An O1 Time Algorithm For The 3D Euclidean Distance Transform On The CRCW PRAM Model

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10, OCTOBER 2003 973

An Oð1Þ Time Algorithm for the 3D Euclidean

Distance Transform on the CRCW PRAM Model
Yuh-Rau Wang and Shi-Jinn Horng

Abstract—In this paper, we develop a parallel algorithm for the 2D Euclidean distance transform (2D_EDT, for short) of a binary image
of size N  N in Oð1Þ time using N 2þþ CRCW processors and a parallel algorithm for the 3D Euclidean distance transform (3D_EDT,
for short) of a binary image of size N  N  N in Oð1Þ time using N 3þþ CRCW processors, where  ¼ 1k ,  ¼ 2cþ111 , k, and c are
constants and positive integers. Our 2D_EDT (3D_EDT) parallel algorithm can be used to build up Voronoi diagram and Voronoi
polygons (polyhedra) in a 2D (3D) binary image also. All of these parallel algorithms can be performed in Oð1Þ time using N 2þþ
(N 3þþ ) CRCW processors. To the best of our knowledge, all results derived above are the best Oð1Þ time algorithms known.

Index Terms—Computer vision, Euclidean distance transform, image processing, parallel algorithm, Voronoi diagram, CRCW PRAM


P ROCESSING digital image data from three-dimensional

(3D, for short) objects is an important task in the image
processing and the computer vision fields. The distance
processors. Fujiwara et al. [15] presented an algorithm
running in OðlogloglogNN Þ time using N log
log log N
N CRCW processors
and an algorithm running in Oðlog NÞ time using log N EREW
transform (DT, for short) first introduced by Rosenfeld and processors, respectively. Hayashi et al. [16] further pre-
Pfaltz [27], [28] is one of the most important elementary sented an algorithm running in Oðlog log NÞ time using
operations and is extensively applied in the image proces- N2
sing area for extracting useful information from the log log N CRCW processors. Pan et al. [24] presented algo-

received digital image. A number of different DTs have rithms running in Oðlog log NÞ time on an N 3 LARPBS or in
been developed. The Euclidean distance transform (EDT, Oðlog N log log NÞ time on an N 2 LARPBS. Datta et al. [13]
for short) is based on the Euclidean metrics, whose presented an algorithm running in Oðlog log NÞ time using
application is better than those of DTs based on other N 2þ processors on the LARPBS, where 0 <  < 1. As for
metrics. The Euclidean distance transform is an operation Oð1Þ time algorithms for the 2D_EDT computation, Pan et al.
that converts an image consisting of black and white pixels [23] presented an algorithm running in Oð1Þ time on an
(voxels) to an image where each pixel (voxel) has a value N 2  N 2 reconfigurable mesh. Datta et al. [12] presented an
that represents the Euclidean distance to its nearest 1-pixel algorithm running in Oð1Þ time on an N  N 2 reconfigur-
(1-voxel). Because the EDT is a global operation, it is able mesh. Wang and Horng [32] presented an Oð1Þ time
prohibitively time consuming when this operation on a
algorithm using N 2:25 processors on the AROB model for the
binary image is performed, especially on a 3D binary image.
2D_EDT computation but it is incorrect. Several sequential
In order to provide the efficient transform computations,
parallelism should be employed. 3D distance transform algorithms were introduced by [4],
Recently, many papers were introduced for constructing [6]. Up to now, some parallel algorithms were introduced
the Euclidean distance transform of a 2D binary image of for constructing the Euclidean distance transform of a
size N  N. Hirata [17], and Breu et al. [8] presented OðN 2 Þ 3D binary image of size N  N  N. Lee et al. [21] presented
time sequential algorithms for computing the Euclidean an Oðlog2 NÞ time algorithm using N 3 processors on the
distance transform. On the EREW PRAM model, Lee et al. EREW PRAM model. Wang and Horng [32] presented an
[22] presented an Oðlog2 NÞ time algorithm using N 2 Oð1Þ time algorithm using N 3:25 processors on the AROB
processors; Pavel and Akl [26] presented an algorithm model for the 3D_EDT computation but it is incorrect.
running in Oðlog NÞ time using N 2 processors. Chen [9] In this paper, we present the first Oð1Þ time parallel
presented an OðN log NÞ time algorithm using logNN EREW algorithms for computing both the exact 2D_EDT and the
exact 3D_EDT on the CRCW PRAM computation model.
We first develop an Oð1Þ time parallel algorithm termed as
. Y.-R. Wang is with the Department of Computer Science and Information ALGORITHM General_Dimension_Expander using N 1þþ
Engineering, St John’s & St. Mary’s Institute of Technology, Taipei,
Taiwan. E-mail: CRCW processors, where  ¼ 1k ,  ¼ 2cþ111 , k, and c are
. S.-J. Horng is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National constants and positive integers. It supports a route to cross
Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. from a lower dimension to a higher dimension. Then, based
on the dimensionality reduction technique, for an N  N
Manuscript received 24 June 2002; revised 14 Feb. 2003; accepted 6 May binary image, our parallel algorithm for the 2D_EDT
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: computation can be run in Oð1Þ time using N 2þþ CRCW, and reference IEEECS Log Number 116840. processors. For an N  N  N binary image, our parallel
1045-9219/03/$17.00 ß 2003 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society
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X-coordinate, Y -coordinate, and Z-coordinate of p along

