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1(a)State four (4) health needs(nutrients) by a pregnant woman (4 marks)
(b)As a student of Anatomy and Physiology, explain why a pregnant woman may
develop GERD and Constipation (4 marks)
(c)Why is advisable to have better nutrition prior to conception (2 marks)
(d)How does Endocrinology lead to successful Breastfeeding (4 marks)
(e)Explain the process of Milk letdown (6 marks)
2(a)Differentiate between Exclusive and Complementary breastfeeding (2 marks)
(b)How can Dr.Ambrosoli ,a clinician attempt to assess an infants nutritional
status (10 marks)
(c)Explain four (4) nutrition related concerns for infants (8 marks)
3(a)Define Breast feeding (2 marks)
(b)State eight (8) advantages of Breastfeeding (8 marks)
(c)State six (6) disadvantages of breastfeeding (6 marks)
(d)What 2 foods are best for weaning the baby (2 marks)
(e)Explain the primary reason as to why we wean babies (2 marks)
4(a)Explain the two common Nutrition related disorders that can seriously affect
maternal and fetal health (4 marks)
(b)State four (4) causes of malnutrition (4 marks)
(c)Explain five (5) ways Alcohol (CH3CH2-OH) affects the body (10 marks)
(d)Why is alcohol a Teratogen (2 marks)
5(a)Differentiate between Invisible fat and Visible fat and give 2 examples of
each (4 marks)
(b)Define and give an example;(2 marks @)
(i) Saturated fatty acids (SFAs)
(ii)Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MFAs)
(iii)Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PFAs)
(c)Define Hydrogenation in relation to Unsaturated acids (2 marks)
(d)Discuss the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) (8 marks, this includes the end
products of the EFAs metabolism)
6(a)Differentiate between;
(i)Complete Proteins and Incomplete Proteins (2 marks)
(ii)Essential amino acids and Nonessential amino acids (2 marks)
(iii)Conditionally Essential Amino acids and Limiting Amino Acids (2
(iv)Transamination and Deamination (2 marks)
(v)Glycemic Index and Glycemic load (2 marks)
(vi)Insoluble fiber and Soluble fiber (2 marks)
(vii)Dietary Fiber and Functional fiber (2 marks)
(b) Using a diagram, illustrate how fiber helps to decrease Blood Cholesterol
levels (6 marks)
7(a)Explain the digestion of;
(i) Carbon hydrates/carbohydrates (8 marks)
(ii) Proteins (6 marks)
(iii) Lipids (6 marks)
8(a)Write short notes about the following (4 marks @)
(i)Very Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDLs)
(ii)Low Density Lipoproteins (LDLs)
(iii)High Density Lipoproteins (HDLs)
(b)Discuss how a High Fat Diet may cause Cancer(…marks)***(RESEARCH)
9(a) Justify the statement,We are what we Eat (10 marks)
(b)Discuss deficiencies associated with the following (10 marks)
(i) Vitamin A
(ii) Vitamin D
(Why is Vitamin B12 deficiency associated with Paranoia)
10(a)Explain factors that contribute to Disordered eating Behavior (20 marks)
End for now


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