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Improving your Grammar
The quickest way to improve your grammar is to simplify your writing as
much as possible.
Grammar is a combination of a number of different aspects of language
� sentence construction
� punctuation
� spelling and vocabulary
� agreement and syntax
The best approach is to tackle these issues one at a time.
Don't try to improve your grammar by memorising rules - because there are
many exceptions to most of them.
In most writing, all normal sentences should begin with a capital letter and
end with a full stop.
A normal sentence in English usually contains at least three elements: a
subject, a verb, and an object.
Subject Verb Object
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The cat eats the goldfish

My friend is tall
Some sheep are black

If you are in any doubt at all, follow this pattern. Sentences which go out of
grammatical control often lack one of these elements, or they have them
placed in a different order.

Short, clear, and simple sentences are usually more effective than those
which are long and complex. Avoid piling up clause upon clause.

In the majority of cases, you should aim for clarity and simplicity in your
written style. If in doubt, remember this rule: Keep it short. Keep it

You should avoid starting sentences with words such as 'Again', 'Although',
'But', 'And', 'Also', and 'With'. These words normally belong in the 'middle'
of a sentence, not at its beginning. Sentences which start with a conjunction
are often left incomplete.

Punctuate your work firmly, making a clear distinction in your writing

between marks such as the comma, the semicolon, and the full stop.

More on sentences here

Stylewriter is a software program which offers help with

writing skills such as summarising, editing, and proofreading
your work. It also offers a selection of writing
styles to choose from - academic writing, journalism,
formal prose, and so on. Mistakes and suggestions for
improvement are highlighted and made with a single

click. 05/03/1431

The comma [,] is used to show a slight pause in a sentence.

It is also used to separate words, clauses, or phrases.

� He will never do it, whatever he says.

� She bought some butter, a pint of milk, and some jam.
� Cars should turn left here, whilst vans should turn right.
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It separates two items when the first is not closely associated with the

� She is a famous singer, whilst her husband remains unknown.

A very common use for the comma is to separate the items in a list:

The box contained a book, some pencils, and a knife.
More on commas here
The semicolon [ ; ] marks a long pause in a sentence.
It is half way between a comma and a colon.
Semicolons are used between clauses which could stand alone, but which

are closely related.

He ran with his shirt over his head; he had forgotten his umbrella
once again.

She couldn't dance in her favourite ballroom; it was being renovated.
Semicolons are also used to punctuate mixed lists in continuous prose

Four objects lay on the desk: a large book; a spiral-bound notepad; a
glass vase containing flowers; and a silver propelling pencil.
If you are in any doubt at all concerning the correct use of the semicolon -
then avoid using it entirely.

It is perfectly possible to write clearly and effectively using only the comma
and the full stop.

More on semicolons here

The full stop [.] (sometimes called the period) is a punctuation mark
indicating a strong pause.

It is used most commonly at the end of a complete sentence - like this one.

This is a short sentence. This is another.

It happened suddenly in 1996.

There are two reasons for this (in my opinion).
Improvingg yyoouurr GGrraammmmaarr --gguuiiddaannccee nnootteess oonn
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The only common exception to this rule occurs when the sentence is a
question or an exclamation.

� Is this question really necessary?

� What a mess!
Notice that both of these punctuation marks include a full stop.
More on full stops here

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If you are not sure about the correct spelling of a word, look it up in a good

The best ways to improve your spelling are:

� learn commonly mis-spelled words

� learn the common rules of spelling
� learn good spelling strategies
The most commonly mis-spelled words are probably there/their, its/it's,
to/too/two, and are/our.
This problem is caused because these words sound the same as each other.

Here's how to tell them apart.

There refers to a place, whereas their
means belonging to them.

� The table is over there, in the corner [place]

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� We are going to their house [belonging]

means belonging to, whereas It's is a shortened form of It is.
� The dog is in its basket [belonging]
� It's too late now [It is]
To means 'towards something', too means 'very or in addition', and two is
the number 2.

� We are going to the concert [towards]

� It was too cold for swimming [very cold]
� He ate two chocolate bars [number 2]
More on spelling here

Spelling explains why spelling is rather difficult in

English, and he offers a variety of solutions to the
problem. He covers spelling rules, 'difficult' words, how
words change because of grammar, double and single
letters, and how to work out spelling patterns. The
emphasis is on compact, no-nonsense advice directly
related to issues of everyday life. Beginners will find his
approach very helpful, and even advanced users will

probably learn a thing or two. 05/03/1431
Agreement and Syntax

There must be grammatical logic or coherence in the links between parts of

a sentence. This is called 'case agreement'.

If the subject of a sentence is singular, then the verb form must be singular
as well.

� The shop [singular] opens at nine o'clock.

� On Thursdays the shops [plural] open late.
Sometimes confusion occurs because a statement begins in the singular but
then drifts into the plural
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It can be argued that a person has the right to know when they are

The easiest solution to this problem is to make the subject plural and its
verb plural as well.
It can be argued that people have the right to know when they are

Syntax is the grammatical arrangement of words in a sentence.
It concerns both word order and agreement in the relationship between
The following statements follow normal English word order:
� The cat sat on the mat.
� My old brown leather suitcase.
The following statements do not follow normal English word order:
� The cat on the mat sat.
� My brown leather old suitcase.
More on English language here
Improve your Writing Skills shows you how to
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