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Fuego incipiente debajo de Plataforma de Case body Ram

Case Ram Body FEB -13-2022 Héctor Arenas
(Incipient fire bellow Case Body Ram Platform)
Operation Time of Problem 5W #

N/A 1st Shift 12:00 PM

STEP 1: Narrow the general problem to a specific individual problem description STEP 2: Locate Point of Cause POC - track to the true start of problem (origin of problem) STEP 3: Circle the Pattern & Frequency of Problem

Asociado menciona que durante la aplicación de soldadura para la reparación de plataforma en Case body
RAM, observa debajo de la plataforma soldada una pequeña flama. El vigilante de fuego identifica la
fuente como un trapo y este acciona el extinguidor para extinguir fuego incipiente.
(Associate refers: during welding activity to repair metallic platform in Case Body RAM area, observes
bellow the platform that is being repaired a small fire. The fire watcher identifies the flame comes from a
cloth bellow the platform. The fire watcher perform a extinguisher discharge to eliminate the flame source)

Se identifica que este mecanismo del evento ocurre por primera vez, fuego incipiente debido a que
Fuego incipiente debajo de Plataforma Case Ram Body encima de trapo caen brasas producto de soldadura
(Incipient fire bellow Case Ram Body Platform) (It has been identified the this type of event occurs for the first time. Incipient due cinder falls over the

STEP 4: 5 Why Approach (Root Cause Analysis) Key points of 5 Why Approach
1. Express the facts simply in each box
Specific Problem WHY 1 - Potential Cause 2. Determine which potential cause is a fact "Y" by observation & experimentation
Y/N WHY 2 - Potential Cause 3. Confirm potential cause results in an inverse effect of previous why
Y/N WHY 3 - Potential Cause
Aplicación incorrecta de soldadura.
Chispas producto de soldadura hacen contacto con Y/N WHY 4 - Potential Cause
(Wrong method to apply weld) N
trapo. No se realiza limpieza completa del área para Y/N WHY 5 - Potential Cause
(Cinders from welding, falls over cloth) ejecutar actividades de soldadura. Y/N
(Incomplete cleaning before start welding activities)
N Visibilidad limitada debajo de las plataformas.
(Reduced visibility bellow plataforms) N
Trapo incendiado
(Cloth fire) Y
Fuego incipiente debajo de Plataforma Case Ram N Chispa cae encima de material químico inflamable No se realiza inpsección visual completa debajo de
Body Y/N
(Cinder falls over flamable chemicals) N la plataforma.
(Incpient fiere bellow Case Body Ramp Platform). (It doesn´t performs a complet visual inspection Falta de seguimiento al procedimiento de corte y
Y/N bellow platform) soldadura
Corto circuito en la instalaciones eléctricas Y/N (Incorrect following to welding and cut procedure)
cercanas. Y/N
(Short circuit occurred in near electrical N Realización de actividades simultáneas en el área Y/N
installations) N colocando materiales ajenos a la actividad de
soldadura. N Por falta de conocimiento del procedimiento para
(Simultaneous activities during welding jobs) N realizar trabajos de corte y soldadura
(Procedure Unknowledge to perform, welding and N
cut activities)

Check that the reoccurrence of the cause can be prevented after countermeasure is in place

STEP 5: Action Plan for Root Cause (after considering several countermeasures) STEP 6: Monitoring STEP 8: Read Across


En todas las áreas en dónde se encuentran instaladas
plataformas (asegurar limpieza debajo) -Cases, Unibody,
Hacer difusión del evento con todo el personal. Carrier y HPDC Continúo
1 Héctor Arenas 2/16/2022 In progress 1 Héctor Arenas In Progress
(Event deploy with Facilities personnel) (Ensure whole areas where platforms are installed perform (Continous)
cleaning bellow this ones - Cases, Unibody, Carrier and

Aplicar medida disciplinaria para técnico

2 Héctor Arenas 2/17/2022 In progress 2
(Disciplinary warning for Facilities technician)
STEP 7: Standardization; People Training

Limpieza del área, debajo de plataformas

3 Héctor Arenas 2/24/2022 In progress
(Perform a deep clean bellow platforms) Hacer difusión procedimiento de corte y soldadura para personal de servicios generales. /(Deploy welding
and cut procedure with all Facilities personnel - General Servicies)
Actualizar rutina de limpieza de áreas productivas debajo de
4 plataforma. Delfino Elías 2/24/2022 In progress
(Update cleaning routine to perform activities bellow the platform).
Hacer difusión procedimiento de corte y soldadura para personal de
servicios generales.
5 Héctor Arenas 2/17/2022 In progress 3
(Deploy welding and cut procedure with all Facilities personnel -
General Servicies)

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