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Morphological Classification of the Anemias

0. W. Schalm

Wintrobe introduced the hematocrit method for normocytic, and cells less than the minimum normal
estimation of the volume percent of erythrocytes (PCV) MCV are microcytic. Erythrocytes having MCHC less
in peripheral blood. Using a combination of PCV, than 30% are hypochromic. When the MCHC fall within
hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, and erythrocyte count the normal range of 30 to 36% the cells are called
(RBC), Wintrobe developed three erythrocytic indexes. normochromic. A hyperchromic state is not possible
Mean compuscular hemoglobin (MCH), which is the according t o Wintrobe. An error in technic is indicated
weight of Hb in the average red cell; and mean when MCHC exceeds 36%. Hemolysis, lipemic plasma,
corpuscular hemoglobin concentration which expresses and the presence of many Heinz bodies in erythrocytes
the ratio of weight of Hb t o volume of the erythrocyte. are conditions leading to erroneously increased MCHC
Originally, MCV was stated in cubic microns, MCH in values.
micromicrograms, and MCHC in percent. More recently
a change has been made t o an international system based Morphologic Classification of the Anemias
on the meter and liter, i.e., femtoliters (fl) for MCV, Classification of an anemia on a morphologic basis is
picograms (pg) for MCH, and grams/deciliter (g/dl) for useful for giving a clue to possible cause, e.g., blood loss,
MCHC. The cubic millimeter (cmm) has been changed to hemolytic, iron deficiency, or marrow deficiency. Table 1
microliter (p1)of blood. presents examples of anemias representative of the
Given a blood with a PCV of 42%. Hb of 14 g/dl, and several different morphologic classifications. Table 2
RBC of 6.0 million /pl, the erythrocytic indexes are presents selected cases of anemia in canine patients
derived as follows: which will form a basis for the discussion to follow.

