7.1 Muscular System

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vessels and glands; spindle shaped with one
 Movement – skeletal muscles specifically nucleus per cell (center) the filaments are not
attach to our bones to move our bodies arranged and the functional units are actin and
 Posture – there is a partial muscle myosin. DOES not have an stripes appearance.
contraction maintained by the skeletal (No striation).
-The smooth muscles are autorhythmic
Muscle tone - Contraction of skeletal muscles; means that it can generate its own electrochemical
important so the human could sit, stand, walk in messages for its own contraction.
stable position
-involuntary (don’t have the control over
 Respiration – primary and accessory it) and functions as a unit and contracts at the
muscles for breathing in and out same time.
 Production of body heat – heat is the
byproduct of the skeletal muscle - contracts slower than skeletal muscles
contraction and does not get a deficiency in oxygen.
 Communication – by using the muscles we CARDIAC MUSCLES – muscle cells are long
can write, type etc. and branching can be found only in the HEART;
 Organ movements – constriction and HAS ONLY ONE NUCLEUS PER CELL and
dilation of organs and vessels centrally located.
 Heart contraction – with cardiac muscles
the heart will contact so that it could pump -the actin and myosin are arranged so they
blood to the body. have a striped appearance (striations). They are
also autorhythmic so they generate their own
Smooth muscle – helps in contracting/constricting messages for contraction and involuntary.
to widen the circumference of the cavity.
-connected to each other by intercalated
OTHER SYSTEMS INVOLVED IN disks that allow the cells to contract as a unit.
SKELETAL MUSCLES – the only type that is
Muscular – moves the bones voluntary; attached to the bones so we can move it
around the muscle cells are long and cylindrical.
Skeletal – bones are moved, at their joints, by
muscles -multinucleated and peripherally located;
there are striations but not autorhythmic doesn’t
Nervous – transmits impulses to muscles to cause
generate its own electrical messages for
Respiratory – exchanges O2 AND CO2 between
Circulatory – transports O2 to muscles and
removes CO2 Contractility – ability of the muscles to shorten
Excitability – ability to receive and respond to
Extensibility – ability of the muscles to stretch
Elasticity – ability to recoil back to its original
shape after being stretched.
-About 40% of our body weight is because of the - actin – two strands of protein that are
skeletal muscles and its connective tissues twisted together and they have attachment
sites for the thick filaments
-muscle cells look like threads that’s why its also - troponin – attached at regular intervals
called as muscle fibers. along the actin and have high affinity to
Endomysium - Each muscle fiber has a connective calcium ions specially the troponin c.
tissue sheath that wraps around. - Tropomyosin – wraps around the actin
covering the actin binding or attachment
A bundle of the muscle fibers with their own site.
endomysium if group together.
If there is a calcium attached by the troponin there
Muscle fasciculi – bundle of muscle fibers will be changes in structure wherein the
Perimysium - Connective tissue covering of the tropomyosin will uncover the attachment sites of
muscle fasciculi the actin.

