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College of General Education and Management Sciences

GE-SOC102- Contemporary World
Instructor: Jan Mariel A. Duyo, MLIS

Pre-Final Asynchronous Activity

LEARNING ACTIVITY 1 Part 1: Global Media Culture- Family Interview

1. Interview your parents/elders/grandmother/grandfather about their preferred

medium of cultural information and why: television, social media, or paper media
(at least 2).
2. Do the same with your siblings or cousins or someone younger than your parents
(at least 2).
3. What strategies do they use to distinguish between fake and factual information
from their preferred cultural information medium?
4. Record a video of your interview and use strategies to make it entertaining or
5. Aside from the video, encode the information from the interview using the
following formatting:

Strategies to
Preferred Cultural
Respondents Why/ Reasons distinguish fake vs.
Information Medium
factual news




6. From the interview, compare the data gathered from your respondents and make
a brief conclusion about the differences/similarities of older and younger
generation in their intake and use of cultural information and media.

LEARNING ACTIVITY 1 Part 2: Term definitions (note: these terms will be included in
the exam). Search and define the following terms in 1 sentence only.

1. Culturally Homogenous
2. Cultural Hybridity
3. Glocalization
4. Cultural Differentialism
5. Cultural Convergence

Submit your activity in a MP4 and PDF FORMAT to the Gdrive link sent to your class
FB messenger. Deadline of submission: April 2, 2022, 12MN. File name should be:

Rubrics for scoring of the activity:

Interview Video- 30pts
Interview Proper: 20pts
Term definitions: 25pts. (5 pts each)
Total of 60 points for Assignment/Participation and 15 points for QUIZ.

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