Lesson Plan For Teenager Putri Amaliah Ramadhani (19.1300.007)

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Guru : Putri Amaliah Ramadhani

Level : For teenager

Tema/Sub tema : Simple past tense

Alokasi Waktu : 60 menit

A. Capaian Pembelajaran
Students are able to identify and make simple past tense sentences.

B. Kegiatan Pembelajaran


1 Pendahuluan Teacher :
1. greetings and greet.
2. Check student attendance.
3. Take a while.
4. Give questions about what material will be
taught by displaying video agar.
5. Explain the learning objectives and their
benefits in everyday life.
Delivering an assessment plan.
2 Kegiatan Inti Student :
1. Observe the video displayed by the teacher.
2. Identifying Verb 2 based on songs or videos
3. Creating a simple sentence using his own
sentence based on the guide of the teacher.
3 Penutup 1. Teachers ask students' feelings related to
learning today.
2. Teachers and students draw conclusions related
to the material taught.
3. Teachers deliver the material to come so that
students can learn it at home before the next
4. Together to give thanks for the completion of
the material today.
5. Pray and closing greetings.


Does she play tennis? -> Did she play tennis?

We don't drive to work. -> They didn't drive to work.
They'll also be happy to know that the verb conjugation always remains the same, no
matter the subject of the sentence. 

She played tennis last week.

Of course, there's the issue of irregular verbs, which can be frustrating because they

just have to be memorized and reinforced through practice. A sampling of these: 

 be—was/were
 catch—caught
 speak—spoke
 understand—understood

Past Time Expressions 

The use of appropriate time expressions will help: 

 last: last week, last month, last year

 ago: two weeks ago, three days ago, two years ago
 when + past: when I was a child when she worked in New York

Teacher : I visited my parents in Olympia last weekend.

My wife cooked a wonderful dinner yesterday.
We went to a movie yesterday evening.

Next, ask students to answer the questions. It's a good idea to use the same verbs—
for example: went, had, played, watched, ate—when asking questions. Students will
be able to follow your lead and answer appropriately.

1. Where did I go last week? 

2. When did I have lunch yesterday?
3. Which level did I teach last month?
Introduce Regular and Irregular Verbs 
Using the verbs you've introduced, quickly ask students the infinitive form for each

Which verb is went? go

Which verb is cooked? cook
Which verb is visited? visit

Which verb is had? have

Which verb is taught? teach

• Play Katy perry’s song or music video “Last Friday Night” to student and ask them
to write if they found some verb.


Ask student to make some simple past sentence .

Parepare, Mei 2022

Guru Pengajar,

Putri Amaliah Ramadhani

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