the X-axis, Y -axis, Z-axis, respectively. A pixel can be
described similarly. The Euclidean distance transforms in
arbitrary dimensions are formally defined as follows:
Definition 1. Let bi denote a point of a line with coordinate ðiÞ.
Given a sequence b0 ; b1 ; . . . ; bi ; . . . ; bN1 of zeros and ones, to
determine the closest 1-point to every point in this sequence is
defined as the 1D nearest-one problem which actually is the
same as the 1D Euclidean distance transform (1D EDT ).
Fig. 1. (a) An illustration of 2D axes X and Y . (b) An illustration of Definition 2. Let p ¼ ði; jÞ denote a pixel of a 2D binary image.
3D axes X, Y , and Z. Let P ¼ fp j p ¼ ði; jÞ, p is either a 0-pixel or a 1-pixel, 0 
i; j  N  1g denote a 2D binary image of size N  N. Let
algorithm for the 3D_EDT computation can be run in B2D ¼ fq j q ¼ ðx; yÞ, q is a 1-pixel, 0  x; y  N  1g
Oð1Þ time using N 3þþ CRCW processors. Our parallel represent the set of the 1-pixels of the 2D binary image. Then,
2D_EDT algorithm can be used to build up Voronoi the 2D Euclidean distance transform (2D_EDT) of pixel p
diagram and Voronoi polygons in Oð1Þ time using N 2þþ with respect to its nearest 1-pixel N p is denoted by
CRCW processors; meanwhile, the 3D_EDT algorithm can qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
be used to solve the same problems in Oð1Þ time using 2d edtp ¼ min ði  xÞ2 þ ðj  yÞ2
N 3þþ CRCW processors. q2B2D
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In
and the 2D_EDT of P is to compute f2d edtp j for all p 2 Pg.
Section 2, we introduce the PRAM model and some
properties of EDTs upon which our algorithms are based. Definition 3. Let p ¼ ði; jÞ be a pixel p of P. Let N p denote the
In Section 3, we develop a lemma for the general maximum nearest 1-pixel of the pixel p with respect to all 1-pixels in P.
(minimum) finding. In Section 4, we describe our algo- Let N p ðCk Þ, 0  k  N  1, denote the nearest 1-pixel of the
rithms named ALGORITHM General_Dimension_Expander, pixel
 p with respect  to all 1-pixels in column Ck . Let
ALGORITHM 2D_EDT_CRCW and ALGORITHM XN p ðCk Þ ; YN p ðCk Þ denote the coordinates of N p ðCk Þ. Clearly,
3D_EDT_CRCW in details. Finally, some concluding re- YN p ðCk Þ ¼ k.
marks are included in the last section.
Definition 4. Let p ¼ ði; j; kÞ denote a voxel p of a 3D binary
image. Let V ¼ fp j p ¼ ði; j; kÞ, p is either a 0-voxel or a
2 PRELIMINARIES 1-voxel, 0  i; j; k  N  1g denote a 3D binary image of size
2.1 The PRAM Model N  N  N. Let B3D ¼ fq j q ¼ ðx; y; zÞ, q is a 1-voxel, 0 
The parallel random access machine (PRAM, for short) x; y; z  N  1g represent the set of the 1-voxels of the
consists of a number of identical processors, memory access 3D binary image. Then, the 3D Euclidean distance transform
unit, and a shared-memory. The shared-memory stores data (3D_EDT) of voxel p with respect to its nearest 1-voxel N p is
and serves as the communication medium for the proces- denoted by
sors. At each step, every processor performs the same qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
instruction, with a number of processors marked out. The 3d edtp ¼ min ði  xÞ2 þ ðj  yÞ2 þ ðk  zÞ2
concurrent read concurrent write PRAM (CRCW, for short) q2B3D
model will be used in this paper for parallel computation.
and the 3D_EDT of V is to compute f3d edtp j for all p 2 Vg.
The CRCW PRAM can be further divided into a number of
submodels, according to the rule used to resolve memory Definition 5. Let V ¼ fðx; y; zÞ j 0  x; y; z  N  1g be a
write conflicts, which occur when more than one processor 3D binary image of size N  N  N voxels. A k plane as
attempt to write into the same memory location simulta- shown in Fig. 4 can be represented as fðx; y; kÞ j 0  x; y 
neously. This gives rise to submodels such as the Common N  1; k is a fixed integerg in a 3D coordinate system. For
CRCW PRAM, the Priority CRCW PRAM, and so on. The convenience, we denote each of these k plane as Z-plane or
Common CRCW PRAM processors are allowed to write in a ð; ; kÞ. Then, V can be represented by fk j 0  k  N  1g
memory location if they are attempting to write the same also. We can generate a vertical column parallel to Z-axis by
value. Throughout this paper, the Common CRCW PRAM picking up a pixel with fixed X- and Y -coordinates ðx; yÞ
submodel is used as our CRCW PRAM computation model. from every k plane, 0  k  N  1. Because there are N  N
2.2 Definitions pixels on each k plane, so, there exists total N  N vertical
columns, each of them with different combination of x and
Fig. 1a illustrates the directions of axes in two dimensions X
y values. For convenience, we denote each of these vertical
and Y , and Fig. 1b depicts the directions of axes in three
columns as Zx;y -column, Z-column, or ðx; y; Þ.
dimensions X, Y , and Z. A pixel is used to represent an
image point in a 2D plane and a voxel is used to represent Definition 6. Let R ¼ ði; j; kÞ be a voxel R of V. Let N R denote
an image point in a 3D space. A black/white voxel of a the nearest 1-voxel of the voxel R with respect to all 1-voxels in
binary image is usually denoted as a 1-voxel/0-voxel. A V. Let N R ðk Þ, where 0  k  N  1, denote the nearest
voxel can be represented by its Cartesian coordinates. A 1-voxel
 of the voxel R with respect  to all 1-voxels in plane k .
voxel p with coordinates ði; j; kÞ is usually represented by Let XN R ðk Þ ; YN R ðk Þ ; ZN R ðk Þ denote the coordinates of
p ¼ ði; j; kÞ, where Xp ¼ i, Yp ¼ j, and Zp ¼ k are the N R ðk Þ. Clearly, ZN R ðk Þ ¼ k.

