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TEXT OF READING 1837-1 F 63 (Writer, Lecturer, Protestant) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va. this 4th day of March, 1939, in accordance with request ‘made by the self - Mrs. [1827]. new Associate Member ofthe Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc, recommended by Dr. (1210) PRESENT Edgar Cayce: Gerrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mrs. [1837] READING ‘Bom February 29, 1876. in Islesboro, Maine. Time of Reading 10:40 to 11:30 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. New York City 1. GC: You will give the relation of this entity and the universe, and the universal forces: giving the conditions which are as personalities, latent and ‘exhibited in the present life; also the former appearances inthe earth plane, giving time, place and the name, and that in each life wich built er retarded the developments forthe carty: giving the abilities of the present entity and that ro which it may artain, and how. You will snswer the questions she submits, a8 T ask them: 2. EC: (Jn going back over years from present -"-'35 - anew adventure forthe enlty - 34 - 30 - period of restlessness -'28 -'21 - an opening of an experience - '19 - 1900 - another change -'79 - an illness -" ete., on back: to birth date.) 3. Yes, we have the records here ofthat enity now known as or called [1837] 4A beautiful record - all white, with knowledge; needing then those suggestions, those implications that may assist in using this experience forthe application of that which has been atained here 5. Hence the interpretations as we ate choosing fiom those records here are with the desire and purpose to make the experience one in which the soul-entity ‘may be aroused to that consciousness - litte ere, a lite there: and ye are making those infiuences in which those shout you are berter for your having bees in their midst. 6. To give the interpretation ofthe life mensure through the material experiences, while from the judements ofthe present would not always be called! a bed of ose, yet the lotus would be a symbol of the entay as it- through the muck or mire of distraught things and conditions - raises itself IN BEAUTY and gives within its cup the Aull measure of beauty as may bring its meanings o the experience of all who comie within the realm of its eetivity, or who behold or come within the scope of ss vision, 7. So mm the experiences ofthe entity, but irrespective of what the entity has done about the innate urges, thece we find latent and manifested in the activites of this individual entity 8. A seeker for, rather than ater, knowledge. 9. One to wiaom all the mysteries of nature of life, of associations, bring an attunement to spirinial things. 10, One that innately finds tae heautifsl things in asic, in ar, in poetry, in those things thet depict not the mere human ensotions that partake of materiality, ‘but those that arouse rather the though, the desire of knowledge as to the relationships of the soul to the universal consciousness 11, Hence the lights - the noise yet not amoise, that often comes into the innate and manifested consciousness of the entity - partaking of those very realms indicated by the beauty of tae lotus flower itl 12 As tothe astrological aspects - these, ax we judge them, are rater from the realms of activity ofthe entity during those interims between the material oF earthly sojoums: and come in Venus, the Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, Sanam. 13. All of these bring the beauty as indicated in Venus, the changes as indicated in Sarum, the extremes as indicated from Uranus 14, Hence we find the greater need of application fiom the Jupiteran indication - and these ae before the enti of this material sojourn, 1 and should begin within the present eyele 15. For tis in the application of knowledge that there is growth within or the satisfaction ofthe material forces. This the entity finds in ts awareness that the influence of spintval forces without - asthe Father, the Son, the Holy Spust - are one: that thy body: thy mind, thy soul are one. there isthe lack of the awareness of either, there comes those periods when doubts and fears arise - from the astrological as well as material sojoumns -to bring the extremes as ‘material manifestations into the experience ofthe entity 16. Hence, think on these things. 17. As ye would that men should do to thee, do ve even so to them” is not merely rote, not merely @ saving, but isa universal law. a universal consciousness. For it brings that which is the helpmeet, "Whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap.” 18, For ye ARE in the present that which is the rest of thy application OF body, mind, soul in elationships to that which is ever ereative in the experience of the soul 19, For growth comes inthe spiritual realm as the pattern inthe material realm evolves within itself through the use or the application of constructive {influences in the experience of the entity: 20. Asto the appearances in the earth - these we find quite varied, Not al are given, but those that - as we find - have an influence in the present experience of the entity 21. Before this we find the entity was in the English land, during that period when there were changes being wrousht by the activity thevabt and purpose ‘among men for the COMBINED judement of others as respecting the moral or peril codes of the lan. 22. We find the entity was closely sociated with that entity called by many Alited the Great 23. There we find the entity was a8 a marerial manifestation of tha intent or purpose of that entity's mode or manner of giving expression to democracy. or freedom of activity and of speech. 