Pushpesh Pant - India Cookbook-Phaidon Press (2010)

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Written by:
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A Brief History of Indian Food
Ayurveda and Indian Food
Regions of India
How to Eat an Indian Meal
Notes on the Recipes

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91 Vegetables
170 Fish and Seafood-
180 Meat
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For many people Indian cuisine
is synonymous with the food of
the Mughal shahs, the illustrious
rulers of most of India from
the sixteenth to the nineteenth
century. And, while it is true that
a wonderful gastronomic revival
took place during their reign -
bringing us famous dishes
such as korma and biryani - it
must be remembered that there
is far, far more to Indian food
than curries alone.

A Brief History of Indian Food

The foods of India are as significant to its civilization as its majestic monuments,
art and literature. Indian food has taken on influences from as far afield as
central Asia, southeast Asia and Turkey. The Europeans, too, have left an indelible
imprint on Indian cuisine and introduced ingredients that are now widely used
alongside native foods. These influxes of exotic produce, new crops and cooking
techniques introduced by traders, pilgrims and soldiers have combined to create
a unique and dazzlingly varied cuisine.
-The story of the world's love affair with Indian food dates back to the
first millennium when an ancient Greek envoy described sugar cane as ’Indian
bamboo filled with honey'. Arab traders were later lured to India's Malabar coast
in the southwest by a wealth of aromatic pepper, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon.
It was also the lucrative spice trade that drew the Portuguese explorer Vasco
da Gama to India in 1498. At that time spices were worth many times their weight
in gold and the expenses incurred on Gama's expedition were recovered several
times over by the quantities he took back with him. It is estimated that one of
his shipments alone consisted of 1,500 tons of pepper, twenty-eight tons of ginger,
eight tons of cinnamon and seven tons of cloves. And, while India's spices
attracted Europeans to the area, the traders brought with them the culinary secrets
of leavened bread, baking and noodles. In return the Indians introduced the
Europeans to the joys of curry, mangoes and chutney.
-During the nineteenth century the British came to India and were
conquered by the myriad smells, sights and sounds of the subcontinent. Many of
the British colonists acquired a taste for local delicacies and Indian flavours and
native ingredients soon found their way back to Britain, as can be seen in the fish
and rice breakfast dish kedgeree, and in the spicy meat soup mulligatawny. At
the same time many British visitors chose to stay and make India their home, and
across the country many spicy Anglo-Indian foods can still be found today.
-In more recent years, India's changing demographic profile, along with
its economic development, has broken many food taboos. The younger
generation, better educated than its predecessors and more widely travelled,
is far more adventurous. Access to pre-packaged processed foods, such as
tamarind extract and coconut milk, has greatly reduced the drudgery of daily
kitchen chores. More time and energy can now be devoted to innovation, and
fusion cuisine is flourishing as a result. Traditional and experimental recipes
now coexist happily, and Indian cuisine seems poised on a promising and exciting
threshold. With its wide variety of flavours, styles, ingredients and techniques,
it should come as no surprise that the popularity of Indian food is on the increase
around the world.

Ayurveda and Indian Food

Ayurveda is a traditional system of Hindu medicine, which is based on the idea of

balance in bodily systems. It is an ancient art of living a good life and forms
the bedrock of Indian culinary philosophy. Many Indians place great emphasis on
matching food with individual body types and temperaments, and the Ayurvedic
system contains a vast repertoire of recommendations that enable individuals
to prepare dishes tailored to their specific requirements and mood. According to
Ayurveda, all foods have distinct properties that have an effect on our health
tand mental balance.
-Ayurvedic thinking states that each of us has a different combination
of the three dcshat or types — kapha, vata and pitta — that create our unique
mental and physical characteristics, and which need to be balanced for optimum
health and happiness. Most of us have one or two doAhad that are most active,
and Ayurveda seeks to redress this imbalance, primarily through diet. According
to the Ayurvedic system, ailments are first treated with food and only later with
medication if required.
-Each dodha is related to the five great elements — earth, water, fire, air
and ether — and one of these elements predominates in each season. So an
individual’s diet should vary according to their personal do&ha& and the climate.
Good health can only be enjoyed when the three dc&has are balanced, and can
be impaired by eating against one's type, or being oblivious to the season. In the
summer, light, cooling and re-hydrating foods are preferred; whilst in winter, richer
ingredients strengthen the metabolism.
-Ayurveda divides all foods into the Ahadrasa, or the six basic flavours:
madhur (sweet), amla (sour), katu (pungent), tikta (bitter), kashaya (astringent)
and lavana (salty). Each of these is essential for good health and dining pleasure.
Ayurvedic lore makes a clear distinction between the 'taste' that our palate
discerns and the 'taste' that our body experiences when it starts to metabolize
what we have eaten.
-It is not difficult to appreciate how food can affect our health and moods.
Food may be solely nutritious, as a tonic or an intoxicant it can tranquillize or
excite, and it can even be harmful at times. Ayurveda urges us to consider how the
food we eat will influence our bodies and minds. To open the mind to Ayurvedic
culinary wisdom is to try to ensure lasting good health while continuing to enjoy
both life and food.


Food Regions of India

In order to describe the rich and varied history of Indian cuisine I have identified
ten major culinary regions in India, which are explored in detail in the following
pages. Each area has its own gastronomic traditions, but the regions have
blurred boundaries and there are many shared techniques and tastes. Although
Indian cuisine is constantly evolving and the emergence of a pan-Indian style
is discernible, it can even be argued that regional foods play a more significant role
in defining cultural identity than the officially recognized spoken languages
that were the basis for the reorganization of states in post-Independence India.
-Over the centuries India's cartographic borders have changed many
times and it is impossible to describe India's rich and varied culinary heritage
within modern day perimeters. For the purposes of discussing India's historic food
culture as fully as possible, I have chosen the following regions to best describe
the evolution of Indian cuisine. Some of them historically covered a greater area
than they do in modern India, and include parts of modern Pakistan, Afghanistan
and Bangladesh.


According to myth, the valley of Kashmir emerged out of a vast lake when the
sage Kashyap vanquished a villainous demon who was tormenting local villagers.
Kashyap drained the lake by creating a depression on its western side; this
valley was christened Kashyap-mar, which eventually became Kashmir.
-—- A historic region of the Indian subcontinent, Kashmir has breathtaking
natural beauty. It is also renowned throughout the world for its wonderful range
of exquisite architecture, fabulous houseboats, mosques and Mughal gardens.
The land is associated with saffron, with its subtle and seductive aroma and
alluring golden tint. The valleys of Kashmir are resplendent with purple carpets
of saffron crocuses; in some places, the fields extend as far as the eye can see.
Saffron is extravagantly expensive and, as well as being used in food, it also has
a place in ritual worship, and is used to make kurnkum, a colourful paste, which
is painted on statues of the gods.
-When the British discovered the coolness of the Kashmiri valleys, they
made them their summer holiday destination. Because it was the domain of an
Indian Prince, they were not allowed to buy land there, so luxurious houseboats
began to appear. These mansion-like floating residences have become an
integral part of the Kashmiri landscape and many of them, with their elegant
furnishings and ornately carved ceilings, are a joy to behold. The wooden boats
known as dhikara were originally created for service rather than residences,
acting as anything from taxis to floating department stores. They sold
ingredients such as nadru (lotus stems) and a variety of spinach called haak,


which are mainstays of the Kashmiri vegetarian repertoire, as well as fish from
the local waters.
-Kashmiri cuisine is quite different from that of any other region in India,
because for centuries it has been influenced not only by the mainland, but also by
central Asia and Tibet. The preferred meat is lamb, while elsewhere in the country
kid and goat are favoured. There are two main cooking styles, one Hindu and
the other Muslim. The Hindu Pandit style almost completely does away with onions
and garlic, replacing them with aniseed and ginger powders, and has a great
number of strictly vegetarian dishes, which are used during religious ceremonies.
-The traditional cooks in Kashmir - who claim descent from fifteenth-
century immigrants from Samarkand in central Asia — are called waaza and
their kitchens-cum-condiments shops are called waan. These two words combine
in the term for a Kashmiri banquet: wazwan. At such a feast, people sit in
groups of four — which is considered an auspicious number — to sample a little
taste of many different dishes. The concept of wazwan is unique, reflecting
a blend of Persian, central Asian, Afghan and Punjabi culinary influences. The
traditional wazwan consists of thirty-six courses, though now twenty-course meals
are more usual. Originally, the host had to lay out all the food before the
most important guest, who, for his part, was expected to do full justice to the meal.
-The feast is served on a trami, a large, ornate plate covered with
a copper filigree dome to keep the food warm. The trami arrives piled high with
rice and the first few courses. As each trami is eaten, the empty plate is removed
and a new one brought in, until the meal is completed. Contemporary diners who
are more health conscious and prefer lighter meals often treat the first trami
as a mini wazwan in itself, but traditionally, each successive course followed
separately, to allow diners to enjoy their distinctive flavours. Kashmiris favour
lamb, especially the cuts with a lot of fat. Some of the specialities of the feast
might be lamb ribs or a rich lamb curry such as Rhcgan Jcdh (page 438) and —
perhaps the most renowned recipe — a dish of meatballs in a cardamom sauce
known as Gudhtaba (page 436). The miniature balls are tightly packed but retain
a silken, spongy texture. Making the gu&htaba is a time-consuming process and
they are usually bought from professional cooks. Gu&htaba are the crowning
glory of Kashmiri cuisine and are usually served last to announce the conclusion
of a banquet.
-The meal will always include kahwa (green tea), a favourite Kashmiri
beverage which is traditionally brewed in ornate samovars and is served
throughout the day as well as with meals. It is sweetened, and often laced with
green cardamom and enriched with slivers of almond. And, as with most foods
in Kashmir, saffron can make an appearance, although saffron kahwa does not
use tea leaves, but is solely an infusion of fragrant saffron stamens.

Punjab, the 'Land of the Five Rivers' - the Beas, Satluj, Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum
rivers cross the region; in Persian Punj means five and aab means waters -


is India's granary, producing more than half the wheat, rice and millet grown
in the country. The fertility of its fields and the richness of its dairy produce
are the envy of the subcontinent. The earliest references to the region's food
were made in the ancient Hindu Veda scriptures more than 3,000 years
ago. The region has also given us tandoori food, tandoor ovens and, arguably,
the Indian restaurant.
-Situated at the crossroads of the Silk Route between south and central
Asia, Punjab has experienced diverse culinary influences. Its proximity to Persia,
Afghanistan and central Asia brought a taste for fresh and dried fruits and
exotic nuts. The rich streams of Hindus, Sikhs and nomadic Pathan tribes have,
over the millennia, enriched the cuisine, and Punjabi people have lovingly
cherished and preserved their far-reaching tastes and eclectic cooking traditions.
-The Partition of India in 1947 brought unprecedented numbers
of Punjabi refugees to the rest of the country, who carried with them the rich
diversity of their food. A string of Punjabi roadside restaurants called dhabaA
sprang up all over the larger cities and proliferated along every highway. They
introduced the rest of India to the joys of tandoori cuisine and the pleasures
of eating out. DhabaA started not as a business proposition, but as the refugees'
strategy for survival. The food is mostly cooked in a tandoor oven, the menu
is limited, ingredients are fresh and the food is simple yet delicious and excellent
value for money.
-The remains of an ancient tandoor oven have been discovered in an
excavation at the Indus Valley. Today, the oven's widespread popularity should
be credited to the intrepid and extremely mobile Punjabi people. In days
gone by, the tandoor in a small village served as community kitchen, providing
the focus for social life. The ovens could be easily set up and wholesome
food could be cooked and served inexpensively, which popularized them with
non-Punjabis. Such is their success that portable tandoor ovens, powered
by gas or electricity, are now being manufactured. Punjabi Sikhs, in common
with other Sikhs, still put great emphasis on langar (community kitchens) and
sharing food, and they make up the majority of the Punjabi people.
—-Dal Makhani (Creamy Black Dal, page 582), is as much a signature dish in
Punjab as tandoori chicken and is indispensable at any banquet. A pot of lentils
is left in the tandoor to cook overnight with ginger, garlic and tomatoes, then
mashed to a satin-smooth texture and served with butter on top. The dal is so
tasty that it does not require the usual tempering of fried spices. It has become
popular throughout India and often appears on the menu in fine restaurants.
-Butter Chicken (page 501) started as a recipe for re-using leftover
tandoori chicken, but it has now evolved into an international favourite. These
days, it is a delicate dish made with aromatics such as fenugreek, cardamom
and cinnamon. The reasons for its popularity are easy to understand. It is
colourful and gentle on the palate, and it is possible to cut out the fat for a
more health-conscious version. It can also be made in next to no time.
-The cuisine in Punjab is exceptionally responsive to the changing
seasons. Winter is welcomed with Makke ki Roti (Corn Bread, page 619) and
Sardon da Saag (Classic Mustard Greens, page 262), a combination that is
thought to be extremely nutritious. The greens are slow-cooked and mashed,


sometimes with the addition of a few radishes or turnips. In common with
many meals in this dairy-rich state, the dish is considered incomplete without
the addition of some home-churned butter.


Present-day Rajasthan was formed from a colourful mixture of dozens of large and
small princely states that merged when an independent India was formed. The land
is dotted with historical monuments, magnificent palaces and towering forts, such
as Mehrangarh at Jodhpur and the grand citadel at Chittor. In addition the Golden
Fort at Jaisalmer, the Lake Palace at Udaipur and the Ummaid Bhawan at Jodhpur are
all landmark tourist destinations. An ancient trade route passed through this region,
bearing the traffic from the central Asian silk route to the port cities in Gujarat.
Flourishing commerce brought waves of immigrants from different directions and,
along with them, myriad tastes and flavours to enrich the local cuisine. The main
culinary imports have been from three communities: Rajput, Muslim and Marwari.
These diverse influences have mingled in Rajasthan to evolve a robust and simple
yet sublime range of dishes.
-Although most of the population in Rajasthan is vegetarian, there is no
shortage of meat dishes. This, after all, is the domain of chivalrous Rajput princes:
heroic and bloodthirsty warriors who vied with each other to excel in battle
and in the hunt. They had no food taboos prohibiting beef and the fiery lal maa&
(red meat dishes) and milder deified maas (white meat dishes) remain exceptional
regional delicacies.
-The rulers of Jaipur, the capital of present-day Rajasthan, were the
first to make peace and establish alliances with the Mughals, creating a civic
stability that allowed the Mughals to patronize both the performing and culinary
arts. This special bond is reflected in the exceptionally high standards of Mughal
cooking in Jaipur. The Muslim delicacies blend the powerful dishes of the Rajputs
with the refinement of the Mughals.
-The Jains are an illustrious and strict religious community in India who
follow a very stringent vegetarian code, and they comprise an important
segment of the Rajasthani community. Orthodox Jain food does not use roots or
tubers such as potatoes, but rather than hinder them, this has inspired cooks
to improvise and create unique versions of the common delicacies enjoyed by
others. A festive Jain banquet can equal any other, both in taste and appearance,
but great emphasis is placed on cleanliness, purity of ingredients and following
Ayurvedic principles.
-In Ajmer, the mausoleum of a Sufi saint is a major place of pilgrimage
for both Hindus and Muslims. As a result, Ajmer has a long-standing tradition of
cooking and sharing food with pilgrims and visitors. Large cooking vessels placed
near the entrance to the shrine remind travellers of the role that consecrated
food plays here. At the annual celebration of the Urs, biryani is cooked in these
huge pots and distributed to the devotees.

-Millet is the countryside staple in Rajasthan and the scarcity of fresh
vegetables in this arid region is compensated for by an imaginative use of lentils.
A typical Rajasthani spread might include a number of lentil-based dishes, such
as Khadta Kachcri (Savoury Deep-fried Snack, page 134) as well as lentil pancakes
and steamed or boiled lentil dumplings. To avoid these recipes becoming too
bland, and to spice up the flavour, Rajasthanis use plenty of chillies and asafoetida
- a pungent flavouring, which, when cooked, has a taste reminiscent of onions
and garlic. Generous quantities of ghee are also consumed.
-Jodhpur, the second-largest city in Rajasthan, boasts more than a
hundred varieties of the snack Mirchi Vada (Batter-fried Green Chillies, page 102).
Made in the alleyways of the city, this street food is more than a mouthful.
The large green chillies are stuffed with a tangy potato filling, coated with a thin
batter and deep-fried.

Agra and Delhi: The Mughals’ Imperial Cities

The grand Mughals are arguably the most illustrious dynasty to have ruled
India, and can justifiably be compared to the Medici in Renaissance Italy; like
them, the Mughals were patrons of the arts and great lovers of gastronomy.
At the start of the eighteenth century, the height of the empire, the Mughals
controlled most of India. Wherever the imperial Mughal army marched, it was
accompanied by a large kitchen brigade to cater for the princely commanders
and their courtiers. As such, culinary traditions and recipes spread outward
from the imperial cities of Agra and Delhi to the frontier outposts and important
garrison cities.
-Agra is internationally known for the the Taj Mahal, the white marble
mausoleum built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite
wife and completed around 1653. However, years before the building was even
commissioned, talented cooks flocked to Agra to serve the Mughal emperors,
bringing the city an outstanding culinary reputation that survives to this day.
-In the sixteenth century the Delhi Sultanate was absorbed by the
Mughul empire and in the mid-seventeenth century Agra was upstaged when
the Mughals moved their capital north to Delhi. As the imperial centre moved, it
transformed both the landscape and the eating habits of Delhi. Legend has it
that the waters of the Jamuna river were quite polluted even then, and were
considered a health hazard. The royal doctor could not persuade the shah to move
back to Agra, so he prescribed a strong dose of chillies in his master's daily diet.
To balance the heat and pungency of this food, a much larger amount of cooking
fat was used. This combination has lent both the meat and vegetarian dishes
of Delhi their piquancy and richness. Few can visit Delhi and not succumb to the
seductions of its famous Murg Mumtaz (Celebratory Chicken Korma, page 502).
-Rajasthan and Punjab have also deeply influenced the food of Delhi. The
imperial city's famous Red Fort was built with vividly coloured sandstone imported
from Rajasthan and most Delhi sweet-sellers can trace their lineage there as well.


Today, Delhi is a fascinating mix of the legacy of the Sultanates, Mughals, British
and Partition refugees, and the influx continues with people from all over India
moving here.
-Dishes served in a classic Mughal meal are very familiar to those in
the West; in fact, Mughal food is often mistakenly regarded as the entirety of
Indian cuisine - in part, perhaps, because it has been influenced so much by
other cuisines of the country. For example, a Mughal meal usually begins with
kebabs, both on skewers and cooked on a griddle, followed by a variety of
kormas, Kashmiri-influenced kaliya& - lighter meat curry dishes - and do pyaza
lamb curries from Rajasthan, accompanied by an assortment of breads, such as
naan, rumali and roti. The rice course will be an aromatic biryani and pulao,
served with raita. A typical dessert would be the ice cream-like Kulfi (page 691).
-When a train station was built at Delhi, numerous Poori (page 592) stalls
sprouted around it. Pocri, a deep-fried bread, is a favourite of travellers because
it keeps so well. Prepared in ghee or oil, the dough is ideally made with milk
instead of water, which might contaminate the bread. Delhi pcori is considered
particularly special, since it is less oily and crisper than other regional varieties.
Delhi has also made its mark on another India staple, Paratha (page 609),
a layered, shallow-fried Indian bread that can be eaten plain or stuffed. Giant
paratha are baked then fried on a huge heavy griddle. A single paratha with
accompaniments can serve as a full meal for a family.
-The kebab makers of Delhi have always considered themselves
unrivalled. They make fun of the delicate Awadhi kebabs as food only fit for the
aged or the infirm. The kebab in Delhi, whether cooked on the skewer, griddle,
or in the oven, has a more robust flavour. The Mutton Barra Kebab (Roasted Lamb
Kebab, page 182), made with the choicest cuts of the animal, may have originated
in the north-western frontier, but it is in Delhi that it reached sublime heights.
-The residents of Delhi are notorious for their love of street food, and
are addicted to both vegetarian and meaty snacks. A plate of savoury snacks, or
chaat, is a unique Indian speciality, a truly moveable feast consisting of a variety
of dishes such as Alco Tikki (Potato Patties, page 108) and Pani Pcori (Puffed
Biscuits [Cookiesl with Tangy Water, page 155). However, it is the accompanying
spicy sprinkles and sweet-and-sour chutneys that give chaat its special character.


Awadh, a region in modern-day Uttar Pradesh, was governed in the imperial

period by loyal followers of the Mughal emperors who were addressed as
nawab. The nawab& were great patrons of the arts, especially music and dance,
and the capital Lucknow's reputation as a city of culture and fine cuisine stems
from this time.
-In culinary matters, no-one can match the splendour of an Awadhi
spread. Lucknow is famous for dum pukht (meaning 'slow oven'), the art of steam
cooking slowly in a sealed clay pot. According to legend, this exquisite cuisine


was created in the eighteenth-century kitchens of Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula when he
ordered a most ambitious food-for-work programme to fuel the construction
of his Bara Imambara shrine in 1784. He directed his cooks to put rice, meat and
spices into a gigantic cooking pot, seal it with dough and let it cook overnight
while the huge famished labour force worked round the clock on the building.
This biryani would be fed to the workers every morning. His generosity is recalled
in the saying 'Asaf-ud-Daula provides for even those unfortunates whom the good
Lord has overlooked'.
-The British gained control over the province in the mid-nineteenth century,
but the nawabs' art of elegant living was preserved and extended by the landed
aristocracy. This was the golden era of north-Indian cuisine, when innovation
was encouraged. Women from respectable families were discouraged from eating
outside the home, so bamboo kiosks containing a small griddle upon which
an assortment of savouries could be cooked were carried from door to door. This
was fast food, Indian style. The standard fare has remained unchanged for
generations. Today, if you take a walk through Lucknow's atmospheric old market,
you will find a maze of lanes lined with shops selling authentic local cuisine.
-Old-timers will tell you that one lifetime is not enough to savour the
culinary joys of Lucknow. Lamb kebabs, such as Galcuti, Seekh Gilapi (both page
186) and Kakori (page 180), are some of the signature dishes of Lucknow.
Galcuti means a delectable morsel that melts in the mouth. Residents of Lucknow
— particularly members of the nobility — considered it uncouth to be seen biting
into meat or chewing it, so the court cooks were asked to create delicacies
which avoided this. Meats were tenderized with raw papaya paste and, for kebabs,
meat was ground three times before use until it had a pate-like consistency.
-Kakori, perhaps the most delicate of all the kebabs, derives its name
from a small town near the outskirts of Lucknow. There are interesting
and varying accounts explaining its origin and smooth texture. According to
folklore, the pleasure-loving nawab& aged before their time; their flesh became
increasingly weak but their yearning for good food remained strong, so the
lighter-than-air kebab was devised to tempt their toothless palates. Perhaps closer
to the truth is another story which suggests that the kebab was prepared for the
aged pilgrims who thronged to a local shrine.
-Silver leaf is the favourite garnish in Awadh. It adorns delicacies both
sweet and savoury, and no korma or pulao can be served without it. Making it is
a very laborious process, in which small, thin coins of silver are placed between
layers of leather and paper and beaten for hours until transformed into a foil. On
rare and very special occasions gold is used instead. Silver was eaten enthusiastically
in the days of nawab&, as it was thought to have aphrodisiac properties.


Bengal was a historical region in northeast of the Indian subcontinent. Today it is

mainly divided between the Indian state of West Bengal and Bangladesh. The red


terracotta temples of Bishnupur lie to the west; to the south are the dense
mangrove swamps where Royal Bengal tigers roam; and the quaint hill stations of
Darjeeling and Kalimpong are in the north. Bengal is a fascinating tapestry of
culture, colour, natural beauty and an extremely well-developed cuisine. Kolkata
served for generations as the capital of British colonial administration and has
continued as a bustling centre of commerce. Bengal also lead the way in adopting
and adapting foreign mores in both its costume and cuisine.
-Though Bengal boasts a wonderful repertoire of delicate sweetmeats
and irresistible fish curries, these are just the beginning of the region's delicious
temptations. They have their own garam masala with a definite identity:
Paanch Phcren (Five Spice Mix, page 55), which means literally 'the spice that
crackles five times'. Bengalis also like a bit of sugar in their dishes.
-A traditional Bengali meal is a mix of seasonal vegetables, with an accent
on bitter flavours. Bengal cuisine gives equal importance to the dhadrasa, the six
basic flavours in Ayurveda, particularly tikta (the bitter taste) which is believed
to cleanse the palate and aid the digestive system. As such, Bengali cooking shows
a marked preference for mustard, as a paste or as an oil, and mustard-flavoured
fish is a quintessential dish. Bengalis love Dijon and English mustards and, more
recently, have come to love Japanese wasabi, too. The local mustard, kadhundi,
is strong and very tasty. Grinding it is an art that is difficult but worth mastering.
Folklore has it that Bengali mothers-in-law traditionally tested the cooking skills
of their sons' new wives by putting them to this test.
-Similarly, much of Bengali cuisine embraces other cultures: Aloe Chop
(Potato with Minced iGround] Lamb, page 214) and the Kathi Kebab (Boneless
Lamb Kebab, page 183), for example, were both created in response to flavours
introduced by immigrants. A small roadside eatery in Kolkata has even acquired
legendary status by popularizing the wrap in India. This is no surprise, since,
like the people of Delhi, the Bengalis enjoy their snacks. Favourites such as
Singhara (Bengali Samosas, page 132) or Pata Bhaja (Batter-fried Spinach, page
103) are light meals that can serve as a bite to eat grabbed on the run; it is
fast finger food, not junk food.
-The nine-day-long festival of Durga Puja, dedicated to the worship of the
mother goddess, is widely celebrated in West Bengal and the surrounding states.
Food is a central part of the celebrations and numerous temporary stalls spring
up around idols of the goddess. There is lively competition between the stallholders,
with everyone from housewives to chefs showing off their cooking skills.
-— Hilsa, the Indian salmon, is particularly popular in the region. In West
Bengal they serve a deliciously tropical dish of Illich Maachh Annana& (Hilsa with
Pineapple, page 353). Hilsa have a life-cycle very similar to that of the western
salmon: born in fresh water, the fish school together and swim out to the ocean
before returning, years later, to spawn inland. Many that are caught during the
monsoon period contain roe, a delicacy that local people consider akin to caviar.
--— The famous sweet dandesh is made with Chhena (page 59), the solid
part of curdled milk. It is turned out of moulds to look like flowers and fruits, and
can be flavoured with orange peel, jackfruit, saffron or essence of rose. The
chhena encases a large globe of jaggery (palm sugar) molasses, and is a highly
prized delicacy in winter.



A historic region, Hyderabad was once the largest princely state of the Indian
subcontinent and was governed, from the eighteenth century to the mid-twentieth
century, by hereditary rulers called nizams. At its centre was the spellbinding
city of Hyderabad, now the capital of the modern southern region of Andhra
Pradesh. To the west of the city is the great Golconda Fort, a fortified citadel
of grand palaces, mosques and gardens. Golconda is also famous for the great
hoard of diamonds, mined nearby, which included the celebrated Koh-i-noor
diamond, which is now part of the British Crown Jewels.
-Hyderabad has a composite culture, a mixture of Hindu and Muslim
customs, mingled with Arab, Persian and Turkish influences, which is evident
in its language, food, manners and arts. Some of the most delicious food in town
can be found in the most unappetizing-looking hole-in-the-wall eateries, yet
Hyderabad also boasts spectacular delicacies. Legend has it that the seventeenth-
century nizanu spent more time on culinary matters than on battle strategy.
As a result these days the city has, arguably, the most exotic cuisine in the land.
-Hyderabad's signature dish is biryani. In Persian, the word biryani means
fried or roasted rice. In the Indian culinary context it has come to mean rice
roasted with meat, spices and herbs. The art of cooking biryani is in its perfect
timing; the marinated meat must cook in the same time as the part-cooked
rice when the two are sealed together in a pot. The grains of rice should remain
unbroken and separate, and should have absorbed the flavourful stock.
-Kid is the most popular meat in Hyderabadi cuisine, with chicken coming
a poor second. Most of all, Hyderabadis prize the meat of the male goat. It will
always be found in Lukhmi (page 192), a favourite local appetizer of thin pastry
stuffed with a delicately spiced filling, resembling a mini samosa. Halim (page 421)
is an exceptionally nutritious and flavourful porridge commonly prepared during
Ramadan, the month of daylight fasting and prayer observed by Muslims. It is
made with meat, cereal, ghee and spices. Yet despite their love of meat dishes, of
all the Muslim Indian cuisines, Hyderabadi is the only one that can boast a major
vegetarian element. The wide variety of their tasty vegetarian recipes include
Aloogadda Vepudu (Spicy Potatoes, page 235), Bhuni Be&an Bhindi (Fried Okra
Coated in Gram IChickpeal Flour, page 244) and Dum Kathhal (Spicy Baked Jackfruit,
page 267), a local favourite.
-The key flavours in Hyderabadi cuisine are a blend of north and south
Indian ingredients: the chillies and cumin seeds of the north are mixed with
the mustard seeds and curry leaves of southern dishes. The people love coconut,
tamarind, peanuts and sesame seeds, and great emphasis is placed on sour
flavours. Dishes without a sour tang are rare, as it is believed that the city’s dry
heat makes the appetite sluggish, and sour food revives the palate. Once, the
ingredient that created the sour flavour reflected social status: the poor used
tamarind leaves; the lower-middle class, tamarind fruit and lemon; the middle
classes, raw mango; the upper-middle class, under-ripe grapes; whilst the
affluent used pomegranate. These days, the class distinctions have vanished.

-The desserts of Hyderabad are breathtaking. The sweet porridge-like
Gil e Behi&ht (Milky Clay of Paradise, page 692) is a celebration of dairy produce
with a hint of cardamom. Khccbani ka Meetha (Stewed Apricots with Clotted
Cream, page 671) is one of the most sublime desserts of Hyderabad. It requires
extraordinary culinary skills. The apricots within it should be completely free
from fibre, and it should be topped with just the right amount of clotted cream to
balance the sweetness.

Tamil Nadu

This is the homeland of the Tamils, a people who can lay claim to a civilization
that is the oldest in India. There was a time when the domain of the Tamil rulers
extended from the banks of the River Ganges to the Indian Ocean. Tamil Nadu is
known the world over for its majestic temples with soaring <jhikhar& (towers)
and intricate stone carvings. The Brihadishvara Temple in Thanjavur, the temple
city of Madurai, and the exquisite shore temple at Mamallapuram are all testimony
to the people's architectural genius.
-The food in the region has remained true to its roots. The staples are
vegetarian and heavily reliant on rice. A common meal, eaten off plantain leaves,
would contain rice, vegetables, curd and a slice of pickle, along with Ra&am (page
561), a tamarind dal flavoured with seeds; Sambhar (page 543), a vegetable dal;
and Nariyal ki Chutney (page 67), a coconut chutney. Tamarind and asafoetida are
used as souring agents, while mustard seeds and curry leaves are common.
-Many eateries in Tamil Nadu thrive on their tiffin food, such as Idli (page
149), which are steamed dumplings made from lentils or rice, Doaa (page 141) which
are thin rice pancakes, and Vada (see chapter 3), which are deep-fried lentil-based
patties that come in countless variations. The word 'tiffin’ dates back to the Raj,
but the tradition of taking tiffin - a light 'meal between meals' often eaten at
midday - existed long before the arrival of the Europeans, as the midday heat
turned a heavy lunch into an unappetizing proposition. Do&a and idli, served with
chutneys, are not just tiffin, but are also eaten a main dish.
-Idli are an ancient Indian food and were first recorded in a tenth-
century story in which a lady offers an idli to a monk asking for alms. Idli made
with lentil flour and spiced with pepper and asafoetida are also mentioned in the
Mana&olla&a, an encyclopaedic work written in the twelfth century which
discusses, among many topics, contemporary culinary habits. This prototype idli
was made without rice and was fried, not steamed. The steaming method used
today seems to have been introduced from Indonesia, where a similar dish exists.
Idli are usually accompanied by a &ambhar or chutney.
-— Do&a are thin pancakes made of rice and shallow-fried in a pan. When
stuffed with spiced mashed potato, they are called Ma&ala Do&a (page 143).
The recipe for do&a has remained largely unchanged for centuries, but these days
it has interesting variations. The paneer do&a was created, it seems, by popular
demand, to please the dairy-loving Punjabi palate which is partial to cheese. There


is an onion version, another that is butter roasted, as well as a spongy dc&a
served with chutney. Restaurants specializing in do&a take pride in making them
paper-thin, and bringing them to the table shaped into a cone. Today, there are
also non-vegetarian do&a made with chicken or lamb, or even seafood.
-Vada are arguably the oldest snack in India, and are especially popular
in south India. They are eaten with <jambhar and chutney as a light meal or at
breakfast. There are many variations (see chapter 3): some are highly spiced with
green chillies, curry leaves and pepper, while others are soaked in yoghurt.
-In January the Hindu festival of Makar Sankranti is celebrated all over
India in a variety of ways. In Tamil Nadu this is the time for Pongal, the winter
solstice celebrations. Cows are garlanded with mango leaves and a pot of rice
is put on the fire and allowed to boil over, symbolizing plenty and prosperity in
the household. The porridge-like breakfast dish Venn Pongal (Rice with Moong
Dal, page 665) is spiced with cumin, pepper, ginger and asafoetida.
-Most of the inhabitants of Tamil Nadu are vegetarian. Although the
non-Brahmin communities, particularly those of Chettinadu in the south, are not
averse to eating meat. Their repertoire makes uninhibited use of non-vegetarian
ingredients and shows the influence of Andhra cuisine, from where they are
thought to have emigrated.
-No meal in Tamil Nadu is complete unless complemented by two or
three flavoursome chutneys. These are not seen as mere accompaniments, but
as important side dishes with a distinct personality. Coconut chutney is ubiquitous
and invariably served with idli, do&a and vada. Tomato and garlic versions are
also very popular.
-Coffee is an integral part of dining in Tamil Nadu. In common with the
rest of India and the world, purists take theirs unadulterated by sugar or milk and
in thimble-sized espresso portions. A more traditional drink is made from freshly
roasted and ground coffee beans mixed with chicory, diluted with a boiling mix of
milk and water, and sweetened generously.


Legend has it that the land of Kerala, in the southwest of the country, emerged
out of the sea when the warrior-sage Parashuram flung in his battle-axe,
displacing the water. Kerala is referred to as 'God's own country' because of its
astounding natural beauty and exceptional fertility. The landscape is extremely
verdant, the backwaters reach deep inland and a multitude of coconut trees sway
gently in the breeze. Tea gardens and coffee plantations stretch out for miles in
the highlands, as do the bountiful gardens of spices. Kerala has been famous
for thousands of years for the quality of its spices. It was an important centre on
the spice route that connected Arabia with southeast Asia. Sailors from China and
the Persian Gulf also visited regularly and left their influences.
-Kerala is where both Islam and Christianity came to India, and is also
home to a type of Ayurveda which is quite distinct from the Ayurveda practised in


the north of India. The food in Kerala shows the influence of this variety of
cultures, fused into a unique identity by Ayurveda. Fish figures prominently in
the daily diet, and the staples are rice and tapioca. Beef is commonly eaten by
the non-Hindu community.
-The Namboodiri community in Kerala is strictly vegetarian and avoids
garlic. A traditional Nambodari thcran, a dry dish of finely chopped vegetables,
is Muttokod Thoran (Kerala Stir-fried Cabbage with Coconut, page 261).
-The Muslims of Kerala claim descent from Arab traders and have
a different style of cuisine. The Arab influence is easily discernible in a number
of their meat and wheat porridge dishes. The bread they eat is a flat, thin
chapati made with a boiled mash of rice, baked on a griddle and dipped in
coconut milk.
-Keralan Christians are mostly non-vegetarian. A favourite dish is Srachi
Verthathu Rachathu (Lamb Cooked with Ground Coconut, page 461), which
contains onions, tomatoes and chillies with spicy ground coconut paste. Another
popular dish is Ga Archa Meen Kari (Fish Curry with Coconut, page 365).
-Kadalaparippu Paya&am (Chana Dal Dessert, page 706) is a typical
Keralan dessert, a creamy sweet porridge made from chana dal, coconut cream
and ground cardamom, which is then garnished with browned grated coconut,
raisins and cashew nuts.
-The Keralan Appam (page 627) is perhaps the most beautiful of Indian
breads. These delicate rice pancakes made with coconut milk are cooked over
a hot griddle and form a delicate lace-like pattern at the edges while remaining
soft and spongy in the centre. When well made, appam blossoms like a
white lotus bud. Some types of batter incorporate teddy, an alcoholic coconut
drink, and are fermented overnight. In other varieties, the batter is steamed in
a banana leaf parcel with jackfruit, jaggery (palm sugar) and coconut.
-Kerala has an abundance of fish, both from the sea and fresh waters.
However, it is the karimeen, the pearl-spot fish, that is most prized. An inhabitant
of shallow brackish waters, it can be cooked in a spicy marinade, wrapped in
banana leaves, cooked on a griddle, or fried encrusted with coconut, garlic and
chillies. It is difficult to decide which recipe is the most delicious, but a firm
favourite is Karimeen Polichattu (Pearl Fish Pan Grilled in Banana Leaf, page 359),
in which the pearl spot fish is marinated, wrapped in a banana leaf and cooked
over a griddle.
-Puttu (page 631) is a very unusual staple. Powdered rice mixed with
grated coconut is steamed in bamboo or copper tubes to make a bread' that
is usually eaten with a lentil curry. It has the texture of an idli but is less fluffy,
and a single helping is as filling as a plateful of rice.
-Prathaman is the name given to Keralan sweets based on milk or
coconut milk. They can contain fruits such as bananas and jackfruits, fried
in ghee, or even moong beans, coconut and jaggery (palm sugar). Cardamom and
ginger powder are used to enhance flavour, while fried cashew nuts, raisins
and coconut enrich the taste.


The Western Coast

-The western coast of India stretches from the state of Gujarat, through
Maharashtra and the glittering city of Mumbai, to the white sand beaches of Goa,
the thriving port of Mangalore in Karnataka and the historic Malabar region.
Within this stretch of land is a great variety of foods and flavours, but the coastal
people are united by their penchant for seafood. While Goa, Konkan and North
Karnataka display the most interesting recipes - and naturally fish and coconut are
the dominant ingredients — each area and the different communities within it have
made their own interpretations of these ingredients.
-Goa remained under Portuguese rule for many centuries, and its food
includes flavours which are alien to the rest of the country. The daily diet here
is more similar to Western food than elsewhere in India. Traditional Goan food
is cooked in earthenware on a wood fire, lending an unique flavour which cannot
easily be duplicated in a modern kitchen. Apart from fish and seafood, Goan
cuisine displays a great variety of meat and vegetable dishes, such as Caril de
Galinha (Goan Chicken Curry, page 508), or Tamba di Bhaji (Red Amaranthus
Leaves, page 264), a delicious dish of amaranthus leaves simmered with coconut.
-The state of Maharashtra lies to the west of the country and is currently
the richest state in the whole of India (thanks in part Mumbai's 'Bollywood', the
largest film production centre in the world). Maharashtrian cuisine ranges from
robust rural foods to the elaborate and elegant regal menus favoured by the
food-lovers of Pune, the state's second largest city after Mumbai. The subtle sweet
strained yoghurt dish Shrikhand (page 693) would rival the lightest souffle, while
their spicy lamb curry Mutton Kolhapuri (Maharashtrian Hot Lamb Curry, page 431)
has enough fire to put even the hottest Mexican delicacies to shame.
-The city of Mumbai was given in dowry by the Portuguese to a British
Prince. A small fishing village at the time, it grew rapidly under British rule. It has
acted as a crucible to blend diverse ingredients and techniques into a unique
cuisine, and the food in the city is possibly the most impressive illustration of its
eclectic cosmopolitanism.
-Mumbai is a fast-paced city, and sustains its millions of inhabitants on
fast food. Pao Bhaji (Mini Loaves with Tangy Vegetables, page 139) is to Mumbai
what hamburgers and hot dogs are to New York. Pao is a squarish small loaf of
bread served with bhaji, a mixed potato and vegetable mash drenched in pureed
tomato and liberally spiced with onions, green chillies and ginger. The bhaji
is cooked in front of the customer on a large griddle, which also toasts the bread.
It is served with liberal amounts of butter to create the illusion of richness for the
poor man who may be surviving on one meal a day.
-Udupi is a tranquil town in south Karnataka that has become famous for
its south Indian fast food outlets. The food - idli, do&a and vada - is inexpensive,
extremely well prepared and consistent in flavour and quality. The menu may be
small, but it ensures value for money.
-The Gujarati favourite that has conquered the land are the steamed
lentil cakes called Dhokla (page 150). Gujarati cuisine is predominantly vegetarian

and what distinguishes it is the use of sugar, even in savoury dishes. Millet
and lentils are widely used and much significance is attached to snacks, which
are central to Gujarati eating habits and usually bought from a shop.
-The Parsis, originally from Persia, are the smallest minority in the
western coast, but have contributed substantially to the cuisine. They have
adopted the cooking techniques of Gujarat and Maharashtra, where the majority
of them live, but their food retains a distinct identity. Parsis are enthusiastic
Westernizers and many of their dishes display European influences, while their
sweet and sour dishes use vinegar. Their Dhamak (page 462) is a unique dish that
combines pulao, kebab, lentils and vegetables in a rich one-dish meal. Patrani
Machli (Fish Cooked in Banana Leaf Wraps, page 365) is another favourite.

Tribal Food

The tribal population may only make up a small percentage of India, but their
significance should not be underestimated. From the tribes of the trans-Himalayan
region and those that dwell in the tropical rainforest, to the inhabitants of
Indian Ocean islands, the indigenous peoples present a bewildering diversity. The
tiny Onges and Jarwas tribes in the Andaman Islands, in the Bay of Bengal to the
West of India, lead an existence that has hardly changed in millennia, while the
Shaukas and Bhotias in Uttarakhand in the north, or the Meenas of Rajasthan, are
now almost indistinguishable from the non-tribal population.
-While some nomadic tribes have incorporated elements of cuisine from
the people they have come into contact with, other tribes have shunned contact
with outsiders and remain fiercely parochial and exclusive in matters of food.
-What is common to all tribal people is the belief that food must
be nutritious, easy to cook or to preserve, well-balanced and free from additives
that could adulterate or dilute its natural goodness. Organic food has gained
currency in recent years in the West, but the tribal diet has always been organic.
The dishes are always seasonal, natural textures and flavours are seldom
interfered with, and the best use is made of whatever is available locally.
-Tribal recipes are rarely written down and have been blended and
incorporated into the various local cuisines of India over many years. It is hard
to pinpoint their origins precisely, and the foods described in the following texts,
which have been favoured by tribespeople over the centuries, are intended
to provide an insight into the tribes' culinary culture, rather than specific dishes.

Trans-Himalayan Region

Ladakh, meaning 'the land of high passes', is in the far north of Kashmir and
Jammu, lying between the Kunlun mountains and the Himalayas. Given this
location it is no surprise that the tribal food in Ladakh shows a remarkable
influence from Tibet, seen in dishes such as memo, steamed dumplings that are


close cousins of the Chinese variety and thupka, pieces of dough cooked in
a broth enriched with vegetables. Gudgud, a tea-like brew drunk by the tribes
is very different from the beverage most people know as tea. Instead, it is
an entire meal, made by stirring roasted barley flour with yak butter and salt in
a green tea leaf brew. Most of the tribes consume alcohol in the form of a light
invigorating beer-like drink called chang or dzu.
-The Shaukas and Bhotias of neighbouring Uttarakhand were intrepid
traders. They frequently travelled to Tibet and this is reflected in their food.
Himalayan chives and aromatic grasses are used with lentils and vegetables.
Roasted black soy beans and amaranth grain are greatly valued as nutrients. The
practice of drying meats and vegetables for winter continues in the highest altitude
villages, and churbi — a cheese made with yak's milk — is also greatly enjoyed.

The North and Northeast

The Bhils are legendary warriors who inhabit the hilly region near Udaipur that
borders Gujarat. Some of Rajasthan's roasted meat delicacies, such as a whole
rabbit cooked in a pit, appear to have been acquired from the Bhils. The tribal
people in Bastar have a famous chicken delicacy, the karak nag murga, which
uses generous quantities of alcohol and is served with local short-grained rice.
-The Nagas descended from Mongols and, until very recently, remained
outside Hindu-Buddhist civilization. They have a whole range of indigenous
ingredients used for flavouring. Cooked dishes are seasoned mostly with
shallots, garlic, ginger and turmeric. Common techniques are steaming
and Chinese-style stir-frying. The emphasis is always on retaining maximum
nutrition. Fermented fish and soy beans are extremely popular ingredients.
Manipuris relish eronba, a vegetable chutney with a pinch of fermented fish,
which provides its distinct identity.

How to Eat an Indian Meal

A traditional Indian meal - whether eaten in the north, south, east or west —
follows a very different pattern from that of Europe, the Mediterranean or the
Far East. There are no starters, the meal is not served in courses, and desserts
are not necessarily served at the end. Often the meal will appear on the
table pre-plated' in small bowls arranged on a thali (a large round plate or a
clean plantain leaf), along with the staples bread and rice.
-Crunchy snacks, such as Samo&a& (page 131) or Onion Bhajiya (Onion
Bhaji, page 98), are enjoyed alongside the main dishes, which, for non¬
vegetarians, would be chicken, fish or mutton kebabs, or curry. Vegetarians often
eat a main dish of paneer, mushrooms or seasonal vegetables. It is common to serve
at least one dry dish and one dish with sauce. In addition, a dal, &ambhar or karhi
(yoghurt dumplings) is almost compulsory. Bread and rice are taken according
to personal preference. Dairy produce is included in the form of plain yoghurt or
raita, and is indispensable in all but the most frugal fare. Chutneys, pickles
and preserves accompany daily meals at home, ensuring that all the basic flavours
are on offer as well as providing a variety of colours and textures. A sweet dish,
such as rice pudding or a serving of halwa (see chapter 8), is also offered. Beverages
(mostly sherbets (see chapter 9), made with fruit juice added to milk, cream
or egg whites) are offered to guests before eating, although some drinks, such as
buttermilk, are sipped during the meal.
-The guiding principle of Indian meals is that they should be appropriate
to the season and occasion. More elaborate celebratory banquets have much
greater variety, including different kinds of fish, quail and partridge, and use more
complex and uncommon recipes.
--It is not unusual to mix and match dishes from different culinary
zones: for example, Punjabi tandoori tikka, Awadhi korma and Hyderabadi biryani
could easily share the centre spread with Gujarati snacks, Kerala breads and
Bengali sweets. And in fact, except for ritual meals, most Indians mix and match
at home. However, this should in no way inhibit an enthusiast from creating a
regional menu that is deeply satisfying.
-Finally, an Indian gourmet does not use knives, forks and spoons: the
fingers, assisted by a variety of breads, are best to fully enjoy the temperature
and texture of the food.


Notes on the Recipes

The recipes in this book have been gathered from all over India during the last
twenty years. They reflect both the similarities and the differences across all the
regions, and represent the best of traditional Indian cooking. Armed with the
recipes in this book you can look forward to cooking authentic Indian food and
enjoying its kaleidoscope of flavours.
-Authentic Indian recipes often use a generous amount of ghee or other
cooking oil, but once you have followed the recipe the first time and cooked the
traditional version of the dish, you may like to reduce the amount of ghee you
use in the future.
-Similarly, the amount of spice in Indian recipes can be changed to suit
your palate. Each recipe in the book contains a rating to let you know how hot
the dish is in its traditional form, but feel free to experiment — adding more or
less chilli and other spices as you wish.
-In India, the most commonly used meat is goat, known as 'mutton'. The
'mutton' recipes in this book have been adapted for lamb, which is much more
readily available outside India, but goat can also be used. It will usually require
a longer cooking time. The cheaper cuts of lamb, often sold in supermarkets as
stewing or casserole lamb, such as shoulder, neck, breast or shank, need to be
cooked for longer than more expensive cuts. Whichever cut you buy, simmer the
meat until it is tender, checking it regularly making sure the sauce does not
reduce too much. Marinating the lamb, in raw papaya for example, will tenderize
the meat and is one way to reduce the cooking time. Meat in India is often cooked
on the bone, and all the recipes in this book can be cooked with meat either on
or off the bone, unless otherwise stated.
-To save time, an electric spice grinder and blender are handy tools
in the kitchen. Ready-made extracts, such as coconut milk and tamarind extract,
can also reduce the burden in the kitchen.
-Lastly, many of the exotic-sounding ingredients can be substituted for
produce more commonly found outside India, or simply omitted if unavailable.
A complete list of Indian ingredients can be found in the glossary at the back of
the book.


Indian spices are treasured
around the world and have
drawn travellers to the country
for centuries. Spices are
undeniably at the heart of Indian
cooking and give the cuisine
its unique flavour and aroma.
In India, almost all spices are
believed to have therapeutic
properties and they are used
in recipes in harmony with the
changing seasons.

Spice Mixtures and Pastes
ISl p.33

Garam Masala (I) Khas Garam Masala

Garam Masala (I) Aromatic Garam Masala
Origin Delhi/Punjab/Awadh Origin Punjab
Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Makes 500g /1 lb 2oz Makes 500g /1 lb 2oz

200g / 7oz (2 cups) cumin seeds_ 175g / 6oz (2 cups) green cardamom pods
75g / 2V20Z (1 cup) coriander seeds 125g / 4Vaoz (1 cup) cumin seeds
45g / 1 V20z (V2 cup) black cardamom pods 125g / 4y4oz (1 cup) black peppercorns
45g / 1V20Z C/3 cup) black peppercorns 20 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
40g / 1 y2oz (M> cup) green cardamom pods 20g / %oz (Va cup) cloves
40g / 11/20Z 0/2 cup) ground ginger 2 nutmegs, grated

Put all the ingredients in a mortar and pound with Put all the ingredients, except the nutmeg, in
a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder, to make a mortar and pound with a pestle, or grind in a spice
a fine powder. Sieve (strain) and store in a sterilized grinder, to make a fine powder. Transfer to a clean,
(see page 791), dry and airtight container. dry bowl, add the nutmeg and mix well. Sieve
(strain) and store in a sterilized (see page 791), dry
and airtight container.

Garam Masala (II)
Garam Masala (II)
Chaat Masala
Origin Delhi/Punjab/Awadh Chaat Masala
Preparation time 15 minutes
Makes 500g / 1 lb 2oz Origin Punjab/Delhi
Preparation time 15 minutes
10Og / 3V2QZ (1 cup) cumin seeds_ Makes 500g /11b 2oz
75g / 2y2oz (% cup) black cardamom seeds
75g / 2y2oz (3/a cup) cumin seeds
75g / 2y2oz (% cup) black peppercorns
70g / 2y2oz (% cup) black peppercorns
45g / 1 y2oz 0/2 cup) green cardamom pods
5 tablespoons black salt
35g / 1 14oz (V3 cup) coriander seeds_
35g / 114oz (2% cups) dry mint leaves
35g /114oz (y3 cup) fennel seeds_
3 teaspoons ajwain seeds
25g / 1 oz (Va cup) cloves_
2 teaspoons asafoetida
20 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
1 teaspoon tartaric acid
25g /1 oz (Va cup) mace_
150g / 5oz (1 y3 cups) amchoor
25g / 1 oz (Va cup) black cumin seeds
3y2 tablespoons salt
20g / * 3Aoz (2% cups) bay leaves_
4 tablespoons ground ginger
20g / %oz (1 cup) dried rose petals_
4 tablespoons yellow chilli powder
3 tablespoons ground ginger_
3 nutmegs, grated _ Put all the ingredients, except the amchoor, salt,
ground ginger and yellow chilli powder, in a mortar
Put all the ingredients, except the ground ginger and
and pound with a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder,
nutmeg, in a mortar and pound with a pestle, or grind
to make a fine powder. Transfer to a clean, dry bowl,
in a spice grinder, to make a fine powder. Transfer to
add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Sieve
a clean, dry bowl, add the ground ginger and nutmeg
(strain) and store in a sterilized (see page 791), dry
and mix well. Sieve (strain) and store in a sterilized
and airtight container.
(see page 791), dry and airtight container.


# # # /1!®3 p.34 ###

Sambhar Masala (I) Sambhar Masala (II)

Sambhar Masala (I) Sambhar Masala (II)
Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time
Makes about 400g / 14oz Makes about 400g / 14oz

125g / 4140Z (1 y2 cups) coriander seeds 2 tablespoons groundnut (peanut) oil, for frying
4 tablespoons cumin seeds 60g / 2oz (Va cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained
V/2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds 60g / 2oz (Vs cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
1 y2 tablespoons black peppercorns 1 tablespoon asafoetida chunks_
1 y2 tablespoons mustard seeds 120g / 4oz (1 y2 cups) coriander seeds
2 teaspoons poppy seeds, ground 80g / 2%oz (% cup) cumin seeds_
2 cinnamon sticks 4 tablespoons black peppercorns
y2 cup curry leaves 3 tablespoons mustard seeds
2 teaspoons chana dal, rinsed and drained 3 tablespoons fenugreek seeds
2 teaspoons arhar or toor (toover) dal, rinsed 20 dried red chillies
and drained 4 tablespoons ground turmeric
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 tablespoon ground garlic
2 cups dried red chillies
2 teaspoons ground turmeric Heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based
pan over medium heat, add the dais and fry for
Dry-roast each ingredient individually, except the i-2 minutes until light golden. Remove and drain on
oil, dried red chillies and turmeric, in a dry frying kitchen paper (paper towels) and allow to cool.
pan (skillet) over medium heat for a few moments,
or until the spices and curry leaves are fragrant and Reheat the oil in which the lentils were fried over
the dais are golden. medium heat, add the asafoetida and fry for about
20 seconds until it swells up. Remove and drain on
Add the oil to the pan and heat through, then add kitchen paper and allow to cool, then break it up
the dried red chillies and stir-fry for about i minute, into little pieces.
or until fragrant. Mix all the ingredients together in
a mortar and pound with a pestle, or grind in a spice Put all the ingredients, except the turmeric and
grinder, to make a fine powder. Store in an airtight garlic, in a mortar and pound with a pestle, or grind
container and use as required. in a spice grinder, to make a fine powder. Transfer
to a clean, dry bowl, add the remaining ingredients
and mix well. Sieve (strain) and store in a sterilized
(see page 791), dry and airtight container.


Masala (1)

■ <r. vV■ *tr. ■ : itfL; v
i~ - --■• ~"V


Sarcvbhar Masala (I)

Coconut Paste
■ jSW
HKT / 71

/ WPm
' -vKJa . K
Coconut Chutney
prawn (Shrimp)
vp' vTvv •7]v' #mm
vp' /7Jv' <7lV'

Chettinad Sambhar Podi Kotu Podi

Chettinad Sambhar Powder Kootu Powder
Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 20-25 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 25 minutes
Makes about 600g / 1 lb 5oz Makes about 500g / 1 lb 2oz

250g / 9oz dried red chillies_ 75g / 216oz (3A cup) grated copra or_
3 tablespoons vegetable oil desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
280g /10oz (3V2 cups) coriander seeds 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
% teaspoon fennel seeds 12-14 dried red chillies
% teaspoon cumin seeds 1 tablespoon black peppercorns
6-8 black peppercorns 1 tablespoon cumin seeds
2 tablespoons basmati rice, rinsed and drained 4 teaspoons coriander seeds
2 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained 1 teaspoon asafoetida
2 tablespoons arhar or toor (toover) dal, rinsed 200g / 7oz (1 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
and drained 150g / 5oz (% cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained

Remove the stalks from the dried red chillies and Stir-fry the copra or desiccated coconut in a dry
dry them in the sun for 1—2 days or stir-fry lightly in frying pan (skillet) over low heat for about 2-3
a dry frying pan (skillet) until fragrant and roasted. minutes, or until roasted. Remove from the pan
Set aside. and set aside.

Heat a few drops of oil at a time in a frying pan Heat a few drops of oil at a time in the same pan and
and fry each ingredient individually for a few fry each ingredient individually for 30—45 seconds,
moments, or until the spices are fragrant and the or until the chillies and spices are fragrant and the
rice and dais are golden. If drying the chillies in dais are golden.
the sun, fry them as well, for 1 minute, or until they
turn a shade darker. Mix all the ingredients in a mortar and pound
with a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder, to make
Mix all the ingredients together in a mortar and a coarse powder.
pound with a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder, to
make a fine powder. Store in an airtight container Store in an airtight container and use as required.
and use as required.


'7Jv' '7|v>

Poriyal Podi Dosai Milagu Podi

Poriyal Powder Dosai Chilli Powder
Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes about 400g / 14oz Makes about 750g / 1 lb 9oz

75g / 2V2OZ (1 cup) coriander seeds_ 150g / 5oz (1 cup) white sesame seeds_
1 teaspoon asafoetida 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
lOOg / 3Y20Z 0/2 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained 1 cup dried red chillies_
50g / 1%oz (Vz cup) grated copra or desiccated 300g / 11 oz (1 Vz cups) urad dal, rinsed and drained
(dried flaked) coconut 150g / 5oz (% cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
3 tablespoons vegetable oil 70g / 2V20Z (Vz cup) shelled peanuts
15 dried red chillies 4-5 tablespoons jaggery or soft brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon salt

Stir-fry the coriander seeds, asafoetida and dal Stir-fry the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan (skillet)
individually in a dry frying pan (skillet) over medium over medium heat for about 30 seconds, or until
heat for 30-45 seconds, or until the spices are golden, then remove from the pan and set aside.
fragrant and the dal is golden. Remove from the pan Pour 1 tablespoon oil into the pan and heat through.
and set aside. Add the dried red chillies and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes
or until fragrant, then remove from the pan and
Add the copra or desiccated coconut to the pan and set aside.
roast, stirring constantly, until there is a red tinge.
Remove from the pan. Pour the oil into the pan and Pour the remaining oil into the pan and heat through.
heat through. Add the dried red chillies and fry for Add the dais and fry for about 1 minute, or until
about 1—2 minutes, or until fragrant. golden. Mix all the ingredients together in a mortar
and pound with a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder,
Mix all ingredients together in a mortar and pound to make a coarse powder.
with a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder, to make
a coarse powder. Store in an airtight container and Store in an airtight container and use as required.
use as required.


Dum ka Masala Karpodi
Spice Mixture for Dum Dishes Lentil Powder
Origin Awadh Origin Andhra Pradesh
Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes about 125g / 414oz Makes about 125g / 4!4oz

45g / 1 14oz (14 cup) fennel seeds_ 2 teaspoons chana dal, rinsed and drained
45g / 1V20Z (14 cup) ground ginger 14 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
20g / %oz (14 cup) green cardamom pods 2 teaspoons red chilli powder
20g / %oz (14 cup) black cardamom pods pinch of ground mustard seeds
dash of asafoetida
Put all the ingredients in a mortar and pound with 2 teaspoons desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder, to make a fine
powder. Sieve (strain) and store in a sterilized (see
page 791), dry and airtight container.
Heat a tawa or heavy-based frying pan (skillet), add
the dais and dry-roast for about 1 minute, or until
mm light brown. Roast each of the spices, except the salt,
separately, including the coconut.

Put the dais into a mortar and pound with a pestle,

Tandoori Chaat Masala
or grind in a spice grinder, to make a powder.
Tandoori Chaat Masala Add the coconut and process together. Transfer
to a bowl, add the rest of the ingredients, season
Origin Punjab with salt, and mix together to make a dry reddish
Preparation time 20 minutes powder. This is sprinkled over Idlis (see pages
Makes about 450g / 1 lb 137—149) together with melted ghee and Sambhar
(see page 32).
50g / 1%oz p/2 cup) cumin seeds_
50g / 1%oz (scant 14 cup) black peppercorns
314 tablespoons black salt
30g /1 %oz (214 cups) dried mint leaves
2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds
30 green cardamom pods
15 cloves_
5 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
2 teaspoons ajwain seeds
1 teaspoon asafoetida
14 teaspoon ground mace
125g / 414oz (1 cup) amchoor_
214 tablespoons salt_
3 tablespoons ground ginger_
3 tablespoons yellow chilli powder

Put all the ingredients, except the amchoor, salt,

ground ginger and yellow chilli powder, in a mortar
and pound with a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder,
to make a fine powder. Transfer to a clean, dry bowl,
add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Sieve
(strain) and store in a sterilized (see page 791), dry
and airtight container.


## #
vps vF' vF' ###
vF' /T[v' vF'

Karepaku Karam Kandi Podi

Spicy Ground Flavouring Spicy Lentil Powder

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes about 450g / 1 lb Makes about 750g / 1 lb lOoz

3 tablespoons vegetable oil 180g / 6T/20Z (% cup) ghee

40 curry leaves 500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) chana dal, rinsed
1 tablespoon coriander seeds and drained
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 30 dried red chillies
3 dried red chillies 6 curry leaves
1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
2 tablespoons urad dal, rinsed and drained 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
pinch of asafoetida Vz dried coconut, grated
1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 clove garlic
salt salt

Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium For the tempering
heat, add the curry leaves and stir-fry for 30
Vz teaspoon ghee or vegetable oil
seconds, or until crisp, then remove from the pan.
pinch of asafoetida
Fry the rest of the ingredients, except the salt,
individually, for about 45 seconds, or until light 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
brown, then put into a a mortar and pound with 2 dried red chillies
a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder, add the curry
leaves, season with salt and process to make a Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
powder. Store in an airtight container and serve heat, add the chana dal and stir-fry for about
sprinkled on yoghurt or as flavouring to any lightly i minute, or until golden. Remove from the pan
flavoured dish. and add the dried red chillies and stir-fry for about
i—2 minutes, or until they turn a shade darker.
Remove from the pan and add the curry leaves.
Stir-fry for about 30 seconds, or until fragrant. Put
the dal, dried red chillies, cumin and coriander
seeds and curry leaves in a mortar and pound with
a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder, season with salt
and process to make a fine powder. Add the grated
coconut and garlic and process together.

Heat the ghee or oil for the tempering in a small

frying pan over medium heat, add all the tempering
ingredients and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes,
or until the seeds start to splutter and the chilies
turn a shade darker. Pour over the ground mixture,
mix well, then store in a sterilized, dry and
airtight container.


vF' ■71'' vi''
AUt, AUt,

Moongphali Masala Rasam Podi

Spicy Peanut Masala Spice Mixture for Pepper Water

Origin Andhra Pradesh/Hyderabad Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes about 450g / 1 lb Makes about 750g / 1 lb lOoz

140g / 4%oz (1 cup) shelled peanuts, with skin IQOg / 3y2oz {V2 cup) masoor dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 150g / 5oz (% cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon coriander seeds 50g / 1%oz (14 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained
V2 teaspoon vegetable oil 40g / 1V20Z O/2 cup) coriander seeds
20 dried red chillies 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
1 head garlic, peeled 225g / 8oz dried red chillies
4 tablespoons black peppercorns
Fry the peanuts lightly in a dry frying pan (skillet) 1 teaspoon asafoetida
over medium heat, then remove and peel off the
2 tablespoons cumin seeds
skins by rubbing them between the palms of your
hands. Stir-fry the cumin and coriander lighly on 2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds
a hot tawa or in a dry frying pan until light brown,
then remove from the pan. Heat the oil in a small Heat a tawa or heavy-based frying pan (skillet),
frying pan over medium heat, add the dried red add the dais and coriander seeds and dry-roast for
chillies and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until about 1 minute, or until light brown.
they turn a shade darker. Add the garlic and stir-fry
briefly. Transfer all the ingredients to a mortar and Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat, add
pound with a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder, to the dried red chillies, peppercorns and asafoetida
make a powder. Store in a dry and airtight container. and fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until the chillies
This can be sprinkled over Idlis (see pages 137-149). turn a shade darker. Transfer all the ingredients to
a mortar and pound with a pestle, or grind in
a spice grinder, to make a powder. Store in an
airtight container and use as required.


Puliyadorai Masala Bhruchi Masala
Spice Mixture for Tamarind Rice Bhruchi Curry Powder

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Coastal/Gujarat

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes about 450g / 1 lb Makes about 2kg / 41/^lb

4 tablespoons vegetable oil 10Og / 31/20Z dried red Goa chillies

lOOg / 31/2OZ (V2 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained 1 kg / 2141b (514 cups) chana dal, roasted
lOOg / 3T/20Z 0/2 cup) arhar or toor (toover) dal, 10Og / 31/20Z (% cup) ground turmeric
rinsed and drained 250g / 9oz (2% cups) cumin seeds
pinch of asafoetida 250g / 9oz (3 cups) small coriander seeds
1 cup dried tamarind 250g / 9oz (1% cups) poppy seeds
1 tablespoon sesame seeds, roasted 10g / !4oz (11/2 tablespoons) ground cinnamon
salt 2 tablespoons cloves
20g / %oz (14 cup) white cardamom pods, seeds only
To be fried separately 1 tablespoon black peppercorns
50g / 1%oz 0/3 cup) shelled peanuts 2 nutmegs, grated
1 teaspoon chana dal, rinsed and drained 2 tablespoons ground mace
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
2 red chillies Heat a tawa or heavy-based frying pan (skillet) and
2 green chillies dry-roast all the ingredients separately, until light
brown, then allow to cool. Put each into a mortar
6 curry leaves
and pound with a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder,
4 tablespoons vegetable oil to make a powder. Mix them all together in a bowl,
then sieve (strain) and store in an airtight glass jar.
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
heat, add the dais and asafoetida and fry for about
1—2 minutes, or until the dais are golden. Add the
tamarind, then transfer to a mortar and pound with
a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder, add the sesame
seeds and process until ground. Separately fry the Dhansak Masala
items listed in the second section, then mix both
together in a bowl, season with salt and store them
Dhansak Masala
in an airtight container. When the Tamarind Rice
Origin Gujarat
(see page 642) is to be made, take 4 cups cooked
Preparation time 15 minutes
rice, heat a little oil in a pan, then add 2 tablespoons
Makes about 125g / 414oz
of the spice mixture and mix with the hot oil. Add to
the rice and mix together.
45g (11/2 oz) fenugreek seeds
45g (11/2 oz) cloves
45g (1 Vz oz) black cardamom pods

Pound all the ingredients in a mortar with a pestle

to make a fine powder. Sieve and store in a sterilized
(see page 791), dry and airtight container.

Valsadi Masala Paanch Phoren

Traditional Valsad Masala (Dry) Five Spice Mix
Origin Gujarat Origin West Bengal
Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes, plus standing time
Makes about 450g / 1 lb Makes about 150g / 5oz

1 x 10-cm / 4-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 60g / 2oz (% cup) cumin seeds_
1 clove garlic 60g / 2oz (1/2 cup) fennel seeds
2 teaspoons ground turmeric 21/2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds
10-15 dried red chillies 21/2 tablespoons yellow mustard seeds
2 teaspoons cumin seeds 4 tablespoons kalonji (nigella) seeds
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long Dry the spices in the sun for 1—2 days or in a very
low oven for several hours. Put them in a mortar
6-7 cloves
and pound with a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder,
5-6 white cardamom pods, seeds only to make fine powder. Sieve (strain) and store in an
8-10 black peppercorns airtight container.
1 tablespoon poppy seeds
3 teaspoons salt
Put all the ingredients in a mortar and pound with
a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder, to make
a powder. Store in an airtight glass jar for up to Parappu Podi
5—6 days, and longer in the refrigerator. Lentil Spice Powder

Origin Andhra Pradesh

'7Jv' ■Tfv' Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes about 200g / 7oz

Valsadi Hara Masala IQOg / 3y2oz (V2 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
Traditional Valsad Masala (Green) lOOg / 3y2oz (1/2 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
4 dried red chillies
Origin Gujarat pinch of asafoetida
Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes about 450g / 1 lb
Heat a tawa or heavy-based frying pan (skillet) and
1 x 10-cm / 4-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
dry-roast all the ingredients, except the salt, until
1 clove garlic_ light brown. Transfer to a mortar and pound with
2 teaspoons ground turmeric a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder, season with salt
10-15 green chillies, roughly chopped_ and process to make a fine powder. Sieve (strain)
2 teaspoons cumin seeds_ and store in an airtight container.

1 tablespoon coriander seeds_

1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long
6-7 cloves _
5-6 white cardamom pods, peeled_
8-10 black peppercorns
1 tablespoon poppy seeds _
3 teaspoons salt

Put all the ingredients in a mortar and pound with

a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder, to make a powder.
Store in an airtight glass jar for up to 2-3 days, and
a little longer in the refrigerator.

Molaggai Podi Kothimalli Podi
Pungent Chilli Powder Coriander Leaf Powder

Origin Andhra Pradesh/Tamil Nadu Origin Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes about 250g / 9oz Makes about 250g / 9oz

2 teaspoons vegetable oil_ 1 teaspoon vegetable oil_

10 teaspoons urad dal, rinsed and drained 30g /114oz (% cup) coriander (cilantro) leaves
10 teaspoons chana dal, rinsed and drained 4 tablespoons urad dal, rinsed and drained
10 dried red chillies 5 dried red chillies
5 teaspoons sesame seeds 1 marble-size ball of tamarind
1 teaspoon asafoetida salt
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) and lightly fry
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium all the ingredients, except the salt, individually.
heat, add the dais and stir-fry for 2—3 minutes, or Transfer them to a mortar and pound with a pestle,
until fragrant. Add the dried red chillies and sesame or grind in a spice grinder, season with salt and
seeds and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until process to make a coarse powder. Sieve (strain) and
they start to splutter and are fragrant. Add the store in an airtight container.
asafoetida and stir-fry for 1 minute.

Season with salt. Transfer all the ingredients to

a mortar and pound with a pestle, or grind in a spice
grinder, to make a fine powder. Sieve (strain) and
store in an airtight container. Garam Masala Kashmiri
Kashmiri Garam Masala
vp vp vp' Origin Jammu and Kashmir
Preparation time 20 minutes
) Makes about 500g / 1 lb 2oz
Kariveppilai Podi
Curry Leaf Powder 120g / 4oz (114 cups) cumin seeds_
3 tablespoons cloves
Origin Andhra Pradesh
120g / 4oz (1V3 cups) black cardamom pods
Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes about 250g / 9oz 2 cinnamon sticks, 5cm / 2 inches long
120g / 4oz (% cup) fenugreek seeds
1 teaspoon vegetable oil_ 3 tablespoons green cardamom pods
2 cups curry leaves 120g / 4oz aniseeds
4 tablespoons urad dal, rinsed and drained 10 bay leaves

5 dried red chillies 2 teaspoons ground mace

1 marble-size ball of tamarind 2 nutmegs, grated
Heat a heavy-based pan, add the cumin seeds, cloves,
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) and lightly fry black cardamom pods, cinnamon and fenugreek
all the ingredients, except the salt, individually. seeds and dry-roast over medium heat for about
Transfer them to a mortar and pound with a pestle, 1-2 minutes, or until they change colour to reddish
or grind in a spice grinder, season with salt and brown. Transfer to a mortar and pound with a pestle,
process to make a coarse powder. Sieve (strain) and or grind in a spice grinder, add all the remaining
store in an airtight container. ingredients and process to make a fine powder. Sieve
(strain) and store in sterilized (see page 791), dry and
airtight container and use as required.


GH p.35

Pisi Adrak Ubala Pisa Pyaz

Ginger Paste Boiled Onion Paste
Origin Pan-India Origin Awadh/Delhi/Hyderabad
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus chilling time Preparation time 25-30 minutes
Makes about 250g / 9oz Makes 1kg / 2141b

1 x 14-cm / 5y2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and 1kg / 2141b (7 medium) onions, roughly chopped
roughly chopped 3 bay leaves
3 black cardamom pods
Put the ginger in a blender, add 3 tablespoons water
and process to make a smooth paste. Transfer to Put the onions in a handi or heavy-based pan, add
a container and chill in the refrigerator. This paste the bay leaves, cardamom pods and 250ml / 8fl oz
can be stored for up to 3 days in the refrigerator. (1 cup) water. Bring to the boil, then reduce the
heat to medium and simmer for 20 minutes until
the onions are transparent and the liquid has
GO p.35 evaporated. Transfer to a blender and process to
make a smooth puree. This paste can be stored
for 24 hours in the refrigerator.
Pisi Lehsun
Garlic Paste

Origin Pan-India
Preparation time 15 minutes, plus chilling time
Makes about 200g / 7oz Tala Pisa Pyaz
Fried Onion Paste
200g / 7oz (about 5 heads) roughly chopped garlic
Origin Awadh/Delhi/Hyderabad
Put the garlic in a blender, add 3 tablespoons water Preparation time 15 minutes
and process to make a fine paste. Transfer to Makes about 1kg / 2141b
a container and chill and in the refrigerator. This paste
can be stored for up to 3 days in the refrigerator. 3 tablespoons groundnut (peanut) oil, for frying
1 kg / 2141b (7 medium) onions, sliced
100ml / 2m oz (V2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
GO p.35
Heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based
pan over medium heat, add the onions and fry for
Pisa Nariyal about 5—7 minutes, or until brown. Remove the
Coconut Paste onions from the pan and spread them out on kitchen
paper (paper towels) to drain. Allow to cool.
Origin Pan-India
Preparation time 25 minutes, plus chilling time When cool, transfer to a blender, add the yoghurt
Makes about 150g / 5oz and process to make a fine paste. This paste can be
stored for up to 3 days in the refrigerator.
1 coconut, peeled and grated, reserving any coconut

Put the coconut in a blender, add 5 tablespoons water,

preferably coconut water from the coconut, and
process to make a smooth paste. Transfer to
a container and chill in the refrigerator. This paste
can be stored for up to 12 hours in the refrigerator.


CB p.35

Pisa Kaju Imli ka Sutt

Cashew Nut Paste Tamarind Extract

Origin Pan-India Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 10 minutes, plus soaking time
Makes about 250g / 9oz Makes about 75ml / 3fl oz (4 tablespoons)

140g / 4%oz (1 cup) cashew nuts 50g/13/4oz tamarind

Soak the cashew nuts in a bowl of water for Put the tamarind in a bowl, add 4 tablespoons
30 minutes, then drain and break into pieces. lukewarm water and soak for 30 minutes. Press
through a sieve (strainer) into a bowl. Discard the
Put the cashew nuts in a blender, add z teaspoons residue. Tamarind extract should be made as
water and process to make a smooth paste. Transfer needed, it does not store.
to a container and chill in the refrigerator. This paste
can be stored for up to 24 hours in the refrigerator.

Pisi Khas Khas
Poppy Seed Paste Origin North India
Preparation time V/z hours, plus cooling time
Origin Pan-India Makes about 400g / 14oz
Preparation time 10 minutes, plus soaking time
Makes about 330g / 11 oz 2 litres / 3V2 pints (8I/2 cups) whole milk

150g / 5oz (1 cup) poppy seeds Put the milk in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based
pan and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to low
Soak the poppy seeds in bowl of warm water for and cook, stirring after every 3 minutes until the milk
30 minutes, then drain. is reduced by half. Stirring constantly and
continually scraping in the dried layer of milk that
Put the poppy seeds in a small blender, add sticks to sides of the pan, continue to cook until
100ml / 3'/2fl oz (1/2 cup) water and process to make reduced to a mashed potato consistency. Transfer
a smooth paste. Transfer to a container and chill to a bowl and allow to cool. When cool, this paste
in the refrigerator. This paste can be stored for up can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. It
to 24 hours in the refrigerator. can also be dried and stored as a solid: spoon the
paste into a clean piece of muslin (cheesecloth), then
place in the sink, weigh down with something heavy
and leave to drain for about 1 hour. The resulting
solid should be stored in the refrigerator, and can be
grated or crumbled as required.


© pp.200-1

Paneer Chashni
Paneer Sugar Syrup
Origin Punjab Origin Pan-India
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 20-25 minutes
Makes about 750g / 26oz Makes about 625ml / 21 fI oz (21/2 cups)

2 litres / 3Vz pints (814 cups) milk 600g / 1 lb 5oz (3 cups) sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon milk
1 teaspoon lime juice
Heat the milk in a pan over a medium heat. When
boiling, add the lemon juice. As the milk curdles the Put the sugar and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water in
whey will separate. Strain the curdled milk through a heavy-based pan over low heat and heat gently,
a piece of clean muslin, catching all the solids. Bring stirring until the sugar dissolves completely.
up and tie the edges of the muslin to form a pouch
around the solids. Do not squeeze the muslin. Hang Increase the heat and bring the syrup to the boil
the pouch over a container and leave until all the without stirring. When it comes to the boil, add the
water has been drained. Transfer the solids, still milk mixed with 1 teaspoon water. The scum will rise
covered with muslin, to the sink and weigh down for to the surface.
2—3 hours to produce a block of paneer that can be
cut to the desired shape. Boil for about 10 minutes, then strain the syrup
through a piece of muslin (cheesecloth). Do not
squeeze the muslin.

Meanwhile, rinse the pan. Return the syrup to the

pan and bring to the boil once more. Add the lime
Chhena juice. This prevents crystallization of the syrup.
Chhena In case more scum rises to the surface, remove it
with a slotted spoon.
Origin West Bengal
Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling time To test, take some syrup between your thumb
Makes about 400g / 14oz and forefinger (index finger). Be careful, as the syrup
is very hot. Draw your fingers slightly apart. The
2 litres / 314 pints (814 cups) whole milk syrup will form fine threads. The numbers of threads
it forms, will give you the correct consistency.
160ml / 5M oz (% cup) white vinegar

Put the milk in a handi or large, heavy-based pan

and bring to the boil, then remove and allow to
cool to 49"C/i2o'F. Add the vinegar in a steady stream
over the entire surface and stir for about 3 minutes.
Pour the curdled milk on to a piece of muslin
(cheesecloth) in a sieve (strainer) placed over the
sink to drain out the whey, then hold the four
corners of the muslin and prod and gently squeeze
the residue until a ’milky' whey starts to ooze out.
Transfer the residue — chhena — while it is still warm
on to a flat tray and knead firmly with the palm of
your hand to mash the granules. Allow to cool, then
wrap in foil and store in the refrigerator for up to
24 hours.


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Hein fJcKk
In warm climates it is essential
to find ways of preserving
foodstuffs and prevent spoiling.
As such, Indian pickles and
chutneys are more than mere
accompaniments - they
are an intrinsic part of India’s
gastronomic heritage. Vital
components of any meal,
a fiery pickle made with chillies
can increase the heat of a dish,
while mild fruit chutneys or
yoghurt-based raitas provide
a cooling touch.

Pickles, Chutneys and Raitas
# # / CD p.37

Masoor ki Chutney Pyaz ki Chutney

Egyptian Lentil Chutney Onion Chutney

Origin Hyderabad Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 35 minutes, plus cooling time
Makes 250g / 9oz Makes 400g / 14oz

1 tablespoon vegetable oil_ 3 tablespoons tamarind pulp_

4 tablespoons whole (sabut) masoor dal, rinsed 6 tablespoons groundnut (peanut) oil
and drained lOOg / 3V20Z 0/2 cup) urad dal, rinsed, drained
6 dried red chillies and dried
14 teaspoon coriander seeds pinch of asafoetida
14 teaspoon cumin seeds 250g / 9oz (1 Vz cups) onions, chopped
pinch of asafoetida 2 dried red chillies
125ml / Am oz (Vfe cup) Tamarind Extract 10g / !4oz (5 slices) ginger, roughly chopped
(see page 58) 21/2 teaspoons roughly chopped garlic
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece dried coconut salt
I/2 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
salt For the tempering
2 teaspoons groundnut (peanut) oil
For the tempering 2 dried red chillies
1 teaspoon vegetable oil Vz tablespoon mustard seeds
6 curry leaves
Put the tamarind pulp in a bowl, add 2 tablespoons
2 dried red chillies
water and mix together.
y2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 onion, chopped Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
heat, add the dal and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium until light golden. Add the asafoetida and onions and
heat, add the dal and fry for about 1—2 minutes, or stir-fry for 1—2 minutes, or until pink in colour. Add
until they change colour, then remove from the pan the tamarind pulp mixture, dried red chillies, ginger
and set aside. Add the red chillies, coriander and and garlic, and stir-fry for 1—2 minutes. Remove from
cumin seeds and the asafoetida and stir-fry for about the heat and allow to cool.
1 minute, or until the seeds start to splutter. Remove
and transfer to a blender. Add the dal, tamarind When the mixture is cool, transfer to a blender or
extract, coconut, garlic paste and season with salt, food processor, add 4 tablespoons water and process
then process until ground. Transfer to a serving bowl. to make a rough paste. Put in a bowl.

Heat the oil for the tempering in the frying pan Heat the oil for the tempering in a separate frying
over medium heat, add the curry leaves, dried red pan over medium heat, add the dried red chillies and
chillies and mustard seeds and stir-fry for about stir-fry for a few seconds, then add the mustard
1—2 minutes, or until they turn dark brown. Add the seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they
onion and fry for about 5 minutes, or until brown. start to splutter. Pour the mixture over the chutney
and mix well. Season with salt. This chutney should
Add the tempering to the dal mixture and mix all be eaten immediately.
the ingredients together. Transfer to an
airtight container and store for up to 2 days in the
refrigerator. This chutney can be served with Dosa
(see page 141) or vadas (see pages 102—157).



Illigada Chutney Adrak ki Chutney
Garlic Chutney Ginger Chutney

Origin Andhra Pradesh Origin Awadh

Preparation time 35-40 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes 250g / 9oz Makes 250g / 9oz

125ml / 4WI oz {Vz cup) sesame oil 1 tablespoon sesame oil_

3 tablespoons red chilli powder 1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 tablespoon ground fenugreek and chopped
juice of 20 limes 125ml / 4'M oz (V2 cup) Tamarind Extract
10Og / 3Hoz garlic, cut into vertical slices (see page 58)
salt 1 teaspoon jaggery or soft brown sugar
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
For the tempering V2 teaspoon chopped garlic
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
2 dried red chillies 4 curry leaves
4 curry leaves 3 dried red chillies
1 tablespoon mustard seeds pinch of asafoetida
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over low heat,
add the chilli powder and fenugreek and fry for Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over low heat,
about 30 seconds. Season with salt, add the lime add the ginger and stir-fry for 3 minutes, then
juice and cook for 5 minutes. Add the garlic and remove from the pan with a slotted spoon. Set the
cook gently for 15 minutes. pan and oil aside.

Heat the oil for tempering in a separate frying pan, Put the tamarind extract in a blender, add the ginger
add the dried red chillies, curry leaves and mustard and jaggery or sugar and process until ground.
seeds and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until Transfer to a bowl.
dark brown, then pour over the garlic mixture. This
chutney is very good for digestion and can be stored Reheat the oil in the pan over medium heat, add
for up to 1 week in the refrigerator. the cumin seeds, garlic, mustard seeds, curry leaves
and dried red chillies and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
or until the mustard seeds start to splutter. Add the
asafoetida and season with salt. Remove from
the heat, place in a mortar and pound coarsely with
a pestle, or process in a food processor or blender,
then add to the ginger mixture and mix well. This
chutney should be consumed on the day it is made.



Chintapandu Koythamira Chutney Imli Aur Adrak ki Saunth

Tamarind & Coriander (Cilantro) Chutney Tamarind & Ginger Chutney

Origin Coastal/Tamil Nadu Origin Delhi/Punjab

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 15-20 minutes, plus cooling time
Makes 500g / 1 lb 2oz Make 500g/1lb 2oz

350g / 12oz coriander (cilantro) leaves 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) Tamarind Extract
125ml / AM oz {Vz cup) vegetable oil (see page 58)_
14 teaspoon asafoetida 2 teaspoons ground ginger_
8 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, roasted_
and roughly chopped 6 cloves garlic, crushed
Vz teaspoon coriander seeds 3 tablespoons brown sugar
14 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon jaggery or soft brown sugar 1 teaspoon sliced ginger
125ml / 4y2fl oz (I/2 cup) Tamarind Extract 1 tablespoon raisins
(see page 58) salt
pinch of ground turmeric
2 dried red chillies
Put the tamarind extract into a large bowl, add the
remaining ingredients, except the raisins. Season
4 curry leaves
with salt, then transfer the mixture to a large,
14 teaspoon mustard seeds heavy-based pan and cook over medium heat for
salt about 5 minutes. Add the raisins and stir for about
5 minutes. Allow to cool and serve. This chutney
Wash the coriander leaves and drain, then pat dry should be eaten immediately.
with kitchen paper (paper towel) and set aside for
10 minutes.

Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a frying pan (skillet) over

medium heat, add the asafoetida, green chillies,
coriander seeds and cumin seeds and stir-fry for
about 1 minute, or until the seeds start to splutter.
Set aside.

Put the jaggery, tamarind extract, turmeric and

coriander leaves in a blender, season with salt and
process until ground. Set aside.

Heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan over

medium heat, add the dried red chillies, curry leaves
and mustard seeds and stir-fry for about 1—2
minutes, or until they turn dark brown. Add all the
other ingredients to the pan, mix together and fry
together for a few minutes. This chutney should be
consumed on the day it is made.


0 # 0 / QQ p.207

Chintapandu Thokku Pudine ki Chutney

Raw Tamarind Chutney Mint Chutney

Origin Andhra Pradesh Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh

Preparation time 50 minutes, plus cooling and Preparation time 10 minutes
standing time Makes 250g / 9oz
Makes 750g /11b lOoz
16 cloves garlic, crushed_
500g / 1 lb 2oz tamarind_ 10 green chillies, de-seeded (optional)
2 cloves garlic and roughly chopped
4-5 bunches mint leaves 1 large bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves
10-15 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) 5 large bunches mint leaves
and roughly chopped 125ml / AM oz 0/2 cup) Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
salt salt

For the tempering Put the garlic, chillies, coriander and mint leaves in
180ml / 6fl oz (3A cup) vegetable oil a blender and process until ground, then transfer to
a bowl, add the tamarind extract and mix together.
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
Season with salt. The amount of chillies and salt can
1 teaspoon cumin seeds be increased or decreased to taste. This chutney
14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds should be consumed on the day it is made.
4 dried red chillies

Remove the seeds from the tamarind because they

spoil the taste of the chutney. Put all the ingredients,
except the tempering ingredients and salt, in a
blender and process, adding a little water if
necessary, to make a smooth paste. Season with salt.

Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan (skillet)

over medium heat, add all the tempering ingredients
and stir-fry for about i—2 minutes, or until the seeds
start to splutter and the chillies turn a shade darker.
Pour the hot tempering over the chutney and mix
well. Allow to cool.

When cool, put into a sterilized bottle (see page 791)

with a well-fitting lid. Keep at room temperature and
use after one week. The chutney can be stored in the
refrigerator for up to a year.


##/ f£l pp.38, 115

Nariyal Tamatar ki Chutney Nariyal ki Chutney

Tomato Coconut Chutney Coconut Chutney

Origin Tamil Nadu/Karnataka Origin Tamil Nadu/Karnataka

Preparation time 35 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes 1 kg / 2141b Makes 500g / 1 lb 2oz

500g /11b 2oz (3 medium) ripe tomatoes y2 coconut, peeled and finely grated
Vt. coconut, roughly chopped 6 green chillies, roughly chopped
2 tablespoons fried chana dal 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves
pinch of ground turmeric 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 tablespoon chilli powder pinch of asafoetida (optional)
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, ground juice of 1 lime
225g / 8oz (3 small) onions salt
1 teaspoon sugar
Keep a spoonful of the grated coconut aside for the
juice of 1 lime
garnish, then put the rest in a blender or food
processor with the remaining ingredients, except
the lime juice. Season with salt and process, adding
For the tempering a little water if necessary to make a paste. Transfer
1 tablespoon vegetable oil_ to a bowl and mix in the lime juice and garnish with
3 dried red chillies reserved grated coconut. This chutney should be
y2 teaspoon mustard seeds consumed on the day it is made.
y2 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
y2 teaspoon cumin seeds
8 curry leaves
pinch of asafoetida

Put the tomatoes, coconut, dal, turmeric and chilli

powder in a blender or food processor, season with
salt and process to make a puree. Pass through
a sieve (strainer) into a bowl.

Put the coriander leaves in the blender and process

to make a puree. Set aside.

Cook the onions in a pan of salted boiling water

for 2—3 minutes, or until soft, then drain.

Heat the oil for the tempering in a heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the dried red chillies,
mustard seeds, urad dal, cumin, curry leaves and
asafoetida and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until
dark brown. Add the boiled onions and fry lightly,
then stir in the tomato-coconut puree until it
thickens. Add the sugar, coriander puree and lime
juice to taste, then cook for 1-2 minutes, or until
heated through. This chutney can be stored for up
to 2 days in the refrigerator.


GO p.43

Kobari Pachadi Topa Kooler Achar

Coconut Chutney with Seasoning Preserved Indian Plums

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling and
Makes 400g / 14oz standing time
Makes 2kg / 4V2ib
t coconut, peeled and grated_
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil_
salt pinch of ground turmeric
50g / 1%oz O/2 cup) chilli powder
For the tempering 1 kg / 2141b Indian plums or ordinary ripe plums
1 tablespoon vegetable oil_ 250g / 9oz (% cup) cane molasses
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained 250g / 9oz (114 cups) sugar
1 dried red chilli 50g / 1%oz ground Paanch Phoren
1 teaspoon mustard seeds (see page 55), roasted

Mix the coconut and yoghurt together in a bowl, Heat the mustard oil in a large stainless-steel pan
then season with salt. Transfer to a blender and over medium heat, add the turmeric and chilli
process until ground. powder. Add the plums and bring to the boil,
stirring gently. Add the cane molasses and sugar
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes.
heat, add the urad dal and chilli and stir-fry Before removing from the heat, add the paanch
for about 1-2 minutes, or until they start to brown. phoren. The consistency should be slightly sticky.
Add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for about
1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Pour over Allow to cool, then bottle into sterilized jars
the coconut paste and mix together. This chutney (see page 791). Keep at room temperature and use
can be stored in an airtight container for up to after 1 week. The preserved plum can be stored
2 days in the refrigerator. in the refrigerator.


0/QDp.41 # / C®3 p.42

Dahi ki Chutney Beetroot Thuviyal

Yoghurt Chutney Beetroot (Beet) Chutney

Origin Awadh Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 35 minutes Preparation time 20-25 minutes
Makes 250g / 9oz Makes 400g / 14oz

2 teaspoons vegetable oil 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 tablespoon chana dal, rinsed and drained 1V2 teaspoons mustard seeds
1 tablespoon urad dal, rinsed and drained II/2 tablespoons urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 piece fresh coconut, 7.5 x 5 x 2.5cm / 1 tablespoon chana dal, rinsed and drained
3x2 x V2 inches, roughly chopped V2 teaspoon asafoetida
4 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) 2 dried red chillies
and roughly chopped 1 green chilli, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon chopped ginger 2 medium-sized beetroots (beets), peeled and grated
12 curry leaves 4 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
4 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 2 tablespoons grated fresh coconut
juice of V2 lime 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
salt salt

For the tempering Heat half the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
heat, add the mustard seeds, dais, asafoetida, dried
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
red chillies and green chilli and stir-fry for about
1 tablespoon chana dal, rinsed and drained 2 minutes, or until the spices are fragrant and dais
1 tablespoon urad dal, rinsed and drained turn golden. Remove from the pan and set aside.
2 dried red chillies
Add the remaining oil to the pan and heat through.
Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a frying pan (skillet) over Add the beetroot (beet) and fry for about 5 minutes,
medium heat, add the dais and stir-fry for about or until tender.
1—2 minutes, or until they turn dark brown.
Combine all the ingredients in a blender or food
Put the coconut, green chillies, ginger, curry leaves, processor, season with salt, add 2-3 tablespoons
and the fried dais in a blender or food processor water process to a smooth consistency. This chutney
and process, adding a little water, if necessary, to should be eaten immediately.
make a paste. Transfer to a bowl.

Heat the remaining oil in a frying pan over medium

heat, add the tempering ingredients and stir-fry for
about 1—2 minutes, or until the seeds start to
splutter and the chillies turn a shade darker. Add
them to the ground paste and mix well, then add
the yoghurt and lime juice. Season with salt, then
add a little water if required and mix to a chutney
consistency. This chutney can be stored for up to
2 days in the refrigerator.


# # / OB pp.44, 597 ###/ OB pp.45, 120

Karipatta Chutney Tonk

Curry Leaf Chutney Tomato Chutney

Origin Hyderabad Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 25-35 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
Makes 250g / 9oz Makes 2V6kg / 5Vz\b

2 tablespoons vegetable oil_ 2kg / mb tomatoes, cut into quarters_

1 teaspoon mustard seeds 400g / 14oz (2 cups) sugar
1 cup curry leaves 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) malt (white) vinegar
6 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) 2 teaspoons chilli powder
and roughly chopped 4 teaspoons ground garlic
1 onion 2 tablespoons raisins
1 teaspoon ground fresh ginger 2 teaspoons sliced ginger
2 teaspoons ground garlic 4 dried red chillies, cut into pieces
V2 fresh coconut, grated 4 green chillies, de-seeded and roughly chopped
juice of 2-3 limes salt
1 tablespoon sesame seeds, roasted
salt Cook all the ingredients together in a large, stainless
steel pan over low heat for about 20 minutes, or
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium until the tomatoes are pulpy and thick. Leave for 1—2
heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for about hours before eating, to allow the flavours to develop,
i—2 minutes, or until dark brown. Add the curry or transfer to an airtight container. This chutney can
leaves and stir-fry lightly for about 30 seconds. be stored for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
Remove from the heat and transfer to a blender or
food processor, add all the remaining ingredients,
season with salt and process until ground. You can
add or decrease ingredients to taste. This chutney
should be consumed on the day it is made.


## Vfv'

Til ki Chutney Simla Mirch ki Chutney

Sesame Seed Chutney (Bell) Pepper Chutney

Origin Awadh Origin Awadh

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time
Makes 500g / 1 lb 2oz Makes 1 Vkkg / 3141b

4 tablespoons sesame seeds_ 125ml / 4M oz O/2 cup) vegetable oil_

3 tablespoons peanuts 6 cloves garlic, chopped
1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil (optional) 3 large dried red chillies, slit in half lengthways
6-8 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) and de-seeded
and roughly chopped 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 tablespoon ground garlic 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
2 onions, sliced 4 tablespoons brown sugar
20g / %oz (Z2 cup) coriander (cilantro) leaves 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) malt (white) vinegar
125ml / 43/2fl oz {V2 cup) Tamarind Extract 6 tablespoons vegetable oil
(see page 58) 6 red or green (bell) peppers, de-seeded
salt and cut into quarters
The sesame seeds and peanuts can either be
dry-roasted separately in a small frying pan (skillet) Heat the 125ml / 4/20 oz (14 cup) oil in a pan until hot,
for about 2 minutes, or until they change colour, then remove from the heat and allow to cool.
or they can be fried. If frying, heat the oil in a frying
pan over medium heat, add the sesame seeds Put the garlic, dried red chillies, cumin seeds,
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they change mustard seeds, brown sugar and vinegar in a blender
colour, then remove from the pan. Add the peanuts and process to make a smooth paste. Set aside.
to the pan and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until
they turn golden. Heat the 6 tablespoons oil in a large frying pan
(skillet) over medium-low heat, add the pepper
Transfer them to a blender, add the sesame seeds quarters and stir-fry for about 5 minutes. Add the
and the remaining ingredients, then season with salt ground spices and cook for a further 10 minutes.
and process until ground. Grind all the ingredients Add the cooled oil and remove from the heat. Allow
together. One can add or lessen any ingredients to cool completely, before storing in sterilized jars
according to taste. This chutney should be consumed (see page 791).
on the day it is made.


Sarson ki Chutney Moongphali ki Chutney
Mustard Chutney Peanut Chutney

Origin New Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 25 minutes
Makes 125g / 4I/2OZ Makes 750g / 1 lb 10oz

80g / 23Aoz (1 cup) mustard powder 125ml / Am oz O/2 cup) vegetable oil_
1 Vz teaspoons mustard 185g / 6V2OZ (114 cups) shelled peanuts, fried
2 tablespoons lemon juice 12 green chillies
4 teaspoons malt (white) vinegar 10g / 14oz tamarind
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece dried coconut
2 teaspoons vegetable oil 3-4 onions, finely chopped
salt salt

Mix all the ingredients, except the oil, together For the tempering
in a large bowl, then season with salt. Gradually 3 dried red chillies
add the oil to the mixture, whisking all the time
pinch of asafoetida
until combined. This chutney should be consumed
6 curry leaves
on the day it is made.
Vz teaspoon cumin seeds

Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium

heat, add the peanuts and cook for 1 minute, then
remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
Add the green chillies to the pan and fry for about
1-2 minutes, or until they change colour, then
remove from the pan and set aside. Reserve the oil
in the pan.

Put the fried peanuts in a blender, add the tamarind,

coconut and green chillies, then season with salt and
process until ground.

Heat the oil again over medium heat, add the dried
red chillies, asafoetida, curry leaves and cumin for
about 1 minute, or until the cumin seeds start to
splutter. Add the finely chopped onions and fry for
about 5-7 minutes, or until the onions are golden
brown. Add the peanut mixture and fry briefly, then
transfer to a serving dish. This chutney should be
consumed on the day it is made.


Moong Dal ki Chutney Chenigapappu Chutney
Moong Dal Chutney Chana Dal Chutney
Origin Awadh Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 15 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 20-25 minutes
Makes 400g / 14oz Makes 500g / 1 lb 2oz

2 teaspoons vegetable oil_ 250g / 9oz (IV3 cups) chana dal, roasted
14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds 1 teaspoon chopped ginger
8 dried red chillies y2 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds 40g / 1 y2oz (y2 cup) grated fresh coconut
IQOg / 3y2oz (V2 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained 6 green chillies, de-seeded (optional)
6 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) and roughly chopped
and roughly chopped juice of 2-3 limes
1 teaspoon ground fresh ginger
1 onion, cut into quarters For the tempering
125ml / 4y2fl oz (y2 cup) Tamarind Extract 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
(see page 58) 10 curry leaves
y2 teaspoon icing (confectioners') sugar 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
salt pinch of asafoetida
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
heat, add the fenugreek seeds, dried red chillies, Put the roasted chana dal, ginger, coriander leaves,
mustard seeds and dal and stir-fry for about coconut, chillies and lime juice in a blender and
1—2 minutes, or until dark brown. Remove from the process until ground. Transfer to a bowl.
heat and allow to cool, then mix with the green
chillies, ginger, onion and tamarind extract in Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan (skillet)
a bowl. Transfer to a blender and process, adding over medium heat, add the curry leaves and mustard
a little water if necessary to form a smooth paste. seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
they splutter. Add the asafoetida and season with
Add the sugar and mix well. Transfer to a serving salt, then remove from the heat and mix with the
bowl to serve with Dosa (see page 141) as well ground chutney. This chutney should be consumed
as other dishes, or transfer to an airtight contained on the day it is made.
and store for up to 2 days in the refrigerator.


'7F' -7F' &

Molgai Podi Dakshini Hari Chutney

Dry Ground Chutney Southern Green Chutney

Origin Andhra Pradesh Origin New

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 25-30 minutes, plus cooling time
Makes 400g/ 14oz Makes 500g / 1 lb 2oz

4 tablespoons vegetable oil_ 2 tablespoons groundnut (peanut) oil_

10Og / 3T/20Z (V2 cup) split and skinned urad dal 200g / 7oz curry leaves
rinsed and drained 10Og / 3y2oz (1 cup) grated fresh coconut
lOOg / 3V20Z (1/2 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained 50g / 1%oz (1 cup) coriander (cilantro) leaves
30g / 114oz (1/3 cup) desiccated (dried flaked) coconut 50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) sesame seeds
8-10 pieces of dried red chilli lOg /14oz (5 slices) ginger, roughly chopped
V2 teaspoon asafoetida V2 teaspoons roughly chopped garlic
few curry leaves 1 tablespoon lemon juice
salt 2 tablespoons chopped, stoned (pitted) raw mango
Heat a little oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
heat, add the dais and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes,
For the tempering
or until golden, then remove from the pan and
4 teaspoons groundnut (peanut) oil_
set aside. Add the coconut to the pan and stir-fry for
about 30 seconds, or until golden brown. Remove 2 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained
from the pan and set aside with the dais, then add 4 dried red chillies
the chillies to the pan and stir-fry for about 10 curry leaves
1-2 minutes, or until they turn a shade darker. Add
to the coconut and dais. Season the mixture with Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over medium
salt and add the asafoetida and curry leaves, then heat, add all the ingredients, except the lemon
transfer to a blender and process until coarsely juice, mango and salt, and stir-fry for a few seconds.
ground. Put in a jar and use as required. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

When cool, transfer the mixture to a blender or food

processor, add the mango and lemon juice and
season with salt, then process, adding a little water
if necessary to make a smooth paste. Transfer the
paste to a bowl.

Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan over

medium heat, add the chana dal and stir-fry
for about 1-2 minutes, or until light golden. Add the
dried red chillies and curry leaves and stir-fry for
a few seconds. Mix well with the chutney. This chutney
should be eaten immediately.


Kairi ki Mhithi Chutney Kairi ki Chutney
Sweet Green Mango Chutney Raw Green Mango Chutney

Origin Hyderabad/Awadh Origin Hyderabad/Awadh

Preparation time 45-50 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 50 minutes, plus cooling time
Makes 1 kg / 2141b Makes 500g /1 lb 2oz

5 medium-sized raw green mangoes, stoned 125ml / Am oz (14 cup) sesame oil_
(pitted) and cut into 2.5-mm / Vs-inch pieces 1 tablespoons mustard powder
1 teaspoon sesame oil 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
6 tablespoons chilli powder 14 teaspoon asafoetida
150g / 5oz (V2 cup) salt 5 small green mangoes, stoned (pitted) and cut into
114 tablespoons mustard powder bite-sized pieces
2 teaspoons turmeric powder 6 tablespoons chilli powder
14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds 14 teaspoons ground turmeric
14 teaspoon ground cloves salt
1 teaspoon chopped ginger
125g / 4140Z (1 cup) icing (confectioners’) sugar For the tempering
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) sesame oil 1 teaspoon vegetable oil_
2 dried red chillies
For the tempering 14 teaspoon chana dal, rinsed and drained
1 dried red chillies 14 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
14 teaspoon mustard seeds 14 teaspoon mustard seeds
2 curry leaves, fried
Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a frying pan (skillet)
Put the mangos in a large bowl. over low heat, add the mustard powder, fenugreek
and asafoetida and stir-fry for about 30 seconds.
Put all the ingredients for the tempering in a blender
and process until ground. Set aside. Heat 375ml / 130 oz (i'/z cups) oil in a large, heavy-
based pan over low heat, add the mangoes and fry
Heat the i tablespoon oil in a heavy-based pan over for 20 minutes, or until they soften. Remove from
medium heat, add the spices and sugar and stir-fry the heat and allow to cool. Transfer to a blender or
for about i minute. Add half to the chopped a food processor and add the fried spices, chilli
mangoes, then put them into sterilized jars (see page powder, turmeric and remaining oil and season with
791). Add the tempering to the jars and pour in the salt, then process until ground. Transfer to a bowl.
remaining spiced oil, then cover with the lids and
keep for 3 days. Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan over
medium heat, add all the ingredients and stir-fry for
On the third day, put the jars in a sunny or warm about 1—2 minutes, or until brown. Remove from the
place for 2 hours. With the lid tightly fitted, turn heat and allow to cool, then mix with the mango and
the jars upside down, then straighten and keep spice mixture. When cool, this chutney can be stored in
the lids well closed. This chutney can be stored for airtight ceramic jars for several months.
in a cool place for several months.


###/ 0a pp.47, 117, 595

Seb ki Chutney Avakk

Apple Chutney Raw Mango Pickle from Telangana

Origin Uttarakhand Origin Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 1 hour 15 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 20-25 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 1 hour Makes 500g / 1 lb 2oz
Makes 1 kg / 2141b
250g / 9oz sour green mangoes, stoned (pitted)
6 green apples, peeled and cut into cubes and chopped into 2.5-cm / 1-inch pieces
2 teaspoons sliced ginger 1kg / 2141b (5% cups) mustard seeds_
2 tablespoons raisins 1 kg / 2141b red chillies, ground_
6 cloves sesame oil
125ml / 4y2fl oz (y2 cup) malt (white) vinegar 4 tablespoons fenugreek seeds
250g / 9oz (1 14 cups) sugar coarse salt
12 cloves garlic
salt Put the mangoes in a ceramic or stone jar or bowl
and set aside.
Put the apples together with all the other ingredients
in a large, heavy-based pan and cook over medium Rub the mustard seeds between the palms of your
heat for about i hour, or until the water is absorbed hands to try to remove the dark husk as much as
and the apple chutney thickens. Allow to cool possible, then put them in a mortar or spice grinder
completely and store in sterilized bottles or jars and pound with a pestle or process until ground.
(see page 791).
Spread the salt and ground chillies out on clean tea
(dish) towels and let them dry so there is no
mm moisture left.

Mix the mustard powder, ground chillies and salt

Bhaang ki Chutney together in a large bowl, adding a little oil to make
Tangy Chutney of Hemp Seeds & Mint a paste. Add the paste and the fenugreek seeds
to the mangoes in the jar or bowl for 12 hours and
leave them with a cloth covering the jar or bowl
Origin Uttarakhand
until the mangoes release water. Drain out the water
Preparation time 15 minutes
gently. After draining out the water, pour in enough
Makes 10Og / 3y2oz
oil to stand about 8—10cm / 3—4 inches above
the mangoes. Mix the spices and mangoes well with
3V2 tablespoons hemp seeds_
a dry wooden spoon and make sure there is still
2 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) 10cm / 4 inches oil on top of the mangoes mixture.
and roughly chopped
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped mint leaves

Stir-fry the hemp seeds on a tawa or in a dry frying

pan (skillet) over low-medium heat for about
i minute, or until roasted, then transfer them to
a blender and process until ground. Add the chillies,
lemon juice, mint leaves, 3 tablespoons water
and season with salt, then process again, to make
a smooth paste.

This chutney makes a versatile accompaniment to

any dish, and can be stored in the refrigerator for
up to 24 hours.


When the tempering is cool, slowly add it in 3—4
batches to the pickle mixture, stirring the mixture
thoroughly while adding. Leave for 4—5 days in a
Aam ka Achar partially closed dish or bowl, mixing daily. Make
Mild Raw Mango Pickle sure there is enough oil to cover the pickle. If not,
heat a little more oil, then allow it to cool and add
Origin Awadh it to the pickle. Bottle into sterilized jars (see
Preparation time 35-40 minutes, plus standing time page 791).
Makes 750g / 1 lb 10oz

For stage a
450g / 1 lb (2% cups) raw green mangoes, stoned
(pitted) and cut into small squares Gurh Keri
1 teaspoon ground turmeric Mango Pickle with Jaggery
2 tablespoons lime juice
salt Origin Gujarat
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus standing time
Makes 31/2kg / 71b 11 oz
For stage b
3A level tablespoon kalonji (nigella) seeds_
6 large raw mangoes, stoned (pitted) and cut into cubes
1 heaped (heaping) tablespoon fenugreek seeds
2 tablespoons ground turmeric
1 heaped (heaping) tablespoon mustard seeds
115g / 4oz (1 cup) chilli powder
2 heaped (heaping) tablespoons cumin seeds
275g / lOoz (II/2 cups) split mustard seeds
2 level tablespoons coriander seeds
2 tablespoons split fenugreek seeds
4 heaped (heaping) tablespoons red chilli powder
5 teaspoons asafoetida
3A cup garlic, partially ground
1.4kg / 31b jaggery, chopped, or soft brown sugar
For the tempering
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) sesame oil Put the mango pieces in a large bowl, season with
% teaspoon fenugreek seeds salt, and add the turmeric and toss until the mango
% teaspoon mustard seeds pieces are coated. Spread them out on a clean cloth
or tea (dish) towel and dry overnight.
n/2 teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds
10 dried red chillies
The next day, put the remaining spices, jaggery and
10 cloves garlic mango pieces in a large bowl and toss gently to mix.
Transfer the mixture to a wide-mouthed glass jar
For stage a, put the mangoes in a large bowl, add the and cover with muslin. Leave in a cupboard in a cool
turmeric, then sprinkle some salt over and mix well. place, stirring with a clean spoon once in 2 days.
Leave in a partially closed glass or ceramic dish for The pickle is ready when the jaggery has melted
3 days. Gently shake them around once or twice and the mango pieces are slightly softened. Remove
a day. Some water will be released by the mangoes, 1-2 cups at a time and put into a small jar for
which should be retained. On the third day, everyday use.
add the lime juice, then mix together and leave for
another day.

For stage b, on the fourth day, add all the spices to

the mangoes and mix thoroughly, then add the garlic
and mix well. Set aside.

Heat the oil for the tempering, in a deep frying

pan (skillet) over medium heat. Add the fenugreek,
mustard and kalonji seeds, then add the dried red
chillies and garlic and fry for about i—z minutes,
or until brown. Remove from the heat and allow
to cool.


Meetha Nimboo ka Achar Nimboo ka Achar
Sweet Lime Pickle Lime Pickle

Origin Punjab/Delhi Origin Punjab

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 35 minutes, plus standing time
Makes 750g / 11b lOoz Makes 750g / 11b lOoz

12 limes_ 1kg / 2141b limes, cut into quarters and de-seeded

1 teaspoon chilli powder juice of Vi lime
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 125g / 414oz (I/3 cup) salt
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 30 cloves garlic
6 tablespoons jaggery or soft brown sugar 40g / 1 Vioz (V3 cup) chilli powder
For the tempering
Cut the limes into 8 pieces each, and put them in
100ml / 31/2fl oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil
a large glass sterilized jar (see page 791). Mix all the
30g /114oz (I/3 cup) cumin seeds
remaining ingredients together in a large bowl and
season with salt. Pour over the limes, shake the jar 2 tablespoons mustard seeds
and mix well. Tie a muslin cloth (cheesecloth) on top pinch of asafoetida
of the jar and keep the jar on the window in the
kitchen. It will be ready to eat in 15 days time. Shake Prick each lime quarter with a fork.
it daily.
Put the limes in a heatproof bowl, add the juice,
salt, garlic and chilli powder and mix together, then
put them in a steamer and steam for about
10 minutes, or until the slices soften. If you don't
have a steamer, use a large pan with a lid and place
a trivet or upside-down plate in the base (bottom).
Pour in enough water so it stays below the top
of the trivet and cover with the lid. Place the bowl
carefully on top of the trivet or upside-down plate,
cover and steam for 10 minutes, or until soft.

Transfer the limes to a bowl, cover with muslin

(cheesecloth) and leave in the sun or in a warm place
for 2 days. If leaving outside, bring indoors at night
to avoid damp air.

Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan (skillet)

over medium heat, add the cumin and mustard seeds
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they start
to splutter. Add the asafoetida and mix well. Pour
the mixture over the limes and mix well. Cover with
muslin and leave in the sun or on a windowsill for
2 more days, then remove the cloth and bottle into
sterilized jars (see 791).


>7jr» vp' 'TJv'

Papite ka Achar Kurmo Pachadi

Papaya Pickle Jackfruit Pickle

Origin Punjab Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 35-40 minutes, plus cooling and Preparation time 25-30 minutes, plus cooling time
standing time Makes 1 kg / 2141b
Makes 500g /1 lb 2oz
2 tablespoons ground turmeric_
1 large raw green papaya, peeled 1 kg / 2141b jackfruit, peeled and de-seeded wearing
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) vegetable oil gloves (see page 793), and cut into
14 teaspoon asafoetida 2.5-cm / 1-inch pieces, seeds reserved
6 cloves garlic, crushed 375ml / 13fl oz (114 cups) vegetable oil_
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 2 tablespoons mustard seeds
1 teaspoon aniseeds 3 tablespoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 3 tablespoons kalonji (nigella) seeds
1 tablespoon sliced ginger 1 tablespoon amchoor
1 teaspoon chilli powder 3 tablespoons chilli powder
salt salt

Bring i litre / \Va pints (4% cups) water to the boil in Bring 1 litre / i14 pints (4% cups) water to the boil in
a large pan, add the papaya and cook for about a large pan. Season with salt and add half the
10 minutes, or until soft, then drain and spread the turmeric. Add the jackfruit pieces and seeds and boil
papaya out on a baking tray (sheet) and let it dry for 2 minutes, then drain and wipe dry on a clean
it completely. cloth or tea (dish) towel. Put the jackfruit pieces and
seeds in a large bowl, sprinkle some salt over and
Heat the oil in a large pan over medium heat, add rub it in.
the asafoetida, garlic, cumin, aniseeds, turmeric and
ginger and stir-fry for about 2 minutes. Remove the Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a large frying pan
pan from the heat and allow to cool. (skillet) over medium heat, add the mustard seeds
and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until they start
When cool, add the chilli powder and papaya, then to brown. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.
season with salt. Cover with muslin (cheesecloth)
and leave overnight in the pan. Mix all the ingredients except the remaining oil
together in a large bowl. Heat the oil in a pan over
The next morning, put into sterilized glass jars medium heat, then allow to cool slightly.
(see page 791).
Bottle the pickle into sterilized jars (see 791), then
pour the oil over the top, cover with the lids and
store for 2 weeks before serving. The oil should float
on top of the bottled pickle. If there is not enough,
heat the required amount, allow to cool and cover.


Kathhal ka Meetha Achar Kamrakh ka Achar
Sweet Jackfruit Pickle Star Gooseberry Pickle

Origin Hyderabad Origin Awadh

Preparation time 1 hour, plus standing time Preparation time 25-30 minutes
Makes 1kg/2141b Makes 500g / 1 lb 2oz

1kg / 2 141b jackfruit, peeled wearing gloves (see 125ml / 414oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil
page 793), and cut into 4-cm / 1 H-inch pieces 12 cloves garlic
250g / 9oz (114 cups) jaggery or soft brown sugar 20 curry leaves
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) malt (white) vinegar 4-6 dried red chillies
50g / 1%oz {Yz cup) ground coriander 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
50g / 1* 1 * 3 * 54oz (1/2 cup) aniseeds 5 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
50g / 1%oz (Vz cup) chilli powder 2 tablespoons chilli powder
4 tablespoons ground ginger 1 tablespoon malt (white) vinegar
salt 250g / 9oz star gooseberries, cut in half
and de-seeded
Cook the jackfruit in a large pan of boiling salted
water for about 30 minutes, or until soft. Drain and
spread out on a piece of muslin (cheesecloth) or tea
Heat the oil in a large pan over medium heat, add
(dish) towel and let it dry for about 5—6 hours. ’
the garlic, curry leaves and dried red chillies and
stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until they turn
Boil the jaggery or sugar and vinegar in a pan for
brown. Add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for about
about 5 minutes, or until the jaggery dissolves
1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the
completely. Pass it through a sieve (strainer) into
garlic paste and stir-fry for 2—3 minutes, then add
a bowl, then season with salt and add the ground
the chilli powder, vinegar and fruit and season with
coriander, aniseeds, chilli powder and ginger. Add
salt. Reduce the heat to very low and simmer for
the dried jackfruit, then mix together and store in
5 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.
sterilized jars (see page 791).
When cool, bottle into sterlized jars (see page 791).
If you can't find star gooseberries for this recipe,
you can use regular gooseberries.


TP vjv' m

Tamatar ka Achar Pyaz ka Achar

Tomato Pickle Onion Pickle

Origin Awadh Origin Punjab

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 55 minutes, plus standing and
Makes 4kg / 91b cooling time
Makes 1 kg / 2141b
500ml / 18fl oz {2Va cups) sesame oil_
3 tablespoons mustard powder 20 baby (pearl) onions_
1 tablespoon ground fenugreek 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) malt (white) vinegar
Va teaspoon asafoetida 200g / 7oz (1 cup) jaggery or soft brown sugar
225g / 8oz (2 cups) red chilli powder 1 teaspoon chilli powder
3kg / 61b 10oz ripe, firm tomatoes, cut into quarters 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, crushed
750ml / VA pints (3% cups) Tamarind Extract 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
(see page 58) 6 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tablespoons ground turmeric salt

For the tempering Put the whole onions in a large bowl, then season
with salt and mix together. Put them in sterilized jars
8 dried red chillies_
(see page 791) and tie muslin (cheesecloth) over the
3 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained top, then leave in a sunny or warm place for 2 days,
3 tablespoons urad dal, rinsed and drained shaking daily.
3 tablespoons mustard seeds
500g / 1 lb 2oz (1% cups) salt Open the jars and drain the onions and place them
on kitchen paper (paper towels) for about 2 hours.
Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a small frying pan
(skillet) over medium heat, add the mustard powder, Put the vinegar in a deep pan, add the jaggery, all
fenugreek, asafoetida and chilli powder and stir-fry the spices, and garlic and season with salt, then
for about i minute, or until fragrant. Set aside. bring to the boil and cook for about 10 minutes.

Heat almost all the remaining oil in a large, heavy- Add the onions and cook for a further 5—10 minutes.
based pan over low heat, add the tomatoes and fry Remove from the heat and allow to cool overnight.
for io minutes, or until well cooked. Remove from
the heat and allow to cool. The next day, put the mixture into sterilized jars
(see page 791), cover with muslin and leave on the
When cool, put the tomatoes in a blender or food windowsill for a week, shaking it daily. It will be
processor, add the fried mustard powder mixture, ready to eat after 7-10 days.
the tamarind extract and turmeric and process until
mixed together. Transfer to a bowl.

Heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan over

medium heat, add the tempering ingredients, except
the salt, and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until
dark brown. Add the salt and allow to cool, then add
it to the tomato mixture and mix well. Store in
a sterilized (see page 791) airtight ceramic jar for up
to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.


Aloo Matar ka Achar Sirkewala Achar
Potato & Pea Pickle Mixed Vegetable Pickle

Origin Awadh Origin Punjab

Preparation time 40-45 minutes, plus cooling and Preparation time 15 minutes, plus standing time
standing time Makes 250g / 9oz
Makes 2kg / 4Vfelb
4 tablespoons malt (white) vinegar_
1 kg / 2141b (10 small) potatoes, unpeeled_ y2 teaspoon sugar_
500g /1 lb 2oz (31/2 cups) peas, shelled if fresh 4 tablespoons sliced carrot
50g / 1%oz C/2 cup) mustard powder 4 tablespoons thin strips cucumber
3 tablespoons ground turmeric 65g / 2V2OZ C/2 cup) small cauliflower, cut into florets
4 tablespoons chilli powder 3 large flakes garlic or 1/2 clove garlic, sliced
2-3 teaspoons dried fenugreek leaves 1 onion, cut into pieces
375ml / 13fl oz (V/2 cups) vinegar 1 tablespoon olive oil
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil salt
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) Bring 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water to the boil with
salt vinegar, salt and sugar in a large pan, then remove
from the heat. Add all the vegetables and olive oil,
Cook the potatoes in a large pan of boiling water for then mix and season to taste. Set aside for about
about 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain and peel off 2 hours, then transfer to sterilized jars (see page 791)
the skins, then set aside. Cook the peas in a separate
pan of boiling water for about 5—7 minutes, or until
tender, then set aside.

Mix the mustard powder, turmeric, chilli powder,

fenugreek leaves and vinegar together in a bowl,
then season with salt.

Heat the oil in a large pan over medium heat, add

the garlic paste and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or
until it turns light golden. Add the ginger paste and
stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until light brown.
Add the vinegar with the spices, then add the peas
and potatoes and cook for about 1 minute. Mix well,
remove from the heat and allow to cool.

When cool, bottle into sterilized jars (see page 791)

and leave for 1—2 days.


vjv' vps

Lai Imli ka Achar Gongura Pachadi

Red Tamarind Pickle Sorrel Leaf Pickle

Origin Hyderabad Origin Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes 750g / 1 lb 10oz Makes 750g / 1 lb 10oz

500g / 1 lb 2oz fresh ripe tamarind_ 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil_
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) sesame oil, plus extra for filling 400g / 14oz gongura or sorrel leaves
up, if necessary 10-20 green chillies, de-seeded and roughly chopped
6 dried red chillies 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
2 teaspoons mustard seeds V4 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
6 sprigs curry leaves Vi teaspoon cumin seeds
6 cloves garlic, coarsely ground 75g / 2I/2OZ (Vi cup) sesame seeds
Vi cup Garlic Paste (see page 57) pinch of ground turmeric
2 tablespoons chilli powder salt
2 tablespoons vinegar
salt For the tempering
3 dried red chillies_
Remove the seeds from the tamarind and cut 6 curry leaves
into slices.
Vi teaspoon mustard seeds

Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over Vi teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
medium heat, add the dried red chillies and stir-fry
for about i—2 minutes, or until they turn a shade Heat 125ml / 4'/zfl oz (A cup) of the oil in a frying pan
darker. Add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for about (skillet) over medium heat, add the leaves and green
i minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the curry chillies and fry for 90 seconds. Set aside.
leaves and coarsely ground garlic and cover the pan
with a lid. Heat 4 tablespoons of the oil in another frying pan
over medium heat, add the coriander, fenugreek,
After 3—4 minutes, remove the lid and check that cumin and sesame seeds for about 1 minute, or until
the garlic is light brown. Add the garlic paste and they turn brown. Transfer them to a blender, add
fry for a few minutes. Add the chilli powder, then the leaves and chillies and turmeric and process to
season with salt and cook for 1 minute. Add the a paste.
tamarind and cook for a few minutes, then add the
vinegar and mix well. Remove from the heat and Heat the remaining oil in a frying pan over medium
allow to cool. heat, add the tempering ingredients and stir-fry for
about 1—2 minutes, or until dark brown. Pour the
When cool, bottle into sterilized jars (see page tempering over the gongura mixture and mix well,
791) with enough oil to cover the surface of the then allow to cool. Season with salt. When cool,
pickle. If the oil does not cover the pickle, mold bottle in a ceramic jar or sterilized glass jars (see
will develop. This pickle can be stored for up to page 791).
3 weeks in the refrigerator.


Inji Thokku Ande ka Achar
Ginger Pickle Egg Pickle

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 50-55 minutes, plus cooling time
Makes 250g / 9oz Makes 500g / 1 lb 2oz

6 teaspoons sesame oil_ 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) vegetable oil_

2 teaspoons mustard seeds % teaspoon mustard seeds
6 green chillies, de-seeded and roughly chopped 14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
150g / 5oz (1 cup) grated ginger 12 hard-boiled eggs, shelled
125ml / AM oz (V2 cup) thick Tamarind Extract 4 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
(see page 58) 4 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
salt 225g / 8oz (2 cups) chilli powder
10 cloves, ground
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
3 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long, ground
heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for about
10 green cardamom pods, ground
1 minute, or until they starts splutter. Add the chillies
and a pinch of salt and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) lime juice
the tamarind extract and grated ginger and season salt
with salt, if necessary.
Heat about 1 tablespoon of the oil in a frying pan
Reduce the heat to low and cook for 5 minutes, (skillet) over medium heat, add the mustard and
or until the ginger is soft and the extract thickens. fenugreek seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or
Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Store until they start to splutter. Set aside.
in an airtight container.
Heat the rest of the oil in a large, heavy-based pan
over medium heat, add the eggs and fry for a few
minutes, then remove from the pan with a slotted
spoon and set aside. Reduce the heat to low, add the
ginger and garlic pastes, chilli powder, cloves,
cinnamon and cardamom and fry lightly for about
1—2 minutes. Add the eggs and cook for 3-4 minutes,
then add the fried mustard and fenugreek seeds.
Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

When cool, season with salt, add the lime juice and
mix well. Bottle into airtight, sterilized jars
(see page 791). This pickle can be stored for up to
3 weeks in the refrigerator.


V]'' vjv' CU p.195

Gosht ka Achar Mooli ka Raita

Lamb Pickle Mooli Raita

Origin Punjab Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling time Preparation time 15 minutes, plus chilling time
Makes 750g / 1 lb 10oz Makes 750ml / 114 pints (314 cups)

1 kg / 2141b boneless lamb, cut into 2.5-cm / 1 mooli (daikon), peeled and grated_
1 -inch cubes 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) vegetable oil 1 green chilli, de-seeded and chopped
15 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, roasted and ground
y2 clove garlic . few coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and salt
thinly sliced
10Og / 31/20Z (1 cup) chilli powder Put the mooli and the yoghurt in a large bowl. Add
all the ingredients, season with salt and mix well.
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
Chill for 30 minutes before serving.
1 teaspoon ground fresh ginger
1 teaspoon ground garlic
125ml / 4M oz (Vfe cup) malt (white) vinegar &
1 tablespoon sugar
Matar ka Raita
Put the iamb in a large, heavy-based pan, season Green Pea Raita
with salt and pour in enough water to cover, then
bring to the boil and cook for about 10 minutes, or Origin Awadh
until tender. Allow the water to evaporate when the Preparation time 15 minutes, plus chilling time
meat is cooked, so do not pour in too much water Makes 750ml / 114 pints (314 cups)
while cooking.
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
Heat the oil in another large pan over medium heat, 250g / 9oz (1V2 cups) peas, lightly cooked
add the lamb and fry for about 10 minutes, or until
1 teaspoon cumin seeds, roasted
brown. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon
1 teaspoon sugar
and set aside.
1 teaspoon chilli powder
Add the chillies, garlic and ginger to the pan and 1 green spring onion (scallion), trimmed and chopped
lightly brown for about 1 minute. Add the ground salt
spices, ground ginger and garlic, vinegar and sugar,
then season with salt and brown together for a few Put the yoghurt and peas in a large bowl. Add all
minutes. Bring to the boil, add the meat, then reduce the other ingredients, then season with salt and mix
the heat and simmer for 3 minutes. Remove from the together. Chill for 30 minutes before serving.
heat and allow to cool. When cool, put in an airtight
ceramic container or glass jar, cover and set aside in
the refrigerator. This pickle can be stored for up to
3 weeks in the refrigerator.


Karam Kalle ka Raita Lauki ka Raita
Spicy Cabbage & Peanut Raita Bottle Gourd (Calabash) Raita

Origin New Origin Awadh

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking and Preparation time 30-35 minutes, plus chilling time
chilling time Makes 750ml / 114 pints (314 cups)
Makes 750ml /114 pints (314 cups)
1 tablespoon raisins_
14 cabbage, thinly sliced_ 60g / 2oz (14 cup) coarsley grated bottle gourd
1 tablespoon cumin seeds, roasted and crushed (calabash) or courgette (zucchini)_
1 teaspoon peanuts, roasted and crushed 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
few coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 1 green chilli, de-seeded and chopped
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt, 1 teaspoon sugar_
whisked 1 teaspoon cumin seed, roasted and ground
1 teaspoon chilli powder 14 teaspoon dried mint
1 teaspoon sugar salt
1 green chilli, de-seeded and chopped
salt Rinse the raisins in a bowl of water, then drain.

Soak the shredded cabbage in a bowl of warm salted Cook the grated bottle gourd in a pan of boiling
water for about 30 minutes, then drain in a colander water for about 5 minutes, or until soft. Drain and
for about 30 minutes. pat dry with kitchen paper (paper towels), then grate
again and squeeze it lightly to remove excess water.
Put the cabbage in a bowl with the yoghurt and all
the other ingredients then season with salt and mix Put the yoghurt in a large bowl, add the grated
well. Chill for 30 minutes before serving. bottle gourd, raisins and the rest of the ingredients.
Mix together and chill for 1 hour before serving.

® p.48

Ankur ka Raita
Mung Bean Sprout Raita Annanas ka Raita
Pineapple Raita
Origin Coastal
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus chilling time Origin Punjab/Delhi
Makes 750ml / 114 pints (314 cups) Preparation time 20 minutes, plus chilling time
Makes 625ml / 21 fl oz (214 cups)
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
115g / 4oz (1 cup) mung bean sprouts 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 green chilli, de-seeded and chopped 3 slices canned pineapple, cut into small pieces
1 teaspoon sugar 14 teaspoon black peppercorns, crushed
1 onion, chopped 1 teaspoon roasted cumin seeds
14 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon cumin seeds, roasted salt
Put the yoghurt in a bowl and mix with the
few coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped, to garnish
pineapple pieces. Add all the spices and sugar, then
season with salt and mix well. Chill for 30 minutes
Whisk the yoghurt in a large bowl. Add the sprouts before serving.
and all the other ingredients, then season with salt
and mix well. Garnish with coriander leaves. Chill
for 30 minutes before serving.


Arabi ka Raita Chane aur Aloo ka Raita
Colocasia (Taro Root) Raita Potato, Yoghurt & Chickpea
(Garbanzo Bean) Raita
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 25 minutes Origin Awadh
Makes 1 litre / 1% pints (4 cups) Preparation time 2V2-3 hours, plus soaking
and chilling time
6 colocasias (taro roots), boiled and peeled Cooking time 11/2-21/2 hours
125ml / 4V2fl oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil Makes 1 litre / 1% pints (4 cups)
500ml / 18fl oz (2% cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
200g / 7oz (1 cup) dried chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
y2 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon cumin seeds, roasted 500ml / 18fl oz {2'A cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
1 teaspoon cumin seeds, roasted and ground_
few coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish
1 teaspoon coriander seeds, roasted and crushed
Press the colocasia between the palms of your 2 dried red chillies, roasted and crushed_
hands. 1 boiled potato, cut into cubes
1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
Heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based
1 teaspoon sugar_
pan over medium heat, add each colocasia to the
hot oil and fry for 2 minutes on both sides until salt
it is crisp and golden. Remove from the pan
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper Soak the chickpeas in a large bowl of water
(paper towels). overnight.

Put the yoghurt in a large bowl and add all the spices, The next day, drain the chickpeas and cook them in
then season with salt. Add the fried colocasia and a pan of boiling water for about 1/2-2 hours, or until
mix together. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve. soft. Drain.

Put the yoghurt in a large bowl, add the potatoes

and chickpeas together with all the other ingredients
and stir. Chill for 30 minutes before serving.


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Snacks are wildly popular in
India, where city streets are
lined with kiosks selling kebabs,
stuffed breads, crispy fritters,
bhajis and samosas. These light
meals range in flavour from
delicately spiced to aromatic
and full bodied, and can have
a soft or crisp texture. Often
eaten alone, they can also be an
integral part of a larger meal and
no Indian banquet is complete
without a number of them to
accompany the main dishes.

Snacks and Appetizers

TP Cook the potatoes in a third pan of boiling water
for about 20 minutes, or until soft, then drain and
allow to cool. When the potatoes are cool, peel off
Subz Seekh their skins, return to the pan and mash.
Vegetarian Seekh Kebabs
Meanwhile, cook the peas in a separate pan of
Origin Awadh boiling water for about 5—7 minutes, or until soft,
Preparation time 1 hour 15 minutes, plus then drain, return to the pan and mash.
cooling time
Cooking time 5-7 minutes Prepare a tandoor for a moderate heat, or alternatively
Serves 4 preheat the grill (broiler) to medium, if using. Heat
the oil in a pan, add all the vegetables and stir-fry
over medium heat until the moisture has completely
150g / 5oz (1 cup) peeled and grated yam_
evaporated. Remove and spread the vegetables on
75g / 2I/2OZ (V!3 cup) cauliflower a flat surface or board to cool immediately.
3 medium-sized potatoes, unpeeled
75g / 2I/2OZ (Vfe cup) peas, shelled if fresh When the vegetables are cool, put them in a
31/2 tablespoons vegetable oil large bowl with the paneer, coriander, ginger,
chillies, ground pomegranate seeds, almonds and
10Og / 3y20z C/2 cup) snake gourd or courgette
dried plums. Season with salt. Add all the masala
(zucchini), grated
ingredients, mix well, then mash with a potato
75g / 2Vzoz (% cup) grated carrots masher. Divide the mixture into 12 equal portions
200g / 7oz Paneer (see page 59), grated and roll into balls.
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled Using damp hands, spread the balls along the length
of metal skewers, flattening the mixture into
and finely chopped
a sausage shape until the kebabs are 10cm / 4 inches
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped long and leaving 5cm / 2 inches between each one.
1 teaspoon ground dried pomegranate seeds You can make 2 kebabs on one long skewer.
24 almonds, flaked (slivered)
24 dried plums, chopped Roast the kebabs in a moderately hot tandoor or
under the hot grill for about 2—3 minutes, or until
golden brown. Turn the kebabs gently during
Mint Chutney, (see page 66), to serve cooking so they colour evenly. Remove the kebabs
from the skewers and serve with Mint Chutney.
For the subz seekh masala
5 teaspoons amchoor_
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground coriander
Vz teaspoon ground green cardamom
1/2 teaspoon ground mace
Vz teaspoon black rock salt

Cook the yam in a pan of boiling water for about

10 minutes, or until soft. Cook the cauliflower in
another pan of boiling water for 5 minutes, or until
just tender. Drain and grate.


Put all the ingredients for the masala for sprinkling
in a bowl and mix together.

Subz ke Kakori Put the mashed colocasia, paneer, khoya, mint,

Vegetarian Skewers ginger, chillies, ground pomegranate seeds, almonds,
plums, ground fenugreek and salt to taste, add three-
quarters of the masala, mix well, then mash with
Origin Awadh
a potato masher. Divide the mixture into \z equal
Preparation time 1 Vz hours
portions and roll into balls. Using damp hands,
Cooking time 3-4 minutes
spread the balls along the length of 4 metal skewers,
Serves 4
flattening the mixture into a sausage shape until the
kebabs are 10cm / 4 inches long. You could make
500g / 1 lb 2oz colocasia (taro root),_
2 kebabs along one skewer if the skewers are long.
about 5cm / 2 inches long
200g / 7oz Paneer (see page 59), grated Roast in a moderately hot tandoor or under the hot
120g / 4oz Khoya (see page 58), grated grill for 3-4 minutes, or until golden. Remove gently
or 120g / 4oz (3A cup) milk powder (dry milk) from the skewers, arrange on a platter and sprinkle
2 tablespoons mint leaves, chopped
over the remaining masala.

1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled

and grated m
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped

1 teaspoon ground dried pomegranate seeds

20-22 almonds, flaked (slivered)
Jaipuri Subz Seekh
Rajasthani Vegetarian Skewers
15 dried plums, chopped
generous pinch of ground dried fenugreek leaves
Origin Rajasthan
Preparation time 1 Vz hours, plus cooling time
Cooking time 3-4 minutes
For the aromatic potli Serves 4
8 cloves_
500g / 1 lb 2oz colocasia (taro root)_
4 green cardamom pods
2 black cardamom pods 1 teaspoon ground dried pomegranate seeds
% nutmeg 150g / 5oz Paneer (see page 59), grated
125g / 4V40Z Khoya (see page 58), grated
For the masala for sprinkling or 125g / 4V40z (% cup) milk powder (dry milk)
5 teaspoons amchoor generous pinch of ground dried fenugreek leaves,
1 teaspoon ground black pepper crushed
1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
Vz teaspoon ground green cardamom and chopped
Vz teaspoon ground mace 2 tablespoons mint leaves
Vz teaspoon ground black rock salt 2 teaspoons chopped green chilli
Prepare a tandoor for moderate heat, or
alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to medium.
For the aromatic potli
Put all the ingredients for the aromatic potli in
8 cloves_
a piece of muslin (cheesecloth) and tie together
with kitchen string (twine) to make a pouch. Bring
a pan of water to the boil, add the potli together
2 black cardamom pods
4 green cardamom pods
with the colocasia and boil until the colocasia is soft. Va nutmeg
Drain, discarding the potli, then peel off the skin,
return to the pan and mash until smooth.


For the masala
5 teaspoons amchoor
Vi teaspoon ground green cardamom
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
Lauki ki Seekh
Skewered Pumpkin
14 teaspoon ground mace
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon black rock salt
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 30-40 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 8-10 minutes
Put all the ingredients for the aromatic potli in Serves 4
a piece of muslin (cheesecloth) and tie together with
kitchen string (twine) to make a pouch. Bring a pan
300g / 11 oz (2% cups) peeled and grated pumpkin
of water to the boil, then carefully add the colocasia
pieces and the potli and boil until the colocasia is 300g / 11 oz Paneer (see page 59), grated
soft. Drain, discarding the potli, and allow to cool. 3 tablespoons chopped onion
Once the colocasia is cool, peel off the skin, return
to the pan and mash until smooth.
1 x 1 -cm / 1/2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and chopped
4 tablespoons chopped carrot
Put the mashed colocasia, pomegranate seeds,
paneer, khoya, fenugreek, ginger, mint and chillies
1 tablespoon chopped green chilli
in a large bowl. Season with salt and add all the 20g / %oz (V2 cup) chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
ingredients for the masala, mix well and mash with pinch of ground allspice
a potato masher. Divide the mixture into 12 equal pinch of ground ground cardamom and mace
portions and roll into balls. 30g / l^oz green chilli paste

Heat a charcoal grill or preheat a grill (broiler) to

1-2 tablespoons fresh breadcrumbs, for binding

medium. Using damp hands, spread the balls along ground white pepper
the length of metal skewers, flattening the mixture salt
into a sausage shape until the kebabs are 10cm /
4 inches long. You can make 2 kebabs along the Parboil the grated pumpkin with a pinch of salt in
length of a long skewer. a pan of boiling water for about 5 minutes, or until
soft. Drain, then put the pumpkin into a bowl of
Roast the kebabs over the charcoal grill or under cold water to cool.
the grill for 3-4 minutes, or until golden.
Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler)
to medium. When cold, put the pumpkin into a clean
towel and squeeze to remove any excess water.
Transfer to a clean bowl, and add the paneer, onion,
ginger, carrot, chilli, and coriander and mix well.
Season with salt and white pepper, then add the
ground spices, green chilli paste and breadcrumbs
and mix thoroughly until the mixture binds together.
Divide the mixture into 16 equal portions.

Using damp hands, mould some of the mixture into

a sausage shape along the length of metal skewers.
Roast in a moderately hot tandoor, over a charcoal
grill or under the hot grill for 8-10 minutes.


00 0 #0

Hariali Paneer Tikka Paneer Tikka Kali Mirch

Green Paneer Skewers Peppery Paneer Skewers

Origin Punjab Origin Punjab

Preparation time 30-35 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30-35 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1kg / 2141b Paneer (see page 59), cut into 1 kg / 2141b Paneer (see page 59), cut into
medium-sized pieces medium-sized pieces_
small onion wedges or cubes, or potato
For the marinade or pepper (bell pepper) slices (optional)
375ml / 13fl oz (V/2 cups) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
(see page 793) For the marinade
2 tablespoons double (heavy) cream 4 tablespoons double (heavy) cream_
4 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 62) 5 teaspoons Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon coriander (cilantro) leaves 2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons red chilli paste 2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
11/2 teaspoons green chilli paste 3 tablespoons black peppercorns, crushed
90g / 314oz 0/3 cup) Mint Chutney (see page 66) 2 lemon rinds
2V2 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour, roasted 50g / 1%oz O/3 cup) plain (all-purpose) flour, roasted
3 tablespoons mustard oil 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
black rock salt salt

To prepare the marinade, put the yoghurt, cream, Make a deep criss-cross in each paneer cube without
garlic paste, coriander leaves, red and green chilli going right through the cheese.
pastes, chutney, roasted gram flour and oil in a large
bowl. Season with salt and mix together. To prepare the marinade, put the cream, boiled
onion paste, ginger and garlic pastes, crushed
Coat the paneer with the marinade and set aside pepper, lemon rinds, flour and oil in a large bowl.
for about 2 hours. Season with salt and mix together.

Prepare a charcoal grill, or alternatively preheat the Coat the paneer pieces with this marinade, making
oven to i8o°C/35o‘F/Gas Mark 4. Take a metal skewer sure that some of the marinade goes into the slits.
and thread the marinated paneer cubes through it, Set aside for about 2 hours.
leaving a 2.5-cm / i-inch gap between each cube.
Prepare a charcoal grill, or alternatively preheat the
Roast over a charcoal grill or in the preheated oven oven to i8o°C/35o‘F/Gas Mark 4. Take a metal skewer
for 10—15 minutes. and thread the marinated paneer pieces through it,
leaving a 2.5-cm / i-inch gap between each portion.
If you like, you may use a small onion, potato or
a slice of pepper (bell pepper) in between the paneer
cubes to prevent them from slipping off the skewer.

Roast over a charcoal grill or in the preheated oven

for 10—15 minutes.


^ Ate,
^ ^ ^

Achari Paneer Tikka Bhutta Seekh Kebab

Grilled (Broiled) Paneer in Pickling Spices Corn Kebabs on Skewers

Origin Punjab Origin Punjab

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling and Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time
marinating time Cooking time 10 minutes
Cooking time 10-12 minutes Serves 4
Serves 2
700g /1 lb 8y2oz (11 cups) fresh sweetcorn (corn)
4 tablespoons mustard oil_ kernels or canned kernels
few fenugreek seeds
y2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 tablespoon ground turmeric, plus a pinch
250g / 9oz (1 cup) cottage cheese, drained
Va teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 tablespoon green chilli, de-seeded and chopped
y2 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
850g / 1%lb Paneer (see page 59), cut into cubes y2 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
300ml / y2 pint (1 Vz cups) hung natural (plain) yoghurt 3 tablespoons finely chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
(see page 793)
iy2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon finely grated ginger
1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder
1 y2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon yellow chilli powder
1 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31)

1 teaspoon ground turmeric

1 teaspoon Chaat Masala (see page 31)
1 teaspoon Tandoori Masala (see page 51)
10Og / 3y2oz (y2 cup) Mango Pickle with Jaggery
(see page 77)
1 tablespoon melted butter
about 1-2 tablespoons breadcrumbs, for binding
salt salt

Heat the mustard oil in a pan, add the fenugreek Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
seeds and stir-fry for i minute, or until they start heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
to crackle. Add the mustard seeds, kalonji and medium. If using fresh sweetcorn, cook the kernels
fennel seeds and stir-fry for a further 2 minutes. with the pinch of turmeric in a pan of boiling water
Remove from the heat and set aside to cool. or about 5 minutes, or until tender. Drain and set
aside to cool.
Whisk the hung yoghurt in a bowl, then add the
ginger and garlic pastes, cooled mustard seed Put the cheese, 6oog / ilb 50Z (3% cups) cooked or
mixture, chilli powder, turmeric and mango pickle. canned sweetcorn, the chilli, ginger and garlic
Season with salt and mix well. Add the paneer cubes pastes, the spices, melted butter and enough
to the mixture and mix until the paneer is coated. breadcrumbs to bind the mixture together. Season
Allow to marinate in the refrigerator for 2—3 hours. with salt and mix well with your hands. Divide the
mixture into 16 equal portions and roll into balls.
Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) Using damp hands, spread the balls along the length
to medium. Thread the marinated paneer on to of metal skewers, flattening the mixture into
several metal skewers leaving a 2.5-cm / i-inch gap a sausage shape until the kebabs are 10cm / 4 inches
between each them. Roast in a moderately hot long, and leaving 5cm / 2 inches between each one.
tandoor, over a charcoal grill or under the hot grill You can make 2 kebabs on one long skewer. Put the
for 6—8 minutes, or until the paneer is cooked. remaining corn on top of the kebabs and roast in
a moderately hot tandoor, over a charcoal grill or
under the hot grill for 10 minutes.


Using damp hands, spread the balls along the length
of metal skewers, flattening the mixture into
a sausage shape until the kebabs are 10cm / 4 inches
Nargisi Seekh Kebab long and leaving 5cm / 2 inches between each one.
Vegetable & Egg Skewers You can make 2 kebabs on one long skewer. Roast in
a moderately hot tandoor, over a charcoal grill
(broiler) or under the hot grill for 6—8 minutes.
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4

300g / 11 oz (3 medium) potatoes, unpeeled_

Khumb Shabnam
15g / I/20Z mint leaves
Button (White) Mushrooms
15g / y2oz curry leaves
in Yoghurt Sauce
300 g (11 oz) Paneer (see page 59), grated
1 egg_ Origin Awadh
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time
2 tablespoons chopped onion Cooking time 10 minutes
2 tablespoons chopped tomato Serves 4
2 tablespoons chopped red (bell) pepper
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt_
20g / %oz (1/2 cup) chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 teaspoon ground cumin
60g / 2oz (I/3 cup) chopped carrot
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
2y2 tablespoons chopped garlic
1 teaspoon Kashmiri chilli powder
2 tablespoons chopped green chilli
pinch of ground turmeric
60g / 2oz (y3 cup) sesame seeds
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 tablespoon ground white pepper
200g / 7oz (3 cups) button (white) mushrooms, sliced
14 teaspoon ground cardamom
2 green chillies, slit lengthways
14 teaspoon mace powder
1 tablespoon Chaat Masala (see page 31)
about 1-2 tablespoons breadcrumbs, for binding
Beat the yoghurt with the ground spices in a bowl
salt and set aside.

Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan (skillet), add
about 15 minutes, or until cooked but still firm. Drain the mushrooms and stir-fry over a low heat for
and allow to cool. When cool, peel off the skins and about 10 minutes, or until cooked. Remove from the
grate the flesh. Set aside. heat and allow to cool.

Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate When the mushrooms are cool, pour in the spiced
heat, or alternatively heat the grill (broiler). Put the beaten yoghurt and mix well. Season with salt and
mint and curry leaves in a small dry frying pan then garnish with the chillies.
(skillet) and fry for about 1 minute, or until fragrant.
Remove from the heat and set aside.

Mix the grated potatoes, paneer, egg, garlic paste,

onion, tomatoes, red pepper, coriander, carrot,
garlic, chilli, fried mint and curry leaves and sesame
seeds together in a large bowl. Season with salt, then
mix in the white pepper, cardamom, mace, chaat
masala and enough breadcrumbs to bind the mixture
together. Divide the mixture into 16 equal portions
and roll into balls.


#0/00 p.113

Tandoori Achari Khumb Pakoras

Grilled Mushrooms in Pickling Spices Deep-fried Vegetable Fritters

Origin Punjab Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating time Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 3-4

32 large fresh mushrooms, stems removed 250g / 9oz (1% cups) gram (chickpea) flour
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt y2 teaspoon baking powder_
(see page 793) I/2 teaspoon chilli powder
10Og / 3V20Z achari paste 1 teaspoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
5 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 green chilli, de-seeded and chopped
5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) pinch of ground turmeric
V2 teaspoon mustard powder 1 onion, chopped or sliced
2 teaspoons kalonji (nigella) seeds vegetable oil, for deep-frying
3 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour, roasted salt
150ml /14 pint (% cup) mustard oil
Put the flour, baking powder, chilli powder, coriander,
1 egg__
chilli, turmeric and onion in a large bowl.
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
Season with salt and mix together with enough water
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) to make a thick batter.
2 teaspoons red chilli paste
salt Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
heavy-based pan to i8o'C/350°F, or until a cube of
Parboil the mushrooms in a pan of boiling water for bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
about 3-5 minutes, then drain and put into a bowl of drop spoonfuls of the batter into the hot oil
cold water. Drain again and squeeze out any excess and deep-fry for 3-4 minutes, or until golden brown.
water from the mushrooms. Set aside. Remove from the heat with a slotted spoon and
drain on crumpled up kitchen paper (paper towels).
Put the hung yoghurt, achari paste, ginger and Serve plain.
garlic pastes, mustard powder, kalonji seeds, roasted
gram flour, mustard oil, egg, turmeric, garam masala
and red chilli paste into a large bowl, then season
with salt and mix well. Add the mushrooms to the
marinade and set aside for about 2 hours.

Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate

heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
medium. Thread the mushrooms one by one onto
several metal skewers and drizzle over the remaining
marinade. Roast in a tandoor at a moderate
temperature, over a charcoal grill or under the hot
grill for 4 minutes.


Mangupullu Onion Bhajiya
Crispy Deep-fried Savoury Rings Onion Bhaji

Origin Andhra Pradesh/Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 10 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 12 Serves 10

IQOg / 3y20z (Vz cup) moong dai, rinsed and dried 150g / 5oz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour_
200g / 7oz (1 cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained Vz teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
75g / 2Vfeoz {Vz cup) gram (chickpea) flour 2 teaspoons ajwain seeds
1 teaspoon sesame seeds 1kg / 2141b (6 large) onions, cut into thin rings
1 teaspoon cumin seeds vegetable oil, for deep-frying
1 tablespoon ghee salt
vegetable oil, for frying
salt Put the gram flour in a large bowl and stir in enough
water to make a thick batter. Add the bicarbonate of
Put the moong dal and rice into a blender or food soda and ajwain seeds and season with salt. Add the
processor and process until finely ground. Transfer onion rings and mix well to coat the onions in the
to a bowl and add the gram flour, sesame and cumin batter.
seeds and ghee. Season with salt and mix, gradually
adding enough water to make a smooth, stiff paste. Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
Put the paste into a murukulu shaper or piping heavy-based pan to i8o"C/35o’F, or until a cube of
(pastry) bag. bread browns in 30 seconds. Using a ladle, very
carefully drop spoonfuls of the coated onion into the
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep, hot oil and deep-fry for about 3—4 minutes, or until
heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o’F, or until a cube of golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain
bread browns in 30 seconds, Working in batches, on kitchen paper (paper towels). Keep the fritters
hold a murukulu shaper or pastry bag over the hot warm, while making the others in the same way.
oil and carefully squeeze out the paste, making
circles, each one in several rings around a central
one and deep-fry for about 2-3 minutes, or until
crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on
kitchen paper (paper towels). Allow to cool. Store
in an airtight jar or container.


0/GB p.115

Vengayya Vengayya Pa kora

Onion Fritters Onion Pakoras

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

150g / 5oz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour 150g / 5oz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour_
1 teaspoon rice flour 2 tablespoons rice flour_
1 teaspoon ajwain seeds 175ml / 6fl oz (3A cup) vegetable oil_
3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 3 medium-sized onions, finely chopped_
few coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 1V2 teaspoons chilli powder
vegetable oil, for deep-frying 2 tablespoons finely chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
3 onions, sliced salt_
salt vegetable oil, for deep-frying

Put the flours, ajwain, chillies and coriander Combine the flours, oil, onions, chilli powder and
in a large bowl. Season with salt and mix, adding coriander together in a bowl. Season with salt and
enough water to make a thick batter. mix in 1 teaspoon water to make a stiff batter.

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in kadhai or deep, Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or a deep
heavy-based pan to 180C/350T, or until a cube of frying pan (skillet) to i8o°C/35o°F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the
dip each onion slice in the batter and then carefully heat slightly. Working in batches, drop spoonfuls
drop into the hot oil and deep-fry for about 2 minutes, of the batter into the hot oil and deep-fry, turning
or until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon frequently for about 2—3 minutes, or until golden
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). and crisp. Remove the pakoras with a slotted spoon
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).



Milgai Bhajiya Kalmi Bare

Andhra Chilli Fritters Chana Dal Fritters

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Delhi

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 6-8

12 medium-sized chillies 200g / 7oz (1 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
vegetable oil, for deep-frying 200g / 7oz (1 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained
2 teaspoons coriander seeds
For the filling 1 teaspoon black peppercorns
4 medium-sized onions, chopped 1-2 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
2 dried red chillies vegetable oil or ghee, for deep-frying
y2 teaspoon asafoetida green chutney, such as Mint Chutney (see page 66),
1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) to serve
For sprinkling
For the batter 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
150g / 5oz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour 1 teaspoon Chaat Masala (see page 31)
2 tablespoons rice flour salt
pinch of salt
Soak the lentils in a large bowl of water overnight.
Slit the chillies to be stuffed lengthways down one
side only, making sure they are still joined at the stem. The next day, put the coriander seeds in a mortar
and coarsely pound with a pestle. Set aside.
Put all the ingredients for the filling into a blender
or food processor, add i tablespoon water and Drain the lentils, then transfer them to a blender or
process to make a thick smooth paste. Stuff the food processor and processor to make a fine paste.
chillies with the filling and set aside. Put the paste in a large bowl and add the
peppercorns, chillies, coriander seeds and chopped
To make the batter, whisk the flours with 250ml / coriander and beat together thoroughly until light
8fl oz (1 cup) water together in a bowl until thick. and fluffy.

Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep Heat enough oil or ghee for deep-frying in a kadhai
frying pan (skillet) to i8o“C/35o’F, or until a cube of or deep, heavy-based pan to i8o‘C/35o"F, or until
bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat. a piece of bread browns in 30 seconds. Working
Working in batches, dip the stuffed chillies in the in batches, drop large tablespoonfuls of the paste
batter and carefully lower into the hot oil and deep- carefully into the hot oil and deep-fry, turning
fry, turning frequently, for about 4 minutes, or until frequently, for about 5 minutes, or until light golden
golden brown and crisp. Remove with a slotted colour. Remove the fritters with a slotted spoon and
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). Allow to cool.
Set the oil or ghee aside.

When ready to serve, cut each fritter into slices.

Reheat the oil or ghee in the kadhai or pan to 180'C/
350 F, or until a piece of bread browns in 30 seconds
and re-fry the slices for about 2 minutes, or until
crisp. Sprinkle the garam masala and chaat masala
over, season with salt and serve with a green chutney.


Pesaru Punukulu Kathirakkai
Green Lentil Fritters Aubergine (Eggplant) Fritters

Origin Andhra Pradesh Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 15-20 minutes, ptus soaking time Preparation time 15-20 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 4

200g / 7oz (1 cup) sabut moong, rinsed and drained 4 long aubgerines (eggplants)_
40g / 1V20Z (14 cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained 150g / 5oz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour
4 green chillies, de-seeded and coarsely chopped 1 teaspoon rice flour_
2 medium-sized onions, chopped pinch of asafoetida
2 tablespoons coriander (cilantro) leaves, roughly 1 teaspoon ajwain seeds
chopped 1 teaspoon coarsely ground chilli powder
1 sprig curry leaves, roughly chopped vegetable oil, for deep-frying
vegetable oil, for deep-frying salt _
salt Tamarind & Coriander Chutney (see page 65),
to serve
Soak the sabut moong and rice in a large bowl of
water for 2-3 hours. Drain, rinse and drain again. Cut the aubgerine into vertical thin slices.

Transfer the lentils and rice to a blender or food Put the flours and spices in a bowl. Season with salt
processor, add the chillies and 2—3 tablespoons and mix in enough water to make a thick batter of
water and process to a thick coarse batter. Stir in pouring consistency.
the onions, coriander leaves and curry leaves and
season with salt. Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
heavy-based pan to i8o"C/350°F, or until a cube
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep of bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
frying pan (skillet) to i8o”C/35o”F, or until a cube dip each aubergine slice in the batter and then
of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the carefully drop into the hot oil and deep-fry for about
heat. Working in batches, carefully drop spoonfuls 2 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove with a
of the batter into the hot oil and deep-fry the fritters, slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper
turning frequently, for about 5 minutes, or until towels). Serve hot with Tamarind S Coriander Chutney.
golden brown and crisp. Remove with a slotted
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).


##/S3 p.116

Molagai Mirchi Vada

Chilli Fritters Batter-fried Green Chillies

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Rajasthan

Preparation time 10 minutes Preparation time 40 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4-5

150g / 5oz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour 500g / 11b 2oz large, plump green chillies_
1 teaspoon ajwain seeds 250g / 9oz (4 small) potatoes, unpeeled
10 green chillies 1 teaspoon amchoor
4 teaspoons amchoor 1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
vegetable oil, for deep-frying pinch of icing (confectioners’) sugar
salt 1 teaspoon ground cumin
75g / 2V20Z (V2 cup) gram (chickpea) flour
Put the flour and ajwain in a bowl. Season with salt
vegetable oil, for deep-frying
and mix in enough water to make a thick batter.
Slit the chillies lengthways down one side and fill
Make a deep slit in one side of the chillies and
with a little amchoor and salt. Heat enough oil for
de-seed. Put the chillies in a large bowl and pour in
deep-frying in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan
500ml / i8fl oz (z'U cups) water and add a little salt.
to i8o“C/350°F, or until a cube of bread browns in
Set aside.
30 seconds. Working in batches, dip each chilli into
the batter and then carefully drop into the hot oil
Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for about
and deep-fry for about 2—3 minutes, or until golden
20 minutes, or until soft, then drain and allow
brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on
to cool. When the potatoes are cool, peel off their
kitchen paper (paper towels).
skins, return to the pan and mash. Season with salt
to taste, then add the amchoor, chopped coriander,
sugar and ground cumin and mix to combine. Fill the
chillies with the mixture.

Put the flour in a bowl and whisk in enough water to

make a smooth batter.

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,

heavy-based pan to i8o"C/35o'F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, dip
the chillies in the batter and deep-fry until light
brown and crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).


0/OBp.114 0/OB p.117

Beguni Pata Bhaja

Batter-fried Aubergine (Eggplant) Batter-fried Spinach

Origin West Bengal Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 10-15 minutes Preparation time 5 minutes
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 6

300g / 101/goz (2 cups) gram (chickpea) flour 3 tablespoons plain (all-purpose) flour
1 teaspoon chilli powder salt
1 teaspoon ground cumin 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil
pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) 12 large single spinach leaves
vegetable oil, for deep-frying
2 medium aubergines (eggplants), thinly sliced Put the flour, salt and a few drops of mustard
oil in a bowl and mix in just enough water to form
a thin batter.
Heat the remaining mustard oil in a kadhai or wok
To serve until smoking, then reduce the heat. Dip each
80g / 2%oz (4V2 cups) puffed rice spinach leaf in the batter and fry individually until
crisp and golden. Remove with a slotted spoon and
Vz fresh coconut, sliced
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
To make the batter, put the flour in a bowl and add
enough water to make a thick batter. Add the chilli
powder, cumin, bicarbonate of soda and salt to taste
and mix well.

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,

Poongobi Pakora
heavy-based pan to i8o"C/35o”F, or until a cube of Cauliflower Fritters
bread browns in 30 seconds. Dip the aubergines
in the batter and lower carefully into the hot oil. Origin Tamil Nadu
Deep-fry for about 2 minutes, or until golden and Preparation time 10 minutes
crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on Cooking time 10 minutes
kitchen paper (paper towels). Serve with puffed rice Serves 4
and sliced coconut.
150g / 5oz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour
1 teaspoon rice flour
1 teaspoon ajwain seeds
1 teaspoon coarsely ground chilli powder
200g / 7oz (2 cups) cauliflower florets
vegetable oil, for deep-frying

Put the flours, ajwain and chilli powder in a bowl.

Season with salt and mix in enough water to make
a thick batter or pouring consistency.

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,

heavy-based pan to i8o‘C/35o’F, or until a cube of bread
browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, dip each
cauliflower floret into the batter and then carefully
drop into the hot oil and deep-fry for about 2 minutes,
or until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).


m *7jr» /7]v'

Methi Pakora Mundhiri Parappu Pakora

Fenugreek Fritters Cashew Nut Fritters

Origin Awadh Origin Andhra Pradesh/Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 20-25 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 3-4 Serves 4-6

150g / 5oz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour 14 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
1 teaspoon crushed peanuts 2 tablespoons ghee
1 small onion, chopped 75g / 2%oz 0/2 cup) gram (chickpea) flour
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 4 tablespoons rice flour
V2 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 green chilli, de-seeded and chopped 1 green chilli, de-seeded and finely chopped
1 bunch fenugreek leaves, chopped 1 x 1 -cm / 1/2-inch piece ginger, peeled and grated
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil 1 sprig curry leaves
salt 1-2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
150g / 5oz (114 cups) cashew nuts, chopped
Put the gram flour, peanuts, chopped onion, garam
vegetable oil, for deep-frying
masala, chilli powder and chopped chilli in a bowl
and mix together. Add enough water to make a
batter. Now, stir in the fenugreek leaves.
Put the bicarbonate of soda and ghee in a bowl
and whisk together until frothy. Mix in the flours,
Heat the oil in a kadhai or deep frying pan (skillet)
chilli powder, chilli, ginger, curry leaves and
to i8o°C/35o"F, or until a cube of bread browns in
coriander. Season with salt. Gradually stir in
30 seconds. Working in batches, carefully drop
4 tablespoons water to make a very thick batter.
spoonfuls of the batter into the hot oil and deep-fry
Stir in the cashew nuts.
for 3—4 minutes, or until golden brown all over.
Remove from the pan and drain kitchen paper
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep
(paper towels). Make the others in the same way.
frying pan (skillet) to i8o'C/350°F, or until a cube
of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat
slightly. Working in batches, carefully drop
spoonfuls of the batter into the hot oil and deep-fry,
turning frequently, for 2—3 minutes, or until
the pakoras are golden brown and crisp. Remove
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
(paper towels).


Cheese ke Bhajiya Vaarzhaikkai
Cheese Fritters Banana Fritters

Origin Fusion Origin Kerala

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

3V2 tablespoons self-raising flour, sifted 3 raw bananas_

85g / 3oz (% cup) Cheddar cheese, grated 150g / 5oz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 1 teaspoon rice flour
2 eggs, beaten pinch of asafoetida
6 tablespoons milk 1 teaspoon ajwain seeds
1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon coarsely ground chilli powder
vegetable oil, for frying few curry leaves, chopped
salt vegetable oil, for deep-frying
ground black pepper salt
ketchup, to serve Tamarind & Coriander Chutney (see page 65), to serve

Put the flour, grated cheese, garam masala, eggs and Peel the bananas and cut into vertical thin slices.
milk into a large bowl, season with salt and pepper
and stir to make a smooth paste. Add the baking Put the flours, spices and curry leaves in a bowl.
powder and stir well, then set aside for about half Season with salt and mix in enough water to make
an hour. a thick batter of pouring consistency.

Heat a little oil in a wok or deep, heavy-based frying Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
pan (skillet) and carefully add spoonfuls of the heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o'F, or until a cube of
batter, about 6 at a time, to the hot oil. Cook until bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, dip
golden brown, then turn the fritters over and each banana slice in the batter and then carefully
cook the other side until golden. Remove them drop into the hot oil and deep-fry for 3—4 minutes,
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper or until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon
(paper towels). Serve hot with ketchup. and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). Serve hot
with Tamarind 8 Coriander Chutney.


#/fia p.ii8 0

Poha Pulao Kaikari Masala Vada

Pressed Rice with Vegetables Mixed Vegetable Patties

Origin Maharashtra Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 25-35 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Makes 12-14

10Og / 3Vfeoz (V2 cup) pressed rice_ IQOg / 3y2oz (V2 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
lOOg / 31/20Z (% cup) peas, shelled if fresh 4 tablespoons urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 tablespoon vegetable oil, plus extra for stir-frying 2 tablespoons plain (all-purpose) flour
y2 teaspoon mustard seeds 25g /1 oz (14 cup) finely chopped cabbage
14 teaspoon ground turmeric lOOg / 3y2oz (% cup) chopped carrot
I/2 teaspoon chilli powder 2 medium-sized onions, finely chopped
y2 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 1 x 5-mm / 14-inch piece fresh ginger
150g / 5oz (1 y2 cup) cauliflower, cut into florets 4 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
1 medium-sized potato, cut into small pieces 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
10Og / 3y2oz French (green) beans, sliced 1 sprig curry leaves
2 carrots, diced 1 y2 teaspoons dry-roasted chana dal
2 medium-sized tomatoes, cut into quarters vegetable oil, for deep-frying
50g / 1%oz Paneer (see page 59), cut into small pieces salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice Soak the lentils in a large bowl of water for 1 hour.
2-3 green chillies, de-seeded
Drain the lentils well and transfer to a blender or
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled food processor. Process, gradually adding about
and grated 2 tablespoons water, until thick. Transfer the batter
salt to a clean bowl and mix in the flour, vegetables,
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped, ginger, chillies, coriander, curry leaves and roasted
chana dal. Season with salt.
to garnish

Heat enough vegetable oil for deep-frying in

Soak the pressed rice in a bowl of water for 10
a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan to i8o‘C/35o‘F,
minutes then spread out delicately to dry. Meanwhile,
or until a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds,
cook the peas in a pan of water for 5—7 minutes,
or until soft. Set aside. then reduce the heat slightly so that the vadai will
not brown too quickly. Working in batches, take
a ladleful of the mixture and, using damp hands,
Heat the oil in a large flat pan or frying pan (skillet),
flatten it into a 5cm / 2 inch round patty. Gently
add the mustard seeds and ground spices and stir-fry
for 1 minute. Add the rice, turning lightly with a flat lower the patty into the hot oil and deep-fry, turning
spatula. Cover, reduce the heat to very low and leave carefully, for about 2-3 minutes, or until golden
for 1 minute, then remove from the heat. brown and crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain and on kitchen paper (paper towels). Repeat
until all the mixture is used up.
Heat a little more oil in another frying pan, add the
cauliflower and stir-fry until browned, then add the
potatoes, French beans, peas and carrots and stir-fry
for about 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook
until the tomatoes are just scalded. Add the paneer
at the end and cook for a few minutes until it is
heated through. Stir in the sugar, lemon juice,
chillies and ginger, then season with salt. Arrange
the rice and vegetables in layers in a serving dish
and garnish with coriander.


Reheat the ghee, add the cumin and stir-fry over
medium heat until it begins to splutter. Add the
remaining onions and lightly fry for about 5 minutes
Subz ke Shami until they are translucent. Add the ginger and
Vegetarian Patties garlic pastes and stir-fry for another 5 minutes, until
the onions are light golden brown. Stir in the
Origin Awadh amchoor then add the cashew nut paste, chironji
Preparation time 31/2 hours, plus cooling time kernel paste and the remaining spices and mix well.
Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Makes 16 Add the mixture and the fried onions to the
vegetables and mix well. Divide the mixture into
16 equal portions. With damp hands, roll into balls
10Og / 31/2QZ (2 small) potatoes, unpeeled
and then flatten to make 2.5-cm / i-inch thick patties.
10Og / 3]/20z French (green) beans Heat the ghee on a tawa or flat griddle or in a frying
150g / 5oz (2 medium) carrots pan (skillet). Working in batches, shallow-fry the
50g / 1%oz cauliflower, cut in pieces patties over medium heat, for about 3 minutes on
1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil each side, or until they are evenly brown, turning
once. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on
31/2 tablespoons ghee, plus extra for cooking
kitchen paper (paper towels).
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
10Og / 31/20Z (% cup) onions, sliced
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon amchoor
2 tablespoons Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58)
1 tablespoon chironji kernel paste
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon ground coriander
tiny pinch of ground green cardamom

Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for

about 20 minutes, or until soft, then drain and allow
to cool. When the potatoes are cool, peel off their
skins, return to the pan and mash.

Meanwhile, cook the beans in another pan of boiling

water for 5 minutes or until tender, then drain and
set aside. Cook the carrots in a separate pan of
boiling water for about 15 minutes, or until soft.
Drain and cut into dice. Cook the cauliflower in
another pan of boiling water for 5 minutes, or until
just tender. Drain and grate.

Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) and lightly fry

the potato, beans, carrots and cauliflower.

Melt the ghee in a separate pan, add the coriander

seeds and half the onions and lightly fry until
golden brown and crisp. Drain on kitchen paper
(paper towels), then crumble with your hands and
allow to cool.


vj'' vF' Add the reserved asafoetida, the ginger and chillies
and stir-fry for a few seconds, then add the mashed
peas and stir-fry until the mixture becomes dry.
Aloo Tikki Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the
Potato Patties amchoor and black pepper. Adjust the seasoning and
allow to cool. When the mixture is cool, mash with
a potato masher and divide into 12 equal portions.
Origin Punjab/Delhi
Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling time
With damp hands, flatten each potato ball to make
Cooking time 5-10 minutes
round patties. Place a portion of the filling in
Makes 12
the middle, roll into balls again to enclose the
filling and then flatten to make i-cm / /2-inch thick
For the potatoes
round patties.
500g /1 lb 2oz (3 medium) potatoes, unpeeled
3 teaspoons ground cumin Heat the ghee for shallow-frying on a thick tawa or
3 teaspoons ground black pepper flat griddle or in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
3 teaspoons black rock salt heat. Working in batches, add the patties and
shallow-fry, turning once, for about 3—5 minutes
2 teaspoons ajwain seeds
on both sides, or until a thick crust is formed.
3 teaspoons amchoor Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
1 tablespoon yellow chilli powder paper (paper towels). Cook the remaining patties in
2 tablespoons dried mint leaves, ground the same way.
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped
#/OB p.119
ghee, for shallow-frying
Aloo Tikki Awadhi
For the filling Potato & Pea Patties
large pinch of asafoetida or garlic or onion powder
250g / 9oz (1% cups) peas, shelled if fresh Origin Awadh
4 tablespoons ghee Preparation time 45 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 15-20 minutes
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
Makes 12
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and finely chopped
1 kg / 2141b (6-7 medium) potatoes, unpeeled_
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
250g / 9oz (1% cups) peas, shelled if fresh
11/2 teaspoons amchoor
1 tablespoon vegetable oil or ghee, plus extra
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
for shallow-frying
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
For the filling, dissolve the asafoetida in
2 tablespoons water and set aside. 1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and finely chopped
Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for 6-8 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
about 20 minutes, or until soft, then drain and allow 1 teaspoon chilli powder
to cool. When the potatoes are cool, peel off their
1 teaspoon ground coriander
skins, return to the pan and mash.
1 teaspoon Chaat Masala (see page 31)
Cook the peas for the filling in a separate pan of 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
boiling water for about 5-7 minutes, or until soft, 1 tablespoon coriander (cilantro) leaves, finely
then drain, return to the pan and mash. Set aside. chopped, plus extra to garnish
2 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour
Put the mashed potatoes, spices, mint, chillies
and coriander in a bowl and mix well. Divide into
12 equal portions and roll into balls. a Green Mango Chutney (see page 75) or Tamarind
& Coriander Chutney (see page 65), to serve
To make the filling, heat the ghee in a pan, add the
cumin seeds and stir-fry over medium heat until they
begin to splutter.


Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for about vF'

20 minutes, or until soft, then drain and allow to cool.