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Fig. 2. (a) An illustration of Lemma 1. (b). An illustration of Lemma 2.

Definition 7. For every 1-pixel q of a 2D binary image P, the Lemma 3. Let Pi ¼ ðx; iÞ, Pk ¼ ðx; kÞ, and Pj ¼ ðx; jÞ;
union of all the pixels in the plane that are closer to 1-pixel q i < k < j, be three 0-pixels located in row x which is parallel
than to any other 1-pixels in P is defined to be the Voronoi to Y -axis. Let N Pi ¼ ðm; rÞ and N Pj ¼ ðn; sÞ be the nearest
polygon of q and is denoted by VorðqÞ. For every 1-voxel q of 1-pixels of Pi and Pj , respectively. Then, N Pk ¼ ðp; qÞ locates
a 3D binary image V, the union of all the voxels in the 3D space between columns r and s. That is, r  q  s. In other words,
that are closer to 1-voxel q than to any other 1-voxels in V is YN Pi  YN Pk  YN Pj .
defined to be the Voronoi polyhedron of q and is denoted by Proof. See Fig. 3 for the illustration of Lemma 3. The
VorðqÞ. The union of all the Voronoi polygons in a 2D plane or statement of the lemma means that ðm  xÞ2 þ ðr  iÞ2 
all the Voronoi polyhedra in a 3D space is defined to be the ðpxÞ2 þðq  iÞ2 and ðpxÞ2 þðqkÞ2  ðmxÞ2 þðr kÞ2 .
Voronoi diagram. Adding this two inequalities, we get rðk  iÞ  qðk  iÞ.
Since i < k, so r  q. Similarly, ðp  xÞ2 þ ðq  kÞ2 
2.3 Properties of EDTs ðnxÞ2 þðskÞ2 and ðnxÞ2 þðsjÞ2  ðpxÞ2 þðq  jÞ2 .
Lemma 1 introduces a property of 1D_EDT. Adding this two inequalities, we get kðj  kÞ  sðj  kÞ.
Lemma 1. Let Pi ¼ ði; rÞ; Pk ¼ ðk; rÞ; Pj ¼ ðj; rÞ; i < k < j, be Since k < j, so q  s. Therefore, r  q  s. u
three 0-pixels located in column r which is parallel to X-axis. The following lemmas introduce some properties of
Let N Pi ðCr Þ ¼ ðm; rÞ and N Pj ðCr Þ ¼ ðn; rÞ be the nearest 3D_EDT.
1-pixels of Pi and Pj in column r, respectively. Let N Pk ðCr Þ Lemma 4 [20], [31]. Let Qk ¼ ðXQk ; YQk ; kÞ be a sequence of
¼ ðq; rÞ, then m  q  n. In other words, XN Pi ðCr Þ  voxels located at plane k , 0  k  N  1, with each of them
XN Pk ðCr Þ  XN Pj ðCr Þ . See Fig. 2a for the illustration of this in the same Z-column. Let N Qk be the nearest 1-voxel of voxel
lemma. Qk in the 3D space. Then, N Qk 2 fN Qr ðr Þ j 0  k;
r  N  1g. It means that the nearest 1-voxel of Qk in
The following lemmas introduce some properties of the 3D space must be one of N Q0 ð0 Þ; N Q1 ð1 Þ; . . . ;
2D_EDT. N QN1 ðN1 Þ. This lemma can be proven in the same way
as shown in Lemma 2. See Fig. 4 for the illustration of this
Lemma 2. Let Pk ¼ ði; kÞ, 0  k  N  1, be a sequence of
pixels located in row i which is parallel to Y -axis. Let N Pk be
the nearest 1-pixel of pixel Pk in the 2D space. Then, Lemma 5. Let Qi ¼ ðx; y; iÞ, Qk ¼ ðx; y; kÞ, and Qj ¼ ðx; y; jÞ,
N Pk 2 fN Pr ðCr Þ j 0  r  N  1g, 0  k  N  1. It means where i < k < j, be three 0-voxels located in the same
that the nearest 1-pixel of Pk in the 2D space must be one of Zx;y -column. Let N Qi ¼ ðm; n; rÞ2 r and N Qj ¼ ðu; v; sÞ 2 s
N P0 ðC0 Þ; N P1 ðC1 Þ; . . . ; N PN1 ðCN1 Þ. be the nearest 1-voxels of Qi and Qj in the 3D space,
respectively. Then, NQk ¼ ðp; q; zÞ locates between Z-planes r
Proof. See Fig. 2b for the illustration of Lemma 2. Suppose and s . That is, r  z  s. In other words, ZN Qi  ZN Qk  ZN Qj .
there is a pixel Pk ¼ ði; kÞ, 0  k  N  1, such that
N Pk ¼ ðs; rÞ is not included in fN Pr ðCr Þ j 0  r  N  1g.
Assume Pr ¼ ði; rÞ and N Pr ðCr Þ ¼ ðt; rÞ, then jPr N Pr ðCr Þj
¼ ji  tj < ji  sj ¼ jPr N Pk j. Therefore,

