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How to Design for the

Metaverse Environment
Metaverse – a term coined for a network of virtual
worlds that allows you to explore, connect and
interact with each other in a 3D avatar – is fast gaining
popularity. Metaverse exists currently on online
gaming platforms by Roblox, Sandbox, Decentraland
and Fortnite. Here, users can don their virtual avatar,
explore different worlds, and compete or socialize
with their friends. They can interact, engage, and fight
with other players, and modify their environments or
trade and win currencies/ goods/ ammunition and
even health parameters.

It is a world of immersive engagement that allows

users to take on their online Avatar and stay there
for hours offering a completely different level of

With Facebook rebranding itself as ‘Meta’ and

announcing its move towards this realm, social
media platforms, FMCG retails brands, e-commerce
giants, automotive companies, consumer goods
brands and even IT tech companies are making a run
towards understanding what metaverse has to offer
to their clients and customers – magic, challenges,
or opportunities of further engagement. Virtual real
estate - an inhabitable form of the internet that is
powered by blockchain technology and accessible
through web browsers, VR, and AR headsets - is up for
sale with everyone trying to grab their share of “land”
that can be monetized with thousands of dollars.
Designing for Metaverse
Scenarios are being imagined now where Virtually anything is possible and hence
people staying within the confines of designing the virtual world is not limited to
their homes can interact with each other, the physical world’s laws and regulations
experience a brand, a new location, of nature and construction. Some worlds
interact with sales avatars for a virtual may reflect the sophistication and realistic
buying experience, date or even getting depiction of the physical counterpart,
married virtually! while some may be built in the crudest
manner providing the user an opportunity
With the piquing interest for Metaverse to improvise it further with materials and
along with the onslaught of Web 3.0 and 5G colors.
network, a world of interconnected virtual
worlds is soon going to be most sought- The first step would obviously be to
after industry for designers to create create the virtual world in an acceptable
3D avatars, environments, engagement 3D format followed by online avatars that
models and worlds. These virtual worlds can be modified/ changed swiftly. It may
will require designers who are not just seem far-fetched and out-of-bounds,
researching and designing experiences, but it’s quite executable after a little bit
but creators of an engagement schema of research and learning. Designing for
for users and their online counterparts in the metaverse is pretty much like the UX
the true sense. The role of these designers design process.
will not be limited to designing for
digital, omnichannel or wearable forms.
It may expand and become increasingly
immersive and strategic in nature.
Here’s how you can get started:

• Storyboard: Create a user flow of the different “Scenes” or “Environments”.

entire virtual reality app. Just like how Designers will then design the VR
we create a user journey for a mobile UI. The different outcomes or ‘End
or web-based app, for VR too, we scenarios” will help define all the
create a storyboard with all possible touchpoints required for the user to
scenarios and outcomes. This is an move forward in the VR app.
important step to understand the

Low fidelity storyboard example (sketches) pic courtesy

High fidelity Storyboard example, pic courtesy

• Wireframe: Once the scenarios are The ‘background ‘houses the

panned out, low-fidelity sketches environment of the foreground. It
offer a blue-print of what needs to needs to be in three-dimensional view.
be built as part of the entire ‘scene’. The background needs to provide
It’s a 360-degree view with a double a seamless view of the 360-degree
height to help the user pan the entire view, and hence, the ends are stitched
‘scene’ comfortably in comparison to together to give a feeling of continuity.
the 2D view of a Digital device. For These can be created with 3D Software
example – To design a web- based like Sketchfab automatically with
app, designers use the resolution panoramic images, or can be created
dimension, whereas for a VR design, manually through a design Software
designers need to work with tool. These environments consist of
foreground ‘Actors’ and a 360-degree anything from imaginary space to
view background. Different scenarios something which is realistically closer
are worked with the foreground to the physical world – Buildings,
actors and touchpoints to provide an interiors of offices/ homes, natural
understanding of the VR flow. habitats, etc.

• Design - VR design has two

important elements – Foreground and
Background. The foreground consists
of the Avatars, moving objects and
touchpoints or action points to move
forward in the VR space. There are
various software tools to help create
the 3D models of the actors.
360 degree repeat background

Example of a psychedelic background for a 3D game. Note how the edges of the
background seem in continuity when stitched together.

• Prototype the VR UI with motion • Test it on an online VR Player

design tools – Designs complete simulator – there are many Software
with background and foreground tools that provide a simulation of the
actors are animated with motion VR experience as to how your 360
animation tools to provide a and 180-degree footage looks like
prototype of the outcome. This in a VR head-mount display (HMD).
provides an opportunity to improvise Following headsets are compatible
and bridge the gaps for a seamless to most of the Software tools.
virtual experience. An immersive VR – Oculus Rift (Windows only)
environment can be created and
– HTC Vive (On Mac and Windows)
animated in Adobe After Effects.
– Windows Mixed Reality (Windows

There are a lot of technical limitations and considerations while working on the VR design.
To provide a seamless experience to the user, the entire design process needs to have
specialists attending their respective areas of design. Following are the roles we feel, will
contribute to creating an immersive VR experience.
• Metaverse Design Architects • Immersive Designers – Experienced
– Real-world architects who can designers to create seamless
visualize the virtual world with journeys that extend from the digital
respect to physical realm landscape. world to the virtual one.
They create the virtual environment
reflecting or mimicking the physical While there are limitless possibilities of
environment and structures – natural how these worlds can be built ignoring the
or manmade.
laws of nature, gravity, and engineering;

• Immersive Storytellers – Art companies are starting off with providing

directors and persona creators who a virtual experience that is strikingly like
create storyboards of the intended that of the physical one. We are looking at
experiences for the users. every brand across industries and services
making a run to book their real-estate in
• 3D modelers/ Artists – Designers
the Metaverse or virtual reality space. The
who can create 3D objects and
future of customer experience is upgrading
Avatars which are either imaginary,
itself from focusing on user experience of
creative or are strikingly like the
a physical world to that of an immersive
realistic human look.
one, combining the experiences of both -
physical and virtual worlds.
About the Author
In a career spanning 21 years, Priti has played key UX strategic
and consulting roles in digital transformational journeys for
customers across US, UK, Europe, Australia and South Africa.
Since the inception of UX in the industry, she has delivered
strategy-led design on complex enterprise-level projects
for B2B and B2C customers across industries like banking,
healthcare, telecom and travel.

Priti Saini
Associate Director, LTI

LTI (NSE: LTI) is a global technology consulting and digital solutions Company helping more than 495
clients succeed in a converging world. With operations in 33 countries, we go the extra mile for our clients
and accelerate their digital transformation journeys. Founded in 1997 as a subsidiary of Larsen & Toubro
Limited, our unique heritage gives us unrivalled real-world expertise to solve the most complex challenges
of enterprises across all industries. Each day, our team of more than 46,000 LTItes enable our clients to
improve the effectiveness of their business and technology operations and deliver value to their customers,
employees and shareholders. Find more at or follow us at @LTI_Global.

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