A1 Grammar - Demonstrative and Simple Adjectives

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 Demonstrative and Simple adjectives

There are 10 questions in this quiz. Read the grammar explanation below. Answer the questions.
1. Which word CANNOT complete the sentence?
___ is my friend, Tom.


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Demonstrative adjectives
This: Use this to talk about something which is near you.
How much is this bag?

These: Use these to talk about two or more things which are near you.
Are these your keys?

That: Use that to talk about one thing which is far from you.
Is that your house?

Those: Use those to talk about two or more things which are far from you.
Who are those children over there?

Use This, That, These and Those:

Before the verb be.

This is my sister / Those are my children.

Before a noun:

That cake looks delicious! These bags are expensive!

Make questions this way:

Is this / that your sister?
Are these / those your children?

You can contract is after that.

That is my dad. => That’s my dad.
But do not contract is after this.
This’s my dad. => This is my dad.
Do not contract are after These / Those.
Common mistakes
Always use a verb in sentences with this, that, these and those.
This lovely bag. => This is a lovely bag / This bag is lovely.

Simple adjectives
Simple adjectives are describing words.

They can go before nouns.

That’s a nice car.

They can also follow the verbs be, look, feel, smell, sound and taste.

This food looks nice. It smells delicious! The cake is lovely!


 A1 Grammar topics

to be (be.htm) 10/10

here, there (here_there.htm) 9/10

like + -ing (like_ing.htm) 10/10

Personal pronouns (personal_pronouns.htm) 8/10

Possessive 's (possessive_'s.htm) 8/10

Present Simple (present_simple.htm) 8/10

this / that / these (demonstrative_adjectives.htm) 1/1

was / were (was_were.htm) 4/5

 Grammar

A1 Grammar topics (a1_grammar.html)

A2 Grammar topics (a2_grammar.html)

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Grammar by CEF Level (../CEFR/cefr_grammar.htm)

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