jPk N Pr ðCr Þj ¼ ðði  tÞ2 þ ðk  rÞ2 Þ1=2

< ðði  sÞ2 þ ðk  rÞ2 Þ1=2 ¼ jPk N Pk j:
It means that pixel Pk is closer to pixel N Pr ðCr Þ than to
the pixel N Pk with coordinates ðs; rÞ. A contradiction. t u
Fig. 3. An illustration of Lemma 3.

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Fig. 4. An illustration of Lemma 4. Fig. 5. An illustration of Lemma 5.

Pc 2i
Qc 2i
Proof. See Fig. 5 for the illustration of Lemma 5. The Proof. Since i¼0 2cþ1 1 ¼ 1, therefore, N ¼ i¼0 N 2cþ1 1 . That
statement of the lemma means that is,
20 21 22 2c
ðm  xÞ2 þ ðn  yÞ2 þ ðr  iÞ2 N ¼ N 2cþ1 1  N 2cþ1 1  N 2cþ1 1 ; . . . ; N 2cþ1 1 :
 ðp  xÞ2 þ ðq  yÞ2 þ ðz  iÞ2 ; and
For example, N can be decomposed into N 1=3  N 2=3 if
ðp  xÞ2 þ ðq  yÞ2 þ ðz  kÞ2
c ¼ 1 or N 1=7  N 2=7  N 4=7 if c ¼ 2. Our general max-
2 2 2
 ðm  xÞ þ ðn  yÞ þ ðr  kÞ :
imum (minimum) finding algorithm is proceeded in
Adding these two inequalities, we get rðk  iÞ  zðk  iÞ. iterations by applying the basic maximum (minimum)
Since i < k, r  z. Similarly,
finding method. After each iteration, a fraction of the
2 2 2
ðp  xÞ þ ðq  yÞ þ ðz  kÞ number of previously survived elements are eliminated
2 2 2
 ðu  xÞ þ ðv  yÞ þ ðs  kÞ ; and from further consideration. We describe the details as
2 2 2
ðu  xÞ þ ðv  yÞ þ ðs  jÞ follows: In the first step, the N 1þ (i.e., N 2cþ1 1 ) processors
2cþ1 21 20
 ðp  xÞ2 þ ðq  yÞ2 þ ðz  jÞ2 : are partitioned into N 2cþ1 1 subsets each of size N 2cþ1 1 
N 2cþ1 1 as shown in Fig. 6a. Each subset is responsible for
Adding this two inequalities, we get zðj  kÞ  sðj  kÞ. 20
Since k < j, so z  s. Therefore, r  z  s. u
t finding the maximum (minimum) of N 2cþ1 1 numbers in
Oð1Þ time by invoking the basic maximum (minimum)
finding method. After the first step, only the maximum
3 THE GENERAL MAXIMUM (MINIMUM) (minimum) in each subset survives. Therefore, we are
left with N 2cþ1 1 data elements. In the second step, the
In [18], the well-known task of finding the maximum 2cþ1 22
N 1þ processors are further partitioned into N 2cþ1 1
(minimum) of an N-item sequence can be performed in Oð1Þ 21 21
time using N 2 CRCW processors. This method is termed as subsets each of size N 2cþ1 1  N 2cþ1 1 as shown in Fig. 6b.
the basic maximum (minimum) finding method. It first Like before, each subset is responsible for finding the
performs comparisons between all pairs of N-item. Then, 21
maximum (minimum) of N 2cþ1 1 numbers in Oð1Þ time.
based on the ability of the concurrent write of the same
value, the maximum (minimum) item can be identified as Similarly, after the second step, only the maximum
the only item that comes out a “winner” in all its (minimum) in each subset survives and we are left with
comparisons. Based on this well-known result, a general 2cþ1 22
N 2cþ1 1 data elements. The steps described above can be
maximum (minimum) finding algorithm is derived in the
same time complexity but reducing the number of performed iteratively. Finally, in the ðc þ 1Þ-th step,
processors from N 2 to N 1þ , where  ¼ 2cþ111 , c is a constant where c is a constant, the N 1þ processors are partitioned
and positive integer. 2cþ1 2cþ1 2c 2c
into N 2cþ1 1 ¼ N 0 ¼ 1 subset of size N 2cþ1 1  N 2cþ1 1 as
Lemma 6. The task of finding the maximum (minimum) of an
shown in Fig. 6c. This subset is responsible for finding
N-item sequence can be performed in Oð1Þ time using N 1þ 2c

CRCW processors, where  ¼ 2cþ111 , c is a constant and the maximum (minimum) of the remaining N 2cþ1 1
positive integer. numbers in Oð1Þ time. After this step, the maximum

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Fig. 6. An illustration of the partition.

(minimum) of the N data elements is computed. The 1D_EDT of pixel bl ).

