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THE SKELETON (Rangka Tubuh)
1. Brain : otak
2. Heart : jantung
3. Lungs : paru-paru
4. Stomach : lambung
5. Liver : hati
6. Large intestines : usus besar
7. Small intestines : usus kecil
8. Kidneys : ginjal
9. Bladder : kandung kemih
10. Hair : rambut
11. Forehead : kening
12. Eyes : mata
13. Nose : hidung
14. Cheek : pipi
15. Mouth : mulut keseluruhan
16. Lips : bibir
17. Tooth : gigi 1/singular
18. Teeth : gigi lebih dari 1/plural
19. Chin : dagu
20. Beard : jenggot
21. Moustache : kumis
22. Eyelid : kelopak mata
23. Eyelash : bulu mata
24. Iris : iris
25. Pupil : pupil
26. Tongue : lidah
27. Gums : gusi
28. Ear : telinga
29. Ear lobe : daun telinga
30. No stril : lubang hidung
31. Septum : sekat hidung
32. Skull : tenggorokan
33. Eye socket : lubang mata
34. Cranium : kerangka kepala
35. Nasal cavity : ronggs hidung
36. Jaw bone : tulang rahang
37. Throat : tenggorokan
1. Noun eed
2. Noun sperm
3. Noun conception
4. First 2 weeks zygote
5. First 8 weeks embriyo
6. Week 8 fetus
7. Umbilical cord
8. Placenta
9. Pregnant
10. Expecting a baby
11. Having a baby
12. Pregnancy test
13. In vitro f
14. Surogacy : orang tua asuh
15. Surrogate
 Due date is the day that doctors expect the baby to be born, although
it’s not always an exact day.
1. I’m so excited that you’re having a baby! When is the due date? Do
you know yet?
2. Her due date was May 24th, but the baby came a few days early. Her
daughter was born on May 21st!
 If you want to know how far along (how long they’ve been pregnant
for) someone is, then you can ask, “How many weeks are you?”
1. I’m pregnant! 
Wow, that’s fantastic!Congratulations. How many weeks are you?
2. I’m going to have a baby in June.That’s great! How many weeks are
 Because pregnancies are about nine months long,
they’re divided (separated) into trimesters.
 One trimester is about three months long, and are separated into
the first trimester (first three months), second trimester (second
three months), and third trimester (last three months).
1. She’s pretty far along in the third trimester. Her baby will be coming
any day now, so she’s very excited to meet her baby!
2. I’m only in the first trimester, so I can still do most things. I’ve had
to adjust my workout schedule, though, and I’m not hitting the
gym (going) as hard (often) anymore
 The process of when the baby comes into the world / born. A
synonym for going into labor is to deliver a baby, and it’s up to the
person which phrase they use.
1. She went into labor at 1am, and her baby was born around 10am.
Things seemed to go pretty quickly!
2. She went into labor on Thursday afternoon, but her baby wasn’t
born until the next day. It took a long time!
3. The baby was delivered at 12:52 pm on Wednesday. She was so
happy to finally meet her child.
Is a person, typically (usually) a woman, who helps a woman while she is
delivering a baby.
1. She had the same midwife throughout the pregnancy and birth, so
they got to know each other very well. She really trusted
her midwife’s opinion.
2. As soon as I went into labor, I called my midwife. She met me at the
hospital and helped me throughout the whole delivery.
*Note: expressions with (***) mean that they are the most common
 I’m expecting. ***
 I’m having a baby.
 I’ve got a bun in the oven.
 These are very informal, and not common in formal situation or with
those who are not friends/family.
 I’m preggo.   (I’m prego – with 1 “g” can also be a variation)
 I’m knocked up
 I am so excited to announce that I’m expecting! Holly and Chris are
having a baby, too! Holly told me, “I’ve got a bun in the oven,” last
week! A friend at work also told me was preggo. It seems like
everyone is knocked up!
Questions/answers about “how pregnant” someone is:
 How far along are you?
 I am ____ weeks/months.
 When is your due date?
 When are you due? ***
 My due date is ____ (date).
 I am due in ______ (month).
 I am due on _____ (date).
I asked a woman at the store, “How far along are you?” She surprised
me when she said she was already 8 months because she looked so small! I
tell people my due date is in September when they ask me, “when are you
due?” because I am not sure of the exact date. My best friend’s due date is
October 24, 2022.
Questions/answers about the gender:
 Is it a boy or a girl?
 What’s the sex? What’s the gender?
 What are you having? **
 I’m having a boy. I’m having a girl.
 It’s a boy. It’s a girl.
 The most common question I hear from strangers in the store is, “Is it
a boy or a girl?” Many people seem to know that I am having a boy,
because sometimes they ask and answer their own questions, “What
are you having? A boy?” I prefer to ask the question, “What are you
having?” because it seems more personal than calling someone’s
baby an “it”. However, you’ll often hear people ask, “Is it a boy or a
girl?” People will commonly respond, “It’s a boy!” or “It’s a girl!”

