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Nama : Ketut Lidia Wati

NIM : 2133031


Nurse : Good Afternoon , my nameʼs ketut lidia. I am nurse and I will looking you today.

Patient : Afternoon nurse

Nurse : Can you tell me what your full name?

Patient : Yes, Diah ayu saputri

Nurse : Oke, Ms diah, Are you feeling dull pain? Or Sharp pain?

Patient : Yes nurse

Nurse : When it happened?

Patient : At night it feels short of breath

Nurse : Where is the pain?

Patient : In the chest and respiratory tract

Nurse : How long did you feel the pain at that time?

Patient : Thirty minute nurse

Nurse : Oke miss, here I will do an assessment of pain in the chest and breathing. here I have
a number 0-10 where 0 is not painful and 10 is experiencing severe pain, how much do you
feel the pain? Can you tell me what your pain score?

Patient : Score six nurse

Nurse : Is the pain recurrent after you take meal?

Patient : Such as difficulty breathing and pain in the chest like being stabbed

Nurse : Are you feel pain after change position? Sitting, standing, laying in bed?
Patient : No, it's even less congested with the semi flower position

Nurse : Any question ms. Diah

Patient : No, thanks you nurse

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