Case 2D: Interconnecting all independent columns of a
overall time is OðcÞ. Since c is a constant, the maximum
2D plane through a row to expand from a 1D line to a
(minimum) can be computed in Oð1Þ time using N 2cþ1 1 2D plane.
(i.e., N 1þ Þ processors. u
t Input: For a fixed row r of a 2D N  N binary image, each
point bl ¼ ðr; lÞ, 0  l  N  1, holds the coordinates of
A good feature of this algorithm is that the  converges
N bl ðCl Þ ¼ ðXN bl ðCl Þ ; lÞ and 1d edtbl ðCl Þ (i.e., the 1D_EDT
toward zero very fast, and the processors are always fully
of pixel bl located at column l).
utilized during their execution. This algorithm can be used
Output: Each of the input pixels bl ¼ ðr; lÞ, 0  l  N  1,
to solve lots of other related parallel computation problems.
being assigned the coordinates of N bl ¼ðXN bl ; YN bl Þ, and
the associated 2d edtbl (i.e., the 2D_EDT of pixel bl ).
4 PARALLEL ALGORITHMS FOR COMPUTING EDTs Case 3D: Interconnecting all independent Z-planes of a
In this section, ALGORITHM General_Dimension_Expander 3D space through a Z-column to expand from a 2D
is first introduced. Then, ALGORITHM 2D_EDT_CRCW and plane to a 3D space.
ALGORITHM 3D_EDT_CRCW follow. Input: For a fixed Zs;t -column of a 3D N  N  N binary
image, each voxel bl ¼ ðs; t; lÞ, 0  l  N  1, holds the
4.1 Parallel Algorithm for coordinates of N bl ðl Þ ¼ ðXN bl ðl Þ ; YN bl ðl Þ ; lÞ and
General_Dimension_Expander 2d edtbl ðl Þ (i.e., the 2D_EDT of voxel bl located at l ).
4.1.1 Description of Algorithm Output: Each of the input pixels bl ¼ ðs; t; lÞ, 0  l  N  1,
We design this algorithm to support a route to cross from a being assigned the coordinates of
lower dimension to a higher dimension. It can be used to N bl ¼ ðXN bl ; YN bl ; ZN bl Þ, and the associated 3d edtbl (i.e.,
solve the 1D nearest-one problem, to interconnect all the 3D_EDT of pixel bl ).
independent columns of a 2D plane through a row, or to Remarks. Without loss of generality, in this algorithm,
interconnect all independent Z-planes of a 3D space through either a pixel of a plane or a voxel of a 3D space is
a Z-column. Throughout this algorithm, based on Lemmas 1, termed as a point for convenience. Different cases
perform the same routine. While invoking this
3, and 5, we do the data partition to shrink the candidates of
algorithm, the Input and Output depend on the
the nearest 1-point of a point into as small range as possible.
dimension of EDT computation. For simplicity, the
Then, we apply Lemma 2 and Lemma 4 to find the nearest
illustrations for this algorithm are based on Case 3D
1-point of a point. The detailed description of this parallel
only. Other cases can be done in a similar way.
algorithm is stated as follows:
Step 1: // Assume constant k is an acceptable constant
ALGORITHM General_Dimension_Expander steps of this algorithm. We first partition the input of size
1 1
Case 1D: To solve the 1D nearest-one problem. N into N k subsets each of size N 1k . Note that since both
1 1
Input: For a fixed column r of a 2D N  N binary image, N k and N k may not be an integer, so, we use the
each point bl ¼ ðl; rÞ, 0  l  N  1, of zeros and ones. ceilings and floors to solve this problem. First, we
Output: Each of the input pixels bl ¼ ðl; rÞ, 0  l  N  1, partition the 1D input points of size N into bN k c subsets
1 1
being assigned the coordinates of N bl ðCr Þ ¼ ðXN bl ðCr Þ ; rÞ, S 1i0 , 0  i0  bN k c  1, each of size dN=bN k ce. Note that
and the associated 1d edtbl ¼ jXN bl ðCr Þ  lj (i.e., the since N=bN k c is not necessarily an integer also, so, we

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Fig. 7. The illustrations for ALGORITHM General_Dimension_Expander of Case 3D. For clarity and simplicity, instead of presenting each N bl in its
individual Z-plane as shown in Fig. 5, we only show the Z-coordinate of N bl (i.e., ZN bl ) on a Z-column. The value of ZN bl implies in which Z-plane N bl
is located. (a) Illustration for Step 1. (b) Illustration for the result of Step 1. (c) Illustration for Step 2.1. (d) Illustration for Step 2.3.

use its ceilings (i.e., dN=bN k ce) as the size of each subset. 1.1 Partition the input points bl of size N into N k subsets

Then, the index of each point b 1 , 1 1

i0 dN=bN ce
S 1i0 , 0  i0  N k  1, each of size N 1k . Each subset
0  i0  bN k c  1, will be an integer and we can 1 1
partition these N points into equal size with no point S 1i0 ¼ fb 11
k þi1
j 0  i1  N 1k  1g; 0  i0  N k  1.
i0 N
missed. For readability and without loss of generality, in Refer to Fig. 7a for illustration.
1 1 1 1
this paper, bN k c is represented as N k and dN=bN k ce is 1.2 for point bN1 and each point b 1k1 , i0 :¼ 0 to N k  1
11k i0 N
represented as N , and all steps for partition can be pardo.
dealt with and represented in a similar way as described 1.3 Assign N 1þ processors to point bN1 and each point
above. Then, for point bN1 and each point b 1k1 , b 1k1 (the leader of each subset S 1i0 ) and find the
i0 N i0 N
0  i0  N k  1, find the nearest 1-points, N bN1 and nearest 1-points, N bN1 and N b 11 , respectively, within
i0 N k
N b 11 , respectively, within the input points of size N.// the input points of size N.
i0 N k