24, Hence we find innate within the present experience ofthis entity the ability to be a good listener; and the ability to make a parallel of such as may be gathered from the experiences of others in the application of self - as in relationships to conditions or experiences. 25. And life AND all ofits ramifications STILL remains the great wonderment to the entity a it did in that experience - as Garcia. 26. In the applying of self i the present as to its abilities, as gained ficm that sojoum - we find the abilities asa writer of those that have been or are the experiences of others as well ac of sel in the relationships to the emotional forces of body, mind and soul. 27 Ann in the application of same - while there should be the differentiations in the experiences, thei application must come as a unity of influence - as is that impelling fbree which i the spirit of tush in the lives ofall, 28. Before that we find the entity was inthe Persian land, during those periods when there was being builded the city in the hills and the plains." 29. The entity was among those Grecians who came into the land for the purposes (of those who SENT them) to undermine the activities. 30. And che entity became rather smbued with the ideals ofthe teacher Ubjltd sn those experiences, and became what would be termed in the present 2b 2 Sootheayer, of an interpreter of the signs of the stn, the moon, the stars, - as well as ofthe effects ofthese upon the human relationships in the material plane 31. And even today, ifthe entity will sit upon the sands -ip ANY place - and but mark upon same, there will come those innate experiences of those day’ and ‘nights, hose seasons and those changes as wrought by those peoples, and the experiences ofthe enity sn aiding those of many lands, hose of many climes tnd those of many realms of setivity in that sojourn - for their SPIRITUAL as well as MENTAL welZare 32 Spiritual inthis sense is applying to the growth of the entity; the mental as to the peace and harmony that is sought by each and every soul 33. Hence to the entity in the present - the star the crescent - as combined with the vegetation - are as modes or means of giving expressions to thought and feelings in its relationships to others 34. WRITE, then, as ofthese things - in such measures and manners as to tring 1 the consciousness of others the needs, the necessities of application of self to that which is the claim of innate belief But know in WHOM ye have believed, and know that He is able to keep that Committed unto Him against ny experience that may arise in thy relationships to dy fellow man or thy desize - for the knowledge or for companionship or associations of spiritual realms. 35, Take hold alse upon that ve find fom that experience in the emotions created by oders ef certain things that ae of the earth - in the realm of emotion, 36, Before that we find the entity was in the Egyptian land, in thet period when there were the preparations for the peoples of another land entering - or the days when Pharach of that period was aroused to activity by the voice of Joseph, the wanderer in thar real. 37. There we find the entity was among the daughters of that Pharaoh - in the name Kotapet 38. Inthe experience the entity gained much through not only the mental application of those tenets of that messenger who came to save, as it were, a people as well ar himself, but - as that entity was the messenger ofthe liviag God among those in a disturbed world - the entity caught that vision of the universal ove as might be exemplified inthe relationships of a people, ofa nation, ~ and not as in self indulgence or sel agsrandizement forthe passing appeviten, oF for those things that made forthe laudation or the enslavement of any that material blessings might bein the experience of a few. 39. Hence we find again the entity giving of selfin piving the expressions of mercy and grace among a people disturbed by those activities which had been as of race consciousness in that sajours 40. Inthe present from the experiences in that sojourn, then, we find the great abilities in giving in word, in messages - that may be a part of the mental consciousness ofthe many -thore things that wall bring universel peace, universal love within the hearts and the realms of those who may take heed by the ‘mental experience of tis entity 41. Before that we find the entity was in that called the Egyptian land, ducing those periods when there were the aetivities among those peoples in the separating ofthe individuals who sought to prepare themselves in body and in mind for a service unto their fellow man as a whole. 