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TROECTNO TEA Werk Package Leste Be elenoil (arom | Subjects romarmovan sa | we suanrr THe FOLLOWING wea: ‘BY “EDC” PRECAST SUBCONTRACTOR ‘Doe. No EBH-00-000-AA-CW-MS-0023 Rev.00 as copy attached [METHOD STATEMENT) | [METHOD STATEMENT FOR PRODUCTION OF HOLOW CORE SLABS (FOR EBH. $44 $5) TO BEUSED._— pe eee OTHER REARS ge rT TEC Contras Aura Manse sasisocda ns 7 Ss etn Ending ee ‘Constants Represent Comments /4 7 ue ae eter (Ue allachel comments aman mown [Ge aEASROTED | ems eam Consalans Repreminie oA‘ Teg Hosa Abdou | seRaroRE I — fmeomaras rN AS DAT zinamai7 ——[eareas BRzaOTT ona Seton Be a South Border Housing Project AREHEN Method Statement for Production of Hollow Core Si Eastern ites (504 & $05} BH-00-000-AA-CW.-TM-0036 Revision - 00 In response to ABV RG document submittal “EBH-00-000-AA-CW-TM-0036" revision - 00 vecelved on 18" of Dec 2017 pertaring to Method Statement fr production of Hollow Core lab fo SO8 & SOS sites, lease be aGveed thatthe submital has been reviewed and given the Status "3" Approved as Noted with the foliowirg comments 4 The submitted Method Statements for production of Hollow Core Slab ony. ontrator shall submit the Method Statement for Handing, Storage & Delivery of HCS for Cansltant review and approval 2. The release of strands / Cutting of strands shall be done when conret reach the compressive strength 20.7 Npa, as per PCI-16 Chapter no. (18.3). 13. After appiatien of curing compound casted elements shall be covered with polyethylene. sheet approvedby Consultant and shall comply with ASTM C171 4. Terms and contition of the contract incuding Inspections, Testing Hesth anc Safety shall be ‘maintained thoughout the project duration Disclaimer This conditional approval willbe subjected to verification for compliance withthe above ‘comments and all elevant terms and conditions ofthe contract. This cade '® approval does not relieve the contactor of ANY obligation under the contract ands independent of any future review ‘hiss for you information and ceevant ation SER Pe Page tof wena’ | mon "SSUED FOR APROVAL oo | Si | oncom [gen | any | Se an Rein ie Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ar Reape Ly lh AS Ministry Of Interior Lalas Pinning Deetnpmet (SY) ne Modernization Program oie! austell Lalas Us. engin td naling ancuen PMAital wa _hwa SOUTH BORDER HOUSING PROJECT METHOD STATEMENT FOR PRODUCTION OF HOLOW CORE SLABS (10 BE USED BY “EPC” PRECAST SUBCONTRACTOR) (FOR EBH -S4 & $5) EBH-00-000-AA-CW-MS-0021 DA i ans 9001:2008 (METHOD STATEMENT METHOD STATEMENT FOR PRODUCTION OF HoLtow Core SLABS SOUTH BORDERS SECURITY HOUSING COMPOUND PROJECT aa ot Ts TEL] vermneene [rr raer | abt cow me @Asacengineer | on snager |___General Manager Dare 02-12-2017 ___beag ben) SS Uh — 4 G ams cooc os 8P-0P-7 58/2 enson: 00 HEIR ett sstemene tor Production of etoweor ie ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: 0 CHAPTER 1: GENERAL DESCRIPTION IAPTER2: Wo! ‘0 CHAPTER 3: INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN (TP) ‘4.0 CHAPTER 4: CHECKLIST AND FORMS ERS: NMENT S.0.CHAPTER 6: APPENDICES APPENDIX A.2- General Table of Organization APPENDIX 8.2- Location Map |: es for Production of Hollowenr Sab PTER ENERAL DE 1.1 PURPOSE ‘This method statement covers in deals the procedures and inspections to be caried out throughout the production of Holow core Siab. Throughout this chapter, te reference is PC MINL-316 unless otherwise Specialy tated by the Cllen’s own specifeation. A Record will be made and kept ofall inspects; al variations from the accepted practice vl be noted 1.2,Personal Responsible Prolect Manager > overall Projactn-Charge and reporting ABV Rock > Plan and evaluate work progress Full manage on the operations of pant iriudes execution, manpower, machinery and materials > Coordinate the project actives and plaring >> Implement project procedures and method statement > In-charge of production process > tmplementation ofthe plans and monitoring ofthe work progress > Report tothe project manager > Implementation ofthe production procedures and method statement ga/ac Manager "> In Charge of the Quality Assurance and Quality Control of the projet and reporting to project manager > Preparation and ensure the implementation of Quality Assurance and Quality Contre! Plan forthe project, > Preparation and ensure the implementation of inspection and Tes lan > preparation and ensure the implementation of work procedure and method statement > Ensuring that all materials usd forte rojectare approved and as per project requirements > Ensures Project Quality Plan