6.2.1. Benefit analysis .................................................................................................... 27 Qualitative benefit: .............................................................................................. 27 Quantitative benefit:............................................................................................. 28 Problems .......................................................................................................... 29 Solutions .......................................................................................................... 29
6.2.2. Cost analysis ........................................................................................................ 30
6.2.3. Benefit-Cost balance .............................................................................................. 30
7. Risk analysis .................................................................................................................... 31
7.1 Sensitivity analysis ...................................................................................................... 31
7.1.1 One-way analysis ................................................................................................... 31
7.1.2 Two-way analysis ................................................................................................... 31
7.2 Scenario analysis ......................................................................................................... 31
8. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 32
9. Recommendation ............................................................................................................. 32


Figure 1. The interest of wanting to eat clean daily .................................................................. 9

Figure 2. Age distribution of participants towards clean eating ............................................... 9
Figure 3. Income distribution of participants towards clean eating ....................................... 10
Figure 4. Gender distribution of participants towards clean eating ....................................... 10
Figure 5. Reason to eat clean .................................................................................................. 11
Figure 6. Willingness to download eat clean app.................................................................... 11
Figure 7. The approaches of accessing information of eat clean ............................................ 12
Figure 8. One way analysis ..................................................................................................... 31
Figure 9. Two way analysis ..................................................................................................... 31
Figure 10. Scenario analysis ................................................................................................... 32

Table 1. Estimated output sales per year (unit: meals) ........................................................... 12

Table 2. Estimated output sales per year (unit: meals) ........................................................... 13
Table 3. Product interface ...................................................................................................... 14
Table 4. Human resources (unit:person) ................................................................................. 15
Table 5. Capacity forecast ....................................................................................................... 15
Table 6. EQUIPMENT/FACILITIES ....................................................................................... 16
Table 7. Instruction cost (unit: VND) ...................................................................................... 17
Table 8. Asset (unit: VND) ....................................................................................................... 17
Table 9. Other investment cost (VND) ..................................................................................... 17
Table 10. Ingredient/Material cost per day (VND) ................................................................ 18
Table 11 Human resources organization................................................................................. 20
Table 12. Employee salary (unit: VND) .................................................................................. 20
Table 13. Total salary to employees through each year ( 9% year ) ....................................... 21
Table 14. Table Of Investment Cost And Depreciation Schedule (Unit: VND)...................... 23
Table 15. Debt Repayment Schedule (Unit: VND) ................................................................. 23
Table 16. Turnover Unit: VND ................................................................................................ 23
Table 17. Operating Cost Table 10: Employee salary (unit: VND) ........................................ 24
Table 18. Cost Of Goods Sold (unit: VND) ............................................................................. 24
Table 19. Income Statement Unit (unit: VND)......................................................................... 24
Table 20. Working Capital (unit: VND) .................................................................................. 24
Table 21. Cash Flow Statement (Unit: VND) .......................................................................... 25
Table 22. Total revenue over 6 years (Unit: VND) ................................................................ 26
Table 23. Net income (Unit: 21 VND) ..................................................................................... 28
Table 24. Salary for employee (Unit: VND) ........................................................................... 28
Table 25. Yearly tax of project (Unit:VND)............................................................................. 28
Table 26. Total benefit of society (Unit:VND) ......................................................................... 29
Table 27. Benefit-Cost balance ................................................................................................ 30

Executive summary
In modern life, eating one's fill or eating delicious food is just a fundamental necessity.
Since the human living standard rises, eating clean becomes higher demand (Wilson, 2021).
The foundations of eating clean that encourage people to consume a variety of fresh foods such
as fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and healthy fats while limiting excessively
processed snack meals, and other packaged foods (Mayo, 2021). Eating clean requires
nutritious foods with strictly controlled calories. In particular, for those who practice gym,
yoga, or simply a person who needs to lose weight and increase health, eating clean is extremely
important. However, measuring calories from various foods is difficult, people need methods
from nutritious experts or reading different nutritious information from magazines and social
media (MedicalNews, 2021). It causes complications for eating clean because people have been
thinking about eating clean ingredients, menu every day when starting to eat clean.
Based on this demand, Double N/A Group decided to conduct a project called “EAT
CLEAN SMART APP.” This app was born to solve this problem, and aim to make eating clean
becomes easier. This app suggests a menu for 3 dishes/day. Each dish will be divided into each
package including ingredients, cooking guidelines with specific calorie measurements, users
can order favorite dishes or customize the menu from available ingredients. Therefore, they
can eat the food they want and still get enough nutrients for their body. In addition, users will
fill in information about health conditions, weight,... and be suggested a reasonable diet,
helping to monitor the weight situation easily.
With simple touches on a phone or laptop, users can enjoy the delicious food which is suitable
to their needs. Meanwhile, there are still enough nutrients through eating clean during the day.

1. Project background and history
1.1. General information
1.1.1. Project overview
• Name of project: EAT CLEAN SMART APP.
• Investment position: Ho Chi Minh city
• Project scale: 1 store in Mai Chi Tho street, district 2, Ho Chi Minh city.
• Production capacity: 300 to 330 orders per day in Ho Chi Minh city.
• Project’s life cycle: 6 years (from January 2022 to January 2028)
1.1.2. Investor introduction
• Owner of the project: HelloFresh Company
• Legal representative: Hoang Thi Phuong Lan CEO of Hello Fresh Company
• Address: Mai Chi Tho street, district 2, Ho Chi Minh city.
• Authorized capital: 3 billion VND
• Phone : 0914 388 729
• Email:
• Business license: 0108926277
• Business activities: Food services
1.1.3. Investment form - capital source
• Investment form: Food services through app.
• Form of management: The investor directly manages the project through the Project
Management Board established by the investor.
• Total estimated investment of the project is 56.5% equity nearly 258,930,000 VND.
43.5% from the bank loan is 200,000,000 VND. Besides, borrowing from Vietcombank
for 3 years with 10% interest/year.
1.2. Project objectives
• Bringing revenue to the country through setting up businesses and paying taxes.
• Giving benefits back to society through providing green food, clean food to the
community at an affordable price that helps to increase human's health.
• Bringing high society value when promoting the spirit of healthy living and supporting
eating clean.
2. Project analysis
2.1 Demand analysis
2.1.1 General demand for eat-clean meal plan service
The global meal kit delivery service was valued at USD 10.26 billion in 2020 and is
expected to reach a growth rate of 13.0% from 2021 to 2028, according to Grand view research
(2021). The increasing trend for this type of services is seen to be contributed by the adoption
among generation Y and Z. Indeed, generation Z has shown a preference for healthy eating,
particularly organic foods and natural foods (Lauren, 2021). Moreover, the emergence of