 Common symptoms (& side effects) of pregnancy : symptoms are

signs of an illness and side effects are what results from an action.
(*although pregnancy isn’t an “illness”, this is the term used)
 Morning sickness : nausea (discomfort in the stomach), sometimes
with vomiting that often happens in the 1st trimester. However, it can
happen throughout pregnancy or at different times of the day (not just
the morning)
 Heartburn : pain (burning feeling) in your chest and throat caused
by something you ate and the acids in your stomach
 Fatigue : the feeling of being tired
 Headaches : pain in the head
 Body aches : pain the body
 Swelling : an area of the body that is larger than normal (due to blood
flow, etc..)
 Luckily, I didn’t have any morning sickness in my 1st trimester;
however, I know Susan had it throughout her 1st and 2nd trimester. I
suffered headaches in the 2nd trimester, a lot of heartburn during my
3rd, but luckily, everything seems to be decreasing. My best friend
complained of swelling and fatigue.
 Doctor : a person skilled in the science of medicine. In relation to
pregnancy and delivering babies, these doctors are called
obstetricians or “OBs” (sometimes: OB/GYN). Doctors can preform
surgeries, so this is who would do a c-section (see below)
 Midwife : a trained professional, skilled in and having expertise in
supporting woman with a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and the
postpartum (*after birth*) experience. There are different types, with
different educations and skill levels. All midwives receiving training
and certifications with a professional board of directors, and many
have as much training and expertise as nurses.
 Doula : a trained birthing coach, typically without medical training,
that provides physical and emotional support before, during, and after
 I am having my baby at a birth center with a certified nurse midwife;
however, my best friend will be at the hospital with an OB
(obstetrician). If there are any issues with my delivery, I will go to
the hospital and receive care from an OB. If I need a c-section, I’ll
also meet with a doctor, specifically the OB. My midwife is very
knowledge, has received years of medical training, and I am
confident in her skills to support my delivery. Susan hired a doula to
help her cope (*deal*) with the pains and emotional difficulty of
 Labor (to be in labor) : the process a woman goes through to give
birth to a baby
 Contractions : the movement of the muscles in the uterus (womb of
the woman) that causes it to tighten and help “push” the baby out of
the woman’s body
 To push (the baby) : the action a woman must do to help the baby
naturally come out of her body
 To deliver/ the delivery : [verb/noun] the process of the birth
 To give birth***: to have the baby, to deliver the baby
There are 2 ways to deliver/to have a baby:
 Naturally : when the baby comes out of the woman’s body through
the vagina during labor with contractions, pushing, and sometimes
minimal medical interventions (*help*)
 Cesarean/c-section : when the baby comes out via surgery, when the
woman’s stomach is cut to allow the baby to come through the
 Pain management : medical interventions and medicine that help
someone handle or deal with pain
 Epidural : an injection of medicine into the spine that causes
someone to not feel pain in their lower body
 I hope to deliver my baby naturally, and without the use of epidurals
or other pain management. I had a friend give birth via a c-section
and her recovery time was longer and more painful. Tina’s delivery
was quite easy even though she had a long labor with many painful
contractions. She was able to push her baby out in only 20 minutes!
Another friend, however, was in labor for 40 hours and definitely
needed an epidural to help her manage the pain.
 Baby shower : a party that is thrown in honor of a mother-to-be
(someone having a baby). This is typically organized by family,
friends, or co-workers, and helps the new parents with gifts and items
necessary for the baby’s arrival
 Babymoon: a relaxing and romantic vacation taken before a couple
(the parents-to-be) has a new baby; the “last” trip as a family of 2
 My best friends threw me a baby shower 2 months before my baby
was born. I had a lot of friends at the baby shower celebrating with
me, and I received a lot of gifts that will help support my husband,
me and the baby. My husband and I took a baby moon to Hawaii and
it was so nice to relax and have some time alone before the baby
 Congratulations! ***
 I send my best wishes.
 I send my well wishes
 Give/Send them my best/well wishes.
 I am sending my best.
 Wishing you the best! ***
Expressing Feelings
 Expressing Feelings: Expressing your feelings to others is a regular
occurrence, and you will have to do it from time to time.
 The person you are speaking to can understand you better if you talk
to them about your feelings.
 Let us understand the different ways of expressing your feelings in
 Among all the feelings a person feels, we can roughly divide them
into two categories, expressions with a positive connotation and
expressions with a negative connotation.
Exp :
Positive Negative
( express that they feel good )
(convery that something is wrong)
 that's good newa  that is too bad
 good for you  i am sorry
 congratulation  it is hard
 that sounds interesting
 it is difficult
 that's amazing  it is messed up
 that sounds nice  i am tired of the situation
 i am really upset
 i am low
 i am sorry for you
 i cannot believe it
 that sounds terrible
 that sounds horrible
 I am upset
 I feel sad
 I am sick of it
 This makes me crazy
 It sucks
 I hate it
 It is not good

Asking Responding
 How are you feeling  I am feeling a little sad/
today? happy/ angry.
 You look sad. Are you ok?  I am a little sad/ happy/
 Are you alright? angry.
 You seem low today. Is  To be honest, I am a little
something wrong? sad/ happy/ angry
 What’s wrong?  It has been a difficult day.
 Are you happy?  I am angry/ sad/happy
 Are you angry? about it.
 Is everything ok?  I am mad at him/ her/ them.
 Is everything alright?
 You seem a little blue
today. What is the matter?