MUSCLE - Group of muscle fasciculi together Thick myofilaments

with their own perimysium it is now going to - Myosin - golf clubbed shaped; the shafts
create muscles. are bundled together to form the thick
Epimysium - Own covering of the skeletal filament
muscles also called as muscular fascia. - Their heads at the end stick out to form
bundle –
Structures in the muscle fiber: - The myosin heads are the one attracted to
the attachment site of the actin.
Long cylindrical structures w/multiple nuclei in
the periphery and the nuclei are deep to the cell Cross bridge - When the myosin heads are
membrane attached to the actin during the muscle contraction
Along the surface of the sarcolemma there are SARCOMERE: STRUCTURAL UNIT AND
pockets going inward towards the cell and leads to FUNCTIONAL UNIT
a tubular system called Transverse tubules/ t-
tubules Sarcomere – located in the myofibril; structural
and functional unit of the muscle because it is the
The t-tubules occur at regular intervals throughout smallest part of the skeletal muscle that can
the fiber contract
Sarcolemma - Cell membrane in the muscle fiber - Each sarcomere extends from one z disc to
Sarcoplasmic reticulum - Cells endoplasmic
reticulum in the muscle fibers; in charge of z-disk – disc where the actin (thin filament) is
releasing and storing calcium for muscle anchored to. (Blue lines)
Myosin is anchored at the center because of a dark
Sarcoplasm - Muscle Cell cytoplasm staining band called M line
There are Fibers that fill up the sarcoplasm that is AND M line is at the center of the h zone
why the nuclei are pushed to the peripheries.
H zone- area where myosin is the only one placed
Myofibrils – fibers that fill up the sarcoplasm; there is no actin present in this zone.
made up of thinner and smaller structure called the
myofilaments The arrangement of actin and myosin in
sarcomeres gives the muscle its striations (striped
There are two types of myofilaments: appearance) there are 2 bands light and dark the:
Thin myofilaments I BAND – only actin is present that is why they
have a light appearance
A BAND – contains the actin and myosin there POTASSIUM IN AND 3 SODIUM OUT because
are 2 myofilaments so they are dark in of this mechanism the imbalance of distribution of
appearance. positive ions is maintained for resting membrane
potential at -90MV
ACTION POTENTIAL - A change in membrane
ADAM – A BAND is DARK bc there is ACTIN potential or the electrical fluctuation along cell
and MYOSIN membrane
LIA – LIGHT band is the I BAND bc it only -once the action potential is received there
contains ACTIN will be changes in the muscle fibers
ANOTHER CHARACTERISTIC OF -the sodium channels that used to be
SKELETAL MUSCLES IS EXCITABILITY closed will now open, the sodium from the outside
>THE ability to receive and respond to stimuli of the cell will now go inside

>the skeletal muscles are highly excitable because -since sodium is positively charged and it
they exhibit electrical properties will go inside of the cell which is negatively
charged, making the inside of the cell less
>the cell membrane is polarized because the negative/ more positive.
inside of the cell is negative while the outside of
the cell is positive. DEPOLARIZATION PHASE – from -90 mv of
the resting membrane potential it will become less
Resting membrane potential – uneven charge negative or more positive phase.
difference in the resting state. There is no
excitation yet and stimulus; the muscles are at -because of the influx of
rest. sodium

-90 mV = skeletal muscles resting membrane DIFFUSION – The potassium inside of the cell
potential will diffuse out of the cell.