covid-19 in recent years has boosted the development of the service since most eating-out
restaurants were shut down.
Also, according to the statistics of the national health department, it is estimated that an
average of 94.000 people die of cancer every year and this number is projected to increase to
200.000 people in 2020. It is said that the drastic increase of cancer cases in recent years is due
to three main reasons: contaminated food, polluted environment and increasing life expectancy.
Notably, contaminated food is the top reason to cause cancer, which accounts for 35%,
according to the statistics of Vietnam Cancer Society. Hence, a meal with clean food providing
sufficient nutrition is compulsory for good health.
Additionally, according to the report published by Vietnam Report about the Food and
Beverage industry, more than 86% of consumers in both Ho Chi Minh city and HaNoi are
willing to select natural and organic food. Besides, a higher average income level compared to
other regions is also the determination for the implementation of the project in Ho Chi Minh
city, where residents are willing to spend more for clean and healthy food.
2.2 Product
‘Eat clean smart app’ is a designed app providing meal plan service for healthy eating.
Depending on nutrition demand and eating purposes (e.g losing weight, gaining weight, etc.)
of individuals, a diet will be built or recommended based on the health information (e.g height,
weight, etc.) collected.
2.2.1 Unique points
• Diet is built personally based on the health data collected.
• Various selections for healthy eating recipes are available to customers.
• Recipes can be customized based on one’s preference.
• Customers can either choose to follow an eating journey designed for a specific period
or order a sole meal only.
• Order can be placed directly through the website or mobile application.
2.2.2 Value added points
• Diet is customized following the personal demand for health.
• Save time for people who want to eat clean and healthily but do not have time to
• A versatile application, which can both track personal health regularly and plan diet.

2.2.3 SWOT analysis


S1: Order can be made both via website or mobile W1: The business model can be easily copied.
app. W2: Only Vietnamese and English languages are
S2: Interface is easy for usage. available for the app.
S3: Diet is built up following the health assessment W3: Problem with stocks, out-of-date and
of individuals. decayed food.
S4: Customers can either choose to take delivery at
the store or to be delivered.
S5: Recipes can be customized based on one’s
S6: Cooking materials and processes are ensured
with food safety and hygiene.
S7: Environmentally friendly packaging


O1: Clean eating is a trend, especially among T1: Competition from rivals within the clean
generation Z and Y. eating industry.
O2: The concerns for health increase. T2: The low commitment of customers to the diet.
O3: Spending on clean and healthy food increases. T3: The reservation of using the app.
O4: Clean eating trend is popularized by vloggers, T4: The fluctuation in material prices and quality.
bloggers, youtubers through social media.

Improvement of the service through the analysis:

• Sourcing organic, qualified food with an affordable price.
• Accelerating media activities of the app through social media, KOLs, etc.
• Investing in equipment, machines such as large capacity refrigerators, freezers for
storage in case food has not been used up.

2.3 Target market: A survey was done on 100 people living in Ho Chi minh city.
The participant’s level of interest in eating clean daily

Figure 1. The interest of wanting to eat clean daily

Source: Data collected by researcher

As can be seen from this figure, the level of interest is seen to be high, at 76%, which
shows a likely potential and large demand of the market.
Age distribution of participants

Figure 2. Age distribution of participants towards clean eating

Source: Data collected by researcher

The group of young adults aging from 15 to under 30 shows the most interest towards
the clean eating trend, followed by the age group from 30 to under 50.

Income distribution of participants

Figure 3. Income distribution of participants towards clean eating

Source: Data collected by researcher

Participants’ income levels generally distribute above 3 million. At the average price
per meal estimated at 200.000VND, it is considered to be quite affordable and still can remain
the profit and quality of the service.
Gender distribution of participants

Figure 4. Gender distribution of participants towards clean eating

Source: Data collected by researcher

Clean eating is popular regardless of gender.

Reason to eat clean

Figure 5. Reason to eat clean

Source: Data collected by researcher

There has been a growing concern for health in recent eras, which is also seen to be the
top reason for the determination towards a healthy lifestyle and clean eating.
Willingness to download eat clean app

Figure 6. Willingness to download eat clean app

Source: Data collected by researcher

The potential of being willing to download the app.

The approaches of accessing information

Figure 7. The approaches of accessing information of eat clean

Source: Data collected by researcher

Social media and KOLs are familiar among approaches to access information about
clean eating. Thus, a marketing plan utilizing social media and KOLs can effectively
communicate service to the target market. The target market of ‘Eat clean smart app’ are
segmented into group:
• Aging from 15 to under 50.
• Living in Ho Chi Minh city.
• Income level above 3 million per month.
2.4 Target sales
For a full capacity, an estimated number of meals to be processed can reach a production
of 98,100 meals. The capacity for each year starts at 70% for year 1 and increases by 5% for
each following year.

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6

68,670 73,575 78,480 83,385 88,290 93,195

Table 1. Estimated output sales per year (unit: meals)

2.5 Competitors
The market of meal plan service in Vietnam is rather diversified. However, most of the
competitors are found to operate on a small scale, in which orders are simply made through
social media instead of a professional website or mobile application. For the main competitors,

the three most likable meal plan services in Ho Chi Minh city are Smartmeal, FitFood and


Smart meal FitFood Flavorbox

Principal business Offering various Offering meal plan Offering flexible meal
meal plans for options of “Fit plan”, plans, including
different health “Meat lovers” and “Light”, “Hearty”,
demands, including “Vegetarian plan”. “Vegetarian” and
“Low-carb diet”, “Keto” meal plans.
diet”, “Body-
building diet” and
“Vegetarian diet”.