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1.4 end; Proof. In Step 1, the input is partitioned into N k subsets;
Step 2: //Assume ½p; q denote the range from point p the nearest 1-point of each leader of each subset and
(included) to point q (included). Let bN1 will be computed in parallel. It takes N k  N 1þ ¼
M1i0 ¼ ½ZN b ; ZN b : For the readability and N processors by Lemma 6. By Lemmas 1, 3, and 5,
11 11
i0 N k ði0 þ1ÞN k
P 1k 1 if any bk 2 S 1i0 , then ZN bk will be located within M1i0 .
analysis, assume N bN1 ¼ N bN . Also, N i0 ¼0 jM1i0 j  N:
In Step 2, we further partition each S 1i0 into N k subsets
Refer to Fig. 7b for illustration. For each subset S 1i0 , again, and find the nearest 1-point of the leader of
partition it into N k subsets and find the nearest 1-point of each newly created subset within M1i0 . In Step 2.3, for
the leader of each newly created subset again within 1
each subset S 1i0 , it takes jM1i0 j1þ  N k processors for
M1i0 . //
1 1
2.1 Partition each subset S 1i0 of size N 1k into N k subsets each point b 11 12
k þi1 N k
to find N b 11 12
1 2 i0 N i0 N k þi1 N k
S 2i0 ; i1 , 0  i0 ; i1  N k  1, each of size N k . Each Subset M1i0 by Lemma 6. Therefore, Step 2 takes
S 2i0 ;i1 ¼ fb 11k 12 j0  i0 ; i1  N k  1, 0 1 1
i0 N þi1 N kþi2
12k X
N k 1
0  i2  N  1g: Refer to Fig. 7c for illustration. 1
1 @ jM1i0 j1þ A  N k
2.2 for each point b 11k 12 , i0 :¼ 0 to N  1, i1 :¼ 0
1 i0 N þi1 N k i0 ¼0
to N k  1 pardo.
2.3 Assign jM1i0 j1þ processors to each point b 1k1

i0 N þi1 N
processors for every S 1i0 , 0  i0  N k  1, to be pro-
(the leader of each subset S 2i0 ;i1 ) and find its cessed in parallel. Since
corresponding nearest 1-point, N b 11 12
, X
N k 1
k þi1 N k
i0 N
jM1i0 j  N; then
respectively, within M1i0 . Refer to Fig. 7c for i0 ¼0
illustration. 1

2.4 end; X
N k 1

jM1i0 j1þ  N 1þ :

Step 3: Let M2i0 ;i1 ¼ ½ZN b 1 2
; ZN b 1 2
: i0 ¼0
1 1 1 1
i0 N k þi1 N k i0 N k þði1 þ1ÞN k
According to Lemmas 1, 3, and 5, if any point bk 2 S 2i0 ;i1 , So, Step 2 takes O(1) time using at most N 1þkþ

then ZN b will be located within M2i0 ;i1 and processors. Following Step 1 and Step 2, all computations
PN 1k 1 k
i1 ¼0 jM2i0 ;i1 j ¼ jM1i0 j: Based on Step 1 and Step 2, by done from Step 3 till Step k  1 can be done in O(1) time
using at most N 1þkþ processors. After k  1 steps, all
partitioning the S 2i0 ; i1 into N k subsets again each of size
1 1
N , the nearest 1-point of the leader of each subset can input are partitioned into N 1k subsets each of size N k . In
Step k:2, for each subset S k1i0 , it takes jMk1i0 j1þ  N k
1 1
be found in Oð1Þ time using N 1þkþ processors. Following
Step 3 till Step k  1, all computations done in each step processors for all of the points b 1k 2 S k1i0 to find
i0 N þi1
take Oð1Þ time and use at most N 1þkþ processors also. their corresponding nearest 1-points, N b 1 , within
i0 N k þi1
Here, the details of these steps are skipped and only Mk1i0 by Lemma 6. Therefore, Step k takes
Step k is stated as follows. 0 11 1
Step k: // From Step 1 till Step k  1, the input points bl of NX k 1
size N have been partitioned into N 1k subsets S k1i0 @ jMk1i0 j1þ A  N k
with each subset S k1i0 ¼ fb 1k j0  i1  N k  1g; i0 ¼0
i0 N þi1
11k 1
0  i0  N  1: For each point b
i0 N k
1 (the leader of each processors for every S k1i0 , 0  i0  N 1k  1, to be
subset S k1i0 ), its nearest 1-point N b has been processed in parallel. Since
i0 N k
computed also. Let Mk1i0 ¼ ½ZN b 1
; ZN b 1
: 11
NXk 1
i0 N k ði0 þ1ÞN k
jMk1i0 j  N; then
According to Lemmas 1, 3, and 5, if any point bk 2 S k1i0 , i0 ¼0
then ZN bk will be located within Mk1i0 . Also, 11
PN 11k 1 NXk 1