When the potatoes are cool, peel off their skins,
return to the pan and mash. Cook the peas in another Aloo ke Kebab
pan of boiling water for 5-7 minutes, or until soft. Potato Kebabs
Heat the oil or ghee in a pan, add the cumin seeds
Origin Awadh
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they begin to
Preparation time 35-40 minutes, plus cooling time
splutter, then add the cooked peas, ginger, chillies,
Cooking time 20-30 minutes
and spices, including the chaat masala, and season
Makes 20
with salt. Continue to stir-fry for a further 1 minute.
Add the potatoes, garam masala, chopped coriander
500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 medium) potatoes, unpeeled
and flour and fry for another 1 minute. Remove from
the heat and divide the mixture into 12 equal portions. 1 teaspoon chilli powder
Roll into balls, then with damp hands, flatten them 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, roasted
slightly and shape them into round patties. 1 green chilli, chopped
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Heat enough oil or ghee for shallow-frying on a thick
3 tablespoons grated cheese
tawa or flat griddle or in a frying pan over medium-
high heat. Working in batches, add the patties and 2 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour
shallow-fry for 3—4 minutes, or until golden brown 1 teaspoon baking powder
and crisp on both sides. Remove and set aside while few coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
the remaining patties are cooked. To serve, place the 85g / 3oz (V2 cup) semolina (farina)
patties on serving plates, then spoon the chutneys
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil, for shallow-frying
over the top and garnish with coriander.

Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for

about 20 minutes, or until soft, then drain and allow
to cool. When the potatoes are cool, peel off their
skins, return to the pan and mash.

Blend the potatoes with all the other ingredients

except the semolina. Divide the mixture into 20 equal
portions and roll into balls. With damp hands, flatten
the balls into small burger patty-like shapes.

Spread the semolina out on a flat plate and use to

coat the kebabs evenly on both sides.

Heat the oil for shallow-frying in a suitable pan over

medium-high heat. Add 4-6 kebabs and shallow-fry
for about 2-3 minutes, then gently turn with the spatula
to fry the other side for another 2-3 minutes. Remove
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
(paper towel). Repeat with the rest of the kebabs.


Vjv' vjv' '7F'

Khumb ki Tikki Saboodana Vada

Mushroom Patties Sago Patties

Origin Awadh Origin Coastal

Preparation time 40 minutes Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Makes 8 Makes 12

10Og / 3T£oz (1V6 cups) button (white) mushrooms, 3 tablespoons sago_

chopped 2 potatoes, unpeeled
1 small onion, chopped 150g / 5oz (1 cup) shelled peanuts
100 g / 3T/20Z (% cup) cauliflower florets, chopped 4-5 green chillies, finely chopped
2 tablespoons shelled peanuts vegetable oil, for deep-frying
1 teaspoon yeast extract rock salt
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
150g / 5oz (1V2 cups) dried breadcrumbs, Soak the sago in a large bowl of water for about
1 hour. Drain and set aside.
plus 60g / 2oz (I/2 cup) for coating
5 tablespoons vegetable oil Meanwhile, cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling
salt water for about 20 minutes, or until soft, then drain
and allow to cool. When the potatoes are cool, peel
To serve off their skins, return to the pan and mash.
onion rings
Heat a kadhai or large wok, add the peanuts and
cherry tomatoes
stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until roasted.
Transfer the peanuts to a mortar and pestle and
Cook the mushrooms in a non-stick frying pan
pound until crushed.
(skillet) without any oil. Keep stirring briskly
for about 10 minutes until all the moisture has
Separate the sago so that it is free of any lumps then
evaporated from the mushrooms.
sprinkle over 250ml (8fl oz/i cup) water. Add the
potatoes, chillies, peanuts and salt, and mix well.
Put the onion, vegetables and nuts in a food
processor or blender and process until they bind
Divide the mixture equally into 12 small portions and
together and form a thick mixture. Transfer to
shape into flat patties. If the patties are sticking to
a bowl, season with salt and stir in the yeast extract,
your hands, then you may need to oil your hands
coriander and breadcrumbs. With damp hands,
with a little oil.
roll the mixture into 8 balls and flatten to make
round patties.
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
heavy-based pan to i8o"C/35o‘F, or until a cube
Spread the breadcrumbs out on a plate and roll each
of bread browns in 30 seconds. Carefully lower the
patty in the breadcrumbs until coated.
patties, in batches, into the hot oil and deep-fry
for about 2 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan (skillet) and
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
working in batches, cook the patties for about
(paper towels).
5 minutes, or until crisp and golden brown on both
sides. Remove from the pan and keep warm in a low
oven while you cook the rest. Serve with onion rings
and cherry tomatoes.



Dahi ke Kebab Nadru ke Kebab

Yoghurt Patties Lotus Root Kebabs

Origin Awadh Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 30-35 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Cooking time 20-30 minutes
Makes 16 Makes 25

250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt 1 kg / 2141b lotus roots_
(see page 793), whisked 1 y2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro)
250g / 9oz (2 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour 1 y2 tablespoons chopped green chillies
125g / 414oz (% cup) onion, chopped 2 teaspoons black cumin seeds
1-2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 1 teaspoon ground dried mint
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves Va teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder
and chopped Va teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 6 tablespoons breadcrumbs
1 tablespoon ground dried fenugreek leaves vegetable oil, for shallow-frying
1 tablespoon ground turmeric salt
1 % tablespoons chilli powder
Roast the lotus roots over a coal fire for about
125ml / 4%fl oz (y2 cup) vegetable oil or ghee,
5 minutes, or until large brown specks appear all
for shallow-frying
over, then allow to cool slightly. Alternatively,
salt preheat the grill (broiler) to medium and grill (broil)
the lotus roots. When the lotus roots are cool
Put the whisked yoghurt and flour in a bowl and enough to handle, peel the skin, then chop the roots
mix together, then strain the mixture through a into thin slices, transfer to a blender or food
sieve (strainer) and set aside. processor and process to make a coarse paste.

Put the onions, chillies, coriander, ginger, garam Put the paste in a bowl and add the chopped
masala, fenugreek, turmeric and chilli powder in coriander, chillies and spices and mix well. Season
another bowl and season with salt. Mix together and with salt, add the breadcrumbs and mix well again.
set aside. With damp hands, divide the mixture into 25 small
balls, then flatten each ball into a round patty.
Pour both mixtures into a large pan, stir, and lightly
fry over medium heat ensuring that it does not stick Heat enough oil for shallow-frying in a kadhai or
to the base (bottom) of the pan for 5—10 minutes, or deep frying pan (skillet) over medium-high heat.
until thick. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Working in batches, add the patties to the hot oil
and shallow-fry for about 3—4 minutes, or until light
When the mixture is cool, divide into 16 equal brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on
portions. With damp hands, roll into balls and kitchen paper (paper towels).
flatten into patties.

Heat the oil for shallow-frying in a deep, heavy-

based pan over medium-high heat. Working in batches,
shallow-fry the patties for about 3-4 minutes, or
until they are golden brown and crispy. Remove with
a slotted spoon and set aside while you cook the
remaining patties.



Avasara Vada Arabi ke Kebab

Coconut & Gram (Chickpea) Colacasia (Taro Root) Kebabs
Flour Patties
Origin Awadh
Origin Tamil Nadu Preparation time 40 minutes, plus cooling time
Preparation time 15 minutes Cooking time 25 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Makes 8
Makes 20-25
225g / 8oz colacasia (taro root), unpeeled
150g / 5oz (1 cup) rice flour_ 1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
60g / 2oz 0/2 cup) plain (all-purpose) flour 1 onion, chopped
75g / 2V2OZ p/2 cup) gram (chickpea) flour 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon white sesame seeds y2 teaspoon ground ginger
y2 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon ground coriander
y2 teaspoon asafoetida pinch of asafoetida
6 tablespoons freshly grated coconut y2 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, chopped
1 x 1 -cm / Mnnch piece fresh ginger, peeled 50g / 1%oz O/2 cup) gram (chickpea) flour
and chopped 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves 60g / 2oz (y2 cup) dried breadcrumbs
1 y2 tablespoons ghee salt
vegetable oil, for deep-frying
salt Put the colacasia in a pan, cover with water and boil
until soft. Drain and allow to cool, then peel off
Combine all the ingredients, except the ghee and oil, the skins, return to the pan and mash with a fork or
in a bowl and mix well. Season with salt, then potato masher.
gradually mix in 125ml /4I4fl oz O/2 cup) water to make
a thick, stiff batter. Heat the 1 tablespoon oil in a frying pan (skillet), add
the onion and fry until brown. Transfer to a bowl
Heat the ghee in a small pan until melted and mix it and season with salt, then add the spices, fresh
into the paste. ginger, flour, coriander and mashed yam and mix to
combine. Shape the mixture into 8 balls, then flatten
Heat enough vegetable oil for deep-frying in them into patties.
a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan to i8o”C/35o’F,
or until a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds, then Spread the breadcrumbs out on a plate and roll the
reduce the heat. Working in batches, take a ladleful kebabs in the breadcrumbs until coated.
of the batter and, using damp hands, flatten it into
a 5cm / 2 inch round patty. Gently lower the patty Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep
into the hot oil and deep-fry, turning carefully, for frying pan to i8o”C/35o”F, or until a cube of bread
about 2—3 minues, or until golden brown and crisp. browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, deep-fry
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain and on the kebabs for about 3-4 minutes, or until crisp
kitchen paper (paper towels). Repeat until all the and golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and
batter is used up. drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). Serve hot.


in pidclingSpic^
rnronut Balls P;
Chicken wi'c-h
Tomato Chutney
Mini Loaves with

Sambhar witn j
Vith Ver
n [
• |■

Mb 11;
tt ;i
« 4
/>' T S'
'7Jv' vjv' Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep
frying pan to i8o"C/35o’F, or until a cube of bread
browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat slightly.
Vazhaiappoo Vada With damp hands, take a ladleful of the batter and
Plantain Flower Patties flatten it into a 5cm / 2 inch round patty. Working in
batches, slip the patties gently into the hot oil and
Origin Kerala deep-fry, turning frequently, for 3—4 minutes, or
Preparation time 35-40 minutes, plus soaking time until golden brown and crisp. Remove with a slotted
Cooking time 30 minutes spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
Makes 10

1 plantain flower_
1 tablespoon natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
3 teaspoons vegetable oil Maddur Vada
14 teaspoon mustard seeds Semolina & Rice Patties
14 teaspoon cumin seeds
14 teaspoon fennel seeds Origin Karnataka
1 sprig curry leaves Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes
1 medium-sized onion, finely chopped
Makes 18-20
vegetable oil, for deep-frying

150g / 5oz (1 cup) rice flour_

For the batter 4 tablespoons fine semolina (semolina flour)
IQOg / 31/2QZ (14 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained 2 tablespoons chana dal, roasted
lOOg / 3V20Z (1/2 cup) toover dal, rinsed and drained 3^1 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 2 tablespoons ghee
1 teaspoon fennel seeds % teaspoon asafoetida
3 dried red chillies 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
salt vegetable oil, for deep-frying
To make the batter, soak both dais in a large bowl
of water for 2 hours.
Combine all the ingredients, except the oil, in
a bowl. Season with salt and gradually stir in
Drain the dais and transfer to a food processor
4 tablespoons water to make a thick, stiff batter.
or blender with the cumin and fennel seeds and
dried chillies. Season with salt, then process,
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep
gradually adding about 2-3 tablespoons water
frying pan (skillet) to i8o°C/35o"F, or until a cube
until it is a coarse, stiff batter.
of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat
slightly. With damp hands, take a ladleful of the
Remove the outer layers of the plantain flower until
batter and flatten it into a 5cm / 2 inch round patty.
you reach the finger-shaped white florets. Remove
Working in batches, slip the patties gently into the
the stamens from the florets and chop the florets
hot oil and deep-fry, turning frequently, for
finely. Keep removing the inner layers and chopping
2—3 minutes, or until the patties are golden brown
the florets until you get 1 cup chopped flowers. Put
and crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain
the yoghurt and water in a large bowl, add the
on kitchen paper (paper towels).
chopped flowers and allow to soak until needed.

Heat the 3 teaspoons oil in a frying pan (skillet) over

medium heat, add the mustard, cumin and fennel
seeds and curry leaves and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
or until the mustard seeds start spluttering. Add the
onion and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes.

Drain the plantain flowers, squeeze out any excess

water, add to the pan and fry for about 1-2 minutes.
Pour the contents of the pan into the batter and
mix well.


#/sa p.119 Heat the oil in a pan, add the ginger and garlic
pastes, chilli powder, salt and the finely chopped
mushrooms and lightly stir-fry for about 2 minutes,
Lukhmi or until all the moisture has evaporated.
Vegetable-filled Pastries
Add the carrots, chillies and paneer and continue
frying for about i minute, then add the ginger and
Origin Hyderabad
peas and sprinkle with lemon juice. Now add the
Preparation time 50 minutes, plus resting time
peppers and pomegranate seeds and stir to mix well.
Cooking time 1 hour
Sprinkle over the black cumin seeds.
Makes 8
Divide the dough into equal portions, then roll each
3 tablespoons vegetable oil_
portion into a round ball. Dust with a little flour and
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) shape each ball into ovals. Place a little vegetable
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) mixture in the middle, fold over to cover the
Vz teaspoon chilli powder vegetables and seal the edges. Trim off the uneven
lOOg / 3V20Z (11/3 cups) button (white) mushrooms, sides with a sharp knife to make neat rectangular or
triangular lukhmi.
stalks removed and finely chopped
50g / 1 % oz (V3 cup) carrot, finely chopped Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
6-8 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and heavy-based pan to i8o’C/35o'F, or until a cube of
de-seeded bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
lOOg / 3V20Z Paneer (see page 59), crumbled carefully lower the lukhmis into the hot oil and
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled deep-fry until golden brown. Remove with a slotted
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels)
and finely chopped
before serving.
lOOg / 3Vzoz (% cup) peas, shelled if fresh
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Vz red (bell) pepper, finely chopped
Vz yellow (bell) pepper, finely chopped
3 tablespoons pomegranate seeds
1 teaspoon black cumin seeds
Vz teaspoon ground cumin
30g /114oz (1 cup) coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
vegetable oil, for deep-frying

For the pastry

4 tablespoons ghee
2 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
250g / 9oz (2 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour, plus
extra for dusting

First, make the pastry. Put the ghee, yoghurt, a little

salt and the flour in a large bowl and mix with
enough water to make a soft dough. Cover the dough
and set aside for 30 minutes in a cool place,
preferably a refrigerator.


p.115 Place the balls of dough on a lightly floured surface
and roll into rounds of about 12cm / 5 inches
diameter. Moisten the edges with water, then place
Samosa a portion of filling in the centre, fold over and
Samosas press all around to seal the edges.

Origin Punjab/Awadh/Delhi Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus cooling time heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o’F, or until a cube of
Cooking time 15-20 minutes bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
Makes 10 add the samosas carefully to the hot oil and deep-fry
for about 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown.
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour, plus
paper (paper towels).
extra for dusting
vegetable oil, for deep-frying

For the filling

10Og / 3V2QZ (2 small) potatoes, unpeeled_
150g / 5oz (1 cup) peas, shelled if fresh
4 tablespoons ghee
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and finely chopped
4-5 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon chilli powder
14 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon pomegranate seeds
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves

Put the flour in a large bowl and mix with enough

water to form a stiff dough. Divide the dough into
io equal portions and roll into balls. Cover with a
damp cloth.

For the filling, cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling

water for about 20 minutes, or until soft, then drain
and allow to cool. When the potatoes are cool,
peel off their skins, return to the pan and mash.
Cook the peas in another pan of boiling water for
5—7 minutes, or until soft.

Heat the ghee in a deep, heavy-based pan, add the

cumin seeds and fry over medium heat for about
15 seconds. Add the ginger, chillies, chilli powder,
turmeric, coriander and season with salt. Stir-fry for
about 1 minute, then add the mashed potatoes and
peas and stir-fry for another minute. Add the
pomegranate seeds and chopped coriander and stir.
Taste and adjust the seasoning, if necessary, then
remove from the heat and allow to cool. When the
filling is cool, divide it into 10 equal portions.


m Divide the dough into iz equal portions, then roll out
each portion into a 5-cm / 2-inch disc and cut it in
half. Place 1 tablespoon of the filling in each of the
Singhara crescents and fold over to enclose the filling, pressing
Bengali Samosas the edges firmly to seal.

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,

Origin West Bengal
heavy-based pan to 180C/350T, or until a cube
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus cooling time
of bread browns in 30 seconds. Lower the samosas
Cooking time 20 minutes
carefully into the hot oil and deep-fry until golden
Makes 12 samosas
brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and allow to
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels) before serving.
625g / 1 lb 7oz (5 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon salt '7f> 'TF'

vegetable oil, for deep-frying

For the filling

Rava Bonda
1 teaspoon ground turmeric_
Fried Semolina Dumplings
1 teaspoon ground cumin
Origin Karnataka
2 teaspoons ground coriander Preparation time 20 minutes
1 teaspoon chilli powder Cooking time 20-25 minutes
5 tablespoons vegetable oil Makes 25-30
1 tablespoon chopped onion
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 200g / 7oz (t cup) fine semolina (semolina flour)
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 4 tablespoons sour yoghurt (see page 793)
150g / 5oz (1 cup) potatoes, diced 3-4 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
150g / 5oz (1 Vz cups) cauliflower, chopped or grated Vz teaspoon asafoetida

50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) peas, shelled if fresh 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) shelled peanuts and grated
salt 2 tablespoons cashew nuts, finely chopped
1-2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Put the flour in a large bowl, add the oil and salt and vegetable oil, for deep-frying
rub until the mixture becomes crumbly. Add enough
water to make a soft dough.
Combine all the ingredients, except the oil, in a bowl.
For the filling, put the ground spices and a little salt
Season with salt and gradually stir in 2 tablespoons
in a small bowl, add z tablespoons water and stir
water to make a stiff batter. Shape the batter into
until dissolved.
small lime-sized balls.

Heat the oil in a kadhai or wok until smoking, then

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep
reduce the heat, add the onion and stir-fry for about
frying pan (skillet) to i8o’C/35o’F, or until a cube of
5 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the ginger and
bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat
garlic pastes and stir-fry until the oil separates.
slightly. Slip 6—8 bonda at a time into the hot oil and
Add the dissolved ground spices and stir-fry for
deep-fry, turning frequently, for 3-4 minutes, or
about 5 minutes. Add the vegetables and cook until
until golden brown and crisp. Remove with a slotted
done. Add the peanuts and mix well. Remove from
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
the heat and allow to cool.


## Turn the dumpling over gently with a skewer and fry
the other side for about 3 minutes, or until golden.
Remove and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
Khuzhi Paniyaram Serve with Coconut Chutney.
Fried Rice Dumplings from Chettinad
You will need a special paniyaram pan for this dish,
Origin Tamil Nadu but a Danish aebleskiver pan, used for making
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking and Danish-style pancakes, is a perfect substitute. You
fermenting time could also use an egg poacher.
Cooking time V/z hours
Makes 28-30
200g / 7oz (1 cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained
180g / 6!4oz (1 cup) parboiled rice, rinsed and drained Kele ke Dahi Bare
70g / 2V2QZ p/3 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained Green Banana Dumplings in Yoghurt
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, rinsed and drained
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves Origin Delhi
vegetable oil, for cooking Preparation time 20 minutes
salt Cooking time 30 minutes
Makes 20
Coconut Chutney (see page 67), to serve

6 green unripe bananas, unpeeled_

For the tempering
1 litre / 1% pints (4 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
2 tablespoons vegetable oil_
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
Yz teaspoon ground cumin
2 medium-sized onions, chopped
1-2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
4 tablespoons grated fresh coconut
2 teaspoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Soak the basmati rice and parboiled rice in a large 31 Og /1 loz (114 cups) ghee, for frying
bowl of water for 6 hours. At the same time, soak salt
the lentils and fenugreek seeds in another large bowl
of water for 6 hours. Pour 2 litres / 8 cups water into a large pan and
bring to the boil. Add the bananas and cook for
Drain the rice, transfer to a blender or food processor about 20 minutes. Drain and allow to cool slightly.
and process, gradually adding about 500ml / i8fl oz Meanwhile, put the yoghurt and sugar in a bowl,
(2% cups) water to make smooth batter. Transfer to season with salt and whisk to combine. Set aside.
a bowl.
Peel the bananas, transfer to a food processor and
Drain the lentils, transfer to a blender or food roughly blend. Transfer to a large bowl and finish
processor and process, gradually adding mashing with a potato masher or fork. Add the
2—3 tablespoons water to make a smooth batter. cumin, chillies and chopped coriander and mix
Combine both batters, season with salt and set aside together. Divide the mixture into equal portions and
to ferment for 6—8 hours. The batter should be roll into balls, then flatten between the palms of
of a thick pouring consistency, so add a little more your hands.
water, if necessary.
Heat the ghee in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan
Heat the 2 tablespoons oil for the tempering in until a cube of bread browns in 40 seconds. Working
a frying pan (skillet), add the mustard seeds and in batches, add the dumplings and fry for about
stir-fry for 1 minute, or until they start spluttering, 3 minutes, or until golden, turning once. Remove
then add the onions and fry for a further 1—2 minutes. with a slotted spoon, drain on kitchen paper (paper
Mix in the coconut and fry for 1 minute. Stir the towel), sprinkle with a little salt and set aside.
contents of the pan into the batter and mix in the
coriander leaves. When ready to serve, place the banana dumplings in
the seasoned yoghurt, making sure they are covered
Heat a dumpling pan and fill each depression with in the yoghurt.
a little oil. When heated, add enough batter to come
halfway up the depressions and fry over low heat
for about 3 minutes.


Vjv' *7p'

Masala Siyam Khasta Kachori

Fried Rice & Black Lentil Dumplings Savoury Deep-fried Snack

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Rajasthan/Dellhi/Awadh

Preparation time 30-40 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 25-35 minutes, plus soaking and
Cooking time 30 minutes cooling time
Makes 30-35 Cooking time 18-20 minutes
Makes 12
200g / 7oz (1 cup) good-quality basmati rice, rinsed
and drained 500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour
150g / 5oz (% cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
vegetable oil, for deep-frying 4 tablespoons ghee_
70g / 2V20Z (V3 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained
For the tempering 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, plus extra for deep-frying
1 tablespoon vegetable oil__ 2 tablespoons fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 1 tablespoon green chilli, de-seeded and chopped
1 sprig curry leaves 2 teaspoons chilli powder
2 medium-sized onions, chopped 1 Vz teaspoons ground fennel
40g /1V20Z (V2 cup) grated fresh coconut 1V2 teaspoons ground cumin
3 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves pinch of asafoetida
salt 1 teaspoon ground coriander
V2 teaspoon sugar
Combine the rice and lentils in a large bowl, pour in salt
enough water to cover and allow to soak in water
for 3-4 hours. Sift the flour with a little salt and the bicarbonate
of soda into a large bowl. Add the ghee and rub the
Drain the rice and lentils, transfer to a blender or mixture between your fingers until breadcrumbs
food processor and process, gradually adding form. Mix in enough water to form a soft dough.
500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water to make to a smooth, Cover with a damp cloth and set aside.
stiff batter.
Soak the urad dal in a bowl of water for 45 minutes.
Heat the 1 tablespoon oil for the tempering in Drain and transfer the urad dal to a blender or
a small, heavy-based frying pan (skillet), add the food processor, add a little water and process until
mustard seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, coarsely ground. You do not want a paste.
or until they start spluttering, then add the curry
leaves and onions and stir-fry for about 2 minutes. Heat the oil in a pan, add the chopped ginger, green
Stir in the coconut and fry for a further 2 minutes, chilli, chilli powder, ground fennel, cumin, asafoetida
then put the contents of the pan into the batter. and coriander and stir well. Add the ground dal and
Season with salt and stir in the coriander leaves. cook until all the moisture has evaporated. Add
the sugar, then season with salt to taste and mix weli.
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep Remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool.
frying pan (skillet) to i8o’C/350°F, or until a cube
of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat Divide the dough into 12 equal portions and roll into
slightly. Working in batches, shape the batter into balls, then flatten slightly. Place a little of the
small lime-sized balls, then slip them gently into the urad dal stuffing in the centre and bring the edges
hot oil and deep-fry, turning frequently for about together to form a ball; flatten slightly.
1—2 minutes, or until golden brown and crisp.
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy-
paper (paper towels). based pan to i7o’C/325"F, or until a cube of bread
browns in 30 seconds. Carefully slide the balls into
the oil and deep-fry until golden brown and crisp.
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
paper (paper towel) before serving.


77Jv' TF

Batata Vada Masala Vada

Deep-fried Potato Dumplings Fried Lentil Dumplings

Origin Maharashtra Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 30-35 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Makes 12 Makes 16

500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 medium) potatoes, unpeeled_ 250g / 9oz (1 cups) chana dal, rinsed and drained
6 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 teaspoon fennel seeds_
2V2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 4 dried red chillies
2V2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 250g / 9oz (1V2 cups) onions, chopped
1V2 teaspoons green chilli paste 1 x 1 -cm / 1/2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
pinch of asafoetida and finely chopped
% teaspoon ground turmeric 20-25 curry leaves, finely chopped_
21/2 teaspoons lemon juice vegetable oil, for deep-frying_
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves salt
vegetable oil, for deep-frying
salt To serve
chutney of your choice, such as Tamarind & Coriander
For the batter Chutney (see page 65)
150g / 5oz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour
Put the chana dal in a pan, add the fennel seeds and
IV2 teaspoons ground cumin
chillies and pour in enough water to cover. Set aside
for about 2 hours.
Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for
about 20 minutes, or until soft, then drain and allow
Drain the chana dal, reserving the fennel seeds and
to cool. When the potatoes are cool, peel off their
chillies, and set aside 50g / i3/< oz ('A cup) of the dal.
skins, return to the pan and mash.
Put the remaining dal, the fennel seeds and red
chillies in a blender or food processor and process
Heat the oil in a pan, add the garlic paste and fry for
to make a coarse paste.
about 2 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients except
the oil for deep-frying and cook for another 2 minutes.
Transfer the paste to a bowl and add the onions,
Remove from the heat, mix in the mashed potatoes,
ginger, curry leaves and the reserved dal. Season
then divide the mixture into 12 walnut-sized balls.
with salt and mix well. Divide the mixture into
16 equal portions. With damp hands, roll into balls
Put the gram flour and cumin in a bowl and mix
and flatten to make 5cm / 2 inch diameter patties.
together, adding enough water to make a thin batter.

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
heavy-based pan to i8o’C/35o"F, or until a cube
heavy-based pan to i8o’C/35o”F, or until a cube
of bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
of bread browns in 30 seconds. Dip the potato balls
add the patties to the hot oil and deep-fry for about
in the batter and carefully drop them into the hot
5 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove with
oil. Deep-fry until golden brown, then remove with
a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper
a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
towels). Serve with chutney.
(paper towels). You may need to cook the potato
balls in batches.


For the filling, cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling
water for about 20 minutes, or until soft, then drain
and allow to cool. When the potatoes are cool, peel
Raj Kachori off their skins, return to the pan and cut into dice.
Deep-fried Lentil Snacks
Put the diced potatoes, chilli powder, chillies,
chickpeas, moong beans and chopped coriander into
Origin Rajasthan
a large bowl and mix together.
Preparation time 50 minutes, plus rising
and cooling time
Put all the ingredients for the masala for sprinkling
Cooking time 30 minutes
in a bowl and mix together, then set aside.
Makes 15-20
Divide the dough into equal portions and roll into
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour
15-20 balls. Flatten each ball between the palms of
150g / 5oz (% cup plus 2 tablespoons) semolina your hands and place a portion of the filling in the
(farina) middle. Shape again into balls then, using a rolling
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) pin, roll into discs of about 10cm / 4 inches diameter.
3 tablespoons vegetable oil, warmed
Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
100ml / 3y2fl oz (Vk cup) vegetable oil, for deep-frying
heavy-based pan to i8o'C/35o’F, or until a cube of
salt bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
carefully lower the kachoris into the hot oil and
For the filling deep-fry, turning frequently, for about 2—3 minutes,
125g / 4%oz (2 small) potatoes, unpeeled_ or until coloured evenly all over. Remove with
a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper
V/2 tablespoons chilli powder
towels). Allow to cool.
5 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
150g / 5oz (% cup canned/1 cup cooked and drained) Pinch a hole in the top of each kachori and stuff it
chickpeas (garbanzo beans) (see page 37) with the rest of the filling.
150g / 5oz (% cup) whole moong beans, cooked
and drained (see page 326) To finish, spoon the chutneys and whisked
yoghurt over the top, sprinkle with the masala and
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), leaves only, chopped
serve immediately.

For the masala for sprinkling

1 teaspoon dried pomegranate seeds
1 teaspoon icing (confectioners’) sugar
1 teaspoon ground cumin
14 teaspoon rock salt
1/2 teaspoon amchoor
y2 teaspoon ground cloves

To finish
10Og / 3y2oz (y3 cup) Raw Tamarind Chutney
(see page 66)
10Og / 3y2oz O/3 cup) Mint Chutney (see page 66)
100ml / 3y2fl oz (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt,

Sift the plain flour, semolina, bicarbonate of soda

and a little salt together into a large bowl. Add the
warm oil and enough water to make a stiff dough.
Set aside for about 30 minutes, or until risen.


Rava Sevai Idli Paitham Parappu Idli
Savoury Steamed Vermicelli Dumplings Steamed Green Lentil Dumplings

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Andhra Pradesh/Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 25 minutes, plus soaking
Cooking time 30 minutes and fermenting time
Serves 4 Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4
3 tablespoons ghee_
Vz teaspoon chana dal, rinsed and drained 200g / 7oz (1 cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained
V2 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained lOOg / 3V2OZ (Vz cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
Vz teaspoon mustard seeds lOOg / 3Vz oz (Vz cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 tablespoon vegetable oil, plus extra for oiling 4 tablespoons pressed rice, rinsed and drained
2 onions, chopped 85g / 3oz (1 cup) grated fresh coconut
5 cashew nuts, chopped 2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger
Vz teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
60g / 2oz (Vz cup) vermicelli (thick sevai), broken vegetable oil, for oiling
into 1 -cm / l^-inch pieces salt
200g / 7oz (1 cup) fine semolina (semolina flour)
Soak the rice and lentils in 2 separate large bowls of
175ml / 6fl oz (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
water for 1 hour.
Vz teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
Vz bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped Drain the rice, transfer to a blender or food
juice of Vz lime processor and process, gradually adding about 125ml
salt / 4'/zfl oz O/2 cup) water to make a coarse batter.
Transfer to a bowl.
Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet), add the dais
and mustard seeds and fry for about 1 minute, or Drain the lentils, transfer to a blender or food
until they turn dark brown. Transfer to a large bowl processor and process until almost smooth but still
and set aside a little grainy. Add the pressed rice, coconut, chillies,
ginger and coriander leaves and process, gradually
Heat the oil in a large pan, add the onions, cashew adding 4 tablespoons water to make a smooth batter.
nuts and chillies, and stir-fry for about 2 minutes. Combine both batters, season with salt and set aside
Add the ginger paste, vermicelli and semolina and to ferment for about 4 hours. The batter should be
stir-fry for a further 2 minutes. Remove from the of a thick pouring consistency, so add a little more
heat and slowly add the yoghurt, bicarbonate of water, if necessary.
soda, coriander, lime juice and season with salt. Mix
well, then add this mixture to the dais and set aside Oil idli moulds with a little oil and pour 4 tablespoons
for about 30 minutes. of the batter into them. Steam in a steamer
or pressure cooker for about 20 minutes, or until
Oil idli moulds with a little oil and pour a ladleful of cooked. To check if the idlis are done, insert
the mixture into them. Steam in a steamer or a cocktail stick (toothpick) into the middle and it
pressure cooker for about 8—10 minutes, or until comes out clean, they are cooked. If using a pressure
cooked. To check if the idlis are done, insert cooker, don’t apply the weight or whistle. Carefully
a cocktail stick (toothpick) into the middle and if it remove from the steamer and allow to cool for
comes out clean, they are cooked. If using a pressure 1-2 minutes.
cooker, don't apply the weight or whistle. Carefully
remove from the steamer and cool for 1—2 minutes. If you don't have idli moulds then use small
heatproof bowls, such as ramekins. Oil them lightly
before filling them with the batter and steaming
If you don't have idli moulds then use small
them in either a double boiler or an egg poacher.
heatproof bowls, such as ramekins. Oil them lightly
before filling them with the batter and steaming
them in either a double boiler or an egg poacher.


Heat the 2 teaspoons oil for tempering in a small,
heavy-based frying pan (skillet), add the mustard
and cumin seeds, asafoetida and curry leaves and
Masala Idli stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the mustard seeds
Spicy Steamed Rice Dumplings start spluttering. Stir the contents of the pan into
the batter.
Origin Tamil Nadu
Oil idli moulds with a little oil and pour 4 tablespoons
Preparation time 20-30 minutes, plus soaking
of the batter into them. Steam in a steamer or
and fermenting time
pressure cooker for about 15—20 minutes, or until
Cooking time 40 minutes
cooked. To check if the idlis are done, insert
Serves 4-6
a cocktail stick (toothpick) into the middle and it it
comes out clean, they are cooked. If using a pressure
360g / 121/20Z (2 cups) parboiled rice, rinsed and
cooker, don't apply the weight or whistle. Carefully
drained remove from the steamer and allow to cool for
200g / 7oz (1 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained 1—2 minutes.
4 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained
128g / 4%oz (iy2 cups) grated fresh coconut If you don’t have idli moulds then use small heatproof
bowls, such as ramekins. Oil them lightly before
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
filling them with the batter and steaming them in
and grated either a double boiler or an egg poacher.
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
3 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
vegetable oil, for oiling

For the tempering

2 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
y2 teaspoon asafoetida
1 sprig curry leaves

Soak the rice and urad dal in 2 separate bowls of

water for 6 hours.

Drain the rice, transfer to a blender or food

processor and process, gradually adding 375ml /
13d oz (1/2 cups) water to make a coarse batter.
Transfer to a bowl.

Drain the urad dal, transfer to a blender or food

processor and process, gradually adding 250ml / 8fl oz
(1 cup) water to make a smooth batter. Combine both
batters, season with salt and set aside to ferment for
10 hours. The batter should be thicker than dosai
batter, but of a pouring consistency, so add a little
more water if necessary.

An hour before cooking, soak the chana dal in

a bowl of water. Drain well and add to the
batter, then stir in the coconut, ginger, chillies
and coriander leaves.
##/GB p.121

Pao Bhaji Undrally

Mini Loaves with Tangy Vegetables Steamed Rice Balls

Origin Maharashtra Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 25 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Makes 6 Serves 8

1 kg / 2141b (7 medium) potatoes, unpeeled_ 225g / 8oz (1 cup) rice, rinsed and dried_
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 120g / 4oz (% cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
180g / 6oz (% cup) ghee or vegetable oil salt
360g /12V2OZ (2 cups) tomatoes, chopped
160g / 5%oz (1 cup) onions, chopped To serve
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped Raw Tamarind Chutney (see page 66)
1 x 4-cm /1 y2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
Put the rice in a blender or food processor and
and finely chopped
process until finely ground and the rice resembles
1 y2 teaspoons ground turmeric
semolina. Transfer to a large pan, pour in about
1 teaspoon chilli powder 475ml / i6fl oz (2 cups) water (twice the amount of
180g / 6oz (% cup /1 y2 sticks) butter water to rice) and bring to the boil. Season with salt,
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) then reduce the heat and cook over low heat,
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves stirring constantly, for about 5 minutes, or until the
rice is cooked. Remove from the heat and put the
3 tablespoons lemon juice
rice on a wide plate.
12 Pav (mini bread loaves)
salt Cook the chana dal in another pan of boiling water
for about 10 minutes, or until slightly soft, then drain
Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for and allow to cool.
about 20 minutes, or until soft, then drain and allow
to cool. When the potatoes are cool, peel off their Add the chana dal to the cooked rice and mix well.
skins, return to the pan and mash. Using your hands, shape the mixture into lemon-sized
balls. Transfer the balls to a steamer and cook for
Put the garlic and ginger pastes in separate bowls 5 minutes. If you don't have a steamer, use a large
and stir in 125ml / 4/211 oz O/2 cup) water. Set aside. pan with a lid and place a trivet or upside-down
plate in the base. Pour in enough water so it stays
Heat the ghee or oil in a heavy-based frying pan below the top of the trivet and cover with the lid.
(skillet), add the tomatoes, onions, chillies, ginger Place the balls on a plate and carefully put on top
and turmeric and stir-fry over medium heat for of the trivet or upside-down plate. Serve with Raw
about 4—5 minutes. Reduce the heat, add the mashed Tamarind Chutney and a raita.
potatoes, chilli powder and salt, mix thoroughly and
continue to cook, mashing and stirring for about
5 minutes. Add the garlic and ginger paste mixtures,
then increase the heat, add 4 tablespoons butter
and mix well. Sprinkle the garam masala, chopped
coriander and lemon juice over and stir well.

Slice the pav in half. Heat the remaining butter in

a pan and, when melted, add the pav halves and fry
until light brown. Remove from the pan and serve
with the mashed vegetables.


Cheela Dibba Roti
Vegetarian Pancakes Thick Pancakes

Origin Delhi/Punjab/Awadh Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 40 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

250g / 9oz (23A cups) gram (chickpea) flour 200g / 7oz (1 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained_
1 medium-sized tomato, finely chopped 400g / 14oz (2 cups) rice, rinsed and drained
4-6 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped 1 tablespoon ground cumin, roasted
1 teaspoon cumin seeds vegetable oil, for oiling
Vz bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped salt
125ml / AM oz (Vz cup) vegetable oil, for frying spicy chutney, such as Ginger Chutney (see page 64)
Soak the urad dal in a large bowl of water for z
Put the flour in a large bowl and stir in enough hours, then drain the dal and transfer to a blender
water to make a smooth batter. It should have a thin or food processor. Process until coarsely ground,
pouring consistency. Add the tomato, chillies, cumin then set aside.
seeds and chopped coriander. Season with salt and
beat lightly with a fork for i minute. Put the rice in a blender or food processor and
process until ground, then transfer to a large bowl
Heat i tablespoon oil in a non-stick frying pan and add the dal and cumin. Mix, and add enough hot
(skillet). When hot, pour in a ladleful of the batter water to make a batter. Season with salt.
and tilt the pan slightly to spread it over the base
into a circular pancake. Fry for about z minutes, or Oil a curved, deep tawa or a heavy-based frying pan
until brown on one side, then turn the pancake over, (skillet) and heat it. When hot, pour in a ladleful of
adding more oil if required and fry for a further z the batter and spread it over the base. Cook over a
minutes, or until brown. Remove from the pan and low heat for about z minutes, or until golden brown,
keep warm in a low oven. Make the others in the then flip the pancake over and cook the other side
same way, adding more oil as needed. for a further z minutes, or until done. The pancake
will be thicker in the middle. Transfer to a serving
plate and serve hot with a spicy chutney. Make the
others in the same way.


vp ■7p

Dosa Pesarattu
Savoury Rice Pancakes Spicy Lentil Pancakes

Origin Tamil Nadu/Karnataka/Kerala Origin Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time
and standing time Cooking time 15 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Serves 4
Serves 4
250g / 9oz (IV3 cups) moong dal, rinsed and drained
350g /12oz (2 cups) parboiled rice_ 1 teaspoon chopped fresh ginger
700g / 1 lb 8V2OZ (3% cups) basmati rice, rinsed 4 green chillies, de-seeded
% teaspoon fenugreek seeds 2 onions, sliced
1 tablespoon pressed rice (optional) y2 teaspoon ground cumin
250g / 9oz (IV3 cups) urad dal, rinsed and drained y2 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
Va teaspoon baking powder 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee salt
To serve
To serve Sambhar (see page 543)_
savoury potatoes_ pickle, such as Tomato Pickle (see page 31) or Mint
chutney, such as Coconut Chutney (see page 67) or Raw Tamarind Chutney (page 66)
Sambhar (see page 543)
Soak the moong dal in a bowl of water for 2—3 hours.
Soak the parboiled rice and basmati rice in a large
bowl of water for 10 hours. Drain the rice, then rinse Drain the dal, reserving 250ml (8fl oz/i cup) of the
in cold water and transfer to a blender or food water, and transfer the dal to a blender or food
processor with the fenugreek seeds and process to processor. Add the ginger and chillies and season
make a very fine paste. If you prefer a softer dosa, with salt, then process to make a paste. Put the
then add the pressed rice with the fenugreek seeds paste in a bowl and mix in enough of the reserved
in the blender. water to make a thick batter.

Meanwhile, soak the urad dal in a separate bowl of Put the sliced onion in a separate bowl, add the
water to cover for about 4-5 hours. Drain, place in ground cumin and chopped coriander and set aside.
a blender or food processor and process to make
a very fine paste. Transfer to a large bowl and add Heat a frying pan (skillet) and, when hot, pour in
the ground rice. Mix together and season with salt. 1 teaspoon of the oil. Pour 1 ladleful of the batter
Cover and allow to stand overnight. The mixture is into the frying pan and spread it out like a thin
left to ferment, so leave it in a warm place. pancake, then pour 'A teaspoon of the oil around the
edges and cook over medium heat for about
The next day, mix in the baking powder and beat the 2 minutes, or until golden brown. Sprinkle some of
mixture until it is a very smooth, fluffy batter. the chopped onion mixture in the middle of the
pancake and spread it around. When the pancake is
Heat a very smooth flat tawa or a non-stick frying well cooked, add a little more oil and fry for
pan (skillet) and sprinkle a few drops of water on it. a further 1 minute, or until the edges are crispy. Fold
When the tawa dries, add a little ghee or oil, then the pancake in half, remove from the pan and keep
pour over a ladleful of the batter and spread it out warm in a covered dish. Make the others in the same
to make a round thin pancake. Fry on one side for way. Serve hot with Sambhar and any pickle, or Mint
about 2—3 minutes, or until golden brown, very lacy or Raw Tamarind Chutney.
around the edges and thicker in the centre. A dosa
can be soft like a pancake or crisp. Transfer to
a serving plate. Dosas are usually served hot with
savoury potatoes, chutney and Sambhar. Make the
others in the same way.


0/QQ p.122

Rava Dosa Tapala Chakku Athi

Semolina Pancakes Rice & Lentil Pancakes

Origin Tamil Nadu/Karnataka Origin Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 20-25 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

125g / 4V20Z (1 cup) plain (all-purpose) flour_ 250g / 9oz (1V6 cups) basmati rice, rinsed and drained
35g /114oz (14 cup) rice flour 125g / 4V40Z (% cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
10Og / 3V20Z (1/2 cup) fine semolina (semolina flour) 250g / 9oz (2% cups) desiccated (dried flaked)
125ml / 4y2fl oz (I/2 cup) buttermilk coconut
y2 teaspoon melted butter 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
Vz onion, chopped salt
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
14 teaspoon cumin seeds For the tempering
salt 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, for frying
vegetable oil, for frying 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
To serve 4 curry leaves
Coconut Chutney (see page 67) 3 dried red chillies
Sambhar (see page 543) Vz teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
pinch of asafoetida
Put the flours and semolina in a large bowl and mix
together. Add the buttermilk, melted butter, onion, Put the rice and chana dal in a large bowl, pour in
chillies and cumin seeds and stir to combine. Season 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and soak for 1 hour.
with salt then set aside for 20 minutes. Drain, then transfer to a blender or food processor,
add the coconut and about 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup)
Put the mixture in a blender or food processor and water. Process to make a smooth paste, then transfer
process, until very fine, smooth and fluffy, adding to a bowl and set aside.
water as required to make a batter. Transfer the
pureed mixture to a clean bowl and allow to stand Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a small, heavy-based frying
for 12 hours. If the mixture thickens a little on pan (skillet), add all the ingredients for the tempering
standing, stir through a little water to thin it out. and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until they are dark
brown. Blend with the ground rice and lentil mixture.
Oil a tawa or heavy-based frying pan (skillet) and
heat it. When hot, add 1 teaspoon oil and pour in Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a non-stick frying pan over
a ladleful of the dosa batter, spreading it all around low heat. Pour a ladleful of the mixture into the frying
like a thin pancake. Reduce the heat slightly and fry pan. Spread it over the base like a pancake and fry
for 2 minutes on both sides, or until the dosa for about 2 minutes, or until golden brown. Flip it
becomes crisp around the edges and golden brown. over with a spatula and fry the other side for
If the dosa is sticking to the pan, pour a little a further i minute, or until golden brown. Transfer
amount of oil around the edges. Fold 2 sides inwards to a serving plate and repeat with rest of the mixture.
and transfer to a serving plate. The dosas must
be served hot with Coconut Chutney and piping hot
Sambhar. Make the others in the same way.


m When you are ready to cook the dosas, add enough
water to the rice and lentil paste to make a batter of
thick pouring consistency.
Masala Dosa
Spicy Stuffed Pancakes Heat a large, non-stick flat tawa, pan or a cast-iron
griddle and brush it lightly it with a little ghee or oil.
Origin Tamil Nadu Pour in 2 tablespoons of the dosa batter and quickly
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking and spread it evenly into a circle of about 15cm / 6 inches
fermenting time diameter. Flatten the surface with the back of a ladle
Cooking time 30 minutes then pour a little oil around the edges of the dosa so
Serves 6-8 it does not stick to the pan. Cover the pan for
i minute, or until crisp and golden, then flip it over
For the dosai to cook the other side. Transfer to a serving plate,
place some of the filling in the centre and fold the
600g /11b 5oz (314 cups) basmati rice, rinsed
dosa in half. The dosas must be served hot with
and drained Coconut Chutney and piping hot Sambhar. Make the
200g / 7oz (1 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained others in the same way.
250g / 9oz (4 small) potatoes, unpeeled
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon chana dal
10-12 curry leaves Utthapam
1 onion, sliced Vegetable Pancakes
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground turmeric Origin Tamil Nadu/Karnataka
1 tablespoon lemon juice Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee or vegetable oil, for frying
Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4

4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped

To serve
3 medium-sized tomatoes, chopped
Coconut Chutney (see page 67)
1 teaspoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Sambhar (see page 543)
1 medium-sized onion, chopped
10Og / 3V20Z (I/2 cup) semolina (farina)
Soak the rice and urad dal in 2 large bowls of water
overnight. Drain the rice and lentils separately, then 125ml / 4V2fl oz (V2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
transfer the rice to a blender or food processor vegetable oil, for frying
and process until ground. Transfer to a clean bowl. salt
Do the same with the lentils, then add the ground
rice and mix together. Season with salt, cover with Put the chillies, tomatoes, coriander and onions into
a damp cloth and allow to ferment overnight. a bowl and mix together.

The next day, cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling Put the semolina and yoghurt in another bowl and
water for about 15 minutes, or until soft, then drain mix together. Season with salt and stir in enough
and allow to cool. When the potatoes are cool, peel water to make a smooth mixture. Let the mixture
off their skins, return to the pan and mash. stand for about 30 minutes.

To prepare the filling, heat the oil in a pan add the Heat a frying pan (skillet) and add a very small
mustard seeds, chana dal and curry leaves and amount of oil. Pour 2 tablespoons of the semolina
stir-fry for about 3 minutes. Add the onion and fry mixture into the pan and spread it over the base into
for about 2 minutes, then add the chilli powder and a thick pancake. Sprinkle a spoonful of the chopped
turmeric and cook for a further 2-3 minutes. Finally, onion mixture lightly over the pancake and cover
add the mashed potatoes and stir to combine. the pan. Cook for about 2 minutes, then remove the
cover and turn the pancake over, adding a little
more oil and cook for a further 2 minutes, or until
browned. Transfer to a serving plate and make more
pancakes in the same way.


Paper Dosa Saboodana Utthapam
Crisp Wafer-thin Pancakes Sago Pancakes with Chopped Greens

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking and Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
standing time Cooking time 15 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Serves 6
Serves 4
75g / 2y20z Q/2 cup) sago_
150g / 5oz (* 1 2 3A cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
150g / 5oz (% cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained 300g / 10V2OZ (2 cups) rice flour_
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds 1 onion, sliced_
ghee or vegetable oil, for frying 4 curry leaves, chopped_
salt 6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
To serve 125ml / 4y2fl oz p/2 cup) vegetable oil
Coconut Chutney (see page 67) salt
Sambhar (see page 543)
Soak the sago and yoghurt in a bowl of water for
Put the rice in a blender or food processor and about 2 hours.
process to make a thick, grainy paste. Transfer the
paste to a bowl, add enough water to cover and Add the rice flour, onion, curry leaves, chillies and
soak overnight. Put the urad dal in a separate bowl, coriander to the sago and yoghurt mixture, then
pour in enough water to cover and soak overnight. season with salt and add enough water to make
a batter of pouring consistency.
The next day, drain the urad dal and transfer to
a blender or food processor. Add the fenugreek Heat a little oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
seeds and process to make a fine paste. Mix the low heat and pour a ladleful of the batter into the
2 pastes together and allow the mixture to stand frying pan. Spread it over the base like a pancake
overnight. Season with salt. and fry for about 2 minutes, or until golden brown.
Flip it over with a spatula and fry the other side for
Heat a large, non-stick frying pan (skillet) or a a further 2 minutes, or until golden brown. Transfer
large, flat tawa or griddle over medium heat. Pour to a serving plate and repeat with rest of the mixture.
1 ladleful of the batter into the centre of the pan and
spread it out in a circular motion with the back
of the ladle to a thin layer. Cook for about 2 minutes,
or until dry, then spread some ghee or oil in the
centre and along the sides and cook for a further
2 minutes, or until the dosa is golden brown and
crisp. Roll it up and transfer to a serving plate. The
dosas must be served hot with Coconut Chutney and
piping hot Sambhar. Make the others in the same way.


Vjv' Vjv' Soak the basmati rice and parboiled rice in a large
bowl of water for 6 hours. At the same time, soak
both lentils and the fenugreek seeds in another large
Mysore Masala Dosa bowl of water for 6 hours.
Rice Pancakes from Mysore
Drain the rice and transfer to a blender or food
Origin Karnataka processor and process, gradually adding 250ml /
Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking, fermenting 8fl oz (1 cup) water, to make a smooth batter.
and cooling time
Cooking time 15 minutes Drain the lentils, put into a clean bowl and mix in
Serves 4 the pressed rice, transfer to a blender or food
processor and process, gradually adding 250ml /
200g / 7oz (1 cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained 8fl oz (1 cup) water, until light and fluffy.
135g / 4V20Z (3A cup) parboiled rice, rinsed_
Combine both batters in a large, clean bowl, season
4 tablespoons urad dal, rinsed and drained with salt and set aside to ferment for 8—10 hours.
4 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained When ready to cook the dosas, add a little water, if
2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds necessary, to make a thick batter of pouring consistency.
70g / 21/20Z (V3 cup) pressed rice
For the filling, cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling
vegetable oil, for shallow-frying
water for about 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain and
allow to cool. When cool, peel off the skins, return
to the pan and mash. Cook the peas in a separate
For the tempering pan of boiling water, for 5-7 minutes, or until soft.
1 tablespoon vegetable oil Drain and set aside.
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
Heat the oil for tempering in a heavy-based pan, add
V2 teaspoon cumin seeds
the remaining ingredients for the tempering and
V2 teaspoon asafoetida stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the mustard seeds start
1 dried red chilli, halved spluttering. Add the onions, ginger and chillies for
V2 teaspoon urad dal the filling and stir-fry for a further 2 minutes. Stir in
1 sprig curry leaves the mint, turmeric, salt, tomato and 250ml / 8fl oz
(1 cup) water, then cover the pan and simmer for
about 5 minutes, or until the onions and tomato are
For the filling soft. Mix in the potatoes and peas. The filling should
3 medium-sized potatoes, unpeeled be dry, so if there is too much water, cook,
120g / 4oz (% cup) peas, shelled if fresh uncovered, over low heat until all the moisture has
2 medium onions, finely chopped evaporated. Remove from the heat and stir in the
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled lime juice.

and grated
Heat a tawa, flat griddle or frying pan (skillet) over
3 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped high heat until it sizzles when a few drops of water
2 tablespoons chopped mint leaves_ are sprinkled on it. Reduce the heat and smear a
I/2 teaspoon ground turmeric very thin film of oil evenly over the the tawa. Pour
1 teaspoon salt, or to taste_ a ladleful of batter into the centre of tawa and
spread it out quickly using a circular motion with
1 tomato, chopped
the back of the ladle to form a 15cm / 6 inch round
dosa. Drizzle 1 teaspoon oil around the edges, then
To serve_ increase the heat and cook for about 2 minutes,
4-6 tablespoons Coconut Chutney (see page 67) or until the base is golden brown. Turn the dosa
120g / 4oz O/2 cup / 1 stick) butter carefully and fry for a further 2 minutes, or until
golden brown. Transfer to a serving plate, place
a little of the filling in the middle and fold over.
Serve hot with a little Coconut Chutney smeared
over the top and some butter. Make the others in
the same way.


vjw •7F'

Vendaya Keerai Adai Payatham Parappu Dosa

Rice & Fenugreek Leaf Pancakes Green Lentil Pancakes

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Andhra

Preparation time 20-30 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking
Cooking time 35-45 minutes and fermenting time
Serves 4 Cooking time 40-45 minutes
Serves 4-6
10Og / 3V2QZ p/2 cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained
90g / 314oz (Vz cup) parboiled rice, rinsed and drained 180g / 6V2QZ (1 cup) parboiled rice, rinsed and drained
4 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained 4 tablespoons moong dal, rinsed and drained
2 tablespoons urad dal, rinsed and drained 2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds, rinsed and drained
6 dried red chillies 1 x 1 -cm / V^-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
Vz teaspoon asafoetida and grated
85g / 3oz (1 cup) grated fresh coconut 3-4 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
90g / 3!4oz (1V2 cups) finely chopped fenugreek 1 sprig curry leaves
leaves 1 -2 tablespoons finely chopped coriander
vegetable oil, for shallow-frying (cilantro) leaves
salt 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
vegetable oil, for shallow-frying
Soak the basmati rice and parboiled rice in a large salt
bowl of water for 1 hour. At the same time, soak the
lentils in another large bowl of water for 1 hour. Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 6 hours. At the
same time, soak the lentils and fenugreek seeds in
Drain the rice, transfer to a blender or food another bowl of water for 6 hours.
processor and add the red chillies and asafoetida.
Process, gradually adding 3 tablespoons water to Drain the rice, then transfer to a blender or food
make a coarse batter. Transfer to a clean bowl. processor and process, gradually adding 125ml /
4'/2fl oz (54 cup) water to make a fine batter. Transfer
Drain the lentils, transfer to a blender or food to la clean bowl.
processor and process, gradually adding 2 tablespoons
water to make a coarse batter. Combine the rice and Drain the lentils and fenugreek seeds, transfer to I
lentil batters and mix in the coconut, fenugreek leaves a blender or food processor and process, gradually
and season with salt. Stir in a little water, if necessary, adding 3 tablespoons water to make a fine batter.
to make a thick batter of pouring consistency. Combine the rice and lentil batters and season with
salt. Set aside to ferment for 8 hours.
Heat a tawa, flat griddle or frying pan (skillet) over
high heat until it sizzles when a few drops of water Mix the ginger, chillies, curry leaves, coriander
are sprinkled on to it. Reduce the heat and smear a leaves and cumin seeds into the batter, then stir in
very thin film of oil evenly over the tawa. Pour a a little water, if necessary, to make a thick batter
ladleful of the batter into the centre of the tawa of pouring consistency.
and spread it out quickly using a circular motion
with the back of the ladle to form a 15cm / 6 inch Heat a tawa, flat griddle or frying pan (skillet) over
round adai. Make a hole in the centre and drizzle high heat until it sizzles when a few drops of water
1 teaspoon oil around the edges and centre. Cook for are sprinkled on to it. Reduce the heat and smear
about 2 minutes, or until the base is golden. Turn a very thin film of oil evenly over the tawa. Pour a
carefully with a spatula and fry the other side for a ladleful of batter into the centre of tawa and
further 2 minutes, or until crisp and golden. Transfer spread it out quickly using a circular motion with
to a serving plate and serve hot. Make the others in the back of the ladle to form a 15cm / 6 inch round
the same way. dosa. Drizzle 1 teaspoon oil around the edges, then
increase the heat and cook for about 2 minutes, or
until the base is golden brown. Turn the dosa
carefully and fry for a further 2 minutes, or until
golden brown. Remove from the pan and serve hot.
Make the others the same way.


Malabar Adai Verum Arisi Adai
Rice & Lentil Pancakes from Malabar Lacy Rice Pancakes from Palakkad

Origin Kerala Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 10-20 minutes, plus soaking
Cooking time 45-55 minutes and fermenting time
Serves 6-8 Cooking time 40-45 minutes
Serves 6-8
180g / 614oz (1 cup) parboiled rice, rinsed and drained
70g / 2V2QZ (VS cup) sabut urad, rinsed and drained 270g /10oz (11/2 cups) parboiled rice, rinsed and
70g / 2V2OZ (1/3 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained drained_
70g / 2I/2OZ 0/3 cup) toovar dal, rinsed and drained 40g /11/20Z 0/2 cup) grated fresh coconut_
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled vegetable oil, for shallow-frying_
and grated salt
4-6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 6—8 hours.
1 sprig curry leaves
14 cup fresh coconut, cut into 1 -cm / 1/2-inch cubes Drain the rice, transfer to a blender or food
vegetable oil, for shallow-frying processor and process, gradually adding about 250ml
salt / 8fl oz (1 cup) water to make a smooth batter.
Transfer to a bowl and season with salt. Set aside to
Soak the rice and lentils in 2 separate large bowls of ferment for 6-8 hours.
water for 1 hour.
Stir in the grated coconut. The batter should be
Drain the rice, transfer to a blender or food of a thin pouring consistency, so add a little more
processor and process, gradually adding about water, if necessary.
125ml / 4‘/2fl oz (14 cup) water to make a coarse
batter. Transfer to a bowl. Heat a tawa, flat griddle or frying pan (skillet) over
high heat until it sizzles when a few drops of water
Drain the lentils, transfer to a blender or food are sprinkled on to it. Reduce the heat and smear
processor, add the ginger and chillies and process, a very thin film of oil evenly over the tawa. Trickle
gradually adding 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water to make a ladleful of the batter along the outer edges of the
a coarse batter. Combine both batters, then season tawa and continue trickling it inwards to form a
with salt and add the curry leaves, coconut and wafer-thin, 15cm / 6 inch round adai. Fill any gaps
a little more water, if necessary, to make a thick with more batter. Drizzle 1 teaspoon oil around the
batter of pouring consistency. edges and fry for about 2 minutes, or until the base
is golden, then lift the edges carefully and turn the
Heat a tawa, flat griddle or frying pan (skillet) over adai over. Cook the other side for 2 minutes, or until
high heat until it sizzles when a few drops of water crisp and golden. Transfer to a plate and serve hot.
are sprinkled on to it. Reduce the heat and smear Make the others in the same way.
a very thin film of oil evenly over the tawa. Pour
a ladleful of the batter into the centre of the tawa
and spread it out quickly using a circular motion
with the back of the ladle to form a 15cm / 6 inch
round pancake. Make a hole in the centre and
drizzle 1 teaspoon oil around the edges and centre.
Cook for about 2 minutes, or until the base is golden,
then turn carefully with a spatula and fry the other
side for a further 2 minutes, or until crisp and
golden. Transfer to a serving plate and serve hot.
Make the others in the same way.
# Cook for about 2 minutes, or until the base is golden
brown, then turn it over carefully and fry the other
side for a further 2 minutes, or until crisp and
Avasara Adai golden. Transfer to a plate and serve hot. Make the
Quick Semolina (Farina) & Gram others in the same way.
(Chickpea) Pancakes
Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 20-25 minutes
Cooking time 45-55 minutes Plain Utthapam
Serves 4-6
Savoury Eggless Pancakes
400g / 14oz (214 cups) semolina (farina)
Origin Tamil Nadu
150g / 5oz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour
Preparation time 15 minutes, plus fermenting time
6-8 tablespoons grated fresh coconut Cooking time 10 minutes
1 medium-sized onion, finely chopped Serves 4
2-3 green chillies, finely chopped
1 x 1 -cm / y2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) Dosai batter (see page 141),
and grated fermented overnight
1 -2 tablespoons finely chopped coriander vegetable oil, for frying
(cilantro) leaves
salt To serve
vegetable oil, for shallow-frying Coconut Chutney (see page 67)
Sambhar (see page 543)
For the tempering
Make the batter according to the recipe on page 141
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
and allow to stand overnight.
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds The next day, heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan
V2 teaspoon asafoetida (skillet) over medium-low heat and pour a ladleful of
5-6 dried red chillies, halved the batter into the frying pan. Spread it over the base
1 sprig curry leaves like a pancake and fry for 2 minutes, or until golden
brown. Flip it over with a spatula and fry the other
Roast the semolina in a dry frying pan (skillet) over side for 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown. Transfer
low heat for about 4 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and to a serving plate and repeat with rest of the mixture.
add the flour, coconut, onion, chillies, ginger and Serve hot with Coconut Chutney and Sambhar.
coriander. Season with salt and mix to combine.

Heat the 2 teaspoons oil for the tempering in a small,

heavy-based pan, add the mustard and cumin seeds,
asafoetida, red chillies and curry leaves and
stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the mustard seeds start
spluttering. Stir the contents of the pan into
the semolina mixture, then continue to stir, gradually
adding about 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water to make
a thick batter of pouring consistency.

Heat a tawa, flat griddle or frying pan (skillet) over

high heat until it sizzles when a few drops of water
are sprinkled on to it. Reduce the heat and smear
a very thin film of oil evenly on the tawa. Pour a
ladleful of the batter into the centre of the tawa and
spread it out quickly using a circular motion with the
back of the ladle to form a 15cm / 6 inch round
pancake. Make a hole in the centre and drizzle
1 teaspoon oil around the edges and centre.


Idli Rava Idli
Steamed Spongy Cakes Steamed Semolina Cakes

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu/Karnataka

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 45 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 25 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4

120g / 4oz (1/2 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained 125ml / 4y2fl oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil, plus extra
125g / 414oz (% cup) fine semolina (semolina flour) for oiling
135g / 41/20Z (% cup) parboiled rice 1 tablespoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon chana dal, rinsed and drained
salt 400g / 14oz (214 cups) fine semolina (semolina flour)
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt_
To serve 1/2 teaspoon baking powder _
Sambhar (see page 543) 1/2 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
Karpodi (see page 51) 12 curry leaves, chopped
y2 teaspoon asafoetida_
Soak the urad dal in a bowl of water overnight. 6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped_
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
The next day, drain the dal, transfer to a blender or
food processor and process to make a smooth paste. salt
Put the ground dal in a clean bowl, add the semolina
and set aside overnight. Heat the oil in a large pan, add the lentils and
semolina and fry for about 2 minutes, or until lightly
Meanwhile, soak the rice in another bowl of water roasted.
for 15 minutes. Drain the rice, transfer to a blender
or food processor and process to make a smooth Put the yoghurt, baking powder, ginger paste, curry
paste. Put the ground rice in a clean bowl and set leaves, asafoetida, chillies, mustard seeds and 250ml
aside overnight. / 8fl oz (1 cup) water in a large bowl, season with salt
and mix together. Set aside for 30 minutes, then whisk
The next day, line idli moulds with a damp cloth. Mix the mixture to make a batter. Set aside for 4-6 hours.
the ground dal mixture and rice together. Add the
baking powder and season with salt, then whisk for Oil idli moulds with a little oil and pour a ladleful of
about 2 minutes. Put spoonfuls of the mixture in the the batter into them. Steam in a steamer or pressure
prepared idli moulds and steam in a steamer or cooker for about 10-12 minutes, or until cooked.
pressure cooker for 8—10 minutes, or until cooked. To check if the idlis are done, insert a cocktail stick
To check if the idlis are done, insert a cocktail stick (toothpick) into the middle and if it comes out clean,
(toothpick) into the middle and if it comes out clean, they are cooked. If using a pressure cooker, don't
they are cooked. If you use a pressure cooker, don't apply the weight or whistle. Carefully remove from
the steamer and allow to cool for 1—2 minutes.
apply the weight or whistle.

If you don't have idli moulds then use small heatproof If you don't have idli moulds then use small
bowls, such as ramekins. Oil them lightly before heatproof bowls, such as ramekins. Oil them lightly
filling them with the rice and dal mixture and steaming before filling them with the batter and steaming
them in either a double boiler or an egg poacher. them in either a double boiler or an egg poacher.

Allow to cool for 1-2 minutes, then remove the idlis

and serve with Sambhar and karpodi.


m Leave the dhokla (cake) in the container. Cut into
wedges while still warm.

Dhokla For the tempering, heat the remaining oil in

Steamed Lentil Sponge Cake a heavy-based pan, then when the oil is hot, reduce
the heat, add the curry leaves and stir-fry for
1 minute. Add the green chillies and black mustard
Origin Gujarat
seeds and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until the
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking
spices start to crackle. Add 125ml / ^/zfl oz O/2 cup)
and standing time
water and pour the mixture on top of the dhokla.
Cooking time 50-60 minutes
Serve with chutney.
Serves 4

500g /11b 2oz (2% cups) chana dal, rinsed m


and drained
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and finely chopped Upama
2 teaspoons lemon juice Semolina (Farina) Snack
2-3 green chillies, coarsely ground
1 teaspoon sugar Origin Tamil Nadu/Karnataka
Preparation time 20 minutes
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
Cooking time 15 minutes
5 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus extra for oiling Serves 4
Raw Tamarind Chutney or Mint Chutney y2 teaspoon ghee_
(see page 66), to serve 1 teaspoon ground ginger
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
For the tempering 2 onions, finely sliced
10-15 fresh curry leaves_ 200g / 7oz (1 cup) coarse semolina (farina)
6-7 green chillies, deseeded and finely chopped 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
2 teaspoons black mustard seeds juice of 1 lime
Soak the chana dal in a bowl of water overnight.

Drain the dal, then place in a blender or food For the tempering
processor and process until ground and a soft 1 tablespoon chana dal, rinsed and drained
dropping consistency. 1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
V2 teaspoon mustard seeds
Oil a 1.5-litre / z\4-pint (6‘/4-cup) round container, such
y2 teaspoon cumin seeds
as a cake tin (pan), that fits inside a steamer,
then place the tin inside the steamer and heat. If you 6 cashew nuts
don't have a steamer, use a large saucepan or Dutch
oven with a lid and place a trivet or upside-down Heat half the ghee in a medium-sized, heavy-based
plate in the base. Pour in enough hot water to come frying pan (skillet), add the ginger and stir-fry for
half way up the side of the cake tin. Place over 1 minute. Add all the ingredients for the tempering
medium heat. and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until they turn
dark brown. Add the chillies and onions and cook
Put the ground dal, ginger, lemon juice, chillies, sugar, over low heat for about 4 minutes.
bicarbonate of soda (baking soda), 3 tablespoons oil
and salt to taste in a large bowl, add 250ml / i8fl 02 Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (274 cups) salted water to the
(1 cup) lukewarm water and mix quickly. boil in a pan. Add the semolina to the ingredients in
the frying pan, then, stirring constantly, pour in the
Pour the batter into the heated tin. It should be just hot salted water. Continue to stir until all the water
over half full, then carefully cover with a clean cloth is absorbed. Add the rest of the ghee and the
or a round of baking paper (parchment) and put on chopped coriander and cook until the ghee has
the lid. The steamer should remain sealed. Steam for melted. Remove from the heat, add the lime juice
about 50—60 minutes, or until done. It will be risen and serve hot.
and firm to the touch. Carefully remove the tin from
the steamer and let stand for 15 minutes.


# Fold in the cooked lentils, then stir in the curry leaves,
turmeric, the coarsely ground cumin seeds and
peppercorns and a further 2 tablespoons ghee and
Rava Pongal remove from the heat. Garnish with the reserved
Semolina & Green Lentil Savoury cashew nuts and serve.

Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 20 minutes-1 hour
Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4
8 tablespoons ghee Pepper-flavoured Porridge
10Og / 3V2QZ (V2 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
Origin Tamil Nadu
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
Preparation time 15 minutes
1 teaspoon black peppercorns Cooking time 20 minutes
200g / 7oz (1 cup) fine semolina (semolina flour) Serves 6
10 cashew nuts, to garnish
salt 400g / 14oz (2 cups) basmati rice, rinsed and drained
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 200g / 7oz (1 cup) moong dal, dry-roasted
and grated 4 tablespoons ghee
1 sprig curry leaves pinch of asafoetida
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
3 dried red chillies
Heat a kadhai or heavy-based, deep frying pan 8-10 curry leaves
(skillet) over medium heat. When hot, add
10-15 cashew nuts
4 tablespoons ghee, then add the lentils and roast
for about 4 minutes. Set the ghee aside in the pan. 1 teaspoon black peppercorns
juice of 1 lime
Put the cumin seeds and peppercorns into a spice salt
grinder and process until coarsely ground.
Alternatively, use a mortar and pestle. Set aside. Put the rice in a blender or food processor and
process until it is coarsely ground and looks like
Transfer the lentils to a pressure cooker, add 375ml / semolina (farina). Transfer the rice to a dry frying
i3fl oz (1/2 cups) water and cook under pressure for pan (skillet) and fry for 2-3 minutes, or until golden.
5 minutes. Set aside. Alternatively, put the lentils Remove from the heat and set aside.
and water in a pan, bring to the boil, then reduce
the heat and cook for about 40 minutes, or until soft. Put the lentils in a large pan, add enough water to
cover, then bring to the boil and cook for about
Heat the reserved ghee in the pan, then add the 10—12 minutes, or until soft. Drain, return to the pan
semolina (farina) and fry for about 1 minute, or until and mash with a potato masher or fork. Add the
golden. Remove from the pan and set aside. Add dry-roasted ground rice, season with salt and pour
a further 2 tablespoons ghee to the pan and heat in 1 litre / iV* pints (4% cups) water. Cook over
through. Add the cashew nuts for the garnish and fry medium heat for about 15 minutes, or until all the
for 1—2 minutes, or until golden. Remove from the water is fully absorbed.
pan and set aside.
Heat the ghee in a frying pan, add the asafoetida and
Pour 1 litre / i* 3 4 5/♦ pints (4% cups) water into the pan. other spices and fry for 1 minute, or until fragrant.
Add 1 teaspoon salt, the grated ginger and bring to Add the cashew nuts and peppercorns and fry
the boil, then reduce the heat and gradually add for a further 2 minutes, or until the nuts are golden.
the fried semolina, about 2 tablespoons at a time, Remove from the heat and pour over the porridge.
stirring vigorously after each addition to blend well Add the lime juice before serving hot.
and prevent any lumps. Continue to cook, stirring
constantly, for 8-10 minutes, or until the water is
almost absorbed and the semolina is cooked.



Matthi Papri
Flaky Savoury Biscuits (Crackers) Gram (Chickpea) Flour Biscuits
Origin Punjab
Preparation time 30-35 minutes Origin Delhi
Cooking time 40 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Makes 30-35 Cooking time 10 minutes
Makes 20-25
1 kg / 2141b (8 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour, plus
extra for dusting 250g / 9oz (1% cups) gram (chickpea) flour, plus
1 teaspoon salt extra for dusting
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil or ghee, plus pinch of cream of tartar
extra for frying V2 teaspoon chilli powder
2 tablespoons black peppercorns, coarsely ground pinch of asafoetida
6 fenugreek leaves, finely chopped
Sift the flour and salt into a bowl, then mix in the
2 tablespoons mustard oil, plus extra for oiling
oil or ghee, add the pepper and mix well. Slowly
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) mustard oil,
add enough water to make a stiff dough. Divide the
dough into 16—18 equal portions and roll out each for shallow-frying
portion on a lightly floured surface into a thick disc, salt
about 8cm / 3 inches in diameter. Prick each disc on
one side with a fork. Mix the flour, cream of tartar, spices and chopped
fenugreek together in a large bowl. Gradually add
Heat enough oil or ghee for deep-frying in a kadhai enough water to make very stiff dough, then knead
or deep, heavy-based pan to i8o'C/35o”F. or until 2 tablespoons mustard oil, a little at a time, into the
a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in dough. With oiled hands, roll the dough into a long
batches, drop 4 discs at a time carefully into the rope about 2.5cm / 1 inch in diameter, then cut off
hot oil and deep-fry, turning frequently, for about 2.5-cm / i-inch pieces of dough and flatten each into
5 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove with a circle. Dust the work surface with flour and roll
a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper out the papris as thinly as possible. They should be
towels). Allow to cool completely, then serve or 15cm / 6 inches in diameter.
store them in an airtight container.
Heat the oil for shallow-frying in a large kadhai or
deep, heavy-based pan over high heat. Reduce the
heat and fry the papris, in batches, for about
i—2 minutes, or until cooked through, crisp and pale
golden. Do not allow the biscuits to become too
dark. Remove with a slotted spoon, drain on kitchen
paper (paper towels) and allow to cool. Serve or
store carefully in an airtight container.


0/m p.677 Using a metal spatula or slotted spoon, very carefully
and gently slide each gujiya into the hot oil and
deep-fry for about 3-4 minutes, or until pale golden.
Dahi ki Gujiya Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on
Savoury Pastry Crescents kitchen paper (paper towels). Make the others
in the same way.
Origin Delhi
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time Put the deep-fried gujiyas in a bowl of warm, salted
Cooking time 45 minutes water and allow to stand for 10 minutes.
Makes 10-12
Meanwhile, to make the spicy yoghurt, put the cumin
seeds in a dry frying pan (skillet) and roast for about
For the gujia
1 minute, or until fragrant, then transfer them to
200g / 7oz (1 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained a mortar and pestle or spice grinder and pound or
V2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) process until ground. Whisk the yoghurt in a bowl,
pinch of asafoetida then stir in the roasted ground cumin and chilli
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled powder. Season with salt.
and finely chopped
Remove the gujias from the bowl and gently squeeze
2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped them with the palms of your hands to extract any
2 teaspoons finely chopped mint leaves excess water. Arrange them in a serving bow and
2 tablespoons raisins or sultanas (golden raisins) pour the spicy yoghurt over the top. Serve with your
vegetable oil or ghee, for deep-frying choice of chutney.
choice of chutney, such as Green Mango Chutney
(see page 75) or Mint Chutney (see page 66),
to serve

For the spicy yoghurt

2 teaspoons cumin seeds_
500ml /18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
14 teaspoon chilli powder

Soak the lentils in a bowl of water overnight.

The next day, drain the lentils, transfer them to

a blender or food processor and process them
to make a fine paste. Put the paste in a clean bowl
and mix in the bicarbonate of soda and asafetida,
then whisk the mixture until fluffy.

Mix the ginger, chillies, mint and raisins together in

a bowl, then set aside.

Stretch a damp piece of muslin (cheesecloth) over

the rim of a glass. Dampen the palms of your hands,
shape the mixture into small balls, then flatten
lightly on the muslin.

Heat enough oil or ghee for deep-frying in a kadhai

or deep, heavy-based pan to i8o'C/35o'F, or until
a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds. Place a small
amount of the ginger mixture in the centre and
fold over to make a semicircle, using the muslin to
help you, then gently press the edges to enclose
the filling.


00 #0
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Dahi Papri ki Chaat Palakkayalu

Biscuits (Crackers) in Spicy Yoghurt Coconut Biscuits (Crackers)

Origin Delhi Origin Tamil Nadu/Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 45 minutes-1 hour Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 6-8 Makes 20-24

3-4 teaspoons cumin seeds_ 500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 cups) rice flour

250g / 9oz (2 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour, plus 1 teaspoon sesame seeds
extra for dusting 2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon chilli powder, or to taste
2 tablespoons ghee, melted V2 fresh coconut, grated
vegetable oil or ghee, for frying 250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt salt
2-3 teaspoons cumin seeds
salt Put the rice flour, sesame seeds, butter and chilli
powder into a large bowl. Season with salt and add
and 1 tablespoon water. Add the coconut and mix
To serve well to make a dough. If it is too dry, add a little
Tamarind Chutney (see page 64), Ginger Chutney more water.
(see page 64) or Mango Chutney (see page 75)
chopped red chillies Using your hands, roll the mixture into 20—24 small
balls, then flatten them in the palms of your hands
Chaat Masala (see page 31)
to make small rounds.
Put i teaspoon cumin seeds in a dry frying pan
Heat the ghee in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan
(skillet) and roast for about i minute, or until
to 180C/350T, or until a cube of bread browns in
fragrant. Transfer to a mortar and, using a pestle,
grind to a powder. Set aside. 30 seconds, then reduce the heat slightly. Working
in batches, gently lower the biscuits (crackers) into
the hot oil and deep-fry for about 1—2 minutes,
To make the papri, sift the flour and i teaspoon salt
together. Add the chilli powder and enough cold or until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
water to make stiff dough. Knead thoroughly for
about 5 minutes, incorporating the melted ghee into
the dough. Roll the dough out thinly on a lightly Allow to cool. These can be stored in an airtight
container for 10 days.
floured surface and cut out circles 2.5cm / 1 inch in
diameter. Prick the papris with a fork.

Heat some oil or ghee in a pan and fry the papris,

a few at a time, for about 5 minutes, or until golden
brown. Remove and drain on kitchen paper (paper
towels) and set aside.

Put the yoghurt in a large bowl and whisk, then

add the remaining cumin seeds and season with salt.
Set aside.

Just before serving, arrange the papris on a platter,

pour the seasoned yoghurt and chutney on top
and sprinkle over the ground roasted cumin seeds,
red chillies and chaat masala. Serve immediately.


VF' '/p' Punch a hole in the top of the discs with your thumb
and fill with about ‘A teaspoon of the potatoes and
A teaspoon of the chickpeas. Sprinkle over some
Pani Poori chaat masala and pour A teaspoon of the chutney
Puffed Biscuits (Cookies) over the top. Alternatively, dip the pooris in a pan of
with Tangy Water cold jal jeera to fill with tangy cumin-mint flavoured
water and serve.
Origin Delhi
Preparation time 50 minutes, plus cooling
and standing time
Cooking time 15 minutes
Makes 50
Uppu Vada
Sesame Seed & Coconut Balls
65g / 2Vzoz (y2 cup) wholemeal (whole-wheat) flour,
plus extra for dusting
Origin Tamil Nadu
70g / 2V2OZ [Vz cup) semolina (farina) Preparation time 30-45 minutes, plus drying time
2 tablespoons ghee Cooking time 10 minutes
500g /1 lb 2oz (2 cups) ghee or vegetable oil, Serves 10
for deep-frying
Chaat Masala (see page 31), for sprinkling 1 kg / 2%lb (6 cups) rice flour_
10Og / 3y2oz 0/2 cup) Tamarind & Ginger Chutney lOOg / 3V2oz (Vz cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained
(see page 65) 120g / 4oz sesame seeds
1 quantity Jal Jeera (see page 727) Vz fresh coconut, grated
pinch of asafoetida
For the filling 1 tablespoon butter
2 medium-sized potatoes, unpeeled vegetable oil, for deep-frying
120g / 4oz (Vz cup) canned chickpeas salt
(garbanzo beans), drained
Put the rice flour in a dry frying pan (skillet) and
cook for about 30 seconds, or until roasted. Transfer
To make the filling, cook the potatoes in a pan of
to a bowl and set aside. Put the urad dal in the
boiling water for 15 minutes, or until cooked but still
frying pan and cook for about 1 minute, or until
firm. Drain and allow to cool, then peel off the skins
roasted, then transfer to a blender and process until
and cut into small dice. Set aside.
finely ground. Transfer to the rice flour.
Sift the flour and semolina together into a large
Put the sesame seeds in the frying pan and cook for
bowl. Add the 2 tablespoons ghee and rub it in with
about 30 seconds, or until roasted. Add to the rice
your fingertips, then mix in enough water to make a
flour and urad dal and add the grated coconut,
stiff dough. Cover with a damp cloth and set aside
asafoetida and butter. Season with salt and mix,
for about 30 minutes.
adding enough water to make a soft, pliable dough.
Divide the dough into small marble-sized balls
Pinch off marble-sized pieces of dough and roll
and place them on a piece of cloth to dry for about
out thinly on a lightly floured surface or board into
1 hour.
4-cm / iA-inch discs.
Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
Heat the ghee or oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-
heavy-based pan to i8o“C/35o’F, or until a cube of
based pan to i8o‘C/350°F, or until a small cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat.
deep-fry the balls for about 2 minutes, or until they
Working in batches, deep-fry the discs for about
are a medium brown colour. Remove with a slotted
1—2 minutes, or until they puff up and are golden
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
in colour. Remove as soon as they begin to brown
These balls can be kept in an airtight container for
with a slotted spoon, drain on kitchen paper (paper
a month.
towels) and set aside.


vT" '7Jv'

Pappuchakkalu Thatte Vada

Savoury Fried Rice Flour Biscuits Rice Flour & Cashew Nut Biscuits
(Crackers) (Crackers)

Origin Andhra Pradesh Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 20-25 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30-35 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Makes 12-15 Serves 8

1 teaspoon cumin seeds_ 75g / 2Vzoz {Vz cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained
1- 2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 1 kg / 2141b (6 cups) rice flour, plus extra for dusting
2- 4 curry leaves 50g / 1%oz (about Vz cup) cashew nuts
1 teaspoon moong dal, rinsed and drained 75g / 2V20Z (14 cup) ghee
1 teaspoon chana dal, rinsed and drained pinch of asafoetida
150g / 5oz (1 cup) rice flour Vz teaspoon ground cumin
4 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour pinch of ground black pepper
1 tablespoon desiccated (dried flaked) coconut Vz teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon melted butter vegetable oil, for frying
vegetable oil, for deep-frying salt
Put the urad dal on a tawa or flat griddle or in
Put the cumin seeds, chillies and curry leaves in a dry frying pan (skillet) and fry for about 1 minute,
a spice grinder, season with salt and process or until roasted. Transfer to a spice grinder and
until coarsely ground. Alternatively, use a mortar process until finely ground.
and pestle.
Put the rice flour on a tawa or flat griddle or in a dry
Soak the lentils in a bowl of water for about frying pan and cook for about 1 minute, or until
io minutes. Drain and put into a clean bowl, then roasted. Remove from the heat.
add the flours, coconut and melted butter. Mix
well, adding enough water to make a dough. Divide Put the cashew nuts into the spice grinder and
the dough into 12—15 equal portions and roll into process to a coarse powder. Mix the ground
balls, then shape the balls into triangles or rounds ingredients together in a large dish. Season with salt.
about 6cm / 2/2 inches in diameter and about 5mm /
'/* inch thick. Put the asafoetida in a small bowl, add 1 tablespoon
water and stir until dissolved.
Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
heavy-based pan to i8o'C/35o’F, or until a cube of Heat the ghee in a pan, add the ground mixture and
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, asafoetida mixture and heat through.
deep-fry the triangles for 3-4 minutes, or until
golden brown on all sides. Remove with a slotted Remove from the heat and put the mixture into
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). a clean bowl. Knead into a dough, adding a little
Allow to cool. These can be stored in an airtight water, if necessary, then roll out on a lightly floured
container for 10 days. surface or board and cut into flat thin 3-cm /
i!4-inch rounds.

Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,

heavy-based pan to i8o’C/35o’F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
deep-fry the rounds for about 2-3 minutes, or until
golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). These biscuits
(crackers) can be stored in an airtight container for
2—3 weeks.


0/&1 p.123

Dal ki Kachori Chatpate Kulche

Lentil-filled Puffed Bread Baked Bread with Savoury Topping

Origin Delhi Origin Punjab

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking Preparation time 20 minutes
and standing time Cooking time 10 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Serves 2
Serves 4
1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
120g / 4 oz (% cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained_ 1 large-sized tomato, chopped
1 teaspoon red chilli powder 1 medium-sized onion, chopped
1 teaspoon peppercorns, coarsely crushed V2 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon coriander seeds V2 teaspoon Kashmiri chilli powder
1 tablespoon self-raising flour 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
4 tablespoons vegetable oil y2 teaspoon Chaat Masala (see page 31)
500ml /18fi oz (214 cups) vegetable oil for shallow-frying 50g / 1%oz (% cup) button (white) mushrooms,
salt cut into dice
1 red or green (bell) pepper, chopped
Soak the urad dal in a bowl of water overnight.
2 kulcha from the baker
Drain the urad dal, transfer to a blender or food salt
processor and process to make a coarse paste. chutney, such as Sweet Green Mango Chutney
Mix in the chilli powder, peppercorns and coriander (see page 75) or pickle, such as Mango Pickle
seeds, and season with salt. Set aside. with Jaggery (see page 77)

Using your hands, mix the flour and oil together in Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan (skillet), add
a large bowl. Slowly add enough water to make the tomato and fry for about 5 minutes, or until
a stiff dough. Knead thoroughly and then set aside most of the moisture has evaporated. Add the onion
for i hour. together with the ground spices, then season
with salt and stir-fry for a further 1 minute. Add the
Knead the dough again, then divide it into 12-14 mushrooms and continue to cook over high
equal-sized portions, roll into balls, then make heat, stirring briskly, for 1—2 minutes. Sprinkle the
a slight depression in the centre and fill with a little chopped (bell) pepper over the top, then remove
of the dal paste. Cover the dal paste completely from the heat and spread the mixture evenly on
with the dough and flatten the dough between the the kulcha. Slice like regular pizza and serve with
palms of your hands. Roll the bread lightly on a choice of chutney or pickle.
a board until it is about 8cm / 3 inches in diameter.
Repeat until all the dough and dal paste are used up.

Heat the oil for shallow-frying in a kadhai or deep,

heavy-based pan over high heat, then reduce the
heat to low. Working in batches, shallow-fry the
breads for about 2 minutes, or until golden brown,
then turn them over and fry the other side until
golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). Repeat until
all the breads are cooked.

These breads can be eaten either hot or cold and are

good for school lunches, picnics or long journeys.


#/GB p.196

Bervin Poori Aloo Chholey

Poori Filled with Black Lentils Potato & Chickpea (Garbanzo
Bean) Snack
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking time Origin Punjab
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Preparation time 10 minutes, plus soaking
Serves 4-6 and cooling time
Cooking time 20 minutes-2 hours
125g / AVaoz (y2 cup) urad dal_ Serves 4
1 y2 teaspoons aniseed
V2 teaspoon chilli powder 200g / 7oz (1 cup) dried chickpeas (garbanzo beans),
3 teaspoons coriander seeds, crushed soaked overnight_
2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh ginger 500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 medium) potatoes, unpeeled
2 teaspoons finely chopped coriander (cilantro) 1 teaspoon amchoor
1 quantity Poori Dough (see page 55) 1 teaspoon ground cumin
plain (all-purpose) flour, for dusting 2 teaspoons ground coriander
vegetable oil, for deep-frying 1 teaspoon rock salt
I/2 teaspoon chilli powder
Soak the urad dal in a bowl of water overnight. y2 teaspoon lemon juice
The next day, drain the lentils, place in a food
processor and process to make a smooth, stiff paste.
Drain the chickpeas and cook them in a pressure
Mix in the spices, ginger and chopped coriander.
cooker with 500ml / i8fl oz (2'4 cups) water for about
Set aside.
io minutes. Alternatively, put the chickpeas in a pan
with the water and cook for about 2 hours, or until
Divide the poori dough into 10 equal portions
soft. Drain and set aside.
and shape into small balls. Flatten the dough
slightly, then put 1 level teaspoon of the paste into
Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for
the centre and fold the dough over to enclose the
about 20 minutes, or until soft, then drain and allow
filling completely. Dust each ball with a little flour
to cool. When the potatoes are cool, peel off their
and, using a rolling pin, roll the balls out carefully
skins, return to the pan and cut into dice.
into rounds.
Put the chickpeas, potatoes and all the remaining
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
ingredients in a bowl, the season with salt and
heavy-based pan to i8o”C/35o"F, or until a cube of
mix together.
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
carefully lower the pooris into the hot oil and
deep-fry for 1-2 minutes, or until puffed up and
golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).


/ CD p.120

Aloo Chaat Aloo ke Khulle

Piquant Potatoes in Spicy Yoghurt Stuffed Potatoes

Origin Delhi Origin Punjab

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 5 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6

500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 medium) potatoes, unpeeled 12 medium-sized potatoes, unpeeled_

2 tablespoons vegetable oil vegetable oil, for shallow-frying
2 teaspoons ground ginger 10Og / 3V20Z (I/2 cup) cottage cheese, drained
1V2 teaspoons chilli powder 100ml / 3V2fl oz 0/2 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
1V2 teaspoons coriander seeds (see page 793)
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 50g / 1%oz (1/3 cup) carrots, finely chopped
and chopped 1 teaspoon Chaat Masala (see page 31), plus more
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped for sprinkling
2 teaspoons Chaat Masala (see page 31) 1-2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1V2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 teaspoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 y2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves juice of 2 limes
salt salt
1 lemon, cut into wedges, to garnish
Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling, salted water
Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for for about 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain and
about 10 minutes, or until cooked but still firm, then allow to cool. When cool enough to handle, peel
drain and allow to cool. When the potatoes are cool, off the skins.
peel off their skins and cut the potatoes into 2.5-cm /
r-inch cubes. Heat enough oil for shallow-frying in a kadhai
or wok over medium-high heat. Add the potatoes
Heat the oil in a pan, add the potato cubes and shallow-fry for about 10 minutes, or until
and stir-fry for about 1 minute over medium heat. golden brown. Remove and drain on kitchen paper
Remove from the heat and allow to cool. (paper towels).

When the potatoes are cool, add the remaining Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, add the yoghurt
ingredients and toss gently, making sure the potatoes and stir to combine.
are not mashed. Arrange equal portions of the chaat
in 4 serving dishes and garnish with lemon wedges. Cut a thin slice off the top of each potato and set
aside. Using a sharp knife, make a hollow in the
potatoes, making sure the skin is not punctured,
and scoop out the potato flesh into a bowl with
a teaspoon. Set the hollows aside.

Season the scooped out potatoes with salt, then

add the carrots, chaat masala, chopped chillies,
coriander and lime juice. Mix well, then add
the yoghurt and cottage cheese mixture and stir
until combined. Stuff the potato hollows with the
filling, put the reserved potato slice on top and
sprinkle over some chaat masala before serving.


#/© p.124 Heat the oil in a pan. When hot, add the ground
urad dal and fry for about 1—2 minutes. Transfer it
to a bowl and add the cashew nuts, almonds, half
Bharwan Phoolgobi the chopped chillies, 1 'A tablespoons coriander and
Stuffed Grilled (Broiled) Cauliflower the khoya. Season with salt and mix well. Stuff
the mixture inside and all around the cauliflower
and set aside.
Origin Punjab
Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling and
Put the ginger and garlic pastes, mustard paste,
marinating time
turmeric and remaining oil in another bowl. Season
Cooking time 8-10 minutes
with salt and mix well. Spread the marinade all
Serves 4
around the cauliflower and set aside for 1 hour.

1 medium-sized head cauliflower_

Put the lemon juice, grated paneer, cream, yoghurt,
5 peppercorns the remaining chopped chillies, remaining chopped
3 large cardamom pods coriander and the white pepper in another bowl.
5 small cardamom pods Season with salt and mix well. Spread this marinade
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm /1 inch long over the cauliflower and set aside for a further
1 hour.
5 cloves
60ml / 2y2fl oz O/3 cup) vegetable oil Prepare a tandoor for a moderate heat or preheat
2 teaspoons urad dal, ground the grill (broiler) to medium. Take a metal skewer
1 tablespoon cashew nuts, chopped and thread the cauliflower pieces on to it, leaving
1 tablespoon almonds, sliced a 2.5-cm / i-inch gap in between each piece. Roast
in a moderately hot tandoor or under the grill for
4 teaspoons green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
about 8-10 minutes.
3 tablespoons coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
2 tablespoons grated Khoya (see page 58)
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon mustard paste
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 tablespoon lemon juice
3 tablespoons grated Paneer (see page 59)
100ml / 3M oz (V2 cup) double (heavy) cream
4 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt
1 tablespoon ground white pepper

First, divide the cauliflower into large florets and

cut away as much of the stem as possible without
cutting it all the way through. Put the cauliflowers
into a large pan half filled with water. Add the
peppercorns, cardamom pods, cinnamon sticks and
cloves and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and
simmer for 7—8 minutes, or until just tender.
Drain and allow to cool, then place, stem-side up,
in a single layer in an ovenproof dish.


w Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for moderate
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
medium. When the stuffing is cool, fill each tomato
Tandoori Bharwan Tamatar with the mixture. Replace the tops and individually
Grilled Stuffed Tomatoes tie each tomato with a piece of kitchen string (twine).

Origin Punjab To make the marinade, mix the eggs, flour, salt, ajwain
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time and hung yoghurt together thoroughly in a large
Cooking time 10 minutes bowl. Coat the tomatoes with the marinade, then
Serves 4 thread the tomatoes onto z metal skewers, leaving at
least a 2.5-cm / i-inch gap in between. You can also
put a cut onion or potato half or at the end to
8 large tomatoes
prevent the tomatoes slipping off the skewers. Roast
in a tandoor, over a charcoal grill or under a grill
For the stuffing for 3—5 minutes, or until the tomatoes are cooked
2 teaspoons vegetable oil_ and the filling is piping hot. Serve hot with choice of
1 teaspoon cumin seeds salad and chutney.
300g /1 loz Paneer (see page 59), cut into cubes
300g / 11 oz (2 cups) small boiled potatoes, cut vjvs

into dice
150g / 5oz (1 cup) peas, cooked
3 tablespoons raisins Mysore Bonda
Vz ground turmeric Fried Spicy Onion Snacks
1 teaspoon chilli powder
Origin Karnataka
Preparation time 15-20 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 20 minutes
For the marinade Serves 4
2 eggs_
10Og / 3y2oz (% cup) gram (chickpea) flour 200g / 7oz (1 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained
pinch of salt_ 1 teaspoon basmati rice, rinsed and drained
pinch of ajwain seeds 2 teaspoons peppercorns
10Og / 3V20Z [Vz cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt 1 onion, chopped
(see page 793) 2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh coconut, grated
To serve chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
salad_ vegetable oil, for deep-frying
chutney, such as Tamarind & Ginger Chutney salt
(see page 65)
Soak the urad dal and rice in a bowl of water for
Cut the tops off the tomatoes, scoop out the seeds 3 hours.
using a teaspoon, then rinse under cold running
water and pat dry with kitchen paper (paper towels). Transfer the dal and rice to a blender or food
processor, season with salt and process to make
To make the stuffing, heat the oil in a non-stick a stiff, smooth batter. Add the remaining ingredients,
pan, add the cumin seeds and fry for about i minute, except the oil, and mix well, then shape the batter
or until they start to crackle, then add the paneer into lemon-sized balls.
cubes, diced potato, peas, raisins, turmeric, and
chilli powder, and season with salt. Stir-fry for Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
i—2 minutes, then transfer the mixture to a bowl heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o‘F, or until a cube of
and allow to cool. bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat to
low. Working in batches, deep-fry the bonda for
3—4 minutes, or until golden brown and crisp.
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
paper (paper towels). Serve hot.


Paneer Jhaal Frazie Lehsuni Paneer Tikka
Stir-fried Paneer Garlic-flavoured Paneer

Origin Awadh Origin Punjab

Preparation time 20-30 minutes Preparation time 20-30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 6-8 minutes
Serves 2 Serves 4

lOOg / 3V2OZ tofu, cut into medium-sized cubes 750g / 1%lb Paneer (see page 59)
lOOg / 3y2oz Paneer (see page 59), cut 5g /14oz (14 pepper) green chilli, de-seeded
into medium-sized cubes 250g / 9oz (1% cups) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil 4 tablespoons double (heavy) cream
2 dried red chillies 5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 green chillies, slit lengthways and de-seeded 6 tablespoons ground coriander
2 small carrots, cut into small pieces 1 tablespoon chilli powder
1 small head broccoli or cauliflower, cut into florets y2 tablespoon ground turmeric
y2 teaspoon ground coriander 1 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
y2 teaspoon ground cumin 1 tablespoon ajwain seeds
y2 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder 1 tablespoon Chaat Masala (see page 31)
14 teaspoon ground turmeric 4 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour
1 large tomato or red (bell) pepper, de-seeded 1 teaspoon vinegar
and cut into slices 2 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee
y2 teaspoon lemon juice salt
For the stuffing
Heat a tawa, flat griddle or frying pan (skillet) until
2 tablespoons Tandoori Chaat Masala (see page 51)
hot. Add the tofu and paneer cubes and cook for
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
about 7 minutes, or until golden brown on all sides.
Make sure they do not burn.
Prepare a charcoal grill or preheat the oven to
i8o°C/35o’F/Gas Mark 4, if using. Cut the paneer into
Heat the oil in a broad, shallow pan, add the red
cubes and make a deep slit in the centre but do not
chillies, green chillies, carrots, broccoli or
cut all the way through. Put the chilli in a mortar or
cauliflower, ground spices, the tofu, paneer and
the tomato or red pepper and stir-fry over high heat small blender and coarsely pound with a pestle or
process to make a paste.
for 3—4 minutes. Toss the vegetables to combine.
Season with salt, then sprinkle lemon juice over the
top and serve hot. To make the stuffing, mix the tandoori masala and
garlic paste together in a bowl, then put some of the
mixture inside the slit in the paneer and rub some of
the mixture on the outside of the paneer; set aside.

Put the whisked yoghurt, cream, chilli, garlic paste,

spices, gram flour, vinegar and oil in a large bowl,
season with salt to taste and mix thoroughly. Add
the paneer to the marinade and set aside for about
2 hours.

Thread the paneer pieces on to 2-4 metal skewers

making sure the pieces are about 2.5cm / 1 inch
apart. Grill over a charcoal grill or in the preheated
oven for about 6—8 minutes.


Season with salt, then add the chaat masala, chopped
coriander and cook for another 5 minutes, or until
the vegetables are crisp. Remove them from the pan
Tandoori Bharwan Paneer and set aside.
Grilled Stuffed Paneer
Place the paneer slices on a flat surface or tray and
Origin Punjab spread the vegetables evenly over each slice, then
Preparation time 35 minutes, plus marinating time roll each slice into a cylindrical shape. Secure with
Cooking time 5-7 minutes cocktail sticks (toothpicks) at both ends to hold the
Serves 4 filling in place. Set aside.

To make the marinade, put the hung yoghurt, ginger

500g / 1 lb 2oz Paneer (see page 59)
and garlic pastes, chilli powder, salt to taste, the
vegetable oil, for shallow-frying garam masala, ground fenugreek, lemon juice and
1 tablespoon cumin seeds the oil in a large shallow dish and mix well. Put the
1 teaspoon ground turmeric paneer rolls into the marinade and set aside for
200g / 7oz (214 cups) cabbage, chopped about 1 hour.
50g / 1%oz (V6 cup) carrots, chopped
Preheat a tandoor or charcoal grill to a moderate
1 teaspoon Chaat Masala (see page 31)
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped medium. Thread the marinated paneer rolls on to
melted butter, for basting metal skewers, leaving a 2.5-cm / i-inch gap in
salt between each roll. Roast in a moderately hot
tandoor, over a charcoal grill or under the grill for
5—7 minutes, basting with melted butter during
For the marinade
cooking. Cut each roll in 2—3 slices. Serve hot with
400ml / 14fl oz (3 cups) hung natural (plain) yoghurt a choice of salad and chutney.
(see page 793)
V2 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
y2 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 teaspoon ground dried fenugreek leaves
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

To serve
chutney, such as Tomato Chutney (see page 70)
or Sweet Green Mango Chutney (see page 75)

Cut the paneer into 5 x 5-cm /2-inch pieces, then

cut each piece into i-cm / '/z-inch slices and pat dry
with kitchen paper (paper towels). Heat the oil for
shallow-frying in a deep, heavy-based pan over
medium heat. Add the paneer and shallow-fry for
about 10 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
the paneer with a slotted spoon and set aside.

Reheat the oil in the same pan, add the cumin seeds
and stir-fry until they begin to splutter. Add the
turmeric, cabbage and carrots and fry for about
2—3 minutes.


0/Qa p.126

Kurugayulu Upama Arisi Upama

Savoury Semolina with Vegetables Savoury Rice Snack

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 15-20 minutes Preparation time 20-30 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6

125ml / AM oz (Vi cup) vegetable oil_ V2 teaspoon asafoetida_

2 medium-sized onions, sliced 400g / 14oz (214 cups) coarsely broken rice,
1 small sprig curry leaves rinsed and drained
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 85g / 3oz (1 cup) grated fresh coconut
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) salt
3-4 cloves
pinch of ground turmeric For the tempering
75g / 2V20Z (M? cup) mixed seasonal vegetables 125ml / AM oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil
1 medium-sized tomato, chopped 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
200g / 7oz (1 cup) fine semolina (semolina flour) 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
125ml / AM oz [V2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt 1 dried red chilli, halved
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 2 teaspoons urad dal, rinsed and drained
juice of 1 lime 1 sprig curry leaves
For the dal paste
For the tempering 4 tablespoons toovar dal, rinsed and drained
V2 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained 4 green chillies
14 teaspoon mustard seeds
14 teaspoon cumin seeds Soak the toover dal for the paste in a bowl of water
for 15 minutes. Drain the dal, transfer to a blender
Heat the oil in a heavy-based kadhai or wok. Add all or food processor, add the chillies and 1 tablespoon
the ingredients for the tempering and stir-fry for water and process to make a paste.
about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
the onions, curry leaves, chopped chillies, ginger and Heat the oil for the tempering in a kadhai or
garlic pastes, cloves and turmeric, season with salt heavy-based, deep frying pan (skillet), add the
and stir-fry for a further 5 minutes. mustard and cumin seeds, red chilli, urad dal and
curry leaves and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until
Add the mixed vegetables and tomato, then cover the mustard seeds start spluttering. Add the
with a lid and cook over medium heat for about asafoetida. dal paste and 1 litre / iV* pints (4/4 cups)
5 minutes. Uncover, add the semolina, 375ml /i3fl oz water. Season with salt and bring to the boil.
(i'/z cups) hot water and the yoghurt and stir
constantly over the heat for about 3-5 minutes, or Stir in the broken rice, reduce the heat, cover and
until all the moisture is absorbed. Sprinkle over the simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until the water is
chopped coriander, then season with salt and add absorbed and the rice is cooked. Stir gently every
the lime juice. Remove from the heat. 5 minutes. Mix in the coconut and pepper and remove
from the heat.


Vj's v7ps
Return the butter to the tawa or griddle, concentrating
half in the centre, where it is hottest, and when very
hot, add the tomato pulp, mashed potatoes and
Pao Bhaji other vegetables. Add the ground spices and ontinue
Spicy Vegetables with Buttered Bread to mash with a spatula until extremely well blended.
You may decide upon the consistency of the bhaji
Origin New according to individual taste.
Preparation time 30-35 minutes
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Serve hot, garnished with chillies, ginger and
Serves 4 coriander, accompanied with the pav and a small
knob (pat) of butter, if desired.
6-8 Pav (mini bread loaves)_
250g / 9oz (4 small) potatoes, unpeeled_ m

500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 medium) tomatoes

10Og / 3V2QZ (% cup) peas, shelled if fresh
IQOg / 3V2QZ (7 tablespoons) butter, plus extra Carrot Bonda
to serve (optional) Fried Spicy Carrot Snacks
200g / 7oz (2 cups) cauliflower florets
Origin New
1 teaspoon chilli powder
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
Cooking time 20 minutes
14 teaspoon rock salt Serves 4
V2 teaspoon ground coriander
I/2 teaspoon ground cumin 200g / 7oz (1 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon basmati rice, rinsed and drained
To garnish 2 teaspoon peppercorns
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped_ 2 medium-sized carrots, grated
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and sliced 2 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
few coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
salt and chopped
few coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
Cut the pav in half. vegetable oil, for deep-frying
Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for
20 minutes, or until soft. Drain and allow to cool, then
Soak the urad dal and rice in a bowl of water for
peel off the skins, return to the pan and mash.
3 hours.
Make a small cross in the top of the tomatoes with
Transfer the dal and rice to a blender or food
a knife, then put them in a bowl of hot water and
processor, season with salt and process to make
allow to stand for about 5 minutes. Drain and allow
a stiff, smooth batter. Add the remaining ingredients,
to cool slightly, then peel off the skins. Set the
except the oil, and mix well, then shape the batter
tomato pulp aside.
into lemon-sized balls.
Cook the peas in another pan of boiling water for
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
5—7 minutes, or until soft.
heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o’F, or until a cube
of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat
Heat a large tawa or flat griddle and coat it with
to low. Working in batches, deep-fry the bonda
a thin film of butter by rotating the slab of butter
for 3—4 minutes, or until golden brown and crisp.
all over the pan. Once tawa is coated, remove
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
the butter and set aside. Place the sliced pav on it
paper (paper towels). Serve hot.
and cook for about 3—4 minutes, or until slightly
browned, then remove to a corner of the pan and
flatten a little with a spatula.


0/OQ p.193

Gobi Tandoori Khandavi

Grilled (Broiled) Cauliflower Gram (Chickpea) Flour Rolls

Origin Punjab Origin Gujarat

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling Preparation time 10-15 minutes, plus setting time
and marinating time Cooking time 15 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Serves 4
Serves 4
vegetable oil, for greasing_
1 large cauliflower head, cut into medium-sized florets 10Og / 3y2oz (% cup) gram (chickpea) flour
6 black peppercorns 250g / 9oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
2 cinnamon sticks 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
4 large cardamom pods % teaspoon ground turmeric
4 cloves 1 teaspoon green chilli paste
375ml / 13fl oz (V/2 cups) hung natural (plain) yoghurt chilli powder, to taste
(see page 793) salt
y2 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
V2 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) For the tempering
1 y2 tablespoons yellow chilli powder 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
vegetable oil, for frying the tumeric 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
3 tablespoons Garam Masala (see page 31) 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 tablespoon ground turmeric % teaspoon asafoetida
salt 2 dried red chillies
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
To serve 1 tablespoon curry leaves
green salad_
choice of chutney, such as Ginger Chutney Oil a flat tray (baking pan) and set aside.
(see page 64)
Put the gram flour, yoghurt, ginger paste, turmeric,
Put the cauliflower florets in a large pan, pour in green chilli paste, chilli powder and 250ml / 8fl oz
enough water to just cover, then add the (1 cup) water in a bowl. Season with salt and stir
peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, cardamom pods and until it is a smooth paste. Pour the mixture into
cloves. Season with salt and blanch the cauliflower a kadhai or wok and cook for about 10 minutes,
for about 5 minutes, or until it is two-thirds cooked. or until it is thick in consistency, then spread the
Drain and allow to cool. mixture evenly over the prepared tray (pan) and
allow to set.
Put the hung yoghurt in a large bowl and add the
ginger and garlic pastes, chilli powder and garam When the mixture has set, use a rolling pin to roll
masala. Season with salt and mix well. from one end to other, then cut it into 3-cm / i'4-inch
pieces and set aside.
Heat the oil in a pan, add the turmeric and stir-fry
for 30 seconds, or until it starts to smell fragrant. Heat the oil for the tempering in a small, heavy-
Pour into the yoghurt mixture and mix well. Add the based frying pan (skillet), add all the tempering
cooled cauliflower florets to the marinade and set ingredients and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes, or until
aside for 1 hour. the spices smell fragrant. Pour the spice mixture
over the gram flour pieces and serve.
Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for moderate
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
medium. Thread the marinated cauliflower florets
through several metal skewers, drizzle the remaining
marinade over the top and roast in a tandoor, over
a charcoal grill or under the hot grill for 6—8
minutes. Serve hot with choice of salad and chutney.


m #

Puli Bongaralu Moru Kalli

Rice Flour & Lentil Snacks Yoghurt & Rice Flour Savoury

Origin Andhra Pradesh Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 30-40 minutes, plus standing and Preparation time 10-15 minutes
soaking time Cooking time 15 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Serves 6
Makes 30-35
5 tablespoons sesame oil_
300g / 10V2OZ (2 cups) rice flour 125ml / 4y2fl oz (I/2 cup) sour yoghurt
1 tablespoon chana dal, rinsed and drained (see page 793), whisked
200g / 7oz (1 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained 150g / 5oz (1 cup) rice flour
2 curry leaves 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
2 onions, finely sliced salt
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon chopped fresh ginger For the tempering
vegetable oil, for deep-frying 2 tablespoons sesame seed oil_
salt 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon asafoetida
For the tempering 2 dried red chillies, halved
1 tablespoon vegetable oil_ 6 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
V2 teaspoon mustard seeds 1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
2 dried red chillies 1 sprig curry leaves
V2 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
pinch of asafoetida Oil a plate, that has a 2.5-cm /i-inch rim with 1 teaspoon
oil and set aside.
Put half of the rice flour into a pan and add
1 tablespoon water. Bring to the boil, then remove Whisk the yoghurt with 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water
from the heat and mix with the remaining half of in a bowl. Add the rice flour, a spoonful at a time,
the rice flour. Set aside for 24 hours. beating well between each addition to make
a smooth batter without any lumps. Season with salt
Soak the urad dal in water for 4 hours. Soak the and stir in the coriander leaves.
chana dal in another bowl of water for 1 hour. Drain.
Drain most of the water from the urad dal, transfer Heat the 2 tablespoons oil for the tempering in
to a blender or food processor and process to make a kadhai or deep, heavy-based frying pan (skillet),
a fine paste. Transfer to a bowl, add the rice flour, add the mustard seeds, asafoetida, chillies, urad
curry leaves, onions, chillies, ginger and season with dal, and curry leaves and stir-fry for 1 minute, or
salt. Mix together, then add the chana dal and mix well. until the mustard seeds start spluttering. Pour in
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and bring to the boil over
Heat the 1 tablespoon oil for tempering in a small, high heat. Reduce the heat, then pour in the batter
heavy-based frying pan (skillet), add the mustard and cook over low heat for 5—7 minutes, or until the
seeds, chillies, A teaspoon urad dal and asafoetida water is almost absorbed, stirring constantly to
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until dark prevent lumps. Add 4 tablespoons oil and keep
brown. Remove from the heat and add to the rice stirring until the mixture leaves the sides of the pan.
flour mixture. Mix well, then shape the mixture into Pour onto the oiled plate, flatten with a spatula
5-cm / 2-inch rounds about 2cm / ’/< inch thick. and allow to cool.

Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep, Cut into diamond-shaped pieces before serving.
heavy-based pan to i8o’C/35o”F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
deep-fry the rounds for about 2—3 minutes, or until
golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper. Allow to cool. This snack
will keep for several days in an airtight container.
'7F' vF'

Arisi Pulao Saboodana Khichari

Steamed Rice & Coconut Snacks Sago Flavoured with Coconut
& Coriander (Cilantro)
Origin New
Preparation time 20-30 minutes Origin Maharashtra
Cooking time 15 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
Serves 4 Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 6
125g / 4oz (34 cup) rice flour_
pinch of salt 500g /11b 2oz sago_
125ml / 4M oz (V2 cup) fresh coconut water 300g / 11 oz (2 cups) shelled peanuts
(see page 781) 2 tablespoons grated coconut
40g /11/2OZ (V2 cup) grated fresh coconut 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
fresh ripe bananas as required I/2 teaspoon sugar
sugar as required 2 teaspoons lemon juice
1V2 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil
Mix the rice flour, salt and coconut water together 2 potatoes, finely chopped
in a bowl to make a moist but powdery dough.
4-5 green chillies, finely chopped
Fill a tube with 3 spoonfuls of grated coconut, then 3 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
dough, then continue to fill alternately until the rock salt
dough and coconut are finished. The fillings should
be tight at each step. Soak the sago in a large bowl of water for about
2 hours. Drain and set aside.
Put the lid on and steam in the puttu maker for
7 minutes. Remove from the heat and tilt the Heat a kadhai or large wok, add the peanuts and
cylindrical-shaped puttu on to a serving plate. Break stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until roasted.
the puttu at the coconut joints and eat with bananas Transfer the peanuts to a plate to cool, then crush
and sprinkle with sugar. with a mortar and pestle.

A special pan called a puttu maker is needed to Separate the sago so that it is free of any lumps by
make these Keralan snacks. The puttu maker comes sprinkling over a little water and crumbling the sago
in two parts: the lower part is a steamer and the between your fingers. Put the sago in a bowl with
upper part is a cylindrical tube where the rice and the crushed peanuts, grated coconut, cumin seeds,
coconut are placed. The upper portion has sugar and lemon juice and mix well. Season with
a perforated lid at the bottom where steam rises rock salt, then set aside.
up from the steamer and a tight-fitting lid at the top
with small holes to allow the steam to escape. Heat the ghee or oil in a pan, add the potatoes and
stir-fry over medium heat for about 8 minutes, or
until they become soft. Add the chillies and continue
to stir-fry for about 1 minute. Reduce the heat to low,
add the sago mixture and stir to blend. Sago is
sensitive to heat so make sure the heat is reduced to
very low before adding the sago mixture, then cook
for about 5 minutes, stirring once or twice. Remove
from the heat as soon as the sago softens. Season
with salt, add the chopped coriander and mix well.


Beej Phalon ki Chaat
Sugared Marsh Melon Seeds Tangy Fresh Fruit

Origin Awadh Origin Delhi

Preparation time 10 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Serves 4
Makes 20-25
2 teaspoons cumin seeds
10Og / 3T6oz marsh melon seeds_ 2 apples, peeled, cored and cut into cubes
3-4 heaped (heaping) tablespoons boora 2 guavas, peeled and cut into cubes
or caster (superfine) sugar 3 oranges, peeled and cut into segments
3 bananas, peeled and sliced
Dry-roast the melon seeds in a kadhai or wok for
150g / 5oz (1 cup) seedless green grapes
about 2 minutes. Add the boora or sugar, then
sprinkle in 125ml / 4l4fl oz O/2 cup) of water with your 1V2 teaspoons amchoor
fingers and stir until the seeds are coated with the I/2 teaspoon black rock salt
sugar. Transfer to a plate and allow to cool. 2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
Store the sugared seeds in an airtight container.
1 teaspoon ground dried mint
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Put the cumin seeds into a dry frying pan (skillet)

Vazhaippazham Chips and fry over high heat for 30 seconds, or until browned
and fragrant. Be careful not to burn them. Remove
Banana Chips from the heat, transfer to a spice grinder or mortar
and process or pound with a pestle until ground.
Origin Tamil Nadu/Kerala
Preparation time 20 minutes Put all the fruits together in a glass bowl and mix
Cooking time 15 minutes with a salad fork and spoon. Add all the
Serves 4-5 remaining ingredients including the roasted ground
cumin and mix well. Chill a little before serving.
750ml-1 litre / 114—1 % pints (314-4 cups) vegetable oil
1kg / 2141b large, green bananas or plantains, peeled
and cut in half

Heat the oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan

to i8o°C/35o‘F, or until a cube of bread browns in
30 seconds, then working in batches, carefully slice
the plantains halves directly into the oil. Alternatively,
slice the plantain halves first and add them to the
hot oil in batches. Season with salt and deep-fry for
3—4 minutes, or until golden brown, then turn over
and continue deep-frying for a further 3-4 minutes,
or until crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).

Allow to cool, then store in airtight containers.


Fish and Seafood


0 Whisk the hung yoghurt in a large bowl, then add

the remaining ginger and garlic pastes, the garam
masala, the remaining yellow chilli powder and the
Mahi Tikka Ajwaini ground roasted chana dal. Season with salt and mix
Thyme-flavoured Fish well.Heat the mustard oil in a pan and when hot,
remove from the heat. Add the remaining ajwain
seeds and turmeric to the oil and immediately add
Origin Punjab
this to the yoghurt mixture and mix well.
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 15 minutes
Remove the marinated fish cubes from the first
Serves 6
marinade and remove any excess moisture by lightly
squeezing them with the palm of your hand, then put
1 kg / 2141b skinless firm white fish fillets, such_
the fish into the yoghurt mixture and turn until all
as monkfish or halibut, trimmed and cut the fish is coated in the second marinade. Cover and
into bite-sized cubes allow to marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
300ml /1/2 pint (114 cups) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
(see page 793) Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler)
melted butter, for basting
to medium. Thread the fish cubes onto several metal
salt skewers, 2.5cm / 1 inch apart, and coat with the
remaining marinade.
For the first marinade
4 teaspoons lemon juice_ Roast in a moderately hot tandoor, over a charcoal
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) grill or under the grill for about 6—8 minutes, or
until the fish is cooked.
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon yellow chilli powder Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them up
2 tablespoons ajwain seeds over a tray for about 5 minutes to allow any excess
1 tablespoon ground turmeric moisture to drain out completely. Put the skewers
in a dish, baste with melted butter and roast again in
the tandoor or under the grill for about 3 minutes.
For the second marinade
Serve hot with a choice of salad and chutney.
1/2 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 tablespoon chana dal, roasted and ground
3 tablespoons mustard oil

To serve
chutney, such as Sweet Mango Chutney (see page 75)

To make the first marinade, mix the lemon juice, half

of the ginger and garlic pastes, half of the yellow
chilli powder, half of the ajwain seeds and half of
the turmeric together in a large shallow dish. Season
with salt, add the fish cubes and rub well to coat
in the marinade. Cover and allow to marinate in the
refrigerator for 30 minutes.


# # /1S3 p.472 Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler)
to medium. Thread the fish cubes on to several metal
Hara Mahi Tikka skewers, 2.5cm / 1 inch apart, and coat with the
Roast Fish with Mint remaining marinade.

Origin Punjab Roast in a moderately hot tandoor, over a charcoal

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time grill or under the grill for 6-8 minutes, or until cooked.
Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 6 Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them
up over a tray for about 2—3 minutes to allow any
excess moisture to drain out completely. Put the
3 tablespoons chopped green chilli_
skewers in a dish and baste with melted butter then
10Og / 3y2oz (2% cups) coriander (cilantro) leaves roast again for a further 2—4 minutes.
18 mint leaves
2 curry leaves
2 tablespoons pomegranate seeds
1 onion, coarsely chopped
300ml /1/2 pint (1 % cups) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
Talela Bangda
(see page 793)
Fried Fresh Mackerel
1 kg / 2141b fish fillets, trimmed and cut
into large cubes Origin Coastal
melted butter, for basting Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 20 minutes
For the marinade Serves 4

y2 tablespoon finely chopped ginger_

2 teaspoons cumin seeds_
y2 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons coriander seeds
60g / 2oz (2 tablespoons) peanut paste
8 large dried red chillies
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
pinch of ground allspice
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp
1 teaspoon crushed black peppercorns
12 medium-sized whole mackerels, gutted, rinsed
1 tablespoon crushed pomegranate seeds
and patted dry with kitchen paper (paper towels)
1 teaspoon ajwain seeds
vegetable oil, for shallow-frying
1 y2 tablespoons cornflour (cornstarch)
1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour, roasted
lime wedges, to serve
4 teaspoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons vegetable oil To make the marinade, put the cumin and coriander
salt seeds, dried red chillies, turmeric and tamarind pulp
into a mortar or blender, season with salt and pound
Put the chilli, coriander leaves, mint leaves, curry with a pestle or process to make a smooth paste.
leaves, pomegranate seeds and onion in a blender Arrange the fish in a single layer in a large shallow
or food processor and process to make a smooth dish and spread the paste evenly over. Cover and
paste. Transfer to a bowl and set aside. allow to marinate in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Whisk the hung yoghurt in a bowl, then add all the Heat enough oil for shallow-frying in a pan over high
ingredients for the marinade and the spice paste, heat, then reduce the heat to medium. Working in
season with salt and mix well. Add the fish cubes batches, add the fish together with the marinade and
and turn until the fish is coated. Cover and allow to fry for 2—3 minutes on one side until golden brown
marinate in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. and crisp. Turn the fish over and fry the other side
for 2 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove with
a slotted spoon and serve hot with lime wedges.


& vJ'N Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them up
over a tray for about 2—3 minutes to allow any excess
moisture to drain out completely. Put the skewers in
Khatti Meethi Machhali a dish and baste with melted butter then roast again
Sweet & Sour Fish for a further 4 minutes.

Origin Awadh
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling and
marinating time
Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 6
Samudri Seekh
Seafood Skewers
1kg / 2141b sole, cleaned and cut into large cubes
Vz tablespoon ground white pepper
Origin Punjab
Preparation time 20-30 minutes
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Cooking time 5-7 minutes
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt Serves 6
(see page 793)
1 tablespoon red chilli paste 500g / 1 lb 2oz skinless firm white fish fillets,_
melted butter, for basting finely chopped
salt 500g / 11b 2oz large prawns (shrimp), peeled,
deveined, rinsed and patted dry with kitchen
For the tamarind sauce paper (paper towels), then chopped
10Og / 3Y2QZ (3A cup) tamarind pulp Vz tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
4 tablespoons jaggery or soft brown sugar Vz tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon chilli powder Vz tablespoon ground white pepper
1 teaspoon ground cumin 3Y2 tablespooons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Vz teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
4 teaspoons cream
To prepare the tamarind sauce, heat the tamarind
melted butter, for basting
pulp in a pan with a little water. Add the jaggery,
chilli powder, cumin and garam masala, then season Salt
with salt and simmer until the sauce is reduced.
Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
. medium. Mix the fish and prawns together in a bowl,
Put the fish cubes in a bowl, season with salt, then
add the white pepper and lemon juice. Cover and then add the ginger and garlic pastes, white pepper,
allow to marinate in the refrigerator for about 30 coriander and chillies. Season with salt and mix until
minutes. the fish and prawns are coated in the mixture. Add
the cream and mix again.
Whisk the hung yoghurt in a large bowl, then add the
red chilli paste and cooled tamarind sauce and mix Divide the mixture into 16 equal portions, then
well. Remove the fish cubes from the first marinade spread each portion evenly along the length of metal
and remove any excess moisture by lightly squeezing skewers, flattening the mixture into a sausage shape
them with the palm of your hand, then put the fish until the kebabs are 10cm / 4 inches long and leaving
into the yoghurt mixture and turn until all the fish is 2.5cm / 1 inch between each one. You can make
coated in the second marinade. Cover and allow to 2 kebabs on one long skewer.
marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Roast in a moderately hot tandoor, over a charcoal
Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate grill or under the grill for 4—5 minutes, or until cooked.
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
medium. Thread the fish cubes on to several metal Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them up
skewers, 2.5cm / 1 inch apart, and coat with the over a tray for about 5 minutes to allow any excess
remaining marinade. moisture to drain out completely. Put the skewers in
a dish and baste with melted butter then roast again
Roast in a moderately hot tandoor, over a charcoal for a further 1-2 minutes.
grill or under the grill for 6—8 minutes, or until cooked.


vF1 ■7F'

Ambat Dahyatil Machhi Taleli Gaboli

Fried Soured Cream Fish Spicy Fried Fish Roe

Origin Coastal Origin Coastal

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) soured cream_ 1 kg / 2% lb fish roe, cleaned

4 teaspoons ground black pepper vegetable oil, for shallow-frying
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) For the dry masala
800g / 1%lb firm white fish fillets, such as surmai 1 teaspoon ground turmeric_
or haddock, trimmed, rinsed and patted dry 2 teaspoons chilli powder
with kitchen paper (paper towels) 2 teaspoons ground cumin
300g / 10y2OZ (2 cups) rice flour 2 teaspoons ground coriander
vegetable oil, for deep-frying 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
salt salt

Put the soured cream, pepper, and ginger and garlic For the green masala paste
pastes in a shallow dish that is large enough to hold
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped_
the fish in a single layer. Season with salt and mix
well. Put the fish fillets into the dish and rub each 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
well with the mixture. Cover and allow to marinate and chopped
in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. 6 cloves garlic, chopped
3 bunches coriander (cilantro) sprigs, leaves only,
Spread the rice flour out on to a flat tray and coat
each fish fillet evenly on both sides by pressing firmly
1 teaspoon sugar
into the flour.
1 teaspoon salt
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep 2 tablespoons lime juice
frying pan (skillet) to i8o‘C/35o’F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat. Cook the roe in a steamer for about 10—15 minutes,
Working in batches, carefully lower the fish into the then remove the membrane and cut into slices.
hot oil and deep-fry for about 5 minutes, or until
golden brown on all sides. Remove with a slotted Mix all the ground spices together in a bowl, season
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). with salt and rub the dry masala mix gently on each
slice of roe. Cover and allow to stand for 5 minutes.

To make the green masala paste, put the chillies,

ginger, garlic, coriander, sugar, salt and lime juice in
a mortar or blender and pound with a pestle or
process to make a smooth paste. Rub this paste on
the fish roe slices in the bowl, then cover again and
allow to stand for a further 5 minutes.

Heat enough oil for shallow-frying in a large shallow

pan over high heat, then reduce the heat to medium.
Working in batches, put the roe slices into the hot
oil, making sure there is enough space between them
so they do not break when turned over. Shallow-fry
for about 5 minutes, or until golden brown on both
sides. Remove with a slotted spoon.


0 0/OD pp.125, 127

Mith Miryatii Machhi Bhajela Saranga

Salt & Pepper Fish Baked Fish

Origin Coastal Origin Coastal

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30-40 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 40 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 8

1 large banana leaf (optional)_ 1kg / 2141b whole rawas or salmon, gutted, rinsed
1kg / 2141b white fish fillets, such as haddock, tilapia and patted dry with kitchen paper (paper towel)
or halibut, trimmed, rinsed and patted dry with 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
kitchen paper (paper towels) 1 tablespoon lime juice
2 tablespoons black peppercorns, crushed banana leaves (optional)
1 teaspoon ground black pepper vegetable oil, for frying
few sprigs coriander (cilantro) leaves salt
2 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons butter or ghee For the spice paste
salt 1 onion, chopped_
2 red chillies, de-seeded and chopped
To soften the banana leaf, hold it over the low flame
2 cloves garlic, crushed
of a gas cooker (stove top burner) for a few seconds,
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
or until soft. Alternatively, use a cook's blowtorch or
submerge each leaf into a pan of boiling water, and chopped
remove immediately with tongs, rinse under cold 30g / 1%oz (V3 cup) desiccated (dried flaked)
water and dry well. Cut the banana leaf into 4 x coconut
25-cm / 10-inch squares.
Cut the head and fins off the fish, then using
Put the fish fillets in a shallow dish and rub each a sharp knife, score slashes on both sides. Mix the
fillet with a little salt, the pepper, coriander leaves turmeric and lime juice together in a bowl and
and lime juice. Cover and allow to marinate in the season with salt. Arrange the fish in a large dish
refrigerator for 15 minutes. and rub the turmeric and lime mixture evenly
all over the fish. Cover and allow to marinate in
Heat the butter or ghee in a large frying pan the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
(skillet) over medium heat, add the fish and fry
for 5-10 minutes on each side. Soften the banana leaves (see left), then cut them
into 8 x 25-cm / 10-inch squares. Alternatively, use
Place a piece of fish in the centre of a prepared foil squares.
banana leaf, fold over the sides to form a neat
parcel and secure with kitchen string (twine). To make the spice paste, put the onion, chillies, garlic,
If using foil, bring the edges up and seal at the ginger and desiccated coconut into a blender or
top to make an airtight but loose package. food processor and process, adding a little water to
make a smooth paste. Cut the fish into 4 individual
Heat a tawa, griddle or non-stick frying pan over portions and coat thickly on both sides with the
medium heat. When hot, add the parcels and spice paste.
fry for 5 minutes on each side. Serve hot in the
banana parcels. Spread out the banana leaf or foil squares on a clean
flat surface, place a fish portion in the centre, then
fold over to make a neat parcel and secure with
kitchen string (twine).

Heat a thin film of oil on a tawa, griddle or a frying

pan (skillet) over low-medium heat. Pan-fry the
parcels for 10 minutes on each side. Remove and
unwrap carefully so as not to break the fish fillets.



Kala Saranga Tikaht Modaka

Black Pomfret Spicy Whitebait

Origin Coastal Origin Coastal

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 15-30 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4-6

1kg / 2141b whole pomfret (butterfish), gutted, rinsed 2 tablespoons vegetable oil_
and patted dry with kitchen paper (paper towels) 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), leaves only, chopped
2 tablespoons lime juice 1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
V2 teaspoon salt 4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped_
12 cloves 1 teaspoon sugar
12 cardamom pods 1 kg / 2141b whitebait or herring, gutted, rinsed
20 black peppercorns and patted dry with kitchen paper (paper towels)
5 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 2 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon aniseed 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 tablespoon cumin seeds salt
4 tablespoons tamarind pulp
1 teaspoon sugar Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat, add the
cumin seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
1 large banana leaf (optional)
they change colour. Add the chopped coriander,
salt garlic paste, chillies, sugar and season with salt. Fry
for 1 minute. Add the whitebait or herring, stir to
Cut the head and fins off the fish. Using a knife, mix and add the lime juice. Reduce the heat, cover
score deep slashes on both sides of the fish. Mix and simmer for 10 minutes, or until the fish is
the turmeric, lime juice and salt together in a bowl. cooked. Sprinkle the garam masala over the top
Arrange the fish in a large dish and rub the turmeric just before serving.
and lime mixture evenly all over the fish.

Roast the whole spices gently together with the aniseed

and cumin seeds on a tawa, griddle or in a dry frying
pan (skillet) for about 30 seconds, or until they
darken. Transfer to a mortar and, using a pestle, pound
until coarsely ground or grind in a spice grinder.
Transfer to a bowl, add the tamarind pulp and sugar,
then season with salt and mix together, adding
a little water if necessary to make a paste. Rub the
paste all over the fish including in the slashes.

Soften the banana leaf (see page 174), or use a large

piece of foil.

Wrap the fish tightly in the banana leaf or foil and

secure with cocktail sticks (toothpicks). Heat a tawa,
griddle or non-stick frying pan. When hot, add
the fish parcel and cook for 5 minutes on each side,
or until the fish is cooked. Serve hot.



Machhi Kebab Karhai Jhinga

Fish Patties Stir-fried Prawns (Shrimp)

Origin Hyderabad Origin Punjab

Preparation time 50 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 40-45 minutes
Cooking time 25 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

2 medium-sized potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes 8 dried red chillies_
500g /1 lb 2oz skinless firm white fish fillets, such 2 teaspoons coriander seeds
as whiting or haddock, trimmed 10Og / 3V20Z (scant Vz cup) ghee or vegetable oil
3 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus extra for oiling 160g / 5y20z (1 medium) onion, chopped
4 spring onions (scallions), trimmed and chopped 31/2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 2 teaspoons ajwain seeds
and chopped 750g / 1 lb 10oz (4 cups) chopped tomatoes
4 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped 40g / 1V20Z (Vi3 cup) chopped ginger
2 eggs_ 6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
about 60g / 2oz [Vz cup) dried breadcrumbs, 750g / 11b lOoz prawns (shrimp), peeled, deveined,
for coating rinsed and patted dry with kitchen paper (paper
ground black pepper towels), then and heads and tails removed
salt 2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
lemon wedges, to serve 1V2 teaspoons ground fenugreek
4 tablespoons lemon juice
Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for
6 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
20 minutes, or until soft. Drain, return to the pan
and mash with a potato masher. Allow to cool.

Put the red chillies and coriander seeds in a mortar

Meanwhile, put the fish into a steamer, cover with
and pound with a pestle or grind in a spice grinder.
the lid and steam over low heat for about io minutes,
Set aside.
or until cooked. If you don't have a steamer, put
a trivet or upturned plate into the base (bottom) of
Heat the ghee or oil in a kadhai or wok, add the
a large pan and pour in enough boiling water
onions and saute over medium heat for about
to come up to the trivet. Place the fish on a lightly
5 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the garlic
oiled plate, cover with another plate or a piece
paste and stir-fry for 15 seconds, then add the
of lightly oiled foil and carefully put into the pan.
Cover and cook. ounded spices, ajwain seeds and stir-fry for a
further 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes, then increase
Remove from the heat, uncover and allow to cool. the heat to high and add three-quarters of the ginger
Flake the fish into a bowl, add the mashed potatoes, and chillies. Reduce the heat to medium and cook
spring onions, ginger, chillies and i egg. Season with for about 5 minutes, or until the oil separates from
the sauce.
and mix well to combine. Divide into 20 small balls,
then flatten them into small burger patty-like shapes.
Add the prawns and continue to cook for a further
Put the remaining egg in a shallow dish and beat 5 minutes, or until the prawns are cooked. If there
lightly, then spread the breadcrumbs out on a plate. is some liquid left, then increase the heat to high
Dip the patties first in the beaten egg, then in the and cook for a further 1—2 minutes until the liquid
breadcrumbs to coat. has evaporated. Season with salt, then sprinkle
over the garam masala, fenugreek, lemon juice and
Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan (skillet) over coriander. Stir to combine and serve hot.
low heat. Working in batches, fry the patties for
about 8—10 minutes, or until golden brown on both
sides and hot all the way through. Remove with
a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper
towels). Serve with lemon wedges.


Shevandi Kada Jhinga Adraki
King Prawns (Jumbo Shrimp) Grilled (Broiled) Ginger Prawns (Shrimp)
with Baby (Pearl) Onions
Origin Punjab
Origin Coastal Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Preparation time 15 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Serves 4
Serves 4
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
2 tablespoons vegetable oil_ (see page 793)
8 curry leaves I/2 tablespoon yellow chilli powder
1 large onion, chopped 1 tablespoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons coconut vinegar 1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 Vz tablespoons ground black pepper 3 tablespoons mustard oil
36 baby (pearl) onions, peeled Vz tablespoon ground turmeric
8 king prawns (jumbo shrimp), peeled, deveined, 20 large prawns (shrimp), peeled, deveined, rinsed
rinsed and patted dry with kitchen paper (paper and patted dry with kitchen paper (paper towels),
towels), heads removed but tails left intact heads removed but tails left intact
375ml / 13fl oz (II/2 cups) coconut feni or coconut melted butter, for basting
vinegar or white-wine vinegar salt
Put the hung yoghurt in a large bowl and beat with
Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat, add the curry a fork, then add the chilli powder, ginger, ginger
leaves and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they paste and lemon juice. Season with salt and mix well.
begin to change colour. Add the chopped onion and
fry for about 5 minutes, or until translucent. Add the Heat the oil in a pan to i8o°C/35o”F, or until a cube
sugar, vinegar, pepper and season with salt. Fry for of bread browns in 30 seconds. Add the turmeric
a further 1 minute. Prick the baby onions with a fork and pour this over the yoghurt mixture. Cover the
and add to pan. Fry for 3 minutes. bowl with a tight lid for 2 minutes, then mix well.

Prick the king prawns with a fork and add to the Add the prawns to the yoghurt mixture and turn
pan. Reduce the heat, then cover with a lid and until they are evenly coated. Cover and allow
simmer for 5 minutes. Uncover the pan, pour in the to stand for 30 minutes.
feni, cover again and cook for a further 5 minutes,
or until the prawns are done. Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
medium. Thread the prawns through several metal
skewers and cover with the remaining marinade.

Cook in a moderately hot tandoor, over a charcoal

grill or under the hot grill for 8—10 minutes, or until
the prawns are cooked.

Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them

up over a tray for about 5 minutes to allow any excess
moisture to drain out completely. Put the skewers
in a dish, baste with melted butter and roast again in
the tandoor or under the grill for about 2 minutes.


vI'N 'TJv' Remove the prawns from the marinade and allow
them to drain to remove any excess liquid, then add
the prawns to the yoghurt mixture and turn until
Hare Jhinga they are evenly coated. Cover and allow to marinate
Prawns (Shrimp) in Green Chutney in the refrigerator for i hour.

Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate

Origin Punjab
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler)
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus marinating time
to medium. Thread the prawns on to several metal
Cooking time 15 minutes
skewers, then cover with the remaining mixture.
Serves 4-6
Cook the skewers in a moderately hot tandoor, over
15-20 curry leaves_
a charcoal grill or under the hot grill for 8—io minutes,
20g / 3Aoz (Vz cup) coriander (cilantro) leaves or until the prawns are cooked. Make sure the
3 tablespoons mint leaves prawns are not overcooked, otherwise they will
6-8 green chillies be tough and rubbery.
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them up
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
over a tray for about 5 minutes to allow any excess
2 tablespoons ground dried fenugreek leaves moisture to drain out completely. Put the skewers
2 tablespoons lime juice in a dish, baste with melted butter and roast again in
20 large prawns (shrimp), peeled, deveined, rinsed the tandoor or under the grill for about 2 minutes.
and patted dry with kitchen paper (paper towels),
heads removed but tails left intact
200ml / 7fl oz (scant 1 cup) hung natural (plain)
yoghurt (see page 793)
4 tablespoons cream
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon yellow chilli powder
Vz teaspoon ajwain seeds
Vz teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
125ml / 4y2fl oz (Vz cup) vegetable oil
melted unsalted butter, for basting

To make the green spice paste, put the curry,

coriander and mint leaves and chillies in a mortar or
blender. Season with salt and pound with a pestle
or process, adding a little water, if necessary, to make
a smooth paste. Set aside.

Put half of the ginger and garlic pastes, the ground,

dried fenugreek and lime juice in a large bowl and
mix together. Add the prawns and turn until they
are evenly coated in the mixture. Cover and allow
to marinate for 20 minutes.

Put the yoghurt and cream in a bowl and beat with

a fork, then add the green spice paste, beaten egg,
ground spices, the remaining ginger and garlic pastes
and the oil, and mix well.


Shahalyat Kalve
Oysters in Green Masala

Origin Coastal
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 7-8 minutes
Serves 4-6

Vz teaspoon ground turmeric_

1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
y2 teaspoon ground coriander
1 tablespoon coconut vinegar
1 kg / 2141b large oysters, shucked and rinsed
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

For the spice paste

60g / 2oz (% cup) desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
3 green chillies, de-seeded
1 small bunch coriander (cilantro)
1 small bunch mint
flesh of 6 tender coconuts

To make the the marinade, put the ground spices

and vinegar in a shallow dish and season with salt.
Add the oysters and rub them all over with the
mixture, then cover and allow to marinate in the
refrigerator for 15 minutes.

To make the spice paste, put the desiccated

coconut, ginger, chillies, coriander and mint leaves
into a mortar or blender and pound with a pestle
or process, adding a little water, if necessary, to make
a smooth paste.

Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat, add the spice
paste and the coconut flesh and stir-fry for 2 minutes.
Add the oysters together with the marinade and
stir-fry for 2—3 minutes. Cover with a lid and cook for
a further 2 minutes, or until the oysters are cooked.



000/&1 p.193 0

Kakori Kebab Kursi Miyani

Minced (Ground) Lamb Skewers Sedan-Chair Kebab

Origin Awadh Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 45 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 5 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4-6

750g / 11b IQoz minced (ground) lamb_ 6 eggs_

1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 green chilli, de-seeded (optional)
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 3 tablespoons cooked minced (ground) lamb
3 tablespoons Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58) 1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour
1 tablespoon Poppy Seed Paste (see page 58) V2 teaspoon ground dried pomegranate seeds
1 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 4 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 tablespoon yellow chilli powder lOOg / 3V20Z (% cup) plain (all-purpose) flour
2 tablespoons ghee 1 teaspoon red chilli powder
melted butter, for basting vegetable oil, for frying
salt salt

To serve Cook the eggs in a pan of boiling water for 8—10

minutes, or until hard-boiled. Drain and allow to
onion rings_
cool. Put the chilli in a small blender and process
chutney, such as Mint Chutney (see page 66) until ground to a paste. Set aside.

Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate Cut the eggs into halves, then scoop out the yolks
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) and put into a bowl. Add the mince, gram flour,
to medium. Put the meat, pastes, ground spices and green chilli, ground pomegranate seeds and chopped
ghee into a large bowl. Season with salt and mix coriander and mix well. Divide the mixture into 12
well. Divide the mixture into 16 equal portions and equal portions and fill the egg white hollows with it.
roll into balls. Thread the balls on to several metal 'Join' 2 halves and secure with a long wooden skewer.
skewers and, with damp hands, flatten them into
a long sausage shape. Sift the plain flour and red chilli powder into
a large bowl. Season with salt and whisk, gradually
Cook over a moderately hot charcoal grill or under the adding enough water (about 150 ml / ’/« pint (S4 cup))
hot grill for about 5—8 minutes, turning frequently to make medium batter - not too thick or thin.
to ensure even roasting. Baste with melted butter
and cook for a further 1-2 minutes, or until cooked. Half-fill a deep, heavy-based pan with oil, and heat
Serve hot with onion rings and chutney. over medium heat until a cube of bread browns
in 30 seconds. Dry the eggs well, then dip them in
the batter and fry for 3-4 minutes, or until golden
brown and slightly crusted. Drain on kitchen paper
(paper towel), and sprinkle with a little salt.


Prepare a moderately hot charcoal grill or preheat
the oven to i90°C/375°F/Gas Mark 5. If you would
like to smoke the meat, place the marinated meat
Maans ke Soole pieces in a large, heavy-based pan leaving a hole in
Skewered Spicy Lamb Fillet the centre. Set the remaining marinade aside.

Origin Rajasthan Put 3—4 pieces of burning charcoal into a small

Preparation time 45 minutes-1 hour, plus heatproof bowl and place it in the middle of the
marinating time pan. Add the cloves and pour over hot ghee, then
Cooking time 20 minutes immediately cover the pan with a lid and leave
Serves 4 for 3—5 minutes so that the smoke imparts its
unique flavour to the meat.
1 kg / 2141b lamb fillet (sirloin)_
Thread the meat on to several metal skewers, making
6 cloves (optional) sure there is a 2.5-cm / i-inch gap between each piece
4 teaspoons hot ghee (optional) of meat. Coat with the remaining marinade. Roast
about 2 tablespoons melted butter, for basting over a moderately hot charcoal grill or in the oven
for about 15 minutes, or until the meat is cooked.
For the first marinade
Remove the skewers from the heat and hang up to
1 tablespoon raw papaya paste_ drain out any excess moisture. Put the skewers
V2 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) into a dish and baste with the melted butter, then
I/2 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) roast for a further 3—4 minutes. Serve hot.
2 tablespoons red chilli paste
4 teaspoons malt (white) vinegar
4 teaspoons vegetable oil or ghee

For the second marinade

250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
(see page 793), whisked
300g /1 loz Onion Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons red chilli paste
2 tablespoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 tablespoon ground white pepper
4 tablespoons lemon juice_
4 tablespoons vegetable oil_
pinch of salt

Put the meat on to a board and, using a meat mallet,

beat to flatten slightly, then score the meat gently
with a knife.

To make the first marinade, put the pastes, vinegar

and oil into a large shallow dish, season with salt
and mix well. Add the meat and spread the mixture
evenly over to coat. Cover and allow to marinate
in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Mix the yoghurt with all the other ingredients for the
second marinade in a large shallow dish. Remove the
meat from the first marinade, wiping off any excess
moisture from the first marinade and add it to the
second marinade. Cover and allow to marinate in the
refrigerator for a further 3 hours.


/ C®1 p.194

Rajasthani Boti Kebab Mutton Barra Kebab

Spicy Lamb Tikka on Skewers Roasted Lamb Kebabs

Origin Rajasthan Origin Punjab

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 25 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 kg / 2141b boneless lamb, cut into chunks 3 tablespoons raw papaya paste_
2 tablespoons melted butter, for basting 1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
For the first marinade 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 tablespoons raw papaya paste_ 1 teaspoon black cumin seeds
y2 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 125ml / 4y2fl oz (y2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt,
y2 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) whisked
1 tablespoon red chilli paste 3 tablespoons malt (white) vinegar
4 teaspoons vinegar 1 kg / 2141b lamb chops and shanks
4 teaspoons vegetable oil melted butter, for basting
salt salt

For the second marinade For sprinkling

250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt y2 teaspoon ground black cardamom
(see page 793), whisked y2 teaspoon ground green cardamom
y2 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 14 teaspoon ground cinnamon
y2 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 14 teaspoon ground cloves
3 tablespoons red chilli paste pinch of ground black rock salt
1 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 tablespoon ground dried fenugreek leaves Put all the pastes, black pepper, cumin, yoghurt
and vinegar in a large shallow dish. Season with
2 tablespoons lemon juice
salt and mix well. Add the meat and rub evenly all
3 tablespoons mustard oil over to coat. Cover and allow to marinate in the
pinch of salt refrigerator overnight.

To make the first marinade, put all the ingredients Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
into a large bowl, season with salt and mix well. heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
Add the meat, coat evenly, then cover and allow medium. Put all the spices for sprinkling in a small
to marinate in the refrigerator for about z hours. bowl and mix together, then set aside.

Mix the yoghurt with all the ingredients for the second Thread the meat on to several metal skewers and
marinade in a large bowl or shallow dish. Remove the place a tray under them to collect any juices. Roast
meat from the first marinade. Using a knife scrape in a moderately hot tandoor, over a charcoal grill
off any excess moisture from the first marinade and or under the hot grill for about 10 minutes.
add the meat to the second marinade. Cover and allow
to marinate in the refrigerator for a further 3 hours. Remove the skewers from the heat and hang up to
drain out any excess moisture. Put the skewers
Prepare a moderately hot charcoal grill or preheat the into a dish and baste with the melted butter, then
oven to i90°C/375”F/Gas Mark 5. Thread the meat on roast for a further 5 minutes, or until cooked.
to several metal skewers and roast over the grill Sprinkle with the spice mixture just before serving.
or in the oven for about 15 minutes, or until the meat
is cooked. Remove the skewers from the heat and
hang up to drain any excess moisture. Put the
skewers into a dish and baste with the melted butter,
then roast for a further 3-4 minutes. Serve hot.


# # / C®3 p.208 Put the roasted spices into a mortar and pound
with a pestle until ground. Alternatively, use a spice
grinder. Add to the onion paste with the yoghurt and
Kathi Kebab season with salt. Mix thoroughly. Add the meat and
Boneless Lamb Kebabs turn until the meat is coated in the mixture. Cover
and allow to marinate in the refrigerator overnight.
Origin Bengal
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking Prepare a charcoal grill for a moderate heat, or
and marinating time alternatively, preheat the grill (broiler) to medium.
Cooking time 30 minutes Thread the meat on to several metal skewers and
Serves 6-8 cook over the charcoal grill or under the grill,
turning frequently, for about 10 minutes, or until
evenly browned. Baste with the melted ghee or
1kg / 2141b boneless lamb, cut into 2.5-cm / 1-inch
butter and cook, turning occasionally, for a further
cubes 10 minutes, or until the meat is cooked.
4 tablespoons melted ghee or butter
vegetable oil, for oiling Remove the meat from the skewers (be careful, as
the metals skewers will be hot) and transfer to an
oiled frying pan (skillet) until ready to serve.
For the marinade
8 dried kachri (optional)_
When ready to serve, heat the meat for a few minutes
4 dried figs or until piping hot, and serve with onion rings and
4 onions, cut into rings lime wedges.
8-10 cloves garlic, crushed
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece raw papaya
10-12 black peppercorns, dry-roasted
1 % tablespoons yellow mustard seeds, dry-roasted
1 teaspoon cumin seeds, dry-roasted
4 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked

To serve
onion rings
lime wedges

Soak the dried kachri, if using, and figs in a bowl of

water for 4 hours.

To make the marinade, drain the kachri and figs,

then transfer to a blender or food processor and
add the onions, garlic, ginger and papaya. Process to
make a smooth paste, then transfer to a large bowl
or shallow dish.


Kashmiri Seekh Kebab Pasande ki Seekh
Minced (Ground) Lamb Kebabs Lamb Fillets on Skewers
on Skewers
Origin Delhi
Origin Jammu and Kashmir Preparation time 45-50 minutes, plus soaking time
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time Cooking time 45 minutes
Cooking time 7-9 minutes Serves 4
Serves 4
6 dried kachri (optional)_
750g / 11b IQoz minced (ground) lamb_ 2 dried figs_
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 5 teaspoons poppy seeds
and chopped 250g / 9oz (1 large) onion
50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) onions, chopped 20 cloves garlic, crushed
31/2 tablespoons chopped mint leaves 250 ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped 1 kg (214 lb) Pasandas (see page 187)
y2 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 2 teaspoons ghee
y2 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
2 tablespoons red chilli paste y2 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) salt
1 teaspoon ground dried fenugreek leaves
1 tablespoon vegetable oil To garnish
melted butter, for basting onion rings
salt lime wedges

Put the meat in a large bowl and add the ginger, Soak the dried kachri, if using, and figs in a bowl of
onions, herbs, pastes, garam masala, fenugreek and water for 4 hours. Drain and transfer to a blender
oil. Season with salt and mix well. Cover and allow or food processor, add the poppy seeds, onion and
to marinate in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. garlic and process to make a paste. Transfer to
a large shallow dish, season with salt and add half
Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate the yoghurt. Add the meat and mix well.
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
medium. Divide the mince mixture into 16 equal If you would like to smoke the meat, put the meat
portions and roll into balls. With damp hands, spread mixture into a large, heavy-based pan and make a
the balls along the length of metal skewers, flattening depression in the centre. Put the ghee into a piece
the mixture into a sausage shape until the kebabs of foil and place it in this depression. Hold a small
are 10cm / 4 inches long and leaving 5cm / 2 inches piece of coal with a pair of tongs over a flame until
between each one. You can make 2 kebabs on one red hot, then place it into the ghee. Immediately
long skewer. cover as tightly as possible and allow the meat to
smoke for 4 hours.
Roast in a moderately hot tandoor, over a charcoal
grill or under the hot grill for 5-6 minutes. Remove Prepare a charcoal grill for a moderate heat, or
from the heat and baste with melted butter then alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to medium.
cook for a further 2—3 minutes. Remove the coal, pour the ghee on to the meat,
add the garam masala and chilli powder and mix
well. Wrap pieces of the meat around several metal
skewers and tie in place with wet kitchen string
(twine). Cook over a charcoal grill or under the hot
grill, turning frequently, for about 45 minutes, or
until golden brown and tender.

Serve garnished with onion rings and lime wedges.


Heat a little ghee on an iron griddle or in a heavy-
based frying pan (skillet) over low heat. Working in
batches, add a few patties to the griddle or pan,
Kachhe Keeme ki Tikya then cover with a domed lid and cook for 5 minutes
‘Uncooked’ Meat Patties on each side until golden brown. Drizzle a little
ghee on the griddle or in the pan during cooking.
Origin Hyderabad
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 50 minutes #
Makes 30-35

1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece raw papaya_

Chapali Kebab
Sandal Kebab
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1kg / 2141b finely minced (ground) lamb
Origin Hyderabad
2 tablespoons ghee Preparation time 25-35 minutes
2 onions, sliced Cooking time 15 minutes
100ml / 3M oz [Vz cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt Serves 6
(see page 793), whisked
lOOg / 3Vzoz (V2 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained, 10Og / 3Vzoz (1 medium) onion, cut into large chunks
then roasted 1 x 8-cm / 3-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
3 level tablespoons poppy seeds, dry-roasted and roughly chopped
2 teaspoons chironji seeds, dry-roasted 4-6 dried red chillies
iy2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) 4 green chillies, de-seeded (optional)
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 750g / 11b lOoz minced (ground) lamb with fat
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee, for greasing and frying 30g / 114oz (% cup) chopped coriander (cilantro)
salt leaves
1 tablespoon ground dried pomegranate seeds
For the filling 1 tablespoon ground coriander
1 x 3-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 3 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour
and chopped 2 eggs, beaten
2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped ghee, for frying
4 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves salt

Put the papaya in a small blender or food processor Put the onion, ginger, and red and green chillies
and process until ground to a paste, then transfer in a spice grinder or food processor and process
to a bowl. Put the ginger in the blender and process until ground. Transfer to a bowl. Add the remaining
until ground, then add to the papaya. Season with ingredients, except the ghee and season with salt.
salt and add the meat and mix well. Cover and allow Mix well to combine, then divide into 24 equal
to marinate in the refrigerator for i hour. portions and, using damp hands, roll into balls.
Flatten slightly, then shape each flattened ball
Heat the 2 tablespoons ghee in a frying pan (skillet) into 5cm / 2 inch long and 2-cm / 3/4-inch thick oval
over medium heat, add the onions and fry for about patties, like the sole of a chappal (sandal).
5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Transfer to a
blender or food processor and process until ground. Heat the ghee in a heavy-based frying pan (skillet)
Transfer to the bowl of meat and add the yoghurt, over medium heat, then reduce the heat to low.
chana dal, poppy and chironji seeds, garam masla Working in batches, add the kebabs in a single layer
and cinnamon stick. Mix together to combine. in the pan and fry for about 6—8 minutes, or until
cooked and brown on both sides.
Mix together all the ingredients for the filling
in another bowl. Using greased hands, take small
amounts of the meat mixture and roll into balls.
Make depressions in the centre of each ball and
put in a little filling. Pinch together to enclose
the filling and flatten into patties.


Seekh Gilafi Galouti
Vegetable-coated Skewers ‘Melt in the Mouth’ Smoked Kebabs

Origin Awadh Origin Awadh

Preparation time 45 minutes Preparation time 1 hour, plus standing and
Cooking time 7-10 minutes smoking time
Serves 4 Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4
600g / 1 lb 5oz minced (ground) lamb_
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 750g / 11b IQoz very finely minced (ground) lamb
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 10Og / 3y2oz (Z2 cup) raw papaya paste
4 tablespoons chopped onion 4 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour, roasted
6 tablespoons chopped spring onion (scallion) 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
4 tablespoons chopped tomato 4 tablespoons ghee, plus an extra 1 tablespoon
4 tablespoons chopped (bell) pepper 4 green cardamom pods, lightly crushed
2 tablespoons chopped green chilli salt
3 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Mix the lamb and raw papaya paste together in
2 tablespoons Kashmiri red chilli powder
a bowl. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator for
pinch of ground allspice about 30 minutes.
2 tablespoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
2 tablespoons lemon juice Add the roasted gram flour to the lamb mixture,
2 tablespoons melted butter, for basting mix well, cover again and set aside for a further
10 minutes.

Add the masala to the lamb, season with salt and mix
Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
to combine.
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
medium. Put the meat, ginger and garlic pastes,
Heat a little ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over low
2 tablespoons each of the chopped onion, spring
heat, add the crushed cardamom pods and stir-fry
onion, tomato and pepper into a bowl. Add all the
for about 1—2 minutes, or until red. Remove from the
remaining ingredients, except the butter, and season
pan and set aside.
with salt. With damp hands, mix well, then divide
the mixture into 16 equal portions and roll into balls.
If you would like to smoke the lamb, place the meat
Spread the balls evenly along the length of metal
skewers, flattening the mixture into sausage shapes in a large pan, make a hollow in the middle and place
until the kebabs are io-cm / 4-inches long and leaving a heatproof bowl into the hole. Put a few pieces
2.5cm /1 inch between each one. You can make 2 of live charcoal into the bowl, sprinkle the seeds of
kebabs on one long skewer. Spread the remaining the cardamom pods together with 1 tablespoon of
chopped vegetables evenly over each skewer. ghee on the charcoal, cover immediately with a lid
and smoke for about 30 minutes. Uncover, remove
Roast in a moderately hot tandoor, over a charcoal the bowl and discard its contents.
grill or under the hot grill for 5-6 minutes. Remove
the skewers from the heat and hang them up over Divide the smoked lamb into 12 equal portions, roll
a tray for about 2-3 minutes to allow any excess into balls and then flatten them between your hands
moisture to drain out completely. Put the skewers into 2-cm / 3/<-inch thick patties.
in a dish, baste with melted butter and roast again
in the tandoor, on the charcoal grill or under the Heat the remaining ghee on a large flat tawa, griddle
grill for a further 2-3 minutes. or frying pan (skillet), gently arrange the patties on it
and fry over very low heat for 3-4 minutes, carefully
turning once. Remove and drain on kitchen paper
(paper towels).

You can omit the smoking of the meat if you prefer,

but make sure the patties are fully cooked before
serving them.



Shami Kebab Pasanda Kebab

Classic Kebabs Lamb Kebabs

Origin Delhi Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 1 hour 10 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 5-7 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 5-6 Serves 8

1 kg / 2141b finely minced (ground) lamb_ 1 kg / 2141b lamb fillet, trimmed_

75g / 21/20Z 0/3 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained 1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece papaya
2 tablespoons masoor dal, rinsed and drained 1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger
3- 4 black cardamom pods 6 cloves garlic, crushed
5- 6 green cardamom pods 2 onions, sliced_
4- 6 dried red chillies 6 black peppercorns
6- 8 black peppercorns 2 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 1 teaspoon red chilli powder, or to taste
4-5 cloves pinch of ground asafoetida
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped 10Og / 31/20Z (I/2 cup) ghee
V/z tablespoons chopped green chilli salt
vegetable oil, for deep-frying
Cut the meat into 8-cm / 3-inch pieces that are icm
/ h inch thick. Place on a board and, using a meat
Mint Chutney (see page 66) or Raw Green Mango
mallet, beat lightly on one side to flatten and make
Chutney (see page 75), to serve pasandas (thin slices).

Place the meat, dais, cardamoms pods, red chillies, Put the papaya, ginger, garlic, onions, peppercorns
peppercorns, cinnamon stick, cloves and ginger in and chillies in a blender or food processor and
a pan. Season with salt and then pour in 175ml / 6fl oz process to make a smooth paste. Transfer to a bowl,
(% cup) water and bring to the boil. Reduce the season with salt and add the chilli powder, asafoetida
heat to medium and cook until the meat is completely and garam masala and mix to combine. Smear this
dry, about 45 minutes. Remove and allow to cool. mixture on both sides of the pasandas, cover and set
aside in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.
Discard the whole spices and transfer the meat to
a blender or food processor and process to make Preheat the grill (broiler) to medium, if using. Now
a fine paste. Transfer the paste to a bowl, add the roll each pasanda up and secure with a piece of
chopped coriander and green chilli and mix well. kitchen string (twine). Heat the ghee in a large frying
pan (skillet) and fry the pasandas over low heat
Divide the mixture into 20 equal portions and roll for about 10 minutes. Cover with a lid, place some
into balls. With damp hands, flatten them into small live charcoals on top and cook for about 5-^7
patty-like shapes. minutes, or until reddish brown. Alternatively,
transfer the pasandas to the hot grill and cook for
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep about 5 minutes, or until reddish brown.
pan to 180C/350T, or until a cube of bread browns
in 30 seconds. Working in batches, carefully lower
the patties into the hot oil and deep-fry until golden
brown and crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). Serve
with chutney.


0/m p.124 Close by pinching the meat mixture over the top, roll
into balls again and then flatten to make round patties.

Sikampoor Kebab (I) Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep, heavy-
Stuffed Lamb Kebabs based pan to i8o°C/350°F, or until a cube of bread
browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, carefully
lower the patties into the hot oil and deep-fry for
Origin Awadh
about 5 minutes until golden brown and crisp on
Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling time
both sides. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain
Cooking time 20-25 minutes
on kitchen paper (paper towels). Serve hot with
Serves 6-8
choice of salad and chutney.

1 kg / 2141b minced (ground) lamb_

IQOg / 31/20Z p/2 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained #
3 black cardamom pods
5 green cardamom pods
5 dried red chillies_ Moti Kebab
5 black peppercorns_ Succulent Spicy Lamb
Vi teaspoon ground turmeric
Origin Awadh
30g /114oz (3A cup) chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
II/2 tablespoons green chillies, de-seeded Cooking time 15-20 minutes
and chopped Serves 4-6
vegetable oil, for deep-frying
salt 1 tablespoon raw papaya paste_
4 tablespoons malt (white) vinegar
For the stuffing 1 kg / 2V4lb boneless lamb, cut into small cubes
1 onion, finely chopped_ 4 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee
2 boiled egg whites, chopped 2 tablespoons butter
5 black peppercorns, crushed salt

To serve For the marinade

salad_ 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
chutney, such as Mint Chutney (see page 66) 2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Put the minced meat, chana dal, cardamom pods,
2 tablespoons red chilli paste
red chillies, black peppercorns and turmeric in
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
a large pan. Season with salt and add enough water
to cover. Cook over low heat for about 30 minutes,
Put the papaya paste and vinegar in a large bow!
or until the meat is cooked and all the water has
season with salt and mix well. Add the meat and
evaporated. Remove the spices and discard and allow
mix until it is evenly coated in the mixture. Cover
the meat to cool.
and allow to stand in the refrigerator for at least
30 minutes.
Transfer the cooled meat to a food processor
and process to a fine paste. Put the paste into
Put all the ingredients for the marinade in a large
a bowl, add the chopped coriander and chillies
bowl or shallow dish, season with salt and mix well.
and mix to combine.
Add the meat and mix until it is evenly coasted. Cover
and allow to marinate in the refrigerator overnight.
To make the stuffing, put the chopped onion,
chopped egg whites and crushed black peppercorns
in a bowl. Season with salt and mix together. Heat the oil or ghee in a very shallow or wide flat
pan. Add the meat, together with the marinade,
Divide the meat mixture into 20 equal portions, and, and cook over low-medium heat, turning frequently
with damp hands, shape the mixture into balls. Make with a spatula, for about 15 minutes, or until cooked
a hollow in the center of each ball with your thumb and very little moisture remains.
and place a teaspoon of stuffing mixture in each hole.


# vjvv •71v>

Sikampoor Kebab (II) Patthar Kebab

Lamb Patties Kebab Cooked on a Stone

Origin Awadh Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling time Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 10-20 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6-8

500g /1 lb 2oz minced (ground) lamb_ 6-8 green chillies, de-seeded_

4 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained 1 kg / 2141b boneless lamb, cut into flat steaks, about
10 cloves garlic 2cm / % inch thick
1 teaspoon black cumin seeds 1 teaspoon ground allspice
5 green cardamom pods 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 1 y2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
5 cloves 1 Vz teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus more for deep frying 1 teaspoon green papaya paste
2 tablespoons lemon juice vegetable oil, for brushing
1 teaspoon chilli powder salt
To serve
For the filling 2-3 onions, finely sliced
2 tablespoons finely chopped onions 2-3 lemons
1 large sprig mint, chopped few mint leaves
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped Mint Chutney (see page 66)
pinch of salt
Put the chillies in a small blender or food processor
Put the lamb, chana dal, garlic, cumin, cardamom and process to a paste. Set aside.
pods, cinnamon sticks and cloves in a large pan.
Pour in 175ml / 6fl oz (% cup) water and bring to Put the meat on a board and gently pound with a meat
the boil, then reduce the heat to medium and cook mallet to flatten.
until the meat is completely dry, about 45 minutes.
Add the oil and fry over medium heat for about Put the chilli paste, allspice, pepper and pastes into
2-3 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool. a large shallow dish. Season with salt and mix
well. Add the meat and rub the marinade all over
Transfer the lamb to a blender or food processor until coated. Cover and allow to marinate in the
and process to a fine paste. Transfer the paste to refrigerator for 4—5 hours.
the pan, add the lemon juice and chilli powder and
season with salt. Mix well, then divide the mixture Take a flat piece of rough granite, wash it and
into 8 equal portions and roll into balls. place it on 2 bricks making sure it is stable. Heat
the granite well by placing live charcoals under
Put all the ingredients for the filling in a bowl and it. Sprinkle a little oil on the granite and, working
mix to combine, then divide into 8 equal portions. in batches, add the marinated meat pieces. Cook,
turning a couple of times and brushing them lightly
With wet hands, flatten each lamb ball, then place with oil, for about 4-5 minutes on each side. Remove
a portion of the filling in the middle, seal and with tongs and keep warm. Alternatively, cook
flatten again into round patties. Heat enough oil for the meat over a charcoal grill or on a griddle (ridged
deep-frying in deep, heavy-based pan to i8o"C/350°F, grill pan). Serve with sliced onions, lemon wedges,
or until a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds. mint leaves and fresh mint chutney.
Working in batches, deep-fry the patties for about
5 minutes on each side until dark brown. Remove
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). You
may shallow-fry the patties if you prefer.


m Put the ground papaya and yoghurt in a large shallow
dish, add the lamb and the rest of the ingredients,
then season with salt. Mix well, making sure the meat
Dum ke Kebab is evenly coated with the mixture. Cover and allow to
Kebabs Baked in a Slow Oven marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven i8o’C/35o‘F/Gas Mark 4. Crush

Origin Hyderabad
most of the fried onions, setting aside a handful for
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
the garnish.
Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 4
To make the seasoning, put the crushed onions,
ghee,allspice, cream and roasted gram flour in
1 tablespoon raw papaya_
a bowl and mix together. Add the marinated lamb
1 kg / 214 lb boneless lamb, cut into flat pieces and mix well. Arrange the lamb in a baking dish
2 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee and spread the seasoning over it, then cover with
4 onions, sliced foil and place in the middle of the oven (not near
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked the source of the heat) and cook for 35—40 minutes,
or until cooked and browned on top. After 20
1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long
minutes of cooking, uncover and turn the meat
8 cardamom pods over in the baking pan. Add the lime juice, then
6 cloves return to the oven and leave uncovered for the
6 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) remaining cooking time.
V/z bunches coriander (cilantro), leaves only, chopped
Serve garnished with the reserved fried onions, mint
1 teaspoon black caraway seeds
sprigs and lime slices.
1 teaspoon chironji seeds
2 teaspoons poppy seeds
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece dry coconut
11/2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
6 dried red chillies

For the seasoning

250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee
1 teaspoon ground allspice
125ml / 4y2fl oz (Vz cup) single (light) cream
3 teaspoons gram (chickpea) flour, roasted
juice of 2 limes

To garnish
few sprigs mint_
2 limes, cut into slices

Put the papaya in a small blender and process until

ground to a paste.

Put the lamb on a board and, using a meat mallet,

pound to flatten.

Heat half the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the onions and fry for 5-7
minutes, or until golden brown. Drain and set aside.

• l '


'7Tv' vjv'

Tatti Gosht Khusk Pasande

‘Bamboo Curtain’ Kebab Dry Meat Kebabs

Origin Hyderabad Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 20-30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 2Vz hours
Serves 4-6 Serves 4

8-10 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) 200g / 7oz garlic, crushed

Vz teaspoon ground black pepper 1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped 4 tablespoons lime juice
1Vz teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) pinch of chilli powder
11/2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 y2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon raw papaya paste 2kg / 4y2lb Pasanda (see page 187)
1 kg / 2141b boneless lamb, cut into fillets 150g / 5oz chironji seeds
about 1 cm / Vz inch thick 3 tablespoons poppy seeds
125ml / 4y2fl oz (Vz cup) vegetable oil, for brushing 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 onion, sliced, to serve 2 tablespoons ghee
2 tablespoons lemon juice, to serve lime wedges and onion rings to garnish
Put the garlic and ginger in a mortar or small blender
Put the chillies in a small blender or food processor and pound with a pestle or process until ground.
and process until ground. Transfer to a bowl and add the lime juice and chilli
powder. Season with salt and mix together. Add
Put the pepper and coriander, pastes and ground the meat and rub the mixture evenly over to coat.
chillies into a large bowl, season with salt and mix Cover and allow to marinate in the refrigerator for
well. Spread the paste evenly over the meat, put into at least 4 hours.
a large, shallow dish, cover and allow to marinate
in the refrigerator for 1-1 Zi hours. Preheat the oven to 2oo°C/4oo”F/Gas Mark 6. Roast
the chironji seeds and poppy seeds gently in a dry
Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate frying pan (skillet). Transfer to a spice grinder and
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to process until ground. Add to the ground meat, then
medium. Lightly brush a wire mesh or grill rack with add the yoghurt and ghee to the meat and mix well.
oil. Place the marinated meat on the mesh or rack and
cook over a moderately hot charcoal grill or under the Transfer the meat to a shallow baking dish and cook
hot grill for about 30 minutes, basting the meat with in the oven for 1V2 hours. Reduce the oven temperature
oil, until the meat is cooked. Serve with sliced onions to i8o°C/35o"F/Gas Mark 4 and cook for a further
and a little lemon juice sprinkled over the top. 1 hour, or until the meat is very tender, turning the
meat once or twice during cooking.


0/fiQ p.119 Trim off the uneven sides with a sharp knife to make
neat rectangles, called lukhmi. Heat enough oil
for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan
Lukhmi to i8o°C/350°F, or until a cube of bread browns in
Lukhmi 30 seconds. Working in batches, carefully lower the
lukhmis into the hot oil and deep-fry for about
5 minutes, or until golden brown all over. Remove
Origin Hyderabad
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling and standing
(paper towels). Serve hot.
Cooking time 20 minutes
Makes 35
0/1® p.206

500g / 1 lb 2oz minced (ground) lamb_

y2 teaspoon chilli powder Tabak Maaz
y2 teaspoon ground cumin Deep-fried Spare Ribs
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and finely chopped Origin Jammu and Kashmir
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) Preparation time 1 y2 hours
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 4
3 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus extra for deep-frying
20g / 3Aoz (I/2 cup) chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 kg / 2141b ribs of lamb_
6-8 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons ground ginger
8-10 cloves
8-10 black cardamom pods
For the pastry
2 tablespoons ground turmeric
250g / 9oz (2 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour, plus extra
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) vegetable oil or ghee
for dusting
4 tablespoons ghee
2 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked Boil the ribs in a large pan of water, removing the
scum with a slotted spoon, for about 30 minutes, or
Place the meat, chilli powder, cumin, chopped ginger until the water is clear and until the ribs are half
and ginger and garlic pastes in a pan. Season with done. Stir in the garlic paste and boil for 15 minutes.
salt and then pour in 175ml / 6fl oz (14 cup) water and Season with salt, cover with a lid and boil for a
bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to medium and cook further 15 minutes, or until the membrane between
for about 45 minutes, or until the mince is cooked. the ribs can be pierced with your fingers. Remove
the pan from the heat and drain off the water. Allow
Heat the 3 tablespoons oil in a frying pan (skillet), the ribs to cool, then wash thoroughly, reserving the
add the coriander and chillies and fry for 1 minute. washing water, and set aside.
Add the boiled meat and fry until there is no water
left. Allow to cool, then add the lemon juice. Using a sharp heavy knife, separate the ribs into
8 rectangular pieces.
To make the pastry, put all the pastry ingredients
in a large bowl, season with salt and mix, gradually Put the reserved washing water into a large pan
adding enough water to make a soft dough. Cover and bring to the boil. Add the chopped ribs, ginger,
the dough and set aside in a cool place, preferably cloves, cardamom pods and turmeric. Season with
the refrigerator for 30 minutes. saltand mix well. Allow to boil until the bones
can beextracted from the membrane easily. Remove
Divide the dough into 35-40 equal portions and roll the pan from the heat and remove the ribs with
into round balls. Dust each ball with a little flour a slotted spoon.
and shape each into an oblong. Place a little of the
meat mixture in the centre, fold over to cover the Arrange the ribs in a large frying pan (skillet)
mixture and seal the edges. (ensuring that they do not overlap), add the oil or
ghee and fry, turning gently for 45 minutes, or until
they are evenly browned. Drain out the excess fat
before serving.