Price (per meal) 300.000 - 360.000 300.000 - 475.000 353.000 - 407.000

Table 2. Estimated output sales per year (unit: meals)

Source: Competitors’ website

After scanning competitors profile, competitive advantages of Hello Fresh’s service is as below
• Meals are planned after one’s health situation and demand.
• Mobile app is integrated with a regular health check function.
• Orders can be placed both on the website and mobile app.
• Offering qualified meals at affordable prices.
3. Technical analysis
3. 1 Product description
The product of the project is a proposed menu consisting of healthy healthy dishes
prepared by 5-star chefs from company A. The servings will be scientifically designed to suit
with customer needs include: breakfast, soft break, lunch and dinner.
3.2 Usage guideline
Step 1: Register to use the service via mobile app or website
Customers register to use the service and fill out a short pre-survey so that the center
can better support customers based on the information provided.

Table 3. Product interface

Step 2: Customers enter basic information to be able to design a meal that suits their needs.
The diet will be divided into 3 main components (starch, protein, fiber and other
minerals). In each of these nutritional ingredients, there will be different types of dishes for
customers to choose from.
After the customer chooses the food, the computer will calculate the quantity for each
type of food and give the results to ensure the correct nutritional intake.
Step 3: After choosing the dish, the customer makes the payment and the food will be delivered
at a time that suits the customer's needs.
3.3 Product unique selling points
• Being free to choose the food you like but still ensuring the body is fully nourished
(Avoid eating/not eating the same food for many days in a row/irregularly)
• Save time with the suggested menu.
• Source of clean food with quality assurance.
• The chef is carefully selected to create a delicious taste for the meal.
• Tailored to each client's goals
3.4 Determine the capacity of the project
Suppose the restaurant operates 300 days a year, excluding holidays, Lunar New Year
and Sunday (these days customers often tend to eat with family and relatives). Due to the
increase in annual demand plus the advantage of experience, the capacity of the project will
also increase by 5% each year, the capacity of the project is as below.

Human resources Number

Main chief 2

Chief assistant 4

Total 6

Table 4. Human resources (unit:person)

Given employee work from 10 hours per normal working days, and it takes around 11
minutes to proceed order successfully. This project can serve up to 300 meals per days.
Capacity forecast of the project is as below


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Average

70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 83%

1 day 229 245 262 278 295 311 270

1 year 68727 73636 78545 83455 88364 93273 81000

3 years 206182 220909 235636 250364 265091 279818 243000

6 years 134955372 144595041 154234711 163874380 173514050 183153719 159054545

Table 5. Capacity forecast

3.5 Research technology and production methods

Eatclean combined with technology (mobile app, virtual assistant suggest menu)
Strict inspection of input food, association with reputable raw material suppliers in the
production of eat clean ingredients
Invest in food preservation process, preliminary processing and processing to meet food
hygiene and safety standards. Building predictive and computational models to be able to
calculate the best time to buy food and ingredients (ensure the freshness of food).
The chef will include 2 people (1 person to cook European dishes and 1 person to cook
Asian dishes), 4 experienced kitchen assistants. The most important part of the project is to
recruit 2 chefs with experience in the field of clean food, ensuring that the meals are always
delicious and hygienic.
About food, it must be beautifully decorated and eye-catching; Drinks and snacks have
beautiful packaging, environmental protection.
3.6 Research on machinery and equipment


Item Origin Function Number Price/unit Total

Samsung Inverter
Refrigerator 307L Korea Store food 2 13.000.000 đ 26.000.000 đ

Sanaky Inverter Freezer
530L Korea Store fresh food 1 15.000.000 đ 15.000.000 đ

Paloma PA double gas

stove – 7PEJ Vietnam Cooking 2 3.800.000 đ 7.600.000 đ

Teka barrel oven Germany Cooking 1 5.970.000 đ 5.970.000 đ

Samsung 28L .
Microwave Korea Cooking 2 3.590.000 đ 7.180.000 đ

Toshiba high frequency

rice cooker
1.8L Japan Cooking 2 2.990.000 đ 5.980.000 đ

Sunhouse hood Vietnam Cleaning 2 2.180.000 đ 4.360.000 đ

Camera Yi dome 720 China Management 5 1.200.000 đ 6.000.000 đ

Router Wifi TP – Link

C6 China Management 1 990.000 đ 990.000 đ

Wall socket Vietnam Installment 7 400.000 đ 2.800.000 đ

Lightning system Vietnam Installment 12 350.000 đ 4.200.000 đ

Utensils for food

preparation and
processing (knives,
forks, cutting boards,
etc.) Vietnam Cooking 4 2.000.000 đ 8.000.000 đ

Total 94.080.000 đ


Kitchen decoration Vietnam Installment 1 40.000.000 đ 40.000.000 đ

General decoration Vietnam Installment 1 30.000.000 đ 30.000.000 đ

Total 70.000.000 đ
Table 7. Instruction cost (unit: VND)

Asset Month Price per unit Total

Land deposit 72 15.000.000 đ đ

Total đ
Table 8. Asset (unit: VND)

Other investment cost

Cost of making reports

pre-feasibility study 5.000.000 đ 5.000.000 đ
Advertising expenses 1 150.000.000 đ 150.000.000 đ
Pre- Feasibility study report
investment appraisal 1 8.000.000 đ 8.000.000 đ
Market research 1 5.000.000 đ 5.000.000 đ
Register as a retail store
business or individual business
household. According to
Business registration fee Circular No. 215/2016/TT-BTC
business of the Ministry of Finance 1 2.000.000 đ 2.000.000 đ
Insurance costs,
environmental protection 1 8.000.000 đ 8.000.000 đ
Package - Law firm will follow
track records for 3 years at
Department of Intellectual
Investment Trademark protection Property 1 4.000.000 đ 4.000.000 đ
Cost of fire prevention fire
fighting (fire fighting) 1 8.000.000 đ 8.000.000 đ
The cost of the certificate
of food hygiene and safety 1 25.000.000 đ 25.000.000 đ
Cost of dismantling,
Post- cleaning, acceptance,
investment handover 1 13.000.000 đ 13.000.000 đ
Total 228.000.000 đ
Table 9. Other investment cost (VND)

Ingredients per day

Item Quantity Unit Price per unit Total

Beef 20 kg 350.000 đ 7.000.000 đ
Chicken 20 kg 180.000 đ 3.600.000 đ
Salmon 20 kg 400.000 đ 8.000.000 đ