>the cell has more potassium inside than outside >potassium is also positively charged since there
is additional open channels there will be more
>the cell has more sodium outside than inside. positive ions going out of the cell making it the
inside of the cell more negative
>Since our cell is selectively permeable not all
substances could pass through that’s why the REPOLARIZATION PHASE - is a stage of an
inside of the cell is more negative than outside. action potential in which the cell experiences a
decrease of voltage due to the efflux of potassium
>Channels along the cell membrane are non-gated
(K+) ions along its electrochemical gradient.
so the substances are free to diffuse in and out. but
these channels are more permeable to potassium BUT the potassium channels were slow to open
ions. and slow to close and because of that slow
Since the potassium ions are a lot inside than
outside the cell and diffusion is from high to low
concentration so a lot of the potassium will go
outside to the extracellular.
> MAKING IT more negative inside the cell plus
the molecules inside the cell that can pass through
these leaky channels have a negative charge
The resting membrane potential is maintained by
the SODIUM POTASSIUM PUMP and this pump closure, more potassium ions go outside making it
needs ATP to activate and it will pump 2
more negative than the resting membrane Neurotransmitter – small circles inside;
potential. acetylcholine
HYPERPOLARIZATION - when the membrane Via exocytosis the acetylcholine will be released
potential becomes more negative at a particular outside of the nerve and will bind to receptors on
spot on the neuron's membrane, the postsynaptic membrane (muscle)
Then the sodium potassium pump will take 2 After the binding of the acetylcholine to the
potassium in and 3 sodium out to become normal receptors it will trigger the opening of the sodium
and be back to resting membrane potential. channels
So, after the opening of the sodium channels the
sodium from the outside will go inside thus the
Motor Neurons – generates action potential to start of the polarization for the muscle to contract.
pass to skeletal muscles via branches creating a
neuromuscular junction ALSO CALLED Acetylcholinesterase - An enzyme to make sure
SYNAPSE. that one action potential from the nerve makes
only one action potential to muscles.
Motor unit – refers to a single motor neuron and
all the muscle fibers it innervates. - Will breakdown the acetylcholine into
acetate and choline so the acetate is not
A single motor neuron can innervate one to a recycled but the choline is taken up back in
thousand muscle fibers the presynaptic cell to a transporter and
Small muscles may have a few fibers per units will be turned into acetylcholine again
while large muscles have a lot of fibers per unit. PICTURE OF WHAT HAPPENS WHEN
control you have (ex. hands for more precise units THE NERVE TO THE MUSCLE
than the other larger units)
In neuromuscular junction it consists of NEURON
AND A MUSCLE FIBER connecting with each
PRE-SYNAPTIC TERMINAL –the nerve is the
pre-synaptic terminal specifically the AXON;
where action potential comes from/ begin
sarcolemma; Part of the muscle that will receive it
SYNAPTIC CLEFT -The Space in between the Sarcoplasmic reticulum – responsible for storing
pre synaptic terminal and post synaptic membrane and releasing calcium ion
PASSING THE MESSAGE FROM NEURON Troponin c – thin filament that attracts to calcium
Tropomyosin – covers the binding site of the actin
When there is a stimulus coming from action
potential coming from the nerve it will stimulate Once the calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
the calcium channels on the ends of the nerve to attach to troponin c the tropomyosin will uncover/
open in pre-synaptic cleft expose the attachment sites of the actin
The calcium influx will cause pre-synaptic MUSCULAR SYSTEM (36MINS TO 48MINS)
vesicles to release a neurotransmitter.
 Another filament will do something, the
tropomyosin --- it is the one that covers the
binding site of actin. Once the calcium released. Again. there is already
from the cytoplasmic reticulum attached to energy stored in the myosin head
the troponin C, tropomyosin will uncover leading to number three
or expose the attachment sites of the actin. c. The Power Stroke. Wherein the
 Actin binding site is exposed to the myosin energy from the hydrolysis of ATP
heads. The myosin heads that are attracted will cause the myosin head to bend
to those binding sites could now attach. forward to pull the actin so that the
 When the head is attached, there will be a actin will slide towards the center
breakdown of the ATP molecules that are and the ADP will then be released.
attached to the myosin heads. When ATP d. Cross-bridge Release. After the
breaks down into ADP and phosphate, power stroke there will be a new
there will be a release of energy and ATP molecule that will bind to the
because of that energy there will be a myosin head and the myosin head
power stroke. will then detach from the actin.
 The myosin head will bend in order to pull e. Hydrolysis of ATP. The ATP that is
the actin, the actin will slide and this will bounded to the myosin head will
repeat, as long as calcium is still present hydrolyse into ATP and phosphate
and is still bounded to troponin C. Myosin again. There will be energy again.
will continually pull the actin filaments f. Recovery Stroke. The myosin head
and that will cause the shortening or the will return to its resting position and
contraction of the muscles. if there are still calcium bind to
troponin C, the cycle will continue
Sliding Filament Theory all over again. It will return to cross
