Suggestions SPL 20 21

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Semester Final Suggestion

Reference book- 1. Programming in ANSI C by E. Balaguruswamy.

Chapter-1 (Overview of C)
1. What are the features of C / Why C is important?
2. What are the parts included in a C program? / Write the basic structures of C program.
3. Show the process of executing a C program.
4.What is Structured programming language? Write down the characteristics of structured
programming language.
5. Describe several steps of program development life cycle(PDLC).
6. What is algorithm? Write down the characteristics of algorithm. Describe different types of
algorithm operations.
7. Write down the differences between algorithm and flow chart.
8.Why is C language called system-programming language? Describe basic structure of a C
9. What do you mean by pre-processor directive and header file? Explain with examples.

Chapter-2 (Constant, Variables and Data types)

1. What is token? Discuss the types of tokens and why we use them?
2. Write a short note on keywords and identifier. State the rules of identifiers.
3. How many data types are seen in c language? Explain them from the point of memory
4. Explain the overflow and underflow concept of data.
5. Define token, keyword, identifier and constant with examples.
6. What is identifier? Write down the rules for declaring identifier
7. Describe typedef and enumerated data types.
8. What are local and global variables? Explain with an example.
9. What is symbolic constant? Write down the rules for declaring symbolic constant.
10. How do variable and symbolic name differ? Show with example.

Chapter-3 (Operator and expressions)

1. What do you mean by operator and expression? Write down different types of operators used
in C language.
2. Distinguish between ++m and m++.
3. Define operator precedence and associativity. Write down the rule of precedence and
4. What do you know about type casting/conversion?

Chapter-4 (Managing input and output operations)

1. How can a program read a character?
2. What do you mean by formatted input? Explain with examples.
3. Show the process of reading mixed data type in C.
Chapter-5 (Decision making and branching)
1. Write down the general form/basic structure and flowchart of the following statement with
i. Simple if statement
ii. if...else statement
iii. Nested if.......else statement
2. why should we avoid goto statement?
3. Write down the use of break statement.
4. In what ways does a switch statement differ from an if statement?

Chapter-6 (Decision making and looping)

1. Explain entry control and exit control loop.
2. Write down the general form/basic structure of the following:
(i) while statement
(ii) do statement
3. What are the deference between while and do-while statement.
4. How can we skip a part of loop?

Chapter -7 (Array)
1. What is an array? Write down the memory layout of array.
2. What are the types of array? Describe one dimensional array.
3. Declare & initialize of two-dimensional arrays.
4. What do you mean by dynamic array?
5. Why an array is called structured data type?

Chapter-8 (String)
1. What do you mean by string? 2. How string is declared and initialized?
2. 5. Mention some string handling function and describe them with example.
3. 6. Describe the limitations of using getchar() and scanf() functions for reading strings.

Chapter-9 (User defined function)

1. What do you mean by library function and user-defined function?
2. Write down the advantages of using user-defined function.
3. What are the three elements related to make user-defined function and explain them?
4. What do you mean by actual and formal parameters?
5. When function prototype declaration is needed?
6. Explain the category of functions.
7. What do you mean by call by value and call by reference? Give an example.
8. What do you mean by recursion function? Explain it with example.
9. Explain automatic variable, external variable, static variable and register variable.
10. Write in tabular form the scope and life time of variables.
11. What is function definition? Write general form of function definition.
Chapter-10 (Pointer)
1. What is the pointer? What are the advantages of using pointer?
2. Declare and initialize pointer variable.
3. Write down the rules of pointer operations.

Chapter-11 (Structure & Union)

1. Describe about structure and union.
2. What is the difference between structure and union?
3. How does a structure differ from an array?

Chapter-12 (File)
1. What is file? Write down the advantages of using file.
2. Describe the process of defining and opening a file.
3. Describe different file opening modes.
4. Explain some file handling I/O functions used in C.
5. Define the putc() and getc() functions with example.
6. Define the fprintf() and fscanf() functions with example.
7. Describe about the error handling in file operation.
8. Write some random accessing functions used in file and explain them.

Important Programs

1. Write a C program to find the area of a circle.

2. Write a C program to find the volume and surface of a cube.
3. Write a C program to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit scale.
4. Write a C program to swap two numbers.
5. Write a C program to find power of a number.
6. Write a C program to find the square root of any number.
7. Write a C program to print ASCII value of all characters.
8. Write a program C program to check a given number is even or odd.
9. Write a program C program to find the largest number between three numbers.
10. Write a program C program to find out the sum of series 1+2+3+…………+n.
11. Write a program C program to check a given year is leap year or not.
12. Write a program C program to check a given number is prime number or not.
13. Write a program C program to reverse any number.
14. Write a program C program to solve a quadratic equation.
15. Write a program C program to find out L.C.M of two numbers.
16. Write a program C program to find out G.C.D/ H.C.F of two numbers.
17. Write a C program to get the factorial of given range.
18. Write a C program to generate multiplication table.
19. Write a C program for addition of two matrices.
20. Write a C program to find out inverse of a matrix.
21. Write a C program to insert and delete an element at the desired position in an array.
22. Write a C program to find out largest element of an array.
23. Write a C program to reverse a string using\ without library function.
24. Write a C program to concatenate two strings using \ without library function.
25. Write a C program to copy one string to another using \ without library function.
26. Write a C program to convert the string from upper case to lower case and vice versa.

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