is implemented effective occas ee ae See ee ua oie cela areca ee ae > Ensure all activities are in compllance with procedures. > QNAC Engines in maintaining prope eontro of docu > Maintain good housekeeping ofthe production pant. iz ‘Method Statement for Production of Hollowcor Sib ese ction Supervisors / > Reports to the Production Engineer > Overall charge of day today production activities (rebar, concreting, post concreting, delvery etc} > Control over resources (materia, labour and machineries) Implementation of Project Quality Plan procedure Reports othe Project Manager ‘Overalin charge of Ervionmetal Health and Safety (EHS) Ensures general requirement of EHS belag adhered to. Pereonal PE shal be monitored Report and record unsafe acts ad incidents 2.0. CHAPTER 2: WORK METHODOLOGY 2.1 MOULD |A. Mould forthe production of holowcoressbs i 150 x 1.2 1150 meters tel bed. The moulds ae secured on stable level surface In order that It wil not move or aispaced during the casting process. 'B. The casting bed has a concrete deck to which the form griage and soft plates are adequately anchored Soft plates are accurately centered aligned and levelled tothe same pre, 1. Soft plates wil be tested with approved release agent by the mutfunctin trol and ensured that there shall be no excess amounts that will adhere to svands ding Ing. Beds will be ‘thoroughly leaned after each use and coating used for releasing will not be allowed to buit-up. 2.2 REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcement used area follows + PCStrand Dia, 15mm and 12.7 mm Dia. - ASTM AAI6 Grade 270'pu= 1860Mpa 1. Strands delivered in coils are property identified or marked as er manufatrer’s ID and are stored Under cover ar shade, Stee! reinforcement as well are segregated and stored under cover on concrete 30m. above the ground and propery labeled or dentieason C_Every delivery are checked by QC Inspectors as per delivery note & al certteate Tog Damage of packing Visual inspection for ust Possible damage tothe material DEY 0s rotenone sie 2.3 STRESSING [A Stands ae ni on the mould ane by one and anctored on end abutments by approved strand ‘ses rip. The quantty, sz, location & patter of sands shall be in accordance with the approved shop drawing 1. tach stand ae stressed ist intl by cable pling nacine, s per mentioned on shop drawings, to remove the slacks on strand vee rips an for marking of reference point for measurement of elongation after fra sessing, intial stress shall be necessary to ensure thatthe correct location and the straight alignment ofthe strand. G. Them each strand are finally stressed tits requte fa tess as per mentioned on shop drawings, {verified as shown onthe load cel ofthe stressing machine or cable pulling machine. '. Elongation measured must be within #5 % of the zomputed elongation as shown on approved shop drawing, (Oniy for double checking but the radng on the stressing machine will govern) . Record shall be kept on the prescribed Inspection Report QC Form (Pre-Stressng and Casting ‘Checks 2.4 CONCRETING A. Concrete used for holowcore it no slump concrete and i s as per approved mix design in ccordance with project cesign specifications. 1 Is verified by Material Engineer/taboratory “echnllan that the batning plant computer fed dbtasre cortect before batching 8. Chiles water at 6 % wil be used 25 mixing water during hot weather to attain the maximum allowable concrete temperatre. ut the concrete mix wih chiled water wal aot attain the Fequired concrete temperature, use ofice fakes will be used, Concrete wil be supple from our batching plan #1. transported by 2 bultn shuttle conveyor for fast conveying & depoion on cating machine bucket hopper. 1. ylinder samples for compressive strength determination are sampled 2 for stripping / ‘tensioning 1 for 3 days, Lfor 7 days, 2 for 28 day, Forever 75 cu. meter of concrete 1 set of test samples were taken, & tested of compressive srength in our laboratory, or If required by Cent shal be tested ina clent approved independent laboratory. Record shall be Kept inthe prescribed Compressive Strength form E. Casting crews which are consist of mesons, hebers and machine re under the superision af foreman Castings done by sipformer machine which is operared by well DI secre rrr ttower sis ‘6. During casing, holowcore thickness produced is checked frm ime to time for correct adjustment of eiplormer machine if thare are variation. H. As casting progresses, location of blockouts fr every sib in accordance to casting schedule are ‘marked by authorized casting crew, verified by QC inspector and cut immediately while concrete il nat had enough using knife edge chisel. But care shall be taken 5035 not to ibrate or move the srandsas itil cause cracking or damage on element 1. after al reciteation s dane, apply Curing compound to all exposed surfece ofthe hollowcore. 