- The theory behind the muscle contraction bridge formation and it will attach to
sliding filament, the actin is pulled so that the next part in order to make a cross
it will slide over in order to pull them bridge, then it will be power stroked,
closer together to the center. Thus, then another ATP will bind so the
shortening the sarcomere and there will be myosin will detach from actin,
a muscle contraction hydrolysis of ATP for energy, return
- Earlier, calcium will bind to troponin c to its resting position and cross
which will make the tropomyosin uncover bridge again. This process will be
the actin binding sites. repeated.
a. Exposure of active sites. in here, the - The myosin will keep on pulling the actin
myosin head will have stored energy to slide towards the center so that the
because the ATP molecule has been sarcomere will shorten, this is the muscle
hydrolysed into ADP and phosphate contraction and the sliding filament.
(when ATP breaks down into APD What happens to the different structures
and phosphate there’s already within the sarcomeres?
energy release)
b. Cross Bridge Formation. Because - Z Disc where the actin is attached
the actin binding sites are already - [picture] this is the myosin, the one on the
exposed, the myosin head which are middle is the h zone. The part where there
attracted to those sites will bind and is actin, is the I band, this part is A band
the phosphate ion will then be where there is bone actin and myosin.
- When muscles contract, the I band As a result, the overall force of the
narrows down, the H zone disappeared or contraction will increase. There is tetanus
obliterated, the A band stays the same which is a sustained contraction that
because it is anchored in the middle. occurs when the frequency of stimulation
- H zone “hala himala, nawala” is so rapid that there is no relaxation.
- I band “umikli” 2. Recruitment - This involves increasing
- A band “alang nangyari” the number of muscle fibers contracting.
Increasing the number of muscle fibers
MUSCLE TWITCH happens gradually and by size. The smaller
- is the contraction of a muscle fiber in muscle fibers will be used then it will
response to a stimulus. become larger and larger, it will recruit
- divided into three phases: larger and larger and larger; the
a. Lag/Latenr Phase – is the time recruitment is gradual, because if all motor
between the application of the units in a muscle will be stimulated
stimulus and beginning of simultaneously the resulting motion would
contraction. It is when the action be quick and jerky. However, because they
potential travels along the nerve to are recruited gradually, it has smooth, slow
the axon to be passed through the and sustained contractions. The
synaptic cleft then to the post recruitment is from small to large because
synaptic membrane or to the muscle. there is a size principle.
b. Contraction Phase - is the time
during which the muscle will
contract, it's the cross-bridge
movement of the filaments.
c. Relaxation Phase – it is when the
muscle will relax, at this point, the
calcium that is attached to the
troponin is transported back into the
sarcoplasmic reticulum. Because if
the calcium is transported back the
tropomyosin will be covered by the
actin binding sites, therefore, there
are no myosin attachments and cross
bridge formation. It is the end of the
contraction - The speed of contraction is already written
in the name. The type 2s have fast
TWO WAYS TO INCREASE MUSCLE contraction then type 1 has a slow
1. Summation – This involves increasing the - type 2b has the fastest contraction out of
force of contraction of muscle fibers the three and it is ten times faster than the
within the muscle by rapidly stimulating type one.
them. If the stimulus frequency increases, - In terms of diameter, smallest is slow
there is no time to relax; there contractions twitch or a type1 then type 2b is the
will be added up to form one contraction. largest.
- Myoglobin wherein the oxygen capacity ROLES OF MUSCLES
of the fiber is higher on the slow twitch
and fast twitch 2A, an low for type 2B 1.AGONIST OR PRIME MOVER – muscle
- mitochondria which is for energy, are responsible for the movement. Example: elbow
flexion, the agonist would be elbow flexor
only a few can type 2b while many can
type 2a and type 1, meaning they have a muscles. - Ex. Biceps muscles
lot of energy source, it has a lot of oxygen 2.ANTAGONIST– muscles whose actions is
and energy. opposite to the agonist. For example, during
- For Metabolism, type 1 has a high aerobic elbow flexion; the agonist is elbow flexors, the
capacity so it has a high capacity to change antagonist is the elbow extensor.
or to use oxygen to create energy. While
the 2A has a high anaerobic-intermediate - Important for the control of the movement.
aerobic, it uses both with oxygen and
- Ex. Triceps
without oxygen to create energy. While in
the fast twitch glycolytic, it has the highest 3.SYNERGISTS - muscles that contract with
anaerobic capacity, meaning it does not agonist for support and to make the movement
use oxygen to create energy; however, it is efficient.
also draining easily because there are other
-For example, smaller muscles with the ability to
flex the elbow.



- Equal distance and length; the length in

your muscle will not decrease or increase but
there will be tension in your muscles.

- No movement but still have tension in the



- equal tone or tension produced by the

muscle throughout the movement.

- There is a movement in the muscle.

- 2 types:

muscles shorten

amount of muscle is lengthening; slowly
products if anaerobic cycles. The fatigue
lowering the movement.
resistance is low for type 2b.

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