i0 ¼0 jMk1i0 j  N: // jMk1i0 j1þ  N 1þ :

k.1 for each point b 1k ; i0 :¼ 0 to N 1k  1; i1 :¼ 0 to i0 ¼0
1 i0 N þi1
N k  1 pardo. 1
So, Step k takes at most N 1þkþ processors. At the end of
k.2 For each subset S k1i0 , assign jMk1i0 j1þ processors to Step k, the nearest 1-points of all input points of size N
each point b 1k 2 S k1i0 and find its corresponding have been computed. u
i0 N þi1
nearest 1-point, N b 1 , respectively, within Mk1i0 .
i0 N k þi1
k.3 end; Corollary 1. The 1D nearest-one problem (i.e., 1D_EDT) of size
Therefore, ALGORITHM General_Dimension_Expander
N can be solved in Oð1Þ time using N 1þþ CRCW processors.
can be done in O(1) time using N 1þkþ processors.
4.2 Parallel Algorithm for 2D_EDT
Theorem 1. ALGORITHM General_Dimension_Expander can
be computed in Oð1Þ time using N 1þþ CRCW processors, 4.2.1 Description of Algorithm
where  ¼ 1k ,  ¼ 2cþ111 , k, and c are constants and positive We apply ALGORITHM General_Dimension_Expander for
integers. Case 1D on a fixed column l, for every pixel br ¼ ðr; lÞ of

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column l to compute its nearest 1-pixel in column l. That is, to compute 2D_EDT in parallel. From the previous
for a pixel br ¼ ðr; lÞ, we find its 1D_EDT from those pixels discussion, we have the following result.
with coordinates ð0; lÞ; ð1; lÞ; . . . ; and ðN  1; lÞ. After the Theorem 2. The 2D_EDT of a binary image of size N  N can
1D_EDT computation, every pixel br ¼ ðr; lÞ of column l has be computed in Oð1Þ time using N 2þþ processors.
held the output messages of 1D_EDT. They are 1d edtbr ðCl Þ
which is the 1D_EDT of pixel br and the coordinates of By Definition 7, if we assign every pixel p ¼ ði; jÞ the
N br ðCl Þ ¼ ðXN br ðCl Þ ; lÞ. Clearly, coordinates of N p , instead of the Euclidean distance to its
nearest 1-pixel N p , then, for any 1-pixel q, VorðqÞ becomes
1d edtbr ðCl Þ ¼ jbr N br ðCl Þj ¼ jXN br ðCl Þ  rj: the set of all pixels which are assigned the coordinates of
If no 1-pixel is in fð0; lÞ; ð1; lÞ; . . . ; ðN  1; lÞg, let XN br ¼ þ1. 1-pixel q. Then, the output of ALGORITHM 2D_EDT_
There are N columns in a 2D binary image of size N  N. All CRCW turns out to be the set fVorðqÞ j q ¼ N p ; p ¼ ði; jÞ;
the N columns will execute 1D_EDT in parallel. This 0  i; j  N  1g. This concludes the following corollary.
completes the 1D_EDT computation phase. Now, we begin Corollary 2. The Voronoi polygons and Voronoi diagram of a
the 2D_EDT computation phase. We compute the 2D nearest binary image of size N  N can be constructed in Oð1Þ time
1-pixel (i.e., 2D_EDT) for every pixel bl ¼ ðr; lÞ of a fixed row r using N 2þþ CRCW processors.
by invoking ALGORITHM General_Dimension_Expander for
4.3 Parallel Algorithm for 3D_EDT
Case 2D. There are N rows in a 2D binary image of size
N  N. All the N rows will execute ALGORITHM General_ 4.3.1 Description of Algorithm
Dimension_Expander for Case 2D in parallel. If there is no The parallel algorithm for computing 3D_EDT consists of
1-pixel in the plane, let N bl ¼ ðþ1; þ1Þ. The parallel two phases: the Z-plane phase and the 3D_EDT computa-
algorithm for computing 2D_EDT is stated as follows: tion phase. During the Z-plane phase, for each Z-plane l ,
0  l  N  1, we find the 2D_EDT for each pixel in the
ALGORITHM 2D_EDT_CRCW same l plane. Clearly, there are total N independent planes
Input: A 2D N  N binary image, each pixel being each of size N  N. This is a 2D_EDT problem which can be
represented by p ¼ ðr; lÞ, 0  r; l  N  1. implemented by ALGORITHM 2D_EDT_CRCW. At the end
Output: A 2D N  N array, each pixel p ¼ ðr; lÞ being of the Z-plane phase, each pixel Q ¼ ðs; tÞ in a fixed l plane
assigned the coordinates of its 2D nearest 1-pixel has the coordinates of its nearest 1-pixel N Q ðl Þ and the
N p ¼ ðXN p ; YN p Þ and 2d edtp , which is the Euclidean 2d edtQ ðl Þ which represents the Euclidean distance from Q
distance from p to its 2D nearest 1-pixel N p . to its nearest 1-pixel N Q ðl Þ. If no 1-pixel is in the l plane,
Remarks: For clarity, p ¼ ðr; lÞ is denoted by br ¼ ðr; lÞ in the then N Q ðl Þ ¼ ðþ1; þ1; lÞ. This completes the Z-plane
1D_EDT computation phase and denoted by bl ¼ ðr; lÞ phase. Then, we begin the 3D_EDT computation phase. We
in the 2D_EDT computation phase. compute the 3D nearest 1-voxel (i.e., 3D_EDT) for every
Step 1: The 1D_EDT computation phase voxel bl ¼ ðs; t; lÞ of a fixed Zs;t -column by invoking
1.1 for column l :¼ 0 to N  1 pardo. ALGORITHM General_Dimension_Expander for Case 3D.
1.2 Apply Corollary 1 for every pixel br ¼ ðr; lÞ of a fixed There are N  N Zs;t -columns in a 3D binary image of size
column l to compute its 1D_EDT in parallel. N  N  N. All of them will execute ALGORITHM
1.3 end; General_Dimension_Expander for Case 3D in parallel. The
Step 2: The 2D_EDT computation phase parallel algorithm for computing 3D_EDT is stated as
2.1 for row r :¼ 0 to N  1 pardo follows:
2.2 Based on the properties of Lemma 2 and Lemma 3, we ALGORITHM 3D_EDT_CRCW
can apply ALGORITHM Input: A 3D N  N  N binary image V, each voxel being
General_Dimension_Expander for Case 2D on every represented by Q ¼ ðs; t; lÞ, for 0  s; t; l  N  1.
pixel bl ¼ ðr; lÞ of a fixed row r to compute its 2D_EDT Output: A 3D N  N  N array, each voxel Q being
in parallel. assigned the coordinates of N Q ¼ ðXN Q ; YN Q ; ZN Q Þ and
2.3 end; 3d edtQ which is the Euclidean distance from Q to its
nearest 1-voxel N Q .
4.2.2 Time Complexity Analysis Remarks: For clarity, Q ¼ ðs; t; lÞ is denoted by bs ¼ ðs; tÞ in
The complexity analysis of ALGORITHM 2D_EDT_CRCW the 1D_EDT computation phase and denoted by
is stated as follows: We apply Corollary 1 in Step 1.2 to bt ¼ ðs; tÞ in the 2D_EDT computation phase while the
solve the 1D nearest-one problem for one column of a 2D Z-plane phase is invoking ALGORITHM
N  N binary image. This can be performed in Oð1Þ time 2D_EDT_CRCW on each Z-plane l . Also, Q ¼ ðs; t; lÞ is
using N 1þþ processors. So the 1D_EDT computation phase denoted by bl ¼ ðs; t; lÞ in the 3D_EDT computation
done in Step 1 will take Oð1Þ time using N 2þþ processors phase.
for all the columns l; 0  l  N  1, to compute 1D_EDT in Step 1: The Z-plane phase
parallel. According to Theorem 1, Step 2.2 can be performed 1.1 for l :¼ 0 to N  1 pardo
in Oð1Þ time using N 1þþ processors for a single row. So the 1.2 Apply ALGORITHM 2D_EDT_CRCW on each
2D_EDT computation phase done in Step 2 will take Oð1Þ Z-plane l .
time using N 2þþ processors for all rows r; 0  r  N  1, 1.3 end;