Kidney B<


Hinced (Ground)
Lamb Tikka on
irs PA82
Masala chai

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i| J; j
ffl M l;
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To assemble the samosas, pinch off small pieces of
dough and roll out thinly on a lightly dusted board or
work surface into rounds. Cut each round in half.
Keeme ke Samose Dampen half the cut edge with water and fold over
Lamb Samosas the other half to make a cone shape and press firmly
to seal. Hold the cone open in one hand and fill
Origin Awadh with 2-3 teaspoons meat. Dampen the top edge and
Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling time seal to enclose the filling. Crimp the edges.
Cooking time 20 minutes
Makes 40 Heat enough ghee or oil for deep-frying in a kadhai
or deep, heavy-based pan to i8o”C/35o"F, or until a
cube of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the
For the pastry
heat. Working in batches, carefully lower the samosas
250g / 9oz (2 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour, plus extra into the hot oil and deep-fry for about 5 minutes, or
for dusting until golden on all sides. Remove with a slotted spoon
pinch of salt and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
5 level tablespoons ghee or butter

For the filling

8 cloves garlic, chopped_
3 tablespoons ghee
2 onions, chopped
1 x 1 -cm / 1/2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and chopped
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon coriander seeds, ground
4 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt
500g / 1 lb 2oz finely minced (ground) lamb
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
500g /11b 2oz (2% cups) ghee or vegetable oil,
for deep-frying

To make the pastry, sift the flour and salt together

into a large bowl, add the ghee or butter and rub it in
with your fingertips until it resembles breadcrumbs.
Add enough water to make a stiff dough and knead
until smooth. Cover with a damp cloth and set aside
while you make the filling.

Put the garlic in a small blender and process until

ground to a paste.

Heat the 3 tablespoons ghee over medium heat, add

the onions and stir-fry for about 5-7 minutes, or
until golden. Add the garlic, ginger, turmeric and
coriander, stir and cook, adding the yoghurt, a little
at a time. Season with salt, add the meat and cook
for 5 minutes, or until the meat is evenly browned.
Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, cover with
a lid and cook for 30-45 minutes, or until the mince
is tender and completely dry. Stir in the chopped
coriander, then remove from the heat and allow to
cool completely before using.


vl'v Vjv' Transfer the marinated meat to a large pan and stir-
fry over medium heat until the juices begin to boil.
Reduce the heat and stir-fry for about 5 minutes,
Tawe de Tikke or until the juices have completely evaporated and
Boneless Pan-fried Lamb the meat is cooked. Set aside.

Heat a little ghee or oil on an iron griddle or in

Origin Punjab
a frying pan (skillet), add the garlic and stir-fry
Preparation time 35-40 minutes, plus marinating time
over medium heat for about 30 seconds, or until
Cooking time 20 minutes
it turns light golden. Add the chopped onions
Serves 4
and stir-fry for 2 minutes, or until they become
translucent. Now, add the ginger and chillies and
1kg / 2141b lamb shoulder, cut into cubes_
stir-fry for a few seconds. Add the tomatoes and
125g / 414oz [Vz cup) ghee or vegetable oil stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until they become
8 flakes garlic or 1 small clove garlic, chopped soft. Next, add the cooked meat pieces and stir-fry
200g / 7oz (114 cups) chopped onions for a further 2—3 minutes. Add the ground cumin,
3 teaspoons chopped ginger pepper, cardamom, cloves and cinnamon, then
season with salt and stir. Now, add the rum and mix
4-5 green chillies, de-seeded
to combine. Finally, add the coriander and lemon
3 large tomatoes, chopped juice, then sprinkle over the fenugreek leaves and
11/2 teaspoons ground cumin give everything a final stir. Remove from the heat
1 y2 teaspoons ground black pepper, dry-roasted and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
1/2 teaspoon ground black cardamom
14 teaspoon ground cloves
14 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons dark rum
3 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon fenugreek leaves

For the marinade

6 green cardamom pods_
6 cloves
3 black cardamom pods
3 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
2 teaspoons chilli powder
5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
31/2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
lOOg / 3V20Z (1 medium) onion, fried

To make the marinade, put the spices, pastes,

yoghurt and fried onion in a large shallow dish and
mix well. Add the meat cubes and rub evenly all
over to coat. Cover and allow to marinate in the
refrigerator for about 2 hours.


## Rub the paste evenly all over the meat, then
cover and allow to marinate in the refrigerator for
a further 2 hours.
Raan Patialashai
Royal Patiala Leg of Lamb Preheat the oven to i90°C/375°F/Gas Mark 5. Place
the lamb leg with any remaining marinade into
Origin Punjab a large roasting dish or tin (pan) and roast the leg
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time in the oven for about 1 hour, or until it is nearly
Cooking time 1 hour 10 minutes cooked. Remove and cut the leg into 3—4 pieces
Serves 4 along the bone.

Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate

1 kg / 214 lb leg of lamb
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
melted butter, for basting medium. Thread the lamb pieces on to several metal
skewers and roast in a moderately hot tandoor or
For the marinade under the hot grill for 7—8 minutes. Remove from the
1 tablespoon raw papaya paste heat and baste with melted butter, then roast for
a further 3-4 minutes. Slice the meat and serve hot.
2 cinnamon sticks, crushed
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 teaspoon ground cloves m
1 teaspoon ground aniseed
1Vz teaspoons ground cumin
1V2 tablespoons ground coriander
Tash Kebab
Vi teaspoons ground nutmeg Steamed Slices of Lamb
1 tablespoon ground ginger
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 15 minutes, plus marinating time
For the whisked yoghurt paste Cooking time 45 minutes
300ml / Vi pint (114 cups) hung natural (plain) yoghurt Serves 4
(see page 793)
4 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
2 tablespoons green chilli paste Vz teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons red chilli paste Vi teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons chopped garlic 1 teaspoon chilli powder
Vi tablespoon ground turmeric 350g / 12oz (1 Vz cups) ghee
Vi tablespoon ground cinnamon pinch of saffron threads
3Vi tablespoons lemon juice 375ml / 13fl oz (V/2 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
2 teaspoons vegetable oil juice of 2 limes
2 tablespoons melted butter_ 500g / 1 lb 2oz boneless lamb, cut into slices
salt 1kg / 2141b (6-7 medium) onions, finely sliced
Remove the blade bone of the lamb leg and, using
a sharp knife, make incisions all over the meat. Put the garam masala, ginger and garlic pastes,
chilli powder, ghee, saffron, yoghurt and lime juice
To make the marinade, put the papaya paste, crushed in a large shallow dish. Season with salt and mix
cinnamon and ground spices in a large shallow dish well. Add the lamb slices and turn until the meat is
and mix well. Add the meat and rub the mixture evenly coated. Cover and allow to marinate in the
evenly all over to coat. Cover and allow to marinate refrigerator for 3 hours.
in the refrigerator for about z hours.
Preheat the oven to i4o’C/275"F/Gas Mark 1, if
To make the whisked yoghurt paste, put the using. Put half the onions in a large casserole dish.
yoghurt, pastes, the chopped garlic, turmeric, Put the lamb slices on top, then cover with the rest
cinnamon, lemon juice, oil and butter in another of the onions. Cover with a tight-fitting lid, put
large dish. Season with salt and mix well. Remove a few burning charcoals on the lid and cook over
the meat from the first marinade, wiping off low heat. Alternatively, cook in the oven for 45
any excess moisture from the first marinade and minutes, or until the meat and onions are cooked
add the meat to the second marinade. in their own steam.


$/EB p.199

Adraki Chaamp Khageena

Ginger-flavoured Chops Savoury Scrambled Eggs

Origin Punjab Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 kg / 2141b lamb chops, rinsed and patted dry 2 tablespoons vegetable oil_
with kitchen paper (paper towels) 2 onions, sliced_
melted butter, for basting 2 tomatoes, finely chopped
3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
For the first marinade >2 teaspoon ground turmeric
4 tablespoons unripe papaya paste_ Vz teaspoon chilli powder
1 tablespoon red chilli paste Va teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 14 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 6 eggs, beaten
1 tablespoon chopped ginger 1 tablespoon butter or ghee
1 tablespoon malt (white) vinegar Vz bunch coriander (cilantro), leaves only, chopped
1 tablespoon vegetable oil salt
salt Handkerchief Roti (see page 616), to serve

For the second marinade Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
heat, add the onions and fry for about 5-7 minutes,
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
or until golden brown. Reduce the heat, add the
1 tablespoon chopped ginger tomatoes, chillies, ground spices and the ginger and
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) garlic pastes and stir together over low heat. Continue
4 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) to cook for about 5 minutes, or until the tomatoes
1 x 6-cm / 2y2-inch piece ginger, peeled and chopped are softened and the liquid has evaporated.
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
Beat the eggs in a bowl.
To make the first marinade, put the pastes, chopped
ginger, vinegar and oil in a large shallow dish. Season Melt the butter or ghee in another pan over low
with salt and mix well. Add the chops and spread heat. Add the beaten eggs and coriander leaves,
the marinade evenly over to coat. Cover and allow season with salt and reduce the heat to low. Cook,
to marinate in the refrigerator for about 6 hours. stirring briskly, for 3-4 minutes, or until the eggs
are scrambled, but still remain moist. Add the
Mix the yoghurt with all the other ingredients for onion and tomato mixture and stir for 1 minute
the second marinade in a large shallow dish. Remove until warmed through. Serve with Roti.
the meat from the first marinade, wiping off any
excess moisture from the first marinade and add the
meat to the second marinade. Cover and allow to
marinate in the refrigerator for a further 3 hours.

Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate

heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
medium. Thread the chops on to metal skewers,
leaving 2.5cm / 1 inch between them. Make sure they
do not fall off the skewers. Roast in a moderately hot
tandoor, over a charcoal grill or under the hot grill
for about 10 minutes. Remove the skewers from the
heat and hang up to drain. Put the skewers into
a dish and baste with the melted butter, then roast
for a further 5 minutes, or until cooked. Serve hot.


## Preheat the grill (broiler) to medium. Put a little ghee
in your hands and roll the mince mixture into balls.
Arrange them neatly next to each other in a large
Bhune Kebab baking dish. Cover with a lid or foil and bake in the
Savoury Baked Minced (Ground) Lamb oven for 30-40 minutes, or until the mince is cooked
and browned. Do not allow the mince to burn. When
Origin Hyderabad the mince is cooked, place under the hot grill for
Preparation time 30-35 minutes, plus cooling time a few minutes to brown the top a little more. Garnish
Cooking time 40-50 minutes with chopped chillies, mint and coriander leaves and
Serves 4 serve with slices of lime and chutney.

225g / 8oz minced (ground) lamb_

4 brown cardamom pods
2 cloves
1 teaspoon ground ginger
4 small dried kachri optional
4 onions, sliced
10Og / 3V20Z [Vz cup) ghee
1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour, roasted
1 x 8-cm / 3-inch square piece papaya with skin,
1 teaspoon chilli powder

To garnish
5 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped_
few sprigs mint leaves
1 bunch coriander (cilantro), leaves only, chopped

To serve
few limes, cut into slices_
chutney, such as Mint Chutney (see page 66)
or Raw Green Mango Chutney (see page 75)

Preheat the oven to i8o'C/35o’F/Gas Mark 4. Put the

mince into a food processor and process until finely
ground. Transfer to a bowl.

Remove the seeds from the cardamom pods and put

into a blender or food processor with the cloves,
ginger and kachri, if using. Add 2 of the onions and
a teaspoon of water and process until ground. Add
to the mince and mix well.

Heat half the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over

medium heat, add the remaining 2 onions and fry for
5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Using a spoon,
transfer to a blender or food processor and process
until ground. Add to the mince mixture with the
gram flour, papaya and chilli powder and mix well.

Heat the remaining ghee in the pan until melted,

then remove from the heat and allow to cool for
20 minutes.


To make the filling, heat the oil and butter in a frying
pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the onions
and garlic and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until
Aloo Chop the onions are translucent. Add the ginger and chillies
Potato with Minced (Ground) Lamb and stir-fry for a further 3-4 minutes, or until the
onions are golden. Add the lamb, season with salt and
stir-fry for about 7—8 minutes, or until the lamb is
Origin West Bengal
cooked, sprinkling over a little water, if necessary, to
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling
prevent the lamb sticking to the pan. Stir in the lemon
and chilling time
juice, basil and ground spices, then season withsalt.
Cooking time 20 minutes
Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly.
Serves 4
When the filling has cooled slightly, add the cheese
500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 medium) potatoes_
and Tabasco and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
V2 teaspoon ground white pepper Mix well and divide into 16 equal portions.
pinch of ground nutmeg
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves With damp hands, flatten each potato ball to make
2 eggs_ round patties, then place a portion of the filling in
the middle, roll into balls again to enclose the filling
120g / 4oz (% cup) dried breadcrumbs
and then flatten into 2-cm / ’A-inch thick oval patties,
vegetable oil, for shallow-frying making sure that the filling does not ooze out. Put on
salt a large plate, cover and allow to chill for 15 minutes.

For the filling Put the eggs in a shallow dish and beat lightly.
Spread the breadcrumbs out on a large plate.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil_
Remove the patties from the refrigerator and dip
2 tablespoons butter
them first into the beaten eggs and then roll in
60g / 2oz f/3 cup) onions, chopped the breadcrumbs until evenly coated.
8 cloves garlic, chopped
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled Heat enough oil for shallow-frying in a frying pan
and chopped over medium heat. Working in batches, add the
patties and shallow-fry, turning once, for about
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
3 minutes on each side, or until golden brown.
450g / 1 lb minced (ground) lamb Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
2 teaspoons lemon juice paper (paper towels).
generous pinch of basil leaves, chopped
pinch of ground green cardamom
small pinch of ground cloves
small pinch of ground cinnamon
60g / 2oz (y2 cup) cheese, grated
1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce

Cook the potatoes in a large pan of boiling water for

20 minutes, or until soft. Drain and allow to cool.
When cool, peel off the skins and return the potato
to the pan. Mash with a potato masher.

Put the mashed potatoes, white pepper, nutmeg

and coriander in a large bowl, season with salt and
mix well. Divide into 16 equal portions and roll into
balls. Put the balls on a large plate, cover and allow
to chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.


## vF' vF'

Keema Upama Kaleji Kebab

Vermicelli with Minced (Ground) Lamb Deep-fried Liver Koftas

Origin New Origin Punjab

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 50-60 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6-8

125ml / 4M oz {Vz cup) vegetable oil_ 500g / 1 lb 2oz liver, trimmed_

2 onions, sliced 50g / 1%oz 0/3 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon chilli powder, or to taste
1 teaspoon Garlic, Paste (see page 57) 2 onions, chopped
1 teaspoon ground coriander, dry-roasted 1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
8 curry leaves and ground
3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped pinch of ground asafoetida
V2 teaspoon chilli powder 2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm (1 inch) long 1 teaspoon ground ginger
3 cardamom pods 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
3 cloves 1 teaspoon ground coriander
250g / 9oz minced (ground) lamb 50g / 1%oz (1 cup) chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
240g / 8V20Z vermicelli (thick variety) 2 tablespoons rice flour
V2. bunch coriander (cilantro), leaves only, chopped 150g / 5oz (% cup) ghee or vegetable oil,
juice of 1 lime for deep-frying
To garnish
Cut the liver into 2.5-cm / i-inch pieces.
fried whole red chillies
cumin seeds, dry-roasted
Cook the liver in a pan of 250ml / 8 fl oz (1 cup) boiling
water for about 6 minutes. Add the whisked yoghurt,
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
chilli powder, onions, fresh ginger, asafoetida,
heat, add the onions and fry for 5-7 minutes, or
chillies and ground ginger and cook for a few more
until golden brown. Add the ginger and garlic pastes,
minutes until the liver is tender and dry.
coriander, curry leaves, chillies, chilli powder,
cinnamon stick, cardamom pods and cloves and fry
Remove the liver from the pan, place on a grinding
for 2 minutes. Add the lamb and fry for a further
stone and grind it to a fine paste. Alternatively,
5 minutes, or until browned. Add 500ml / i8fl oz
use a food processor or mincer. Transfer the ground
{z'U cups) water and cook for about 30-40 minutes, or
liver to a bowl and add the garam masala, both
until the lamb is tender and the water has evaporated.
corianders and the rice flour. Season with salt and
Continue to fry for a further 1-2 minutes until brown.
mix to combine. Divide the mixture into 15-20 equal
portions and roll into koftas.
Add the vermicelli to the pan and fry for 1 minute.
Add another 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, cover with
Heat the ghee or oil for deep-frying in a kadhai
a lid and cook over low heat for about 8 minutes.
or deep pan to i8o‘C/35o‘F, or until a cube of bread
Sprinkle over the coriander leaves and lime juice and
browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, carefully
garnish with fried red chillies and cumin.
lower the koftas into the hot oil and deep-fry for 5
minutes, or until golden brown. Remove with a slotted
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).


Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them
up over a tray for about 2—3 minutes to allow any
excess moisture to drain out completely. Put the
Murg Dalcha Kebab skewers in a dish, baste with melted butter and roast
Chicken & Lentil Kebabs again in the tandoor or on the charcoal grill or under
the grill for a further 3—4 minutes, or until cooked.
Transfer the chicken to a plate and serve hot.
Origin Hyderabad
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking
and marinating time
Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4
Murg Kali Mirch
250g / 9oz (1 Va cups) chana dal_
Pepper Chicken
750g / 1 lb 10oz skinless, boneless chicken breasts
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Origin Punjab
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Preparation time 5 minutes, plus marinating time
2 tablespoons lemon juice Cooking time 15-25 minutes
3 teaspoons yellow chilli powder Serves 4
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
300ml /1/2 pint (1 14 cups) hung natural (plain) yoghurt 4 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
(see page 793), whisked 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
150ml /14 pint (% cup) single (light) cream 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
pinch ground nutmeg 1 Vz tablespoons freshly ground black pepper
51/2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 large onion, sliced
melted butter, for basting 500g /1 lb 2oz skinless, boneless chicken pieces
salt 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
Soak the chana dal in a bowl of water overnight.
Put the yoghurt in a large shallow dish and add
The next day, drain the chana dal, then transfer the ginger and garlic pastes, black pepper and
to a blender or food processor and process to onions. Season with salt and mix well. Add the
make a smooth paste. Put the paste into a bowl chicken and turn until the chicken is evenly coated
and set aside. in the marinade. Cover and allow to marinate in
the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Cut each chicken breast in half and pat dry with
kitchen paper (paper towels). Remove the onions from the marinade. Heat the oil
in a large, heavy-based pan over medium heat, add
Put the ginger and garlic pastes, lemon juice, chili the marinated onions and fry for about 5—7 minutes,
powder and garam masala in a large shallow dish. or until golden brown. Add the chicken with any
Season with salt and mix. Add the chicken and rub remaining marinade and fry for 5—6 minutes, or
the mixture evenly over to coat. Cover and allow until all the moisture has evaporated. Pour in 125ml
to marinate in the refrigerator for i hour. / 4'/2fl oz O/2 cup) water and cook for a further 5—10
minutes, or until the chicken is cooked.
Put the hung yoghurt in another large shallow dish,
add the chana dal paste, cream, nutmeg and oil
and mix well. Remove the chicken from the first
marinade and squeeze out the excess moisture, put
the chicken in the second marinade and rub the
mixture evenly over to coat. Cover and allow to
marinate in the refrigerator for a further 2—3 hours.

Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate

heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
medium. Thread the chicken on to several metal
skewers and place a dish underneath to collect any
juices. Roast in the hot tandoor, charcoal grill or
under the grill for 6—7 minutes, or until half done.



Kashmiri Murg Kebab Teekha Murg Tikka

Chicken Kebabs Spicy Grilled (Broiled) Chicken Pieces

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Punjab

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 15-20 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

750g / 11b IQoz skinless, boneless chicken legs 750g / 11b IQoz skinless, boneless chicken legs
melted butter, for basting melted butter, for basting

For the marinade For the marinade

1 teaspoon Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58)_ 3 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
1 tablespoon green chilli paste 3 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
375ml / 13fl oz {V/z cups) hung natural (plain) yoghurt 2 tablespoons Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57)
(see page 793) 1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour, roasted
200ml / 7fl oz (1 cup) single (light) cream 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
2 eggs_ 2 tablespoons chopped onion
2 teaspoons plain (all-purpose) flour 1 tablespoon chopped green chilli
2 tablespoons malt (white) vinegar 2 tablespoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
3 tablespoons ground white pepper 2 tablespoons amchoor
2 teaspoons ground green cardamom 1 tablespoon ground dried fenugreek leaves
5V2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon Chaat Masala (see page 31)
2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon Kashmiri red chilli powder
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Vz tablespoon ajwain seeds
2 tablespoons rose petals, ground 5 tablespoons malt (white) vinegar
salt 125ml / AM oz (Vz cup) vegetable oil
Cut each chicken leg into 4 pieces.
Cut each chicken leg into 4 pieces.
Mix all the ingredients for the marinade together
in a large shallow dish. Season with salt, add the Put all the ingredients for the marinade in a large
chicken pieces and rub the marinade evenly over to shallow dish, season with salt and mix well. Add the
coat. Cover and allow to marinate in the refrigerator chicken pieces to the marinade and rub the mixture
for 2 hours. evenly over to coat. Cover and allow to marinate in
the refrigerator for 2 hours.
Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
medium. Thread the chicken pieces on to several heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
metal skewers and place a tray underneath to collect medium. Thread the chicken on to several metal
any juices. Roast the chicken pieces in a moderately skewers and place a dish underneath to collect any
hot tandoor, over a charcoal grill or under the grill juices. Roast in a moderately hot tandoor, over
for 6—7 minutes, or until half done. a charcoal grill or under the grill for 6-7 minutes,
or until half done.
Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them
up over a tray for about 2—3 minutes to allow any Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them
excess moisture to drain out completely. Put the up over a tray for about 2-3 minutes to allow any
skewers in a dish, baste with melted butter and roast excess moisture to drain out completely. Put the
again in the tandoor or under the grill for a further skewers in a dish, baste with melted butter and roast
3—4 minutes, or until cooked. Transfer the chicken again in the tandoor, on the charcoal grill or under
to a plate and serve. the grill for a further 3-4 minutes, or until cooked.
Transfer the chicken to a plate and serve hot.


Vj'' 'Tp' If roasting the chicken in the oven, place the chicken
in a roasting tin (pan), cover with foil and roast for
about i—\h hours, or until the juices run clear when
Tandoori Murg a skewer is inserted into the thickest part of the
Grilled (Broiled) Chicken meat. Halfway through cooking, baste the chicken
with any remaining marinade.
Origin Punjab
Remove the skewer from the heat and hang it up
Preparation time 15 minutes, plus marinating time
for about 2—3 minutes to allow any excess moisture
Cooking time 20 minutes-1 Vi hours
to drain out completely. Put the skewer in a dish,
Serves 4
baste with melted butter and roast again in the
tandoor, over the charcoal grill or in the oven for
1 x 800g / 1%lb chicken, cleaned_
a further 5-7 minutes, or until cooked. Transfer the
melted butter, for basting chicken to a board and cut into 4 pieces. Sprinkle
2 tablespoons Chaat Masala (see page 31) over the chaat masala and lemon juice, and serve hot.
4 tablespoons lemon juice

For the first marinade

Vi tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Vi tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon red chilli paste
2 tablespoons lemon juice

For the second marinade

400ml / 14fl oz (1% cups) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
(see page 793), whisked
Vi tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Vi tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 tablespoon ground dried fenugreek leaves
5Vi tablespoons vegetable oil

Using a sharp knife, make 3 incisions on the breast

and leg of the chicken.

For the first marinade, put the pastes and lemon

juice in a large shallow dish. Season with salt and
mix well. Add the chicken and rub the mixture
evenly over to coat. Cover and allow to marinate
in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Put the yoghurt in another large shallow dish, add the

ginger and garlic pastes, garam masala, ground dried
fenugreek and oil and mix well. Add the marinated
chicken to this mixture, and rub the marinade evenly
over to coat. Cover and allow to marinate in the
refrigerator for a further 2-3 hours.

Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate

heat, or alternatively preheat the oven to 20o’C/40o”F/
Gas Mark 6. Thread the marinated chicken from
the tail to the head on to a metal skewer. Roast in
a moderately hot tandoor or over a charcoal grill
for 12—15 minutes, or until half done.


Lehsuni Murg Tikka Kandahari Murg Tikka
Garlic-flavoured Chicken Pomegranate-flavoured Chicken

Origin Punjab Origin Punjab

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Cooking time 8-10 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

4 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)_ 750g / 11b IQoz skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1 Vz tablespoons yellow chilli powder 1 tablespoon pomegranate seeds_
3 teaspoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon dried mint leaves
750g / 11b lOoz boneless chicken breasts 10-12 curry leaves
10Og / 3]/20z (% cup) gram (chickpea) flour, roasted 1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
200ml / 7fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil 6-8 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) and chopped
melted butter, for basting V2 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
salt Vz tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
200ml / 7fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
Put the garlic paste, chilli powder and lemon juice (see page 793)_
in a large shallow dish, season with salt and mix well.
1 tablespoon chopped onion_
Add the chicken breasts and rub evenly all over to
coat. Cover and allow to marinate in the refrigerator 1 tablespoon finely chopped ginger
for i hour. 1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground dried fenugreek leaves
Now, place the chicken in a tray, add the flour and 1 tablespoon lemon juice
mix well. Add the oil and mix again.
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
melted butter, for basting
Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to salt
medium. Thread the chicken on to several metal
skewers and place a tray underneath to collect any Put the chicken on a board and, using a meat mallet,
juices. Roast in a moderately hot tandoor, over pound gently to flatten.
a charcoal grill or under the hot grill for 6 minutes,
or until half done. To make a paste, put the pomegranate seeds, mint,
curry and coriander leaves and the chillies in a small
Remove the skewer from the heat and hang it up for blender and process to a smooth paste.
about 2—3 minutes to allow any excess moisture to
drain out completely. Put the skewer in a dish, baste Put the ginger and garlic pastes, pomegranate paste,
with melted butter and roast again in the tandoor or yoghurt, onion, ginger, chilli powder, ground dried
under the grill for a further 4 minutes, or until cooked. fenugreek, lemon juice and oil in a large shallow
Transfer the chicken to a plate and serve hot. dish and mix together. Add the chicken pieces and
rub the mixture evenly over to coat. Cover and allow
to marinate in the refrigerator for about 4 hours.

Prepare a charcoal grill for a moderate heat, or

preheat the oven to i9o”C/375“F/Gas Mark 5. Thread
the chicken pieces on to several metal skewers.
Roast over a moderately hot charcoal grill or in the
oven, for 6—7 minutes, or until half done.

Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them up

for about 2-3 minutes to allow any excess moisture
to drain out completely. Put the skewers in a dish,
baste with melted butter and roast again on the grill
or in the oven for a further 2—3 minutes, or until
cooked. Transfer the chicken to a plate and serve hot.


Vjv' Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate
heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to
medium. Thread the chicken breasts on to several
Murg Methi Tikka metal skewers and place a tray underneath to collect
Fenugreek-flavoured Chicken any juices. Roast in a moderately hot tandoor, over
a charcoal grill or under the grill for 5 minutes, or
until half done.
Origin Punjab
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling
Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them
and marinating time
up for about 2—3 minutes to allow any excess
Cooking time 10 minutes
moisture to drain out completely. Put the skewers
Serves 4
in a dish, baste with melted butter and roast again
in the tandoor, on the charcoal grill or under
250g / 9oz fenugreek leaves_
the grill for a further 3—4 minutes, or until cooked.
4 tablespoons mustard oil Transfer the chicken to a plate and serve hot.
y2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
y2 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
750g / 1 lb 10oz boneless chicken pieces
300ml / y2 pint (1 % cups) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
(see page 793), whisked
3 tablespoons ground dried fenugreek leaves
2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon chilli powder, or to taste
1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
melted butter, for basting

Bring a small pan of water to the boil, add the

fenugreek leaves and blanch for a few minutes, or
until soft then drain. Transfer the fenugreek leaves
to a mortar or blender and pound with a pestle or
process to make a smooth puree.

Heat the mustard oil in a frying pan (skillet) over

low-medium heat, add the fenugreek seeds and
stir-fry for 30 seconds, or until they start to splutter,
then add the fenugreek puree and cook for about
10 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

Put the ginger and half the garlic paste with 1

tablespoon lemon juice into a large shallow dish.
Season with salt and mix well. Add the chicken
breasts and rub the mixture evenly over to coat.
Cover and allow to marinate in the refrigerator
for about 1 hour.

Put the yoghurt in another large shallow dish,

add the remaining garlic paste, ground dried
fenugreek, chillies, ginger, chilli powder, cooked
fenugreek puree, remaining lemon juice, gram
flour and oil and mix well. Adjust the seasoning,
if necessary. Add the chicken breasts and rub the
mixture evenly over to coat. Cover and allow to
marinate for a further 2 hours.


VF' 0#/® p.119

Murg ke Parche Chooza Chaat

Chicken Fillet Kebabs Shredded Chicken with (Bell) Peppers

Origin Awadh Origin Delhi

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 15 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Cooking time 5 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_ 1 red (bell) pepper_

1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 yellow (bell) pepper_
1 tablespoon freshly ground white pepper 1 green (bell) pepper
1 tablespoon black cumin seeds 200g / 7oz skinless, boneless chicken breasts,
1 tablespoon vegetable oil grilled (broiled) and cut into thin strips
750g /11b lOoz boneless chicken breasts 3-4 cloves garlic, chopped_
100ml / sm oz 0/2 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt 1 teaspoon lemon juice _
(see page 793) V2 teaspoon olive oil_
1 egg white V2 teaspoon black peppercorns, coarsely ground
200ml / 7fl oz (1 cup) cream 1 teaspoon mustard paste
V2 tablespoon ground green cardamom salt
% tablespoon ground mace 4 tablespoons walnuts, to garnish
6-8 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped Scald the peppers on an open flame on the gas
stove, ensuring that these are charred evenly on
melted butter, for basting
all sides but not burnt to taste bitter. Alternatively,
salt preheat the grill (broiler), cut the peppers in half,
de-seed and cook them under the hot grill, turning
Put the ginger and garlic pastes, half the white frequently, for about 8—10 minutes, or until the
pepper, the black cumin seeds and oil in a large skin is blistered and blackened.
shallow dish. Season with salt and mix well. Add the
chicken breasts and rub evenly over to coat. Cover Place the charred peppers in a plastic bag, seal tight
and allow to marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour. and allow to cool for about 10 minutes. Remove from
the bag, peel, cut in half and de-seed, if you haven't
Put the yoghurt, egg white and cream in another large done so already. Cut the flesh into strips or squares.
shallow dish and mix together to make a smooth
paste. Season with salt and add the remaining white Place the chicken and peppers in a bowl, sprinkle
pepper, the ground cardamom and mace, chopped over all the other ingredients, adjust the seasoning,
chillies and coriander and mix well. Put the chicken if necessary and toss well. Garnish with walnuts.
breasts into this second marinade and turn until they
are evenly coated. Cover and allow to marinate in
the refrigerator for a further 2 hours.

Prepare a tandoor or charcoal grill for a moderate

heat, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler)
to medium. Thread the chicken on to several metal
skewers. Roast over a charcoal grill or under the
hot grill for 6—7 minutes, or until half done.

Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them

up for about 2—3 minutes to allow any excess
moisture to drain out completely. Put the skewers
in a dish, baste with melted butter and roast again
in the tandoor, on the charcoal grill or under
the grill for a further 3—4 minutes, or until cooked.
Transfer the chicken to a plate and serve hot.


vp vF'

Murg Manpasand Murg Parche

Steamed Chicken Patties Spicy Chicken Supremes

Origin Awadh Origin Parsi

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus chilling time Preparation time 20-30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 20-30 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 2 Serves 2

250g / 9oz lean minced (ground) chicken_ 2-3 green chillies, de-seeded
1 onion, chopped 2 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 red (bell) pepper or tomato, diced 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
y2 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon dried mint, crumbled, plus extra
y2 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) to garnish
y2 teaspoon black peppercorns, ground 250g / 9oz boneless chicken breasts
y2 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves 1 banana leaf (optional)
1 teaspoon vegetable oil, plus extra for frying (optional) green chillies in vinegar, to garnish
salt salt

Put all the ingredients into a blender or food

To serve
processor, season with salt and process to make
lemon slices
a paste. Transfer to a large bowl, cover and allow
to chill in the refrigerator for about i hour. onion rings

Shape the mixture into plump patties, place in idli Put the chillies in a mortar and, using a pestle, pound
moulds and steam in a steamer or pressure cooker for until ground.
about io minutes, or until cooked. If using a pressure
cooker, don't apply the weight or whistle. If you don’t Put the ground chillies, whisked yoghurt, garlic
have idli moulds, steam the patties in a steamer. and ginger pastes and dried mint into a blender or
Remove the patties and lightly pat on kitchen paper food processor, then season with salt and process
(paper towels) to remove any extra moisture. to make a smooth paste. Transfer to a large shallow
dish,add the chicken and rub the paste evenly all
Heat a little oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat, over to coat. Cover and allow to marinate in the
add the patties and cook, pressing with a wooden refrigerator for i hour.
spatula, for about io minutes, or until lightly browned
on both sides. Heat a little oil in a non-stick pan over medium
heat, add the chicken and cook for about 5 minutes
on each side, or until cooked. If you prefer to steam
the chicken, place the chicken in a clean banana
leaf square, fold over to make a parcel and secure
with cocktail sticks (toothpicks). Use a large pan
with a lid and place a trivet or upside-down plate
or small bowl in the base. Pour in enough water
so it stays below the top of the trivet or plate and
cover with the lid. Place the banana leaf on
a plate and carefully put on top of the trivet, plate
or bowl, cover with a lid and steam for about
10 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked.

Sprinkle some green chillies in vinegar and

a little dried mint on top of the chicken and serve
with a slice of lemon and onion rings.


Chicken Pakora
Chicken Pakora

Origin Punjab
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus chilling time
Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4

1 whole chicken, cleaned_

vegetable oil, for deep-frying
Chaat Masala (see page 31), for sprinkling
1 lemon, cut into wedges, for serving

For the batter

125g / 414oz (% cup) gram (chickpea) flour
1V2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
8-10 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
2Vi teaspoons chilli powder
2V2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
1V2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and ground to a paste
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 eggs_
m teaspoons coriander seeds, coarsely ground

Cut the chicken into 12 pieces, remove and discard

the skin, and set the pieces aside.

To make the batter, put all the ingredients for the

batter into a large bowl, add 150ml / '/* pint (2/3 cup)
water and mix well. The batter should be of coating
consistency. Add the chicken to the batter and turn
until the pieces are evenly coated. Cover and allow
to chill in the refrigerator for 2Z1 hours.

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or

deep, heavy-based pan to i8o'C/35o”F, or until
a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce
the heat. Working in small batches, add the battered
chicken and deep-fry for 2-3 minutes, or until
golden brown and cooked. Remove with a slotted
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
Sprinkle over the chaat masala and serve with
lemon wedges.


Throughout India it is customary
to offer guests two main dishes,
one dry and one with a sauce.
Fortunately there is a dizzying
array of recipes to suit all
palates and diets - some are
vegetarian and others contain
meat; some are lighter and
lend themselves to the summer
months, while others are more
hearty and robust. These plates
form the core of an Indian
meal and it is not uncommon for
an entire menu to be carefully
composed to compliment them.

Main Dishes


Heeng Jeere ke Aloo Aloo Posto

Asafoetida & Cumin-flavoured Potatoes Potatoes with Poppy Seed Paste

Origin Rajasthan Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 5-6 minutes Cooking time 25-30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6

500g /11b 2oz (10 small) new (baby) potatoes 10Og / 31/2OZ [% cup) poppy seeds_
6 tablespoons ghee 8-10 dried red chillies_
generous pinch of asafoetida 175ml / 6fl oz (% cup) vegetable oil
2 teaspoons cumin seeds 1 kg / 2141b (9 medium) potatoes, cut into quarters
2 teaspoons chopped ginger juice of 2 lemons
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped salt
1 tablespoon ground dried pomegranate seeds
1 teaspoon chilli powder Put the poppy seeds and dried red chillies in a
mortar and pound with a pestle or in a spice grinder
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
and process, adding a little water if necessary, to
salt make a paste.

Cook the potatoes in a large, heavy-based pan of Heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or large, heavy-based
salted boiling water for about 12 minutes, or until pan over medium heat, add the potatoes and fry
cooked but not mushy. Drain and set aside. for 15—20 minutes, or until golden brown and soft.
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over paper (paper towels).
medium heat, add the asafoetida and stir-fry for
about 30 seconds, or until it puffs up. Add the cumin Add the poppy seed paste to the same oil and fry
seeds and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until they start to for about 2-3 minutes, then add the fried potatoes
splutter. Add the ginger and chillies and stir-fry for and season with salt. Pour in 125 ml / 4'/2fl oz (14
about 30 seconds, then add the potatoes and stir-fry cup) boiling water, stirring constantly, then cover
for 1 minute. Add the ground pomegranate seeds, and cook for about 5 minutes, or until all the water
chilli powder and turmeric and stir-fry for a further has evaporated. Remove from the heat and add the
1—2 minutes, or until the masala turns dark brown lemon juice.
and evenly coats the potatoes. Remove from the heat
and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.


# / QQ p.393 Remove the pan from the heat and add the yoghurt.
Stir well, then return to low heat and simmer for
5 minutes. Add the potatoes, sugar, bay leaves and
Aloo Dum turmeric, and season with salt.
Potato Curry
Stir, then cover and simmer for about 5-10 minutes,
or until the potatoes are cooked.
Origin Jammu and Kashmir
Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking time
Add the asafoetida and grated khoya and stir well
Cooking time 35 minutes
until the potatoes are evenly coated with the sauce.
Serves 6
Remove from the heat and stir in a tablespoon of
hot ghee or butter before serving.
1kg / 2141b (9 medium) potatoes, halved_
4-6 dried red chillies _
pinch of asafoetida _ #
1 tablespoon milk
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee, plus more to garnish
2 green cardamom pods
Dahi ke Aloo
Potatoes with Yoghurt
3 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
Origin Awadh
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) Preparation time 15 minutes
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked Cooking time 20 minutes
2 tablespoons sugar Serves 4
21 bay leaves
teaspoon ground turmeric 4 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee_
14 teaspoon asafoetida
50g / 1%oz grated Khoya (see page 58) or
5V2 tablespoons milk powder (dry milk) 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 tablespoon hot ghee or butter 3 Kashmiri red chillies or other mild chillies
10-15 curry leaves
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 medium) potatoes, cut into cubes
Soak the potatoes in a large bowl of water for about 1 teaspoon ground coriander
i hour. Prick them over once or twice during soaking
1 teaspoon ground cumin
so that they are quite soft. Drain and pat dry with
kitchen paper (paper towels).
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1/2 tablespoon ground turmeric
Meanwhile soak the chillies in a bowl of water for 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
i hour, then drain and transfer to a small blender.
Process, adding a little water if necessary, to make
1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
a paste.
Put the asafoetida in a small bowl, add the milk and salt
allow to soak until required.
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
Heat the ghee in a kadhai or heavy-based pan over heat, add the asafoetida, mustard seeds, chillies
high heat, then reduce the heat to low. Add the and curry leaves and fry for about 1 minute. Add
potatoes and fry for about 15 minutes, or until half the potatoes together with all the ground spices,
cooked. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain season with salt, then reduce the heat, cover and cook
on kitchen paper (paper towels). Pour out all over low heat for about 8-10 minutes, or until the
but 2 tablespoons of ghee, then return the pan potatoes are soft. Pour a little hot water into the pan
to the heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves, to prevent the potatoes from sticking to the base
cinnamon, chilli and ginger pastes and fry gently (bottom) of the pan.
for 2—3 minutes.
Put the gram flour and yoghurt into a bowl and mix
together, then add this mixture to the potatoes.
Bring almost to the boil, then reduce the heat and
simmer for about 7 minutes, or until the sauce
becomes thick.


0 0

Dum Aloo Aloo Baigan Sookha

Rich & Spicy Potatoes Potatoes with Aubergine (Eggplant)

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Awadh

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour Cooking time 12-15 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 4-6

750g / 1 lb 10oz (6 medium) potatoes, unpeeled 3 tablespoons vegetable oil_

y2 tablespoon Kashmiri red chilli powder
125ml / 4y2fl oz O/2 cup) vegetable oil
2 teaspoons cumin seeds_
3 dried red chillies, broken into 2-3 pieces each
6 green cardamom pods 2 large potatoes, peeled and cut into 8 pieces each
3 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 1 kg / 2141b (2 medium long) aubergines (eggplants),
4 cloves rinsed and cut lengthways into quarters_
2 black cardamom pods salt
2 teaspoons ground fennel
1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
heat, add the cumin seeds and dried red chillies
y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 teaspoons ground coriander
and fry for 1-2 minutes, then add the potatoes and
aubergines and season with salt. Saute for 2 minutes,
125ml / 4y2fl oz (y2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, then reduce the heat, cover and cook over low
whisked heat for about 10 minutes, or until the vegetables are
y2 tablespoon Kashmiri chilli water done. Add 1-2 tablespoons water, if the vegetables
are sticking to the base (bottom) of the pan.

Parboil the potatoes in a large pan of lightly salted

boiling water for 5—7 minutes. Drain and allow
to cool, then peel off the skins and pierce all over
with a fork.

Put the chilli powder in a bowl, pour in 750ml /

1 Vi pints (314 cups) water and mix together. Set aside.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based frying pan

(skillet) over very low heat, add the potatoes and
fry for at least 45 minutes, or until crisp and golden
brown on the outside but soft inside. Remove from
the pan with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
paper (paper towels).

In the same pan, heat about 6 tablespoons oil over

medium heat, add the whole spices and stir-fry
for 1—2 minutes, or until they start to splutter,
then add the ground spices and stir-fry briskly for
1 minute. Add the yoghurt and cook for a further
2 minutes. Add the chilli water and potatoes and
season with salt. Simmer over very low heat for
about 10 minutes, or until the potatoes are done.


Add the urad dal vadi and bring to the boil. Reduce
the heat to low and simmer, stirring frequently,
for 10 minutes, or until the potatoes are cooked
Aloo Vadiyan and the sauce is a thin consistency. Sprinkle over
Spicy Lentil Dumplings with Potatoes the ground fenugreek, stir and remove from the
heat. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary. Garnish
with chopped coriander.
Origin Punjab
Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 35-40 minutes
Serves 4 mm
5 tablespoons ghee_
Uralikizhan Moru Kozhambu
2 teaspoons cumin seeds
Potato & Yoghurt Curry
150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, chopped
m teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) Origin Tamil Nadu
1% teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking time
150g / 5oz (1 medium) tomato, pureed Cooking time 15-20 minutes
4 potatoes, cut into thin chips (French fries) Serves 4-6
250g / 9oz (11/3 cups) urad dal vadi
2-3 potatoes, cut into 1 -cm / 1/2-inch cubes
generous pinch of ground fenugreek
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
600ml /1 pint (2V2 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves,
to garnish

For the marinade

For the spice paste
150ml /14 pint (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 tablespoon chana dal, rinsed and drained_
1 tablespoon ground coriander
V2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 teaspoon chilli powder
V2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
4-5 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
To make the marinade, put the yoghurt in a large 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
bowl, add the spices and whisk well. 1 x 1 -cm / Vfe-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and chopped
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan, add the
lOOg / 31/20Z (1% cups) grated fresh coconut
cumin seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
they start to splutter. Add the onion and stir-fry
Soak the dal for the spice paste in a bowl of water
for about 5 minutes, or until it turns light golden.
for 20 minutes. Drain well and set aside.
Add the ginger and garlic pastes and stir-fry for
about 2—3 minutes, or until the onion is golden brown.
To make the spice paste, put the fenugreek seeds in
Remove from the heat, stir in the yoghurt mixture,
a kadhai or small, heavy-based dry frying pan (skillet)
then return to the heat and stir-fry for about 2—3
over medium heat and stir-fry for 1—2 minutes, or
minutes, or until the oil starts to separate out and
until roasted. Remove from the pan and transfer to
rise to the surface. Add the pureed tomato and
a small blender. Add all the remaining ingredients,
the potatoes and stir-fry for a further 2—3 minutes,
including the soaked dal and 4 tablespoons water and
or until the oil separates out.
process to make a smooth paste.
Pour in 1 litre / 1% pints (4% cups) water and season
Bring 375ml / 13 fl oz (1/2 cups) water to the boil in
with salt. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to
a large, heavy-based pan. Add the potatoes and
low and simmer, stirring frequently, for 10 minutes,
turmeric and season with salt. Cover, reduce the heat
or until the potatoes are three-quarters cooked.
to medium and simmer for about 10—12 minutes, or
until the potatoes are tender. Stir in the spice paste
and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Stir in the yoghurt and
heat through, stirring constantly to prevent curdling
for a further 1-2 minutes, or until hot.


Chharra Aloo Aloo Tamatar ka Chokha
‘Marbled’ Potatoes in Sauce Mashed Potato & Tomato

Origin Awadh Origin Bihar

Preparation time 15-20 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 4

500g /1 lb 2oz marble-sized potatoes 250g / 9oz (2 medium) potatoes_

1 teaspoon ground cumin
teaspoon chilli powder
4 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
Vz 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric and finely chopped
teaspoon ground black pepper 14 teaspoon chilli powder
teaspoons amchoor 1 tablespoon mustard oil
teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 4-6 tomatoes
teaspoon ground aniseed salt
2 tablespoons ghee 1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), to garnish
1 bay leaf
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped For the tempering (optional)
2 cloves 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
2 black cardamom pods Vz teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon ground coriander
Cook the potatoes in a large pan of boiling water
for about 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain and allow
to cool, then peel off the skins and transfer the
Remove the skin from the potatoes by rubbing
potatoes to a large bowl. Add the chillies, ginger,
vigorously, then crush lightly with the side of
chilli powder, mustard oil and season with salt.
a heavy knife or a grinding stone.
Use your hands to mix everything together and
mash well.
Put the ground spices in a small bowl, add
4 tablespoons water and mix together.
Chargrill the tomatoes over the open flame of a gas
cooker (gas stove top) for a few minutes, or until
Heat the ghee in a kadhai or large, heavy-based
the skins are blackened, then peel off the skins,
pan over medium heat, add the bay leaf, chillies and
transfer the flesh to a bowl and mash with a spoon.
whole spices and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or
Alternatively, put the tomatoes in a large heatproof
until they turn darker. Add the ground spice mixture
bowl of boiling water for 30 seconds, then plunge
and stir-fry for 30 seconds, then add the potatoes.
them in cold water, drain, allow to cool slightly and
Stir to mix well and pour in 750ml / i!4 pints (314 cups)
remove the skins.
water. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat, season
with salt, cover and simmer for about 10 minutes.
Heap the mashed potato mixture on a serving plate,
Uncover, mash the potatoes a little with the
arrange the mashed tomato decoratively around and
back of a ladle or wooden spatula and simmer
garnish with coriander.
for a further 2 minutes.

If using, heat the oil for the tempering in a small

frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the
cumin seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
they start to splutter. Pour over the mashed potato
and tomato.

m If you would like to add tomatoes to this dish,
first put them in a bowl of boiling water for about
30 seconds, then drain, allow to cool slightly and
Aloo Matar Rasedar remove the skins. Put the flesh into a bowl and mash
Potatoes & Peas in Sauce to a pulp. Add the pulp to the pan containing the
potatoes and cook for a few minutes, or until done.
Origin Awadh
If you are using dried fenugreek add it with the
Preparation time 30 minutes
fried potatoes, sprinkle over a little water, mix well
Cooking time 10 minutes
and simmer for a few more minutes until done.
Serves 6-8

6 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee, plus extra

#/ m p.475
for frying
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 medium) potatoes, cut into
medium-sized pieces Aloo Simla Mirch
pinch of asafoetida Savoury Potatoes & (Bell) Peppers
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups) peas, shelled if fresh Origin Delhi
Preparation time 10 minutes
2 cloves
Cooking time 17-20 minutes
14 teaspoon chilli powder Serves 4-6
1 teaspoon Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56)
(optional) 3 tablespoons ghee or 10Og / 31/2OZ (7 tablespoons)
1 teaspoon ground coriander butter with 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
2 tomatoes (optional) 8 potatoes, cut into quarters
finely chopped fenugreek leaves or 2 tablespoons 4 green (bell) peppers, de-seeded and cut into quarters
dried fenugreek leaves (optional) salt
Heat the ghee or butter and oil in a medium-sized,
Heat enough oil for frying in a large, heavy-based heavy-based pan over low heat, add the potatoes and
frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the season with salt. Cover and cook for about 15 minutes,
potatoes and fry for about 15—20 minutes, or until or until the potatoes are cooked. Sprinkle over
cooked and light golden. Remove from the pan and 1 tablespoon water if the potatoes are browning too
set aside. much. Uncover, add the peppers and simmer
for a further 2—3 minutes. Mix gently before serving.
Heat the oil or ghee in a heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the asafoetida and cumin seeds
and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the seeds start
to splutter. Add the peas and 125ml / ^/zfl oz O/2 cup)
water, then cover and cook for about 5 minutes,
shaking the pan lightly every few minutes or stirring
carefully with a ladle so that the peas are well mixed
without breaking, or until nearly done. Add the
cloves and chilli powder and Kashmiri garam masala.
When nearly done, add the fried potatoes and
sprinkle over the ground coriander.


# #/QB p.279

Aloo Kele ki Bhujiya Khatte Aloo

Spiced Potatoes & Bananas in Yoghurt Sour Potatoes

Origin Awadh Origin Awadh

Preparation time 30-40 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 25-30 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 4-6

4 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil 150ml / Va pint (% cup) mustard oil

6 potatoes, cut into 3-cm /1 -inch cubes pinch of asafoetida
6 unripe green bananas, peeled and cut into rounds,
about 1 cm / Vz inch thick
teaspoon cumin seeds
500g /1 lb 2oz (4 medium) potatoes, cut into
pinch of asafoetida bite-sized pieces
y2 teaspoon chilli powder
I/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 teaspoon ground coriander
14 teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds
Vz teaspoon red chilli powder 2 cloves
14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
Vz teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
4 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 2 green chillies
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and finely chopped
Heat 3 tablespoons ghee or oil in a heavy-based
frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, and working
2 teaspoons amchoor
in batches fry the potatoes for 10—15 minutes, or
until golden brown. Remove from the heat. Place
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
on kitchen paper (paper towel) to drain.
medium heat, add the asafoetida and cumin seeds
and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the seeds start to
Add the bananas to the pan and fry for 2 minutes
splutter. Add the potatoes and chilli powder and
making sure not to scorch the bananas, then set aside.
stir-fry for 1 minute, before adding the remaining
ingredients, except the amchoor, and seasoning
Heat the remaining ghee or oil in a second large,
with salt. Stir-fry for a further 1 minute, then pour
heavy-based pan over medium heat. Add the
in 500ml / i8fl oz (z'/a cups) water. Bring to the boil,
asafoetida, cumin seeds, fenugreek and kalonji
reduce the heat to medium, cover and simmer for
seeds and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the
10-15 minutes.
seeds start to splutter. Add the fried bananas,
potatoes and the remaining spices, then Add the amchoor and simmer for another few minutes.
season with salt. Shake the pan a couple of
times and pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water.

Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 10—15

minutes, or until the potatoes are soft. Add the
yoghurt, cover and simmer over very low heat
for a further 10 minutes.


Dahiwale Aloo Aloo Methi
Potatoes in Yoghurt Sauce Potatoes with Fenugreek

Origin Awadh Origin Punjab/Awadh

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 20-25 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 2

4 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee_ 15g / y2oz (% cup) fresh fenugreek leaves_
14 teaspoon asafoetida 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 2 cloves garlic, crushed
3-4 dried red chillies 1 green chilli, de-seeded and chopped
10-15 curry leaves 250g / 9oz (2 medium) potatoes, cut into cubes
500g /1 lb 2oz (4 medium) potatoes, cut into cubes Ve teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground coriander 4 sprigs dill, chopped
1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 teaspoon chilli powder salt
14 tablespoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) Soak the fenugreek leaves in a bowl of lightly salted
water for about 30 minutes. Drain, pat dry and chop
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
whisked Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based frying pan
salt (skillet) over medium heat, add the garlic and chilli
and mix, then add the fenugreek leaves and fry
Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over for about 1 minute. Add the potatoes and turmeric,
medium heat, add the asafoetida, mustard seeds, season with salt and stir-fry for about 2 minutes.
dried red chillies and curry leaves and stir-fry for Now add the dill and coriander leaves.
about i minute. Add the potatoes together with all
the ground spices, season with salt, then cover, Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook for about
reduce the heat to low and cook for about 10—15 10 minutes, or until the potatoes are soft. If the
minutes, or until the potatoes are soft. Pour a little mixture is too dry and the potatoes are browning
water on the lid and tilt into the pan when hot too much, sprinkle over a little water.
to prevent the potatoes from sticking to the base
(bottom) of the pan.

Remove the pan from the heat, add the yoghurt

slowly, stirring constantly, then return to the
heat and simmer for about 5 minutes, or until
the sauce is thick, but do not allow to boil.


Vjv' /7l''
Add the potatoes and season with salt, then stir-fry
for 2 minutes. Add the masala and stir-fry for
a further 2 minutes, before removing from the heat
Aloogadda Vepudu and adjusting the seasoning, if necessary.
Spicy Potatoes
Heat the oil for the tempering in a small frying
Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh pan over medium heat, add the sliced onion and fry
Preparation time 1 hour for about 5—7 minutes, or until golden, then add the
Cooking time 15-20 minutes curry leaves. Stir and spread over the potatoes.
Serves 4

350g / 12oz (3 medium) potatoes, cut into
2.5-cm /I-inch pieces
2 tablespoons ghee Aloo ke Gutake
y2 teaspoon mustard seeds Potatoes Tempered with Cumin
y2 teaspoon cumin seeds
salt Origin Uttarakhand
Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes
For the masala
1 tablespoon coriander seeds_
Serves 4

1 teaspoon cumin seeds

10-12 whole black peppercorns
3 tablespoons mustard oil_
1 y2 teaspoons cumin seeds
4 dried red chillies
pinch of ground turmeric
4 green cardamom pods
500g /1 lb 2oz (4 medium) potatoes, cut into
3 cloves slices lengthways
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
1 teaspoon ground turmeric

2 teaspoons lemon juice To garnish

2-3 dried red chillies_
For the tempering
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped

1 onion, sliced Heat the oil in a kadhai or heavy-based pan over high
heat, then reduce the heat. Add the cumin seeds and
15-20 curry leaves
stir-fry for about 30 seconds, or until they start to
Put the potatoes into a heavy-based pan, add splutter. Add the turmeric and immediately afterwards
half the turmeric and season with salt. Pour in the sliced potatoes. Stir well and sprinkle over a very
enough water to cover, then bring to the boil little amount of water just to make them damp.
and cook for about 12—15 minutes, or until soft.
Drain and set aside. Season with salt, then reduce the heat to very low,
cover and cook for about 15-20 minutes, or until
To make the masala, heat a tawa, griddle or small, the potatoes are tender, stirring once or twice and
heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over very low heat, sprinkling very small amounts of water whenever
add the coriander seeds and stir-fry for about required during cooking, so the potatoes do not burn
3 minutes, or until fragrant and roasted. Remove or catch on the base (bottom) of the pan. Garnish
from the pan and roast the cumin seeds, black with dried red chillies and chopped coriander.
peppercorns, dried red chillies, green cardamom
pods, cloves and cinnamon separately in the
same way. Transfer all the roasted spices, turmeric
and lemon juice to a blender and process until
ground. Pass through a sieve (strainer) and set aside.

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the mustard and cumin
seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
they start to splutter.


# m

Cheera Thoran Aloo Matar Sookhe

South Indian Spinach & Potatoes Potatoes with Peas

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Awadh/Punjab

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 25 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4-6

2-3 tablespoon coconut oil_ 8 potatoes, in their jackets (skins)_

1 teaspoon mustard seeds 350g /12oz (216 cups) peas, shelled if fresh
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained 2-3 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil
1 large onion, chopped 1 tablespoon mustard seeds
1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 1 tablespoon cumin seeds
and grated 1 tablespoon ground turmeric
4-8 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
10-12 curry leaves
2 tomatoes, chopped (optional)
2-3 green chillies, chopped
250g / 9oz (2 medium) potatoes, cut into small cubes
750g /1 lb lOoz red spinach, shredded
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
10Og / 3V20Z (1 cup) grated fresh coconut
salt Cook the potatoes in a large pan of boiling water
for about 10 minutes, or until half done. Drain,
Heat the oil in a large, deep heavy-based pan over allow to cool, then peel off their skins. Cut the
medium heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry potatoes into cubes.
for i minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the
urad dal and stir-fry for about i minute, or until Cook the peas in another pan of boiling water for
light golden, then add the onion and stir-fry for 5—7 minutes, or until soft, then drain and refresh
about 2 minutes, or until translucent and glossy. Add immediately in cold water so they do not lose their
the ginger and chillies and stir-fry for a few seconds, colour. Set aside.
before adding the curry leaves. Stir, then add the
potatoes and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until Heat the ghee or oil in a heavy-based pan over
the potatoes are half cooked. medium heat, add the mustard seeds and cumin
seeds and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until they
Now add the spinach and coconut and season with start to splutter. Add the turmeric, then add the
salt. Cover with a lid and cook for 3 minutes or potatoes and tomatoes, if using. Season with salt
until the spinach has wilted. Remove the cover and and fry for about 5—10 minutes, or until done.
stir-fry for 3-5 minutes, or until all the moisture has
evaporated and the potatoes are soft. Remove from Add the peas, chillies and coriander leaves to the
the heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary. pan, mix well and serve hot.


vps v7p' m

Aloo Masala Bharwan Aloo

Curried Spice Potatoes Stuffed Potatoes
Origin Awadh Origin Rajasthan
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6

250g / 9oz (2 medium) potatoes, unpeeled

8-10 6 potatoes_

teaspoons vegetable oil
teaspoon ground aniseed
1 tablespoon vegetable oil, plus extra for deep frying
Yz teaspoon black cumin seeds
2 teaspoons chilli powder 200g / 7oz Paneer (see page 59), cut into cubes
2 pinches of ground turmeric 14 teaspoon Kashmiri chilli powder
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long large pinch of dried mint
6 cloves 14 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) (optional)
6 green cardamom pods 11 teaspoon raisins_
1 teaspoon poppy seeds teaspoon pine nuts _
14 red (bell) pepper, cut into small diamonds
4 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour
1 teaspoon mustard seeds salt
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
Scoop out the centres of the potatoes ensuring that
2-4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
about a i-cm / ‘/z-inch shell remains intact.
150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, sliced
2 teaspoons hot ghee Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
15-20 curry leaves heavy-based pan to i8o‘C/35o'F, or until a cube
salt of bread browns in 30 seconds. Carefully add the
potato shells to the hot oil and deep-fry for about
Cook the potatoes in a large pan of boiling water for 2—3 minutes, or until they acquire a golden hue
20 minutes, or until soft. Drain, allow to cool and and appear crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and
peel off the skins. Cut the potatoes into large pieces. drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).

Heat i teaspoon oil in a small frying pan (skillet) Heat the 1 tablespoon oil in a non-stick pan over
over medium heat, add half the aniseed and the medium heat, add the black cumin seeds and stir-fry
rest of the spices and stir-fry for about 30 seconds. for 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the
Transfer to a mortar and pound with a pestle or paneer and quickly stir-fry for about 2 minutes.
process in a spice grinder to a powder. Set aside. Season with salt, then add the chilli powder, dried
mint and garam masala, if using. Add the raisins,
Put the gram (chickpea) flour in a small bowl, pour pine nuts and red pepper and stir well to blend.
in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and stir together until Remove from the heat and fill the hollowed potatoes
blended. Set aside. with this mixture.

Heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan over

medium heat, add the mustard seeds and urad dal
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they start
to splutter. Add the remaining aniseed and stir-fry
for a few seconds. Add the chillies and onion and
fry for about 2 minutes, or until the onion is
translucent. Now add the potatoes and season
with salt. Fry for about 1 minute.

Pour the flour paste into the curry and keep stirring
until the sauce thickens considerably. Sprinkle over
the ground spices, then pour over the ghee and
add a few curry leaves. Mix well and cook for about
5 minutes, before removing from the heat.


'7[v' >7F* Mix in the chillies, ginger, tomatoes and turmeric,
and season with salt. Fry for about 1—2 minutes.

Uralaikizhan Sagu Pour 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water into the pan, stir,
Potato Curry with Coconut then reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about
5 minutes.
Origin Tamil Nadu
Mix in the spice paste and potatoes and simmer,
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus cooling time
uncovered, for a further 5 minutes, or until well
Cooking time 20-25 minutes
blended. Pour in the coconut milk and simmer
Serves 6
for about 1—2 minutes.

7-8 potatoes, unpeeled_

3 onions, chopped B
2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 x 1 -cm / y2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
Chakra Vazhikilangu Poriyal
and grated_
4 tomatoes, chopped Spicy Sweet Potatoes
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
Origin Tamil Nadu
375ml / 13fl oz (1 Vk cups) coconut milk, fresh
Preparation time 10 minutes
(see page 781) or canned Cooking time 10-15 minutes
salt Serves 4-6

For the spice paste 350g / 12oz (2 medium) sweet potatoes, peeled
1 teaspoon poppy seeds, ground_
and cut into cubes
green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
3-4 dried red chillies
1 tablespoon chana dal, roasted I/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 tablespoon coriander seeds 1 tablespoon Poriyal Powder (see page 50)
Vz teaspoon fennel seeds
1 cinnamon stick, about 1 cm / V2 inch long
For the tempering
For the tempering 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
6 tablespoons vegetable oil_ 11 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
dried red chilli, halved
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon chana dal, rinsed and drained sprig curry leaves
1 sprig curry leaves
Heat the oil for the tempering in a large, heavy-
based frying pan over medium heat, add all the
Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for
ingredients for the tempering and stir-fry for
about 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain and allow to
1 minute, or until the mustard seeds start to splutter.
cool, then peel off the skins. Cut the potatoes into
Add the sweet potatoes, chillies, turmeric and
i-cm / ‘/2-inch cubes.
season with salt.

Put all the ingredients for the spice paste in

Pour 125ml / 4‘/2fl oz (14 cup) water into the pan, then
a blender with a little water, if necessary, and
reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about 10-15
process to make a smooth paste. Set aside.
minutes, or until the sweet potatoes are cooked and
all the water is completely absorbed. Sprinkle in the
Heat the oil for the tempering in a kadhai or deep,
poriyal powder, mix well and remove from the heat.
heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over medium heat,
add all the ingredients for the tempering and stir-fry
for 1 minute, or until the mustard seeds start to
splutter. Add the onions and stir-fry for 5 minutes,
or until golden.


•7m TP

Aloo ka Qorma Aloo ki Tarkari

Braised Potatoes Potatoes in Sauce
Origin Awadh Origin Awadh
Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 35 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 6

500g / 1 lb 2oz (2 large) potatoes, cut into 500g /1 lb 2oz (4 medium) potatoes, unpeeled
quarters lengthways 3 tablespoons dried fenugreek leaves
% teaspoon ground turmeric
1 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
teaspoon poppy seeds
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 teaspoon ground cumin powder
1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground garlic y2 teaspoon amchoor
6 cashew nuts 125ml / 4M oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil
Vz tablespoon desiccated (dried flaked) coconut small pinch of asafoetida
125ml / AM oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil or ghee
2 6 cloves
green cardamom pods
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
1 bay leaf
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
2 cloves and crushed
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped salt
1V2 teaspoon ground coriander
Cook the potatoes in a large pan of boiling water
4 tomatoes, chopped
for about 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain, allow to
V2 teaspoon chilli powder
cool, then peel off the skins. Return the potatoes
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
to the pan and mash with a potato masher. Set aside.

Soak the dried fenugreek leaves in a bowl of water

juice of 1 lime
salt for a few minutes, then drain and crumble. Set aside.

Cook the potatoes together with the turmeric in Put the ground spices in a small bowl, add
a large pan of boiling water for about 15 minutes, 1 tablespoon water and stir together.
or until tender. Drain and set aside.
Heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based
Put the poppy seeds, ginger, garlic, cashew nuts frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the
and coconut in a mortar and pound with a pestle asafoetida and stir-fry for about 30 seconds. Add
or a spice grinder and process until ground. the cloves and bay leaf and stir-fry for a further
30 seconds. Add the ground spice mixture and the
Heat the oil or ghee in a heavy-based pan over ginger and fry for another 30 seconds.
medium heat, add the whole spices and chillies
and lightly fry for about i-z minutes. Add the ground Pour in about 1 litre / i3/< pints (4% cups) water and
spices and ground coriander and fry for about bring to the boil. Add the mashed potatoes and
1 minute, or until fragrant. season with salt. Reduce the heat and cook for
about 8 minutes, or until it has reached the desired
Add the tomatoes together with the boiled potatoes consistency. Add the crumbled fenugreek leaves
to the pan and cook for a few minutes. Season with and mix well.
salt, then add the chilli powder and yoghurt. Reduce
the heat to low and simmer for a few minutes. Add
the chopped coriander and remove the pan from the
heat. Stir in the lime juice and serve.


VFv VF' For the filling, mix all the ingredients together
in a bowl. Season with salt and stuff the scooped
potatoes with the filling.
Aloo Chutneywale
Chutney-coated Potatoes To make the chutney, put the coriander and
mangoes in a blender or food processor and process
to make a paste. Add the mint and process again
Origin Hyderabad
to make a smooth paste.
Preparation time 45 minutes
Cooking time 20-25 minutes
To make the sauce, heat the ghee in a large,
Serves 4
heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the cumin
seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they
groundnut (peanut) oil, for deep frying_
start to splutter. Add the pastes and stir-fry for
750g / 11b lOoz (6 medium) potatoes, cut into 1— 2 minutes, or until the moisture has evaporated.
barrel shapes Now add the ground spices and a pinch of salt,
salt then add the tomatoes and stir-fry for about
2— 3 minutes, or until the moisture has evaporated.
For the filling
Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the yoghurt,
125g / 414oz Paneer (see page 59), grated then return to a low heat, add the potatoes
4 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh ginger
and simmer gently for a few minutes until hot.

10 cashew nuts, crushed

For the chutney

150g / 5oz (3V2 cups) coriander (cilantro) leaves
3 tablespoons unripe mangoes, peeled and
roughly chopped
75g / 2y2oz (iy2 cups) mint leaves

For the sauce

10Og / 3y2oz (scant Vz cup) ghee_
1% teaspoons cumin seeds
150g / 5oz Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57)
4 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
4 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
50g / 1%oz Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58)
1 teaspoon chilli powder
lOg / 14oz Garam Masala (see page 31)
lOOg / 3y2oz (1 small) tomato, chopped
300ml / y2 pint (114 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
pinch of salt

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,

heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o’F, or until a cube
of bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
add the potatoes to the hot oil and deep-fry for
1-2 minutes, or until three-quarters cooked and
light brown in colour. Remove with a slotted spoon
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). When
cool, scoop out the centres leaving a 5-mm / !4-inch
gap from the sides.


## vF'

Aloo Tamatar Aloo Methi ki Sabzi

Curried Potatoes with Tomato Potatoes with Fenugreek Leaves
Origin Punjab/Awadh Origin Punjab/Awadh
Preparation time 10 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil__ 2 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee_

2-3 dried red chillies
V/z tablespoons coriander seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
150g / 5oz (1 medium) potato, cut into dice
pinch of asafoetida % teaspoon chopped green chilli
4 tomatoes, chopped 500g /1 lb 2oz fenugreek leaves, finely chopped
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric 'A teaspoon ground turmeric_
1 teaspoon chilli powder salt
150g / 5oz (1 medium) potato, cut into chunks
Heat the oil or ghee in a heavy-based pan over
4-5 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for
1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the
4 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, potatoes and chilli and season with salt. Cover and
to garnish cook for about 8-10 minutes, or until the potatoes
are soft, stirring once or twice to make sure the
Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over high heat, potatoes do not brown and sprinkling over a little
then reduce the heat, add the dried red chillies water if necessary to prevent the potatoes burning
and coriander seeds and stir-fry for i minute, or and catching on the base (bottom) of the pan.
until the seeds start to splutter and the chillies turn
a shade darker. Add the asafoetida, stir, then add Add the fenugreek leaves and turmeric and cook
the tomatoes and cook for about i minute. Add the for a further 10 minutes.
turmeric and chilli powder, then season with salt.
Cook for about 2—3 minutes, or until the tomatoes
become soft and well blended.

Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and bring to the

boil. Add the potato and green chillies and cook for
about &-10 minutes, or until the potatoes are soft and
the sauce is thick. Garnish with chopped coriander.


m Remove from the heat and slowly stir in the yoghurt,
all the ground spices and the onion, ginger and
garlic pastes. Season with salt and return the pan
Dum ki Arabi to the heat. Stir-fry for a few minutes until the oil
Slow-cooked Colocasia (Taro Root) separates out and the spice mixture is well browned.
Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2 cups) water and add the
colocasia. Cover and simmer over very low heat for
Origin Awadh
about 10 minutes.
Preparation time 25-30 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4-6

500g /1 lb 2oz (1 root) colocasia (taro root)

2 bay leaves
Vz teaspoon black cumin seeds
_ Masala Arabi
Spicy Colocasia (Taro Root)
Vz teaspoon grated nutmeg
4 black cardamom pods Origin Awadh
6-8 cloves Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 15-20 minutes
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
Serves 5-6
125ml / 4y2fl oz (Vz cup) vegetable oil, plus extra
for frying
2 onions, sliced
500g / 11b 2oz (1 root) colocasia (taro root), peeled
and sliced into chunks
125ml / 4Vzf\ oz (Vz cup) natural (plain) yoghurt,
2 tablespoons ghee

1 teaspoon chilli powder

1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled

1 teaspoon ground coriander

and chopped

1 teaspoon cumin seeds

2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
pinch of asafoetida
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
14 teaspoon ajwain seeds
2 tablespoons Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57)
Vz teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon ground coriander
2 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
Cook the colocasia in a large, heavy-based pan of 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
boiling water for about 10—15 minutes. Drain, allow
to cool slightly, then peel off the skin and prick Cook the colocasia in a large, heavy-based pan of
all over with a fork. boiling water for 8—10 minutes. Drain, allow to cool
slightly, then peel off the skin and slice into chunks.
Put the bay leaves and whole spices in a mortar and
pound with a pestle or process in a spice grinder until Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
coarsely ground, then set aside. medium heat, add the ginger and stir-fry for about
2—3 minutes. Add the chillies, asafoetida and ajwain
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or seeds and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add the colocasia
deep, heavy-based pan to i8o'C/35o'F, or until together with the salt, turmeric and ground coriander
a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce seeds. Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and cook
the heat. Carefully lower the colocasia into the for 10 minutes until the water is absorbed and the
hot oil and deep-fry for about 2—3 minutes, or colocasia is tender. Remove from the heat and add
until it firms up slightly and acquires a rich golden the yoghurt and chopped coriander.
brown hue. Remove from the pan with a slotted
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).

Heat the measured oil in another heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the onions and fry for about
5 minutes, or until lightly browned.



Ajwaini Arabi Rajasthani Arabi

Ajwain-flavoured Colocasia (Taro Root) Colocasia (Taro Root) in Yoghurt Sauce
Origin Banaras/Awadh Origin Rajasthan
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4-5 Serves 4-6

250g / 9oz (Vz root) colocasia (taro root) 300g / 11 oz (% root) colocasia (taro root)
200g / 7oz (% cup) ghee 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
pinch of asafoetida
Vz teaspoon ajwain seeds
2 teaspoons gram (chickpea) flour
Vz tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Vz teaspoon chilli powder Vz tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
salt 1 teaspoon chilli powder

Cook the colocasia in a large, heavy-based pan of

1 teaspoon ground turmeric_
4 tablespoons vegetable oil_
boiling water for about 10—15 minutes. Drain and
3-4 cloves_
allow to cool, then peel off the skins, cut in half
2 black cardamom pods_
lengthways and flatten with your hands.

Reserve 1 tablespoon of ghee and heat the remaining

1 teaspoon ajwain seeds
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium heat. Add salt
the colocasia and fry for a few minutes until crisp and
golden. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on Bring 750ml / i'/< pints (3% cups) water to the boil in
kitchen paper (paper towels). Return to the frying pan. a large, heavy-based pan, add the colocasia, cover,
reduce the heat to medium and cook for 20 minutes.
Heat the remaining ghee in a small frying pan over Drain, allow to cool, then peel off the skins and cut
medium heat, add the asafoetida and ajwain seeds into i-cm '/z-inch thick slices.
and stir-fry for 1 minute. Remove from the heat,
stir in the chilli powder and season with salt. Pour Put the yoghurt, gram flour, ginger and garlic pastes,
over the colocasia, then cover and cook over very chilli powder, turmeric and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup)
low heat for a further 5 minutes. water in a large bowl. Season with salt and mix
together. Set aside.

Heat the oil in another large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the cloves, cardamom pods and
ajwain seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
they start to splutter. Season with salt and add the
garam masala, and stir-fry briskly for 15 seconds.
Add the colocasia and fry for about 10 minutes, or
until there is no more stickiness and the colocasia
turns light brown.

Reduce the heat and add the yoghurt mixture.

Stir and cook for about 5 minutes.



Dum ki Bhindi Bhuni Besan Bhindi

Slow-cooked Okra in Yoghurt Sauce Fried Okra Coated in Gram (Chickpea)
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 15-20 minutes, plus soaking time Origin Hyderabad
Cooking time 25 minutes Preparation time 20-25 minutes
Serves 4 Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4
500g /1 lb 2oz okra_
3 teaspoons chilli powder, or to taste vegetable oil, for deep frying_
150ml /14 pint (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 750g / 1 lb 10oz okra, topped and tailed (trimmed)
11/2 teaspoons Garam Masala, plus extra for sprinkling 5 teaspoons ground coriander
(see page 31) 1 tablespoon amchoor
4 teaspoons chopped green chillies 1 teaspoon chilli powder
3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 5 tablespoons ghee
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 50g / 1%oz [V2 cup) gram (cnickpea) flour
1V2 teaspoons ground turmeric
3 teaspoons ghee
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground black cardamom
salt V2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
Slit the okra lengthways but keep them joined at the
stem. Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep-
heavy-based pan to i8o’C/35o'F, or until a cube of
Put the yoghurt in a bowl, add the chilli powder, bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, add
garam masala and 1 teaspoon chopped green chillies. the okra to the hot oil and deep-fry for 2—3 minutes,
Season with salt and mix together. Add the okra to or until crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain
the yoghurt mixture and set aside for about on kitchen paper (paper towels).
20 minutes to soak.
Put the coriander, amchoor, chilli powder and
Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over medium heat, turmeric in a small bowl, add 3 tablespoons water
add the ginger and garlic pastes, turmeric and the and mix together.
remaining green chillies and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes.
Now add the okra and yoghurt mixture and cook Heat the ghee in a heavy-based pan over medium-
for a further 5 minutes. Add the ghee and sprinkle low heat, add the gram flour and stir-fry for about
over a little garam masala, then reduce the heat to i minute, or until it is fragrant. Add the deep-fried
low, cover and cook for about 10 minutes. okra and the ground spices mixture and stir-fry for
a few seconds. Season with salt and stir-fry for about
Remove the lid and continue cooking for about 5 minutes, or until the gram flour coats the okra.
5 minutes, or until the yoghurt mixture coats Sprinkle over the ground pepper, cardamom and
the okra. nutmeg, then remove from the heat and adjust the
seasoning, if necessary.


Bharwan Bhindi Sabut Bhindi
Stuffed Okra Whole Spicy Okra
Origin Punjab Origin Awadh
Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 20-25 minutes Cooking time 35-40 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

500g / 1 lb 2oz okra, topped and tailed (trimmed), cut 500g / 1 lb 2oz okra, topped and tailed (trimmed)
in half lengthways then de-seeded 3 teaspoons vegetable oil
salt 1teaspoon cumin seeds

For the filling

21onions, chopped
teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground turmeric_ 10 cloves garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon ground black cardamom 1teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground fennel 21teaspoons ground coriander
Vh teaspoons ground cumin teaspoon amchoor
1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)

1 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee 1teaspoon chilli powder

tablespoon amchoor 1teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander pinch of asafoetida
2 teaspoons chilli powder 2 tomatoes, chopped
14 teaspoon ground nutmeg
pinch of salt
Slit the okra lengthways down one side without
slicing them in two.
For the sauce
1 Vz teaspoons chilli powder_ Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
Vi teaspoon ground turmeric_ medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for
4 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee_ about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter.
125g / 414oz (1 small) onion, sliced_ Add the onions, ginger and garlic and stir-fry for
about 5 minutes.
750ml / 1 14 pints (314 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
whisked Add the okra and fry for a further 15 minutes. Now
add all the spices and the tomatoes, then season
To make the filling, mix all the ingredients together with salt and mix well. Reduce the heat, cover and
in a bowl. Fill the okra with equal quantities of the simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally
mixture and set aside. to stop the okra from sticking to the pan. Remove
from the heat and keep covered until ready to serve.
To make the sauce, mix the chilli powder and
turmeric in a small bowl with 2 tablespoons water.

Heat the oil or ghee in a deep, heavy-based pan over

low heat, add the onion and fry for 3-4 minutes, or
until translucent and glossy. Add the chilli powder
mixture and stir-fry for about 3-4 minutes, or until
all the moisture has evaporated, then add the stuffed
okra, increase the heat to medium, cover and cook,
stirring occasionally, for 7-8 minutes.

Remove from the heat, stir in the yoghurt and season

with salt. Return to the heat and cook, stirring
occasionally, but carefully, for about 5 minutes, or
until the sauce is quite thick. Remove from the heat
and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.

# Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the yoghurt,
then pour in 400ml / 140 oz (i* 2 * * 5 * * 8/3 cups) water, r
to the heat and bring to the boil.
Vendakkai Masala Pachadi
Spicy Southern Okra Now add the deep-fried okra, reduce the heat
and simmer for about 3-4 minutes, or until coated
in the sauce. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary,
Origin Tamil Nadu
before serving.
Preparation time 25 minutes
Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Serves 4
groundnut (peanut) oil, for deep frying_
750g / 11b lOoz okra, topped and tailed (trimmed), Bhindi Pyaz
then cut into 2.5-cm / 1-inch pieces Crispy Okra with Onions
2 tablespoons cashew nuts
75g / 2>/ioz (1 cup) grated fresh coconut Origin Punjab
1 teaspoon cumin seeds Preparation time 10 minutes, plus soaking time
1 teaspoon mustard seeds Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4
2 tablespoons urad dal, rinsed and drained
3 dried red chillies
500g / 1 lb 2oz okra_
8-10 curry leaves
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
125g / 414oz (1 small) onion, chopped
4 onions, chopped
250g / 9oz (1 large) tomato, chopped
4-6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon cumin seeds, crushed
y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 tablespoon ground coriander
100ml / 3M oz (y2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, Soak the okra in a large bowl of lightly salted water
whisked for about 5 minutes.
Now trim away the stem just above the ridge, then
Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep, slice the okra into miniature wheels.
heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o’F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan (skillet) over
add the okra pieces to the hot oil and deep-fry for medium heat, add the onions and fry for about
about 2—3 minutes, or until crisp. Remove with 5 minutes, or until the onions are browned. Add the
a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper chillies and fry for about 2 minutes, or until they
towels). Reserve the oil. are pale green. Add the cumin seeds and fry for
about 30 seconds, then add the okra and season
Put the cashews and coconut into a small blender with salt. Stir well and cook, stirring frequently to
or food processor and process, adding a little water prevent the okra from sticking to the pan, for about
if necessary, to make a paste. 8 minutes, or until done.

Heat the reserved oil in a large, heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the cumin seeds, mustard
seeds, urad dal, dried red chillies and curry leaves
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the seeds
start to splutter. Add the onion and stir-fry for about
5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Now add the
tomato, stir and add the chilli powder, turmeric and
coriander and season with salt. Stir-fry for about
2-3 minutes, or until the oil separates out. Reduce
the heat to low, add the cashew and coconut paste
and fry for a further 2 minutes.

# Add the tamarind extract and stir-fry for 1 minute,
then pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, add the
sugar and season with salt. Bring to the boil, then
Vendakkai Pulussu reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 2-3
Okra in Tamarind Sauce minutes. Now add the okra and simmer for about
5 minutes, while you make the tempering.
Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 20 minutes Heat the oil for the tempering in a small frying
Cooking time 25 minutes pan (skillet) over medium heat. Add the mustard
Serves 4 seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
they start to splutter. Add the fenugreek seeds
and curry leaves and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes, or
4 tablespoons vegetable oil_
until the leaves stop spluttering. Pour over the
500g / 1 lb 2oz okra, topped and tailed (trimmed) simmering okra, then remove from the heat and
adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
For the sauce
2 teaspoons ground coriander_
1 teaspoon chilli powder m
14 teaspoon ground turmeric
160g / 51/20Z (1 medium) onion, chopped Khara Bheeda
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) Savoury Okra
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
200g / 7oz (2 small) tomatoes, pureed Origin Parsi
I/2 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) Preparation time 15 minutes
1 teaspoon sugar Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Serves 8

1kg / 2141b young, small, tender okra, topped

For the tempering
and tailed (trimmed)
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 large onions, sliced
I/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
Vz teaspoon fenugreek seeds
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
10-15 curry leaves
2 medium-sized tomatoes
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
Heat half the oil in a large, heavy-based pan. Add the
okra and stir-fry for 1 minute. salt
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Put the ground coriander, chilli powder and with tender stems, to garnish
turmeric in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons water
and stir together. Cut the okra into 5mm slices, place in
a shallow dish and sprinkle with salt.
Heat the remaining oil in a heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the onion and a pinch of salt Heat the oil in a heavy-based frying pan (skillet)
and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until the onion over medium heat, add the onions and fry for about
is translucent. Add the garlic paste, and continue 5 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients, including
frying for a further 2 minutes, or until the onion is the okra and cook for about 6-7 minutes, or until
light golden. Add the green chillies and stir-fry for the okra are tender. Garnish with chopped coriander.
about 30 seconds, then add the coriander mixture
and stir-fry for about 2-3 minutes, or until all the
moisture has evaporated. Add the pureed tomatoes
and stir-fry for about 2—3 minutes, or until the oil
has separated out and rises to the surface.


Vendakkai Nouvala Pod Vendakkai Igguru
Stir-fried Okra with Sesame Spicy Fried Okra
Seeds from Andhra
Origin Tamil Nadu
Origin Tamil Nadu Preparation time 10 minutes
Preparation time 25 minutes Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Serves 4
Serves 6
2 teaspoons cumin seeds_
walnut-sized lump of tamarind_ 3 teaspoons coriander seeds_
500g / 11b 2oz okra, topped and tailed (trimmed), 175ml / 6fl oz (% cup) vegetable oil
then cut into 1 -cm / H-inch pieces 2 onions, chopped_
14 teaspoon ground turmeric V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
3 tablespoons sesame seeds, ground 2 teaspoons ground fresh ginger
1 teaspoon salt, or to taste 2 teaspoons ground garlic
2 tomatoes, chopped
For the tempering 500g / 1 lb 2oz tender okra, topped and tailed
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon ground coconut
1 teaspoon mustard seeds, roasted and ground 1 bunch mint leaves, chopped
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
Vz teaspoon asafoetida 4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 dried red chilli, halved 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh
1 sprig curry leaves (see page 781) or canned
Put the tamarind in a bowl, add z tablespoons water
and soak for io minutes. Using your hands, mix well
For the seasoning
then squeeze out the pulp through a sieve (strainer).
Set the extract aside and discard the pulp. 4 dried red chillies_
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
Heat the oil for the tempering in a large, heavy-based 6 garlic cloves
frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add all the 8-10 curry leaves
ingredients for the tempering and stir-fry for about
i minute, or until the mustard seeds start to splutter. Put the cumin and coriander seeds in a small dry
Add the okra, turmeric and tamarind extract, then frying pan (skillet) over medium heat and stir-fry for
cover and cook for about 5 minutes, or until the okra a few minutes until roasted. Set aside.
are tender and all the moisture has evaporated. Add
the ground sesame seeds and season with salt, then Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
stir-fry over high heat for a further 2 minutes, or until heat, add all the ingredients for the seasoning and
everything is well mixed and dry. fry for 1—2 minutes, or until the mustard seeds start
to splutter. Add the onions and fry for 5-7 minutes,
or until golden brown. Add the turmeric, ginger and
garlic and saute for 2 minutes, then add the roasted
cumin and coriander seeds and stir well.

Add the tomatoes and cook for 2-3 minutes, or

until the tomatoes are well cooked and the oil has
separated out and risen to the surface. Add the okra,
stir, then add the coconut and mix well. Add the
chopped mint and coriander leaves, green chillies,
chilli powder and season with salt. Stir well, then
pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2'A cups) water and the
coconut milk, reduce the heat and simmer for a
few minutes until hot.


vp 0#

Dahi ma Bheeda Bhareli Vangi

Okra in Yoghurt Sauce Stuffed Spicy Aubergines (Eggplant)
from Maharashtra
Origin Parsi
Preparation time 15 minutes Origin Coastal
Cooking time 15 minutes Preparation time 20-25 minutes
Serves 4-6 Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 6-8
1 kg / 2141b small, tender okra, topped_
and tailed (trimmed) 500g / 1 lb 2oz (2 small) small round aubergines
4-6 tablespoons vegetable oil (eggplants), trimmed
2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 85g / 3oz (1 cup) grated fresh coconut
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 4 tablespoons sesame seeds
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 2 teaspoons coriander seeds
2 teaspoons chilli powder 2V2 teaspoons cumin seeds
3 teaspoons ground cumin I/2 teaspoon tamarind powder
450ml / 16fl oz (2 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt, 120g / 4oz (114 cups) peanuts, ground
whisked 11/2 tablespoons jaggery or soft brown sugar
salt 2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
11/2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Cut the okra into i-cm / ‘/z-inch thick pieces, place in 1 teaspoon chilli powder
a bowl and sprinkle with salt.
2 tablespoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
Heat the oil in a deep, heavy-based frying pan (skillet) 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
over high heat, then reduce the heat to medium. Add 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
the okra and fry for 2-3 minutes, or until it is crisp pinch of asafoetida
but remains green. Remove with a slotted spoon and 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).

Put the ginger and garlic pastes and ground spices

Slit the aubergines horizontally and vertically with
into the same pan and stir-fry for about 2 minutes.
the stem intact, then rinse the aubergines in salt
Sprinkle over a little water if the spices seem
water and set aside.
to be sticking to the base (bottom) of the pan and
burning. Remove from the heat and slowly stir in
Put the coconut, sesame seeds, coriander and cumin
the yoghurt. Return to very low heat and simmer
seeds in a dry frying pan (skillet) over medium
for 2—3 minutes. Season with salt and add the fried
heat and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until light
okra. Simmer for a further 2 minutes, or until the
brown. Transfer to a blender or mortar and add the
okra are hot.
tamarind, ground peanuts, jaggery or sugar, ginger
and garlic pastes, chilli powder and garam masala.
Season with salt and process or pound with a pestle
to make a paste. Stuff the aubergines with this paste.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high

heat, then reduce the heat, add the cumin seeds and
stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the seeds start
to splutter. Add the asafoetida, turmeric and stuffed
aubergines, increase the heat and stir-fry over high
heat for about 2 minutes.


# / 00 p.395 Put the roasted coconut, sesame seeds, cumin seeds,
peanuts, molasses and coriander leaves in a blender
or mortar with a little water and process or pound
Baghare Baigan with a pestle to make a paste.
Spicy Sweet & Sour Aubergines
Season with salt, then add the chilli powder, ground
coriander seeds, turmeric, ginger and garlic pastes,
parched gram and garam masala and mix well.
Origin Hyderabad
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus cooling time Stuff the aubergines with the spice paste and spread
Cooking time 25 minutes the remainder of the spice paste over the aubergines.
Serves 6-8
Heat the oil to i8o’C/35o’F, or until a cube of bread
1kg / 2141b (2 medium) aubergines (eggplants), trimmed browns in 30 seconds, then remove from the heat
2 tablespoons grated fresh coconut and allow to cool. Return to the heat and, working
1 teaspoon sesame seeds in batches, fry the aubergines lightly over medium
1 teaspoon cumin seeds heat for 2 minutes. Remove from the pan with
a slotted spoon and set aside. Add the onion to
2 tablespoons shelled peanuts
the pan and fry for about 5 minutes, or until light
1 teaspoon coriander seeds golden. Add the aubergines and tamarind extract,
1 tablespoon molasses then cover, reduce the heat to low and simmer
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally and
1 tablespoon chilli powder taking care not to break the aubergines, until
1 teaspoon ground turmeric all the moisture has evaporated and only a little
sauce remains.
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon parched gram (chickpea) powder or lightly
roasted (chickpea) gram flour
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
125ml / 4y2fl oz 0/2 cup) sesame oil
50g / 1%oz (V2 small) onion, chopped
1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)

Slice the aubergines lengthways into quarters,

keeping them joined at the stem. Put them in a large,
shallow dish.

Put the coconut in a small, dry frying pan (skillet)

over medium heat and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or
until roasted. Remove from the pan and set aside. Put
the sesame seeds, cumin seeds and peanuts into the
pan and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until roasted.
Remove from the pan and set aside. Put the coriander
seeds in the pan and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until
roasted, then transfer to a mortar and pound with
a pestle or grind in a spice grinder until ground.


# / m p.398

Baigan ka Bharta Dahi ke Baigan

Roasted Mashed Aubergine (Eggplant) Aubergine (Eggplant) in Mild
Yoghurt Sauce
Origin Pan-India
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time Origin Coastal
Cooking time 20 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Serves 4 Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 2
4 large aubergines (eggplants), trimmed_
8 flakes garlic or 2 cloves garlic, chopped 250g / 9oz (1 small) aubergine (eggplant), trimmed
8 cloves Vz teaspoon ground cumin
Vz teaspoon groundnut (peanut) oil, for brushing pinch of chilli powder
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric pinch of ground turmeric
125g / 4y2oz (Vz cup) ghee 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, plus extra for frying
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 Vz teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
250g / 9oz (1 large) onion, chopped 1 y2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
and chopped 200ml / 7fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped salt
1 teaspoon chilli powder
pinch of ground turmeric For the tempering
350g / 12oz (2 medium) tomatoes, chopped pinch of asafoetida_
2y2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, Vz teaspoon mustard seeds
to garnish 1-2 dried red chillies (optional)
salt sprig of curry leaves

Preheat the tandoor or charcoal grill to moderately Cut the aubergine into round slices. For smaller
hot, or alternatively preheat the grill (broiler) to ones, you can choose not to separate them at
medium-low. Using a sharp knife, make 4 small holes the stem. Put the ground spices in a small bowl,
in each aubergine, then press 2 flakes garlic and season with salt and add 1 tablespoon of water.
2 cloves into each aubergine and brush with some Mix together.
oil and the turmeric. Roast the aubergines for
12-15 minutes, turning frequently, until the skin is Coat a non-stick pan with a thin film of oil over
blackened. Remove and allow to cool, then peel medium heat, add the ginger paste, garlic paste and
off the skin and put the flesh in a bowl and mash green chillies and stir-fry for about 1 minute. Add the
with a spoon. aubergine and cook for 3—5 minutes, stirring once or
twice with a wooden spatula, then remove from the
Heat the ghee in a kadhai, wok or large, heavy-based pan and set aside. Put the yoghurt in another pan and
frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the cumin mix with a little water, then bring almost to the boil,
seeds and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the seeds stirring constantly to ensure that it does not curdle.
start to splutter. Add the onions and stir-fry for
about 2 minutes, or until they turn translucent. Add Heat the remaining oil in a heavy-based frying pan
the ginger and chillies and stir-fry for a few seconds. (skillet) over medium heat, add the asafoetida and
Add the mashed aubergine flesh, chilli powder and mustard seeds and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the
turmeric and stir-fry for a few minutes, or until the seeds start to splutter. Add the dried red chillies,
oil separates out. if using, and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until
they turn a shade darker, then add the curry leaves.
Now add the tomatoes to the pan and season with Pour the tempering over the yoghurt mixture, add
salt. Stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until the the aubergines and simmer for a further 2 minutes,
oil separates out, then remove from the heat and or until the yoghurt and aubergine are hot.
adjust the seasoning, if necessary. Garnish with
chopped coriander.


Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o’F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds. Carefully lower the
Tsuk Wangun aubergines into the hot oil and deep-fry for about
Sour Kashmiri Aubergines (Eggplant) 2-3 minutes, or until cooked, working in batches if
necessary. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain
on kitchen paper (paper towels).
Origin Jammu and Kashmir
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
Put all the ingredients for the spice paste in a bowl,
Cooking time 30 minutes
add 4 tablespoons water and mix well.
Serves 4
To make the sauce, put the tamarind pulp in a pan,
8 round aubergines (eggplants), trimmed
add 125ml / 4‘/2fl oz (14 cup) water, bring to the boil,
vegetable oil, for deep frying then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 5-7
minutes until reduced by half. Strain through a sieve
For the marinade (strainer), discarding the fibres in the sieve and set
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric the extract aside.
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over medium
salt heat, add the cloves and cinnamon and stir-fry for
a few seconds, then add the spice paste and stir-fry
For the spice paste for about 2 minutes, or until the oil separates out.
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) Add the pureed tomato and continue frying for
2—3 minutes, then add the tamarind extract and fry
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
for about 1 minute, before adding the fried onion
1 tablespoon ground coriander
paste. Continue to cook until the oil separates out
1 teaspoon red chilli paste and rises to the top.
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, then bring
For the sauce to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer, stirring
occasionally, until the sauce is a thin consistency.
30g / 1%oz (14 cup) tamarind pulp_
Lower the aubergines carefully into the sauce
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
and simmer for a further 5 minutes. Remove from
6 cloves the heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
2 cinnamon sticks
90g / 314oz (1 small) tomato, purged
4 teaspoons Fried Onion Paste (see page 57)

Slice the aubergines lengthways, keeping them

joined at the stem.

To make the marinade, mix the turmeric and lemon

juice together in a bowl. Season with salt and rub
the aubergines all over with the marinade. Place the
aubergines in a large shallow dish, then cover and
set aside for 30 minutes.


00 vF' vP

Sabut Achari Baigan Bharwan Baigan

Whole Aubergines (Eggplant) Aubergines (Eggplant) with Spicy Filling
in Pickling Spices
Origin Awadh
Origin Awadh Preparation time 15 minutes, plus cooling time
Preparation time 15 minutes Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Serves 6
Serves 4-6
500g / 1 lb 2oz (2 small) aubergines
750g /1 lb 10oz (3 small) aubergines (eggplants), trimmed_
(eggplants), trimmed 4 tablespoons mustard oil
4 tablespoons mustard oil 2 onions, chopped
1/2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Vz teaspoon mustard seeds 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds 14 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground aniseed 2 teaspoons ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon amchoor Vz teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric Vz teaspoon chilli powder
salt 250g / 9oz (1 large) tomato, diced
Cut a criss-cross in the aubergines, keeping the
aubergines whole at the stem. Slice the aubergines lengthways, keeping them
joined at the stem. Place in a large shallow dish,
Put a large pinch of salt in a small bowl, add sprinkle with salt and set aside.
2 tablespoons water and stir until dissolved.
Heat the oil in a kadhai or heavy-based pan over
Heat the oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan high heat. Reduce the heat, add the onions and
over high heat. Reduce the heat, add the fenugreek fry for 2 minutes, or until translucent. Add the ginger
seeds, mustard seeds and kalonji seeds and stir-fry and garlic pastes and stir-fry for 1 minute, then
for 1 minute, or until all the seeds start to splutter. sprinkle over 1 teaspoon water. Add the ground
Add the ground spices together with the salt spices together with the tomato and season
mixture and stir-fry for 30 seconds. Remove the with salt. Stir-fry over medium heat for 2 minutes,
pan from the heat. Fill the aubergines with equal then remove from the heat and allow to cool.
quantities of the mixture, then place the aubergines
back in the pan, cover and cook over very low When cool, fill the aubergines evenly with this
heat for 5—7 minutes, turning gently once or twice, mixture, then place them back in the same pan,
until hot. cover and simmer for 5—7 minutes, turning once
or twice, until hot.


00/&1 p.275 Heat the oil for the tempering in a large, heavy-
based pan over medium heat, add the mustard seeds,
cumin seeds, dried red chilli, curry leaves and dal
Gutti Vengkayya and stir-fry for i minute, or until the mustard seeds
Stuffed Aubergines (Eggplant) start to splutter. Add the onions and stir-fry for
about 1-2 minutes. Add the aubergines and turmeric,
from Andhra
then season with salt and fry for about z minutes,
turning the aubergines around gently. Sprinkle over
Origin Hyderabad i—2 tablespoons water, then reduce the heat, cover
Preparation time 40 minutes and simmer, turning them occasionally and taking
Cooking time 30 minutes care not to break them, for about 15—20 minutes, or
Serves 4-6 until the aubergines are cooked. Serve hot.

2 teaspoons vegetable oil_

Vi teaspoon ground turmeric m
3 tablespoons coriander seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
14 teaspoon asafoetida
Namak ke Baigan
6 dried red chillies
Fried Aubergines (Eggplant)
1 teaspoon chana dal, rinsed and drained
Origin Awadh
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained Prepration time 10 minutes, plus standing time
1 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) Cooking time 15 minutes
500g /11b 2oz (2 small) aubergines Serves 8
(eggplants), trimmed
Vi teaspoon ground turmeric 500g / 1 lb 2oz long aubergines (eggplants), trimmed
salt 3 tablespoons mustard oil
For the tempering
Slice the aubergines lengthways. Place in a large
6 tablespoons vegetable oil_
shallow dish, sprinkle with salt and set aside for
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 30 minutes.
Vi teaspoon cumin seeds
1 dried red chilli, halved Heat the oil in a kadhai or deep heavy-based pan
10-12 curry leaves over high heat. Reduce the heat, add the aubergines
together with a little salt to the pan, cover and
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
simmer for about 15 minutes, turning gently twice
2 onions, chopped
or three times until hot.

Heat the oil in a deep, heavy-based pan over medium

heat, add the turmeric, coriander seeds, cumin seeds,
asafoetida, dried red chillies and the dais and stir-
fry for about z minutes, or until all the spices and
chillies are fragrant and the dais turn golden. Put the
tamarind extract in a bowl, add the spice and dal
mixture and season with salt. Transfer the mixture to
a mortar or small blender and pound with a pestle
or process until ground.

Slice the aubergines into quarters, keeping them

joined at the stem. Fill the aubergines with the spice
mixture and set aside.


Venkayya Thuvaiyal Khatte Meethe Baigan
Tangy Mashed ‘Southern’ Aubergines Sweet & Sour Minty Aubergine
(Eggplant) (Eggplant)

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Awadh

Preparation time 5 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 12-15 minutes Cooking time 30-35 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 2-4

1 aubergine (eggplant), trimmed_ 250g / 9oz (1 small) aubergine (eggplant), trimmed

1 tablespoon urad dal, rinsed and drained 1 quantity Mint Chutney (page 66)_
2 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained 2 teaspoons ground dried mint
2 dried red chillies 5 tablespoons vegetable oil_
pinch of asafoetida 1V2 teaspoons cumin seeds_
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 10Og / 31/20Z (1 small) onion, thinly sliced_
1 teaspoon tamarind extract 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
1 green chilli, de-seeded (optional) 2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)_
salt 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 tablespoon ground coriander
Roast the aubergine over an open flame of a gas 2 teaspoons ground cumin
cooker (gas stove top), rotating frequently until
1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
the skin is blistered and charred evenly all over.
Alternatively, preheat the grill (broiler) to medium 1 teaspoon chilli powder
and cook the aubergine under the grill for about 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
12—15 minutes, turning frequently until blackened all 2 tablespoons jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar
over. Allow to cool, then peel off the skin, put the salt
flesh in a bowl and mash well with a spoon.
few mint leaves, to garnish

Put the remaining ingredients in a blender or food

Slice the aubergine lengthways into quarters, keeping
processor, season with salt and process to make
it joined at the stem. Fill the aubergine generously
a smooth paste. Add the mashed aubergine and mix
with the mint chutney and also spread some chutney
well before serving.
on the outer skin. Spread the dried mint out on a
plate and roll the aubergine in it to coat. Set aside.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for
about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
the onion and stir-fry for about 5-7 minutes, or until
the onions are golden brown. Now add the ginger
and garlic pastes and stir-fry for about 2 minutes.
Gently place the stuffed aubergine into the pan and
carefully fry for about 2 minutes.

Pour 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hot water into the pan,

add the tamarind extract and the remaining spices
and season with salt. Reduce the heat slightly, cover
and simmer for about jo minutes. Carefully turn the
aubergine over once and sprinkle over the jaggery
or sugar and 125ml / 4/20 oz O/2 cup) hot water, if
necessary, and stir. Cover and simmer for a further
10 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat, adjust the seasoning,

if necessary and garnish with mint leaves.


# Heat the oil for the tempering in the same pan over
medium heat, add the mustard seeds, dried red chilli
and curry leaves and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until
Kathirakkai Poriyal the mustard seeds start to splutter Add the onions
Curried Aubergines (Eggplant) and fry for about 2 minutes.

Add the aubergines, turmeric, 4 tablespoons

Origin Tamil Nadu
water and season with salt. Reduce the heat, cover
Preparation time 30 minutes
and simmer for about 10 minutes, or until the
Cooking time 10-15 minutes
aubergines are tender and all the moisture has
Serves 4-6
evaporated. Sprinkle in the spice powder and
stir gently before serving.
500g / 1 lb 2oz (2 small) aubergines
(eggplants), trimmed
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 onions, thinly sliced
Rasedar Baigan
For the spice powder
Curried Aubergine (Eggplant)
4 teaspoons vegetable oil_
in Coconut Sauce
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
Origin Coastal
I/2 teaspoon asafoetida Preparation time 15-20 minutes
2-3 dried red chillies Cooking time 15-18 minutes
2 teaspoons urad dal, rinsed and drained Serves 4
2 tablespoons grated fresh coconut
1 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) 250g / 9oz (1 small) aubergine (eggplant), trimmed
pinch of asafoetida
For the tempering 4-5 teaspoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons vegetable oil y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 dried red chilli, halved 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh
1 sprig curry leaves (see page 781) or canned
Cut the aubergines into quarters and set aside.
Cut the aubergine into slices.
To make the spice powder, heat 2 teaspoons oil in
a deep, heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over medium Put the asafoetida in a small bowl, add 1 tablespoon
heat. Add the coriander seeds, asafoetida, dried red water and stir until dissolved.
chillies and dal and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or
until the spices are fragrant. Remove from the pan Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over medium heat,
and set aside. add the aubergine, season with salt, then add the
turmeric, chilli powder and asafoetida mixture and
Heat 2 more teaspoons oil in the pan over medium stir-fry for about 2 minutes. Reduce the heat to low
heat. Add the coconut and stir-fry for about and simmer for about 10 minutes.
1-2 minutes, or until golden brown. Make sure
the coconut doesn't burn. Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the coconut
milk, then return to a low heat and simmer for about
Combine the coconut with the fried spices and dal 3-4 minutes. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
in a bowl. Add the tamarind extract and season
with salt. Transfer the mixture to a blender and
process until ground.


# / SQ p.557 Add the flesh of 2 oranges, reserving the rest for
the garnish. Mix well, then pour in 125ml / 4‘Afl oz
(54 cup) water, cover and cook over low heat for
Kamala Phoolkopi about 15 minutes.
Cauliflower with Oranges
About 5 minutes before the end of the cooking time,
Origin West Bengal add the chillies. There should be very little sauce left
Preparation time 15-20 minutes in the pan. Garnish with the reserved orange.
Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4

500g / 1 lb 2oz (1 small head) cauliflower, cut into

2.5-cm / 1-inch florets Gobi Kali Mirch
4 potatoes, cut into 2.5-cm / 1 -inch pieces Peppery Cauliflower Curry
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
4 tablespoons vegetable oil Origin Awadh
2 bay leaves Preparation time 10 minutes
1 tablespoon ground fresh ginger Cooking time 12-15 minutes
2 onions, ground
Serves 4
1 teaspoon chilli powder
2 teaspoons vegetable oil_
2 teaspoons ground cumin
11/2 teaspoons mustard seeds
1 teaspoon sugar
1V2 teaspoons cumin seeds
3 oranges, peeled and de-seeded, pith removed,
IV2 teaspoons urad dal, rinsed and drained
reserving flesh
500g /1 lb 2oz (1 small head) cauliflower, cut into
3-4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
small florets
1 Vz teaspoons ground black pepper
For the garam masala
4 cloves_ Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
2 green cardamoms heat, add the mustard seeds and cumin seeds and
1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long stir-fry for 1 minute, or until they start to splutter.
Add the dal and stir-fry for a further 1 minute, or until
Put the vegetables in a large bowl, add the turmeric they change colour, then add the cauliflower and just
and toss until they are lightly coated. enough water to cook the vegetables.

Mix all the ingredients for the garam masala together Reduce the heat and simmer for about 5 minutes,
in a bowl. or until the cauliflower is almost done. Season with
salt, add the pepper and stir. Remove from the heat
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high and keep covered for a further 5 minutes.
heat, then reduce the heat. Add the vegetables
and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, or until they are light
brown. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon
and set aside.

Add the bay leaves and garam masala to the pan and
stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until fragrant. Add the
ground ginger, onions, chilli powder, cumin and sugar
and stir-fry for a further 1 minute, or until the spices
change colour. Sprinkle over a few drops of water
to prevent burning, if necessary. Add the vegetables,
season with salt and stir thoroughly.


# # / Hi p.467 Now add the potatoes and stir until all the moisture
has completely evaporated. Sprinkle over the pepper
and stir carefully. Crush the fenugreek seeds between
Chatpati Gobi your hands and sprinkle them into the pan and stir.
Piquant Cauliflower Remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning, if
necessary. Garnish with pomegranate seeds.

Origin Delhi
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking and
standing time
Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4
Phool Gobi
500g / 1 lb 2oz (1 small head) cauliflower, cut into
Cauliflower Masala
Origin Punjab
250g / 9oz (1 large) tomato, purged_ Preparation time 15 minutes
2 teaspoons ground coriander Cooking time 10 minutes
y2 teaspoon chilli powder Serves 4-6
1 teaspoon amchoor__
3 teaspoons gram (chickpea) flour 125ml / 4y4QZ (y2 cup) vegetable oil_
4 potatoes, cut into quarters_ pinch of asafoetida _
5V2 tablespoons vegetable oil__ 1 teaspoon cumin seeds_
1 teaspoon cumin seeds _ y2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
finely chopped_ and crushed_
10 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 1 teaspoon ground ginger_
y2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 large or 2 small heads cauliflowers, cut into
generous pinch of fenugreek seeds 5-cm / 2-inch florets
salt _ y2 teaspoon chilli powder
pomegranate seeds, to garnish 1 teaspoon ground succh bari
or Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56)
Put the cauliflower florets in a large bowl of salted
1 teaspoon sugar
iced water. Drain just before cooking.
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
Put the pureed tomato in a bowl, add the coriander, bunch of coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
'/* teaspoon chilli powder and the amchoor and mix salt
well. Now cut the potatoes into quarters and then
halve each quarter lengthways. Put them in a large Heat the oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan
shallow dish and sprinkle the remaining !4 teaspoon over medium heat, sprinkle over a little water, then
chilli powder over them. Season with salt and set add the asafoetida, cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds,
aside for about 15 minutes. Sprinkle over the gram and crushed and ground ginger and fry for a few
flour and mix well. seconds. Add the cauliflower, season with salt, then
add the chilli powder, succh bari or garam masala,
Heat 4/2 tablespoons oil in a large, heavy-based pan sugar and turmeric and shake the pan, so that the
over medium heat, add the potatoes and fry for about masala is well mixed. Add 2 tablespoons water,
15-20 minutes, or until soft, golden brown and crisp. reduce the heat to low and cook for about 8-10
minutes, or until the cauliflower is cooked. Add
Heat the remaining oil in another pan over medium the coriander and toss again.
heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for 1 minute,
or until they start to splutter. Add the ginger
and chillies and stir-fry for about 10 seconds before
adding the tomato mixture and stir-frying for a
further 10 seconds. Add the cauliflower florets and
reduce the heat to low. Cover and cook for about
8-10 minutes, or until the cauliflower is almost cooked.


## vp' '/f'

Gobi Rajwadi Achari Gobi

Spicy Cauliflower & Yam Cauliflower in Pickling Spices

Origin Rajasthan Origin Awadh

Preparation time 35-45 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 8-10 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

750g / 11b IQoz (1 medium head) cauliflower, 1 large head cauliflower, cut into florets
cut into florets 3 teaspoons vegetable oil
250g / 9oz yam, peeled and cut into cubes y2 teaspoon mustard seeds
5 tablespoons ghee y2 teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon coriander seeds, crushed
lOOg / 3y2oz (1 small) onion, chopped y2 teaspoon cumin seeds
6 flakes garlic or 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 teaspoon crushed dried red chillies
3 teaspoons chopped ginger 5 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
2 teaspoons Kachri Powder (see page 774) 1 teaspoon amchoor
2 teaspoons ground coriander 1 teaspoon oil from any pickle
1 teaspoon chilli powder salt
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
Soak the cauliflower in a heatproof bowl of hot
1 teaspoon amchoor
salted water for about 10 minutes.
Heat the oil in a kadhai or large, heavy-based pan
For the smoking (optional) over medium heat, add all the seeds and stir-fry for
2 green cardamom pods 1 minute, or until they start to splutter.
1 teaspoon ghee
Drain the cauliflower and add to the pan and stir-fry
Blanch the cauliflower florets in a large pan of boiling for about 10 minutes. Add the chillies and garlic and
salted water, then drain and refresh in iced water. sprinkle over 1 teaspoon of hot water. Season
with salt, then cover and cook for about 5 minutes.
Cook the yam in another large pan of boiling water Stir and add the amchoor and the oil from any pickle.
for about 20 minutes, or until soft.

If you would like to smoke the yam, put a few small

pieces of hot charcoal in a small heatproof bowl and
place the bowl in a large, heavy-based pan. Arrange
the boiled yam cubes around the bowl, then place
the cardamom pods on the charcoal, pour on the
ghee and, as the smoke bellows, cover with a lid and
set aside for about 15 minutes.

Heat the ghee in a deep, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for
about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
the onion, garlic and ginger and stir-fry for about
2 minutes, or until the onion is translucent and
glossy. Add the cauliflower and smoked yam and
stir-fry for 1 minute, before adding the kachri
powder, coriander, chilli powder, turmeric and
amchoor. Season with salt and stir-fry, adding 2
tablespoons water at frequent intervals, for about
5 minutes. Remove from the heat and adjust the
seasoning, if necessary.


m m

Ganth Gobi Muttakose Kilangu

Kohlrabi Stir-fried Cabbage & Carrots

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 10 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 25-30 minutes Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 4

125g / 4%oz 0/2 cup) ghee or vegetable oil 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
pinch of asafoetida 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
2 cloves 1 teaspoon chana dal, rinsed and drained
750g / 11b lOoz kolhrabi with leaves, peeled 1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
4 green chillies 10-15 curry leaves
1 teaspoon ground coriander 2-4 green chillies, de-seeded and cut into long strips
1 teaspoon ground succh bari or Kashmiri Garam 250g / 9oz (Z2 small head) green cabbage,
Masala (see page 56) finely shredded
1 teaspoon ground ginger 3 tablespoons grated fresh coconut
salt salt

Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan over Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based frying pan
medium heat, add the asafoetida and cloves and (skillet) over medium heat, add the mustard seeds
stir-fry for about i minute, or until the cloves change and stir-fry for i minute, or until they start to
colour. Add the kohlrabi, shake the pan, then reduce splutter. Add the dais and stir-fry for i minute, or
the heat, cover and simmer for io minutes. until the dais change colour. Add the curry leaves
and stir-fry for a further i minute. Add the chillies
Add the remaining ingredients to the pan, season and stir, then add the cabbage and stir once to mix.
with salt and fry for 2—3 minutes. Pour in 250ml / Season with salt and mix again.
8fl oz (1 cup) water and simmer over low heat for
about 15 minutes. Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook for about
6 minutes, or until the cabbage is nicely glazed but
still retains its crunch.

Add the coconut to the pan and mix it in with the

cabbage, stirring vigorously for i minute.


Muttokos Thoran Kosu Podi
Kerala Stir-fried Cabbage Fried Savoury Cabbage
with Coconut
Origin Coastal
Origin Kerala Preparation time 20 minutes
Preparation time 10 minutes Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Cooking time 15 minutes Serves 2
Serves 4-6
225g / 8oz ('h small head) cabbage, cut into
3 tablespoons grated fresh coconut 1 -cm / y2-inch pieces
2-3 shallots 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) 1 tablespoon chana dal, rinsed and drained
500g /1 lb 2oz (1 small head) cabbage, chopped V2 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
salt V2 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 onion, sliced
For the tempering 1 teaspoon ground garlic
2 teaspoons coconut oil 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 6-8 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 3 tablespoons grated fresh coconut
1 dried red chilli, halved salt
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 sprig curry leaves Pour in 125ml / 4/20 oz (V2 cup) water into a kadhai
or large, heavy-based pan, add a little salt and the
Put the grated coconut, shallots, chillies and cabbage, then cover and simmer over very low heat
i—i Zi tablespoons water in a food processor or for 10 minutes, or until tender. Remove from the
blender and process to make a paste. heat and set aside.

Heat the oil for the tempering in a large, heavy- Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based frying pan (skilet)
based frying pan (skillet) over medium heat. Add over medium heat, add the dais and cumin seeds
all the ingredients for the tempering and stir-fry and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they are dark
for i minute, or until the mustard seeds start brown. Add the onion and garlic and stir-fry for about
to splutter. Add the cabbage and season with salt. 5 minutes, or until the onion is golden brown, then
Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about add the cabbage and cook for a few minutes to reduce
io minutes, or until the cabbage is cooked and any extra water. Add the coriander and chillies and
all the moisture is absorbed. season with salt. Mix well, then remove from the heat.
Sprinkle over the grated coconut and mix.
Add the coconut-shallot paste and stir-fry for a few
minutes until well mixed.

Karamkalla Sarson da Saag
Dry Cabbage in Masala Classic Mustard Greens

Origin Awadh Origin Punjab

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 3 hours
Serves 4-6 Serves 4

125ml / 41/2fl oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil_ 750g / 11b IQoz mustard greens, chopped_
pinch of asafoetida 250g / 9oz spinach, chopped_
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 10Og / 31/20Z mooli (daikon) leaves, chopped
y2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds 30g /114oz amaranthus, washed well and
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled chopped
and crushed 8 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece ginger, diced
1 teaspoon ground ginger 4 tablespoons mustard oil
1 large cabbage, cut into large pieces 4 tablespoons basmati rice
1 teaspoon chilli powder, or to taste 2 tablespoons cornflour (cornstarch)
1 teaspoon sugar 225g / 8oz (1 cup / 2 sticks) butter, softened,
1 teaspoon ground turmeric to garnish
1 teaspoon ground coriander salt
1 sprig coriander (cilantro), leaves only, chopped, Put all the ingredients except the flour and butter
in a large, heavy-based pan. Season with salt and
to garnish
pour in 2 litres / 3/2 pints (8'/z cups) water. Bring to
the boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high
for about 1% hours.
heat, then reduce the heat, add the asafoetida and
cumin and fenugreek seeds and stir-fry for 1 minute,
Remove the pan from the heat and churn with a
or until the seeds start to splutter. Add the ginger,
wooden churner or transfer to a blender or food
chillies and ground ginger and stir-fry briskly for
processor and process until blended. Put the mixture
15 seconds, then add the cabbage and season with
back in the pan and return to the heat.
salt. Add the chilli powder, sugar and other ground
spices and stir-fry for about 10 minutes, or until all
Add the cornflour, then cover and simmer over very
the moisture has evaporated. Garnish with coriander.
low heat, stirring frequently, for about 1 hour. Remove
and adjust the seasoning, then transfer to a serving
bowl and garnish with large dollops of butter.


# / 00 p.276

Pata Bhaja Haak

Batter-fried Spinach Leaves Kashmiri Leafy Greens

Origin West Bengal Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4

3 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour

1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
250ml / 8fi oz (t cup) mustard oil, plus a few drops
pinch of asafoetida
12 large single leaves of spinach_
V2 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground ginger
2 dried red chillies
Put the gram flour, a pinch of salt and a few drops
of mustard oil in a bowl and mix together, adding 1 kg / 2Va lb collard greens
enough water to make a fairly thin batter. 1 teaspoon ground succh bari or Kashmiri Garam
Masala (see page 56)
Heat the mustard oil in a kadhai, wok or deep heavy- salt
based pan over high heat, then reduce the heat.
Working in batches, if necessary, dip each spinach Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
leaf into the batter and carefully drop them into the medium heat. Add the asafoetida and stir-fry for
hot oil. Fry for about i minute, or until crisp and about 30 seconds, or until it dissolves. Add the chilli
golden. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on powder, ground ginger and dried red chillies and
kitchen paper (paper towels). stir-fry for 10 seconds, then add the leafy greens.
Crumble over the succh bari or Kashmiri Garam
Masala and stir.
Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook for about 15
minutes. Don't let all the moisture evaporate, as the
Palak dish should have a little sauce. Adjust the seasoning.
Spiced Spinach
In Kashmir, collard greens are called haak. Collard
Origin Awadh greens are similar to kale and spring greens so use
Preparation time 15 minutes them instead if you cannot find collard greens.
Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4-6

100ml / 3y2fl oz (V2 cup) mustard oil_

1 teaspoon coriander seeds
2-3 dried red chillies
500g / 1 lb 2oz spinach, stems removed and chopped

Heat the oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan

over high heat, then reduce the heat. Add the
coriander seeds and stir-fry for about i minute, or
until they start to splutter. Add the dried red chillies
and stir-fry for about i minute, or until the chillies
turn a shade darker. Add the spinach, mix well, season
with salt, stir once again, then reduce the heat to
very low, cover and simmer for about io minutes.

Uncover and simmer for about 1-2 minutes, or until

all the moisture has evaporated.


m When there is a little sauce left in the pan, sprinkle
over the amchoor and shake the pan lightly. Remove
from the heat and garnish with coriander leaves.
Arbai ke Patte
Yam Leaf Wraps If you can't find yam leaves, you could use large
spinach leaves, but the flavour of the dish will be
with Spicy Lentil Paste Filling
quite different. If you use spinach leaves make sure
you reduce the simmering time by half, to 5 minutes.
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 25 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 20-25 minutes M
Serves 4-6

250g / 9oz (V/3 cups) urad dal, rinsed and drained Tamba di Bhaji
12 yam leaves Red Amaranth us Leaves
pinch of asafoetida
2 teaspoons ground cumin Origin Coastal
1 teaspoon chilli powder Preparation time 30 minutes
1 teaspoon ground ginger Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 6-8
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
and grated
1 onion, sliced
6-8 green chillies, de-seeded and very finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
2 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) and chopped
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 large bunch red amaranthus leaves
2 teaspoons amchoor
1 tablespoon grated fresh coconut
1 sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish
Make sure the amaranthus leaves are well washed
Soak the urad dal in a bowl of water for 2 hours.
before using. You may need to wash them about
Drain, transfer to a blender or food processor and
three times to get rid of all the dirt. If you cannot buy
process, adding a little water if necessary, to make
amaranthus then use spinach instead. Roughly chop.
a smooth thin paste. Transfer to a bowl.
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
Remove the central stem from the yam leaves. Mix
heat, add the onion and fry for about 5 minutes, or
all the spices, except the amchoor and turmeric
until they are light golden brown. Add the garlic and
together in a bowl. Season with salt, then mix into
chillies and stir-fry for about 30 seconds. Add the
the lentil paste.
amaranthus leaves, then cover, reduce the heat and
cook for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Smear the mixture lightly over each yam leaf. Roll
the leaves into 2.5-cm /i-inch thick flat rolls and
Finally, add the grated coconut and season with salt.
place them on a board. Cut each leaf into 5-cm /
2-inch pieces and seal the ends with the reserved
lentil paste. Continue this process until everything
is used up.

Heat half the oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based

pan over high heat. Add 3 or 4 yam leaves at a time
to the hot oil and fry for about 2 minutes, or until
golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).

Add the remaining oil to a separate large, heavy-

based pan, pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups) water
and bring to the boil. As it boils, add the turmeric
and the fried yam leaves, then reduce the heat and
simmer for about 10 minutes until they are tender,
but not too soft as they may break.



Palang ka Kapha Kurma Pulussu

Pureed Spinach Raw Jackfruit Curry

Origin Uttarakhand Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6

1 kg / 2141b spinach, chopped_ 1 teaspoon fresh ginger_

1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 teaspoon garlic
pinch of asafoetida 1 teaspoon poppy seeds
2 onions, sliced 1 teaspoon grated coconut
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon chilli powder
3-4 green chilllies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded 1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
2 tablespoons rice flour 175ml / 6fl oz (* * 3A cup) vegetable oil
1 tablespoon ghee 3 green cardamom pods
2-3 dried red chillies 3 cloves
6 garlic cloves, chopped (optional) 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
salt 1 kg / 2141b raw jackfruit, peeled, de-seeded and
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled cut into 4-cm / 11/2-inch pieces wearing gloves
and cut into strips, to garnish freshly cooked Rice (see page 793)
(see page 631) or Roti (see page 616), to sen/e 4 onions, thinly sliced
1 bay leaf
Bring 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water to the boil in a 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
heavy-based pan, add the spinach and cook for a few
minutes until the spinach is cooked. Remove from
the heat and mash it well with a wooden churner or
Put the ginger, garlic, poppy seeds, coconut, chilli
in a blender or food processor. Set aside.
powder and chopped coriander in a spice grinder
or mortar and process or pound with a pestle until
Heat the oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan
ground. Set aside.
over medium heat, add the asafoetida and stir-fry
for about 30 seconds, or until it dissolves. Add the
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
onions and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until they
heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves and cinnamon
are translucent. Add the ginger paste and continue
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they start
stir-frying for about 1 minute.
to splutter. Add the jackfruit and stir-fry for 10-15
minutes, or until brown, then remove from the pan.
Add the spinach puree and green chillies to the pan,
then pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) hot water and
Add the onions to the oil in the pan and fry for about
mix well. Slowly add the rice flour, stirring constantly
3 minutes, then add the ground ingredients and bay
to make sure that no lumps form, then bring to the
leaf and season with salt. Stir-fry for a few minutes
boil. Season with salt and reduce the heat to medium-
until fragrant. Add the jackfruit and fry briefly,
low and cook for about 20 minutes.
then pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water. Reduce
the heat, add the yoghurt and simmer for about 15
Heat the ghee in a small frying pan (skillet) over
minutes, or until the jackfruit is cooked, adding a
medium heat, add the dried red chillies and garlic
little water if it gets too dry.
cloves, if using, and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or
until they change colour. Pour over the spinach
mixture and serve hot garnished with ginger strips
and accompanied with Rice or Roti.


vF' Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy-
based pan to i8o°C/350°F, or until a cube of bread
browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, carefully
Kathhal Dopyaza lower the jackfruit into the hot oil and deep-fry for
Jackfruit with Onions 1-2 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from
the pan with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
paper (paper towels).
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 1 hour
Reduce the heat slightly, add the baby onions and
Cooking time 10 minutes
stir-fry for about 2—3 minutes, or until golden
Serves 4-5
brown. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
1 kg / 2141b jackfruit, peeled, de-seeded and cut into
small pieces wearing gloves (see page 793) Put the ground coriander, the remaining turmeric
1V2 teaspoons ground turmeric and the chilli powder in a small bowl, add
1 tablespoon vegetable oil, plus extra for deep frying 3 tablespoons water and mix together.
4 onions, sliced
Heat the ghee in a separate deep, heavy-based pan
16 baby (pearl) onions
over medium heat, add the red and green chillies
1 Vz tablespoons ground coriander and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until the
1 teaspoon chilli powder chillies change colour.
2 tablespoons ghee
5 dried red chillies Add the bay leaves together with the whole spices
4 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and and stir-fry for about 10 seconds. Add half the
ground spice mixture and stir, then add the fried
de-seeded (optional)
jackfruit, sliced onions and the baby onions, and
2 bay leaves season with salt.
5 cloves
2 black cardamom pods Fry for a further 2 minutes, before adding the
14 teaspoon ground green cardamom remaining ground spices. Stir and remove from the
heat. Garnish with chopped coriander.
14 teaspoon ground cinnamon
very small pinch of ground cloves
very small pinch of ground nutmeg
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves,
to garnish

Bring a large pan of water to the boil, add the

jackfruit, 'A teaspoon of the ground turmeric and
1 teaspoon salt and boil for about 15 minutes, or until
soft. Drain and pat the jackfruit dry with kitchen
paper (paper towels).

Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over

medium heat, add the sliced onions and fry for
about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
from the heat and set aside.


Dum Kathhal Kathhal ki Subzi
Spicy Baked Jackfruit Braised Jackfruit with Yoghurt Sauce

Origin Hyderabad Origin Awadh

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 30-45 minutes Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

750g /1 ib 10oz jackfruit_ 500g /11b 2oz jackfruit_

250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil 2 teaspoons ground coriander
300g / 11 oz (6 small) potatoes, cut in half Vi teaspoon ground turmeric
10Og / 3V20Z (scant Vi cup) ghee or vegetable oil 1 teaspoon chilli powder
pinch of asafoetida 250g / 9oz (1 cup) vegetable oil or ghee
y2 teaspoon cumin seeds pinch of asafoetida
Vi teaspoon fenugreek seeds 1 Vi teaspoons cumin seeds
1 teaspoon ground ginger 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 1 teaspoon amchoor
and chopped salt
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
Wearing gloves (see page 793), peel the jackfruit and
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces, peel the seeds as well.
Put the ground coriander, turmeric and chilli
Wearing gloves (see page 793), slice the jackfruit into
powder in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons water
8cm / 3 inches long by 4cm / i'/z inches wide pieces
and stir together.
and peel off the outer comb. Remove the seeds.
Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan
Heat the mustard oil in a large, heavy-based pan
over medium heat, add the jackfruit, not the seeds,
over medium heat, add the jackfruit and potatoes
and fry for about 10 minutes, or until golden brown.
and fry for 15 minutes, or until they turn golden
Remove from the pan and set aside.
brown. Remove from the pan and set aside. You may
need to do this in batches.
Add the asafoetida to the pan and stir-fry for about
30 seconds, or until dissolved, then add the cumin
Heat the ghee or oil in another large, heavy-based
seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they
pan over medium heat, add the asafoetida, cumin
start to splutter. Add the ground spice mixture, then
seeds and fenugreek seeds and stir-fry for about
season with salt and stir-fry for about 2—3 minutes.
1 minute, or until the seeds start to splutter.
Add the fried jackfruit, the seeds and 250ml /8fl oz
Next, add the fried jackfruit and potatoes and
(1 cup) water to the pan. Reduce the heat to low,
all the remaining ingredients, except the chopped
cover and cook for about 30 minutes, or until the
coriander. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water,
jackfruit is tender. Add the yoghurt, garam masala
reduce the heat slightly and simmer for 15 minutes,
and amchoor and cook for a further 15 minutes.
shaking the pan frequently. When the jackfruit
and potatoes are soft to the touch, add the
chopped coriander.



Dhingri Dulma Khumb Hara Pyaz

Mushroom, (Bell) Pepper Mushrooms with Spring Onions
& Paneer Curry (Scallions)

Origin Awadh Origin Punjab

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

4 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee_ 600g / 1 lb 5oz button (white) mushrooms,_

1 teaspoon black cumin seeds stalks removed
4 spring onions (scallions), trimmed and chopped 150g / 5oz (% cup) ghee
4 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 5 green cardamom pods
4 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see 57) 1 black cardamom pod
1 teaspoon chilli powder 5 cloves
500g /1 lb 2oz (2 cups) chopped tomatoes 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
200g / 7oz (3 cups) button (white) mushrooms, sliced 1 bay leaf
1 green (bell) pepper, de-seeded and thinly sliced 150g / 5oz Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57)
1 red (bell) pepper, de-seeded and thinly sliced 25g / 1 oz Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 yellow (bell) pepper, de-seeded and thinly sliced 25g / loz Garlic Paste (see page 57)
450g / 1 lb Paneer (see page 59), cut into 1 -cm / 1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and
V2-inch cubes finely chopped
1 teaspoon ground black pepper, roasted 4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
generous pinch of ground green cardamom 1 teaspoon chilli powder
generous pinch of ground cloves pinch of ground mace
generous pinch of ground fenugreek V2 teaspoon ground coriander
generous pinch of ground black rock salt 200ml / 7fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 300g / 11 oz spring onions (scallions), trimmed
and cut into juliennes salt
chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish Cut the mushrooms in half and set aside.

Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
over medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry medium heat, add the whole spices and stir-fry for
for about 30 seconds, or until they start to splutter. 1- 2 minutes, or until they start to change colour. Add
Add the chopped spring onions and fry for about the boiled onion paste and stir-fry for 2 minutes,
r—2 minutes, or until light golden. Add the ginger then add the ginger and garlic pastes and stir-fry for
and garlic pastes and stir-fry for about 10 seconds, 30 seconds. Add the ginger and green chillies and
then add the chilli powder. Stir, add the tomatoes stir-fry for a further 30 seconds, then add the chilli
and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, or until all the powder, ground mace and coriander and stir-fry for
moisture has evaporated. 30 seconds.

Add the mushrooms to the pan and stir-fry for about Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the
3-4 minutes, or until the mushroom liquor has yoghurt. Season with salt, then return to the heat,
evaporated. Now add the peppers and stir-fry for pour in 125ml / 4'/2fl oz (‘A cup) water and bring to
about 1 minute. Add the paneer and season lightly the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about
with salt. Stir-fry for 1 minute, then add the roasted 2- 3 minutes, or until the oil has separated out. Add
black pepper and the remaining ground spices and the mushrooms and simmer for a further 2 minutes,
ginger juliennes. Stir well, then remove from the before adding the spring onions and simmering for
heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary. Garnish 1 minute. Remove the pan from the heat and adjust
with chopped coriander. the seasoning, if necessary.


0 Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan,
add the cloves and cardamom pods and stir-fry for
1-2 minutes, or until they change colour. Remove
Bharwan Guchhi and discard.
Stuffed Morels
To make the sauce, reheat the oil or ghee in the
Origin Punjab same pan over medium heat, add the finely chopped
Preparation time 30 minutes spring onions and lightly fry for about 1-2 minutes,
Cooking time 20-25 minutes or until translucent. Add the ginger and garlic pastes
Serves 4-6 and stir-fry for 2 minutes, or until the water has
evaporated and they change colour. Add the green
chilli and cashew nut pastes and stir-fry for another
8-10 dried morels_
1—2 minutes, or until well blended and their colour
125ml / 4Vfefl oz {Vk cup) vegetable oil or ghee changes. Reduce the heat, add the yoghurt and
2 cloves season with salt. Stir and simmer for a few minutes
2 green cardamom pods until it is a sauce-like consistency.
Add the garam masala and saffron milk to the pan
and stir to mix well. Add the stuffed morels and
For the filling
125ml / 4!4fl oz O/2 cup) water and simmer for about
1-2 teaspoons vegetable oil_ 10 minutes, coating the morels with the sauce.
50g / 1%oz (Icup) chopped spring onions (scallions)
2 tablespoons Khoya (see page 58)
3 tablespoons chopped mint leaves 0
4 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
2 tablespoons lemon juice Khumb Dopyaza
Mushrooms Cooked with Onions
For the sauce
pinch of saffron threads_ Origin Awadh
3 tablespoons milk Preparation time 15 minutes
25g / 1 oz (I/2 cup) finely chopped spring onions Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 6
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon butter_
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2-3 dried red chillies, wiped with a damp cloth
2 teaspoons green chilli paste
400g /14oz (2V2 cups) sliced onions
2 tablespoons Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58)
400g large button (white) mushrooms, stalks trimmed
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
2 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
(see page 793), whisked
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
and cut into strips
Soak the morels in a bowl of warm water for salt
io minutes. Drain, then cook in a pan of boiling
water for about 15 minutes. Drain and set aside. Melt the butter in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the dried red chillies and fry for
For the sauce, put the saffron in a small bowl, add about 2-3 minutes, or until glazed. Remove from the
the milk and soak until required. pan and set aside.

To make the filling, heat a little oil in a small frying Reheat the butter over medium heat, add the onions
pan (skillet), add the chopped spring onions and fry and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until the onions
for about 3-4 minutes, or until golden brown. Put all are translucent. Add the mushrooms and season with
the ingredients for the filling, including the spring salt, then stir-fry over high heat for about 3 minutes,
onions in a bowl and mix together. Stuff the morels or until all the moisture has evaporated. Add the
with the mixture. green chillies, glazed dried red chillies and ginger
strips and stir-fry for about 2 minutes.


Vjv' Pour about 1 litre / 1% pints (4% cups) water into
a large, heavy-based pan. Add 2 teaspoons salt
and the lemon juice and bring to the boil. Add the
Bharwan Khumb mushrooms and cook for about 2 minutes. Drain and
Stuffed Mushrooms refresh under cold running water. Drain again, then
wipe and dry well on kitchen paper (paper towels).
Origin Awadh
To make the filling, heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or
Preparation time 30-40 minutes
heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over medium heat,
Cooking time 30 minutes
add the onions and fry for about 4-5 minutes, or
Serves 6-8
until soft. Add the khoya and mix well, then add the
grated ginger, crushed cashew nuts, pomegranate
200g / 7oz mushrooms seeds, chopped coriander, the ground spices and
4-5 green cardamom pods the 16 teaspoon garam masala. Season with salt
juice of 16 lemon and mix well. Remove from the heat and stuff each
salt mushroom with the mixture.

Place the mushrooms on several large baking sheets

For the filling
and put into the hot oven for about 5 minutes, then
1 tablespoon vegetable oil_' remove from the oven and set aside.
2 onions, chopped
50g / 1%oz Khoya (see page 58) or 516 tablespoons To make the paste, put the pomegranates into
milk powder (dry milk) a blender, pour in 375ml / 13d oz (1 h cups) water
and process briefly. Trim the leftover mushroom
1 x 1 -cm / 1/2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
stalks and transfer to a blender or food processor.
and grated
Add the onions, ginger and dried red chillies
1 tablespoon cashew nuts, crushed and process, adding a little water, if necessary,
3 tablespoons pomegranate seeds to make a smooth paste.
4 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
16 teaspoon ground black pepper For the sauce, heat the 4 tablespoons oil in a heavy-
based wok or frying pan (skillet) over low heat,
16 teaspoon ground cumin, roasted
add the reserved cardamom pods and stir-fry for
16 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) about 1 minute, then add the onion-mushroom paste
and cook for about 10 minutes, or until the paste
For the paste turns light brown. Add the remaining ground spices
90g / 314oz (16) red pomegranate_ and season with salt. Add the pomegranate juice,
2 onions, sliced then bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer
for about 5 minutes. Add the stuffed mushrooms to
1 x 1 -cm / 16-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
the sauce and simmer gently until hot.
and grated
4 dried red chillies

For the sauce

4 tablespoons vegetable oil_
16 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
16 teaspoon chilli powder
16 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground coriander

Preheat the oven to 20o*C/40o’F/Gas Mark 6.

Remove and reserve the stalks from the mushrooms.

Put the cardamom pods in a mortar and pound with
a pestle, then set aside.


Kan Guchhi Batani Kadala Kari
Spiced Morels Pea & Mushroom Curry

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Kerala

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Serves 8 Serves 4

IQOg / 3y2oz dried morels_ 750g / 1 lb 10oz (5 cups) peas, shelled if fresh_
2 teaspoons Kashmiri red chilli powder 150ml /14 pint (% cup) groundnut (peanut) oil
6 tablespoons vegetable oil 750g / 11b lOoz mushrooms, stalks removed
4 cinnamon sticks,, about 5cm / 2 inches long 2 teaspoons cumin seeds_
8 cloves 1 teaspoon mustard seeds_
8 green cardamom pods 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds_
9 black cardamom pods 2 tablespoons urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 125g / 414oz (1 medium) onion, sliced_
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 4 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon ground ginger 4 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
100ml / 3%fl oz (y2 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt 1 teaspoon chilli powder
(see page 793), whisked 2 teaspoons ground coriander
1 tablespoon Fried Onion Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
14 teaspoon saffron threads 250g / 9oz (1 large) tomato, chopped
1 teaspoon black cumin seeds 60g / 2oz (% cup) grated fresh coconut
Vt teaspoon dried mint 30g / 114oz (14 cup) cashew nuts
salt 20 curry leaves
Soak the dried morels in a bowl of warm water for 1 sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped, to garnish
20 minutes. Drain and rinse well in cold water to
remove any grit. Cut in half. Cook the peas in a small pan of lightly salted water
for 5-7 minutes, or until soft. Drain and set aside.
Put the chilli powder in a small bowl, add
i tablespoon water and stir well. Set aside. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a large, heavy-based pan
over medium heat, add the mushrooms and stir-fry
Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over for about 4-5 minutes.
medium heat, add the morels, cinnamon sticks, cloves
and cardamom pods, then mix well and fry for a few Heat the remaining oil in a large, heavy-based frying
minutes until all the water has evaporated. Add the pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the cumin,
garlic paste, turmeric, chilli mixture and ginger and mustard and fenugreek seeds and urad dal and stir-fry
season with salt. Fry for a further 2 minutes, or until for about 1 minute, or until the seeds start to splutter.
all the water has completely evaporated. Add the onions and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or
until light brown, then add the ginger and garlic
Add the yoghurt to the pan and stir until completely pastes and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until the
absorbed. Pour in about 200ml / 7fl oz (’4 cup) water, moisture has evaporated. Add the ground spices and
then add the onion paste and saffron, mix well and season with salt. Stir, add the tomato and stir-fry for
reduce the heat to low. Simmer for 5 minutes, then about 5 minutes, or until the oil separates out.
sprinkle over the black cumin seeds and dried mint.
Reduce the heat to low, add the coconut, cashew
nuts and curry leaves, stir for 1 minute, then pour
in about 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water and bring
to the boil. Add the boiled peas and stir-fried
mushrooms, reduce the heat and simmer for about
5 minutes. Remove from the heat and adjust the
seasoning, if necessary, and garnish with coriander.


# OQ p.552

Khumb Shabnam Kaju Khumb Makhane

Mushrooms in Yoghurt Sauce Mushrooms with Cashew Nuts

Origin Awadh Origin Rajasthan

Preparation time 10 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

200ml / 7fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt_ 1 Vz teaspoons chilli powder_

1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56) 125g / 414oz (Vfe cup) ghee
pinch of ground turmeric 150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, grated
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 teaspoon kalonji (nigelia) seeds
200g / 7oz (3 cups) button (white) mushrooms, sliced 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
salt 2V2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded, 1 y2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
to garnish 250g / 9oz (1 large) tomato, chopped
175ml / 6fl oz (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
Put the yoghurt in a bowl, add the ground spices,
500g / 1 lb 2oz (7 cups) mushrooms, chopped
season with salt and whisk to combine, then set aside.
75g / 2I/2OZ 0/2 cup) cashew nuts, roasted
Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan (skillet) over 75g / 2I/2OZ lotus puffs
high heat, add the mushrooms and stir-fry for salt
about 5 minutes, or until there is a small amount of 1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped, to garnish
moisture left. Take care that the mushrooms do not
scorch or dry up. Remove from the heat and allow Put the ground spices in a small bowl, add
the mushrooms to cool. 4 tablespoons water and mix together.

When the mushrooms are cool, pour in the spiced Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
beaten yoghurt and mix. Return to the heat and medium heat, add the onions and fry for about
simmer for a few minutes until hot. Garnish with 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the kalonji
slit green chillies. and cumin seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or
until they start to splutter. Add the ginger and garlic
pastes and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, then add
the ground spice mixture and stir-fry for 2 minutes.
Add the tomatoes and fry for about 5 minutes, or
until the oil separates out.

Remove the pan from the heat and slowly stir in the
yoghurt. Season with salt, then return to the heat
and pour in about 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water. Bring
almost to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer
for a few minutes until the sauce thickens. Add the
mushrooms and simmer for a further 5 minutes. Add
the cashew nuts and lotus puffs and stir to mix well.
Remove from the heat, adjust the seasoning,
if necessary, and garnish with chopped coriander.


with Curom
with Tamarind p.3_68
u- v

—toatiHI. jg

Kashmiri Leafy
r-,ourds P-^-1
Stuffed Round.
■hmmxmW or

Kumhare ki Subzi Sitaphal ki Subzi

Dry Spicy Pumpkin Pumpkin Curry

Origin Awadh Origin Awadh

Preparation time 15-30 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

3 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee_ 500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups) pumpkin, peeled and cut into
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds 5-cm / 2-inch pieces_
1 teaspoon cumin seeds pinch of ground turmeric_
V/2 teaspoons chilli powder 4 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
2 teaspoons ground coriander 1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
2 teaspoons amchoor 2 dried red chillies_
2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 10Og / 3I/2OZ (V2 cup) jaggery, crumbled, or soft
500g /11b 2oz (4 cups) pumpkin, peeled, de-seeded brown sugar_
and cut into cubes 4 tablespoons grated fresh coconut_
2 teaspoons sugar 4 tablespoons rice flour_
salt salt

Put the pumpkin in a large pan of boiling salted

To garnish
water, add the turmeric and cook, stirring
whole green chillies_
frequently, for about 10-15 minutes, or until soft
few coriander (cilantro) leaves but not overcooked and mushy.

Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium
low heat, add the fenugreek and cumin seeds and heat, add the mustard seeds, urad dal and dried
stir-fry for about 3-4 minutes, or until they start to red chillies and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
splutter. Add the remaining spices and stir-fry for the mustard seeds start to splutter. Add the boiled
about 7 minutes. pumpkin and jaggery or sugar. When the jaggery
begins to dissolve, add the grated coconut and
Add the green chillies and the remaining rice flour. Cook for about 5 minutes, turning the
ingredients and mix well. Cover and cook for vegetables over a few times, until the pumpkin
about 15—20 minutes, or until the pumpkin is tender. Remove from the heat and serve.
is tender. Remove from the heat and mash well
with a wooden spatula or potato masher. Garnish
with green chillies and coriander leaves.



Khatta Meetha Kaddu Kumbalanga Olan

Sweet & Sour Pumpkin Ash Gourd Curry with Coconut Milk

Origin Uttarakhand Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 35 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes-1 Vz hours, plus
Cooking time 10 minutes soaking time
Serves 4-6 Cooking time 35 minutes
Serves 6
1 kg / 2141b pumpkin, peeled and cut into chunks
2 tablespoons mustard oil IQOg / 3y2oz (Vz cup) red cowpeas_
pinch of asafoetida (black eyed peas), rinsed
1 teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds 200g / 7oz (1% cups) ash gourd,__
1 teaspoon cumin seeds peeled and cut into 2.5-cm /1 -inch pieces
Vz teaspoon mustard seeds 6 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
1 teaspoon fennel seeds 15 curry leaves
y2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh
1 tablespoon lemon juice (see page 781) or canned
4 tablespoons jaggery, grated, or soft brown sugar 2 tablespoons vegetable oii
Vz tablespoon ghee or mustard oil salt
4-6 dried red chillies
Soak the cowpeas in a bowl of water overnight.

To garnish The next day, drain, rinse and put the cowpeas in the
whole green chillies pressure cooker. Cook under pressure for 10 minutes.
few coriander (cilantro) leaves Alternatively, cook in a large pan of water for 1—1!4
hours, or until soft.
Cook the pumpkin in a large pan of boiling water for
20-25 minutes, or until soft. Drain, return to the pan Bring a large pan of water to the boil and add the
and mash with a potato masher. ash gourd, chillies and 10 curry leaves. Season
with salt and cook for about 30 minutes. Drain and
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium allow to cool in a bowl, then mash with a wooden
heat, add the asafoetida and stir-fry for 30 seconds, spatula or potato masher. Mix in the cowpeas
then add the remaining spices and stir-fry for about and add the coconut milk. Transfer to a clean pan
1 minute. Stir in the mashed pumpkin, pour in the and simmer for 2 minutes.
lemon juice, add the jaggery or sugar and season with
salt. Cook for a further 2-3 minutes. Heat the oil in a small frying pan (skillet) over high
heat. Reduce the heat, add the remaining curry
Heat the ghee in a small frying pan (skillet) over leaves and stir-fry for about 30 seconds, or until
medium heat, add the dried red chillies and stir-fry they change colour. Pour over the ash gourd mixture.
for about 1 minute, or until they turn a shade darker.
Pour over the mashed pumpkin mixture and garnish
with coriander leaves and green chillies.


Rasakalan Mai Kan
Yoghurt Curry with Ash Gourd Fried Ash Gourd
from Palakkad
Origin Tribal North East India
Origin Kerala Preparation time 15 minutes
Preparation time 15 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Cooking time 15 minutes Serves 4
Serves 4-6
1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt, 2 large onions, chopped_
whisked 500g / 1 lb 2oz ash gourd, peeled and de-seeded
2 tablespoons jaggery, ground, or soft brown sugar and cut into 5-cm / 2-inch cubes
115g / 4oz (1 cup) ash gourd, cut into_ 4 dried red chillies
1 -cm / y2-inch cubes 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric salt
Heat the oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based
pan over medium heat, add the onions and fry
For the spice paste
for about 5 minutes, or until light brown. Add the
2 teaspoons coconut oil_ remaining ingredients, season with salt and fry,
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds stirring gently, for a further 10-12 minutes, or until
2-3 dried red chillies the ash gourd is tender.
2-3 green chillies, de-seeded (optional)
80g / 2%oz (1 cup) grated fresh coconut
1 teaspoon basmati rice, rinsed and drained

For the tempering

2 teaspoons coconut oil
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 dried red chilli, halved
1 sprig curry leaves

Heat the oil for the spice paste in a kadhai or deep,

heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over medium heat,
add the fenugreek seeds and dried red chillies and
stir-fry for about i minute, or until fragrant. Remove
from the heat and mix in the coconut, rice and
2—3 tablespoons water. Transfer to a blender and
process to make a smooth paste. Transfer to a large
bowl, add the yoghurt and jaggery or sugar, then
season with salt and whisk together. Set aside.

Bring 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water to the boil in the

pan used for frying the spices. Add the ash gourd
and turmeric, then reduce the heat and simmer for
5—7 minutes. Remove from the heat, drain the ash
gourd and set aside.

Heat the oil for the tempering in the same pan

over medium heat. Add all the ingredients for the
tempering and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the
seeds start to splutter. Stir in the yoghurt mixture
and ash gourd, then reduce the heat to low and cook
,for 3 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent curdling.

vF* vp To make the filling, put the peanuts, sesame seeds,
cumin seeds and onion in a blender or food
processor, pour in 4 tablespoons water and process
Bharwan Karele to make a paste. Transfer to a large bowl and add
Slow-cooked Stuffed Bitter Gourds the paneer, ginger, green chillies, coriander, jaggery
or sugar, tamarind extract and garam masala. Season
with salt and mix well.
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
Preheat the oven to i4o'C/275°F/Gas Mark 1 and oil
Cooking time 30 minutes
a large roasting tray (pan).
Serves 4
To make the tempering, heat the oil in a frying pan
250g / 9oz (2 small) bitter gourds_
(skillet) over medium heat, add the cumin, mustard
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) and fenugreek seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) or until they start to splutter. Remove and pour
1 teaspoon ground turmeric over the filling, then mix well and divide the mixture
vegetable oil or ghee, for oiling and basting into equal portions, one for each gourd.
Stuff the bitter gourds with the filling and arrange
in the prepared roasting tray with the open side on
For the filling top. Cover with foil, punch a couple of holes in the
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled_ foil and cook in the hot oven for 30 minutes, basting
50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) peanuts with oil or ghee at regular intervals. Serve hot.
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
2 teaspoons cumin seeds
1 onion, chopped
10Og / 31/20Z Paneer (see page 59), cut into
small cubes
2 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) and chopped
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 tablespoon jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar
2 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
1 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31)

For the tempering

3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1/2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

Slit the bitter gourds lengthways and de-seed, then

rub all over with salt. Place on a large tilting tray
(roasting pan) and set aside for 1 hour.

For the filling, put the ginger in a mortar and pound

with a pestle or process in a blender to make a paste.
Set aside.

To blanch the bitter gourds, heat enough water to

cover the gourds in a large pan, season with salt and
add the ginger and garlic pastes and turmeric. Bring
to the boil, then add the bitter gourds and blanch for
3-4 minutes, or until soft. Drain and set aside.


m To make the tempering, heat the oil in a small frying
pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the mustard
seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they
Pavakka Theeyal start to splutter. Add the dried red chillies and
Bitter Gourd Curry with Fried Coconut stir-fry for a few moments. Add the remaining
ingredients and fry for about 3-4 minutes, or until
the shallots are browned. Pour the tempering into
Origin Tamil Nadu
the curry, stir well and serve.
Preparation time 30-40 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 2-4 m
IQOg / 3V2QZ (1) bitter gourd_
1 tablespoon vegetable oil_ Kurkure Karele
8 shallots, chopped Fried Bitter Gourd
3 green chillies, de-seeded
1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) Origin Punjab
salt Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4
For the spice paste
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
250g / 9oz (2) small bitter gourds_
1 coconut, peeled and grated
pinch of ground turmeric
4 shallots_
1 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
10 dried red chillies 1 teaspoon vegetable oil_
6 whole black peppercorns 1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
10-15 curry leaves_
Vz teaspoon mustard seeds_
1 teaspoon ground coriander
2 dried red chillies
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
pinch of asafoetida
10-15 curry leaves_
For the tempering 2 teaspoons jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar
1 tablespoon vegetable oil __ 1 teaspoon rice flour
1 teaspoon mustard seeds salt
2 dried red chillies_
3-4 shallots, coarsely chopped_ Bring 375ml / 13d oz (il4 cups) water to the boil
1 sprig curry leaves in a large, heavy-based pan. Add the bitter gourds,
turmeric and tamarind extract and cook for
Slit the bitter gourd in half lengthways and de-seed, 5—7 minutes. Season with salt and cook for
then cut into 2.5-cm / r-inch pieces. Place on a tilting a further 5—7 minutes. Drain.
tray (roasting pan), sprinkle with salt and set aside
for 30 minutes. Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over
medium heat, add the urad dal, mustard seeds,
To make the spice paste, heat the oil in a frying pan chillies and asafoetida and stir-fry for about 1 minute.
(skillet) over medium heat, add all the ingredients Add the bitter gourds, curry leaves and the jaggery
except the ground spices and fry, stirring constantly, or sugar and cook for about 5 minutes. Stir in
for about 2 minutes, or until the coconut turns the rice flour and cook for a further 1 minute, then
brown. Remove from the heat, stir in the ground remove from the heat.
spices and transfer to a small blender or food
processor. Add 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and
process to make a smooth paste.

Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the bitter gourd, shallots and green
chillies, and fry for a few minutes, or until the bitter
gourd is well browned. Add the tamarind extract and
stir in the spice paste. Season with salt and pour in
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water. Bring to the boil and cook
for 10 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat.

Vjv' Vjv'
Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (2'4 cups) water to the boil in
a large, heavy-based pan, add the tamarind extract,
sugar, chilli powder and turmeric. Season with salt,
Koorina Kakarkaya then reduce the heat to medium, add the bitter gourds
Stuffed Bitter Gourds in Mustard Sauce and cook for about 5 minutes, or until the liquid has
almost evaporated and the gourds are tender when
pierced with a knife. Drain and set aside.
Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus standing time
To make the filling, heat the oil in a large, heavy-
Cooking time 35-40 minutes
based frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the
Serves 4-8
cumin seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
they start to splutter. Add the ginger, garlic and
1 kg / 2141b (8) bitter gourds_ green chillies and fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until
1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) the garlic is lightly coloured. Add the onion and fry
2 tablespoons sugar for about 2 minutes, or until translucent. Add the
14 teaspoon chilli powder potato, and carrots and season with salt. Stir-fry
for 5 minutes, then remove from the heat and allow
14 teaspoon ground turmeric
to cool.
vegetable oil, for shallow frying
salt When cool, add the chopped coriander and lemon
juice and mix well. Divide the mixture into equal
For the filling portions and stuff a portion in each of the boiled
bitter gourds and secure with kitchen string (twine).
2 tablespoons vegetable oil_
1 teaspoon cumin seeds Heat enough oil for shallow-frying in a large, non¬
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and stick frying pan over medium heat, add the stuffed
finely chopped bitter gourds and shallow-fry for 3 minutes, or until
8-10 cloves garlic, chopped lightly coloured and crisp. Remove with a slotted
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
125g / 414oz (1 small) onion, chopped
To make the sauce, heat the oil in a large, heavy-
125g / 414oz (1 medium) potato, cut into dice based pan over medium heat, add the fennel,
125g / 414oz (2 medium) carrots, cut into dice mustard and fenugreek seeds and stir-fry for about
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the curry
2 teaspoons lemon juice leaves and stir-fry for another minute, or until they
pinch of salt stop spluttering. Add the onion and fry for about
5 minutes, or until light golden, then add the ginger
and garlic pastes and stir-fry for a further 1 minute,
For the sauce or until the moisture has evaporated.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon fennel seeds Put the coriander, chilli powder and turmeric in
Vz teaspoon mustard seeds a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons water and mix
together. Add this mixture to the pan and stir-fry for
14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 minute, or until the liquid has evaporated. Add
10-15 curry leaves
the pureed tomatoes and season with salt, then stir-
150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, chopped fry for about 5 minutes, or until specks of oil start
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) to appear on the surface.
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon ground coriander Pour 500ml / i8fl oz (2'/* cups) water into the pan,
then bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to medium-
1 teaspoon red chilli powder
high and simmer for 8—10 minutes, or until reduced
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric by half. Add the fried bitter gourds and sugar, and
400g /14oz (2-3 medium) tomatoes, pureed bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer
2 tablespoons sugar for 2-3 minutes, then remove from the heat and
adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
Slit the bitter gourds in half lengthways, de-seed
and rub with salt. Place on a tilting tray (roasting
pan) and set aside for 30 minutes.


# # / C®3 p.278

Chooran ke Karele Bhuni Mungphali

Tangy Deep-fried Bitter Gourds Dry-fried Bitter Gourds

Origin Hyderabad Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing and Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time
cooling time Cooking time 15 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Serves 6
! Serves 4-6
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4) bitter gourds, peeled and chopped
500g / t lb 2oz (4) bitter gourds into small pieces
vegetable oil, for deep-frying 14 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds 1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
3 tablespoons fennel seeds 1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour
3 tablespoons coriander seeds 2 teaspoons chilli powder
3 tablespoons amchoor 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece dried coconut, grated or
14 teaspoon ground turmeric 4 tablespoons desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
salt 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
5 onions, chopped_
Place the bitter gourds on a large tilting tray (roasting
pan) and sprinkle with salt. Set aside for 30 minutes.
2 teaspoons jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar
Bring a pan of water to the boil and place a steamer
basket or colander over the water. Steam the bitter Put the bitter gourds in a large bowl, season with
gourds for about 10 minutes. Allow to cool and cut salt and add the turmeric and tamarind extract.
into small pieces. Remove and discard the seeds. Mix together and soak for 5 minutes. Squeeze the
bitter gourds well and drain out any excess liquid,
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy- then soak in a large bowl of fresh water for
based pan to i8o‘C/35o‘F, or until a cube of bread 10 minutes. Squeeze out the water again and place
browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, carefully the bitter gourds on a plate.
slide the bitter gourds into the hot oil and deep-fry
for 1—2 minutes, or until crisp. Remove with a slotted Put the gram flour, chilli powder, garlic paste and
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). coconut in a bowl. Season with salt and mix together.

Transfer about 3 tablespoons of the deep-frying oil Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based frying pan
to a fresh pan and heat over a medium heat. Add the (skillet) over medium heat and lightly fry the bitter
kalonji, fennel and coriander seeds and stir-fry for gourds for about 2 minutes. Remove from the pan
about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add with a slotted spoon and set aside.
the ground spices and season with salt, then stir-fry
for about 1 minute, or until all the moisture has Add the onions to the pan and fry for about 5 minutes,
evaporated. Add the bitter gourd and stir well. or until light brown. Add the fried bitter gourds and
fry for 2 minutes. Add the coconut and garlic spice
Serve hot.
mixture and stir-fry for a further 2 minutes, then add
the jaggery or sugar and cook for 3-4 minutes.


0 0 / m p.206

Veerakkaikura Pappu Dosakai

Ribbed Gourd with Chana Dal Bottle Gourd (Calabash) with Chana Dal

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 40 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Cooking time 25-30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6

2 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained IQOg / 314oz (14 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
2 ribbed gourds, peeled and cut into 4 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
4-cm / T/2-inch pieces 500g / 11b 2oz bottle gourd (calabash), peeled
2 tomatoes, chopped and cut into 2.5-cm / 1-inch pieces
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 2 onions, sliced_
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 2 tomatoes, chopped
1 teaspoon chopped garlic 1 teaspoon chilli powder
14 teaspoon chilli powder 14 teaspoon ground coriander, roasted
14 teaspoon ground coriander, roasted pinch of ground turmeric
14 teaspoon ground turmeric 14 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
14 teaspoon ground cumin 14 dried coconut, ground
salt salt
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish

Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water to the boil in

For the seasoning
a large, heavy-based pan. Add the dal and cook
1 tablespoon vegetable oil for about 20 minutes, or until almost cooked but not
2 dried red chillies completely soft. Drain, reserving about 250ml
14 teaspoon mustard seeds / 8fl oz (1 cup) of the cooking water.
4-6 curry leaves
Add the green chillies, bottle gourd, onions and
Bring 375ml / i3fl oz (i'A cups) water to the boil in tomatoes to the pan and simmer over low heat for
a large, heavy-based pan, add the dal and cook for about 15 minutes, or until the gourd is half cooked.
about 10 minutes. Add the gourd, tomatoes and Add the ground spices and garlic paste, then season
chillies and cook for about 20 minutes, or until the with salt and cook for a further 5 minutes. Add the
gourd is soft and tender but not mushy. coconut, chana dal and continue to cook for
2 minutes, adding a little water if necessary. Add
Heat the oil in another pan over medium heat, add the coriander leaves and remove from the heat.
the garlic, ground spices and season with salt, then
stir-fry for about 1 minute. Add the vegetables and
simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and
allow to cool.

Heat the oil for the seasoning in a small frying pan

(skillet) over medium heat. Add all the ingredients
and fry for about 2 minutes, or until brown. Pour
over the vegetables and cover immediately. Garnish
with coriander leaves and serve.


# Transfer to a mortar or small blender, add the cloves,
cardamom pods and mace and pound or process,
adding a little water if necessary, to make a paste.
Lauki Musallam
Whole Stuffed Bottle Gourd (Calabash) Pat dry the bottle gourd with kitchen paper (paper
towels) and fry in the reserved oil for a few minutes
Origin Awadh until evenly browned. Remove from the pan.
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 30 minutes Mix the khoya and nut mixture with a little salt and
Serves 4 2 tablespoons yoghurt, then use to fill the inside of
the gourd. Mix the onion paste, chilli powder-poppy
seed paste and the saffron mixture together in
1 x 500g / t lb 2oz bottle gourd (calabash)_
a bowl and season with salt.
pinch of saffron threads
1 teaspoon kewra water Place the bottle gourd in a large flat pan and pour
100ml / 3Vfefl oz (V? cup) vegetable oil the yoghurt mixture on and around it. Use a spatula
2 onions, chopped to push some of the mixture underneath it. Pour
the remainder of the yoghurt on top and cover
8-10 cashew nuts
with a tight-fitting lid. Place over low-medium heat
1 tablespoon chironji kernel paste and cook for about 30 minutes. Garnish with
200g / 7oz Khoya (see page 58) chopped coriander.
or 200g / 7oz (11/3 cups) milk powder (dry milk)
2 tablespoons poppy seeds
# / GB p.397
6 cloves
6 green cardamom pods
1 blade mace Dum ki Lauki
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked Spicy Baked Bottle Gourd (Calabash)
1 teaspoon chilli powder
salt Origin Jammu and Kashmir
chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 30-35 minutes
Peel and remove the pith from the bottle gourd and Serves 4-6
prick the outside uniformly with a fork. Hollow
out the inside of the gourd, then rub some salt all 10Og / 3y2Qz (scant Yz cup) ghee or vegetable oil
over the outside. Place on a tray and set aside for pinch of asafoetida
about 30 minutes.
V2 teaspoon cumin seeds
14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the kewra water
and soak until required. 1kg / 2141b bottle gourd (calabash), peeled and cut
into 4-cm / iy2-inch pieces
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium V2 teaspoon chilli powder, or to taste
heat, add the onions and fry for about 5-7 minutes, 2 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
or until golden brown. Using a slotted spoon, transfer
1 teaspoon ground succh bari
the onions to a small blender or food processor and
process to make a paste. Set aside. or Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56)
1 teaspoon ground ginger
Add the cashew nuts and chironji kernel paste to the 1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
pan and fry for about 1 minute, or until they turn and ground
pink. Remove from the pan and chop the nuts with
1 teaspoon ground coriander
a sharp knife, then set aside.
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, finely chopped,
Return the pan to the heat and add the khoya. Fry salt
for a few minutes until it changes colour, then mix in
the fried nuts and remove from the heat. Reserve the Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
oil left in the pan. medium heat, add the asafoetida, and seeds and stir-
fry for about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter.
Put the poppy seeds in a small, dry frying pan Add the bottle gourd and remaining ingredients, but
(skillet) over medium heat and stir-fry for about no water, then cover, and cook for about 30 minutes,
30 seconds until roasted. or until soft. Remove from the heat and add the
finely chopped coriander.
m Heat the oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan
over high heat, then reduce the heat to medium.
Working in batches, carefully lower the balls into the
Alubokhara Kofta hot oil and fry for about 2 minutes turning constantly,
Kofta Stuffed with Dried Plums or until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
Origin Punjab
Put the ground coriander, chilli powder and
Preparation time 50-55 minutes
turmeric in a small bowl, add 3 tablespoons water
Cooking time 20-25 minutes
and stir together.
Serves 8
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
500g / 11b 2oz bottle gourd (calabash), peeled,
medium heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves,
de-seeded and grated cinnamon and bay leaf and stir-fry for about
16 dried plums 1 minute, or until the cardamom pods start to change
16 almonds colour. Add the onion and stir-fry for about
10Og / 3Vzoz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour 2 minutes, or until translucent. Add the ginger and
garlic pastes and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes,
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
then add the ground spice mixture and season with
2Vz teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) salt. Stir-fry for 1-2 minutes, or until the moisture
y2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper, roasted has evaporated.
5-6 tablespoons groundnut (peanut) oil
1 tablespoon ground coriander Add the pureed tomatoes to the pan and stir-fry
for about 5 minutes, or until specks of oil begin to
1 teaspoon chilli powder
appear on the surface. Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup)
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
water and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to
3Vs tablespoons ghee low and simmer, stirring frequently, for 2 minutes,
3 green cardamom pods Add the fried kofta and simmer for a further
2 cloves 2 minutes. Sprinkle over the remaining ground spices,
1 cinnamon stick stir and remove from the heat. Adjust the seasoning,
if necessary and garnish with chopped coriander.
1 bay leaf
lOOg / 3Vzoz (1 small) onion, grated
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
675g / 1 lb 7oz (6 large) tomatoes, pureed
Vz teaspoon ground black cardamom
generous pinch of ground fenugreek
chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish

Put the bottle gourd in a large pan, add a little salt

and water and boil for 3 minutes, or until soft. Drain
and squeeze in a clean tea (dish) towel to remove
all the excess moisture. Remove the stones (pits) from
the dried plums and replace them with almonds.

Put the gram flour, chillies, ginger paste, roasted

black pepper and bottle gourd in a large bowl,
season with salt and mix well with your hands.
Divide the mixture into 16 equal portions and roll
into balls. With damp hands, flatten the balls
and place a stuffed dried plum in the middle, then
shape into balls again.


0/H3 pp.281,394 Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the boiled onion paste and fry for
about 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the
Bharwan Parwal ginger and garlic pastes and fry for 1 minute. Reduce
Stuffed Wax Gourd the heat and add the yoghurt mixture, stirring
constantly until the oil separates out and rises to
Origin Awadh the surface, about 2—3 minutes. Add the pureed
Preparation time 1 hour 15 minutes tomatoes, season with salt, then increase the heat
Cooking time 15 minutes to medium and cook for a few minutes until the
Serves 5-6 mixture is a thick paste. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz
(2'/i cups) water and bring to the boil.
16 small wax gourds_
Add the stuffed wax gourds to the sauce, then reduce
vegetable oil, for deep frying the heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. Add the
garam masala and stir carefully until the sauce is
For the filling thick. Remove from the heat.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee_
1 onion, chopped

14 teaspoon ground turmeric

lOOg / 31/20Z (V2 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
V2 teaspoon cumin seeds Torai Jeerewali
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped Cumin-tempered Gourd
1 teaspoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
2 teaspoons amchoor Origin Awadh
1 teaspoon ground black pepper Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4
For the sauce
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
1 tablespoon ghee_
3 teaspoons ground coriander
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
2 teaspoons chilli powder
500g /1 lb 2oz wax gourd, peeled and cut
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
into rounds
2 tablespoons ghee
2-3 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
2 tablespoons Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
5 tomatoes, purded_ medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry
3 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) for about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter.
Add the wax gourd and green chillies, then season
with salt, reduce the heat to low, cover and cook
for about 20 minutes, or until all the moisture has
Slit the wax gourds lengthways on 1 side and de-seed.
evaporated. Do not add any water.
To make the filling, heat the oil or ghee in a large,
heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the onion
and fry for 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add
the turmeric and chana dal, then reduce the heat
and cook for about 30 minutes, or until the dal is
soft. You may need to add a little water. Transfer
to a blender or food processor and process until
ground, then transfer to a bowl and add the cumin
seeds, chillies, chopped coriander, amchoor and
black pepper. Mix well and divide the mixture into
16 equal portions. Stuff the wax gourds with the
filling and set aside.

To make the sauce, put the yoghurt in a bowl, add

the ground coriander, chilli powder and turmeric
and stir to blend well.

Pour 125ml / 4'/zfl oz (14 cup) water into the pan and
bring to the boil. Add the stuffed wax gourds, then
cover and simmer over low heat for 10—15 minutes,
Potoler Dolma or until tender. Sprinkle over the garam masala and
Wax Gourd Curry the chopped coriander and stir, then remove from
the heat.
Origin West Bengal
Preparation time 25-30 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes m
Serves 4
Dahiwali Lauki
300g / 1 loz wax gourds, peeled_
Spicy Wax Gourd in Yoghurt Sauce
150ml /14 pint (% cup) mustard oil, for deep-frying
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
Origin Uttarakhand
2 teaspoons chopped onions Preparation time 15 minutes
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) Cooking time 20-25 minutes
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Serves 4-6
1 teaspoon chilli powder
2 teaspoons chopped tomatoes 1 tablespoon Kashmiri red chilli powder_
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 4 tablespoons mustard oil
1 teaspoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves small pinch of asafoetida
1 kg / 2141b wax gourd, peeled and cut
For the filling into rounds
200g / 7oz Paneer (see page 59) 1 teaspoon ground ginger
2 teaspoons coriander (cilantro) leaves 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yogurt (see
1 teaspoon chopped green chillies page 793), whisked
2 teaspoons raisins 1 teaspoon ground fennel
salt 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
Slit the wax gourds lengthways on i side and de-seed.
To make the filling, put all the ingredients in a bowl Put the chilli powder in a small bowl, add 1 teaspoon
and mix together. Set aside. water and mix together. Set aside.

Heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based Heat the oil in a kadhai or heavy-based pan over
frying pan (skillet) to i8o”C/35o'F, or until a cube of high heat. Reduce the heat, add the asafoetida and
bread browns in 30 seconds. Carefully add the wax stir-fry for 30 seconds, or until it dissolves. Add the
gourds to the hot oil and deep-fry for about 2—3 chilli powder mixture and stir briskly for 15 seconds.
minutes, or until half done. Remove with a slotted Add the wax gourd and fry very lightly for about
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). 1 Zi minutes. Add the ground ginger and yoghurt
Reserve the oil. Stuff the wax gourds with the filling. and stir well. Add the ground fennel, garam masala
and season with salt, then cover and cook, stirring
Heat 6 tablespoons of the reserved oil in a large, occasionally, for about 15—20 minutes, or until
heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the cumin the gourd is tender but still has a little bite. Serve
seeds and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until they start to hot. This dish can be served covered in its sauce or
splutter. Add the onion and stir-fry for about 5-7 the spicy slices can be enjoyed separately.
minutes, or until golden brown. Add the ginger and
garlic pastes and stir-fry for a further 2—3 minutes.
Add the chilli powder and tomatoes and stir-fry for
another 1-2 minutes, or until the oil separates out
and rises to the surface.


