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Republic of the Philippines

Legazpi City

Office of the Governor

Series of 2022



WHEREAS, ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a

membership of 167 national standard bodies, through its members, it brings together experts to
share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International
Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

WHEREAS, Section 1 par. 2 of Administrative Order No. 161 series of 2006 encourages
the Local Government Units to establish an ISO aligned Government Quality Management
System (QMS);

WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 605 series of 2007, entitled “Institutionalizing the
Structure, Mechanisms, and Standards to Implement the Government Quality Management
Program (GQMP), Amending for the Purpose Administrative Order No. 161, S. 2006;

WHEREAS, Administrative Order No. 25, series 2011 creating Inter-Agency Task Force
that will harmonize, unify, streamline and simplify all existing monitoring and reporting
requirements and processes consistent with the Results-Based Performance Management System

WHEREAS, Section 16 of the Local Government Code of 1991 provides that “every
local government unit shall exercise the powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied
therefore, as well as powers necessary appropriate, or incidental for its efficient and effective
governance, and those which are essential to the promotion of general welfare”;

NOW THEREFORE, I, NOEL E. ROSAL, Governor of the Province of Albay by

virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:
SECTION 1. Institutionalization of Quality Management System in the Provincial
Government of Albay. – It is hereby established an ISO aligned Quality Management System in
the Provincial Government of Albay. This shall be achieved through the implementation of
Government Quality Management Program (GMPQ) as provided under Executive Order No. 605
series of 2007.
SECTION 2. Objectives of the Government Quality Management Program. – the
Government Quality Management Program (GQMP) aims to:
1. Promote and enhance public sector performance through the adoption of ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management Systems in the Provincial Government of Albay;
2. Develop an institutional infrastructure that shall provide certification with international
3. Establish citizen’s charter of key offices that shall be provided to the transacting public as
government’s manifestation of service guarantee; and
4. Recognize citizen-driven government organizations that have attained ISO 9001:2015
certification for other government agencies to emulate.
SECTION 4. Institutional Structure and Mechanisms. – There is hereby created a Provincial
Government of Albay Government Quality Management Organization to formulate policies and
oversee the implementation of the GQMP.
4.1 Composition: The Committee shall be composed of the following:
Chairman: Local Chief Executive
QMS Leader/Head
QMS Core Team:
Risk Management Team
Training and Advocacy Team
Knowledge Management Team
QMS Internal Audit Team
Quality Work Place Team
QMS Secretariat
4.2 QMS Organizational Chart
Section 5. Roles and Responsibilities of the Organization. To facilitate the establishment and/or
certification of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System of the Provincial Government of Albay;
management, support processes, and operations.
1. The Organization shall work with compliance of the technical and administrative
requirements of the project, including the monitoring of the progress of the various project
2. The Organization shall formulate the Quality Management System (QMS) Project Activities,
Development Road Map (see Annex “A”);
3. Shall draft the documented information, including specific QMS related forms and tools in
order to properly implement the QMS;
4. Shall propose and implement relevant project activities and provide policy support for the
implementation of quality systems and procedures.
5. Ensure the availability and participation of staff/participants concerned during the conduct of
training courses and other activities necessary in the course of the project; and
6. Procure a third party certifying body for the certification of the established QMS to ISO
9001:2015 standard.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Local Chief Executive.
1. Leads the establishment, implementation and monitoring of QMS;
2. Ensure effectiveness of the QMS through risk-based thinking;
3. Establishes and communicates quality policy;
4. Ensures that quality objectives are established;
5. Communicates the importance of meeting customer requirements;
6. Determines and provides necessary resources and ensures that they are adequately available;
7. Conducts management review meetings.
5.1. Roles and Responsibilities of the QMS Leader/Head.
1. Oversee the establishment, documentation, and effective implementation of the QMS;
2. Promotes risk-based thinking overseeing the effectiveness of the QMS;
3. Acts as liaison with external parties on matters relating to QMS;
4. Ensures that Procedures for IQA, Management Review, Corrective Actions are established and
5. Report QMS performance to the Local Chief Executive for review and continual improvement.
5.2 Roles and Responsibilities of QMS Secretariat.
1. Provides administrative support to successfully implement the QMS up to the 3 rd Party
2. Facilitates the delivery of specific outputs in-line with the QMS;
3. Plans and coordinates effective deployment and efficient use of human, financial, and other
physical resources for the QMS.
5.3 Roles and Responsibilities of QMS Core Team.
1. Ensures that requirements for maintaining and retaining documented information are
established and implemented.
5.4 Roles and Responsibilities Risk Management Team.
1. Performs oversight functions in ensuring that the established risk controls and related activities
are consistently implemented;
2. Plans and coordinates effective and efficient use of risk controls tools;
3. Ensures that risk-related information are maintained and retained.
5.5 Roles and Responsibilities of Training and Advocacy Team.
1. Provides administrative support in terms of training and advocacy in the successful
implementation and sustenance of the QMS;
2. Plans and coordinates effective deployment and efficient use of resources in-line with training
and advocacy activities;
3. Plans and coordinates echoing/cascading sessions on QMS-related training.
5.6 Roles and Responsibilities of Knowledge Management Team.
1. Ensures that the requirements for maintaining and retaining documented information are
established and implemented;
2. Coordinates and oversees activities related to managing organizational knowledge.
5.7 Roles and Responsibilities of Quality Workplace Team.
1. Ensures that the environment for the operation of processes needed to achieve conformity of
service requirements are managed;
2. Ensures consistent implementation of 5S programs, as applicable;
3. Monitors and assesses workplace cleanliness, orderliness, and safety.
5.8 Roles and Responsibilities of QMS Internal Audit Team.
1. Determines conformance of the QMS to the planned arrangements and to the requirements of
ISO 9001;
2. Determines whether the QMS is effective implemented and maintained;
3. Provides input to management review regarding the results of audits;
4. Keeps track of the implementation of the corrective and preventive actions for nonconformance
raised during the audits.
5.9 Roles and Responsibilites of Employees.
1. Active Involvement and participation in all ISO-QMS related activities;
2. Sincere commitment in working together with the ISO Core Team towards continual
improvements of the management systems.
SECTION 6. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - Within thirty (30) days from the
effectivity of this Ordinance, the Office of the Governor in consultation with Development
Academy of the Phillippines, appropriate government agencies and other stakeholders, shall
promulgate the necessary rules and regulations to implement this Ordinance.

SECTION 7. Separability Clause. Should any part of this ordinance be declared

unconstitutional or invalid by proper authority, other provision hereof which are not affected
shall continue to be in full force and effect.

SECTION 8. Repealing Clause. Any previous ordinance/s or parts thereof, which are
inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 9. Effectivity. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon approval by the
Provincial Governor.

ENACTED. ____________, 2022.

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