 Sad/ unhappy
 Feel depressed/ low/ blue
 Downhearted
 Angry
 Irritated
 Mad
 Furious
 Vexed
 Indignant
 Irate
 Overwhelmed
 Seething
 Annoyed
 Disturbed
 Cross
Complaints are expressions of "displeasure or annoyance" in response to an
action that is seen by the speaker as unfavorable. 
 I have a complaint to make. Your pizza is just too salty.
 I want to complain about the noise you are making.

Making Accepting
 I'm sorry to say this but...  i'm so sorry,but this will
 I'm afraid i've got a never occur/happen again
complaint about..  i can't tell you how sorry i
 Excuse me,i'm afraid... am
 Look, i'm sorry to trouble  i wish it never happened
you,but...  oh dear, i'm really sorry
 I have a complaint to make  i'm sorry, we promise
 There seems to be a never to do the same
problem with... mistake again
 Would you mind..?  i just don't know how to
 i'm angry about... say
 do you think you could..?  i just don't know to say
 i wonder if you could help  i'm really sorry, we'll do
me... our utmost/best not to do
 i want to complain about... the same mistake again
 sorry to brother you but...
 i hate to tell you but..
 excuse me but there is a
 i was expecting...but...
 there appears to be
something wrong with...
 i wish you wouldn't mind...
 i do wish you could...
 wouldn't it be a good idea
to/not to...

Delaying Rejecting
I suggest you leave it with us and Well, i'm afraid there is nothing we
well see what we can do can do about it actually
Well, i'm afraid there isn't much we
I'm afraid we can't help you at the can do about it.
moment.Could you leave your Sorry there is nothing we can do
contact phone number and about it
address? We will contact you soon I'm afraid there isn't much we can do
about it
We are sorry but the food is just
1. To be in the mood to do / 1. To feel like doing
for doing something
2. To have mood swings 2. Your mood changes a lot
3. To be in low spirits (negative)
4. To feel down in the dumps 3. To be sad
5. I am feeling under the 4. To feel sad
weather 5. Feeling sick, feeling off
6. To be on an emotional colour
roller coaster 6. To be experiencing lots of
7. To be on a high different emotions
8. I feel out of sorts (negative)
9. I am tickled pink 7. To be happy
8. I don’t feel myself = don’t
feel comfortable or happy
9. To be very happy

Examples of making complaints:

 I would like to complain about missing button on my blouse.
(Saya ingin mengeluh tentang kancing yang hilang pada baju saya)
 I want to complain because the room is too hot to us, please turn on
the air conditioner (AC)
(Saya ingin mengeluh karena ruangan terlalu panas untuk kami,
tolong hidupkan pendingin udara (AC))
 I wish the wall would be painted blue not green, I like blue as a sky
(Saya berharap dinding akan dicat biru bukan hijau, Saya suka biru
seperti langit)
 What can you do to make your performance better from yesterday?
(Apa yang dapat kamu lakukan untuk membuat kinerjamu lebih baik
dari kemarin?)
 Can you speak slower? my baby is sleeping now
(Dapatkah kamu berbicara lebih pelan? bayi saya sedang tidur
1. Who are Chris and Karen sick and tired of?
  a. Each other
  b. The apartment manager
  c. Their neighbor
  d. Their son
2. Why are they sick and tired of this person?
a. Plays music too loud
  b. Visits too much
c.  Eats all of their food
d. Comes over without asking
3. What does Chris want to do?
a. Move
  b. Talk to the neighbor
  c. Not pay the rent
  d. Call the police
4. Why do they like this apartment?
a. They like their neighbors
b. It's close to work
c. The apartment manager is great
d. The rent is cheap
Chris : I'm sick and tired of the noisy neighbor upstairs.
Karen : His music is so loud.
Chris : Let's talk to the apartment manager again.
Karen : He's not going to do anything.
Chris : Then we should move.
Karen : But the rent is cheap here.
Chris : Well, we have to choose between cheap rent or a quiet
Karen : That's a tough choice.
Chris : No, it's not. We can find another cheap place.
Karen : What if we find another place with a noisy neighbor?

1. Where are Anna and Christina?
a. At a hotel
b.  At the movies
c. In a restaurant
d.  At home
2. What does Anna find?
a. A coin
b. A bug
c. A pearl
d. A dollar bill
3. What does Anna think of the place?
a. Beautiful
b. Crowded
c. Awful
d. Cozy
Anna : This hotel is so old.
Christina : It's not that bad.
Anna : What do you mean? This place is awful.
Christina : I have seen worse hotels. Stop complaining.
Anna : There is a bug in my bed.
Christina : Ok. This place is pretty bad.

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