Brown rice 40 kg 40.000 đ 1.600.000 đ
Yam 20 kg 40.000 đ 800.000 đ
Cereal 20 kg 50.000 đ 1.000.000 đ
Sweet cabbage 15 kg 45.000 đ 675.000 đ
Cherry tomato 15 kg 60.000 đ 900.000 đ
cauliflower 15 kg 60.000 đ 900.000 đ
Condiments 20 kg 150.000 đ 3.000.000 đ
Packaging 327 item 5000 1.635.000 đ
Chopstick+paper+spoon 327 item 5000 1.635.000 đ
Total 30.745.000 đ
Table 10. Ingredient/Material cost per day (VND)

3.7 Research the location of the project

Rent a space to build a 50m2 processing facility at Mai Chi Tho Street, District 2,
HCMC. Ground rent: 15,000,000/1 month (50 m2)
3.8 Studying the environmental impact of the project
The project “EAT CLEAN SMART APP” has almost no adverse impact on the
environment when using food that is clean, hygienically processed without affecting the
environment, and has a strict waste treatment process. strict. Along with that is the high social
responsibility of the project (using paper packaging, sorting waste, recycling, deducting a fund
to donate to environmental protection funds.
3.9 Research on construction engineering of the project
The workshop includes 2 main parts: Kitchen, Food delivery area for shippers.
Restroom commonly used by all midwifery centers. After careful consideration, it was decided
to hire a unit to build this factory with an estimated cost of 70,000,000 VND.
3.10. Calculate the amount of investment capital of the project
Initial investment cost of the project:
Ground rent of 50m2 at Mai Chi Tho Street, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City for
15,000,000/month, 6-year contract
Rental cost = 15,000,000 x 6 x 12 = 1,080,000,000 VND
Construction related costs = 70,000,000 VND
Total cost of machinery, equipment and tools = 129,080,000 VND
Total other expenses: 214,850,000 VND
The total investment capital of the project is (contingency cost 5% of the total initial investment
cost of

1,080,000,000 x 105% = 1,134,000.000
4. Manpower and Administrative analysis
Manpower is always the key to success and the most valuable asset for all businesses.
Recognizing the importance of human resources, the project's owner invests a lot in people to
bring the best results to the project.

HR No Hour Salary Task Requirement

Store 1 8am-7pm 15m/month - Look for fresh, clean, - High responsibility

manager quality food supply at - Problem-solving skill
affordable prices.
- Management skill
- Supervise and instruct
other teams.
- Ensure that the staff
work smoothly together,
and resolve any
disagreement required by
- Authorized to make
decisions within

Main chef 2 Mon, Wed, 12m/month - Do the main cooking, - Have a chef's
Fri-European make menus, create certificate
dishes; Tue, dishes, direct the assistant - Good health,
Thu, Sat- kitchen withstand under
Japanese to operate the stove pressure

Assistant 5 4am-4pm 6m/month - Prepare food, do under - Active, quick, neat and
chef the chef's guideline hard-woking

Salesman 3 6 days per 5m/month - Pick up call, consult -Good communication

week customers, confirm skill
orders, and report at the - Good accent, outgoing
end of day

Accountant 1 Mon-Sat 5m/month - Record and report all -2+ years of experience
business activities in accounting job,
honest and meticulous

Marketing 3 Mon-Sat 6m/month - Coordinate to manage - Keep up with market

staff Eat Clean Smart app, trends
fanpage, tiktok videos, .. - Good at creating
to do marketing strategy content that attracts
and promotions for viewers

Table 11 Human resources organization

Position Quantity Salary/month Total salary

Manager 1 15.000.000 15.000.000

Main chef 2 12.000.000 24.000.000

Assistant chef 5 6.000.000 30.000.000

Salesman 3 5.000.000 15.000.000

Accounting staff 1 5.000.000 5.000.000

Marketing staff 3 6.000.000 18.000.000

Table 12. Employee salary (unit: VND)

Position Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Manager 180.000.000 196.200.000 213.858.000 233.105.220 254.084.690 276.952.312

Main chef 288.000.000 313.920.000 342.172.800 372.968.352 406.535.504 443.123.699

Assistant chef 360.000.000 392.400.000 427.716.000 466.210.440 508.169.380 553.904.624

Salesman 180.000.000 196.200.000 213.858.000 233.105.220 254.084.690 276.952.312

Accounting staff 60.000.000 65.400.000 71.286.000 77.701.740 84.694.897 92.317.437

Marketing staff 216.000.000 235.440.000 256.629.600 279.726.264 304.901.628 332.342.774

TOTAL 1.399.560.000 1.525.520.400 1.662.817.236 1.812.470.787 1.975.593.158

Table 13. Total salary to employees through each year ( 9% year )

5. Financial analysis
5.1 Table of parameter
type Items Value Unit
Investment cost of fixed assets 94.8 Million VND
Lifetime of fixed assets 6 Year
Construction cost 70 Million VND
Kitchen construction 40 Million VND
Design and Valuation cost 30 Million VND
Land rent cost 1080 Million VND
Land deposit cost (per month) 15 Million VND
Time of deposit 6 Year
Other cost 228 Million VND
Cost of making reports pre-feasibility study 5 Million VND
Investing Advertising expenses 150 Million VND
Information Feasibility study report appraisal 8 Million VND
Market research 5 Million VND
Business registration fee business 2 Million VND
Insurance costs, environmental protection 8 Million VND
Trademark protection 4 Million VND
Cost of fire prevention firefighting (firefighting) 8 Million VND
The cost of the certificate of food hygiene and safety 25 Million VND
Cost of dismantling, cleaning, acceptance, handover 13 Million VND
Redundancy costs 147 Million VND
Working capital 10 Million VND
Total Investment cost 1630 Million VND
Capital structure
Shareholder Equity (56.5%) 921 Million VND
Information Loan (43.5%) 709 Million VND
Interest rate 10% %
No of payment year 3 Year
Production (ig: per day) 327 Meal
Information Production (ig: per week) 1962 Meal
Production (ig: per month) 8175 Meal

Production (ig: per year) 98100 Meal
Average Capacity 83 %
Unit price 0.20 Million VND
Management & Sale Cost/year 1464 Million VND
Labor cost 1284 Million VND
Sale and Administration cost 180 Million VND
Annual labor costs increase rate 9.00 %
Health and social insurance costs 21 %
The ratio of AR/Turnover 15 %
The ratio of AP/Operating cost 10 %
The ratio of CB/Operating cost 10 %
The ratio of Inventory/ Production Output 10 %
Information Income tax rate 20% %
Project timeline 6 Year