1. The cast eaments wil be covered with polyethylene sheet 0.1 mm tick immediately as casting progresses to provide protective cover to avo rapid mosture evaporation, . During wister season, boled water or steam is used for heating of beds to attan the normal detensoning time & strength of conerete, L_ Records were kept on prescribed inspection QC form, 2.5 DETENSIONING |A. After concrete has acquired 70 % of Its design concrete strength or as specified in project, requirements as tested in cylinder samples inthe laboratory, production shal be informed by Iaboratory technician, fr detensioning. But prior to detensioning side and end shuters lamps are stripped of to remove restraints & to allow movement of element during transfer of tres, 8. Detensoning or cutting of strands by electric grinder or by low oxygen acetylene torch at abutment eepthe elements moist & to avoid cracking, Follow thestrand cutting sequence | % pee en ae ” | 1. Follow the strand cutting pattern 2.6 DEMOULDING |A. after detesioning, labs plastic cover i removed and slabs and beams are marked with Is 10, casting dat, project name of code and mould no 8. Demouided elements are checked by QC Inspector as per the QC Inspection Chee and recorded een f pase, yellow if theres repair and red rejected 12.7 CONCRETE SAMPLING AND TESTING FOR HOLLOWCORE SLAB |A. Concrete shall be sampled fom hoppers of spformer or just prior escharge into hoppers. Concrete tt yinders sal be tested in-house laboratory for compresve strength as per ASTM (C29 a 3,7 and 28 days ages: 4 test samples of concrete shall be taken (1 sample for 3 ay, 2 sample fr 7 days and 2 samples for 28 day & Additonal cylinder samples are taken for stiplng purpose) fr every 75 cubic meters concrete, 18, Preparation of Conerete Cylinder Specimen by Orop Hammer shall be nade with a standard 10 pounds dep hammer in accordancewith the following method. Methal isnot a standard and is ‘devised toreasonaly duplicate method employed in sipforme. the mold 01/3 polat tramme faing teely + f1202/3 point and repeat with hammer falling from the sa + Fito overow and repeat with hammer + Remove elinder from apparatus, strike off excess fush ‘Each compacted layer shall be roughened to insure bonding ohh Son 6 Only 2s required by cient, parle test shall be performed by client Spill ieFarty for compressive strength test of concrete, . For each tpe of aggregates", 3/8", 3/1", sand} fllowing est are performed DET reser resents Clay lumps &frlable particles one test per month (not appleabefor sand) F.. Gradaton & Materials fine than No, 200 Sieve ~ oe test per week 6G. LosAngeles Abrasion Tet for coaree aggregates only, sand not applicable) one test per month H. Specie Gravity & Water Absorption one test per month |. Acid Soluble Chloies as test per month |. Magnesium Suifates Sundress test per month 1. Potential kal Reactivity ~ Blannually | ToS— 2 test per month, PH 1 test per month, chlorides, Sulfates & Magnesium ~~ 1 test per ‘month king ad Curing Water) 12.8 HANDLING AND STORAGE |, Utand support units during manvfactrng, demoulding, yard handing sing only appropriate and bpproved Ming devies B. Use prope and appropriate sgging. Ensure that the riging equipment is available. This includes iting beams, devices and corect attachment fo iting bet Use overhsad and motile crane litng. The normal rated capacity of 2 crane refers to its load ‘apacty at minimum radius and often ths bears hte relationship tits actual capacty at a “working reds when iting precast elements, The required crane capziy Is affected by factors Including the dstane from the centre of rotation of the crane to the centre of gravity ofthe precast element bing ted , Using ft bed trallers precast elements wil be delivered in stocyard (dear, levelled and ‘compacted or concrete are) stacked In a horizontal or near horizontal postion with two point ‘wooden pinks or dunnuge supports spaced approsimately a ith points During transfer, suppor the nis by wooden planks or dunnage Stocking of ollowcore Slab DE sre recon rotons Face betwaen ll precast units non-stining resent spacers (Styrofoam) of even thickness. 