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Summary of Comparison Results for Parallel 2D_EDT Algorithms

Summary of Comparison Results for Parallel 3D_EDT Algorithms

Step 2: The 3D_EDT computation phase 5 CONCLUDING REMARKS

2.1 for s; t :¼ 0 to
Based on the dimensionality reduction technique, we
N  1 pardo
develop a parallel algorithm for the 2D_EDT of a binary
2.2 Based on the properties of Lemma 4 and Lemma 5,
image of size N  N in Oð1Þ time using N 2þþ CRCW
we can apply ALGORITHM
processors and a parallel algorithm for the 3D_EDT of a
General_Dimension_Expander for Case 3D on every
Zs;t -column in parallel. binary image of size N  N  N in Oð1Þ time using N 3þþ
2.3 end; CRCW processors. Our parallel 2D_EDT (3D_EDT) algo-
rithm can be used to build up Voronoi diagram and
4.3.2 Time Complexity Analysis Voronoi polygons (polyhedra) and can be performed in
The complexity analysis of ALGORITHM 3D_EDT_CRCW Oð1Þ time using N 2þþ ðN 3þþ Þ CRCW processors also.
is stated as follows: In the Z-plane phase done in Step 1, Table 1 and Table 2 show the comparison results for parallel
according to Theorem 2, each Z-plane can be processed in 2D_EDT and 3D_EDT computations. To the best of our
Oð1Þ time using N 2þþ CRCW processors. Therefore, all the knowledge, all results derived above are the best Oð1Þ time
N Z-planes can be processed in parallel in Oð1Þ time using algorithms known.
N 3þþ CRCW processors. In the 3D_EDT computation
phase done in Step 2, we apply ALGORITHM General_ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Dimension_Expander for Case 3D on a fixed Zs;t -column in
parallel. According to Theorem 1, each of the N  N The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for
Z-columns can be processed in Oð1Þ time using N 1þþ their careful reading of this paper and for their valuable and
CRCW processors. Therefore, all the N  N Z-columns can constructive comments, which have helped to improve the
be processed in parallel in Oð1Þ time using N 3þþ CRCW quality of the paper. The work was partly supported by
processors. Based on the properties of Lemma 4 and National Science Council under contract number NSC-89-
Lemma 5, it is easy to see that Step 2 performs the 2213-E011-007.
3D_EDT computation. From the previous discussion, we
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