5.2 Cash flow estimation

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Investment cost of
fixed assets 94,800,000

Construction cost 70,000,000

Land rent cost 1,080,000,000

Other cost 228,000,000

Redundancy costs 147,280,000

Working capital 10,000,000

Total Investment
cost 1,630,080,000

Depreciation (year)
Year to start
depreciation 2021 (Year 1)
Investment cost of
fixed assets 6
Construction 3
Land rent cost 6
Other cost 5

Depreciation schedule

Depreciation of
fixed assets - 15,800,000 15,800,000 15,800,000 15,800,000 15,800,000 15,800,000
Depreciation of
construction - 23,333,333 23,333,333 23,333,333
Depreciation of
other cost - 77,056,000 77,056,000 77,056,000 77,056,000 77,056,000

Salvage -

Consolidated depreciation

Beginning net
assets - 550,080,000 433,890,667 317,701,333 201,512,000 108,656,000 15,800,000
depreciation - 116,189,333 116,189,333 116,189,333 92,856,000 92,856,000 15,800,000
depreciation - 116,189,333 232,378,667 348,568,000 441,424,000 534,280,000 550,080,000

New investment 550,080,000 - - - - - -

Ending net assets 550,080,000 433,890,667 317,701,333 201,512,000 108,656,000 15,800,000 0

Table 14. Table Of Investment Cost And Depreciation Schedule (Unit: VND)

Year 0 1 2 3
Beginning debt - 709,000,000 472,666,667 236,333,333
Disbursement 709,000,000 - - -
Interest amount - 70,900,000 47,266,667 23,633,333
Principal repayment - 236,333,333 236,333,333 236,333,333
Ending debt 709,000,000 472,666,667 236,333,333 -

Table 15. Debt Repayment Schedule (Unit: VND)

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
inventory - 6,867 7,358 7,848 8,339 8,829
Quantity produced 68,670 73,575 78,480 83,385 88,290 93,195
Ending inventory 6,867 7,358 7,848 8,339 8,829 9,320
Quantity sold 61,803 73,085 77,990 82,895 87,800 92,705
From this year
production 61,803 66,218 70,632 75,047 79,461 83,876
From beginning
inventory - 6,867 7,358 7,848 8,339 8,829

Turnover 12,360,600,000 14,616,900,000 15,597,900,000 16,578,900,000 17,559,900,000 18,540,900,000

Table 16. Turnover Unit: VND

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Direct operating cost 11,125,530,000 11,538,375,000 11,901,544,800 12,279,814,224 12,674,278,815 13,086,127,446

Labor costs 1,284,000,000 1,399,560,000 1,525,520,400 1,662,817,236 1,812,470,787 1,975,593,158

Cost of purchasing
materials 9,223,500,000 9,407,970,000 9,596,129,400 9,788,051,988 9,983,813,028 10,183,489,288
Cost of equipment
maintenance 618,030,000 730,845,000 779,895,000 828,945,000 877,995,000 927,045,000
Indirect operating
cost 565,829,333 590,096,933 616,548,617 529,191,620 560,618,865 594,874,563
Sales and
Administration cost 180,000,000 180,000,000 180,000,000 180,000,000 180,000,000 180,000,000
Health and social
insurance 269,640,000 293,907,600 320,359,284 349,191,620 380,618,865 414,874,563

Depreciation costs 116,189,333 116,189,333 116,189,333

Other costs 1,169,135,933.33 1,212,847,193.33 1,251,809,341.73 1,280,900,584.36 1,323,489,768.03 1,368,100,200.96

Total Operating cost 12,860,495,266.67 13,341,319,126.67 13,769,902,759.07 14,089,906,427.92 14,558,387,448.35 15,049,102,210.57
Table 17. Operating Cost Table 10: Employee salary (unit: VND)

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Direct operation cost 11,125,530,000 11,538,375,000 11,901,544,800 12,279,814,224 12,674,278,815 13,086,127,446
Direct Workers costs 1,284,000,000 1,399,560,000 1,525,520,400 1,662,817,236 1,812,470,787 1,975,593,158
Cost of materials 9,223,500,000 9,407,970,000 9,596,129,400 9,788,051,988 9,983,813,028 10,183,489,288
Cost of equipment
maintenance 618,030,000 730,845,000 779,895,000 828,945,000 877,995,000 927,045,000

Unit Cost
Total direct operating
cost & Depreciation 11,241,719,333 11,654,564,333 12,017,734,133 12,279,814,224 12,674,278,815 13,086,127,446
Unit direct operating
cost & despeciation 163,706 158,404 153,131 147,266 143,553 140,417

Cost of goods sold 22,367,249,333 23,192,939,333 23,919,278,933 24,559,628,448 25,348,557,630 26,172,254,893

Table 18. Cost Of Goods Sold (unit: VND)

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Turnover 12,360,600,000 14,616,900,000 15,597,900,000 16,578,900,000 17,559,900,000 18,540,900,000

Operating cost 12,860,495,267 13,341,319,127 13,769,902,759 14,089,906,428 14,558,387,448 15,049,102,211

Management cost 0 0 0 0 0 0

COGS 22,367,249,333 23,192,939,333 23,919,278,933 24,559,628,448 25,348,557,630 26,172,254,893

EBIT (499,895,267) 1,275,580,873 1,827,997,241 2,488,993,572 3,001,512,552 3,491,797,789

Interest amount 70,900,000 47,266,667 23,633,333 - - -

EBT (570,795,267) 1,228,314,207 1,804,363,908 2,488,993,572 3,001,512,552 3,491,797,789

Tax amount (114,159,053) 245,662,841 360,872,782 497,798,714 600,302,510 698,359,558

Net Income (456,636,213) 982,651,365 1,443,491,126 1,991,194,858 2,401,210,041 2,793,438,232

Table 19. Income Statement Unit (unit: VND)

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cash balance 1,236,060,000 1,461,690,000 1,559,790,000 1,657,890,000 1,755,990,000 1,854,090,000
Change in cash
balance 1,236,060,000 225,630,000 98,100,000 98,100,000 98,100,000 98,100,000
Receivable 1,854,090,000 2,192,535,000 2,339,685,000 2,486,835,000 2,633,985,000 2,781,135,000