To make the stuffing, heat 2 tablespoons ghee in
a large, heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the
onions and fry for about 2-3 minutes, or until lightly
Bharwan Ghiy coloured. Add the chopped marrow flesh and cook
Stuffed Marrow for 3-5 minutes. Remove from the heat and mix in
the mashed potatoes, ginger, chillies and coriander
Origin Awadh and season with salt. Stuff the marrow with the
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus cooling time mixture and set aside.
Cooking time 45-55 minutes
Serves 6-8 To make the masala, heat 4 tablespoons ghee in
a large, heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the
grated onions and fry for about 4—5 minutes, or until
750g /11b IQoz marrow or bottle gourd (calabash)
golden. Stir in the garlic, ginger, cumin, coriander,
chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish turmeric and salt and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes,
adding 1—2 teaspoons water occasionally to prevent
For the stuffing it burning and catching on the base (bottom) of the
250g / 9oz (2 medium) potatoes, unpeeled _ pan. Add the tomatoes and cook for 5—7 minutes, or
until the mixture is paste-like. Pour in 125ml / 4'/zfl oz
2 tablespoons ghee
(Zi cup) water and cook for a further 5—7 minutes.
200g / 7oz (2 small) onions, chopped
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and Put the stuffed marrow in the masala, cover and
finely chopped cook over medium heat for 20-30 minutes. You can
2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped also put the marrow into a greased baking dish, pour
2 tablespoons coriander (cilantro) leaves the masala around it and bake in the hot oven for
30 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped coriander and serve.

For the masala

4 tablespoons ghee_
250g / 9oz (1 large) onion, grated
10 garlic cloves, ground
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece ginger, ground
1 teaspoon cumin seeds, roasted and ground
3 teaspoons coriander seeds, ground
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon salt_
500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 medium) tomatoes, chopped

Preheat the oven to i8o’C/350°F/Gas Mark 4, if using.

Cook the potatoes for the stuffing in a large pan of

boiling water for about 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain
and allow to cool, then peel off the skins, return the
flesh to the pan and mash. Set aside.

Cut off a thin slice along the length of the marrow

and, using a spoon, carefully scoop out the insides,
leaving a i-cm / '/z-inch rim all around. Chop the
marrow flesh and set aside.


& Add the tomatoes and cook for a further 5-7
minutes, or until the ghee separates from the paste.
Season with salt and add the yoghurt.
Lauki ke Kofte
Bottle Gourd (Calabash) Kofta Pour in 375ml / 13d oz ( 1/2 cups) water and simmer for
15 minutes.
Origin Awadh
Just before serving, add the koftas to the sauce and
Preparation time 30 minutes
simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes, or until
Cooking time 40 minutes
the koftas are hot.
Makes 6-8

1 kg / 2141b marrow or bottle gourd (calabash),

# / EB pp.282, 594
peeled and grated
2 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled Bharwan Tinde
and chopped Stuffed Round Gourd
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped Origin Punjab
Preparation time 20 minutes
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee, for frying
Cooking time 20-30 minutes
Serves 4-6
For the sauce
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 500g / 1 lb 2oz tinda (round gourd), peeled
10 garlic cloves 1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon coriander seeds Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
Vz tablespoon cumin seeds Vz teaspoon chilli powder
4 tablespoons ghee 1 teaspoon ground fennel
3 onions, grated 1 teaspoon coriander seeds, ground
4 tomatoes, chopped Vz teaspoon amchoor
100ml / 3M oz (1/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt 10-15 sultanas (golden raisins)
salt lOOg / 3Vzoz (scant Vz cup) ghee
pinch of asafoetida
Grate the marrow and squeeze out all the moisture by
Vz teaspoon cumin seeds
pressing it between your hands. Put into a large bowl,
add the gram flour, ginger, coriander and chillies and
Cut a slice off the stalk end of the tinda, then
mix together. Roll the mixture into walnut-sized balls.
carefully scoop out the insides with a spoon, keeping
the tinda whole. Chop the tinda flesh, discarding any
Heat the ghee in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based
hard seeds, and put into a large bowl. Add the salt,
pan over medium heat. Working in batches, gently
ground spices and sultanas (golden raisins) and mix
lower the koftas into the hot ghee and fry for about
together. Stuff the tindas with this mixture.
2—3 minutes, or until golden. Remove with a slotted
spoon and set aside.
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the asafoetida and cumin seeds
To make the sauce, put the ginger, garlic, coriander
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, then remove
and cumin seeds in a small blender or food
processor and process until ground. Set aside. from the heat and place the tindas in the pan in a
single layer. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2IA cups) water,
Heat 4 tablespoons ghee in a large, heavy-based cover and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes,
or until the tindas are tender.
pan over medium heat, add the grated onions and
fry for about 3 minutes, or until golden brown. Stir
in the ground paste and stir-fry for 5 minutes, adding
1—2 teaspoons water occasionally to prevent the
mixture burning and catching on the base (bottom)
of the pan.


Torai Zimikand-Matar
Snake Gourd Curry Elephant’s Foot Yam with Green Peas

Origin Uttarakhand Origin Punjab

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 20-25 minutes Cooking time 35 minutes
Serves 6-8 Serves 4-6

IQOg / 3y20z (scant Vz cup) ghee or vegetable oil 500g / 11b 2oz Indian yam, peeled and cut into
Vz teaspoon cumin seeds large pieces
14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds 180g / 7oz (% cup) ghee
pinch of asafoetida pinch of asafoetida
2 cloves Vz teaspoon cumin seeds
1kg / 2141b snake gourd, peeled and cut into Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
1 -cm / V2-inch thick rounds Vz teaspoon chilli powder
Vz teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon coriander seeds, ground
1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 2 tomatoes, chopped
Vz teaspoon ground ginger 1 kg / 2141b (7 cups) peas, shelled if fresh
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece ginger, peeled and crushed 125ml / 4y2fl oz {Vz cup) natural (plain) yoghurt,
salt whisked
chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
Vz teaspoon amchoor
Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the cumin and fenugreek seeds, Cook the yam in a large pan of boiling water for
asafoetida and cloves and stir-fry for a few seconds. about 10 minutes, or until tender. Drain and cut into
Add the snake gourd, cover and simmer for 15-20 4-cm / 1/2-inch cubes.
minutes. You don't need to add any water as the
snake gourd releases its own water during cooking. Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
Stir the snake gourd once or twice, then season with medium heat, add the yam and fry for about
salt and add the rest of the spices. Cook for about 5 minutes, or until golden. Remove with a slotted
5 minutes, or until the oil separates out and rises spoon and set aside.
to the surface, and all the water has evaporated.
Garnish with chopped coriander. Add the asafoetida and cumin seeds to the pan and
stir-fry for 1—2 minutes. Stir in the turmeric, chilli
powder, coriander, salt and tomatoes and cook for
a further 2-3 minutes. Add the fried yam and peas,
then pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, reduce the
heat to low, cover and cook, stirring occasionally,
for 15—20 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.

Add the yoghurt, garam masala and amchoor and

cook for a further 10 minutes.


# / OB p.283 # / OB p.284

Chunke Matar Matar ki Phali

Fried Green Peas Peas in the Pod

Origin Awadh Origin Awadh

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 15 minutes
Coking time 20 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 5 Serves 4

1 kg / 2T4lb fresh peas, shelled if fresh 2 tablespoons vegetable oil_

2 tablespoons ghee pinch of asafoetida_
2 teaspoons cumin seeds Vz teaspoon cumin seeds
2 onions, sliced 500g /1 lb 2oz peas in the pod
pinch of asafoetida 3 teaspoons amchoor
5 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped V4 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
Vz teaspoon ground coriander salt
1 Vz teaspoons black pepper
Vz teaspoon ground black cardamom Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over medium
heat, add the asafoetida and cumin seeds and fry
1 teaspoon amchoor
for about 1 minute, then add the peas, amchoor and
2 pieces fresh ginger, peeled garam masala and season with salt. Mix well, then
2 tablespoons lemon juice reduce the heat, cover and cook, stirring occasionally,
salt for about 15 minutes, or until the peas are tender.
Adjust the seasoning, if necessary, and serve.
Remove the stems from the peas and soak in a large
bowl of water for a few minutes. Drain and set aside.

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for
about i minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
the onions and asafoetida and fry for about 5-7
minutes, or until the onions are golden brown. Add
the chillies, ground spices and ginger, season with
salt, and fry for about 1 minute, then add the peas
and cook for 7—8 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Sprinkle over the lemon juice and serve.


Matar ki Tarkari Khoya Matar
Green Pea Curry Peas with Thickened Milk

Origin Awadh Origin Rajasthan

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 10-15 minutes
Cooking time 20-25 minutes Cooking time 10-12 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

400g / 14oz (2% cups) peas, shelled if fresh 125g / 414oz [V2 cup) ghee or vegetable oil_
2 dried red chillies pinch of asafoetida
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 4 cloves
1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 500g /1 lb 2oz Khoya (see page 58)
1 teaspoon chopped ginger or 500g / 1 lb 2oz (3!6 cups) milk powder (dry milk)
5 chives 250g / 9oz (1 % cups) peas, shelled if fresh
2 tomatoes y2 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground coriander 2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
y2 teaspoon ground fenugreek 1 teaspoon ground ginger
y2 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
Place the peas in a pressure cooker with 500ml / 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
i8fl oz (2!4 cups) water and cook under pressure for
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
5 minutes. Open the cooker and mix in the dried red
chillies, turmeric and salt. Cover lightly and simmer and finely chopped
without pressure over low heat for 10-15 minutes. salt
Alternatively, cook the peas with the water, spices
and salt in a large, heavy-based pan for about 5—10 Heat the ghee or oil in a heavy-based pan over
minutes, or until soft. medium heat, add the asafoetida, cloves and cumin
seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the
Heat the oil in another large, heavy-based pan over cumin seeds start to splutter. Add the khoya and
medium heat, add the ginger, chives, tomatoes and stir-fry for about 2-3 minutes, or until it turns
ground spices and stir-fry for about 2—3 minutes, or reddish brown. Add the peas, remaining spices and
until the tomatoes have disintegrated. Add the peas 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water, then season with
with any liquid remaining in the cooker and simmer salt. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer
for 2-3 minutes. for 5—7 minutes, or until the peas are cooked.


0 / m p.470 Preheat the oven to i8o’C/35o”F/Gas Mark 4 and
grease a large roasting tray (pan).

Dum ki Bharwan Mirch Cook the potatoes for the filling in a large pan of
Stuffed (Bell) Peppers boiling water for about 20 minutes, or until soft.
Drain and allow to cool, then peel off the skins,
return the flesh to the pan and mash. Set aside.
Origin Hyderabad
Preparation time 50 minutes, plus cooling time
Cut the tops off the peppers and reserve. Remove the
Cooking time 20-25 minutes
core and discard, keeping the peppers whole.
Serves 4
To make the filling, mix the cumin and sesame seeds
8 large (bell) peppers
with the peanuts and about 4 tablespoons water
together in a bowl, then transfer to a small blender or
For the filling food processor and process to make a paste. Transfer
400g / 14oz (3 medium) potatoes, unpeeled_ to a clean bowl, add the roasted black pepper, jaggery
1 teaspoon cumin seeds_ or sugar, mint and mashed potato and mix well. Fill
the peppers with the mixture, then arrange the stuffed
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
peppers on the prepared roasting tray and cook in the
50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) roasted peanuts oven for about 10 minutes.
1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper, roasted
2 tablespoons jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar To make the spice paste for the sauce, put all the
10-12 mint leaves ingredients in a small blender or food processor
and process to make a smooth paste, adding a little
vegetable oil, for frying and greasing
water if necessary. Set aside.
To make the sauce, put the chilli powder and
For the sauce turmeric in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon chilli powder_ and stir together.
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
Heat the remaining oil in a large, heavy-based pan
4 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
over medium heat, add the ginger and garlic pastes
214 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) and stir-fry for a few seconds, then add the chilli
4 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58) powder mixture and stir-fry for about 2—3 minutes.
1 teaspoon ground cumin Add the spice paste and stir-fry for about 1-2
5 tablespoons groundnut (peanut) oil minutes, or until the oil separates out, adding a little
pinch of salt water towards the end, if necessary, to ensure that
the spice paste does not stick to the pan or burn.
Add the tamarind extract and season with salt, then
For the spice paste for the sauce cook for about 4—5 minutes, stirring constantly.
4 tablespoons peanuts, roasted_
2 tablespoons desiccated (dried flaked) coconut Now add 375ml / 13d oz (i‘A cups) water, bring to the
41/2 tablespoons sesame seeds boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for
10 minutes, or until the mixture is a sauce consistency.
250g / 9oz (2 small) onions
Sprinkle over the ground cumin, stir and remove from
the heat.
For the tempering
1 tablespoon groundnut (peanut) oil Heat the oil for the tempering in a small frying pan
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds (skillet) over medium heat, add the cumin, mustard
Vz teaspoon mustard seeds and fenugreek seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
or until they start to splutter. Add the curry leaf and
pinch of fenugreek seeds
stir-fry for 1 minute, or until they are glazed, then
10 curry leaves pour the tempering over the sauce.


# Heat about 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water in a large
pan and add the spice paste and jaggery or sugar,
then season with salt. Stir and bring to the boil, then
Kairas reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.
(Bell) Pepper & Peanut Curry Add the peanuts and (bell) peppers and simmer for
a further 5 minutes until well blended.
Origin Coastal
Preparation time 40 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes vjv' >7F>

Serves 4

150g / 5oz (1 cup) unsalted peanuts

Bhopali Mirchi Peeth
Green (Bell) Pepper Curry
5-6 (bell) peppers, cored, de-seeded and cut_
into squares
Origin Coastal
1 tablespoon jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar Preparation time 10 minutes
salt Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 6
For the spice paste
2 teaspoons vegetable oil_ 225g / 8oz (1 Vz cups) gram (chickpea) flour
2 teaspoons asafoetida 3 teaspoons chilli powder
2 teaspoons coriander seeds 1 Vz teaspoons ground turmeric
2 teaspoons sesame seeds 1 teaspoon sugar
4 dried red chillies 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon chana dal, rinsed and drained 3 teaspoons mustard seeds
3 tablespoons grated fresh coconut Vz teaspoon asafoetida

1 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) 6 green (bell) peppers, cored, de-seeded and cut
into pieces
For the tempering salt
2 teaspoons vegetable oil 2 teaspoons coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
Put the gram flour, the chilli powder, !4 teaspoon
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
turmeric and the sugar in a large bowl. Season with
1 dried red chilli, halved salt and mix together.
10-12 curry leaves
Heat the oil in a deep, heavy-based pan over medium
Cook the peanuts in a pan of boiling water for about heat, add the mustard seeds, asafoetida and the
30 minutes. Drain and set aside. remaining turmeric and stir-fry for about 1 minute.
Add the green peppers and cook over high heat for
To make the spice paste, heat the oil in a large, heavy- a few minutes until they are half tender.
based pan over medium heat, add the asafoetida,
coriander and sesame seeds, dried red chillies and Reduce the heat to medium and add the gram flour
dal and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the spices mixture. Mix well until the peppers are well coated
and chillies are fragrant and the dal changes colour. with the flour. Cook for a further 5 minutes until the
Remove from the heat and mix in the coconut peppers are crisp and golden. Serve hot, garnished
and tamarind extract. Transfer to a blender or food with coriander leaves.
processor, add h cup water and process to make
a smooth paste.

Heat the oil for the tempering in a large frying pan

(skillet) over medium heat, add all the ingredients
for the tempering and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
or until the mustard seeds start to splutter. Add
the pepper squares, then sprinkle over a little water,
cover and simmer for about 10 minutes. Remove
from the heat and set aside.


7|" Put the flours, chilli powder and salt in a bowl and
mix in enough water to make a thick batter.

Paneer Pasanda Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or

Stuffed Paneer in a Spicy Tomato Sauce deep, heavy-based pan to 180C/350T, or until
a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce
the heat. Working in batches, if necessary, dip the
Origin Awadh
stuffed paneer 'sandwiches' into the batter, then
Preparation time 30 minutes
carefully lower them into the hot oil and deep-fry
Cooking time 25-30 minutes
for about 2 minutes, or until light brown. Remove
Serves 4
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
(paper towels).
500g / 1 lb 2oz Paneer (see page 59)
vegetable oil, for frying To make the sauce, heat the ghee in a heavy-based
1 small sprig mint, to garnish pan over medium heat, add the ginger and garlic
pastes and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add the chilli powder
For the stuffing and green chillies and stir-fry for 30 seconds. Add
the pureed tomatoes and fry for about 2—3 minutes,
10Og / 3V2QZ vegetables of choice_
or until the oil separates out, then add the fried
1 tablespoon chopped raisins onion paste, 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and season
2 tablespoons broken cashew nuts with salt. Bring to the boil, then lower the heat and
50g / 1%oz (Vz cup) Mixed Pickle (see page 787), simmer for about 10 minutes, or until the sauce has
chopped reduced by two-thirds. Nov/ add the cashew nut paste
and cook for about 2 minutes, or until the oil has
separated out. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary,
For the batter
sprinkle over the garam masala and stir. Add the
150g / 5oz (1% cups) gram (chickpea) flour cooked paneer 'sandwiches' and cook for a further
50g / 1%oz {Vz cup) rice flour 1 minute. Garnish with mint and serve.
1 teaspoon chilli powder
pinch of salt

For the sauce

10Og / 3V2QZ (scant Vz cup) ghee_
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon chilli powder
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
250g / 9oz (2 small) tomatoes, pureed
3 tablespoons Fried Onion Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58)
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)

Cut the paneer into i-cm / '/z-inch pieces, about 4cm /

1/2 inches thick.

To make the stuffing, cook the vegetables in a pan

of boiling water for about 10 minutes, or until soft.
Drain and finely chop, then transfer to a bowl, add
the raisins, cashew nuts and mixed pickle and mix
together. Divide into 8 equal portions and place
each portion between 2 slices of paneer. Set aside.


0 Heat the ghee or oil in a heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the whole spices and stir-fry
for about i minute, or until the cardamom changes
Paneer Jaipuri colour. Add the pureed onions and fry for about
Rajasthani Curried Paneer i—2 minutes, or until translucent. Add the ginger and
garlic pastes and stir-fry for about 2-3 minutes, or
Origin Rajasthan until the moisture has evaporated. Remove from the
Preparation time 30 minutes heat, stir in the yoghurt mixture, then return to
Cooking time 45 minutes the heat and stir-fry for about 3-4 minutes, or until
Serves 4 the oil separates out.

Add the vegetable stock and bring to the boil.

IQOg / 3y20z (1 small) onion, coarsely chopped
Remove from the heat and pass the sauce through
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked fine muslin (cheesecloth) or a fine sieve (strainer)
% teaspoon Fried Onion Paste (see page 57) into a separate pan. Return the sauce to the heat,
2 tablespoons Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58) bring to the boil, add the paneer, reduce the heat
2 teaspoons ground coriander and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes,
or until the sauce is a thin consistency. Sprinkle
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
over the ground spices and stir gently, then
1 teaspoon yellow chilli powder
add the cream and the reserved saffron paste and
1 teaspoon saffron threads serve immediately.
2 tablespoons lukewarm milk
1 teaspoon ghee or vegetable oil
3 green cardamom pods
2 cloves
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
750ml / 114 pints (314 cups) vegetable stock
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
3 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
750g / 1 lb 10oz Paneer, (see page 59), cut into
5-cm / 2-inch squares
14 teaspoon ground green cardamom
% teaspoon ground mace
14 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons single (light) cream

Put the onion in a blender or food processor, add

2 tablespoons water and process to make a paste.
Set aside.

Put the yoghurt in a bowl, add the fried onion paste,

cashew nut paste, ground coriander, turmeric and
yellow chilli powder, then season with salt, whisk to
combine and set aside.

Put the saffron threads in a mortar or spice grinder

and crush with a pestle or process until crushed. Put
the milk in a small bowl, add the crushed saffron
and stir to make a paste. Set aside.


m For the filling, put the saffron in a small bowl with
the milk and soak until required.

Malai Kofta Put all the ingredients for the filling, including the
Stuffed Paneer Dumplings saffron and milk, in a large bowl and mix together.
Divide into 8 equal portions.
Origin Rajasthan
Flatten the paneer balls or ovals between your
Preparation time 45 minutes
hands, place a portion of the filling in the middle
Cooking time 35 minutes
and reshape into balls or ovals.
Serves 8
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or
750g /1 lb 10oz Paneer (see page 59)
deep, heavy-based pan to i8o”C/35o’F, or until
50g / 1V20Z (Vi3 cup) gram (chickpea) flour a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce
vegetable oil, for deep-frying the heat. Working in batches, if necessary, carefully
lower the stuffed kofta into the hot oil and deep-
For the filling fry for 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
few saffron threads_
(paper towels).
1 tablespoon milk
150g / 5oz (% cup) clotted cream To make the sauce, mix the ground coriander,
10-15 cashew nut halves chilli powder and 3 tablespoons water together in
150g / 5oz Paneer (see page 59), mashed a small bowl.
16 raisins
Heat the ghee in a heavy-based pan over medium
30g / 1%oz Khoya (see page 58)
heat, add the whole spices and bay leaves and stir-
or 3 tablespoons milk powder (dry milk) fry for about 1 minute, or until the cardamom pods
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves begin to change colour. Add the ginger paste and
1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger stir-fry for 1 minute, then add the ground coriander
1 teaspoon black cumin seeds and chilli powder mixture and stir-fry for about
2— 3 minutes, or until all the water has evaporated.
pinch of salt

For the sauce ,

1 tablespoon ground coriander_
Add the cashew nut paste and stir-fry for a further
2 minutes, or until the oil separates out. Add the
tomatoes, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to
1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder low and simmer for 5—7 minutes.
3 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil
Add the stock, bring to the boil, then reduce the
3 green cardamom pods
heat to low and simmer for a further 10 minutes.
2 cloves Place the fried kofta in the sauce and simmer for
1 black cardamom pod 3- 4 minutes. Mix all the ground spices together, then
2 bay leaves sprinkle them over.
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58)
750g / 11b lOoz (5 medium) tomatoes, chopped
1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) vegetable stock
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
1 teaspoon ground mace
14 teaspoon ground cloves
14 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Put the paneer in a bowl and mash with a potato

masher or a fork, then add the flour and mix
together. Divide into 8 equal portions and shape
into balls or ovals.



Paneer Makhani Thanda Achari Paneer

Paneer in Creamy Tomato Sauce Cold Paneer in Pickling Spices

Origin Punjab Origin Punjab

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

500g /1 lb 2oz (3 medium) tomatoes, chopped 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
3V2 tablespoons butter whisked
500g / 1 lb 10oz Paneer (see page 59), cut into cubes 1 teaspoon ground coriander
4 tablespoons vegetable oil pinch of ground turmeric
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon yellow or Kashmiri red chilli powder
2- 3 teaspoons ground green cardamom 3 tablespoons mustard oil
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) V2 teaspoon mustard seeds
2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) V2 teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 tablespoon poppy seeds 2 dried red chillies
2 tablespoons crushed ginger 500g /1 lb 2oz Paneer (see page 59), cut into
1 bay leaf__ 5-cm / 2-inch cubes
3- 4 cloves V2 teaspoon amchoor
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long salt
1 teaspoon dried fenugreek leaves, crushed 3-4 green chillies, slit in half lengthways
1 teaspoon sugar and de-seeded, to garnish
125ml / 4T/2fl oz p/2 cup) single (light) cream
Put the yoghurt in a large bowl, add the coriander,
turmeric and chilli powder and season with salt. Stir
4 tablespoons coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish well and set aside.

Blanch the tomatoes by putting them in a large Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a heavy-based pan
heatproof bowl of boiling water for 30 seconds, then over medium heat, add the mustard seeds, kalonji
plunging them in cold water. Remove the skin and seeds and fennel seeds and stir-fry for about
chop the flesh. 1 minute, or until the seeds start to splutter. Add
the dried red chillies and stir-fry for a further
Heat the butter in a heavy-based frying pan (skillet) 2 minutes, or until the chillies turn a shade darker.
over medium heat, add the paneer and fry for about
8—10 minutes, or until evenly golden brown all over. Add the paneer together with the amchoor and
Remove with a slotted spoon and soak in a bowl of stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until all the moisture
water to keep succulent. has evaporated. Season with salt, then remove
from the heat and stir in the yoghurt mixture. Pour
Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan, add the tomatoes the remaining mustard oil on top and garnish with
and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add all the ground spices, green chillies.
the ginger and garlic pastes and poppy seeds and
continue frying for 2—3 minutes, or until the oil
separates out. Add the crushed ginger, bay leaf,
cloves and cinnamon and pour in 250ml / 8fl oz
(1 cup) hot water. Bring to the boil and cook over
high heat for about 5-7 minutes. Reduce the heat
and simmer for a further 3-4 minutes, or until
the sauce is thick. Add the dried fenugreek, sugar and
cream, then stir, remove from the heat and set aside.

Add the paneer to the sauce, season with salt and

heat before serving. Garnish with coriander leaves.


# / SO p.560

Palak Paneer Paneer di Bhurji

Paneer with Spinach Paneer Scramble

Origin Punjab Origin Punjab

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 20-25 minutes Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Serves 2 Serves 4-6

10Og / 3y2oz Paneer (see page 59) y2 teaspoon ground turmeric_

250g / 9oz fresh spinach, chopped 1 teaspoon chilli powder
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 4 tablespoons ghee
1/2 teaspoon chopped ginger 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
pinch of salt 90g / 314oz (1 small) onion, chopped
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2V2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
pinch of fenugreek seeds 2y2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 onion, chopped 175g / 6oz (1 medium) tomato, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped 300g /11 oz (1 y2 cups) cooked chana dal
14 teaspoon cumin seeds 450g / 1 lb Paneer (see page 59), mashed
250g / 9oz (1 cup) pureed tomatoes 4 green chillies, de-seeded and cut into long strips
1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
Cut the paneer into 5-cm / 2-inch square pieces,
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
about 2.5cm / 1 inch thick and set aside.
1 teaspoon ground cloves
Put the spinach, chillies, ginger, salt and a sprinkling 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
of water in a large, heavy-based pan and cook over 1 teaspoon ground fenugreek
medium heat for about 3-4 minutes, or until cooked. salt
Allow to cool, squeeze dry, then transfer to a
blender or food processor and process to make
To garnish
a puree. Set aside.
1 x 4-cm / iy2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and cut
Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over medium heat, into juliennes
add the fenugreek seeds and stir-fry for about 4 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
30 seconds. Add the onion and stir-fry for about
5 minutes, or until it is lightly coloured. Add the garlic Put the turmeric and chilli powder in a small bowl,
and cumin seeds and fry for 30 seconds, then add the add 2 tablespoons water and mix together.
pureed tomatoes and fry for a further 5 minutes, or
until the liquid from the tomatoes has evaporated. Heat the ghee in a heavy-based pan over medium
Add the paneer and stir gently, then add the pureed heat, add the cumin and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
spinach and cook for 2 minutes before serving. or until the seeds begin to splutter. Add the onion
and fry for 5 minutes, or until it turns light golden.
Add the ginger and garlic pastes and stir-fry for
1 minute, or until all the moisture has evaporated.
Add the turmeric mixture and fry for a further
30 seconds, or until all the liquid has evaporated.

Add the tomato and fry for about 5 minutes, or until

all the moisture has evaporated. Now add the chana
dal and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until the oil
separates out. Add the mashed paneer and stir, then
add the chillies and season with salt. Stir-fry for
about 1 minute, before adding the ground spices. Stir,
then remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning,
if necessary. Transfer to a serving dish and garnish
with ginger juliennes and chopped coriander.



Karhai Paneer Achari Paneer

Paneer & (Bell) Peppers in Paneer in Pickling Spices
Tomato Sauce
Origin Punjab
Origin Punjab Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
Preparation time 20 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Cooking time 15 minutes Serves 6
Serves 4
1 teaspoon ground turmeric_
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric_ 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon chilli powder 500g / 1 lb 2oz Paneer (see page 59)
3 tablespoons ghee 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
90g / 3!4oz (1 small) onion, chopped 2Vz teaspoons aniseeds
1Vz teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
3Vz teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon coriander seeds, dry roasted Vz teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds
350g /12oz (1 Vz cups) pureed tomatoes 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
750g /11b lOoz Paneer (see page 59), cut into 3 onions, chopped
bite-sized chunks 6-8 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
3 green (bell) peppers, cut into quarters Vz teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
% teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Vz teaspoon ground mace 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
1 cinnamon stick 1 Vz teaspoons amchoor
4 black cardamom pods % teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
4 cloves 3 green (bell) peppers, cut into bite-sized pieces
generous pinch of fenugreek seeds salt
salt 2-3 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, de-seeded, to garnish
to garnish
Put half the turmeric and chilli powder in a small
Put the turmeric and chilli powder in a small bowl, bowl, add 2 tablespoons water and mix together.
add 2 tablespoons water and mix together. Cut the paneer into 5-cm / 2-inch cubes and with a
sharp knife, score them all over lightly. Put them
Heat the ghee in a heavy-based pan over medium in a large, shallow dish and pour over the turmeric
heat, add the onion and fry for about 2 minutes, or mixture. Season and set aside for about 10 minutes.
until the onion is translucent. Add the ginger and
garlic pastes and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes, Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a heavy-based pan over
or until all the moisture has evaporated. Add the medium heat, add all the spice seeds at once and
coriander seeds and stir-fry for 30 seconds, then add stir-fry for 1 minute, or until they start to splutter.
the turmeric mixture and stir-fry for a further
1—2 minutes, or until all the liquid has evaporated. Add the onions and chillies and cook for about
5 minutes, or until the onions turn light brown.
Add the pureed tomatoes and season with salt. Stir- Add the ginger and garlic pastes and the remaining
fry for about 5 minutes, or until the oil begins to turmeric and stir-fry for about 1 minute. Stir in
appear on the surface. Add the paneer and peppers the yoghurt, then while stirring, sprinkle over
and stir-fry for 1 minute, before adding the ground the amchoor and garam masala and season with
spices, cinnamon, cardamoms, cloves, and fenugreek salt. Reduce the heat to low and cook for about 2
seeds and stirring carefully. Remove from the heat minutes, or until the moisture has reduced a little,
and adjust the seasoning, if necessary. Garnish with but make sure that the liquid does not dry up
chopped coriander. completely. Add the marinated paneer and peppers
and cook for a further 3 minutes, then remove from
the heat and allow to cool. Heat just before serving
and garnish with slit green chillies.


# # / &1 pp.386-7

Chaaman Tamatar Chaaman

Kashmiri Paneer Paneer in Thick Tomato Sauce

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 25 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 6

125g / 414oz [Vz cup) ghee or vegetable oil 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil_
500g / 1 lb 2oz Paneer (see page 59), cut into 500g /1 lb 2oz Paneer (see page 59), cut into _
2.5-cm / 1-inch cubes 2.5-cm / 1-inch cubes
1 teaspoon chilli powder pinch of asafoetida
1 teaspoon ground ginger 5 cloves_
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) 5 green cardamom pods
1 teaspoon ground cumin 2 cinnamon sticks
pinch of asafoetida 750g / 1 lb 10oz (3 cups) pureed tomatoes
1 teaspoon ground coriander 2 teaspoons ground fennel
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon ground ginger
salt 1V2 teaspoons ground coriander
1 sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish 1 teaspoon ground cumin
11/2 teaspoons Kashmiri red chilli powder
Heat half the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based
1 teaspoon Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56)
frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the
paneer and fry for about 5 minutes, or until golden
brown all over. Remove with a slotted spoon and 1 small sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based frying pan
Heat the remaining ghee or oil in another heavy- (skillet) over medium heat, add the paneer and fry
based pan over low heat, add the paneer and all the for about 5 minutes, or until golden brown all over.
remaining ingredients, except the garnish, season Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
with salt and pour in 375ml / 13d oz ( cups) water.
paper (paper towels). Add the asafoetida and whole
(When frying the paneer, make sure the oil is hot spices to the pan and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or
enough, otherwise it may stick to the base (bottom) until they change colour.
of the frying pan.) Simmer over low heat for about 10
minutes, then garnish with coriander leaves. Add the pureed tomatoes to the pan and cook
for about 5 minutes, or until all the liquid has
evaporated. Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hot water
together with all the ground spices, except the garam
masala, and season with salt. Bring to the boil and
add the paneer. Reduce the heat to low and cook
for 5 minutes. Sprinkle over the garam masala and
stir gently, then simmer for a further 2-3 minutes.
Garnish with coriander leaves.


## Working in batches, dip the paneer pieces into the
batter, then carefully lower them into the hot oil
and deep-fry for 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown.
Dakhani Paneer Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
Paneer in Tamarind Coconut Curry paper (paper towels).

Origin Hyderabad Place the fried paneer on a serving dish and pour
Preparation time 50 minutes the sauce over the top.
Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Serves 5

5 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus extra for deep-frying

1 onion, chopped Matar Paneer
2 tomatoes, chopped Paneer & Pea Curry
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) coconut milk, fresh
(see page 781)' or canned Origin Awadh
300g /11 oz Paneer (see page 59), cut Preparation time 20 minutes
into 2.5-cm / 1-inch cubes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4-6

150g / 5oz (% cup) ghee or vegetable oil

For the spice paste
500g / 1 lb 2oz Paneer (see page 59), cut into
120g / 4oz (11/2 cups) grated fresh coconut
5-cm / 2-inch cubes
8-10 dried red chillies, shredded
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
4 cloves
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
2 black cardamom pods
pinch of ground turmeric
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
2 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger
1 teaspoon chilli powder
5-6 cloves garlic
Vi teaspoon ground turmeric
2 teaspoons ground coriander
For the batter
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
75g / 2I/2OZ (I/2 cup) gram (chickpea) flour_
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
3 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
and chopped
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
250g / 9oz (1% cups) peas, shelled if fresh
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients in
a blender or food processor and process, adding Heat the ghee or oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-
enough water to make a paste. Set aside. based pan over medium heat, add the paneer and fry
for about 5 minutes, or until golden brown all over.
Heat 4—5 tablespoons oil in a large, heavy-based Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
pan over medium heat, add the onion and fry for paper (paper towels).
about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the
tomatoes and cook for 5-6 minutes, or until the oil Reheat the ghee or oil in the same pan, add the bay
separates out. Reduce the heat to low, add the spice leaf and whole spices and fry for about 1 minute,
paste and continue cooking for about 10 minutes. or until they change colour. Add the ground spices,
season with salt and pour in 4 tablespoons water.
Stir in the coconut milk and season with salt. Stir,
Stir-fry over medium heat for 2 minutes. Add the
remove from the heat and set aside.
ginger, paneer, peas and 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups)
Mix all the ingredients for the batter together in water. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat, cover
a large bowl and stir in 125ml / 4'/>fl oz ('/z cup) water and simmer for 5—7 minutes, or until the peas are
cooked. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
until thick.

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,

heavy-based pan to i8o'C/35o"F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat.
Working in batches, dip the paneer pieces into the # # / S3 pp.286, 468
batter, then carefully lower them into the hot oil
and deep-fry for 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen Tamatar Bhatkalikura
paper (paper towels). Tomato Curry with Coconut & Spinach
Place the fried paneer on a serving dish and pour Origin Tamil Nadu
the sauce over the top. Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 20-30 minutes
Serves 4
500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) tomatoes, chopped
Matar Paneer 2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
Paneer & Pea Curry 6 curry leaves
2 onions, sliced_
Origin Awadh V2 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)_
Preparation time 20 minutes 1 teaspoon ground cumin
Cooking time 20 minutes Vz dried coconut, ground
Serves 4-6
pinch of ground turmeric
45g /11/20Z (11/2 cups) chopped spinach
150g / 5oz (% cup) ghee or vegetable oil
500g / 11b 2oz Paneer (see page 59), cut into
5-cm / 2-inch cubes
For the tempering
1 bay leaf
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
4 cloves
3 dried red chillies
2 black cardamom pods
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm /1 inch long
1 teaspoon ground cumin Bring 750ml / i!4 pints (3% cups) water to the boil in
1 teaspoon chilli powder a large, heavy-based pan. Add the tomatoes, chillies,
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric curry leaves and half of the onions, season with
2 teaspoons ground coriander salt and reduce the heat slightly. Continue to boil
for about 5 minutes. Add the garlic paste, ground
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
cumin, coconut, turmeric and spinach, then reduce
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
the heat and simmer for a few minutes until the
and chopped moisture has evaporated.
250g / 9oz (1 % cups) peas, shelled if fresh
salt Heat the oil for the tempering in a large frying
pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the remaining
Heat the ghee or oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy- onions, the dried red chillies and mustard seeds
based pan over medium heat, add the paneer and fry and stir-fry for about 5—7 minutes, or until the
for about 5 minutes, or until golden brown all over. onions are golden brown. Pour over the tomatoes
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen and cover immediately to retain the aroma.
paper (paper towels).

Reheat the ghee or oil in the same pan, add the bay
leaf and whole spices and fry for about 1 minute,
or until they change colour. Add the ground spices,
season with salt and pour in 4 tablespoons water.
Stir-fry over medium heat for 2 minutes. Add the
ginger, paneer, peas and 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups)
water. Bring to the boll, reduce the heat, cover
and simmer for 5-7 minutes, or until the peas are
cooked. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary.


0 / 00 p.287

Tamatar Mooli Tamatar ka Kut

Spicy Tomatoes & Radishes Tangy Curried Tomatoes

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 25 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 6

50ml / 2fl oz (14 cup) vegetable oil_ 1 kg / 2141b tomatoes_

V2 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
pinch of asafoetida 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds 15-20 curry leaves
750g / 1 lb 10oz (6 large) tomatoes, finely chopped 14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
500g / 1 lb 2oz (2) radishes, cut into 1 cm / Vz inch 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
wide rounds 5 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon sugar 2-3 onions, sliced
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and 2 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour, roasted
grated salt
4 sprigs coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped, For the tempering
to garnish 1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
I/2 tablespoon cumin seeds
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium 14 teaspoon mustard seeds
heat, add the cumin, asafoetida and fenugreek seeds
14 tablespoon fenugreek seeds
and stir-fry for about i minute, or until the seeds
start to splutter. Now add the tomatoes and fry for 14 tablespoon kalonji (nigella) seeds
about 2—3 minutes. When they are half done, add 7- 8 dried red chillies
the radishes, sugar and the rest of the spices and the 8- 10 curry leaves
fresh ginger, then season with salt. Cover and cook
for about 15 minutes, or until the radishes become Bring 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water to the boil in
soft, adding a little water if necessary. Garnish with a large, heavy-based pan, add the tomatoes,
chopped coriander. 14 teaspoon each of the ginger and garlic pastes,
the curry leaves, fenugreek seeds and cumin
seeds and cook for 10 minutes. Pass through
a sieve (strainer) to make a smooth puree.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the onions and fry for about 5-7
minutes, or until golden brown. Add the remaining
ginger and garlic pastes and fry for about 2 minutes.
Add the pureed tomatoes, turmeric, chilli powder
and sesame seeds, then season with salt.

Put the roasted gram flour in a small bowl, add a little

water and stir together, then add to the pan. Add
a little more water, if required. The dish should have
a thick soup-like consistency. Simmer over medium
heat for about 10 minutes.


vp' #
vF' To make the filling, melt the butter in a large, heavy-
based pan over medium heat, add the mushrooms
and lightly fry for about 2-3 minutes, or until
Bhare Baghare Tamate the moisture has evaporated. Transfer to a bowl, then
Stuffed Tomatoes add all the other ingredients for the filling, season
with salt and mix together. Put a portion of the filling
in each of the blanched tomatoes and set aside.
Origin Hyderabad
Preparation time 1 % hours
To make the paste, put all the ingredients in a
Cooking time 30 minutes
blender or food processor, with a little water if
Serves 4
necessary, and process to make a paste. Set aside.

12 tomatoes To make the sauce, put the turmeric and chilli

salt powder in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons water
and stir together.
For the filling
unsalted butter, for frying_ Heat the oil in another large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the mustard and cumin seeds
150g / 5oz (2 cups) chopped mushrooms
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they start
250g / 9oz Paneer (see page 59), grated or crumbled to splutter. Add the curry leaves, stir, then add the
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves onions and lightly fry for about 2 minutes, or until
4 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded they are translucent. Add the ginger and garlic
24 cashew nut halves pastes and stir-fry for about 2—3 minutes, or until
the onions are golden.
1 teaspoon black cumin seeds

Add the ground spice mixture to the pan and stir-fry

For the paste for 2-3 minutes, or until the moisture has evaporated,
4 tablespoons peanuts, roasted_ then add the pastes and stir-fry for about 2-3 minutes,
2 tablespoons desiccated (dried flaked) coconut or until the oil has separated out. Pour in 750ml /
41/2 tablespoons sesame seeds 114 pints (3% cups) water and season with salt. Bring
to the boil, then stir in the tamarind extract. Reduce
250g / 9oz (2 small) onions
the heat and simmer for about 5 minutes, stirring
4 teaspoons ground coriander occasionally, until it is a thin sauce consistency.
1 teaspoon ground cumin
Place the stuffed tomatoes in the sauce, cover and
For the sauce simmer for 2-3 minutes. Uncover and simmer for
1 teaspoon ground turmeric_ about 5 minutes, or until the sauce is thick. Remove
from the heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
11/2 teaspoons chilli powder
125ml / 4y2fl oz O/2 cup) vegetable oil
V2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
16 curry leaves
150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, sliced
3 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
10Og / 3/20Z Fried Onion Paste (see page 57)
% teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)

Blanch the tomatoes by putting them in a large

heatproof bowl of boiling water for 30 seconds,
then plunging them in cold water. Remove the skin
and slice off the top neatly with a sharp knife, then
remove the core, taking care not to pierce the flesh.


# / OB p.290

Tamatar Pachadi Mirchi ka Salan

Tangy Tomatoes in Yoghurt Stuffed Green Chillies

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 10 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 30-35 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 8

1 teaspoon vegetable oil_ 1 tablespoon coriander seeds_

V2 teaspoon mustard seeds 1 teaspoon cumin seeds _
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained 3 tablespoons sesame seeds
3-4 dried red chillies 4 tablespoons peanuts
pinch of asafoetida 1 teaspoon poppy seeds_
1 large tomato, chopped 1 tablespoon grated coconut
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 10Og / 3V20Z (1 small) onion_
salt 1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over high 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
heat, then reduce the heat. Add the mustard seeds,
1 teaspoon chilli powder
urad dal, dried red chillies and asafoetida and stir-
fry for i minute. Add the tomato, reduce the heat to 1 teaspoon jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar
low and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove from the 4 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
heat and allow to cool. 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
5-6 green chillies
When cool, add the yoghurt and season with salt,
10-15 curry leaves
then mix well.
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

Put the coriander seeds, cumin seeds, sesame seeds,

peanuts, poppy seeds and grated coconut in a dry
frying pan (skillet) and cook for about 2—3 minutes,
or until roasted. Remove from the heat.

Put the onions, roasted spices, ginger, garlic paste,

turmeric, chilli powder, jaggery or sugar and
tamarind extract in a blender or food processor.
Season with salt and process to make a paste.

Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over medium heat,

add the chillies and stir-fry very lightly for about
15 seconds. Add the curry leaves and fenugreek seeds
and stir-fry for a further 30 seconds, then add the
spice paste and cook, stirring once or twice, for
about 10 minutes, or until the oil separates and rises
to the surface.


0 / m p.288 # / H) p.385

Mirchi ka Salan Baghare Gajar

Stuffed Green Chillies Savoury Fried Carrots

Origin Hyderabad Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 30-35 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 8 Serves 4-6

1 tablespoon coriander seeds_ 500g / 1 lb 2oz (9 medium) carrots,

1 teaspoon cumin seeds cut into 1 -cm / 1/2-inch pieces
3 tablespoons sesame seeds 1 teaspoon chilli powder
4 tablespoons peanuts 2 tablespoons ghee
1 teaspoon poppy seeds 2 dried red chillies
1 tablespoon grated coconut Vz teaspoon cumin seeds
10Og / 3T/20Z (1 small) onion 6 curry leaves
1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 1 tablespoon grated fresh coconut
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) salt
y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon chilli powder Cook the carrots with the chilli powder in 250ml /
8fl oz (1 cup) of lightly salted boiling water for about
1 teaspoon jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar
10—12 minutes, or until tender. The water should be
4 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58) absorbed by the time they are cooked.
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
5-6 green chillies Put the ghee in a heavy-based frying pan (skillet)
10-15 curry leaves over medium heat, add the dried red chillies, cumin
seeds and curry leaves and stir-fry for about 1 min¬
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
ute, or until the chillies have turned a shade darker.
Immediately pour over the boiled carrots and
sprinkle over the grated coconut and serve hot.
Put the coriander seeds, cumin seeds, sesame seeds,
peanuts, poppy seeds and grated coconut in a dry
frying pan (skillet) and cook for about 2-3 minutes,
or until roasted. Remove from the heat.

Put the onions, roasted spices, ginger, garlic paste,

turmeric, chilli powder, jaggery or sugar and
tamarind extract in a blender or food processor.
Season with salt and process to make a paste.

Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over medium heat,

add the chillies and stir-fry very lightly for about
15 seconds. Add the curry leaves and fenugreek seeds
and stir-fry for a further 30 seconds, then add the
spice paste and cook, stirring once or twice, for
about 10 minutes, or until the oil separates and rises
to the surface.


#/ m p.395

Shalgam ki Subzi Sol Karhi

Curried Turnips Kokum Curry

Origin Punjab Origin Coastal

Preparation time 25 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 15-20 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 30-35 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 2-4 Serves 4-6

250g / 9oz (4 small) turnips, peeled 1’0—12 kokum, rinsed well

2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour
1 teaspoon ground turmeric about 1.25 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) coconut milk, fresh
1 cinnamon stick (see page 781) or canned
4 green cardamom pods 3-4 green chillies, de-seeded
4 black cardamom pods 1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 tablespoon Fried Onion Paste (see page 57) 2 teaspoons cumin seeds
2 tablespoons Kashmiri red chilli powder pinch of asafoetida
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 2 tablespoons coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
120ml / 4oz (1 small) tomato, pureed sugar, to taste
For the seasoning
Put the turnips in a bowl, add i teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon ghee
mix well. Set aside for 15 minutes, then rinse well
1-2 dried red chillies, broken into 2-3 pieces
and pat dry on kitchen paper (paper towels). Heat
the oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat, add the 2-3 strips curry leaves
turnips and fry for about 5 minutes, or until light
brown. Remove from the pan and set aside. Make sure the kokum is cleaned of all grit, then
soak in a bowl of warm water for 30 minutes. Puree
Pour 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water into a deep, heavy- on a curry stone or in a blender then transfer to a
based pan, add the turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom non-metallic bowl if not using immediately.
pods, fried onion paste, chilli powder and garlic
paste, then season with salt. Bring the mixture to the Put the gram flour in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons
boil, stirring constantly, and boil for 7-8 minutes. coconut milk and soak until required.
Add the fried turnip and cook for about 20 minutes,
or until the turnip is tender. Remove from the heat, Put the green chillies, ginger, cumin seeds and
stir in the pureed tomato and stir for 2—3 minutes. asafoetida in a small blender or food processor and
process until ground.

Mix all the ingredients, except the seasoning,

together in a large, heavy-based pan and bring to the
boil just once.

Heat the ghee for the seasoning in a small frying pan

(skillet) over medium heat, add all the ingredients
and stir-fry for i minute. Pour over the curry, then
stir well and remove from the heat.


0 / OB p.605 #

Injipuli Mor Kozhambu

Ginger Curry Buttermilk Curry

Origin Kerala Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 15-20 minutes Preparation time 15-20 minutes
Cooking time 25 minutes Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

4 tablespoons vegetable oil_ 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) buttermilk (slightly sour)

40g / 1V20Z (1/2 cup) grated fresh coconut V2 tablespoon rice flour
2-3 dried red chillies pinch of ground turmeric
small pinch of ground turmeric 10-15 curry leaves
Va teaspoon mustard seeds 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 1 tablespoon coriander seeds
20-30 curry leaves 1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece ginger, peeled and cut into pinch of asafoetida
very small pieces 2 dried red chillies
30g / 114oz coconut pieces 3 tablespoons grated fresh coconut
1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) 2 green chillies, de-seeded (optional)
salt 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
Heat about 1 tablespoon oil in a small frying pan
(skillet) over medium heat, add the grated coconut Put the buttermilk into a large pan, add the rice
and dried red chillies and stir-fry for about flour, turmeric and some curry leaves, then season
1 minute, or until the coconut changes colour. with salt. Set aside.
Add the turmeric, mix well and remove from the
heat. Transfer the mixture to a blender or food Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a frying pan (skillet) over
processor and process, without adding any more medium heat, add the coriander seeds, dal, asafoetida
water, until ground. and dried red chillies and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
or until the seeds start to splutter and the chillies turn
Heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan, add the a shade darker. Transfer to a small blender or food
mustard seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or processor, add the coconut and green chillies and
until they start to splutter. Add the green chillies, process, adding a little water if necessary, to make
curry leaves, ginger pieces and coconut pieces and a smooth paste.
fry for 3—4 minutes.
Blend this paste into the buttermilk mixture and bring
Add the ground coconut mix to the pan together with to the boil. Cook for 10 minutes over medium heat.
the tamarind and season with salt. Pour in 500ml /
i8fl oz (2'/« cups) water and bring to the boil. Cook To make the tempering, heat the remaining oil in a
for about 15 minutes, or until the sauce thickens. small frying pan over medium heat, add the mustard
seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they
start to splutter, then pour over the curry.


#/ m p.548

Gwar Phali Chukandar ki Subzi

Cluster Bean Curry Beetroot (Beet) Curry

Origin Punjab/Awadh Origin Punjab

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

250g / 9oz cluster beans, cut into pieces 1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
200ml / 7fl oz (% cup) mustard oil 2 cloves
pinch of asafoetida pinch of asafoetida
Vi teaspoon ajwain seeds Vi teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon chopped ginger 14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 teaspoon amchoor 500g /1 lb 2oz (6) beetroot (beet), peeled
pinch of chilli powder and cut into 5-mm / 14-inch thick pieces
salt Vi teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground coriander
Bring i litre / i5/4 pints (4% cups) water to the boil in Vi teaspoon chilli powder
a large, heavy-based pan, add the beans and cook
250g / 9oz (2 small) tomatoes, chopped
for 10 minutes over medium heat. Drain, allow to
cool and remove the string. salt

Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
heat, add the asafoetida and stir-fry for 30 seconds, medium heat, add the cloves, asafoetida, cumin and
or until dissolved. Add the ajwain seeds and fenugreek seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
ginger and stir-fry for about 2 minutes. Add the or until the seeds start to splutter. Add the beetroot,
beans, reduce the heat to low, cover and cook for increase the heat to high and stir-fry for 1 minute,
15 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the then pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and bring to
amchoor and chilli powder, then season with salt. the boil. Reduce the heat to medium, cover and cook
for about 10 minutes.

Add the remaining spices and tomatoes and season

with salt, then cook for a further 10 minutes.


mm ■7F>

Andhra Pulussu Kachnar ki Kali

Andhra Tamarind Curry Flowers of the Bauhinia Tree

Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh Origin Awadh

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 25-30 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 4-6

1 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)_ 500g / 1 lb 2oz kachnar flowers_
1 (vegetable) drumstick, cut into 8-cm / 3-inch pieces 100ml / 3Vzi\ oz (Vz cup) vegetable oil_
2 aubergines (eggplant), trimmed and cut into quarters Vz teaspoon cumin seeds_
1 sweet potato, peeled 2 cloves
and cut into 2.5-cm / 1-inch cubes pinch of asafoetida__
60g / 2oz (Vz cup) ash gourd, peeled 1 teaspoon chilli powder
and cut into 2.5-cm / 1 -inch cubes 1 teaspoon ground coriander_
2 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 x 1 -cm / 1/2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled Vz teaspoon ground ginger
and chopped 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric and crushed
1 tablespoon jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish
Boil the kachnar flowers in a large pan of water until
soft. Drain and remove the green outer stalks.
For the tempering
2 tablespoons sesame seed oil_ Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over medium heat,
1 teaspoon mustard seeds add the cumin seeds, cloves and asafoetida and
V2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the seeds start
Vz teaspoon asafoetida to splutter. Add the kachnar flowers and remaining
spices and ginger and fry for another 1 minute until
2 dried red chillies, halved
they turn reddish brown. Pour in 125ml / 4/20 oz
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained O/2 cup) water and simmer for 10 minutes.

1 sprig curry leaves

Add the yoghurt to the kachnar flowers and garnish
Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan (skillet) with coriander leaves.
over medium heat, add all the ingredients for the
tempering and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
the mustard seeds start to splutter. Add the tamarind
extract, vegetables, chillies, ginger, turmeric and
jaggery or sugar and season with salt. Mix well,
reduce the heat slightly, cover and simmer for
20-25 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender
and the sauce has reduced to half.

Put the gram flour in a bowl, pour in 125ml / /j’Afl oz

O/2 cup) water and whisk well, then pour into

the curry. Simmer, uncovered, for about 5 minutes,

stirring frequently, until well blended.


# Rinse all the vegetable peelings (trimmings) well to
remove any dirt and set them aside as they will be
cooked with the rest of the vegetables.
Stir-fried Peelings and Scraps Add the potatoes and cauliflower to the pan and
stir-fry for a few minutes until lightly brown.
Origin West Bengal Add the remaining vegetables and peelings. Stir
Preparation time 50 minutes constantly to ensure even cooking, then add
Cooking time 30 minutes the sugar and season with salt.
Serves 6
Reduce the heat, cover and cook for about 15—20
minutes, or until the vegetables are tender and
150g / 5oz (1 medium) potato, cut into cubes
the oil has separated out. Add a little water if the
and peel reserved vegetables appear too dry.
150g / 5oz (3) new potatoes, cut into cubes
or kept whole if small and peel reserved
150g / 5oz (V3 small head) cauliflower, cut into florets,
including stalks and tender leaves
150g / 5oz (114 cups) pumpkin, cut into cubes
and peel reserved
150g / 5oz (114 cups) bottle gourd (calabash), cut into
cubes and peel reserved
2 aubergines (eggplant), trimmed and cut into quarters,
trimmings reserved
few spinach leaves, roughly chopped
150g / 5oz (2V3 cups) pea pods
1V2 teaspoons sugar

For the masala

II/2 teaspoons cumin seeds_
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
5-6 dried red chillies
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
2 onions, chopped
4 cloves garlic
1 small piece fresh ginger, peeled and chopped

For the tempering

21/2 tablespoons mustard oil_
114 teaspoons Paanch Phoren (see page 55)
2 bay leaves
3 dried red chillies

Put all the ingredients for the masala in a blender or

food processor and process until ground. Set aside.

Heat the mustard oil for the tempering in a kadhai,

wok or large, heavy-based pan over medium heat,
add the paanch phoren, bay leaves and dried red
chillies and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the chillies
turn a shade darker. Add the ground masala and fry
for a further 2 minutes.


# / 00 p.388

Tali Sem ki Phali Gota Siddho

Broad (Fava) Beans with Coriander Whole Moong Beans
(Cilantro) & Vegetable Casserole

Origin Awadh Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 8

400g / 14oz coriander (cilantro) leaves 500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) whole moong beans, rinsed
4-6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped and drained
3 teaspoons sugar 8 small new potatoes, cut into cubes
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 8 peas in their pods
y2 teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds 8 broad (fava) beans, podded
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes
400g / 14oz (3 cups) broad (fava) beans 1 mooli (daikon), peeled and cut into cubes
salt 10-15 whole black peppercorns
4-6 cloves
Put the coriander leaves, chillies, i teaspoon sugar 1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long
and a little salt in a small blender or food processor
4-5 green cardamom pods
and process, adding a little water if necessary, to a
paste. Set aside. 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and sliced
Heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or large, heavy-based 1 bunch spinach leaves with shoots and roots,
pan over low heat. Add the kalonji seeds and stir-fry if possible
for about 30 seconds, then add the ginger paste and
1 tablespoon ghee
stir-fry for about 3-4 minutes.
4 tablespoons milk
Add the broad beans to the pan and mix well, then salt
add the coriander paste and stir thoroughly. Add the
remaining sugar and season with salt. Simmer over Soak the whole moong beans in a large bowl of
medium heat for about 10-15 minutes, or until all the water for about 40 minutes, or overnight.
moisture has evaporated and the beans are tender.
Remove from the heat. Drain the beans and cook them on a hot tawa,
griddle or in a frying pan (skillet) for a few minutes
until roasted. Transfer them to a pressure cooker,
add 600ml / 1 pint (2'A cups) water and cook under
pressure for about 15 minutes. Alternatively, cook
the beans with the water in a large, heavy-based
pan for about 30 minutes, or until soft. Drain and
transfer to a clean plan.

Add the potatoes, peas in the pod, broad beans,

sweet potatoes, mooli, peppercorns, cloves,
cinnamon, cardamom pods and ginger. Pour in 125ml /
4'/*fl oz (A cup) water and season with salt. Cover and
cook for about 15-20 minutes, or until the vegetables
are done and the dal is thick. Add the spinach and
cook for a further 5 minutes. Add the ghee and milk,
then immediately remove the pan from the heat.


Heat the 2 tablespoons oil in another pan over
medium heat, add the asafoetida, mustard seeds,
cumin seeds and turmeric and stir-fry for about
Kath Kaha 1 minute, or until the seeds start to splutter. Add the
Mixed Vegetable Curry bay leaves and chopped onion and stir-fry for about
5-7 minutes, or until the onion is golden brown.
Origin Kerala
Preparation time 50 minutes Pour in the spice paste and add the mace to
Cooking time 1 hour the pan, then cook for about 5 minutes. Pour in
Serves 6-8 about 1 litre / i14 pints (4 Vi cups) water and season
with salt. Mix well, then add the yam first and cook
for 8—10 minutes. Add the carrots, followed by the
2 tablespoons vegetable oil_
potatoes. After about 5 minutes, add the beans,
pinch of asafoetida and finally the peas. Cook over low heat until the
V2 teaspoon mustard seeds vegetables are tender and the sauce is slightly thick.
I/2 teaspoon cumin seeds Remove from the heat and stir in the lemon juice.
14 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 bay leaves
1 onion, chopped
1 blade mace
125g / 414oz yam, peeled and cut into
medium-sized pieces
10Og / 3Vzoz (2 medium) carrots, cut into
medium-sized pieces
125g / 414oz (1 medium) potato, cut into
medium-sized pieces
75g / 2V2OZ French (green) beans
75g / 2V2OZ (V2 cup) peas, shelled if fresh
1 teaspoon lemon juice

For the roasted coconut paste

1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
80g / 234oz (1 cup) grated fresh coconut
6 dried red chillies
2 teaspoon coriander seeds
4 cloves
8-10 whole black peppercorns
2 cinnamon sticks, about 5cm / 2 inches long
1 onion, sliced

To make the paste, heat the oil in a large frying pan

(skillet) over low heat, add the coconut and stir-fry
for about 5 minutes, or until roasted. Remove from
the pan and put in a large bowl. In the same pan,
add the dried red chillies and coriander seeds and
stir-fry for about 3 minutes. Add the cloves, black
peppercorns and cinnamon sticks and stir-fry for
a further 2-3 minutes. Remove and mix with the
coconut. Transfer the mixture to a blender or food
processor, add the sliced onion, then pour in
125ml / 472fl oz (VS cup) water and process to make
a paste. Set aside.


Vjv' Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
heavy-based pan to i8o”C/35oT, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
Ondhiya carefully lower the dumplings into the hot oil and
Gujarati Vegetables deep-fry for about 2 minutes, or until golden brown.
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
paper (paper towels).
Origin Gujarat
Preparation time IV2 hours
Mix all the masala ingredients together in a bowl.
Cooking time 30 minutes
Set aside.
Serves 4
Reheat the same oil to 180 C/350T, or until a cube
1 teaspoon ajwain seeds_
of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the
generous pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) heat. Working in batches, deep-fry the vegetables
200g / 7oz (1% cups) small French (green) beans, cut separately over medium heat for 7-8 minutes,
into diamonds or until half cooked. Remove with a slotted spoon
salt and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).

Bring about 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups) water to the

For the vegetables boil in a large, heavy-based pan. Add the ajwain
200g / 7oz (11/2 cups) sweet potatoes, peeled_ seeds and bicarbonate of soda, then add the small
and cut into cubes beans and continue to boil for a few minutes until
4 potatoes half cooked.
3 unripe green bananas, peeled and cut into cubes
Add the deep-fried vegetables in the same order in
16 baby aubergines (eggplant), trimmed and sliced
which they were deep-fried, and boil until all the
ingredients are cooked to taste. Add the masala, stir
For the dumplings and reduce the heat to low, then cover and simmer,
75g / 2I/2OZ (V2 cup) gram (chickpea) flour_ stirring occasionally, for 4-5 minutes. Remove from
50g / 1%oz (1 cup) fenugreek leaves, chopped the heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
1 teaspoon sugar
2 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
2 teaspoons sesame seeds
1 teaspoon vegetable oil, plus extra for deep frying

For the masala

45g /1V2OZ {V2 cup) grated coconut_
15g / y2oz p/3 cup) coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
4 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
5 teaspoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon sugar

To make the dumplings, put the gram flour,

fenugreek leaves, sugar, a pinch of salt, chillies,
sesame seeds and 1 teaspoon oil in a large bowl and
mix together until a stiff dough is formed. Divide
the dough into 20 equal portions and press with
a fist to form dumplings.


0 00

Flower Batata Bhaji Majjige Huli

Cauliflower with Potatoes Mixed Vegetable Curry from Karnataka

Origin Parsi Origin Coastal

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 40 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4

11/2 tablespoons vegetable oil_ 200g / 7oz (1 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 500g / 1 lb 2oz ash gourd, cut into cubes_
small pinch of asafoetida 120g / 4oz chayote squash sliced_
1V2 teaspoons ground turmeric 150g / 5oz (1 medium) potato, cut into cubes
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 110g / 31/2QZ (1 cup) French (green) beans, topped
1M? teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) and tailed (trimmed), then cut into 2.5-cm /
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 1 -inch pieces_
1 onion, sliced 1 tablespoon grated ginger_
4 potatoes, cut into cubes 1 tablespoon mustard powder
2 cauliflowers, cut into florets 1/2 coconut, grated_
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 1 sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped
salt 10-15 curry leaves
4-6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high 1 litre /1% pints (414 cups) buttermilk_
heat, then reduce the heat. Add the cumin seeds
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they start to
splutter. Add the asafoetida and turmeric and stir-fry
for 30 seconds, then add the ginger and garlic pastes For the tempering
and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add the chillies and onion 2 tablespoons ghee_
and fry for 5 minutes, or until the onion turns golden. 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
10-15 curry leaves, chopped
Add the potatoes and cauliflower florets to the
pan, increase the heat to high and cook for about 1 tablespoon chilli powder
2 minutes. Pour in 750ml / i'/< pints (3% cups) water,
mix well, cover and cook for about 8—10 minutes, Soak the chana dal in a large bowl of water overnight.
stirring occasionally. Add the garam masala and The next day, bring 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) salted water
season with salt. Reduce the heat and simmer to the boil in a large, heavy-based pan and add all the
uncovered for about 5 minutes to thicken the sauce. vegetables.

Meanwhile, drain the chana dal, transfer to a blender

or food processor and add the ginger, mustard
powder, coconut, chopped coriander, curry leaves and
chillies. Process, adding a little water if necessary, to
make a paste.

Pour the buttermilk into a large bowl, add the spice

paste and mix together, then pour the mixture into
the pan in which the vegetables are being cooked.
Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat, cover and
cook until the vegetables are cooked.

To make the tempering, heat the ghee in a frying

pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the mustard
seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they
start to splutter. Add the curry leaves and chilli
powder and stir-fry for a few seconds before
pouring over the vegetables.


# #&
Vi'' vp

Avial Bhutta Methi Palak

Mixed Vegetables (I) Corn with Mixed Greens

Origin Kerala Origin New

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 35 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 12 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

125g / 4Y20Z (Vz cup) ghee or vegetable oil_ 11/2 teaspoons ground coriander_
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 Vz teaspoons chopped ginger 1 garlic clove, chopped_
4 cloves garlic, chopped 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
125g / 4%oz (1 medium) onion, chopped and chopped
3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 tablespoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 kg / 2141b choice of mixed vegetables, chopped lOOg / 3Vzoz (1 small) onion, sliced
or sliced 32 baby corn, cut into 2.5-cm / 1-inch pieces
80g / 2%oz (1 cup) grated fresh coconut 450g / 1 lb fenugreek leaves, chopped
125ml / Am oz (Vz cup) coconut milk, fresh 450g /1 lb spinach, chopped
(see page 781) or canned 1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves Vz teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper, roasted
salt % teaspoon ground nutmeg
14 teaspoon ground cloves
Heat the ghee or oil in a deep, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for
about i minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
Put the ground coriander in a small bowl, add
the ginger and garlic and stir-fry for i minute, then
1 tablespoon water and mix together.
add the onions and chillies and stir-fry for about 5-7
minutes, or until the onions are golden brown. Add
Heat the oil in a deep, heavy-based pan over medium
the turmeric and ground coriander and mix well.
heat, add the garlic and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
or until it begins to change colour. Add the ginger
Add the vegetables to the pan and mix well. Add the
and chillies and stir-fry for a few seconds. Add the
grated coconut and season with salt, then pour in
cumin and fennel seeds and stir-fry for a few more
the coconut milk. Mix well and bring to a rapid boil.
seconds, before adding the onion and frying for
Reduce the heat and cook for about 8 minutes, or
about 2 minutes, or until translucent.
until the vegetables are cooked but still have a bite.
Add the baby corn to the pan and stir-fry for 2
minutes, then add the coriander mixture and stir-fry
for another 1—2 minutes, or until the moisture has
almost evaporated. Add the fenugreek and spinach,
and stir-fry for a further 2-3 minutes, or until the
moisture has almost evaporated. Add the lemon
juice, stir, add the ground spices, stir again, then
remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning,
if necessary.


vm TF' Roast the dried red chillies, chana dal, coriander
seeds, rice, fenugreek and mustard seeds and
asafoetida separately in a dry frying pan (skillet)
Puragayalu Pulussu over medium heat for about 1—2 minutes each, then
Mixed Vegetable Curry add them to the mashed vegetables. Put the mixture
in a large pan, add the tamarind extract and simmer
Origin Tamil Nadu over low heat for about 5 minutes.
Preparation time 40 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan over
Serves 4-6 medium heat, add the urad dal, cumin and mustard
seeds, curry leaves and asafoetida and stir-fry for
about 1 minute, or until the dal turns golden and the
1 teaspoon chilli powder_
seeds start to splutter. Pour over the vegetables and
1 teaspoon ground turmeric immediately cover to retain the aroma. Mix together
lOOg / 3%oz (1 cup) pumpkin, peeled before serving.
and cut into cubes_
IQOg / 3y2oz (1 cup) bottle gourd (calabash), peeled
and cut into cubes
lOOg / 3V20Z (114 cups) aubergines (eggplant),
trimmed and cut into cubes Muthapappu
10Og / 3V2oz (% cup) sweet potatoes, peeled Moong Dal, Coconut & Vegetable Curry
and cut into cubes
2 (vegetable) drumsticks, cut into Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh
4-cm / 1 y2-inch pieces Preparation time 30-40 minutes
3 dried red chillies Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4
2 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
lOOg / 3y2oz (y2 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon basmati rice, rinsed and drained
275g / lOoz (2% cups) French (green) beans,
y2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
topped and tailed (trimmed), then cut into
14 teaspoon mustard seeds
2.5-cm / 1-inch pieces
pinch of asafoetida
250g / 9oz (2 small) courgettes (zucchini), cut into
1 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
2.5-cm / 1-inch pieces
y2 tablespoon ground coriander
y2 teaspoon rice powder
For the tempering:
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
14 teaspoon mustard powder
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
14 teaspoon ground turmeric
y2 teaspoon cumin seeds_
pinch of asafoetida
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
14 dried coconut, ground
6 curry leaves
pinch of asafoetida
Cook the moong dal in a medium-sized pan of
Put 750ml / 114 pints (3% cups) water in a large, water for about 20-30 minutes, or until soft. Drain
heavy-based pan, season with salt, add the chilli and set aside.
powder and turmeric and bring to the boil. Add the
vegetables, except the drumsticks, and cook over Put the vegetables in a pan, cover with water, then
medium heat for about 10 minutes. season with salt and cook for 8 minutes, or until
tender but not too soft. Add all the spices, moong
Cook the drumsticks separately in a pan of boiling dal and coconut and cook for a few more minutes
salted water for about 10 minutes, or until soft. until the curry has a thick sauce-like consistency.
Drain, then squeeze and scrape out the pulp. When
all the vegetables are cooked, put them in a large
bowl and mash together.


m To make the spice paste, heat the ghee in the pan
used to roast the dal. Add the remaining ingredients
for the spice paste, except the cumin seeds, and fry
Tengaipal Pitha Kotu over medium heat for 1—2 minutes, or until the urad
Mixed Vegetable Stew with Coconut Milk dal turns golden.

Remove from the heat, transfer to a blender and

Origin Kerala
add the cumin seeds. Add 2 tablespoons water and
Preparation time 20-50 minutes
process to make a paste.
Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4-6
Place the vegetables, turmeric, sambhar masala and
1 litre / i!/< pints (4% cups) water in the same pan.
10Og / 3V2QZ (Vi cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
120g / 4oz (1 cup) snake gourd, cut into cubes Season with salt, then cover and simmer over
120g / 4oz (1 cup) ribbed gourd, cut into cubes medium heat for about 10 minutes, or until the
I/2 teaspoon ground turmeric vegetables are tender.
1 teaspoon Sambhar Masala (see page 32)
Blend in the spice paste and simmer for another
125ml / AM oz (1/2 cup) coconut milk, fresh
minute. Add the cooked moong dal and simmer
(see page 781) or canned for a further 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until
salt well blended.

For the spice paste Heat the ghee for the tempering in a small frying pan
over medium heat, add all the ingredients for the
2 teaspoons ghee_
tempering and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
the mustard seeds start to splutter. Pour over the
1 tablespoon urad dal, rinsed and drained vegetables and stir well, then remove from the heat
Vi teaspoon asafoetida and stir in the coconut milk.
2 teaspoons basmati rice, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon cumin seeds

For the tempering

2 teaspoons ghee_
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 dried red chilli, halved
1 sprig curry leaves

Place the moong dal in a kadhai or deep frying pan

(skillet) and roast over medium heat for 1-2 minutes.
Rinse well and drain, then place in a pressure
cooker with 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and cook
under pressure for 5 minutes. Alternatively, put
the dal in a pan with the water and cook for about
20—30 minutes, or until soft.


Subzi Panchmel Kaliya Baans Singhara
Mixed Vegetables (II) Bamboo Shoot & Water Chestnut Sauce

Origin New Origin Awadh

Preparation time 25 minutes Preparation time 35 minutes
Cooking time 10-12 minutes Cooking time 25 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

IQOg / 31/2QZ (3 small) new (baby) potatoes_ 125ml / 4Vzfl oz [Vz cup) natural (plain) yoghurt_
3 tablespoons mustard oil_ 2 teaspoons ground coriander
2 onions, chopped_ 1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder or paprika
8 cloves garlic, chopped_ Va teaspoon ground turmeric _
10 baby corn_ 200g / 7oz (1 large) onion, roughly chopped
400g / 14oz mushrooms, stalks removed_ Vz teaspoon saffron threads
1 red (bell) pepper, cut into juliennes_ 3V2 tablespoons ghee
1 yellow (bell) pepper, cut into juliennes_ 3Vz teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
120g / 4oz (1 small) tomato, purged_ 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
11/2 teaspoons coriander seeds, roasted, then_ 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) clear vegetable stock
pounded in a mortar and pestle_ 2 x 225g / 8oz cans water chestnuts, drained
1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper, roasted 500g /1 lb 2oz bamboo shoots
1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled_ 1 Vz teaspoons shahi masala or other garam masala
and sliced salt
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Put the yoghurt in a bowl, add the coriander, chilli
powder and turmeric and whisk using a fork.
Cook the potatoes in a medium-sized pan of water for
Put the onions in a small blender and process,
about io minutes, or until soft. Drain and set aside.
adding water if necessary, to make a paste. Set aside.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

Crush the saffron, then put in a small bowl, add
high heat, then reduce the heat to medium. Add
1 tablespoon of lukewarm water and soak for about
the onions and fry for about 2 minutes, or until
5 minutes. Transfer to a mortar and pound with a
translucent. Add the garlic and fry for about 2-3
pestle or process in a small blender to make a paste.
minutes, or until the onions turn light golden. Add
the baby corn, potatoes, mushrooms and peppers,
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
then increase the heat to high and stir fry for about
medium heat, add the ginger and garlic pastes and
2 minutes, or until the baby corns are cooked. Add
stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until the moisture
the pureed tomato and stir-fry for a further 1 minute
has evaporated. Add the onion paste and stir-fry
to ensure that the puree coats the vegetables evenly.
for 5 minutes, or until specks of oil begin to appear
Sprinkle over the coriander seeds, pepper, ginger
on the surface. Remove from the heat, stir in the
and season with salt, then stir. Add the chopped
yoghurt mixture, then return to the heat and stir-fry
coriander leaves and stir again. Remove from the
for about 2-3 minutes, or until the oil separates out.
heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
Pour in the stock and season with salt. Bring to the
boil, then reduce the heat to medium, add the water
chestnuts, return to the boil, reduce the heat to low
and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the chestnuts
are cooked.

Add the bamboo shoots, bring to the boil, then

reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally,
until the sauce is of a desired consistency. Stir in
the shahi masala together with the saffron paste,
then remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning.


Methi Makhani Palak Erisseri
Corn with Mixed Greens Elephant’s Foot Yam & Plantain Curry
with Fried Coconut
Origin Punjab
Preparation time 25 minutes Origin Kerala
Cooking time 10-12 minutes Preparation time 45 minutes
Serves 4 Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 4-5
11/2 teaspoons ground coriander_
4 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 coconut, peeled and grated_
6 cloves garlic, chopped 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 500g / 1 lb 2oz yam, cut into 2.5-cm / 1 -inch pieces
and chopped 20 unripe plantains, peeled and slit in half lengthways,
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped then cut into 1 -cm / 1/2-inch pieces
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon fennel seeds 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
10Og / 31/20Z (1 small) onion, chopped salt
32 baby corn, cut into 2.5-cm / 1 -inch pieces
450g /1 lb fenugreek leaves, chopped For the tempering
450g / 1 lb spinach leaves, chopped 2 tablespoons coconut oil_
1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 teaspoons mustard seeds
V2 teaspoon whole black peppercorns, coarsely 3 dried red chillies, torn into pieces
ground and roasted 1 coconut, grated
14 teaspoon ground nutmeg 20 curry leaves
I/2 teaspoon ground cloves
salt Put the coconut and cumin seeds in a blender or
food processor and process, adding a little water if
Put the ground coriander in a small bowl, add necessary, to make a paste.
1 tablespoon water and mix together.
Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water to the boil in a
Heat the oil in a deep, heavy-based pan over medium large pan, add the yam, plantains, ground spices and
heat, add the garlic and stir-fry for about 1 minute, then season with salt. Cook for about 20 minutes.
or until it changes colour. Add the ginger and chillies Add the coconut-cumin paste and boil for a further
and stir-fry for 20 seconds. Add the cumin and 2 minutes. Reduce the heat and simmer for about
fennel seeds and stir-fry for 30 seconds, then add 10 minutes, or until the sauce thickens. Remove the
the onions and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until pan from the heat.
the onions are translucent.
Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan
Add the baby corn to the pan and stir-fry for about (skillet), add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for about
2 minutes. Add the ground coriander mixture and 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the dried
stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the moisture has red chillies and stir-fry for 10 seconds shaking the
almost evaporated. Add the fenugreek and spinach pan constantly. Add the remaining ingredients and
and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes, or until the moisture stir-fry, stirring constantly, until the coconut
has almost evaporated. Now add the lemon juice and is browned. Pour into the curry, mix well and serve.
ground spices and stir well. Remove from the heat
and adjust the seasoning.


# # / &1 p.389 Place the onions in the sauce and season with salt.
Stir, then reduce the heat to low, cover and cook,
stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes, or until
Kande ki Subzi the onions are cooked, but not soft. Remove from the
Spicy Onions in Sauce heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary. Sprinkle
over the dried fenugreek leaves before serving.

Origin Rajasthan
Preparation time 25 minutes, plus standing time
''qv' 'Tm
Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4
Amrud ki Subzi
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 medium) onions_
Guava Curry
1 tablespoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon chilli powder Origin Rajasthan
1 teaspoon ground turmeric Preparation time 20 minutes
3 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee Cooking time 10-15 minutes
1 teaspoon cumin seeds_ Serves 2
5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon ground coriander_
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon chilli powder
2-4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
14 teaspoon ground turmeric
200g / 7oz tomatoes, coarsely chopped_
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon cumin seeds_
pinch of dried fenugreek leaves, to garnish
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)_
sugar to taste_
For the filling
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 teaspoon amchoor_
500g /11b 2oz (1) guava, de-seeded and cut into
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
bite-sized pieces
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground cumin
pinch of rock salt Put the ground coriander, chilli powder and turmeric
Vz teaspoon chilli powder in a small bowl, add 4 tablespoons water and mix
Using a sharp knife, make deep incisions in the
shape of a cross on top of the onions, cutting half¬ Heat the oil in a medium-sized pan over medium
way through the onions. heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for about
1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Reduce the
To make the filling, mix all the ingredients together heat to low, add the garlic paste and ground spice
in a large bowl and season with salt. mixture and stir-fry for about 5 minutes. If using
sugar, add it now, then pour in the lime juice and
Stuff equal quantities of the filling between the cook for a further 1 minute.
incisions in the onions and set aside for about
30 minutes. Add the guava and continue cooking for about
5 minutes, ensuring that all the fruit is evenly coated
Put the ground coriander, chilli powder and with the spices. Adjust the seasoning.
turmeric in a small bowl, add 4 tablespoons water
and stir together.

Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for
about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
the garlic and ginger pastes and stir-fry for about
1—2 minutes, or until the moisture has evaporated,
then add the chillies and stir-fry for a further
i minute. Add the ground spice mixture and stir-fry
for 1 minute, then add the tomatoes and 250ml /
8fl oz (1 cup) water and stir-fry for about 5 minutes,
'or until the tomatoes are reduced to a pulp.

Rasgulle ki Subzi Dhaniya Aloo Mangodi
Rosogolla Curry Lentil Dumpling with Coriander
& Potatoes
Origin Rajasthan
Preparation time 20 minutes Origin Rajasthan
Cooking time 30 minutes Preparation time 45 minutes
Serves 4 Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Serves 4
12 Rosogolla (see page 701)_
125ml / 4y2fl oz (V2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt 4 potatoes, cut into cubes_
7 teaspoons ground coriander vegetable oil, for deep-frying_
2 teaspoons chilli powder 150g / 5oz mongodi
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 tablespoon ground coriander
10Og / 31/20Z (scant V2 cup) ghee 1 teaspoon chilli powder
5 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 tablespoons Chaar Magaz paste 3V2 tablespoons ghee
225g / 8oz (2 small) tomatoes, pureed 2 teaspoons cumin seeds
1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and
% teaspoon ground green cardamom ground to a paste
14 teaspoon ground mace 250g / 9oz coriander (cilantro) leaves, roughly chopped
y2 teaspoon ground rose petals 225g / 8oz (2 small) tomatoes, pureed
salt 1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
Squeeze out the sweet syrup from the rosogolla, put
them in a bowl of water and set aside. Cook the potatoes in a pan of salted boiling water
for about 8-10 minutes, or until cooked but not soft.
Whisk the yoghurt in a bowl, add the ground Drain and set aside.
coriander, chilli powder and turmeric, then season
with salt and whisk to combine. Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy-based
pan to i8o‘C/35o'F, or until a cube of bread browns
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over in 30 seconds. Carefully lower the mongodi into
medium heat, add the ginger paste together with the oil and fry for 2—3 minutes, until golden. Remove
125ml / 4‘/zfl oz O/2 cup) water and stir until all the with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
moisture has evaporated. Remove from the heat, add (paper towels), then put in a pan of water to soften.
the yoghurt mixture, return to the heat and stir-fry
for a few minutes until the oil separates out. Add the Put the ground coriander, chilli powder and turmeric
chaar magaz paste and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, in a small bowl, add 4 tablespoons water and mix.
or until the oil separates out, then add the pureed
tomatoes and stir-fry for about 2—3 minutes, or until Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
the oil separates out. medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for
about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, bring to the the ginger paste and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or
boil, then reduce the heat and add the rosogolla. until the moisture has evaporated. Add the chopped
Return to the boil, then reduce the heat to low and coriander, along with the ground spice mixture
simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 2 minutes. and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until the
Sprinkle over the remaining ground spices, then moisture has evaporated. Add the pureed tomatoes
remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning, if and stir-fry for 5 minutes, or until the sauce splits.
Add the potatoes and mongodi to the pan, then
season with salt. Stir-fry for about 2-3 minutes,
or until the coriander coats the potatoes and the
mongodi. Sprinkle over the remaining ground spices
and stir, then remove from the heat and adjust the
seasoning, if necessary.



Methi Kishmish Kochu Sagar Ghonto

Fenugreek Seeds with Raisins Arum Stalk Curry

Origin Rajasthan Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30-40 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 8 Serves 4

200g / 7oz (1 cup plus 2 tablespoons) fenugreek 4 arum stalks, cut into 8-cm / 3-inch pieces
seeds lime juice, for soaking
500ml / 18fl oz (2% cups) milk 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
45g / iy2oz unripe mango 4 tablespoons roasted whole moong dal
5 teaspoons ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground coriander
2 teaspoons chilli powder 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 teaspoons ground turmeric 2 green cardamoms seeds
125ml / 4m oz (1/2 cup) vegetable oil 2 teaspoons sugar
generous pinch of asafoetida 1 tablespoon ghee
lOOg / 3y2oz (% cup) raisins 1 teaspoon ground aniseed
4 tablespoons amchoor 2 bay leaves_
salt 2 dried red chillies
1 tablespoon ground coconut
Put the fenugreek seeds in a bowl, add the milk and 2 tablespoons milk
soak overnight.
Put the unripe mango in a bowl of water and set
Soak the arum stalks in a bowl of lime-flavoured
aside for 30 minutes or until soft, then drain.
water for about 30 minutes. Drain.
Put the fenugreek seeds and the milk into a pan with
Cook the arum stalks with the turmeric and roasted
200ml / 7fl oz (’/< cup) boiling water, then reduce the
whole moong dal in a pan of boiling water for about
heat to low and simmer for about 30 minutes, stirring
20-30 minutes, or until the dal is soft and the stalks
occasionally, until the liquid is fully absorbed. Drain
almost mushy. Drain, put into a bowl and mash with
and rinse the boiled fenugreek under cold running
a wooden spatula. Add the ground coriander, black
water, then drain and set aside.
pepper, cardamom seeds and sugar and season
with salt.
Put the ground coriander, chilli powder and
turmeric in a small bowl, add 5 tablespoons water
Heat the ghee in a kadhai or large pan over medium
and stir together.
heat, add the aniseed, bay leaves and dried red
chillies and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the
Heat the oil in a deep, heavy-based pan over medium
chillies turn a shade darker. Add the mashed arum
heat, add the asafoetida and stir-fry for about
stalks and mix well. Cover and cook for about
30 seconds. Add the ground spice mixture and stir-
5 minutes, or until the oil separates out and rises to
fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until the moisture has
the surface. Add the ground coconut and milk and
evaporated. Add the fenugreek seeds and soaked
mix well.
mango and stir-fry for about 4—5 minutes. Add the
raisins and amchoor and season with salt, then stir-
fry for about 1-2 minutes, before removing from
the heat and adjusting the seasoning, if necessary.


m Place 5 pieces of banana leaf on an oiled tawa or
griddle and spoon the vegetable mixture on top.
Cover with the remaining 5 pieces of leaf. Tuck the
Mochar Paturi edges of the top pieces under the vegetable mixture,
Banana Flowers Wrapped then bring the ends of the lower 5 pieces up and tie
over the top to make a parcel.
in Banana Leaves
Place the tawa or griddle over high heat and chargrill
Origin West Bengal until the leaves burn off one by one, to leave the last
Preparation time 20-30 minutes, plus soaking time leaf. Flip the parcel over carefully and repeat the
Cooking time 20 minutes process. When ready to serve, open the parcel.
Serves 5

1 large banana leaf (optional)_ # / OB p.391

250g / 9oz banana flowers
1 % teaspoons ground turmeric
200g / 7oz wax gourd, de-seeded and cut into dice Nadru Yakhani
125g / 4%oz (1 medium) onion, chopped Lotus Root Curry
1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
Origin Jammu and Kashmir
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
Preparation time 15 minutes
salt Cooking time 35 minutes
Serves 4
For the mustard paste
125g / 414oz (% cup) yellow and black mustard seeds 500g / 1 lb 2oz lotus roots_
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 3Vz tablespoons ghee
1 teaspoon sugar 2 black cardamom pods
125ml / 4M oz 0/2 cup) mustard oil, plus extra for 4 green cardamom pods
oiling 5 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
If using the banana leaf, soften the leaf (see page 1 teaspoon ground aniseed
174) and cut into 10 pieces the size of your tawa or
1 teaspoon ground ginger
griddle. Alternatively, use foil.
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
Peel the red covering sheaths off the banana salt
flowers and pick out the yellow flowers. Remove
the stamens from the centre and the tough calyx Cook the lotus roots in a pan of boiling water for
at the bottom. Chop the tender flower petals and 10 minutes, or until half done.
soak them in water with 1 teaspoon of turmeric
for at least 1 hour, and preferably overnight. Drain Heat the ghee in another pan over low heat, add the
and squeeze out the water. whole spices together with the aniseed and ground
ginger, then season with salt and cook for about
For the mustard paste, put the mustard seeds, 10 minutes stirring constantly. Add the lotus roots,
2 chillies, the sugar, 2 tablespoons water and reduce the heat and simmer for a further 10 minutes,
the mustard oil in a blender or mortar and season or until tender. Stir in the yoghurt and simmer over
with salt. Process or pound with a pestle to low heat for 2 minutes.
make a paste.

Put the prepared banana flowers, wax gourd, onions,

chilli powder, the rest of the turmeric, 6 green
chilies and the mustard paste in a large bowl and
mix together.


# / QD p.392

Dum Nadru Gajar Matar

Spicy Baked Lotus Roots Peas & Carrots

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Punjab

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 25 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

150g / 5oz (% cup) ghee or vegetable oil_ 2Vz tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee_
500g /1 lb 2oz lotus roots, cut diagonally 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 medium) potatoes, cut in half 2 onions, chopped
pinch of asafoetida 2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
4 cloves 1 clove garlic, chopped_
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 x 1 -cm / y2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
500g /1 lb 2oz (31/2 cups) peas, shelled if fresh and chopped
2 green chillies de-seeded (optional) and chopped 1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons ground coriander 1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 1 tomato, chopped
and chopped 250g / 9oz (1% cups) peas, shelled if fresh
1 teaspoon ground ginger 125g / 4%oz (2 medium) carrots, cut into dice
2 teaspoons sugar salt
1 teaspoon Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56)
Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan
over high heat, then reduce the heat, add the cumin
seeds and stir-fry for 30 seconds, or until they start
Heat i25g / 4/2 oz (about h cup) ghee or oil in a large,
to splutter. Add the onions and fry over medium heat
heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over medium heat,
for about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown.
add the lotus roots and potatoes and fry for about
5 minutes, or until light brown. Remove from the
Add the chillies, garlic and ginger and stir-fry for
heat and set aside.
2 minutes. Add the ground spices, then season with
salt and stir-fry for a further 2 minutes. Sprinkle in
Heat the remaining ghee or oil in another large
3 tablespoons water and stir. Continue cooking the
pan over medium heat, add the asafoetida, cloves
spices for a further 2 minutes, then add the chopped
and cumin seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
tomato and cook for 2—3 minutes. Add the peas and
or until the seeds start to splutter. Add the lotus
carrots, reduce the heat to low, cover and cook for
roots, potatoes, peas, 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water,
about 5-8 minutes, or until the vegetables are done.
the rest of the spices and the sugar. Season with salt
and simmer for 15 minutes, tossing the vegetables
occasionally, or until soft.


vj'* 0

Gogji Mujh
Black Cumin-flavoured Turnips Radishes in Thick Yoghurt Sauce

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 15 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 30-40 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 4

500 g /1 lb 2oz (4 medium) turnips, peeled 1 tablespoon mustard oil_

and cut into quarters 400g / 14oz (31/2 cups) mooli (daikon), sliced into
2 tablespoons Kashmiri red chilli powder discs, about 1 cm / V2 inch thick
vegetable oil, for shallow-frying pinch of asafoetida
3 teaspoons ground turmeric 1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder
5 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm /1 inch long 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
8 green cardamom pods 1 teaspoon sugar
5 black cardamom pods 1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 tablespoon Fried Onion Paste (see page 57) II/2 teaspoons ground aniseed
1 tablespoon garlic water 1 teaspoon Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56)
125g / 4V20Z p/2 cup) ghee salt
11/2 tablespoons sugar
V2 teaspoon black cumin seeds Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over high heat.
When hot, remove from the heat and allow to cool
for a short while. Reheat the oil over medium heat,
add the mooli and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes, or until
Put the turnips in a bowl or shallow dish, add
light brown. Remove from the pan with a slotted
1 teaspoon salt and mix together. Set aside for about
spoon and set aside.
15 minutes, then rinse and pat dry on kitchen paper
(paper towels).
In the same oil, add the asafoetida and chilli
powder and stir-fry for a few seconds, then reduce
Put the chilli powder in a small bowl, add
the heat to low, add the yoghurt, sugar and season
4 tablespoons water and mix together.
with salt. Continue cooking for 5—7 minutes,
stirring constantly to make sure it does not curdle.
Heat enough oil for shallow-frying in a kadhai or
When the oil separates out, add the fried radish
deep, heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the
pieces and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water. Add the
turnips and shallow-fry for 5-7 minutes, or until
ground ginger and aniseed and bring to the boil.
reddish brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and
Cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes, then
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
sprinkle over the garam masala and stir.
Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (2'4 cups) water to the boil in
a deep, heavy-based pan. Add the turmeric, cinnamon
sticks, cardamom pods, fried onion paste, Kashmiri
chilli powder mixture, garlic water and ghee and
season with salt. Continue to boil for about 8 minutes.

Add the fried turnips and sugar to the pan and cook
for about 15-20 minutes, or until the turnips are
tender. Sprinkle over the black cumin seeds and
simmer for about 3 minutes.


Munakkaigguru Vazhai Thandu Kari
Drumstick Curry Banana Stem Curry

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 20 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4

250g / 9oz (4 small) potatoes_ 1 x 30-cm / 12-inch long banana stem

6 (vegetable) drumsticks, cut into 6-cm / 2y2-inch 2 teaspoons moong dal, rinsed and drained
pieces and tied in bundles 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) sour buttermilk
3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
' 3 onions, sliced y> teaspoon mustard seeds
2 tomatoes, chopped 1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 dried red chilli
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 2 teaspoons grated fresh coconut
!4 teaspoon ground turmeric salt
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground coriander Remove the outer skin from the banana stem and
slice it, then cut the slices into pieces. Add the
1 teaspoon ground cumin
moong dal and buttermilk to the chopped stems,
3 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded then season with salt and mix well. Set aside for
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped about 15 minutes.
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh
(see page 781) or canned Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for
1 tablespoon lime juice
about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
the urad dal and dried red chilli and stir-fry for
Cook the potatoes in a pan of boiling water for
1 minute. Reduce the heat to low.
about io minutes, or until soft. Drain, allow to cool,
then peel off the skins.
Add the buttermilk and vegetable mixture to the pan,
and keep stirring over low heat for about 10 minutes,
Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (2‘A cups) water to the boil in
or until the banana stem is cooked. Add the grated
a large, heavy-based pan, add the drumsticks and
coconut and mix well, then simmer for a further
cook for 10 minutes, or until soft. Drain, reserving
2 minutes before serving.
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the onions and fry for about
5—7 minutes, or until golden. Add the potatoes,
tomatoes, ginger and garlic pastes and the ground
spices and fry well. Add the drumsticks and the
reserved water and bring to the boil. Cook for
5—10 minutes, then reduce the heat, add the chillies,
coriander leaves and the coconut milk and simmer
for a few minutes. Stir in the lime juice and remove
from the heat.


vp To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients
in a blender or food processor and process to make
a paste.
Kachche Kele ke Kofte
Spicy Green Banana Balls in Sauce Put the ground cumin in a small bowl, add
2 tablespoons water and stir together.
Origin Hyderabad
Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
Preparation time 40 minutes
heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for 1 minute,
Cooking time 15-18 minutes
or until they start to splutter. Add the cumin mixture
Serves 4
and stir fry for about 2 minutes. Remove from the
heat and slowly stir in the yoghurt.
400g / 14oz (2% cups) peas, shelled if fresh_
500g /11b 2oz unripe green bananas Return the pan to the heat, add the mashed peas
11/2 teaspoons ground turmeric with the spice paste, and cook for 2 minutes. Pour
3 tablespoons green chilli paste in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and bring to the
1n/2 tablespoons Kashmiri Garam Masala boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about
2 minutes. Gently lower the koftas into the sauce
(see page 56)
and simmer for 2 minutes. Add the coriander,
2 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning.
125ml / 4V2fl oz (1/2 cup) vegetable oil, for deep-frying
1 tablespoon vegetable oil or ghee
1 teaspoon ground cumin #

1 teaspoon cumin seeds

250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
(see page 793), whisked
Bamboo Shoots with Green Chillies
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
salt Origin Tribal North East India
Preparation time 10 minutes
For the spice paste Cooking time 30 minutes
1 teaspoon cumin seeds_ Serves 4
1 tablespoon ground coriander
500g /11b 2oz tender bamboo shoots
80g / 2 %oz (1 cup) grated coconut
20-25 green chillies
4-6 green chillies
2 tablespoons sugar

Bring 1.5 litres / 2'h pints (614 cups) water to the boil
Cook the peas in a pan of boiling water for 5—7
in a large, heavy-based pan. Add the bamboo shoots
minutes, or until soft. Drain, return to the pan and
and green chillies, then reduce the heat and simmer
mash with a wooden spatula or potato masher.
for about 20 minutes until tender.
Set aside.

Drain and reserve the chillies. Put the chillies with

Boil the bananas in a pan of boiling water for about
a little salt in a small blender or food processor and
5-7 minutes, then drain, allow to cool slightly and
peel off the skins. Put the bananas in a large bowl process to make a smooth paste. Cut the bamboo
and mash with a potato masher or fork, then mix in shoots into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces and mix with the
chilli paste before serving.
the turmeric, green chilli paste, garam masala and
gram flour, and season with salt. Divide the mixture
into equal portions and roll into balls or shape like
small sausages.

Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,

heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o‘F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat.
Working in batches, carefully lower the koftas into
the hot oil and deep-fry for about 1—2 minutes,
or until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).


0 0

Gaderi ki Dahidali Subzi Kappa Puzhukku

Yam in Yoghurt Sauce Cassava Porridge

Origin Uttarakhand Origin Kerala

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 35 minutes Cooking time 35-40 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 6

125ml / 4m oz p/2 cup) mustard oil_ 500g /1 lb 2oz (216 cups) cassava, thickly peeled
1kg / 2 141b yam, peeled and cut into small pieces and cut into 1 -cm / 1/2-inch pieces wearing gloves
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt, (see below)
whisked salt
For the coconut paste
For the spice paste 1 coconut, grated_
4-5 dried red chillies_ 6 shallots, chopped
2 teaspoons coriander seeds 10-12 dried red chillies
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 14 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
For the tempering
1 tablespoon ghee For the tempering
3-4 dried red chillies I/2 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
To garnish 1 small sprig curry leaves
8 tablespoons coriander (cilantro) leaves
Cassava contains a toxin under the skin, which
2-3 green chillies
cooking destroys, but when peeling the root it
is advisable to remove a thick scraping of the
To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients in
skin and to wash your hands thoroughly after
a small blender or food processor and process to
make a rough paste.

To make the coconut paste, put all the ingredients

Heat the oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan
in a food processor or blender and process to make
over high heat, then reduce the heat. Add the yam
a coarse paste.
pieces and stir-fry for about i minute, then add the
spice paste and season with salt. Gently stir in the
Cook the cassava in a large, heavy-based pan of
yoghurt, then pour in about 500ml / i8fl oz (2 '/< cups)
boiling water over high heat for 30 minutes, or until
water, reduce the heat to low and simmer for about
cooked. Drain, return to the pan, then season with
30 minutes.
salt and mash with a potato masher.
Heat the ghee for the tempering in a small pan over
Return the pan to low heat, add the coconut paste
low heat, add the dried red chillies and fry for
and blend well, then cook for 5 minutes, stirring
2 minutes, or until the chillies turn a shade darker.
2 or 3 times.
Pour over the yam and cover for about 30 seconds.
Stir and garnish with coriander leaves and whole
Heat the oil for the tempering in a small frying pan
green chillies.
(skillet) over medium heat, add the mustard seeds
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they start
to splutter. Add the remaining ingredients and stir-
fry for a further 1 minute. Pour over the cassava,
mix well and serve.

m Put the poppy seeds in a spice grinder or mortar and
process or pound with a pestle until ground. Transfer
to a bowl and mix in the ground cumin powder,
Thor Muri Ghonto coriander, chilli powder and 2 tablespoons water.
Banana Stem Cooked with Rice
Heat the ghee in a kadhai, wok or large, heavy-
based pan over medium heat, add the bay leaves,
Origin West Bengal
cardamom pods, cloves and cinnamon and stir
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking and
fry for 2-3 minutes, then add the poppy seed mixture
standing time
and fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until the spices
Cooking time 35-40 minutes
change colour and smell fragrant. Add the rice and
Serves 4
stir-fry for 10 minutes.

25-cm / 10-inch long banana stem, cut into_

Squeeze out all the water from the banana stems and
6-cm / 21^-inch pieces knead it with your hands to a pulp. Add to the pan,
pinch of ground turmeric mix well with the rice, then pour in about 500ml /
200g / 7oz (1 cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained i8fl oz (2 % cups) water and season with salt. Cover
y2 tablespoon raisins and simmer over medium heat for about 15 minutes,
or until the rice is nearly done.
1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 potatoes, cut into 1 -cm / y2-inch dice Add the fried potatoes and raisins, stir, then reduce
1 y2 tablespoons poppy seeds the heat, cover and cook for a further 3—5 minutes,
y2 tablespoon ground cumin or until the rice is done. If the dish appears too dry,
y2 tablespoon ground coriander add 2 tablespoons ghee. Remove from the heat and
1 teaspoon chilli powder serve hot.

10Og / 3y2oz (scant y2 cup) ghee, plus 2 extra

tablespoons (optional)
4 bay leaves
4-5 green cardamom pods
6-8 cloves
1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long

Put the banana stem into a large bowl and mix in the
turmeric, then season with salt. Set aside for about
i hour.

Soak the basmati rice in a large bowl of water for

about 10—15 minutes. Drain and dry the rice out as
much as possible by spreading it out on a large plate.

Put the raisins in a bowl, pour in 125ml / 4/zfl oz

O/2 cup) water and soak until required.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the potatoes and fry for about
7—8 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
from the pan and set aside. Drain the raisins and
add them to the pan. Stir-fry for about 2 minutes.


# ##
•7F' »7F'

Hingwali Chukandar Artikai Kura

Beetroot (Beet) with Asafoetida Curried Bananas with Coconut

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 35 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

14 teaspoon asafoetida_ 4 unripe green bananas_

1 tablespoon ground coriander Vz cup desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric pinch of ground turmeric
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour
2 large beetroot (beet), peeled and cut into dice 6 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee
2 large potatoes, cut into small cubes 4 cloves
2Vz tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 onions, chopped
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds 4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon aniseed seeds salt
1 teaspoon ajwain seeds
Cook the bananas with the skin on in a large, heavy-
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
based pan of boiling water for about 7 minutes, or
1 teaspoon ajwain seeds, ground
until soft. Remove from the pan and allow to cool,
1 tablespoon lime juice (optional) then peel. Cut each banana into 2.5-cm / i-inch
salt pieces.

Put the asafoetida in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons Mix the grated coconut and turmeric together in a
water and mix together. Set aside. bowl and season with salt. Add the gram flour to the
coconut mixture. Set aside.
Put the ground coriander, turmeric and chilli powder
in a medium-sized bowl, pour in 750ml / \'U pints Heat the oil or ghee in a large frying pan (skillet)
(3‘4 cups) water and stir together, then strain through over medium heat, add the cloves and garlic paste
a sieve (strainer) into a large, heavy-based pan and and stir-fry for about 1 minute. Add the onions
bring to the boil. Add the vegetables, reduce the heat and chillies and stir-fry for about 10 minutes until
and simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until they are soft. lightly browned, then add the bananas and coconut
Remove from the heat, add the yoghurt and season mixture and fry for 2 minutes.
with salt. Return to a low heat and simmer gently for
a further 5 minutes.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high

heat, then reduce the heat. Add the fenugreek,
aniseed and ajwain seeds and stir-fry for 1 minute, or
until they start to splutter. Pour over the vegetables,
then cover and simmer for a few minutes, before
removing from the heat.

Add the asafoetida mixture to the pan, stir, cover,

return to the heat and cook for a further 2 minutes.
Add the chillies and ground ajwain and stir in the
lime juice if the beetroot is too sweet.


0 0 / oa p.4o 00

Artikai Podi Artikai Vepudu

Savoury Green Bananas Savoury Bananas

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 20-25 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 4

walnut-sized lump of tamarind_ 4 unripe green bananas_

1 tablespoon urad dal, rinsed and drained 125ml / 4y2fl oz (Vi cup) vegetable oil
1 tablespoon chana dal, rinsed and drained pinch of ground turmeric
10-12 curry leaves 1 tablespoon ground coriander
4 dried red chillies, broken into pieces Vi teaspoon chilli powder
Vi teaspoon mustard seeds, ground 14 dried coconut, ground
4 unripe green bananas 1 teaspoon gram (chickpea) flour
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled salt
and ground
salt Peel and cut the bananas into slices icm / h inch
thick. Set aside.

For the tempering Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over
2 tablespoons sesame oil medium heat, add the bananas and turmeric and fry
1 teaspoon cumin seeds for about 12—15 minutes. Add a little water, cover and
few green chillies let the bananas simmer gently for about 2 minutes.

Put the tamarind in a bowl, add 2 tablespoons water Add the ground spices, ground coconut and gram
and soak for 10 minutes. Using your hands, mix well flour to the bananas, then season with salt and fry
then squeeze out the pulp through a sieve (strainer). for a further 2 minutes.
Set the extract aside and discard the pulp.

Heat a tawa, griddle or dry frying pan (skillet) over

medium heat, add the dais, curry leaves, broken red
chillies and mustard seeds and stir-fry briefly until
roasted and fragrant. Transfer to a spice grinder and
process to make a coarse powder.

Peel and cut the bananas into 2.5-cm / i-inch long

pieces. Place the pieces in a large, heavy-based pan,
pour in 125ml / ^/zfl oz O/2 cup) water and cook over
low heat for 5 minutes. Add the ground spices and
ginger, and season with salt, then cook, adding a
little water if it sticks to the base (bottom) of the
pan, for about 15 minutes. Add the tamarind extract
and simmer for a few minutes.

Heat the oil for the tempering in a small frying pan

over medium heat, add the cumin seeds and chillies
and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until the seeds
start to splutter and the chillies change colour. Add
to the cooked mixture and mix well, then simmer
together for 1 minute. Serve hot.


'71v' /7Jv' #

Chikkudu Vepudu Artikai Pachadi

Stir-fried Broad (Fava) Beans Bananas in Spicy Yoghurt Sauce

Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 25 minutes plus cooling time
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

250g / 9oz (1% cups) tender broad (fava) beans, 2 unripe green bananas_
cut into 2.5-cm / 1 -inch pieces 1/2 teaspoon chopped ginger
pinch of ground turmeric pinch of ground turmeric
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece dried coconut, grated 6 green chillies,de-seeded and ground
1 teaspoon ground coriander 250ml / 8fl 02 (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 tablespoon fried chana dal 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 onion, chopped Vz teaspoon chana dal, rinsed and drained
Vz teaspoon ground garlic few dried red chillies
Vz teaspoon jaggery or soft brown sugar % teaspoon mustard seeds
salt salt

For the tempering To garnish

1 Vz tablespoons vegetable oil_ 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
5-6 curry leaves juice of Vz lime
'A teaspoon mustard seeds
Vz teaspoon cumin seeds Cook the bananas with the skin on in a large, heavy-
based pan of boiling water for about 7 minutes, or
Vz teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
until soft. Remove from the pan and allow to cool,
2 dried red chillies then peel. Cut each banana into 2.5-cm / i-inch pieces.

Put the broad beans and turmeric in just enough Mix the chopped ginger, turmeric, green chillies and
water to cover and cook for about 8 minutes, yoghurt together in a large heatproof bowl. Season
or until tender. All the water should be absorbed with salt and add the bananas.
while cooking.
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
Mix the grated coconut, ground coriander powder, heat, add the dais, dried red chillies and mustard
fried chana dal and chilli powder together in a bowl. seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the
seeds start to splutter and the dais turn golden. Pour
Heat the oil for the tempering in a large frying pan over the yoghurt mixture and cover immediately to
(skillet) over high heat, add all the ingredients and retain the aroma. After about 5 minutes, uncover and
stir-fry for about 30 seconds, or until the seeds start garnish with chopped coriander leaves and lime juice
to splutter and the chillies turn a shade darker. Add and serve immediately.
the onion and stir-fry for about 2—3 minutes, then
add the garlic and broad beans and fry for 2 minutes
until coated with spices. Reduce the heat to low,
then stir in the spice mixture and jaggery or sugar
and cook for about 4 minutes.


Chowgara Aloo Gobi Methi ka Tuk
Mixed Vegetables from Deccan Cauliflower with Fenugreek & Potatoes

Origin Hyderabad Origin New

Preparation time 11/2-2 hours Preparation time 25 minutes
Cooking time 20-30 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4

about 4-6 tablespoons vegetable oil, for frying_ 150g / 5oz (1 medium) potato, cut into quarters
lOOg / 31/20Z (2 small) potatoes, cut into pieces 750g / 11b lOoz (1 medium head) cauliflower, cut into
250g / 9oz (1% cups) peas, shelled if fresh medium-sized florets
150g / 5oz (2 medium) carrots, cut into pieces 6 tablespoons vegetable oil
150g / 5oz (II/3 cups) French (green) beans, topped 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
and tailed (trimmed), then cut into small pieces 20-25 curry leaves
200g / 7oz (1V2 cups) cauliflower, cut into florets 3V2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
150g / 5oz (1% cups) aubergines (eggplant), trimmed 1V2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
and cut into medium-sized pieces 200g / 7oz (3V3 cups) fenugreek leaves, chopped
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon yellow chilli powder
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon amchoor
2 green cardamom pods V2 teaspoon ground cumin powder
4 cloves 1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
1 bay leaf generous pinch of dried fenugreek leaves, crumbled
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm /1 inch long salt
1/2 teaspoon caraway seeds
lOOg /3V2QZ (1 small) onion, sliced Cook the potato quarters in a large pan of boiling
water for about 10 minutes, or until still quite firm.
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Drain and set aside.
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
125ml / Am oz (I/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, Meanwhile, blanch the cauliflower in another pan of
whisked boiling water for a few minutes. Drain and set aside.
1 tablespoon lemon juice
salt Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat, add the
mustard seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or
Heat half the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over until they start to splutter. Add the curry leaves and
stir-fry for a few seconds, then add the ginger and
medium heat and fry the potatoes, peas, carrots,
beans, cauliflower and aubergines (eggplant) garlic pastes and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or
until the moisture has evaporated.
separately for about 5-10 minutes, or until more
than half done. Set aside.
Add the fenugreek leaves and stir-fry for about 15
Put the turmeric and chilli powder in a small bowl, seconds, then add the cauliflower and yellow chilli
add 2 tablespoons water and mix together. Set aside. powder and season with salt. Stir, then reduce
the heat to low, cover and cook for about 5 minutes.
Put the cardamom pods, cloves, bay leaf, cinnamon
and caraway seeds in a mortar and pound with Uncover, increase the heat, add the potatoes
a pestle, or grind in a spice grinder. Set aside. and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes. Sprinkle over the
remaining ground spices and the dried fenugreek,
Heat the remaining oil over medium heat, add the then stir, remove from the heat and adjust the
onion and fry for 3 minutes, or until light brown. seasoning, if necessary.
Now add the ginger and garlic pastes and fry for
about 1 minute. Season with salt and add the turmeric
mixture. Add the fried vegetables, then stir in the
yoghurt, cover and cook over medium heat for about
5 minutes, or until the vegetables are done. Sprinkle
over the ground spices and lemon juice, and season.


vj's # / QD pp.554, 555

Subz Khara Masala Istoo

Mixed Vegetables with Whole Spices Vegetable Stew

Origin Awadh Origin Kerala

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 25 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 6

150ml /14 pint (% cup) groundnut (peanut) oil_ 250g / 9oz mixed vegetables of your choice, chopped
7 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 onion, chopped
3 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh
IQOg / 3V2QZ p/2 cup) spring onions (scallions),_ (see page 781) or canned_
trimmed and chopped 10-15 curry leaves
10Og / 31/20Z O/2 cup) French (green) beans, topped 2 tablespoons vegetable oil_
and tailed (trimmed), then cut diagonally 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
into small pieces and chopped_
10Og / 3Vzoz {% cup) peas, shelled, if fresh 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
10Og / 3V20Z (% cup) carrots, cut into dice salt
150g / 3V20Z potatoes, cut into cubes
250g / 31/20Z cauliflower, cut into florets Cook the vegetables in a large pan of lightly salted
boiling water for about 10 minutes, or until soft. Stir
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
in the coconut milk, add the curry leaves and simmer
1 teaspoon chilli powder for 1 minute.
10Og / 3V2OZ (1 small) tomato
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped Heat the oil in a small pan over medium heat, add
4 dried red chillies the ginger and stir-fry for about 1 minute. Pour into
the vegetables, mix well, then add the black pepper
20g / %oz p/2 cup) chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
and serve.
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
4 tablespoons chopped fenugreek leaves

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the ginger and garlic pastes and
stir-fry for about 30 seconds. Add the spring onions
and fry for 1 minute. Add the beans, peas, carrots,
potatoes and cauliflower and stir-fry for about
j minute, then add the turmeric and chilli powder
and stir to mix.

Add the tomatoes to the pan with both chillies and

the coriander and stir-fry for about 1 minute. Slowly
stir in the yoghurt, then add the fenugreek and
stir again. Add 375ml / 130 oz (1/2 cups) water, bring
almost to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer
for about 15 minutes, or until all the vegetables are
cooked and the moisture has evaporated. Adjust the
seasoning, if necessary.


'71'' '7I'N

Pulinkari Papad Methi ki Subzi

Sour Vegetable Curry Rajasthani Fenugreek

Origin Kerala Origin Rajasthan

Preparation time 20-30 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 20-30 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4

200g / 7oz (2 cups) pumpkin, peeled, de-seeded and 8 papad_

cut into 2.5-cm /1 -inch cubes 1 teaspoon ground coriander
lOOg / 3T/20Z (% cup) cucumber, peeled and cut into 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
2.5-cm / 1-inch cubes 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
salt 10Og / 3 V20Z (1 small) tomato, chopped
500g / 1 lb 2oz fenugreek leaves, chopped
For the coconut-spice paste 1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 coconut, grated_ salt
10 dried red chillies
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds Roast the papad in a dry frying pan (skillet) until
crisp, then set aside.

Put the ground coriander, chilli powder and

Cook the pumpkin and cucumber in a large pan
turmeric in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons water
of lightly salted water for about io minutes, or
and stir together.
until tender.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

To make the coconut spice paste, put the coconut in
medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for
a dry frying pan (skillet) and stir-fry over medium
about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
heat for about i minute. Add the red chillies and
the ginger paste, chillies and ground spice mixture
fenugreek seeds and stir-fry for another minute, or
and stir-fry for about 1 minute.
until roasted. Transfer to a small blender or food
processor and process until ground.
Add the tomato and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or
until the tomato is completely mashed, then add the
Stir the tamarind extract into the pan with the
fenugreek and season with salt. Stir-fry for a few
vegetables, add the coconut-spice paste, then bring
minutes until the fenugreek is cooked.
to the boil and remove from the heat immediately.

Crush 6 of the papads and add to the pan with the

Heat the oil in a small frying pan over medium heat,
lemon juice. Stir gently for about 1 minute, then
add the mustard seeds and chillies and stir-fry for
remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning, if
about i minute, or until the seeds start to splutter,
necessary. Break the remaining papads into pieces
then pour over the cooked vegetables.
and use as a garnish.


7Tps #

Shukto Deewani Handi

Mixed Vegetables with Bitter Gourd Mixed Vegetables (III)

Origin West Bengal Origin Awadh

Preparation time 1 hour Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4-6

1 teaspoon black mustard seeds_ 100ml / 3M oz (1/2 cup) vegetable oil_

2 tablespoons mustard oil pinch of asafoetida
12 small matar dal bori or 2 tablespoons masala y2 teaspoon cumin seeds
10Og / 31/20Z (% cup) sweet potatoes, peeled and cut 14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
into 4-cm /11/2-inch pieces 500g /1 lb 2oz (2 small) aubergines (eggplant),
10Og / 31/2OZ (1 medium) potato, peeled and cut into trimmed and finely chopped
4-cm / 1V2-inch pieces 125g / 4!4oz (4 cups) spinach, finely chopped
lOOg / 3V20Z (vegetable) drumstick, cleaned and cut 30g / 114oz 0/2 cup) fenugreek leaves, finely chopped
into 4-cm /11/2-inch lengthways pieces 1 mooli (daikon), peeled and finely chopped
lOOg / 3V2OZ (1 small) bitter gourd, peeled 1 onion, finely chopped
and cut into 4-cm / 11/2-inch pieces 1 tablespoon soy beans, fresh or frozen
lOOg / 3I/2OZ (1 cup) mooli (daikon), peeled 125ml / 4y2fl oz O/2 cup) milk
and cut into 4-cm / 1 y2-inch pieces y2 teaspoon chilli powder
10Og / 31/20Z plantains, peeled 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
and cut into 4-cm /11/2-inch pieces 1 teaspoon ground coriander
lOOg / 31/2OZ (% cup) broad (fava) beans, 1 teaspoon ground ginger
podded (shelled) 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
lOOg /3y2oz O/2 small) aubergine (eggplant), trimmed and crushed
and cut into pieces salt
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish
V2 teaspoon ajwain seed paste
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
2 bay leaves
medium heat, add the asafoetida, cumin and
1 teaspoon ghee_
fenugreek seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or
2 tablespoons milk_ until the seeds start to splutter. Immediately add
Paanch Phoren (see page 55), for sprinkling_ the vegetables, then cover and cook for about
salt 20 minutes, or until the liquid from the vegetables
has evaporated. With a ladle or wooden spoon,
Put the black mustard seeds and 1 teaspoon water keep stirring the vegetables so they fry well.
in a small blender and process to make a paste.
Set aside. Heat the mustard oil in a kadhai, wok or Add the milk and the remaining spices to the pan,
deep, heavy-based pan over high heat, then reduce then season with salt and stir-fry for a few more
the heat. Add the matar dal bor and fry for a few minutes until the milk is absorbed by the vegetables
minutes, then remove from the pan and set aside. and oil appears on the surface. Remove from the
heat and garnish with coriander leaves.
Add the sweet potatoes, potatoes, drumsticks and
bitter gourd to the pan and stir-fry for about
2 minutes. Add the rest of the vegetables and stir-fry
for a further 2 minutes. Put the ginger paste, black
mustard paste and ajwain seed paste in a bowl and
mix in a little water, then add to the vegetables.
Season with salt, cover and cook for about 10
minutes, or until the vegetables are done. Add the
bori, bay leaves and ghee and cook for a further
2 minutes. Add the milk, cover and remove the pan
from the heat. Sprinkle with paanch phoren.

Fish and Seafood

'/jv' VP' Add the boris and stir-fry for 2 minutes, or until they
darken in colour. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
Maachher Jhol
Spicy Fish with Vegetables Reduce the heat to low, then working in batches if
necessary, add the fish to the pan and fry for about
1 minute on both sides. Remove with a slotted spoon
Origin West Bengal
and set aside.
Preparation 30 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes
Pour out all but 2 tablespoons of the oil, add the
Serves 4
vegetables and stir-fry for about 5 minutes. Pour
the ground spice mixture over the vegetables, add
500g / 1 lb 2oz rui or any other firm white fish, such
the sugar and season with salt. Cover and continue
as red snapper or halibut, cleaned and rinsed cooking until all the vegetables are done to your
1 Vz teaspoons ground turmeric taste. Add the fish and boris and cook for a further
1 teaspoon chilli powder 5 minutes, or until cooked.
1 Vz teaspoons ground cumin
Heat the mustard oil for the tempering in a small
1 Vz teaspoons ground coriander
frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil paanch phoren, dried red chillies and bay leaf and
4 potatoes, cut into quarters stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the paanch
pinch of asafoetida phoren begins to splutter and smell fragrant and
6 boris the chillies turn a shade darker. Pour over the
150g / 5oz wax gourd, peeled, de-seeded fish and simmer for 1 minute.

and sliced lengthways

lOOg / 3V20Z (vegetable) drumsticks, cut into
5-cm / 2-inch pieces
1 teaspoon sugar

For the tempering

2 teaspoons mustard oil_
1 teaspoon Paanch Phoren (see page 55)
2 dried red chillies
1 bay leaf

Cut the fish into 2.5-cm / i-inch thick steaks with the
bone, then place in a large shallow dish and rub with
the turmeric and a little salt. Cover and set aside.

Put all the ground spices in a small bowl, pour in

750ml / i'A pints (31/4 cups) water and mix together.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

high heat, then reduce the heat. Add the asafoetida
and stir-fry for about 30 seconds, or until it
has dissolved.


lllich Maachh Annanas Poshto Maachh

Hilsa with Pineapple Fish with Poppy Seeds

Origin West Bengal Origin West Bengal

Preparation 20 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 25 minutes plus cooling time
Cooking time 25 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

600g / 1 lb 5oz hilsa (shad) or other large firm fish 500g / 1 lb 2oz pomfret (butterfish) fillets or other flat
fillets, such as haddock or mackerel, trimmed fish, trimmed_
1 Vz teaspoons ground turmeric 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 5 tablespoons mustard oil
and grated 4 dried red chillies
1 tablespoon aniseeds 10 curry leaves
125ml / 4V2fl oz (Vfe cup) mustard oil 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
2 bay leaves 1 Vz tablespoons poppy seeds
4 cloves 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
4 green cardamom pods 2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm /I inch long 1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon chilli powder salt
6 slices fresh or canned pineapple, chopped
Cut the fish into equal-sized pieces, place in a large
shallow dish and rub with the turmeric and a little
salt. Cover and set aside.
Cut the fish into equal-sized pieces, then place in
a large shallow dish and rub the fish with the turmeric
To make the spice paste, heat the oil in a large,
and a little salt. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator
heavy-based pan over high heat, then reduce the
for about 30 minutes.
heat. Add the dried red chillies and curry leaves and
stir-fry for about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat
Put the ginger in a mortar with a little water and
and allow to cool.
pound with a pestle or process in a small blender
to make a smooth paste, then set aside. Add the
When the chillies and curry leaves are cool, transfer
aniseeds to the mortar or blender with a little water
them to a blender, add the coriander, poppy seeds,
and pound to make a smooth paste. Set aside.
cumin seeds and green chillies and process, adding
a little water if necessary, to make a smooth paste.
Heat 2 tablespoons mustard oil in a kadhai or large,
heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over low heat, then,
Reheat the oil in the pan over high heat, add the
working in batches if necessary, add the fish and
spice paste and stir-fry over high heat for 1 minute,
lightly fry for about 1 minute on both sides. Remove
sprinkling with a little water to avoid burning. Pour
from the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside.
in 125ml / 4'Afl oz ('A cup) water, bring to the boil,
add the sugar and season with salt. Stir, then add
Heat the remaining oil in the pan over medium heat,
the fish pieces, reduce the heat and simmer for
add the bay leaves and whole spices and stir-fry for
7-8 minutes, or until the fish is cooked.
about 2 minutes, or until they change colour. Add the
ground spices together with the ginger and aniseed
pastes and stir-fry for about 2—3 minutes, or until
the oil separates out. Add the pineapple pieces and
season with salt.

Pour in 125ml / 4'Afl oz 0A cup) water, bring to

the boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer
for 5 minutes. Add the fish, cover and cook for
about 15 minutes, turning the fish once, taking care
it does not break, or until it is cooked.


Paturi Maachh Maachher Roast
Fish in Banana Leaves Roast Fish

Origin West Bengal Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 25 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 25 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

banana leaves (optional)_ 500g 71 lb 2oz skinless parshey, red mullet or red
400g /14oz any firm white fish of choice, snapper fillets, trimmed
cut into 8 fillets, trimmed V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon yellow mustard seeds 1 onion, roughly chopped
1 teaspoon black mustard seeds 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
2 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) and chopped 3 tablespoons ghee
1 teaspoon ground turmeric_ Vz teaspoon chilli powder
125ml / 4M oz C/2 cup) mustard oil, plus extra Vz teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder
for cooking 1 tablespoon vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon sugar
salt 3-4 green chillies, slit lengthways and de-seeded
If using banana leaves, soften the leaves (see
page 174) and cut into 20-cm / 8-inch squares. Using a sharp knife, score the fish on the side that had
Alternatively, use squares of foil. the skin, then place in a large shallow dish and rub
with the turmeric and a little salt. Cover and set aside
Put the fish fillets in a large shallow dish and rub in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
gently and evenly with salt. Cover and set aside.
Meanwhile, put the onion and ginger in a blender or
Put the yellow and black mustard seeds, green food processor and process, adding a little water if
chillies, turmeric, mustard oil and sugar in a blender necessary, to make a paste.
or food processor, season with salt and process to
make a smooth paste. Spread the paste evenly over Heat 2 tablespoons of the ghee in a large, heavy-
the the fish. based pan over medium heat, add the fish and fry for
1-2 minutes on both sides until light golden in
Arrange the banana leaf or foil squares on a clean colour. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon
flat surface, placing one strip over the other to and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
form a cross. Place one fillet each in the centre of
the crosses and fold the strips over to form neat Add another tablespoon of ghee to the pan and
parcels resembling envelopes. Secure with kitchen heat over high heat, then reduce the heat. Add the
string (twine). chilli powders and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or
until the spices change colour. Add the vinegar and
Coat a tawa, griddle or non-stick frying pan (skillet) sugar and season with salt. Add the green chillies
with a thin film of oil and heat over low heat. and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Pour in 125ml / 4&fl oz
Working in batches, place the parcels in the pan (14 cup) water, then place the fish gently into the
and cook for 5—6 minutes gently turning once, pan, spooning the sauce over the fish, reduce the
or until the fish is cooked. heat, cover and simmer for a further 5 minutes,
until the fish is cooked.



Musallam Bharwan Machhali Dum ki Machhali

Whole Stuffed Fish Slow-cooked Aromatic Fish

Origin Awadh Origin Awadh

Preparation time 30-40 minutes, plus marinating Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
time Cooking time 15 minutes
Cooking time 40 minutes Serves 4
Serves 4
1 kg / 2141b skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed
1 x 1 -kg / 2%-lb whole bhetki fish, or any other firm 10Og / 3y2oz (scant Vz cup) ghee
white fish, such as red snapper, cleaned 14 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 lime % teaspoon ground nutmeg
vegetable oil, for oiling 14 teaspoon black cumin seeds, ground
14 teaspoon ground green cardamom
For the filling 14 teaspoon ground cloves
2 tablespoons ghee_
3 large onions, thinly sliced For the marinade
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 2 tablespoons desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 2 tablespoons poppy seeds
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
50g /1%oz (1 cup) chopped mint leaves 5 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
50g /1%oz (1 cup) chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves 3 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
salt 125ml / Am oz O/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt,
Using a sharp knife, score the fish on both sides,
1 teaspoon chilli powder
place in a large shallow dish and rub salt all over,
then squeeze over the lime. Cover and marinate 1 teaspoon ground cumin
in the refrigerator for z hours. 2 tablespoons lemon juice
Heat the ghee in a large frying pan (skillet) over
medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about To make the marinade, heat a tawa, griddle or dry
5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the ginger frying pan (skillet), add the desiccated coconut and
and garlic pastes, chilli powder, and chopped herbs, poppy and mustard seeds and stir-fry for about
season with salt and stir-fry for 2—3 minutes, then 1 minute, or until roasted and fragrant. Transfer to
remove from the heat. a blender, add a little water and process to make
a moist but coarse paste. Transfer to a bowl, add
Stuff the fish with the mixture and secure with the ginger and garlic pastes, yoghurt, chilli powder,
kitchen string (twine), then place it in a large oiled ground cumin and lemon juice, then season with
shallow kadhai or frying pan and cook over low salt and mix well.
heat for about 30 minutes.
Put the fish fillets in a large shallow dish and rub the
marinade evenly over them. Cover and marinate in
the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Melt the ghee in a large frying pan over very low

heat, add the marinated fish with the marinade,
then add the ground spices, cover and cook for
15 minutes, or until the fish is cooked.


# / ea p.4oo Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy-
based pan to i8o°C/35o’F, or until a cube of bread
browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat slightly.
Machhali Musallam Carefully add the fish to the hot oil and deep-fry
Stuffed Fish for about 4 minutes, or until crisp and golden brown
on both sides. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 1 hour
To make the spice paste, mix the fried onion,
Cooking time 20 minutes
garlic and ginger pastes, yoghurt and chilli powder
Serves 4-6
together in a bowl, then season with salt.

1 x 1-kg / 2-14lb whole fish, cleaned_

Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet), add the
150ml /14 pint (% cup) vegetable oil, plus extra spice paste and stir-fry for about 2-3 minutes, or until
for deep-frying and oiling specks of oil appear on the surface. Add the roasted
1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour, roasted gram flour and stir-fry for a further 2-3 minutes.
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) Remove the pan from the heat, add the remaining
ingredients, stir and season with salt.
Vz teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper, roasted
pinch of ground nutmeg Arrange the fried fish in a large oiled roasting tray
melted butter, for basting (pan). Thickly spread half the paste on top, then turn
salt the fish over and spread the remaining paste on the
other side. Cover and bake in the oven for about
20 minutes, basting with butter frequently.
For the marinade
3 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) .
1 Vz teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
4 tablespoons lemon juice

For the spice paste

100g / 31/2QZ Fried Onion Paste (see page 57)
3 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 teaspoon chilli powder

Preheat the oven to i5o‘C/30o’G/Gas Mark 2.

Using a sharp knife, score the fish with 3 deep slashes

on each side. Place the fish in a large shallow dish.

To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients

together in a bowl and season with salt. Rub
the marinade evenly over the fish. Cover and set
aside for about 5 minutes.



Machhali ka Salan Masala Pomfret

Curried Fish from Hyderabad Spicy Stuffed Pomfret (Butterfish)

Origin Awadh Origin Coastal

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking and
Cooking time 30 minutes marinating time
Serves 4 Cooking time 10-12 minutes
Serves 6-8
800g / 1%lb firm white fish fillets, cleaned
1 Vz teaspoons ground turmeric 1 x 500-g /I lb 2-oz whole pomfret (butterfish), plaice
5 tablespoons vegetable oil (flounder) or grey (striped) mullet, cleaned, head,
3 onions, sliced _ tail and fins removed
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 125ml / AM oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil, for
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) shallow-frying
1V2 teaspoons chilli powder
3 teaspoons ground coriander For the marinade
4 tomatoes, chopped 4 dried red chillies, de-seeded_
4-6 dried red chillies 1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) 11/2 teaspoons cumin seeds
125ml / AM oz {V2 cup) coconut milk, fresh 10-12 cloves garlic
(see page 781) or canned 1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
salt 1 teaspoon sugar
Put the fish fillets in a large shallow dish and
rub with the turmeric and a little salt. Cover and To make the marinade, put the dried red chillies
set aside. in a bowl, add the vinegar and soak for about
15 minutes.
Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over medium
heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, Transfer the dried red chillies to a blender or food
or until light brown. Add the ginger and garlic pastes processor, add the cumin seeds, garlic, ginger and
and season with salt, then add the chilli powder and sugar, season with salt and process to make a paste.
ground coriander and continue to stir-fry for a further
2 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes, chillies and Put the fish in a large shallow dish and rub the
tamarind extract and cook for about 5 minutes, fish well inside and out with the paste. Cover and
or until the moisture has evaporated and the spices marinate in the refrigerator for at least 3—4 hours.
are blended.
Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over low
Pour in about 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and bring heat, add the fish and shallow-fry for about 5-6
to the boil. Carefully lower the fish fillets into the minutes on each side. Remove from the pan and
pan, reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 8—10 drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
minutes, or until the fish is cooked. Uncover, add the
coconut milk and stir gently. Simmer for 2 minutes
before serving.


'7F' ■7F' Prepare a charcoal grill for a moderate heat or
preheat the oven to i8o°C/35o’F/Gas Mark 4.

Bhunee Machhali Thread the fish on to several metal skewers and

Grilled (Broiled) Trout roast over the charcoal grill or in the oven for
7—8 minutes. Remove the skewers from the heat
and hang them up over a tray for about 5 minutes to
Origin Jammu and Kashmir
allow any excess moisture to drain out completely.
Preparation time 35 minutes, plus marinating time
Put the skewers in a dish, baste with melted butter
Cooking time 10-12 minutes
and roast again for about 3—4 minutes.
Serves 4

4 trouts, cleaned and rinsed m


3 tablespoons mustard oil

V/z teaspoons ground turmeric
melted butter, for basting Ranith Gaad
salt Kashmiri Fish Curry

For the first marinade Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 15 minutes
V/z teaspoons yellow chilli powder
Cooking time 1 hour
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) Serves 6
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see apge 57)
2 teaspoons lemon juice 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil_
1 kg / 2141b skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed
For the second marinade 1 Vz teaspoons chilli powder
375ml /13fl oz (V/z cups) natural (plain) yoghurt 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon ground aniseed
1 Vz teaspoons yellow chilli powder 2 cloves
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) small pinch of asafoetida
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
Using a sharp knife, make 4 deep incisions on each
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
side of the fish and pat dry with kitchen paper
(paper towels). Set aside. 1 teaspoon Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56)
To make the first marinade, mix all the ingredients,
including a pinch of salt, together in a bowl. Heat the oil in a deep, heavy-based pan to i8o*C/35o”F,
or until a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds.
Put the fish in a single layer in a large shallow Working in batches, carefully add the fish to the hot
dish and spread the marinade evenly over. Cover oil and deep-fry for about 1 minute, or until golden
and marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on
kitchen paper (paper towels).
To make the second marinade, mix all the ingredients
together in a bowl. Season with salt and set aside. Pour about 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water into a
large, heavy-based pan and add all the spices, except
Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over the Kashmiri garam masala, then season with salt.
medium-high heat, add the turmeric and stir-fry for Stir the mixture and bring to the boil. Once the
about io seconds, then remove the pan from the heat water starts boiling gently add the fried fish pieces,
and slowly pour in the yoghurt mixture and stir to reduce the heat to medium and cook for about
combine. Rub this mixture over the fish, then cover 30 minutes, or until the sauce thickens and the oil
and marinate for a further 1 hour. separates out and rises to the surface. Sprinkle
over the Kashmiri garam masala and simmer for
a further 2 minutes.


# # / CD p.396 # # / CD p.397

Karimeen Polichattu Tikha Maslyatil Tali Macchi

Pearl Fish Pan Grilled in Banana Leaf Piquant Fish Fry

Origin Kerala Origin Coastal

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 20-30 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

4 x 200g / 7oz pearl spot fish or pomfret (butterfish) 1 kg / 2'Ab surmai or mackerel fillets, trimmed
fillets, trimmed vegetable oil, for frying
4 banana leaves, softened (see page 174) (optional) salt
vegetable oil, for frying
For the marinade
For the marinade t teaspoon ground turmeric_
75g / 2y2oz baby (pearl) onions, crushed 1 teaspoon chilli powder
4 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2Vz teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 2 tablespoons lime juice
1 Vz teaspoons chilli powder
20 curry leaves For the spice paste
4 tablespoons coconut oil 6 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
salt 2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 teaspoons ground coriander
To make the marinade, put the onions in a large
bowl, add the remaining ingredients, season with Put the fish in a large shallow dish. Mix the turmeric,
salt and mix well. Place the fish in a single layer chilli powder, the ginger and garlic pastes, a little
in a large shallow dish and rub the marinade evenly salt and the lime juice together in a bowl. Rub the
over. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator for mixture evenly over the fish, then cover and set
15 minutes. aside in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Wrap 1 fish fillet in each banana leaf, if using, then, To make the spice paste, put the chillies, ground
fold over the sides and set aside. Alternatively, use spices and a little salt in a food processor or
squares of foil. small blender and process, adding a little water
if necessary, to make a paste. Coat the fish with
Heat a tawa, griddle or large non-stick frying pan the paste.
(skillet) over medium heat. Sprinkle with a little
water and clean thoroughly, then spread a little oil Heat enough oil for frying in a large frying pan
on the pan and, working in batches, arrange the (skillet) over medium heat. Working in batches,
wrapped fish fillets on top. Cook for 5^7 minutes, add the fish and fry for 5 minutes on each side.
turning 2 to 3 times, adding a little oil each time you Remove and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
turn the parcels.


m Put the dal in a medium-sized, heavy-based pan, add
the turmeric and 1 litre / 1% pints (4% cups) water,
then season with salt and bring to the boil. Cook
Dhan-Dal Patio for about 25 minutes, or until the dal is soft. Remove
Fish with Lentils from the heat and press the dal through a sieve
(strainer) into a bowl.
Origin Parsi
Heat ioog / b'/zoz (scant h cup) ghee in a large, heavy-
Preparation time 45 minutes-1 hour
based pan over medium heat, add half the sliced
Cooking time 40-45 minutes
onions and fry for about 5-7 minutes, or until
Serves 4
brown. Add the spice paste and turmeric and stir-fry
for 1 minute, then add the coriander and dhansak
450g / 1 lb firm white fish, such as pomfret_
masala and stir-fry for about 30 seconds. Add the
(butterfish), cleaned tomatoes and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until
lOOg / 3T/20Z (scant Vz cup) ghee the masala becomes smooth.
250g / 9oz (2 small) onions, sliced
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric Pour 400ml / 14fl oz (1% cups) water into the pan
and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat, cover and
6 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
simmer for about 5 minutes. Season with salt,
1 teaspoon Dhansak Masala (see page 54) then add the tamarind extract and jaggery or sugar
90g / 3!4oz (1 small) tomato, chopped and simmer for a further 2—3 minutes. Add the
3 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58) aubergines and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
1 tablespoon jaggery or soft brown sugar Add the fish to the pan and simmer gently for about
10Og / 3V20Z (1 !4 cups) aubergines (eggplant), 5 minutes, or until the fish is cooked.

trimmed and cut into small pieces

Heat the remaining ghee in a separate medium¬
salt sized, heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the
remaining onions and fry for about 5—7 minutes, or
For the spice paste until brown. Reserve half the onions for the garnish,
1 tablespoon chopped garlic add the garlic to the pan and stir-fry for about 1—2
minutes, or until brown. Add the pureed dal and stir-
10 dried red chillies
fry for 2 minutes. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
2% teaspoons cumin seeds
Serve the fish with the mori dal and garnished with
For the mori dal the fried onions.
150g / 5oz (% cup) toor (toover) dal, rinsed
and drained
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
125g / 41/20Z (Vz cup) ghee
1 teaspoon chopped garlic

Cut the fish into 2.5-cm / i-inch thick steaks with

the bone.

To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients in

a blender and season with salt. Process, adding
a little water if necessary, to make a smooth paste.
Set aside.


# VjV'

Dahi ki Machhali Muj Gaad

Fish Cooked in Yoghurt Sauce Fish with Radishes

Origin Awadh Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Cooking time 25-30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4-6

1kg / 2141b skinless, firm white fish fillets, cut into pieces 750g 71 lb 10oz radishes_
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 2 teaspoons Kashmiri red chilli powder dissolved in
3-4 onions, sliced 1 teaspoon Kashmiri bari paste or Kashmiri Garam
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) Masala (see page 56) mixed with a little water
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 3-4 tablespoons vegetable oil__
3 cinnamon sticks 800g / 1%lb firm white river fish fillets, such as salmon,
6-7 cloves cleaned and cut into 8-cm / 3-inch long pieces
8 green cardamom pods 1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 black cardamom pods 4 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
1 teaspoon black peppercorns 4 black cardamom pods
500ml /18fl oz (2% cups) natural (plain) yoghurt 4 green cardamom pods
200ml / 7fl oz (% cup) vegetable oil 5-8 cloves
2 teaspoons ground coriander 2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 teaspoon chilli powder 3 teaspoons ground turmeric
salt 11/2 tablespoons Fried Onion Paste (see page 57)
chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish V2 teaspoon black cumin seeds
V2 teaspoon ground black pepper
Put the fish in a large shallow dish, and rub with the 1 teaspoon black cardamom seeds
turmeric and a little salt. Cover and set aside in the
refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Slice the radishes into rounds, then halve them into

Put the onions, ginger and garlic pastes in a blender
crescents and put them in a large bowl. Sprinkle
or food processor and process, adding a little water
with salt and set aside for 30 minutes.
if necessary, to make a paste. Transfer to a bowl.
Put the chilli powder in a small bowl, add about
Put the cinnamon, 2-3 cloves, 5 green cardamom
'h cup water and mix together.
pods, the black cardamom pods and the
peppercorns in a spice grinder and process to
Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over low
make your own masala.
heat, add the fish and fry for about 2-3 minutes, or
until reddish brown. Remove with a slotted spoon
Put the yoghurt in a large bowl and beat with a fork,
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). Set aside.
then add the masala, stir to combine and set aside.
Reheat the remaining oil in a kadhai, wok or deep,
Heat the oil in a deep, heavy-based pan over medium
heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the garlic
heat, add the remaining whole spices and stir-fry for
paste and radishes and stir-fry for about 2 minutes,
about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
or until the radishes turn light brown around the
the onion paste and stir-fry for 2—3 minutes, or until
edges. Stir in the red chilli powder mixture and bring
the paste is golden brown. Add the ground coriander
to the boil. Add the whole spices, ground ginger,
and chilli powder and season with salt, then add the
turmeric and onion paste and season with salt. Mix
fish and fry for about 5 minutes.
well and cook for 10-12 minutes.

Reduce the heat and slowly stir in the yoghurt

Add the fried fish and bring to the boil again, then
mixture, then cover and cook for about 3 minutes,
boil rapidly for 2 minutes. Sprinkle over the black
or until the fish is cooked and oil floats on the top.
cumin seeds, black pepper and black cardamom
Garnish with coriander leaves.
seeds and serve.


# 0 / 15B p.399 When the fish are cool, make one slit down the
middle along the length and 4 slits across the
breadth. Now, reheat the oil in a deep, heavy-based
Amritsari Machhali pan to i8o’C/35o"F, or until a cube of bread browns
Fried Fish from Amritsar in 30 seconds. Working in batches, deep-fry the fish
pieces again for 3—5 minutes, or until golden and
crusty. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain
Origin Punjab
on kitchen paper (paper towels) before serving
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
sprinkled with the fish masala and with lemon
Cooking time 15-25 minutes
wedges alongside.
Serves 4

800g / 1%lb fish fillets, preferably sole

4 tablespoons cumin seeds
4 tablespoons black peppercorns
4 tablespoons black rock salt Machhali Tamatarwali
5 teaspoons dried mint leaves Fish in Tomato Sauce
2 teaspoons ajwain seeds
1 teaspoon asafoetida Origin Punjab
Preparation time 30 minutes
150g / 5oz (1 Va cups) amchoor
Cooking time 25 minutes
4 teaspoons ground ginger Serves 4-6
1 tablespoon yellow chilli powder
vegetable oil, for deep-frying 800g / 1%lb firm white fish fillets, cleaned_
salt 500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 medium) ripe tomatoes
lemon wedges, to serve 10Og / 31/2OZ (scant y2 cup) ghee or vegetable oil
pinch of asafoetida
For the marinade V2 teaspoon ground cumin
3 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour 2 onions, chopped
5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon chilli powder
3 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon ajwain seeds y2 teaspoon semolina (farina)
y2 teaspoon asafoetida 2 green chillies, de-seedea and chopped
Put the fish in a large shallow dish.
1 sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped, to garnish
To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients with
Cut the fish into 8-cm / 3-inch pieces.
4 tablespoons water together in a large bowl. Spread
the batter evenly over the fish, then cover and set
Cook the fish in a pan of boiling water for 2 minutes,
aside in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
or until tender. Drain and allow to cool.
To make the fish masala, mix the cumin seeds,
Blanch the tomatoes by putting them in a large
peppercorns, black rock salt, dried mint leaves,
ajwain seeds, asafoetida, amchoor, ginger and heatproof bowl of boiling water for 30 seconds,
chilli powder together. Transfer the mixture to a then plunging them in cold water. Remove the
skin, put the flesh in a bowl and mash to pulp with
mortar and pound with a pestle or grind in a spice
a potato masher.
grinder to make a powder. Transfer to a clean
bowl, season with salt and mix well.
Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy- medium-low heat, add the asafoetida, ground cumin
based pan to i8o'C/35o"F, or until a cube of bread and onions and stir-fry for about 5-7 minutes, or until
browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, carefully the onions are golden brown. Add the tomato pulp,
lower the fish into the hot oil and deep-fry for about chilli powder and the remaining ingredients, then
2-3 minutes, or until light golden. Remove with season with salt. Cook for 3—4 minutes, or until the
a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper sauce thickens, then reduce the heat to very low
towels). Allow the fish to cool and reserve the oil. and add the fish. Cook for about 8 minutes, or until
the fish is cooked. Garnish with chopped coriander.


Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
heavy-based pan to i8o'C/35o”F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
Machhali ke Kofte carefully lower the koftas into the hot oil and deep-
Fish Kofte fry for about 2—3 minutes, or until light brown all
over. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on
Origin Awadh kitchen paper (paper towels).
Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling time
Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4-6 m
800g / 1%lb firm white fish fillets, cleaned
Fish Fry
6 potatoes
Fried Fish Fillets
2 teaspoons ground coriander
Vz teaspoon chilli powder Origin Anglo-Indian
3 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
2 onions, chopped Cooking time 30 minutes
2 eggs_ Serves 4
1 teaspoon lemon juice
750g /I lb 10oz skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
2 eggs, beaten
2 tablespoons rice flour or breadcrumbs
120g / 4oz (1 cup) breadcrumbs
vegetable oil, for deep-frying
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
Cut the fish into 8-cm / 3-inch pieces. Put into a
bowl and, using a potato masher or wooden spoon, For the marinade
mash well. 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece ginger, peeled and chopped
1 onion, sliced
Meanwhile, cook the potatoes in a large pan of
4-5 cloves garlic, crushed
boiling water for 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain
and allow to cool, then peel off the skins, return 3-4 green chillies, de-seeded and roughly chopped
the flesh to the pan and mash. 2 tablespoons malt (white) vinegar or lime juice
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
Add the mashed potatoes to the fish, then add the salt
ground coriander and chilli powder and season with
salt. Mix well. To make the marinade, put the ginger, onion,
garlic and chillies in a blender or food processor
Heat 1 tablespoon of ghee or oil in a large frying and process, adding a little water to make a paste.
pan (skillet) over medium-low heat, add the fish and Transfer to a bowl, add the vinegar or lime juice
potato mixture and stir-fry for a few minutes until and black pepper. Mix well.
the moisture is absorbed, taking care not to burn it.
Remove from the pan and set aside. Put the fish in a large shallow dish and rub the
marinade all over the fish. Cover and set aside in the
Heat the remaining ghee or oil in a separate pan refrigerator for at least about 2 hours.
over medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for
5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Transfer the Put the beaten eggs in a shallow dish and spread the
onions with a slotted spoon to the fish mixture, then breadcrumbs out on a piece of brown paper or on
break an egg over the mixture and mix well. Add the a large flat plate. Dip the fish first in the beaten eggs,
lemon juice and mix lightly until combined. Sprinkle then in the breadcrumbs to coat.
over the chopped coriander and with damp hands,
shape into sausage-like koftas, about 8cm / 3 inches Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over medium
long and 2cm / V* inches thick. heat. Add the fillets 2 at a time to the hot oil and
fry for 3-4 minutes on one side, then turn gently
Put the remaining egg in a shallow bowl and beat and fry for a further 1 minute, or until golden brown.
lightly, then spread the rice flour or breadcrumbs Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
out on a plate. Dip the koftas first in the beaten egg, paper (paper towels).
then roll in the flour until coated.


vj'' vjv' Add the tamarind extract and 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups)
water to the pan. Season with salt, then bring to the
boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 3 minutes. Now
Madras Fish Curry gently slip in the fish pieces and turn the heat down to
Fish Curry from Madras low. Sprinkle over the fenugreek mixture and cook for
about 8-10 minutes, or until the fish is cooked.
Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 2 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4
Meen Thala Kari
1 kg / 2141b skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed
Fish Flead Curry
juice of 1 lime
2 teaspoons vinegar
Origin Tamil Nadu
Vz teaspoon ground fenugreek Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
1 teaspoon ground cumin Cooking time 40-45 minutes
125ml / Am oz O/2 cup) vegetable oil Serves 2
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
350g / 12oz (3 medium) onions, chopped 1 medium-sized fish head, cleaned and rinsed_
20-30 curry leaves 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground coriander 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons chilli powder 1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) 1 teaspoon chilli powder
salt 2 tomatoes, chopped
5-6 green chilies, de-seeded and chopped
For the spice paste 1 tablespoon grated ginger
250g / 9 oz (3 cups) grated fresh coconut_ 1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
50g / 1%oz chopped ginger 1.25 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) coconut milk, fresh
Vz clove garlic (see page 781) or canned
500g /I lb 2oz (3 medium) tomatoes, chopped 10-12 okra, topped and tailed (trimmed), then cut in half
2 tablespoons Poppy Seed Paste (see page 58) 6 small aubergines (eggplant), trimmed and cut in half
Put the fish in a large shallow dish, add the lime
juice, vinegar and a little salt, then turn to coat, Rub the fish head with turmeric and a little salt,
cover and set aside in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. then place in a dish, cover and set aside in the
refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
To make the spice paste, put the grated coconut,
ginger, garlic, tomatoes and poppy seed paste Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over low
into a food processor or blender and process to heat, add the ground spices, then season with salt
make a paste. Do not add any water. Set aside. and stir-fry for about 2 minutes. Add the tomatoes,
chillies, ginger and tamarind extract and fry for a
Mix the ground fenugreek and cumin together in further 2 minutes. Cover the pan and cook for about
a small bowl and set aside. 5 minutes.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over Pour half the coconut milk into the pan and bring to
medium heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for the boil over medium heat. Add the fish head, okra
about i minute, or until they start to splutter. Add and aubergines, then cover and cook over medium
the onions and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until heat for 20 minutes. Pour in the rest of the coconut
translucent, then add the curry leaves and stir-fry milk and simmer for a further 2 minutes.
for a further 2—3 minutes, or until the onions are
light brown. Add the ground spices and stir-fry for
1 minute, then add the spice paste and stir-fry for
about 5 minutes.


# # / ® p.394

Ga Archa Meen Kari Patrani Machli

Fish Curry with Coconut Fish Cooked in Banana Leaf Wraps

Origin Kerala Origin Parsi

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 6-8

500g /1 lb 2oz skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed 800g / 1%lb any firm white fish fillets, such
1 tablespoon vegetable oil as pomfret (butterfish), cut into 8 pieces
2 sprigs curry leaves 4 banana leaves (optional)
1 onion, chopped salt
1 x 3-cm /1 %-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
2 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded For the spice paste
3-4 petals cambodge 1 coconut, peeled and grated_
4 teaspoons chilli powder 6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon ground coriander 4 tablespoons coriander
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 2 teaspoons cumin seeds
1 teaspoon ground black pepper 2 teaspoons sugar
salt 6 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tablespoons lemons juice
For the spice paste
If using the banana leaves, soften the leaves
Vfe dried coconut, grated
(see page 174) and cut into 16 strips. Alternatively,
2 shallots, chopped
use foil.
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon cumin seeds To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients except
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric the lemon juice into a blender or food processor
and process, adding a little water if necessary, to
make a smooth paste. Add the lemon juice to the paste.
For the tempering
1 teaspoon mustard seeds Place the fish in a large shallow dish and rub the fish
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds with the paste.
2 shallots
Arrange the banana leaf strips into crosses, making
Cut the fish into about 4-cm / I'/z-inch pieces. 8 crosses, 1 for each fillet of fish. Place a fillet in the
centre of each cross and fold the banana leaf strips
To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients, over to make envelopes. Tie the envelopes with
except the the cumin and tumeric into a blender or kitchen string (twine).
food processor and process, adding a little water if
necessary, to make a paste. Place the fillets in a small wire or bamboo steamer
basket. Cover the basket with a cloth and lower
Put the cumin seeds and turmeric, powder in a small it over a large pan of boiling water. Steam for about
blender or spice grinder and process, adding a little 10 minutes, or until the fish is cooked. Alternatively,
water if necessary to make a paste. a large steamer may be used.

Heat the oil in a large heavy-based pan over low

heat, add the fish pieces, curry leaves, onions, ginger,
chillies, cambodge petals, ground spices and 1 litre /
\V* pints (4'4 cups) water and season with salt. Cook
for 10 minutes, then stir in the spice paste, bring to
the boil and remove from the heat.


#0 0

Vatticha Mathi Kari Aa

Spicy Sardines Fish Stew

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Tribal North East India

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 25 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4

2-3 petals cambodge_ 800g / 1%lb fish fillets, such as rohu, hilsa (shad)
750g /11b lOoz sardines, cleaned or red snapper, cleaned
3 tablespoons vegetable oil 3-4 green chillies, chopped
2 onions, chopped 4 onions, chopped
6 cloves garlic, chopped 4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 x 4-cm / 1 V2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 2 small fermented fish
and grated salt
15-20 curry leaves
1 y2 teaspoons ground turmeric Cut the fish into 5-cm / 2-inch long pieces.
Bring 750ml / i!4 pints (314 cups) water to the boil
in a large pan over high heat, add the fish pieces
For the spice paste and boil for about 2 minutes. Add the remaining
10-20 dried red chillies ingredients, reduce the heat and simmer for
10 black peppercorns about 20 minutes, or until the fish is tender and
the sauce thickens.
2 teaspoons coriander seeds
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

Soak the cambodge petals in a bowl of water

until required.

If the sardines are large remove the heads, then cut

the fish into pieces.

To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients and a

little water in a blender and process to make a paste.

Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a small frying pan (skillet)

over medium heat, add the onions, garlic, ginger,
curry leaves and turmeric and stir-fry for 2 minutes,
or until the onions are translucent. Add the spice
paste and stir-fry for a further 2 minutes, then
remove the pan from the heat.

Heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan over

medium-low heat, add the sardines and spread the
onion mixture on top. Add the cambodge petals
with their soaking water and pour in enough water
to just cover the fish, then bring to the boil. Season
with salt, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10
minutes, or until the fish are cooked.


m mm
Bombil Machli, Baingan aur Chigur Chapa Pulussu
Dried Bombay Duck Cooked with South Indian Fish Curry
Aubergines (Eggplant) & Tamarind
Leaves Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
Origin Hyderabad Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Preparation time 20 minutes Serves 4
Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4-6 400g /14oz firm white fish fillets, such as pomfret
(butterfish) or cod, cleaned_
8 sun-dried Bombay duck or fresh firm white fish fillets 1 teaspoon ground turmeric_
180ml / 6fl oz (2/3 cup) vegetable oil 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)_
2 onions, sliced 3 tablespoons vegetable oil_
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 3 onions, sliced_
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon mustard seeds_
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric 4 dried red chillies _
1 teaspoon chilli powder 2 tablespoons ground coriander
250g / 9oz (1 small) aubergine (eggplant), trimmed 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
and cut into 4-cm /1 Vfe-inch pieces 10 curry leaves_
4-6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 500ml /18fl oz [2Va cups) coconut milk, fresh
120g / 4oz (1 cup) chigur, young tamarind leaves (see page 781) or canned
salt 2 tomatoes, chopped
20g / 3Aoz [V2 cup) chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Cut the fish into 4-cm / 1/2-inch pieces, then rinse salt
under cold running water and pat dry.
Cut the fish into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces and place in
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium a large shallow dish.
heat, add the fish and fry until crisp. Remove from
the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside. To make the marinade, mix the turmeric and the
garlic paste together in a bowl, then season with
Reheat the oil in the same pan over medium heat, salt. Rub the marinade over the fish, cover and set
add the onions and stir-fry for about 5-7 minutes, or aside in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
until golden brown. Add the ginger and garlic pastes,
turmeric and chilli powder and stir-fry for 1 minute. Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over
Add the aubergine and continue stir-frying for a medium heat, add the onions, mustard seeds and
further 3 minutes. Add the chillies and chigur leaves, dried red chillies and stir-fry for about 5-7 minutes,
then season with salt and pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) or until the onions are golden brown. Add the rest
water and simmer together until the chigur is soft. of the spices and sesame seeds and stir-fry for
1 minute, then pour in half of the coconut milk and
cook for a few minutes. Add the fish, the rest of the
coconut milk, the tomatoes and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup)
water and simmer for about 10 minutes, or until the
fish is cooked. Add the chopped coriander leaves,
then bring to the boil and remove from the heat.
Adjust the seasoning, if necessary.


0 / CD p.274

Meen Dakhani Mahi Kaliya

Fish Curry from Deccan Spicy Fish Curry with Tamarind

Origin New Origin Awadh

Preparation time 25-30 minutes, plus marinating Preparation time 25 minutes
time Cooking time 25 minutes
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Serves 4-6
Serves 6
2 tablespoons ground coriander_
800g / 1%lb skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed 2 tablespoons ground cumin_
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon chironji kernels _
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon poppy seeds_
1 teaspoon chilli powder 2 tablespoons sesame seeds_
Va teaspoon ground turmeric Va dried coconut, grated_
3 tablespoons vegetable oil 125ml / 4M oz (y2 cup) vegetable oil
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 8 curry leaves
y2 teaspoon mustard seeds y2 teaspoon mustard seeds
3 onions, sliced 1 teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract, (see page 58),
1 y2 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58) plus 1 teaspoon
20 curry leaves y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 3 onions, chopped
salt 1 y2 teaspoons chopped ginger
1 y2 teaspoons chopped garlic
Cut the fish into bite-sized chunks and place in
1 teaspoon chilli powder
a large bowl.
2 bay leaves
To make the marinade, mix the ginger and garlic 1 kg / 2141b skinless, firm white fish fillets, rinsed
pastes, chilli powder and turmeric together in a 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
bowl. Season with salt and rub the fish evenly with salt
the marinade. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator
for 30 minutes. Dry roast separately the ground coriander and
cumin, chironji kernels, poppy seeds, sesame seeds
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high and coconut in a dry frying pan (skillet) for about
heat, then reduce the heat. Add the cumin and 1 minute each. Allow to cool, then transfer them to
mustard seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or a spice grinder and grind. Set aside.
until they start to splutter. Add the onions and stir-
fry for about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat,
add the curry leaves, mustard seeds and kalonji seeds
Add the fish to the pan together with the chillies and and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the seeds
lightly fry for 2 minutes. Add the tamarind extract start to splutter. Add the 1 teaspoon taramind extract,
and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, then increase the the turmeric and onions and stir-fry for about
heat to high and boil for 2 minutes. Reduce the heat 5-7 minutes, or until the onions are lightly browned.
to low and simmer for about 3 minutes, or until the Add the ginger and ground garlic and stir-fry for
fish is cooked.
1 minute. Reduce the heat to low, mix in the ground
spices and chilli powder and continue to cook for
Add the curry leaves and chopped coriander, then a few minutes. Season with salt, then add the bay
cook for a further 1 minute before removing the pan
leaves and remaining tamarind extract and mix well.
from the heat.
Add the fish to the pan. Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup)
water and cover. Cook for 7-8 minutes, or until
the fish is cooked through. Remove the fish and
keep warm. Boil the sauce for 5 minutes, or until it
thickens. Remove the bay leaves. Add the chopped
coriander and stir. Pour over the fish.

Meen Godavari Podi Chapa
Andhra Fish Curry Andhra Fried Fish

Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 15-20 minutes
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4-6

1 tablespoon ground coriander_ 1 kg / 2141b skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed
80g / 2%oz (1 cup) grated fresh coconut 1 teaspoon ground turmeric, plus extra for rinsing
Vz teaspoon fenugreek seeds 1 teaspoon chilli powder_
1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) 2 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)_
1 tablespoon chilli powder 1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and grated
Va teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon ground coriander_
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil juice of 2 limes_
400g / 14oz skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed 500ml / 18fl oz (2Va cups) vegetable oil for deep-frying
and cut into 6-cm / 21/2-inch pieces 1 teaspoon pepper
3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped salt
Va teaspoon ground black pepper
salt Cut the fish into pieces and rinse in water with a
little salt and turmeric has been added. Place the
fish in a large shallow dish.
Roast the coriander, grated coconut and fenugreek
seeds on a tawa, griddle or in a dry frying pan
Mix the turmeric, chilli powder, garlic paste, ginger,
(skillet) over low heat for a few minutes until evenly
coriander and lime juice together in a bowl. Season
brown. Transfer to a small blender or food processor,
with salt and the pepper. Rub the mixture evenly
add the tamarind extract, chilli powder and turmeric.
over the fish.
Season with salt and process until ground.

Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep

Heat the oil in a large frying pan over low heat,
heavy-based pan to i8o'C/35o“F, or until a cube of
add the mixture and fry for about 5 minutes.
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, if
Add the fish and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Pour in
necessary, carefully lower the fish into the hot oil
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and simmer for about
and deep-fry for 2—3 minutes, or until golden brown
5 minutes, or until the fish is cooked. Add enough
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
water as necessary to make a little sauce and
paper (paper towels).
sprinkle the chillies and pepper over the top, then
cook for 1 minute, stirring gently so that the fish
does not break. Remove from the heat.


m Heat z tablespoons of the oil in a pan over medium
heat, add the onions and stir-fry for 5 minutes, or
until light brown. Add the turmeric and continue
Shai Dum ki Machhali stir-frying for about 30 seconds. Add the spice paste
Baked Masala Fish and fry for about 1-2 minutes.

Drain off any excess oil, then add the lime juice and
Origin Hyderabad
500ml / i8fl oz (2 Vi cups) water. Stir, reduce the heat
Preparation time 20-25 minutes, plus marinating
and simmer for 5 minutes.
Cooking time 40 minutes
Heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan (skillet),
Serves 4
add the fish and lightly fry for a few minutes. Place
the fish carefully into a large flat dish and add the
i x i-kg/ 214-lb fish, such as rohu, hilsa (shad) or red hot spices and sauce. Cover with a tight-fitting lid or
snapper, cleaned foil and bake in the oven for about 15—20 minutes,
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) sesame oil _ or until the fish is cooked.
4 onions, sliced
1 teaspoon ground turmeric Meanwhile, heat the oil for the garnish in a small
frying pan over low heat, add the onions and fry for
juice of 3 limes
about 10 minutes, or until golden brown.
Remove the fish from the oven, spread the fried
For the marinade onions on top and serve.
15g / Vz oz (V3 cup) coriander (cilantro) leaves_
8 tablespoons mint leaves
10 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon ground turmeric

For the spice paste

2 tablespoons ground cumin, roasted
Vz dried coconut, grated
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
1 tablespoon poppy seeds

To garnish
1 tablespoon sesame oil
3 onions, sliced

To make the marinade, put the coriander and mint

leaves, chillies, garlic and ginger pastes and turmeric
in a blender and season with salt. Process until
ground. Place the fish in a large shallow dish and rub
the marinade all over the fish. Cover and marinate in
the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 22o’C/425°F/Gas Mark 7. Put

the cumin, coconut and sesame and poppy seeds
in a blender and process, adding a little water if
necessary, to make a smooth paste.


Year Chapa Taleli Masala Boomla
Fried Fish in Tomato Sauce Fried Spiced Bombay Duck

Origin Tribal North East India Origin Coastal

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 40 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

500g / 1 lb 2oz skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed 8 fresh Bombay duck fish (see page 367)
Vfe teaspoon ground turmeric y2 teaspoon ground fenugreek
4 large tomatoes, roughly chopped 1 teaspoon ground cumin
4 onions, sliced _ juice of 2 limes
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) rice flour as required
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) sesame seed oil, for shallow-frying
1 teaspoon ground coriander salt
1 teaspoon ground cumin
4 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus enough for For the spice paste
deep-frying 4 green chillies, chopped_
3 potatoes, sliced 1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 teaspoon chilli powder 6 cloves garlic
salt 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
5 dried red chillies
Cut the fish into 8-cm / 3-inch long pieces, then 1 teaspoon ground cumin
place in a large shallow dish and rub, with the
2 teaspoons ground coriander
turmeric. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator
for 20 minutes. 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long
Put the tomatoes, onions, ginger and garlic pastes, 2-3 cloves
the ground coriander and cumin in a blender or food 2 green cardamom pods
processor and process to make a smooth paste.
1/2 teaspoon whole black peppercorns

Heat the oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy-based

Clean the fish, cut off the heads and fins and the bone
pan to i8o'C/35o‘F, or until a cube of bread browns in
that juts along the tail. Slit the belly carefully ensuring
30 seconds. Working in batches, if necessary, carefully
that the skin is not pierced, then remove all the
lower the fish into the hot oil and deep-fry for
entrails and rinse well under cold running water.
2—3 minutes, or until brown. Remove with a slotted
spon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients in a food
Sprinkle with a little salt.
processor or blender and process to a smooth paste.

In the same oil, fry the potatoes lightly, in batches,

Put the ground fenugreek and cumin in a small
for 5 minutes or until golden. In a large pan, heat the
bowl and mix together, then rub the mixture inside
remaining oil over medium heat. Add the spice paste
the fish. Put the fish in 2-3 large shallow dishes.
and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add the chilli powder then
pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and bring to the
To make the marinade, mix the lime juice and spice
boil. Reduce the heat, add the fish and potatoes and
paste in a bowl and season. Spread the marinade
simmer for 5 minutes, or until the fish is cooked.
evenly over the fish, then cover and set aside in the
refrigerator for 30 minutes. Spread the rice flour out
on a large plate and coat the fish in it.

Heat enough oil for shallow-frying in a large frying

pan (skillet) over medium heat, then reduce the heat.
Working in batches, fry the fish for 2—3 minutes on
each side, or until crisp.


Meen Moily Machhali ka Qorma
Fish Curry Cooked with Coconut Curried Braised Fish

Origin Kerala Origin Awadh

Preparation time 30-40 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 5-6

800g / 1%lb pomfret (butterfish) or haddock_ 1 teaspoon cumin seeds_

fillets, cleaned 2 tablespoons coriander seeds
juice of 2 limes 2 tablespoons poppy seeds_
2 tablespoons sesame seed oil 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
500ml /18f! oz (2% cups) coconut milk, fresh 2 tablespoons chironji kernels _
(see page 781) or canned lOOg / 31/20Z (scant V2 cup) ghee
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and sliced 2 small onions, sliced
4-6 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
20 curry leaves 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
salt teaspoon ground turmeric
200ml / 7fl oz (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
For the spice paste 800g / 1%lb skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed
1 teaspoon cumin seeds_ and cut into 5-cm / 2-inch long pieces
1 tablespoon coriander seeds salt
1 tablespoon poppy seeds
2 tablespoons desiccated (dried flaked) coconut Stir-fry the cumin, coriander, poppy and sesame
seeds and the chironji kernels separately in a dry
2 tablespoons peanuts
frying pan (skillet) for about 1 minute, or until
2 tablespoons cashew nuts roasted. Do not let them burn. Transfer the seeds
2 tablespoons roasted gram (chickpea) flour to a spice grinder or mortar and process or pound
1 tablespoon basmati rice, rinsed and drained with a pestle until ground. Set aside in a bowl.
2 onions, sliced
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
1 small sprig fresh coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for
4-8 dried red chillies
5-7 minutes, or until golden-brown. Remove with
6 cloves garlic, crushed a slotted spoon and set aside.

Cut the fish into i-cm / Vz-inch thick slices and place Add the garlic and ginger pastes, turmeric and
in a large shallow dish. Rub a little of the lime juice yoghurt to the ground spices. Season with salt and
and salt over the fish, then cover and set aside in mix together, then add to the pan in which the
the refrigerator for 30 minutes. onions were fried and cook over medium heat for
1 minute. Remove from the heat and crumble in the
To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients fried onions and mix thoroughly. Add the fish pieces,
in a blender or food processor and process to make then return to low heat and simmer for 10 minutes,
a smooth paste. or until the fish is cooked.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

low-medium heat, add the spice paste and stir-fry
for about 3-4 minutes, or until the oil separates out.
Remove from the heat, slowly stir in the coconut
milk, then add the ginger, green chillies and curry
leaves, and season with salt. Stir, then return to
the heat and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Add the fish
and simmer for about 7 minutes. Remove from the
heat and sprinkle over the lime juice.



Sookhe Masala ki Machhali Chincheche Taiwan

Spicy Fried Fish Fish & Tamarind Curry

Origin Bihar/ West Bengal Origin Coastal

Preparation time 20-30 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1kg / 2141b skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed 750g /1 lb 10oz skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed
and cut into 5-cm / 2-inch long pieces 1 teaspoon ground turmeric_
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon lime juice_
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_ Vz teaspoon chilli powder
2 teaspoons ground coriander 1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
Vz teaspoon chilli powder 500g / 11b 2oz mixed seasonal vegetables, cut into
juice of V2 lime bite-sized pieces_
120g / 4oz (1 cup) breadcrumbs 1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)_
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee 1 tomato, skinned (see page 232)
salt Vz teaspoon sugar
14 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
Put the fish in a large shallow dish, and rub the salt
fish with the garlic and ginger pastes and coriander
and a little salt. Mix the chilli powder and lime
juice together in a bowl. Pour the mixture evenly For the spice paste
over the fish, then cover and set aside in the 1 large sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves_
refrigerator for i hour. 4 green chillies, chopped
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
Spread the breadcrumbs out on a large plate and roll
6 cloves garlic
the fish pieces in it to coat.
Place the fish in a large shallow dish. Mix the
Heat the ghee in a large frying pan (skillet) over
turmeric and lime juice together in a bowl, then rub
medium heat. Working in batches, add the fish
the fish with the turmeric mixture and sprinkle over
and fry for 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown
some salt. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator
on each side.
for 15 minutes.

To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients in

a food processor or blender, season with salt and
process, adding a little water to make a paste.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium-low heat, add the spice paste and stir-fry
lightly, ensuring that it doesn't brown. Add the
mixed vegetables, then pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup)
water, bring to the boil, reduce the heat, cover
and simmer for 7-8 minutes.

Uncover, add the tamarind extract, tomatoes and

marinated fish together with the marinade. Pour in
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, add the sugar and season
with salt. Cover and cook for 5 minutes, or until the
fish is done. Remove from the heat and sprinkle over
the garam masala before serving.


# # / 00 p.395 Heat the oil in a wide, shallow pan over medium heat,
add the sliced onion and stir-fry for about 7-8
minutes. Add the spice paste and cook for 6-7
Goan Fish Curry (I) minutes, or until golden brown, adding a little water
if necessary to prevent the spice paste burning on
Goan Fish Curry (I)
the base (bottom) of the pan. Pour in 1 litre / \V* pints
(4% cups) water and cook for a few minutes until the
Origin Coastal oil starts to separate from the spices. Add the pureed
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking
tomato, green chillies and okra, if using, and season
and marinating time
with salt. Continue to cook for about 6 minutes, then
Cooking time 30 minutes
add the fish and cook for about 4-5 minutes, or until
Serves 4
the fish is cooked. Garnish with coriander.

600g /t lb 5oz skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed

and cut into large cubes
2 tablespoons vegetable oil_
1 onion, sliced
1 tomato, pureed
Goan Fish Curry (li)
3 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
Goan Fish Curry (I!)
few okra, topped and tailed (optional)
Origin Coastal
salt Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing and
chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish soaking time
Cooking time 20 minutes
For the marinade Serves 4
1 teaspoon lemon juice
pinch of ground turmeric 600g /1 lb 5oz skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed
pinch of salt V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
6 large dried red chillies
For the spice paste 2 teaspoons coriander seeds
8 dried red chillies_ pinch of ground mace or nutmeg
80g / 2%oz (1 cup) grated fresh coconut 2 tablespoons grated fresh coconut
3 teaspoons coriander seeds 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 onion, chopped 6 cloves garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 large onion, chopped
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
11/2 teaspoons chopped garlic salt
1 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
Put the fish in a large shallow dish and rub the fish
with the turmeric and a little salt. Cover and set
For the spice paste, put the dried red chillies in
aside in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
a bowl, pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and
soak for about 15 minutes. Drain, reserving 1-2
Soak the dried red chillies in a bowl of lukewarm
tablespoons of the soaking water.
water for 15 minutes. Drain, reserving the water,
then cut in half and de-seed.
To make the marinade, mix the lemon juice with
a pinch each of turmeric and salt together in a bowl.
Put the chillies, coriander seeds, ground spices and
Put the fish in a large shallow dish and rub with
coconut in a small blender and process, adding
the marinade. Cover and marinate in the refrigerator
a little reserved water to make a smooth paste.
for 30 minutes.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

To make the spice paste, put the soaked dried red
medium-low heat, add the garlic and onion and
chillies, coconut, coriander seeds, chopped onion,
the spice paste and stir-fry lightly, ensuring that it
cumin seeds, turmeric powder, garlic, tamarind
doesn't turn brown. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups)
extract and the reserved soaking water in a blender
water, bring to the boil and reduce the heat. Add the
or food processor and process to make smooth paste.
fish together with the marinade and the tamarind
extract. Season with salt. Simmer for 10 minutes, or
until the fish is cooked.