42. There the entity aided through those activities in the Temple of Szenifice, for the cleansing of the bodies of the many’ fiom appendages that hindered or ‘took hold upon those things which had been a part ofthe old disturbances among men, 43. There we find the entity was in the name Ar-rah-ar-n, - and in the experience gained - though its period of activity was extended over the various experiences ofthe turmoils, 2s well a the regenerating ofthe peoples trough the tenets from the Atlanteans as well asthe tenets ofthe Priest inthe experience. 44, All came for their application under the directing of the entity in that sojourn - in the activities among that people 45. Asto the abilities of the enity inthe present, then, and that to whch it may attain, and how 46. As has been indicated, as may be drawn as conclusions fiom the experiences of the entity in its sojourns inthe earth, as well asthe realms of the astrological aspects: 47. Knowledge has been and is 2 par of the entity, INNATELY and manifestedly. 48. NOW there must be the application of same - in words, in messages, in sich a manner as to bring to the consciousness of others the NEEDS nnd! the ‘means of applying same in their own experience. 49. For "Inasmuch ab ye doit unto the least of thy brethren, ye do it unto thy Maker." 50. Study, then, to show thyself epproved unto GOD; a workman not ashamed, but rightly dividing the words of ruth, and keeping self unspotted from those ‘things that would belie thine own conscious effort 51. For in sich a manner may ye bring to self the constant springing anew in the henrts and souls of the (MANY, thar beauty, that whiteness, thar cleansing which is exemplified m the lows flower, 52. Ready for questions 53. (Q) What is my work for the rest ofthis life? (A) WRITE! 54. Q) Should I write a book or lecture? (A) Write MANY books, MANY pamphlets, MANY lectures. Writing is greater in this experience for the entity. ‘though lecturing isa manner ofthe personal contact for that writen to he brought the closer home 55. (Q Should I werk in political groups to save our country? (A) Here asthe entity may have experienced, may have drawn from that given - or should be able fo draw fiom those experiences here shown - the entity has been a part of such, or rather such experiences have been a part of the ent. Yet these applied aft tend to make for sides or divisions to be drawn - and these can BEST ‘e shown by the application ofthat "] Am My Brother's Keeper” ‘Hence not so much of material application in potiticl forces or fights, but as a more UNIVERSAL consciousness of that of peace and harmony as may be dawn from that which isthe impelling force of ANY or ALL political factions. 596. (Q) Just which groups and hew should I go about it? (A) As indicated, rather with that as may be a part of ANY or ALL - but NO factional fiat 57. (Q) Is it indicated what my son [2167] will achieve? (A) This may be best drawn by a paralleling ofthe application of that entity in HIS application of a ‘universal consciousness ‘Buras we find, SELF ss aided, it may again COUNSEL - but NOT impose any consciousness upon the son, 58. (Q How can I best promote my son's carcer? (A) As just indicated, by counseling with Ler this be thy watchivord ~yea, let tbe thy prayer - with the knowledge, the understanding thou hast ‘LORD, HELP ME, DIRECT ME IN CHOOSING MY WORDS, MY ACTIVITIES BEFORE MY FELLOW MEN. MAY I CHOOSE THAT WHICH MAY NOT ATTEMPT TO JUSTIFY TRUTH OR RIGHTEOUSNESS, BUT RATHER SO LIVE MY OWN LIFE, SPEAK THY COUNSEL IN SUCHA ‘MANNER AS TO GLORIFY THEE AMONG MY FELLOW MEN! 59. We are through for the present. 28LAD, Glad Helpers Prayer Group. 3/15/39 HOLD FAST to Hun! Let not fear enter in For, surrounding thyself with His love, no doubt, no fear, COULD enter in 342-1, Male 48 (Executive, Protestant), 12433 ‘he that abides in Him need fear NOTHING without. The fear that comes always begins Som WITHIN. For, if He be WITH thee, who can be against thee? 2574-1, Female 53 (Housewife, Christian Service, Volunteer), 81441 I Him there are no limitations One only limits self by doubt or fear For, He IS the way. the truth, the light. 254.85, 412/35 REMEMBER, my children, it is the FEAR of the material conditions that wrecks the ‘matecal body. Its the FEAR of tis ox that, chat prevents a channel fiom making for the greater suppl: 2560-1, Female 65, 5/8/41 ‘Fear is that element in the character and inthe experience of individuals which brings about mote of wouble than any other influence ia she experience of an ent. For, when ‘ye are sure of the right path and follow it, ye do nat fear 3357.2, Female 50, 11/1743 it is selfawareness,selfconsciousness that brings fear and doubt S542, Male 44 Furniture Buyer, Hebrew), 1/23/28 fear - isthe greatest drawback am the proper development of any well balanced normal indivicoal 3698-1, Female 40, 2/16/44 (Q What is cousing the intense pain in the upper back? (A) General nerve reactions to the body - fear 954-4, Female 39 (Writer, Protestant), 127/37 (QAny further advice? (A) Keep the hopes above the fears. The fers in the experience of any individual or entity are the losing hold upon that as to WHO is able to supply the strength, the courage, the aid necessary 981-1. Female 18 (College Sophomore). §/22/39 Then, let not thy heart be heavy: Never, never NEVER be afraid! For as He hath given “His blessings, so may’ ye remain in those acwities in which more harmony and peace and joy will be thine through thy expressions and thy activities in this experience

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