Change in AR (1,854,090,000) (338,445,000) (147,150,000) (147,150,000) (147,150,000) (147,150,000)

Account Payable 1,286,049,527 1,334,131,913 1,376,990,276 1,408,990,643 1,455,838,745 1,504,910,221

Change in AP (1,286,049,527) (48,082,386) (42,858,363) (32,000,367) (46,848,102) (49,071,476)

Inventory 6,867 7,358 7,848 8,339 8,829 9,320

Change in
inventory 6,867 491 491 491 491 491

Working capital 1,804,107,340 2,320,100,445 2,522,492,572 2,735,742,696 2,934,145,084 3,130,324,098

Table 20. Working Capital (unit: VND)

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Cash inflow
Operation cash
inflow 10,506,510,000 14,278,455,000 15,450,750,000 16,431,750,000 17,412,750,000 18,393,750,000

Net turnover 0 12,360,600,000 14,616,900,000 15,597,900,000 16,578,900,000 17,559,900,000 18,540,900,000

Changes in AR (1,854,090,000) (338,445,000) (147,150,000) (147,150,000) (147,150,000) (147,150,000)

Cash outflow
Operation cash
outflow 12,696,346,686.67 13,764,529,582.00 14,186,017,177.35 14,653,804,775.45 15,209,941,856.64 15,796,490,292.23

Operation cost 12,860,495,266.67 13,341,319,126.67 13,769,902,759.07 14,089,906,427.92 14,558,387,448.35 15,049,102,210.57

Corporate income tax (114,159,053) 245,662,841 360,872,782 497,798,714 600,302,510 698,359,558

Changes in AP -1286049527 -48082386 -42858363.24 -32000366.88 -46848102.04 -49071476.22
Changes in cash
balance 1,236,060,000 225,630,000 98,100,000 98,100,000 98,100,000 98,100,000

Investment cost 1,630,080,000

Net cash flow of
project (1,630,080,000) (2,189,836,687) 513,925,418 1,264,732,823 1,777,945,225 2,202,808,143 2,597,259,708
Net cash flow of
debtholder (709,000,000) 307,233,333 283,600,000 259,966,667 - - -
Net cash flow of
equity holders (921,080,000) (2,497,070,020) 230,325,418 1,004,766,156 1,777,945,225 2,202,808,143 2,597,259,708
Table 21. Cash Flow Statement (Unit: VND)

Investing information: This project has spent the initial investment costs on fixed assets
nearly as 95 million VND, construction cost, land rent cost, other costs, redundancy costs,
working capital. Our estimate from the parameter showed that the total investment cost was
nearly 1.630.080.000 VND.

Financing information: The project has two main financial sources which are
shareholder equity and loan for conducting the project during 6 years. The majority of financing
comes from shareholder equity which accounted for 55.6% and the remaining financial source
comes from loans from the bank (interest rate annually as 10%). A loan estimated to receive
disbursement 709.000.000 from bank in the first year. The method to apply for this loan is an
even principal payment of 3 years without grace period.

5.3 Investment Criteria for Project Appraisal

Net Present Value (NPV): NPV of the project is 954.455.29 VND (>0) and the NPV of
equity is greater than 0 too. This demonstrates that the project attracts most investors and
investors can completely expect not only to recover their capital investment, but also to receive
a rate of return on capital higher than the discount rate.

Internal Rate of Returns (IRR): IRR of the project is 22% which is greater than 15% of
the project cost of (WACC). Additionally, the IRR of the equity-holder is 20%. The project is
good and feasible to conduct.

Normal Benefit / Cost rate (B/C): Normal B/C index is equal to 1. This project has
enough benefit to cover cost so that this is a good project.

Pay-back Period: Tpp is calculated as 5,19 years. Before the end of the project in 2028,
the company can pay back the capital.

After calculation, the Net Present Value of the project is equal to 954,455,628 VND,
which is larger than 0. Simultaneously, internal rate of return (IRR) is 22%, a much better
return rate compared to the WACC of the whole project. Therefore, investors can receive back
their initial capital investment and their benefits.

We also determine the time that investors can recover their capital investment and the
result for pay-back period is 5.19 year. This is quite a long time compared to the whole lifetime
of the project (6 years). However, with attractive NPV and IRR, the project is “good” and
“safe” project for investors.

6. Economic and social analysis

This chapter will demonstrate positive and negative aspects of creating Eat Clean Smart
App in terms of economic and social analysis. After that, the suggestions will be mentioned to
overcome current obstacles.
In order to bring the benefits for owners and investors, a project should ensure to cover
the full benefits and costs in society or the economy. However, it’s not certain to achieve both
the dual goals of profitability and positive impact on society and economy. The social-
economic benefit of the investment project is a decisive factor for the authorities to accept and
allow investment for the project. Therefore, a project analysis needs to be based on the
viewpoint of the project owner and the economy as a whole.
6.1 From equity view point
According to the financial analysis in the previous part which has already been clarified
in the previous chapter, we can see that the business project "EAT CLEAN SMART APP" has
shown its feasibility and effectiveness for investors when making investment decisions.


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

12.360.600.000 14.616.900.000 155.979.000.00 16.578.900.000 17.559.900.000 18.540.900.000

Table 22. Total revenue over 6 years (Unit: VND)

The project will bring benefits and economic efficiency to investors and society as well
as contribute to increasing State budget revenue through tax payment from profitable business
and investment activities of the project. Corporate income tax will be calculated by this
Corporate Income Tax = EBT x 20%
Total corporate income tax during 6 years is 4.449.831.026 (VND). Corporate income
tax will be shown clearly in the next part.
6.2. Macro viewpoint
From the perspective of macro management, all direct and indirect costs related to
project implementation and resulting from the project must be considered when taking into
account the socio-economic benefits of the project.
Benefits include: Profits earned by investors when implementing the project, increased
income for employees, income for the state budget, local benefits and the whole economy.
Cost: Expenses incurred by the investor including initial investment costs and operating
costs during the project's lifetime, payable corporate tax, and payable interest.
6.2.1. Benefit analysis Qualitative benefit:
Eat Clean Smart app meets customer's demand about flexibility, convenience and
saving money, especially green and fresh food. We always try to encourage green consumption
and healthy life nowadays. It brings great benefits not only to people but also the development
of the Vietnam economy toward a green growth strategy.
To comply with the State's policies and social requirements by doing a payable account
and deducting income from projects for the implementation of charity and social security
According to Nguyen Chi Dung’s speech- Minister of Planning and Investment, green
growth is regarded as a national strategy with the aim of economic prosperity, environmental
sustainability and equity for society. Green economic and production industry will be oriented
to gradually decrease a large amount of wastes, pollution and environmental degradation;
simultaneously develop green technology, green management system, control production
activities to save resources, reduce emissions, and improve the ecosystem (Minh Ngoc, 2021).
Accordingly, with the development of the Eat Clean Smart app, we’d like to form a clean and
healthy eating habit as well as the usage of green products will certainly help to protect a green
environment and create a green economy. We strongly believe that a healthy eating habit will
have a positive impact on the quality of living in Ho Chi Minh city in particular and the country
in general and promote consumers to use green products. Thanks to green production strategy,
we also contribute to reducing environmental pollution, chemical waste, using environmentally
friendly and recycled packaging and the use of raw materials produced according to organic
methods, and compliance with the hygiene of the processing area.