6G Securing the precast elements by tig the elements on both ends with strap or bul and protects ‘the edges under the strapping with plastic or ste! anges Unload ony in a designated storage area. Store precast units in an arez relatively level, frm, and well drained to protect contact with so, surface un-off, staining or other attrbutes that may ‘cause physal damage tothe unt. Do not place precast units drety on ground. |. Donot support more than 2 dunnage or atten, the tied can cause craciing ofthe units 4. Store unitsinsueh way that iting devices are accessible and undamaged 1K. Store usin sueh a way thatthe lentifiation marks are dscerible L._Storage are of the elements should be well ventilated and acessible bythe Equipment, Stockyard Personnel, inspectors and cent 2.9 STOCKING/REPAIRING |A. Double Tee Sab, Single tee Sib, Hollowcote Slab Pre-Stessed Beam elements wil be delivered in stoclyard (cer, levelled and compacted of conereted area) using corect capacity cranes, Ratbed tealler, and approved ling claps, iting belts, and Hftng beams, and stocked, with two wooden supports a rear end & aligned locations 8, Green or pissed elements shall be stocked separate fom the ones whichrequire epaie Repairs willbe donein accordance to Method statement fr repair of various precast elements A record Shall be keptin the prescribed QC Inspection Report Form, CcHacking at Hllowcore slab ede for dowel insertion wil be done at sit. stockyard,Pre-cutting of 10mm deep for hacking wl be done using sarong cutting dsc. Thsisa precautionary procedure for hollowcore sab fo prevent from spalling and crack due to handing and transport for stocking and elven. 2.40 MARKING / IDENTIFICATION |A. Units shal be clearly marked witha unique identification as shown on the atest Approved Shop Drawings Marking shall be sufficient to dsinguishtrae vluabe informatio of ech uit 0 |, Marking shoud include the following information: + Element code + casting Date 4 Project Name and Code Bed or Table Number 2.11 CURING 1A. immediately after casting, inal curing Is applied to casted elements by covering it with polyethylene sheets to protect it agaist moisture loss. (RCI 308, Sec. 1.22.4), 18, Precast Elements shal be Steam Cured and covered with polyethylene sheets, In order to attain the require release strength at eat time. Atte stockyard all precast elements shallbe water cured for 7 days using curing water with total desoves sais not exceeding 1000 parts per milion. , Saturated buraps shall be covered with 2 plastid sheet vapor bart, minimum 0:5 mm (6 ris in thicknes, to avoid fast molsture evaporation In cae EPC Water Treatment Plant cout of order, the stockyard foreman wl immediately order approved water curing from outsde source. F. The efficiency of curing will be monitored by the qualty control insrector/a engineer and required guidelines wil e communicated to foremen fom time to time. 6. Minimum curing period i7 days and shale tity mantaned 2.12 FINAL INSPECTION 2.13 LOADING AND DELIVERY A Final inspection is arid out on al recast elements before they are loaded to delivery transport and released for delivery. The EPC QC Inspector and Client Representa re the responsbe to check the following: > Visual inspection of repairs done on yelow coded elements. Repalt shall be done property according te approved repair method statement > Visual inspection of cast in parts suchas clean dowel holes, connets essere fixe and clean iting sockets, cond ete, > Visual Inspection of loose pats such as steel plate anges, approved arauing. ‘The Double Tee Slab slabs, Single tee slabs hollow core and Beam element willbe delivered tothe site by fat bed Walle, Delivery wil bein sequence or a5 per site requirement to meet the erection rogram HE ‘Method Stotement for Production of Hallowcor Slab ul '. Prior to loading, all precast elements shall be inspected by QC inspector /QC Engineer for final spprovaltoaspatch. He sees to It that only green elements shal be loaded fr delivery . Allelements are tobe handed & secured property on the ale in sucha manner thatthe wil not bbe damaged during transporting 1. Loading shal be done using correct capacity crane, approved iting devcesand acessories. . During shipment, suport the units by wooden planks or unnage. F. Securing the precast elements by tying the elements on both ends with strap or bult and protect he exges under the strapping with plastic or steel angles. {G. Trailer Drivers should wea proper PPE, H. The Teller Driver should make a 360 degree walk around inspection before geting int the vice Te shoul be nepected to anre Re condion | Teale river shall ensure adequate supplies and communication equipmert are avaliable 1. QC inspectors hep records inthe prescribe QCin 2.14 RECORDS 2. Prlor to delivery, the elements are visually inspected again. Al relevant Documents should be reviewed by EPC QC Inspector and Client representative before dipatch of element. The following documents to reviewed areas fllow: PresStresing and Casting Pre:Pouring Inspection Checlst, ‘Concrete Mix Cheek Uist Concrete Batch Report, Final inspection after Production Post Pour inspection Checklist Compressive tet results or 3day,7days,28days Delivery Note The documents mentioned sbove should all be approved and signed by cient representative Dy sere reerctttoner sas 2 INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN Ea ‘Method Statement for Production of Hllowcor ib YS "MYIVa ALLO TWRHLSNON! 