Laal Kalwan Kane Kari
Coconut Red Chilli Curry Curried Ladyfish

Origin Coastal Origin Coastal

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking and Preparation time 20 minutes, plus standing time
standing time Cooking time 20 minutes
Cooking time 25 minutes Serves 4
Serves 4
12 whole ladyfish or other small whole fish, cleaned
750g /1 lb 10oz skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 level teaspoon ground turmeric 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
% teaspoon sugar 8-10 curry leaves
1 tablespoon lime juice salt
1 tablespoon oil
1 potato, cut into cubes For the spice paste
salt 1 teaspoon cumin seeds_
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
For the red spice paste 1 large onion
8 dried red chillies_ 6 cloves garlic, chopped
30g / 114oz (V3 cup) desiccated (dried flaked) coconut 6 large dried red chillies
6 cloves garlic, crushed 4 tablespoons grated fresh or desiccated
1 tablespoon malt (white) vinegar (dried flaked) coconut

Place the fish in a large shallow dish. Mix the Put the fish in a large shallow dish, score the sides
turmeric, sugar and lime juice together in a bowl, of the fish with a knife, then rub the fish with the
then rub the fish with the turmeric mixture and turmeric and a little salt. Cover and set aside in the
sprinkle over some salt. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
refrigerator for 15 minutes.
To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients in
To make the red spice paste, soak the dried a food processor or blender, season with salt and
red chillies in a bowl of lukewarm water for process, adding a little water to make a smooth paste.
15 minutes, then drain, reserving the water, cut
in half and de-seed. Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the spice paste and stir-fry
Put the chillies, coconut, garlic and the reserved for 2 minutes. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups)
water in a food processor or blender and process water, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat.
to make a paste. Add the fish together with the marinade and curry
leaves. Cover and simmer for 7—8 minutes, or
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over until the fish is cooked.
medium-low heat, add the red spice paste and
fry lightly, ensuring the bright red colour is
not lost due to browning.

Put the potatoes in a large pan, pour in 250ml / 8fl oz

(1 cup) water and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat,
cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the marinated
fish together with the marinade and red spice paste,
then pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and season
with salt. Cover and cook for 10 minutes, or until the
fish is cooked.


# 0 / fia pp.465, 466

Lai Machhali Doi Maachh

Fish in Red Chilli Chutney Fish in Yoghurt Sauce

Origin Coastal Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 25-30 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Cooking time 25 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

750g /1 lb 10oz skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed 750g /1 lb 10oz skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 teaspoon turmeric
salt 125ml / 4M oz (V2 cup) mustard oil, plus 1 tablespoon
4 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
For the marinade 1 teaspoon yellow mustard seeds
1 level teaspoon ground turmeric 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
4 cloves garlic, crushed whisked
1 tablespoon lime juice salt
y2 teaspoon sugar
Put the fish in a large shallow dish and rub with the
turmeric and a little salt. Cover and set aside in the
For the red spice paste
refrigerator for 30 minutes.
6 dried red chillies_
40g / 1 Vzoz (V3 cup) desiccated (dried flaked) coconut Heat the oil in kadhai, wok or large frying pan
1 teaspoon malt (white) vinegar (skillet) over high heat. Working in batches, if
necessary, add the fish and fry for 2—3 minutes or
Mix the turmeric, garlic, lime juice, sugar and a until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon
little salt together in a bowl. Put the fish in a large and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
shallow dish and rub the fish with the turmeric
mixture, then cover and set aside in the refrigerator Put the chillies and mustard seeds in a spice
for 30 minutes. grinder and process until ground. Add to the
yoghurt and beat well, then add 1 tablespoon oil
To make the red spice paste, put the dried red chillies, and mix well to combine.
desiccated coconut and vinegar in a food procesor or
small blender and process to make a paste, adding a Return the pan to low heat and add the fish and
little water only if necessary. yoghurt mixture. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

Heat the oil in a pan over high heat, add the red spice
paste and stir-fry lightly for about 1 minute, ensuring
the bright red colour is not lost due to browning.
Reduce the heat, add the fish with 125ml / 4!4fl oz
O/2 cup) water, stir and simmer for 7-8 minutes, or
until the fish is cooked.


vT'' &

Dhyatle Sukha Chutney ani Kelwatla Saranga

Dried Fish with Yoghurt Pomfret (Butterfish) with Green Masala
Chutney & Bananas
Origin Coastal
Preparation time 20-25 minutes, plus soaking and Origin Coastal
marinating time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 25 minutes Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

12 dried Bombay duck (see page 367)_ 4 large whole pomfrets (butterfish), plaice (flounder)
4 tablespoons white sesame seeds or grey (striped) mullet
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 teaspoons ground turmeric
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 2 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 large ripe banana
4 green chillies, slit lengthways and de-seeded 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt, salt
4 potatoes, boiled and sliced For the green spice paste
salt 8 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
4 sprigs mint, chopped
For the marinade 4-6 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and
% teaspoon ground turmeric de-seeded
1 teaspoon ground cumin
3 tablespoons lime juice Clean the fish, cut off the heads and fins, then rinse
under cold running water and pat dry with kitchen
Soak the fish in a bowl of lukewarm water for paper (paper towels). Using a sharp knife, score on
15 minutes. Drain and pat dry. Using a sharp knife, both sides. Place the fish in 1-2 large shallow dishes.
carefully slit open to remove the backbone. Place Mix the turmeric, lime juice and a little salt together
the fish in a large shallow dish. in a bowl, then rub the mixture evenly over the fish.
Cover and set aside in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
To make the marinade, mix the ground spices and
lime juice together in a bowl. Spread the mixture To make the green spice paste, put the coriander,
evenly over the fish, then cover and set aside in the mint and green chillies in a small blender and
refrigerator for 15 minutes. process, adding a little water if necessary, to make
a paste.
Put the sesame seeds in a mortar or in a food
processor or small blender, add 2 tablespoons water Peel the banana, then halve lengthways. Halve again
and pound with a pestle or process to make a paste. lengthways, making four pieces in all.

Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat, add the
heat, add the ginger, garlic and sesame seed paste banana and fry lightly for about 2 minutes, or
together with the chillies and stir-fry for 2 minutes. until golden brown. Add the green spice paste and
Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2'/« cups) water, then bring to stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add the fish together with
the boil. Add the fish and cook for 2 minutes, then 500ml / i8fl oz (2 !4 cups) water, then reduce the
reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes. heat, cover and simmer for 15—20 minutes, or until
the fish is cooked.
Slowly stir in the yoghurt and cook for 3—4 minutes.
Add the potatoes, stir once and cook, uncovered, for
2 minutes.


*7ps '7p'

Mugatli Machhi Kothmiratil Machhi

Fish & Moong Dal Sprout Stew Coriander (Cilantro)-flavoured Fried Fish

Origin Coastal Origin Coastal

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30-35 minutes, plus marinating
Cooking time 25 minutes time
Serves 4 Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4
4 large pomfrets (butterfish) or grey (striped)
mullets, cleaned 1kg / 2141b whitebait or herring, cleaned, rinsed
2 tablespoons vegetable oil and patted dry with kitchen paper (paper towels)
6 curry leaves 150g / 5oz (1 cup) rice flour_
Vz teaspoon chilli powder vegetable oil, for shallow-frying
1 teaspoon ground cumin salt
1 teaspoon ground coriander
500g / 1 lb 2oz green whole moong dal sprouts For the marinade
salt 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon lime juice
For the marinade 1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 tablespoons lime juice For the spice paste
200g / 7oz (4% cups) coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
For the green spice paste 4 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
8 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped and chopped
1 sprig mint, chopped 8 cloves garlic, crushed

Clean the fish, cut off the heads and fins, then rinse Using a sharp knife, score the fish on both sides and
under cold running water and pat dry with kitchen place in a large shallow dish.
paper (paper towels). Using a sharp knife, score the
fish on both sides and make a slit in the belly. Place Mix the turmeric, lime juice, sugar and a little salt
the fish in 1—2 large shallow dishes. Mix the turmeric, together in a bowl. Rub the mixture evenly over
lime juice and a little salt together in a bowl, then the fish, then cover and set aside in the refrigerator
rub the mixture evenly over the fish. Cover and set for 15 minutes.
aside in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients in
To make the green spice paste, put the chillies a food processor or blender and process, adding
coriander and mint leaves in a food processor or a little water to make a smooth paste. Spread the
small blender and process, adding a little water to paste evenly over the fish and set aside for a further
make a paste. 15 minutes.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over Spread the rice flour out on large plate and coat the
medium heat, add the curry leaves and stir-fry for fish evenly with it.
about 1 minute, or until they start to change colour
and turn crisp. Add the green spice paste, ground Heat enough oil for shallow-frying in a large frying
spices and sprouts, then season with salt. Pour in pan (skillet) over medium heat. Working in batches,
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, bring to the boil, add the fish and shallow-fry for 5 minutes on
then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. each side. Remove and drain on kitchen paper
(paper towels).
Add the fish to the pan, cover and simmer for
10 minutes, or until the fish is cooked.


Maspatotia Masor Tenga
Fish Roasted in Banana Leaves Sour Fish

Origin Coastal Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 20-25 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 25 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

800g / 1%lb firm white fish fillets, cleaned_ 500g / f lb 2oz river fish, such as salmon or
4 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded trout, cleaned
1 teaspoon mustard seeds Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon mustard oil 4 tablespoons mustard oil
3 banana leaves (optional) 2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds
500g / 1 lb 2oz bottle gourd (calabash),
Put the fish in a large shallow dish. peeled and grated
4 tomatoes, chopped
Put the chillies, mustard seeds and mustard oil in a
food processor or small blender and process to make 1 teaspoon lime juice
a paste, then spread the paste evenly over the fish. salt
Cover and set aside in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
Put the fish in a large shallow dish. Rub with the
If using the banana leaves, soften the leaves (see page turmeric and a little salt, then cover and set aside in
174) and cut into squares or rectangles. Alternatively, the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
use foil.
Heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based
Place one fish fillet on a piece of banana leaf pan over high heat, add the fish and fry for about
and fold over the sides to form a neat parcel. 1-2 minutes, or until light brown on both sides.
Secure with kitchen string (twine). Repeat with Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
the remaining fillets. paper (paper towels).

Heat a tawa or griddle pan over medium heat, then Reduce the heat to low, add the fenugreek seeds
working in batches, place the parcels on the pan and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until light
and grill for 3 minutes on both sides until the leaf brown. Add the grated bottle gourd and fry for
is burnt. 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes and fry for 3—4
minutes. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups) water,
bring to the boil, add the fish and simmer for
10 minutes. Stir in the lime juice and remove
from the heat.


Mathok Brenga Fish Stew
Fish in Hollow Bamboo Fish Stew

Origin Tribal North East India Origin Anglo-Indian

Preparation time 25 minutes Preparation time 15-20 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 2

1 kg / 2141b small rui, hilsa (shad) or any small firm 2 spring onions (scallions), trimmed and roughly chopped
white fish, cleaned 150g / 5oz (1 medium) potato, quartered
1 small onion, chopped 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh (see page
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 781) or canned
pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) fish stock
1 short length of hollow bamboo, about 8cm / 1 bay leaf
3 inches in diameter and 13cm / 5 inches long 150g / 5oz (1 cup) broccoli or cauliflower florets
salt 400g / 14oz skinless, firm white fish fillets, trimmed
150g / 5oz (1 cup) sweetcorn kernels
Remove all the bones from the fish and chop
into pieces. pinch of ground black pepper
Mix the fish, onion, chillies, a little salt and the
bicarbonate of soda together in a large bowl, and fill Place the spring onions and potato in a large, heavy-
the bamboo hollow with it. Seal the bamboo with based pan, add the coconut milk, stock and bay leaf
a banana leaf and secure with kitchen string (twine). and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat, cover and
simmer for about io minutes.
Cook over a preheated charcoal fire or barbecue,
rotating the bamboo hollow frequently, for about Uncover, add the broccoli or cauliflower, fish and
20 minutes, or until the bamboo is almost charred. sweetcorn. Season with salt and pepper, then cover
Remove from the fire and allow to cool. Remove and simmer for a further 5 minutes. Discard the
the leaf 'cap' and empty the contents into a bowl. bay leaf before serving.



Karhai Machhali Jhingri Maach Malai

Stir-fried Spicy Fish Prawn (Shrimp) Malai Curry

Origin Punjab Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 15-20 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serve 4 Serves 4

lOg /14oz dried red chillies_ 500g /1 lb 2oz prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined
2 teaspoons coriander seeds Vz teaspoon ground turmeric_
100ml / 3V2fl oz (scant Vz cup) mustard oil or ghee 2 tablespoons ghee
1 Vz teaspoons ajwain seeds 4 green cardamom pods_
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds 6 cloves_
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long_
750g / 1 lb 10oz (6 medium) tomatoes, chopped 1 bay leaf_
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh (see page
and chopped 781)or canned
5-10 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 2 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
600g /1 lb 5oz skinless, firm white fish fillets, such as pinch of ground mace_
pomfret (butterfish), cut into medium-sized pieces 125ml / 4y2fl oz (Vz cup) coconut cream,
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) fresh (see page 781) or canned
4 tablespoons lemon juice salt
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped
Put the prawns in a large shallow dish and rub them
with the turmeric and a little salt.
Put the dried red chillies and coriander seeds in
Heat the ghee in a large frying pan (skillet) over
a mortar and pound with a pestle, then transfer to
high heat, add the prawns and stir-fry for 2 minutes.
a spice grinder and process until ground.
Remove from the pan and set aside.
Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
Reduce the heat to low, then add the whole spices
medium heat, add the ajwain and fenugreek seeds
and bay leaves to the pan and stir-fry for about
and stir-fry for about i minute, or until they start to
1-2 minutes, or until they change colour. Pour in
splutter. Add the garlic paste and stir-fry for about
the coconut milk and simmer for 2 minutes. Add
30 seconds. Add the pounded spices and stir-fry for
the prawns, and chillies and season with salt, then
a further 30 seconds. Now add the tomatoes, bring
simmer for a further 5 minutes. Sprinkle over the
to the boil and add half of the ginger and green
ground mace and simmer for about 2 minutes, then
chillies, then season with salt. Stir, reduce the heat
stir in the coconut cream. Heat through, adding
to low and fry for about 3-4 minutes, or until the oil
a couple of tablespoons of water, if necessary.
separates out and rises to surface.

Add the fish and simmer for about 5 minutes, or until

the fish is cooked, stirring constantly to prevent
sticking. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary. Sprinkle
the garam masala, lemon juice, coriander and the
remaining ginger and green chillies over the fish, stir
and serve hot.


’Tp' #0

Doi Jhingri Sembharachi Kodi

Prawns (Shrimp) Cooked in Yoghurt Goan Prawn (Shrimp) Curry

Origin West Bengal Origin Coastal

Preparation 20 minutes Preparation time 20-25 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 25 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

300g /1 loz small prawns (shrimp), peeled 250g / 9oz dried prawns (shrimp)_
and deveined 250g / 9oz prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined
100ml / 3y2fl oz 0/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt 3 tablespoons Sambhar Masala (see page 32)
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh
1 teaspoon chilli powder (see page 781) or canned
4 tablespoons ghee 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 bay leaf 150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, sliced
2 green cardamom pods 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
4 cloves and grated
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 10 cloves garlic, crushed
2 onions, thinly sliced 10 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
y2 clove garlic, crushed 3 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
2 potatoes, cut into bite-sized pieces salt
1 teaspoon sugar
salt Put the dried and fresh prawns in a large bowl,
season with salt and mix together. Cover and set
Put the prawns in a shallow dish and sprinkle over aside in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
some salt. Cover and set aside.
Blend the sambhar masala with the coconut milk
Put the yoghurt in a bowl and whisk briefly, then add in a bowl.
the ginger paste and chilli powder and mix together.
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over low
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over heat, add the onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry
high heat. Reduce the heat, add the bay leaf and for about 8—10 minutes, or until golden brown,
whole spices and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or stirring constantly to ensure the onion doesn’t stick
until they change colour. Add the onions and garlic to the pan. Add the prawns and chillies and stir-fry
and stir-fry for 2 minutes, or until the onions are for 3 minutes.
translucent. Add the potatoes and stir-fry for 5
minutes, sprinkling over a little water if required. Pour the sambhar masala mixture into the pan,
increase the heat and bring to the boil. Stir in the
Remove the pan from the heat and slowly stir in the tamarind extract and mix well, then reduce the heat
yoghurt mixture, then return to medium heat, add to medium and cook for about 2—4 minutes.
the sugar and cook for 5 minutes. Reduce the heat to
low, add the prawns and cook for about 5 minutes,
or until they turn pink and are cooked through.


# Add the marinated prawns, increase the heat to high
and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add the spring onions
and stir-fry for 1 minute, then pour in 125ml / ^/zfl
Kurumulagail Verthatu Chemeen oz O/2 cup) water. Stir, then add the lemon juice
Pepper Prawns (Shrimp) and coriander and season with salt. Stir, add the
cornflour mixture and continue to stir for about
2—3 minutes, or until the moisture has almost
Origin Kerala
evaporated. Sprinkle over the ground black pepper,
Preparation time 15-20 minutes, plus marinating time
stir, remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning,
Cooking time 15-20 minutes
if necessary.
Serves 4

24 prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined, heads # / C®1 pp.554, 555

removed but tails intact
1 tablespoon cornflour (cornstarch)
3 tablespoons vegetable oil_ Chemeen Ada
250g / 9oz (2 medium) onions, chopped Prawn (Shrimp) Cutlets
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Origin Kerala
Preparation time 15-20 minutes, plus cooling time
1 teaspoon chilli powder
Cooking time 20-30 minutes
60g / 2oz (1 cup) spring onion (scallion) greens, Serves 5-6
trimmed and cut into long thin strips
2 tablespons chopped spring onions (scallions) 500g /1 lb 2oz prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined
1 tablespoon lemon juice 150g / 5oz (1 cup) rice flour_
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) 6 green chillies, chopped
generous pinch of coarsely ground black pepper 10 shallots, chopped
salt 1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger
2 sprigs curry leaves
For the marinade 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
3 tablespoons lemon juice_ salt
2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Bring a large pan of water to the boil, add the
prawns and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the
2 teaspoons black peppercorns, crushed
heat, drain and allow to cool.

To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients

When the prawns are cool, mash well with a
together in a large bowl, then add the prawns and
potato masher, then blend with all the remaining
rub evenly with the marinade. Cover and set aside
ingredients except the oil. Roll the mixture into
for 15 minutes.
small balls then with damp hands, flatten and shape
into cutlets, or balls if you prefer.
Put the cornflour in a small bowl, add 3 tablespoons
water and mix together. Set aside.
Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over
medium heat. Working in batches, fry the cutlets
Heat the oil in a deep, heavy-based pan over medium
for about 3-4 minutes on each side until golden.
heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about 2 minutes,
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
or until translucent and glossy. Add the ginger and
paper (paper towels).
garlic pastes and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, or until the
onions are light golden. Add the chilli powder and
stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until the moisture
has evaporated.


VP' ^7Jvv To make the sauce, put the ground coriander,
chilli powder and turmeric in a small bowl, add
2 tablespoons water and mix together.
Erha Meen Mulkitathu
Prawns (Shrimp) & Sole in Fennel Sauce Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
heat, add the fennel, mustard and fenugreek seeds
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they start to
Origin Kerala
splutter. Add the onions and stir-fry for 5 minutes,
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking
or until light golden, then add the garlic paste and
and marinating time
stir-fry for a further 2-3 minutes, or until the onions
Cooking time 45 minutes
are golden brown. Add the chillies and curry leaves
Serves 4
and stir-fry for 30 seconds, then add the ground spice
mixture and stir-fry for about 2—3 minutes, or until
8 large prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined, heads
the moisture has evaporated.
removed but tails intact
8 sole or pomfret (butterfish) fillets, trimmed Add the pureed tomatoes to the pan and stir-fry
vegetable oil, for shallow-frying for about 5 minutes, or until specks of oil begin to
salt appear on the surface, then add the tamarind extract
and stir-fry for 1 minute. Pour in about 500ml /
i8fl oz (2Vi cups) water, bring to the boil, then reduce
For the marinade the heat to low and simmer.
3 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
7 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Heat enough oil for shallow-frying in a large frying
3 tablespoons lemon juice pan (skillet) over medium heat. Working in batches,
add the fish and shallow-fry for about 1 minute
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
on each side until evenly coloured, then transfer
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
to the sauce.
4 teaspoons grated fresh coconut
Heat a little more oil in the same pan over medium
For the sauce heat. Slide the prawns off the skewers and into
2 teaspoons ground coriander_ the pan and shallow-fry for about 1 minute on each
side, turning once, until evenly coloured, then transfer
1 teaspoon chilli powder
to the sauce and bring to the boil. Check to make
y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
sure the fish and prawns are cooked, then remove
2 tablespoons vegetable oil from the heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
y2 teaspoon mustard seeds
y2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
125g / 414oz (1 small) onion, chopped
7 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
20-25 curry leaves
400g / 14oz (3 small) tomatoes, pureed
3 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58)

Soak several wooden skewers in a large bowl of

water for 30 minutes before using.

Thread the prawns on to the soaked wooden skewers

from the tail to the head. Set aside in a large shallow
dish. Put the fish in another shallow dish.

To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients

together in a large bowl and rub the fish and
prawns evenly with the marinade. Cover and set
aside in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.



Pounded Meatballs in
fZ/Sy.'*X\ W’
r%B^\ r^\\ ~w
am m IMS Si ^ ' f:

I Fish Cooked in Banana

| Leaf Wraps p.365

Spicy hwee

Kokum Curry
y* •; * 4 4t-. • * »..♦ •',* ♦ • v* ♦ * •* * % «
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Konju Masala Jhinga Dopyaza
Spicy Prawn (Shrimp) Curry Curried Prawns (Shrimp) with Onions

Origin Kerala Origin Awadh

Preparation time 15-20 minutes Preparation time 20-25 minutes
Cooking time 25 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6

5 teaspoons ground coriander_ 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil_

4 teaspoons chilli powder 750g / 1 lb 10oz (6 medium) onions, sliced
1 teaspoon ground turmeric y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
3 tablespoons coconut oil 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
300g /11 oz (2 cups) chopped onions 1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 2 teaspoons chilli powder
and chopped 3 teaspoons ground coriander
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 12 curry leaves
21/2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
2Vz teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 kg / 2141b prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined
400g / 14oz (214 cups) chopped tomatoes 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
45g / II/20Z kokum salt
16 prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined, heads
Heat the oil in a shallow kadhai, wok or frying pan
removed but tails intact
(skillet) over medium heat, add the onions and
20-25 curry leaves
turmeric and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until
125ml / 4M oz (Vz cup) coconut milk, fresh light brown.
(see page 781) or canned
salt Reduce the heat to low, add the ginger and garlic
pastes, chilli powder, ground coriander, curry leaves
Put the ground coriander, chilli powder and and green chillies, then season with salt and stir-fry
turmeric in a small bowl, add 4 tablespoons water for 5 minutes. Add the prawns and keep stir-frying
and mix together. for about 5 minutes, or until they change colour and
are well cooked. Add the chopped coriander and
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over remove from the heat.
medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about
2 minutes, or until translucent. Add the ginger and
chillies and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, or until the
onions are light golden. Add the ginger and garlic
pastes and stir-fry for 1—2 minutes, or until the
moisture has evaporated. Add the ground spice
mixture and stir-fry for a further 2—3 minutes, or
until the moisture has evaporated.

Add the tomatoes and kokum to the pan, stir, then

pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups) water and season
with salt. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat to low
and simmer for about 5 minutes, or until reduced to
half its original volume.

Add the prawns, return to the boil, then reduce

the heat to low, add the curry leaves and simmer
for 3—4 minutes. Remove from the heat, stir in the
coconut milk, then return to low heat and simmer
for a further 2—3 minutes. Remove from the heat
and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.

00 Reduce the heat to low, add the pureed tomatoes and
cook for about 5 minutes, or until the tomatoes are
cooked and the oil rises to surface. Add the dissolved
Tamatarwale Jhinge sugar mixture, then season with salt and mix.
Prawns (Shrimp) with Tomato
Heat the oil for the tempering in a small frying pan
(skillet) over high heat, add the cumin seeds and
Origin Punjab
stir-fry for about 30 seconds, or until they start to
Preparation time 20-25 minutes, plus marinating time
splutter, then pour over the prawns.
Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4
500g /1 lb 2oz prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined
1 teaspoon sugar _
125ml / 41£fl oz (I/2 cup) vegetable oil Chemeen Kari
4 dried red chillies_ Home-style Prawn (Shrimp) Curry
14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds_
14 teaspoon mustard seeds Origin Kerala
6 cloves garlic, chopped Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 8-10 minutes
2 onions, sliced
Serves 4
Vi teaspoon ground cumin
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 4 teaspoons chilli powder_
500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 medium) tomatoes, pureed 1 teaspoon ground coriander
salt 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
For the marinade 8 shallots, chopped
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric_ 3 petals cambodge, shredded
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 x 3-cm / 114-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 coconut, shrimp
juice of 1 lime 500g /1 lb 2oz prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined,
heads removed but tails intact
For the tempering 15-20 curry leaves
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds

To make the marinade, mix the turmeric, ginger

Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (2'4 cups) water to the boil in
and garlic pastes and the lime juice together in a
a large, heavy-based pan, add all the ground spices
bowl, then season with salt. Place the prawns in
together with the chillies, shallots, cambodge petals,
a large shallow dish and rub the marinade all over,
ginger, and coconut, then season with salt. Add the
then cover and set aside in the refrigerator for
prawns, reduce the heat to low and cook for about
1 hour.
6 minutes, or until the prawns are cooked and the
sauce thickens.
Put the sugar in a small bowl, add 1 tablespoon water
and stir until dissolved. Set aside.
Mix in the curry leaves and oil, then remove the
pan from the heat.
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the red chillies, fenugreek seeds,
mustard seeds and garlic and stir-fry for about
1 minute, or until they change colour. Add the onions
and stir-fry for 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown.
You may need to reduce the heat slightly to prevent
the seeds burning.

Add the ground cumin to the pan and stir, then add
the marinated prawns and stir-fry for about
2 minutes. Add the green chillies and mix well.


## ww

Royya Alu Pulussu Thotikura Tetakaya

Prawn (Shrimp) Curry Spinach with Dried Prawns (Shrimp)

Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 10-12 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

% teaspoon ground turmeric_ 60g / 2oz dried prawns (shrimp), rinsed

1 teaspoon chilli powder 125ml / 4M oz {V2 cup) vegetable oil
500g /1 lb 2oz prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined y2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 onion, sliced
1 teaspoon ground' cumin 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
125ml / 4y2fl oz O/2 cup) vegetable oil 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
4 onions, sliced 14 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 3-6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 500g / 1 lb 2oz spinach or similar greens
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh salt
(see page 781) or canned
Soak the dried prawns in a bowl of lukewarm water
40g / V20Z 0/2 cup) desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
for 20 minutes.
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
4 cloves Put the onion in a blender or food processor and
6 black peppercorns process until ground.
10 mint leaves, chopped
6 curry leaves, chopped Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high
heat, then reduce the heat. Add the mustard seeds
juice of 1 lime
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they start
1 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) to splutter. Add the onion, ginger and garlic pastes,
salt turmeric, green chillies and prawns and stir-fry
for 3—4 minutes.
To make the marinade, mix the turmeric and chilli
powder together in a large bowl and season with salt. Add the spinach or greens and continue to fry
Add the prawns and turn until coated, then cover and for about 2 minutes, then season with salt. Stir,
set aside in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. reduce the heat to low and cook for a further
2-3 minutes, or until the water released by the
Put the ground coriander and cumin in a small bowl, greens is absorbed.
add 4 tablespoons water and mix together.

Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over

medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for
2 minutes, or until translucent.

Reduce the heat to low, add the prawns to the pan

and fry for 3 minutes. Add the ginger and garlic pastes
together with the ground coriander mixture and fry
for 2 minutes. Pour in the coconut milk and add
the desiccated coconut, chillies, cloves, peppercorns,
chopped mint and curry leaves and simmer for about
5 minutes. Add the lime juice and tamarind extract
and simmer for a further 5 minutes, then remove from
the heat.


/7ps vp' 0

Veinchana Royyaalu Nariyalna Doodh ma Bheeda ne Colmi

Curried Prawns (Shrimp) Prawns (Shrimp) with Okra
in Coconut Milk
Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time Origin Parsi
Cooking time 15 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Coking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 500g /1 lb 2oz prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 4 tablespoons rice flour
juice of 2 limes 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
500g / 1 lb 2oz prawns (shrimp), peeled and juice of 1 lime_
deveined, heads removed but tails intact 3 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee
1 teaspoon ground coriander 4 onions, chopped
2 teaspoons chilli powder 250g / 9oz okra, topped and tailed (trimmed)
100ml / 3M oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil 500ml / 18fl oz (21/4 cups) coconut milk, fresh
4 cardamom pods (see page 781) or canned
4 cloves 1/2 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
V4 teaspoon aniseeds sugar to taste
2 onions, thinly sliced salt
2 tomatoes, chopped
4 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded For the spice paste
salt 6-8 green chillies, roughly chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
To make the marinade, put half the ginger and
4 teaspoons ground cumin
garlic pastes in a bowl, season with salt and add the
1 tablespoon malt (white) vinegar
turmeric and lime juice. Add the prawns and rub
them with the marinade. Cover and marinate in the
Put the prawns in a dish and rub them with the rice
refrigerator for 30 minutes.
flour, turmeric, lime juice and some salt. Cover and
set aside.
Put the ground coriander and chilli powder in a small
bowl, add 2 tablespoons water and mix together.
To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients in
a food processor or blender and process to make
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
a smooth paste.
heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves and aniseeds
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the cardamom
pods darken and swell. Add the onions and stir-fry Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
for about 4-5 minutes, or until light brown. Add the medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about
remaining ginger and garlic pastes and stir-fry for 4-5 minutes, or until light brown. Add the prawns
30 seconds. Add the ground coriander mixture and and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, then add the spice paste
stir-fry for another minute. Add the tomatoes and fry and fry for 1 minute. Add the okra and cook for a
for a further 2 minutes. Add the prawns, then season further 2-3 minutes. Reduce the heat, pour in the
with salt and add the chillies. Stir, add 250ml / 8fl oz coconut milk and simmer for 3-4 minutes, then add
(1 cup) water, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat the tamarind extract and sugar and season with salt.
and cook for about 5 minutes, or until the prawns
are cooked.


'Tp vj's vj''

Jhingri Machher Malikari Chinchi Gulatala Jawla

Prawns (Shrimp) in Coconut Sauce Sweet & Sour Prawns (Shrimp)

Origin West Bengal Origin Coastal

Preparation time 25-30 minutes Preparation time 25 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 4-6

4 tablespoons mustard oil 1 kg / 2141b prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined

3 onions, sliced V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
2kg / 4!/2lb prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 2 onions, chopped
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander 1 tablespoon grated ginger
V2 teaspoon ground cumin 1 tablespoon finely chopped garlic
V2 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon ground cumin
125ml / 4y2fl oz (V2 cup) coconut milk, fresh 1 teaspoon chilli powder
(see page 781) or canned 4 tablespoons jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar
salt 1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
steamed Rice (see page 631), to serve salt

Place a kadhai, wok or large frying pan (skillet) over Put the prawns in a large bowl or dish and rub them
medium heat and add the oil. When hot, add the with the turmeric and a little salt. Cover and set
onion slices and fry for about 2—3 minutes, or until aside in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
heat, add the onions, ginger, garlic and ground spices
Add the prawns and fry for 1 minute, then add the and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until the onions
ground spices and sugar and stir-fry for 1 minute. are brown. Add the jaggery or sugar, tamarind extract,
Pour in the coconut milk, reduce the heat, cover 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and season with salt. Mix
and cook for 10 minutes. well and cook for 5 minutes. Add the prawns with
125ml / 4%fl oz O/2 cup) water. Reduce the heat slightly,
Garnish with the crispy fried onions and serve with cover and simmer for 7—8 minutes, or until the
freshly steamed Rice. moisture has evaporated and the prawns are cooked.


vp' /7p' If using fresh prawns, peel, devein, rinse under cold
running water and pat dry with kitchen paper (paper
towels). If using dried prawns, soak in a bowl of cold
Kolambini Bharaleli Bhaji water for about io minutes.
Prawns (Shrimp) with Stuffed Steamed
To make the marinade, mix the turmeric, salt and
(Bell) Peppers
the lime juice together in a bowl, then rub the
mixture over the prawns. Cover and set aside in the
Origin Coastal refrigerator for 15 minutes.
Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking, standing
and cooling time
Cook the potatoes in a large pan of boiling water for
Cooking time 15 minutes about 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain, allow to cool
Serves 4 then peel off the skins. Return the flesh to the pan
and mash with a potato masher.
250g / 9oz fresh or dried small prawns (shrimp)
4 potatoes, (unpeeled) Slice the tops off the peppers and reserve. Remove
4 red or green (bell) peppers the core and seeds and discard.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
1 large onion, chopped
heat, add the onion and stir-fry for 2 minutes, or until
1 teaspoon ground coriander they are translucent. Add the ground spices, season
1 teaspoon ground cumin with salt and fry for a further 2 minutes. Add the
1 teaspoon chilli powder ginger and garlic pastes, tomatoes, mashed potatoes
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) and sugar, then mix well. Reduce the heat, cover and
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) simmer for 10 minutes.

2 tomatoes, chopped
Add the prawns together with the marinade and
1 teaspoon sugar cook for 2—3 minutes, or until the prawns are
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) cooked. Remove from the heat, sprinkle over the
salt garam masala and stir. Allow the stuffing to cool
to room temperature.
For the marinade
Rub the remaining oil over the outer skin of
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
the peppers and stuff them loosely with the
1 teaspoon salt filling. Replace the tops and cook in a steamer
1 teaspoon lime juice for 15 minutes

You can use aubergines or tomatoes instead of

peppers, if you prefer.


Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for
2 minutes or until translucent. Add the coconut
Bhaji ani Kolambicha Stew and stir-fry for 1 minute, making sure that it does
Prawns (Shrimp) with Stewed Vegetables not turn brown. Add the chillies, ginger, garlic,
ground spices, sugar, salt and the vegetables and mix
Origin Coastal thoroughly. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups) water,
Preparation time 30-35 minutes, plus soaking and then reduce the heat, cover and cook for about
standing time 10 minutes, or until the vegetables are almost done.
Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Serves 4 Add the prawns together with the marinade, then
cover and cook for 5 minutes, or until the vegetables
are almost dry and the prawns are cooked. Remove
450g / 1 lb small or medium-sized fresh or dried
from the heat, sprinkle over the garam masala
prawns (shrimp) and cover for 2 minutes. Garnish with chopped
2 tablespoons vegetable oil coriander and serve immediately.
2 onions, chopped
4 tablespoons desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
v'T' 7T[v'
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon grated ginger
1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic Hirvya Kelyatil Jawla
y2 teaspoon ground green cardamom Prawns (Shrimp) with Raw Green
1 teaspoon ground coriander Bananas
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon chilli powder Origin Coastal
2 teaspoons sugar Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
1 teaspoon salt Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4
1 small cabbage, shredded
lOOg / 31/20Z (% small) unripe papaya, peeled and cut
1kg / 2141b prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined
into cubes
2 tablespoons lime juice
4-6 small new (baby) potatoes
1 tablespoon ghee
10Og / 3%oz (1 cup) French (green) beans,
1 ft tablespoons coarsely ground black pepper
topped and tailed (trimmed)
170g / 6oz (1 % cups) desiccated
V2 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
(dried flaked) coconut
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro),
1kg/ 2141b raw green bananas, peeled and cut
to garnish
into slices
For the marinade
ft teaspoon ground turmeric Put the prawns in a large bowl, add the lime juice
1 teaspoon lime juice and turn until the prawns are coated. Cover and set
y2 teaspoon salt aside in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

If using fresh prawns, peel, devein, remove the Heat the ghee in a large heavy-based pan over
heads but keep the tails intact, then rinse under medium heat, add the black pepper and coconut and
cold running water and pat dry with kitchen stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the coconut turns
paper (paper towels). If using dried prawns, soak light brown. Be careful not to burn it.
in cold water for 10 minutes.
Add the banana slices and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water,
To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients then reduce the heat, cover and cook for 5 minutes.
together, then pour the mixture over the Add the prawns together with the marinade, cover
prawns. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator and simmer for about 7 minutes, or until the prawns
for 15 minutes. are cooked.


/ p.41

Balchao Rechiado Prawns

Prawn (Shrimp) Balchao Portuguese-style Spicy Fried Prawns
Origin Coastal
Preparation time 40 minutes Origin Goa
Cooking time 15 minutes Preparation time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4 Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 6
150ml /14 pint (% cup) groundnut (peanut) oil, plus
extra for deep-frying 1kg / 2141b large prawns (shrimp), peeled and
160g / 51/20Z (1 medium) onion, chopped deveined, heads removed but tails intact
120g / 4oz (1 small) tomato, chopped 1 tablespoon whole black peppercorns
1kg / 214lb small prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined 2 teaspoons cloves
10 curry leaves 1/2 tablespoon ground cinnamon
2Vz teaspoons sugar 1 x 1 -cm / 1/2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
salt and chopped
20 cloves garlic, crushed
For the paste 10-20 dried red chillies, de-seeded
20 dried red chillies_ 1 tablespoon cumin seeds
4 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm /1 inch long 1 >2 teaspoons ground turmeric
15 green cardamom pods 125ml / 4y2fl oz fV2 cup) malt (white) vinegar
15 cloves vegetable oil, for frying
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns plain (all-purpose) flour, for dusting
1 teaspoon cumin seeds salt
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
3 tablespoons chopped ginger Put the prawns in a large bowl or dish.
150ml /14 pint (% cup) malt (white) vinegar
Put the whole spices, ginger, garlic, dried red
chillies, cumin seeds and turmeric in a blender
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
or food processor, season with salt and process,
heavy-based pan to i8o”C/35o"F, or until a cube of
adding as much vinegar as required to make
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
a smooth paste, then coat the prawns liberally
carefully lower the prawns into the hot oil and deep-
with the spice paste.
fry for 2 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
heat. Dust each prawn lightly with flour and fry for
To make the paste, put all the ingredients in
3-4 minutes, or until golden brown and cooked.
a food processor or blender and process to make
a smooth paste.

Heat the oil in a handi or large frying pan (skillet)

over medium heat, add the onion and fry for
about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the
tomato, stir for 1 minute, then add the paste and
stir-fry for a further 2 minutes. Add the prawns and
stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until the prawns
are cooked. Now add the curry leaves and sugar and
stir. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary.

This dish is known for its piquant character. It is more

like a pickle relish and is consumed in moderation.


vps >7p vj'v

Roya Vepaddu Nejandu Thoran

Golden Fried Prawns (Shrimp) Crab Curry with Coconut

Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh Origin Kerala

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 45 minutes-1 hour
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

8-10 prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined, heads 500g /1 lb 2oz crabmeat_
removed but tails intact 2 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
vegetable oil, for deep-frying 1 x 3-cm /114-inch piece fresh ginger,_
salt peeled and chopped
1 tablespoon coconut oil_
For the batter 15-20 curry leaves
IQOg / 3Y2QZ (% cup) rice flour_ salt
3 tablespoons desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
1 egg yolk_ For the paste
150ml /14 pint (% cup) coconut milk 3 teaspoons chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
Put the prawns in a shallow dish and sprinkle over
2 coconuts, grated
some salt.
2 cloves garlic, crushed
To make the batter, mix the flour and desiccated 4 shallots, chopped
coconut together in a large bowl, then gradually stir 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
in the egg yolk, coconut milk and black pepper, and
season with salt. Pick over the crabmeat and remove and discard any
pieces of shell.
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep
heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o‘F, or until a cube of To make the paste, put the ground spices in a small
bread browns in 30 seconds. Dip the prawns into the bowl, add 3 tablespoons water and mix together.
batter one by one, then carefully lower them into Put the grated coconut, garlic, shallots, cumin seeds
the hot oil and deep-fry for about 2 minutes, turning and the ground spice mixture in a blender or food
with a slotted spoon a few times. Remove from the processor and process to make a paste.
pan with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
(paper towels). Serve hot. Put the crabmeat in a large pan, add the chillies,
ginger, the paste and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, then
season with salt and cook over low heat for about
30 minutes, or until all the water has evaporated.

Heat the oil in a small frying pan (skillet) over

medium heat, add the curry leaves and stir-fry for
about 1 minute, or until they change colour. Pour
over the crab mixture, stir well and serve.


vF' vjv' Add the shellfish together with the marinade, the
tomatoes and 125ml / 4'Afl oz O/2 cup) water. Cover
and simmer for a further 10 minutes, or until the
Kande Batatyatli Machhi sauce is thick.
Shellfish in Onion Masala
Sprinkle over the ground mace powder and remove
the from heat. Stir in the coconut feni.
Origin Coastal
Preparation time 25 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 25 minutes
Serves 4

750g /1 lb 10oz live mussels or clams_

Nejandu Kari
% teaspoon ground green cardamom
Crab Curry
V4 teaspoon ground coriander
T4 teaspoon ground cumin Origin Kerala
1 tablespoon vegetable oil Preparation time 30 minutes
1 teaspoon grated ginger Cooking time 30 minutes
1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic Serves 4
2 cloves
1 kg / 2141b crabmeat_
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm /1 inch long
3 tablespoons chilli powder
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 tablespoon ground coriander
2 onions, sliced
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 large potato, cut into cubes
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 large tomato, skinned
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
pinch of ground mace or nutmeg
1-15 curry leaves
1 tablespoon coconut feni
2 tomatoes, chopped
4-6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
6-8 cloves garlic, chopped
For the marinade
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
and chopped
y2 teaspoon chilli powder
2 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
1 teaspoon lime juice
Rinse the mussels or clams very well to remove all grit
and dirt, then remove or retain shell as preferred. Pick over the crabmeat and remove and discard any
pieces of shell.
Mix the turmeric, chilli powder, lime juice and a
little salt together. Coat the mussels or clams all over Put the ground spices in a small bowl, add
with the turmeric mixture, then cover and set aside 4 tablespoons water and mix together.
in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
Put the ground spices, except the mace, in a small medium heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for
bowl, add 2 tablespoons water and mix together. about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
the fenugreek seeds and curry leaves and stir-fry for
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high about 1 minute, or until they turn black. Immediately
heat, add the ginger, garlic and whole spices and add the ground spice mixture, then increase the heat
stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the spices start to to high and stir-fry for a minute or so.
splutter. Add the green chillies, ground spice mixture
and stir-fry for 30 seconds. Add the onions and stir- Reduce the heat, add the tomatoes, chillies, garlic
fry for 2 minutes, or until they are translucent. and ginger and simmer for about 5 minutes. Add the
tamarind extract, bring to the boil and gently stir
Add the potatoes and jaggery or sugar, then season in the crabmeat. Season with salt, then cover the pan
with salt and pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water. and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.
Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.


m# vjv' '7F''

Chimbori Shengdanya Kalwan Bhuna Kekra

Crab Curry with Peanuts Grilled Lobster

Origin Coastal Origin Punjab

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 40 minutes Cooking time 10-12 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 8

4 medium-sized crabs, rinsed well_ 8 lobsters, peeled and deveined with tail intact
4 tablespoons vegetable oil melted butter, for basting
1 large onion, chopped salt
300g / 11 oz (2 cups) peanuts, roughly pounded
and roasted For the first marinade
1 large tomato, skinned and chopped Vz tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) Vz tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Vz tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 Vz tablespoons red chilli paste
2 teaspoons chilli powder pinch of salt
1 teaspoon ground turmeric Vz teaspoon vinegar
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground cumin For the second marinade
1 teaspoon ground aniseed 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
2 tablespoons lime juice Vz tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) Vz tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons sugar 1 Vz tablespoons red chilli paste
125ml / 4y2fl oz (VS? cup) coconut feni Vz teaspoon vinegar
salt 1 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
Vz tablespoon ground dried fenugreek leaves
For the marinade
To make the first marinade, mix all the ingredients
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
together in a bowl.
1 tablespoon lime juice
Place the lobsters in a large shallow dish and rub
To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients
the marinade evenly over. Cover and marinate in the
together in a bowl and rub into the crabs. Place
refrigerator for 1 hour.
the crabs in a large dish, cover and marinate in the
refrigerator for 15 minutes.
To make the second marinade, mix all the
ingredients together in a separate bowl and season
Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat, add the
with salt. Rub this paste all over the lobsters, cover
onion and stir-fry for 5—7 minutes, or until golden
again and marinate in the refrigerator for a further
brown. Add the peanuts and fry for 2 minutes.
1—2 hours.
Add the rest of the ingredients, except the coconut
feni and crabs, then season with salt and fry for
Prepare a charcoal grill for a moderate heat or
3 minutes. Pour in 1 litre / i* * 3/< pints (4'/< cups) water,
preheat the oven to i8o"C/35o'F/Gas Mark 4.
cover and cook for a further 5 minutes.
Thread the marinated lobsters on to metal skewers
Add the marinated crabs together with the marinade
and spread any of the remaining marinade over
and a little water if necessary. Cover and cook for
them. Roast the lobsters over the charcoal grill or in
20 minutes, or until the flesh of the crabs is opaque.
the oven, over a baking tray, for about 8—10 minutes,
Add the coconut feni, stir, cover again and cook for
or until the excess moisture drains out completely.
a few more minutes until heated through.
Remove from the charcoal grill or oven and baste
with melted butter, then roast for a further 2-4
minutes, or until the lobster is cooked. Serve hot.



m Add the onions to the oil in the pan and fry, stirring
occasionally, for about 5 minutes, or until medium
brown. Add the cinnamon, cloves, black cardamom
Aloo Gosht seeds, green cardamoms and the mace and stir-fry
Lamb with Potatoes for about 2 minutes, or until the onions are well
browned. Add the ground spice mixture and stir-fry
for a further 1-2 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons water,
Origin Delhi
then add the ginger and garlic and fry for about
Preparation time 40 minutes
30 seconds.
Cooking time 1 Vz-2 hours
Serves 4-6
Now add the meat and stir-fry for about 5 minutes.
Add the tomatoes and let the meat fry in this
V/2 teaspoons ground coriander_ mixture for about 5 minutes, or until the moisture
Vh teaspoons ground cumin has evaporated.
n/2 teaspoons chilli powder
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) Pour in 750ml / i'4 pints (314 cups) water, season
125ml / 4m oz (1/2 cup) vegetable oil or ghee with salt, cover and cook over a low heat for about
2 bay leaves 1—114 hours, or until the meat is tender. Add the
fried potatoes and heat through.
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
5 large potatoes, cut into quarters
225g / 8oz (2 medium) onions, finely sliced
1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long
4-6 cloves
seeds from 2-3 large black cardamom pods
4-6 green cardamom pods, crushed
pinch of ground mace
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and chopped
2 tablespoons chopped garlic
750g / 11b lOoz lamb, cut into medium-sized pieces
250g / 9oz (2 small) tomatoes, finely chopped

Put the ground spices in a small bowl, add

1 tablespoon water and mix together to make a
paste. Set aside.

Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the bay leaves and cumin seeds
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the seeds
start to splutter. Add the potatoes and fry for about
10-15 minutes, or until golden. Remove from the pan
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
(paper towels).


# Put the meat in a large shallow dish and rub the
meat well with the lemon juice and a little salt, then
cover and set aside for about 15 minutes.
Lehm e Murgan
Invigorating Lamb Curry To make the majoon paste, heat the ghee in a small
frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the
Origin Awadh cashew nuts and fry for about 1 minute, or until
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus marinating time golden. Remove from the pan and set aside. In the
Cooking time 272 hours same ghee, add the chironji kernels, poppy seeds
Serves 4 and desiccated coconut and stir-fry for about
1 minute, then remove from the pan and put into
a blender or food processor with the cashew
1 kg / 2%lb lamb shanks nuts. Process, adding a little water if necessary,
salt to make a smooth paste. Set aside.

For the marinade Put all the ingredients for the aromatic potli in
a mortar and pound with a pestle to break the
2 tablespoons lemon juice
spices, then place in a piece of muslin (cheesecloth),
fold over to make a 'pouch' and secure with kitchen
For the majoon paste string (twine) to hang over the rim of the pan.
1 tablespoon ghee_
Mix the yoghurt, ground coriander and chilli powder
15 cashew nuts
together in a bowl and set aside.
21/2 teaspoons chironji kernels
1 teaspoon poppy seeds Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan
1V2 teaspoons desiccated (dried flaked) coconut over medium heat, add the sliced onions and lightly
fry for 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the
For the aromatic potli meat, then season with salt and stir-fry for about
2 minutes. Add the onion, garlic and ginger pastes
8 cloves_
and stir-fry for 1 minute.
4 green cardamom pods
2 black cardamom pods Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the yoghurt
1 flower mace mixture, then return the pan to the heat, add the
1 stick cinnamon, about 2.5cm /I inch long aromatic potli and stir-fry for about 2—3 minutes, or
until the oil separates out. Add the stock, bring to
the boil, then reduce the heat to medium, cover and
For the sauce simmer for 2 hours, stirring occasionally, until the
4 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked meat is tender.
1V2 teaspoons ground coriander
y2 teaspoon chilli powder_ Reduce the heat, stir in the majoon paste and then
10Og / 31/20Z (scant V2 cup) ghee or vegetable oil cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, for about
5 minutes. Now reduce the heat to very low, add
1 large onion, sliced
the ground spices, stir, cover and simmer for about
1 tablespoon Onion Paste (see page 57) 10 minutes. Remove from the heat, then remove and
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)_ discard the potli, add the kewra water, then stir, and
I/2 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_ adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
625ml / 1 pint (21/2 cups) stock_
1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper, roasted
very small pinch of ground green cardamom_
small pinch of ground black cardamom_
small pinch of ground mace_
small pinch of ground cloves_
very small pinch of ground nutmeg_
1 drop kewra water or rosewater



Qorma dum Pukht Taar Qorma

Braised Lamb in Aromatic Sauce Lamb with Rich Sauce

Origin Awadh Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 214 hours Cooking time 1% hours
Serves 3-4 Serves 5-6

few saffron threads_

250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee_
1 teaspoon kewra water or rosewater
7-8 green cardamom pods
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
5-6 cloves_
6-7 onions, sliced 2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
50g / 1%oz (14 cup) almonds
1 kg / 2141b lamb shoulder, cut into pieces
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
4 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)_
2 bay leaves
3 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon chopped ginger
114 teaspoons ground coriander_
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder
2 teaspoons ground coriander
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
4 tablespoons Fried Onion Paste (see page 57)
1 kg / 2141b lamb shanks and chops
2 tablespoons Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58)
2 teaspoons chilli powder
1.5 litres / 214 pints (614 cups) lamb stock
3 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
(see page 636)
14 teaspoon ground mace
14 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper, roasted
14 teaspoon ground green cardamom
14 teaspoon ground green cardamom
1 teaspoon lime juice (optional)
14 teaspoon ground nutmeg
14 teaspoon ground clove
14 teaspoon ground mace
Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the kewra water
14 teaspoon kewra water or rosewater
and soak until required.
Heat half the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the onions and fry for about Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
4 minutes, or until light brown. Add the almonds and medium heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves and
continue to fry until the onions are deep brown. cinnamon and stir-fry for about 30 seconds. Add the
Remove from the pan and allow to cool. meat and season with salt. Increase the heat to high
and sear for 1-2 minutes, then reduce the heat to
When cool, transfer to a blender or food processor, low, add the garlic and ginger pastes and stir-fry for
reserving the oil, and process, adding a little water 1 minute. Add the ground coriander and chilli powder
if necessary, to make a smooth paste. and stir-fry for 1—2 minutes, or until the moisture has
evaporated. Remove the pan from the heat, stir in
Reheat the oil in the pan over medium heat, add the the yoghurt, then return the pan to the heat and stir-
chillies, bay leaf, ginger, garlic, ground coriander, half fry for 2 minutes, or until the oil has separated out.
the garam masala and the meat, then season with
salt and fry for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Now add the fried onion paste and stir-fry for
Reduce the heat to low, add the chilli powder and another 1—2 minutes, or until the oil has separated
yoghurt, mix well and continue to cook for 3—4 minutes. out. Add the cashew nut paste and stir-fry for about
Simmer until there is hardly any moisture left. Add the 1 minute, then pour in the stock. Bring almost to
fried onion-almond paste and mix well, then sprinkle the boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer, stirring
over the remaining garam masala, add the ground mace occasionally, for about i'/z hours, or until tender.
and cardamom and fry for 2 minutes. Pour in about
1 litre /1% pints (4'/* cups) water and cook for 2 hours,
Sprinkle over the aromatic spices and stir, then
or until the meat is tender. Stir in the lime juice, if using.
sprinkle over the kewra water and stir again.
Sprinkle over the soaked saffron just before serving.
Remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning.


# Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and add all the
aromatic spices. Cover and cook for 1 hour, or until
the lamb is tender. When done, remove the lamb
Kundan Kaliya from the sauce and set aside.
Golden Lamb Curry
Strain the sauce through a muslin cloth (cheesecloth)
or a fine sieve (strainer) into the pan. Add the cream,
Origin Awadh then return the lamb pieces to it, stir in the soaked
Preparation time 1 hour saffron and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes.
Cooking time 1 Vz hours
Serves 4-6 Set aside a little gold leaf for the garnish and mix
the rest into the sauce with a fork. Garnish with the
pinch of saffron threads_ reserved gold leaf.
1 teaspoon milk_
1 kg / 2141b lamb shoulder or leg, cut into cubes
400g /14oz (1% cups) ghee or vegetable oil
500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 medium) onions, sliced
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt Chippa Gosht
(see page 793), whisked_ Lamb Cooked in a Clay Pot
3 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Origin Hyderabad
2 teaspoons ground coriander_ Preparation time 10 minutes, plus marinating time
2 teaspoons chilli powder_ Cooking time 114—1 % hours
2 teaspoons ground turmeric_ Serves 6-8
4-6 cloves
4-6 green cardamom pods_ Vz teaspoon ground turmeric_
large pinch of ground mace_ 2 teaspoons chilli powder_
Vz teaspoon whole black peppercorns 2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
4 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 1 Vz teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
200ml / 7fl oz (% cup) single (light) cream Vz teaspoon raw papaya paste
10 edible gold leaves 1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces
salt 125ml / 4M oz {V2 cup) vegetable oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Put the saffron threads in a small bowl, add the milk salt
and soak until required. few sprigs coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped,
to garnish
Blanch the meat in a large pan of boiling water for
about io minutes, then drain and set aside.
To make the marinade, mix the turmeric, chilli
powder, ginger, garlic and the papaya pastes together
Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
in a large shallow dish, then season with salt.
medium heat, add the onions and fry for about 5-7
Place the meat in the marinade and mix well until
minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from the
coated evenly all over. Cover and set aside in the
pan with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
refrigerator for 114 hours.
(paper towels). Reserve the ghee or oil in the pan.
Heat the oil in a chippe or earthenware pot or in
Crush the onions into small pieces with your fingers a heavy-based casserole dish over low-medium heat,
and mix with 2 tablespoons yoghurt. Add the ginger add the marinated meat and fry for about 15 minutes,
and garlic pastes and mix together, then put in the or until the moisture has evaporated. Pour in about
pan with the lamb and stir-fry over medium-low heat 125ml / 4'/zfl oz (Z2 cup) water, then cover and cook
for about ro minutes. for 1—1 'h hours, or until the meat is tender. Add a
little more water if it is too dry.
Add the ground coriander, chilli powder and turmeric
to the pan and stir-fry for a further 5 minutes. Slowly Sprinkle over the lemon juice and garnish with
stir in the remaining yoghurt and stir-fry for about chopped coriander before serving.
2 minutes, or until the ghee or oil separates out.


# / m p.468 Roast the cashew nuts and poppy seed paste lightly
on a tawa or in a dry frying pan (skillet) for about
1 minute.
Musallam Raan
Slow-cooked Aromatic Leg of Lamb Add the chironji kernels and fry briefly, then
transfer to a small blender or food processor, add
the desiccated coconut and process, adding a little
Origin Awadh
water if necessary, to make a paste.
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4-6 Mix the poppy seed paste with the ginger and garlic
pastes, yoghurt, saffron and roasted gram flour
together in a bowl, then season with salt. Massage
1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb leg of lamb, trimmed and rinsed the lamb leg with the marinade, making sure the leg
10Og / 3y20z raw papaya paste_ is evenly coated all over, then cover and set aside
1 teaspoon chilli powder for a further 2 hours. Sprinkle over the aromatic
2 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil, plus 250ml / spices and rub again.
8fl oz (1 cup) for cooking
Heat the ghee or oil in a flat-based pan over medium
4 onions, sliced heat, place the leg of lamb with the marinade in it,
200g / 7oz (11/2 cups) cashew nuts then cover and cook for about 30 minutes, or until
50g / 1%oz Poppy Seed Paste (see page 58) the meat is done. Remove from the heat and serve
25g / 1 oz chironji kernels garnished with silver leaf and finely chopped almonds.
1 tablespoon desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
pinch of saffron threads
1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour, roasted
8-10 green cardamom pods
4 black cardamom pods
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
6-8 cloves
% nutmeg, grated
1 blade mace

To garnish
3 edible silver leaves_
1 tablespoon almonds, finely chopped

Place the meat in a large shallow dish and prick

well with a fork. Rub the raw papaya paste, chilli
powder and a little salt all over, then cover and set
aside in the refrigerator for 3—4 hours, preferably

Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the onions and fry for about 5-7
minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from the
pan, put into a blender and process, adding a little
water if necessary, to make a paste.


Mix the almonds, raisins, fried onions, ginger, green
chillies and coriander leaves together in a bowl.
Put the eggs in another bowl and beat lightly, then
Sasranga stir in the lime juice.
Baked Spicy Minced (Ground) Meat
Brush a 20cm / 8 inch round baking dish with oil
and line it with baking (parchment) paper. Spread
Origin Awadh
half of the meat on the paper and pour half of the
Preparation time 45 minutes
cream over the top. Sprinkle over half of the almond
Cooking time 114 hours
and raisin mixture, then pour over half of the egg
Serves 6-8
and lime juice mixture. Pat gently with your fingers
to level the mixture, then repeat the process until
3Vz tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil, plus extra everything is used up.
for brushing
2 tablespoons blanched almonds, slivered Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes, or until
the mince becomes firm. Allow to cool, then cut
50g / 13Aoz (I/3 cup) raisins, chopped
into wedges.
60g / 2oz (I/2 cup) sliced onions
1 kg / 2141b minced (ground) lamb, preferably
from leg or shoulder
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and chopped
10-15 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
4 eggs_
1 tablespoon lime juice
125ml / 416fl oz O/2 cup) single (light) cream

Preheat the oven to i9o‘C/375”F/Gas Mark 5.

Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan

over medium-low heat, add the almonds and stir-fry
for about 30 seconds, then remove from the pan
with a slotted spoon. Add the raisins and stir-fry for
another 30 seconds, then remove from the pan and
set aside.

Add the onions to the pan and stir-fry for 5—7

minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from the
pan with a slotted spoon, drain on kitchen paper
(paper towels) and crush coarsely. Set aside.

Put the minced lamb in the same pan, season with

salt and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, or
until the moisture has evaporated, then stir-fry for
about 1 minute. Pour in about 1 litre / \V* pints
(4% cups) water, then bring to the boil. Reduce the
heat and simmer for about 30 minutes, or until the
mince is tender and the liquid dries completely.


0 Reduce the heat to medium, cover and cook, stirring
occasionally, for about 1—i'A hours, or until the
meat is tender. You may have to add some more
Shahi Qorma water to the pan if it dries out.
Prince-like Curry
Add the remaining ground spices to the pan and
simmer for a further 8-10 minutes. Just before
Origin Awadh serving, add the kewra water together with the
Preparation time 30 minutes soaked saffron and stir, then garnish with almonds
Cooking time 11/2-2 hours
and silver leaves.
Serves 4

pinch of saffron threads_ m#

vF' vF'

1 teaspoon warm milk

150g / 5oz (% cup) ghee or vegetable oil
Tala Gosht
10 green cardamom pods
Fried Lamb
5-6 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
Origin Hyderabad
2 bay leaves Preparation time 15 minutes, plus marinating time
150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, sliced Cooking time 30 minutes
3 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) Serves 4
3 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons ground coriander 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 kg / 2%lb lamb, cut into pieces 1 teaspoon raw papaya paste
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 1Vz teaspoons chilli powder
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 1 teaspoon ground allspice
1 teaspoon ground mace Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom 1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns, coarsely pounded
1 teaspoon ground white pepper 1 kg / 2141b boneless lamb, cut into bite-sized pieces
2 drops kewra water or rosewater 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
salt salt

To garnish To make the marinade, mix the ginger, garlic and

20 blanched almonds, cut into slivers raw papaya pastes, chilli powder, ground allspice
2 edible silver leaves and turmeric together in a large bowl. Season with
salt and add the pounded peppercorns. Place the
meat in the marinade, then cover and set aside in
Put the saffron threads in a small bowl, add the
the refrigerator for at least 1/2 hours.
warm milk and soak until required.
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high
Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based frying
heat, add the meat and sear briefly to seal in all the
pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the cardamom
juices. Reduce the heat, cover and cook for about
pods, cloves, cinnamon and bay leaves and stir-fry
30 minutes, or until the meat is tender. Sprinkle
for about i minute, or until they start to splutter.
over a little water while frying to prevent the meat
Add the onions and stir-fry for about 5-7 minutes, or
sticking to the base (bottom) of the pan or burning.
until golden brown. Add the ginger and garlic pastes
and fry for a further 2-3 minutes. Add the ground
coriander and chilli powder, then season with salt
and stir for a few minutes.

Add the meat to the pan and stir-fry for about

10 minutes. Reduce the heat and slowly stir in the
yoghurt, then bring almost to the boil and pour in
enough water to make a gravy.


Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the bay leaf, cardamom pods,
cloves and cinnamon and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
Dalcha Gosht or until they start to splutter. Add the onion and stir
Lamb with Lentils fry for about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown.

Add the ginger and garlic pastes and green chillies

Origin Hyderabad
and stir-fry for 15 seconds, then add the lamb and
Preparation time 45 minutes
fry for 3-4 minutes. Add the mace, chilli powder,
Cooking time 11/2-2 hours
turmeric and ground coriander and stir. Pour in
Serves 4-6
about 1.5 litres / 2 'A pints (614 cups) water and bring
to the boil.
200g / 7oz (1 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
1 tablespoon coriander seeds Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the yoghurt,
10-15 curry leaves then return to the heat and bring to just below
10Og / 31/20Z (scant 14 cup) ghee boiling point. Suspend the aromatic pouch in the
1 bay leaf pot, then cover and simmer for 1-1'h hours, or until
the lamb is tender.
5-6 green cardamom pods
1 black cardamom pod Add the dal puree, bring back almost to the boil,
5-6 cloves then reduce the heat and simmer for about 15
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long minutes. Remove and discard the aromatic pouch,
lOOg / 3V20Z (1 small) onion, sliced sprinkle with lemon juice and stir. Adjust the
seasoning, if necessary.
2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Heat the ghee for the tempering in a small frying
2 teaspoons de-seeded and chopped green chillies pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the garlic
500g /1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into pieces and lightly fry for about 1 minute, or until golden
small pinch of ground mace brown. Add the dried red chillies and stir. Pour the
tempering over the lamb stew and stir. Serve with
2 teaspoons chilli powder
steamed rice.
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground coriander
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
4 tablespoons lemon juice
steamed rice, to serve

For the tempering

2 tablespoons ghee
5 cloves garlic
4 dried red chillies

Cook the dal in a pan of water for about 30 minutes,

or until soft. Drain, then process in a blender or
food processor to a puree. Set aside.

Put the coriander seeds and curry leaves in a

small piece of muslin (cheesecloth) and secure the
top with kitchen string (twine) to make a pouch.



Bund Gosht Baadam Pasanda

Fennel-flavoured Lamb Cooked Lamb Fillets with Cashews & Almonds
in a Sealed Pot
Origin Delhi
Origin Awadh Preparation time 20 minutes
Preparation time 30 minutes Cooking time 40-50 minutes
Cooking time 114-1% hours Serves 4
Serves 4
750g / 1 lb 10oz boneless lamb fillets_
125ml / AM oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil_ 250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee_
3- 4 green cardamom pods, cracked 5-6 cloves
2-3 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 3-4 green cardamom pods_
4- 6 cloves 200g / 7oz Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57)
3 tablespoons Fried Onion Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
3 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon turmeric paste 1 tablespoon ground coriander
1 kg / 2141b lamb chops 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 3 tablespoons Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58)
1 teaspoon chilli powder 2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 tablespoon ground fennel 14 teaspoon ground green cardamom
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid % teaspoon ground nutmeg
(see page 783) % teaspoon ground mace
salt salt

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over To garnish

medium heat, add the cardamom pods, cinnamon
1 sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
and cloves and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
50g / 1%oz (I/3 cup) blanched almonds
they start to splutter. Add the onion paste and stir-
fry for about 1 minute, then add the ginger and garlic
pastes and stir-fry for another 1 minute, or until the Place the meat on a board and, using a meat mallet,
onion paste is lightly browned. Add the turmeric beat lightly on one side to flatten, then lightly score
paste and continue frying for about 1-2 minutes, or the meat with a sharp knife.
until the moisture has evaporated.
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the cloves and cardamom pods
Add the chops to the pan, season with salt, then
and stir-fry for about 15 seconds. Add the boiled
remove the pan from the heat. Slowly stir in the
yoghurt and 1 tablespoon of water, then return to onion paste and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or
the heat, add the chilli powder and slowly increase until the oil separates out. Add the ginger and garlic
the heat. Mix well and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add pastes and stir-fry for about 1 minute, then add the
the ground fennel, reduce the heat to low, cover chilli powder, ground coriander, and yoghurt and
and seal the lid with dough, if using, or with foil season with salt, then stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes,
and cook for about 1-1 'A hours, or until the meat or until the oil separates out. Pour in about 300ml /
Zi pint (i!4 cups) water and bring almost to the boil.
is tender.
Add the meat fillets and simmer for about 25—30
minutes, or until tender.

Add the cashew nut paste, bring to the boil, then

reduce the heat to medium and cook for about 1—2
minutes, or until the oil separates out. Sprinkle
over the remaining ground spices and stir. Adjust
the seasoning and garnish with chopped coriander
and almonds.



Qorma Asafjahi Halim

The Sovereign’s Favourite Ceremonial Meat Porridge

Origin Hyderabad Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 1 Vfe hours Cooking time 1V2-2 hours
Serves 4-6 Serves 6-8

pinch of saffron threads_ 250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee or vegetable oil_

1 teaspoon warm milk 6 large onions, sliced
125g / 414oz (Tfe cup) ghee 4 large onions, ground_
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 10 cloves garlic, ground _
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
1 kg / 2141b lamb shoulder, cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces 2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon blanched almonds, cut into slivers 2 teaspoons turmeric
1 tablespoon raisins 2 tablespoons chilli powder
2 onions, finely chopped 1 kg / 2141b lamb shoulder, cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces
2 teaspoons chilli powder 200g / 7oz (172 cups) bulgar wheat
% teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 4 tablespoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
Vz teaspoon peppercorns, pounded 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 teaspoon sugar salt_
10 green chilies, de-seeded and finely chopped lime wedges, to serve
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan
salt over medium heat, add the sliced onions and stir-fry
for about 5 minutes, or until brown. Add the ground
onion and garlic, ginger and garlic pastes, turmeric
Put the saffron threads in a small bowl, add the
and chilli powder and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
warm milk and soak until required.
or until the spices change colour. Add the meat and
stir-fry for 15 minutes.
Heat half the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the garlic and ginger pastes and
Add the bulgar wheat to the pan and mix thoroughly,
stir-fry for 1—2 minutes, until golden brown. Add
then stir-fry for about 15 minutes. Season with salt.
the meat, season with salt and keep stir-frying,
Pour in 2 litres / 3/2 pints (8 cups) water, reduce the
sprinkling over a little water whenever the moisture
heat to low and cook for 1Z2 hours. As the bulgar
dries up, for 30 minutes. Add very little water at a
tends to stick to the base (bottom) of the pan it is
time, as the meat should be fried not boiled.
best to uncover the pan at least twice and stir the
mixture. Continue cooking until nearly all the water
Heat the remaining ghee in a separate pan over
is absorbed and the oil rises to the surface.
medium-low heat, add the almonds and stir-fry for
30 seconds, or until golden, then remove from the
Sprinkle over the garam masala and chopped
pan. Add the raisins to the pan and stir-fry for 30
coriander and serve with lime wedges.
seconds, or until golden, then remove from the pan.

Add the onions to the pan and fry for about 5-7
minutes, or until golden brown. Add the chilli
powder, garam masala, peppercorns, sugar, chillies
and 2 tablespoons water and cook, stirring well,
until the water has evaporated. Add the mixture to
the meat and stir, then add the almonds, raisins,
yoghurt, soaked saffron and coriander leaves and
mix well. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for
45 minutes, then serve immediately.


vp Add the boiled meat, ginger and garlic pastes, chilli
powder, cumin seeds, kalonji seeds and the sugar,
then stir and add the fried onion paste. Increase the
Achari Gosht heat, add the reserved stock and fry until the meat is
Lamb in Pickling Spices browned. Sprinkle with lemon juice, reduce the heat
and simmer for about 2 minutes. Remove from the
heat, stir in the yoghurt, then return to the heat and
Origin Punjab
cook until the oil separates and rises to the surface.
Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 114-1% hours
Serves 4-6

1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces_

1 teaspoon ground turmeric Bhuna Gosht (I)
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil Spicy Roast Lamb
15 dried red chillies
pinch of asafoetida_ Origin Punjab
Preparation time 15 minutes
1 teaspoon black mustard seeds
Cooking time 2 hours
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
Serves 4
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
15-20 curry leaves
3 tablespoons vegetable oil_
5-6 cloves
2 onions, sliced
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Vz tablespoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 teaspoons cumin seeds
1 teaspoon chilli powder
2 teaspoons kalonji (nigella) seeds
1 kg / 2141b lamb on the bone, cut into medium¬
1 tablespoon brown sugar
sized pieces
3 tablespoons lemon juice
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
salt Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the onions and fry for 8—10
For the fried onion paste minutes, or until golden brown. Add the ginger and
garlic pastes and fry for about 2 minutes, then add
1 tablespoo.n vegetable oil_
the turmeric and chilli powder and season with salt.
10Og / 31/20Z (1 small) onion, sliced
Add the meat and fry, stirring constantly, until the
moisture has evaporated. Pour in about 125ml /
To make the fried onion paste, heat i tablespoon 4'Afl oz ('A cup) water, then cover and cook over low
oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, heat for about 1/2 hours, until tender.
add the onions and fry for about 5-7 minutes, or
until golden brown. Transfer to a blender or food
Uncover, bring to the boil and cook until all the
processor and process to make a paste. Set aside.
water has evaporated and the oil rises to surface.

Bring 1 litre / I5/* pints (414 cups) water to the boil in

a large, heavy-based pan, add the meat and turmeric
and cook for 5 minutes. Reduce the heat, cover and
simmer for 1—1V2 hours, or until the meat is done to
your taste. Drain the meat, reserving the stock.

Heat the mustard oil in a large, heavy-based pan

over high heat, then reduce the heat. Add the dried
red chillies and stir-fry for 30 seconds, then remove
and discard the chillies. Add the asafoetida, mustard
seeds, fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds, curry leaves
and cloves and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
they start to splutter.


Bhuna Gosht (II) Gol Maas Kaachar
Roasted Lamb Lamb with Kachri

Origin Awadh Origin Rajasthan

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 45 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour Cooking time 1V2-2 hours
Serves 4 Serves 4

2 teaspoons ground coriander_ IQOg / 3T/2QZ (1 small) onion, roughly chopped

1 teaspoon ground cumin 125ml / 4V2fl oz p/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt,
1 teaspoon ground turmeric whisked__
2 teaspoons chilli powder 150g / 5oz (1 medium) tomato, pureed
125ml / 4T/2fl oz (Z2 cup) vegetable oil 1 teaspoon chilli powder_
1 bay leaf_ 6 tablespoons mustard oil_
3-4 cloves_ 150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, sliced_
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns_ 5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 black cardamom pods_ 1/2 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 5 green cardamom pods_
2 onions, sliced_ 2 cloves__
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_ 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long_
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)_ 1 bay leaf_
1 kg / 2141b lamb on the bone, cut into medium¬ 1kg / 2141b lamb leg, cut into 2.5-cm / 1-inch cubes
sized pieces_ 250g / 9oz fresh kachri, cut into rounds,_
salt or 3 tablespoons lemon juice_
Put the ground coriander, cumin, turmeric and chilli
powder in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons water Put the roughly chopped onion in a blender and
and mix together. process to make a paste. Set aside.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over Mix the yoghurt, pureed tomato and chilli powder
medium heat, add the bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, together in a large bowl and season with salt.
cardamom pods and cinnamon and stir-fry for about Set aside.
1 minute, or until they start to splutter and begin
to change colour. Add the onions and fry for about Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high
5—7 minutes, or until they are golden brown. Add heat. When the oil is hot, remove and sprinkle over
the ginger and garlic pastes and the ground spice a little water. Reheat over medium heat, add the
mixture and season with salt, then stir-fry for a sliced onions and stir-fry for about 4 minutes, or
further 1—2 minutes. until light brown. Add the garlic and ginger pastes
and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until the
Now add the meat to the pan and fry for about 30 moisture has evaporated. Add the green cardamom
minutes, sprinkling with a little water if necessary to pods, cloves, cinnamon and bay leaf and stir, then
prevent the meat sticking to the pan. Pour in 250ml / add the onion paste. Stir, add the meat and stir-fry
8fl oz (1 cup) hot water, bring to the boil, then reduce for a few minutes until the oil separates out.
the heat and simmer for a further 15 minutes, or
until the sauce thickens. Increase the heat and fry, Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the
stirring constantly, until the oil rises to the surface, yoghurt mixture, then return to the heat and bring
then remove from the heat. almost to the boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover and
simmer, stirring occasionally, for i-i'/z hours, or until
the meat is tender.

Now add the kachri rounds or lemon juice, stir, increase

the heat to medium and cook for about 10 minutes,
or until the kaachri is cooked.


m #

Safed Maas Amras ki Boti

Rajasthani Lamb in Rich White Sauce Mango-flavoured Lamb

Origin Rajasthan Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating time Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 1 Yz-2 hours Cooking time 1 hour
Serves 4 Serves 6-8

10 blanched almonds_ y2 teaspoon ground turmeric_

6 teaspoons poppy seeds Vz teaspoon ground black pepper_
6 teaspoons grated fresh coconut 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into cubes 125ml / AM oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil
5 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 1 onion, sliced
2 teaspoons chilli powder 2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) I/2 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee or vegetable oil 1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons Khoya (see page 58) or milk powder 125ml / AM oz (Z2 cup) milk
(dry milk) 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
125ml / AM oz (y2 cup) milk whisked
3 tablespoons lemon juice 4 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
2 teaspoons ground aniseed 6-8 green chillies, de-seeded and ground to a paste
2 tablespoons khus essence (optional) 4 teaspoons ground almonds
salt 3 tablespoons melon seeds, ground
250g / 9oz canned mango pulp
Put the almonds in a small food processor or few raisins
blender and process, adding a little water to make 14 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
a paste. Set aside. Put the poppy seeds in a small
large pinch of saffron threads
blender or mortar and process or pound with a
pestle, adding a little water to make a paste. Put the
coconut in a small blender and process until ground.
Put the turmeric, black pepper and chilli powder in a
Bring i litre / i3/< pints (414 cups) water to the boil small bowl, add 2 tablespoons water and mix together.
in a large, heavy-based pan, add the lamb and boil
for about 5 minutes. It will remove the colour from Heat half the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
the meat. Drain, place in a large bowl or dish and medium heat, add half of the onion and stir-fry for
set aside. 7 minutes, or until well browned. Add the ginger
and garlic pastes and stir-fry for about 2—3 minutes,
To make a marinade, mix the yoghurt, chilli powder then add the ground turmeric mixture and milk
and ginger paste together in a bowl, then season with and season with salt. Simmer for about 1 minute,
salt. Rub the marinade all over the meat, then cover then add the meat and fry for 10 minutes, or until
and set aside in the refrigerator for about 2-3 hours. the water has evaporated. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz
(2% cups) hot water and simmer for about
Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan over 45 minutes.
medium heat, add the meat and stir-fry for about
5 minutes. Pour in a little water, then add the Heat the remaining oil in another large, heavy-based
almond and poppy seed pastes, ground coconut, pan over medium heat, add the remaining onion and
khoya and milk. Mix well and simmer for i-i'/z hours, fry for about 4 minutes, or until light brown. Add the
or until the meat is tender and the oil rises to the yoghurt, stir to blend, then add the coriander, chilli
surface. Stir in the lemon juice and ground aniseed paste, ground almonds and melon seeds together
and sprinkle over the khus essence, if using. with the mango pulp, raisins and garam masala. Mix
well, then add the cooked meat and sauce. Sprinkle
over the saffron and simmer for a further 2—3
| minutes. Serve hot.


0#/ p.469

Khare Masale ka Gosht Jangli Maas

Lamb Cooked with Aromatic Whole Rustic Hunter’s Lamb
Origin Rajasthan
Origin Awadh Preparation time 15 minutes
Preparation time 30 minutes Cooking time 1 hour
Cooking time 11/2-2 hours Serves 4
Serves 4
200g / 7oz (% cup) ghee or vegetable oil
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves 5-6 dried red chillies
4 dried red chillies salt
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
5 tablespoons ghee Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
6 green cardamom pods low heat, add the meat and cook, stirring occasionally
for about 10 minutes. Season with salt and add the
3 black cardamom pods
dried red chillies. Sprinkle over a very small amount
4 cloves
of water to ensure the meat does not stick to the
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long base (bottom) of the pan, and cook for a further
2 bay leaves 10 minutes. Remember the meat should neither fry nor
12 whole black peppercorns boil. Continue this process until the meat is tender.
1 teaspoon coriander seeds When tender, increase the heat slightly and cook for
a few minutes until the moisture has evaporated.
500g / 1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into pieces
5 teaspoons chopped garlic
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and cut
into strips_
25g / loz (14 cup) sliced onion_

Mix the yoghurt, chopped coriander, dried red chillies

and turmeric together in a bowl, then set aside.

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves,
cinnamon, bay leaves, peppercorns and coriander
seeds and stir-fry for about 30 seconds, or until the
cardamom pods start to change colour. Now add
the meat and stir-fry for a few minutes, then add
the garlic and ginger. Season with salt and stir-fry
for about 1-2 minutes, or until the moisture has

Remove from the heat and stir in the yoghurt

mixture, then return to the heat and stir-fry for
about 2 minutes, or until the oil separates out. Add
the onion and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until
the oil separates out. Pour in about 125ml / 4,/tfl oz
('/z cup) water, bring almost to the boil, then reduce
the heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, for
about i-i'/z hours, or until the sauce is a thin sauce
consistency and the meat is tender.

m To make the sauce, put the chilli powder in a small
bowl, add 2 tablespoons water and mix together.

Khatta Meetha Do Pyaza When ready to cook, remove the meat from the
Rajasthani Sweet & Sour Lamb marinade and reserve the marinade.

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over high

Origin Rajasthan
heat, then reduce the heat. Add the cardamom pods,
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
cloves, cinnamon and bay leaf and stir-fry for about
Cooking time 1 Vz hours
30 seconds, or until the green cardamom pods start
Serves 4
to change colour. Add the onion and stir-fry for
about 4 minutes, or until light brown. Add the ginger
1 kg / 2!4ib lamb, cut into pieces_ and garlic pastes and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes,
500ml /18fl oz (2Va cups) lamb stock (see page 636) or until the moisture has evaporated and the onion
is golden brown.
Vz teaspoon dried basil
Add the marinated meat to the pan, increase the
heat to high and stir-fry for 3-4 minutes, or until
For the marinade seared. Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook,
150ml / Va pint (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes, adding
small quantities of stock to prevent the meat
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
sticking, if necessary.
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Vz teaspoon ground coriander powder Uncover and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until
Vz teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder the liquid has evaporated, then add the ground
coriander and a quarter of the marinade, and
stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until the liquid has
For the sauce
evaporated. Add another quarter of the marinade
Vz teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder_
and keep repeating the process until the marinade
7 tablespoons ghee is used up.
6 green cardamom pods
2 black cardamom pods Now add the chilli powder mixture and stir for
6 cloves a minute. Add the fried onion paste and stir, then
reduce the heat to low and stir-fry for about 1—2
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
minutes, or until the oil separates out. Pour in
2 bay leaves 125ml / 4'/2fl oz (Vi cup) stock, then bring to the boil,
150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer, stirring
5 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) occasionally, for 3—4 minutes.
4 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
5 teaspoons ground coriander Uncover, increase the heat to medium and stir-fry for
about 2—3 minutes, or until the liquid has evaporated.
10Og / 3Vzoz Fried Onion Paste (see page 57)
Thereafter, add 2 tablespoons stock at a time and
Vz teaspoon ground black pepper continue to stir-fry until the meat is cooked.
Vz teaspoon ground green cardamom
Va teaspoon ground nutmeg powder Add the caramelized onion, stir-fry for 1 minute, then
Va teaspoon ground cloves add the ground spices and stir. Adjust the seasoning,
if necessary, then crush the dried fenugreek leaves
generous pinch of dried fenugreek leaves
between your palms and sprinkle on top.

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade in a bowl,

then season with salt. Place the meat in a large
shallow dish and rub the marinade evenly over the
meat, then cover and set aside in the refrigerator for
about 3 hours.

Bring the stock to the boil in a large pan, add the

basil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for
about 4-5 minutes. Remove from the heat and pass
the stock through a fine sieve (strainer) into
a separate pan. Set aside.


# Mix all the ingredients for the marinade together in
a large bowl, then season with salt. Rub the chops
with the marinade, then cover and set aside in the
Chaamp Baadami refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
Almond Chops
To make the sauce, heat enough ghee or oil or deep-
frying in a deep, heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o’F, or
Origin Awadh
until a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds. Add the
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus marinating time
almonds and deep-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until
Cooking time 114 hours
light golden. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain
Serves 4
on kitchen paper (paper towels) until cool.

12 lamb chops, trimmed_ When the almonds are cool, put them in a food
5 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut in knobs (pats) processor or blender, add 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water
2 eggs, beaten (optional) and process to make a smooth paste. Set aside.
Preheat the oven to i4o“C/ 275°F/Gas Mark 1.

For the marinade Arrange the chops in a greased roasting tray (pan)
4 tablespoons malt (white) vinegar_ and spread the marinade evenly over the chops.
125ml / 4Vgfl oz (Vz cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, Put the knobs (pats) of butter on top and spread a
thin layer of beaten egg on top if using. Bake in the
oven for about 25 minutes, or until cooked, basting
5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) at regular intervals with the marinade. Remove the
3 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) chops and reserve the liquor.
1 tablespoon Fried Onion Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons raw papaya paste Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan
over medium heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves,
Vz teaspoon chilli powder
cinnamon and bay leaves and stir-fry for about
Vz teaspoon ground green cardamom
30 seconds, or until the cardamom pods start to
y2 teaspoon ground cloves change colour. Add the garlic and ginger pastes and
pinch of ground nutmeg stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until the moisture
has evaporated. Reduce the heat to low, add the
almond paste and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes,
For the sauce
or until brown, adding small quantities of water
6 tablespoons ghee or oil, plus extra for deep-frying frequently to ensure that the paste does not burn
50g / 1%oz {Vz cup) blanched almonds and acquire a bitter taste.
5 green cardamom pods
3 cloves Increase the heat to medium, add the fried onion
and garlic pastes and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes,
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
or until the oil separates out. Add the chilli powder
2 bay leaves
and stir-fry for 30 seconds, then add the reserved
5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) liquor and stir-fry for a further 2 minutes, or until
3 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) the oil separates out.
3 tablespoons Fried Onion Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon fried Garlic Paste (see page 57) Pour in about 500ml / i8fl oz (zV* cups) water, bring
to the boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer
1 teaspoon chilli powder
for 4—5 minutes. Remove from the heat and pass
y2 teaspoon ground green cardamom the sauce through a fine-mesh sieve (strainer) into
Vz teaspoon ground cloves a separate pan and return to the heat. Season with
Vz teaspoon ground cinnamon salt, then add the ground spices, stir and bring to
14 teaspoon ground mace the boil. Reduce the heat to low, add the chops and
simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until
14 teaspoon ground nutmeg
tender. Remove, add the ittar (if using), stir and
1 drop ittar (optional) adjust the seasoning, if necessary.

Remove the 2 side ribs from the chops and then

carefully scrape off the meat from the lower part
of the bones. Place the meat in a large shallow
dish or bowl.


Vj's /7J'S

Makki ka Soweta Maas ki Karhi

Lamb with Sweetcorn (Corn) Kernels Lamb in Gram (Chickpea) Flour
& Yoghurt Curry
Origin Rajasthan
Preparation time 50 minutes Origin Rajasthan
Cooking time 2 hours Preparation time 45 minutes
Serves 6-8 Cooking time 1V2 hours
Serves 4-6
3 tablespoons ghee_
6 cloves 1 Vz teaspoons cumin seeds_
4 black cardamom pods 375ml / 13fl oz (1V2 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
2 cinnamon sticks, about 5cm / 2 inches long whisked__
2 bay leaves 50g / 1%oz (V2 cup) gram (chickpea) flour
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces 1 teaspoon chilli powder_
125ml / 414oz (V2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked I/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 teaspoons chilli powder 125g / 41/20Z (I/2 cup) ghee_
3 teaspoons ground coriander generous pinch of asafoetida
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 kg / 2141b boneless lamb, cut into chunks
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 120g / 4oz (V2 cup) Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57)
150g / 5oz (14 cup) Fried Onion Paste (see page 57) 3 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 2 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
1kg / 2141b ears fresh sweetcorn (corn), kernels salt
removed and roughly pureed 6 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 tablespoon green chillies, de-seeded and chopped Plain Boiled Rice (see page 631), to serve
1 tablespoon sugar
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk Lightly stir-fry half the cumin seeds on a tawa or in
60g / 2oz 0/3 cup) gram (chickpea) flour, mixed with a dry frying pan (skillet) for about 1 minute, or until
a little water roasted, but not turned, then allow to cool. When
cool, put them in a spice grinder and process to
1 tablespoon lime juice
make a powder.
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
salt Whisk the yoghurt, gram flour, chilli powder and
turmeric together in a bowl, then season and pour in
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over 750ml /1!4 pints (3% cups) water and whisk again.
medium heat, add the cloves, cardamom pods,
cinnamon and bay leaves and stir-fry for 1-2 Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
minutes. Add the meat, yoghurt, chilli powder, medium heat, add the remaining cumin seeds and
ground coriander, turmeric, cumin seeds and onion asafoetida and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
and garlic pastes, then season with salt and fry the the seeds start to splutter. Add the meat and season,
meat for about 10 minutes. then stir-fry for about 4—5 minutes, or until the meat
is light brown all over. Add the boiled onion and
Pour in 600ml / 1 pints (2V2 cups) water and stir, garlic pastes and stir-fry for about 5 minutes.
then simmer for i'h hours, until the meat is nearly
tender. Add the sweetcorn, chillies, sugar, milk and Now pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups) water and
gram flour and stir well. Cook over medium heat for bring to the boil. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer
about 20 minutes, stirring all the time to avoid the for about 50 minutes, stirring occasionally, until
sweetcorn sticking to the base (bottom) of the pan. the meat is almost tender. Add the yoghurt mixture,
The sweetcorn is cooked when it does not stick to bring almost to the boil, then reduce the heat to
the base (bottom) of the pan. Add the lime juice and medium and cook for 30 minutes, stirring constantly,
chopped coriander and stir well. until the sauce starts to thicken. Add the roasted
ground cumin and green chillies, then stir and cook
for 2-3 minutes. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary,
and garnish with coriander. Serve with Boiled Rice.


'7p' ^JV'

Rezhala Kossha Mangsho

Lamb & Yoghurt Curry Lamb Curry (I)

Origin Bengal Origin Bengal

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 114 hours Cooking time 1 Vz-2 hours
Serves 8 Serves 4

1 kg / 2 141b lamb, cut into medium-sized pieces 1 kg / 2141b boneless lamb, cut into 2.5-cm /1 -inch cubes
200g / 7oz (3A cup) ghee_ 125ml / 4M oz (V2 cup) mustard oil_
10 small onions, chopped 300g / 1 loz (3 medium) onions, sliced
6 dried sour plums 2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon pistachios, chopped 1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon almonds, chopped 2 teaspoons chopped green chillies
1 teaspoon cashew nuts, chopped 500ml / 18fl oz (2% cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
10-15 green chillies, slit in half lenthways and de-seeded whisked
14 teaspoon ground turmeric 2 teaspoons chilli powder
2 bay leaves 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 green cardamom pods 3 teaspoons sugar
2 black cardamom pods 2 teaspoons ground black cardamom
10 peppercorns salt
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk 3 teaspoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves,
salt to garnish

For the marinade For the marinade

2 onions_ 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 2 tablespoons mustard oil
8 cloves garlic 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 tablespoon ground coriander Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
400ml / 14fl oz (1% cups) natural (plain) yoghurt 1 teaspoon sugar

To make the marinade, put all the ingredients To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients
separately into a blender and process, adding together in a large bowl, add the meat and turn until
a little water if necessary, to make a paste. Put all well coated. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator
the pastes in a bowl, add the ground coriander and for 1 hour.
yoghurt and mix together.
Heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or large frying pan
Put the meat in a large shallow dish or bowl and (skillet) over medium heat, add the onions and stir-
rub the marinade over the meat, then cover and set fry for about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown.
aside in the refrigerator for i hour. Add the ginger and garlic pastes and green chillies
and stir-fry for 2—3 minutes. Increase the heat to
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over high high, add the yoghurt, chilli powder, turmeric and
heat, then reduce the heat slightly. Add the lamb sugar, and the lamb and the marinade, then season
and the marinade and fry over medium-high heat with salt and stir-fry for 5-10 minutes.
for 5 minutes. Reduce the heat and fry gently for
io minutes until the meat is half done. Pour in about 1 litre / 1% pints (4% cups) water, then
reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about 1—1 l/z
Add all the remaining ingredients to the pan and hours, or until the meat is tender and the sauce
season with salt. Cover and simmer for about i hour, is thick. Add the ground cardamom and adjust
or until the meat is tender. the seasoning, if necessary. Serve garnished with
chopped coriander.


Heat about 2 tablespoons oil in a large frying pan
(skillet) over medium heat, add the potatoes and fry
for about 15—20 minutes, or until cooked and golden
Panther Jhol brown. Add the potatoes to the meat with the sugar
Lamb Stew (III) and season with salt. Cover and cook for about
30-45 minutes, or until the meat is done.

Origin Bengal
Heat 1 tablespoon ghee in a small frying pan over
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
medium-low heat, add the diced coconut and stir-fry
Cooking time 1 14 hours
for about 1-2 minutes, or until golden brown. Add
Serves 4
the cumin seeds and fry for about 1 minute, or until
they start to splutter, then pour the mixture over the
500g / 1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into 2.5-cm /1 -inch cubes meat and cover to retain the aroma. Remove from
1 teaspoon ground turmeric the heat.
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground coriander

2 teaspoons ground cumin

1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon mustard oil, plus extra for frying Dhaniwal Qorma
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped Coriander (Cilantro)-flavoured Lamb
250g / 9oz (2 medium) potatoes, cut into quarters
1 teaspoon sugar Origin Jammu and Kashmir
2 tablespoons ghee Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 1-116 hours
14 fresh coconut, peeled and diced
Serves 4-6
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee_
125ml / 416 fl oz (1/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
For the marinade
5 onions, chopped
pinch of ground turmeric
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces
y2 tablespoon mustard oil
2 teaspoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons ground fennel
Place the lamb in a large bowl or dish, add the
3 teaspoons ground coriander
marinade ingredients and turn until the meat is
coated. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator 1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
for 30 minutes. salt
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish
Put the turmeric, chilli powder, ground coriander,
cumin and ginger paste in a large bowl, add 1.5 litres /
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over low
2‘/a pints (6'/i cups) water and mix together.
heat, add the yoghurt and onions and blend well.
Now add the meat and the remaining ingredients and
Heat the 1 tablespoon of mustard oil in a large,
season with salt. Pour in 750ml / PA pints (3/4 cups)
heavy-based pan over high heat, add the spice
water and bring to the boil, then reduce the heat
mixture and stir-fry for about 30 seconds, or until
and simmer for about 1—i'h hours, or until the meat
the oil separates out. Add the chillies, then reduce
is tender. Remove from the heat and garnish with
the heat, cover and simmer for 10—12 minutes. Add
coriander leaves.
the marinated meat, cover and simmer for about
30 minutes, or until it is three-quarters done.


fff Heat the remaining oil in a deep, heavy-based pan
over medium heat, add the potatoes and fry for
about 10 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
Mutton Kolhapuri from the pan and set aside. Add the lamb and
Maharashtrian Hot Lamb Curry stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until brown, then
add the masala paste and season with salt. Pour in
500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) hot water, bring to the boil,
Origin Maharashtra
then reduce the heat, cover and simmer, stirring
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus marinating time
occasionally, for about 1-1/2 hours, or until the meat
Cooking time 1-11/2 hours
is tender. You may need to add more water. Add
Serves 5-6
the potatoes and cook for a further 5 minutes, then
garnish with chopped coriander and serve hot.
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into medium-sized pieces_
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
8 cloves # / S3 p.285
2 teaspoons whole black peppercorns
1 teaspoon poppy seeds Ishtoo (I)
1 teaspoon coriander seeds Lamb Stew (I)
1 teaspoon aniseeds
7-8 dried red chillies Origin Delhi/Bhopal
2 large onions, chopped Preparation time 30 minutes
1 coconut, peeled and grated Cooking time 2 hours
4 large tomatoes, chopped Serves 4
2 large potatoes, cut into cubes
15g / V20Z C/3 cup) coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil or ghee_
salt 1 kg / 2141b lamb chops and hind leg pieces,
cut into pieces
For the marinade 1 kg / 2141b (7 medium) onions, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon ground turmeric_ 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
V2 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 10-12 dried red chillies
5-6 cloves
y2 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 clove garlic
To make the marinade, mix the turmeric, ginger and
garlic pastes and a pinch of salt together in a large
bowl. Place the lamb pieces in a large dish or bowl Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
and rub the marinade all over the meat, then cover very low heat. Mix all the ingredients together in a
1 and set aside in the refrigerator for about 3—4 hours. large bowl, then season with salt and add to the pan.
Cover and cook for about 2 hours, or until the meat
Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large, heavy-based pan is tender.
i over medium heat, add the cloves, peppercorns,
1 poppy seeds, coriander seeds, aniseeds and dried
' red chillies and stir-fry for about 2 minutes. Add the
onions and stir-fry for about 4 minutes, or until they
are light brown. Add the coconut and tomatoes and
season with salt, then cook for about 5 minutes, or
until the moisture has evaporated. Remove the pan
from the heat and allow to-cool.

When the mixture is cool, put it into a blender or

food processor and process to make a paste, then
set aside.


vp Uncover, add the remaining curry leaves and stir.
Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the
coconut milk. Return the pan to the heat, sprinkle
Ishtoo (II) over the ground cardamom, cover and simmer for
Lamb Stew (II) about 5 minutes, or until beginning to boil. Remove
from the heat, adjust the seasoning, if necessary,
and garnish with desiccated coconut.
Origin Delhi/Bhopal
Preparation time 40 minutes
Cooking time 114-1% hours
Serves 4

200g / 7oz (2 medium) potatoes, cut into cubes_ Do Pyaza

2 tablespoons coconut oil Spiced Lamb
8 green cardamom pods
4 cloves Origin Awadh
4 bay leaf _ Preparation time 40 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 1 hour 10 minutes
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
Serves 4
300g / 11 oz (2 medium) onions, sliced
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and cut
250g / 9oz (2 small) onions, roughly chopped_
into juliennes
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
8 green chillies, de-seeded and cut into juliennes
300g / 11 oz (114 cups) ghee or vegetable oil
24 curry leaves
250g / 9oz (2 medium) onions, sliced
21/2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces
21/2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
4-6 cloves
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut cream, fresh
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
(see page 781) or canned
6-8 green cardamom pods, crushed
1 kg / 2141b lamb chops and hind leg pieces,
2 teaspoons cumin seeds
cut into pieces
1 teaspoon chilli powder
125ml / AM oz (I/2 cup) coconut milk, fresh
2 teaspoons garam masala (see page 31)
(see page 781) or canned
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1/2 teaspoon ground green cardamom
desiccated (dried flaked) coconut, to garnish
Put the chopped onions in a blender or food
processor and process to make a paste. Set aside.
Cook the potatoes in a large pan of salted boiling
Put the ginger in a small blender or food processor
water for about 5 minutes, or until al dente, then
and process to make a paste. Set aside.
drain and set aside.
Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
over medium heat, add the sliced onions and fry for
heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves, bay leaf and
about 5—7 minutes, or until well browned. Remove
cinnamon and stir-fry for about 30 seconds, or until
from the pan with a slotted spoon and allow to cool.
the cardamom starts to change colour. Add the onions
When cool, crush and set aside.
and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until translucent
and glossy. Add the ginger, chillies and half the curry
Add the meat, cloves, onion and ginger pastes,
leaves and stir-fry for 1 minute, then add the ginger
yoghurt, cardamom pods, cumin seeds and chilli
and garlic pastes and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or
powder to the pan and fry for about 30 minutes
until the moisture has evaporated.
over medium heat, stirring frequently and
sprinkling with a little water if required, to ensure
Add the coconut cream and 375ml / 13d oz (1 'A cups)
that it does not burn. When the meat is cooked
water and bring to the boil. Add the meat and season
and very little sauce is left, add the crushed fried
with salt, then stir and return to the boil. Reduce the
onions, garam masala, coriander leaves and 250ml
heat to low, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally,
/ 8fl oz (1 cup) water. Bring to the boil, reduce the
for about 1—1!4 hours, or until the meat is tender.
heat and simmer for about 30 minutes, then remove
from the heat and serve.


'/Vs <7|'' vj*'

Jardalu Boti Nahari

Lamb Cooked with Apricots Morning Delight

Origin Parsi Origin Delhi

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 40 minutes
Cooking time 1 Vz-2 hours Cooking time 114-1% hours
Serves 6-8 Serves 4

250g / 9oz (1 Vz cups) dried apricots_ 125ml / Am oz (I/2 cup) mustard oil_
1 Vz teaspoons chilli powder 250g / 9oz (2 small) onions, sliced
1 tablespoon ground cumin 8-10 black cardamom pods
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil 4-5 cloves_
150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, finely chopped 2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 3 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
and chopped 3 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Vz clove garlic, finely chopped 3 teaspoons ground coriander
3-4 cinnamon sticks, about 5cm / 2 inches long 1 teaspoon chilli powder
6-8 green cardamom pods 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
4 tomatoes, chopped 150ml /14 pint (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into bite-sized chunks 500g /1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into pieces
Vz teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 1.5 litres / 21/2 pints (614 cups) lamb stock
V/z teaspoons ground black pepper (see page 636)_
1 teaspoon malt (white) vinegar 4 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour, roasted
2 teaspoons sugar Vz teaspoon ground black pepper
salt salt

Soak the dried apricots in a bowl of water overnight. Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add half the onions and fry for about
The next day, put the chilli powder and ground 5—7 minutes, or until golden and crisp. Remove from
cumin in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons water and the pan with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
mix together. Drain the apricots and set aside. paper (paper towels).

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over low Reheat the oil over medium heat, add the whole
heat, add the onions and fry for 8-io minutes, or spices and stir-fry for about 30 seconds, or until
until light brown. Now add the ginger and garlic and the cardamom pods start to change colour. Add
stir-fry for 3-4 minutes, then add the cinnamon and the remaining onions, the ginger and garlic pastes,
cardamom pods and cook for a further 1 minute. ground coriander, chilli powder, turmeric and
yoghurt, then season with salt and stir-fry for about
Add the chilli powder mixture to the pan and stir well. 2 minutes, or until the oil separates out.
Add the tomatoes and cook for about 5 minutes,
then add the meat, garam masala and black pepper Crush the reserved fried onions, then add them to
and season with salt. Stir-fry for about 5 minutes, the pan and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add the meat and
then reduce the heat to very low and cook for about stock and bring almost to the boil. Reduce the heat
1—1 h hours, or until the meat is tender. Pour in about to low and simmer for about 1—i'h hours, or until
of 125ml / 4%fl oz O/2 cup) hot water, if it is drying out, the meat is tender.
and simmer for 1 minute. Sprinkle over the vinegar,
then add the sugar and the drained apricots and cook Put the roasted gram flour in a small bowl, add
for a further 2 minutes, then mix well to blend. 4 tablespoons water and mix together, then stir the
mixture into the pan. Add the black pepper, mix
well, cover and simmer for about 5 minutes. Uncover
and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.


Elayachi Gosht Meat Beliram
Cardamom-flavoured Lamb Punjabi Lamb Curry

Origin Hyderabad Origin Punjab

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 11/2-2 hours Cooking time 1 hour 10 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6

125g / 4oz (I/2 cup) ghee_ 1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into chunks_
10 green cardamom pods, cracked 180g / 6oz (34 cup) ghee
6 black cardamom pods, cracked 2 tablespoons coriander seeds, crushed
1kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces salt
1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and
finely chopped For the marinade
500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 medium) onions, sliced 750ml / VA pints (314 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
8-10 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped_ whisked
400ml / 14fl oz (iy3 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt, 5 onions, sliced
whisked 4 tablespoons finely chopped ginger
1 teaspoon chilli powder 4 tablespoons finely chopped garlic
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom 2 teaspoons Kashmiri red chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground coriander 10 green cardamom pods
salt 2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish 5 cloves

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients
medium heat, add the cardamom pods and stir-fry together in a large bowl and season with salt. Place
for about i minute, or until they start to splutter. the meat in a shallow dish and rub the marinade
Add the meat, increase the heat to high and stir- evenly over the meat, then cover and set aside in the
fry for about 5 minutes, or until it changes colour. refrigerator for about 2 hours
Reduce the heat, add the ginger, onions and chillies
and stir-fry for about 4 minutes, or until the onions Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
are light brown. Remove the pan from the heat. medium heat, add the coriander seeds and stir-fry
for about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter.
Mix the yoghurt and chilli powder together in a Now, add the chunks of meat together with the
bowl, then season with salt. Stir into the pan, then marinade and bring almost to the boil. Reduce the
return to the heat and bring almost to the boil. heat to medium, cover and cook for 30 minutes.
Pour in about 1 litre / 1% pints (4/4 cups) water and
return almost to the boil. Reduce the heat, cover Now reduce the heat to low and simmer for about
and simmer for about 1—1!4 hours, or until the meat 30 minutes, then increase the heat to medium, uncover
is cooked and tender. Sprinkle over the ground and cook for about 2-3 minutes, or until the oil
green cardamom and coriander and mix well. separates out and the meat looks well fried. Adjust
Adjust the seasoning, if necessary, and garnish with the seasoning, if necesary.
coriander leaves.


vp' Vpv

Rarha Meat Dahiwala Meat

Pot-roasted Lamb Lamb in Yoghurt Sauce (I)

Origin Punjab Origin Punjab

Preparation time 40 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 11/2-2 hours Cooking time 2 hours
Serves 2-3 Serves 4

250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 1 kg / 2141b boneless lamb, cut into chunks
1 kg / 2%lb lamb, cut into pieces 5 tablespoons ghee
150g / 5oz (% cup) ghee or vegetable oil 3 onions, chopped
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm /1 inch long 2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2Vz black cardamom pods 2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 bay leaf 10 cloves
10Og / 31/20Z (1 small) onion, finely chopped 6 small cardamom pods
4 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 4 black cardamom pods
4 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 4 green chillies
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric 2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
2 teaspoons chilli powder 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
% teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) salt
10Og / 3V20Z (1 medium) tomato, chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish
5-6 coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped, to garnish For the marinade
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
Put the yoghurt in a large dish or bowl, season with whisked
salt and add the meat. Turn until well coated, then pinch of salt
cover and set aside in the refrigerator for about
1 teaspoon ground coriander
114 hours.
1 teaspoon chilli powder
Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the cinnamon, cardamom pods To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients
and bay leaf and stir-fry for a few seconds. Now add together in a large bowl. Add the meat and turn
the chopped onion and fry for about 5—7 minutes, until well coated, then cover and set aside in the
or until the onion is golden brown. Add the ginger refrigerator for about 2 hours.
and garlic pastes, turmeric, chilli powder, garam
masala and tomato, then season with salt. Cook for Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over low
about 5 minutes, or until the tomato is mushy and heat, add the onions and ginger and garlic pastes
the moisture has evaporated. and stir-fry for 8-10 minutes, or until the onions
are golden brown. Add the meat without any extra
Now add the Iamb together with the marinade marinade and fry for about 5 minutes. Now, add
and cook for about 2—3 minutes, or until the oil all the remaining ingredients, except the garam
separates out. Pour in 750ml / i'U pints (3% cups) masala and coriander, and the marinade and mix
water and stir well. Bring almost to the boil, then well. Pour in 400ml / i4fl oz (1% cups) water, then
reduce the heat to medium-low, cover and simmer cover and cook over low heat for about i!4 hours,
for about 1—1/2 hours, or until the meat is tender. or until the meat is tender.
Uncover, increase the heat and boil away any excess
moisture. When very little sauce remains garnish Add the garam masala and mix well. Cook for about
with chopped coriander and serve. 3 minutes, stirring frequently so that the sauce coats
the lamb. Garnish with coriander leaves.

# / m p.390

Masaledar Mutton Gushtaba

Lamb Masala Pounded Meatballs in Light Cardamom
Origin Punjab
Preparation time 10 minutes Origin Jammu and Kashmir
Cooking time 11/2-2 hours Preparation time 1 hour
Serves 2-3 Cooking time 40 minutes
Serves 4
3 tablespoons ghee_
1 bay leaf 1 kg / 2141b boneless lamb, cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces
3 onions, cut into rings 125g / 4oz (Vi cup) ghee, plus extra for meatballs
1 Vi tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) pinch of ground ginger
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) pinch of salt
500g / 1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into pieces 3 black cardamom pods, ground
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1.2 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
Vi teaspoon chilli powder 1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) lamb stock (see page 636)
Vi teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 4 black cardamom pods
Vi teaspoon ground turmeric 8 green cardamom pods
3A teaspoon ground coriander 6 cloves
% teaspoon ground cumin 3 teaspoons ground fennel
2 large tomatoes, pureed 3 teaspoons ground ginger
salt 3 tablespoons garlic water
1 tablespoon Fried Onion Paste (see page 57)
To garnish Vi teaspoon dried mint leaves
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped salt
strips of fresh ginger
Put the meat on a board and pound with a wooden
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over mallet, adding small amounts of ghee, a pinch of
medium heat, add the bay leaf and onion rings and ground ginger, salt and ground black cardamom,
stir-fry for about 4 minutes, or until the onions are until the meat is pulped to a silken texture.
light brown. Now add the ginger and garlic pastes Alternatively, put everything in a food processor and
and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add the lamb and all the process until pulped and mixed together. With damp
remaining ingredients except the tomatoes and fry hands, shape the meat into balls about 4cm / \h
for about 10 minutes, or until the oil separates out inches in diameter.
and the meat looks well fried.
Bring a large, heavy-based pan of water to the boil
Add the pureed tomatoes to the pan and mix well. and place the meatballs in the pan with a slotted
Pour in 180ml / 6'/2fl oz (14 cup) water, mix well, spoon. Cook for about 5 minutes, turning frequently,
then reduce the heat to low, cover and cook for then remove from the heat and drain.
about 1-1/2 hours, or until the meat is tender.
Alternatively, cook in a pressure cooker; close the Add the meatballs, yoghurt, ghee and stock to a
lid, and after 6 minutes reduce the heat to low and large, heavy-based pan and bring to a rapid boil.
cook for 25 minutes. The time will depend on the Add the cardamom pods, cloves and ground fennel
quality of the lamb. and ginger, then cover and continue to boil for
10—12 minutes.
Garnish with green chillies and ginger strips.
Add the garlic water, then season with salt and boil
for a further 10 minutes. Add more hot water, if
required, to maintain a soup-like consistency. Add
the onion paste and cook for about 10—15 minutes, or
until the meatballs are tender (spongy) to the touch
and the sauce has thickened. Sprinkle over the dried
mint leaves before serving.


Rista Malgoba
Pounded Meatballs in Piquant Sauce Thick & Spicy Lamb Curry

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Rajasthan

Preparation time 1 hour Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 40 minutes Cooking time 214 hours
Serves 4 Serves 4-6

1 kg / 2141b boneless lamb, cut into pieces 3 tablespoons ghee_

10Og / 31/20Z (scant V2 cup) ghee, plus more 5 black cardamom pods
for the meatballs 20 cloves
4 teaspoons ground ginger 20 whole black peppercorns
pinch of salt 60g / 2oz onions, thinly sliced
3 black cardamom pods, ground 1 kg / 2141b lamb leg or shoulder, cut into pieces
2 teaspoons ground fennel 2 teaspoons ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
2 teaspoons chilli powder 2 teaspoons chilli powder
6 black cardamom pods, ground 2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
4 tablespoons Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon plain (all-purpose) flour
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mawal extract 1 litre /1% pints (414 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
salt whisked
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Put the meat on a board and pound with a wooden salt
mallet, adding small amounts of ghee, a pinch of
ground ginger, salt and ground black cardamom, Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
until the meat is pulped to a silken texture. medium heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves and
Alternatively, put everything in a food processor and peppercorns and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
process until pulped and mixed together. With damp they start to splutter. Add the onions and stir-fry
hands, shape the meat into balls about 4cm / \'h for about 5—7 minutes, or until they are golden
inches in diameter. brown. Add the meat, season with salt, then add the
ground coriander and turmeric and stir-fry for
Bring a large, heavy-based pan of water to the boil about 5 minutes, sprinkling with water if necessary.
and place the meatballs in the pan with a slotted
spoon. Cook for about 5 minutes, turning frequently, Add the chilli powder and ginger paste and cook for
then remove from the heat and drain. a further 2-3 minutes. Pour in about 500ml / 2 pints
(2/2 cups) water and cook for about 1-1V2 hours, or
Heat the ghee in another large, heavy-based pan until the meat is tender.
over high heat, add all the ingredients, except the
onion paste and mawal extract, and pour in 500ml / Mix the flour and yoghurt together in a bowl. Add
i8fl oz (214 cups) water. Add the meatballs, then add the yoghurt and coriander leaves to the meat and
the onion paste. Reduce the heat and simmer for stir, then simmer for 30 minutes, or until the oil
about 20 minutes. Add the mawal extract and separates out and rises to the surface of the sauce.
simmer for about 10-15 minutes, or until the oil
separates out.


Roghanjosh Martswangan Qorma
Scarlet Rich Lamb Curry Chilli-flavoured Hot Lamb in Sauce

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 114 hours Cooking time 1% hours
Serves 4-6 Serves 4-6

1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled_ 20 dried red chillies_

few saffron threads 3 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee
1 teaspoon hot water or milk 125ml / 4%fl oz (I/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt,
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee or vegetable oil whisked
4 cloves 1 kg / 2141b shoulder of lamb, cut into pieces
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 4 teaspoons ground fennel
pinch of asafoetida 3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces 4 green cardamoms
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 4 cloves
1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon chilli powder 2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 teaspoon sugar 4 tablespoons mawal extract
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) black rock salt
Soak the dried red chillies in a bowl of hot water
Put the ginger in a small blender and process to for 2 minutes, then drain, reserving a little water.
make a paste, then set aside. Put the saffron threads De-seed the chillies, then transfer to a small blender
in a small bowl, add the hot water or milk and soak and process, adding a little soaking water to make
until required. a paste. Set aside.

Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan
over low heat, add the whole spices, asafoetida, over low heat, add the yoghurt and cook for about
meat, yoghurt, ground ginger, chilli powder, garam 5 minutes, or until it turns brown. Add the meat
masala and ginger paste, then season with salt and and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, then add all the
cover. Simmer for io minutes, stirring frequently to remaining ingredients, except the mawal extract, and
prevent burning, until all the water has evaporated season with salt.
and a reddish sediment starts to appear. Sprinkle
over about 2 tablespoons water, cover and continue Pass the chilli paste through a piece of fine muslin
to simmer, scraping the sediment frequently and (cheesecloth) and add the extract to the meat and
turning the meat constantly. stir. Finally, add the mawal extract and simmer
for about 1/2 hours, or until the meat is tender and
Repeat this process for about 30 minutes, or until the oil rises to the surface.
the meat turns reddish brown, then add the sugar
and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and cook for an
additional 30-45 minutes or until the meat is tender.
When the meat becomes tender, add the garam
masala and soaked saffron, then cover and cook for
a further 10 minutes. When the meat is nearly done,
increase the heat to medium and cook until there is
very little sauce left.


Put the turnips in a small roasting tin (pan), drizzle
with oil and roast in the oven for about 30 minutes,
or until cooked. Allow to cool, then remove the skin
Shabdeg and prick all over with a fork. Put the turnips in a
Overnight Meat Pot large shallow dish, add the garlic paste, turmeric,
pepper and half of the saffron dissolved in milk,
then season with salt and turn until well coated. Set
Origin Jammu and Kashmir
aside for about 15 minutes.
Preparation time 3 hours, plus standing time
Cooking time 30 minutes, plus overnight
Heat 'h cup of the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan
Serves 4-6
over medium heat, add the turnips and fry for about
5-8 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove and set
large pinch of saffron_ aside. Add the finely sliced onions and fry for about
2 tablespoons milk 5—7 minutes, or until browned and crisp. Drain off
250g / 9oz (2 medium) turnips, unpeeled any excess oil.
vegetable oil, for drizzling
Put the ground cloves and cinnamon in a small bowl,
teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) add a little water and mix to make a paste.
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
Va teaspoon ground black pepper To make the yakhni, put half the fried onions,
125g / 4Vfeoz (Vz cup) ghee, plus more for deep-frying half the garlic paste, half the ginger paste, half the
ground cloves mixture, half the lamb and enough
500g / 1 lb 2oz (6 medium) onions, thinly sliced
water to cook the meat in a large, heavy-based pan.
Va teaspoon ground cloves
Cook for 2/2 hours until the meat is tender and soft
Va teaspoon ground cinnamon enough to be strained to make a thick soup. When
salt the meat is done, mash to a pulp, extract any bones
and strain through a sieve (strainer) or a piece of
fine muslin (cheesecloth).
For the yakhni
2V2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Mix the strained liquid with the minced lamb, papaya
21/2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) paste, remaining ginger, garlic and ground cloves
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces mixture, the green cardamom paste and the garam
500g / 1 lb 2oz minced (ground) lamb masala in a large bowl. Allow to cool.
1 tablespoon raw papaya paste
When the mixture is cool, shape it into balls or
2-4 green cardamom pods, ground to a paste
koftas about the size of the turnips. Heat the ghee
Vz teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based
pan to i8o"C/35o"F, or until a cube of bread browns
To finish in 30 seconds. Working in batches, carefully lower
the balls or koftas into the hot oil and deep-fry for
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
about 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown, Remove
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)__
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
1 teaspoon ground cumin (paper towels). Sprinkle with a little salt.
1 teaspoon ground black cumin
3 teaspoons chilli powder_ To finish the dish, put the remaining pieces of lamb
Vz teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) in the hot ghee with the fried onions, ginger and
garlic pastes, and the remaining ground spices and
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
fry for about 5-7 minutes, or until the meat is well
whisked_ browned. Add the yoghurt, yakhni, cream, almond
250g / 9oz (1 cup) clotted cream or crdme fraiche paste, fried turnips, lamb koftas and lime juice and
3 tablespoons almond paste_ stir gently. Add enough water for a thick sauce and
2 tablespoons lime juice _ to cook the meat. Crumble the Kashmiri vadi and stir
it or the Kashmiri garam masala into the pan, then
1 Kashmiri vadi or 1 tablespoon Kashmiri Garam
seal the lid with dough or foil. Add some live coals
Masala (see page 56)_ to the lid and below the pan and let it cook through
1 teaspoon kewra water or rosewater the night, or cook it in a very low oven overnight.

Preheat the oven to 20o’C/40o'F/Gas Mark 6. Put the The next day, add the remaining soaked saffron and
saffron threads in a small bowl, add the milk and the kewra water, stir and serve hot.
soak until required.



Aab Gosht Kabargah

Lamb in Milk Sauce (I) Batter-fried Lamb Ribs

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 1 hour
Cooking time 2 hours Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 4-6

1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces_ 4 green cardamom pods_

4-6 cloves garlic, crushed 2 teaspoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons ground ginger 4 cloves
1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) milk 4 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
6-8 green cardamom pods 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee 10 lamb breast pieces with 2 ribs each
1 tablespoon Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57) 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk
4 teaspoons ground fennel 125g / 414oz (% cup) gram (chickpea) flour
5 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm /1 inch long 5 tablespoons rice flour
4 cloves 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 tablespoon whole black peppercorns pinch of asafoetida
salt 125g / 4oz (I/2 cup) ghee
Place the meat with the garlic, ground ginger and
a little salt in a large, heavy-based pan. Cover with Put the cardamom pods, ground ginger, cloves,
cold water and bring to the boil. Simmer for about cinnamon and fennel in a piece of fine muslin
5 minutes, or until the meat is firm. Drain, reserving (cheesecloth) and bring up the sides to form a bag.
the stock and set aside. Tie the top with kitchen string (twine). Place this
pouch with the meat, milk and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup)
Boil the milk in another pan with the cardamom water in a deep, heavy-based pan and bring to the
pods for about i hour, or until it thickens and is boil. Cook for about 30 minutes, or until the meat
reduced to three-quarters of its original volume. becomes tender and the liquid dries up.
Add the remaining ingredients and continue boiling.
Now add the meat. Strain the remaining meat stock Meanwhile, put the gram and rice flours in a large
through a piece of fine muslin (cheesecloth) or sieve bowl and mix, adding enough water to make a light
(strainer) and add it to the pan. Continue boiling for batter. To test the batter, drop a teaspoon of it into
about 5 minutes, then reduce the heat and simmer a cup of water. If the batter floats, the consistency
for i 114 hours, or until the meat is tender. is correct, if not beat again. Season with salt, then
add the chilli powder and asafoetida and mix well.

Heat the ghee in a large frying pan (skillet) over

medium heat. Dip the pieces of boiled meat into
the batter and fry for 3—4 minutes, or until golden
brown. Remove and drain on kitchen paper
(paper towels).



Kaliya Darashahi Kaliya

Lamb in Yoghurt Sauce (II) Lamb Ribs in Sauce

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 2 hours Cooking time 114 hours
Serves 4-6 Serves 5

50g / 2oz (14 cup) ghee_ 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk_

pinch of asafoetida 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
4 cloves 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 1 kg / 2141b lamb ribs with fat
1kg / 2141b lamb chops and breast piece with 1 teaspoon ground ginger_
2 ribs each 2 teaspoons ground aniseed
1 teaspoon chilli powder small pinch of asafoetida
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and 4 cloves
ground 2 cinnamon sticks
1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon fennel seeds 8 green cardamom pods
250g / 9oz (2 medium) turnips or potatoes, cut into 1 teaspoon Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56)
small pieces 214 tablespoons raisins
2 teaspoons Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56) 50g / 1%oz O/3 cup) cashew nuts, halved
1 teaspoon sugar salt
1 bunch of coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
salt Mix the milk and yoghurt together in a bowl and
set aside.
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over low
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high
heat, add the asafoetida, cloves, yoghurt, meat, chilli
heat. When hot, remove from the heat and allow
powder and both gingers. Season with salt, then cover
to cool, then add the lamb pieces and return to
and simmer, stirring frequently to prevent burning,
the heat. Fry the meat over high heat for about
until all the water dries up and a reddish sediment
5 minutes, or until light golden. Pour in about 1 litre
starts to appear. Sprinkle over about 2 tablespoons
/ i14 pints (4 '4 cups) water, then add the ground
water and cover, scraping the base (bottom) of the
ginger, aniseed, asafoetida, cloves, cinnamon,
pan and turning the meat all the time to prevent
turmeric, chilli powder and cardamom pods and
the sediment from sticking and burning. Repeat the
season with salt. Cover and cook for about
process for about 20 minutes until the meat turns a
45 minutes. Remove from the heat and bring the
rich brown colour. Now add 500ml / i8'/2fl oz (2 cups)
pan to room temperature.
water and cook for at least 1/2 hours. When the meat
is tender, stir in the turmeric.
Uncover and add the mixture of milk and yoghurt
to the pan and cook over medium-low heat for
Put the fennel in a small muslin (cheesecloth) bag
a further 15 minutes. Once the sauce thickens and
and place this bag in the pan with the meat. Add
the oil separates out, add the garam masala, raisins
the turnips or potatoes and pour in more water to
and halved cashews and simmer over low heat
cover the meat and vegetables, if necessary. Cook
for another 10 minutes until the meat is tender
until the vegetables are tender. Remove the muslin
and cooked.
bag, skim off any excess fat, then add the garam
masala, sugar and chopped coriander.

# # / ISI p.608 Remove the side bones and the excess fat from the
chops, then prick the chops all over with a fork,
wash and pat dry with kitchen paper (paper towels).
Mutton Coconut Fry Place the chops in a large shallow dish and rub with
Fried Lamb with Coconut the chilli powder and salt, then with the garlic and
ginger pastes and vinegar. Cover and set aside for
about 30 minutes.
Origin Keraia
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus marinating time
Preheat the oven to 20o’C/40o'F/Gas Mark 6. Rub
Cooking time 2Vi hours
the chops with coconut oil and arrange in a large
Serves 4
roasting tray (pan). Add all the braising ingredients
and enough water to cover the chops and braise in
750g / lib IQoz lamb chops_ the oven until the liquor begins to boil. Reduce the
coconut oil, for brushing and basting oven temperature to i5o‘C/30o’F/Gas Mark 2 and
salt braise for 1/2 hours.

Remove the chops, brush with the coconut oil

For the marinade and set aside. Pass the liquor through a fine sieve
2 teaspoons chilli powder_ (strainer) into a bowl and set aside for the sauce.
3 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
7 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) To prepare the masala, peel and grate the coconut.
Roast all the ingredients, except the coconut milk,
125ml / 4m oz {Vz cup) toddy vinegar
separately in a dry frying pan (skillet) over low heat
for about 1 minute, or until fragrant. Transfer all the
For the braising ingredients to a blender or food processor, add the
2 tablespoons coconut oil_ coconut milk and process to make a coarse paste.
6-8 green cardamom pods Transfer to a bowl and set aside.
5-6 cloves
For the sauce, put the ground coriander and
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm /1 inch long turmeric in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons water
2 bay leaves and mix together.
pinch of salt
Heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based
pan over medium heat, add half the curry leaves and
For the masala
stir-fry for a few seconds. Add the onions and stir-
1 coconut_ fry for 2 minutes, or until they are translucent and
6 dried red chillies glossy. Add the ginger and garlic and fry for about
1 teaspoon black peppercorns 3 minutes, or until the onions are golden brown, then
5 teaspoons coriander seeds add the masala and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes,
1 teaspoon cumin seeds or until the masala is golden and the oil separates
out. Add the ground coriander mixture and stir-fry
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh
for about 1—2 minutes, or until the moisture has
(see page 781) or canned evaporated. Add the tomatoes and tamarind and
stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until the oil separates
For the sauce out. Add the chops and the remaining curry leaves
and season with salt. Pour in 375ml / 13d oz (i54 cups)
1 tablespoon ground coriander_
of the reserved liquor (add a little water if you
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
don't have enough) and bring to the boil. Reduce
3 tablespoons coconut oil the heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally
10-15 curry leaves but very carefully, until the chops are cooked
250g / 9oz (2 medium) onions, thinly sliced and tender. Remove from the heat and adjust the
1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled seasoning, if necessary.
and grated
12 cloves garlic, crushed
250g / 9oz (2 small) tomatoes, chopped
3 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58)



Attirachi Peralan Roast Mutton

Lamb Curry (II) Roast Lamb

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Kerala

Preparation time 45 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 1-114 hours Cooking time 214 hours
Serves 8 Serves 4

1 kg / 2141b boneless lamb_ 1 tablespoon Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons malt (white) vinegar 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
4 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 onion, chopped 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
10 cloves garlic, chopped 1 teaspoon black pepper
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb leg of lamb
and chopped 6 large potatoes, cut into chunks
salt 1 tablespoon plain (all-purpose) flour
For the spice paste
1 teaspoon ground black pepper Mix the pastes, Worcestershire sauce, a little oil
seeds from 2 green cardamom pods and the black pepper together in a large bowl, then
season with salt.
4-5 cloves
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long, broken Pierce the leg of lamb all over with a skewer and
into pieces place in a large shallow dish. Massage the marinade
1 teaspoon ground turmeric all over the meat, then cover and set aside in the
1 teaspoon chilli powder refrigerator overnight.
2 teaspoons ground coriander
The next day, heat the remaining oil in a large,
heavy-based pan over high heat, then reduce the
Cut the meat into 5-cm / 2-inch long and 4-cm / heat to medium. Place the lamb in the pan and
114-inch wide strips, then place in a pan with the fry for about 10 minutes until browned all over,
vinegar and 1 litre / i!4 pints (414 cups) water. Season turning frequently. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2!4 cups)
with salt and cook for i-i'/z hours. water and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat, cover
and simmer for about 2 hours, basting with the
Meanwhile, to make the spice paste, put all the cooking juices occasionally, and turning once.
ingredients in a blender and process, adding a little
water if necessary, to make a paste. Uncover to check if the meat is cooked; when
pierced with a sharp knife or skewer, the liquid
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over low that comes out should be a pale colour, not red.
heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for about During the last 20 minutes of cooking, arrange the
2—3 minutes, or until they start to splutter. Add potatoes around the meat. When the meat and
the onion and stir-fry for about 4 minutes, or until potatoes are cooked, lift out the meat and the
translucent. Add the garlic and ginger and stir-fry potatoes, reserving the juices.
for a further 2 minutes. Stir in the spice paste and
fry for another 2 minutes. Continue cooking over Put the pan containing the meat juices back on the
low heat, stirring occasionally, until the sauce the heat and wait for the fat to bubble. Add the flour
thickens. Add the meat to the pan and heat through. and brown well before adding 125ml / 4'/2fl oz (14 cup)
warm water. Cook until the sauce thickens, then
pour over the roast or serve separately after carving
the meat into slices.


###/ffil p.471

Maas Banjara Laal Maas

Gypsy Meat Red-Hot Lamb

Origin Rajasthan Origin Rajasthan

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 40 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 114—1 % hours Cooking time 1Vz-2 hours
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 kg / 2T4lb lamb, cut into pieces_ 45-50 milld dried red chillies_
2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
10Og / 3T/20Z (scant V2 cup) ghee 5 teaspoons ground coriander
150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, sliced 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon chilli powder 10Og / 31/20Z (scant 1/2 cup) ghee
1-2 black cardamom pods 3 tablespoons sliced garlic
salt 240g / 8y2oz (2 medium) onions, thinly sliced
5 green cardamom pods
For the marinade 3 black cardamom pods
400ml / 14fl oz (1% cups) natural (plain) yoghurt, 1 kg / 2141b lamb shoulder, cut into cubes
whisked salt
10g / Vaoz dried red chillies, shredded 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and cut
into thin strips Discard the stems of the dried red chillies and soak
6-8 cloves garlic, crushed the chillies in a bowl of water for about 15 minutes.
Drain and, wearing gloves, de-seed before using.

To make the marinade, mix the yoghurt, dried red

Mix the yoghurt, dried red chillies, cumin seeds and
chillies, ginger and garlic together in a large bowl.
ground spices together in a bowl, then season with
Season with salt, then add the meat and turn until
salt. Set aside for about 10 minutes.
well coated. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator
for at least 1 hour.
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the garlic and stir-fry for 1—2
Put the ginger and garlic pastes in a small bowl, add
minutes, or until light golden. Add the onions and
4 tablespoons water and mix together.
cardamom pods and stir-fry for 5—7 minutes, or until
the onions are golden brown. Add the meat, increase
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
the heat to high and stir-fry for 4—5 minutes, or
medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about
until the meat changes colour. Reduce the heat to
5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the ginger
medium and stir-fry for a further 4—5 minutes.
and garlic paste mixture and stir-fry for 15—20
seconds. Add the chilli powder and cardamom
Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the
pods and stir-fry for 15 seconds. Now add the lamb
yoghurt mixture, then return to the heat and stir-
together with the marinade and fry for 5 minutes.
fry for about 2-3 minutes, or until the liquid has
Pour in about 800ml / i!4 pints (3% cups) water and
evaporated. Now add about 1.5 litres I2I1 pints
bring almost to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer
(6'/< cups) water, then bring almost to the boil.
for about 1—1V2 hours, or until tender.
Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer, stirring
occasionally, for about 1—i'/j hours, or until the meat
is tender and the sauce is a thin consistency. Remove
from the heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
Garnish with chopped coriander.

This traditional dish from Rajasthan is famous for

its fiery taste and striking crimson colour. If you can
find them, use Kashmiri dried red chillies, as they
are milder than the ordinary ones.


Baant Safed Saalan
Lamb in a Spicy Sauce Lamb in Milk Sauce (II)

Origin Uttarakhand Origin Awadh

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time VA-1% hours Cooking time 1-11/2 hours
Serves 4 Serves 6

1kg / 2141b mixed pieces of Iamb_ 1 kg / 2141b lamb shoulder and breast_
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil pieces with 2 ribs attached_
250g / 9oz (2 small) onions, thinly sliced 200g / 7oz (% cup) ghee
salt 6 cloves
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm /1 inch long
For the spice paste 20 whole black peppercorns
1 clove garlic_ 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon ground turmeric Vz tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 teaspoon dried red chillies 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk_
2 teaspoons coriander seeds salt

To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients in Cut the lamb shoulder into 8-cm / 3-inch pieces.
a blender or food processor and process, adding
a little water to make a smooth paste. Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the whole spices, chilli powder and
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high meat, then season with salt. Fry and keep turning
heat, then reduce the heat. Add the onions and fry until the meat is light brown. Add the sugar and about
for about 4 minutes, or until light brown. Now add 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and cook over medium
the spice paste, season with salt and stir-fry for heat for 1-1V2 hours. When the meat is tender, add
about 1 minute. Add the lamb and keep stir-frying the garam masala and slowly pour in the milk,
until the meat is nicely browned. Pour in about then reduce the heat to low and cook for another
2 litres / 3/2 pints (8/2 cups) warm water, then bring few minutes. The sauce will turn reddish white.
to the boil. Reduce the heat to medium and simmer
for about 1—1/2 hours, or until the meat is tender. Add
a little more warm water if required during cooking.


# # / QD p.472

Chaamp Dum Raan

Chops Spiced Lamb Baked with Yoghurt
and Papaya
Origin Anglo-Indian
Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating time Origin Hyderabad
Cooking time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Serves 6 Cooking time 1V2-2 hours
Serves 6
1 kg / 2141b lamb chops with 2 ribs each
1 x 1-kg / 2%-lb lamb, such as hind leg_
2 onions
6 cloves garlic, crushed
6 cloves garlic, crushed
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
pinch of asafoetida_
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece raw papaya
8 peppercorns_
1 cinnamon stick, about 1 cm / Vi inch long
2 onions
6 whole black peppercorns
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece raw papaya
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
Vi tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
chilli powder, to taste
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 teaspoon chilli powder
4 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt
1 teaspoon ground fennel
1 egg white
10Og / 3>20z Khoya (see page 58) or 10Og / 3V2OZ
about 120g / 4oz (1 cup) dried breadcrumbs
(% cup) milk powder (dry milk)
125g / 4oz p/2 cup) ghee
1 teaspoon sugar
1 large onion, shredded, to garnish

Remove a rib from each chop and trim. Flatten the For the marinade
chops using the blunt edge of a knife. Place the 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
chops in a large shallow dish. juice of 1 lemon

Put the onions, garlic, ginger, papaya, cinnamon and To make the marinade, mix the yoghurt and lemon
peppercorns in a blender or food processor and juice together in a bowl, then season with salt.
process, adding a little water if necessary, to make Put the meat in a large shallow dish and rub the
a paste. Transfer to a bowl, add the garam masala, marinade evenly over, then cover and set aside in
chilli powder, vinegar and yoghurt, then season the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
with salt and mix together. Smear the chops on both
sides with the paste, then cover and set aside in the Put the garlic, ginger, asafoetida, peppercorns,
refrigerator for i hour. onions and papaya in a blender or food processor
and process, adding a little water if necessary, to
Put the egg white in a shallow dish and beat briefly, make a smooth paste. Rub this over the meat and
then spread out the breadcrumbs on a plate. Drain the prick it deeply all over with a fork. Rub the garam
marinade from the chops and dip each chop into the masala over the meat, then cover and set aside in
egg white, then roll in the breadcrumbs to coat. the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Heat 2 tablespoons ghee in a large frying pan (skillet) Heat the ghee in a heavy-based degchi or casserole
over medium heat. Working in batches, add the chops over low heat. Take a piece of muslin (cheesecloth)
and fry for about io minutes on both sides until and place the meat, chilli powder, ground fennel,
golden brown and cooked to your taste. Remove from khoya and sugar in it. Tie the muslin and put it in
the pan and set aside. Garnish with shredded onions. the casserole with 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water. Keep
turning the meat over, so that it is cooked on both
sides. Cook for 1/2-2 hours, or until the meat is quite
tender and the sauce has almost dried up. Take the
meat out carefully, place it on a serving dish and
squeeze the masala from the muslin over it.

00 00

Reshmai Gosht Podi Mamsam

Fried Slivers of Meat Spicy Fried Lamb from Telangana

Origin Hyderabad Origin Hyderabad/Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 1 Vz hours Cooking time 1 hour
Serves 6 Serves 6

500g / 1 lb 2oz boneless lamb shoulder 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
Vz tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon chilli powder_
1/2 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) Va teaspoon ground turmeric_
chilli powder, to taste t teaspoon ground ginger_
125g / 4oz (V2 cup) ghee 500g / t lb 2oz lamb on the bone, cut into small pieces
salt seeds from 4 green cardamom pods_
3 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
To garnish 3 cloves_
1 onion, sliced into rings 125g / 4oz [Vz cup) ghee or vegetable oil
8 cashew nuts, broken 2 onions, thinly sliced_
1 tablespoon ground garlic
Heat 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water in a large pan, 2 teaspoons ground coriander, roasted
add the lamb and simmer over low heat for about 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 hour to soften. When the water dries out, put the 2 teaspoons poppy seeds, ground
meat on a grinding stone and pound to separate
the meat into fine string-like shreds like vermicelli.
Alternatively, put on a board and pound with a meat
mallet until shredded. Discard any fat and sinew. Put the yoghurt, chilli powder, turmeric and ginger
Put the meat into a large bowl, season with salt, add in a large bowl, then season with salt and add the
the ginger and garlic pastes and chilli powder and lamb. Turn until coated, then cover and set aside in
mix well. the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Heat the ghee in a large frying pan (skillet) or heavy- Put the cardamom seeds, cinnamon and cloves in
based pan, add the onions for the garnish to the pan a spice grinder and process until ground. Set aside.
and stir-fry for about 5-^7 minutes, or until golden
brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and allow to Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan
cool. Add the meat mixture to the pan and fry well over medium heat, add the onions and fry for 5-7
for about 10 minutes, or until crisp on the edges. minutes, or until golden brown. Add the garlic,
Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. Crumble ground spices, black pepper and poppy seeds and
over the fried onions and garnish with the broken stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add the lamb and yoghurt
cashew nuts. mixture, reduce the heat to low and simmer for
about 45 minutes-i hour, or until the meat is tender,
adding a little water if it starts sticking to the pan.
Increase the heat and cook for a few minutes until
the meat is well browned. Serve hot.

,7[v' /7]v> Heat the ghee in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan
to 180C/350T, or until a cube of bread browns in
30 seconds. Dip each chop into the batter and
Masala Chaamp carefully lower into the hot oil and deep-fry for
Battered Chops about 3—4 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
(paper towels). When all the chops are done, lightly
Origin Punjab
fry them in the hot oil again to make them crisper,
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling and rising
then remove and drain on kitchen paper (paper
towels). Serve garnished with lime slices.
Cooking time 15 minutes-1 hour
Serves 6

pinch of saffron threads_

1 teaspoon milk
12 lamb chops
Paye ki Yakhni
375ml / 13fl oz (V/z cups) milk
Goats* 1 Leg Soup
1 tablespoon dried mint leaves, ground
Origin Hyderabad
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
Preparation time 30 minutes
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
Cooking time 1 hour
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long Serves 6
2 green cardamom pods
1 teaspoon red chilli powder
3 teaspoons ghee_
1 teaspoon ground fresh ginger 2 onions, chopped
1 teaspoon ground garlic 2 tablespoons semolina (farina)
2 onions, thinly sliced 500g / 11b 2oz goats’ or lambs’ legs, cut into 5-cm
150g / 5oz (1 cup) gram (chickpea) flour / 2-inch pieces with marrow intact
Vz teaspoon baking powder
6 green cardamom pods
180g / 6oz (% cup) vegetable oil or ghee
2 cloves
1 cinnamon stick, about 1cm / Vz inch long
2 limes, cut into slices, to garnish
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
Stir-fry the saffron lightly on a tawa or in a dry
frying pan (skillet) for about 15 seconds, or until
Heat the ghee in a kadhai or large, heavy-based
roasted, then transfer to a small bowl. Add the milk
pan over medium heat, add the onions and fry for
and soak until required.
5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from
the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside. Add the
Mix all the ingredients together with the chops,
semolina and fry for a few minutes until light brown.
except the baking powder, saffron, gram flour and
ghee. Put into a pressure cooker with 500ml /
Put the bones and remaining ingredients in a
i8fl oz (2!4 cups) water and cook for 15 minutes.
pressure cooker and pour in 1.5 litres /2Y1 pints
Allow to cool, then uncover and cook over low heat
(614 cups) water. Cover and cook under pressure for
until the milk and spices reduce to a thick sauce.
about 30 minutes, or until the legs are done. Add the
Alternatively, cook in a large, heavy-based pan for
fried onions and semolina and cook for a further
1 hour until the chops are tender. Coat the chops
with the sauce. 30 minutes. Alternatively, cook everything in a large,
heavy-based pan until the legs are cooked. Strain
and serve.
Meanwhile, put the gram flour in a large bowl and
whisk in enough water to make a batter. Continue to
whisk by hand for 15 minutes or 2 minutes with an
electric mixer until the batter is light and fluffy. Add
a little of the sauce to the batter together with the
soaked saffron and baking powder and leave to rise
for 30 minutes.


# Mix the ground chironji kernels and coconut
mixture, coriander, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon
with the lamb. Add the yoghurt and mix to combine.
Khawamdum Add the mixture to the onions and ghee and fry
Lamb & Vegetable Korma over medium heat for a few minutes until the liquid
from the yoghurt and meat has evaporated, then
continue frying for about 8 minutes, or until brown.
Origin Hyderabad
Sprinkle with a little water if it is sticking to the pan,
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus marinating time
then stir well and continue to brown well. Add the
Cooking time 1 hour
fried potatoes and cook together for a few minutes,
Serves 6
sprinkling with a little water if necessary.

V/z teaspoons chironji kernels Pour in 1 litre / iV* pints (4 'A cups) water and cook
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece dried coconut for 20 minutes, or until the meat is half done. You
1 teaspoon caraway seeds, plus a pinch may need to add about 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups)
water for the sauce, if required. Add the pumpkin,
% teaspoon saffron threads
pinch of caraway and extra green cardamom, then
1 teaspoon milk season with salt. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes
500g / 1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into 4-cm / 1 Vfc-inch pieces until the oil separates out and rises to the surface.
Vz tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) Serve hot with Rice or roti.
Vz tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
125g / 4oz (Vz cup) ghee
4 onions, thinly sliced
350g / 12oz (3 medium) potatoes, cut into quarters
V/z teaspoons ground coriander, roasted Aso Ad in
6 ground cloves Lamb Stew with Ginger
6 ground green cardamom pods, plus a little extra
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long, ground Origin Tribal North East India
125ml / 4Vzfl oz (Vz cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 1—1V2 hours
Serves 5
300g / 1 loz (3 cups) pumpkin or ash gourd,
peeled and cut into small pieces
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces_
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Plain Boiled Rice (see page 631) or roti (see pages
6 green chillies, de-seeded and roughly chopped
616-20), to serve

Put the chironji kernels, coconut and caraway seeds

in a small blender or food processor and process Bring 750ml / i!4 pints (3% cups) water to the boil
until ground. Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the in a large, heavy-based pan, then add the meat and
milk and soak until required. continue boiling for about 5 minutes. Stir in the
remaining ingredients, season with salt, then reduce
Put the lamb in a large shallow dish, add the ginger the heat, cover and simmer for about 1—1/2 hours, or
and garlic pastes and mix together, then cover and until the meat is tender and the sauce thickens.
set aside for for 15 minutes.

Heat about 5 tablespoons ghee in a heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the onions and fry for about
5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from
the heat.

Heat about 3 tablespoons ghee in a separate frying

pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the potatoes and
fry for about 15—20 minutes, or until golden brown.
Remove from the pan and set aside.


vF' Put the fried onion into a blender or food processor
and process until ground, then add to the meat
together with the yoghurt. Cover and cook for a
Mutton Qorma further 15-20 minutes. Stir in the kewra water and
Lamb Korma (I) garnish with coriander leaves.

Origin Delhi /7F' /7i'N

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 1 hour 30 minutes
Serves 6
Chintakkai Chaamp
Lamb Chops with Tamarind
50g / 1%oz (about 1V& heads) garlic_
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled Origin Tamil Nadu
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces _ Preparation time 20 minutes
50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) roughly chopped onions Cooking time 45 minutes
1 y2 tablespoons poppy seeds_ Serves 6
50g / 1%oz (I/3 cup) almonds
6 tablespoons coriander seeds 125ml / AM oz 0/2 cup) vegetable oil_
10 cloves _ 500g / 1 lb 2oz lamb chops_
8-10 seeds of green cardamom pods 6 onions, thinly sliced
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm /1 inch long y2 teaspoon mustard powder_
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, sliced 3 potatoes, sliced__
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt 4 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
2-3 drops kewra water or rosewater 2 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
salt 1 teaspoon chilli powder
coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish salt

Put the garlic and ginger and a little salt in a small To garnish
blender or mortar and pound or process until 1 onion, sliced
ground. Put the lamb in a large shallow dish, add the
1 bunch mint leaves
ground garlic mixture and rub over, then cover and
set aside in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.
Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over low
Put the roughly chopped onions into a blender heat. Add the chops, onions, mustard powder and
or food processor, add the poppy seeds, almonds, ginger paste. Season with salt, cover and cook over
coriander seeds, cloves, cardamom seeds and low heat for about 25 minutes, adding water a little
cinnamon and process until ground. at a time, until the chops are tender.

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over Add the potatoes and chillies and fry for about 10—15
medium heat, add the sliced onion and stir-fry for minutes to brown the chops and fry the potatoes. Add
about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove the tamarind extract and chilli powder and simmer
with slotted spoon and set aside, then put the over low heat for about 5 minutes. There should be
ground onion and spice mixture into the pan and a little sauce, so add 125ml / 4/tfl oz (14 cup) water
fry for 3 minutes. Add the marinated lamb and and cook for a further 3 minutes. Garnish with sliced
cook for about 5 minutes, or until the moisture onions and mint leaves.
has evaporated.

Pour about 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) warm water into

the pan, then reduce the heat, cover and simmer for
about 1 hour, stirring occasionally, until the meat is
almost done.


Qorma Dilpasand Khare Masale ka Gosht
Lamb Korma (II) Lamb Cooked with Whole Spices

Origin Delhi Origin Awadh

Preparation time 1 14 hours Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour Cooking time 114-2 hours
Serves 6 Serves 6

1kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces_ 250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee_
3-4 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 250g / 9oz (2 small) onions, sliced
2 bay leaves 15-25 cloves garlic, cut into slices lengthways
8 green cardamom pods 1 x 8-cm / 3-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and cut
10-12 cloves into strips
14 teaspoon whole black peppercorns 2 bay leaves
large pinch of mace flakes 4 black cardamom pods
250g / 9oz (2 small) onions 14 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 14 tablespoon coriander seeds
10 cloves garlic, crushed 8 cloves
2 tablespoons coriander seeds 6 green cardamom pods
2 dried red chillies 2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm /1 inch long
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee 300g /1 loz (3 small) tomatoes, chopped
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt 1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
salt whisked
Put the lamb into a large, heavy-based pan with the
cinnamon, bay leaves, cardamom pods, cloves, black Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
peppercorns and mace. Cover with water, bring to medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about
the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the garlic
30 minutes. and ginger and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add all the
spices and stir-fry for 1 minute, then pour in 250ml /
Put one-third of the onions with the ginger, garlic, 8fl oz (1 cup) water and season with salt. Cover and
coriander seeds and dried red chillies in a blender cook for 5 minutes.
or food processor and process until ground. Thinly
slice the remaining onions. Stir in the tomatoes and cook for a further 5—10
minutes, or until the mixture is paste-like. Add the
Heat the ghee in another large, heavy-based pan meat and yoghurt, then reduce the heat, cover and
over medium heat, add the sliced onions and stir- cook, stirring occasionally, for il4 hours, or until
fry for about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. the meat is tender. Add more water during cooking
Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. Add the if necessary.
ground masala mixture into the pan and fry for
a further 2 minutes.

Drain the meat, reserving the cooking water and

discarding the whole spices, then add the meat to
the masala mixture together with the cooking water
and yoghurt. Season with salt.

Crush the fried onions and stir into the meat with
the garam masala, then cover and cook over low
heat, stirring occasionally for 30 minutes, or until
the meat is tender.


m vp'

Dahi ka Dungara Gosht Aloo ka Salan

Smoked Lamb Cooked with Yoghurt Lamb with Potatoes in Yoghurt Sauce

Origin Rajasthan Origin Awadh

Preparation time 1% hours Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 25 minutes Cooking time 1 Vz hours
Serves 6 Serves 6

500g / 1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into pieces_ 125g / 4oz p/2 cup) ghee_
250g / 9oz (2 small) onions, sliced IQOg / 3Vzoz (1 small) onion, sliced_
8-10 cloves garlic, ground lOOg / 3V20Z (1 small) onion, finely chopped
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and 10-12 cloves garlic, ground
thinly sliced 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
pinch of chilli powder and ground
2 tablespoons ground coriander 2 teaspoons ground coriander
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
2 tablespoons chopped mint leaves 375ml / 13fl oz [V/z cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
3-4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped whisked
1 litre /1% pints (414 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt, 500g / 1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into pieces
whisked 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
salt 1 kg / 2141b (9 medium) potatoes, cut into quarters
Put the meat into a large, heavy-based pan with a
quarter of the sliced onions, the garlic, ginger, chilli Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
powder, coriander and 1/2 teaspoons salt. Pour in medium heat, add the sliced onions and fry for
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, then cover and cook over about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
low heat for i'/z hours, or until the meat is tender. with a slotted spoon and set aside. Add the sliced
and chopped onions to the pan and fry for about
Add the ghee to the pan, stir and cook until the 3-4 minutes, or until pale gold. Now add the garlic,
meat is well browned. Remove from the heat and ginger, coriander and turmeric to the pan, then stir
set aside. and add 2 tablespoons yoghurt. Cook for about
5 minutes, or until the masala is brown and the
Mix the remaining onions with the mint and green oil separates out.
chillies together in a bowl, then season with salt.
Add the meat to the pan and season with salt, then
Add one-third of the yoghurt to the pan and cover cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until
the meat, then top with one-third of the onions, then the moisture has evaporated and the meat is browned.
another third yoghurt and so on. Add the remaining yoghurt, the garam masala and
500ml / i8fl oz (274 cups) water and cook for about
Heat 2-3 small pieces of charcoal until red hot, then 30 minutes, or until the meat is almost done.
place on a piece of foil and sprinkle with a few
drops of water. Place in the pan and immediately Add the potatoes to the meat, adding more water
cover as tightly as possible, then leave for 15-20 if necessary, then cover and cook for a further 30
minutes on very low heat. Alternatively, just cover minutes, or until the meat and potatoes are tender.
the pan and leave over low heat until everything is
heated through. When serving, try to keep the layers
of meat, yoghurt and onions intact.


## For the marinade, soak the figs and kachri, if using,
in a bowl of water for 1-2 hours.

Baadam Pasanda To make the marinade, put all the ingredients,

Pasanda with Almonds including the soaked figs and kachri, in a blender
or food processor and process until ground. Put the
meat into a large shallow dish and rub the marinade
Origin Delhi
mixture all over, then cover and set aside in the
Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking and marinating
refrigerator for 4 hours.
Cooking time 1% hours
To make the sauce, heat the ghee in a large frying
Serves 6
pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the onions and
stir-fry for about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown.
1.5kg / 3141b Pasanda (see page 187) Stir in 2 teaspoons water, then add the ginger, garlic,
bay leaves, cinnamon and cardamom and stir-fry for
1—2 minutes. Season with salt, then add the ground
For the marinade
coriander, garam masala and chilli powder. Stir and
3 dried figs_ cook, adding a little water for about 1—2 minutes, or
3 dried kachri or 1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece raw until the oil separates out.
3 onions, sliced_ Add the meat together with the marinade to the pan,
then reduce the heat to low, cover and cook for
20 cloves garlic, crushed_
1 hour, shaking the pan from time to time. Strain the
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled yoghurt into the meat together with the tomatoes
3 teaspoons poppy seeds_ and cook for a further 30 minutes or until the meat
25 blanched almonds_ is tender.
Plain Boiled Rice (see page 631) or roti (see pages
Put the saffron in a small bowl, add 1 teaspoon hot
616-20), to serve
water and mix together, then add to the pan. Garnish
with split almonds and chopped coriander. Serve
For the sauce_ with Rice or roti.
300g / 1 loz (1V3 cups) ghee_
750g /1 lb 10oz (5 medium) onions, finely sliced
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and chopped_
10 cloves garlic, ground
2 bay leaves
1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long
8 green cardamom pods
4 black cardamom pods, ground _
3 teaspoons ground coriander _
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 teaspoon chilli powder_
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
250g / 9oz (2 small) tomatoes, skinned_
and chopped _
pinch of saffron threads_

To garnish_
20 blanched and split almonds
chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves


Mansho Jhol Mutton Kolhapuri
Lamb Curry (III) Hot Lamb Curry with Local Spices

Origin Bengal Origin Maharashtra

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus marinating and Preparation time 30 minutes
soaking time Cooking time 114-1% hours
Cooking time l-V/2 hours Serves 6
Serves 6
3 teaspoons coriander seeds_
500g / 1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into 2.5-cm / t -inch pieces 3 teaspoons cumin seeds
2 tablespoons mustard oil 1 tablespoon poppy seeds_
2 potatoes, cut into halves_ 1 teaspoon cloves_
500g / 11b 2oz (2 medium) unripe papayas, peeled, 1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns _
de-seeded and cut into slices 1 teaspoon ground star anise_
salt 1 cinnamon stick
steamed rice (see page 631), to serve 4 teaspoons desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
200ml / 7fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil
For the marinade 225g / 8oz (IV3 cups) chopped onions_
2 large onions, chopped_ 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into 2.5-cm /1 -inch cubes
1 tablespoon ground black pepper 3 teaspoons chilli powder_
1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground coriander tomatoes, chopped
14 teaspoon ground turmeric salt
chopped coriander (cilantro), to garnish
For the spice paste
3 black cardamom pods_ Stir-fry all the whole spices, ground star anise and
1 cinnamon stick, about 8cm / 3 inches long coconut lightly on a tawa or in a dry frying pan
(skillet) for about 1 minute, or until roasted, then
transfer to a spice grinder and process until ground.
To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients
together in a bowl, then season with salt. Put the
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
meat into a large shallow dish and rub the mixture
medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about
over the meat, then cover and set aside for
4 minutes, or until light brown. Add the ginger and
30 minutes. At the same time, put the cardamom
garlic pastes and fry well for about 2 minutes.
pods and cinnamon for the spice paste in a bowl,
add just enough water to cover and soak for
Add the lamb to the pan and fry for about 5 minutes,
30 minutes.
then add the chilli powder, turmeric and tomatoes
and season with salt. Fry for about 5 minutes, then
Drain the spices, transfer to a small blender and
add all the ground spices and about 250ml / 8fl oz
process, adding a little water if necessary to make
(1 cup) water. Reduce the heat, cover and cook for
a paste. Set aside.
about 1—1/4 hours, or until the meat is tender. Serve
hot garnished with chopped coriander.
Heat the oil in a pressure cooker, add the lamb and
fry, stirring occasionally until the oil separates out.
Mix in the spice paste, potatoes, papaya and 500ml
/ i8fl oz (2Vi cups) water. Close the cooker and cook
under pressure for 20 minutes. Alternatively, cook
in a large, heavy-based pan for about 1—i!4 hours, or
until the meat is tender. Serve hot with steamed rice


m To make the sauce, put the soaked figs and kachri
into a blender or food processor with the poppy
seeds, ginger and garlic and process until ground.
Bharwan Pasande
Stuffed Pasanda Heat the ghee in large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the sliced onions and stir-fry for
about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
Origin Awadh
with slotted spoon, put into a blender or food
Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time
processor and process until ground, then set aside.
Cooking time 1 hour 10 minutes
Serves 6
Stir the chilli powder, turmeric and ground coriander
into the ghee. Season with salt and add the ground
1 kg / 2141b Pasanda (see page 187) masala paste, then stir and cook adding 1-2
salt teaspoons yoghurt. Add the tomatoes and continue
to cook for 5 minutes, or until the masala is a rich
brown colour and the oil separates out. Add the
For the filling
remaining yoghurt and cardamom pods, then add
1 x 6-cm / 2V2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and the stuffed pasandas and cook, turning carefully, for
finely chopped about 5 minutes until all the liquid has evaporated.
50g / 1%oz 0/3 cup) blanched almonds, Add the fried onions and 500ml / i8fl oz (2'A cups)
finely chopped water, then cover and cook over low heat for 1 hour,
or until done, shaking the pan occasionally. Carefully
1 handful of coriander (cilantro), finely chopped
remove the string from the pasandas and garnish
4-5 sprigs mint, finely chopped with garam masala and chopped coriander.
4 hard-boiled eggs, finely chopped
juice of 1 lime
pinch of salt

For the sauce

2 dried figs_
4-5 dried kachri
3 tablespoons poppy seeds
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
3 tablespoons chopped garlic
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee
500g /11b 2oz (4 medium) onions, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1V2 teaspoons ground turmeric
3 teaspoons ground coriander
500ml /18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
3 large tomatoes, finely chopped
6 green cardamom pods

To garnish
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves

For the sauce, soak the figs and kachri in a bowl of

water for 1-2 hours, then drain.

To make the filling, mix all the ingredients together

in a bowl. Put a little filling in the centre of each
pasanda and roll to enclose the filling, then tie with
kitchen string (twine). Set aside.


Alubhokhara Qorma Daniwal Qorma
Lamb in Plum Sauce Lamb in Coriander (Cilantro) Sauce

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 1y2-2 hours Cooking time 1-116 hours
Serves 6 Serves 6

10Og / 3V2QZ (about 16) dried plums_ 1 tablespoon ghee_

1 tablespoon ghee or vegetable oil 500ml /18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
125ml / 4y2fl oz (I/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt 5 onions, chopped
1 kg / 2141b lamb shoulder or leg, cut into pieces 1 kg / 2141b lamb pieces, preferably
4 teaspoons ground fennel from pelvic region and tail
2 teaspoons fennel seeds 2 teaspoons fennel seeds
I/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 teaspoons ground fennel
16 teaspoon cumin seeds 3 teaspoons ground coriander
4 green cardamom pods 1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, finely chopped
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mawal extract salt
4 tablespoons blanched almonds, skinned and Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over low
chopped in long pieces, to garnish heat, add the yoghurt and chopped onions and stir
them together until blended. Add the meat and the
remaining ingredients, then pour in 750ml / i'4 pints
Soak the dried plums in a bowl of hot water for
(3% cups) water and bring almost to the boil. Cook
about 20 minutes, or until tender, then remove the
over medium heat for about 1—i54 hours, or until the
stones (pits) and set aside.
meat is tender. Remove from the heat and garnish
with chopped coriander.
Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan
over low heat, add the yoghurt and cook for about
5 minutes, or until the yoghurt turns brown. Add
the plums and stir until they dissolve. Now add the
meat and stir for 5 minutes, then add the rest of the
ingredients, except the mawal extract. Pour in 500ml
/ i8fl oz (214 cups) water, add the mawal extract and
bring almost to the boil. Cook over medium heat
for about 1—1'h hours, or until the meat is tender. To
serve, garnish the dish with the almonds.


vF' /T[v' ###
7p' vF' vJ'N

Shorba Marag Mirchiwala Gosht

Spicy Kid Soup Peppery Lamb Curry

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin New

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 1%-2% hours Cooking time 11/4-1% hours
Serves 6 Serves 6

500g /1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into 1 -cm / y2-inch cubes 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
I/2 teaspoon ground black pepper V2 teaspoon ground corinader
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 14 teaspoon ground cumin
Vz bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped Vz teaspoon chilli powder
Vz bunch mint leaves, chopped Vz teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder
1 teaspoon ghee Vz teaspoon yellow chilli powder
1 onion, thinly sliced Vz teaspoon ground ginger
salt pinch of ground turmeric
lime juice to taste (optional), to serve 6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Cook the Iamb in a pressure cooker with a little salt 1 kg / 2141b lamb shoulder, hind leg
and 2 litres / 3/2 pints (8/2 cups) water for 40 minutes.
and chops, cut into pieces
Alternatively, cook the lamb in a large, heavy-based
pan with 4 litres / 5 pints (17 cups) water for i-i'A 250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee or vegetable oil
hours, or until the meat is tender. 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
2 black cardamom pods
When the lamb is cooked, add the black pepper, green 2 cloves
chillies, chopped coriander leaves and mint. There
10 peppercorns
should be about 1.5 litres / 2/2 pints (614 cups) soup.
4 dried red chillies
Heat the ghee in a large frying pan (skillet) over 400g / 14oz (2 large) onions, sliced
medium heat, add the onion and stir-fry for about 2 pieces of pipli or red (bell) pepper,
4 minutes, or until light brown. Mix into the soup, about 5cm / 2 inches long
then cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Serve salt
hot in soup bowls, adding a few drops of lime
juice if desired.
To make a marinade, mix the yoghurt, ground
spices, green chillies and garlic paste together in a
large shallow dish. Add the meat and turn until well
coated, then cover and set aside in the refrigerator
for 2-3 hours.

Heat the ghee or oil in large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the whole spices and stir-fry for
about 1 minute, or until they start to change colour,
then add the dried red chillies. Add the onions and
stir-fry for about 4 minutes, or until light golden.
Now add the meat together with the marinade and
pepper strips and stir-fry for about 3—4 minutes, or
until the masala is well blended, the moisture has
evaporated and the oil separates out. Pour in 125ml
/ 4'/2fl oz O/2 cup) hot water, then reduce the heat to
low and continue cooking for about 1—1/2 hours, or
until the meat is tender.


'Tp' vjv' # # / aa p.473

Gosht ki Khurchan Kashmiri Qorma

Mashed Pasanda Saffron-flavoured Lamb

Origin Awadh Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 40 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 1 -1 Vz hours
Serves 4 Serves 4-6

2 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 750g /1 lb IQoz lamb, cut into small chunks
Vz tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) pinch of saffron threads
Vz tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon warm milk
1 teaspoon cumin powder 125g / 4oz (Vz cup) ghee
1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder 10 green cardamom pods
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 6 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
500g / 1 lb 2oz Pasanda (see page 187), cut into 3 cloves
thin strips 3 tablespoons garlic water
3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon sugar
1 onion, sliced 2 teaspoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 145g / 4Vzoz (1 cup) raisins, fried
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled salt
and finely chopped
1 dried red chilli, chopped Put the meat into a pan of water, bring to the boil
salt and boil for about 1 minute, then drain and set aside.

Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the warm milk

Mix the yoghurt, ginger and garlic pastes and ground
and soak until required.
spices in a large bowl. Add the pasanda strips
and turn to coat, then cover and set aside in the
Put the blanched meat in a shallow pan with the
refrigerator for 30 minutes.
ghee, cardamom pods, cinnamon sticks, and cloves
and fry for 2-3 minutes. Add about 250ml / 8fl oz
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based frying pan (skillet)
(1 cup) water and season with salt, then bring to
over high heat, then reduce the heat. Add the onions
the boil. Add the garlic water, sugar and tamarind
and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until brown. Add
extract and cook for about i-i'/j hours, or until the
the meat and the marinade, then increase the heat
meat is tender and the moisture has evaporated. Add
and stir-fry briskly for about 5 minutes. Use a large
the saffron and raisins, mix well and heat through.
ladle or a wooden spatula to mash the meat at regular
intervals as it cooks. Sprinkle over the green chillies,
ginger and dried red chillies, then reduce the heat,
cover and cook for a further 5 minutes. Sprinkle
with a little water, if required. Remove from the heat
when the meat is cooked and adjust the seasoning,
if necessary.


Put the oil from the frying pan into a large casserole.
Add 1 tablespoon of the remaining oil, then add the
chopped onions and stir-fry over low heat for about
Shalgam Gosht 10—15 minutes, or until golden brown.
Lamb with Turnips
Add the chopped ginger and garlic and continue to
stir for a further 5 minutes. Add the chilli powder,
Origin Awadh
paprika, turmeric, fennel, coriander, cardamom
Preparation time 1 hour, plus draining time
pods, cinnamon, 2 tablespoons water, the remaining
Cooking time 1 Vz hours
1 tablespoon of oil and the lamb, and mix well. Fry
Serves 4-6
the meat for 2 minutes so that it is evenly coated
with spices, then cover and simmer for about 10
250g / 9oz (4 small) turnips, peeled and cut into quarters minutes, or until the meat releases moisture, which
250g / 9oz lamb bones for stock mixes with the spices and is then re-absorbed.
3 cloves garlic
Uncover when the meat is almost dry, then, with a
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
wooden spoon, stir and turn the meat over several
1 bay leaf times over 5 minutes. Season with 1 teaspoon salt,
5 tablespoons vegetable oil add the pureed tomatoes and stir and turn the meat.
400g / 14oz (2 large) onions, chopped Pour in the reserved stock, cover and simmer for
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled about 45 minutes. About 5 minutes before the meat is
tender, add the turnips. Turn off the heat when the
and chopped
meat and turnips are tender.
1 clove garlic, chopped
2 tablespoons Kashmiri red chilli powder
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 Vz teaspoons ground fennel
1 teaspoon ground coriander
2 black cardamom pods
4 green cardamom pods
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
750g /1 lb 10oz lamb, cut into pieces
250g / 9oz (2 small) tomatoes, pureed

Prick each turnip quarter several times with a fork

or skewer, then place in a colander, sprinkle with a
little salt and drain for about io minutes. Rinse off
the salt and set the turnips aside.

To make a stock, put the lamb bones in a large,

heavy-based pan, pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups)
water, add the garlic, turmeric and bay leaf and
bring to the boil, then boil for 45 minutes. Strain the
stock into a clean pan and set aside.

Heat 3 tablespoons of the oil in a large frying pan

(skillet) over medium heat, add the turnips and fry
for about 20 minutes, or until they are pale gold and
acquire a crisp skin. Keep turning during cooking
so they are evenly coloured. Remove with a slotted
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).


Yakhni Singhare ka Salan
Aromatic Lamb in a Tasty Sauce Lamb Curry with Water Chestnuts

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Awadh

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 45 minutes
Cooking time 114-1% hours Cooking time 11/2-2 hours
Serves 4-6 Serves 4-6

2 teaspoons Kashmiri red chilli powder_ 1 teaspoon dried red chillies_

10Og / 31/20Z dried mawal flowers 500g / 1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into 4-cm / 11/2-inch cubes
1/2 teaspoon black cumin seeds 11/2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
750g / 11b lOoz lamb shoulder, shank and 1V2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
chops, cut into large pieces 125g / 4oz O/2 cup) ghee or vegetable oil
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 2 onions, thinly sliced
8 green cardamom pods 14 teaspoon ground turmeric
4 black cardamom pods 4-6 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
6 cloves 8 curry leaves
2 teaspoons ground turmeric 120g / 4oz green water chestnuts,
I/2 teaspoon ground ginger peeled and cut in half
1 tablespoon Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57) 3 tomatoes, chopped
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt 2 bunches coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
10Og / 31/20Z O/2 cup) ghee salt
Vz teaspoon dried mint leaves
salt Put the dried red chillies in a small blender and
process, adding a little water if necessary, to make a
Put the Kashmiri red chilli powder in a small bowl, paste. Transfer to a bowl, add the lamb, ginger and
add 4 tablespoons water and mix together. garlic pastes, then season with salt and mix well.

Extract the mawal after soaking in 'A teaspoon black Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan
cumin seeds. over medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for
about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the
Bring a deep, heavy-based pan of water to the turmeric and stir, then add the lamb mixture and
boil, add the lamb and cook for about 20 minutes, stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until well browned.
removing the scum that rises to the surface. When Pour in 750ml / i!4 pints (3I4 cups) water, add the
the water is clear, add the garlic paste and continue green chillies and curry leaves, then reduce the heat
to boil for 4-5 minutes. Season with salt and cook and cook for about 1—1/2 hours, or until the lamb is
for 10 minutes until the lamb is half done. tender, adding water if required.

Add the cardamom pods, cloves, turmeric, ground Add the water chestnuts and tomatoes and fry for
ginger, onion paste, yoghurt, Kashmiri red chilli 1—2 minutes, then add the chopped coriander, 180ml
mixture and ghee. Season with salt, mix well, then / 6'/2fl oz (% cup) water and cook over medium-
reduce the heat, cover and cook for 45 minutes— high heat for about 5 minutes to slightly soften the
1 hour until the lamb is tender. water chestnuts.

Add the mawal flower extract and black cumin

seeds and mix well, then sprinkle over the dried
mint leaves.


Vjv' V7J'' Bring 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water to the boil in a large,
heavy-based pan, add the meat, onions, tomatoes,
green chillies and ginger and season with salt. Cook
Erachi Verthathu Rachathu over medium heat for about 1—1 h hours, then stir in
Lamb Cooked with Ground Coconut the spice paste and cook for 7—8 minutes, or until the
sauce thickens.

Origin Kerala
Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan over
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus cooling time
medium heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry
Cooking time l-V/2 hours
for about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter.
Serves 4
Add the remaining ingredients and fry for about 3—4
minutes, or until the shallots turn brown. Pour this
500g /1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into pieces_ over the meat in the pan.
2 onions, sliced_
3 tomatoes, sliced_
3 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled_
and chopped_
Kobarimasam Pulussu
Lamb in Coconut Sauce
For the spice paste_
Origin Tamil Nadu
1 tablespoon coconut oil_ Preparation time 30 minutes
1 coconut, grated Cooking time 2 hours
6-8 shallots, chopped_ Serves 3-4
12 dried red chillies, broken into pieces
1 sprig curry leaves_ 125ml / 4M oz O/2 cup) vegetable oil
2 teaspoons ground coriander seeds 3 onions, thinly sliced_
1 teaspoon ground turmeric_ 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger_
2 cloves garlic, crushed 2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long, broken 500g /11b 2oz leg of lamb, cut into pieces with bones
into pieces 2 potatoes, cut into quarters_
4-6 cloves 6 curry leaves_
1 teaspoon fennel seeds 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut cream, fresh_
(see page 781) or canned_
For the tempering_ ground black pepper
1 tablespoon vegetable oil salt
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
4 shallots, chopped_ Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the onions, ginger, chillies, half
1 sprig curry leaves
the garam masala and the lamb and fry for about
15 minutes, or until the lamb is brown. Pour in about
To make the spice paste, heat the oil in a frying pan 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups) water and cook for 1—1V2
(skillet) over medium-low heat, add the coconut, hours, or until the lamb is almost cooked and tender,
shallots, dried red chillies and curry leaves and stir- adding more water if required.
fry for about 1 minute, or until the coconut is brown.
Sprinkle over the ground coriander, turmeric, garlic, Add the potatoes, curry leaves, coconut cream, salt
black pepper, cinnamon, cloves and fennel, then and pepper and simmer until the lamb and potatoes
mix and remove from the heat. Allow to cool, then are cooked. Increase the heat and boil the sauce
transfer to a food processor or blender and process, until slightly thickened. You should finish with about
adding 180ml / 6!4fl oz (% cup) water to make a 375ml / 138 oz (114 cups) sauce in the pan.
smooth paste. Set aside.


