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With its rich lands and culture, many people desired to venture the islands of

Philippines. From provinces to cities, snacks to meals, land to waters and such, foreign
people would recognize the beauties that lies within this tropical country. Of course, as
citizens, we would be delighted to showcase more of the Filipino culture. Even how
small the things we possess are or less famous as long as the country and Filipino
owns it. The country itself, Philippines, is a Filipino pride and therefore there are many
things that we are proud for.
First, Filipinos are proud optimist. It is known for a fact that Philippines have
faced many hard challenges which includes environmental issues, poverty, calamities
and such. We possess firm and good morals and ideals that made Filipinos stand proud
in one’s beliefs, which results of having an optimistic nature. According to Janice
Nacario De Lima (PhilStar, What makes you proud as to be a Filipino?), “Filipinos were
born with the gift of laughter and a sense that the world is mad”. Additionally, many
interviews were published about this characteristic of Filipinos.
Second, we can’t deny the fact that each country are different from one another,
but what is really about the Phillipines that stand out the most? For one thing, it’s
Filipino culture. As stated by Cielo Fernando in his blog (Zenrooms, Philippine Culture:
What Makes the Filipino Different From the Rest of the World), wherever you go,
Filipino culture and values are visible, and they have been much admired and even
commended in many areas of the globe. With the uniqueness the country displays from
various delicious foods to the colorful festivals it has, and most especially to the unique
traditions including the “bayanihan”, “mano po”, “harana” and many more. Even in the
clothing, you can see through how rich Filipino culture are.
And lastly, the artistry and creativity. Many have acknowledge the achievements
that Filipinos have grasped in the creative industry such as music, arts, filmmaking and
more to mention which dominated the globe with their capabilities and talents. Thus,
Philippines continued to prosper and holds many success in the cultivation of this field.
The Manila Times' Facebook Page, the forum, "The new economy is creative:
Harnessing Filipino talents", Trade and Industry Undersecretary, Rafaelita Aldaba, to
sum all of her statements, Philippines is placed in high ranks in the creativity and
artistry. An example of this is the generating of creative services exports whereas the
country was placed 1st.
The Philippines may not be the world's richest country. We may not yet have the
highest living standards. Nonetheless, the Filipino people are extremely fortunate to
possess these attributes that are associated with happiness. After all, it's not about what
you have, but what you stand for in life. I am a Filipino, a proud one.
The Philippine Star (2011). What makes you proud to be a Filipino.?. Retrieved from:
Fernando, C. (2021). Philippine Culture: What Makes the Filipino Different From the
Rest of the World. Retrieved from:
Alpad, C. (2021). The new economy is creative: Harnessing Filipino talents. Retrieved

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