27 Quantitative benefit:
Quantitative benefits include: benefits of investors, employees, local as well as society.
Benefits of investors: The benefit of investors is the earning after tax of the project.

Net Income

Year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

NI 2.263.989.09 2.840.149.25 3.513.552.21

718.902.987 3 0 2 4.060.579.558 4.602.151.005

Table 23. Net income (Unit: 21 VND)

Benefits of employees: includes the total salary paid each year.


Year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Total salaries
paid 1.399.560.000 1.525.520.400 1.662.817.236 1.812.470.787 1.975.593.158

Table 24. Salary for employee (Unit: VND)

Benefits of local: They are also the part of corporate tax when the project is put into peration.


Year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

tax 179.725.747 565.997.273 710.037.312 878.388.053 1.150.537.751

Table 25. Yearly tax of project (Unit:VND)

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Total initial 1.630.080.

investment cost 000

Benefit of 456.636.21 982.651.36 1.443.491. 1.991.194.8 2.401.210. 2.793.438.2

investor 3 5 126 58 041 32

Benefit of 1.399.560.0 1.525.520. 1.662.817.2 1.812.470. 1.975.593.1

employee 00 00 400 36 787 58

114.159.05 245.662.84 360.872.78 497.798.71 600.302.51 698.359.55

Benefit of local 3 1 2 4 0 8

Benefit of 9.223.500.0 9.407.970.0 9.596.129. 9.788.051.9 9.983.813. 10.183.489.

supplier 00 00 400 88 028 288

Benefit of 1.630.080. 11.078.295. 12.035.844. 12.926.013 13.939.862. 14.797.796 15.650.880.

society 000 267 207 .708 796 .367 236

Table 26. Total benefit of society (Unit:VND) Problems
Human resources problems: Employee experiences with food preparation is very important,
however, human resources management in food service is very difficult. Because if staff are
unhappy, it will seriously affect customer services.
Food safety problems: Food safety standards are particularly important in food service business
to ensure the health and safety of diners. If the business had any food accidents occurring, it
can destroy the brand and violate laws in food services. Food-borne diseases include not only
serious illnesses caused by food poisoning, but also chronic illnesses produced by infection and
the buildup of harmful compounds from the external environment in food, resulting in
metabolic problems in these foods. chemicals found in the body, such as cardiovascular disease
and cancer. Solutions
Training for staff frequently, making sure staff satisfaction on working and creating equal
working environment in terms of salary, welfare.
Increasing quality of infrastructure by equipping with specialized equipment and tools for each
specific type of food and equipment to control and ensure food safety, fire insurance during the

6.2.2. Cost analysis
Costs include: Costs of investors, costs of the local, of the industry and of the whole
economy. Investor costs include: Initial investment cost for the project and cost of maintaining
the project's operation. Local and economic costs include: natural resources, environment
pollution, bad impact on local people, infrastructure, and labor.
6.2.3. Benefit-Cost balance

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

10.506.510. 14.278.455. 15.450.750 16.431.750. 17.412.750 18.393.750.

Cash inflow 0 000 000 .000 000 .000 000

Cash 30.080.00 12.5 13.5 13.960.651 14.408.156. 14.942.184 15.504.635.
outflow 0 28.640.687 57.772.042 .459 142 .846 151


PV(Cash 7.975.791.3 8.228.332.5 6.759.203. 5.456.888.1 4.389.791. 3.520.157.7

inflow) 0 91 12 003 42 625 69

PV(Cash 30.080.00 9.51 7.81 6.107.333. 4.784.864.4 3.766.956. 2.967.244.9
outflow) 0 0.848.468 3.020.140 124 48 851 55

B/C - 1 1 1 1 1 1

Table 27. Benefit-Cost balance

B/C ratio equal to 1 indicates that it’s a good project. The project brings great benefits,
the total revenues are enough to cover cost, and the project is profitable. The B/C index of this
project is positive due to the benefits it brings to consumers. We offer an affordable price with
good quality ensuring safety, hygiene, and full nutrition, reasonable calories and good for
customers' health.
However, the B/C coefficient is only a relative evaluation criteria of a project, so it
should be considered when using this coefficient (especially in comparing mutually exclusive
project selections).
One of the outstanding advantages of B/C index is to show the efficiency of investment.
But it also has the limitation that it depends on the selected discount rate to calculate. On the

other hand, large or small B/C also depends on the evaluator's view of benefits and costs.
Therefore, when using B/C criteria to select projects, it is necessary to know clearly the
evaluator's view of financial benefits and costs.
7. Risk analysis
7.1 Sensitivity analysis
7.1.1 One-way analysis
The first method analyzes the sensitivity of each financial performance indicator. The
main factors related to financial performance are: initial investment costs, revenue, operating
costs. The team gives each of the above factors a change in the direction of deterioration in turn
to determine its impact on the financial performance of the project. Suppose:
Scenario: Initial investment cost increases by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%,60%, respectively.

Figure 8. One way analysis

Figure showed that the NPV of the project is safe if the increase of investment cost in
a range from 0 to 20%. If out of this range, the NPV of the project will have negative results
that leads to unattractive results of the project.
7.1.2 Two-way analysis

Figure 9. Two way analysis

As shown in the table above, the value of NPV will be changed on the basis of
investment cost and cost of capital. In specific, NPV will be below 0 when the investment cost
is over VND and the cost of capital greater than 11%.