2 ~313ONOD LsvORNA NASW sao] y | w]e | cman] conve ‘yee ay aap a see susovsuuen | v | ow | ow —— wea, lanai a ‘Sa evo yrataet | puneensoepen et msec vwasey| v | # | ow Begoumite | seu 900 * 4 sue = vyovea mossy "NOUWOOT '3L34ONOD. Asvoaud NUBISV3 FAB RIOM 008) PET Y dd-Oda 9U0I8)9H LI ‘V1S SHOOMOTIOH 40 NOLLONGOYd Hos NV1d 1S41 GNV NOLLOSdSNI Loaronis axnoanoo oN'snon “Auunags Usauos HAOS poset rd a S beets uo a es os-ov=H# | wusyinvoemen | AMO cae mae oe poate mun | Samcaeus ponomy = snsaas pues pay > mag epost 0 8 Tsamrbe | oqnaag nut svomyees poe | Sntmncs va araey Ehegatsmosy | pnlsmura pneu eed woes (one sondoen |e age Supp mn es ogee kan ‘ecpacionen wa | PE ome | swoniSiettes | -ounaen Sammon euch 5 0mooH Jo woNpoL oj UIUANES PNM inna py mgacuse oe Coupes | may werent a a, aieieanyee ane | sate nme, eee eer | eee = scrim ino el — wie 4 cmmmny| —suaningonny| mare a a] semen soos} vy seen ‘oo | nea 5 somo} Jo voroapoug 2) weUDNES POUL ouep rea seovmnianvorewse | es yee amsmmies| ou ose me com ree eonteso acs | mmm mtenty | een a ml wae a sec | leh vollond ‘fea | Sn abs Prine rues] samen | Sena meer on tna | v9 seen ee | ay aatogonte rotons a mwceroen| ME | ay MET ee “4.0 CHAPTER 4; CHECKLIST FE sere resioncteoncr si SEPL _| rresipessnc ano castne as recasr conceere oon Ee — | Hy Statement for Production of Hollowcor Stab {| ty) Lae) % Eastern Trading & Cont. Group o EASTERN PRECAST CONCRETE ate uae Mo. Lid DELIVERY NOTE & GATE PASS Ey ‘Method Statement for Production of Hollow Slab ” 5.0 CHAPTER 5: ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY Faster Proact Concert (EPC) wil ensure that all he operations relevant to the manufacturing and delivery of LShape Precast wall Panel wil be programmed and executed in a safe manner ‘complying with all the relevant regulations, so 35 not to cause danger, inconvenience or interference tothe general publi or other contractors working on st ‘The management of Eastern Precast recognizes the importance of health and safety forall its ‘employees and is commited to provi all necessary resources fora safe and accident free all ‘throughout the operation, Suitable sefe working systems and practices will be developed and imglemented. Work actus wil be cid out meeting the statutory safety requirements, The management consiers its \workforceas its partner in implementing tis safety poi, 5.1 Risk Assesment & Hazard Analysis Manufacturing of pre-cast concrete tunnel fring segment invohescertas rsh, which need to be enuf and clearly adres to al personnel invohved ‘There are seas of sctivties that have Been identified fr assessment as below Rebar, bending and cutting Steel cage stacking and ansporttion concreting {concrete mixing (Batching Pant) “Transportation of concrete with transl mixers DDemouidng by Overhead Crane ‘Overhead eran / forklift Handing and Storing OF Panels anol repairing work 4. Environment, Health and Safety Requirement > Personal Protective Equipment shal be considered only a “lst esort of efense” against potential risk and hazards. All workers shall be provided wih Job specific Personal Protective Equpment. EFC shall ensue that adequate stock of Pezonal Protective Equipment i readily either ‘avilable on ste of sued to personnel PE shal be considered as consumable ites AIIPE uiited shal be manufactured to 8 recognized intemaiora FCs required to comply all requirements stated EPC Construct Salety offeror safety coordintor shal be preset ful time o Execution of works and shall Implement the safety rules and the ime Fvoring strategies and methods to reduce/minimize of ‘occupational noise level Folowing safety requirements shall be fulfilled! DE 2s resin iors 28 > saety barca shall be provided wherever necessary Necessary safety signboard shal be provided at work places as rr safety requrea > All workers shill be provided with job specifi Personal Protectiv equipment. > Safety fikering ight shale provide for vehicles working on longtime hous especialy on night ours > The approving authority shall inspect all equipment checklss for all