Macrocytic normochromic anemia. The anemias in

which the erythrocytes are macrocytic normochromic are
the result of a Dartial arrest of maturation at the
prorubricyte-basophilic stages. The problem is one of a
- 140
6.0 - 23.3pg deficiency in replication of nucleoprotein (DNA) for
normal mitotic division. The erythrocytic precursor cells
Hb 14 remain large due t o decreased - mitotic division.
MCHC= X 1 0 0 ~42 X 100=33.3 g/dl Hemoglobin synthesis proceeds normally leading to
production of macrocytic normochromic erythrocytes.
In man, vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies lead to
Validty of the indexes depends upon accuracy with macrocytic normochromic anemias. In the few instances
which the erythrocytic parameters are obtained. PCV in the dog and cat where we have suspected a vitamin
from the microhematocrit test is accurate. Spectrophoto- B,, folate deficiency, the anemia was not macrocytic
metric methods of HB determination are generally normochromnic although macrocytic erythrocytes could
accurate when the blood plasma is clear. Counting be found within a population of normocytic erythrocytes
erythrocytes by electronic methods is considerably more and a careful search for hypersegmentation of neutrophil
accurate than the hemocytometer method particularly leukocytes would reveal the presence of a few such cells.
when the latter method is conducted by persons not In erythremic myelosis and erthroleukemia in the cat,
skilled in its use. t h e e r y t h r o c y t e population may be macrocytic
The Wintrobe erythrocytic indexes serve a useful normochromic. Among miniature poodles, some may
purpose in classifying an anemia on the basis of MCV and have maturation defects demonstrable by bone marrow
MCHC. The normal range for MCHC is 30 to 36 g/dl for aspiration that lead to macrocytic normochromic
all mammals with the exception of some strains of sheep erythrocytes. The PCV remains well within the normal
and all members of the family Camellidae. These latter range although erythrocyte number is near or below the
animals have MCHC valles of 40 t o 45%. Normal ranges minimum normal. Neutrophil numbers also are reduced
for MCV and MCH vary with species as follows: and some hypersegmentation may be seen. Administra-
MCV (fl] MCH [pgl tion of vitamin B by intramuscular injection and folic
Dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-77 19.5-24.5 acid orally has not corrected the maturation defect.
Pig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-68 17.0-21.0 Neither has it been shown that the defect has clinical
Horse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-58 12.3-19.7
Cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :.39-55 12.5-17.5
COW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-60 11.0-17.0 Professor Enittrit us.
Sheep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-48 8.0-12.0 D e p a r t m e n t of ('linical l'iit hology
Goat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-30 5.2- 8.0 School of Veterinary Mtdicintl
Dnv is, California .
Erythrocytes larger than the maximum normal for .
Rcprod u w d hy kind pvr mi s5ion of t hv b:d i t 4 )r.
MCV are macrocytic, those normal in size are from Thv ('aliforniii Yvtvrinarian V2X. 1974.
significance. Macrocytic normochromic anemia may elevated. Reticulocyte respoonse generally is nil.
develop in cattle on cobalt deficient pasture since cobalt Chronic secondary anemias may also be normocytic
is required for synthesis of vitamin B12 by the rumen hypochromic when appetite is poor leading to
flora. malnutritiion.
Macrocytic hypochromic anemia. A rapid decrease
in RBC number, Hb concentration, and PCV due t o Microcytic hypochromic anemia. Iron deficiency,
hemorrhage or hemolytic destruction (dogs 1 and 2, either as a result of faulty intake (dog 8, Table 2), chronic
Table 2) results in hypoxemia. Synthesis of renal blood loss (dogs 9 and 10) or faulty utilization of iron as in
erythropoietic factor is increased in response to the vitamin Bg or copper deficiency (Table 1) leads to the
reduced oxygen tension. Erythropoietin is produced by production of small erythrocytes deficient in hemoglobin.
fusion of the renal factor with an alpha-2 globulin Extrusion of the nucleus from metarubricytes appears to
produced by the liver.' Erythropoietin stimulates be controlled by attainment of a critical concentration of
erythropoiesis and causes premature extrusion of the hemoglobin within the cell. In iron deficiency, Hb
nucleus from the large, polychromatophilic rubricytes of synthesis is reduced. The rubricyte nucleus remains
t h e bone marrow. By t h i s means, macrocytic viable beyond the normal time and some late rubricytes
polychromatophilic erythrocytes (reticulocytes) are may undergo an additional mitosis giving rise to small
released to the circulation in 3 to 4 days after the first erythrocytes. Erythrocytes in iron deficiency are thin
massive erythrocyte loss or destruction. MCHC is below and pack more completely during centrifugation
30% and t h u s t h e newly released macrocytic resulting in a small PCV value in relation to number of
erythrocytes are hypochromic. The weight of the cells. This fact contributes additionally t o the small MCV
hemoglobin (MCH) in these large cells, however, may value (40 to 40 fl) in iron deficiency.
exceed the maximum normal (dogs 1and 2, Table 2). The demonstration of a microcytic hypochromic
Macrocytic hypochromic anemias are characteristic anemia indicates that iron deficiency exists. Blood
of blood loss or hemolytic anemia in remission in all sucking parasites, a bleeding ulcer, or a hemorrhaging
domestic animals with exception of the horse. The horse leiomyoma of the duodenum (dog 10, Table 2) should be
retains erythrocytes in the bone marrow until they are searched for. Correction of the primary cause,
fully hemoglobinized even when responding to the most transfusions of whole blood and iron therapy are
severe blood loss. MCV of the equine erythrocyte indicated.
increases only to a limited extent (frbm 50 fl to 6 5 f l )
under these circumstances. Table 1. Morphollogic Classification of the Anemias
The total plasma protein concentration is useful to I. Macrocytic Normochromic
distinguish between blood loss and hemolytic anemia. A. Penicious anemia in man and primates.
Icterus index is not always elevated in the latter and, B. Vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies.
therefore, cannot be depended upon as a distinguishing C. Cobalt deficiency in ruminants.
feature. The escape of erythrocytes from the circulation D. Erythremic myelosis a myeloproliferative dis-
in hemorrhage is accompanied by the loss of protein. The order in cats.
finding of anemia, hypoproteinemia and reticulocytosis E. Macrocytosis of Poodles.
(dog 1, Table 2) is a triad characteristic of blood loss. In II. Macrocytic Hypochromic
hemolytic anemia the concentration of plasma protein is A. During recovery from massive erythrocyte
normal or slightly increased (dogs 2 and 3, Table 2) since loss.
there is no loss of plasma from the circulation. 1. Hemorrhage.
The macrocytic hypochromic state rapidly returns to a. Injury.
normal as the crisis for oxygen transport is met. Thus, b. Neoplasms.
macrocytic hypochromic anemia of blood loss or hemo- c. Thrombocytopenia.
lytic disease in remission is pseudomacrocytic for the d. Blood clotting disorders.
macrocytic state is temporary. On the other hand, a true 2. Hemolytic destruction of erythrocytes.
macrocytic hypochromic anemia is encountered in a a. Hemoparasites (anaplasmosis, haemo-
congenital anemia in the Basenji breed? Erythrocyte bartonellosis) .
life span is short due t o a deficiency of the enzyme b. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
pyruvate kinase. There is a continuous release of c. Heinz body anemia from drug toxicity.
macrocytic hypochromic reticulocytes (20-50%) to the d. Erythrocyte pyruvate kinase deficiency
circulation throughout life of the dog (dog 3, Table 2). in Basenji dogs.
Normocytic normochromic anemia. Anemias char-
acterized by erythrocytes of normal size and Hb content 111. Normocytic Normochromic
are secondary to a variety of chronic disorders (Table 1). A. Chronic diseases leading t o depression of
Dogs 4 , 5 , 6 and 7 (Table 2) are representative examples. erythrogenesis as in hypoplastic and aplastic
The normocytic normochromic anemias are generally bone marrow.
unresponsive to therapy as long as the primary disease is 1. Chronic infections, particularly suppurative
active. Administration of hematinics, vitamins and/or and granulomatous.
anabolic steroids is of little avail. Blood transfusions are 2. Nephritis with uremia.
indicated when the PCV falls to below 40% of minimum 3. Malignancies.
normal value. Plasma protein concentration may be 4. Hormone deficiency (hypothyroidism,
reduced but more commonly is normal or somewhat hypoadrenocorticism).
IV. Microcytic Hypochromic MCV is a measure of mean cell sue and provides a basis
A. Iron deficiency (also copper deficiency). for classifying an erythrocyte population as macrocytic,
B. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency. normocytic or microcytic. MCHC is a measure of mean
C. Chronic blood loss (ulcer, leiomyoma of duo- hemoglobin concentration within the erythrocyte and
denum, blood sucking parasites). permits describing a population or red blood cells as
either normochromic or hypochromic.
SUMMARY The morphologic classification of an anemia is an aid
The Wintrobe erythrocytic indexes MCV and MCHC to speculation of possible cause. Macrocytic normo-
are used in the morphologic classification of an anemia. chromic indicates an eryhthrocytic maturation defect as

