Quantum Mechanics

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Prof. Reji Thomas DRD-DRC November 1, 2021


We know that quantized electromagnetic radiation

is ‘photon’. Most energetic photons are

a) alpha-rays
b) beta-rays
c) gamma-rays
d) x-rays

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

What we learned so far about Quantum mechanics?

1. We had a short walk down the memory lane (1900-1927)

 Classical mechanics, relativistic mechanics, quantum mechanics and

quantum field theory
 Hertz, Planck, Einstein, Bohr, Crompton, Raman, de Broglie,
Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Dirac, Pauli, Born
 Development of quantum mechanics

2. Classical mechanics Explained

Newton's corpuscular concepts of light-particles

Maxwell’s wave concepts of light from EM theory
Reflection, refraction –explained through particle concept-ray optic
Interference, diffraction, polarization– wave nature

It was all about light!

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021
2. How QM concept helped in overcoming classical limitation?

Black body radiation ,

Wien and Rayliegh-Jean formula,
UV catastrophe
Planck’s quantum oscillator,

Photoelectric effect,
Hertz’s discovery
Einstein's photoelectric equation, m-Work function
The name photon

Crompton effect-scattering of light by electron

Raman effect-vibration spectra of molecules upon photon irradiation

All these phenomenon were successfully explained by QM

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

3. Characteristic properties of a wave :  and 

4. Characteristic properties of a particle: p and E

De Broglie’s hypothesis;
5. Radiation (wave)-particle duel nature connecting the wave nature
with particle nature through
the Planck’s constant..
6. Matter –wave duel nature
Used Einstein’s famous
mass-energy relation

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021


Electrons show diffraction effects with crystals because

their de Broglie wavelength is

a) Similar to the spacing between atomic planes

b) Equal to the no. of atomic layers
c) Is very high compared to the spacing of atomic planes
d) None of the above

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

Which of the following phenomena can not be explained by the
classical theory?

a) Photoelectric effect
b) Crompton effect
c) Raman effect
d) All of the above

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

7. Characteristics of matter wave

8. Wave velocity, group velocity and particle velocity

v particle velocity

non-dispersive- vp = vg
normal-dispersive- vp >vg
anomalous dispersive mediums-vp <vg
9. Relationship between vg and vp & vg and v

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021
For a non -dispersive medium derivative of the phase or wave
velocity (Vp) with wavelength () i.e is

(a) Negative
(b) Positive
(c) Zero
(d) None of the above

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

Quick Quiz Response on the 28/10/2021 Lecture

No Question Attempts Right Wrong

1 For non-dispersive medium phase velocity
(vp) is independent of the wavelength of the
wave and hence group velocity vg is
2 For dispersive medium phase velocity (vp) is
dependent of the wavelength of the wave and
hence group velocity vg is
3 Matter-wave is associated with moving
particle. In that case, the particle velocity is
equal to the group velocity. True or False?

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021


For non-dispersive medium phase velocity (vp) is

independent on the wavelength of the wave and
hence group velocity vg is

a) vg > vp
b) vg < vp
c) vg = vp
d) none of the above

Ans: C
Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

For dispersive medium phase velocity (vp) is

dependent on the wavelength of the wave and hence
group velocity vg is

a) vg > vp
b) vg < vp
c) vg = vp
d) none of the above

Ans: B
Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

Matter-wave is associated with moving particle. In that case, the

particle velocity is equal to the group velocity. True or False?

(a) True
(b) False

Ans: A
Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021
For a normal dispersive medium derivative of the phase or
wave velocity (Vp) with wavelength () i.e is

(a) Negative
(b) Positive
(c) Zero
(d) None of the above

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

For an anomalous dispersive medium derivative of the phase or
wave velocity (Vp) with wavelength () i.e is

(a) Negative
(b) Positive
(c) Zero
(d) None of the above

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

Lecture Schedule
Lecture 1 Oct .25. Need of quantum mechanics, photoelectric effect,
Importance of quantum mechanics and quantum(particle) nature of light (wave)
Lecture 2 Oct.26 : Concept of de Broglie matter waves, wavelength of matter waves in
different forms,
Wave/Dual nature of matter and relation between wavelength and momentum/energy
Lecture 3 Oct .28: Concept of phase velocity and group velocity (qualitative)
Tutorial 6 October 29:

Lecture 4 Nov .1: Heisenberg uncertainty principle,

Uncertainty principle to calculate uncertainty in the measurements of physical quantities
Lecture 5 Nov.2: Wave function and its significance,
Introduction to wave functions and concept of probability, basic principle in quantum physics

Lecture 6 Nov 08 Schrodinger time dependent and independent equations

Probabilistic behavior of quantum physics
Lecture 7 Nov 9: Particle in a box (e.g., electron confined in a potential)
Energy of the particles/electrons is discrete and is quantized.
Tutorial 11 November

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD

Heisenberg uncertainty principle

The duality relations lead naturally to an uncertainty relation: In physics it is

the Heisenberg uncertainty principle

Particle nature
Wave nature

Wave-particle duality introduce the concept of uncertainty. This concept

suggest that if the particle nature of the matter becomes certain, the wave nature
becomes uncertain and vice versa.

There are three conjugate variables of great importance

in quantum mechanics: position and momentum, angular
orientation and angular momentum, and energy and time.