machineries related to the activites before commencing the works. > Working equgment shall be equipped with amber lights, horns, safety guard, et. as requited and mentioned in safety manuals, > ny incident at st shal be immediately reported to company ad recorded > Good housekeeping shall be maintained athe time > Weekiy safety statisti reports ana safety performance reports ec. shallbe prepared and recorded > Daly safety task assignment and schedule shal be prepared. Safety and heath Brieings Weekiy safety meeting every Monday 08:20 inthe morning at production hal with all workers volved In the Project. The health, safety & environment aspects ofthe works ofthat patlar day will be discussed, ‘ny heath, safety & envionment issues which have occured on sie, of need special attention wil be ddecursed and evahated ‘logo attending personnel willbe kept and wil be made avaiable tothe cllent Safety and heath being Content opether ith the arguments Weated ad atendance wil he made avalabe tothe work location, Annex 2.0 Sample Records of Safety and Hesth Biting » © ToolBox Meeting oo! box meeting willbe eld once a week to be conducted by safety officer and production supervisor Personal heath safety and envionment topics tobe escussed & as an opportunity for leadership to reinforce safety expectations and provide feedback inliding previous incidents so an opportunity to ‘seus any safety concerns workers may have 4. Contractual Requirements “The works described inthis Method Statement must be execute in compliance with the Heath & Safety Requirements. naditon, the works described in tls method statement must be executed in ful compliance with company ad cent Occupational Health and Safety and other Health & Safety Requirement Protective & Safety Equipment ‘The following are the list of Personal Protective Equipment applicable forthe scope of work Hard hat Safety shoes Dust Mask Safety eogsles Rubber gloves High visbiy safety vest, Vacuum Ute brotection or plug / Ear mu 1 Handng of Hazardous Materials and Substances "Read labels and the material safety datasheet (MSDS) before using any material to make sure you understand hazards an precaution. ‘Always ue required PPE; replace worn out or damaged PPE ast won't provide adequate protection "Make sure that all materials are propery labeled and contained. ‘Store all materia propery, separate incompatibes,and store in ventated, dry, coo res. Material Safety Data sheet (MSOS) shal be available and play at storage ares Weste Management ‘Overalthe waste management forthe factory is ike to comprise ofthe folowing The waste or excessive materials from the concrete batching operation wil be collected land alternative waste elsposal method wil be use where apical ‘ich a use It a material fo malntain acess road within the facto > Thewaste mater fom rebar fabrication work wl be collected a designates area The waste il be sold tothe highest bidder fore ANF, \ ay Yt) vate, te, fel: VY e Reaes/y 30 '5.2 Risk Assesment and Safety Measures Hazard Risks Coniol Measures > Pant ‘and | > Injury to personnet AT plant and machinery to be Machinery Inspectee and sewiced tepularly a5 per 50 9001:2008 GMS and KSA Regustons > A maltenance and service schedule is to. be established and implemented A the plant machineries will be operated — by authorized personnel only > Guarding > Fare of ing > Damage to Al iting equipment equipment buildings/equipment subjects to certietion and and injur/Fataty Inspector regulery (3 party ceriieate for all iing fequpments andthe same must be tenewed once in 12months The iting gears shall be renewed once in 6 months) > A copy of certfiation Is to be retained on site for record keeping znd reference > Nov workers under ted elements > checking and inspection of cable is required on regular base > Freel ads | > Daraaete > Daly hipecionr ond ches oe balingsequpment tobe made by. the. cane deo inital pert Yo eure that the tan sea operble > ah wide 5 stably ands af >Wind speeds wn the ste aren > peatimn conreot iting eto be montored and al ting oreraton oes ate tobe sel Clnditions ofthe wind speed Sowances a5 lid down for te veces of safe um of ras high wing and wind onions gay > Working in partial Injury to worker orl saeco fant > Worknginhot teva, causing detysraton of ste persone Dy ere recent a inadequate traning. > Contact with dus. > presence of other actives, > Nom avaibty of toilets and washing facies In working areas. ‘ehide/ambulance avalible all time at ste Maintain emergenct contact Safety and work rated traning to personnel Minimize dust from dust creating activities; for example cutting of holes though floa for