Vjv* 1 egg, beaten_
ghee, for deep-frying
150g / 5oz (1V3 cups) dried breadcrumbs
All-In-One Lamb, Dal, Vegetable
For the rice
& Rice Curry
400g / 14oz (2 cups) basmati rice, rinsed and drained
5 teaspoons sugar _
Origin Parsi
Preparation time 13A hours, plus soaking time 125g / 4oz O/2 cup) ghee
Cooking time 11/2-2 hours 125g / 4oz (1 small) onion, chopped
Serves 4 2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
10 cloves
200g / 7oz (% cup) ghee_
200g / 7oz (2 small) onions, sliced Soak the rice in a bowl of water for about
1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger_ 30 minutes, then drain.
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)_
To make the kavab, soak the bread in another
750g / 11b lOoz leg of spring lamb, cut into pieces bowl of water for about 30 seconds and squeeze.
10Og / 3V20Z (V2 cup) toor (toover) dal, rinsed Place the bread in a large bowl with all the
and drained remaining ingredients, except the breadcrumbs,
lOOg / 3V2OZ (I/2 cup) masoor dal, rinsed and drained and mix together. Divide the mixture into equal
sized portions, then with damp hands roll each
50g / 1%oz O/3 cup) potato, cut into cubes
portion into a ball and flatten them into small
10Og / 31/20Z [3A cup) aubergines (eggplant), trimmed
patties. Spread the breadcrumbs out on a large
and cut into slices plate and roll the patties in the breadcrumbs to
lOOg /3V20Z (1 cup) pumpkin, peeled, de-seeded coat, then set aside.
and cut into small pieces
300g / 3I/2OZ (1 small) tomato, chopped Heat the ghee in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan
to i8o’C/350°F, or until a cube of bread browns in
1 teaspoon chilli powder
30 seconds, then reduce the heat to low. Working in
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
batches, carefully lower the kavab into the hot oil
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped and deep-fry for about 3—4 minutes, or until cooked
10 whole black peppercorns and brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain
1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) on kitchen paper (paper towels).
3Y2 tablespoons butter
Preheat the oven to i8o'C/35o‘F/Gas Mark 4. For
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
the rice, put the sugar in a small, heavy-based pan
2 dried red chillies and cook, stirring, over medium heat for a few
4 teaspoons Dhansak Masala (see page 54) minutes until brown, don't let it burn. Add 180ml /
salt 6'/2fl oz (% cup) water and simmer for a few minutes
20g / %oz [V2 cup) chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, until smooth.
to garnish
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based ovenproof pan
over medium heat, add the onion and stir-fry for
For the kavab about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
3 slices bread_ half the onions for the garnish. Add the cinnamon,
300g / 11 oz minced (ground) lamb cloves and rice to the remaining half, then season
with salt and stir for 1 minute. Add the sugar mixture
lOOg / 31/20Z (1 small) onion, chopped
and pour in 625ml / 1 pint (2/2 cups) water. Bring to
1V2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about
1V2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 4—5 minutes, or until the liquid has evaporated. Place
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric a wet cloth on top, cover and place a couple of hot
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped charcoals on top, if desired, then cook in the oven for
2 tablespoons chopped mint about 15 minutes. Alternatively, omit the charcoals.
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
For the meat and vegetables, heat the ghee in
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce another heavy-based pan or handi over medium
heat, add the onions, ginger and garlic pastes
and stir-fry for about 2 minutes.


Add the lamb and stir-fry for about io minutes, ■71''

then add the dais, potatoes, aubergines, pumpkin,

tomatoes, chilli powder, turmeric, green chillies
and black peppercorns, then season with salt and Achras
stir fry for 2—3 minutes. Pour in 1.5 litres / z'h pints Minced (Ground) Lamb with Raw Mango
(6!4 cups) water and bring to the boil, then reduce
the heat, cover and simmer for about i-i'/z hours,
Origin Awadh
or until the meat is tender and the lentils and
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
vegetables are mashed. Remove the lamb from the
Cooking time 40 minutes
pan and force the lentils and vegetables through
Serves 4
a sieve (strainer) into a separate pan. Add the
tamarind extract and stir, then adjust the seasoning.
1 x 8-cm / 3-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled_
Heat the butter in a separate large pan over medium 1 tablespoon ground coriander
heat, add the cumin, dried red chillies and dhansak 1 Vz teaspoons chilli powder
masala and stir-fry for about 30 seconds. Add the Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
cooked lamb and the strained mash and bring to the 10Og / 3Vzoz (scant Vz cup) ghee or vegetable oil
boil, then reduce the heat to low and cook for about
250g / 9oz (2 small) onions, chopped
5 minutes. Garnish with the reserved fried onions
and chopped coriander. 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
750g / 11b lOoz coarsely minced (ground) lamb
2 raw mangoes, stoned (pitted) and cut into dice
6-7 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 Vz teaspoons chopped mint leaves
Vz teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper, roasted
pinch of ground cloves
pinch of ground black cardamom
chopped hard-boiled eggs, to garnish

Chop half of the ginger and cut the remaining half

into juliennes and set aside.

Put the ground coriander, chilli powder and

turmeric in a small bowl, add 4 tablespoons water
and mix together.

Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for
about 2 minutes, or until translucent and glossy. Add
the garlic and ginger pastes and stir-fry for about
5 minutes, or until the onions are golden. Add the
ground spice mixture and continue to stir-fry for
about i—2 minutes, or until the oil separates out.
Now add the minced lamb and stir-fry for about
8-10 minutes, or until light brown. Season with salt
and pour in about 375ml / 130 oz (i'/z cups) water
and cook for about 5—8 minutes, or until the oil
separates out. Now add the diced mangoes, chopped
ginger, green chillies and mint, then mix well, cover
and remove from the heat (the heat of the cooked
mince will soften the raw mangoes) for 10 minutes.

Uncover and adjust the seasoning. Sprinkle over the

remaining ground spices and cover again until ready
to serve. Garnish with chopped eggs.


## To make the marinade, mix the chilli powder and a
little salt together in a bowl, then rub into the leg.
Mix the remaining marinade ingredients together in
Akha Peenda a bowl and evenly rub over the leg, then cover and
Whole Roasted Leg of Lamb set aside in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to i50°C/300°F/Gas Mark 2. Put the

Origin Rajasthan
leg in a large, deep roasting tray (pan), spread the
Preparation time 1 hour, plus standing time
roasting spices and mustard oil on and around the
Cooking time 3 hours leg, then add enough water to cover the leg. Cover
Serves 8 the pan with foil, puncture 2 holes in the foil and
roast in the oven for z'k hours.
1 x 2-kg / 4te-lb leg of lamb, trimmed
vegetable oil, for oiling and basting Remove from the oven and evenly rub the leg with
mustard oil.

For the studding To make the masala mix, combine the spices in a
12 cloves_ small bowl.
12 flakes garlic or 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
4 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long Prepare a charcoal grill or barbecue to a moderate
heat, or alternatively preheat the oven again to
24 whole black peppercorns
200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6. Thread a skewer right down
the middle horizontally and as close to the bone
For the marinade as possible, then arrange the leg on the rack of the
1 tablespoon chilli powder_ charcoal grill or barbecue. Cover the grill and roast
6 tablespoons rum over medium heat for 10 minutes. Uncover, turn over
and baste with vegetable oil, then roast again for
4 tablespoons malt (white) vinegar
10 minutes. Alternatively, arrange the leg on an oiled
3 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
roasting tray and roast in the oven for 30 minutes,
31/: teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) basting occasionally with oil. Allow the roast to rest
salt briefly, then carve into pieces and serve sprinkled
with the masala mix.
For the roasting
5 green cardamom pods
2 black cardamom pods
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
2 bay leaves
12 black peppercorns
1 teaspoon black cumin seeds
2 tablespoons mustard oil, plus extra for rubbing

For the masala mix

5 teaspoons amchoor_
11/2 teaspoons kasoori methi powder
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
y2 teaspoon ground black cardamom
V2 teaspoon black rock salt

Prick the leg of lamb all over with a fork, then rinse
and pat dry. Using a skewer or cooking needle,
stud the leg with the cloves, garlic, cinnamon and
peppercorns, then put in a large shallow dish, cover
and set aside in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.


Tomato Curry
Coconut & Spl

cooked Aromatic
Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans)
from Rowalpindi p.568
Red-Hot Lamb

■tmu >«W!

pepper Chicken
from Che'c'cinad
Chicken with
TPnarmnreek Leaves
fc- 0UaiJ-S StVj
Vjv' Heat enough ghee or oil for deep-frying in a kadhai
or deep, heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o“F, or until
a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in
Nargisi Kofte 2 batches, carefully lower the koftas into the hot oil
‘Iris’ Kofta and deep-fry for about 2—3 minutes, or until cooked
and golden brown all over. Remove with a slotted
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels),
Origin Awadh
then cut them in half.
Preparation time 45 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes
Heat the remaining ghee or oil in another pan over
Serves 8
medium heat, add the onion, ginger, garlic and red
chilli pastes and season with salt, then fry for a
250g / 9oz (2 small) onions_ few minutes until the oil separates out. Place the
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee or vegetable oil, plus extra koftas in the sauce and simmer for about 5 minutes.
for deep-frying Sprinkle with the kewra water just before serving.

2 teaspoons Poppy Seed Paste (see page 58)

2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 tablespoon cumin seeds, roasted
5-6 dried red chillies
400ml / 14fl oz (1% cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
500g / 1 lb 2oz minced (ground) lamb
8 hard-boiled eggs, peeled
2 tablespoons kewra water_

For the sauce_

125g / 414oz {2 3A cup) gram (chickpea) flour, roasted
8-10 black cardamom pods_
6-8 cloves_
10 whole black peppercorns

Slice half the onions and set aside, then roughly

chop the remaining onions, transfer to a blender
or food processor and process to make a paste.
Set aside.

Heat a little ghee or oil in a heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the sliced onions and stir-fry for
about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
from the heat and put into a bowl with the poppy
seed paste, half the garlic and ginger pastes, the
roasted cumin and dried red chillies and mix together.
Transfer to a blender or food processor, add the
yoghurt and process until ground. Transfer to a bowl
and mix in the remaining ginger and garlic pastes and
the onion paste, then add the minced lamb and mix to
combine. Divide the mixture into 8 equal portions and
place i hard-boiled egg in the centre of each portion,
smoothing the mixture over the egg evenly.


V]v' Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan
(skillet) over medium heat, add the chillies, mustard
seeds and garlic and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or
Kairi ka do Pyaza until dark brown. Pour over the lamb and cover
Savoury Green Mango, Lamb & Onions immediately to retain the aroma. Serve with Plain
Boiled Rice or chapatti.

Origin Hyderabad
Preparation time 30 minutes
VF' vjw
Cooking time 114-1% hours
Serves 4-6
Mamsummunakkai Pulussu
125ml / 4Vzfl oz (1/2 cup) vegetable oil_ Lamb & Drumstick Curry
5 onions, thinly sliced
2 teaspoons ground fresh ginger Origin Tamil Nadu
2 teaspoons ground garlic Preparation time 45 minutes
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric Cooking time 114-1% hours
Serves 4-6
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 teaspoon chilli powder_ 1 tablespoon basmati rice, rinsed, drained and dried
500g / 1 lb 2oz lamb breast, cut into 4-cm 1 tablespoon ghee
/ 1 y2-inch pieces with bones 2 onions, thinly sliced
2 onions, ground 14 tablespoon ground turmeric
3 raw unripe mangoes, stoned (pitted) and cut 1 teaspoon chilli powder
into slices 1 teaspoon ground coriander, roasted
1 teaspoon sugar Vz teaspoon ground cumin
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 1 Vz teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, ground II/2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
6 curry leaves, chopped 250g / 9oz lamb, cut into 4-cm / iy2-inch cubes
salt 250g / 9oz (vegetable) drumsticks, peeled and cut
Plain Boiled Rice (see page 631) or chapatti, to serve into 5.5-cm / 2-inch lengths
1 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) or

For the tempering lime juice

8 curry leaves
1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
3 dried red chillies 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
Vz teaspoon mustard seeds
6 cloves garlic, chopped
Put the rice into a small blender and process, adding
a little water if necessary, to make a paste. Put the
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
paste into a bowl, add 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water
medium heat, add the sliced onions and stir-fry for
and mix until smooth. Set aside.
about 4 minutes, or until light brown. Add the ginger,
garlic, turmeric and ground cumin, then stir in the
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
garam masala, chilli powder and season with salt.
medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about
Cook for i minute, then add the meat and stir-fry for
4 minutes, or until light brown. Add the turmeric,
about 5 minutes, or until browned. Add the ground
chilli powder, coriander, cumin, ginger and garlic
onions and cook for a further 2 minutes. Pour in
pastes and the lamb, then season and fry for about
750ml / 1% pints (314 cups) water and cook for about
5 minutes, or until the moisture has evaporated. Add
30 minutes, or until the meat is nearly done.
the drumsticks and continue stirring for 1 minute.
Add the sliced mangoes, sugar and chillies and cook
Pour in 1 litre / iJ/« pints (4‘A cups) water and the
for about 30-45 minutes, or until the meat is tender,
tamarind extract or lime juice, then reduce the heat
adding water as required. Mix in the ground coriander
and simmer for about i-i'A hours, or until the lamb
leaves and chopped curry leaves and cook for
is tender. Add the curry leaves, chopped coriander
5 minutes. The oil should rise to the surface and the
and rice paste mixture and cook for 5-10 minutes to
water should reduce to 125ml / 4‘/2fl oz (54 cup).
thicken slightly.


# / GB p.474

Bhuna Keema Keema Matar

Roasted Minced (Ground) Lamb Minced (Ground) Lamb with Peas

Origin Hyderabad Origin Punjab

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 50 minutes Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 6-8 Serves 3-4

125ml / 4M oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil_ 500g / 1 lb 2oz minced (ground) lamb
6 onions, sliced
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) For the marinade
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1/2 tablespoon chilli powder_
y2 teaspoon ground turmeric y2 tablespoon coriander seeds
1V2 teaspoons chilli powder 1 teaspoon ground turmeric powder
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
few small mint leaves, chopped 115g / 4oz (1 small) onion, ground
8-10 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 2 tablespoons ground fresh ginger
1 kg / 2141b minced (ground) lamb 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
2 tablespoons lemon juice 125g / 4oz (y2 cup) ghee
salt 250g / 9oz (2 cups) shelled peas
1 tablespoon chopped and de-seeded green chillies
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for 2 tablespoons lime juice
about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
ginger and garlic pastes and continue stir-frying
for about 1-2 minutes, or until the paste changes salt
colour. Season with salt, then add the turmeric and
chilli powder and three-quarters of the chopped Put the minced lamb in a large bowl. To make the
coriander, mint and chillies and fry over low- marinade, mix the chilli powder, coriander seeds,
medium heat for 3—5 minutes. Add the minced lamb turmeric, cumin seeds, onions, ginger and yoghurt
and fry for about 8—10 minutes, or until the moisture together in a bowl, then season with salt. Mix the
has evaporated and the mince is dry. paste into the mince, then cover and set aside in the
refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
Add 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, cover and cook for
about 20 minutes. Increase the heat and boil away Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
any excess water. Sprinkle the lemon juice over the medium heat, add the meat and cook for about
meat and garnish with the remaining coriander, mint 5-8 minutes, or until the meat is cooked. Add about
and green chillies. 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water and cook the meat
for about 30 minutes, or until it is tender and a little
water remains.

Add the peas and chopped chillies and reduce the

heat, then cook for about 5-7 minutes, or until the
peas are tender and the water has evaporated. Add
the garam masala, lime juice and coriander leaves
and stir.


vp Now mix the yoghurt, milk, ginger, aniseed and sugar
together in a medium-sized bowl, then season with
salt and set aside.
Minced (Ground) Lamb Cutlets in Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water to the boil in a
shallow pan.
Yoghurt Sauce
Carefully add the cylindrical pieces of the beaten
Origin Jammu and Kashmir minced meat to the water and boil for about
Preparation time 1 hour 20 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and
Cooking time 50 minutes remove the pieces of minced meat with a slotted
Serves 6 spoon and reserve the soup. Add the soup to the
mixture of yoghurt and other masalas.
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
Heat the mustard oil in a separate pan over medium
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk
heat, add the cloves, cumin seeds and the pinch
1 teaspoon ground ginger
of asafoetida and fry for 30 seconds. Reduce the
2 teaspoons ground aniseed heat and add the yoghurt masala and soup mixture,
1 teaspoon sugar stirring constantly until it thickens to a sauce. Now
125ml / 4y2fl oz (I/2 cup) mustard oil add the minced meat slices to the boiling sauce
5 cloves and cook for a further 15 minutes, shaking the pan
occasionally. Simmer for about 30 minutes, then add
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
the remaining spices and mix well.
small pinch asafoetida
1 teaspoon Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56)
y2 teaspoon caraway seeds
6 green cardamom pods
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground black cardamom
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

For the koftas

1 kg / 2141b minced (ground) lamb with extra fat
1 litre /1 % pints (414 cups) vegetable oil or ghee
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground aniseed
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56)
1 teaspoon natural (plain) yoghurt
1 teaspoon asafoetida diluted in a little water

To make the koftas, mix the minced lamb, vegetable

oil or ghee, ginger, aniseed, salt, Kashmiri garam
masala, yoghurt and asafoetida together in a large
bowl, then use a wooden pestle and a large stone
mortar to pound it. Once pounded, divide the meat
into equal medium-sized portions and roll into
balls. Oil your hands and shape each ball into 8-cm
/ 3-inch long tubes and set aside on a plate.


## vp' Remove from the heat and slowly stir in the
whisked yoghurt, then return to a low heat, stirring
constantly, until the sauce blends into a thick
Kashmiri Kofte reddish brown sauce.
Lamb Koftas in Sauce
Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2‘A cups) water, then add
the ginger, aniseed and sugar and season with salt.
Origin Jammu and Kashmir
Continue to stir otherwise the yoghurt may curdle.
Preparation time 30 minutes
Gently lower all the koftas into the pan and boil for
Cooking time 45 minutes
30 minutes, or until the water has evaporated and the
Serves 6-8
sauce thickens. Add the garam masala and mix gently.

2 tablespoons vegetable oil_

1 teaspoon Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56) m
5 cloves
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
Narangi Keema
1 teaspoon asafoetida
Minced (Ground) Lamb with Orange Peel
1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder
& Juice
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
235ml / 7%fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
Origin Hyderabad
1 teaspoon ground ginger_ Preparation time 15 minutes
2 teaspoons ground aniseed Cooking time 15 minutes
1 teaspoon sugar Serves 5-6
peel and juice of 4 oranges_
For the koftas 500g /1 lb 2oz (41/2 cups) cooked minced (ground) lamb
1 kg / 2141b minced (ground) lamb with extra fat_ juice of 1 lime
2 tablespoons mustard oil, plus extra for oiling 6 mint leaves, chopped
1 teaspoon ground ginger_ salt
2 teaspoons ground aniseed chapati, Paratha (see page 609) or Naan
1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder (see page 591), to serve
1 teaspoon asafoetida diluted in a little water
1 tablespoon natural (plain) yoghurt_, Cut the orange peel into long narrow strips
between 5mm / 14 inch to icm / k inch wide and
1 teaspoon Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56)
2.5cm / 1 inch long, then cook the strips in a pan
of boiling water for 2—3 minutes until soft. Drain
To make the koftas, mix the minced lamb with and discard the water. Put the minced lamb into a
the mustard oil, ginger, aniseed, chilli powder, large frying pan (skillet), add the orange strips and
asafoetida mixture, yoghurt, and the Kashmiri garam fry together for 7-8 minutes. Add the orange juice
masala together in a large bowl, then season with and lime juice, season with salt and fry for about
salt. Divide the mixture into equal-sized portions and 5 minutes, then sprinkle over the mint leaves. Serve
roll into balls. Oil your hands and shape each ball hot with chapati, Paratha or Naan.
into 8-cm / 3-inch long sausages and set aside.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high

heat, then allow to cool. Once cool, reheat the oil
over medium heat and add the cloves, cumin seeds
and asafoetida. Stir for about 3-4 minutes, then
add the chilli powder, turmeric and 4 tablespoons
water. Stir constantly for another 2 minutes until the
oil becomes reddish brown and starts to separate.


Vjv' Put the minced lamb in a blender or food processor
and process until ground. Transfer the mince to a
frying pan (skillet) and cook over low heat to dry out
Kofta Curry the water, otherwise the koftas will break when they
Meatball Curry are fried. Beat the egg thoroughly in a bowl and mix
into the mince, then shape into walnut-sized balls.

Origin Delhi
Heat 175ml / 6fl oz (3/< cup) oil or ghee in a large
Preparation time 50 minutes
frying pan over medium heat. Working in batches,
Cooking time 30 minutes
fry the koftas for about 5—8 minutes, or until they
Serves 4
are golden brown all over. Remove from the pan
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil or ghee_ (paper towels).
3 onions, thinly sliced
Put the koftas in a serving dish with the hot sauce.
14 teaspoon ground turmeric
The sauce should cover at least half the koftas. Serve
1 teaspoon ground fresh ginger
hot with cooked Rice, Chapatti or Paratha.
1 teaspoon ground garlic
1 teaspoon ground aniseed
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece dried coconut
1 teaspoon chilli powder
pinch of saffron threads
4 cloves
5 cardamom pods
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm /1 inch long
180ml / 6y2fl oz (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt,
350g / 12oz (3 cups) cooked minced (ground) lamb
1 egg_
Plain Boiled Rice (see page 631), chapatti or Paratha
(see page 609), to serve

Heat 4 tablespoons oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based

pan over medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry
for about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add
the turmeric, ginger and garlic and fry for about
30 seconds. Add the aniseed, poppy seeds and coconut
and fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until fragrant.

Add the chilli powder, saffron, cloves, cardamom

pods, cinnamon and yoghurt, then season with salt.
Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2Vi cups) water and cook
over low heat for 5 minutes to make a sauce. If a
smooth sauce is preferred, allow to cool and process
in a blender for 30 seconds until smooth. If the
sauce is too thick, add 125ml / 4‘/2fl oz (54 cup) water.


Mix the minced lamb and all the ingredients
together, including the oil or ghee in which the
onions were fried and the saffron, in a large pan
Lagan ka Keema and fry over low heat for about 10 minutes, or
Baked Masala Minced (Ground) Lamb until the mince is brown.

Spread the mince in a large baking dish and bake in

Origin Awadh
the oven for about 40 minutes, or until the mince
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking time is cooked. Place under a hot grill (broiler) for a few
Cooking time 45 minutes
minutes to brown the top.
Serves 4
If you like, remove from the grill and make a hollow
2 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee_ in the mince. Place a hot piece of charcoal on an
2 onions, thinly sliced onion skin in the hollow and sprinkle a little oil or
ghee over it, then cover the dish immediately. Leave
large pinch of saffron threads, roasted
it covered with the lid on for 10 minutes so that the
1 teaspoon warm milk
aroma of charcoal permeates it. Garnish with the
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4Vfe cups) minced (ground) lamb fried onions and mint sprigs.
1 bunch mint leaves, chopped
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
1 tablespoon ground coriander, roasted
125ml / 4M oz (Zz cup) natural (plain) yoghurt,
1 tablespoon ground fresh ginger
1 tablespoon ground garlic
Vh tablespoons chilli powder
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon poppy seeds, ground
1 tablespoon chironji kernels
Vz teaspoon ground allspice
4 cloves, ground
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long, ground
4 small and 2 large green cardamom pods, ground
juice of 1 lime
salt _
mint sprigs, to garnish

Preheat the oven to i8o'C/35o'F/Gas Mark 4.

Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for
about 5-7 minutes, or until crisp and golden brown
Remove from the heat and put half in a blender or
food processor and process until ground. Keep the
other half for garnishing.

Put the roasted saffron in a small bowl, add the

warm milk and soak for 20 minutes, then place in
a mortar and pound with a pestle.



Shufta Bhindi ka Patala Salan

Minced (Ground) Lamb & Peas Lamb, Potato & Okra Curry

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Awadh

Preparation time 25 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 40 minutes Cooking time 114 hours
Serves 6 Serves 4

300g / 11 oz (1V3 cups) ghee_ 500g / 1 lb 2oz lamb, cut into 4-cm / 1 y2-inch cubes
pinch of asafoetida 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
4 cloves 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 kg / 2141b coarsely minced (ground) lamb 4 tablespoons vegetable oil_
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 2 tablespons ghee
1 teaspoon ground fennel 2 potatoes, cut into slices
1 teaspoon chilli powder 4 onions, sliced
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 14 teaspoon ground turmeric
and ground 2 teaspoons chilli powder
1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon ground coriander, roasted
500g / 1 lb 2oz (31/2 cups) peas, shelled if fresh 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long (optional)
250g / 9oz coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 3 green cardamom pods (optional)
1 teaspoon kewra water or rosewater 4 cloves (optional)
pinch of saffron threads, ground to a paste 10 okra, topped and tailed
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) 2 tomatoes, chopped
1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
10Og / 3y2oz Khoya (see page 58) or few sprigs of mint
10Og / 31/20Z (% cup) milk powder (dry milk) salt
Put the meat into a large shallow dish and rub the
Heat the ghee in a degchi or large casserole over ginger and garlic pastes and the oil all over, then
medium heat, add the asafoetida, cloves, meat, cover and set aside in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
three-quarters of the yoghurt, the fennel, chilli
powder and ginger then season with salt. Stir and Heat the ghee in a large frying pan (skillet) over low
cook for about 8—io minutes, adding a little water heat, add the potatoes and fry for about 10 minutes,
occasionally to prevent burning, until the meat turns or until lightly browned, then remove from the pan
reddish brown. Add the sugar and peas and stir a and set aside.
few times. Pour in about 300ml / 14 pint (i!4 cups)
water and allow the meat to simmer for about 20 Add the onions to the pan and add the turmeric,
minutes. When a little sauce is left, add the chopped chilli powder and coriander. Fry for about 8 minutes,
coriander, kewra water, saffron, garam masala and or until the onions are light brown. Add the
ground coriander. cinnamon, cardamom pods and cloves if desired,
then add the lamb and fry for about 5 minutes, or
Next, dilute the khoya with the remaining yoghurt until the liquid from the lamb has evaporated. Pour
and add it to the pan, then cook for about in 500ml / i8fl oz (2Vi cups) water and cook for
5 minutes, or until it turns light brown. If you like, about 30 minutes, or until the lamb is half cooked.
place the pan over low heat, cover and put a few Season with salt, then add the potatoes, whole okra,
hot charcoals on the lid for a few minutes until the chopped tomatoes and a little more water and cook
sauce thickens, then remove. Alternatively, cook for for a further 30 minutes, or until the lamb is tender.
about 5 minutes, or until the sauce thickens, then There should be about 500—750ml / 18—240 oz
remove from the heat. (2-3 ‘4 cups) liquid in the pan. Add the chopped
coriander and mint leaves a few minutes before
removing from the heat.


Chingur ka Salan Dhoop Chhaun Keema
Lamb with Tender Tamarind Leaves Minced (Ground) Lamb Cake Topped
& Flowers with Eggs

Origin Hyderabad Origin New

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 114-1 % hours Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 tablespoon vegetable oil_

6 eggs_
5 onions, thinly sliced
1 kg / 2141b (9 cups) cooked minced (ground) lamb
8 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
vegetable oil, for oiling
Va teaspoon ground turmeric
2 bunches coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 bunches mint leaves, chopped
V/2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
10-12 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
500g / lib 2oz breast of lamb, cut into 4-cm
iy2-inch pieces
Paratha (see page 609), to serve
2 teaspoons ground cumin, roasted
2 full cups of tender chigur, rinsed well
To garnish
6 curry leaves
2 teaspoons vegetable oil or ghee
chilli powder, to taste (optional)
few almonds, chopped
few cashew nuts, chopped
Plain Boiled Rice (see page 631), to serve
few pistachios, chopped

For the tempering

Preheat the grill (broiler) to medium. Beat the eggs
1 tablespoon vegetable oil in a bowl with a little salt.
3 dried red chillies
6 cloves garlic Put the cooked minced lamb in a lightly oiled baking
y> teaspoon mustard seeds dish, about 4cm / i'/z inches high. Cover with the
salted beaten eggs, then sprinkle over the chopped
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over coriander, mint leaves and chopped chillies.
medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about
5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the green Heat the oil or ghee for the garnish in a frying pan
chillies, turmeric, ginger and garlic pastes and fry (skillet) over medium heat, add all the nuts and stir-
for about 1—2 minutes. Add the lamb and fry for fry for about 1 minute, or until lightly toasted. Don't
about 5 minutes. Pour in 750ml / i!4 pints (3% cups) let them burn. Set aside.
water and cook over medium heat for about
30—45 minutes, or until the meat has softened, and In earlier days, the mince was covered with a metal
there is about 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water left. Add cover or thali and lit charcoal was put on top. Today,
the ground cumin and chigur and cook together put the baking dish under the hot grill and cook the
for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally until the eggs for 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. When
chigur leaves soften. Add the curry leaves, then they are done, sprinkle the nuts over the top and
pour in 250—500ml / 8—i8fl oz (1—2% cups) water and serve with any Indian bread.
simmer for a further 10 minutes, seasoning with salt.
Add the chilli powder if desired.

Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan (skillet)

over medium heat, add the tempering ingredients,
then reduce the heat and stir-fry for about 2 minutes,
or until the chillies turn a shade darker. Pour over
the chigur curry and cover immediately to retain the
aroma. Serve with Plain Boiled Rice.


m Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about
20 minutes, or until the lamb is cooked. Adjust the
seasoning and sprinkle over the coriander and deep-
Dahi ka Keema fried green chillies and stir.
Lamb Cooked in Yoghurt

Origin Hyderabad
Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 35 minutes
Gurde ka Keema
Serves 4
Lamb Kidney Curry
300ml / V2 pint (114 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt_
Origin Punjab
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long Preparation time 20 minutes
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves _ Cooking time 40 minutes
groundnut (peanut) oil, for deep-frying Serves 6
15 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
4 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 x 4-cm / 116-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
4 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 125g / 4oz p/2 cup) ghee
150g / 5oz (% cup) ghee V2 teaspoon ground fennel
5 green cardamom pods V2 teaspoon chilli powder
1 black cardamom pod pinch of asafoetida
5 cloves 2 cloves
1 bay leaf 100ml / 3M oz p/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
pinch of ground mace 6 lambs’ kidneys, cleaned, trimmed and cut in
200g / 7oz (2 small) onions, finely chopped half lengthways
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) 6 lambs’ testes, cleaned, trimmed and cut in
2 teaspoons chilli powder half lengthways
1 kg / 2141b minced (ground) lamb 1 teaspoon ground coriander
20g / 3Aoz (Zz cup) coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
salt 14 teaspoon kewra water or rosewater
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
Put the yoghurt in a bowl and whisk with the salt
cinnamon and ground cloves.
Put the ginger in a small food processor or blender
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
and process, adding a little water if necessary, to
heavy-based pan to i8o"C/35o"F, or until a cube
make a paste. Set aside.
of bread browns in 30 seconds. Carefully lower
the chillies into the hot oil and deep-fry for 15—20
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over low-
seconds. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on
heat, add the ground fennel, chilli powder, asafoetida,
kitchen paper (paper towels).
cloves and yoghurt, then season with salt and fry for
about 3-4 minutes, or until the masala turns red and
Put the ginger and garlic pastes in a small bowl, add
the moisture has evaporated. Add the kidneys and
4 tablespoons water and mix together.
fry for about 5 minutes, or until they are light brown,
then add the testes and fry carefully (they break
Heat the ghee in a kadhai, wok or large, heavy-based
easily) for about 5 minutes, or until brown.
pan over medium heat, add the cardamom pods,
cloves, bay leaf and mace and stir-fry for about
Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and simmer for
1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the
15 minutes. Test by hand to see if the kidneys have
onions and stir-fry for about 5-7 minutes, or until
softened, then add the ground coriander, garam
golden brown. Add the ginger and garlic pastes
masala, ginger paste, kewra water and chopped
mixture and stir-fry for 30 seconds, then add the
coriander. If the kidneys are not done, add another
garam masala and chilli powder and stir-fry for
125ml / 4'/zfl oz PA cup) water and simmer, making
1 Zi minutes. Add the minced lamb and stir-fry for
sure that the sauce is fairly thick.
about 5 minutes, or until the liquid has evaporated.
Now add the spiced yoghurt and bring almost to
the boil.



Garhua Nalli aur Paye

Lambs’ Feet Curry of Feet & Marrow Bones

Origin Uttarakhand Origin Awadh

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 12 hours Cooking time 214 hours
Serves 4 Serves 6

12 lambs’ feet_ 6 lambs' feet_

125ml / 4M oz (1/2 cup) mustard oil 180ml / 6fl oz (% cup) vegetable oil
200g / 7oz (114 cups) onion, chopped 3 onions, sliced
1 bay leaf 14 teaspoon ground turmeric
1-2 black cardamom pods 1 tablespoon ground coriander, roasted
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 1 teaspoon chilli powder
and chopped 1 tablespoon ground fresh ginger
1 teaspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon ground garlic
4-6 cloves garlic, crushed 2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
salt 6 cloves
6 black cardamom pods
For the spice paste 8 marrow bones
2 teaspoons ground turmeric_ juice of 2 limes
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
and chopped few sprigs of mint
1 tablespoon coriander seeds salt
Naan (see page 591), to serve
To garnish
10-12 dried red chillies, chopped Get the butcher to clean the feet well and singe to
remove all hair.
chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
Clean and wash the feet, then split along the middle. medium heat, add the onions and fry for about
Crack the attached shine bones to let the marrow 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the
escape during cooking. turmeric, coriander, chilli powder, ginger and
garlic and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until
To make the spice paste, put the turmeric, ginger browned and fragrant. Add the cinnamon, cloves and
and coriander seeds in a small blender and cardamom pods, then season with salt and stir-fry
process, adding a little water to make a smooth together for about 1 minute. Add the feet, marrow
paste. Set aside. bones and 1 litre / i14 pints (4% cups) water, then
reduce the heat to low, cover and cook for about
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high 30 minutes, or until the feet and marrow bones
heat, then reduce the heat. Add the onion and are softened, then continue cooking for another
stir-fry for about 4 minutes, or until light brown. 114 hours or until done. Remove from the heat and
Now add the bay leaf, cardamom pods, ginger, black allow to rest for a while. Spoon off the excess fat
pepper and crushed garlic and fry for about that rises to the surface, then return to the heat, add
30 seconds. Add the spice paste, then season with the lime juice, chopped coriander leaves and mint
salt and stir-fry for about 1 minute. Add the feet and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and
and stir-fry for about 1 minute to coat well with the serve hot.
masala. Pour in about 3 litres / 5% pints (12% cups)
water, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat, This dish should be served in large soup bowls with
cover and simmer over very low heat overnight. pieces of Naan dunked in it.
Garnish with chopped dried red chillies and
chopped coriander.


mm vF'
vp' vp'

Kaleji ka Salan Kaleji Masala

Liver Curry Spicy Liver

Origin Awadh Origin Punjab

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 45 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

500g / t lb 2oz liver, rinsed_ 500g / 1 lb 2oz liver, rinsed and cut into slices
1 teaspoon ground fresh ginger 2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon ground garlic 2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric 10Og / 31/20Z (scant 1/2 cup) ghee
175ml / 6fl oz (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 175g / 6oz (1 large) onion, thinly sliced
125ml / 4M oz (I/2 cup) vegetable oil 2 tomatoes, finely chopped
2 onions, thinly sliced salt
11/2 teaspoons ground coriander, roasted
salt For the marinade
few sprigs of mint 4-5 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
8-10 whole black peppercorns
Remove the membranes from the liver and rinse 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
well, then cut the liver into 2.5-cm / i-inch by 4-cm /
125ml / 4M oz (1/2 cup) malt (white) vinegar
1'A-inch pieces.
V2 teaspoon sugar

Mix the ginger, garlic, chilli powder, turmeric and

yoghurt together in a large bowl and season with Put the liver slices in a large pan of water, add the
salt. Add the liver and turn to coat, then cover and garlic and ginger pastes and cinnamon and bring
set aside in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. to the boil, then boil for about 10 minutes. Remove
the slices from the pan, rinse, place in a large
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over shallow dish and set aside. Reserve the residual
medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about stock for later use.
5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the liver
and fry for about 5 minutes, or until the liquid has To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients
evaporated. Add the roasted coriander and continue together in a bowl and season with salt. Spread this
to fry for a few minutes. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz paste on the liver slices, then cover and set aside
(2'4 cups) water, then reduce the heat to low and in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
simmer for about 15 minutes, or until the liver
is cooked, adding more water if necessary. There Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
should be about 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) sauce. Remove medium heat, add the onion and stir-fry for about
from the heat and garnish with mint sprigs. 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Season with salt,
then add the liver slices together with the marinade
and the reserved stock. Bring to the boil, add the
chopped tomatoes and cook for about 10 minutes, or
until all the liquid has evaporated.



Bhutua Bheja
Spicy Fried Offal (Variety Meats) Sheep's Brains with Coconut Milk

Origin Uttarakhand Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 25 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 kg / 2141b mixed offal (variety meats), such as liver, Vz coconut_

lungs, stomach and intestines with a little roasted 125g / 4oz (V2 cup) ghee_
outer skin, rinsed veiy well 2 green cardamom pods_
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) mustard oil 3 cloves
salt 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
1 onion, thinly sliced
For the spice paste 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
10-12 dried red chillies Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
1 tablespoon coriander seeds 6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
125ml / 4y2fl oz (I/2 cup) milk
Bring about i litre / iV* pints (4 Vi cups) water with 4 sheep's brains, rinsed and cut into
1 teaspoon of salt to the boil in a large, heavy-based 2.5-cm / 1-inch pieces
pan. Add the offal and the skin and boil for about 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
15 minutes. Remove from the water and rinse in cold
water once again. Allow to cool, then cut into small
bite-sized pieces.
Put the coconut in a blender or food processor and
Put the turmeric, chillies and coriander seeds in a process, adding a little water if necessary, to make
small blender and process, adding a little water to a paste. Set aside.
make a smooth paste.
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over high medium heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves and
heat, then reduce the heat slightly. Add the spice cinnamon and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
paste and season with salt, then stir-fry for about they start to splutter. Add the onion and stir-fry for
30 seconds. Add the offal pieces and continue to stir- 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the ginger
fry for a further 2 minutes over high heat. Reduce and garlic pastes, turmeric and chillies and fry for
the heat to low and continue to simmer for about 2 minutes.
1 hour.
Add the milk and a little water, if necessary, to the
coconut and squeeze out the liquid. Add half the
coconut milk and the brains to the fried ingredients
and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes, or
until the liquid has evaporated and the oil rises to
the surface. Add the coconut paste and milk and
season with salt, then cook for 1—2 minutes. Add
the chopped coriander and stir, then remove from
the heat.


vl'' vm The next day, put the remaining cooking ingredients
in a large pan of water and bring to the boil. Drain
the brains and add to the pan and boil for 2 minutes.
Magaj Masala Remove from the pan and set aside.
Lambs’ Brains
To make the yoghurt paste, whisk the yoghurt,
coriander, chilli powder and turmeric together in
Origin Punjab
a large bowl.
Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 30 minutes
Next, heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan
Serves 4-6
over medium heat, add the garlic paste and stir-fry
for about 1—2 minutes, or until it turns light golden.
8 lamb’s brains, rinsed and patted dry_ Add the onions and stir-fry for about 2 minutes,
6 tablespoons ghee or until the onions turn translucent and glossy.
Add the ginger paste and chillies and stir for a few
1% teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
seconds. Add the yoghurt paste and stir-fry for about
250g / 9oz (2 small) onions, chopped
2-3 minutes, or until the oil separates out.
31/2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped Add the cashew nut paste and stir-fry for about
2 tablespoons Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58) 2—3 minutes, or until the oil separates out. Pour in
y2 teaspoon ground green cardamom 500ml / i8fl oz (2 '/* cups) water and bring to the boil.
Reduce the heat to low and sprinkle over the ground
1/2 teaspoon ground black cumin
spices and stir again. Season with salt and stir.
14 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Cover and cook for about 20 minutes. Now, add the
14 teaspoon ground cloves drained, cooked brains and stir-fry, using the side
2 teaspoons ground fennel of the spatula to chop the brain into pieces until the
salt sauce covers everything.

For the yoghurt paste

125ml / AM oz (V2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt,
225g / 8oz (214 cups) ground coriander
2 teaspoons chilli powder
1 y2 teaspoons ground turmeric

For cooking the brains

500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) milk_
3 tablespoons brandy or rum
4 black cardamom pods
4 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
3 bay leaves
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
2 teaspoons lemon juice
few ginger juliennes

For cooking the brains, put the brains and milk

into a large pan, add the brandy or rum and set
aside overnight in the refrigerator.


## sauce, for about 30 minutes, or until cooked and the
stock is completely absorbed. Remove from the oven
and set aside. Reserve the fat. Keep the oven on.
Khad Murg
Baked Chicken Spread out 4 roti, overlapping each other by 3cm /
1 inch on an oiled baking tray. (These should form
a surface large enough to wrap around the chicken.)
Origin Rajasthan
Spread a little of the reserved fat on the roti.
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Sprinkle the soaked saffron over the chicken, then
Cooking time 1 hour
place half the chicken down the centre of the roti.
Serves 4-6
Spoon over half the yoghurt. Fold the roti over
the chicken, to make a parcel, and repeat with the
1 kg / 2141b skinless boneless chicken pieces_ remaining roti, chicken and yoghurt. Return both
large pinch of saffron threads parcels to the oven for 15 minutes.
1 tablespoon milk
500ml / 18fl oz (2% cups) clear chicken stock
vl'' V(V»

3 green cardamom pods

2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
2 cloves Chicken Masala
2 bay leaves Chicken Masala
2 black cardamom pods
8 Handkerchief Bread (page 616) Origin Punjab
150ml /14 pint (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 35 minutes
vegetable oil, for oiling
Serves 4

For the marinade

1 chicken, cut into 10-12 pieces and skinned
5 tablespoons ghee_
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee
3 tablespoons almond paste
3 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
5 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
For the marinade
Y2—1 tablespoon chilli powder
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
4 tablespoons lemon juice
6-8 cloves garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
8-10 black peppercorns
2 teaspoons ground coriander
1 teaspoon chilli powder
Put the chicken in a large shallow dish and prick
thoroughly with a fork. 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground aniseed
To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients
together in a large bowl, then season with salt. Rub To make the marinade, put all the ingredients in
the mixture all over the chicken, then cover and set a spice grinder or small blender and process until
aside in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. ground and mixed together. Place the chicken
in a large shallow dish and rub the mixture all over,
Put the saffron threads in a small bowl, add the milk then cover and set aside in the refrigerator for
and soak until required. about 2 hours.

Preheat the oven to 20o"C/40o'F/Gas Mark 6. Bring 125ml / 4'/2fl oz O/2 cup) water with 'A teaspoon
salt to the boil in a large, heavy-based pan, add
Pour the stock into a heavy-based pan and add the the marinated chicken and return to the boil. Reduce
cardamom pods, cinnamon, cloves and bay leaves. the heat to low and simmer for about 25 minutes, or
Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat, cover and until dry and the chicken is cooked through.
simmer for about 15 minutes.
Heat the ghee in a large frying pan (skillet) over low
Arrange the chicken in a large roasting tray (pan), heat, add the chicken and fry for about 10 minutes,
without overlapping the pieces, then pour over the or until golden.
sauce. Bake in the oven, basting frequently with the


#/QQ p.475

Khare Masale ka Murg Murg Sheora-Natwara

Chicken with Aromatic Whole Spices Chieftain’s Chicken

Origin Rajasthan Origin Rajasthan

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 45 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

125g / 4oz Q/2 cup) ghee_ 250ml / 8fl oz (t cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
12 green cardamom pods 1 teaspoon ground coriander
2 bay leaves 125g / 4oz (Vfe cup) ghee
2 teaspoons cumin seeds 5 green cardamom pods
1 x 1-kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into large pieces 4 bay leaves
and skinned 12 black peppercorns
2 dried red chillies 150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, chopped
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 clove garlic, chopped
2 tablespoons chopped garlic 1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and
1 x 2-cm / %-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled grated
and chopped 1kg / 2141b chicken tikka breast, cut into 2.5-cm /
300g / 11 oz (2 medium) onions, sliced 1 -inch pieces
125ml / 4M oz (V2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, 20g / %oz (1/2 cup) chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
whisked 4 tablespoons chopped mint leaves
6 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded 12 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
salt V2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
4 red chillies, de-seeded and cut into strips
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid
medium heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves, (see page 783)
bay leaves and cumin seeds and stir-fry for about
1 minute, or until the seeds start to splutter. Add
the chicken, increase the heat to high and cook
for 2 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium, add the Mix the yoghurt and ground coriander together in
dried red chillies, turmeric, garlic and ginger, then a large bowl and season with salt.
season with salt and stir-fry for about 2-3 minutes,
or until specks of oil start to appear on the surface. Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the cardamom pods, bay leaves
Pour in 1 litre / iJ/< pints (414 cups) water and add and peppercorns and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
the onions. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat or until the cardamom pods start to change colour.
to low, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes. Add the onions, garlic and ginger and stir-fry for
Uncover, stir in the yoghurt in a steady trickle and about 2 minutes, or until the onion is translucent
stir-fry for about 2-3 minutes, or until specks of oil and glossy. Add the chicken, increase the heat to
start to appear on the surface. Now add the green high and stir-fry for about 4 minutes.
chillies and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until
the onions are mashed and the chicken is cooked Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the yoghurt
through. Remove from the heat and adjust the mixture, then return to the heat, add the remaining
seasoning, if necessary. ingredients except the dough, and pour in 250ml / 8fl
oz (1 cup) water. Cover and seal the lid with dough,
if using, or foil or a tight-fitting lid, then reduce the
heat to low and cook, shaking the pan frequently,
for a further 20 minutes. Remove from the heat,
uncover, stir well and simmer for about
5 minutes, or until the sauce is thick and the chicken
is cooked through. Remove from the heat and adjust
the seasoning, if necessary.


To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients
together in a bowl and season with salt. Rub the
marinade evenly over the lollypops, then cover and
Handiwala Murg set aside in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Chicken Kebabs from the Pot
Heat enough ghee to cover a flat pan over very low
heat. Add the marinated chicken, and shallow-fry
Origin Rajasthan
for about 10-12 minutes, turning carefully once,
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus marinating time
until crisp and evenly golden. Remove from the pan
Cooking time 30 minutes
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). Reserve
Serves 4
the ghee.

12 skinless chicken thighs_ Put the ground coriander, chilli powder and
6 tablespoons ghee, plus extra for shallow-frying turmeric in a small bowl, add 3 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon ground coriander and mix together.
1 teaspoon chilli powder
Heat 6 tablespoons of the reserved ghee in a large
1 teaspoon ground turmeric heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the garlic and
4 flakes garlic or Vi clove garlic, chopped stir-fry for about 30 seconds, or until light golden. Add
lOOg / 31/20Z (1 small) onion, chopped the onions and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until
1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled the onions are translucent and glossy. Add the ginger
and green chillies and stir-fry for a few seconds, then
and chopped
add the ground spices mixture and stir-fry for about
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1—2 minutes, or until the moisture has evaporated.
4 large tomatoes, chopped Add the tomatoes and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or
400g / 14oz minced (ground) chicken until they become soft and release their juices. Now
I/2 teaspoon ground green cardamom add the minced chicken and season with salt, then
V2 teaspoon ground cloves stir-fry for about 2 minutes. Add the chicken lollypops,
stir carefully, then add the remaining ground spices
V2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
and stir carefully. Cover and put a few hot charcoals
1 tablespoon lemon juice on the lid for for 10 minutes. Alternatively, omit the
salt charcoals and just cook for about 2 minutes, or until
the chicken is cooked through.
For the marinade
Remove from the heat and keep the pan covered
2 tablespoons fresh coriander paste
for a few minutes. Uncover, add the lemon juice,
3 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) turn carefully with a spatula to incorporate, and
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) adjust the seasoning, if necessary. Garnish with the
1 teaspoon green chilli paste quartered eggs and chopped coriander.
2 tablespoons hung natural (plain) yoghurt
(see page 793)
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon ground black pepper, roasted
V2 teaspoon ground green cardamom
V2 teaspoon ground cloves
V2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

To garnish
2 hard-boiled eggs, quartered_
4 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves

Carefully prise (pry) open the meat along the bone,

pull the meat to the opposite end, ensuring that
the bone does not get detached, then flatten with
a meat mallet to make a 'lollypop'. Repeat with
the remaining chicken thighs and place in a large
shallow dish.


Vp' 'T|v»
Thread the marinated chicken pieces through metal
skewers. Keep a tray underneath to collect all the
juices and roast over a charcoal grill or in the oven
Murg ke Soole for about io minutes.
Boneless Chicken on Skewers
Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them
up over a tray for about 5 minutes to allow any
Origin Rajasthan excess moisture to drain out completely. Put the
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
skewers in a dish, baste with melted butter and
Cooking time 15-20 minutes
roast again for about 5—10 minutes, or until the
Serves 4
chicken is cooked through.

750g / 1 lb 10oz boneless chicken thighs_

250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt #
(see page 793), whisked
4 tablespoons Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58)
Trami Kokur
150ml /14 pint (% cup) single (light) cream
Saffron Chicken
2 tablespoons Fried Onion Paste (see page 57)
2 egg yolks Origin Jammu and Kashmir
14 teaspoon ground cinnamon Preparation time 20 minutes
14 teaspoon ground green cardamom Cooking time 45 minutes
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) Serves 4
1 teaspoon chopped fresh ginger
1 teaspoon chopped green chilli 3 tablespoons ghee_
1/2 teaspoon black cumin seeds 1 x 1-kg / 2%-lb chicken, cut into 10-12 pieces
1 tablespoon ginger 1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) chicken stock
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 4 tablespoons Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons ground white pepper 2 teaspoons ground fennel
1 teaspoon lemon juice 10 cloves
1 teaspoon malt (white) vinegar 2 teaspoons chilli powder
1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour, roasted 4 cinnamon sticks
2 teaspoons ghee (optional) 5 teaspoons ground aniseed
butter, for basting large pinch of saffron threads
salt salt

Put the chicken legs on a board and flatten with a Heat the ghee in a deep frying pan (skillet) over
meat mallet, then pat dry with a cloth and set aside. medium heat, add the chicken pieces and fry for
about 5 minutes, or until light brown. Remove from
To make the marinade, put the yoghurt in a large the pan and set aside.
bowl and mix in all the ingredients, except the butter
and ghee. Add the chicken pieces and turn to coat, Put 2 tablespoons of the remaining ghee in a large,
then cover and set aside in the refrigerator for at heavy-based pan, pour in the stock, add the chicken
least 3 hours. pieces, onion paste and the remaining ingredients,
except the saffron, and bring to the boil, then reduce
Prepare a smoker or charcoal grill or alternatively the heat to a simmer, put the saffron in a small bowl,
preheat the oven to 20o°C/40o"F/Gas Mark 6. add about 1 teaspoon water and soak until the water
is a saffron colour, then stir to make a paste. Add the
If you would like to smoke the chicken, put the saffron to the pan and simmer for about 35 minutes,
chicken and marinade in a heatproof pan, then place or until it is dry and the chicken is cooked through.
a small metal bowl with hot charcoals in the pan
and pour some hot ghee over the charcoals. Cover
immediately to allow the chicken to imbibe the
smoky flavour. Alternatively, use a smoker or cook
the chicken over a charcoal grill.


# / GB p.39 Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the
yoghurt, then return to the heat and bring almost
to the boil.
Murg ke Mokul
Mildly Spiced Chicken Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer, stirring
occasionally, for about 30 minutes, or until the
chicken is cooked through and the sauce is a thin
Origin Rajasthan
sauce consistency. Remove from the heat and adjust
Preparation time 30-45 minutes
the seasoning, if necessary.
Cooking time 50 minutes
Serves 4

2 teaspoons ground coriander_

1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground turmeric Trami Kokur Safed
5 tablespoons ghee Chicken in White Sauce
5 cloves
4 green cardamom pods
Origin Jammu and Kashmir
Preparation time 20 minutes
10 black peppercorns
Cooking time 35 minutes
2 bay leaves Serves 4
2 blades mace
150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, chopped 3 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil, plus extra for
214 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) deep-frying
5 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into 10-12 pieces
150g / 5oz Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57) 1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) milk
2 tablespoons Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58) 5 teaspoons ground fennel
750g /1 lb 10oz skinless, boneless chicken breasts, 2 teaspoons ground ginger
cut into 1 -cm / 1/2-inch thick strips 10 cloves
2 tablespoons clotted cream or thick cream 5 cinnamon sticks
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked salt
Heat enough ghee or oil for deep-frying in a kadhai
Put the ground coriander, chilli powder and or deep, heavy-based pan to i8o”C/350°F, or until a
turmeric in a small bowl, add 4 tablespoons water cube of bread browns in 30 seconds. Add the chicken
and mix together. pieces to the hot oil and deep-fry for about 3-4
minutes, or until light brown. Remove with a slotted
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
medium heat, add the cloves, cardamom pods,
peppercorns, bay leaves and mace and stir-fry for Put the milk in a large, heavy-based pan and
about 1 minute, or until the cardamom changes dilute it with 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, then
colour. Remove the whole spices, add the onions add the fennel and ginger. Add all the remaining
and sir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until translucent ingredients, season with salt and bring to the boil.
and glossy, then add the garlic and ginger pastes Boil for 3—4 minutes, then add the chicken and
and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until the onions simmer for about 30-35 minutes, or until dry and
are light golden. Add the ground spice mixture and the chicken is cooked through.
stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until specks of oil
start to appear on the surface. Add the boiled onion
paste and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until
the specks of oil start to reappear on the surface.
Add the cashew nut paste and stir-fry for about 1-2
minutes, or until the specks of oil reappear, then
add the chicken and cream and stir-fry for about
5 minutes. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water
and bring to the boil.


Heat the 1 tablespoon ghee in another large, heavy-
based pan, add the cloves, remaining garlic and ginger
pastes and the slit green chillies and stir-fry for about
Chandi Qorma 2 minutes, then add the chicken and let the chicken
Sterling Chicken cook in its juices until almost dry. Remove from the
heat and stir in the whisked yoghurt slowly to ensure
that it does not curdle. Add the cooled spice paste
Origin Awadh
mixture with the ground nutmeg and season with
Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling time
salt. Stir well and add 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hot water.
Cooking time 45 minutes
Cook over low heat for about 30 minutes, or until the
Serves 4
chicken is cooked through. Gently stir in the cream
gently and remove from heat after 1 minute.
125g / 4oz p/2 cup) ghee_
2 bay leaves
vp' vps
6-8 green cardamom pods
50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) blanched almonds
50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) cashew nuts, ground to a paste Thokan
250g / 9oz (2 medium) onions, chopped Chicken Curry (I)
2V2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2V2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) Origin Tribal North East India
11/2 tablespoons Char Magaz (see page 780) Preparation time 30 minutes
1 teaspoon poppy seeds, ground to a paste Cooking time 45 minutes
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped Serves 4
I/2 teaspoon rose petals, ground
1 tablespoon ghee 1 x 900-g / 2-lb chicken, cut into bite-sized pieces
2-3 cloves 2 tablespoons mustard oil
2 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded 3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1kg / 2141b skinless, boneless chicken pieces, 3 onions, chopped
cut into cubes 3 tomatoes, chopped
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt 1 teaspoon dried mint, ground
(see page 793), whisked 1 tablespoon chopped garlic
114 teaspoons ground nutmeg salt
4 tablespoons single (light) cream 1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves,
salt to garnish

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over Put the chicken in a large, heavy-based pan
medium heat, add the cardamom and bay leaves and over low heat, sprinkle over the oil and mix
stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they change colour. well. Increase the heat to medium and continue
Add the almonds and cashew nut paste and stir-fry cooking, stirring frequently until the moisture has
for about 5 minutes, but do not let them brown. Add evaporated. Now add the remaining ingredients,
the onions and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until except the garlic and coriander, and stir-fry for a
translucent. Add the garlic and ginger pastes and stir further 5 minutes. Add the garlic and pour in 750ml
fry for about 1 minute, then add the char magaz paste, / 1% pints (3'A cups) water and bring to the boil.
poppy seed paste, chopped green chillies and stir-fry Reduce the heat and simmer for about 30 minutes,
for a further 3-4 minutes. or until the chicken is cooked through and the
sauce is thick. Garnish with chopped coriander.
Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hot water and the
ground rose petals and continue to cook for about
10 minutes. Remove from the heat, discard the bay
leaf and allow to cool.


Butter Chicken Chicken Ishtoo
Butter Chicken Indian-Style Chicken Stew

Origin Punjab Origin Delhi

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 20-30 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 x 1-kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into pieces 2 tablespoons vegetable oil_

6 tablespoons vegetable oil 4 bay leaves_
salt 2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
8 green cardamom pods
For the marinade 4 cloves_
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 300g /1 loz (2 medium) onions, sliced
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
2 tablespoons Kashmiri red chilli powder and chopped
2 teaspoons ground coriander 8 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1V2 teaspoons ground cumin 21/2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric 21/2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Vh teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) 1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons lime juice V2 teaspoon ground green cardamom
500ml /18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt, salt
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
heat, add the bay leaves, cinnamon, cardamom pods
For the sauce
and cloves and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the
125g / 414oz (8 tablespoons/1 stick) chilled butter cardamom starts to change colour.
750g /1 lb 10oz (6 medium) tomatoes, pureed
1 teaspoon chilli powder Add the onions and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or
2 teaspoons dried fenugreek leaves, crushed until translucent and glossy. Season with salt, then
add the ginger and green chillies and stir-fry for a
V2 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
further 2 minutes. Add the ginger and garlic pastes,
3 tablespoons single (light) cream stirring constantly, otherwise the mixture may stick
to the pan. Add the chicken and a little water and
To make the marinade, mix the garlic and ginger
bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover and
pastes, ground spices and lime juice together in a
simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 30 minutes,
bowl and season with salt, then add the yoghurt and
or until the chicken is cooked through. Add the
mix together. Put the chicken in a large shallow dish, ground cardamom, then cover and simmer for about
pour over the marinade, then cover and put in the
3 minutes.
refrigerator for 2—3 hours, preferably overnight.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over low

heat, add the chicken and marinade, cover and cook,
stirring occasionally, for 25 minutes, or until cooked.

For the sauce, melt 1 tablespoon butter in a frying

pan (skillet), add the tomato and cook for 5 minutes
until the moisture has evaporated. Add the rest of the
butter, allow it to melt, then add the chilli powder
and cook for 1 minute. Sprinkle over the crushed
fenugreek leaves and garam masala, then season with
salt. Stir in the cream just before serving.


# To make a marinade, mix the yoghurt and a little
salt together in a large bowl or shallow dish. Add the
chicken and turn to coat, then cover and set aside in
Murg Mumtaz the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
Celebratory Chicken Korma
To make the spice paste, soak the poppy seeds in
a small bowl of water for 30 minutes, then drain.
Origin Delhi
Preparation time 1 % hour, plus marinating and
Put the almonds, poppy seeds, cashew nuts, melon
soaking time
seeds and 125ml / /t'/zfl oz (14 cup) water in a blender
Cooking time 45 minutes
or food processor and process to make a smooth
Serves 4
paste. Set aside.

375ml / 13fl oz (V/2 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt, For the garnish, soak all the ingredients in a bowl of
whisked lukewarm water for 15 minutes, then drain.
1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into pieces
Put the turmeric and chilli powder in a small bowl,
V3 teaspoon ground turmeric
add 2 tablespoons water and mix together.
2 teaspoons chilli powder
180g / 6oz (% cup) ghee Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
200g / 7oz (2 small) onions, sliced medium heat, add the ingredients for the whole
1 tablespoon chopped ginger garam masala and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
it starts to splutter. Add the onions and stir-fry for
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the
125ml / 414fl oz (V2 cup) single (light) cream ginger and chillies and stir-fry for 1 minute, then add
V2 teaspoon ground mace the turmeric mixture and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add
V2 teaspoon ground green cardamom the marinated chicken together with the marinade,
salt then add 6 tablespoons water and bring to the
boil. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about
25 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.
For the whole garam masala
5 green cardamom pods_ Now add the spice paste and bring to the boil.
1 black cardamom pod Reduce the heat and simmer for about 1—2 minutes,
5 cloves or until the oil rises to the surface. Add the cream
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long and stir, then sprinkle over the ground mace
and cardamom and half the garnish and stir again.
1 bay leaf
Adjust the seasoning, if necessary, and add the
pinch of ground mace remaining garnish.

For the spice paste

2 tablespoons poppy seeds
4 tablespoons blanched almonds
1-1,2kg / 214-2 141b cashew nuts
2 tablespoons melon seeds

To garnish
15 pistachio nuts, blanched
10 blanched almonds
10 cashew nuts
10 walnut halves
10 pine nuts
1 tablespoon raisins
1 tablespoon melon seeds
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds


Murg Shahjehani Murg Qorma (I)
Imperial Chicken Mughlia Chicken in Rich Sauce

Origin Delhi Origin Awadh

Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating and cooling Preparation time 20 minutes
time Cooking time 45 minutes
Cooking time 40 minutes Serves 4
Serves 5
pinch of saffron threads
2 tablespoons vegetable oil_ 1 teaspoon milk
4 onions, sliced 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
5 cloves garlic, crushed 4 onions, chopped
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, coarsely 750g /1 lb 10oz skinless, boneless chicken pieces
chopped salt
8 cloves
1 teaspoon black peppercorns For the spice paste
2 cinnamon sticks 1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece ginger, peeled and grated
7 green cardamom pods 2 cloves
1 teaspoon poppy seeds 1 cinnamon stick
2 teaspoons cumin seeds 4-5 dried red chillies
2 teaspoons coriander seeds 2 cardamom pods
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
250ml / 8fi oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into pieces Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the milk and
1 tablespoon rosewater soak until required.
To make the spice paste, put the ginger, cloves,
cinnamon, dried red chillies, cardamom pods
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
and cumin seeds in a blender and process, adding
heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about 5—7
a little water if necessary, to a paste. Set aside.
minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from the
heat, allow to cool slightly, then place in a blender or
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
food processor and process, adding a little water if
medium heat, add the onions and fry for about 8—10
necessary, to make a paste. Set aside.
minutes, or until light brown. Reduce the heat to low
and add the spice paste. Fry for about 2—3 minutes.
Put the garlic and ginger into a small blender and
Add the chicken pieces and fry for about 5 minutes,
process, adding a little water if necessary, to make
or until the chicken is well coated with the spices.
a paste. Set aside.

Pour in about 750ml / i!4 pints (3% cups) hot water

Lightly stir-fry the cloves, black peppercorns,
and bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and
cinnamon, cardamom pods, poppy seeds, cumin
simmer for about 30 minutes, or until the chicken is
seeds, coriander seeds and chilli powder on a tawa
cooked through. Sprinkle over the soaked saffron,
or in a dry frying pan (skillet) for about 1 minute,
adjust the seasoning, if necessary, then cover and
or until roasted, then transfer to a blender. Add
cook over very low heat for about 2-3 minutes.
the yoghurt, season with salt and process to make
a paste. Transfer to a large bowl or shallow dish
and add the chicken pieces. Mix together until the
chicken is coated, then cover and set aside in the
refrigerator for about 45 minutes.

Put the onion paste in a large, heavy-based pan, add

the chicken pieces and cook over low heat for about
40 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.
Just before the end of cooking, add the rosewater.


'/JV' Heat 4 tablespoons ghee or oil in a large, heavy-
based pan over medium heat, add the drained rice
and stir-fry for about 4 minutes. Season with salt,
then add the chilli powder, almonds, asafoetida,
Murg Musallam
raisins, chironji kernels and khoya. Pour in 250ml /
Whole Stuffed & Baked Chicken 8fl oz (1 cup) water and cook for about 12 minutes.

Origin Awadh Stuff the chicken with this mixture and tie
Preparation time 50 minutes, plus soaking and securely with kitchen string (twine) to prevent the
marinating time ingredients from spilling out. Place the chicken in
Cooking time 1 Vz hours a degchi or large casserole with the remaining ghee
Serves 4 and 125ml / 4'/2fl oz 0/z cup) water and cook over
a charcoal fire, covering the lid with hot charcoals,
50g / 1%oz (14 cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained until the water is absorbed and the meat is cooked
through. Alternatively, cook the chicken in a
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
i8o°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4 oven for about 154 hours, or
1 x 1-kg / 214-lb chicken, dressed (see page 780) until the chicken is cooked through and the water
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee or vegetable oil is absorbed.
chilli powder to taste
pinch of asafoetida
2 tablespoons almonds m
3 tablespoons raisins
15g / I/20Z chironji kernels Cha Sha
lOOg / 3teoz Khoya (see page 58) or lOOg Chicken
/ 3V20Z (% cup) milk powder (dry milk)
salt Origin Tribal North East India
Preparation time 20 minutes
For the masala Cooking time 45 minutes-1 hour
Serves 6
1 teaspoon ground fennel
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
8 peppercorns 2 tablespoons vegetable oil_
6 cloves garlic 1 x 1-kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into pieces
3 onions, sliced 2 onions, chopped
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) 3 teaspoons chopped ginger
1 teaspoon sugar 3 teaspoons chopped garlic
1 teaspoon poppy seeds V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 1 hour, then drain. 1 teaspoon chilli powder, to garnish

To make the masala, put all the ingredients in a spice Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over low
grinder and process until ground. Transfer to a large heat, add the chicken and cook for about 15 minutes.
bowl and add a little yoghurt. Put the chicken in a Add the onions, ginger, garlic and turmeric and
large shallow dish and prick it all over with a fork. season with salt. Stir-fry for about 2 minutes,
Spread the remaining yoghurt and the ground masala then add water to cover and simmer for about
over the chicken, then cover and set aside in the 30-45 minutes, or until the meat is soft. Add the
refrigerator for about 2 hours. chilli powder.

Prepare a charcoal grill or preheat the oven to

2oo”C/40o‘'F/Gas Mark 6.


0 To make the masala, mix all the ingredients together
and process in a spice grinder until ground.

Murg Qorma (II) Mix the yoghurt, the fried onion and garlic pastes,
Spicy Chicken Drumsticks the almond and poppy seed paste, four-fifths of the
masala and the chilli powder together in a bowl, and
Origin Jammu and Kashmir season with salt. Hold the chicken drumsticks up to
Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating time drain the excess marinade, then rub them with this
Cooking time 30 minutes paste and arrange in a large pan with a gap between
Serves 4 each drumstick. Pour on the excess paste, then
evenly spread the cream on top.

12 chicken drumsticks_ Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, then stir for
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt a minute, cover and seal the lid with dough, if using,
(see page 793) or foil, then put in the oven, place a couple of hot
4 tablespoons Fried Onion Paste (see page 57) charcoals on top of the lid and cook for 15 minutes.
Alternatively, just cover the pan with a tight-fitting
2 tablespoons fried Garlic Paste (see page 57)
lid and cook in a moderate oven for about 30 minutes,
y2 teaspoon chilli powder
or until the drumsticks are cooked.
6 tablespoons single (light) cream
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid Remove from the oven, break the seal, then remove
(see page 783) the drumsticks and set aside. Return the sauce to
the heat and bring to the boil, then reduce the heat
to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, until it
For the marinade
thickens. Sprinkle over the remaining masala and
3 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) stir. Remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning,
3 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) if necessary.
2 tablespoons white vinegar

For the paste

3Vz tablespoons almonds
31/2 tablespoons poppy seeds

For the masala

2 teaspoons coriander seeds_
3 green cardamom pods
2 cloves_
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
18 black peppercorns_
4 blades mace_
Vs nutmeg_
12 dried rose petals

To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients

together in a large bowl. Put the chicken drumsticks
in a large shallow dish and rub the marinade evenly
over, then cover and set aside in the refrigerator for
about 30 minutes.

To make the paste, put the almonds and poppy seeds

in a blender and process, adding a little water to
make a paste.


m vjv' 'Tp'

Shahi Qorma Chilli Chicken

Prince-like Chicken Curry Chilli Chicken

Origin Awadh Origin New

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 1 hour Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

pinch of saffron threads_ 750g / 11b IQoz skinless, boneless chicken pieces,
1 tablespoon warm milk cut into cubes_
150g / 5oz (% cup) ghee 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
10 green cardamom pods 200g / 7oz (3% cups) chopped spring onion (scallion)
5 cloves 75g / 21/2OZ 0/2 cup) green chillies, de-seeded
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm /1 inch long and chopped
2 bay leaves 1 tablespoon crushed garlic
150g / 5oz (1 medium) onion, chopped 1 teaspoon mushroom soy sauce
3 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon bottled chilli pepper paste
3 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 5 tablespoons coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
2 teaspoons ground coriander
1 teaspoon chilli powder For the marinade
1 x 1-kg / 214-lb chicken, in 2.5-cm / 1-inch pieces 1 tablespoon crushed garlic_
salt 2 tablespoons mushroom soy sauce
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt 2 teaspoons Chinese rice wine
(see page 793) 2 tablespoons black bean and garlic paste
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 teaspoon ground mace To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients
1 teaspoon ground cardamom together in a large shallow dish or bowl, add
1 teaspoon ground white pepper the chicken and turn to coat well. Cover and
set aside in the refrigerator overnight. Before
2 drops kewra water or rosewater
cooking, drain and roll the chicken in cornstarch.

To garnish Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a heavy-based non¬

20 blanched almonds, cut into slivers stick wok over medium heat. Add the chicken and
edible silver leaf shallow-fry for about 10 minutes, or until golden
brown and chicken. Remove from the wok and
set aside.
Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the warm milk
and soak until required.
Heat the remaining oil in a heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the spring onions, chillies and
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
garlic and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add the chicken, soy
medium heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves,
sauce and chilli pepper paste and stir well to coat.
cinnamon and bay leaves and stir-fry for about
Cover and cook for 5 minutes.
i minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the
onions and stir-fry for about 5-7 minutes, or until
Add the chopped coriander, stir thoroughly and
golden brown. Add the ginger and garlic pastes and
remove from the heat.
stir-fry for a further 3 minutes. Add the coriander
and chilli powder, then season, stir and add the
chicken pieces. Stir-fry for about 5 minutes, then
add the yoghurt and bring almost to the boil.
Pour in 750ml / i!4 pints (3% cups) water, cover
and simmer for 30 minutes, or until cooked. Add
the spices and simmer for 10 minutes. Adjust the
seasoning, then add the kewra water and soaked
saffron and stir. Garnish with almonds and silver leaf.


Put the yoghurt in a large bowl, add half the cream
and the remaining ingredients, except the lemon
juice and butter, and whisk to mix well. Coat the
Khatta Murg stuffed chicken with this mixture and reserve the
Sour Chicken excess mixture.

Arrange the breasts, together with the marinade in

Origin Hyderabad
a large, non-stick frying pan (skillet), pour on the
Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating time
reserved yoghurt mixture and then place little knobs
Cooking time 30 minutes
(pats) of butter on top. Cover with foil and cook over
Serves 4
medium heat for about 20-25 minutes. Remove the
chicken breasts and set aside. Pass the sauce through
8 large skinless boneless chicken breasts_ a fine sieve (strainer) into a separate pan. Return
180ml / 61£fl oz (% cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt the sauce to the heat, add the remaining cream and
(see page 793) bring to just under the boil over medium heat, stirring
constantly, until it is a sauce consistency. Stir in the
6 tablespoons single (light) cream
lemon juice and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
2 tablespoons almond paste
2V2 teaspoons green chilli paste
1 teaspoon ground white pepper ##
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
1 y2 tablespoons unsalted butter
Kali Mirch ka Murg
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Pepper Chicken in Thick Sauce

Origin Punjab
For the marinade Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Cooking time 45 minutes
3 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) Serves 4
1 tablespoon lemon juice
salt 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)_
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
For the filling 1 tablespoon lemon juice
150g / 5oz (23A cups) spring onions (scallions), 1 x 1-kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into pieces and skinned
cut into rounds 125ml / 41M oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 10Og / 3V2OZ (1 small) onion, sliced
and grated 10Og / 3V20Z (1 small) onion, ground to a paste
4 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped 2 tablespoons black peppercorns
16-18 mint leaves salt
1 teaspoon black cumin seeds
To make the marinade, mix the garlic and ginger
pastes and lemon juice together in a bowl and
Make a deep slit with a sharp knife along the thick
season with salt. Put the chicken pieces in a large
edge of each chicken breast to make a pocket, taking
shallow dish and rub the mixture all over, then cover
care not to penetrate the flesh on the other side. Put
and set aside in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.
the chicken in a large shallow dish.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients
medium heat, add the sliced onion and stir-fry for
together in a bowl. Rub the chicken evenly with this
2 minutes, or until translucent. Add the onion paste
mixture, then cover and set aside in the refrigerator
and peppercorns and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes,
for 20 minutes.
or until light brown. Add the marinated chicken and
fry for about 10 minutes, or until the moisture has
To make the filling, mix all the ingredients together
evaporated. Pour in 125ml / 4‘/zfl oz 04 cup) water and
in a bowl and divide into 8 equal portions. Stuff a
bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to low and
portion into each 'pocket' of the marinated chicken
simmer for about 10 minutes. Uncover, increase the
and then seal each with the tip of a knife, ensuring
heat and cook for about 20 minutes, or until the oil
that the flesh is not pierced.
rises to the surface and the chicken is cooked.


Kairi Murg Caril de Galinha
Mango Chicken Goan Chicken Curry

Origin Hyderabad Origin Coastal

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 45 minutes
Cooking time 50 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6-8

4 tablespoons vegetable oil_ 1 x 1 -kg / 2>4-lb chicken, cut into pieces

1 x 750-g / 11b 10-oz chicken, cut into 8-10 pieces 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 10Og / 3T/20Z (1 small) onion, sliced
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh (see
1 teaspoon chilli powder page 781) or canned
3 onions, sliced 1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 125ml / AM oz (I/2 cup) coconut cream, fresh
Vi teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) (see page 781) or canned
2 raw mangoes, stoned (pitted) and cut into salt
small pieces
few sprigs coriander (cilantro), chopped For the spice paste
salt 1 coconut, grated_
1 tablespoon uncooked rice, rinsed and drained
Heat about 2 tablespoons of oil in a large, heavy- 8 cloves garlic, crushed
based pan over medium heat, add the chicken pieces
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled_
and stir-fry for about 8-io minutes, or until they are
10 dried Kashmiri red chillies
evenly browned all over. Now add the chillies and
turmeric with 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and bring 4 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about Vi tablespoon cumin seeds
20 minutes, stirring occasionally. 1 teaspoons coriander seeds
1 tablespoon poppy seeds_
Put the chilli powder in a small bowl, add
1 tablespoon ground turmeric
1 tablespoon water and mix together.

Heat the remaining oil in another pan over medium Put the chicken pieces in a large shallow dish and
heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about 4 minutes, sprinkle over a little salt.
or until light brown. Add the ginger and garlic pastes
and chilli powder mixture and season with salt, To make the spice paste, put half the grated coconut
then fry for a further 2 minutes. Reduce the heat to and the rice in a food processor or blender and
low, cover and cook for 3 minutes to let the spices process, adding a little water, to make a coarse
blend well. paste. Set aside. Put the remaining grated coconut in
the food processor or blender with the garlic, ginger,
Add the chicken and the raw mango and cook over dried red chillies, green chillies and the spices and
low heat for about 10 minutes, then remove from the process until ground, then mix into the coarse paste.
heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the onion and cook for 4 minutes,
or until light brown. Add the spice paste and stir-fry,
stirring constantly, for 1-2 minutes, or until the oil
separates out. Add the chicken and stir to coat. Add
the coconut milk and season. Reduce the heat and
simmer for 20 minutes, or until almost done.

Add the tamarind extract and stir in the coconut

cream, then cook for 5-10 minutes until the chicken
is cooked through.


'7T'S vjv' /7jv' To make a marinade, put 1 tablespoon of the masala
in a bowl, add the lemon juice and a pinch of salt,
then rub the mixture evenly over the chicken legs.
Kondapur Koli Thalna Cover and set aside in the refrigerator for about
Chicken Legs in Chilli Sauce 30 minutes.

To make the sauce, heat the ghee in a large, heavy-

Origin Coastal
based pan over medium heat, add the garlic and stir-
Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating time
fry for about 30 seconds, or until it starts to change
Cooking time 35 minutes
colour. Add the onion and stir-fry for 2 minutes, or
Serves 4
until translucent and glossy. Add 2 tablespoons of
the masala, stir, then add the coconut paste and the
4 chicken legs_ coconut milk. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat
2 tablespoons lemon juice to low, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, until
ghee, for shallow-frying reduced by half.
Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the coconut
cream and season with salt, then bring to just under
For the coondapur masala the boil, ensuring that it does not boil or the coconut
125g / 414oz dried red chillies_ milk will curdle. Reduce the heat to low and simmer
60g / 2oz (3A cup) coriander seeds until the sauce is medium thick. Remove from the
heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
2Vz teaspoons black peppercorns
1 Vz teaspoons fenugreek seeds Heat half the ghee for shallow-frying in a frying pan
12 flakes garlic or 2 cloves garlic, chopped over very low heat. Arrange the marinated chicken legs
1 teaspoon ground turmeric in it, 2 at a time, cover and cook, turning frequently,
for 10—15 minutes, or until cooked. Remove with a
slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper
For the sauce
towels). Serve the chicken on a bed of sauce.
3Yz tablespoons ghee_
6 flakes garlic or 1 clove garlic, chopped (unpeeled)
160g / 5V20Z (1 medium) onion, chopped
Vz coconut, grated and ground to a paste
(see page 781)
375ml / 13fl oz (1 Vz cups) coconut milk, fresh
(see page 781) or canned
4 tablespoons coconut cream, fresh (see page 781)
or canned

Halve the chickens legs lengthways and bone

carefully, leaving the ankle knob intact, then place
the halves between dry towels and flatten with
a heavy steak hammer or rolling pin.

To make the masala, roast the red chillies and

coriander seeds on a griddle or in a dry frying pan
(skillet) over very low heat for 3-4 minutes. Remove
and set aside. Roast the peppercorns for about
1 minute, or until they begin to puff up. Roast the
fenugreek seeds for about 30 seconds, or until they
begin to change colour. Put these in a spice grinder
with the garlic and process until ground to a coarse
powder. Transfer to a bowl and add the turmeric,
then mix well and set aside.


Chicken Xacuti Mangalorean Chicken Curry
Spicy Chicken in Thick Sauce Chicken Curry from Mangalore

Origin Goa Origin Coastal

Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 30-40 minutes Cooking time 40-45 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4-5

125ml / Am oz {V2 cup) vegetable oil or ghee 125ml / Am oz (y2 cup) vegetable oil
120g / 4oz (1 small) onion, sliced 1 onion, chopped
2Vz teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into pieces
2 1/2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh
1 x 1-kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into 8-10 pieces (see page 781) or canned
125ml / Am oz (V2 cup) lemon juice salt
For the spice paste
For the spice paste 1 fresh coconut, grated and roasted
10 dried red chillies_ 4 teaspoons coriander seeds, roasted
1 tablespoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, roasted
iy2 teaspoons cumin seeds 18-20 dried Kashmiri red chillies, roasted
11/2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
10 black peppercorns 6 cloves garlic, roasted
3 teaspoons poppy seeds
40g /I y2oz (y2 cup) grated fresh coconut To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients in
1 teaspoon ground turmeric a food processor or blender and process, adding
y2 teaspoon ground green cardamom a little water to make a paste. Set aside.

y2 teaspoon ground cloves

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
y2 teaspoon ground cinnamon heat, add the onions and stir-fry for 3—4 minutes, or
until light brown. Add the chicken, reduce the heat
To make the spice paste, soak the dried red chillies in and continue to cook for about 15 minutes. Add the
a bowl of hot water for about 10 minutes, then drain. spice paste, half of the coconut milk and season with
salt, then stir and cook for about 15—20 minutes, or
Stir-fry all the ingredients separately, including until the chicken is cooked through.
the dried chillies, on a tawa or in a dry frying pan
(skillet) for about 1 minute, or until roasted, then Now slowly stir in the remaining coconut milk and
transfer to a blender and process, adding a little cook for a further 2 minutes.
water if necessary, to make a paste. Set aside.

Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the onion and stir-fry for 5-7
minutes, or until golden brown. Add the spice paste
with the garlic and ginger pastes and stir-fry for
about 1-2 minutes, or until the oil separates out and
rises to the surface.

Add the chicken pieces to the pan and season with

salt. Stir to mix well and cook until the moisture
has evaporated. Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water,
bring to the boil then reduce the heat to low, cover
and simmer for about 25 minutes, or until the
chicken is cooked through. Sprinkle over the lemon
juice and stir well.


Prepare a charcoal grill for moderate heat or
preheat the oven i9oC/375'F/Gas Mark 5. Roast
the chicken over a charcoal grill for about
Chicken Chettinad 15 minutes, or until cooked. Alternatively, roast
Chicken Chettinad (Dry) the chicken in the oven for about 30 minutes, or
until cooked through. Baste with butter several
times during cooking.
Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 15-30 minutes
Serves 4 ww

750g / 11b IQoz boneless chicken legs, each cut

into 4 pieces
Gongura Chicken
Sorrel-flavoured Chicken
butter, for basting
salt Origin Hyderabad
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time
For the coconut spice paste Cooking time 1 hour
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Serves 4
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon chopped garlic 125ml / Am oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil_
1 teaspoon chopped ginger 4 onions, chopped
1 teaspoon coriander seeds 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
3-4 black cardamom pods 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon cumin 1 x 750-g / 11b 10-oz chicken, cut into pieces
2 green cardamom pods pinch of salt
10 cloves 225-250g / 8-9oz (8-9 cups) gongura (sorrel)
10-12 curry leaves leaves, chopped
2-3 whole red chillies 4-8 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon ground coconut 1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
For the marinade
1 teaspoon red chilli powder
pinch of ground turmeric_
1 teaspoon poppy seeds, roasted and ground to
2 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
a paste
4 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons coconut milk, fresh (see page 781)
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
or canned_
medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about
Yz tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_ 6—8 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the ginger
Vz tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)_ and garlic pastes and continue frying for about 1—2
1 teaspoon lemon juice minutes, or until golden brown. Add the chicken
pieces and the salt. Reduce the heat, cover and
To make the coconut spice paste, heat the coconut cook for about 40 minutes, or until the chicken is
cooked through.
oil in a large, heavy-based pan, add all the ingredients
and fry for a few minutes until cooked. Allow to cool,
then transfer to a blender and process, adding a little Meanwhile, bring two pans of water to the boil, add
water if necessary, to make a smooth paste. the gongura leaves to one and add the chillies to
the other and cook for about 2 minutes. Drain both
To make the marinade, blend the coconut spice and allow to cool, then transfer to a food processor
or blender and process, adding a little water if
paste with the turmeric, tamarind extract, coconut
oil and milk in a bowl. Add the ginger and garlic necessary, to make a paste.
pastes and lemon juice and season with salt. Put the
chicken pieces in a large shallow dish and rub the Add the ground spices and poppy seed paste to
the chicken and cook for 4 minutes. Now, add the
mixture evenly over the chicken, then cover and set
gongura paste and cook for a further 2 minutes.
aside in the refrigerator for i hour.


m 7P '7JV'

Bohri Chicken Chettinad Chicken Curry

Mild-tasting Chicken Chicken Curry from Chettinad

Origin Gujarat Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 1 hour
Cooking time 40 minutes Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4

1 x 750-g / 11b 10-oz chicken, cut into 10-12 pieces 1 fresh coconut, peeled and cut into small pieces
1 tablespoon lime juice 2 teaspoons poppy seeds_
1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) double (heavy) cream, 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
lightly whipped 3- 4 green cardamom pods
3V2 tablespoons ghee, melted 2-3 cloves
salt 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid 125ml / 4y2fl oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil
(see page 783) 1 large onion, chopped
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
For the spice paste and chopped
3 onions, chopped_ 4- 6 cloves garlic, chopped
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 1 tablespoon chilli powder
and chopped 1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into pieces
6 flakes garlic or 1 clove garlic, chopped 2 tomatoes, chopped
1 sprig coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped juice of 1 lime
15-20 mint leaves 1 small sprig fresh curry leaves
To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients 4 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves,
in a blender and process, adding a little water if to garnish
necessary, to make a paste. Set aside. Put the chicken
pieces in a large shallow dish and prick all over with
Put the coconut, poppy and fennel seeds, cinnamon,
a fork. Rub the lime juice together with half the
cardamom, cloves and turmeric into a food
ground paste over the chicken, then cover and set
processor or blender and process, adding a little
aside in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.
water if necessary, to make a smooth paste.
Carefully place the marinated chicken pieces into
Heat half the oil in a large, heavy-based pan, add
a large, heavy-based pan, spread the remaining
the onion and fry for about 6—7 minutes, or until
ground paste on top of the chicken and sprinkle
light brown. Add the ginger, garlic and chilli powder
over the black pepper and some salt. Pour the
with the spice paste and continue frying for 1—2
whipped cream over the top and add the melted
minutes, then add the chicken and fry for a further
ghee around the sides of the chicken. Cover and seal
6—7 minutes. Add the tomatoes and fry for about
the lid with dough, if using, or foil. Alternatively,
5 minutes, or until the moisture has evaporated.
use a tight-fitting lid. Cook over low heat for about
Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water and season
40 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.
with salt, then stir well. Cook for about 30 minutes,
or until the chicken is cooked through. Sprinkle over
the lime juice and curry leaves and garnish with
the coriander leaves.


0 0 / S3 p.476 Add the spice paste and continue to stir-fry
for about 5 minutes, sprinkling with a little water
to prevent it sticking to the base (bottom) of
Koli Milagu Masala the pan. Add the tomato and stir-fry for a further
Pepper Chicken from Chettinad 3-4 minutes.

Add the chicken to the onion and spice mixture, then

Origin Tamil Nadu
mix well and pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (z'A cups) water.
Preparation time 30 minutes
Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to low, cover
Cooking time 45 minutes
and simmer for 20—25 minutes until the chicken is
Serves 4
almost cooked.

5 tablespoons vegetable oil_ Remove the chicken from the sauce, increase
3 bay leaves the heat to thicken the sauce, then put the chicken
4-5 green cardamom pods back and reduce the heat to low. Cook for about
5 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
3-4 cloves 0

1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained

15-20 curry leaves
2 onions, chopped
Aksa Pok
1 tomato, chopped
Chicken with Ginger
1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into pieces and skinned
Origin Tribal North East India
Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes
For the spice paste Serves 4
1 tablespoon cumin seeds_
8-10 dried red chillies 1 x 1-kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into small pieces
3 tablespoons coriander seeds 2Vz tablespoons rice, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon fennel seeds 2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon white poppy seeds 2 red chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon black peppercorns salt
5 cloves garlic
1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and Heat a heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the
roughly chopped chicken without any water or oil and cook, stirring
1 teaspoon ground turmeric to prevent it from burning, until the moisture has
evaporated and the chicken is cooked through.
Remove from the pan.
To make the spice paste, heat i tablespoon of the
oil in a heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the
Bring 750ml / i‘/« pints (3% cups) water to the boil in
cumin seeds, chillies, coriander seeds, fennel seeds,
the pan. Add the rice, then reduce the heat, cover
poppy seeds and black peppercorns and stir-fry
and simmer until the rice is fluffy and soft. Uncover
for about i minute until lightly roasted. Remove,
and keep stirring until the sauce thickens with the
allow to cool, then transfer to a blender. Add the
rice. Stir in the ginger paste, chillies and chicken
remaining ingredients, season with salt and process,
and season with salt. Cook until the aroma of ginger
adding a little water if necessary, to make a paste.
is released.

Heat the remaining oil in a pan over medium heat,

add the bay leaves, cardamom pods, cinnamon,
fennel seeds, cloves and urad dal and stir-fry for
about 1-2 minutes, or until the urad dal changes
colour. Add the curry leaves, then stir. Add the
onions and stir-fry for about 3 minutes, or until
soft and starting to change colour.

vl'' 'rps

Kozhi Appakari Murg Banjara

Ginger Chicken with Mustard Spicy Chicken Legs

Origin Kerala Origin Rajasthan

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 10-12 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 x 750-g / 11b 10-oz chicken, cut into pieces 850g / 1 lb 14oz chicken legs, each cut into 4 pieces
5 tablespoons vegetable oil melted butter, for basting
5 dried red chillies, shredded salt
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained For the first marinade
1 teaspoon fennel seeds Vz teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long V2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
5-6 cloves garlic, chopped 2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 onion, chopped pinch of salt
2 tomatoes, chopped
3-4 fresh red chillies For the second marinade
1 teaspoon black pepper 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
salt (see page 793), whisked
125g / 414oz roasted peanut paste
For the marinade 1 teaspoon amchoor
1 x 8-cm / 3-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 2 tablespoons chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 2 tablespoons coriander paste
pinch of salt 6 tablespoons mustard oil
1 tablespoon vinegar
For the marinade, put the ginger in a small food
processor or blender and process to make a paste.
Put the chicken in a large shallow dish. To make the
Transfer to a bowl, add the turmeric and salt and
first marinade, mix all the ingredients together in a
mix together. Put the chicken in a large shallow
bowl, then rub the mixture evenly over the chicken.
bowl and rub the marinade all over the chicken,
Cover and set aside in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
then cover and set aside in the refrigerator for
about 4 hours.
To make the second marinade, mix all the
ingredients together in another large shallow dish
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
or bowl and season with salt. Remove the chicken
heat, add the dried red chillies, mustard seeds, urad
legs from the first marinade and drain off the excess
dal, fennel seeds and cinnamon and stir-fry for about
moisture, then place them in the second marinade.
i minute, or until the chillies turn a shade darker and
Rub the chicken pieces well with the mixture, then
the mustard seeds start to splutter.
cover and set aside in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Now add the garlic, stir and add the onion and stir-
Prepare a charcoal grill or preheat the grill (broiler)
fry for about 4 minutes, or until the onion is soft
to medium. Thread the chicken legs through metal
and lightly browned. Add the tomatoes and stir-fry
skewers and keep a tray underneath to collect all
for 2—3 minutes, or until the tomatoes are soft. Add
the juices, then roast over a charcoal grill or under
the chicken together with the marinade and the
the grill for 10-15 minutes, or until the chicken is
whole red chillies and season with salt. Increase the
almost cooked.
heat to high and stir-fry for about 8-10 minutes, or
until the chicken is browned. Cover, reduce the heat
Remove the skewers from the heat and hang them
to low and cook for about 10—15 minutes, stirring
up over a tray for about 2-3 minutes to allow
occasionally until the chicken is cooked through.
any excess moisture to drain out completely. Put
Uncover and sprinkle over the black pepper.
the skewers in a dish, baste with melted butter and
roast again for another 3-4 minutes.

To make the spice paste, put all the ingredients in
a food processor or blender and process, adding
a little water if necessary, to make a paste. Rub the
Acha Kozhi paste all over the chicken, then cover and set aside
Stuffed Chicken in the refrigerator for about z hours.

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy-

Origin Kerala
based pan to i8o"C/35o"F, or until a cube of bread
Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating time
browns in 30 seconds. Carefully lower the chicken
Cooking time 30 minutes
into the hot oil and deep-fry for 20 minutes, turning
Serves 6
frequently, so that it is evenly cooked and brown.
Remove from the pan and drain on kitchen paper
1 x 1-kg / 214-lb chicken, with skin (paper towels).
750ml / VA pints (3Va cups) vegetable oil

For the stuffing

1 teaspoon chilli powder_
4 hard-boiled eggs Methi Murg
3 tablespoons vegetable oil Fenugreek-flavoured Chicken
3 onions, chopped
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped Origin Punjab
1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 50 minutes
and chopped
Serves 4-6
4 cloves garlic, chopped
100ml / 3V2fl oz 0/2 cup) vegetable oil
4 onions, sliced
For the spice paste
5-6 green chillies, de-seeded
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
and chopped
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 x 800-g / 1%-lb chicken, cut into medium-sized
10-15 curry leaves
1 teaspoon chilli powder
10Og / 3V20Z (2 cups) tender fenugreek shoots
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
275g / 9Vzoz (2 medium) tomatoes, chopped
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 Vz teaspoons chilli powder
To make the stuffing, mix the chilli powder and some
salt together on a plate, prick the eggs with a fork
and roll them in the mixture to coat. Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the onions and fry for about 5—7
Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over minutes, or until golden brown. Add the chillies,
medium heat, add the eggs and lightly fry for a few ginger and garlic pastes and turmeric and stir-fry
minutes, then remove and drain on kitchen paper for about 2 minutes. Add the chicken pieces and
(paper towels). Add the onions to the same pan and fenugreek shoots and fry for 10 minutes until the
fry for about z minutes, or until translucent. Add moisture has almost evaporated. Add the tomatoes
the chillies, ginger and garlic and stir-fry for about and chilli powder, then season with salt and fry for
5 minutes. Season with salt. a few more minutes, until the oil separates out and
rises to the surface. Pour in some water and cook
Stuff the chicken with the whole eggs and onion over medium heat for about 30 minutes, or until the
mixture and close the belly by sewing it with a chicken is cooked through and there is a little sauce
trussing needle and kitchen string (twine). Put the to coat the chicken.
chicken in a large shallow dish.


vjv' Add the bay leaf and stir-fry for about 1 minute or
until it changes colour, then add the crushed garlic,
cinnamon and cardamom pods and stir-fry for
Murg Ishtoo 30 seconds. Add the ginger paste, cloves, curry
Chicken Stew leaves and the chicken and fry in the spiced oil for
2—3 minutes. Season with salt, then add the potatoes
and carrot. Cover and cook for about 2 minutes.
Origin Anglo-Indian
Finally, stir in the coconut milk, 125ml / 4l/zfl oz
Preparation time 45 minutes (14 cup) water, the peas and ginger juliennes.
Cooking time 40 minutes
Sprinkle with garam masala, then cover and
Serves 4
cook for about 30 minutes, or until the chicken
is cooked through.
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and
cut into pieces _
1 teaspoon black peppercorns
14 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 onions, sliced_ Thanda Qorma
2- 3 green chillies_ Cold Chicken Korma
160g / 5V20Z (2 cups) grated fresh coconut
10-12 small new (baby) potatoes Origin Hyderabad
pinch of ground turmeric Preparation time 15 minutes, plus cooling and chilling
2 tablespoons vegetable oil time
1 tablespoon ghee Cooking time 35 minutes
Serves 4
y2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 bay leaf
2 tablespoons ghee_
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 onion, sliced
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
1 teaspoon ground fresh ginger
4 green cardamom pods
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 teaspoon ground garlic
4 cloves
3- 4 cloves
20 curry leaves 4 green cardamom pods

750g / 11b lOoz boneless chicken, cut into pieces 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long

1 carrot, sliced 1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into bite-sized pieces

125ml / 4y2fl oz (y2 cup) coconut milk, fresh 4-5 black peppercorns

(see page 781) or canned 3 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded

70g / 2y>oz peas, shelled if fresh salt

1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and

cut into juliennes Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over low
heat, add the onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
lightly without browning. Add the cloves, cardamom
salt pods and cinnamon and fry for about 1—2 minutes.
Add the chicken, stir well and cover immediately.
Using a pestle, pound the ginger pieces, peppercorns After about 1 minute, uncover and stir well again,
and the turmeric into a thick uneven paste in a then lightly fry the chicken without browning it. Add
mortar. Mix the onions and chillies together in a the peppercorns and chillies, then season with salt
bowl. Mix the grated coconut and 500ml / i8fl oz and pour in about 625ml / 1 pint (2Vi cups) water.
(2% cups) water together and pass through a sieve Cook for 25—30 minutes, or until the chicken is
(strainer) into a clean bowl. Set aside. cooked through and the sauce is almost dry. Remove
from the heat and allow to cool, then transfer to the
Parboil the potatoes in their skins with a pinch of refrigerator. The little amount of sauce will set along
salt and the turmeric in a pan of boiling water for with the ghee. Serve cold.
about 5-8 minutes.

Heat the oil and ghee in a large, heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-
fry for about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter.


## Add the cooked chicken and coconut milk, and bring
to just under the boil, ensuring that it does not come
to a bubble. Sprinkle over the ground cardamom and
Thengakkai Kori stir. Remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning,
Chicken Curry (II) if necessary. Garnish with grated coconut just before
Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 6
Kori Gassi
150ml / 14 pint (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt Chicken with Curry Leaves
2 teaspoons chilli powder
y2 teaspoon ground turmeric, plus 1 teaspoon Origin Coastal
for rubbing Preparation time 30 minutes
8 chicken breasts, with winglet bones Cooking time 1 hour
5 tablespoons vegetable oil
Serves 4-6
5-6 green cardamom pods
5-6 cloves 125ml / AM oz [V2 cup) vegetable oil
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 10-15 fresh curry leaves
2 onions, chopped 3 onions, sliced
7 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into pieces
3 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) salt
750ml / 114 pints (3% cups) clear chicken stock
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh For the spice paste
(see page 781) or canned 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh
y2 teaspoon ground green cardamom (see page 781) or canned
salt 4-6 dried red chillies
4 teaspoons grated coconut, to garnish 1 tablespoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
Put the yoghurt in a bowl, add the chilli powder 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
and turmeric and whisk until well mixed. Set aside. 4 black peppercorns
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Place the chicken in a large shallow dish. Mix a
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
pinch of salt and the i teaspoon turmeric together in
a bowl and rub evenly over the chicken, then cover
and set aside in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a large, heavy-based
pan over medium heat. Add half the curry leaves and
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over half the sliced onions and stir-fry for about 8—10
medium heat, add the cardamom pods, cloves and minutes, or until the onions are brown, then remove
cinnamon and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until and set aside for the garnish.
the cardamom starts to change colour. Add the
onions and stir-fry for about 4 minutes, or until light Put all the ingredients for the spice paste, except the
golden. Then add the garlic and ginger pastes and coconut milk, in a spice grinder and process, adding
stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until the onions are a little water if necessary, to make a paste. Stir into
golden. Remove from the heat, stir in the yoghurt the coconut milk.
mixture, then return to the heat and stir-fry for
about 3—4 minutes, or until oil starts to appear on Heat the remaining oil in the pan. Add the spice
the surface. mixture and fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until
golden brown. Add the remaining sliced onions and
Add the chicken stock and bring to the boil. Reduce curry leaves and fry for about 2 minutes. Now add
the heat to low, add the chicken and season with the chicken and season with salt, then fry for about
salt, then simmer for about 30 minutes, or until the 8-10 minutes. Pour in 500ml / 1 pints (2% cups) water
chicken is cooked. Remove the breasts and set aside. and cook over medium heat for about 45 minutes, or
Pass the sauce through a fine sieve (strainer) into a until the chicken is cooked through.
separate pan, and return to the heat.


vjv' vF' #

Murg Roganjosh Chooza Makhani

Chicken in a Rich Scarlet Sauce Tandoori Chicken in Spicy Tomato Sauce

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Punjab

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 250g / 9oz (1 cup / 2 sticks) butter_
4 green cardamom pods 3 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 black cardamom pods 3 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 x 800-g / 1%-lb chicken, cut into pieces 1kg / 2141b (6 medium) tomatoes, chopped
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil 1 teaspoon chopped ginger
2 bay leaves 8-10 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 3 teaspoons Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58)
4 cloves 1 teaspoon chilli powder
small pinch of asafoetida 2 Tandoori Chickens (see page 218)
1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder 125ml / 4y2fl oz O/2 cup) cream
1 teaspoon ground ginger salt
2V2 teaspoons ground aniseed
1 teaspoon Kashmiri Garam Masala (see page 56) Heat half of the butter in a medium-sized, heavy-
salt based pan over medium heat, add the ginger and
garlic pastes and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or
until the liquid has evaporated. Add the tomatoes,
To make a marinade, mix the yoghurt and cardamom
season with salt and pour in 500ml / i8fl oz
pods together in a bowl, then season with salt. Put
(214 cups) water, then cover and simmer until soft.
the chicken in a large shallow dish and rub the
Mash with the back of a spoon, then pass the sauce
marinade evenly over the chicken, then cover and
through a fine sieve (strainer) into a separate pan
set aside in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
and set aside.
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
Melt the remaining butter in a large, heavy-based
heat, add the chicken, bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves
pan over medium heat, add the chopped ginger
and asafoetida and stir gently but constantly for
and chillies and stir-fry for about 2 minutes. Add
about 10 minutes until the yoghurt dries and the oil
the cashew nut paste and stir-fry for about
separates out. Now reduce the heat and cook for a
1-2 minutes, or until light brown, then add the
further 10 minutes, or until the chicken turns brown.
chilli powder and stir in the sauce. Bring to a boil,
Add 2 tablespoons water to the pan and mix in the
add the tandoori chickens and simmer for about io
chilli powder. Increase the heat and stir quickly, then
minutes. Stir in the cream and adjust the seasoning,
add the ginger, aniseed powder and garam masala
if necessary.
together with 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water. Reduce the
heat to low and cook for about 10 minutes, or until
the sauce thickens. The dish is cooked once the oil
separates out.


## tomatoes, coconut, red chilli and curry leaves and
cook for about 3 minutes. Add the toddy or beer and
cook for a few minutes until the liquid is absorbed,
Korioora Munakkai then add the drumsticks, black peppercorns, 750ml
Chicken with Drumsticks in a Spicy / 1 !4 pints (3'/< cups) water and the tamarind extract.
Tamarind-flavoured Sauce Reduce the heat to low and simmer for about
30 minutes, or until the chicken and drumsticks
are cooked.
Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 1 hour Dry-roast the gram flour on a tawa, or griddle or
Serves 4 in a small frying pan (skillet) for about 1 minute to
remove the raw smell, then transfer to a bowl. Add
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and mix well. Add to the
180g / 6oz (% cup) ghee_ curry to thicken the sauce, then mix well and simmer
2 bay leaves for 5 minutes, or until the sauce thickens. Add more
3 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long water if it is too thick. Garnish with green chillies,
4 cloves coriander and mint leaves.

Vz teaspoon fenugreek seeds

1 teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds '7F'

3 onions, sliced
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
Vz teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) Sika Murg
Vz teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) Charcoal-grilled Chicken
1 tablespoon ground coriander, roasted
1 teaspoon sesame seeds Origin Awadh
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
2 medium-sized chickens, each cut into 10 pieces
Cooking time 45 minutes
120g / 4oz (1 small) tomato, chopped Serves 4
1 tablespoon grated fresh coconut
2 teaspoons chopped red chilli
125g / 4oz [Vz cup) ghee, plus extra melted
15 curry leaves
for brushing
4 tablespoons fresh toddy (see page 792) or beer
2 x 1 kg / 2141b chickens, each cut into 6 pieces
6 (vegetable) drumsticks, peeled and
1 onion, sliced
cut into 6-cm / 2y2-inch pieces
1 teaspoon ground fresh ginger
12-15 black peppercorns _
1 teaspoon ground garlic
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
6 green chillies, de-seeded and ground
1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
salt whisked
To garnish
6 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded To garnish
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves_ 2 limes, cut into slices
6 sprigs mint 1 onion, cut into rings

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over Rub the ghee and some salt over the chickens and
medium heat, add the bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves set aside. Now mix the onion, ginger, garlic, chillies
and fenugreek and kalonji seeds and stir-fry for and yoghurt together in a large bowl or dish, add
about i minute. Add the onions and stir-fry for the chicken and turn until coated, then cover and
about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the set aside in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
turmeric and ginger and garlic pastes and stir-fry for
about 1—2 minutes, then add the ground coriander Brush the chicken with some melted ghee and
and sesame seeds and stir well. When the oil rises cook over a charcoal fire for about 45 minutes, or
to the surface, add the chicken and continue to until cooked through. Garnish with lime slices
stir-fry until it releases its juices, then continue and onion rings.
to fry for about 8—10 minutes, or until the liquids
have evaporated and the chicken is brown. Add the


Methi Murg Kori Tamatar

Chicken with Fenugreek Leaves Savoury Chicken with Tomatoes

Origin Punjab Origin Coastal

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 40-45 minutes Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_ 125g / 4oz {Vz cup) ghee_
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 6 black cardamom pods
2 onions, sliced 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
2 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 4 cloves
1 teaspoon chilli powder 4 onions, sliced
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 medium-sized chicken, cut into pieces 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
180ml / 6M oz (% cup) vegetable oil 1 tablespoon chilli powder
2 large cardamom pods 14 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 1 teaspoon ground coriander, roasted
3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped Vz teaspoon ground cumin, roasted
Vz teaspoon ground caraway seeds 1 x 1-kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into pieces
125g / 8oz (2 cups) fenugreek leaves, chopped 225g / 8oz (2 small) tomatoes, sliced
juice of 1 lime 1 teaspoon tamarind pulp
salt 6 curry leaves
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
To make a marinade, mix the ginger and garlic pastes, salt
i onion, the yoghurt, chilli powder and turmeric
together in a large shallow dish or bowl and season
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
with salt. Add the chicken and turn to coat well, then
medium heat, add the cardamom pods, cinnamon
cover and set aside in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
and cloves and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
the cardamoms swell. Add the onions and stir-fry
Heat half of the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
for about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Stir in
low heat, add the marinated chicken and cook for
the ginger and garlic pastes, chilli powder, turmeric,
about 8-10 minutes, or until the chicken is browned.
coriander, cumin and stir-fry for about 1 minute.
Pour in 750ml / i!4 pints (3‘/t cups) water and cook
for about 30 minutes, or until two-thirds of the
Add the chicken and fry for about 8—10 minutes, or
water has evaporated and the chicken is cooked.
until brown. Add the tomatoes and tamarind pulp
and simmer for about 30 minutes until the chicken is
Heat the rest of the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over
cooked, adding 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water or more
medium heat, add the cardamom pods, cinnamon,
as required. The tomatoes should be pureed and the
chillies, ground caraway seeds and the remaining
oil should rise to the surface. Add the curry leaves
onion and fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until the
and green chillies and season with salt, then cover
cardamoms swell. Add the chopped fenugreek leaves
and simmer for 2—3 minutes. Remove from the heat
and fry for 3-4 minutes. Add the cooked chicken and
and serve.
simmer together until the leaves are fragrant, then
squeeze over the lime juice. There should be some
thick green sauce with the chicken.



Kobari Kori Pulussu Hare Masale ka Murg

Chicken in Coconut Sauce Chicken with Green Herbs

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Awadh

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour Cooking time 35 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

10 dried red chillies_ 1 teaspoon ground fresh ginger_

4 cloves 1 teaspoon ground garlic
5 cardamoms 1 x 800-g / 1%-lb chicken, cut into pieces
4 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 125ml / 4y2fl oz (I/2 cup) vegetable oil
3 teaspoons ground coriander, roasted 10 blanched almonds
1 teaspoon poppy seeds 375ml / 13fl oz {V/z cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
Va dried coconut whisked
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) single (light) cream
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) Vz teaspoon ground cumin
3 onions, thinly sliced 14 teaspoon ground turmeric
125g / 4oz (Vz cup) ghee 6 green chillies, de-seeded and ground
1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken 15g / I/20Z coriander (cilantro) leaves, ground
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) coconut milk, fresh 1 bunch mint leaves
(see page 781) or canned Vz fresh coconut, ground
salt salt
Plain Boiled Rice (see page 631), to serve
Rub the chicken all over with a little salt and the
ginger and garlic.
To garnish
6 cashew nuts, fried
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
few sprigs mint low heat, add the chicken and fry for about 8—10
minutes, or until brown all over. Add the almonds
Put all the spices and pastes and the onions in a and cook for 1 minute. Mix the yoghurt, cream,
food processor or blender and process until ground. cumin and turmeric together in a bowl, then add
Stuff the chicken with the mixture and sew up with to the chicken and cook for 5 minutes until most of
a trussing needle and kitchen string (twine), so that the liquid has evaporated. Add the ground chillies,
the stuffing does not come out. coriander, mint leaves and coconut, then increase
the heat and and cook for 1 minute. Pour in 250ml /
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over 8fl oz (1 cup) water, then reduce the heat to low and
low heat, add the chicken and fry for 8—io minutes simmer for about 20-30 minutes, adding more water
turning so that each side browns. Pour 250ml / 8fl oz when required, until the chicken is cooked through
(1 cup) coconut milk over the chicken, then reduce and the oil rises to the surface.
the heat to medium-low and simmer for 10 minutes.
Add the remaining coconut milk and season with
salt. Continue cooking over low heat for 45 minutes,
or until the chicken is cooked and the stuffing
thickens into a sauce.

Cut the chicken into 8 pieces and arrange in a serving

dish. Pour the sauce over the chicken. Garnish with
cashew nuts and mint sprigs. Serve hot with Rice.


vT' Mix the onions, fried masalas and yoghurt together
in a large bowl, then season with salt. Rub the
chicken with this masala all over and inside, then
Dum ka Murg cover and set aside in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
Baked Masala Chicken with Hard-boiled
Preheat the oven to i8o”C/35o’F/Gas Mark 4. Put the
Eggs & Potatoes
chicken in a deep baking dish and pour over the
saffron milk together with the rest of the melted ghee,
Origin Awadh putting some also in the cavity. Pour over the lime
Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating time juice, then cover with a tight-fitting lid and roast in
Cooking time 1 hour the oven for about 1 hour, basting occasionally with
Serves 4 the pan juices and turning the chicken to check if it
is cooked. To test, pierce the chicken with a skewer
Vz teaspoon saffron threads_ or the tip of a sharp knife in the thickest part of the
meat. If the juices run clear it is cooked, if not return
1 tablespoon milk
to the oven for a little longer then test again. When
6 drops raw papaya milk
done, transfer to a dish and serve whole.
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 medium-sized chicken, without skin
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee, melted %
3 onions, sliced_
1 tablespoon chopped ginger
Kundan Murg
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
White Chicken
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
Origin Awadh
1 tablespoon poppy seeds Preparation time 20 minutes
1 teaspoon caraway seeds Cooking time 45 minutes
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long Serves 4
5 green cardamom pods
4 cloves 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
1 litre / 1% pints (4Vs, cups) hung natural (plain) whisked
yoghurt (see page 793) 5 green chillies
juice of 2 limes 2 tablespoons ghee
salt 5 whole green cardamom pods
2 bay leaves
Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the milk and 1 x 800-g / 1%-lb chicken, cut into pieces
soak until required. 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk
3 tablespoons desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
To make a marinade, mix a few drops of the raw
papaya milk with the chilli powder in a bowl and salt
then season with salt. Put the chicken in a large
shallow dish and rub the marinade evenly over, Put the yoghurt into a large, heavy-based pan with the
then cover and set aside in the refrigerator, piercing chillies and stir over medium heat until it just comes
the chicken with a fork and rubbing it again every to the boil. Remove from the heat and set aside.
15 minutes, for 1 hour.
Heat the ghee in another heavy-based pan over
Heat half the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan medium heat, add the cardamom pods and bay leaves
over medium heat, add the onions and fry for 5-7 and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add the chicken and cook for
minutes, or until golden brown. Transfer the onions 2-3 minutes. Do not allow the chicken to brown. Add
to a blender and process until ground. the milk and coconut and cook for 30 minutes.

Add the ginger and garlic to the pan and stir-fry for Strain the yoghurt through a sieve (strainer) into
about 1 minute, then add the garam masala and the the pan with the chicken, discarding the chillies.
whole spices and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until Season with salt and cook for 10 minutes, or until
the cooked spices are fragrant and the ghee rises to the chicken is cooked thorough.
the top.


Sandali Murg Arsa Llodos
White Chicken Curry Stir-fried Chicken

Origin Awadh Origin Tribal North East India

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 40 minutes, plus marinating time
Cooking time 45 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

3 tablespoons chaar magaz (see page 780) 3y2 tablespoons vegetable oil_
4 heaped (heaping) teaspoons poppy seeds 2 onions, chopped
125g / 4oz 0/2 cup) ghee 2 teaspoons chopped ginger
1 x 800-g / 1%-lb chicken, cut into pieces 1 teaspoon chopped garlic
750ml / 114 pints (314 cups) milk 200g / 7oz skinless, boneless chicken, cut into
2 tablespoons blanched almonds 5-cm / 2-inch strips
2-3 blades mace 2 green (bell) peppers, chopped
1/2 nutmeg, grated 75g / 2V2OZ bamboo mushrooms, chopped
seeds of 6 green cardamoms 1 tomato, chopped
salt 3 parkia seeds
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
Soak the char magaz and poppy seeds separately in 180ml / 6y2fl oz (% cup) chicken stock
2 bowls of water for 2-3 hours. 2 teaspoons cornflour (cornstarch)
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the chicken and lightly fry
for about 8 minutes. Remove from the heat and For the marinade
put into another pan with the milk and cook for 1 teaspoon soy sauce_
20—30 minutes, or until cooked through. 1 teaspoon thick red chilli sauce
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Drain the char magaz and poppy seeds and transfer
to a blender, add the almonds, mace, nutmeg
and cardamom seeds and process, adding a little Mix all the ingredients for the marinade together in a
water if necessary, to make paste. Put the paste large bowl. Rub the marinade over the chicken, then
in the ghee that has fried the chicken and fry for cover and set aside in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
2—3 minutes, then add to the cooked chicken and
season with salt. Cover and simmer over very low Heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based
heat for 10—15 minutes. pan over medium heat, add the onions, ginger and
garlic and fry for about 5-7 minutes, or until the
onions turn golden brown.

Add the chicken and the remaining ingredients,

except the cornflour, then increase the heat to high
and cook for 3 minutes. Combine the cornflour with
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and add to the pan.
Cook, stirring constantly, for 20-30 minutes, or until
the chicken is cooked through and the sauce thickens.


Drain the poppy seeds and melon seeds and transfer
to a food processor or blender. Add the almonds,
cardamom seeds, nutmeg and cloves and process,
Chaar Magaz ka Murg adding a little water if necessary, to make a paste.
Chicken with Melon Seeds
Put the chicken in a large, heavy-based pan, add the
paste and yoghurt and season with salt.
Origin Hyderabad
Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time Pour in about 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups) water, then
Cooking time 1 Vz hours cover and cook over low heat for 1/2 hours, or until
Serves 4 the chicken is cooked through. Add the soaked
saffron and kewra water.
1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken
Joint the chicken before serving, if desired.

For the stuffing

4 slices white bread, without crusts # # / 00 p.556
125ml / 4V2fl oz (V2 cup) milk
2 tablespoons ghee
1 onion, chopped Sookhe Masale ka Murg
2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped Dry Masala Chicken
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 25 minutes, plus marinating time
For the masala
Cooking time 30 minutes
6 tablespoons poppy seeds_ Serves 4
150g / 5oz chaar magaz (see page 780)
pinch of saffron threads 1 x 800-g / 1%-lb chicken, cut into pieces
5 tablespoons blanched almonds 2 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) and
seeds of 8-10 green cardamom pods roughly chopped
1 nutmeg, grated 1 teaspoon chilli powder
9 cloves 2 teaspoons ground coriander
50g / 2oz (14 cup) ghee y2 teaspoon turmeric powder
125ml / 4y2fl oz 0/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt,
y2 teaspoon ground aniseed
6-8 cloves garlic, crushed
2-3 drops kewra water or rosewater
5-6 black peppercorns
200g / 7oz (% cup) ghee
For the masala, soak the poppy seeds and dried
melon seeds separately in z bowls of water for 2—3
Put all the ingredients except the chicken, ghee and
hours. Put the saffron threads in a small bowl, add
salt into a food processor or blender and process
1 tablespoon hot water and soak until required.
until ground. Put the chicken in a large shallow dish
and rub the mixture over, then cover and set aside
Put the bread in a bowl, pour over the milk and
in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
soak for about 5 minutes. Heat 2 tablespoons ghee
in a large, heavy-based pan over medium heat,
Pour 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water into a large,
add the onion and fry for about 5 minutes, or until
heavy-based pan and add 1 teaspoon salt. Add the
just beginning to colour, then transfer to a bowl.
Allow to cool. Squeeze out the bread and add to the marinated chicken and bring to the boil, then reduce
onion, then add the eggs and season with salt. Mix the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until
well, then stuff the chicken with the mixture. the water has evaporated and the chicken is cooked
through, but not overcooked.

Heat the ghee in another pan over low heat, add

the chicken and fry for 10 minutes, or until golden.
Serve immediately.


V]V' VjV' 00

To Khan Murg Rezhala

Chicken Curry (III) Chicken in Rezala Sauce

Origin Tribal North East India Origin Bengal

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces large pinch of saffron threads_
1 tablespoon mustard oil 125ml / AM oz O/2 cup) lukewarm milk_
3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 200g / 7oz chicken, minced (ground)
3 onions, chopped 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
3 tomatoes, chopped 2 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)_
1 tablespoon chopped garlic 4- 5 green cardamom pods
1 teaspoon dried mint 1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long
salt 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 tablespoon chopped ginger, to garnish 100ml / 3M oz 0/2 cup) vegetable oil
5- 6 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
Place the chicken in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy- 1 teaspoon sugar
based pan over low heat, sprinkle in the oil and salt
mix by hand. Cook, stirring constantly, for about
5 minutes, or until the water from the chicken has
Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the milk and
evaporated. Add the remaining ingredients, except the
soak until required.
ginger, and cook, stirring constantly for 5 minutes.

Place a large, heavy-based pan over medium heat

Pour in 625ml / 1 pint (2/2 cups) water and simmer
and add all the ingredients in, except the saffron
for about 20 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked
soaked in milk and the green chillies. Mix well,
through and the sauce thickens. Garnish with ginger.
then reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about
15 minutes.

Uncover and stir well until all the moisture has

evaporated and the oil rises to the surface. Pour
in the saffron and milk and add the green chillies,
then cover again and simmer for 2 minutes before
serving hot.


To make the sauce, melt the butter in a kadhai
or deep, heavy-based pan over low heat. Add the
gram flour and plain flour and stir-fry for about
Murg Lazawab 30 seconds-i minute. Add the garam masala, yellow
Cold Curried Chicken chilli powder, turmeric and salt, and stir. Whisk in
the stock, then reduce the heat and simmer for
15 minutes. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary. Add
Origin New the ground mace and cardamom, stir and remove
Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating, cooling and
from the heat. Strain into a large pan and allow
soaking time
to cool.
Cooking time 40 minutes
Serves 4 Put the gelatine in a heatproof bowl, add
3 tablespoons water and soak for about 10 minutes,
4 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked then stir over a double boiler until dissolved. Stir
Vi teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) into the sauce. Put some ice cubes in a large pan
and cool the sauce until it starts to thicken.
Vi teaspoon yellow chilli powder
Vi teaspoon ground turmeric Whip the cream in a bowl and fold into the sauce.
4 chicken breasts, with skin and bone
2 litres / 3Vi pints (9 cups) clear chicken stock Remove the chicken from the refrigerator and
10 green cardamom pods carefully transfer the breasts to a silver platter.
5 cloves Serve cold with the sauce and a garnish of
your choice.
1 bay leaf
% vF'

For the sauce

7 teaspoons butter_
3 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour
Awushi Kulho
2Vi tablespoons plain (all-purpose) flour
Chicken with Potatoes
Vi teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
Origin Tribal North East India
Vi teaspoon yellow chilli powder
Preparation time 20 minutes
Vi teaspoon ground turmeric Cooking time 25 minutes
400ml / 14fl oz (1% cups) clear chicken stock Serves 4
pinch of salt
Vi teaspoon ground mace 1 x 1 -kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into_
Vi teaspoon ground green cardamom medium-sized pieces
2 teaspoons gelatine powder 7 green chillies, de-seeded and cut into
7 tablespoons single (light) cream lengthways slices
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Mix the yoghurt, garam masala, yellow chilli powder 4 potatoes, cut into slices
and turmeric in a bowl and season with salt. Put the
chicken breasts in i—2 large shallow dishes and rub
the mixture over the chicken, then cover and set
aside in the refrigerator for 45 minutes. Place 1 litre / P/i pints (4% cups) water in a large,
heavy-based pan and bring to the boil. Add the
Put the stock in a large, flat-based handi or heavy- chicken, cover and cook for 10 minutes, or until the
based pan, add the cardamom pods, cloves and chicken is half done.
bay leaf and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and
simmer until there is just enough sauce to cover the Mix in the remaining ingredients, cover again and
chicken. Arrange the chicken breasts, side by side, cook for a further 10 minutes, or until the potatoes
in the stock and simmer for 20—30 minutes, or until and chicken are tender.
cooked. Remove from the stock and allow to cool.
Uncover, lightly crush the potatoes with a ladle
When the chicken is cool, remove the skin and the or wooden spatula and continue cooking for a few
bones carefully, ensuring that the surface remains more minutes until the sauce thickens.
smooth. Trim the edges, then transfer the chicken to
a wire rack and put in the refrigerator.


0 / CH p.479 6 tablespoons ghee_
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
5 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Shola e Dil
3 tablespoons almond paste
Quails Stuffed with Savoury Minced
2 tablespoons grated coconut, ground to a paste
(Ground) Chicken
1 tablespoon chironji kernel paste
3 tablespoons Fried Onion Paste (see page 57)
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 214 hours, plus marinating time 1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
Cooking time 1 hour 14 teaspoon ground mace
Serves 4
To make the marinade, mix all the ingredients
8 quails_ together in a bowl. Put the quails in a large shallow
dish and rub the marinade all over, then cover and
2 medium-sized onions, sliced
set aside in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
3 green cardamom pods
3 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long To make the filling, mix all the ingredients together
2 black cardamom pods in a bowl and divide into 8 equal portions. Stuff
2 cloves the abdominal cavity of the quails with a portion
of the filling; from the tail end, then double up the
2 bay leaves
legs, ensuring that the drumsticks cover the opening
1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) clear chicken stock through which the filling was stuffed, and tie firmly
butter, for basting with kitchen string (twine).
Spread the onions in a large pan, sprinkle over the
whole spices, then arrange the stuffed quails on
For the marinade
top, leaving space between each bird. Pour on the
125ml / 4V2fi oz (V2 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt chicken stock and bring to the boil, then reduce
(see page 793), whisked the heat to low, cover and simmer for 20—25 minutes,
3 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) or until cooked. Remove the quails and set aside.
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) Reserve the juice.
1 teaspoon chilli powder
To make the sauce, soak the saffron in the
rosewater, then crush lightly with a pestle or the
For the filling back of a spoon and set aside. Put the yoghurt in
250g / 9oz minced (ground) chicken_ a bowl, add the coriander and chilli powder and
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled season with salt, then mix well.
and chopped
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
1 green chilli, deseeded and chopped medium heat, add the garlic and ginger pastes and
8 roasted pistachios, halved stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until the moisture
1 tablespoon toasted flaked almonds has evaporated. Remove the pan from the heat, stir
Va teaspoon ground green cardamom___ in the yoghurt mixture, then return the pan to the
heat and stir-fry over medium heat for about 2—3
1/2 teaspoon black cumin seeds
minutes, or until specks of oil separates out. Add
1 teaspoon coarsely ground black peppercorns,
the almond, coconut and chironji pastes and stir-fry
roasted for about 1—2 minutes, or until the oil separates out.
1/2 teaspoon saffron threads Add the fried onion paste and stir-fry for about 1-2
V2 teaspoon ground rose petals minutes, or until the oil separate out, then add the
reserved juice and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat
to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 4-5
For the sauce
minutes. Add the quails, baste with the butter, bring
large pinch of saffron threads_ to the boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer
2 teaspoons rosewater until it is a sauce consistency. Sprinkle over the
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked ground cardamom and mace and stir, then add the
1 teaspoon ground coriander_ saffron, stir, remove from the heat and adjust the
seasoning, if necessary.
1 teaspoon Kashmiri chilli powder


To garnish_
1 tablespoon flaked (slivered) almonds
4-6 edible silver leaf
Bataer Masaledar
Stuffed Quails in Spicy Sauce Put the quails in 2 large shallow dishes and prick
with a fork. To make the marinade, mix all the
Origin Punjab ingredients together in a bowl and evenly rub the
Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating time quails with the mixture. Cover and set aside in the
Cooking time 1 hour refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
Serves 4
To make the marinade for the minced chicken, mix
the mince with all the ingredients for the marinade
8 quails_
in a large bowl and divide into 8 equal portions.
250g / 9oz minced / (ground) chicken
1 teaspoon saffron threads Stuff the abdominal cavity of the quails with
1 tablespoon warm milk a portion of the mixture. Cover the opening through
2 teaspoons ground coriander which filling was stuffed and secure firmly with
XZa. teaspoons chilli powder kitchen string (twine).
6 tablespoons ghee
Put the saffron threads in a mortar and crush with
4 black cardamom pods
a pestle, then put in a bowl, add the warm milk and
4 cloves soak until the milk is a saffron colour. Add the flaked
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm /1 inch long almonds for the garnish and set aside.
2 bay leaves
16 flakes garlic or 2 cloves garlic, chopped Put the ground coriander and chilli powder in a small
bowl, add 2 tablespoons water and mix together.
250g / 9oz (2 medium) onions, grated
2 teaspoons chopped ginger Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
200g / 7oz (1 large) tomato, chopped medium heat, add the black cardamom pods,
6 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked cloves, cinnamon and bay leaf and stir-fry for a few
2 tablespoons almond paste seconds, then add the garlic and stir-fry for about
1 minute, or until it changes colour.
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
Va teaspoon ground cinnamon
Add the onions and stir-fry for about 4 minutes,
Va teaspoon ground cloves or until light golden, then add the ginger and
y2 teaspoon ground mace stir-fry briefly. Add the ground spice mixture and
salt stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until the moisture
has evaporated.

For the quail marinade

Add the tomatoes, then season with salt and stir-
6 tablespoons red wine_ fry for about 5 minutes, or until the oil separates
2 tablespoons malt (white) vinegar out. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the
11/2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) yoghurt, then return to the heat and stir-fry over
1V2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) medium heat until specks of oil start to appear on
the surface. Add the almond paste and stir-fry for
1V2 teaspoons chilli powder
about 1-2 minutes, or until the oil separates out.
Pour in about 1 litre / PA pints (4'A cups) water and
For the minced (ground) chicken marinade bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to medium, add
1 y2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) the quails and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat
1 y2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) to low, cover and cook, stirring frequently, for
5-7 minutes, or until the quails are almost cooked.
2 green chillies
16 roasted pistachios Meanwhile, drain the almonds from the saffron,
16 raisins reserving the saffron milk. Uncover the pan, increase
y2 teaspoon black cumin seeds the heat slightly and cook until the sauce is a
% teaspoon ground black pepper, roasted medium-thick consistency.
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
14 teaspoon ground mace
pinch of salt


Sprinkle over the remaining ground spices and stir,
then add the saffron mixture and stir again. Finally,
remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning, if
necessary. Garnish with the flaked almonds and Bhuja Haaz
silver leaf. Stir-fried Duck

# Origin Tribal North East India

Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time
Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4
Doodhiya Bataer
Crispy Quail
2 tablespoons sabut urad (whole black beans),
Origin Awadh rinsed and drained
Preparation time 25 minutes 1 x 1,5-kg / 31b 5-oz duck
Cooking time 1Vz hours 1 tablespoon mustard oil
Serves 4 8 dried red chillies, de-seeded and broken into
small pieces
2 teaspoons saffron powder_ 1 onion, sliced
1.2 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) milk 1 green (bell) pepper, de-seeded and sliced
Vz teaspoon ground fennel 1 small head celery, shredded
I/2 teaspoon chilli powder 2 cloves garlic, crushed
10Og / 31/20Z (% cup) gram (chickpea) flour 2 teaspoons sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon soy sauce
1V2 black peppercorns, pounded 1 tablespoon vinegar
12 quails, with skin
4 teaspoons fennel seeds Soak the beans in a bowl of water for 30 minutes,
10 green cardamom pods then drain. Transfer to a blender and process,
6-8 cloves adding a little water if necessary to make a paste.
2 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm /1 inch long
Debone and clean the duck, then slice into
2 bay leaves matchstick-sized strips.
vegetable oil, for deep-frying
salt Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over
medium heat, add the dried red chillies and stir-fry
Mix half the saffron, 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk, the for 1 minute. Remove the chillies and discard. Add
ground fennel, chilli powder, gram flour, a little salt the onion, green pepper, celery, garlic and bean
paste to the pan and stir-fry for 5 minutes. Mix in the
and lemon juice together in a bowl to make a batter.
sugar, soy sauce and duck, and continue stir-frying
for a further 2-3 minutes. Stir in the vinegar, fry for
Boil the remaining milk in a large, heavy-based
10 seconds and serve.
pan, add the pounded pepper and boil for a further
1 minute. Now add the quail and the remaining
ingredients, except the oil, and boil over medium
heat until tender. Remove the quails, reserving
the masala.

Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy-

based pan to i8o“C/35o'F, or until a cube of bread
browns in 30 seconds. Dip the boiled quail in the
batter, then carefully lower into the hot oil and
deep-fry until a crisp cream-coloured layer is
formed. Remove and drain on kitchen paper (paper
towels), then serve.


0 0 / ® p.480 00

Vindaloo Sorpatel
Goan Pork Curry Spicy Pork & Liver Curry

Origin Goa Origin Goa

Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking and marinating Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling time
time Cooking time 2 hours
Cooking time 1 hour Serves 6-8
Serves 4
1 kg / 2141b pork, cut into pieces_
750g / 11b IQoz pork, cut into cubes_ 300g / 11 oz liver, cut into pieces_
100ml / 3y2fl oz (I/2 cup) vegetable oil_ 2 tablespoons olive oil_
3 onions, chopped _ 50g / 1%oz (1/2 small) onion, sliced_
15-20 curry leaves_ 1 clove garlic, crushed
1/2 teaspoon jaggery or soft brown sugar, or to taste 6 teaspoons ground turmeric
salt 2 cinnamon sticks, about 10cm / 4 inches long
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
For the marinade 12 black peppercorns _
10-20 dried red chillies_ 12 cloves_
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 6 green cardamoms, seeds only _
6-8 cloves 10-15 dried Kashmiri red chillies
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm /1 inch long 1 teaspoon chilli powder
10-12 black peppercorns vinegar to taste
14 star anise salt (optional)
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled Put the pork in a pan, add enough water to just
6 cloves garlic cover and cook for about 30 minutes. Do the
1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58) same with the liver in a separate pan. Drain both,
reserving the cooking waters and allow to cool. Cut
4 teaspoons malt (white) vinegar
the pork and liver into smaller pieces when cool.

Soak the dried red chillies in a bowl of water for Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
io minutes, then drain. medium heat, add the onion and stir-fry for about
4 minutes, or until light brown. Add the garlic and
To make the marinade, put the chillies and all spices and stir-fry for about 1 minute.
the spices in a blender, add the vinegar and process
to make a smooth paste. Put the pork in a large Starting with the fatty pieces of meat first, then using
shallow dish and rub half the paste all over, then the lean pieces of meat and then the liver, add a
cover and set aside in the refrigerator for i hour. few pieces to the pan at a time along with a little of
the reserved cooking water. Fry over low heat, and
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over low when the liquid has been absorbed, add a few more
heat, add the onions and stir-fry for about pieces of meat and a little more liquid. Continue until
15 minutes. Add the remaining spice paste and stir- all the meat and liver has been fried, then add the
fry for a further 5 minutes, stirring constantly, and remaining cooking water, reduce the heat to very low
add 1V2 tablespoons water to prevent burning. and simmer for at least 2 hours. Add the vinegar and
Add the pork and continue cooking for about season with salt, if using. Remove and allow to cool,
5 minutes. Pour in 1 litre / i!4 pints (4Vi cups) water then set aside in the refrigerator for about 24 hours.
and season with salt, then cook over low heat for
about 30 minutes, or until the pork is cooked. The next day, heat through over low heat. Adjust the
Stir in the curry leaves and jaggery or sugar and seasoning and repeat this process for further 2 days.
simmer for 3-4 minutes. Serve hot.


77l's Heat the remaining ghee in a separate large pan over
medium heat, add the sliced onions and fry for about
5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove and
Saanth-Bajrae ka Soweta set aside. Add the boiled pig skin, remaining chilli
Pork Skin with Millet powder and the yoghurt to the pan, then reduce the
heat to very low, cover and cook for about 1 hour, or
until the liquid has completely evaporated.
Origin Rajasthan
Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time
Cooking time 2 hours Add the pig skin and fried onions to the millet and
Serves 8-10 mix well. Cook over low heat for about 30 minutes,
until the oil rises to the surface.

175g / 6oz {% cup plus 2 tablespoons) millet

4 teaspoons chilli powder
4 teaspoons ground coriander
2 tablespoons ground onions
4 teaspoons ground garlic Doi Nei
2 teaspoons ground fresh ginger
Pork in Dark Sauce
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk
Origin Tribal North East India
6 tablespoons ghee
Preparation time 25 minutes, plus soaking time
5 tablespoons split moong dal, rinsed and drained
Cooking time 1 hour 20 minutes
2 tablespoons onions, thinly sliced Serves 4
1 kg / 2141b fresh pig skin with fat, cut into 4-cm /
1 y2-inch pieces and boiled 150g / 5oz (% cup) dried black soya beans (soybeans)
4 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 1kg / 2141b pork, cut into medium-sized pieces
salt 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Put the millet in a bowl, add a little water and soak 3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
for 30 minutes, then pound it lightly with a pestle
2 onions, chopped
in a mortar. Put the pounded millet through a sieve
(strainer) and stir, remove and discard any over¬ salt
pounded grains that have turned into powder. Soak
the pounded millet in a bowl of water for about Soak the soya beans in a bowl of water overnight.
30 minutes, then stir and drain.
The next day, drain the beans, transfer to a blender
To make the broth, put half the chilli powder, the and process, adding a little water if necessary, to
coriander, ground onions, garlic and ginger and make a paste.
1 litre / iV* pints (4 ‘4 cups) water in a large, heavy-
based pan and bring to the boil, then boil for about Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium
15 minutes. Stir in the milk, remove from the heat heat, add the ginger paste, chillies and onions and
and set aside. stir-fry for about 5 minutes, or until brown. Now add
the pork and stir-fry for about 30 minutes, or until
Heat 1 tablespoon ghee in a large pan over medium- the water from the pork has evaporated. Now add
high heat. Slowly add enough water to cook the the black bean paste and season with salt. Pour in
millet, and when it starts boiling add the millet and 500ml / i8fl oz (z'/a cups) water, then reduce the heat,
dal. Season with salt, then cover and cook for about cover and simmer for about 45 minutes, or until the
15 minutes. When half-cooked, add the broth pork is cooked.
and keep stirring until the millet is well cooked
and thick.


m vjv* '7Jv>

Oma Eoni Hi
Fried Pork Pork Stew with Ginger

Origin Tribal North East India Origin Tribal North East India
Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 45 minutes Cooking time 35 minutes
Serves 5 Serves 4

2 tablespoons vegetable oil_ 1 kg / 2141b pork, cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces_
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 200g / 7oz (1 cup) broken rice, rinsed
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) and drained
1 tablespoon Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57) 1 x 8-cm / 3-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and
1 kg / 2141b pork, cut into 2.5-cm / t -inch pieces chopped
salt 1 teaspoon red chilli powder
Heat the oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based pan
over medium heat, add the ginger, garlic and onion Bring 1 litre /1% pints (4/4 cups) water to the boil in
pastes, and stir-fry for about i—2 minutes, or until a large, heavy-based pan, add the pork and rice and
golden brown. Add the pork, season with salt and return to the boil, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat
mix, then fry for 7-8 minutes, or until brown, and simmer for 2 minutes, then add the remaining
stirring frequently. ingredients. Cover and cook for 30 minutes, or until
the pork is tender and the sauce thickens.
Sprinkle in 125ml / ^Afl oz O/2 cup) water, reduce the
heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes, or until the
pork is cooked. #0

00 Arek
Pork Stew with Bamboo Shoots
Origin Tribal North East India
Naga-style Pork Stew
Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes
Origin Tribal North East India Serves 4
Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 40 minutes
Serves 4 1 kg / 2141b pork, cut into 2.5-cm / 1 -inch pieces
3 teaspoons bamboo shoots, chopped
1kg/2141b pork_ 1 teaspoon chopped ginger

5 dried red chillies, broken into small pieces 1 teaspoon chopped garlic

2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 tomato, cut into quarters

2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 3-4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
salt salt

Cut the pork into pieces. Place the pork in a large, heavy-based pan over high
heat with enough water to cover, then just before
Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water to the boil in it starts to boil, remove from the heat and drain.
a large, heavy-based pan. Add the pork and boil for Return the pork to the pan, add fresh water to cover
about 30 minutes. and bring to the boil.

Mix in the remaining ingredients and cook for Mix in the remaining ingredients, then reduce the
a further 5 minutes. heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes, or until the
pork is tender.


0 / QD p.472

Oma Bedoi Saonai Wak Pura

Barbecued Pork Pork with Mustard Leaves and Rice

Origin Tribal North East India Origin Tribal North East India
Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking and drying
Cooking time 30 minutes time
Serves 4 Cooking time 1 hour
Serves 4
1 kg / 2141b pork, cut into 2.5-cm /1 -inch pieces
salt 200g / 7oz (1 cup) short-grain rice, rinsed and drained
1 kg / 2 141b pork, cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces
If using bamboo skewers, soak them in cold water 500g / 1 lb 2oz mustard leaves, shredded
for about 30 minutes before using to prevent them 2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and cut in half
burning during barbecuing. Prepare a charcoal grill pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
or preheat a grill (broiler) to medium. Put the pork
in a large shallow dish and sprinkle over some salt
and mix. Thread the pork on to soaked bamboo or
metal skewers and roast over a charcoal grill or Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 15 minutes, then
under the grill for 30 minutes, turning frequently drain. Spread out to dry on a clean tea (dish) towel
until golden brown and tender. until dry again, then transfer to a spice grinder and
process to make a powder.

0# Place the pork in a large, heavy-based pan over

low heat without any oil or water, and cook for
about 30 minutes, or until the water from the pork
Boksa Pok evaporates and a reddish sediment starts to appear,
stirring occasionally to prevent burning. As the fat
Pork with Mustard Leaves
starts melting, mix in the mustard leaves and chillies,
then season with salt and continue cooking and
Origin Tibal North East India stirring until the mustard leaves disintegrate and are
Preparation time 15 minutes will mixed. Cover and cook over low heat for 5—10
Cooking time 45 minutes minutes. Stir in 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water, and
Serves 4 cook for a further 10 minutes.

21/2 tablespoons short-grain rice, rinsed and drained Blend in the rice powder and bicarbonate of soda,
and simmer for another 15 minutes, or until the pork
1 kg / 2141b pork with fat, cut into 4-cm /1 l/2-inch pieces
is cooked and the sauce thickens.
500g /1 lb 2oz fresh mustard leaves
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled chopped
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
1 teaspoon chilli powder

Bring 625ml / 1 pint (2/1 cups) water to the boil in

a large, heavy-based pan, add the rice and return to
the boil and continue boiling until the rice is fluffy
and tender.

Add the pork, bring to the boil, then uncover and

cook, stirring constantly, for about 15 minutes, or
until the sauce thickens with the rice. Tear the
mustard leaves into small pieces and add to the pan
with the ginger and continue cooking and stirring for
a further 10 minutes. Mix in the bicarbonate of soda
and season with salt, then simmer for a further
5 minutes. Sprinkle in the chilli powder.

Wak Al Galda Wak Me-A-Mesang Pura
Pork with Sorrel Leaves Pork with Fermented Bamboo Shoots

Origin Tribal North East India Origin Tribal North East India
Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 25 minutes
Cooking time 25-45 minutes Cooking time 116 hours
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 kg / 2141b pork, cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces 1 kg / 2141b pork with fat and bones, cut into
5 sorrel leaves, roughly torn medium-sized pieces
2 teaspoons Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57) 500g / 1 lb 2oz fermented bamboo shoots
2 teaspoons chopped ginger 2 teaspoons finely chopped green chillies
2 teaspoons chopped garlic 2 teaspoons finely chopped ginger
2 teaspoons green chilli paste pinch of ground turmeric
salt 16 cup rice powder
Place the pork in a large, heavy-based pan over low
heat without any oil or water, and cook for 20-35 Place the pork in a large heavy-based pan over low
minutes, stirring occasionally, until the water from heat without any oil or water and cook for about
the pork has evaporated. 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the water from
the pork has evaporated and it turns light brown. Add
Add the remaining ingredients and keep stirring the bamboo shoots and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water
and cooking until the sorrel leaves disintegrate and and cook for a few minutes, stirring occasionally.
are well mixed. Stir in 125ml / 4'/4fl oz 04 cup) water,
then increase the heat, bring to the boil and boil for Mix in the chillies, ginger and turmeric, then season
about 15 minutes, or until the pork is cooked and the with salt and simmer until dry. Stir in 500ml / i8fl oz
sauce thickens. (214 cups) water and cook for about 15 minutes, or
until the pork is cooked.

Blend in the rice powder to thicken the sauce and

cook for a further 15 minutes.


Tungrumdai Dohneiiong
Pork with Fermented Soya Beans Pork with Black Sesame Seeds
Origin Tribal North East India
Origin Tribal North East India Preparation time 20 minutes
Preparation time 20 minutes Cooking time 30-40 minutes
Cooking time 45 minutes Serves 6
Serves 6
1 kg / 2141b pork, cut into 8-cm / 3-inch pieces
2 teaspoons vegetable oil_ 4 onions, sliced
2 tablespoons onion, chopped 2 tablespoons black sesame seeds
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) pinch of ground turmeric
200g / 7oz fermented soya beans (soybeans) salt
1 kg / 2141b pork, cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces
1 teaspoon ground black sesame seeds Place the pork in a pressure cooker over low
salt heat and cook for about 15 minutes, stirring
constantly, until the fat is released. Remove the
meat from the cooker and set aside. Add the
Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over remaining ingredients to the cooker and cook,
medium heat, add the onion and garlic paste and fry stirring frequently, for about 5 minutes, or until
for about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Stir in the fat separates out. Add the reserved pork and
the soya beans and pork and fry for 7—8 minutes, or cook for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
until the pork is golden brown.
Stir in 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water, close the
Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and cook for cooker and cook under pressure for 15 minutes.
30 minutes, or until the pork is cooked, adding more Alternatively, cook in a large, heavy-based pan for
water if required. Stir in the ground sesame seeds, about 30 minutes, or until the pork is cooked.
then season with salt and cook for a further
15 minutes. Remove from the heat and serve.


•TTv' 'TJv' mm

Voksa Thevo Chu

Pork Ribs Pork with Bamboo Shoots

Origin Tribal North East India Origin Tribal North East India
Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling time Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 114 hours
Serves 6 Serves 6

1kg / 2% lb pork ribs_ 1kg / 2141b pork, cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces_
300g / 11 oz mustard leaves, torn 225g / 8oz canned bamboo shoots, rinsed and sliced
1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
salt 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons chilli powder_
Place the ribs over a smoking fire and smoke for salt
about i hour. Allow to cool, then cut into 5-cm
/ 2-inch pieces. Place the ribs with 625ml / 1 pint Place the pork in a pan over low heat without any
(2/2 cups) water in a large, heavy-based pan and boil water or oil and keep stirring for 5 minutes. As
for 20 minutes, or until half cooked. the pork starts releasing its water, add the bamboo
shoots. Cover and cook over very low heat for
Add the mustard leaves and continue boiling for 1 hour. Sprinkle in some water if it gets too dry.
10 minutes, or until the ribs and leaves are cooked.
Season and sprinkle over the pepper, and serve hot. Uncover, mix in the remaining ingredients, increase
the heat to high and cook, stirring constantly, for
5—10 minutes.
Pork with Fermented Soya Beans
(Soybeans) & Tomatoes Akshi
Pork with Dried Bamboo Shoots
Origin Tribal North East India
Preparation time 15 minutes Origin Tribal North East India
Cooking time 40 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Serves 6 Cooking time 35 minutes
Serves 6
200g / 7oz fermented soya bean (soybean) paste
1 kg / 2141b pork, cut into large pieces 10Og / 31/20Z dried bamboo shoots_
10-15 ground black peppercorns 1 kg / 2141b pork, cut into 8-cm / 3-inch pieces
10 dried red chillies 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 5 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) salt
2-3 tomatoes, chopped
salt Bring 625ml / 1 pint (2/2 cups) water to the boil in
a large, heavy-based pan, add the bamboo shoots
Pour 2 litres / 3I/2 pints (8/2 cups) water into a large and cook for about 5 minutes. Reduce the heat and
heavy-based pan, add the soya bean paste and bring add the pork, then cover and simmer for 30 minutes,
to the boil. Add the pork and continue boiling for or until tender.
30 minutes, or until tender.
Add the ginger paste and chillies and cook for a few
Mix in the remaining ingredients, except the salt, minutes longer. Season with salt.
and continue cooking, stirring occasionally, for
about 5 minutes, or until the sauce thickens. Season.


vp 'TP'

Wookhan Machu Rasin Chisik

Pork Stew Beef with Sorrel Leaves

Origin Tribal North East India Origin Tribal North East India
Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 45 minutes Cooking time 1 hour
Serves 6 Serves 6

1kg / 2!4lb pork, cut into medium-sized pieces 1 kg / 2141b beef, cut into 2.5-cm /I -inch pieces
5 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 3 spring onions (scallions), trimmed and_
3 large onions, chopped finely chopped
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 3 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
salt 5 sorrel leaves, torn
1 teaspoon alkaline water
Place the pork in a large, heavy-based pan with pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
625ml / 1 pint (214 cups) water and bring to the boil. salt
Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about
30 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients and
Place the beef in a large, heavy-based pan over low
cook, stirring frequently, for a further 15 minutes.
heat without any water or oil, and cook, stirring
constantly, for 15 minutes, or until the water from
the beef has evaporated.
vp' v71v'

Stir in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and continue

cooking and stirring until dry. Repeat until the beef
Wak Serjak is tender. It should take about 40 minutes.
Pork Curry
Add the spring onions, green chillies and sorrel
Origin Tribal North East India leaves and fry for about 2 minutes. Stir in 500ml /
Preparation time 20 minutes i8fl oz (214 cups) water, then bring to the boil and
Cooking time 40 minutes add the alkaline water. Reduce the heat and simmer
Serves 6 for about 15 minutes.

Season with salt and sprinkle in the bicarbonate of

2 teaspoons vegetable oil_
soda, mix well and cook for a few minutes until the
2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) sauce thickens.
3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
2 onions, chopped_
3 tomatoes, chopped_
1 kg / 2141b pork, cut into medium-sized pieces

Heat the oil in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based

pan over medium heat, add the ginger paste, chillies,
onions and tomatoes and fry for about 5 minutes, or
until golden brown. Add the pork and stir-fry until
the water from the pork has evaporated.

Season with salt and stir in 625ml /1 pint (z'h cups)

water, then cover and simmer for 30 minutes, or
until the pork is cooked.

Pulses (legumes) are eaten
throughout India, and are an
essential source of protein for
the many vegetarians in the
country. Sometimes served
with breads or rice, and often
cooked with vegetables or
meat, pulses are surprisingly
versatile and contribute to a
great many favourite Indian
dishes. Used whole, split, or
ground they can add texture to
stews and sambhars and bring
richness to soups.

Heat the oil for the spice paste in a kadhai or deep,
heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over low heat, add
all the ingredients for the paste and stir-fry gently
Kholamba for about 2-3 minutes, or until the spices and chillies
Spicy Pigeon Pea Curry from Mangalore are fragrant and the dais are golden.

Origin Coastal Mix in 4 tablespoons water, then transfer to a mortar

Preparation time 25-40 minutes or spice grinder and pound with a pestle or process
Cooking time 25 minutes to make a smooth paste.
Serves 4
Place the tamarind extract, vegetables, chillies,
turmeric and curry leaves in the pan used for frying
10Og / 3y2oz (>2 cup) arhar dal or toor (toover) dal,
the spices, then season with salt and bring to the
rinsed and drained boil. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) Tamarind Extract (see page 58) 15 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. Stir
10Og / 3%oz (1 cup) cauliflower florets in the spice paste and simmer, uncovered, for a
1 small carrot, cut Into slices further 5 minutes, or until well blended. Pour in the
cooked dal and simmer for another 1—2 minutes,
1 small potato, cut into cubes
stirring gently until well blended.
40g /1 y2oz (14 cup) peas, shelled if fresh
2-3 tomatoes, cut into quarters Heat the oil for the tempering in a small frying pan
2 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and over medium heat, add all the ingredients for the
de-seeded (optional) tempering and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the
y2 teaspoon ground turmeric mustard seeds start to splutter, then stir into the dal
and garnish with coriander leaves.
2-3 curry leaves
4 tablespoons coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish

For the spice paste

2 teaspoons vegetable oil_
2 tablespoons coriander seeds
y2 teaspoon cumin seeds
14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
14 teaspoon black peppercorns
y2 teaspoon asafoetida
2-3 dried red chillies
1 teaspoon chana dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
2-3 curry leaves

For the tempering

2 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
y2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 sprig curry leaves

Place the dal in a pressure cooker with 250ml /

8fl oz (1 cup) water and cook under pressure for
about 5 minutes. Using a whisk, whisk the dal
well and set aside. Alternatively, cook the dal
with the water in a large, heavy-based pan for
about 20 minutes, or until soft.


Arhar ki Dal Mandhiya
Pigeon Pea Dal Pigeon Peas in Rice Konji

Origin Awadh/Delhi Origin Coastal

Preparation time 10 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 40 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

250g / 9oz (1V3 cups) arhar dal or toor (toover) dal, Yz teaspoon fresh ginger_
rinsed and drained 1/2 teaspoon ground kachri (optional)
pinch of asafoetida I/2 teaspoon dried green mango
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 150g / 5oz (% cup) cooked arhar dal
1 teaspoon jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar or toor (toover) dal, cooking water reserved
3V2 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil 300ml /1/2 pint (114 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
2 cloves whisked
salt 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
y2 teaspoon amchoor
Soak the dal in a large bowl of water for i hour,
pinch of chilli powder
then drain.
2 green chillies, de-seeded and cut into 4 pieces
Bring i litre / i14 pints (4'/« cups) water to the boil 1 teaspoon ghee
in a large, heavy-based pan. Add the dal with half 2 cloves
of the asafoetida and the turmeric, then season 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
with salt. Cover and continue to boil for about pinch of asafoetida
15 minutes, or until the water has almost evaporated
and the dal shows signs of softening. Add 125ml /
4‘/2fl oz (14 cup) water, cover again, reduce the heat
Put the ginger, kachri, if using, and dried green mango
to low and simmer for about 10 minutes, or until the
in a mortar or small blender and pound with a pestle
dal is soft. Mash the cooked dal well with a wooden
or process in a food processor until ground.
spatula. Add 125ml / 4l4fl oz (14 cup) hot water and
mix thoroughly to dilute the dal. Sprinkle over the
Put the cooked dal, yoghurt, ground spices and
jaggery or sugar and cook over low heat for
chillies in a large pan and season with salt. Pour
a further 5 minutes.
in 500ml / i8fl oz (2!4 cups) cooking water and
mix to combine.
Heat the ghee or oil in a frying pan (skillet) over
medium heat, add the cloves and the rest of the
Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
asafoetida and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the
heat, add the cloves, cumin seeds and asafoetida and
cloves start to splutter, then immediately pour over
stir-fry for about 1 minute. Stir the spices into the dal
the dal and stir. Cover and simmer for 2 minutes,
mixture and cook for about 5-10 minutes, or until
or until hot.
hot but not boiling. The consistency should remain
quite thin.



Sambhar Tadka Dal

Tamil Nadu Dal with Drumsticks Tempered Yellow Dal

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Punjab

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour Cooking time 30-40 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4-6

200g / 7oz (1 cup) arhar or toor (toover) dal, rinsed 200g / 7oz (1 cup) arhar dal or toor (toover) dal, rinsed
200g / 7oz (vegetable) drumsticks, cut into and drained
6-cm / 2V2-inch pieces 2 onions, 1 chopped and 1 sliced _
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon cumin seeds_
1 teaspoon chilli powder 3-4 cloves garlic
4 green chillies, slit in half lengthways 1 teaspoon chopped fresh ginger
120g / 4oz (4-6 medium) shallots 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
300g / 11 oz (2 medium) tomatoes, chopped 2 tomatoes _
2 teaspoons Sambhar Masala (see page 32) 2 teaspoons coriander seeds_
2 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58) 2 dried red chillies
3 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves 2 tablespoons butter
salt 1 black cardamom pod
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
For the tempering 2 cloves
2 tablespoons vegetable oil_ 3 teaspoons chilli powder
1 teaspoon cumin seeds salt
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
Bring 600ml / 1 pint (2/2 cups) water to the boil in
1 teaspoon black sesame seeds
a large, heavy-based pan, add the dal, reduce the
1 teaspoon black mustard seeds
heat and cook for about 30 minutes, or until soft.
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained Drain, then return to the pan and set aside.
15-20 curry leaves
generous pinch of asafoetida Put the chopped onion, the cumin seeds, garlic,
ginger, chopped coriander, tomatoes, coriander
seeds, and dried red chillies in a blender or food
Soak the dal in a large bowl of water for 30 minutes.
processor and process until ground to a paste.
Put the drained dal in a large, heavy-based pan,
add 1 litre /1% pints (4 Vi cups) water, the turmeric,
Melt the butter in another large, heavy-based pan
chilli powder, drumsticks, green chillies, shallots
over medium heat, add the sliced onion, cardamom
and tomatoes, and season with salt. Bring to the
pod, cinnamon and cloves and fry for about
boil and cook for about 20 minutes, or until the dal
7-8 minutes, or until the onions are golden brown.
and drumsticks are cooked. Add the sambhar masala,
Add the masala paste and fry for 10—15 minutes.
stir, then reduce the heat to very low and simmer,
Now add the cooked dal, a little water if it is
stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes.
too thick and season with salt. Boil for a further
15 minutes, or until cooked to your liking.
Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan
(skillet) over medium heat, add all the seeds together
with the urad dal and stir-fry briefly until the seeds
start to pop. Add the curry leaves and asafoetida
and stir-fry until the leaves stop spluttering. Pour
the tempering over the simmering sambhar, then add
the tamarind extract and stir. Reduce the heat to low
and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 10—12 minutes.
Add the chopped coriander, stir, remove from the
heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.


# # / m p.608

Chettinad Murungaikkai Sambhar Thenga Chertha Ulli Sambhar

Drumstick Sambhar from Chettinad Dal with Vegetables

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 15-30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 35 minutes Cooking time 35 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 6

150g / 5oz (3A cup) arhar dal or toor (toover) dal, 250g / 9oz (1V3 cups) arhar dal or toor (toover) dal,
rinsed and drained rinsed and drained_
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric 500g / 1 lb 2oz shallots_
11/2 teaspoons Chettinad Sambhar Powder 6 green chillies, slit in half lengthways
(see page 49) and de-seeded (optional)_
2 (vegetable) drumsticks, cut into 8-cm / 3-inch pieces 1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
40g /1 y2oz (V4 cup) chopped shallots 1 sprig coriander (cilantro), leaves only, chopped
1 tomato, finely chopped
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) Tamarind Extract (see page 58) For the spice paste
salt 1 coconut, grated_
2 tablespoons finely chopped coriander (cilantro) 4 tablespoons Sambhar Masala (see page 32)
leaves, to garnish 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon chilli powder
For the tempering large pinch of asafoetida
2 teaspoons vegetable oil_ salt
y2 teaspoon mustard seeds
Vz teaspoon fenugreek seeds For the tempering
Va teaspoon fennel seeds 2 tablespoons coconut oil_
Vz teaspoon asafoetida 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained 1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 sprig curry leaves 2 dried red chillies, torn into pieces
2 sprigs curry leaves
Place the dal in a pressure cooker with 375ml /
i3fl oz (1V2 cups) water and cook under pressure for Place the coconut for the spice paste in a frying
5 minutes. Drain the dal, reserving the cooking water. pan (skillet) and dry-roast over low heat, stirring
Alternatively, cook the dal with the water in a large, constantly, for about 2 minutes, or until it turns
heavy-based pan for about 20 minutes, or until soft. brown. Allow to cool, then transfer to a blender
or food processor, add 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water
Transfer the reserved dal water to a large, heavy- and process to make a fine paste. Mix in the ground
based pan. Add the turmeric, sambhar masala spice powders and season with salt.
and vegetables and season with salt. Mix well and
simmer for 10—12 minutes, or until the vegetables Put the dal in a large, heavy-based pan with the
are tender. Stir in the tamarind extract and simmer shallots, chillies and 125ml / 4‘/4fl oz (Zi cup) water
for a further 10-15 minutes, or until the raw aroma and cook over high heat for about 25 minutes, or
of tamarind disappears. Add the drained dal and until soft. Using a wooden spatula, mash the mixture
simmer for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, when cooked, then add the spice paste and stir well.
until blended.
Meanwhile, heat the oil for the tempering in a small
Heat the oil for the tempering in a small frying pan frying pan over medium heat, add the tempering
(skillet) over medium heat, add the seeds, asafoetida, ingredients and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes, or until the
urad dal and curry leaves and stir-fry for about mustard seeds start to splutter and the dried red
1 minute, or until the mustard seeds start to splutter. chillies turn a shade darker. Pour the mixture into
Pour the mixture into the sambhar and garnish with the sambhar and garnish with coriander.
chopped coriander.


Sweet Yoghurt
vith Spinal,
l» 5 i;l
4 r-
Fried Ssvoury
Mushrooms v
Cashew Nuts
1 prawn (Shrimp)


■mi <F'\

3isc» i

Sttass&wfti ■-SisfaslSS S
•> *
Dal wiu.
Ghana Dai with
Bottle Gourd P-5^
00 00

Jeera Rasam Vendaya Rasam

Cumin Seed Rasam Fenugreek Seed Rasam

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 10 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4-6

375ml / 13fl oz {V/z cups) Tamarind Extract 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
(see page 58) 1 teaspoon Spice Mixture for Pepper Water
% teaspoon Spice Mixture for Pepper Water (see page 53)_
(see page 53) y2 teaspoon asafoetida
salt salt
1 tomato, cut into quarters
For the spice paste 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves,
1 teaspoon arhar dal or toor (toover) dal, rinsed to garnish
and drained Plain Boiled Rice, to serve (see page 631)
1 y2 teaspoon cumin seeds
For the spice paste
For the tempering 2 teaspoons ghee_
2 teaspoons ghee_ y2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 2 teaspoons arhar dal or toor (toover) dal, rinsed
2-3 dried red chillies, halved and drained
1 sprig curry leaves
For the tempering
For the spice paste, put the dal and cumin seeds in 2 teaspoons ghee_
a bowl, pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) warm water
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
and soak for 30 minutes.
2-3 dried red chillies
Drain the dal and cumin, transfer to a small blender 1 sprig curry leaves
or food processor and process to a smooth paste.
Transfer to a bowl, pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) Heat the ghee for the spice paste in a deep, heavy-
water and mix together. Set aside. based frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the
fenugreek seeds and dal and fry for about 1 minute,
Combine the tamarind extract and spice mixture for or until the dal turns golden. Put the fried seeds and
pepper water in a heavy-based pan, season with salt dal in a bowl, pour in 125ml / 4540 oz 04 cup) water
and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for and soak for about 30 minutes. Drain, transfer to a
about 10 minutes, or until the raw aroma of tamarind small blender and process to make a smooth paste.
disappears. Mix in the spice paste with a little water, if
necessary, and return to the boil. Reduce the heat and Combine the tamarind extract, spice mixture for
simmer for 5 minutes, or until the rasam froths up. pepper water and asafoetida in the pan used for
frying the spices. Season with salt, then place over
Heat the ghee for the tempering in a small frying pan medium heat and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat
(skillet) over medium heat, add all the ingredients and simmer for about 10 minutes, or until the raw
for the tempering and stir-fry for about 1 minute, aroma of tamarind disappears. Add the tomato, spice
or until the mustard seeds start to splutter, then stir paste and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and simmer
into the rasam. for about 5 minutes, or until the rasam froths up.
Remove from the heat.

Heat the ghee for the tempering in a small frying

pan over medium heat, add all the ingredients for
the tempering and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or
until the mustard seeds start to splutter. Stir into
the rasam and garnish with chopped coriander.


0 / CD pp.279, 559 Heat the ghee or oil in a frying pan (skillet) over
medium heat, add the mustard and cumin seeds, dried
red chillies, garlic and curry leaves and stir-fry for
Keoti Dal about 1-2 minutes, or until the seeds start to splutter
Mixed Dal and the chillies turn a shade darker. Pour over
the dal, stir, then cover and simmer for 2 minutes.
Origin Hyderabad
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 30 minutes 0 / OB p.549
Serves 6

200g / 7oz (1 cup) toor (toover) dal, rinsed Aamati

and drained Sweet & Tangy Yellow Dal
4 tablespoons masoor dal, rinsed and drained
y2 teaspoon ground turmeric Origin Maharashtra
Preparation time 35 minutes, plus soaking time
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
Cooking time 15 minutes
lOOg / 31/20Z (1 small) onion, sliced
Serves 7-8
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) lOOg / 3Vzoz (Vz cup) toor (toover) dal, rinsed
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped and drained
1 sprig coriander (cilantro), leaves only, chopped 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
salt small pinch of asafoetida
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
For the tempering 1 onion, chopped
1 tablespoon ghee or vegetable oil 4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
Vz teaspoon mustard seeds 2 tomatoes, chopped
Vz teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon sugar
4 whole dried red chillies 2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
5-6 cloves garlic chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish
few curry leaves salt

Soak both dais in a bowl of water for 2 hours. Drain. Soak the dal in a bowl of water for 1 hour.

Bring 1 litre / 1% pints (4% cups) water to the boil in Drain the dal, transfer to a medium-sized, heavy-
a large, heavy-based pan. Add the dais, reserving based pan, pour in enough water to cover and bring
half the toor dal, then add the turmeric and season to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about
with salt. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 25 minutes, or until soft. Drain, return to the pan
20 minutes, or until soft. Drain, then return to the and mash with a wooden spatula.
pan and mash lightly with a wooden spatula.
Heat the oil in a medium-sized, heavy-based pan
Put the reserved dal in another pan, pour in enough over medium heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-
water to cover, then bring to the boil and cook for fry for i minute, or until they start to splutter, then
about 15 minutes, or until it is soft but still retains add the asafoetida, turmeric, onion, and chillies
a bite. Drain and set aside. and stir-fry for 5 minutes, or until the onion is light
brown. Add the tomatoes and fry for 3—4 minutes,
Heat the oil in another large, heavy-based pan over or until soft.
medium heat, add the onions and fry for about
5 minutes, or until light brown. Add the ginger and Add the mashed dal to the pan together with 250ml
garlic pastes and stir-fry for a further 1 minute. / 8fl oz (1 cup) water. Stir vigorously, then cook over
Now add the mashed dal and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) high heat until bubbles start rising to the top. Reduce
water, bring to the boil, add the reserved dal, the heat to medium, season with salt, then add the
chopped chillies, coriander and the lemon juice, and sugar and garam masala. Mix well and simmer for
stir. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5—10 minutes. a further 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and serve
garnished with chopped coriander.


sa p.547

Moog aur Palak ki Dal The Rasam

Dal with Spinach Tamil Nadu Piquant Soup

Origin Awadh Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 25 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 4

250g / 9oz (T/3 cups) toor (toover) dal, rinsed_ 2 tablespoons toor (toover) dal, rinsed and drained
and drained 2 teaspoons coriander seeds
Vi teaspoon ground turmeric 1 tablespoon cumin seeds
4 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee 2 teaspoons black peppercorns, roasted
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) and coarsely ground
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
250g / 9oz spinach, chopped 10Og / 31/20Z (1 small) tomato, chopped
4 green chillies, de-seeded and cut in half 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 small sprig coriander (cilantro), leaves only, chopped 4 cloves garlic, crushed
juice of 1 lemon salt
For the tempering
For the tempering 1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 2 dried red chillies, stems removed and wiped
4 dried red chillies with a damp cloth
y2 teaspoon mustard seeds 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
V2 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
5-6 cloves garlic pinch of asafoetida
few curry leaves 20 curry leaves

Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water to the boil in Heat a heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over low-
a large, heavy-based pan. Add the dal and turmeric medium heat, add the dal, coriander seeds, cumin
and season with salt, then reduce the heat and seeds and roasted ground pepper and fry briefly
cook for about 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain, then until they smell fragrant. Transfer to a spice grinder
return to the pan and mash lightly with a wooden or mortar and process or pound with a pestle to
spoon or spatula, then set aside. make a coarse powder. Set aside.

Heat the 4 tablespoons oil or ghee in a frying pan Put 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water in a large, heavy-
(skillet) over medium-low heat, add the ginger and based pan, add the tamarind extract, tomato and
garlic pastes and stir-fry for 1 minute, then add the turmeric and season with salt. Stir well, bring to
spinach and cook for a few minutes until almost the boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer,
tender. Add the cooked spinach mixture to the dal, stirring occasionally, for 8—10 minutes. Add the
add a little water, then return to the heat and cook crushed garlic and the dal-pepper powder, stir,
for 5-10 minutes. Stir in the chillies, coriander and cover, increase the heat to medium and cook until
lemon juice. the mixture begins to boil. Reduce the heat to low
and simmer while you make the tempering.
Heat the oil for the tempering in a small frying pan
over medium heat, add all the ingredients for the Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan over
tempering and stir-fry for 1—2 minutes, or until the medium heat, add the dried red chillies, mustard
mustard seeds start to splutter and the chillies turn seeds and cumin seeds and stir-fry for about
a shade darker. Pour over the dal, cover and simmer 1 minute, or until the seeds start to splutter. Add
for 2 minutes, or until hot. the asafoetida and curry leaves and stir-fry until
the leaves stop spluttering. Pour over the rasam
and mix well.


vp Vp Heat the ghee or oil for the tempering in the pan used
for frying the spices, add all the ingredients for the
tempering and stir-fry over medium heat for about
Kathirikkai Rasam 1 minute, or until the mustard seeds start to splutter.
Aubergine (Eggplant) Rasam Drain the aubergines, add to the pan with the tomato
and stir over the heat for about 2 minutes.
Origin Tamil Nadu
Stir in the tamarind extract, turmeric and spice
Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time
powder, then season with salt and simmer for about
Cooking time 20 minutes
10—12 minutes, or until the raw aroma of tamarind
Serves 6
disappears and the aubergines are tender.

10-12 small aubergines (eggplant)_

Add the cooked dal and if the rasam is too thick
4 tablespoons toor (toover) dal, rinsed and drained add more water. Simmer for a further 5 minutes,
1 tomato, chopped or until the rasam froths up. Remove from the heat
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) Tamarind Extract and garnish with chopped coriander.
(see page 58)_
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric
2-3 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves,
to garnish Masiyal
Spinach Mash
For the spice powder
3 teaspoons vegetable oil_ Origin Coastal
2 teaspoons coriander seeds
Preparation time 25 minutes
Cooking time 50 minutes
Vz teaspoon fenugreek seeds
Serves 4
Vz teaspoon black peppercorns
Vz teaspoon asafoetida 200g / 7oz (1 cup) toor (toover) dal, rinsed
3-4 dried red chillies and drained
1 teaspoon chana dal, rinsed and drained 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) Tamarind Extract
2 teaspoons grated fresh coconut (see page 58)
1 teaspoon Sambhar Masala (see page 32)
For the tempering 15-20 curry leaves, shredded
2 teaspoons ghee or vegetable oil 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 3 dried red chillies
1 dried red chilli, halved 3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 sprig curry leaves 500g / 1 lb 2 oz spinach leaves
Cut the aubergines into quarters and soak in a bowl
of salted water.
Put the dal in a large, heavy-based pan, pour in
750ml /1!4 pints (3% cups) water and bring to the boil.
Meanwhile, place the dal in a pressure cooker
Cook for about 40 minutes, or until the dal is soft.
with 375ml / i3fl oz (1/2 cups) water and cook under
Drain off any excess cooking water, then add the
pressure for 5 minutes. Alternatively, cook the
tamarind extract, sambhar masala and curry leaves
dal with the water in a large, heavy-based pan for
and season with salt. Set aside.
about 20 minutes, or until soft.

Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium heat,

Heat the oil for the spice powder in a deep, heavy-
add the mustard seeds and chillies and stir-fry for
based frying pan (skillet) over medium heat. Add all the
about 1-2 minutes. Pour over the dal and return the dal
ingredients for the spice powder, except the coconut,
to the boil. Mash the dal well with a wooden spatula.
and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes, or until the spices are
fragrant and the dal is golden. Mix in the coconut, then
Boil the spinach in a separate pan for a few minutes, or
transfer to a mortar or spice grinder and pound with a
until wilted. Drain and squeeze, to remove any excess
pestle or process to make a fine powder.
cooking water, then chop roughly. Add to the dal and
mash together with a wooden spatula or potato masher.


##/E®l p.122 Add 1 teaspoon oil to the pan used to cook the spices
and heat through. Add the grated coconut and fry for
1 minute. Add to the spices, then transfer to a mortar
Podi Sambhar or small blender and pound with a pestle or process
Sambhar with Fresh Ground Spices to make a smooth paste.