7.2 Scenario analysis

In scenario analysis, the cash inflow of the project will be considered into three cases:
good, average, bad. With the good case, case inflow assumed that cash inflow increased
steadily and the bad case assumed that cash outflow decrease steadily.

Figure 10. Scenario analysis

The figure showed that in the good case, the NPV of the project positively increases
8.568.483.215, nearly 7 times higher than that of the average index. In the bad case, the NPV
of the project sharply goes down to -2.852.558.164 VND. It demonstrates the feasibility for
this project investment and cash inflow variable is sensitive to NPV.

8. Conclusion
Based on investment criteria including NPV, IRR, B/C and TPP index of project, EAT
CLEAN SMART APP is feasible and promising for consumers nowadays. With the hope of a
healthy and flexible lifestyle, Eat Clean Smart App tries the best step by step to improve and
come into operation in near future. It is clearly noticeable that these benefits from project bring
for both investors and economic-social perspective, which is the project's leading objective.
Moreover, these days, green consumption or healthy lifestyle becomes more favorable and paid
much attention by consumers. It's also a big motivation for us to develop further project. So,
the project should be examined for implementation on time and ensure capital source during
the project's lifetime. We expect to expand the scale of the project not only store but also online
To sum up, based on the financial analysis, Eat Clean Smart app is beneficial enough
to invest and process. These investment criteria as well as financial ratio show a positive signal
and low risk. Although the pay-back period is not short, it also makes sure to pay in time. So
the financial feasibility of the project is able to satisfy investors.

9. Recommendation
• In short - term
Finding unique suppliers who provide competitive prices to minimize cost of ingredients
as well as the best quality of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and other ingredients
Utilizing the full capacity of all kitchen tools and machines to produce the best quality of
products with minimal timing.
Increasing customer satisfaction, improving user experience on app by collecting
customer's feedback and rating to update Eat Clean app in the future.

• In long - term
Enhancing the project's own farm: Build a farm that will be the main source to contribute
ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and other ingredients for the store.
Applying horizontal strategy by expanding the variety meals for main menu and adding the
Fresh Cereals category on the app to support for diversified demand of eating clean customers.

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By Platform (Online, Offline), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2021 - 2028. Retrieved
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Retrieved November 11, 2021, from website:
Minh (2017). Viet Nam co khoang 94.000 nguoi chet vi benh ung thu moi nam.
Retrieved from
Ngoc Minh. (2021, October 29). Hướng Tới Phát Triển Kinh tế Xanh Bằng Mục Tiêu
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2021, from the Guardian website:

Work allocation

No. Member Student ID Responsibilities

• Working on Project’s general information,

risk and social impact analysis.
1 Le Minh Anh K184081095
• Presenting the group’s work.
• Answering questions.

• Working on Technical analysis.

• Formatting the report.
Nguyen Van
2 K184081097 • Designing slides.
• Presenting the group’s work.
• Answering questions.

• Working on Financial analysis and

Tran Hoai
3 K184081112
Linh • Presenting the group’s work.
• Answering questions.

• Working on Demand analysis.

Le Thi Ngoc • Reviewing the whole report's grammar and
4 Ngan K184081117 references.
(Leader) • Presenting the group’s work.
• Answering questions.

• Working on Manpower and

Administration, and Economic analysis.
Tran Thi Ngoc
5 K184081118
Ngan • Presenting the group’s work.
• Answering questions.


Member’s name: Le Minh Anh

Student ID: K184081095

Criteria Comment

• Attend all the group meetings.

Participation 10
• Always being on time.

• Finishing tasks on time with quality.

Task completion 10

• Actively involved in the group’s work with

excellent ideas. 10

• Always listen to, share with and support

Collaboration 10

• Strictly follow the group contract’s rules

Rules’ obligation 10
without violation.

Evaluated by:

Nguyen Van Anh Signed

Tran Hoai Linh Signed

Le Thi Ngoc Ngan Signed

Tran Thi Ngoc Ngan Signed


Member’s name: Nguyen Van Anh

Student ID: K184081097

Criteria Comment

• Attend all the group meetings.

Participation 10
• Always being on time.

• Finishing tasks on time with quality.

Task completion 10

• Actively involved in the group’s work with

excellent ideas. 10

• Always listen to, share with and support

Collaboration 10

• Strictly follow the group contract’s rules

Rules’ obligation 10
without violation.

Evaluated by:

Le Minh Anh Signed

Tran Hoai Linh Signed

Le Thi Ngoc Ngan Signed

Tran Thi Ngoc Ngan Signed


Member’s name: Tran Hoai Linh

Student ID: K184081112

Criteria Comment

• Attend all the group meetings.

Participation 10
• Always being on time.

• Finishing tasks on time with quality.

Task completion 10

• Actively involved in the group’s work with

excellent ideas. 10

• Always listen to, share with and support

Collaboration 10

• Strictly follow the group contract’s rules

Rules’ obligation 10
without violation.

Evaluated by:

Le Minh Anh Signed

Nguyen Van Anh Signed

Le Thi Ngoc Ngan Signed

Tran Thi Ngoc Ngan Signed


Member’s name: Le Thi Ngoc Ngan

Student ID: K184081117

Criteria Comment

• Attend all the group meetings.

Participation 10
• Always being on time.

• Finishing tasks on time with quality.

Task completion 10

• Actively involved in the group’s work with

excellent ideas. 10

• Always listen to, share with and support

Collaboration 10

• Strictly follow the group contract’s rules

Rules’ obligation 10
without violation.

Evaluated by:

Le Minh Anh Signed

Nguyen Van Anh Signed

Tran Hoai Linh Signed

Tran Thi Ngoc Ngan Signed


Member’s name: Tran Thi Ngoc Ngan

Student ID: K184081118

Criteria Comment

• Attend all the group meetings.

Participation 10
• Always being on time.

• Finishing tasks on time with quality.

Task completion 10

• Actively involved in the group’s work with

excellent ideas. 10

• Always listen to, share with and support

Collaboration 10

• Strictly follow the group contract’s rules

Rules’ obligation 10
without violation.

Evaluated by:

Le Minh Anh Signed

Nguyen Van Anh Signed

Tran Hoai Linh Signed

Le Thi Ngoc Ngan Signed


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