plumbing Workers must wear safety glasses and dust mask in order to avoid ‘contact with dst ‘Work program will 2e submitted to the site responsible Al activities wil be coordinated in ‘order to avoid itererences, Provide ste vehicles to. allow movement of personnel 0 the Alosest toler] washing facity vaiabe Personnel o be made aware ofthe facies at ste, > Handling Hazardous Materials > nun worker ‘Aways se requires PPE; replace wom out or damaged PPE ast won't provide adequate protection. Make sure that allmateras are rope labeled an contained. Store all materials propery, Separate incompatible, a store Inventiatd, dry, col areas Read labels and the material safety datasheet (SOS) before using any tater to make sie you Understand hazardeand precautions Personnel to keep tiemsehes and the work area dean ater handling any material, wash thoroughly with soap and water > Movement of pant/ehiles in proximity o pubic roads > Sirutaneous activity causing interferences > Collion between ‘moving equipment > Loose clothing becoming tary to personel and third party > dustcancause (Occupational respiratory disease > Dusteaniritateto yes, nose, throat and sin ‘Al machinery wil 2erate inside working onal plantvehicie. DE certo resco rrtoner si By entangledin moving parts > Excessive emision ofdest ‘gna Eye contackwith the ‘operator while passing near the mobile plant. Enforce speed nit an ste 40km/he to 204m/h, Personnel to wear high vibe vest at all ines when wring onsite. Provide safe ty pathaccess Workers frequiredte always use Gust mask and protective eve glasses Dust suppresion by water sprays ‘before al operation starts at dally bases Injury Sis, trips and falls, DY cere recon rw Se cnc ane on » eacrosn eee 2 Secotion > Wed drt be ed ore > Cutan lacerations strand ee So et tt su seg Sd > Sams Sie evey od on oc Hebi ratemated a ee rn > Sieg dtenig ted coppers pg eel femineleion ers + Seer ates oe a mkt oe oe oe a pants ob Cc | enim eee mou open a ino Don't over reach, walk around the mould > Keep work area clean and tidy > concreting sing es Machine oscues ¥ > Al electrical equipment to be Peace: to personnel tagged and tested for the reinforcement | > electrocution current period by 2 licensed > Fire and burns electrician. > Eyeorhearinginjury |» Flashback arrestor to be placed pci meamea onal ony acetylene bottles. pina sine > Bottles to be securely chained > Slip, triporfalionto | onan appropriate trolley. gece > Fire exingishers to be kept in jain close proximity of the work > Wear leather gloves, steel toed safety shoes, safety goeses and ar plugs, > Cutting and bending work to be carried out by trained personnel having adequate experience in this kind of work > The waste steel after cutting Should not belt inthe working Working ares to be kept clean ‘and free fom any. trpping| hazard > dleanand oF ary deo ploch % Mould opening and _ranua ous points, posse handing precautions 3s per amputation white manufacturer manual, mould opening > vod spiling ol and avoid over > Manval Handing ‘ling. inary > Keep work floor ares from ol pil, > Sips, rps and fal keep the floor ean and ty. > Cutsandabrasions- | > Use task specie PPES Le. hand wire bush and aaa scrapers > Goves mus: be impervious > ost, oe > Read and understand MSDS forthe ae mould ol 5 fiskof having dnnitus ‘or Note induced hearing oss when ‘exposed continuously love ‘Method Ssterent for Production of olloweer Sab Py Stripping of Hes > Possible fatality due to electrocution > Crushing injury > Crushing injury due to faire of iine equipment. > Injury due to string workers ‘Only cetiieg/trained gersonnel in ‘the operations ofthe crane, Ensure all prestar checks have been completed and logged belore powering up. Stand clear of load wen carrying corturing. Ensure scent strength has been {gained tothe concrete. Keep unnecessary personnel away land ensure travel path I fee of| persons > Uting andtng and Stocking ot Hes Fare oF rom rane > Overioading ofthe rane > Spin oflead/oas coding with existing > biting personnel uring handing > Crushinury due to {ato oad > Damage to Panel The Ting plan wil be studied order to avoid any insanity. Ensure tained crane operatorrggers fring works Bankemen f0 be used at all times during placement The safe working load and maximum working Pdlus shall ever be exceeded Ensute al loose items are removed or securely fred tothe material to be ited rea a rik shoul be cleared and cordoned of rir t it, Do not allow any part o any person nde the load Do not rase suspended oad higher than necessary Keep al personnel wel ear Move load slowly to avoid swinging. Ensure that all dunnage used is