Origin Tamil Nadu Combine the vegetables, turmeric and tamarind

Preparation time 25-50 minutes extract in the pan used for frying spices. Season with
salt, then bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and
Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 6 simmer for about 10 minutes, or until the aroma
of raw tamarind disappears and the vegetables
are tender. Mix in the spice paste and simmer for
150 g / 5oz (% cup) toor (toover) dal, rinsed_
about 5 minutes. Pour in the cooked dal and simmer
and drained for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until
1 green or red (bell) pepper, de-seeded and cut into well blended.
small squares
1 mooli (daikon), cut into slices Heat the oil for the tempering in a small frying pan
over medium heat, add all the ingredients for the
1 (vegetable) drumstick, cut into 8-cm / 3-inch
tempering and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the
pieces mustard seeds start to splutter. Stir into the sambhar
1 potato, cut into cubes and garnish with chopped coriander.
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
375ml / 13fl oz (IV2 cups) Tamarind Extract
(see page 58)_ m
2 tablespoons finely chopped coriander (cilantro) Lachko Dal
leaves, to garnish Thick Yellow Toor (Toover) Dal

For the spice paste Origin North East India

2 teaspoons vegetable oil_ Preparation time 20-35 minutes, plus cooling time
6 dried red chillies Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
V2 teaspoon cumin seeds
200g / 7oz (1 cup) toor (toover) dal or arhar dal,
14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds_
rinsed and drained
V2 teaspoon asafoetida
1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger
2 teaspoons chana dal, rinsed and drained
14 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 tablespoons grated fresh coconut
1 tablespoon ghee_
14 teaspoon asafoetida
For the tempering
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 teaspoon mustard seeds Cook the dal with 1 litre / 1% pints (4'4 cups) water,
1 dried red chilli and the ginger and turmeric in a pressure cooker for
1 sprig curry leaves about 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow
to cool. Alternatively, cook the dal with the water
Heat 2 teaspoons oil for the spice paste in a deep, and spices in a large, heavy-based pan for about
heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, 25 minutes, then allow to cool. Drain and put the dal
add the dried red chillies, spices and dal and stir-fry into a clean pan.
for about 2 minutes, or until the chillies and spices
are fragrant and the dal is golden. Transfer to a bowl Heat the ghee in a small frying pan (skillet) over
and set aside. medium heat, add the asafoetida and stir-fry
for about 30 seconds, then pour over the cooked
Place the dal in a pressure cooker with 375ml /130 oz dal and mash with a wooden spatula or potato
(1/2cups) water and cook under pressure for about masher until smooth. Return to the heat, season
5 minutes. Alternatively, put the dal and water in a with salt and simmer for about 10 minutes, or
large, heavy-based pan and cook for about 25 minutes, until thick, then serve.
or until soft.


#/QQ p.550

Pudina Rasam Chholar Dal

Mint Rasam Chana Da! with Coconut

Preparation time 40 minutes Origin West Bengal

Cooking time 15 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Serves 6 Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 4
100 g / 3V2 oz (y2 cup) arhar dal or toor (toover) dal,
rinsed and drained 2 bay leaves_
V2 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long
1 bunch mint leaves 3- 4 green cardamom pods, seeds removed
2 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) 4- 6 cloves
1 y2 teaspoons coriander seeds 2 dried red chillies
3A teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
4 tablespoons black peppercorns 250g / 9oz (1V3 cups) chana dal, rinsed and drained
1 y2 tablespoons lime juice 5- 6 green chillies, split in half lengthways
salt and de-seeded
2 tablespoons coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
3 teaspoons sugar
For the tempering 1 tablespoon ghee
2 teaspoons ghee_ 1 small coconut, peeled and flesh cut into dice
14 tablespoons mustard seeds 50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) raisins
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon chilli powder
y2 teaspoon asafoetida 1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 dried red chilli salt
1 sprig curry leaves
Heat a tawa or frying pan (skillet) over medium-low
Place the dal in a pressure cooker with the turmeric heat, add the bay leaves, cinnamon stick, cardamom,
and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and cook under cloves, dried red chillies and cumin seeds and roast
pressure for about 5 minutes. Alternatively, put the for about 2 minutes, or until they start to darken
dal, turmeric and water in a heavy-based pan and and smell fragrant. Transfer to a mortar and pound
cook for about 25 minutes, or until the dal is soft. with a pestle or process in a spice grinder to make
a fine powder. Set aside.
Put the mint leaves, chillies, coriander seeds, cumin
seeds and peppercorns in a small blender, add Bring 1 litre / i3/< pints (4% cups) water to the boil
2 tablespoons water and process to a paste. in a pan, then add the dal, reduce the heat and cook,
stirring occasionally and removing the scum that
Transfer the dal to a heavy-based pan, add 500ml rises to the surface with a slotted spoon, for
/ i8fl oz (2% cups) water and whisk well. Add the 30 minutes, or until the dal is soft. Add the split
mint and spice paste, season with salt and mix well. chillies, turmeric and sugar and season with salt.
Place the pan over high heat and bring to the boil.
Add more water if the rasam is too thick. Reduce Heat the ghee in a small frying pan over high heat.
the heat and simmer for about 5 minutes, or until Reduce the heat to medium, add the coconut and
the rasam froths up. Remove from the heat and stir stir-fry for a few minutes, or until the coconut
in the lime juice. is brown, then pour over the dal. Add the raisins,
cover and simmer for about 5 minutes. Sprinkle the
Heat the ghee for the tempering in a small frying pan ground spices, chilli powder and ground cumin over
(skillet) over medium heat, add all the ingredients the dal and cover. Do not stir until ready to serve.
for the tempering and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or
until the mustard seeds start to splutter. Stir into
the rasam and garnish with coriander leaves. Serve
hot as an appetizer or with plain rice.


00 p.560 vp' mv'

Chana Dal Lauki Waali Mangalore Saar

Chana Dal with Bottle Gourd Rasam from Mangalore

Origin Awadh Origin Coastal

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 25 minutes
Cooking time 35-40 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 7-8 Serves 6

400g /14oz (2 cups) chana dal, rinsed and drained 3 teaspoons vegetable oil_
200g / 7oz bottle gourd (calabash), rinsed, peeled 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
and cut into medium-sized pieces 14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
2 teaspoons chilli powder % teaspoon black peppercorns_
2 tablespoons sliced fresh ginger 2 teaspoons chana dal, rinsed and drained_
1V2 teaspoons ground turmeric 1V2 teaspoons urad dal, rinsed and drained
3 teaspoons ground coriander 1 sprig curry leaves
8 cloves garlic 2 teaspoons grated fresh coconut
1 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) Tamarind Extract
salt (see page 58)
small bunch of mint leaves, chopped, to garnish salt_
2 tablespoons coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish
For the tempering Plain Rice, to serve (see page 631)
2 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil_
1 tablespoon cumin seeds, roasted For the tempering
1 onion, sliced 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
Soak the dal in a large bowl of water for about V2 teaspoon asafoetida
1 hour. Drain.
Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a kadhai or deep, heavy-
Put the dal in a deep, heavy-based pan together with based frying pan (skillet) over medium heat. Add
the bottle gourd and the spices and garlic. Bring to the spices, dais and curry leaves and fry, stirring
the boil, then reduce the heat and cook for about constantly, for 1—2 minutes, or until the spices are
30 minutes, or until the dal is cooked. Remove from fragrant and the dais are golden. Transfer to a bowl
the heat, season with salt and set aside.
Add 1 teaspoon oil to the pan and heat through.
Heat the ghee or oil for the tempering in a frying Add the coconut and stir-fry for 2 minutes, or until
pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the roasted golden. Transfer the coconut to the bowl, add the
cumin seeds and onion and stir-fry for about tamarind extract and season with salt. Transfer
5—7 minutes, or until the onion is golden brown. to a small blender or food processor and process
Make sure the cumin seeds do not burn. Pour to make a smooth paste. Return the spice paste
over the dal, then stir in the garam masala. Serve, to the pan, pour in 600ml / 1 pint iz/i cups) water
garnished with chopped mint. and whisk well, then bring to the boil. Reduce
the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes, or until
the aroma of raw tamarind disappears.

Heat the oil for the tempering in a small frying pan

over medium heat, add all the ingredients for the
tempering and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
the mustard seeds start to splutter. Stir into the
rasam and garnish with coriander leaves. Serve hot
with Plain Rice.


# / m p.469 Drain the chickpeas, put into a large, heavy-based
pan and pour in enough water to cover. Bring to
the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for
Pindi Chana 30 minutes. Remove from the heat, set aside for
Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans) 1 hour and drain just before cooking.
from Rawalpindi
To make the aromatic potli, put the cardamom pods,
cinnamon sticks, cloves, crushed ginger and tea
Origin Punjab leaves in a small piece of muslin (cheesecloth) and
Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking secure the top with kitchen string (twine) to make
and standing time
a pouch.
Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 4 Put the drained chickpeas in a large, heavy-based
pan and add 1 litre / 1% pints (4% cups) fresh water.
400g / 14oz (214 cups) dried chickpeas_ Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to low and
(garbanzo beans), rinsed and drained_ remove any scum from the surface with a slotted
4 tablespoons vegetable oil spoon. Add the 4 teaspoons oil and the potli, cover
1 teaspoon cumin seeds and simmer for about 25 minutes, or until cooked
but still firm. Make sure the chickpeas are not too
1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour__
soft and their skins are not peeling off. Remove from
1 teaspoon ajwain seeds the heat and set aside.
5 teaspoons ground pomegranate seeds
2 teaspoons amchoor Heat the remaining oil in a kadhai or wok over
1 teaspoon chilli powder medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for
about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
1 teaspoon ground black rock salt
the gram flour and stir-fry for about 30 seconds, or
2 teaspoons ground fenugreek
until fragrant, then add the remaining ingredients
generous pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) and stir-fry for about 1 minute. Season with salt.
salt Add the cooked chickpeas and stir until well mixed.
Remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning, if
For the aromatic potli necessary. Transfer to a serving dish and garnish
with tomatoes, onion rings, chillies, lemon wedges
6 black cardamom pods_
and the soaked ginger juliennes.
4 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
4 cloves
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and crushed
2 teaspoons tea leaves
4 teaspoons vegetable oil

To garnish
1 x 5-mm / %-inch piece fresh ginger,
cut into juliennes
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tomatoes, cut into wedges
1 onion, cut into rings
2 green chillies, de-seeded
3 lemons, cut into wedges

Soak the chickpeas in a large bowl of water for

2 hours.

Put the ginger juliennes for the garnish in a small

bowl, add the lemon juice and set aside.


/7p' '7JVS Add 125ml / 4'/2fl oz cup) water if necessary and

simmer for about 7 minutes, or until well blended.

Stir in the spice paste and continue simmering for
Ghashhi 7 minutes. Heat the oil for the tempering in a small
Chickpea (Garbanzo Bean) Curry frying pan over medium heat, add all the ingredients
from Mangalore for the tempering and stir-fry for about 1 minute,
or until the mustard seeds start to splutter, then stir
into the chickpeas and mix well.
Origin Coastal
Preparation time 1 Vz-2Vz hours, plus soaking time
Cooking time 25 minutes
Serves 6

200g / 7oz (1 cup) dried chickpeas (garbanzo beans), Khatte Chole

rinsed and drained Sour Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans)
2 potatoes, cut into cubes_
y2 teaspoon ground turmeric Origin Punjab
1 sprig curry leaves Preparation time 1 Yz-2 hours, plus soaking time
salt Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4
For the spice paste
400g / 14oz (2 cups) dried chickpeas
1 teaspoon vegetable oil_
(garbanzo beans), rinsed and drained
4 dried red chillies
2 tea bags
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
3 teaspoons vegetable oil or ghee
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
80g / 2%oz (1 cup) grated fresh coconut
80g / 2%oz C/2 cup) grated onions
1 tablespoon finely grated fresh ginger
For the tempering
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
2 tomatoes, pureed
Yz teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon amchoor
Yz teaspoon asafoetida
1 dried red chilli
2-3 curry leaves
To garnish
Soak the chickpeas in a bowl of water for 8 hours sliced onion_
or overnight. green chillies
chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Drain the chickpeas and rinse well. Place them in
a pressure cooker with 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) Soak the chickpeas in a bowl of water overnight.
water and season with salt. Cook under pressure for
about 10 minutes. Alternatively, cook the chickpeas The next day, put the drained chickpeas in a large,
with the water in a large, heavy-based pan for about heavy-based pan. Add the tea bags and water to
i'/i—2'/i hours, or until soft. cover and bring to the boil. Cover, reduce the heat
and cook for i'/2—2 hours, or until cooked. Drain.
Heat the oil for the spice paste in a kadhai or deep
frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the Heat the oil or ghee in another large, heavy-based
dried red chillies and coriander seeds and stir-fry pan over medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-
for about 1—2 minutes, or until fragrant. Mix all fry for about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter.
the ingredients for the spice paste, including the Add the onions and ginger and stir-fry for about
tamarind extract, in a mortar or spice grinder and 3—4 minutes. Now add the garam masala and stir-fry
pound with a pestle or process to a smooth paste. for a further 1 minute. Pour in 750ml / \'h pints
(314 cups) water, add the tomato puree and season.
Transfer the chickpeas with the cooking liquid to Add the chickpeas, stir well, sprinkle over the
the pan used for frying the spices and mix in the amchoor and cook for 10 minutes, or until dry. Serve
potatoes, turmeric and curry leaves and season with hot, garnished with onions, chillies and coriander.
salt, if needed.



Pesarcharu Rajasthani Karhi

Pepper Water with Green Chickpeas Gram (Chickpea) Flour & Yoghurt Curry

Origin Andhra Pradesh Origin Rajasthan

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 40 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 kg / 2141b (53£ cups) hara chana, rinsed and drained 200ml / 7fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 50g / 1%oz (3/3 cup) gram (chickpea) flour
3/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon chilli powder
34 teaspoon ground fenugreek 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 cloves 4 teaspoons groundnut (peanut) oil
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon chopped garlic pinch of asafoetida
1 tablespoon chilli powder 2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) Tamarind Extract (see page 58) 1 teaspoon chopped green chilli
1 teaspoon sugar salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
pinch of ground turmeric For the tempering
salt 1 tablespoon ghee or vegetable oil
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
For the tempering 4 whole dried red chillies
4 dried red chillies_
1 teaspoon mustard seeds Put the yoghurt in a large bowl, pour in 1 litre
/ 134 pints (4'A cups) water and stir together. Now
8 curry leaves
add the gram flour, chilli powde and turmeric and
season with salt, then mix well.
Put the hara chana in a pan, pour in about 600ml /
1 pint (z'h cups) water, bring to the boil and boil for
Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over low heat,
about 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain, reserving the
add the cumin seeds, asafoetida, garlic paste and
cooking water in another pan.
chilli and stir-fry for about 30 seconds. Add the
yoghurt mixture and simmer for about 10 minutes, or
Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a frying pan (skillet)
until the karhi is cooked and of pouring consistency.
over medium heat, add the ground cumin, fenugreek,
cloves, cinnamon and garlic and stir-fry for about
Heat the ghee or oil for the tempering in a frying
1—2 minutes, or until browned. Transfer to a mortar
pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the cumin
or spice grinder, add 1 tablespoon of the cooked
seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they
hara chana and the chilli powder and pound with
start to splutter, then add the dried red chillies and
a pestle or process until ground.
fry for a further 2 minutes, or until they turn
a shade darker. Pour over the karhi and adjust
Add the tamarind extract, sugar, ground fried spice
the seasoning, if necessary.
mixture, pepper and turmeric to the reserved water.
Season with salt, mix well and cook for 5-8 minutes.

Heat the remaining oil in a small frying pan over

medium heat, add the ingredients for the tempering
and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until the chillies
turn a shade darker. Pour over the dal mixture, cover
and cook for about 2 minutes.


Working in batches, carefully drop the balls into
the hot oil and deep-fry for a few minutes until
golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon, transfer
Dahi ki Karhi to a bowl of tepid water, and leave for 5 minutes.
Yoghurt & Gram (Chickpea) Flour Curry Squeeze out the water, then drop the balls into
the karhi.
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 1 Va hours, plus soaking Heat the oil for the tempering in a small frying pan
and standing time (skillet) over medium heat, add the dried red chillies,
Cooking time 15 minutes cumin and garlic and stir-fry briefly until the chillies
Serves 6 turn a shade darker. Pour over the cooked karhi and
cover immediately to retain the aroma. Serve hot.
For the karhi
500ml / 18fl oz {2Va cups) soured natural (plain) mm
/7Jv' Vjvv

2 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour
Vz teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_ Karadla Igguru
Vz teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) Vegetable Curry with Crisp Gram
2 teaspoons ground cumin (Chickpea) Flour Balls
2 onions, thinly sliced
Origin Andhra Pradesh
12 curry leaves
Preparation time 15-20 minutes
6 green chillies
Cooking time 25 minutes
Vz teaspoon ground turmeric Serves 4
6 cloves garlic
salt 180g / 6oz (% cup) ghee_
Plain Boiled Rice, to serve (see page 631) 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
Vz teaspoon fenugreek seeds
For the bhajias Vz teaspoon cumin seeds
3 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour 8 curry leaves
pinch of salt 2 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour
Vz teaspoon chilli powder 2 potatoes, cut into 1 -cm / 1 -inch cubes
pinch of baking powder 12 green beans, cut into 1 -cm / 1/2-inch pieces
vegetable oil, for deep-frying 1 kg / 2141b (about 7 medium) tomatoes, pureed
8 green chillies
For the tempering 2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons vegetable oil_ 2 bunches coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
4 dried red chillies 1 cup small fried gram (chickpea) flour balls (see
Vz teaspoon cumin seeds, ground bhajias, left)
1 clove garlic, crushed salt

Process all the ingredients for the karhi in a food Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
processor or blender. Transfer to a deep, heavy-based heat, add the mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, cumin
pan and cook, stirring occasionally so it doesn't stick seeds and curry leaves and fry for about 1 minute,
to the base (bottom) of the pan, for about 45 minutes, or until the mustard seeds start to splutter. Add the
or until the mixture is very smooth. gram flour and fry for 1—2 minutes, or until fragrant.
Add the potatoes and beans together with the pureed
While the karhi is cooking, put the gram flour, a tomatoes, chillies, sugar and coriander leaves and
pinch of salt, the chilli powder and a pinch of baking season with salt. Reduce the heat slightly and simmer
powder in a bowl and mix in enough water to make for about 15 minutes, or until cooked.
a stiff paste. Set aside for about 20 minutes.
Remove from the heat and scatter the fried gram
Divide the paste into small balls. Heat enough oil flour balls over the top just before serving so that
for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep, heavy-based they stay crisp.
pan to i8o‘C/350°F, or until a cube of bread browns
in 30 seconds.



Sindhi Karhi Kokam ni Karhi

Gram (Chickpea) Flour in Tamarind Curry Sweet & Sour Yoghurt Soup

Origin Sindh Origin Gujarat

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 40 minutes Cooking time 25 minutes
Serves 8 Serves 4

2 (vegetable) drumsticks, cut into pieces_ 375ml / 13fl oz (V/z cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
3 tablespoons vegetable oil 4 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour_
1 teaspoon cumin seeds__ 1 litre / 1% pints [4Vz cups) masoor dal_
pinch of asafoetida cooking water (see page 573)
Vz teaspoon fenugreek seeds 3-4 tablespoons jaggery or soft brown sugar
3 teaspoons chopped ginger 3-4 black kokum
8-10 curry leaves 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
4-6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped 1 tablespoon chilli paste_
3-4 dried red chillies, broken in half 2 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil
30g /1 oz (14 cup) gram (chickpea) flour Vz teaspoon mustard seeds
100ml / 3M oz {Vz cup) Tamarind Extract Vz teaspoon fenugreek seeds
(see page 58) Vz teaspoon cumin seeds
2 carrots, sliced Vz teaspoon asafoetida
20-30 French (green) beans, cut into short lengths 3-4 dried red chillies
2 tomatoes, chopped few curry leaves
2 potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes 2 small aubergines (eggplant), trimmed
1 aubergine (eggplant), cut into cubes and cut into cubes
1 tablespoon jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar 1 white radish, cut into long thin slices
1 teaspoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves, salt
to garnish
salt Put the yoghurt, gram flour and cooking water in
a large bowl and mix together until smooth. Add the
steamed rice, to serve
jaggery or sugar, kokum and ginger and chilli pastes
and season with salt. Transfer the mixture to a large,
Boil the drumsticks in a pan of water for 15 minutes,
heavy-based pan and bring almost to the boil. Cook
then drain and set aside.
over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
Heat the oil in a medium-sized, heavy-based pan
Heat the ghee or oil in a small pan over medium
over medium heat, add the cumin seeds, asafoetida,
heat, add the mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds and
fenugreek seeds, ginger, curry leaves and chillies
cumin seeds and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
and stir-fry for about 1 minute. Now add the gram
they start to splutter. Add the asafoetida, dried red
flour and stir-fry for about 3 minutes, or until lightly
chillies and curry leaves, then add the vegetables
browned, then remove from the heat.
and cook for about 5 minutes, or until the vegetables
are soft. Now add to the yoghurt mixture and bring
Add the tamarind extract, 750ml / i'/< pints (3% cups)
almost to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for
water and all the vegetables including thedrumsticks.
about 15 minutes before serving hot.
Reheat the pan over low heat and cook, stirring
frequently, for about 25 minutes, or until all the
vegetables are tender. Season with salt.

Add the jaggery and bring the mixture to the boil.

Immediately remove from the heat and garnish with
chopped coriander. Serve with steamed rice.


# / QQ p.545

Masoor ki Dal Masoor Dal

Red or Black Dal Split Red Dal

Origin Pan-Indian Origin Awadh

Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time Preparation time 25 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

250g / 9oz (f/3 cups) masoor dal_

250g / 9oz (1 Vz cups) masoor dal, rinsed and drained
(split red or whole black), rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
pinch of asafoetida
1 teaspoon ghee or vegetable oil
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
4 dried red chillies
chilli powder, to taste
Vz teaspoon ajwain seeds, ground
1 teaspoon ground coriander
20g / %oz (Vz cup) chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
4 green chillies, split in half lengthways and de-seeded
and crushed
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) rice cooking water
(see page 631) Put 1.2 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) water in a large, heavy-
3V2 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil based pan and add the masoor dal and turmeric.
Vz teaspoon cumin seeds Bring to the boil and remove the scum from the
surface with a slotted spoon, then reduce the heat.
2 cloves
Season with salt and simmer for about 20 minutes,
25g /1 oz dried mint or until the dal is soft. Stir to break up the dal.
Heat the ghee or oil in a frying pan (skillet) over
Soak the dal in a bowl of water for 1 hour. medium heat, add the dried red chillies and ground
ajwain seeds and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until
Drain the dal, then transfer it to a round, heavy- the chillies turn a shade darker. Pour over the dal,
based pan, pour in enough water to cover, then then cover and simmer for about 2 minutes. Add the
add half the asafoetida and the turmeric and chopped coriander and green chillies before serving.
season with salt. Cover and bring to the boil. Cook
for about 10 minutes, or until most of the water has
evaporated and the dal shows signs of softening.
Add about 125ml / 4'/ifl oz 04 cup) water, cover again,
reduce the heat to low and cook for a further 10-15
minutes, or until the dal is soft. Let all the water
evaporate and when the dal is almost dry, turn it
with a ladle in a circular motion for about 5 minutes.
Add the chilli powder, coriander, ginger and rice
cooking water, and pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup)
hot water. Make sure the water is hot or lumps will
form in the dal. Continue to cook, stirring slowly, for
about 5 minutes, or until the dal is fairly thick.

Heat the ghee or oil over medium heat, add the

asafoetida, cumin seeds and cloves and stir-fry for
about 1 minute, or until hot. Pour over the dal and
sprinkle with dried mint.


Aratidhoota Pappu Masoor Pappu Charu
Dal with Banana Stems Spicy Pepper Water

Origin Andhra Pradesh Origin Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 25 minutes
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

200g / 7oz (1 cup) masoor dal, rinsed and drained 4 tablespoons masoor dal, rinsed and drained_
1 cup banana stems 2 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil
buttermilk, for soaking (optional) 6 dried red chillies_
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon black peppercorns
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained 1 tablespoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds pinch of asafoetida
1- 2 dried red chillies 4 onions, sliced
7-8 curry leaves 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
1 teaspoon asafoetida y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
Vt. teaspoon ground turmeric y2 teaspoon jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar
4 tablespoons Tamarind Extract (see page 58) 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, finely chopped
2- 3 teaspoons jaggery, crumbled, or soft brown sugar salt
For the tempering
Put the dal in a large, heavy-based pan, pour in
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
375ml / i!4 pints (1/2 cups) water and cook for
4 dried red chillies
about 25 minutes, or until very soft. Drain well
and set aside. 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
10 curry leaves
Discard the outer layer of the banana stems and
chop them into thick, round slices. As you chop, Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (2!U cups) water to the boil in a
discard the fibrous strands and soak the pieces large pan, add the dal, reduce the heat and simmer for
in buttermilk or water to avoid any discoloration. about 20 minutes, or until the dal is soft. Drain, then
Wash well and cut into small dice. return to the pan and mash with a wooden spatula.

Heat the oil in a medium-sized pan over medium Heat the ghee or oil in a frying pan (skillet) over
heat, add the urad dal and stir-fry for about medium heat, add the dried red chillies, peppercorns,
1-2 minutes, or until it turns golden. Add the coriander seeds, cumin seeds and asafoetida and stir-
mustard seeds and fenugreek seeds and stir-fry for fry for about 2 minutes, or until the chillies turn
about 1 minute, or until they turn brown. Reduce a shade darker. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.
the heat and add the dried red chillies. Stir-fry for
a further 2 minutes, or until they turn a shade Transfer the cooled spices to a small blender, add
darker, then stir in the curry leaves and asafoetida. the onions and process until ground. Add the
Add the diced banana stems and stir for another tamarind extract and turmeric, then season and mix
minute. Add the turmeric, tamarind extract and into the dal. Add 750ml / 1 ‘A pints (3Vi cups) water and
jaggery or sugar and season with salt. Cook for about the jaggery and cook for 5 minutes.
5 minutes, or until the banana is well done. Finally,
add the cooked masoor dal and simmer for few Meanwhile, to prepare the tempering, heat the oil
minutes until heated through. in a small frying pan over medium heat, add the
dried red chillies, mustard seeds and curry leaves
and stir-fry for 2 minutes, or until they turn dark
brown. Pour over the dal and cover immediately
to retain the aroma. Simmer for 2 minutes, then
garnish with coriander.


0 0 TP

Nimakai Rasam Moong Dal

Lime-flavoured Pepper Water Yellow Dal with Vegetables

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Awadh

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 25-30 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6

200g / 7oz (1 cup) masoor dal, rinsed and drained 400g / 14oz (2 cups) moong dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon ground coriander 125ml / 4y2fl oz (Vz cup) vegetable oil,
Vz teaspoon ground black pepper plus extra for frying
14 teaspoon ground cumin 2 potatoes, cut into small pieces
juice of 2 limes ' 200g / 7oz (2 cups) cauliflower florets
Vz teaspoon ground garlic 3 bay leaves
4 dried red chillies, ground 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
pinch of asafoetida 3-4 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
salt 2 bunches spinach, finely chopped
1 Vz teaspoons sugar
For the tempering 1 Vz teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 375g / 13oz (V/z cups) ghee
2 dried red chillies salt
Vz teaspoon mustard seeds
Put the moong dal in a pan and fry, stirring
5 curry leaves
constantly, for 2 minutes, or until golden. Moong dal
tends to burn quickly after a certain temperature,
Put the dal in a large bowl, pour in 500ml / i8fl oz
so keep a careful eye on it. Remove from the heat
(2% cups) water and soak for about 1 hour.
and rinse the dal under cold running water, then
transfer it to a large, heavy-based pan. Pour in
Drain the dal and transfer to a large pan. Pour in
enough water to cover and bring to the boil. Reduce
750ml / 114 pints (3'4 cups) water, bring to the boil
the heat and simmer for 20 minutes, or until soft but
and cook for about 20 minutes. Drain, return to the
not overcooked.
pan and mash well with a wooden spatula.

Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,

Heat a tawa or frying pan (skillet) until hot. Add
heavy-based pan to i8o’C/350°F, or until a cube of
the ground coriander, pepper and cumin and stir-
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches if
fry for about 30 seconds, or until roasted. Add the
necessary, deep-fry the potatoes and cauliflower for
lime juice, then add the garlic, chillies, asafoetida,
2-3 minutes, or until well cooked but not too soft.
mashed dal and chopped coriander and season with
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
salt. Pour in 1 litre / i34 pints (414 cups) water and
paper (paper towels). Remove all the debris, if any,
mix to combine.
from the oil.
To prepare the tempering, heat the oil in a small
Add the bay leaves and cumin seeds to the same
frying pan over medium heat, add all the ingredients
oil and stir-fry over medium heat for 30 seconds,
for the tempering and stir-fry for about 2 minutes,
then add the chillies and ginger paste and stir-fry
or until the chillies turn a shade darker. Pour the
for a further 1 minute. Add the fried vegetables,
seasoning over the dal and immediately cover to
the spinach, cooked dal and sugar and season with
retain the aroma. Bring to the boil and cook for a
salt. Bring to the boil, add the garam masala and
further 3 minutes.
ghee and cook until heated through.


# / QD pp.554, 555 Heat the oil or ghee in a large frying pan (skillet) over
medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry for
about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the
Moong Dal Khilwan asafoetida and stir-fry for 30 seconds, or until it puffs
up. Add the dried red chillies, turmeric, 3 tablespoons
Ginger-flavoured Moong Beans
water and season with salt. Stir-fry for about
3-4 minutes, or until all the liquid has evaporated.
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking time
Add the cooked dal and stir-fry gently for a further
Cooking time 20 minutes
4 minutes, making sure the dal does not get mashed.
Serves 4
Add the tomatoes and stir-fry for 1 minute, then
add the ground pepper, black cardamom, green
300g / 11 oz (1V2 cups) whole moong beans, rinsed cardamom and cloves, stir and add the lemon juice.
and drained Stir again to combine, then remove from the heat
4 green chillies, split in half lengthways and de-seeded and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
3 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
generous pinch of asafoetida
4 dried red chillies
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric Payatham Pezhukku
1 tomato, de-seeded and diced Moong Bean Dal
generous pinch of ground black pepper
generous pinch of ground black cardamom Origin Kerala
generous pinch of ground green cardamom Preparation time 10 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 30 minutes
pinch of ground cloves
Serves 4
2 tablespoons lemon juice
salt 200g / 7oz (1 cup) whole moong dal, rinsed
and drained
For the aromatic potli 4 dried red chillies
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger 2 teaspoons coconut oil
1 teaspoon cloves 10-15 curry leaves
2 black cardamom pods salt
6 black peppercorns, roasted and coarsely ground
1 teaspoon coriander seeds Soak the whole moong beans in a bowl of water
1 teaspoon chilli powder overnight.

Soak the whole moong beans in a bowl of water The next day, drain the moong beans and cook them
overnight. with the dried red chillies in a large, heavy-based
pan of boiling water for about 30 minutes, or until
The next day, drain the whole moong dal. Put all the soft. Drain and transfer to a serving dish.
ingredients for the aromatic potli, except the ginger,
in a mortar and pound with a pestle until crushed Season the dal with salt, add the coconut oil and
or process in a food processor, then wrap in a piece curry leaves and mix well.
of muslin (cheesecloth) together with the ginger and
secure with kitchen string (twine).

Put 750ml / 1‘A pints (3'A cups) water in a large, heavy-

based pan, add the moong beans, chillies and the
aromatic potli. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat
to low, cover and simmer for about 30 minutes, or
until the dal is soft and almost cooked. Uncover and
remove and discard the aromatic potli.


00 vF*

Dal ka Kima Aam Ada Diya Bhaaja Moong Dal

Moong Dal with Peas Roasted Split Moong Dal with Galangal

Origin Awadh Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 35 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

125g / 414oz (% cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained 250g / 9oz (II/3 cups) split moong dal,
20 cloves garlic rinsed and drained
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
350g / 12oz (1Vs cups) ghee 1 teaspoon chilli powder
4 onions, ground to a paste 4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
3 teaspoons coriander seeds, ground 1 teaspoon ghee or vegetable oil
Vs. teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
3 tomatoes, skinned and chopped 2 dried red chillies
250g / 9oz (1 % cups) peas, shelled if fresh 1 bay leaf
Vs teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) 2 tablespoons galangal paste
6 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves 2 tablespoons milk
salt salt

Soak the dal in a large bowl of water for 8—10 hours. Heat a tawa or frying pan (skillet) until hot, add the
split moong dal and roast for a few minutes until
Drain the dal, transfer to a blender or food processor golden brown. Remove from the heat and allow to
and process until coarsely ground. Transfer to a bowl. cool, then rinse under cold running water.

Put the garlic and ginger in a small blender or food Bring 1.2 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) water to the boil in
processor and process until ground. Set aside. a large pan, add the dal, turmeric and chilli powder,
reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes,
Heat 250g / 9 oz (1 cup) ghee in a frying pan (skillet) removing the scum from the surface with a slotted
over medium heat, add the dal and fry, scraping the spoon. Season with salt, then add the chillies and
sides of the pan with a wooden spoon to prevent simmer for a further 20 minutes, or until the dal is soft.
the dal sticking to the pan, for a few minutes until
golden. Do not allow the dal to brown. Remove from Heat the ghee or oil in a frying pan over medium heat,
the pan, drain and set aside. add the cumin seeds, dried red chillies and bay leaf
and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until the chillies
Heat the remaining ghee in the frying pan over low- turn a shade darker. Add to the dal, cover again and
medium heat, add the ground onions and stir-fry for simmer for a further 3 minutes. Add the galangal
about 2 minutes, or until golden. Add the ground paste, sugar and milk, and cook over low heat for
garlic and ginger and a little water and cook for about about 2 minutes to allow the dal to absorb the
1 minute. Stir in the ground coriander, turmeric and flavours. Heat through without boiling before serving.
tomatoes and season with salt, then cook for about
7 minutes, or until the mixture is paste-like. Add the
fried dal, pour in 500ml / i8fl oz iz'U cups) water,
cover, reduce the heat to low and cook for about
15 minutes. Add the peas and cook for a further
5—10 minutes, or until the peas are tender, adding
more water, if necessary. Stir in the garam masala and
yoghurt and cook, stirring, for a few more minutes
until the mixture is dry. Sprinkle with chopped
coriander and serve.


'71'' '71'' Meanwhile, heat the ghee or oil for the tempering
in a frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add
the cumin seeds and mustard seeds and stir-fry
Karhi Pakori for about 1 minute, or until the seeds start to
Dumpling & Yoghurt Curry splutter. Add the asafoetida and stir-fry for about
30 seconds, or until the asafoetida puffs up, then
add the dried red chillies and stir-fry for a further
Origin Punjab
2 minutes, or until they turn a shade darker.
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time
Pour over the simmering karhi, then remove from
Cooking time 30 minutes
the heat and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
Serves 4

For the karhi p.117

500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
4 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour Tali Mangori
1 teaspoon chilli powder Fried Moong Dal Dumplings
Origin Awadh
For the pakori Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 25 minutes
IQOg / 3y2QZ (V2 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
Serves 4
pinch of salt
vegetable oil or ghee, for deep-frying 200g / 7oz (1 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) ginger tomato sauce
For the tempering 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil
125g / 4oz 0/2 cup) ghee or vegetable oil 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves,
2 teaspoons cumin seeds to garnish
1 teaspoon mustard seeds salt
pinch of asafoetida
6-8 dried red chillies Soak the dal in a large bowl of water for 8—10 hours,

To make the karhi, put the yoghurt in a bowl, add Drain the dal, then transfer to a blender or food
the remaining ingredients, season with salt and processor and process to make to a very smooth
whisk to mix well. Pour in i litre / i!/< pints (4% cups) paste. Transfer the paste to a bowl and, with your
water and whisk again. Set aside. hand, beat well. Season with salt.

For the pakori, soak the dal in a bowl of water for Put the ginger tomato sauce in a pan.
about 2 hours. Drain, transfer to a blender or food
processor, add the salt and about 500ml / i8fl oz Heat the oil in a flat kadhai or large, heavy-based
(2% cups) water and process to make a fluffy batter. frying pan (skillet) over high heat. Take a handful
Transfer to a bowl. of paste and, using your thumb and index finger,
carefully squeeze pieces of the paste into the hot
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy- oil. Reduce the heat and fry without turning for
based pan to i8o°C/35o"F, or until a cube of bread a few minutes until bubbles appear on the surface.
browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, drop small This allows the steam to escape and ensures that
ladlefuls of the batter into the hot oil and deep-fry the mangories do not become hard. Turn the
for about 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove mangories over and fry for a few more minutes
with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon
(paper towels). and transfer to the ginger tomato sauce. Cook
for a further 10-15 minutes, adding a little water,
Put the yoghurt mixture in a heavy-based pan, bring if necessary, until hot. Sprinkle with chopped
almost to the boil, then reduce the heat to low, cover coriander and serve.
and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 5-10 minutes,
or until the yoghurt is a thin sauce consistency. Add
the deep-fried pakori, return to the boil, reduce the
heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, for
4-5 minutes.


vjv» /7F' Add the mangories and cook for a further 1-2
minutes. Pour in 1 litre / 1% pints (4% cups) water,
cover and cook over low heat for 15—20 minutes,
Sookhi Mangori or until the mangories are tender. Stir in the
Dried Moong Dal Dumplings garam masala before serving.

Origin Rajasthan
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking
and drying time
Cooking time 40 minutes
Serves 4 Molagootal
Moong Dal with Vegetables
For the mangori
250g / 9oz (VA cups) moong dal, rinsed and drained Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 35 minutes
1 x 1 -cm / y2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
Cooking time 15 minutes
pinch of asafoetida Serves 4
4 tablespoons ghee
IQOg / 3V2QZ (V2 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
For the sauce 180g / 614oz (1 cup) chopped mixed vegetables
2 tablespoons ghee_ 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
2 onions, grated 3-4 dried red chillies
6 cloves garlic, ground 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 30g / 114 oz (V2 cup) grated fresh coconut
and ground 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
2 teaspoons ground coriander seeds 1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 10-15 curry leaves, to garnish
pinch of chilli powder salt
2 tomatoes, chopped
teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) Put the moong dal in a dry frying pan (skillet)
and stir-fry over medium heat for 2-3 minutes,
or until roasted.
Soak the dal in a large bowl of water for 8—io hours.
Cook the chopped vegetables in a pan of boiling
salted water for about 3-5 minutes, or until soft.
Drain the dal and transfer to a blender or food
Drain and set aside.
processor. Add the piece of ginger and the asafoetida
and process to make a smooth paste. Transfer to
Heat h teaspoon oil in a small frying pan over low-
a bowl and, using your hand, beat well.
medium heat, add the dried red chillies and cumin
seeds and stir-fry for 1—2 minutes, or until the chillies
Using your thumb and index fingers, carefully
turn a shade darker. Transfer the fried spices to a
squeeze a piece of the paste on to a straw mat and
mortar or small blender, add the coconut and pound
repeat until all the paste is used up, then leave to
with a pestle or process to make a smooth paste.
dry in the sun for 2—3 days.

Combine the moong dal, cooked vegetables and

Heat 4 tablespoons ghee in a pan over medium
ground paste in a clean pan and mix well. Pour in
heat, add the dried balls or mangories in batches,
enough water to bring to the desired consistency,
if necessary, and fry lightly. Remove from the
and bring to the boil.
heat and set aside.
Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a small frying
To make the sauce, heat the 2 tablespoons ghee
pan over medium heat, add the mustard seeds and
in a frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add
urad dal and fry for about 1 minute, or until the
the onions and fry for about 5-7 minutes, or until
mustard seeds start to splutter. Remove the moong
golden brown. Stir in 3—4 teaspoons water, add
dal and vegetable mixture from the heat and pour
the garlic and ginger and cook for 1 minute. Stir in
over the mustard seeds and urad dal. Garnish with
the coriander seeds, turmeric, chilli powder and
curry leaves.
tomatoes and season with salt. Cook for about
5-7 minutes, or until the mixture is paste-like.


/r\v' Heat the ghee for frying in a kadhai or deep, heavy-
based pan over high heat. Working in batches,
add the dal cubes and fry for 2-3 minutes, or until
Dal ki Kaleji golden brown all over. Remove with a slotted spoon
Fried Moong Dal Cubes In Sauce and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).

To make the sauce, heat the ghee in a large frying

Origin Awadh pan (skillet), add the ground onions and fry for
Preparation time 1 14 hours, plus soaking time about 1—2 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the
Cooking time 35 minutes
garlic and ginger and fry for about 2 minutes, adding
Serves 6 2 teaspoons water. Stir in the ground coriander,
turmeric and tomatoes and cook for about 7 minutes
200g / 7oz (1 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained until the mixture is paste-like. Remove from the
2 onions, cut into quarters_ heat, slowly stir in the whisked yoghurt, garam
masala and coriander leaves, then season with salt,
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped_
and pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups) water. Return
1 x 1 -cm / y2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
to the heat and simmer for a further 5 minutes. Add
and finely chopped the pieces of fried dal, cover and cook over low
2 teaspoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves heat for 10 minutes until hot.
14 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee, for frying_

For the sauce Moong Dal aur Palak

10 cloves garlic_ Moong Dal with Spinach
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
10Og / 31/20Z (1/2 cup) ghee Origin Awadh
4 onions, ground to a paste Preparation time 15 minutes
3 teaspoons coriander seeds, ground Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
2-3 tomatoes, skinned
4 tablespoons vegetable oil_
4 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked
1 teaspoon chopped ginger
pinch of salt
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
y2 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
pinch of asafoetida
1 tablespoon fresh coriander (cilantro) leaves
y2 teaspoon cumin seeds
For the sauce, put the garlic and ginger in a small 200g / 7oz (1 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
blender or food processor and process until ground 250g / 9oz spinach, finely chopped
to a paste. Set aside. y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
juice of V2 lime
Soak the dal in a large bowl of water for 8—10 hours.

Drain the dal, then transfer to a blender or food

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
processor, add the onions and process to make
medium heat, add the ginger, chillies, asafoetida
a smooth paste. Transfer to a bowl, add the chillies,
and cumin seeds and fry for about 1 minute. Add the
ginger, coriander and bicarbonate of soda and beat
dal and spinach and cook for a further 2 minutes.
thoroughly. Put the mixture into a clean piece of
Season with salt, then add the turmeric and 1.5 litres
muslin (cheesecloth), bring up the sides and secure
/ 2 14 pints (614 cups) water. Reduce the heat to low
the top with kitchen string (twine) to make a bag.
and cook, stirring from time to time, for about
25 minutes, or until the dal is soft. Stir in the lime
Put the muslin bag into a large pan of boiling water
juice and serve.
and boil for about 2 minutes, then reduce the heat
and simmer for about 45 minutes. Lift out and allow
to cool slightly. Unwrap the cooked dal and cut it
into i-cm / Vi-inch cubes.


# vp' vp'

Hari Matar ke Kofte Majjida Karhi

Green Gram Balls in Yoghurt Sauce Dal & Buttermilk Curry

Origin New Origin Coastal

Preparation time 10 minutes Preparation time 20-25 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 25-30 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

200ml / 7fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt 1 teaspoon basmati rice, rinsed and drained
150g / 5oz (1 cup) moong dal flour 1 teaspoon roasted moong dal_
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon fresh ginger
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 500ml / 18fl oz (2% cups) sour buttermilk
4 teaspoons vegetable oil I/2 fresh coconut, peeled and ground
1 teaspoon cumin seeds pinch of ground turmeric
pinch of asafoetida 3 onions, thinly sliced
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 8 green chillies, de-seeded and cut lengthways
1 teaspoon chopped green chillies into 4 strips each
vegetable oil, for deep-frying salt
For the tempering
For the tempering 1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
1 tablespoon ghee or vegetable oil I/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 3 dried red chillies
4 dried red chillies V2 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves
Put the yoghurt in a large bowl, pour in 500ml /
i8fl oz (2V2 cups) water and stir well. Add 50g /
To garnish
i%oz 0/j cup) moong dal flour, the chilli powder
and turmeric, then season and mix well. 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
juice of 1 lime
Heat the 4 teaspoons oil in a pan over low heat, add
the cumin seeds, asafoetida, garlic paste and chillies Soak the rice and roasted moong dal in a bowl of
and stir-fry for 25 seconds. Add the yoghurt mixture water for 1 hour.
and simmer for 10 minutes, or until the mixture is
cooked and can be poured. Drain, transfer to a small blender, add the ginger and
process to make a paste. Put the buttermilk in a bowl
Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep, and add the ground coconut, turmeric, ground rice
heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o‘F, or until a cube of and dal paste, and season with salt. Mix together.
bread browns in 30 seconds. Put the remaining moong
dal flour in a bowl and mix in enough water to make Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan (skillet)
a medium-thick batter. Beat well, preferably with your over medium heat, add all the ingredients for the
hands, then working in batches, carefully drop small tempering and stir-fry for 1—2 minutes, or until
ladlefuls of the batter into the hot oil and deep-fry brown. Add the onions and chillies to the tempering
for about 2—3 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove mixture and fry for about 5 minutes, or until the
with a slotted spoon and add to the yoghurt mix. onions are translucent.
Simmer briefly, and adjust the seasoning
Pour the buttermilk into a deep, heavy-based pan,
Heat the ghee or oil for the tempering in a frying
add the onion and tempering mixture and cook,
pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the cumin seeds
stirring frequently, for about 10 minutes, or until
and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the seeds start to
it thickens and is a smooth consistency. Add the
splutter, then add the dried red chillies and fry for
chopped coriander and lime juice and mix well
2 minutes. Pour over the yoghurt mixture and serve.
before serving.


0 / S3 p.48

Borar Jhaal Dal Makhani

Black Dal Balls in Mustard Sauce u Creamy Black Dal

Origin West Bengal Origin Punjab

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 614 hours
Serves 4 Serves 4

10Og / 3V20Z (Vz cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained 400g / 14oz (214 cups) whole urad dal, rinsed
4 green chillies and drained
y2 teaspoon sugar 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Vz teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
pinch of asafoetida 31/2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) mustard oil 1 tablespoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon kalonji (nigella) seeds 400g / 14oz (about 3 medium) tomatoes, pureed
Plain Boiled Rice, to serve (see page 631) 150g / 5oz (114 sticks) unsalted butter,
salt plus more to garnish
125ml / 4m oz (Yz cup) single (light) cream
For the mustard sauce salt
1 teaspoon black mustard seeds
1 teaspoon yellow mustard seeds Soak the dal in a large bowl of water overnight.
2 green chillies
The next day, drain the dal and put into a large,
1 teaspoon sugar heavy-based pan. Add 3 litres / 5% pints (i2JA cups)
water and the oil and bring to the boil. Reduce the
Soak the dal in a bowl of water for 30 minutes. heat to very low, cover and simmer for about
4 hours, or until cooked.
Drain the dal, transfer to a blender or food
processor, add 2 chillies, the sugar, ginger paste and Add the garlic and ginger pastes and chilli powder
asafoetida and season with salt. Process to a paste. to the dal and season with salt. Continue to cook,
Roll the paste into 12 equal-sized balls, about the size mashing the dal frequently against the sides of the
of a chocolate truffle. Squeeze the mixture firmly so pan with a wooden spatula and scraping any dal
that it holds together. clinging to the sides of the pan, for about 1 hour.

Heat the oil in a kadhai or deep frying pan (skillet) Add the pureed tomatoes and i5og / 50Z (i'A sticks)
to i8o“C/350°F, or until a cube of bread browns in butter and continue to simmer, mashing and scraping
30 seconds, then reduce the heat. Carefully drop
the mixture frequently, for about another 1 hour,
the balls into the hot oil and fry for 5 minutes, or
Stir in the cream and remove from the heat. Adjust
until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon
the seasoning, if necessary, and garnish with the
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels) while you remaining butter.
make the sauce.

Mix all the ingredients for the sauce together in

a bowl. Add 750ml / i!4 pints (3% cups) water and
stir to combine.

Transfer 3 tablespoons of the oil to a small frying

pan. Heat the oil over medium-high heat, then add
the kalonji seeds and stir-fry for about 30 seconds,
or until they are fragrant. Add the mustard sauce
and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer
for about 10 minutes. Add the fried balls, mix well
with the sauce and remove from the heat. The borars
will absorb some of the sauce, but there should be
enough left to eat with rice.

# / OB p.553 # / QB pp.399, 551

Khare Maash ki Dal Sukhi Urad ki Dal

Savoury Split Black Lentil Dal Dry Black Lentils

Origin Awadh Origin Awadh

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 25 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

400g / 14oz (214 cups) urad dal, rinsed and drained 125g / 414oz (% cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 teaspoons ghee
3 onions, sliced 1 teaspoon chopped ginger
1 teaspoon garlic, ground 1 green chilli, de-seeded and chopped
5 green cardamom pods 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long pinch of asafoetida
4 cloves Vz teaspoon cumin seeds
Va teaspoon pepper 2 dried red chillies
1 teaspoon ground cumin salt
V2 teaspoon chilli powder
Soak the dal in a bowl of water for 1 hour. Drain.
3 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
1 teaspoon fresh ginger, peeled and ground
Heat 1 teaspoon ghee in a large, heavy-based pan
1 tablespoon single (light) cream over medium heat, add the ginger and chilli and fry
salt for about 1 minute. Add the drained dal and turmeric
and season with salt. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups)
Soak the dal in a bowl of water for 30 minutes. water to cover, then bring to the boil, reduce the heat
and cook, without stirring, for about 25 minutes or
Drain the dal, transfer to a large, heavy-based pan, until the water is absorbed and the dal is soft.
pour in enough water to cover and bring to the boil.
Season with salt and cook for about 20 minutes, or Just before serving, heat 1 teaspoon ghee in a small
until most of the water has evaporated. frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the
asafoetida, cumin seeds and dried red chillies and
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, stir-fry for 1—2 minutes, or until the chillies turn
add the onions and fry for about 5-7 minutes, or a shade darker. Pour over the dal and gently stir
until golden brown. Set half the onions aside for the to heat through.
garnish. Add the garlic to the remaining onions in
the pan and fry briefly until the garlic is light brown.

Remove the seeds from the cardamom pods and put

into a mortar. Add the cinnamon and cloves and
pound with a pestle.

Transfer the cooked dal to the pan containing the

fried onions and fry lightly. Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz
(1 cup) water and all the ground spices and the
chillies and ginger and cook over low heat until
the dal is soft and there is a thick sauce. Stir in the
cream and garnish with the reserved fried onions.


vTv' Heat 2 tablespoons ghee or oil in a frying pan
(skillet) over medium heat, add the cumin seeds and
garlic and stir-fry for 30 seconds, or until the seeds
Dal Nizami start to splutter. Pour over the dal and stir.
‘Royal Salute’ Dal
Heat another 2 tablespoons ghee in the pan, add the
onions and fry for about 2—3 minutes, then add the
Origin Hyderabad
chillies and fry for a further minute. Pour over the dal
Preparation time 40 minutes
and stir. Heat the last tablespoon ghee in the pan, add
Cooking time 1 hour
the mint and fry for about 1 minute, or until browned,
Serves 4
then pour over the dal and stir.

4 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained_ Remove the whole spices from the dal and puree in a
4 tablespoons whole masoor dal, rinsed and drained blender or food processor with 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup)
4 tablespoons arhar dal or toor (toover) dal, rinsed water. Pass through a sieve (strainer) into a separate
and drained pan. Return to the heat, add the tamarind extract,
4 tablespoons moong dal, rinsed and drained wholemeal flour and about 500ml / 34 pint (z'A cups)
water, then bring to the boil, reduce the heat to
lOOg / 314oz (V2 cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained
low and simmer, stirring occasionally, for a further
11/2 teaspoons chilli powder 2 minutes, or until it is a thin custard consistency.
1V2 teaspoons ground turmeric Remove from the heat, add the lemon juice, stir and
5 green cardamom pods adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
3 black cardamom pods
5 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
5 bay leaves
3V2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2% teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
14 teaspoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
50g / 1%oz (I/3 cup) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour
2 tablespoons lemon juice

For the tempering

5 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
8 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
10Og / 31/20Z (% cup) sliced onions
crisp golden fried sliced onions
4 green chillies, de-seeded (optional)
10 mint leaves

Put 1 litre / iVa pints (4'4 cups) water in a large, heavy-

based pan, add the dais, chilli powder, turmeric,
cardamom pods, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves and the
ginger and garlic pastes and bring to the boil. Reduce
the heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally and
removing the scum that rises to the surface with
a slotted spoon, for about 30 minutes, or until
all the liquid is absorbed. Set aside.


##/ pp.556-7

Tamatar Rasam Shyama

Tomato Pepper Water Mixed Dal

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Uttarakhand

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time
Cooking time 25 minutes Cooking time 2 hours
Serves 4 Serves 6

2 tablespoons vegetable oil_ 10Og / 3V2OZ (Vz cup) soy beans, rinsed and drained
1 onion, sliced 55g / 2oz (I/2 cup) French (green) beans
500g / 1 lb 2oz (3 medium) tomatoes 10Og / 3V2OZ {Vz cup) kidney beans, rinsed
pinch of ground turmeric and drained
1 teaspoon sugar 10Og / 3y2oz [Vz cup) urad dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon chilli powder lOOg / 3Vzoz (Vz cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
3 dried red chillies 4 tablespoons kulthi dal, rinsed and drained
14 teaspoon mustard seeds 4 tablespoons lobiya dal, rinsed and drained
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds 2 tablespoons ground coriander
14 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained 2 tablespoons ground cumin
pinch of asafoetida salt
Vz teaspoon ground garlic 1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), to garnish
8 curry leaves
salt For the tempering
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped, to 1 tablespoon ghee or vegetable oil_
garnish generous pinch of jambu
or 2 dried red chillies and 4-5 cloves garlic
Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a frying pan (skillet)
over medium heat, add the onion and fry for about Soak all the dais in a large bowl of water overnight.
5—7 minutes, or until light golden brown.
The next day, drain the dal and cook in a pressure
Put the tomatoes, fried onions and turmeric in cooker with enough water to cover for about
a large pan. Pour in 750ml / i!4 pints (314 cups) water 5 minutes. Allow to cool before opening to release
and bring to the boil. Boil for about 10 minutes, the pressure. Alternatively, cook in a large, heavy-
then remove from the heat. Add the sugar and chilli based pan for about 20-30 minutes, or until soft.
powder and season with salt. Drain, reserving the cooking water and mash the
mixture gently with a spatula.
Heat the remaining oil in a small frying pan over
medium heat, add the dried red chillies, mustard and Transfer the mixture to a kadhai or deep, heavy-
cumin seeds, urad dal, asafoetida, garlic and curry based pan, add the cooking water together with
leaves and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until dark the ground spices and season with salt. Cook over
brown. Pour the tempering immediately over the low-medium heat for about 2 hours. Remove the dal
tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes, or until hot. grains from the soup. Ideally, the mixture should
Garnish with chopped coriander. have a thick consistency and a creamy texture.

Heat the ghee or oil for the tempering in a frying

pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the jambu or
dried red chillies and garlic cloves and stir-fry for
1—2 minutes, or until the jambu releases its aroma
or the chillies turn a shade darker. Pour over the
mixture and garnish with coriander.


vpv Add the pureed tomatoes and stir-fry for about
5 minutes, or until the oil separates out. Now add
the kidney beans and bring to the boil. Reduce the
Rasse Misse Rajma heat to low and cook for about 7 minutes. Sprinkle
Home-style Kidney Beans over the ground black cardamom and black pepper
and stir to combine. Remove from the heat and
adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
Origin Punjab
Preparation time 2 hours, plus soaking time
Serve garnished with ginger juliennes and
Cooking time 45 minutes
chopped coriander.
Serves 4

250g / 9oz (IV3 cups) dried red kidney beans, rinsed

and drained _ #/0Q p.193
4 black cardamom pods
2 bay leaves
1 teaspoon ground coriander
Kashmiri Red Kidney Beans
1 teaspoon chilli powder
7 tablespoons ghee Origin Jammu and Kashmir
4 dried red chillies, wiped with a damp cloth Preparation time VA hours, plus soaking time
1 Vz teaspoons cumin seeds Cooking time 30-45 minutes
200g / 7oz (1 % cups) chopped onions Serves 8
5 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
500g /1 lb 2oz (2% cups) dried red kidney beans,
5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
rinsed and drained
200g / 7oz (2 small) tomatoes, pureed
1 teaspoon ground black cardamom 1 Vz teaspoons Kashmiri red chilli powder

Vz teaspoon ground black pepper

8 green cardamom pods

1 x 5-mm / %-inch piece fresh ginger, cut into juliennes 6 black cardamom pods

2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves 4 cinnamon sticks, about 5cm / 2 inches long

salt 3 teaspoons ground turmeric

1 Vz teaspoons ground ginger
Soak the kidney beans in a large bowl of 3 tablespoons butter
water overnight. salt
steamed rice, to serve
The next day, drain the beans and put into a large,
heavy-based pan. Pour in 1.5 litres / 2/2 pints
Soak the red kidney beans in a large bowl of
(674 cups) water and bring to the boil. Boil briskly, water overnight.
removing the scum that rises to the surface with
a slotted spoon, for 10 minutes, then reduce the
The next day, drain the kidney beans and put
heat, add the cardamom pods and bay leaves and
into a large, heavy-based pan. Pour in enough water
simmer for about 1-1/2 hours, or until soft. Remove
to cover, bring to the boil and boil briskly for
and discard the cardamom pods and bay leaves.
10 minutes, then drain the beans, rinse and return to
the pan covered with fresh water. Bring to the boil,
Put the ground coriander, chilli powder and a little
then reduce the heat and simmer for a further
salt in a small bowl. Add 4 tablespoons water and
45 minutes, or until cooked. Drain and return the
stir until blended.
beans to the pan.

Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium

Pour in 600ml / 1 pint (2/2 cups) water, then add the
heat, add the dried red chillies and cumin seeds
chilli powder, cardamom pods, cinnamon sticks,
and stir-fry for 1 minute, or until the seeds start to
turmeric and ginger and season with salt. Bring the
splutter. Add the onions and fry for 5 minutes,
mixture to the boil, then reduce the heat, cover and
or until they are light golden brown. Add the ginger
cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes, or until the
and garlic pastes and fry for 2-3 minutes, or until
beans are tender and the sauce is quite thick. Add
the onions are golden brown. Add the ground spice
the butter and serve hot with steamed rice.
mixture and stir-fry for about 30 seconds.


vF' 'ZF' p.607

Pappu Charu Kairi ki Karhi

Spicy Tamarind Pepper Water Raw Mango Curry

Origin Andhra Pradesh Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 10 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4-6

pinch of ground turmeric_ 4 raw green mangoes, peeled and cut into bite-sized
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) Tamarind Extract (see page 58) pieces, stones (pits) reserved
1 onion, sliced 50ml / 134fl oz (14 cup) vegetable oil
% teaspoon chilli powder Va teaspoon mustard seeds
1 green chilli, de-seeded and chopped 14 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
V2 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped V2 teaspoon cumin seeds
2 tomatoes, chopped 1 onion, sliced
salt 6 curry leaves
14 teaspoon ground turmeric
For the seasoning 1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon vegetable oil 1 teaspoon ground fresh ginger
1 dried red chilli 1 teaspoon ground garlic
7 curry leaves 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
14 teaspoon cumin seeds 2 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour
Va teaspoon coriander seeds 1 teaspoon sugar
Va teaspoon mustard seeds 6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 bunch coriander (cilantro), leaves only, chopped
Put the turmeric, tamarind extract, onion, chilli salt
powder, chilli, half the chopped coriander and the
tomatoes in a pan. Season with salt, add 750ml / Put the mango and all the stones (pits) in a large,
114 pints (314 cups) water and bring to the boil, then heavy-based pan. Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups)
boil for about 5 minutes. water, add a pinch of salt and bring to the boil.
Simmer for 10 minutes, or until the mango is soft.
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, Remove the stones and set aside.
add the dried red chilli, curry leaves and cumin seeds
and stir-fry for 1—2 minutes, or until the cumin seeds Heat the oil in another large, heavy-based pan over
start to splutter. Add the coriander and mustard seeds medium heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for
and stir-fry briefly until they turn dark brown. Add about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the
the spices to the pepper water and cover immediately fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, onion and curry leaves
to retain the aroma. Simmer for about 2 minutes, then and fry for about 5—6 minutes, or until the onions
add the rest of the chopped coriander. are soft. Add the turmeric, chilli powder, ginger
and garlic, season with salt and fry for a further
1-2 minutes. Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water.

Put the yoghurt and gram flour in a bowl and whisk

together to make a smooth paste. Add the paste to
the seeds mixture and cook for 5 minutes. Add the
mangoes with the water they were boiled in, the sugar
and chopped chillies and simmer over low heat for
about 10 minutes. Add the chopped coriander and mix
well before serving.


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•V1 * ~~'j»^.'- 3k«£w\£si
Most Indian breads - from the
soft paratha, roti and chapati
flatbreads to fluffy naan drizzled
in butter and fried puri - are
unleavened and made with
wheat flour, although cornmeal
and millet are also popular.
Many Indians make fresh bread
every day using traditional
methods, and cities across the
country are renowned for their
local varieties and specialities.


Lehsuni Naan Khurmi Naan

Garlic Naan Tomato & Cheese Naan

Origin Punjab Origin New

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus standing and Preparation time 50 minutes, plus cooling time
rising time Cooking time 12-22 minutes
Cooking time 10-20 minutes Makes 6
Makes 6

1 egg_
V2 teaspoon baking powder
1 quantity Naan Dough (see page left)
plain (all-purpose) flour, for dusting_

1 teaspoon sugar
300g / 11 oz (2 medium) tomatoes, pureed
pinch of salt
pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
4 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons sugar_
y2 teaspoon chilli powder, or to taste
500g /1 lb 2oz (4 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour, 10Og / 3y2oz (scant 1 cup) grated cheese
plus extra for dusting butter or ghee, for greasing (optional)
pinch of salt
4 teaspoons vegetable oil, plus extra for oiling Divide the dough into 8 equal portions and roll
200g / 7oz (V/2 cups) chopped garlic into balls. Place the balls on a floured surface
and cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel.
Put the egg, baking powder, sugar, bicarbonate
of soda and milk into a bowl and whisk together. Heat a heavy-based pan over medium heat, add
the pureed tomatoes and cook for 5—8 minutes,
Sift the flour and salt into a paraat or large bowl. or until reduced. Add the salt, sugar and chilli
Make a depression in the centre of the flour, add powder and reduce for a few more minutes, until
the egg mixture and start mixing gradually, adding thick. Remove from the heat, add the grated
in enough water to make a soft dough. When fully cheese, mix and allow to cool.
mixed, knead the dough on a lightly floured work
surface for 5 minutes, then transfer to a baking Preheat the oven to 20o’C/40o”F/Gas Mark 6,
tray (sheet), cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish) if using.
towel and set aside for 10 minutes.
Flatten the dough balls between the palms of your
Add the oil to the dough, then knead and hands, then spread a portion of the tomato mixture
punch down the dough, cover with a damp cloth over the center of each. Fold the edges over to
or tea (dish) towel and set aside in a warm place enclose the filling, then roll into balls. Again, flatten
for 2 hours to allow the dough to rise. each ball between the palms of your hands to make
a flattened round, then stretch into an elongated
Preheat the oven to 20o'C/40o'F/Gas Mark 6, oval shape.
if using.
To cook the naan, either use a tandoor or oven.
Divide the dough into 8 equal portions, roll into In a tandoor, place the naan on a cushioned
balls and place on a floured work surface. Flatten pad and place inside a moderately hot tandoor.
the balls slightly, then spread the chopped garlic Let the naan bake for 2-3 minutes and then
over the dough. Set aside for 5 minutes. remove it with tongs. If using the oven, place the
naan on a greased baking tray (sheet) and bake
Lightly oil the palms of your hands. Flatten each ball for about 10 minutes.
between the palms of your hands to make a round,
then stretch it into an elongated oval shape.

To cook the naan, either use a tandoor or oven.

In a tandoor, place the naan on a cushioned pad
and place inside a moderately hot tandoor. Let
the naan bake for 2—3 minutes, then remove it with
tongs. If using the oven, place on an oiled baking
tray and bake for about 10 minutes. Serve hot.


£®1 p.593 0#/ m p.594

Poori Bervin Poori

Poori Poori Stuffed with Urad Dal

Origin Delhi/Awadh Origin Delhi/Awadh

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 6 Makes 10-12

500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour 250g / 9oz (2 cups) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour
or wholemeal (whole wheat) flour, plus extra pinch of salt
for dusting 1/2 tablespoon ghee
pinch of salt 625g / 1 lb 6oz (2% cups) ghee for frying
1 tablespoon ghee
For the filling
500g / 1 lb 2oz (214 cups) ghee or vegetable oil
125g / 414oz cups) skinned urad dal
Put the flour, salt and ghee in a large bowl, mix
in enough water to make a pliable dough. Knead
2 (f/3

teaspoons finely chopped fresh ginger

3 teaspoons coriander seeds, crushed
well on a lightly floured work surface for
about 5 minutes, then transfer to a lightly oiled
1 teaspoon aniseeds
teaspoon chilli powder
bowl, cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish) 1/2

towel and set aside in a warm place for z hours. teaspoons chopped coriander (cilantro)

Knead the dough again, then divide into small To make the filling, soak the dal in a large
lime-sized balls. Roll each ball out on a lightly bowl of water for 8-10 hours. Drain, then put
floured work surface to a round, about I3~i6cm into a blender and process to make a smooth,
/ 5—6 inches in diameter. fairly stiff paste. Transfer the paste to a bowl
and mix in the remaining ingredients.
Heat the oil or ghee in a kadhai, wok or deep,
heavy-based pan to i8o°C/350°F, or until a cube of To make the dough, follow the instructions
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, for pooris (see page left).
carefully add the pooris to the hot oil or ghee and
deep-fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until puffed Take 2 tablespoons dough and shape into a small
up and pale golden brown. Remove with a slotted round with your hand. Put 1 level teaspoon
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). dal mixture in the centre and fold over the dough
Repeat with the remaining pooris. Serve hot. to enclose the filling completely, then roll into
a ball. Repeat to make 10—12 balls.

Heat the ghee in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-

based pan to i8o'C/35o'F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
carefully add the pooris to the hot ghee and
deep-fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until puffed
up and golden brown. Remove with a slotted
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).


Stuffed with
Urad Dal

Curry bc
/ $

Raw Mango

Drumstick sambhar from

GO p.596 GIl) pp.546, 595

Paratha Warqi Paratha

Paratha Layered Paratha

Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh Origin Delhi/Agra/Awadh

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 20-30 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 16-20 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Makes 8-10 Makes 8-10

1 kg / 2141b (8 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour 250g / 9oz (2 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour,
4 green cardamom pods, ground plus extra for dusting
lOOg / 3V2 oz (scant V2 cup) ghee 14 teaspoon salt
pinch of salt 10Og / 3%oz (scant V2 cup) ghee, plus extra for
Sift the flour, salt and ground cardamom into a bowl, 2 tablespoons plain (all-purpose) flour
then mix in enough water to make a soft dough.
Knead the dough well for about 5 minutes. Divide Sift the 250g / 90Z (2 cups) flour and the salt into
the dough into 8—10 balls and cover with a damp a large bowl, then gradually mix in enough water to
cloth or tea (dish) towel for about 15 minutes. make a soft dough. Knead on a lightly floured work
surface for 5 minutes. Transfer to a lightly oiled
Put the ghee in a shallow pan over low heat bowl, cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel and
and whisk it well by hand to a smooth butter-like set aside in a warm place for 30 minutes.
consistency. Roll a dough ball out on a lightly
floured work surface into a large 20-cm / 8-inch Melt the ghee in a pan and knead 2 tablespoons
round. Dab a little ghee over the surface, then fold of it into the dough until the dough is soft and
in half and dab a little ghee on the top of the elastic. Put the remaining ghee in a bowl, add
folded side. Roll into a long cigar-like shape and 2 tablespoons flour and mix to make a paste.
coil into a round.
Divide the dough into 8-10 equal portions, then
Heat a griddle, tawa or heavy-based frying pan flatten each portion between the palms of your hands
(skillet) over medium heat. Roll each paratha to make a small round. Roll the round out thinly on
out to a 18cm / 7 inch flat round. Put a little ghee a lightly floured work surface and fold in half. Spread
on the griddle, tawa or in the frying pan and place over a little flour paste and fold lengthways in
the paratha on or in the pan and reduce the heat half again. Roll this strip like a pinwheel, keeping the
to low. Keep turning the paratha around, pressing folded edges outward and forming a cone shape, then
down the sides and spooning a little hot ghee press with your hands to flatten and shape into a roti.
around the edges, so they open and separate into
layers. Continue to cook over low heat, so that the Heat a little ghee on a griddle, tawa or in a
paratha is well cooked inside. When well browned heavy-based frying pan (skillet), add a paratha and
on one side, turn over to brown the other side. fry, trickling ghee a little at a time down the sides
Remember that the more ghee you have in the pan of the griddle or pan. Turn once and cook for
the better the paratha will be. When the paratha 2 minutes, or until golden on both sides. Remove
is cooked, after 1—2 minutes, remove from the pan and repeat with the remaining parathas.
and repeat with the remaining parathas.

Lachha Paratha Ulte Tawe ka Paratha
Coiled Paratha Paratha Cooked on the Griddle

Origin Punjab Origin Awadh

Preparation time 1 hour, plus standing time Preparation time 55 minutes, plus resting time
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Makes 6-8 Serves 6-8

360g /12%oz (3 cups) wholemeal (whole wheat) 1 kg / 2141b (8 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour,
flour, plus extra for dusting plus extra for dusting
3-4 tablespoons ghee pinch of salt
pinch of salt 11/2 teaspoons baking powder
melted ghee, for brushing 75g / 2V20Z Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58)
2 teaspoons khus essence
Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl. Add the
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) milk
ghee, then mix in enough water to make a non-sticky
4 tablespoons sugar
dough. Knead the dough on a lightly floured work
surface for 5 minutes, then transfer to a lightly melted ghee, for brushing
oiled bowl, cover with a damp tea (dish) cloth and
set aside in a warm place for about 1 hour. Sift the flour and salt on to a wide open tray. Mix
the baking powder, cashew nut paste, khus essence,
Knead the dough again and then divide into 6 equal¬ milk and sugar together in a large bowl. Add the
sized portions and roll into balls, each the size of mixture to the flour and pour in enough water to
a large onion. Roll out each ball on a lightly floured make a soft dough. Knead the dough on a lightly
work surface to a round of about 20cm / 8 inches floured work surface for about 5 minutes. Divide the
in diameter, then spread 1 teaspoon ghee all over dough into 15—16 equal-sized balls, then flatten them
the round and dust some flour over it. Now pleat the with a rolling pin to the size of a poori (see page 592).
round lengthways into one collected strip. Coil this Pour 1 teaspoon ghee over the dough and spread
strip into a round. it evenly with the rolling pin, then dust with flour. Cut
the dough into a round shape and then roll it into
Flatten the coiled round between the palms a conical shape. Now compress it back into the shape
of your hands or gently roll on the work surface of a ball. Repeat with the remaining dough balls. Set
with the rolling pin without applying too much aside for about 45 minutes.
pressure, to make a small, thick paratha about
18cm / 7 inches in diameter. Press the dough ball with a rolling pin into a round,
about 25cm / 10 inches in diameter. You will need to
Brush a little water on the back of the paratha use some extra flour to roll the dough balls. Heat an
and cook in a moderately hot tandoor. Alternatively, ulta tawa, ordinary tawa, griddle or non-stick frying
cook on a hot tawa or griddle or in a heavy-based pan (skillet). Transfer the dough to the pan, turn
frying pan (skillet). If using a pan, first brown both once and spread a little ghee over. Cook for about
sides of the paratha lightly on the hot pan, then 20 seconds, pressing with a clean dry cloth, until
reduce the heat to low and fry, brushing with ghee, golden brown. Remove from the pan and keep warm
until rich brown on both sides, pressing all over while you cook the others.
the paratha including the sides with a spoon to
make sure that the thick paratha is evenly cooked.
Remove from the pan and repeat with all the
remaining dough balls


# / QQ pp.44, 597

Aloo ka Paratha Baida Paratha

Shallow-fried Spicy Potato Stuffed Bread Shallow-fried Bread with Egg

Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 1 hour Preparation time 40 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 1 hour 20 minutes
Makes 4-5 Serves 4

500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups plus 3 tablespoons) wholemeal 4 eggs_

(whole wheat) flour, plus extra for dusting 2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
pinch of salt 2 onions, chopped
200g / 7oz (% cup) ghee 1 sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped
300g / 11 oz (:2Vz. cups) wholemeal (whole wheat)
For the filling flour, plus extra for dusting
250g / 9oz (2 medium) potatoes, unpeeled 4 tablespoons ghee, melted
V/2 tablespoons chopped ginger vegetable oil, for shallow-frying_
6 green chillies, de-seeded and choppped salt
1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped
Put the eggs in a large bowl and beat with a fork.
1 tablespoon dried pomegranate seeds
Season with salt and add the chillies, onion and
1 teaspoon chilli powder
coriander. Set aside.
Sift the flour into a large bowl, add 1 tablespoon
To serve ghee and a little salt to the flour and mix, adding
Mango Pickle with Jaggery (see page 77) a little water to make a medium-soft dough, then
knead on a lightly floured work surface for about
natural (plain) yoghurt
5 minutes until smooth. Using 2-3 tablespoons
of the dough per ball, roll into 16 equal-sized balls.
For the filling, cook the potatoes in a large pan of
Dust these balls with a little flour and roll out into
boiling water for about 20 minutes, or until soft.
rounds of about 18cm / 7 inches in diameter. Brush
Drain, then allow to cool. Once cool, peel off the
lightly with ghee and sprinkle over a little flour.
skins, return the flesh to the pan and mash. Put the
Fold over a third of the round from one side, then
potatoes in a bowl, add the ginger, chillies,
fold the other side over this and sprinkle over
coriander, pomegranate seeds and chilli powder,
some more flour.
then season with salt and mix well. Set aside.
Once again fold a portion from one of the curved
To make the dough, sift the flour and salt into a
sides, overlapping it with the other side to make
large bowl and mix in enough water to make a soft
a layered square. Dust again lightly with flour and
dough. Knead the dough on a lightly floured work
roll out into a 15-cm / 6-inch square.
surface for about 5 minutes. Divide the dough into
8-10 equal portions and roll into balls. Place
Heat a little oil for shallow-frying on a griddle or
the balls on a lightly floured surface and flatten each
tawa or in a heavy-based frying pan (skillet), add
with a rolling pin into a round shape about 15cm / 6
the paratha and shallow-fry for about 1 minute on
inches in diameter. Take 2 rounds at a time and
both sides. When the paratha is evenly fried and
spread a portion of the filling in the middle of one
acquires a rich golden colour, transfer it to a plate
round, then place the second round on top and seal
and make a slit on one side with a sharp knife to
around the sides. Flatten again with a rolling pin to
create an envelope. Spread some of the egg mixture
a round about 18cm / 7 inches in diameter.
inside and seal the opening by pressing the
edges together. Place the paratha once again on the
Heat a tawa or heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over
griddle, tawa or in the pan and shallow-fry in
medium heat, place a paratha in the pan and half
very little oil for about 1 minute on both sides, or
bake for 20 seconds, turning over once. Repeat with
until the egg is cooked. Repeat with the remaining
the remaining parathas, then add the ghee to the
dough balls.
empty pan and heat. Shallow-fry each paratha until
golden brown on both sides, then remove and serve
immediately with pickle and yoghurt.



Matar-Paneer ka Paratha Jalebi Paratha

Shallow-fried Spicy Peas Spiral Paratha
& Paneer Stuffed Bread
Origin Delhi
Origin Punjab Preparation time 1 hour, plus standing
Preparation time 30 minutes and chilling time
Cooking time 8-10 minutes Cooking time 1 hour
Makes 8-10 Makes 12

160g / SVfeoz (1 cup) peas, shelled if fresh_ 3 teaspoons fennel seeds_

lOOg / 3V20Z (1 cup) Paneer (see page 59), crumbled 500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour,
1 tablespoon ginger-chilli paste plus extra for dusting
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk
125ml / AM oz fH? cup) soured natural (plain) 180g / 6V2OZ (% cup) ghee
yoghurt, whisked salt
large pinch of asafoetida
Put the fennel seeds in a mortar and pound with a
1 teaspoon sugar
pestle, or coarsely grind in a spice grinder. Set aside.
V2 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) Sift the flour and salt into a paraat or large bowl,
500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) cream of wheat, roasted then make a depression in the centre of the flour
plain (all-purpose) flour, for dusting and rolling and pour the milk and 125ml / 4'/zfl oz ('/> cup) water
into it, then start mixing gradually to make a dough.
200ml / 7fl oz (% cup) vegetable oil or ghee
When fully mixed, knead the dough for about
5 minutes, then cover with a damp cloth or tea
(dish) towel and set aside for 10 minutes.
Cook the peas in a pan of boiling water for
5-7 minutes, or until soft, then drain, return to
Add two-thirds of the ghee to the dough and
the pan and mash with a potato masher.
incorporate gradually. When fully mixed, knead to
make a soft dough, then add the pounded fennel,
Put the crumbled paneer, ginger-chilli paste,
knead again, cover and set aside for 10 minutes.
coriander, yoghurt, asafoetida, sugar, chilli powder
and garam masala in a large bowl, add the peas, then
Divide the dough into 12 equal portions, then roll
season with salt and mix together. Set aside.
into balls, dust with flour, and cover and set aside
for 10 minutes. Place the balls on a lightly floured
Put the cream of wheat and a pinch of salt in a
work surface and flatten each with a rolling pin into
large bowl and mix in enough water to make
flattened rounds. Spread 1 teaspoon ghee evenly
a semi-stiff dough. Knead on a lightly floured work
over the rounds and dust with flour. Make a radial
surface for about 5 minutes. Divide the dough into
cut with a knife and starting with one cut edge,
8-10 walnut-sized balls and lightly roll these
roll the rounds firmly into conical shapes. Hold
into rounds of about 15cm / 6 inches in diameter.
each cone between your thumb and forefinger, icm
/ '/z inch above the base and make spiral movements
Place an equal portion of the paneer and pea mixture
to compress the rest of the cone to make a small
in the center of each round, then fold the edges of
thick patty. Place on greaseproof (wax) paper in the
the round over the mixture and roll again into a small
refrigerator for 4 hours.
ball. Finally, roll out carefully into a round.
Remove the patties from the refrigerator. Place on
Heat a little oil or ghee on a griddle or tawa or in
a lightly floured surface and flatten with a rolling pin
a heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over medium heat.
into rounds. Place the rounds on individual sheets
Place a paratha on the pan and shallow-fry for
of greaseproof (wax) paper and refrigerate again for
2—3 minutes on both sides, or until golden brown.
30 minutes.
Repeat with the remaining dough balls. Serve hot.

To cook, heat a tawa or heavy-based frying pan

(skillet) over low heat. When hot, add some ghee, then
add a paratha and cook for 2-3 minutes on both sides,
until light golden brown.


#/00 p.195

Palak Paratha Dal Paratha

Spinach Paratha Moong Dal Paratha

Origin Punjab Origin Punjab

Preparation time 15-20 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 40 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Makes 10 Makes 8

600g / 1 lb 5oz spinach leaves_ 200g / 7oz (1 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups plus 3 tablespoons) wholemeal 400g / 14oz (3V3 cups) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour
(whole wheat) flour, plus extra for dusting 1 teaspoon chilli powder
pinch of salt 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 tablespoons chopped green chillies 15g / V20Z (I/3 cup) coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
2 teaspoons dried pomegranate seeds 30g / VAoz {V2 small) onion, chopped
400g / 14oz (1% cups / 31/2 sticks) butter 1 tablespoon chopped green chillies
pinch of salt_
To serve 200g / 7oz (1 % sticks) butter, melted
pickle, such as Mild Raw Mango Pickle (see page 77)
Cook the moong dal in a large pan of boiling water
natural (plain) yoghurt
for about 30 minutes, or until soft. Drain. Sift the flour
into a large bowl, make a depression in the centre
Blanch the spinach leaves in a pan of very little water
of the flour and add the boiled dal and the remaining
for about i minute. Drain and immediately refresh in
ingredients, except the butter. Start mixing gradually,
cold water. Drain and squeeze the spinach to remove
adding water if required, to make a soft dough. When
any excess water. Transfer the spinach to a food
fully mixed, knead the dough on a lightly floured
processor or blender and process to make a smooth
work surface for 5 minutes, then transfer to a lightly
puree, then transfer to a bowl.
oiled bowl, cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish)
towel and set aside in a warm place for 30 minutes.
Sift the flour and salt into a paraat or large bowl.
Add the spinach puree, chillies and dried pomegranate
Divide the dough into 8 equal portions, then roll into
seeds and mix, adding water if required, to make
balls. Place on a floured surface and flatten each
a soft dough. Cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish)
ball with a rolling pin into a flattened round, about
towel and set aside in a warm place for 30 minutes.
20-23cm / 8-9 inches in diameter.
Divide the dough into 10 equal portions and roll into
Heat a tawa or heavy-based frying pan (skillet)
balls. Place on a floured surface and flatten each
over low heat, then place a paratha in the pan and
ball with a rolling pin into a flattened round, about
half-cook for 1 minute, turning once. Pour melted
15-180x1 / 6-7 inches in diameter.
butter all around and fry for a further minute,
or until golden brown on both sides. Remove and
Heat a tawa or heavy-based frying pan (skillet) over
repeat with the remaining parathas. Serve hot.
medium heat, place a round in the pan and half¬
cook for 1 minute, then turn over, add 3 tablespoons
butter all around and shallow-fry for a further
minute, or until golden brown on both sides.
Remove and serve immediately with pickle and
yoghurt. Repeat with the remaining parathas.


Suji Paratha Malabari Paratha
Semolina Paratha Paratha from Malabar

Origin Awadh Origin Kerala

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Makes 8 Makes 8

300g / IQoz (2 cups) fine semolina (semolina flour) 500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour,
6 tablespoons olive oil plus extra for dusting
salt pinch of baking powder
pinch of salt
Place the semolina in a large bowl and stir in
1 egg_
i teaspoon salt and z tablespoons of oil. Gradually
125ml / 4y2fl oz (y2 cup) milk
add enough water to make a soft dough. When fully
mixed, knead the dough on a lightly floured work 1 y2 teaspoon sugar
surface for about 5 minutes, then transfer to a 150g / 5oz (10 tablespoons /1 % sticks) butter,
lightly oiled bowl, cover with a damp cloth or tea melted, plus extra for brushing
(dish) towel and set aside in a warm place for about
30 minutes. Divide the dough into 8 equal portions, Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a large
then roll into balls and roll out into a roti (a 20-cm bowl. Beat the egg in a separate bowl, then add the
/ 8-inch disc). milk, sugar and butter. Make a hollow in the centre
of the flour, add the egg mixture and start mixing,
Heat a tawa or heavy-based frying pan (skillet) gradually adding water if required, to make a soft
over medium heat. Add 'h tablespoon oil, heat until dough, then knead on a lightly floured work surface
smoking, then add a paratha to the pan and cook on for about 5 minutes. Transfer to a lightly oiled
both sides for about 30 seconds, until golden brown. bowl, cover with a damp cloth and set aside in a
Remove and repeat with the remaining parathas. warm place for about 1 hour.

Divide the dough into 8 equal portions, then roll

into balls and brush with a little butter. Set aside
for about 30 minutes.

Now roll each dough ball as thinly as possible on

a lightly floured surface into a flattened round.
Pleat the thin roti like a closed flan and then roll it
from one of the short ends into a coil. Set aside for
10 minutes.

Roll out each dough ball again into a flattened round,

about imm thick.

Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat, add the

paratha one at a time and cook for about 2-3 minutes
on both sides, brushing with butter until light
golden brown and crisp. Remove and repeat with
the remaining parathas.


Kerala Paratha Gurh ka Paratha
Kerala Paratha Sweet Paratha

Origin Kerala Origin Punjab

Preparation time 50 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 4-5 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Makes 6 Makes 8

2 eggs_ 240g / 18V2OZ (2 cups) wholemeal_

150ml / 14pint (% cup) milk (whole wheat) flour, plus extra for dusting
2V2 teaspoons sugar ghee, for cooking
pinch of salt
4 tablespoons groundnut (peanut) oil, plus extra For the filling
for oiling IQOg / 3V20Z (V2 cup) jaggery, crumbled, or soft
450g / 1 lb (3% cups) plain (all-purpose) flour, brown sugar
plus extra for dusting 2 tablespoons chopped cashew nuts
pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) 1 tablespoon chopped raisins
melted butter, for brushing seeds of 2 black cardamom pods
lOOg / 3V20Z 0/2 cup) melted ghee
Mix the flour with enough water in a large bowl
Put the eggs into a bowl, add the milk, sugar, salt to make a soft dough, then knead well on a lightly
and oil and whisk together. floured work surface for about 5 minutes, or until
smooth. Transfer to a lightly oiled bowl, cover
Sift the flour and bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel and set aside
into a paraat or large bowl. Make a depression in the in a warm place for at least 30 minutes.
centre of the flour, pour the egg and milk mixture
in and start mixing gradually to make a soft dough. Divide the dough into 8 marble-sized balls. Roll out
When fully mixed, knead the dough on a lightly 1 ball on a lightly floured work surface into a very
floured work surface for about 5 minutes, then thin round. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons jaggery or sugar
transfer to a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a damp on it, then sprinkle over 1 teaspoon chopped cashew
cloth or tea (dish) towel and set aside in a warm nuts, 14 teaspoon chopped raisins and some crushed
place for 30 minutes. cardamom seeds.

Divide the dough into 6 equal portions and roll Heat a tawa or heavy-based frying pan (skillet)
into balls. Flatten each ball with a rolling pin into over medium heat. Roll out another ball into a very
a flattened round. Oil a board for rolling out the thin round and place it on top of the first round
dough with oil, then place the flattened dough on it to cover the filling. Press the edges well to join and
and stretch evenly on all sides until very thin. Brush gently flatten a little with the rolling pin. Carefully
melted butter over the entire surface, dust with flour, transfer the paratha to the hot tawa and cook
then gather the dough ensuring there are many folds. for 1 minute until the underside is cooked, then turn
Place the dough on the table and roll to make a short over to cook the other side. Smear a little ghee
thick round patty, then flatten slightly. Set aside for over the paratha and trickle some ghee around the
5 minutes. Flatten each patty with a rolling pin into edges, too. Turn and brown both sides. Remove and
a flattened round, dusting with flour while rolling. make the other parathas in the same way.

Heat a tawa or heavy-based frying pan (skillet)

over low heat, then place a paratha in the pan and
bake halfway, turning over once. Pour melted ghee
all around and fry until golden brown on both sides.
Remove and repeat with the remaining parathas.


m p.478

Besani Poori Roomali Roti

Deep-fried Gram (Chickpea) Flour Bread Handkerchief Bread

Origin Awadh Origin Delhi/Awadh/Hyderabad

Preparation time 40 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 45 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Cooking time 5 minutes
Makes 10-12 Makes 5

200g / 7oz (IV3 cups) gram (chickpea) flour_ 300g /11 oz (21/2 cups) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour
120g / 414oz (1 cup) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour, 10Og / 31/20Z (% cup) plain (all-purpose) flour,
plus extra for dusting plus extra for dusting
14 teaspoon chilli powder salt
pinch of asafoetida
pinch of salt Sift the flours and a pinch of salt together into a flat
tray (pan) or large bowl. Make a depression in the
2 teaspoons chopped fenugreek leaves
centre, then pour in about 125ml Aj'/zfl oz (14 cup)
625g /11b 6oz (2% cups) ghee water and start mixing gradually. Add another 125ml
/4'/2fl oz 04 cup) water, and continue mixing to make
Sift together all the dry ingredients into a large a soft dough. Knead on a lightly floured work surface
bowl and add the fenugreek leaves. Add cold water, for about 5 minutes, or until soft and smooth.
a little at a time, and mix to make a fairly stiff Transfer to a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a damp
dough. Cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel cloth or tea (dish) towel and set aside in a warm
and set aside in a warm place for 30 minutes. place for about 1 hour.

Pinch off walnut-sized pieces of dough and roll out Divide the dough into 8 equal portions and roll into
thinly on a lightly floured board or work surface. balls. Do not overwork the dough. Place the balls on
a lightly floured work surface, then cover and set
Heat the ghee in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy- aside.
based pan to i8o°C/350°F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, Dust the balls with flour, then press and flatten
carefully add the pooris to the hot ghee and deep- each with a rolling pin into a flattened round, about
fry for about 1-2 minutes, or until puffed up 10cm / 4 inches in diameter, ensuring that the edges
and golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon are thinner than the centre. Stretch each round
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
by rotating and flipping from one hand to the other
until it is about 35cm / 12 inches in diameter.
To make besani roti, add 2 tablespoons chopped
onions to the dough, then roll out and cook the roti
To cook the roti, lightly oil a convex tawa, kadhai
on a hot griddle, tawa or in a heavy-based frying
or wok, and place over high heat. When smoking,
pan (skillet). With the tip of a sharp knife, prick the
add a roti to the pan and cook for 30 seconds.
roti all over to prevent it from rising. Cook for
Brush the upper side of the roti with a little oil,
1 minute, then turn over and cook the other side.
then flip and cook for a further 30 seconds. The roti
Remove and repeat with the remaining roti.
should be cooked through and brown in patches.
Serve immediately otherwise the roti will become
dry. Repeat with the remaining dough balls.


fSo ofe*
Khasta Roti Tandoori Roti
Crisp Bread Bread Baked in a Clay Oven

Origin Punjab/Delhi Origin Punjab/Delhi

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 40 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 25-30 minutes Cooking time 5 minutes
Makes 12 Makes 8

125ml / AM oz (Vi cup) milk_ 480g / 17oz (4 cups) wholemeal flour,_

2 teaspoons sugar plus extra for dusting
pinch of salt Vi teaspoon salt
lOOg / 3Y20Z (% cup) plain (all-purpose) flour 2 tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil, plus extra
400g / 14oz (2Va cups) fine semolina (semolina flour) for greasing
I/2 teaspoon aniseeds 1 tablespoon plain (all-purpose) flour
Vi teaspoon ajwain seeds
Sift the wholemeal flour and salt together in a large
4 teaspoons ghee, melted, plus extra for greasing
bowl, then mix in enough water to make a soft
melted butter, for brushing
dough. Knead the dough on a lightly floured work
surface for about 5 minutes, or until smooth.
Put the milk in a jug (pitcher), add the sugar
Transfer to a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a cloth
and salt and mix together.
and set aside in a warm place for about 30 minutes.

Sift the plain flour and semolina into a paraat or

Preheat the oven to 20o‘C/40o"F/Gas Mark 6.
large bowl, then add the aniseed and ajwain seeds.
Make a depression in the centre of the flour, then
Mix the ghee or oil and plain (all-purpose) flour
pour in the milk mixture and mix it gradually to
together in a separate bowl to make a paste. Divide
make a dough. When fully mixed, knead the dough
the dough into 8 equal portions and roll into balls.
on a lightly floured work surface for 5 minutes,
Flatten each ball between the palms of your hands,
then cover with a damp cloth and set aside for
then roll out on a lightly floured surface with a
10—15 minutes.
rolling pin to a round, about 15cm /
6 inches in diameter. Spread the round with a little
Preheat the oven to 20o"C/40o”F/Gas Mark 6,
ghee paste, then using a knife, make a radial cut
if using.
with a knife.

Add the melted ghee to the dough and knead it in

Now start rolling from one cut edge to form an even
gradually. Divide the dough into 12 equal portions,
cone. Press the cone to get a flattened and coiled
roll into balls, cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish)
round and roll out the round to a diameter of 15cm /
towel and set aside for about 5 minutes.
6 inches, carefully applying pressure at the centre
only and not on the sides.
Flatten each ball with a rolling pin to make
a flattened round, then prick the entire surface
To cook the roti, either use a tandoor or oven. In a
with a fork. tandoor, place the roti on a cushioned pad and place
inside a hot tandoor. Let it bake for about 2 minutes,
To cook the roti, either use a tandoor or oven. In a
or until brown, then remove with tongs. If using
tandoor, place the roti on a cushioned pad and
the oven, place the roti on a greased baking tray
place inside a moderately hot tandoor. Let the roti
(sheet) and bake for about 5 minutes, or until brown.
bake for 2-3 minutes and then remove it with tongs.
If using the oven, place the roti on a greased baking
tray (sheet) and bake for about 10 minutes. Remove
and brush with melted butter. Serve hot.


fSo efe*
Bervin Roti Akki Roti
Plain Stuffed Bread Rice Roti from Karnataka

Origin Awadh Origin Coastal

Preparation time 40 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 20-30 minutes
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Makes 16 Makes 6-8

1 kg / 2141b (8 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour or 1 kg/ 2141b 150g / 51/20Z (1 cup) rice flour,
(8V3 cups) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour plus extra for dusting
pinch of salt 4 tablespoons grated fresh coconut
125g / 414oz (I/2 cup) ghee 1 onion, chopped
1-2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
For the filling 3-4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
375g / 13oz (2 cups) chana dal, rinsed and drained 1 x 1 -cm / y2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
1/2 teaspoon salt and grated
pinch of ground black pepper 1 tablespoon ghee
1 tablespoon soured natural (plain) yoghurt
Sift the flour and salt together into a large bowl.
vegetable oil, for oiling and shallow-frying
Add the ghee and rub it in with your fingertips
banana leaves, cut into pieces
until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs, then mix
in enough water to make a soft, not sticky dough. salt
Knead well on a lightly floured work surface for
about 5 minutes, then transfer to a lightly oiled Mix all the ingredients, except the oil and banana
bowl, cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel leaves, together in a large bowl. Season with salt,
and set aside in a warm place for 1 hour. then gradually sprinkle in 5 tablespoons warm water
and mix to make a soft dough. Knead well on a
For the filling, cook the dal in a large pan of boiling lightly floured work surface for 5 minutes.
water for about 30 minutes, or until soft and dry.
Mash thoroughly with a wooden spatula or potato Heat a tawa, griddle or heavy-based frying pan
masher and season with the salt and pepper. (skillet) over medium heat. Place a piece of oiled
banana leaf on the work surface. Pinch off a lime¬
Divide the dough into 16 equal portions, then roll sized ball of dough and pat with oiled fingers to
into balls and flatten between your palms to make form a 15-cm / 6-inch round roti on the leaf. Gently
small rounds. Put a little dal in the centre of each, lift the leaf and flip it over on to the hot tawa or
then fold over to enclose the filling and roll into pan. The leaf will stick to the roti. When the roti
a ball. Carefully roll the balls into rounds, further starts to cook the leaf will come off easily. Drizzle
flattening with your hands if necessary. oil around and over the roti and cook on both
sides until golden brown. Remove and repeat with
Heat a griddle, tawa or heavy-based frying pan the remaining roti.
(skillet) over medium heat. Place a roti on the
griddle or tawa, or in the pan and cook for
1-2 minutes, turning twice until cooked through.
Remove and repeat with the remaining roti.


# '71''

Makki ki Roti Methi ki Roti

Corn Bread Fenugreek Bread

Origin Punjab Origin Punjab

Preparation time 20-30 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 20 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 5-10 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Makes 8 Makes 10

500g /1 lb 2oz (4% cups) cornmeal_ 150g / 5oz (2V2 cups) fenugreek leaves, chopped
60g / 2oz (I/2 cup) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour 2 tablespoons chopped green chillies
25g / 1 oz (3V2 tablespoons) plain (all-purpose) flour, 500g /1 lb 2oz (4 cups plus 2 tablespoons) wholemeal
plus extra for dusting (whole wheat) flour, plus extra for dusting
pinch of salt pinch of salt_
lOOg / 31/20Z (scant Vz cup) ghee or butter, melted, 3V2 tablespoons melted butter, plus extra for greasing
plus extra for greasing
Mix the chopped fenugreek leaves and chillies
Classic Mustard Greens (see page 262), to serve
together in a bowl.
Sift the cornmeal, flours and salt into a large bowl
Sift the flour and salt into a paraat or large bowl.
and mix in enough water to make a soft dough.
Make a depression in the centre of the flour, then
Knead the dough on a lightly floured work surface
slowly mix in enough water to form a soft dough.
for about 5 minutes, then transfer to a lightly oiled
Mix in the fenugreek mixture and, when fully
bowl, cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel
mixed, knead the dough on a lightly floured work
and set aside in a warm place for about 30 minutes.
surface for about 5 minutes, then transfer to a lightly
oiled bowl, cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish)
Divide the dough into 8 equal portions, roll into
towel and set aside in a warm place for 30 minutes.
balls, dust with flour, then cover and set aside
for about 5 minutes.
Divide the dough into 10 equal portions and roll into
balls. Place them on a floured surface and flatten
Preheat the oven to 20o‘C/40o°F/Gas Mark 6,
each ball with a rolling pin into a flattened round,
if using.
about 15cm / 6 inches in diameter.
Flatten each ball between the palms of your hands
Heat a tawa or heavy-based frying pan (skillet)
or roll with a rolling pin on a lightly floured surface
over medium heat, place the roti in the pan and
to make a flattened round, about 20cm / 8 inches
cook for 1 minute, then turn over and cook the
in diameter. Sprinkle over a little flour to prevent
other side until golden brown. Remove and brush
it sticking.
with melted butter on one side and serve. Repeat
with the remaining roti.
To cook the roti, either use a tandoor or oven. In
a tandoor, place the roti on a cushioned pad, then
place inside a moderately hot tandoor. Let the roti
bake for about 2 minutes, then remove with tongs.
If using the oven, place the roti on a greased baking
tray (sheet) and bake for about 6 minutes. When
the roti are cooked, brush with ghee or butter and
serve with Mustard Greens.


*So efe*
Bajare ki Roti Missi Roti
Millet Bread Lentil Bread

Origin Rajasthan Origin Punjab

Preparation time 10-15 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 50 minutes, plus soaking
Cooking time 15 minutes and standing time
Makes 8 Cooking time 4-6 minutes
Makes 10
500g /1 lb 2oz (4 cups plus 2 tablespoons) millet flour,
plus extra for dusting IQOg / 3V2qz C/2 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
pinch of salt lOOg / 3V2OZ (y2 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
5V2 tablespoons melted butter, for oiling and serving 3 tablespoons wholemeal (whole wheat) flour,_
plus extra for dusting_
Sift the flour and salt into a paraat or large bowl. 2 tablespoons plain (all-purpose) flour
Make a depression in the centre of the flour, then 5 tablespoons chopped onion
slowly mix in enough water to make a semi-hard
3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
dough. When fully mixed, knead the dough on
a lightly floured work surface for about 5 minutes, 1 tablespoon chopped ginger
then transfer to a lightly oiled bowl, cover 3 teaspoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel and set y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
aside in a warm place for 30 minutes. 1 teaspoon chilli powder
pinch of salt
Divide the dough into 8 equal portions, roll into
balls, cover again and set aside for 5 minutes. 3 tablespoons ghee or butter, melted, plus extra
for greasing
Flatten each ball between the palms of your hands
to make a flattened round. Soak the chana dal and moong dal in a large bowl
of water for 30 minutes, then drain. Transfer to
Heat a griddle, tawa or a heavy-based frying pan a pan, pour in enough water to cover and boil
(skillet) over medium heat. for 15 minutes until thick. Allow to cool slightly,
then transfer to a food processor or blender
Place the roti on the hot griddle, tawa or pan and grind to a paste.
and cook for about 1 minute. Turn over and continue
to cook, gently pressing with a clean dry cloth. Mix the flours together in a bowl and add the dal
Remove when the bread begins to puff up, changes paste and all the remaining ingredients, except the
colour and is marked with dark patches. The edges ghee. Mix thoroughly, adding enough water to make
will begin to crisp. Keep warm while you repeat a soft pliable dough. Knead the dough on a lightly
with the remaining dough balls. Butter each roti floured work surface for 5 minutes, then transfer to
lightly before serving. a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a damp cloth or tea
(dish) towel and set aside in a warm place for
about 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 20o‘C/40o‘F/
Gas Mark 6, if using.

Divide the dough into 10 equal portions, roll into

ablls, dust with wholemeal flour, then cover with
a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel and set aside for
about 5 minutes. Flatten each ball between the palms
of your hands into a flattened round.

To cook the roti, either use a tandoor or oven. In

a tandoor, place the roti on a cushioned pad and
place inside a moderately hot tandoor. Let it bake
for about 4 minutes, then remove with tongs. If using
the oven, place the roti on a greased baking tray
(sheet) and bake for about 6 minutes. Serve brushed
with ghee or melted butter


# / USD pp.276, 598-9, 660-1 Heat 1 tablespoon of oil on a griddle, tawa or heavy-
based frying pan (skillet) over high heat. Place the
round flat on the hot griddle, tawa or pan, spread
Thali Peeth a little oil on the top surface, cover and cook for
Mixed-flour Bread 2 minutes. Turn over and cook the other side for
about 1 minute until it is light brown, then remove
Origin Maharashtra from the heat. Repeat with the other dough balls.
Preparation time 50 minutes
Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Makes 12

150g / 5oz (1 cup) thali peeth flour, plus extra for

dusting (see below)
Maharashtrian Bread
1 tablespoon finely chopped green chillies
Origin Maharashtra
1 tablespoon finely chopped ginger Preparation time 30 minutes
1 onion, finely chopped Cooking time 15 minutes
1 teaspoon chilli powder Makes 10-12
125ml / Am oz (Vi cup) soured natural (plain) yoghurt
1 tomato, de-seeded and chopped 500g /11b 2oz (3 cups plus 3 tablespoons) rice flour
1 tablespoon sesame seeds or 500g /1 lb 2oz (4 cups plus 2Vi tablespoons)
Va teaspoon ground cloves millet flour, plus extra for dusting
Va teaspoon ground cardamom pinch of salt
Va teaspoon ground coriander
Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl, then mix
Va teaspoon ground cumin in 500ml / i8fl oz (2V4 cups) warm water to make a
Va teaspoon ground black pepper smooth dough. Knead the dough on a lightly floured
pinch of salt work surface for about 2 minutes, then divide
5 tablespoons vegetable oil into 10—12 equal portions and roll into small balls.
Sprinkle some rice flour on a tray (pan) or work
surface and flatten the balls on it, pressing gently
For the thali peeth flour
with the palms of your hands. Take care that they
200g / 7oz (1 cup) short-grain rice_ are still round. Sprinkle over some more flour
30g / loz {Va cup) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour and shape the flattened balls into roti by pressing
45g / 1V20Z (Vi cup) dark millet them between the palms of your hands and rotating
45g / 1Vioz (14 cup) white millet them. When you are satisfied with the size and
shape of the breads, set aside.
50g / 1%oz (Va cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
Vi teaspoon coriander seeds_ Heat a flat tawa or a heavy-based frying pan (skillet)
Vi teaspoon cumin seeds over high heat, then reduce the heat to medium.
Vi teaspoon black peppercorns_ Sprinkle some water on the surface of the bhakri and
Vi teaspoon fenugreek seeds _ stretch it a little, then gently place in the pan. Cook
for about 15 seconds, then turn over and cook the
Vi teaspoon ground cloves _
other side for about 15 seconds. If you are using a gas
Vi teaspoon ground cardamom stove, remove from the pan and hold over a direct
flame on the cooker (stove top). If you are using
To make the flour, roast all the ingredients and then
an electric stove, cook the bread a little longer in the
process in a spice grinder or blender until ground.
pan. Either way, roast until small black burn marks
Use as required. appear on both sides. Repeat until all the bhakri
are cooked.
To make the bread, sift the flour on to a large tray
(pan) or into a large bowl and add all the ingredients
except the oil. Make a depression in the centre, pour
in a little water and mix to form soft dough. Divide
the dough equally into small balls. Roll each ball out
on a board and press lightly with your palm to make
small rounds of about 8cm / 3 inches in diameter.


Phulka Bajari-Methi na Tepla
Puffed Bread Shallow-fried Fenugreek & Millet Bread

Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh Origin Gujarat

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 40-50 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Makes 20-25 Makes 12-14

360g / 12Vkoz (3 cups) wholemeal 125g / 4V2QZ (1 cup) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour,
(whole wheat) flour, plus extra for dusting plus extra for dusting
vegetable oil for greasing 150g / 5oz (1 cup) millet flour
1 teaspoon ground coriander
Sift the flour into a flat pan, thali or bowl, then 1 teaspoon ground cumin
gradually mix in enough water to make a soft dough.
% teaspoon ground turmeric
Knead and fold the dough for io minutes on a lightly
floured work surface, sprinkling over a little water 1 teaspoon chilli powder
during the process. Transfer to a lightly oiled bowl, 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel and set 1 teaspoon red chilli paste
aside in a warm place for 30 minutes. 2 tablespoons jaggery or soft brown sugar
pinch of salt
Knead again thoroughly, then pinch off small pieces
of dough, roll into balls and flatten them between 4 tablespoons fenugreek leaves
the palms of your hands using a little flour. Roll 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus extra
each out thinly on a lightly floured work surface into for shallow-frying
15-cm / 5-inch circles, using more flour to prevent 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) soured natural (plain) yoghurt
Sift both the flours together with all the ground
Heat a griddle, tawa or heavy-based frying pan spices, ginger and chilli pastes, jaggery or sugar
(skillet) over medium heat. Add a phulka to the and salt in a large bowl. Add the fenugreek
griddle, tawa or pan and cook for 1 minute on each leaves and oil and mix, adding enough yoghurt to
side until dry and beginning to brown. Remove the make a semi-soft dough. Knead the dough briefly
griddle, tawa or pan from the heat, and using tongs, on a lightly floured work surface.
place the phulka over a direct flame for a few
seconds until it puffs up. If using an electric stove, Divide the dough into 12—14 equal portions and roll
cook the phulka for a little longer in the pan, into balls, then flatten these between the palms of
pressing lightly with a clean dry cloth to help it puff your hands and roll with the rolling pin into rounds,
up. Turn and cook the other side. Serve immediately. about 10cm / 4 inches in diameter.
Repeat with the remaining phulkas.
Heat a little oil for shallow-frying in a heavy-based
To make a karara, or crisp phulka, hold over the frying pan (skillet) over medium heat. Add a tepla
direct flame for a little longer, until burnt patches and shallow-fry for about 2 minutes until it changes
appear. These semi-burnt phulkas are delicious colour and is marked with dark patches. Using a
with dal or a little butter. spoon, pour a little oil around the edge of the tepla
to ensure it does not stick to the pan and burn.
Turn over and cook for about 1 minute. Repeat with
the remaining dough balls.


0 Add half the ghee to the dough, knead again,
cover and set aside for a further 10 minutes.

Amritsari Kulcha Preheat the oven to 20o"C/40o"F/Gas Mark 6,

Baked Bread from Amritsar if using.

Origin Punjab Now divide the dough into 8 equal portions and roll
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus standing time into balls, then set aside for about 5 minutes. Next,
Cooking time 10-30 minutes put each ball on a floured surface and flatten with
Makes 8 a rolling pin into a flattened round, about io-i2cm
/ 4—5 inches in diameter. Put a little of the filling in
the middle of each round, then fold over to enclose
500g /1 lb 2oz (4 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour,
the filling and press down with your fingertips
plus extra for dusting to seal the edges. Flatten the round again with
pinch of salt a rolling pin, taking care not to let the filling ooze
125g / 4oz (V2 cup) ghee out. Do the same with all the dough balls and filling.
melted ghee or butter, for greasing and brushing
To cook the kulcha, either use a tandoor or oven.
In a tandoor, place the flattened round on a
For the filling cushioned pad and place inside a moderately warm
200g / 7oz (1 large) potato, grated_ tandoor. Let the kulcha bake for 2-3 minutes and
175g / 6oz (% small head) cauliflower, grated then remove it with tongs. If using the oven, place
2 tablespoons Paneer (see page 59), grated the kulcha on a greased baking tray (pan) and bake
2 teaspoons chopped ginger for about 10 minutes. After removing the baked
kulcha, brush ghee or butter all over and serve hot.
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
1 teaspoon coriander seeds, roasted
and crushed
1 tablespoon chopped green chillies
40g / V/20Z O/2 small) onion, chopped Chapaati
1 teaspoon ground black pepper Chapati
1 teaspoon dried pomegranate seed powder
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 400g / 14oz (3V3 cups) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour
1 teaspoon ajwain seeds plus extra for dusting
1 teaspoon dried fenugreek leaves _ pinch of salt
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) melted ghee or butter, for brushing (optional)

To make the filling, mix all the filling ingredients Sift the flour and salt into an open, stainless steel
together in a large bowl and divide it into tray or large bowl. Add about 250m / 8fl oz (1 cup)
8 equal portions. water to the flour and start mixing until a soft
dough is formed.
Sift the plain flour and salt into an open, stainless
steel platter or large bowl. Add a little water to the Divide the dough into equal pieces and roll into
flour and start mixing until a soft dough is formed. balls. Flatten each ball between the palms of your
Knead on a lightly floured work surface for about hands and dust with flour.
5 minutes, then transfer to a lightly oiled bowl,
cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel and set Roll each out to about 15cm / 5 inches in diameter.
aside in a warm place for about 30 minutes.
Heat a flat tawa or a heavy-based frying pan (skillet)
over high heat, then reduce the heat to medium-
low. Add a chapati to the pan and cook for about
10 seconds, pressing with a cloth until the bread
begins to puff up, then turn and cook the other side
in the same way. The chapati is cooked when brown
patches appear on the surface. Serve the chapati as
they are, or brushd with ghee or butter.


Sheermal Rogani Kulcha
Mildly Sweet Milk Bread Rich Kulcha

Origin Awadh/Hyderabad Origin Awadh

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 40 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 12-15 minutes Cooking time 25 minutes
Serves 24 Makes 8

500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) milk_ 1 egg_

2 teaspoons dried yeast I/2 teaspoon baking powder
4 tablespoons kewra water 1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom 5 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons sugar 500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour,
1 kg / 2141b (8I/2 cups) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour plus extra for dusting
1 teaspoon salt pinch of salt
750g / 11b lOoz (314 cups / 6I/2 sticks) ghee or butter 4 teaspoons vegetable oil

Put the milk in a large jug (pitcher), add the yeast,

For the rogan
kewra water, ground cardamom and sugar and mix
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
well. Set aside. Mix the flour, salt and ghee or butter
together on a large tray or in a bowl, then pour 1 tablespoon chilli powder
the milk mixture over the flour and mix to make soft 1 egg
dough. Cover and set aside in a warm place for
2 hours. Put the egg into a bowl, add the baking powder,
sugar and milk and whisk together. Sift the flour and
Divide the dough into 24 equal-sized balls. Roll the salt into a paraat or large bowl. Make a depression
ball on a lightly floured work surface with a rolling in the centre of the flour, add the egg mixture
pin into a round of 15cm / 6 inches in diameter and and start mixing gradually, adding in enough water
prick the round with a fork. to make a soft dough. When fully mixed, knead
the dough on a lightly floured work surface for
Heat a griddle, tawa or heavy-based frying pan 5 minutes, then set aside for to minutes.
(skillet) until hot, then place the round on the
hot griddle, tawa or pan and cook for about 10 Add the vegetable oil to the dough, then knead and
seconds on both sides until golden brown. Repeat punch down the dough. Cover with a damp cloth or
with the remaining dough balls. tea (dish) towel and set aside in a warm place for
2 hours to allow the dough to rise. Divide the dough
into 8 equal portions and roll into balls, then set aside.

To make the rogan, heat the oil in a heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the chilli powder and cook
for 30 seconds. Strain and allow to cool, then add
the egg and mix together.

Preheat the oven to 20o’C/40o°F/Gas Mark 6,

if using. Flatten each dough ball between the palms
of your hands to make a flattened round.

To cook the kulcha, either use a tandoor or oven.

In a tandoor, place the flattened round on a
cushioned pad and place inside a moderately hot
tandoor. Let the kulcha bake for 2—3 minutes
and then remove it with tongs. If using the oven,
place the kulcha on a greased baking tray (sheet)
and bake for about 10 minutes. Spread the rogan
over the kulcha and serve.


Girda Taftan
Kashmiri Fermented Bread Flaky Bread

Origin Jammu and Kashmir Origin Awadh

Preparation time 1 hour, plus fermenting time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Cooking time 6-9 minutes
Serves 8 Makes 8

250g / 9oz (2 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour_ 125ml / 4y2fl oz (Vz cup) milk_
250g / 9oz (2 cups plus 2 tablespoons) wholemeal 20g / %oz (about 7 teaspoons) fast-action dried
(whole wheat) flour (active dry) yeast_
1 tablespoon ghee 3Vz tablespoons sugar
Vz teaspoon salt 475g / 11b (3%cups) plain (all-purpose) flour_
1 tablespoon sugar pinch of salt
1 teaspoon baking powder 3 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt
1 tablespoon natural (plain) yoghurt 2 eggs, lightly beaten _
1 teaspoon poppy seeds 4 teaspoons vegetable oil, plus extra for brushing
and oiling_
Sift the plain (all-purpose) flour into a large bowl, V/z tablespoons ghee, melted, plus extra for basting
then, using your hands, slowly mix in 250ml / 8fl oz
1 tablespoon kalonji (nigella) seeds
(1 cup) water. Transfer to a pot or bowl, cover and
set aside to ferment overnight. milk, for basting

The next day, preheat the oven to i8o°C/35o"F/Gas Mix the warm milk, yeast and sugar together
Mark 4. in a bowl. Set aside until it starts to froth.

Sift the wholemeal flour into a large bowl, add Sift the flour and salt into a paraat or large bowl.
the ghee, salt and sugar and mix, then mix in the Make a depression in the centre of the flour and
fermented plain flour. Add some water, if required, pour in the yeast mixture, yoghurt, eggs and oil. Mix
to make the dough into an elastic consistency, which to make a dough, then knead the dough on a lightly
does not stick to your fingers. At this stage add the floured work surface for about 5 minutes, until it is
baking powder. smooth and elastic. Transfer to a lightly oiled bowl,
cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel and set
Divide the dough into small balls and shape them aside in a warm place for 6 hours.
into flat oval-shaped breads. Using a knife, make a
slit along one side of each bread and spread a little Punch down the dough and divide the dough
yoghurt inside. Sprinkle some poppy seeds over into 8 equal portions. Brush with oil, then set
the top of the breads. Make small depressions on aside for 20 minutes.
the bread and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes.
Keep checking, and once it starts rising and turns Preheat the oven to 20o"C/400°F/Gas Mark 6.
Flatten each ball with the palms of your hands making
light brown, it is ready.
it narrow at one end and broad at the other.

Brush with a little ghee and sprinkle over the

kalonji seeds. Put the breads on 2—3 oiled baking
trays (sheets) and bake in the oven for 2—3 minutes.
Remove from the oven and baste with a little milk
and ghee.


C§3 p.677

Baqarkhani Roti Bhatura

Rich Sweet Bread Deep-fried Bread

Origin Awadh/Hyderabad Origin Punjab

Preparation time 40 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 50 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 12 Makes 15

500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour, 125ml / 41/2fl oz 0/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
plus extra for dusting 2 teaspoons sugar _
1 teaspoon baking powder 500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour,
pinch of salt plus extra for dusting
3 teaspoons icing (confectioners’) sugar 10Og / 3y2oz (V2 cup plus 1 tablespoon) semolina
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) warm full cream (whole) milk (farina)
1 teaspoon fresh yeast V2 teaspoon baking powder
4 green cardamom pods, ground pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
2 tablespoons raisins pinch of salt
16-18 almonds, cut into slivers 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus extra for oiling
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee, melted, plus extra and deep-frying
for greasing
1 tablespoon poppy seeds Mix the yoghurt, sugar and about 250ml / 8fl oz
(1 cup) water together in a bowl.
Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a large
bowl and add the sugar and warm milk. Set aside. Sift the flour, semolina, baking powder, bicarbonate
Put the yeast in a small bowl, add 5 tablespoons of soda and salt into a large bowl. Make a depression
lukewarm water and set aside to rise for about in the centre of the flour, then pour in the yoghurt
30 minutes. mixture and start mixing gradually to make a
soft dough. When fully mixed, knead the dough on
Add the yeast mixture to the flour and mix a lightly floured work surface for about 5 minutes.
together to make a dough. Knead the dough on a Knead 2 tablespoons oil into the dough, then transfer
lightly floured work surface for about 5 minutes. to a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a damp cloth
Add the ground cardamom, raisins and almonds or tea (dish) towel and set aside in a warm place for
and knead into the dough. Transfer to a lightly oiled 10 minutes.
bowl, cover and set aside in a warm place for at
least 1 hour, or until risen. Lightly oil the palms of your hands and flatten
each ball into a flattened round, about 13—15cm
Add half the ghee to the dough and knead again, / 5—6 inches in diameter.
then divide the dough into 12 equal portions and
shape into balls. Transfer to a baking tray (pan), Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or
cover and set aside for 30 minutes. deep, heavy-based pan to i8o'C/35o’F, or until a
cube of bread browns in 30 seconds. Carefully
Preheat the oven to i9o’C/375*F/Gas Mark 5. Flatten add 1 or 2 bhatura to the hot oil and deep-fry until
the balls into patties of about 18cm / 7 inches golden brown on both sides and puffed up. Remove
in diameter and about 5mm / 1/4 inch thick. Brush with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
with ghee and fold each into 4. Roll into balls again (paper towels). Repeat with the remaining bhatura.
and leave for 10 minutes. Repeat the entire process
three times, then sprinkle the poppy seeds over.
Bake in the oven for about 7-8 minutes, or until
golden brown.



Appam Traphe Dandan

Rice Pancakes with Coconut Milk Buckwheat Flour Pancakes

Origin Kerala Origin Tribal

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking Preparation time 20 minutes
and standing time Cooking time 30 minutes
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Makes 12-14
Makes 8-10
vegetable oil, for frying_
200g / 7oz (1 cup) rice, rinsed and drained 1 large onion, chopped
1 cup cooked rice 2 teaspoons chilli powder
% teaspoon dried yeast 225g / 8oz (1% cups plus 2 tablespoons)
1 teaspoon sugar buckwheat flour_
1 teaspoon ground cumin pinch of salt
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) coconut milk, fresh
(see page 781) or canned Heat a little oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
heat, add the onion and fry for about 5 minutes,
5 tablespoons vegetable oil
or until soft. Add the chilli powder and sprinkle in
pinch of salt
a little water to prevent it burning, then stir-fry for
about 1 minute. Remove from the heat and drain
Soak the rice in a large bowl of water for 3 hours,
off the oil.
then drain.
Meanwhile, place the flour in a large bowl, add
Mix the yeast, 14 teaspoon sugar and 2 tablespoons
the salt and gradually beat in enough water to make
lukewarm water together in a bowl or jug (pitcher),
a fairly runny batter, beating well to avoid any lumps.
then set aside to ferment for 1 hour.
Add the drained onions to the mixture.

Put the soaked rice in a blender or food processor,

Heat a very little oil in a large frying pan over
add the cooked rice, ground cumin, the yeast
medium heat, pour in about 2 tablespoons of the
mixture and 180ml / 6fl oz (14 cup) water and
mixture and cook for about 1 minute, then turn
process to make a very smooth paste. Add another
over and cook the other side. Remove from the pan
2 tablespoons water if required. Transfer to a large
and repeat until all the mixture is used up.
bowl and pour in the coconut milk. Mix gently and
set aside for about 8 hours.

Just before cooking the appams, add the salt

and remaining sugar.

Brush an appachatti or large non-stick griddle, tawa or

heavy-based frying pan (skillet) lightly with oil
and heat it. Pour in a large spoonful of batter and tilt
and rotate the appachatti to ensure that the batter
is evenly spread. Cover and cook over very low heat
for about 2 minutes. The pancakes should be crisp and
thin at the edges but remain thick and spongy at
the centre. Remove from the pan and keep warm while
you make the remaining appams in the same way.


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c. *3
Rice is known around the
world as a staple of Indian
cuisine. Although often served
as a plain or lightly seasoned
accompaniment to a main
dish, rice can also be the focus
of a wonderful assortment of
recipes - the best known is
undoubtedly the biryani,
a delicious mixture of rice and
marinated meat or vegetables
cooked to perfection in a
sealed pot.

Khuska Makhani Chawal
Plain Boiled Rice Buttered Rice

Origin Awadh/Hyderabad Origin Punjab

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 45 minutes Cooking time 10-20 minutes
Serves 8 Serves 8

1 kg / 2141b (51/3 cups) basmati rice, rinsed 400g /14oz (2V4 cups) basmati rice, rinsed
and drained 3 tablespoons butter_
1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon black cumin seeds_
12 cashew nuts, fried, to garnish_
Bring 3 litres / 5% pints (12/2 cups) water to the boil salt
in a large, heavy-based pan. When the water begins
to boil, add the rice and salt. Stir well with a ladle Heat 2 tablespoons butter in a large pan over
or wooden spoon, cover and cook for about 12—15 medium heat. Add the cumin seeds and stir-fry
minutes. When the rice is almost cooked but not for 30 seconds. Add the rice and fry for 2 minutes.
quite ready, drain through a sieve (strainer) or very Stir in 700ml / 1 pint %fl oz (2/2 cups) water and
fine colander, then return the rice to the pan and 1 teaspoon salt. Bring to the boil, then reduce to a
sprinkle over 125ml / oz O/2 cup) water. Stir to simmer, cover and cook for 10 minutes.
loosen the grains and drain again. Put a cloth around
and under the lid to absorb the moisture, then leave In the meantime heat the remaining butter in a small
on a griddle over low heat so that the rice cooks frying pan (skillet) and fry the cashews, stirring
in its own steam for about 30 minutes. Alternatively, until golden, for about 2 minutes. Remove from the
cook over very low heat until the rice is cooked. heat and let stand for 10 minutes before fluffing with
a fork onto a serving plate. Top with the cashews.

Plain Rice Puttu
Steamed Rice with Coconut
Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 5 minutes Origin Kerala
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Serves 4 Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 6
200g / 7oz (1 cup) long-grained rice, rinsed
and drained 300g / 8oz (2 cups) rice flour
1 coconut, grated
Put the rice in a pressure cooker, add 375ml / 13ft oz
(i‘A cups) water and cook under pressure for
5 minutes. Open the cooker lid when the pressure
Put the rice flour in a large bowl and season
subsides. Alternatively, bring 375ml / i3fl oz (1/2
with salt, then mix in enough water and a handful
cups) water to the boil in a large pan, add the rice
of grated coconut to a smooth batter. Place a 2.5-cm
and cook for about 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain.
/ i-inch thick layer of grated coconut at the base of
a puttukutti and cover with a 5-cm / 2-inch thick
Serve hot with desired accompaniments.
layer of the rice flour mixture. Repeat the process
until the puttukutti is full. Put the puttukutti on
to the metal utensil holding warm water. Increase
the heat and steam for 10 minutes. If you don't
have a puttukutti, use an ordinary steamer. Form
the mixture into rounds and place them on a plate
inside the steamer. Steam for 10 minutes.


Thengaai Saadam Kobbaraiannam
Coconut Rice Savoury Coconut Rice

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling
Cooking time 10 minutes and standing time
Serves 8 Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 8
2 teaspoons vegetable oil_
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) rice, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained 3 tablespoons vegetable oil_
1 teaspoon black mustard seeds
3 dried red chillies
40g / 1V20Z O/2 cup) grated fresh coconut 3-5 dried red chillies, broken into
1 cup cooked basmati rice
21/2-cm /1 -inch lengths

2 teaspoons broken cashew nuts

green chillies, de-seeded
1 tablespoon peanuts
cloves garlic, chopped
x 1 -cm / y2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
10-15 curry leaves
and chopped
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a large, heavy-based pan 2 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained
over medium heat, add the mustard seeds, urad
dal and red chillies and stir-fry for about 1—2
1 sprig curry leaves
pinch of ground turmeric
minutes, or until the seeds start to splutter. Add
the coconut and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes, pinch of asafoetida
or until well roasted. Season with salt and remove 150g / 5oz (2 cups) grated coconut, roasted
from the heat. Add the rice and mix well. salt

Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a frying pan (skillet) over

To garnish
medium heat, add the broken cashew nuts and
chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
peanuts and fry lightly for 2 minutes, or until they
turn red. Add the curry leaves and remove from
the heat. Stir into the coconut rice.
1 tablespoon grated coconut
juice of V2 lime

Cook the rice in a large pan of boiling water

for about 5 minutes, then drain well and spread
out on a tray to cool.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the mustard seeds, chillies, garlic
and ginger and cook for 1 minute, or until the seeds
start to splutter. Add both dais, the curry leaves and
turmeric and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
the dais turn golden. Add the asafoetida, grated
coconut and rice and mix thoroughly. Remove from
the heat and set aside for about 1 hour to allow
the flavours to penetrate. Reheat and serve sprinkled
with lime juice and garnished with coriander and
grated coconut.


Bhagara Bhaath Zafrani Pulao
Fried Savoury Rice Saffron Rice

Origin Hyderabad Origin Awadh

Preparation time 10 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 45 minutes Cooking time 1 hour
Serves 6 Serves 8

500g /1 lb 2oz (2% cups) basmati rice, rinsed 500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) rice, rinsed and drained
and drained Vz teaspoon saffron threads
10Og / 3Vzoz (scant Vz cup) ghee 1 teaspoon warm milk
1 onion, chopped 1 tablespoon ghee_
Vz teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 4 cloves_
Vz teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 4 green cardamom pods
6 green cardamom pods 2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long 1 onion, sliced
6 cloves Vz teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
salt 14 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) chicken stock
Soak the rice in a large bowl of salted water salt
for 20 minutes, then drain.
Soak the rice in a large bowl of water with
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over 1 teaspoon salt for 15 minutes.
medium heat, add the onion and fry for about
5 minutes, or until brown. Add the ginger and garlic Dry the saffron on a hot griddle or small frying
pastes, cardamom pods, cinnamon and cloves and pan, then transfer to a small bowl, add the milk and
season with salt, then fry for about 2 minutes. Add soak for about 10 minutes. Transfer to a mortar
the rice and fry for a further z minutes, then pour in and pound with a pestle or grind in a spice grinder.
enough water to cover the rice by 4cm / 1/2 inches.
Preheat the oven to i4o"C/275°F/Gas Mark 1, if using.
Stir well, cover and bring to the boil, then half Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
uncover and cook for about 7—10 minutes, or until medium heat, add the cloves, cardamom pods and
the rice is half cooked. Reduce the heat to very low, cinnamon and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
put a cloth around the lid and cover the pan with the cardamom pods start to splutter. Add the onions
it so that the moisture seeps into the cloth. Simmer and stir-fry for about 5—7 minutes, or until golden
for 20 minutes, or until the water has evaporated brown. Add the garlic paste and stir-fry for
and there are holes on the surface of the rice. 30 seconds. Add the rice and turmeric, mix well
Loosen the rice in the pan with a long-tined fork. and fry for 1 minute. Add the saffron, mix well and
cook for 2-3 minutes. Pour in enough water and
the chicken stock to cover the rice by 2cm / V inch,
then season with salt. Stir, then bring to the boil,
reduce the heat, cover and cook for about 18—20
minutes, or until the rice is done and the water has
almost evaporated.

Heat a griddle over low heat and place the covered

pan on it. Cook for 25-30 minutes. Alternatively,
cook in the oven. Serve hot.


Methi ke Chawal Ande ki Biryani
Fenugreek Rice Egg & Rice Biryani

Origin Punjab Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 40 minutes Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Serves 8 Serves 8

3 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee_ 400g / 14oz (214 cups) basmati rice, rinsed_
1 teaspoon cumin seeds and drained
1 onion, sliced 1 teaspoon saffron threads
1 green chilli, de-seeded and sliced 125ml / 4y2fl oz (V2 cup) hot milk
400g / 14oz (214 cups) basmati rice, rinsed 225g / 8oz French (green) beans
1 tablespoon dried fenugreek leaves 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 6 hard-boiled eggs, shelled and cut in half
salt 125ml / 4Vfcfl oz (y2 cup) lemon juice
200g / 7oz (y2 cup) sliced fried onions
Heat the oil or ghee in a large, heavy-based pan
2 tablespoons raisins
over medium heat, add the cumin seeds and stir-fry
2 tablespoons blanched almonds
for i minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the
onions and chilli and stir-fry for 5 minutes. Add the 20g / %oz (y2 cup) chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
rice, 1 litre / 1% pints (4'A cups) water, the fenugreek 125g / 4oz (y2 cup) melted ghee, plus extra
leaves, chilli powder and turmeric, then season. for greasing
Stir and cook for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Reduce the heat lightly, cover and simmer for Soak the rice in a large bowl of water for about
5 minutes. When ready, turn off the heat and keep 1 hour, then drain.
covered until ready to serve.
Put the saffron in a bowl, add the hot milk
and soak until required.
VP' vp-

Preheat the oven to i5o‘C/30o‘F/Gas Mark 2. Cook

the French beans in a pan of salted boiling water
Molagu Saadam for 7-8 minutes, then drain and set aside. Mix
Pepper Rice the yoghurt, 1 teaspoon salt and the garam masala
together in a bowl and set aside.
Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 10 minutes Put a layer of the rice, a layer of 3 egg halves and
Cooking time 2 minutes a layer of half the beans in a large greased baking
Serves 4 dish. Pour over half the yoghurt mixture, then half
the lemon juice and sprinkle over half the fried
200g / 7oz (1 cup) Plain Boiled Rice (see page 631) onions, half the raisins, half the saffron milk, half
the almonds and half the coriander leaves. Repeat
4 teaspoons ghee
the process, starting with the rice, then when
3 teaspoons black peppercorns everything is used up, pour over the melted ghee.
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
salt Cover the dish and cook in the oven for about 10—15
minutes. Serve hot. Do not mix and carve out a
Put the rice in a serving dish. Heat 1 teaspoon serving from top to bottom, so that you get all the
ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium heat, add layers of the biryani on your plate.
the spices and stir-fry lightly for about 1 minute,
then transfer them to a small blender and process
to make a coarse powder. Add the coarse powder
and the rest of the ghee to the rice, then season with
salt and mix well.


## Put the rice in a large bowl, add 750ml / i!4 pints
(314 cups) water and soak for 20 minutes, then drain.

Kurmu Pulao Preheat the oven to i40°C/275°F/Gas Mark 1.

Jackfruit Pulao Heat the remaining oil in a deep, heavy-based pan
over medium heat, add the rest of the onions and
Origin Hyderabad fry for about 5 minutes, or until brown, then remove
Preparation time 25 minutes, plus soaking time from the pan and set aside. Add the whole spices
Cooking time 45-50 minutes and turmeric to the oil and fry for about 1 minute.
Serves 8 Add the slit chillies and fry lightly for about 1—2
minutes, then add the rice and fry for 3—5 minutes.
Mix 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) boiling water with the
1 jackfruit
coconut milk and pour over the rice until 5cm / 2
3 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus extra for oiling inches above the rice, otherwise add more water.
1 tablespoon desiccated (dried flaked) coconut Add 1 teaspoon ghee, the carrots and peas and mix,
4 onions, sliced then cover and cook for 10 minutes, or until half
1 teaspoon sliced ginger cooked. Remove from the heat.
2 teaspoons ground cumin
Remove half the rice from the pan and spread the
6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
cooked jackfruit in its place, then cover with the
1 teaspoon mustard seeds rest of the rice. Add the lime juice, 1 teaspoon
400g /14oz (214 cups) basmati rice, rinsed ghee and sprinkle over the ground cardamom and
10-15 curry leaves chopped coriander. Cover and cook in the oven
6 cloves for 20—25 minutes until done.

2 green cardamom pods

1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
6 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded
(optional) Thair Saadam
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) coconut milk, fresh Plain Yoghurt Rice
(see page 781) or canned
Origin Tamil Nadu
2 teaspoons ghee
Preparation time 20 minutes
1 carrot, cut into cubes Cooking time 2 minutes
50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) peas, shelled if fresh Serves 4
juice of 1 lime
2 green cardamom pods, ground 400g / 14 oz (2 cups) Plain Boiled Rice (see page 631)
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 10-12 curry leaves
salt 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk
Wearing gloves (see page 793), use a sharp knife 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
to remove the white pith from the jackfruit, then
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
remove the seeds. Cut the jackfruit into 6 2.5-cm /
i-inch pieces. 2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
1 x 1 -cm / 1/2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
Bring 750ml—1 litre / i!4—iV* pints (3%—4% cups) salted and finely chopped
water to the boil in a large pan, add the jackfruit, salt
cover and cook for about 10-15 minutes, or until
soft, then drain and set aside. Put the rice in a large serving dish, then crumble
a few curry leaves with salt and add to the rice.
Mix the desiccated coconut, sliced onion, ginger and Add the yoghurt and milk and mix well.
cumin and 6 chopped chillies with the hot jackfruit.
Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a pan over medium-low heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for about
heat, add the mustard seeds and 1 sliced onion 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add the
and cook for about 5 minutes, or until the onion chillies and ginger and fry again briefly, then add
is brown, then remove from the heat. Mix with to the rice and mix.
the jackfruit and cook for 2—3 minutes.


Bangla Pulao Kashmiri Pulao
Bengali Pulao Kashmiri Pulao

Origin West Bengal Origin Jammu and Kashmir

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 40 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Cooking time 25-30 minutes
Serves 12 Serves 4

2kg / 1141b (10% cups) basmati rice, rinsed 400g / 14oz (214 cups) basmati rice, rinsed
and drained and drained_
pinch of saffron powder 1 teaspoon black cumin seeds_
150g / 5oz (% cup) ghee 4 green cardamom pods
10Og / 3V20Z (% cup) cashew nuts 125g / 4oz (1/2 cup) ghee
50g / 1%oz 0/3 cup) raisins
5g / Vsoz whole garam masala of cinnamon, cloves For the stock
and green cardamom pods 2 tablespoons vegetable oil_
75g / 21/2OZ 0/3 cup) sugar 250g / 9oz (2 medium) onions, sliced
V2 grated nutmeg 3 litres / 514 pints (12Vi cups) water
1 teaspoon ground mace 6 large bones from a leg of lamb
1 tablespoon ground Garam Masala (see page 31) 5 bay leaves
1 tablespoon kewra water 15 black cardamom pods
1 tablespoon rosewater 21/2 tablespoons fennel seeds
rose petals, jasmine flowers or mogra flowers, 4 cinnamon sticks, about 5cm / 2 inches long
to garnish 1 teaspoon black cumin seeds
salt 4 green cardamom pods
Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 1 hour,
then drain. For the stock, heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet)
over medium heat, add the onions and fry for about
Bring 3 litres / 5% pints (\2'h cups) water to the 5 minutes, or until brown, then remove from the pan
boil in a large, heavy-based pan, add the rice and with a slotted spoon and set aside.
the saffron and return to the boil, skimming off the
scum as it rises to the surface. Cover and simmer To make the stock, bring all the ingredients, except
over medium heat for about 10 minutes, or until half the onion, to the boil in a deep, heavy-based pan.
cooked. Drain the rice, reserving the water. Cover and continue to boil for 15—18 minutes. Add
the browned onions and boil for a further 5 minutes.
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Strain
medium heat, add the cashew nuts, raisins and whole the stock through a muslin cloth (cheesecloth) or fine
garam masala and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until sieve (strainer) to get 1.75 litres / 3 pints (7V2 cups)
fragrant. Add the rice, sugar, nutmeg, ground mace, stock, adding more water, if required. Discard the
ground garam masala, kewra water and rosewater, bones and whole spices.
then season with salt and mix well. Cover, reduce the
heat to low and cook for a further 5-^7 minutes by Pour the strained stock into a deep, heavy-based
which time the rice should be cooked and the grains pan and bring to the boil. Add the rice, black cumin
separate. If the rice is not quite ready, add a little of seeds and green cardamom pods and season with
the liquid in which it was cooked, cover and leave salt. Bring the mixture to the boil, then reduce the
it over low heat for 3-4 minutes. Keep covered until heat and cook for about 18—20 minutes, or until the
ready to serve, then heat for 5-7 minutes before rice is almost cooked.
serving. Garnish with a sprinkling of rose petals,
jasmine flowers or mogra flowers. Heat the ghee in another deep pan and when hot,
pour in the rice mixture. Cover the pan with a tight-
fitting lid and cook over very low heat until the rice
is cooked.


chickpeas and bring to the boil. Continue to boil
for about 2 minutes, then remove from the heat
and leave to sit in the water for about 1 hour. Drain
Kabuli Chaneda Pulao just prior to cooking, put in a pan, add the aromatic
Chickpea (Garbanzo Bean) Pulao potli and 750ml / i'A pints (3% cups) water and boil
for 30 minutes until cooked.
Origin Punjab
Preparation time 45 minutes-1 hour, plus soaking Preheat the oven to i8o°C/35o’F/Gas Mark 4, if
and standing time using.Put the chilli powder in a small bowl, add
Cooking time 2 hours 1 tablespoon water and mix together.
Serves 6
For the fried onions, heat the ghee in a frying pan
(skillet) over medium heat, add the onions and fry
250g / 9oz (1V5 cups) chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
for about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown and
500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) basmati rice, rinsed crispy, then remove from the heat and set aside.
and drained
1 teaspoon chilli powder Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan
2 tablespoons ghee over medium heat, add the chopped onions and stir-
fry for 2 minutes, or until translucent, then add
3 teaspoons chopped onions
the garlic and ginger pastes and stir-fry for about
3 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1-2 minutes, or until the moisture has evaporated.
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) Add the chilli powder mixture and stir-fry for about
lOOg / 3V20Z (1 small) tomato, chopped 1-2 minutes, or until the moisture has evaporated.
1 tablespoon lemon juice Add the tomatoes and season with salt, then stir-fry
y2 teaspoon ground green cardamom for about 5 minutes, or until the oil separates
out and the tomatoes are mashed. Now add the
1 drop of kewra water or rosewater
boiled chickpeas together with their cooking liquid
4-3 green cardamom pods and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat, add
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled half of the lemon juice, the ground cardamom and
and cut into 1 -cm / y2-inch juliennes kewra water, then stir and adjust the seasoning,
4-6 green chillies, de-seeded and cut into strips if necessary.
2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Bring 1.5 litres / 2‘A pints (614 cups) water to the boil
12 tablespoons chopped mint leaves in a large, heavy-based pan. Add the green
salt cardamom pods and season with salt, then stir,
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid add the rice and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat
(see page 783) to medium, add the remaining lemon juice and
continue to boil, stirring occasionally, for about
18 minutes, or until almost cooked. Drain and set
For the aromatic potli aside.
4-5 black cardamom pods_
3-4 cloves_ Put half the chickpeas and liquor in another large
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long pan, spread half of the boiled rice on top and
2 bay leaves sprinkle half the ginger juliennes, green chillies,
coriander and mint over the rice. Spread the
remaining chickpeas and liquor over the rice, then
For the crispy fried onions spread the remaining rice on top, and sprinkle the
2 tablespoons ghee_ remaining ginger juliennes, green chillies, coriander
2 onions, sliced and mint over the top. Finish with a layer of the
fried onions spread evenly over, then cover with a
Soak the chickpeas in a bowl of water overnight. tight-fitting lid and seal with dough. Now cook until
The next day, soak the rice in a bowl of water steam starts seeping out of the dough. Remove and
for 30 minutes, then drain. Drain the chickpeas. set aside.

To make the aromatic potli, put all the ingredients To finish, put a couple of hot charcoals on the lid
in a mortar and pound with a pestle to break and leave to stand, or cook in the oven for 15-20
the spices, then transfer to a piece of muslin minutes. Break the seal and serve from the pan.
(cheesecloth) and tie in a pouch with enough kitchen
string (twine) to hang over the pan edge.
Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water to the boil
, in a large, heavy-based pan, add the drained

water to the boil in a large, heavy-based pan.
Add the reserved potli, then season and stir. Sprinkle
over the lemon juice, stir and bring to the boil.
Matar Pulao Add the rice and boil over medium heat for about
Pea Pulao 18 minutes, or until almost cooked. Drain, discarding
the potli and transfer to a separate pan. Sprinkle
over the kewra water, cardamom and mace, then
Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh
cover and set aside for 10 minutes.
Preparation time 25 minutes, plus soaking
and standing time
Meanwhile, heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet)
Cooking time 30 minutes
over medium heat, add the onions and stir-fry for
Serves 4
2 minutes, or until translucent and glossy. Add the
ginger and garlic pastes and stir-fry for about
400g / 14oz (2Va cups) basmati rice, rinsed
2 minutes, or until the onions are light golden, then
1 teaspoon lemon juice add the peas and season with salt. Stir-fry for about
1 tablespoon kewra water or rosewater 2—3 minutes, or until the moisture has evaporated.
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom Add the cardamom pods and cloves and stir-fry for
generous pinch of ground mace a minute. Remove from the heat, transfer to the pan
with the rice, sprinkle over the soaked saffron, mix
gently and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
For the aromatic potli
15-20 black peppercorns_
6 green cardamom pods 0Q pp.285, 602
5 cloves
3 black cardamom pods
Khilwan Khichari
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
Dry Khichari
2 bay leaves

Origin Awadh
For the peas Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking
large pinch of saffron threads and standing time
250g / 9oz (1% cups) peas, shelled if fresh Cooking time 35 minutes
5 tablespoons ghee Serves 8
50g / 1%oz O/2 small) onion, sliced
250g / 9oz (1 Vz cups) basmati rice, rinsed_
3 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
200g / 7oz (1 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
10Og / 3y2oz (scant V2 cup) ghee
6 green cardamom pods
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
5 cloves
2 bay leaves
10 cloves
Soak the rice in a large bowl of water for about V£> teaspoon black peppercorns
15 minutes, then drain. 250g / 9oz baby (pearl) onions
For the peas, put the saffron threads in a small bowl,
add 1 tablespoon water and soak until required. Combine the rice and dal, then pour over enough
Cook the peas in a pan of boiling water for about water to cover and soak for 20 minutes. Drain and
4-5 minutes, or until al dente. leave to stand for 10 minutes.

For the aromatic potli, coarsely pound the spices Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
in a mortar or grind in a spice grinder to a medium heat, add the cumin seeds, bay leaves,
coarse powder, then transfer to a piece of muslin
cloves and peppercorns and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes.
(cheesecloth), and tie in a pouch with a piece of
Add the baby onions and stir-fry for 1 minute. Stir in
kitchen string (twine) long enough to hang over the
the rice and dal and cook for 1—2 minutes, then
rim of the pan.
season and pour in enough water to come about 4cm
/ i'/z inches above the surface of the khichari. Red
Put the rice in a separate large pan, cover with
uce the heat to low, cover and cook for 20—25
water, add the aromatic potli and set aside for about
minutes, or until the rice and dal are soft. Discard
30 minutes. Drain at the time of cooking and reserve the bay leaves before serving.
the aromatic potli. Bring 375ml / 130 oz (i‘/> cups)


#0 Mix in either the buttermilk or enough water to
make a soft dough. Divide the dough into 6 equal
pieces and roil each piece out on a greased board to
Gatte ka Pulao form a sausage about 10cm / 4 inches long. Bring a
Gram (Chickpea) Flour Dumpling Rice large pan of water to the boil and when just boiling
slowly lower the sausages into the pan. Boil for
Origin Rajasthan about 10-15 minutes, or until the gattas are cooked.
Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time
Cooking time 45 minutes Remove from the pan with a fork and cut each
Serves 4 one into 2.5-cm / i-inch long pieces. Set aside. The
cooking water can be used in any vegetable sauce
to make it tastier.
For the gattas
150g / 5oz (t cup) gram (chickpea) flour For the rice, heat the oil in a large, heavy-based
1 teaspoon cumin seeds pan over medium heat, add the garam masala and
1 teaspoon chilli powder bay leaves, then add the onions and stir-fry
1 teaspoon ground turmeric for about 5 minutes. Add the garlic paste and all
the spices and the lemon juice and season with salt,
1 tablespoon ghee or vegetable oil
then stir. Lastly, add the rice and 1.2 litres / 2 pints
125ml / 4Vzfl oz (V2 cup) buttermilk (optional)
(5 cups) water and mix.
Cook either in a rice cooker or in the original pan
For the rice for about 20 minutes. Add the boiled gattas and
10 cloves garlic_ gently mix into the rice with a fork. Cover and
simmer for a further 10—15 minutes, or until all
400g / 14oz (2% cups) basmati rice, rinsed
the water has been absorbed and the rice is soft.
and drained Remove from the heat and keep covered until ready
3 tablespoons vegetable oil to serve. To garnish, sprinkle the reserved fried
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) onions and chopped coriander over the top.
3 bay leaves
1 onion, sliced
2 teaspoons chilli powder
pinch of asafoetida
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 tablespoons lemon juice

To garnish
1 tablespoon vegetable oil_
1 onion, sliced_
20g / % oz (V2 cup) coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped

For the rice, put the garlic in a small blender or

food processor and process, adding a little water if
necessary, to make a paste. Set aside. Soak the rice
in a bowl of water for about 30 minutes, then drain
and set aside.

To make the garnish, heat the oil in a frying pan

(skillet) over medium heat, add the onion and fry for
about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown and crisp.
Remove and set aside.

To make the gattas, sift the gram flour into a

large bowl, add the cumin seeds, chilli powder,
turmeric and ghee or oil, then season with salt
and mix together.


Zarda Pulao Chitrannam
Sweet Rice Rice with Cashew Nuts & Spices

Origin Awadh/Delhi Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 25 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 8 Serves 8

pinch of saffron threads_ 300g / 11 oz (1 % cups) long-grained rice, rinsed

250g / 9oz (1 Vz cups) basmati rice, rinsed and drained_
and drained 1 tablespoon vegetable oil__
10Og / 31/20Z (scant Vz cup) ghee 1 teaspoon black mustard seeds
1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long pinch of asafoetida
y2 teaspoon ginger
8 green cardamom pods
6 curry leaves
I/2 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
200g / 7oz (1 cup) sugar Vz green chilli, de-seeded and roughly chopped
few drops yellow food colouring (optional) 3-4 dried red chillies
2-3 drops kewra water 1 tablespoon cashew nuts, halved and lightly fried
salt 1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained

Put the saffron in a small bowl, add 4 teaspoons

1 teaspoon chana dal, rinsed and drained
and lightly fried
hot water and soak until required.
teaspoon ground turmeric

Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 20 minutes, then V2 tablespoons lime juice
drain, reserving the water. salt

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over very

1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish
chutney of your choice, such as Ginger Chutney
low heat, add the cinnamon, ginger and cardamom
(see page 64), to serve
pods and cook for 15 minutes.

Cook the rice in a large, heavy-based pan of boiling

Remove the pan from the heat, add the sugar,
water for about 12—15 minutes, or until almost
saffron and food colouring, if using, and stir gently
cooked. Drain thoroughly and set aside.
to distribute the sugar. Add the rice and reserved
soaking water, and season with salt.
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for
Return the pan to low heat and cook for about
about 1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Add
20 minutes, or until the rice is soft. Sprinkle
the asafoetida, curry leaves, ginger paste, chillies,
over the kewra water mixed with a little water.
cashew nuts, urad dal, chana dal and turmeric,
then reduce the heat slightly and simmer for 10
minutes, adding a little water if necessary to prevent
the spices burning. Toss in the rice, sprinkle with
the lime juice and heat through for about 5 minutes,
or until the rice is cooked. Garnish with coriander
leaves and serve with a chutney.


Qabooli Mamri Kaya Pulihora
Rice & Dried Fruit Kedgeree Spicy Mango-flavoured Rice

Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh/Hyderabad Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 40 minutes
Cooking time 35 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 8 Serves 8

1 kg / 2141b (5V3 cups) basmati rice, rinsed 2 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained
and drained 1 kg / Z%h (5V3 cups) rice, rinsed and drained
V2 teaspoon saffron threads, warmed to dry
125ml / 4y2fl oz (1/2 cup) milk, plus a little extra
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
14 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, roasted and ground
500g / 1 lb 2oz (3!/2 cups) blanched almonds, 2 teaspoons coriander seeds, roasted and ground
thickly sliced y2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, roasted and ground
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee 1 green mango, flesh cut into small pieces and
1 onion, sliced chargrilled
8 green cardamom pods 2 tablespoons peanuts, ground
8 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
y2 dried coconut, cut into small pieces
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
125ml / 4]/2fl oz (y2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt 2 dried red chillies
salt 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon urad dal, rinsed and drained
Soak the rice in a large bowl of salted water for
20 minutes, then drain.
8 curry leaves
y2 teaspoon asafoetida
Put the saffron in a mortar, add i tablespoon milk salt
and grind with the pestle. Leave to soak for Rasam (see page 563), to serve
15 minutes.
Put the chana dal in a pan, add 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup)
Put the bicarbonate of soda and a little water in water, bring to the boil and cook for 10 minutes,
a small pan and bring to the boil, then add the or until soft. Drain and set aside.
almonds and cook until al dente and the water has
evaporated. Cook the rice in a large pan of water for 18—20
minutes, or until soft, then drain and spread out on
Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium a clean tea (dish) towel to dry. Transfer to a large
heat, add the almonds and fry until golden brown, serving dish.
then transfer to kitchen paper (paper towels).
Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
Heat i tablespoon ghee in a pan over medium medium heat, season with salt, then add the turmeric
heat, add the onion, cardamom pods, cloves and and ground spices and fry briefly. Add the mixture
cinnamon and fry for about 5 minutes, or until to the rice along with the mango, cooked chana dal,
brown. Pour in 2 litres / 3/2 pints (8'/z cups) boiling ground peanuts, coconut and chopped chillies.
water, then add the rice, stir and cook for about
18 minutes, or until the rice is three-quarters Heat the remaining oil in a frying pan (skillet) over
cooked. Drain and remove half of the rice. Add medium heat, add the dried red chillies, mustard
the sliced nuts, then sprinkle over half the yoghurt seeds, urad dal, curry leaves and asafoetida and
and half the milk. Cover with the rest of the rice, stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or until they turn dark
then sprinkle over the saffron milk and spread brown. Add to the rice and mix together. This
the remaining yoghurt on top. Cover the pan and is eaten at room temperature plain or with Rasam.
cook over low heat for about 30 minutes, or until
cooked. Serve hot.


Add the turmeric, then mix with the tamarind and
spice mixture. Add the mixture to the rice, stir to
mix, and heat through. Sprinkle the fried peanuts on
Chintakaya Pulihora top just before serving.
Tamarind Rice

Origin Tamil Nadu 00

Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 50 minutes
Serves 8
Tamatar Pulihora
Tomato Rice
1 kg / 2141b (5V& cups) rice, rinsed and drained
6 tablespoons vegetable oil
Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
2 tablespoons peanuts
Cooking time 40 minutes
1 teaspoon cumin seeds Serves 8
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
5 dried red chillies 500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) basmati rice, rinsed
2 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained and drained
2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds 1 teaspoon poppy seeds
>2 dried coconut, grated 1/2 fresh coconut, chopped into pieces
1 teaspoon jaggery or soft brown sugar 125g / 4oz 0/2 cup) ghee
125ml / 4M oz (V2 cup) Tamarind Extract 1 cinnamon stick
(see page 58) 3 cloves
salt 4 cashew nuts
4 onions, chopped
For the tempering 10 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
4 dried red chillies_ 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
4 curry leaves 7 tomatoes, chopped
pinch of asafoetida 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
% teaspoon ground turmeric salt

Cook the rice in a large pan of boiling water for Soak the rice in a large bowl of water for
about 12—15 minutes, or until the grains are almost 30 minutes, then drain.
cooked. Drain thoroughly and set aside.
Put the poppy seeds and coconut in a blender
Heat about 4 tablespoons oil in a frying pan (skillet) or food processor and process, adding a little
over medium heat, add the peanuts and fry for a few water if necessary, to make a paste.
minutes until browned, then remove from the pan
and set aside. Add the cumin seeds, coriander Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
seeds and dried red chillies to the pan and fry for heat, add the cinnamon and cloves and fry for about
about 1 minute, or until the chillies are a shade 30 seconds. Add the cashew nuts, onions and chillies
darker. Transfer to a mortar or spice grinder and and fry for about 4 minutes, or until the onions
pound with a pestle or process until ground. are lightly browned. Add the ginger and garlic pastes
and fry for a further 2 minutes. Add the coconut
Heat another 2 tablespoons oil in the frying pan, add and poppy seed paste and stir well, then add the
the chana dal and fry briefly, then transfer to a pan, tomatoes and cook for 3 minutes. Add the chopped
add 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and bring to the boil. coriander and season with salt.
Cook for 30 minutes, or until soft, then drain.
Mix the ground spices, chana dal, fenugreek seeds, Measure out twice the quantity of water to the rice,
coconut, jaggery or sugar and tamarind extract add to the tomato mixture and bring to the boil. Add
together in a pan, then cook over low-medium heat the rice and cook for about 10 minutes, or until the
for about 2—3 minutes. Heat the oil for the tempering rice is half cooked, then reduce the heat to very low
in a frying pan over medium heat, add the dried red and cover. Cook for almost 15 minutes.
chillies, mustard seeds, curry leaves and asafoetida
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the seeds start
to splutter.

Heat the oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy-based
pan to i8o’C/35o“F, or until a cube of bread browns
in 30 seconds. Carefully add the potatoes to the hot
Aloo ki Tehari oil and deep-fry for about 2-3 minutes, or until
Layered Rice and Potatoes they turn light golden. Remove with a slotted spoon
and drain on kitchen paper.
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time To make the aromatic potli, put the fennel seeds,
Cooking time 25-30 minutes cardamom pods, cloves, bay leaves and cinnamon
Serves 4 in a mortar and pound with a pestle or grind
coarsely in a spice grinder. Transfer the mixture to
a piece of muslin (cheesecloth) and tie in a pouch
For the potatoes
with a piece of kitchen string (twine) long enough to
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric hang over the rim of a pan.
V2 teaspoon yellow chilli powder
6 potatoes, cut into pieces Next, to make the liquor, whisk 2 tablespoons
6-8 tablespoons vegetable oil, for deep-frying yoghurt in a bowl. Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-
based pan over medium heat, add the cumin seeds
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until they start
to splutter. Pour in the stock and bring to the boil.
For the aromatic potli Reduce the heat to very low and add the remaining
2 teaspoons fennel seeds yoghurt, chillies, chilli powder and lemon juice
5 green cardamom pods and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove and set aside.
4 black cardamom pods
To cook the rice, bring about 1.5 litres / 2Z1 pints
4 cloves
(6% cups) water to the boil in a large pan, add
2 bay leaves the aromatic potli and season with salt. Stir, add
2 cinnamon sticks the rice, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to
medium. Add the lemon juice and continue to cook,
For the liquor stirring frequently, for about 18 minutes, or until
almost cooked. Drain and discard the aromatic potli
4 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked_
and set the rice aside.
3 tablespoons ghee_
1 tablespoon cumin seeds_ Finally, put half the liquor in a large pan, then
125ml / 4y2fl oz O/2 cup) vegetable stock_ spread over one-third of the boiled rice and arrange
2 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded half the fried potatoes evenly on top. Spread another
third of the rice and arrange the remaining fried
1/2 teaspoon yellow chilli powder
potatoes evenly on top. Spread over the remaining
y2 tablespoon lemon juice
rice, pour on the remaining liquor and cover with a
tight-fitting lid. Seal with dough, if using, or foil,
For the rice _ and cook over low heat for 25—30 minutes. Remove
500g / 1 lb 2 oz (2% cups) basmati rice, rinsed from the heat, break the dough seal and serve.
and drained
V2 tablespoon lemon juice
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid
(see page 783)

Soak the rice in a bowl of water for about

45 minutes.

For the potatoes, bring a large pan of water to the

boil, add the turmeric and yellow chilli powder, then
season with salt and stir. Now add the potatoes and
boil for about 10 minutes, or until half cooked. Drain
and pat dry with kitchen paper (paper towels).


Vjv' Vjv'

Vangi Bhaath Paneer ke Chawal

Rice with Aubergine (Eggplant) Indian Cheese Rice

Origin Karnataka/Coastal Origin Punjab

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 35-40 minutes
Serves 8 Serves 8

500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) rice, rinsed and drained 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus extra for deep-frying
1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 cup Paneer (see page 59), cut into_
3 tablespoons chana dal, rinsed and drained 1 -cm / y2-inch cubes
4 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 bay leaves
1 tablespoon mustard seeds 4 cloves__
1 tablespoon urad dal, rinsed and drained 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 tablespoon chana dal, rinsed and drained 1 onion, sliced
6 curry leaves 1 tablespoon ground turmeric
4 dried red chillies 2 green chillies, de-seeded and sliced
500g /11b 2oz (1 medium) aubergine (eggplant), 400g / 14oz (214 cups) basmati rice, rinsed
trimmed and cut into slices lengthways and drained
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm /1 inch long 80g / 2%oz 0/2 cup) peas
4 cloves 2 tablespoons lemon juice
14 dried coconut, ground salt
1 teaspoon chilli powder
juice of 1 lime To garnish
salt 2 tablespoons ghee
1 tablespoon coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped, 1 onion, sliced
to garnish 12 cashew nuts

Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 20 minutes, To make the garnish, heat the ghee in a frying pan
then drain. Transfer to a pan, add fresh water, then (skillet) over medium heat, add the onion and fry
season with salt and cook for about 18—20 minutes, for about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown.
or until cooked. Remove and set aside, then add the cashew nuts to
the pan and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until
Stir-fry the ground coriander and the 3 tablespoons browned. Remove from the pan and set aside.
chana dal lightly on a tawa or in a dry frying pan
(skillet) for about 1 minute, or until roasted, then Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy-
transfer to a mortar and pound with a pestle or a based pan to i8o'C/35o'F, or until a cube of bread
spice grinder and process until ground. Set aside. browns in 30 seconds. Carefully add the paneer
cubes to the hot oil and deep-fry for about 1 minute,
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over or until golden brown. Transfer with a slotted spoon
medium heat, add the mustard seeds and stir-fry for to kitchen paper (paper towels).
about 30-40 seconds, or until lightly browned,
then add the dais and stir-fry for about 1-2 minutes. Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
Add the curry leaves, dried red chillies and medium heat, add the bay leaves, cloves and cumin,
aubergine and fry for 5 minutes. Add the cinnamon, then add the onion and stir-fry for about 5 minutes.
cloves, coconut, roasted ground coriander and chana Add the turmeric, chillies, rice, 700ml / 1 pint 34fl
dal mixture and chilli powder and fry for about oz (2% cups) water, the peas and lemon juice, then
2 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and add season with salt and mix well. Bring to the boil, then
the lime juice. Stir the mixture lightly into the cooked reduce the heat to a simmer, cover and cook for
rice and garnish with chopped coriander. This io minutes. Add the fried paneer cubes and mix with
dish can either be served with dal or eaten plain. a fork, then remove from the heat and let stand for
a further 10 minutes, or until the rice is cooked. To
serve, uncover, transfer to a rice platter and garnish
with the fried onions and cashew nuts.

Saboodane ki Khichari Baadami Chawal Bariyan
Sago Flavoured with Coconut Creamy Spiced Rice with Almonds
& Coriander (Cilantro)
Origin Punjab
Origin Maharashtra Preparation time 10 minutes, plus soaking time
Preparation time 15 minutes Cooking time 35 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Serves 4
Serves 6
250g / 9oz (V/3 cups) basmati rice, rinsed_
300g /11 oz (2 cups) sago, rinsed and drained _ and drained
300g / 11 oz (2 cups) peanuts, roasted and crushed Vi teaspoon chilli powder
2 tablespoons grated fresh coconut 4 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon ground ginger
Vi teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon ground coriander
2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 Vi tablespoons ghee or vegetable oil 1 teaspoon ground succh bari or Kashmiri Garam
2 potatoes, chopped Masala (see page 56)
4-5 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped 3Vi tablespoons ghee
3 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
rock salt pinch of asafoetida
3 cloves
Put the sago in a large bowl and sprinkle over 250ml 15 blanched almonds, cut in half
/ 8fl oz (1 cup) water to loosen the sago and break up
any lumps.
Soak the rice in a large bowl of water for 1 hour,
Put the peanuts, coconut, cumin seeds, sugar and
then drain.
lemon juice in a large bowl, then season with salt.
Mix well and set aside.
Bring 1 litre / pints (4% cups) water to the boil
in a degchi or casserole, add the rice and cook for
Heat the ghee or oil in a heavy-based pan over
about 10 minutes, or until the grains soften, then
medium heat, add the potatoes and stir-fry for
mix, turning the ladle or wooden spoon in a rotary
about 15—20 minutes, or until they become soft.
motion, so that the grains are well crushed and the
Add the chillies and continue to stir-fry for a
mixture turns into a pulp. Keep stirring constantly
few more minutes. Add the sago mixture and mix
so that it does not stick and burn. If the consistency
properly, then reduce the heat to very low, cover
is too thick, add a little more water so that the
and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
mixture acquires a thick, syrupy texture. Add all
Remove from the heat the moment the sago turns
the spices, except for the cumin, asafoetida, cloves
soft and transparent. Add the chopped coriander
and almonds.
and mix well.
Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water and simmer
for 10 minutes, or until the mixture becomes a
thick paste.

Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium

heat, add the remaining spices and stir-fry for about
1 minute, or until they start to splutter. Pour the
mixture over the cooked rice.


##/ m p.603 Reduce the heat to low, add the yoghurt and simmer
for about 5 minutes to thicken the sauce.

Meen Biryani Brush a heavy-based pan with a little ghee and

Fish Biryani spread a layer of fish over the base, then add a layer
of rice and then a layer of raisins and cashew nuts.
Repeat the process, until all the fish and rice are
Origin Kerala
used up, ending with raisins and cashew nuts on top.
Preparation time 35 minutes, plus standing time
Cover the pan and place on a griddle and cook over
Cooking time 35 minutes
very low heat for about 5 minutes. Alternatively,
Serves 5-6
cook over very low heat.

500g / 1 lb 2oz skinless, firm white fish fillets,_

cut into chunks
4 teaspoons ground turmeric
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) lime juice
125g / 4oz (V2 cup) ghee Lemon Rice
1 kg / 2V4lb (5V3 cups) basmati rice, rinsed Lemon Rice
and drained
Origin Tamil Nadu
2 tablespoons raisins
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
2 tablespoons cashew nuts Cooking time 5 minutes
3 onions, sliced Serves 4
2 teaspoons chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground coriander 500g /1 lb 2oz (2% cups) rice, rinsed and drained
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 3 tablespoons groundnut (peanut) oil
4-6 cloves 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
2 tomatoes, chopped 10-12 curry leaves
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked 2 teaspoons chana dal, rinsed and drained
salt 4-6 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
100ml / 3y2fl oz 0/2 cup) lemon juice
Put the fish in a large shallow dish and rub with
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 teaspoons turmeric and the lime juice, then cover
pinch of asafoetida
and set aside in the refrigerator for 45 minutes.
50g / 1%oz (% cup) grated coconut
Heat 1 tablespoon ghee in a large, heavy-based pan 1 large sprig coriander (cilantro), chopped
over medium heat, add the rice and fry for about salt
10 minutes, then season with salt and add 1 teaspoon
turmeric and 1 litre / i3/< pints (4‘A cups) hot water. Soak the rice in a large bowl of water for about
Stir gently, then bring to the boil. Reduce the heat, 30 minutes, then drain.
cover and cook for about 15 minutes, or until the
water is absorbed. Cook the rice in a large pan of salted boiling
water for 18—20 minutes, or until cooked.
Heat 4 tablespoons ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over
medium-low heat, add the raisins and stir-fry Heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
for about 1 minute, then remove from the pan with heat, add the mustard seeds, curry leaves, chana
a slotted spoon. Add the cashew nuts to the pan dal and chillies and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes,
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until brown, or until the dal becomes light brown. Add the
then remove from the pan with a slotted spoon lemon juice, turmeric and asafoetida and stir for
and reserve. Add the onions to the pan and fry for 15 seconds. Pour the mixture over the rice, add the
about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Reduce grated coconut and coriander and mix well
the heat, add the chilli powder, coriander, remaining
turmeric, 4 teaspoons water, and the whole spices
and fry for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
Add the fish and season with salt, then lightly fry for
about 5 minutes. Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water,
bring to the boil and add the tomatoes.


Leave the sauce in the pan and add the rice. Cook
over high heat for a few minutes until it changes
colour, then pour in 750ml / 1% pints (3'4 cups) hot
Ilish Maachher Pulao water and add the warm milk and sugar and season
Hilsa Pulao with salt. Stir well and bring to the boil, then reduce
the heat, cover and cook for 10-12 minutes, or
Origin West Bengal until the rice is almost done. Transfer the rice to a
Preparation time 35 minutes, plus drying and bowl and grease the pan well with butter. Layer the
marinating time pan alternately with the rice and fish, beginning
Cooking time 40 minutes and ending with rice.
Serves 6
Whisk the remaining yoghurt in a bowl, pour it over
the rice and cover with a tight-fitting lid.
750g /1 lb 10oz (4 cups) basmati rice, rinsed_
and drained Heat a griddle over high heat, then reduce the heat.
1 x 2.5-cm /1 -inch piece fresh ginger, peeled Transfer the pan to the griddle and cook the
2 onions pulao for 15 minutes. Alternatively, bake in the oven
6 cloves garlic for 15 minutes.
350ml / 12fl oz (116 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
800g / 1%ib hilsa or other large firm fish fillets, such
as haddock, cut into 1 -cm / y2-inch thick steaks
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee_
2 green cardamom pods_
4 cloves_
1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inch long_
4 bay leaves_
750ml / 114 pints (3y4 cups) warm milk_
3 teaspoons sugar_
butter, for greasing_

Spread the rice out on a clean tea (dish) towel

and leave until semi-dried.

Put the ginger, onions and garlic in a blender or

food processor and process, adding a little water
if necessary, to make a paste. Transfer to a large
bowl, add half the yoghurt and a little salt and mix
well. Put the fish in a large shallow dish, add the
marinade and turn to coat, then cover and set aside
in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to i5o’C/30o°F/Gas Mark 2, if using.

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan until

very hot. Reduce the heat, add the cardamom pods,
cloves, cinnamon and bay leaves and stir-fry for
about r minute. Add the fish and marinade and
fry for a further 3 minutes. Reduce the heat, pour in
125ml / 4'/2fl oz (14 cup) hot water and cook for
7 minutes over medium-high heat until the water has
evaporated and the fish is cooked. Remove the fish
and set aside.

Put the fish in a large shallow dish and rub the paste
evenly over the fish, then cover and set aside in the
refrigerator for 10 minutes.
Fish Qorma Pulao
Fish Korma Pulao Spread the ghee or oil in a flat pan or pot, then layer
the marinated fish, including the marinade, over it.
Add the ground spices, then cover with a tight-fitting
Origin Awadh
lid and put a couple of pieces of hot charcoal on top
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
of the lid, if you like, and leave to stand over very
Cooking time 20 minutes
low heat for 10—12 minutes, or until cooked. Uncover,
Serves 4
drain the excess fat and adjust the seasoning, if
necessary. Gently heap the cooked rice over the fish.
2 tablespoons desiccated (dried flaked) coconut, To finish, pour the sauce all over, cover and place
roasted on a hot griddle or over very low heat for about
2 tablespoons poppy seeds, roasted 5 minutes.
1 teaspoon mustard seeds, roasted
lOOg / 31/20Z (1 small) onion, chopped,
skin reserved, roasted
30g / 1!4oz (% cup) chopped coriander
(cilantro) leaves
30g /114oz (% cup) chopped mint leaves
4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
5 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
3 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
100ml / 3y2fl oz (y2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 tablespoons lemon juice
800g / 1%lb fish fillets, such as surmai, bhetki
or mackerel, cut into chunks
125g / 4oz C/2 cup) ghee or vegetable oil
Vs teaspoon ground green cardamom
Vs teaspoon ground cloves
Vs teaspoon ground cinnamon
Vs teaspoon ground nutmeg
V8 teaspoon ground black cumin
500g /11b 2oz (2% cups) cooked basmati rice
(see page 631)

Put the roasted coconut, poppy seeds, mustard

seeds, onions and onion skins in a blender or food
processor and process, adding enough water to make
a coarse paste. Transfer to a bowl and set aside.

Put the chopped coriander, mint and chillies in

the blender or food processor and process, adding
enough water to make a paste. Transfer to the
bowl with the coconut paste, add the ginger paste,
garlic paste, yoghurt, chilli powder, ground cumin
and lemon juice, then season with salt and mix well.


Vj*' ■VjV' Add the marinated fish together with the marinade
and 125ml / 4/211 oz O/2 cup) water. Reduce the
heat slightly, then cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
Sarangyacha Pulao Set aside.
Pomfret Pulao
For the rice, heat the remaining oil in a large,
Origin Coastal heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the bay leaf
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until it starts to
and marinating time splutter. Reduce the heat, add the rice and stir-fry
Cooking time 45 minutes very gently for 2 minutes. Add 'h teaspoon salt and
Serves 4 cover the rice with 1 litre / i3/ pints (4/4 cups) water.
Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat, cover and
simmer for 15 minutes, checking frequently whether
400g / 14oz (214 cups) long-grained rice, rinsed
more water is required. Remove from
and drained the heat and set aside.
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 teaspoons lime juice Transfer half the rice to a large bowl, then spoon
1kg/ 2141b skinless, boneless surmai or pomfret half the fish over the rice left in the pan. Return
the rest of the rice to the pan and spread to cover
(butterfish) fillets, cut into chunks
the fish. Spoon the remaining fish on top in an
V2 teaspoon ground cumin, roasted even layer. Cover with a tight-fitting lid and cook
V2 teaspoon ground coriander, roasted over low heat for 5 minutes. Keep covered until
1 teaspoon ground aniseed, roasted ready to serve. Sprinkle with ground mace or nutmeg
3 tablespoons grated fresh or desiccated before serving.
(dried flaked) coconut, roasted
6 large dried red chillies
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
8 cloves garlic
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
2 cloves_
V2 teaspoon ground cardamom
4 tablespoons vegetable oil_
1 large onion, very thinly sliced _
1 bay leaf_
pinch of ground mace or nutmeg, to garnish

Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 30 minutes,

then drain.

To make a marinade, mix the turmeric, lime juice

and a little salt together in a bowl. Put the fish
in a large shallow dish and rub the marinade all
over, then cover and set aside in the refrigerator
for 20 minutes.

Put the cumin, coriander, aniseed, coconut, dried

red chillies, ginger paste, garlic, cinnamon, cloves
and cardamom in a blender or food processor and
process, adding a little water if necessary, to make a
smooth paste.

Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large, heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the onion and fry for
2 minutes, or until translucent. Add the spice paste
and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes.