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

Heisenberg uncertainty principle

Concept of wave or wave packet associated with a moving atoms/subatomic

particle introduce uncertainty. According to Heisenberg uncertainty principle it is
impossible to measure the exact position and momentum(or velocity) of very
small particles like, molecules, atoms or subatomic species like electron, proton,
neutron etc…

1. Original statement of Heisenberg uncertainty principle

2. Time –Energy uncertainty principle

3. Angular momentum -Angular orientation

uncertainty principle

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

Heisenberg uncertainty principle

1. Momentum (p) and position (x)

We know the propagation constant, k

related to the wavelength  by



Now we have to find a relation connecting k to x !! For that we

have to go back to what we learned about wave packet and group
velocity in the last class
Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021
X=x2, y =0

X=x1, y =0
Group velocity of the de Broglie wave vg= v, particle velocity. The position of
the particle can be anywhere in the loop ( dotted curve)

In the above equation y=0, corresponds to the node, in that case


For the two consecutive nodes at (y=0, x=x1) and (x=x2. y=0) the above equation
can be written as

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

(2) (3)

Upon subtracting Eq.(3)- Eq.2(2) we get

but (4)

Substitute Eq. 4 in Eq.1

However, more accurate measurements show that the product of the

uncertainties in momentum (p) and position (x) can not be less than

This is Heisenberg
(5) uncertainty principle

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021


If I know the position of a subatomic particle precisely, then

a) I know nothing about the particle’s momentum.

b) I know a little about the particle’s momentum
c) The particle must be at rest.
d) The particle can’t be at rest.

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

Heisenberg uncertainty principle

2. Energy (E) and time (t)

Momentum, force, Work/Energy

Force and momentum are

also conjugate quantities
So the uncertainties in the measurement of force is related to the errors
in p and t as follows


But just now we proved substitute in the above eqn.

And upon re-arranging

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021
But Force x distance is work, nothing but the energy


Uncertainty principle represented in terms of

energy and time

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

Heisenberg uncertainty principle:
3. Angular momentum (L) and angular orientation ()

A particle of mass m and velocity v making circular motion with

radius r. Its angular momentum is given by

In moving a distance x along the circle, the particle sweep an angle

 given by

Uncertainty principle
represented in terms of angular
momentum and orientation
Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021
Applications of Heisenberg uncertainty principle

Applications of Heisenberg uncertainty principle are

1. Non existence of electron in the nucleus

2. Existence of proton, neutrons and -particles in the
3. Binding energy of an electron in an atom
4. Radius of Bohr’s first orbit
5. Energy of a particle in a box
6. Ground state energy of the linear harmonic oscillator
7. Radiation of light from an excited atom

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

1. Non existence of electron in the nucleus
The radius of an ~ 10-14 m. To be in the nucleus the position of the electron must
be less than 10-14 m. In in terms of the uncertainty principle the highest limit the
electron can have equation
is the here.
diameter of the atom. i.e x~ 2 x 10-14 m

ℎ ℎ
∆𝑥∆𝑝 = ∆𝑝 =
2𝜋 2𝜋 ∆𝑥

6.625 × 10−34 𝐽 − 𝑠 −27 𝑘𝑔 − 𝑚/𝑠

∆𝑝 = = 5.27 × 10
2 × 3.14 × 10−14 𝑚

This is the uncertainty in the momentum of the electron. It means momentum of

the electron ‘p’ would not be less than p.

𝑝 = ∆𝑝 = 5.27 × 10−27 𝑘𝑔 − 𝑚/𝑠

November 1,
Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD
Kinetic energy of the electron (Ek)

1 𝑝 2 (5.27 × 10 −27 )2 1
𝐸𝑘 = 𝑚𝑣 = = ×
2 2𝑚 2 × 9.1 × 10 −31 1.6 × 10−91

= 95.55 x 106 eV ~ 96 MeV

So electron can stay inside the nucleus only when it is having an

energy about 96 MeV.

However the maximum energy a n electron can have is 4 MeV as

it is emitted from the radioactive decay of the nucleus. Hence
electrons cannot stay at the nucleus.

November 1,
Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD

A beta particle, also called beta ray or beta radiation, is emitted by

the radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus during the process of
beta decay. What is it?

a) High energy electron.

b) High energy positron
c) All of the above
d) None of the above.

Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

Lecture Schedule
Lecture 1 Oct .25. Need of quantum mechanics, photoelectric effect,
Importance of quantum mechanics and quantum(particle) nature of light (wave)
Lecture 2 Oct.26 : Concept of de Broglie matter waves, wavelength of matter waves in
different forms,
Wave/Dual nature of matter and relation between wavelength and momentum/energy
Lecture 3 Oct .28: Concept of phase velocity and group velocity (qualitative)
Tutorial 6 October 29:
Lecture 4 Nov .1: Heisenberg uncertainty principle,
Uncertainty principle to calculate uncertainty in the measurements of physical quantities

Lecture 5 Nov.2: Wave function and its significance,

Introduction to wave functions and concept of probability, basic principle in quantum

Lecture 6 Nov 08 Schrodinger time dependent and independent equations

Probabilistic behavior of quantum physics
Lecture 7 Nov 9: Particle in a box (e.g., electron confined in a potential)
Energy of the particles/electrons is discrete and is quantized.
Tutorial 7 November 11
Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD
UNIT 4-Quantum Mechanics


HILL EDUCATION, 1st Edition, (2009)

Edition, (2009).


Prof. Reji Thomas DRC-DRD November 1, 2021

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