sound, has no visible defects and DE essere er rcecn rns Maktenaeandsate | > Panolatosan, ome ee ey lonset thet Slope ve ce soutien Inspection SPP and hooks as > all fom height Only certied operators wo operate Crush injury due to fall the equipment. loud > Operators must never allow block/hook to. travel over any person. > Stop operation or use whistle to warn off ersonnet > Aways wse inspected ladder to lime when ataching the vacuum lier. pssble, use sands so that the height is minimizes > Away sty lear of the load Never allow riger or any other person to tet under the oad for any reason, > Never allw load to travel over any personnel '5.3 Emergency Planning & Procedures a. Emergency Procedures General > ‘All the personnel in the factory shall comply with the requirements of the factory ‘emergency procedures. > fhe personnel in the ste shall comply withthe requirements ofthe ste emergency procedures. > Acopy ofthe procedures and emergency contact telephone numbers shal be posted in all prominent areas st offices, change rooms and other strategie aces, > Incase of an accident, a fire, an explosion, colase of structure or scafoling, failure of ‘rane or any other iting device occurs, the Safety Assistant shall notly the Safety Commitee Members by telephone, followed by a written accident / incident report > in case of major accidents, Safety Committee Members / Safety Engineer shall be Immediately noted <0 a2 t0 take Immediate and proper action to save lives and properties. hey shal then make sure that the management i kept aware ofthe situation. ‘The Safety Engineer along withthe concerned Safety Commitse Member wil supervise the operations and intemal responsible persons. b. emergency ContactUs KSA Emergency Hotlines: ‘Agency Police Traffic Red Cresent Fie THe resreerretcion croton “6 Emergency contoct personnel: Mohamad Shareet Safety Supervisor fososneasse Aabak Safety officer (0528070272, Husson Free Safety Officer 0502866490, Baker Safety Ofer night shit) 0544369294 ‘na Electrician (0525911067, Shaban Drive (right sity (0590072966 nam Driver (moenig shi) (0590062112, Foveed ‘General supervisor (0590091199 Varghese Operations manager 0599055253 Emergency Evacuation Procedure Inthe event ofan emergency where the factory has to be evacuated the following procedures shall be flowed > On hearing the continuous sound ofthe alam, the factory personnel ae required to assemble atthe emergency Assembly Point tor 2 > Choose the shortest possible route to reach the Assembly Poet head count performed bythe respective Supervisor / Foreman ensure that noone fe missing > any one is ising, it shouldbe informed so that necessary action can be taken for his > During evacuation following diectivs shall lo the extent possible) be taken: Switch disconnect any equipment currently in use (except thosewhichconstitute 3 means of escape). Ensure that al personne in thelevcnty are aware of he alarm. Move calmly tothe designated assembly place (or other designated areas), Al booms & forks of iting equlpments stall be lowered [Never poicin the event of an emergency. > Remain inthe designated area until such time as directed by a Salety Engineer J Safety (Committee Member Fire Emergency Procedure Upon discovery of fre case the alarm or shout “FIRE, 1 he fies smal try extinguishing the fre with thee If ahe fre cannot be extinguished with the fre exting Committee Member / Safety Engineer to seek ass 1 ifthe fre ocurs inside the bulding, the affected pa the event of major fi, the whole area shal Be ex evacuation procedures. > Tothe extent posible the following things must be done wii FEE 02 ren rotons rs dale h tpn. itor the sam to the Safety fe Seles rioting he eet ” 2) Switch off alelectia equipment and fue-sowered engines. 1) Cosel gas elinders. > Clear the passage and/or road for easy acess forte fre brigade. Nobody is alowed to return to his /herob site unless the affected area Is declared sae, Never feht fre you cant contain it ad theres ot of smoke that canbe harmful fe. Emergency Escape Route ‘The emergency escape route of the factory will be displayed in the factory notice boards to facitate for ecape of personnel during times of emergency system willbe established to ensure that an accrate tally Ts kept of all persons on the jobsite at all times. ASsembiy points ae established in the factory forall personnel’ to assemble in case of emergencies Matos Statement for Production of ollowcr! .0 CHAPTER 4: APPENDICES UonemueBio 40 21ge1 es0U95 -r'v mpusddy ‘Appendix B-Location map ‘Method Statement for Production of ollowcor Sab

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