Table 2. Representative Types of Anemias in the Dog and Their Morphologic


Range 37-55 5.5-8.5 12-18 60-77 32-36 19.5-24.5 0-1.5

Normal dog Mean 45 6.8 15 70 34 22.8 0.8 6.0-8.0*

1 4 yrs. Warfarin poisoning 19 2.00 5.4 95.0 28.4 27.00 25.0 5.3
2 3yrs. Autoimmune 17 1.49 4.3 114.0 25.7 28.8 36.0 8.5 Macrocytic
3 10mo. Erythrocytepyruvate 19 2.11 4.9 90.0 25.8 23.2 21.8 7.8 hypochromic
kinase deficiency
4 8 yrs. Chronic interstitial 17 2.61 5.9 65.1 34.7 22.6 0.0 6.7
nephritis with uremia Normocytic
5 5 yrs. Chronic infection 29 4.10 10.6 70.7 36.6 25.8 Oe2 7-5 normochromic
6 5 yrs. Lymphosarcoma 28 4.29 8.7 65.3 31.1 20.3 4.6 6.4
7 8yrs. Pyometra 25 3.48 8.0 71.8 32.0 23.0 1.8 7.3
8 2 mo. Iron deficiency 15 3.37 3.7 43.2 24.7 10.7 6.8 4.0
9 8 m o . Coiccidiosis 26 6.04 7.3 43.0 28.1 12.1 5.1 2.8 Microcytic
10 8 yrs. Bleeding neoplasm, 8 1.57 2.3 50.9 28.7 14.6 12.4 6.4 hypochromic
leiomyoma of nut
*Age dependent, 6.0 to 7.0 for young dogs, 7.0 to 7.5 for young adults, and 7.5to 8.0 for old dogs.

seen in vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiencies, in chromic indicates a depression of erythrogenesis
erythremic myelosis and erythroleukemia of cats, or secondary t o a variety of chromic diseases, e.g.,
macrocytosis in miniature poddles. Macrocytic hypo- infections, malignancies, hormone deficiences, and
chromic is characteristic of erythrocytes in response t o nephritis with uremia. A classification of microcytic
blood loss or hemolytic anemia. Normocytic normo- hypochromic is the hallmark of iron deficiency.

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