C®3 p.604

Mahi Pulao Jhinga Nariyal ka Pulao

Fish Pulao Coconut & Prawn (Shrimp) Pulao

Origin Awadh Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 35 minutes Preparation time 35 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 30-40 minutes Cooking time 40 minutes
Serves 8 Serves 8

10-12 cloves garlic_ 500g / 1141b (2% cups) long-grained rice, rinsed
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and drained_
125g / 4oz (I/2 cup) ghee 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
250g / 9oz (2 small) onions, sliced 2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
2 tablespoons ground coriander 10 green chillies, de-seeded (optional)
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
6 cloves, ground juice of 1 lime
seeds of 6 green cardamom pods, ground 500g /1 lb 2oz prawns (shrimp), peeled
1 kg / 2141b fish fillets, cut into bite-sized pieces and deveined
3 cloves 1 coconut, ground
3 green cardamom pods 125g / 4oz (I/2 cup) ghee or vegetable oil
500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) basmati rice, rinsed 2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
and drained 5 cloves
salt 2 onions, chopped
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid 1 teaspoon chilli powder
(see page 783) salt

Preheat the oven to i50°C/300°F/Gas Mark 2, if using. Preheat the oven to i4o‘C/275*F/Gas Mark r.

Put the garlic in a small blender or food processor Soak the rice in water for 20 minutes, then drain.
and process, adding a little water if necessary,
to make a paste, then remove and set aside. Do the Put the ginger and garlic pastes, chillies and
same with the ginger. coriander leaves in a blender or food processor and
process to make a paste. Add the lime juice. Put the
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over prawns in a large shallow dish, add the spice mixture
medium heat, add the sliced onions and fry for and turn to coat the prawns. Cover and set in the
about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove refrigerator for 15 minutes.
from the pan and set aside. Add the garlic and
ginger pastes and the coriander to the pan and cook Mix the coconut and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hot
for 1-2 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, water together in a bowl and pass through a sieve
then season with salt and add the yoghurt, ground (strainer) to extract the thick milk into a clean bowl,
cloves and ground cardamom seeds. Crumble in the then add 1 litre / \V* pints (4% cups) water and mix
fried onions, then return to the heat and cook for together. Set aside.
5-7 minutes. Add the fish, cover and cook for 5—7
minutes, or until the fish is firm. Remove from the Heat the ghee or oil in a large, heavy-based pan
heat and set aside. over medium heat, add the cinnamon and cloves
and stir-fry for a few seconds, then add the onions
Cook the rice in a large pan of boiling water with the and chilli powder and stir-fry for about 2-3 minutes.
whole cloves and cardamom pods for 12-15 minutes, Add the prawns and fry for about 3 minutes.
or until almost done. Drain and spread the rice
over the top of the cooked fish. Melt the remaining Put the coconut milk into a large ovenproof pan
ghee in a small pan and pour over the top. Now and bring to the boil. Add the rice and cook for
cover with a tight-fitting lid and seal with dough, if about 15 minutes, or until two-thirds cooked, then add
using, or foil. Put a couple of pieces of hot charcoal the prawns, season with salt and mix. Cover with a
on the top of the lid, if you like, and leave to stand. tight-fitting lid and cook in the oven for 15 minutes.
Alternatively, cook in the oven for 30-40 minutes.


® pp.604, 607 For stage three, heat the ghee in a deep, heavy-based
pan over high heat, then reduce the heat, add the
bay leaves and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
Biryani (I) they start to change colour. Add the meat and the
Lamb Biryani (I) marinade, and season with salt. Reduce the heat to
low and stir-fry until all the natural juices have been
Origin Delhi reabsorbed and the meat is dry, and the oil rises to
Preparation time 40 minutes-1 hour, plus marinating the surface. Pour in 1 litre / iV* pints (4% cups) hot
time water, stir, cover and simmer for 20 minutes, or until
Cooking time 35-40 minutes the meat is three-quarters cooked. At this stage,
Serves 8 there should be a thick sauce in the pan.

For stage four, preheat the oven to i8o’C/350°F/Gas

For stage one
Mark 4, if using. Bring a large pan of water to the
15 cloves garlic_ boil, add the rice, then season with salt and cook
1 x 8-cm / 3-inch' piece fresh ginger, peeled for about 7—10 minutes, or until half cooked. Drain.
25g / loz dried red chillies
50g / 1%oz p/3 cup) cumin seeds_ Arrange the cooked meat with the sauce in a large
heavy-based pan, spreading it out evenly so that
6 green cardamom pods
there are no gaps between the pieces. Spread half
4 black cardamom pods
the fried onions over the meat, then spread the rice
V2 nutmeg over the meat and onion layers. Put 250ml / 8fl oz
500ml /18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt (1 cup) water, the ghee and yoghurt in a bowl and
2kg / 2141b lamb, cut into large pieces mix together, then spread this mixture evenly over
the rice and cover with the remaining fried onions.

For stage two

Cover with a tight-fitting lid and seal with dough, if
10Og / 31/2QZ (scant 16 cup) ghee_ using, or foil. Heat a large griddle over high heat,
50g / 134oz (1/2 small) onion, finely sliced then reduce the heat to low and place the pan of
meat and rice on the griddle. Cook for about 35—40
For stage three minutes, shaking the pan occasionally to prevent
sticking. Alternatively, cook in the oven.
200g / 7oz (3A cup) ghee
4 bay leaves

For stage four

1 kg / 214 lb (5VS cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained
4 tablespoons ghee_
150ml /14 pint (% cup) natural (plain) yoghurt_
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid
(see page 783)_

For stage one, put the garlic, ginger, dried red

chillies, cumin, cardamom pods and nutmeg in
a mortar or spice grinder and pound with a pestle
or process until ground. Transfer to a deep glass or
ceramic dish, add the yoghurt and lamb and
mix together. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator
for 2 hours.

For stage two, heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet)

over medium heat, add the onions and fry for about
5—7 minutes, or until crisp and brown. Remove from
the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside.

For stage one, put the garlic, ginger, chillies,
coriander leaves, papaya, cumin seeds and cloves
in a blender or food processor and process until
Biryani (II) ground. Set aside. Put 1 teaspoon saffron threads
Lamb Biryani (II) in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons hot water and
soak until required.
Origin Awadh
Put the lamb into a large shallow dish and rub with
Preparation time 1 14 hours, plus marinating time
salt, then cover and set aside for 15-30 minutes.
Cooking time 2 hours
Squeeze and rub dry with a clean cloth and coat
Serves 8
with a pinch of turmeric. Mix the ground spices
and yoghurt together in a bowl and rub all over the
For stage one meat. Make a cut in the centre of each potato and
15 cloves garlic_ coat them with a pinch of turmeric. Set aside.
1 x 8-cm / 3-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
5 green chillies, de-seeded (optional) For stage two, bring three-quarters of a large pan
50g / 1%oz (1 cup) coriander (cilantro) leaves of water to the boil, add the rice, cloves, cardamom
pods, black caraway seeds and cinnamon and cook
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch square unripe papaya
for about 5 minutes, or until one-quarter cooked.
2 teaspoons cumin seeds Drain, reserving the water.
8 cloves
1 teaspoon saffron threads For stage three, while the rice is boiling, heat the ghee
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into large pieces in a large, heavy-based pan over medium heat, add
the sliced onions and fry for about 5 minutes, or until
14 teaspoon ground turmeric
brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
750g / 11b lOoz (6 medium) potatoes Put all the ingredients for the spice powder in a
salt spice grinder and process until ground. Set aside.

For stage two Drain half of the ghee from the pan and reserve,
then return to the heat, add 2 teaspoons fried
1kg / 2141b (51/3 cups) basmati rice, rinsed and drained
crushed onions and 1 teaspoon chilli powder and
6 cloves
cook for 1 minute, then add the potatoes and fry
4 green cardamom pods lightly for about 5—10 minutes. Remove with a slotted
14 teaspoon black caraway seeds spoon and set aside.
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
Arrange the pieces of meat in a tightly packed single
layer in a large, heavy-based pan with a flat base.
For stage three
Make sure there are no spaces between the pieces.
500g /18oz (2 cups) ghee_ Pour over 125ml / 4*/2fl oz O/2 cup) drained ghee,
750g / 11b lOoz (6 medium) onions, sliced then sprinkle over the ground spices and remaining
2 teaspoons chilli powder chilli powder. Arrange the potatoes in a single layer
6 dried plums over the meat and tuck the dried plums between
the potatoes.

For the spice powder

For stage four, preheat the oven to 23o'C/45o’F/Gas
3 green cardamom pods Mark 8. Sprinkle the rosewater and 1 teaspoon
3 black cardamom pods of saffron water over the potatoes and top with the
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long remaining onions. Spread the rice evenly over this
2 blades mace layer, then sprinkle over the ghee, milk, and 300ml
/ Vi pint (i!A cups) of the reserved rice water. Pour
114 teaspoons black caraway seeds
the remaining saffron water in the centre of the rice.
Cover with a tight-fitting lid and seal with dough, if
For stage four using, or foil.
1 tablespoon rosewater_
125g / 4oz (14 cup) ghee Place the pan over high heat for 15-20 minutes,
180ml / 6fl oz (% cup) milk then cook in the oven for 20 minutes. Reduce the
oven to i8o“C/35o‘F/Gas Mark 4 and cook for a
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid
further i'/i hours. When cooked, place the pan again
(see page 783) over medium heat for 10-15 minutes.


Soak the rice in a bowl of salted water for about
20 minutes, then drain and cook in a large, heavy-
based pan of boiling water for about 12—15 minutes,
Kacchi Biryani or until half cooked. Drain, reserving 375ml / 130 oz
Saffron-flavoured Meat (1/2 cups) cooking water.

Cooked with Rice

Put the saffron in a small bowl, crush lightly, then
add a little milk and mix together.
Origin Hyderabad
Preparation time 1 hour 20 minutes, plus marinating
Spread the meat over the base (bottom) of a large
and soaking time
ovenproof pan or casserole. Pour half the milk,
Cooking time 50 minutes
the reserved rice cooking water and the saffron
Serves 8
milk over the lamb, then sprinkle the fried onions
with ghee, coriander, mint leaves, green chillies
10Og / 3y20z (scant 14 cup) ghee_ and ground cardamom over the top. Spread the
3 onions, sliced remaining rice over the mixture, then sprinkle over
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces the ground cardamom and lime juice and season
1 level tablespoon ground unripe papaya with salt. Cover with a tight-fitting lid and seal with
dough, if using, or foil.
125ml / 4y2fl oz 0/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 teaspoon chilli powder
Place the pan over medium heat and cook for about
4 green cardamom pods 10 minutes, or until the liquid makes slight sounds
4 cloves inside. Remove the pan from the heat. Heat a griddle
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long over low heat, transfer the pan to the griddle
and continue to cook for about 35-40 minutes.
1 teaspoon caraway seeds, ground
Alternatively, cook in the oven. To see if the meat
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
is cooked, break the dough and open the lid, then
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) check by putting a long-handled spoon into the pan;
1 kg / 2141b (5V3 cups) very fine basmati rice, rinsed if there is liquid at the bottom, cook the biryani
and drained_ a little longer until all the liquid is absorbed. Keep
1 teaspoon saffron threads_ covered until you are ready to serve.
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk, plus a little extra
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
1 sprig mint leaves _
6 green chillies_
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom_
juice of 4 limes_
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid
(see page 783)

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the onions and fry for about 5-7
minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from the
pan and crush half the onions and set aside. Reserve
the remaining onions and ghee.

Put the meat in a large shallow dish and rub the

papaya over. Add the yoghurt, chilli powder, whole
spices, ground caraway seeds, garlic and ginger
pastes and the crushed onions, then season
with salt. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator
for 1 hour, mixing well after about 25 minutes.

Preheat the oven i50°C/30o"F/Gas Mark 2, if using.


Put all the ingredients for the aromatic potli in a
mortar and pound with a pestle to break the spices
or grind coarsely in a spice grinder. Transfer to a
Hyderabadi Dum ki Biryani piece of muslin (cheesecloth) and tie with kitchen
Aromatic Slow-cooked Biryani string (twine) to make a pouch.

For the meat spices, whisk the yoghurt and yellow

Origin Hyderabad
chilli powder together in a bowl, then set aside.
Preparation time V/2 hours
Cooking time 1 hour
Bring 1.5 litres / 2/2 pints (6'A cups) water to the boil
Serves 4
in a pan, add the potli and season with salt. Stir,
then add the rice and return to the boil. Add the
2 teaspoons saffron threads_ rosewater and lemon juice and continue to boil,
2 tablespoons lukewarm milk_ stirring occasionally, for about 15-18 minutes, or
250g / 9oz (V/3 cups) basmati rice, rinsed_ until the rice is almost cooked. Drain, discarding
3 tablespoons rosewater the potli and set aside.
1 tablespoon lemon juice
For the meat spices, heat the ghee in a large, heavy-
500g / 1 lb 2oz leg of kid or lamb, cut into chunks
based pan over medium heat, add the whole spices
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and bay leaves and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or
and chopped_ until the cardamom pods change colour. Add the
3-4 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped onion and stir-fry for about 5-7 minutes, or until
6 tablespoons chopped mint golden brown. Add the garlic and ginger pastes
and stir-fry for about 30 seconds. Add the meat and
4 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro)
stir-fry for about 2 minutes, then season with salt.
4 teaspoons fried onions
Stir, reduce the heat to low, cover and cook, stirring
1 Vz tablespoons ghee, melted occasionally, for about 20 minutes, adding water
salt if necessary. Uncover and stir-fry for 10 minutes,
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid or until the liquid has evaporated. Remove the pan
(see page 783) from the heat, stir in the yoghurt mixture, then
return to the heat and stir for about 1 minute. Cover
and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 5—7 minutes,
For the aromatic potli or until three-quarters of the liquid has evaporated.
5-6 green cardamom pods, ground Uncover and simmer, until the liquid has evaporated
5-6 cloves, ground and the oil separates out.

For the meat spices Add 500ml / i8fl oz (2Vi cups) water and bring to
the boil, then reduce the heat, cover and simmer
125ml / Am oz (Vz cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
for 20 minutes, or until the meat is almost cooked.
1 teaspoon yellow chilli powder Remove the meat and squeeze the sauce through
5 tablespoons ghee fine muslin (cheesecloth) or sieve (strain) into
5 green cardamom pods a separate pan. Sprinkle over the lemon juice, stir,
3 cloves then add the cream and stir again. Adjust the
seasoning if necessary and reserve a quarter of
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm /1 inch long
the sauce.
2 bay leaves
80g / 2%oz (1 small) onion, sliced Return the meat to the remaining sauce, arranging
5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) it in the middle of the pan. Add the ground mace
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) and cardamom, then stir. Return the pan with
2 tablespoons lemon juice the meat to the heat, sprinkle over half the chopped
ginger, chillies, mint, coriander, fried onions and
4 tablespoons single (light) cream
saffron, arrange half of the partially cooked rice
Vz teaspoon ground mace
around the meat, pour over the remaining ginger,
% teaspoon ground green cardamom chillies, mint, coriander, fried onions and saffron,
1 drop ittar then cover with the remaining rice and sprinkle over
the reserved sauce. Pour on the ghee, bring to
Crush the saffron threads in a mortar with a pestle, the boil and remove from the heat. Add the ittar,
then put them in a small bowl, add the lukewarm then cover with a tight-fitting lid and seal with
milk and stir to make paste. Preheat the oven to dough, if using, or foil. Put a couple of pieces of
i8o°C/35o‘F/Gas Mark 4. hot charcoal on top of the lid, if you like, and leave
to stand or bake in the oven for 15—20 minutes.

Stir constantly for about z minutes, or until the oil
separates out. Add the lamb, then season with salt
and continue stirring so that the spices coat the
Awadhi Gosht Biryani lamb pieces. This may take about io minutes. Add
Lamb Biryani from Lucknow the whisked yoghurt and 1.25 litres / 2 pints (5 cups)
water and cook for 1 hour until the lamb is tender
Origin Awadh and the sauce has a thick consistency.
Preparation time 1 16 hours
Cooking time 50 minutes Bring a deep pan of water to the boil, add the rice,
Serves 6 cinnamon and cardamom pods and cook for about
12-15 minutes, or until the rice is almost done and all
the water is absorbed.
For the lamb
125g / 4oz (1/2 cup) ghee_. Heat the ghee in a flat, heavy-based pan or pot over
116 teaspoons ground cumin medium heat, add the sliced onion and fry for about
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown, then remove
3A teaspoon ground cinnamon from the pan and set aside. Spread the rice over the
base (bottom) of the pan, then pour over half of the
% teaspoon ground cloves
saffron milk, half of the kewra water, half the black
very small pinch of ground nutmeg
cumin seeds and half the cream. Spread half of the
V2 cup Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57) cooked lamb over the top and repeat the process for
2 tablespoons blanched almond paste the second layer. Now cover with a tight-fitting lid
3 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) and seal with dough, if using, or foil. Put a couple
3 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) of pieces of hot charcoal on top of the lid, if you like,
and leave to stand until cooked. Alternatively, omit
1 tablespoon Poppy Seed Paste (see page 58)
the charcoal and cook over very low heat for
2 teaspoons chilli powder 30-35 minutes, or until cooked.
1kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces
125ml / AM oz (16 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, Uncover, adjust the seasoning, if necessary, then
whisked scatter over the reserved fried onions, raisins and
almonds to garnish.

For the rice

16 teaspoon saffron threads_
1 tablespoon milk
500g /1 lb 2 oz (2% cups) basmati rice, rinsed
and drained
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
4 green cardamom pods_
2 tablespoons ghee _
1 onion, sliced_
16 teaspoon kewra water or rosewater_
1 teaspoon black cumin seeds_
125ml / 416fl oz (16 cup) single (light) cream_
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid
(see page 783)

To garnish _
2 tablespoons raisins_
2 tablespoons blanched almonds, slivered_

For the rice, put the saffron in a small bowl, add

the milk and soak until required.

For the lamb, heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based

pan over high heat, add all the spices for the meat
together with the pastes and the chilli powder.

Shahi Biryani Qorma Pulao
Imperial Biryani Curried Lamb Pulao

Origin New Origin Punjab

Preparation time 2 hours Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 45 minutes Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 8 Serves 8

pinch of saffron threads 500g / 1 lb 2oz (23A cups) basmati rice, rinsed
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee and drained
2 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) 14 teaspoon saffron threads
2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon milk
1/2 teaspoon cloves 2 green cardamom pods
Yz teaspoon black peppercorns, crushed 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
seeds of 6 black cardamoms, crushed 3 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long 500g / 1 lb 2oz lamb from Lamb Korma (II)
4 bay leaves with about 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) sauce
1kg / 2141b lamb, cut into pieces (see page 450)
100ml / zm oz (Yz cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, juice of 1 lime
whisked 1 tablespoon natural (plain) yoghurt
1 kg / 2141b (51/3 cups) basmati rice, rinsed and drained 3 green cardamom pods, ground
large pinch of ground turmeric 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid
salt (see page 783)
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid salt
(see page 783)
To garnish
Preheat the oven to i50°C/300°F/Gas Mark 2, if using.
1 tablespoon ghee
Put the saffron in a small bowl, add 4 teaspoons hot
2 onions, sliced
water and soak until required.

Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 20 minutes, then

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
drain. Put the saffron in a mortar, add the milk and
medium heat, add the garlic paste and stir-fry for
grind with a pestle. Set aside.
about 1 minute, or until golden. Stir in the ginger
paste and spices and cook for r-2 minutes. Add the
lamb and cook for 10—15 minutes, or until lightly Bring 1.5 litres / 2'h pints (614 cups) water to the boil
browned. Add the yoghurt, then season with salt and in a large, heavy-based pan. Add the cardamom
pour in 1.5 litres / z'A pints (614 cups) water. Cook pods, cinnamon and cloves and season with salt. Add
over medium heat for 1 hour, or until the meat is the rice and cook for about 15 minutes, or until two-
tender, adding more water if necessary. When the thirds cooked, then drain.
meat is done there should be approximately 250ml
/ 8fl oz (1 cup) liquid left in the pan. Spread the lamb korma over the base (bottom) of
a large, heavy-based pan, then cover with rice.
Cook the rice in a large pan of boiling water for Sprinkle over the saffron, lime juice, yoghurt and
about 10 minutes, or until half done. Stir through the ground cardamom, then cover with a tight-fitting lid
turmeric, then drain. and seal the lid with dough, if using, or foil. Cook
over very low heat for 40 minutes.
Spoon the rice on top of the cooked lamb and
sprinkle over the saffron and a few drops of food Meanwhile heat the ghee for the garnish in a frying
colouring, if you like. Now cover with a tight-fitting pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the onions and
lid and seal with dough, if using, or foil. Put a couple fry for about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown and
of pieces of hot charcoal on top of the lid and leave crisp, then remove and set aside. Garnish the cooked
to stand over very low heat or omit the charcoal rice with the fried sliced onions.
and cook in the oven for 45 minutes. Stir the biryani
to mix the rice and meat together before serving.


Sprinkle over a little water and stir if the mixture
is sticking to the base (bottom) of the pan. Add the
mince and fry for about 5-10 minutes, or until
Keema Khichari well-browned. Add the tomato and mix, then stir in
Savoury Minced (Ground) Meat Pulao the yoghurt. Reduce the heat to low and cook for
15 minutes. Add the chopped coriander and saffron
Origin Hyderabad and cook for a further 1-2 minutes, then remove
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking time from the heat.
Cooking time 45 minutes-1 hour
Serves 8 For the rice, heat the oil in a frying pan (skillet) over
medium heat, add the onions and fry for about 5-7
For the mince minutes, or until golden brown, then remove from
the pan and set aside. Reserve the oil.
125ml / 4Vfefl oz (V2 cup) vegetable oil_
2 green cardamom pods Bring a large pan of water to the boil. Add the cloves,
3 cloves cardamom pods, cinnamon and rice, and cook for 10
1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long minutes or until half cooked. Drain and return half
4 onions, sliced the rice to the pan. Spread the mince over the rice
in the pan, add 2 teaspoons yoghurt, half the chopped
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
coriander, a little ground cardamom, a dash of lime
1 tablespoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
juice and a dash of saffron milk. Spoon the rest
1 teaspoon ground coriander of the rice evenly over the mince, then sprinkle over
2 tablespoons poppy seeds, ground the remaining chopped coriander, yoghurt, ground
500g /1 lb 2oz minced (ground) lamb cardamom, saffron milk, the fried onions and a little
1 tomato, chopped of the oil that the onions were fried in or the butter.
Cover with a tight-fitting lid, and stand the pan
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
on a hot griddle or place over low heat and cook for
V2 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped about 10 minutes.
y2 teaspoon saffron threads

For the rice vp' 'Tp'

500g /1 lb 2oz (23A cups) rice, rinsed and drained

pinch of saffron threads_ Kaleji Pulao
1 teaspoon milk_ Liver Pulao
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 onions, sliced Origin New
1 clove_ Preparation time 15 minutes
3 green cardamom pods_ Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 8
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
4 teaspoons natural (plain) yoghurt_
500g / 11b 2oz pig’s liver, cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
600g / 1 lb 5oz (314 cups) basmati rice, rinsed
2 cardamom pods, ground_
and drained
juice of 1 lime_
2 onions, sliced
small knob (pat) of butter (optional)
2 teaspoons garlic, chopped
Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 20 minutes, 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
then drain. Put the saffron threads in a small bowl, salt
add the milk and soak for about 10 minutes, then
transfer to a mortar and grind with a pestle. Place the liver in a large, heavy-based pan with
500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water and bring to the
For the mince, heat the oil in a large, heavy-based boil. Add the rice and the remaining ingredients.
pan over medium heat, add the cardamom pods, Return to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer
cloves and cinnamon and fry for about 1 minute. for about 20 minutes, or until the rice is done.
Add the onions and fry for about 5-7 minutes, or
until golden brown. Add the ginger and garlic
pastes, ground coriander and poppy seeds and
cook for a few minutes until well fried.


Preheat the oven to i5o"C/30o°F/Gas mark 2, if using.
Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 20 minutes,
then drain and leave for 10 minutes. Put the saffron
Moti Pulao in a small bowl, add 3—4 teaspoons water and soak
Pearl Pulao until required.

For the moti, mix the mince, chillies, coriander, salt

Origin Awadh
and egg together in a large bowl. With damp hands,
Preparation time 31/2 hours, plus soaking and
shape the mixture into small pea-sized balls.
standing time
Cooking time 1 hour
Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
Serves 6
heat, then, working in batches, fry the meatballs for
3-4 minutes until golden. Set aside and allow to cool
For the stock slightly. Carefully open out a sheet of silver leaf, if
2 cups lamb bones_ using, and roll the balls of mince on it until covered.
2 bay leaves Set aside.
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
10 cloves For the rice, heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based
pan over medium heat, add the ginger and garlic
5 black cardamom pods
and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes. Stir in the rice and fry
V2 teaspoon cumin seeds for a further 1—2 minutes. Pour in the lamb stock to
1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns come 2.5cm / 1 inch above the surface of the rice,
pinch of mace flakes then reduce the heat, cover and cook for 15 minutes,
salt or until the rice is almost done.

Layer the rice and meatballs in a greased pan,

For the meatballs
sprinkling over a little saffron and kewra water on
500g / 1 lb 2oz very finely minced (ground) lamb each layer and ending with a layer of rice. Cover with
2 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped a tight-fitting lid and seal with dough, if using, or
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves foil. Put a couple of pieces of hot charcoal on top of
pinch of salt the lid, if you like, and leave to stand or omit the
charcoal and cook in the oven for 20—30 minutes.
1 egg, beaten
lOOg / 31/20Z (scant V2 cup) ghee
1 sheet silver leaf (optional)

For the rice

500g / 1 lb 2oz (23A cups) basmati rice, rinsed_
and drained
pinch of saffron threads
2 tablespoons ghee, plus extra for greasing
1 x 5-cm / 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
and finely chopped
6-8 cloves garlic, ground
few drops kewra water
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid
(see page 783)

To make the stock, put the lamb bones, bay leaves,

whole spices and a little salt in a large, heavy-based
pan. Cover with 1.75 litres / 3 pints (7/2 cups) water,
bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer
for 1 hour. Return to the boil, then reduce the heat
and simmer for a further 1 hour. Strain and discard
the bones and spices. You should have about 750ml /
1 pints (3/4 cups) stock. Set aside.


Meanwhile, bring the milk to the boil in a pan, then
reduce the heat and simmer until reduced to a
quarter of its original volume. This will take about
Mutanjan Pulao an hour. The milk will be very thick, having a
Sweet Lamb Pulao consistency of porridge.

Origin Awadh Put the almonds and 125ml / 4/28 oz O/2 cup) stock in
Preparation time 214 hours, plus soaking time a food processor or blender and process until the
Cooking time 40 minutes almonds are ground, then mix into the thickened milk.
Serves 8
Soak the rice in a large bowl of water for 15 minutes,
then drain and leave to stand for 10 minutes.
14 teaspoon saffron threads_
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into bite-sized pieces Remove the cloves from the stock, bring to the boil
10 cloves and add the rice. Reduce the heat, cover and cook
10 green cardamom pods for 12-15 minutes, or until the rice is almost done
1 teaspoon cumin seeds and the liquid is absorbed.
Vz teaspoon black peppercorns
Put one-third of the rice on top of the cooked meat,
1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
then spread over half the milk mixture and scatter
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee over half the sultanas and sugar. Sprinkle over
250g / 9oz (2 small) onions, sliced a little of the saffron. Add another third of the rice,
1 x 10-cm / 4-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled the remaining milk, sultanas and sugar and a little
and thinly sliced more saffron. Finally, top with remaining rice
and saffron. Now cover with a tight-fitting lid and
3 teaspoons ground coriander
seal with dough, if using, or foil.
2 litres / 314 pints (814 cups) milk
1kg / 2141b (514 cups) basmati rice, rinsed Put a couple of pieces of hot charcoal on top of
and drained the lid, if you like, and leave to stand or omit the
250g / 9oz (1 % cups) blanched almonds charcoal and cook over very low heat for about
15 minutes, or until the rice is cooked. Stir gently
250g / 9oz (1 % cups) sultanas (golden raisins)
to mix before serving.
500g /1 lb 2oz (214 cups) sugar
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid
(see page 783)

Soak the saffron in a small bowl of hot water

until required.

Put the lamb into a large, heavy-based pan with

5 cloves, 5 cardamom pods, the cumin, peppercorns
and cinnamon and season with salt. Pour in 354 litres
/ 6 pints (15 cups) water, bring to the boil, then
reduce the heat and simmer for i54 hours, or until
the meat is tender. Drain the meat, reserving the
stock, and discard the spices. You should have about
2—2/2 litres / 3/2-4 h pints (8/2 —10/2 cups) stock.

Heat 2 tablespoons ghee in a small frying pan

(skillet) over medium heat, add the remaining cloves
and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until black, then
pour into the stock. Set aside.

Heat the remaining ghee in a large, heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the onions and fry for about
5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Stir in the
ginger and coriander and the remaining cardamom
pods and cook for 1—2 minutes. Add the lamb, stir
and cook for 10 minutes, or until brown. Set aside.


For the rice, put the bay leaves, remaining cloves,
cardamom pods and cinnamon in a square of muslin
(cheesecloth) and tie with kitchen string (twine) to
Yakhni Pulao form a pouch. Add the pouch and 2 teaspoons salt
Lamb Stock Pulao to a large, heavy-based pan with 1.75-2 litres / 3-372
pints (772—8/2 cups) water and bring to the boil.
Origin Awadh
Add the rice, stir immediately and cook, stirring
Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time
occasionally later, for about 5 minutes. Remove and
Cooking time 30 minutes
discard the spice pouch, then drain through a sieve
Serves 8
into a clean pan. Add the prepared stock and the
milk and cream. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary,
500g / 1 lb 2oz (23A cups) basmati rice, rinsed_
then cover and cook in the oven for about 30
and drained minutes. Serve garnished with hard-boiled eggs and
1 large onion, sliced boiled peas.
3 tablespoons ghee
5 green cardamom pods
8 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) lamb stock (see page 636)
3 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt
juice of 2 limes
4 bay leaves
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk
4 tablespoons cream

To garnish
4 hard-boiled eggs_
225g / 8oz (114 cups) boiled peas

Soak the rice in a large bowl of salted water for

30 minutes, then drain.

Preheat the oven to i4o”C/275°F/Gas Mark 1.

Put the onion in a blender or food processor and

process to make a paste. Set aside.

Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium-

low heat, split open the cardamom pods and add half
of them with half the other spices, onion, and ginger
and garlic pastes to the pan and cook for about
5 minutes. Do not allow the onions to brown. Add
the stock to the mixture and season with salt to
make a thick sauce. Add the yoghurt and lime juice
and cook for a further 5—10 minutes, then remove
from the heat and pass through a sieve (strainer)
into a clean pan.

Bengali Mutton Biryani Murga ka Safed Pulao
Bengali Lamb Biryani White Chicken Pulao

Origin West Bengal Origin Awadh

Preparation time 1 hour Preparation time 1 hour
Cooking time 50 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 5 Serves 8

250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) vegetable oil_ 3 cloves_

lOOg / 31/20Z (1 small) onion, sliced 3 green cardamom pods
2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
V2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 x 800-g / 1%-lb chicken, cut into 12 pieces
Vfe teaspoon ground mace 1.25 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) milk
2 teaspoons chilli powder Vz tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long Vz tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
10 white cardamom pods 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt 2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and sliced
1 kg / 2141b lamb, cut into cubes 200g / 7oz (% cup plus 2 tablespoons / 1% sticks)
3 potatoes, cut into large cubes butter
800g / 1%lb basmati rice, rinsed and drained 500g /11b 2oz (2* 3A cups) basmati rice, rinsed
1 teaspoon kewra water or rosewater and drained
12 cloves juice of 2 limes
8-10 dried plums salt
few saffron threads
salt To garnish
200g / 7oz (1V3 cups) freshly cooked peas_
Heat about half the oil in a wide pan over medium- 3 hard-boiled eggs, shelled and cut in half lengthways
low heat, add the onion and fry for about 5 minutes,
or until light brown. Add the ginger paste, nutmeg, Preheat the oven to i40°C/275°F/Gas Mark 1.
mace, chilli powder, cinnamon and cardamom pods,
then slowly add the yoghurt, stirring constantly. Put the whole spices in a spice grinder and process
Season with salt. Stir thoroughly for 5 minutes, then until ground, then set aside.
add the lamb and cook for i'A hours, or until tender.
Remove the pan from the heat and set aside. Cook the chicken, milk, ginger and garlic pastes,
coriander, chillies, ground spices and a little salt
Heat the remaining 125ml / 4l4fl oz (‘4 cup) oil in a large, heavy-based pan over medium heat
in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based pan over until the milk is reduced to half and the chicken is
medium heat, add the potatoes and stir-fry for almost cooked.
about 10 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
from the pan with a slotted spoon. Melt the butter in a frying pan (skillet) and pour over
the chicken.
Add the rice to the pan and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes.
Add 1.2 litres / 2 pints (6 cups) water, the kewra Bring 1.5 litres / 214 pints (614 cups) water to the
water and cloves and cook for about 15 minutes, or boil in a large, heavy-based pan, add the rice and
until three-quarters of the water has evaporated. cook for about 15 minutes, or until two-thirds
Reduce the heat to low, add the fried potatoes and cooked. Drain and spread a layer of rice over the
dried plums, then spread the cooked lamb on top. base (bottom) of a large, heavy-based casserole or
Sprinkle over the saffron threads sparingly, then ovenproof pan. Spread a layer of the chicken and
cover and cook for 30 minutes. milk mixture over the rice, then cover with the
remaining rice. Pour over the lime juice, then cover
and cook in the oven for about 30 minutes, or until
cooked. Serve garnished with lightly boiled peas
and halves of hard-boiled eggs.


For the rice, put the saffron in a small bowl, add the
milk and soak until required.

Murg Biryani For the chicken, heat the ghee in a large, heavy-
Chicken Biryani from Lucknow based pan over high heat, add all the spices, the
pastes and the chilli powder. Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz
(1 cup) water if the mixture sticks to the base
Origin Awadh
(bottom) and fry for about 2 minutes, or until the
Preparation time 3 hours
oil separates out and rises to the top. Now add the
Cooking time 35 minutes
chicken, season with salt and continue stirring over
Serves 6
high heat until the spices coat the chicken pieces.
This will take about 6—7 minutes. Reduce the heat,
For the chicken add the whisked yoghurt and cook until the chicken
180g / 6oz (% cup) ghee_ is tender and the sauce has a thick consistency.
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1M? teaspoons ground green cardamom Bring a deep pan of water to the boil, add the rice,
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon_ cinnamon and cardamom pods and cook for about
12-15 minutes, or until the rice is almost done and all
% teaspoon ground cloves_
the water is absorbed.
very small pinch of ground nutmeg _
1 cup Boiled Onion Paste (see page 57) _ Heat the ghee in a flat, heavy-based pan or pot over
21/2 tablespoons almond paste medium heat, add the sliced onions and fry for
11/2 tablespoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) about 5—7 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
from the pan and set aside.
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 y2 tablespoons Poppy Seed Paste (see page 58)
Spread the rice over the base of the pan, then pour
2 teaspoons red chilli powder over half of the saffron milk, half of the kewra
1 kg / 2141b chicken breast and leg pieces water and half the cream. Spread half of the cooked
175ml / 6fl oz (3A cup) natural (plain) yoghurt, whisked chicken over the top and repeat the process for
salt the second layer. Now cover with a tight-fitting lid
and seal with dough, if using, or foil. Put a couple
of pieces of hot charcoal on top of the lid, if you
For the rice like, and leave to stand until cooked. Alternatively,
% teaspoon saffron_ omit the charcoal and cook over very low heat
1 tablespoon milk for 30-35 minutes, or until cooked. Uncover, adjust
600g /1 lb 5oz (314 cups) basmati rice, rinsed the seasoning, if necessary, then sprinkle over the
and drained reserved fried onions and raisins to garnish.

3 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long

7 green cardamom pods
21/2 tablespoons ghee
2 onions, sliced
1 teaspoon kewra water or rosewater
175ml / 6fl oz (% cup) single (light) cream
3 tablespoons raisins
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid
(see page 783)


vjv' vj'' Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over low
heat. Add the onions and cook until tender and light
brown, stirring constantly. Add the chicken,
Odi Pulao tomatoes, ginger, garlic, chillies, cinnamon, cloves,
Andhra Chicken Pulao cardamom pods and bay leaves, then season with
salt. Cook for about 5 minutes, then increase the
Origin Andhra Pradesh heat to brown the chicken. Cover and cook over low
Preparation time 1% hours heat for about 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Cooking time 40 minutes When the oil starts to separate, add the yoghurt, stir
Serves 8 and simmer again for 8-10 minutes, then add the
coconut milk, cashew nuts, poppy seeds, chironji
kernels and bring almost to the boil. Add the lime
For the chicken
juice, remove from the heat, mix and cover.
2 x 750-g /1 lb 8-oz chickens_
3 large onions, sliced Meanwhile, for the rice, soak the rice in a large bowl
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee of salted water for about 20 minutes, then drain.
2 large tomatoes, chopped Put 2 litres / 3'h pints (8/2 cups) water in a large,
heavy-based pan over high heat and add the cloves,
1 tablespoon fresh ginger, ground
cardamom pods, cinnamon, caraway seeds and bay
V2 tablespoon ground garlic
leaves. When the water boils, add the rice and stir so
8 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded that the rice cooks evenly. Season with salt, reduce
2 cinnamon sticks the heat slightly, and cook, stirring occasionally,
10 cloves for 15 minutes, or until the rice is two-thirds cooked,
6 cardamom pods then drain and discard the whole spices.

3 bay leaves
Spread 4 tablespoons ghee over the base (bottom)
375ml / 13fl oz (V/2 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt of a deep, heavy-based pan. Spread half the rice
125ml / 4m oz (V2 cup) coconut milk, fresh over this, then spread the chicken and sauce over
(see page 781) or canned the rice. Cover with the remaining rice, then pour
12 cashew nuts 4 tablespoons ghee on top along with the cream.
Pour the milk evenly over the rice, then cover, weigh
1 tablespoon poppy seeds
down the lid and place over low heat for about
1 tablespoon chironji kernels 40 minutes, or until the rice is cooked.
juice of 4 limes

For the rice

1 kg / 2141b (5V& cups) basmati rice, rinsed and drained
7 cloves_
5 green cardamom pods_
2 cinnamon sticks_
1/2 teaspoon caraway seeds
4 bay leaves_
125g / 4oz Q/2 cup) ghee_
125ml / 4M oz (V2 cup) single (light) cream_
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) milk_

Cook the chickens in 1-2 large pans of boiling

water for about 2 minutes, then drain and rinse in
cold water and remove the skin. Cut the chicken
into pieces.


Bring 1.5 litres / z'h pints (6% cups) water to the boil
in a large, heavy-based pan. Add the cardamom
pods, cloves and cinnamon and season with salt. Stir,
Sofiyani Pulao add the rice, bring to the boil and continue to boil,
Bohri Muslim Pulao stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes, or until almost
cooked. Drain and set aside.
Origin Gujarat
Arrange the chicken in a large, heavy-based pan,
Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating time
spread the partially cooked rice on top, pour on the
Cooking time 30 minutes
ghee and milk, then cover and seal with dough, if
Serves 4
using, or foil. Put a couple of hot charcoals on top of
the lid and leave to stand or omit the charcoal and
5 green cardamom pods_ cook in the oven for 30 minutes or until the rice is
5 cloves_ cooked. Break the dough seal just before serving.
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
500g / 1141b (2% cups) basmati rice, rinsed
4 tablespoons ghee _
125ml / 4y2fl oz O/2 cup) milk
about 150g / 5oz dough (optional), for sealing the lid Ar Sawchiar
(see page 783)_ Chicken Pulao with Mustard Leaves
Origin Tribal North East India
For the chicken Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking time
2 green chillies, slit in half lengthways and de-seeded Cooking time 55 minutes
21/2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
Serves 8
2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
200g / 7oz (1 cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained
8 green cardamom pods
1 whole chicken
5 cloves
1 green cardamom pod
2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
1 black cardamom pod
2 teaspoons lemon juice
2 bay leaves
4 tablespoons ghee
2 fresh red chillies
16 chicken drumsticks
3 sticks (ribs) celery leaves, chopped
3 tablespoons almond paste
1 handful mustard leaves
3 tablespoons Khoya (see page 58) or milk powder
y2 teaspoon ground black pepper
(dry milk)
2 tablespoons rice beer or rice wine
375ml / 13fl oz (V/2 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt,
salt Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 30 minutes, then
drain. Roast the chicken over a charcoal fire for
Preheat the oven to i8o°C/35o”F/Gas Mark 4. about 20—30 minutes, turning frequently until the
skin turns brown. Alternatively, roast the chicken
For the chicken, mix the chillies and the remaining in an oven preheated to i2o”C/250°F/Gas Mark 1 for
ingredients, except the chicken, almond paste and 20 minutes.
khoya, with the yoghurt in a large bowl. Add the
drumsticks and mix well ensuring they are evenly Remove the chicken and cut into 8 pieces.
coated. Set aside to marinate. Bring 600ml / 1 pint (2/2 cups) water to the boil in
a large pan, add the cardamom pods, bay leaves,
Transfer the drumsticks together with the yoghurt red chillies, celery, leeks and mustard leaves, then
mixture to a large, heavy-based pan and bring reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add
to the boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and the rice and bring to the boil, then simmer for 10
simmer, stirring occasionally and very carefully, for minutes, or until half done. Add the chicken and
25 minutes until the yoghurt is absorbed, ensuring
simmer for 20—30 minutes or until the rice is soft
the chicken does not break up or change colour. and the chicken is cooked through. Stir in the rice
Add the almond paste and khoya, then stir quickly beer or wine.
to incorporate and remove from the heat. Adjust
the seasoning, if necessary, and set aside.


above the surface of the rice, then reduce the heat
to low, cover and cook for 20—30 minutes, or until
the rice is soft and the chicken is cooked. Garnish
Murg Pulao with the onions.
Chicken Pulao

Origin Punjab I3§3 p.608

Preparation time 1 Vz hours, plus soaking time
Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 8 Venu Pongal
Rice with Moong Dal
1 x 1-kg / 214-ib chicken, cut into 10-14 pieces,
neck, bones and giblets reserved Origin Tamil Nadu
Preparation time 15-35 minutes
2-3 bay leaves
Cooking time 20 minutes
1 cinnamon stick, about 5cm / 2 inches long Serves 8
6 black cardamom pods
6 cloves 150g / 5oz (% cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained,
1 Vz teaspoons black peppercorns then roasted
Vz teaspoon cumin seeds 200g / 7oz (1 cup) rice, rinsed and drained
500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) basmati rice, rinsed 3 teaspoons ghee
and drained 1 teaspoon black peppercorns
10 cloves garlic 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee 1/2 teaspoon asafoetida
2 onions, sliced pinch of ground turmeric
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and 20 cashew nuts
finely chopped 10-15 curry leaves
2 teaspoons ground coriander salt
6 cloves, ground
6 green cardamom pods Mix the roasted moong dal and rice together, add
water, then cook in a pressure cooker until soft.
100ml / 3M oz [Vz cup) natural (plain) yoghurt,
Alternatively, bring a large pan of water to the boil,
whisked add the dal and rice and cook for about 20 minutes,
salt or until the dal and rice are soft.

Put the chicken neck, bones and giblets in a large, Heat A teaspoon ghee in a large, heavy-based pan
heavy-based pan with the bay leaves, cinnamon, over medium heat, add the peppercorns, cumin
black cardamom pods, cloves, peppercorns and seeds, asafoetida and turmeric, then season with salt
cumin. Pour in 2 litres / 3A pints (8‘A cups) water and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the seeds
and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer start to splutter. Remove from the heat and add the
for 1 hour. Strain and discard the bones and spices. cooked dal and rice and mix well.
Measure the stock and set aside.
Heat A teaspoon ghee in a frying pan (skillet)
Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 20 minutes, then over medium heat, add the cashew nuts and fry for
drain and set aside. about 1-2 minutes, then add to the pongal. Heat
A teaspoon ghee in the frying pan, add the curry
Put the garlic in a small blender or food processor leaves and stir-fry for about 30 seconds, then add to
and process, adding a little water if necessary, to the pongal. Add the rest of the ghee and mix well.
make a paste. Set aside.

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the onions and fry for about 5-7
minutes, or until golden brown. Stir in the garlic,
ginger, coriander and cloves and cook for 1—2
minutes. Add the green cardamom pods and yoghurt
and season with salt, then cook for 5—7 minutes. Add
the chicken pieces and rice and cook for 10 minutes.
' Pour in enough chicken stock to come 2.5cm / 1 inch


0 0 / ® p.548 with the roasted ground spices and the turmeric,
then season with salt.

Bisi Bele Huli Anna Heat the oil for the tempering in a frying pan, add
Rice with Lentils the curry leaves, mustard seeds, asafoetida and red
chillies and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until dark
brown, then add to the vegetables. Add the rice and
Origin Karnataka
dal and pour in about 2 litres / 3/2 pints (8 cups)
Preparation time 50 minutes-1 hour
water. The water and tamarind extract should be
Cooking time 15-20 minutes
about three times the quantity of the rice and dal.
Serves 6
Cook for about 15—20 minutes, or until the rice and
dal are soft.
10 dried red chillies_
Vz teaspoon coriander seeds
Vi teaspoon fenugreek seeds
% dried coconut, ground _
1 tablespoon chana dal, rinsed and drained_
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Moong Dal Khichari
Khichari with Moong Dal
250g / 9oz (2 small) tomatoes, chopped
into 4-cm / 1 V2-inch pieces
Origin West Bengal
2 (vegetable) drumsticks, peeled Preparation time 10 minutes
and cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces Cooking time 20 minutes
2 carrots, chopped into 4-cm /1 Vfc-inch pieces Serves 4
4 baby aubergines (eggplant), trimmed
and chopped into 4-cm / 1 y2-inch pieces IQOg / 3Vioz (Vi cup) rice, rinsed and drained_
10 French (green) beans, topped and tailed (trimmed) lOOg / 3y2oz (Vi cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained
and chopped into 4-cm / 1 y2-inch pieces 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
4 potatoes, chopped into 4-cm /1 y2-inch pieces 2 teaspoons aniseed paste
250g / 9oz (3 small) onions 2 teaspoons ghee
125ml / AM oz {Vi cup) Tamarind Extract (see 1 teaspoon aniseeds
page 58) 2 bay leaves
2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped salt
into 4-cm / 1 y2-inch pieces
Bring a deep pan of water to the boil, then add
14 teapoon ground turmeric
the rice, dal, ginger paste and aniseed paste and
400g / 14oz (214 cups) basmati rice, rinsed season with salt. Cook until the mixture reaches
and drained a soft thick consistency.
200g / 7oz (1 cup) whole (sabut) masoor dal
salt Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over high heat,
then reduce the heat. Add the aniseeds and bay
leaves and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until the
For the tempering
bay leaves change colour. Pour over the rice mixture
1 tablespoon vegetable oil and cover.
10 curry leaves
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
pinch of asafoetida
6 dried red chillies

Roast the dried red chillies, coriander seeds,

fenugreek seeds, coconut and chana dal lightly on
a tawa or in a dry frying pan (skillet) for about
i minute or until roasted, then transfer to a blender
or food processor and process until ground. Set aside.

Heat the oil in a deep, heavy-based pan over medium

heat, add the vegetables including the onions and fry
for 3-4 minutes. Add the tamarind extract together


Sarvari Chane ki Dal ki Tehari
Rice with Urad Dal, Chickpeas Rice Cooked with Chana Dal
(Garbanzo Beans) or Peas
Origin Awadh
Origin Hyderabad Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking
Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time and standing time
Cooking time 30-45 minutes Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 8

10Og / 31/2QZ (V2 cup) chickpeas, urad dal or peas, 200g / 7oz (1 cup) chana dal, rinsed and drained
rinsed and drained 500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) basmati rice, rinsed
14 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) and drained
(optional) 200g / 7oz (% cup) ghee
150g / 5oz (% cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained 2 bay leaves
3V2 tablespoons ghee 10 cloves
1 teaspoon ground cumin 6-8 green cardamom pods
2-4 cloves 2 cinnamon sticks, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long
salt V2 teaspoon black peppercorns
If you are using chickpeas or urad dal, soak them
overnight in a bowl of water with the bicarbonate Soak the dal in a large bowl of water for 8—10 hours,
of soda. then drain and leave to stand for 10 minutes. Soak
the rice in a large bowl of water for 15—20 minutes,
The next day, rinse the chickpeas or urad dal then drain and leave to stand for 10 minutes.
in fresh water, then cook in a heavy-based pan
of boiling water for about 20—40 minutes, or until Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
soft, then drain. Set aside. If you are using peas, medium heat, add the bay leaves and spices
cook them in a pan of boiling water for about and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes. Stir in the dal, then
5—7 minutes, or until soft, then drain and set aside. reduce the heat, cover and cook for 5 minutes.

Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 1 hour, then drain. Add the rice to the pan and season with salt. Stir
for 1 minute, then pour in enough water to come
Cook the rice in a large pan of boiling water for about 2.5cm / 1 inch above the surface of the rice.
about 18-20 minutes, or until done. When cooked, Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook for 20—25
drain and turn the rice out on a thali or plate and minutes, or until the rice and dal are soft.
sprinkle over some salt. Heat the ghee in a frying
pan (skillet) over medium heat, add the cumin and Discard the bay leaves and cinnamon before serving.
cloves and stir-fry for about 1 minute, or until
the cumin seeds start to splutter, then pour over the
rice. Now add either the chickpeas, urad dal or peas
and mix well with a ladle or wooden spoon, being
careful not to break the rice. Return the rice mixture
to the pan and cover. Place a few hot charcoals on
the lid and leave until heated through. Alternatively,
cook over very low heat for about 5 minutes, or
until hot.


<y>.v > i v.v-
Perhaps the best-known Indian
desserts are milk based - such
as sweetened yoghurts, rice
puddings and creamy kulfi -
but there is a world of other
tastes to explore, from sticky,
deep-fried morsels dripping
in syrup, to sesame cakes
and sweet dishes made from
vegetables and fruit.

® p.673

Khopra Paak Khoobani ka Meetha

Coconut Toffee Stewed Apricots with Clotted Cream

Origin Coastal Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus standing and Preparation time 1 Vz hours, plus soaking and
cooling time cooling time
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Makes about 34 Serves 10

400g / 14oz (5 cups) grated fresh coconut 500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) dried apricots,
125ml / AM oz (Vz cup) heavy (double) cream preferably Hunza
1 tablespoon vegetable oil or ghee 150g / 5oz (% cup) sugar
300g / 11 oz (1 Vz cups) sugar 250g / 9oz (1 cup) clotted cream
150g / 5oz Khoya (see page 58), grated or heavy (double) cream
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
Put the dried apricots in a bowl, add 75g / 2‘Aoz
2 tablespoons unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched
('A cup) sugar, then pour in enough water to cover
and slivered, to decorate
and soak overnight.

Mix the coconut and cream together in a large

The next day, put the apricots in a pan together
bowl and set aside for about 30 minutes. Brush a
with the soaking water and bring to the boil. Reduce
large baking tray (pan) lightly with the oil or ghee.
the heat and simmer for about 1 hour, or until
the apricots are soft and pulpy.
Put a pan over low heat, pour in the coconut-cream
mixture and cook for about 10 minutes.
Remove from the heat and allow to cool. When cool,
remove and discard the stones (pits) and mash the
Add the sugar and khoya and continue cooking over
apricots well.
low heat for about 20 minutes.
Cook the mashed apricots with the remaining sugar
Sprinkle over the ground cardamom, then mix well
in a large pan of 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) boiling
and pour into the prepared baking tray. Decorate
water for about 10 minutes over medium heat,
with the pistachios. Allow to cool and set, then cut
stirring constantly. Serve with clotted cream.
into desired shapes.


Palpayasam Rava Laddu
Rice Flour Dumplings in Sweet Milk Sweetened Semolina & Coconut Balls

Origin Kerala Origin Karnataka/Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 1 hour, plus cooling time Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Makes 15 Makes 15-20

200g / 7oz (IV3 cups) rice flour_ 125g / 4oz (V2 cup) ghee_
3 tablespoons groundnut (peanut) oil, plus more for 280g / lOoz (1% cups) semolina (semolina flour)
deep-frying 120g / 4V20Z (1 cup) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour
1 litre / I % pints (414 cups) milk 1 dried coconut, grated
125g / 4oz (I/2 cup) sugar 600g / 1 lb 5oz (3 cups) sugar
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom 1/2 teaspoon lime juice
V2 teaspoon ground nutmeg pinch of saffron threads, warmed and ground
50g / 2oz (V3 cup) raisins
Put the flour into a large bowl, add the oil and mix
or sultanas (golden raisins), fried
in with your fingers until well incorporated, then mix
50g / 2oz (I/3 cup) cashew nuts, fried
in enough water to make a soft dough. Knead the
dough on a lightly floured work surface for about
Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
5 minutes, then divide into 15 pieces and roll each
heat, add the semolina and fry lightly for about
into a small ball.
2 minutes. Remove from the pan. Add the flour to
the pan and fry lightly for about 2 minutes.
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or
deep, heavy-based pan to i8o°C/350°F, or until a
Put the coconut, semolina and flour in a mortar or
cube of bread browns in 30 seconds. Carefully
spice grinder and pound with a pestle or process
lower a dumpling into the hot oil and deep-fry for
briefly until ground.
2-3 minutes until golden brown. Remove and
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). Repeat with
Pour 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups) water into a large,
the remaining dumplings, one at a time.
heavy-based pan, add the sugar and heat gently,
Bring the milk to the boil in a large, heavy-based stirring, until the sugar has dissolved. Increase the
pan and boil for about 30 minutes until it is reduced heat and bring to the boil. Continue to boil, removing
to half its original volume. Add the sugar and the scum that rises to the surface with a slotted
boil until reduced to one-third. Add the ground spoon, until it reaches two-thread consistency (see
cardamom and nutmeg and remove from the heat. page 59). Stir in the lime juice. Add the semolina
Allow to cool until lukewarm. mixture, saffron, raisins or sultanas and cashew nuts
and cook over medium heat for 4-5 minutes until
When the milk mixture is lukewarm, add the thick. Remove from the heat and allow to cool
dumplings and allow to soak for a few minutes. slightly, then while the mixture is still warm, pinch off
Serve warm or cold. pieces of the mixture and roll into walnut-sized balls.

Creamy, Chilled
feJChfi‘ ' a,* Thickened Milk

•"x >>•.
Coconut Rice
Pudding p„696
r Coconut &
Biscuits P-

000 aC

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Piopner Aperitif __
f®] p.676

Yel Adai Malpoa

Coconut & Rice Pancakes Syrup-soaked Pancakes

Origin Tamil Nadu/Kerala Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time Preparation time 15-20 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 20-30 minutes
Serves 4 Makes 8

500g / 1 lb 2oz (23A cups) rice, rinsed and drained 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt_
4 banana leaves (optional) 2 tablespoons plain (all-purpose) flour
250g / 9oz (114 cups) jaggery or soft brown sugar 1 teaspoon aniseeds
14 teaspoon lime juice 200g / 7oz (1 cup) sugar
4 tablespoons grated fresh coconut 125g / 4oz (14 cup) ghee
150g / 5oz (% cup) ghee
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom Mix the yoghurt and flour together in a bowl, add the
aniseeds and mix well.
To make the syrup, pour 500ml / i8fl oz (2% cups)
Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 20 minutes.
cold water into a large pan, add the sugar and heat
Drain and set aside. Cut the banana leaves into
over low heat, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved.
10-cm / 4-inch squares and set aside. If you can't find
Increase the heat and boil until the syrup reaches
banana leaves, you could use pieces of foil or clean,
one-thread consistency (see page 59). Remove from
moist muslin (cheesecloth).
the heat and allow to cool.

To make a syrup, pour 750ml / 1% pints (3‘4 cups)

Heat the ghee in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based
water into a large, heavy-based pan, add the
pan over medium heat. Add a tablespoon of yoghurt
jaggery or sugar and heat gently, stirring until the
batter at a time and fry for 2-3 minutes until brown
jaggery has dissolved. Increase the heat and boil.
and crisp at the edges. Remove the mini pancakes
Continue to boil, removing the scum as it rises to
from the pan using a slotted spoon and drain on
the top with a slotted spoon, until the syrup is
kitchen paper (paper towels).
reduced to one-quarter of its original volume and
reaches one-thread consistency (see page 59). Stir
Dip the pancakes in the syrup, one at a time, as they
in the lime juice.
are fried.

Add the grated coconut to the syrup and cook over

medium heat for about 7 minutes, then stir in the
ghee, reserving about 2 tablespoons.

Put the rice in a blender or food processor and

process, adding enough water to make a batter of
dropping consistency. Season with salt and add the
ground cardamom.

Smear the reserved ghee over the banana leaves.

Heat a tawa, griddle or heavy-based frying pan
(skillet), then briefly place the leaves on the hot pan
to soften. Pour some rice batter into the centre of
each banana leaf, then spread the coconut syrup
over the top and fold into parcels.

Steam the parcels in a steamer for 20 minutes. If

you don't have a steamer, use a large pan with a lid
and place an upside-down plate in the base (bottom).
Pour in enough water so it stays below the top of
the plate. Place the parcels on a plate and carefully
put the plate on top of the upside-down plate, cover
and steam for 20 minutes. Serve hot or cold.
Ale Bele Patisapta
Coconut-filled Pancakes Sweet Pancakes Filled with Dried Fruit

Origin Coastal Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 15-20 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 15-30 minutes Cooking time 15-20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

180ml / 6Vfefl oz (% cup) milk_ few saffron threads_

125g / 4oz (1 cup) plain (all-purpose) flour 31/2 tablespoons hung natural (plain) yoghurt (see
pinch of salt page 793) or Chhena, crumbled (see page 59)
1 egg, beaten 150g / 5oz (1 cup) rice flour
1 teaspoon vegetable oil 3-4 green cardamom pods
2 tablespoons butter
For the filling
For the filling 4 dried figs_
2 tablespoons sugar_ 3 tablespoons raisins
1 tablespoon coconut water 2 dates, stoned (pitted)
1 half-ripe tender coconut, grated
few sultanas (golden raisins) and cashew nuts, chopped Soak the saffron in a few tablespoons of water. Set
aside. Soak the figs for the filling in a bowl of water
seeds of 3 green cardamom pods, ground
for 30 minutes.

Mix the milk and 5 tablespoons water together in

To make the filling, chop all the ingredients finely,
a bowl. To make the batter, sift the flour and salt
then put into a bowl, add the yoghurt or chhena and
into a large bowl, add the egg, milk and water
mix to combine.
mixture and oil and whisk together. Let the batter
stand for about 2 hours, then just before cooking
Put the flour in a large bowl and stir in 150ml /
dilute the batter with 2-3 tablespoons water.
'/< pint O/3 cup) water, the saffron water and
cardamom pods, and whisk to make a batter. Heat
Melt the butter in a large frying pan (skillet) over
a non-stick frying pan (skillet) over low-medium
very low heat. Pour a spoonful of batter into the
heat. Gently pour in a ladleful of the batter and tilt
pan and tilt the pan to spread evenly. Cook for 1—2
the pan so the batter evenly coats the base (bottom)
minutes, or until the batter has just set, then turn
of the pan to make crepe-like pancakes. Cook for
with a spatula and cook for 1—2 minutes on the other
1-2 minutes, or until light brown, then turn with a
side. Remove from the pan and keep warm while
spatula and cook for 1—2 minutes on the other side.
you repeat the process until the batter is used up.
Remove from the pan as soon as they start blistering.
To make the filling, put the sugar and coconut water
Place a portion of the filling in the centre of
in a heavy-based pan and stir until the sugar has
each pancake, then pat to spread evenly and fold
dissolved, then bring to the boil and boil until the
into parcels.
syrup thickens. Stir in the remaining ingredients.

To complete the pancakes, place a little filling along

one side of each pancake and roll up.


® p.677

Kulfi Pista Kulfi

Ice Cream Pistachio-flavoured Ice Cream

Origin Delhi/Punjab/Awadh Origin Delhi

Preparation time 50 minutes, plus cooling Preparation time 45 minutes, plus cooling
and freezing time and freezing time
Serves 4 Serves 8

2 litres / 31/2 pints [8V2 cups) full cream (whole) milk t litre / 1% pints (4Va cups) milk_
150g / 5oz (% cup) sugar 10Og / 3y2oz O/2 cup) sugar_
50g / 1%oz C/3 cup) ground almonds 3 tablespoons unsalted pistachios, crushed
few drops kewra water 125ml / 4y2fl oz (1/2 cup) double (heavy) cream
14 teaspoon kewra water or 1 tablespoon rosewater
Bring the milk to the boil in a large, heavy-based Va teaspoon ground green cardamom
pan, then reduce the heat and continue to cook,
stirring frequently, for 45 minutes, until the milk Bring the milk to the boil in a large, heavy-based
is reduced to less than half its volume. Remove from pan and cook for 25 minutes to reduce to 750ml /
the heat, add the sugar and stir until the sugar 114 pints (3% cups). Put the sugar in a heatproof bowl,
has dissolved. Add the ground almonds and kewra add i25-i8oml / 4/2 -67zfl oz C/2—% cup) hot milk
water and allow to cool. and stir until smooth. Mix with the rest of the milk,
then stir and cook over low heat until thick and
When the milk mixture is cool, pour it into kulfi creamy. Add the crushed pistachios and cook for
moulds leaving about a 2.5-cm / i-inch space at the 1 minute, then remove from the heat and allow to
top for the frozen kulfi to expand. Seal firmly with cool completely.
lids and freeze for 8-10 hours, or until frozen.
Whip the cream in a large bowl until smooth and
To serve, hold the cones under tepid water briefly, thick but not stiff, then mix the cream, kewra water
then remove the lid from the mould, run a sharp or rosewater, and cardamom into the milk and
knife around the inside edge and slip out the kulfi pour into cone-shaped containers or kulfi moulds,
onto a plate. Kulfi must be served semi-frozen and leaving about a 2.5-cm / i-inch space at the top for
not soft like ice cream. the frozen kulfi to expand. Seal firmly with lids and
freeze for 8—10 hours, or until frozen.
Kulfi is a very popular Indian dessert and comes
in many different flavours, such as mango, To serve, hold the cones under tepid water briefly,
cardamom and pistachio. Use this recipe as a base then remove the lid from the mould, run a sharp
and experiment by adding your favourite flavours. knife around the inside edge and slip out the kulfi
Special lidded containers, called kulfi moulds, on desserts plates or in shallow bowls. Kulfi must
are used for this dessert, but you can use either be served semi-frozen and not soft like ice cream.
individual freezerproof moulds or one large Cut into quarters, if you like.
freezerproof container with a lid.

Kalakand Gil e Behisht
Creamy Milk Sweets Milky Clay of Paradise

Origin Rajasthan Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 10 minutes, plus setting time Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 5 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Makes 1kg / 2141b Serves 7-8

ghee or butter, for greasing_ 1 teaspoon saffron threads__

1 kg / 2141b Khoya (see page 58), grated 2 tablespoons milk
200g / 7oz (1 cup) sugar 2 tablespoons raisins
1 tablespoon unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched 150g / 5oz (1 cup) rice flour
and slivered 125g / 4oz (Z2 cup) ghee
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups) icing (confectioners’) sugar
Grease a large baking tray (sheet) with ghee or butter.
10Og / 3y2oz Khoya (see page 58), grated
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
Heat the khoya in a kildhai or large, heavy-based
pan, then bring to the boil over medium heat, (see page 793)
stirring constantly with a flat spoon for 5 minutes. 1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
Remove from the heat, add the sugar and stir
until dissolved. Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the milk and
soak until required.
Transfer the mixture immediately to the greased tray
and level with a spatula. Sprinkle the pistachios Put the raisins in another bowl, add 2 tablespoons
over the top and thump the tray on a table or on water and soak for 15 minutes. Drain.
the floor to remove any air pockets. Leave in a cool
place to set for 15 minutes, then cut into pieces. Bring a medium-sized pan of water to the boil, add
the rice flour, ghee and sugar and cook for about
10 minutes, stirring constantly to make sure it does
not stick to the base (bottom) of the pan and burn,
until the mixture is a uniform consistency. Sprinkle
over the saffron mixture.

Mix the khoya and yoghurt together in a bowl, then

beat well, adding a little lukewarm water to thin
the mixture slightly. Add this to the contents of the
pan and cook over very low heat until the dish
has the consistency of porridge. Remove from the
heat and allow to cool.

Sprinkle the soaked raisins and ground cardamom

on top before serving.

Nimish Mishti Doi
Frothy Delight Sweet Yoghurt

Origin Awadh Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 2 hours, plus chilling time Preparation time 10 minutes, plus setting and
Serves 4-6 chilling time
Cooking time 15 minutes
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) full cream (whole) milk Serves 10
100ml / 3V2fl oz (Vi cup) heavy (double) cream
Vi teaspoon cream of tartar 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) milk

50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) icing (confectioners’) sugar lOOg / 3V2OZ (14 cup) sugar
14 teaspoon rosewater 1 tablespoon natural (plain) yoghurt

1 tablespoon unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched

Bring the milk to the boil in a large, heavy-based
and slivered pan and boil until reduced to half its volume. Stir in
the sugar and reduce the heat to low, stirring, until
Blend the full cream milk, cream and cream of the sugar has dissolved completely. Remove from the
tartar together in a large bowl, then chill in the heat and set aside until the milk is lukewarm.
refrigerator overnight.
Heat the reduced milk in a heavy-based pan. Add
Early the next day, remove the bowl from the the yoghurt and stir thoroughly, then remove from
refrigerator and add 4 teaspoons icing sugar and the the heat, cover and set aside in a warm place to set.
rosewater, then whisk at high speed. Transfer the
foam on top of the bowl to a tray (pan) and sprinkle When the yoghurt is set, transfer to the refrigerator
with a little icing sugar. Repeat the process until for about 2 hours before serving.
all the milk is used up. This dessert can be served in
small bowls. Sprinkle slivered pistachios on top.

® p.675
Sweet Rice & Milk
Creamy, Chilled Yoghurt Origin West Bengal
Preparation time 10 minutes
Origin Maharashtra Cooking time 30 minutes
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus chilling time Serves 4
Serves 6
1 tablespoon rice_
1 teaspoon saffron threads_
green cardamom pods to taste
1 tablespoon milk_
1 litre / 1% pints (4% cups) milk
1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) hung natural (plain)
75g / 2V2OZ 0/3 cup) sugar
yoghurt (see page 793)_
10Og / 3y2oz (Vi cup) caster (superfine) sugar_ Put the rice in a blender and process until ground,
1 teaspoon green cardamom seeds, crushed then remove and set aside. Put the cardamom pods
8-10 unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched and slivered in a spice grinder and process until ground. Set aside.

Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the milk and Bring the milk to the boil in a deep, heavy-based
soak until required. Put the hung yoghurt in a pan and add the ground rice. Cook, stirring
bowl, gradually add the sugar and whisk. Stir in frequently, for 20 minutes, or until reduced by
the saffron mixture and then sprinkle over the half and almost blended. Remove from the heat, add
cardamom seeds and pistachio nuts and whisk. the sugar, stir well, then return to low heat for
Chill in the refrigerator before serving. 5 minutes, taking care that the payesh does not boil.
Sprinkle the ground green cardamom over the top.


m p.678

Kheer Rabri
Rice Pudding Thickened Milk

Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh Origin Awadh

Preparation time 10 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 15 minutes, plus chilling time
Cooking time 1 hour 10 minutes Cooking time 1 Vz hours
Serves 4 Serves 8-10

4 tablespoons rice_ 4 litres / 7 pints (17 cups) full cream (whole) milk
1 litre / 1% pints (4% cups) milk 300g / 1 loz (V/2 cups) sugar
200g / 7oz (1 cup) sugar 10 green cardamoms seeds, ground
10 unsalted pistachios 2 drops of rosewater
10 almonds 15-20 blanched almonds, slivered
4 green cardamom pods, crushed 15-20 unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched and slivered
1 teaspoon kewra water
pinch of saffron threads Bring the milk to the boil in a large, heavy-based
pan, then reduce the heat and simmer for 1 hour,
4 edible silver leaves, to decorate
stirring frequently, until the milk is very thick and
reduced to about a quarter of its original volume.
Soak the rice in a bowl of water for 20 minutes.
Keep scraping the film of milk that clings to the sides
Drain and set aside.
of the pan, and stir it back into the simmering milk.
Add the sugar, then remove from the heat and stir
Bring the milk to the boil in a heavy-based pan over
to dissolve.
low heat and cook for 30 minutes until reduced by
half. Add the rice, then bring to the boil and boil for
Sprinkle over the ground cardamom, rosewater
1 minute. Reduce the heat and continue to simmer,
and nuts and chill in the refrigerator for 1—2 hours
stirring gently, for about 30 minutes.
before serving.
Sprinkle over the sugar, nuts, crushed cardamom,
kewra water and saffron. Mix, remove from the heat
and decorate with edible silver leaf.

Badaam ki Kheer
Almond Milk Pudding

Origin Punjab
Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 25-30 minutes
Serves 6

1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) milk

200g / 7oz (V/2 cups) blanched almonds, slivered
10Og / 3Vzoz (1/2 cup) sugar
14 teaspoon ground green cardamom

Bring the milk to the boil in a large, heavy-based pan,

then reduce the heat and simmer for 15—20 minutes,
or until thickened. Add the sliced almonds and cook
for a further 10 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat, add the sugar and
stir to dissolve, then stir in the ground cardamom.


Bajre ki Kheer Double ka Meetha
Pearl Millet & Milk Pudding Hyderabadi Bread Pudding

Origin Rajasthan Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 10 minutes Preparation time 50 minutes
Cooking time 40-50 minutes Cooking time 114 hours
Serves 6-8 Serves 10-15

pinch of saffron threads_ pinch of saffron threads_

1 tablespoon ghee 2 tablespoons rosewater
4 tablespoons millet grains 250g / 9oz (114 cups) sugar
1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) milk y2 teaspoon lime juice
10Og / 3y2oz (I/2 cup) sugar 500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) milk
125ml / 4M oz (y2 cup) cream
Put the saffron in a small bowl, add 2-3 teaspons 10 slices white bread
water and stir to mix, then set aside.
150g / 5oz (% cup) ghee, plus extra, melted
Heat the ghee in a heavy-based pan over medium for brushing
heat, add the millet and fry for 1—2 minutes. 20 blanched almonds
1 teaspoon unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched
Bring the milk to the boil in a separate large, heavy- and slivered
based pan, add the millet and reduce the heat to
4-5 edible silver leaves, to decorate
low. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 40—50 minutes,
or until thickened. Remove from the heat, add the
Preheat the oven to i5o’C/30o°F/Gas Mark 2.
sugar and stir to dissolve, then stir the saffron into
Put the saffron in a small bowl add the rosewater
the pudding. Serve warm.
and soak until required.

Fill a heavy-based pan with water, add the sugar,

and heat over low heat, stirring, until the sugar has
completely dissolved. Increase the heat and bring
to the boil. Continue to boil, removing the scum
Rawa Payasam that rises to the surface with a slotted spoon, until
Semolina & Milk Pudding it reaches a one-thread consistency (see page 59).
Stir in the lime juice. Remove from the heat and
Origin Tamil Nadu set aside.
Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 10-15 minutes Bring the milk to the boil in another pan with the
Serves 4 cream and cook for about 45 minutes, or until
reduced by half.
4 teaspoons ghee_
140g / 4%oz (% cup) semolina (semolina flour) Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over medium
heat, add the bread slices and shallow-fry for 2—3
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk_
minutes on both sides until golden. Brush 2 baking
200g / 7oz (1 cup) sugar_ trays (pans) with a little ghee. Place the bread slices
5-6 green cardamom pods, crushed_ in the tray and pour the milk, saffron and sugar
12-15 cashew nuts, to decorate syrup over them, then sprinkle over the almonds and
pistachios. Let stand for 3—5 minutes for the bread
Heat the ghee in a heavy-based pan over medium to absorb the liquids, then bake in the oven for
heat, add the semolina and fry for about 2-3 minutes about 1 hour, or until the liquid dries up. Decorate
until it is a reddish brown colour. Pour in the milk with edible silver leaf.
in a slow stream to avoid lumps and stir well. When
the semolina is about to set' sprinkle over the sugar
and cardamom. Decorate with cashew nuts and serve
warm or at room temperature.


E§3 p.679

Nariyal ki Kheer Sheer Birinj

Coconut Rice Pudding Regal Milk & Rice Dessert

Origin Hyderabad Origin Awadh

Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 35 minutes Cooking time 1 hour
Serves 8 Serves 5-6

tOOg / 3y2pz Q/2 cup) rice, rinsed and drained_ 3.5 litres / 6 pints (14% cups) milk_
2 fresh coconuts, peeled and grated 60g / 2oz O/3 cup) basmati rice, rinsed and drained
250g / 9oz (114 cups) sugar 200g / 7oz (1 cup) sugar
8-10 green cardamom pods, ground 200g / 7oz Khoya (see page 58)
1 tablespoon ghee 1 tablespoon kewra water or rosewater
2 tablespoons blanched almonds 10Og / 3V2OZ (1/2 cup) ghee, melted
2 tablespoons unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched 200g / 7oz (1 cup) clotted cream
2 tablespoons raisins 50g / 1%oz Cashew Nut Paste (see page 58)
y2 teaspoon ground green cardamom
Soak the rice in a large bowl of water for i hour,
then drain.
To decorate
Put the rice and coconut in a blender or food 50g / 134oz (1/3 cup) blanched almonds, slivered
processor and process, adding a little water to make 50g /1 % oz (I/3 cup) unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched
a thick paste. Transfer the paste to a large, heavy- and slivered
based pan, and cook over low heat for io minutes.
Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water, add the sugar Bring the milk to the boil in a large, heavy-based
and simmer for 20 minutes, or until the mixture has pan, add the rice and cook for about 20 minutes,
a porridge-like consistency. Sprinkle over the ground or until done. Add half the sugar, stir, and cook for
cardamom and mix well. Spoon into a glass bowl. few minutes.

Heat the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over low heat, Crumble the khoya slowly into the pan, ensuring
add the nuts and stir-fry for about 3 minutes, or until that there are no lumps. Sprinkle over the kewra
light brown. Remove and add the raisins to the pan water or rosewater and the remaining sugar, stirring
and stir-fry lightly for about 1-2 minutes. Sprinkle constantly, and cook until the mixture thickens
over the pudding, then allow to cool completely and and clings to the spoon. Pour in the ghee and stir.
serve cold. Add the clotted cream together with the cashew nut
paste. Spoon onto a serving plate, sprinkle over
the ground cardamom and decorate with slivered
almonds and pistachios.


Put the rice and aromatic stock in a large pan and
bring to the boil. Parboil the rice for about 10
minutes, then drain and put the rice into another
Zarda pan. Add the sugar syrup and boil for about 1 minute.
Sweet Yellow Rice Now cover with a tight-fitting lid and seal the
pan with dough, if using, or foil. Put a couple of
Origin Awadh/Delhi pieces of hot charcoals on the lid, if you like, or
Preparation time 1 hour omit the charcoal and cook in a low oven for about
Cooking time 45 minutes 30 minutes, or until the rice is cooked.
Serves 6-8
Break the seal, uncover and pour over the ghee.
Stir very gently with a fork, then sprinkle over the
Vz teaspoon saffron threads_
kewra water and khoya. Turn onto a serving plate
1 tablespoon milk and decorate with almonds, pistachios, raisins and
1 kg / 2141b (5 cups) sugar edible silver leaf.
% teaspoon lime juice
7 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
10 small green cardamom pods
4 black cardamom pods Jauzi Halwa
500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) basmati rice, rinsed Rich Wheatgerm Dessert
and drained
10Og / 3Vzoz (Vfc cup) ghee, melted Origin Awadh
2 tablespoons kewra water Preparation time 30 minutes
150g / 5oz Khoya (see page 58), grated and fried Cooking time 1 Vz hours
Makes 20-25
about 150g / 5oz dough (see page 783) (optional),
for sealing the lid
5 litres / 1.1 gallons (21 cups) milk_
250g / 9oz (2 cups plus 2 tablespoons) wheatgerm
To decorate
4 tablespoons almonds_
500g / 1 lb 2oz Khoya (see page 58)
4 tablespoons unsalted pistachio nuts
1,5kg / 3141b $Vz cups) sugar
3 tablespoons raisins
Vz teaspoon kewra water
4 edible silver leaves
1 kg / 2141b (AVz cups) ghee
1 teaspoon saffron threads
Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the milk and
soak until required. 14 teaspoon ground cinnamon
14 teaspoon ground nutmeg
Put the sugar and z litres / 3/2 pints (8/2 cups) water 1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
in a deep, heavy-based pan over low heat and
heat gently, stirring until the sugar has completely Blend the milk and wheatgerm extract in a large,
dissolved. Increase the heat and bring to the boil. heavy-based pan and cook over low heat, stirring
Continue to boil, removing the scum as it rises to constantly, for 45 minutes until the milk is reduced
the top with a slotted spoon, until the syrup reaches by half. Add the khoya. Keep stirring constantly over
one thread consistency (see page 59). Stir in thelime low heat for about 30 minutes to blend the mixture.
juice. Remove from the heat and set aside.
Add the sugar together with the kewra water and
To make an aromatic stock for the rice, bring stir constantly for 5 minutes until the sugar is
about 2 litres / 3/2 pints (8/2 cups) water to the boil dissolved. Add the ghee and saffron and mix well,
in a large, heavy-based pan and add the cloves, ensuring that the mixture does not stick to the
cinnamon, cardamom pods and saffron. Boil over pan. Remove the pan from the heat and spread its
medium heat for about 15 minutes, then strain contents on a large baking tray (pan). Sprinkle
through a sieve (strainer) into a bowl and set the the ground cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom over
water aside; discard the whole spices. the top and cut into 20—25 squares or diamonds.


Makki ka Halwa Shahi Tukra
Corn Dessert Sweet Morsel for the Prince

Origin Rajasthan Origin Awadh

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 1 hour Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 6-8 Serves 4

2 teaspoons saffron threads_ 35g / 114oz (14 cup) raisins_

500ml / 18fl oz [2Va cups) milk, plus extra for soaking pinch of saffron threads
250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee 2 tablespoons rosewater
500g / 1 lb 2oz (3% cups) sweetcorn (corn) kernels 2 teaspoons ghee or vegetable oil
10Og / 3Vzoz Khoya, grated (see page 58) 4 slices white bread
50g / 1%oz (% cup) grated fresh coconut 2 tablespoons condensed milk
500g / 1 lb 2oz (2Vz cups) sugar 4 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom 1 teaspoon kewra water or rosewater
10Og / 31/20Z (% cup) raisins Vz teaspoon lime juice
35g / 1 !4oz (V& cup) unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk
and slivered Va teaspoon ground green cardamom
1 teaspoon blanched almonds, slivered
Put the saffron in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons
1 teaspoon unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched
milk and soak until required.
and slivered
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over low 4 edible silver leaves, to decorate
heat, add the sweetcorn kernels and stir-fry for
2-3 minutes. Add the milk and khoya and continue Soak the raisins in a bowl of hot water for 15 minutes,
to stir-fry for 2-3 minutes until the milk is then drain and set aside. Put the saffron in a small
completely absorbed. Mash well with the back of a bowl, add the rosewater and soak until required.
ladle or spatula to combine. Add the coconut and
stir-fry for about 1 minute, then add the sugar and Heat the ghee or oil in a frying pan (skillet) over
stir-fry for 1—2 minutes, or until the mixture becomes medium heat, add the bread slices in batches and fry
thick and leaves the sides of the pan. Sprinkle for 2—3 minutes until golden. Remove from the pan
over the ground cardamom, raisins, pistachios and and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). Set aside.
saffron and mix well. Serve immediately.
Put the condensed milk in a bowl, add 2 tablespoons
sugar together with the kewra water and stir.

Fill a heavy-based pan with water, add the remaining

sugar, and heat over low heat, stirring, until the
sugar has completely dissolved then bring to the
boil. Continue to boil, removing the scum that rises
to the surface, until the syrup reaches a one-thread
consistency (see page 59). Stir in the lime juice.

Place the fried bread slices in a shallow pan,

pour over the milk and sugar syrup and cook over
low heat for about 10 minutes, or until the milk
thickens considerably and changes colour. Stir gently
to prevent the milk from burning, taking care that
the bread slices don't break. Turn the slices over
carefully and delicately during cooking to ensure the
thickened milk coats the slices evenly. Sprinkle over
the saffron and spread the condensed milk on top
of the slices. Sprinkle over the almonds, pistachios
and raisins and decorate with edible silver leaf.

Churma Laadoo Tilgul
Fried Bread Sweets Sweet Sesame Balls

Origin Rajasthan Origin Punjab

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 1V2 hours Cooking time 15 minutes, plus cooling time
Makes 20 Makes 30-35

180g / 6y20z (1 y2 cups) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour 1 kg / 2141b (6% cups) white sesame seeds_
1/2 teaspoon baking powder 30g / 1 %oz f/3 cup) desiccated (dried flaked) coconut
2 tablespoons ghee, plus extra for deep-frying 70g / 2I/2OZ (V2 cup) peanuts, with skins on
6 blanched almonds, slivered 500g /1 lb 2oz (2V2 cups) jaggery or soft brown sugar
15g / I/20Z candied sugar (rock candy), crushed, 1 teaspoon ghee
or 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
1 tablespoon grated fresh coconut vegetable oil, for oiling
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
salt Place a frying pan (skillet) over low heat, add the
sesame seeds and stir-fry for about 1—2 minutes, or
Sift the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt until golden. Remove from the pan. Add the coconut
into a tray or large bowl. Make a depression in to the pan and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until
the centre, add 1 tablespoon ghee and start mixing light brown. Remove from the pan. Add the peanuts
gradually, adding enough water to make a soft to the pan and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, or until
dough. Knead the dough on a lightly floured work golden, then remove from the pan, remove the skins
surface for about 5 minutes until smooth. Divide the and crush.
dough into 20 equal portions, roll into balls, then
cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel and set Heat the jaggery or sugar in a heavy-based pan
aside for 10 minutes. over low heat for 2 minutes. Add the ghee and cook
for 1—2 minutes until the jaggery changes colour.
Now flatten the balls between the palms of your Add the sesame seeds, coconut, peanuts and ground
hands to make patties. Dust a baking tray (sheet) cardamom, then mix well.
with flour and arrange the patties on it, then cover
with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel and set aside Oil the palms or your hands with a little oil and
until ready to cook. roll the mixture into small equal-sized balls, then set
on a tray. This has to be done when the mixture is
Heat enough ghee for deep-frying in a kadhai, wok hot because it hardens very fast. Set the balls aside
or deep, heavy-based pan to i8o”C/35o”F, or until a to cool.
cube of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce
the heat slightly if necessary. The patties should be
deep-fried at low-medium heat. Working in batches,
carefully lower the patties into the hot oil and deep-
fry for 2—3 minutes until golden. Remove from the
pan with a slotted spoon, transfer to kitchen paper
(paper towels) and allow to cool.

When the patties are cool, coarsely grind them in

a food processor. Transfer the mixture to a bowl,
add 1 tablespoon of the deep-frying ghee and the
remaining ingredients and mix well. Sprinkle over a
little water, and with damp hands, roll the mixture
into balls, then cover and set aside for 15 minutes
before serving. They can also be stored in an airtight
container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.


Meanwhile, to make the filling, heat a heavy-based
pan, add the khoya and stir-fry over medium heat
for 5-6 minutes, stirring constantly, until it begins
Mawe ki Kachori to change colour and release fat. Stir constantly to
Sweet Stuffed Kachori prevent overcooking. Stir in the sugar slowly, mixing
well, then sprinkle in the cardamom, raisins, chironji
kernels and pistachio nuts and stir to blend. Remove
Origin Rajasthan
from the heat and allow to cool.
Preparation time 1 Vz hours, plus standing and
cooling time
Divide the reserved dough into 12 equal portions,
Cooking time 15 minutes
roll into balls, then cover with a damp cloth or tea
Makes 12
(dish) towel. Flatten each ball between the palms
of your hands into rounds about 8cm / 3 inches in
For the dough diameter, making them thinner around the edges.
250g / 9oz (2 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour
% teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) Place a portion of the filling in the middle of each
pinch of salt round, fold over to enclose and pinch off the excess
5 tablespoons vegetable oil dough to seal the edges, then flatten between the
palms of your hands into rounds.
ghee, for deep-frying

Heat enough ghee for deep-frying in a kadhai, wok

For the filling or deep, heavy-based pan to i8o‘C/35o'F, or until
350g / 12oz Khoya (see page 58) a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in
10Og / 31/20Z (I/2 cup) sugar batches, carefully lower the kachori into the hot oil
1/2 teaspoon ground green cardamom and deep-fry for 3-4 minutes, or until golden
brown and crisp. Remove from the pan with a slotted
50g / 1%oz (V3 cup) raisins
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).
1 tablespoon chironji kernels
1 tablespoon unsalted pistachio nuts Put the kachori in the reserved sugar syrup to soak,
salt then remove and allow to cool before serving.

For the syrup

1 kg / 2141b (5 cups) sugar
% teaspoon lime juice
Va teaspoon rosewater

To make the syrup, put 1 litre / i3/< pints (4% cups)

water and the sugar in a large, heavy-based pan and
heat gently, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved.
Increase the heat and bring to the boil. Continue
to boil, removing the scum that rises to the surface
with a slotted spoon, until it reaches a one-thread
consistency (see page 59). Add the lime juice and
rosewater and set aside.

To make the dough, sift the flour, bicarbonate of

soda and salt together in a large bowl. Make a
depression in the centre, pour in the oil and start
mixing gradually. When fully mixed, add enough
water to make soft dough. Knead the dough on a
lightly floured work surface for about 5 minutes,
then cover with a damp cloth or tea (dish) towel and
set aside for 15 minutes.


Mung Dal ka Halwa Rosogolla
Moong Bean Dessert Rosogolla

Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 6-8 Makes 12-15

200g / 7oz (1 cup) moong dal, rinsed and drained 250g / 9oz (1 cup) Chhena (see page 59)
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) milk 500g / 1 lb 2oz (21/2 cups) sugar
200g / 7oz (1 cup) sugar
1 teaspoon saffron threads Knead the chhena into a soft dough, then roll
into balls slightly smaller than the desired size of
125g / 4oz (1/2 cup) ghee
the rosogollas.

To decorate Fill a heavy-based pan with water, add the sugar

10 almonds, slivered_ and place over low heat. Heat gently, stirring until
10 cashew nuts, slivered the sugar has dissolved, then increase the heat and
boil until the syrup reaches one-thread consistency
seeds of 10 green cardamom pods, crushed
(see page 59). Strain through a sieve (strainer) into
a heatproof bowl. Return the syrup to the pan and
Soak the dal in a bowl of water overnight.
return to the boil.
The next day, drain the dal, then transfer to a
Slide the balls carefully into the boiling syrup. Cover
blender or food processor and process, adding a
the pan and cook for a further 30 minutes. Uncover
little water if necessary, to make a smooth paste.
and gently remove the rosogollas from the pan with
a slotted spoon. Serve at room temperature.
Bring the milk to the boil with sugar and saffron in
a large pan for io minutes.

Heat the ghee in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-

based pan over very low heat, add the dal paste
and stir-fry for 5 minutes until it turns brown.
When the dal starts to brown, add the hot milk and
stir continuously. It should not stick to the wok.
Keep stirring for about 30 minutes, until the milk
dries up and the ghee separates out.

Transfer the halwa to a silver platter or other

serving plate and decorate with the almonds,
cashew nuts and crushed cardamoms. Serve hot.


Heat a tawa, griddle or heavy-based frying pan
(skillet) over medium heat. Place one bread in the
pan and cook for 2 minutes on both sides, then
Puran Poli brush with 1 teaspoon ghee and cook for a further
Shallow-fried Bread with Sweet Filling i minute on both sides, until golden brown. Remove
from the pan and repeat with the remaining dough
and chana dal.
Origin Maharashtra
Preparation time 45 minutes, plus soaking
and cooling time
Cooking time 50 minutes
Makes 10
250g / 9oz (1 Vz cups) chana dal, rinsed and drained
200g / 7oz (1% cups) icing (confectioners’) sugar
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
Origin Punjab
14 teaspoon ground nutmeg Preparation time 30 minutes
200g / 7oz (1% cups) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour Cooking time 15 minutes
4 tablespoons vegetable oil Makes 20
2 tablespoons plain (all-purpose) flour, for dusting
4 tablespoons melted ghee 250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee_
280g / 8I/2OZ (2 cups) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour
Soak the chana dal in a large bowl of water overnight. 2 cups crumbled Khoya (see page 58)
300g /II oz (1 y2 cups) sugar
The next day, drain the dal. Bring 500ml / i8fl oz
15-20 raisins
(2 cups) water to the boil in a large, heavy-based
pan, add the chana dal, reduce the heat to medium 10 pistachio nuts, blanched and slivered
and cook for 20 minutes until the water is absorbed. 10 blanched almonds
Remove from the heat and allow to cool. When
cool, transfer to a blender or food processor and Heat the ghee in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based
process to make a smooth paste. pan, add the flour and stir for 3-4 minutes until
it turns light brown, then remove the pan from the
Place a heavy-based pan over medium heat, add heat. Dry-roast the crumbled khoya in another
the chana dal paste, sugar, ground cardamom and kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based pan, stirring
nutmeg and mix well. Cook over medium heat it constantly, for 5-7 minutes until it also turns light
for 5—10 minutes, stirring, until the water released brown. Remove the pan from the heat and add
by the sugar is absorbed. Remove from the heat the fried flour. Stir in the sugar, raisins and nuts,
and transfer the mixture to a shallow dish and allow then shape into round balls while the mixture is
to cool. still warm.

Put the wholemeal flour in a large bowl and mix in

enough water and 2-3 tablespoons of the oil to
make a soft and springy dough. Knead the dough on
a lightly floured work surface for 5 minutes.

Divide the dough and the chana dal mixture each into
10 equal portions. Take one portion of the dough
and roll into a ball. Brushing lightly with oil, then roll
it out to a diameter of about 10cm / 4 inches on
a lightly floured surface. Place one portion of the
chana dal mixture in the centre, then lift the dough
from all sides and seal over the filling. Roll it
once again, brushing a little oil on the surface, to
a diameter of about 15cm / 6/2 inches.

Moticoor Laddu Jalebi
Sweet Globes Sweet Pretzels

Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 20 minutes, plus fermenting time
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Makes 30-35 Makes 20-25

few saffron threads_ 6 tablespoons plain (all-purpose) flour_

1 tablespoon rosewater 2 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour
500g / 1 lb 2oz (31/3 cups) gram (chickpea) flour 2 tablespoons natural (plain) yoghurt
250g / 9oz (2% cups) sugar 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, plus extra for deep-frying
y2 teaspoon lime juice 200g / 7oz (1 cup) sugar
ghee, for deep-frying and greasing I/2 teaspoon lime juice
1 tablespoon dried melon seeds
Mix the plain flour, gram flour, yoghurt, 1 tablespoon
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom
oil and enough water to make a thick batter in a
edible sliver leaf, to decorate
large bowl. Cover and set aside to ferment overnight.

Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the rosewater

To make a syrup, fill a heavy-based pan with water,
and soak for 20 minutes.
add the sugar and heat gently, stirring, until the
sugar has dissolved. Increase the heat and bring
Put the gram flour in a bowl and mix in enough
to the boil. Continue to boil, removing the scum that
water to make a smooth batter with a uniform
rises to the surface with a slotted spoon, until
pouring consistency.
the syrup reaches a one-thread consistency (see page
59). Stir in the lime juice. Set aside over low heat
To make a syrup, fill a heavy-based pan with water,
while you cook the jalebi.
add the sugar and heat gently, stirring, until the
sugar has dissolved. Increase the heat and bring
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
to the boil. Continue to boil, removing the scum
heavy-based pan to i8o°C/35o”F, or until a cube of
that rises to the surface with a slotted spoon, until
bread browns in 30 seconds. Beat the fermented
the syrup reaches a one-thread consistency (see
flour batter and transfer to a piping bag or clean
page 59). Stir in the lime juice and saffron soaked in
plastic bag with a small hole in one corner. Working
rosewater and set aside over a low heat.
in batches if necessary, slowly squeeze the bag
over the hot oil. Starting at one side of the pan and
Heat enough ghee for deep-frying in a kadhai, wok
working across, try to make small coils, about 8cm /
or deep, heavy-based pan to i8o’C/35o'F, or until
3 inches in diameter, starting from the outer ring and
a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce
ending at the centre, on top of the oil - the coils
the heat to low-medium. Working in batches, if
should be linked together in a line. Deep-fry for 2-3
necessary, pour the batter carefully into the hot oil
minutes until both sides are golden and the jalebi is
through a steel strainer with medium-sized holes,
crisp. To turn over, use a metal skewer. Remove the
forming droplets, called boondis, and deep-fry for
jalebi gently with tongs and drain on kitchen paper
3-4 minutes until golden. Remove from the pan with
(paper towels).
a slotted spoon and drain the excess oil. Grease
your hands with a little ghee, then roll the boondis
Transfer the jalebi to the warm syrup and soak for
into small balls.
about 5 minutes, then remove and serve hot, broken
into individual coils.
Transfer the boondis to the warm syrup and mix
well, then remove from the heat and allow to cool.

When cool, remove the boondis from the syrup,

spinkle over the melon seeds and ground cardamom
and decorate with edible silver leaf.


Gulab Jamun Phirni
Khoya Bonbons in Syrup Milk & Rice Dessert

Origin Delhi/Awadh Origin Delhi/Awadh

Preparation time 45 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 30-35 minutes
Makes 10-12 Serves 4

pinch of saffron threads 3 tablespoons rice_

1 teaspoon rosewater 750ml / 114 pints (314 cups) milk
300g / 11 oz Khoya (see page 58) 6 tablespoons sugar
50g / 1%oz (4 tablespoons) Chhena (see page 59)
4 tablespoons plain (all-purpose) flour To decorate
1 teaspoon baking powder 8-10 blanched almonds_
1 tablespoon ghee 2 tablespoons unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched
6 teaspoons cardamom seeds and slivered
12 unsalted pistachio nuts few drops of kewra water
1 kg / 2141b (5 cups) sugar or 1 teaspoon rosewater (optional)
% teaspoon lime juice
500ml / 18fl oz (2Va cups) vegetable oil, for deep-frying Soak the rice in a small bowl of water for about
30 minutes. Drain the rice, transfer to a blender
Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the rosewater or food processor and process to make a paste.
and soak until required. Set aside.

Crumble the khoya and chhena to remove any lumps, Bring the milk to the boil in a large, heavy-based
then put into a large bowl, add the flour, baking pan, then reduce the heat and simmer for 2—3
powder and i tablespoon ghee and mix together to minutes. Stir in the rice paste and sprinkle over the
make a soft dough. Knead the dough on a lightly sugar. Continue cooking over low heat for about
floured work surface for about 5 minutes. Pinch off 20 minutes until the milk is reduced by one-third.
pieces of dough and roll into balls, about 2.5cm /
1 inch in diameter. Place a few cardamom seeds and Remove the pan from the heat, pour the dessert
a pistachio nut in the centre of each. into serving bowls and decorate with almonds and
pistachio nuts. You can also sprinkle a few drops of
To make a syrup, fill a heavy-based pan with water, kewra water or rosewater over the top, if you like.
add the sugar and heat gently, stirring, until the
sugar has dissolved. Increase the heat and bring
to the boil. Continue to boil, removing the scum
that rises to the surface with a slotted spoon, until
the syrup reaches a one-thread consistency (see
page 59). Stir in the lime juice and saffron soaked in
rosewater. Set aside.

Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,

heavy-based pan to i8o"C/35o”F, or until a cube of
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches,
carefully add the balls to the hot oil and deep-fry
for 3-4 minutes until rich brown, then remove from
the pan with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
paper (paper towels).

Transfer the balls to the syrup to soak. Serve hot or

at room temperature.


Mysore Pak Kesari Bhaath
Rich Gram (Chickpea) Flour Confection Saffron-tinged Semolina (Farina)

Origin Karnataka/Tamil Nadu Origin Tamil Nadu

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 30 minutes Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Makes 25-35 Serves 4

400g /14oz (2 cups) sugar_ large pinch of saffron threads_

y2 teaspoon lime juice 5 tablespoons hot milk
8-10 green cardamom pods, ground 250g / 9oz (1 cup) ghee
500g / 1 lb 2oz (214 cups) ghee 280g /10oz (1 % cups) coarse semolina (farina)
65g / 2V2OZ (1/2 cup) plain (all-purpose) flour 10 cashew nuts
175g / 6Y20Z (114 cups) gram (chickpea) flour 400g /14oz (2 cups) sugar
7-8 green cardamom pods, ground
To make a thick syrup, pour 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup)
water into a large, heavy-based pan, add the Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the hot milk and
sugar and heat gently, stirring, until the sugar has soak until required.
dissolved. Increase the heat and bring to the boil.
Continue to boil, removing the scum that rises to the Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan, add the
surface with a slotted spoon, until the syrup reaches semolina and fry until golden brown. Remove from
a two-three-thread consistency (see page 59). Stir in the pan and set aside. Add the cashew nuts to the
the lime juice and ground cardamom and set aside. pan and fry for about 2-3 minutes, or until golden.
Return the fried semolina to the pan and pour
Heat the ghee to boiling point in a heavy-based pan, in 500—750ml / i8-24fl oz (2-3'A cups) water, or as
then remove from the heat and set aside. much as necessary depending on the quality of the
semolina used. Stir well and cook for 3-4 minutes
Carefully transfer ioog / 3A0Z (‘A cup) of the ghee until most of the water is absorbed. Add the sugar
to a second large, heavy-based pan over low heat. and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes until the mixture
Add the gram and plain flours and fry for about starts to stick to the spoon and leave the sides
5 minutes, or until the ghee separates out. Add the of the pan. Remove from the heat and sprinkle over
sugar syrup and keep stirring for 1 minute, then add the ground cardamom and saffron and mix well.
the remaining ghee, 1 tablespoon at a time. When Serve at room temperature.
the mixture stops sticking to the spoon, pour it into
a 5cm / 2 inch deep tray (pan) brushed with a little
ghee or oil, and let it settle for about 5 minutes.
Tilt the tray and drain off the excess ghee. Cut the
sweets (candies) into 5-cm / 2-inch squares and serve
at room temperature.

Heat the rest of the ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over
medium heat, add the grated coconut and stir-fry
for about 1—2 minutes, or until brown. Remove from
Kadalaparippu Payasam the pan and set aside.
Chana Dal Dessert
Add the raisins to the pan and stir-fry for about 1-2
minutes, then remove and set aside. Add the cashew
Origin Kerala
nuts to the pan and fry for about 2 minutes, or until
Preparation time 45 minutes
golden. Add all the fried ingredients to the payasam
Cooking time 1 hour
before serving.
Serves 5-6

500g / 1 lb 2oz (2W cups) jaggery or soft brown sugar

V2 teaspoon lime juice _
125g / 4oz (V2 cup) ghee_
500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) chana dal, rinsed Parippu Payasam
and drained Green Moong Dal Flavoured
1.4 litres / 2V2 pints (5Vfe cups) coconut milk, fresh with Coconut Milk
(see page 781) or canned__
500ml / 18fl oz (2V2 cups) coconut cream, fresh Origin Andhra Pradesh
Preparation time 20 minutes
(see page 781) or canned
Cooking time 50 minutes
6-8 green cardamom pods, ground Serves 10
1 coconut, grated
3 tablespoons raisins 250g / 9oz (1V3 cups) split green moong dal, rinsed,
2 tablespoons cashew nuts drained and dried
750ml / 1 % pints (3% cups) coconut milk, fresh
Pour 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups) water into a large,
(see page 781) or canned
heavy-based pan, add the jaggery or sugar and heat
gently, stirring, until the jaggery has dissolved. 750g / 11b lOoz (3% cups) crumbled jaggery
Increase the heat and boil. Continue to boil, or soft brown sugar
removing the scum as it rises to the top with a 5 tablespoons ghee
slotted spoon, until the syrup reaches one-thread 3A teaspoon ground green cardamom
consistency (see page 59). Stir in the lime juice.

Heat 1 tablespoon ghee in a large, heavy-based To decorate

pan over medium heat, add the dal and fry for 3—4 50g / 1%oz (I/3 cup) raisins_
minutes until brown. Pour in the syrup with 500ml 50g / 1%oz (1/3 cup) cashew nuts
/ i8fl oz (2‘4 cups) water, then mix well and bring to
the boil. Reduce the heat to medium and boil for Stir-fry the green moong dal in a dry pan over
about 30 minutes. medium-low heat for about 2—3 minutes, or until
light brown. Add the coconut milk, bring to the boil
Add most of the remaining ghee, stir and continue and boil for about 30 minutes.
cooking over medium heat until the mixture is
the consistency of a thick porridge. Remove the Add the jaggery or sugar and continue to boil,
pan from the heat and gradually add 625ml / 1 pint stirring frequently, for 10 minutes, or until thick.
(214 cups) coconut milk. Bring to the boil and Now add the coconut milk and simmer for about
continue boiling until the mixture thickens a little, 10 minutes, then add the ghee. Sprinkle over the
then pour in the remaining coconut milk and return cardamom and stir, then remove from the heat.
to the boil, stirring constantly. Finally, pour in Decorate with raisins and cashew nuts and serve hot.
the coconut cream, then sprinkle over the ground
cardamom and remove from the heat.


Neyappam Sakin Gata
Deep-fried Rice Flour Balls Rice Cakes Steamed in Banana Leaves

Origin Kerala Origin Coastal

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 15-30 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 5-6

150g / 5oz (1 cup) rice flour_ 1 kg / 2141b (5 cups) sticky (glutinous) rice, rinsed
4 green cardamom pods and drained
150g / 5oz (% cup) ground jaggery 5 teaspoons sugar
or soft brown sugar 3 banana leaves (optional)
3 teaspoons ghee 1 tablespoon black sesame seeds
1 tablespoon plain (all-purpose) flour
Soak the rice in a bowl of water overnight.
30g / VAoz (V3 cup) desiccated (dried flaked)
The next day, drain and spread out to dry on a
vegetable oil, for deep-frying clean tea (dish) towel. When dry, transfer to a
blender or food processor and process to make
Put the rice flour, cardamom pods and jaggery in a a powder.
blender or food processor and process with enough
water to make a thick paste. Transfer to a bowl Place the rice powder and sugar in a bowl, add
and add the ghee and plain flour together with the 500—750ml / 18—24fl oz (214—3^ cups) water and mix
desiccated coconut. to make a soft dough, then knead the dough for
about 5 minutes.
Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
heavy-based pan to i8o"C/35o’F, or until a cube of To soften the banana leaves, hold them over the
bread browns in 30 seconds. Pour small quantities of low flame of a gas cooker (stove-top gas burner)
the paste carefully into the hot oil and deep-fry until for a few seconds, or until soft. Alternatively, use a
dark brown. Remove from the pan with a slotted cook's blowtorch or dip each leaf in a pan of boiling
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). water, then rinse under cold water and dry well. Cut
the banana leaves into 15-cm / 6‘/2-inch squares. If
you can't find banana leaves, you could use pieces
of foil.

Spread about 2 tablespoons of the dough on each

banana leaf square and sprinkle over the sesame
seeds. Fold the leaves to form neat parcels and
tie with kitchen string (twine). Place the parcels in
an earthen pot or steamer and steam for about
20 minutes. If you don't have a steamer, use a large
pan with a lid and place a trivet or upside-down
plate in the base. Pour in enough water so it stays
below the top of the trivet and cover with the
lid. Place the parcels on a plate and carefully put
the plate on top of the trivet or upside-down plate,
cover and steam for 20 minutes.


Jangir Parval ki Mithai
Syrup-soaked Pretzels Wax Gourd Sweets

Origin Tamil Nadu Origin Awadh

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking and Preparation time 116 hours, plus cooling, soaking
chilling time and chilling time
Cooking time 20 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Makes 20-30 Serves 12-15

400g / 14oz (2 cups) urad dal, rinsed and drained 1 kg / 2141b wax gourd_
200g / 7oz (1 cup) basmati rice 400g / 14oz (2 cups) sugar
large pinch of saffron threads 1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) milk
1 tablespoon rosewater juice of 2 limes
1 kg / 2141b (5 cups) sugar 200g / 7oz (1 cup) caster (superfine) sugar
1 teaspoon milk 1 teaspoon rosewater
vegetable oil, for frying 70g / 21/20Z (14 cup) blanched almonds, finely chopped:
4 tablespoons unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched
Soak the lentils and the rice in a large bowl of
and finely chopped
water overnight.
The next day, drain, then transfer to a blender 2 tablespoons crushed sugar candy (rock candy)
or food processor and process to make a paste. seeds of 8 green cardamom pods, crushed
Set aside. Put the saffron in a small bowl, add the pinch of saffron threads, crushed
rosewater and soak until required.
Put the wax gourd into a large pan of water and
To make a syrup, put 500ml / i8fl oz (2‘4 cups) water bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer
in a large, heavy-based pan, add the sugar and for about 10 minutes. Drain and allow to cool. Make
heat gently, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved. a slit along one side of each wax gourd and de-seed,
Increase the heat and bring to the boil. Add the milk then remove the pulp.
and boil, removing the scum as it rises to the top
with a slotted spoon, until the syrup reaches a two- Pour 500ml / i8fl oz (214 cups) water into a large,
thread consistency (see page 59). Stir in the saffron heavy-based pan, add half the sugar and heat gently,
and rosewater and reduce the heat to low while stirring, until the sugar has completely dissolved.
you cook the jangir. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to medium
and cook for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and
Take a wide pan and fill it three-quarters with stir in the rosewater, then add the wax gourd and
oil, then heat to i8o°C/350°F, or until a cube of soak for 3—4 hours.
bread browns in 30 seconds, but do not let it get
any hotter. Transfer the paneer to a blender or food processor,
add the remaining sugar and process to make a
Transfer the lentil-rice paste to a piping (pastry) bag paste. Put the paste into a bowl and mix in the sugar
or clean plastic bag with a small hole in the corner, candy, chopped nuts and crushed cardamom.
then gently squeeze out concentric circles into the
hot oil. Fry for 2—3 minutes until rich-red and crisp, Remove the wax gourd from the sugar syrup and
turning to cook evenly on both sides. Using tongs, stuff with the paneer filling, then sprinkle a little
remove the hot jangir from the pan, add to the warm crushed saffron on top. Chill in the refrigerator until
syrup and soak for about 5 minutes. Remove from ready to serve, and serve cold.
the syrup, chill in the refrigerator and serve cold.


Nariyal ke Laddu Aloo ki Kheer
Sweet Coconut Balls Milk & Potato Dessert

Origin New Origin Awadh

Preparation time 10 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 10-20 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes
Makes 15-25 Serves 4-6

250g / 9oz (2% cups) desiccated (dried flaked) coconut 2 large potatoes __
Vz teaspoon butter_ 1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) milk_
150g / 5oz Khoya (see page 58) 5 tablespoons sugar_
large pinch of ground green cardamon_
Set aside 50g / T/<oz (14 cup) of the coconut. Heat the 1 tablespoon butter or ghee_
butter in a large pan, add the remaining coconut
1 tablespoon raisins or sultanas (golden raisins)
and the khoya and cook over low heat for about
2 teaspoons rosewater_
io minutes, or until the mixture leaves the sides of
the pan. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. 6 unsalted pistachio nuts, finely slivered, to decorate

When cool, spread the reserved coconut on a large Finely grate the potatoes and put into a large bowl
plate, then with greased hands, roll the mixture into of water to prevent them from turning black.
small balls, and coat in the coconut.
Bring the milk to the boil in a large, heavy-based
pan, add the sugar and cook until the mixture
is thick and reduced by half, then add the
ground cardamom.

Heat the butter or ghee in a frying pan (skillet) over

Ragi Halwa
medium heat, add the grated potato and stir-fry
Sweet Coarse Grain Dessert
lightly for about 2-3 minutes to remove the raw
smell, then add to the milk and continue to boil over
Origin Tamil Nadu medium heat for 7—8 minutes. Add the raisins or
Preparation time 10-15 minutes sultanas and simmer for a further 5 minutes. Remove
Cooking time 10 minutes the pan from the heat and allow to cool.
Serves 4
When cool, sprinkle over the rosewater and
200g / 7oz (1 cup) ghee_ decorate with slivered pistachios.
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4 cups plus 3 tablespoons) millet flour
300q /11 oz (11/2 cups) jaggery or soft brown sugar_
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom_

To decorate _
2 tablespoons cashew nuts, fried_
2 tablespoons raisins, fried_

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over

medium heat, add the flour and stir-fry for about
5 minutes, stirring constantly.

Mix the jaggery or sugar with i litre / i3/i pints

(4% cups) water in another pan and bring to the
boil. Gradually stir the jaggery mixture into the flour
making sure that there are no lumps, then cook
for about 5 minutes, or until it reaches the desired
thickness. Sprinkle over the ground cardamom and
« decorate with fried cashew nuts and raisins.

Suji Halwa Gajar Burfi
Semolina Halwa Carrot Halwa

Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh Origin New

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling and setting
Cooking time 30 minutes time
Serves 6-8 Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 6
140g / 4%oz (3A cup) semolina (semolina flour)
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) clotted cream 125g / 4oz (Vz cup) ghee_
or heavy (double) cream 8 green cardamom pods, crushed
2 teaspoons raisins 1 kg / 2%lb carrots, grated
200g / 7oz (1 cup) sugar 200g / 7oz (1 cup) sugar
10 tablespoons ghee few drops kewra water
seeds of 3-4 green cardamom pods, ground % cup dried Khoya (see page 58)
60g / 2oz (Vz cup) chopped mixed nuts 40g / 1V2OZ (VS) cup) icing (confectioners’) sugar

Mix the semolina, cream and raisins together in a Heat half the ghee in a large pan over medium-low
large bowl. Cover and set aside for at least 1 hour. heat, add the crushed cardamom and stir-fry for
about 2 minutes. Add the carrot and fry for
Mix the sugar and 875ml / 1V2 pints (3% cups) water 5 minutes. Pour in 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) boiling
together in a large, heavy-based pan, then place over water, cover and simmer for 7—8 minutes. Uncover
low heat and stir until the sugar dissolves. Remove and cook for about 5 minutes until the moisture has
from the heat and set aside. evaporated.

Heat the ghee in a kadhai, wok or deep, heavy-based Add the remaining ghee and stir-fry for 5 minutes.
pan, add the semolina mixture and fry for 5 minutes Sprinkle over the sugar and continue stirring to mix
until the mixture is light brown and fragrant. Add well and cook for 2—3 minutes until the carrots are
the sugar and water mixture and mix well to remove dry. Remove the pan from the heat, add the kewra
any lumps. Cook for 6-7 minutes, stirring constantly, water and mix, then allow to cool.
until the ghee separates out. Remove from the
heat and sprinkle over the ground cardamom and When cool, blend with the khoya, then spread
chopped nuts. Mix well and serve hot. the mixture out on a large greased baking tray (pan)
and level the surface. Leave to set, then cut into
desired shapes.


Nishashte ka Halwa Ande ki Piyosi
Wheatgerm Halwa Baked Egg Halwa

Origin Sindh Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 10 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 15-25 minutes
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 8-12

125g / 4oz (V2 cup) ghee, plus extra for greasing 125g / 4oz {Vz cup) ghee or butter, plus extra
250g / 9oz (114 cups) sugar_ for greasing
120g / 4oz (1 cup) wheatgerm 20 eggs_
2 teaspoons lime juice 1 kg / 2141b (8 cups) icing (confectioners’) sugar
2 tablespoons blanched almonds, chopped 140g / 4%oz (1 y2 cups) almonds, coarsely ground
2 tablespoons unsalted pistachios, blanched 1kg / 2141b Khoya (see page 58), crumbled
and chopped % teaspoon saffron threads, finely ground
pinch of ground green cardamom
Preheat the oven to i5o’C/30o°F/Gas Mark 2 and
Grease a large baking tray (pan) with a little ghee, grease a flat baking dish (pan), at least 4cm / i'h
then set aside. inches deep with a little ghee. Separate the egg yolks
and whites, then whisk the egg whites in a clean
Pour 500ml / i8fl oz (z'/a cups) water into a large grease-free bowl until soft peaks form.
heavy-based pan, add the sugar and heat gently,
stirring, until the sugar has dissolved. Increase the Mix the yolks and sugar together in a separate bowl
heat and boil for 5—8 minutes until the syrup and beat until creamy. Fold in the whites and mix,
reaches one-thread consistency (see page 59). Strain then add the ground almonds, khoya, ghee and
through a piece of muslin (cheesecloth) or fine saffron and mix well to combine.
sieve (strainer) into a clean heavy-based pan.
Pour the mixture into the prepared baking dish and
Mix the wheatgerm with 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water place it on a baking tray (sheet), so that the base
in a large bowl to make a smooth dough-like paste, does not get too brown. Bake in the oven for about
then add it to the syrup and keep stirring and 30 minutes, or until the top starts to brown. Remove
cooking for 4—5 minutes until the mixture forms a from the oven, allow to cool slightly, then cut into
pliable lump. Add the lime juice and continue diamonds or squares and serve while still warm.
stirring for 5—7 minutes until the mixture begins to
stick to the base of the pan. Add the ghee and keep
stirring for 7—8 minutes until it does not stick to the
sides of the pan. Mix in the chopped almonds,
pistachios and ground cardamom, then spread the
mixture out on the prepared baking tray and level
the surface.

Allow to cool, then cut into desired shapes with

a damp knife.


Kahoor ka Halwa Baadam ki Jaali
Dessert of Dates Almond Marzipan

Origin Hyderabad Origin Hyderabad

Preparation time 5 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus cooling time
Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 8-10 Serves 6

125g / 4oz (Z2 cup) ghee or butter 500g / 1 lb 2oz (31/2 cups) blanched almonds_
1 kg / 2141b (7 cups) dates, stoned (pitted) and 375ml / 13fl oz (V/2 cups) milk
chopped into small pieces 6 green cardamom pods, ground
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) milk 250g / 9oz (114 cups) sugar
4 green cardamom pods, ground 14 teaspoon lime juice
12 blanched almonds, coarsely chopped 150g / 5oz (114 cups) icing (confectioners’) sugar
12 cashew nuts, coarsely chopped 3-4 edible silver leaves, to decorate
12 unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched
and coarsely chopped Put the almonds in a food processor, add the milk
and process to make a very smooth paste. Set aside.
heavy (double) cream, to serve
To make a sugar syrup, put 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup)
Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan over
water and the ground cardamom together in
low heat, add the dates and fry for a few minutes.
heavy-based pan, then add the sugar and heat
Pour in 500ml / i8fl oz (2 14 cups) water and the
gently, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Increase
milk and simmer, adding more water if required, for
the heat and bring to the boil. Continue to boil,
5 minutes, until the dates are soft. Mash the dates to
removing the scum that rises to the surface with a
a pulp, then add the ground cardamom and simmer
slotted spoon, until the syrup reaches a one-thread
for 1 minute. Add the nuts and mix well, then cook
consistency (see page 59). Add the lime juice and
for 1-2 minutes until the mixture has a porridge-like
almonds, reduce the heat to low and cook until the
consistency. Allow to cool and serve with cream.
syrup and almonds are well blended and become like
dough. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

Preheat the oven to i5o’C/3ooT/Gas Mark 2. Sprinkle

a little icing sugar on a work surface. Roll the
sugar mixture into small balls and then, using a
rolling pin, roll out each one to about 5cm / 2 inches
in diameter and less than 5mm / 14 inch thick. Cut
with a serrated-edged cutter. Separate half of them
and cut out geometric shapes or flower patterns
with a knife or special biscuit (cookie) cutter in the
centre. Sprinkle icing sugar over them again.

Place the almond sweets (candies) on a large baking

tray (sheet) and bake in the oven for about
15 minutes. Allow to cool, then decorate with edible
silver leaf.

Meve ki Gujiya Rajbhog
Sweet Nutty Pastry Giant Rosogollas

Origin Delhi/Agra Origin West Bengal

Preparation time 45 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time
Cooking time 35-45 minutes Cooking time 25 minutes
Makes 20 Makes 12

250g / 9oz (2 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour, 200g / 7oz (1 cup) Chhena (see page 59)
plus extra for dusting 1 teaspoon plain (all-purpose) flour
5 tablespoons ghee, plus extra for deep-frying 1 teaspoon semolina (farina)
2 tablespoons chironji kernels 60g / 2oz Khoya (see page 58)
2 teaspoons marsh melon seeds seeds from 1 black cardamom pod
50g / 1%oz 0/3 cup) blanched almonds, slivered 1 kg / 2141b (5 cups) sugar
4 tablespoons unsalted pistachio nuts, blanched 1 teaspoon rosewater
and slivered
Knead the chhena gently until smooth, then mix in
2 tablespoons raisins
the flour and semolina and knead again. Divide the
2 teaspoons sugar
mixture into 12 equal portions, then roll into smooth
tightly packed balls and flatten a little by pressing
Put the flour in a large bowl, add the 5 tablespoons
between the palms of your hands.
ghee and rub together until the mixture resembles
breadcrumbs, then mix in enough cold water to
Mix the khoya and black cardamom seeds together in
make a soft dough. Knead on a lightly floured work
a separate bowl, then divide into 12 equal portions.
surface for 5 minutes, then cover with a damp cloth
or tea (dish) towel and set aside for 20 minutes.
Put the sugar and 750ml / i!4 pints (314 cups) water
into a large, heavy-based pan over low heat, and
Lightly roast the chironji kernels and melon seeds
heat gently, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved
on a tawa, griddle or in a dry frying pan (skillet) for
completely. Increase the heat and bring to the boil,
about 2—3 minutes, then transfer to a bowl. Add the
then continue to cook until the syrup reaches one-
nuts, raisins and sugar and mix together.
thread consistency (see page 59).

Roll the pastry out on a lightly floured surface into

Place one portion of the khoya mixture in each
20 x 8-cm / 3-inch rounds and place a teaspoon
flattened chhena ball and roll into tight smooth balls
of the nut mixture in the centre of each. Fold the
to seal in the filling.
rounds into crescent shapes, then dampen, seal and
crimp the edges. Put the chhena balls into the syrup and simmer
until they swell up to a much larger size. Sprinkle
Heat enough ghee for deep-frying in a kadhai or
the syrup with 1 teaspoon hot water and continue
deep, heavy-based pan to i8o”C/35o’F, or until a cube
cooking over high heat for 7-8 minutes, or until the
of bread browns in 30 seconds, then reduce the heat
surfaces of the rosogollas start to crack. Remove
to very low. Working in batches, carefully lower the
from the heat.
pastries into the hot oil and deep-fry for 3—4 minutes
until golden. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain
Sprinkle over the rosewater and allow the rosogollas
on kitchen paper (paper towels). to soak for at least 4 hours before serving.

OB pp.680, 681

Boorelu Appalu Chandrakanthalu

Jaggery Biscuits (Cookies) Saffron, Coconut & Cashew Biscuits
Origin Andhra Pradesh
Preparation time 214 hours Origin Andhra Pradesh/Tamil Nadu
Cooking time 25 minutes Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking time
Makes 24-30 Cooking time 30 minutes
Makes 20-25
1 tablespoon ghee, plus extra for greasing_
1 banana leaf (optional) 225g / 8oz (1 cup plus 3 tablespoons) moong dal,
900g / 1 V2\b (3 cups) crushed jaggery rinsed and drained
or soft brown sugar V2 fresh coconut, grated
120g / 4V20Z (1 cup) wholemeal (whole wheat) flour 225g / 8oz (1 cup plus 2 tablespoons) sugar
450g / 16oz (3 cups) rice flour pinch of ground green cardamom
vegetable oil, for deep-frying few saffron threads
pinch of edible camphor
Grease a banana leaf, if using, with a little ghee and
12 cashew nuts
set aside. You can also use greaseproof (wax) paper.
vegetable oil or ghee, for deep-frying
Bring i litre / i14 pints (4% cups) water to the boil
Soak the dal in a bowl of water for i hour. Drain,
in a large, heavy-based pan. Add the ghee and
transfer to a blender or food processor, add a
jaggery and return to the boil, then remove from the
little water and process to make a smooth paste. Put
heat and stir in both the flours, whisking to make
the paste into a large pan, add the grated coconut
sure that there are no lumps. Return to low heat,
and sugar and mix together. Cook over low heat
cover and simmer for VA hours, stirring occasionally.
for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly, until the
mixture no longer clings to the sides of the pan. Add
Taking care not to touch the mixture directly, scrape
the ground cardamom, saffron, camphor and cashew
it onto a piece of greaseproof paper. Cover with
nuts and mix well.
a second piece of paper and press lightly to flatten.
Set aside to cool.
Take a thick cloth or tea (dish) towel, dip it in
Roll the mixture into 24-30 walnut-sized balls. water and squeeze it dry. Spread it on a flat
Press each ball on the banana leaf or greaseproof surface, then spread the mixture evenly out over it
paper to form a patty. and ress down to form a thin flat layer. Cut out
desired shapes.
Heat the oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or deep,
heavy-based pan to i8o’C/35o’F, or until a cube of Heat enough oil or ghee for deep-frying in a kadhai
bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in batches, or deep, heavy-based pan to i8o‘C/35o’F, or until
carefully lower the patties into the hot oil and deep- a cube of bread browns in 30 seconds. Working in
fry for 2 minutes until golden brown, turning batches, carefully lower the biscuits (cookies) into
once. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on the hot ghee and deep-fry for 2—3 minutes until
kitchen paper (paper towels). golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).

QQ p.682

Gajar ka Halwa Ganne ke Ras ki Kheer

Carrot Dessert Rice Cooked in Sugarcane Juice

Origin Punjab/Delhi Origin Awadh

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour Cooking time 20 minutes
Serves 8 Serves 10-12

1 litre / 1% pints (414 cups) milk 1 litre / 1 % pints (414 cups) sugarcane juice
1 kg / 2141b carrots, grated 250g / 9oz (11/3 cups) basmati rice, rinsed
200g / 7oz (1 cup) sugar and drained
60g / 2oz (14 cup) ghee 10Og / 31/20Z (Z2 cup) sugar
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom 3 tablespoons cashew nut halves
3 tablespoons raisins
To decorate 25g /1 oz chironji kernels
60g / 2oz Khoya (see page 58)_
Strain the sugarcane juice into a large, heavy-based
10-15 blanched almonds, slivered
pan, add the rice and bring to the boil. Reduce
10 pistachio nuts, blanched and crushed
the heat to medium and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir
20-25 raisins in the sugar and mix, then simmer for a further 2-3
minutes. Add the cashew nuts, raisins and chironji
Bring the milk to the boil in a large, heavy-based kernels and stir to combine.
pan, add the grated carrots and cook over medium
heat, stirring constantly, for about 25 minutes,
or until the carrots are soft and most of the liquid
has evaporated. Add the sugar and cook for another
20—25 minutes until it dissolves and the milk is
completely absorbed.

Add the ghee and stir-fry for 5 minutes, then add the
ground cardamom and stir. Turn out onto a serving
plate and decorate with khoya, almonds, pistachio
nuts and raisins. Serve hot or at room temperature.


- iHAk %

vvS'm fl
'-''-a W ■
Given the heat of India’s climate
and the piquancy of the dishes
it’s no surprise that many Indian
beverages are refreshing and
thirst quenching. Chai (tea)
remains the most popular drink
in India and water is often the
preferred accompaniment to
a meal, but a wide range of milk-
based drinks, such as lassi and
sherbets (cooling and refreshing
blends of fruit juice, nuts or
spices with milk, cream or egg
whites), are also served with or
without food.

EQ p.683

Meethi Lassi Namkin Lassi

Sweet Yoghurt Shake Salty Yoghurt Shake

Origin Punjab Origin Punjab

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6

500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt 500ml /18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yogurt
2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon ground cumin, roasted
V2 teaspoon ground green cardamom_ dash of ground black pepper
800ml / 28fl oz [SVz cups) cold water salt
Vi teaspoon rosewater
pinch of saffron threads Put all the ingredients in a blender, add 8ooml /
z8fl oz (3/2 cups) water, season with salt and process
Put all the ingredients in a blender and process until until well mixed. Pour into a jug (pitcher) and serve.
well mixed. Serve this thick foamy drink in any glass
you like.

Lassi Masalewali
Spicy Yoghurt Shake
Masala Milkshake
Spicy Milkshake Origin Punjab
Preparation time 20 minutes
Origin New Serves 4
Preparation time 15 minutes
Serves 6 1 tablespoon blanched almonds_
1 tablespoon pistachio nuts
12 blanched almonds_ 500ml /18fl oz (214 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
1.2 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) milk V2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon rosewater V2 teaspoon ground cumin
pinch of saffron threads 14 teaspoon ground black pepper
8 teaspoons sugar small pinch of rock salt
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom 2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
few pistachio nuts, to garnish salt

Put the almonds in a blender and process, adding To garnish

a little water to make a paste. Pour in the milk and
4 small sprigs coriander (cilantro)
add all the remaining ingredients and process until
mixed together. Pour the mixture into 6 clay pots large pinch of dried mint leaves
or thick ceramic mugs or glasses and garnish with edible rose petals
the pistachios just before serving.
Stir-fry the almonds and pistachios lightly on a
tawa or non-stick frying pan (skillet) over medium
heat for 2-3 minutes, or until roasted. Whisk the
yoghurt and 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water together in a
large jug (pitcher) until well blended. Add the ground
spices together with the rock salt and chillies and
whisk to combine.

Pour the drink into individual tall glasses and

garnish with the roasted nuts, a coriander sprig,
dried crumbled mint leaves and rose petals.


Baadam ka Doodh Adrak ka Sherbet
Almond Milkshake Ginger-lemonade Sherbet

Origin Awadh Origin Awadh

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 10 minutes
Serves 6 Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 8-10
1.2 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) milk_
seeds from 6 green cardamom pods, crushed 300g / 11 oz fresh ginger, peeled and coarsely cut
12 teaspoons sugar 250g / 9oz (114 cups) sugar_
30 almonds juice of 12 limes
pinch of saffron threads
Put the ginger in a food processor or blender and
process, adding a little water to make a thick paste.
Pour the milk into a blender, add all the remaining
ingredients and process until mixed together.
When thoroughly mixed, pour into individual mugs Bring 500ml / i8fl oz (2'/< cups) water to the boil in
and microwave at medium power until desired a large, heavy-based pan, add the sugar and while
temperature, or heat in a small pan over medium stirring, pour in the lime juice. Keep stirring, then
heat before serving. If you want to serve it cold, add the ginger paste and mix well. Dilute with water
transfer the milk to a covered jug (pitcher) and chill to serve.
in the refrigerator until cold, then stir before serving.

Baadam ka Sherbet
Kele ka Doodh Almond Sherbet
Banana Milkshake
Origin Punjab/Rajasthan
Origin Awadh Preparation time 15 minutes
Preparation time 15 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 10-12

6 ripe bananas_ 500g /11b 2oz (3Vz cups) blanched almonds

3 eggs_ 500g /11b 2oz (21/2 cups) sugar
dash of ground nutmeg
Put the almonds in a blender or food processor
pinch of salt
and process, adding a little water to make a smooth
1.5 litres / 2% pints (6% cups) cold milk paste.

Put the bananas together with all the other Put the almond paste in a heavy-based pan, then
ingredients in a blender and process until frothy. pour in enough water to cover and bring to the boil.
Serve immediately in crystal glasses. Reduce the heat to medium and continue to boil
for about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and strain
through a piece of muslin (cheesecloth) or fine
sieve (strainer) into a pan. Return to the heat, add
the sugar and bring to the boil over medium heat.
Continue boiling and stirring until thick.

Remove from the heat. Strain again through the

muslin or fine sieve, then pour into sterilized bottles
(see page 791), seal and refrigerate. Dilute with water
to serve.


C!Q p.685 ED p.684

Doodh ka Sherbet Thandai

Milk-based Sherbet Thandai

Origin Awadh Origin Awadh

Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 5-8 minutes Serves 6
Serves 8
8 blanched almonds, soaked_
1 tablespoon saffron threads_ 8 pistachio nuts, blanched
2 litres / 316 pints (816 cups) milk 1 teaspoon poppy seeds
1 tablespoon dried rose petals 4 black peppercorns
1 teaspoon ground, green cardamom Vz teaspoon ground cinnamon
sugar to taste 1 teaspoon aniseeds
20 pistachio nuts, blanched and finely sliced pinch of ground nutmeg
20 blanched almonds, finely sliced 12 dried melon seeds
750ml IVA pints (3% cups) cold milk
Put the saffron in a bowl, add one-quarter of the
6 teaspoons sugar
milk and soak overnight in the refrigerator.
few edible pink rose petals, to garnish
The next day, drain the saffron, reserving the milk,
add the rose petals, then blend together to make Put the nuts and all the spices, including the melon
a paste using a little of the soaking milk if necessary. seeds in a blender or food processor and process,
Set aside. adding 125ml / 4/zfl oz ('/> cup) water to make a thick
paste. Transfer the paste to a bowl, pour in 500ml
Bring the remaining 1.5 litres milk to the boil in a / i8fl oz (214 cups) cold water and mix well. Strain
large, heavy-based pan, then reduce the heat to through a piece of damp muslin (cheesecloth) into
medium. Continue boiling, stir in the saffron and a large jug (pitcher), then add the milk and sugar and
rose petal paste and cook for 2 minutes. Sprinkle chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
over the ground cardamom and remove from the
heat. Add sugar to taste, then add the nuts and stir Serve garnished with rose petals floating on the top.
once to mix.

Chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes

before serving.


Kairi ka Sherbet Sherbet-e-Gulab
Green Mango Sherbet Rose Cordial Sherbet

Origin Hyderabad Origin Delhi

Preparation time 25 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time
Serves 10-12 Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4
4 unripe green mangoes, peeled_
400g / 7oz (2 cups) sugar, plus extra if necessary 750g / 1 lb 10oz edible red roses_
pinch of salt 3kg / 61b 8 oz (15 cups) sugar
4-6 green cardamom pods, ground 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) rosewater
1.5 litres / 2Vi pints (614 cups) milk, boiled and cooled
Bring 750ml / 1% pints (3% cups) water to the boil in
a large pan, add the mangoes and cook for about Break off the rose petals and wash thoroughly, then
5 minutes, then remove from the heat and let cool. put into a large pan with 2 litres / 3/2 pints (8/2 cups)
water and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes,
When the mangoes are cool, squeeze them over or until the liquid has reduced by half.
a clean pan or chop the flesh to a pulp and transfer
to a pan. Add the sugar and salt and heat over low Strain the mixture into a clean pan and add the sugar.
heat to dissolve the sugar. Remove from the heat and Return to low heat and stir to dissolve the sugar,
allow to cool. then bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and
allow to cool.
When cool, strain through a piece of muslin
(cheesecloth) or fine sieve (strainer) into a bowl When cool, add the rosewater. Stir in the milk, pour
and add the ground cardamon. Add more sugar, if into a jug (pitcher) and chill in the refrigerator until
necessary, then transfer to a blender and process ready to serve. Serve chilled.
briefly until smooth. Dilute with water to serve.

Annanas ka Sherbet
Tulasi Sherbet Pineapple Sherbet
Sweet Basil Seed Sherbet
Origin Delhi/Awadh/Hyderabad
Origin Awadh Preparation time 30 minutes, plus chilling time
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking and Serves 8
cooling time
Serves 8-10 180ml / 6%fl oz (% cup) lemon juice
375ml / 13fl oz (II/2 cups) orange juice
4 tablespoons sweet basil seeds
lOOg / 3V20Z (V2 cup) sugar
120g / 4oz O/2 cup) sugar
6 canned pineapple slices, chopped
1 teaspoon kewra water or rosewater
1 litre / 13A pints (414 cups) soda water (club soda)
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) cold milk
1 litre /1% pints (414 cups) ginger ale

Put the seeds in a large bowl, pour in 750ml /

Mix the lemon juice, orange juice and sugar together
1% pints (3% cups) water and soak for about 1 hour,
in a bowl, then cover and place in the refrigerator
or until they swell up. Drain off any excess liquid.
for about 2 hours.

Heat 1 litre / iVa pints (4'4 cups) water in a large

Strain the mixture through a fine sieve (strainer) into
heavy-based pan over low heat, add the sugar and
a clean bowl, then add the pineapple, soda water
stir until dissolved. Remove from the heat and cool.
and ginger ale and mix with a large spoon. Serve in
a punch bowl with lots of crushed ice.
Add the basil seeds and stir until well blended, then
stir in the kewra water and milk before serving.


# / USD p.688

Leechi ka Sherbet Pappu Charu

Lychee Squash Sherbet Tangy Tamarind & Pepper Aperitif

Origin Awadh Origin Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time Preparation time 30 minutes
Serves 10-12 Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4
1.25 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) lychee juice
1 kg / 2141b (5 cups) sugar 2 tomatoes, chopped_
1 Vz teaspoons citric acid 1 tablespoon Tamarind Extract (see page 58)
pinch of ground turmeric
Set the lychee juice aside in a jug (pitcher). 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped, plus
Bring 750ml / 1% pints (3 14 cups) water to the boil
extra to garnish
in a large, heavy-based pan, add the sugar and
citric acid and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from 2 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
the heat and strain through a piece of muslin cloth salt
(cheesecloth) or fine sieve (strainer) into a
large bowl to remove the scum. Allow to cool, then For the tempering
stir in the juice. Pour the drink into a sterilized
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
bottle (see page 791). Store for up to 2 weeks in the
refrigerator. Dilute with water, to serve. 8-10 curry leaves
14 teaspoon cumin seeds
14 teaspoon coriander seeds
14 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 dried red chilli

Seb ka Ras Bring 1 litre / i14 pints (414 cups) water to the boil
Apple Juice in a large, heavy-based pan. Add the tomatoes,
tamarind extract, turmeric and black pepper and
Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh season with salt. Continue to boil for about
Preparation time 15 minutes 5 minutes over medium heat, then add the coriander
Cooking time 10 minutes and green chillies.
Serves 10-12
To make the tempering, heat the oil in a frying pan
1kg / 2141b (7 medium) apples, peeled, cored (skillet) over high heat, add the curry leaves
and cumin seeds and stir-fry for about 30 seconds,
and cut into pieces
or until they start to splutter. Add the coriander
1 kg / 2141b (5 cups) sugar
seeds and mustard seeds and stir-fry for about
2 teaspoons citric acid 30 seconds, or until they are dark brown and start
to splutter. Add the dried red chilli and stir-fry for
Put the apples and 750ml / i'/< pints (314 cups) water about 1 minute, or until it turns a shade darker. Pour
in a large, heavy-based pan. Add the sugar and citric the tempering over the pepper water and cover
acid and cook for 10 minutes, or until the apples immediately to retain the aroma. Simmer for about
become soft. Allow to cool slightly. Transfer to a 2 minutes, then garnish with chopped coriander.
blender and process until mixed together, then pour
into a sterilized bottle (see page 791). Store for up to
1 week in the refrigerator. Dilute with water, to serve


m p.686

Nimboo ka Sherbet Aamras

Lemon Sherbet Sweet Mango Drink

Origin Pan-India Origin Maharashtra/Andhra Pradesh

Preparation time 20 minutes, plus standing time Preparation time 15 minutes, plus chilling time
Serves 10-12 Serves 4

1 kg / 2141b (10 medium) lemons 4 ripe mangoes, peeled_

500g /1 lb 2oz (21/2 cups) sugar 500ml / 18fl oz (2V4 cups) milk
sugar to taste
Squeeze the juice from the lemons into a jug
10Og / 3V20Z (V2 cup) clotted cream
(pitcher). Fill a clean sterilized bottle (see page 791)
or double (heavy) cream
with the sugar, then add the lemon juice. Keep the
sherbet in the sun for about 10 days or, if there is 125ml / AM oz (V2 cup) milk, for topping up (optional)
no sun, on the kitchen windowsill for a little longer,
shaking the bottle daily. The sherbert is ready Peel the mangoes and chop the flesh, taking care
when the sugar has almost dissolved and the lemon around the stone (pit), then chop to a pulp with
juice is not as tart. Dilute with water to serve. a knife or in a blender. Add the milk and sugar to
taste and blend together. Chill in the refrigerator.

When cold, top up with cream or add the extra milk.

Kesar Elaychi Sherbet

Saffron & Cardamom Sherbet
Origin Awadh
Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking Lemonade
and cooling time
Serves 20-25 Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh
Preparation time 20 minutes
2 teaspoons saffron threads_ Serves 6
2kg / 4Y2lb (10 cups) sugar
3 lemons_
pinch of turmeric
6 tablespoons sugar
seeds of 20-30 green cardamom pods, ground
pinch of salt
Put the saffron in a small bowl add 125ml / oz large pinch of ground black pepper
O/2 cup) water and soak for about 2 hours.

Squeeze the juice from the lemons into a large jug

Bring 1.8 litres / 3% pints (8 cups) water to the boil (pitcher). Pour 1.2 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) water into
in a large, heavy-based pan, add the sugar and boil, a large pan, add the sugar and stir to dissolve,
removing the scum with a slotted spoon as it rises then cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. Add
to the top, to make a syrup. Remove from the heat the salt and pepper and the sugar water to the
and allow to cool. lemon juice and stir. Chill in the refrigerator until
ready to serve.
When the syrup is cool, add the turmeric, saffron
and ground cardamom. Pour into a sterilized
bottle (see page 791). Store for up to 1 week in the
refrigerator. Dilute with water to serve.


Kharbuje ka Panna Aam ka Panna
Musk Melon Drink Mango Water

Origin Punjab Origin Punjab/Awadh/Rajasthan

Preparation time 25 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes
Serves 6 Serves 6

1 musk melon or cantaloupe 3 raw mangoes, peeled_

4 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon rosewater 1 teaspoon ground cumin, roasted
1.2 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) water 1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
Peel the melon, de-seed and cut into dice. Transfer
to a bowl, add the sugar, rosewater and 125ml / Boil the mangoes in a pan of water for 5-10 minutes,
4'/2fl oz O/2 cup) cold water and stir. Serve in tall then using your hands separate the pulp from
glasses with ice cubes and a spoon for the melon the stones (pits). Put the pulp into a large bowl
cubes. and mix with 1.2 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) water and
the sugar. Strain the liquid through a piece of wet
muslin (cheesecloth) into a clean bowl and add the
remaining ingredients. Season with salt, stir well,
then chill in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

Imli ka Soda-Paani
Tamarind Soda Water (Club Soda)

Origin New
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus standing time Kaapi
Serves 6 Cold coffee

1 tablespoon fresh ginger, peeled and roughly_ Origin Anglo-Indian

chopped_ Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time
Serves 6
125ml / 4m oz 0/2 cup) Tamarind Extract_
(see page 58)
6 tablespoons instant coffee
1 tablespoon sugar
150g / 5oz (% cup) sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons cold milk
few drops of red food colouring_
500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) soda water (club soda)
To serve
ice cream_
Put the ginger in a small blender and process, adding dash of cream (optional)
a little water if necessary, to make a paste.
Put the coffee in a large heatproof jug (pitcher).
Put the tamarind extract, ginger paste, sugar and Pour in 1.25 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) hot water, add the
cinnamon in a large heatproof bowl and season sugar and mix well. Allow to cool completely, then
with salt. Pour in 1 litre / 1% pints (4% cups) boiling add the milk. Transfer the mixture to a blender and
water, then cover and set aside until cold. process until well mixed.

Strain the mixture through a piece of damp muslin Serve immediately in tall glasses with a dollop of
(cheesecloth) into a jug (pitcher), add the red food ice cream on top. Cream or ice cream can also be
colouring and stir. Chill in the refrigerator until blended with the coffee mixture, if you wish.
ready to serve. To serve, add the soda water and
some crushed ice.


Filter Kaapi Elaichi ki Chai
Coffee Cardamom Tea

Origin Tamil Nadu/Karnataka Origin Gujarat

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 25 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 6

1 tablespoon ground coffee powder 3 tablespoons tea leaves

500ml / 18fl oz (214 cups) milk 150g / 5oz (% cup) sugar
sugar, to taste 6 green cardamom pods, crushed
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) milk
Put the coffee powder in the filter of a coffee
press, place the inverted umbrella over it and gently Put all the ingredients in a large, heavy-based pan,
press the powder. Pour boiling water over until pour in 1.25 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) water and bring
the cup is filled and cover with the lid. Wait until a to the boil for about 5 minutes. Strain through a fine
thick decoction collects in the cup below. Empty the sieve (strainer) into a heatproof jug (pitcher) and
decoction cup and pour some more boiling water serve hot in earthenware pots or in ceramic mugs.
into the upper cup, to extract a thinner version of
the decoction.
Fill a cup or tumbler one-third full with the coffee,
then add freshly boiled milk as desired to get a
perfect filter coffee. Add sugar to taste. Masala Chai
Masala Tea

Origin Gujarat
Preparation time 20 minutes
Thandi Chai Serves 8-10
Iced Tea
6-8 cloves, coarsely ground

Origin Anglo-Indian 8 green cardamom pods, ground

Preparation time 15 minutes 1 cinnamon stick, about 2.5cm / 1 inch long, broken
Serves 6 into pieces
1 teaspoon ground ginger
3 tablespoons tea leaves 1 teaspoon ground fennel
few mint leaves 6 teaspoons tea leaves
3 tablespoons lemon juice 1.25 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) milk
3 tablespoons sugar 150g / 5oz (% cup) sugar, or to taste
6 lemon slices, to garnish
Bring 1.5 litres / z'h pints (6'U cups) water to the boil
Bring 1.5 litres / 2/2 pints (6‘/4 cups) water, the tea in a large, heavy-based pan. Add all the spices and
and mint leaves to the boil in a large, heavy-based boil for about 2 minutes over medium heat. Add
pan. Boil for 5 minutes, or until the tea acquires a the tea leaves and boil for a further 1 minute, then
rich hue, then strain through a fine sieve (strainer) reduce the heat and simmer for about 5 minutes.
into a heatproof jug (pitcher). Add the lemon juice Pour in the milk and return to the boil, then reduce
and sugar and allow to cool a little, then chill in the heat and simmer for a further 2 minutes. Remove
the refrigerator until ready to serve. To serve, float from the heat and stir in the sugar. Strain through a
a lemon slice on top of each cup or glass and add fine sieve (strainer) into cups or mugs and serve hot.
some ice cubes.



Nimbuwali Chai Jal Jeera

Lemon Tea Cumin Water

Origin Anglo-Indian Origin Punjab/Delhi/Awadh

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes, plus soaking time
Serves 4 Serves 6

6 teaspoons sugar_ 500ml / 18fl oz (2)4 cups) Tamarind Extract

4 teaspoons tea leaves (see page 58)
juice of 1 lime few sprigs of fresh mint, ground
i I/2 teaspoon chilli powder
Bring 1.25 litres / z pints (5 cups) water to the boil
I/2 teaspoon ground black salt
in a large, heavy-based pan, add the sugar and stir
2 tablespoons lemon juice
to dissolve, then add the tea leaves. Cover, remove
from the heat and let the tea steep for 2 minutes. 1 tablespoon icing (confectioners’) sugar
Pour in the lemon juice and stir. 2 tablespoons ground cumin seeds, roasted
6 lemon slices, to garnish

Put all the ingredients along with 1 litre / i* 2 3 * * 6/i pints

(4 cups) water in a large bowl and whisk to mix.
Sheer Chai Chill in the refrigerator until ready to serve. To
Salty Cream Tea serve, spread some salt out on a plate, then wet the
rims of 6 glasses and dip them upside down into the
Origin Jammu and Kashmir plate of salt, so that the rims are coated with salt.
Preparation time 20 minutes Carefully pour the cumin water into the glasses and
Serves 4 put a lemon wedge on the edge of each glass. Serve
with ice cubes.
1 teaspoon green tea leaves_
pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
375ml / 13fl oz (V/2 cups) milk_
1 tablespoon double (heavy) cream, to serve Gajar Kaanji
Carrot Water
Put 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water in a large, heavy-
based pan, add the tea leaves and the bicarbonate Origin Punjab
of soda and bring to the boil. Boil for 8—10 minutes, Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking time
or until only 5 or 6 teaspoons of liquid remain. Now Serves 4
add another 250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) water and boil
until only a little is left. Next, add 1 litre / i’/< pints
450g /1 lb (8 medium) carrots, preferably black, cut
(4% cups) water and season with salt. Boil for a few
minutes, until the tea becomes pink. Pour in the milk lengthways into 6 long slices
and continue to boil for 90 seconds. Do not cover 2 tablespoons black mustard seeds
the tea while it is cooking. To serve, add the cream. 1 teaspoon chilli powder
carrot slices, to garnish

Put the carrots in a large glass jar, add the spices

and pour in 3 litres / 5 pints (12% cups) cold water.
Tie a muslin cloth (cheesecloth) on top of the jar and
place in the sun for 2-3 days, or on the windowsil
for a week, shaking daily. When tangy, dilute if
prefered and serve with a slice of carrot in each
glass. Store in the refrigerator.


This section includes signature
dishes from some of the most
highly regarded Indian chefs
working around the world. Each
has contributed to today’s high
standard of excellence within
Indian cuisine.

Guest Chefs

Anirudh Arora, Moti Mahal, London

Anil Ashokan, Qmin, Sydney

Ajoy Joshi, Nilgiri’s, Sydney

Ashish Joshi, Paatra, New Delhi

Vikrant Kapoor, Zaafran, Sydney

Joy Kapur, Maharani, San Francisco

Alfred Prasad, Taramind, London

Suvir Saran, Devi, New York

Vivek Singh, Cinnamon Club, London

Miraj-ul-Haque, Radisson’s, New Delhi

Vikram Vij & Meeru Dhalwala, Vij’s, Vancouver

Anirudh Arora
i Moti Mahal Kararre Bhyein
Stir-fried Lotus Stem
45 Great Queen Street
London WC2B 5AA Preparation time 15 minutes
United Kingdom Serves 4

Anirudh Arora's obsession with detail, along with 600g / 1 lb 5oz lotus stems, peeled_
a passion for the cuisine of India, has made him
t litre / 1% pints (414 cups) oil, for deep-frying_
one of London's best Indian chefs. The son of an
Indian army officer, he spent his formative years few sprigs coriander (cilantro)__
between Kashmir, Ladakh, Lucknow and Kolkata and 70g / 2Vfeoz (I/2 cup) peanuts_
has translated this experience into a broad culinary 1 heaped teaspoon chilli powder_
repertoire. At the age of 25, he was personal chef 2 teaspoons amchoor powder__
to the prime minister of India. Each dish on Moti
1 heaped teaspoon ground cumin, roasted_
Mahal's menu is inspired by the culinary roots of
1 x 2.5-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, cut into julienne
rural India, particularly along the Grand Truck
Road, and is created with quality ingredients based 1 lemon__
on seasonality and freshness. salt

Slice the lotus stems, place in a sieve (strainer) and

rinse under cold running water, then drain.

Heat the oil for deep-frying in a deep pan to

Menu i8o°C/350°F, or until a cube of bread browns in
30 seconds. Working in batches, if necessary,
1 Kararre Bhyein carefully lower the lotus stems into the hot oil and
Stir-fried Lotus Stem deep-fry until crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon
and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels). Set aside.

2 Qabali Seviyan Carefully add the coriander to the hot oil and
Vermicelli & Masala Chicken deep-fry for a few seconds until crisp. Remove with
a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper.
3 Paturee
Pan-fried Crab & Prawn (Shrimp) Cakes Put the peanuts in a dry frying pan (skillet) and roast
over low heat for a few minutes until golden brown.
Watch them carefully as they may burn. Remove
14 Suvey aur Palak ka Gosht the pan from the heat and allow to cool. When the
Stewed Lamb with Spinach & Dill peanuts are cool, transfer them to a blender and
crush. Set aside.
5 Titari
Put the chilli powder, amchoor powder, roasted
Guinea Fowl with Cumin,
ground cumin, roasted peanuts, deep-fried lotus
Garlic & Red Chillies stem and ginger julienne in a bowl and season with
salt to taste. Squeeze over the lemon and mix well
to combine.

Check the seasoning, garnish with the deep-fried

coriander and serve warm.


Preheat the oven to i8o‘C/35o“F/Gas Mark 4.

For the vermicelli, heat the ghee in a large, heavy-

Qabali Seviyan based pan over medium heat, add the caraway seeds
Vermicelli & Masala Chicken and let them infuse (steep) in the hot ghee. Add
the onion, green chilli and ginger and cook for about
Preparation time 40 minutes 5 minutes, or until the onions are translucent.
Cooking time 6-8 nhinutes
Serves 4 Add the chilli powder and turmeric and season with
salt. Cook for 1 minute, then add the vermicelli
For the vermicelli _ and hot water to cover. Cover and cook for about
2V2 tablespoons ghee_ 3—4 minutes, or until the vermicelli becomes soft.
I/2 teaspoon caraway seeds
Add the chopped coriander, then squeeze over the
1 red onion, sliced
lemon and check the seasoning. Set aside.
1 green chilli
1 x 3-cm / 1%-inch piece fresh ginger, cut into julienne For the chicken, heat the oil in a large, heavy-based
1V2 teaspoons chilli powder pan over medium heat, add the ginger and green
1 heaped teaspoon ground turmeric chilli and saute briefly. Add the onion and cook for
about 5—7 minutes, or until the onions are golden
10Og / 3V20Z vermicelli
brown. Add the chilli powder, ground coriander and
few sprigs coriander (cilantro), chopped
turmeric, then season with salt to taste. Cook for
1 lemon 1 minute then add the chopped tomatoes and cook
salt for a few minutes until they become soft.

For the chicken stuffing Add the chicken strips and cook until done. Sprinkle
over the garam masala, chopped coriander and
3 tablespoons vegetable oil_
pine nuts, then squeeze over the lemon and check
1 x 2-cm / 1 -inch piece fresh ginger, chopped the seasoning. Set aside.
2 tablespoons chopped green chilli
80g / 2%oz O/2 cup) chopped onion For the egg custard, beat the eggs in a bowl, then
2 scant teaspoons chilli powder add the onion, tomato, green chilli, coriander,
2 scant teaspoons ground coriander cheese, chilli powder and crushed black pepper and
season with salt. Beat well and check the seasoning.
% teaspoon ground turmeric
80g / 2%oz 0/2 cup) chopped tomatoes Spread a layer of the vermicelli over the base
2 boneless, skinless chicken supremes or breasts, (bottom) of an ovenproof dish, then add a layer
cut into thin strips of the chicken mixture. Repeat the layers until
1 heaped teaspoon Garam Masala (See page 31) the vermicelli and chicken are used up. Pour the
egg custard over the top and bake in the oven
few sprigs coriander (cilantro), chopped
for 6—8 minutes.
2 teaspoons pine nuts
1 lemon

For the egg custard

2 eggs_
1 y2 tablespoons chopped onion
1 tablespoon de-seeded and chopped tomato
I/2 tablespoon chopped green chilli
few sprigs coriander (cilantro), chopped
2 teaspoons grated cheese
V2 teaspoon chilli powder
V2 teaspoon crushed black pepper


Paturee Suvey aur Palak ka Gosht
Pan-fried Crab & Prawn Cakes Stewed Lamb with Spinach & Dill

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 1 hour

Cooking time 8-10 minutes Cooking time 116 hours
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 banana leaf__ 3 tablespoons vegetable oil_

200g / 7oz raw prawns (shrimp), peeled whole spices_
and deveined_ 2 onions, chopped_
200g / 7oz white crabmeat 1 kg / 2141b diced boneless leg of lamb_
60g / 2oz (V.3 cup) boiled grated potato 2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)_
few sprigs curry leaves, chopped_ 2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)_
few sprigs coriander (cilantro), chopped 1 y2 teaspoons chilli powder__
2 tablespoons mustard oil 2 teaspoons ground coriander_
30g / 114oz (14 cup) grated cheese 1 teaspoon ground turmeric_
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric 4 tomatoes _
% teaspoon chilli powder 80g / 23/4oz (Vs cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) 10Og / 31/2QZ baby spinach_
V2 teaspoon dried red chilli flakes few sprigs dill, chopped___
1 lemon__ 1 x 1-cm / VHnch piece fresh ginger, cut into julienne

salt y2 teaspoon ground black cardamom_

11/2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)_
Trim, cut and wipe the banana leaf with a damp cloth. juice of 1 lemon_
Put the chopped prawns, crabmeat, potato, curry
leaves, coriander, mustard oil, cheese, turmeric, Heat the oil in a flat-based pan over medium heat
chilli powder, garam masala and dried red chilli and add the whole spices. Add the onions and cook
flakes in a bowl and season with salt to taste. for about 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Add
Mix well, then squeeze over the lemon and check the lamb and cook until well seared. Add the ginger
the seasoning. and garlic pastes and saute briefly, then add the
chilli powder, ground coriander and turmeric cook
Divide the mixture into equal-sized cakes and wrap for about 2-3 minutes.
them in the banana leaf, making sure that the
mixture does not come out. Put the tomatoes into a blender and process to make
a smooth puree. Add them to the pan along with
Heat a large, non-stick frying pan (skillet) over the yoghurt and cook until the oil separates. Pour in
medium heat. Working in batches, add the wrapped enough water to cover the lamb and gently simmer
cakes and cook for about 8—10 minutes, turning until the lamb becomes tender.
once during cooking. Serve hot.
Add the baby spinach, dill and ginger to the pan and
cook for a further 2 minutes. Finish with the ground
black cardamom, garam masala and lemon juice.
Check the seasoning.


Guinea Fowl with Cumin,
Garlic & Red Chillies

Preparation time 1 hour, plus soaking and

marinating time
Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4

25g / loz dried Kashmiri red chillies_

1 skinless guinea fowl, cut into 8 pieces
4 tablespoons malt vinegar
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 x 1 -cm / V2-inch piece fresh ginger
10 cloves garlic
3 tablespoons mustard oil
90g / 3V40Z (% cup) hung natural (plain) yoghurt
(see page 793)
Vi teaspoon caraway seeds
3A teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)

Soak the chillies in a bowl of water.

Using a sharp knife, make incisions on the breast

and legs of the guinea fowl.

Put the vinegar and chilli powder in a large, non-

metallic shallow dish or bowl, season with salt
and add the guinea fowl. Mix well, cover and allow
to marinate for about 15—20 minutes.

Preheat the tandoor, charcoal barbecue or grill

(broiler) to moderately hot.

Meanwhile, put the ginger, garlic, mustard oil and

soaked chillies in a food processor or blender and
process to make a smooth paste. Transfer to a bowl,
add the hung yoghurt and caraway seeds and mix
well. Check the seasoning. Spread this paste over
the guinea fowl, then thread the guinea fowl pieces
through metal skewers and cook in the preheated
tandoor, on the barbecue or under grill for 15—25
minutes or until done. Serve hot.


Anil Ashokan
Qmin Elumikkai Sadam
Lemon Rice
207 Pacific Highway
St Leonards Preparation time 20 minutes
NSW 2065 Cooking time 10 minutes
Australia Serves 4

Raised in Mumbai Anil Ashokan graduated from the 500g / 1 lb 2oz (2% cups) basmati rice, cooked
Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai and then spent several 2 tablespoons oil
years honing his skills in Hong Kong, Paris, Japan
1 teaspoon black mustard seeds
and Switzerland. When he moved to Australia, he
3g / Vaoz whole dried red chillies, broken in half
spent six years as Executive Sous Chef at the ANA
Hotel (now called the Shangri La Hotel) before 1 teaspoon split yellow dal
opening the highly regarded and innovative Sydney 1 sprig curry leaves
restaurant, Qmin. As head chef and author of a V2 teaspoon ground turmeric
successful cookbook, Ashokan is best known for his 1 teaspoon very finely chopped ginger
spicy and aromatic innovative interpretations of
2 tablespoons peanuts_
regional cuisine.
juice from 1 % lemons

Spoon the hot rice into a serving bowl. Heat the oil
in a heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the
Menu mustard seeds and saute for about 1 minute, or until
they start to splutter. Add the chillies, dal, curry
I Elumikkai Sadam leaves, turmeric, chopped ginger and peanuts and
Lemon Rice cook until the dal and peanuts are golden brown.
Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the lemon
juice. Pour over the rice then season with salt and
l Methi Suva Macchi toss well until the rice is coated and turns an even
Tuna with Fenugreek & Dill Leaves yellow colour.

3 Tulsi ke Tikke
Marinated Chicken with Basil

4 Nalli Rogan Josh

Braised Lamb Shanks

5 Bathak Peri-Peri
Roast Duck with ‘Peri-Peri’

6 Anjeer aur Akhrot ki Kulfi

Frozen Parfait with Figs & Walnuts


Methi Suva Macchi Tulsi ke Tikke
Tuna with Fenugreek & Dill Leaves Marinated Chicken with Basil

Preparation time 20 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking and

Cooking time 8-10 minutes marinating time
Serves 4 Cooking time 12 minutes
Serves 4
1 teaspoon fennel seeds_
5 tablespoons chopped fresh fenugreek leaves or 500g / 11b 2oz chicken thighs, cut into cubes
1 teaspoon dried fenugreek leaves
5 tablespoons chopped fresh dill leaves For the marinade
31/2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint leaves, 2 tablespoons cashew nuts_
preferably spearmint 1 x 1 -cm / V2-inch piece fresh ginger, purbed
4 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves 6-7 cloves garlic, pureed
2 tablespoons de-seeded and finely chopped 1 bunch basil, leaves only
green chillies 1 green chilli, chopped
600g / 1 lb 5oz yellowfin tuna fillets, cut into 2 tablespoons oil
thick steaks heaped V/z teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 tablespoon lemon juice heaped V/z teaspoons Chaat Masala (see page 31)
vegetable oil, for pan-frying and oiling salt
For the marinade, put the cashew nuts in a bowl,
Preheat the oven to i8o°C/350°F. pour in enough warm water to cover and allow to
soak for 30 minutes, then drain.
Fry the fennel seeds in a dry frying pan (skillet)
over gentle heat for about i minute, or until very Put the ginger, garlic, basil, cashews and chillies
lightly roasted. Transfer to a mortar and crush with in a blender or food processor. Add 1 tablespoon of
a pestle. Put them in a bowl, add the chopped herbs the oil and process well to make a smooth paste.
and chillies and mix together, then season with salt. Remove from the blender or food processor and add
the garam masala and chaat masala.
Heat a large, heavy-based pan over high heat. Season
the tuna with salt, then add to the very hot pan Put the chicken in a large shallow dish, add the
and quickly fry for a few minutes to seal well on all marinade and mix well until the chicken is thoroughly
sides. Remove the pan from the heat and sprinkle coated. Season with salt and add the rest of the oil.
the lemon juice over. Transfer the tuna one by one Cover and allow to marinate in the refrigerator for
to the chopped herbs mix and roll to coat. Press at least 4 hours.
down with the palms of your hands to get all the
herbs to stick to the tuna. Place the tuna on an oiled Preheat a tandoor, charcoal barbecue or grill
baking tray (sheet) and cook in the oven until done (broiler) to moderate. Alternatively, preheat the
to your liking. oven to i9o'C/375'F/Gas Mark 5.

Thread the chicken on to several metal skewers and

cook in the preheated tandoor, on the barbecue,
or under grill for 12 minutes. Alternatively, cook in
the oven for 15 minutes.

Serve with Roomali roti (traditional thin bread that

is cooked on a griddle) and some salad.


Nalli Rogan Josh Bathak Peri-Peri
Braised Lamb Shanks Roast Duck with ‘Peri-Peri’

Preparation time 30 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus soaking and

Cooking time 30 minutes marinating time
Serves 4 Cooking time 30 minutes
Serves 4
14 teaspoon saffron threads_
2% teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) 8 whole dried red chillies, slit in half_
heaped 1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) lengthways and de-seeded
Vz teaspoon ground coriander 150ml /14 pint (% cup) malt vinegar
3 tablespoons paprika 1 x 1,8-kg / 4-lb duck
1 teaspoon chilli powder 50g / 1%oz (Vz small) onion, chopped
6 tablespoons oil into large chunks
1 cinnamon stick 50g / 1%oz (1 medium) carrot, chopped
4 cloves into large chunks
2 bay leaves 1 cinnamon stick
3 black cardamom pods 1 tablespoon chopped cloves
240g / 8I/2OZ (1% cups) finely sliced red onions 2 teaspoons black peppercorns
4 lamb shanks 4 tablespoons cumin seeds
250g / 9oz (2 small) tomatoes, pureed 1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, chopped
Vz teaspoon ground mace 50g / 1%oz tamarind
2 sprigs coriander (cilantro) 2 teaspoons cardamom
salt salt

Put the saffron in a small bowl, add a little water Put the chillies into a bowl, pour over the vinegar
and allow to soak until required. and allow to soak for at least two hours.

Put the ginger and garlic pastes, ground Separate the legs and breasts of the duck. Chop the
coriander, paprika and chilli powder in a bowl, add neck and all the bones and trimmings into chunks
2 tablespoons water and mix to form a paste. and place in a roasting tray (sheet). Add the onions
and carrots to the roasting tray and mix together.
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan over
medium heat, add the cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves, Stir-fry the whole spices in a dry frying pan (skillet)
cardamom and sliced onions and saute, stirring well over low heat for a few minutes until roasted. Set
for about 5—7 minutes, or until the onions are golden aside. Transfer the chillies, including the vinegar, the
brown. Remove a third of the mixture with a slotted tamarind, ginger and all the spices into a blender or
spoon and set aside for the garnish. food processor and process to make a smooth paste.
Don't add any water.
Put the shanks in the pan and cook for a few
minutes until sealed on all sides. If required, cover Rub the spice mix over the duck, season, then cover
and cook for a minute until the oil starts to separate and allow to marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
out. Season with salt and pour in about 1 litre / i5/*
pints (4% cups) water, or enough to cover the meat, Preheat the oven to 20o°C/40o’F/Gas Mark 6. Place
and bring to the boil over high heat. Add the pureed the duck on top of the bones, carrots and onions
tomatoes, return to the boil, then reduce the and bake in the oven, basting occasionally, until the
heat and simmer for at least 30 minutes, or until the duck starts to brown. Reduce the heat to i8o"C/35o’F/
lamb is cooked. Stir in the ground mace and soaked Gas Mark 4 and continue to roast, basting
saffron and garnish with the reserved onion mixture. occasionally, until the duck is soft and fully cooked.
Remove the roasting tray from the oven and gently
lift out the duck with a slotted spoon and set aside
in a serving dish. Strain the juices into a pan, skim
off the fat, then simmer, skimming occasionally,
to reduce the juices. Pour over the duck and serve.



Anjeer aur Akhrot ki Kulfi
Frozen Parfait with Figs & Walnuts

Preparation time 20 minutes plus chilling

and freezing time
Cooking time 45 minutes
Serves 4

100ml / 3m oz (scant y2 cup) milk_

100ml / 3M oz (scant Vz cup) pouring (light) cream
seeds from 4 green cardamom pods, crushed
300ml / y2 pint (1 V* cups) condensed milk
60g / 2oz (y3 cup) dried figs, chopped into small
60g / 2oz (y2 cup) walnuts, chopped into small pieces
2 tablespoons pistachio nuts, sliced
3 tablespoons slivered almonds
2 tablespoons rose syrup, to serve

Put the milk and cream in a heavy-based pan, add

the crushed cardamom and bring to the boil, then
reduce the heat and simmer, stirring constantly,
until the mixture is reduced by nearly half. Add the
condensed milk and stir. Add the figs and walnuts
(saving some for the decoration), then remove the
pan from the heat and allow to cool.

When the mixture is cool, chill in the refrigerator

for 3 hours.

Once the mixture is very cold, transfer to an ice

cream machine and churn according to the
manufacturer's instructions. When the mix starts to
set in the machine, scoop out and put into kulfi
moulds, ramekins or dariole moulds. Transfer the
moulds to the freezer and freeze for 4 hours, or until
well set. Decorate with the reserved figs and walnuts
and serve with the rose syrup. You can remove
the kulfi from the moulds or serve in the moulds.

If you don't have an ice-cream machine, reduce the

quantity of milk to 4 tablespoons and increase the
quantity of cream to 150ml / 14 pint (2/j cup). Follow
the same cooking method, then after chilling, pour
directly into moulds and freeze until well set.


Ajoy Joshi
Nilgiri’s Pudine ka Raita
Mint Raita
81-83 Christie Street
St Leonards Preparation time 10 minutes
NSW 2065 Serves 8-10
14 bunch mint leaves, chopped_
Nilgiri's reputation has come about through Ajoy 14 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
Joshi's culinary vision, which includes books,
16 tablespoon crushed fresh ginger_
branded spice mixes and ready-made meals.
Teaming his international culinary expertise with 1/2 tablespoon roughly chopped green chillies
a contemporary flair, Ajoy produces regional food 565g / 1 lb 4oz (216 cups) full-fat natural
that is steeped in Indian tradition. (whole plain) yoghurt_

Put the mint and coriander leaves, ginger and green

chillies in a blender and process until ground.
Add the yoghurt, season with salt and process until
all the ingredients are mixed together.
I Pudine ka Raita
Mint Raita Season to taste and serve as an accompaniment.

l Kakdi ka Raita
Cucumber Raita

3 Pathar ka Gosht Kakdi ka Raita

Grilled Marinated Lamb Cucumber Raita

X Yerra Varuval Preparation time 10 minutes

Serves 8-10
Prawn (Shrimp) Fry
565g /1 lb 4oz (216 cups) full-fat (whole) yoghurt
Meen Kozhambu 2-3 cucumbers, peeled, de-seeded and grated or
Fish Kozhambu 4-6 Lebanese cucumbers, finely chopped
1 teaspoon cumin seeds, lightly roasted and ground
Dum ka Murgh 14 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped_
Rich Chicken Curry salt

7 Murgh Biryani Put the yoghurt in a bowl and whisk. Add the
Chicken Biryani cucumber and ground cumin and mix well. Season
with salt, then add the chopped coriander leaves
and mix to combine. Serve as an accompaniment.



Pathar ka Gosht Yerra Varuval
Grilled Marinated Lamb Prawn (Shrimp) Fry

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 10 minutes

Cooking time 10-15 minutes Cooking time 5-7 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4-6

1 kg / 2141b lamb cutlets 1kg / 2141b prawns (shrimp), peeled and deveined
2-3 onions, sliced into rings vegetable oil, for frying
2-3 lemon wedges juice of 1 lemon
1 bunch mint leaves
For the marinade
For the marinade 1/2 tablespoon crushed fresh ginger_
1 teaspoon fresh ginger, crushed y2 tablespoon crushed garlic clove
1 teaspoon garlic clove, crushed 1 tablespoon tamarind paste
6-8 green chillies, crushed to a paste y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon cassia buds, ground y2 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon black peppercorns, ground 2 tablespoons coriander seeds, ground
salt y2 tablespoon black peppercorns, crushed
1 sprig curry leaves
Put all the ingredients for the marinade in a bowl
2-3' tablespoons vegetable oil
and mix together. Season with salt.
Put the lamb in a shallow non-metallic dish and
spread the marinade over. Cover and allow For the mint and coriander (cilantro) chatni
to marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. 1 bunch mint leaves_
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves
Heat a granite stone, preferably on a charcoal
1 green chilli, stem removed
barbecue. Place the marinated cutlets on top of the
hot stone and cook on both sides for 5—7 minutes. 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Serve hot with the onion rings, lemon wedges and 4 tablespoons natural (piain) yoghurt
mint leaves. salt

Put all the ingredients for the marinade in a shallow

bowl and mix together. Season with salt to taste.
Add the prawns and turn to coat, then cover and set
aside for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, to make the mint and coriander chatni,

put all the ingredients in a food processor, season
with salt and process to make a smooth paste.
Set aside.

Heat the oil in heavy-based pan over medium heat.

Add the prawns and stir-fry until cooked. Remove
the pan from the heat and add the lemon juice.

Serve hot with the mint and coriander chatni.


Meen Kozhambu Dum ka Murgh
Fish Kozhambu Rich Chicken Curry

Preparation time 20-30 minutes Preparation time 45 minutes, plus marinating time
Coking time 15-20 minutes Cooking time 45-60 minutes
Serves 4-6 Serves 4-6

4 tablespoons vegetable oil_ 1 kg / 2141b boneless chicken thighs_

1 teaspoon black mustard seeds 100ml / 3M oz (scant Vs cup) vegetable oil
Vs teaspoon fenugreek seeds 3 onions, sliced
2-3 whole dried red chillies juice of 1-2 lemons
500g /1 lb 2oz (3 medium) onions, sliced
2 tablespoons crushed fresh ginger For the marinade
2 tablespoons crushed garlic 500g / 1 lb 2oz (generous 2 cups) full-fat natural
2 sprigs curry leaves (whole plain) yoghurt
1 tablespoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon crushed fresh ginger
2 teaspoons chilli powder 1 teaspoon crushed garlic
4 tomatoes, roughly chopped 1 tablespoon crushed green chillies
1 tablespoon tamarind paste Vs teaspoon ground turmeric
1 kg / 2141b fish fillets, preferably barramundi, 1 tablespoon white sesame seeds, ground
snapper or flathead, skinned and cut into fingers 50g / 1%oz cashew nuts, roasted and ground
225ml / im oz (scant 1 cup) coconut cream salt
juice of Vs lemon
salt For the spice mix
1 teaspoon cassia buds_
Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over medium 2 green cardamom pods
heat. Add the black mustard seeds and fry for about
4 cloves
i minute, or until they start to crackle. Add the
fenugreek seeds and stir until they turn light golden Vs teaspoon black cumin seeds
brown, then add the whole dried red chillies. When
the chillies turn deep brown, add the sliced onions Put all the ingredients for the marinade in a large
and saute for about a minute. Add the crushed shallow dish and mix together. Season with salt.
ginger and garlic and cook for a further i minutes, Add the chicken and turn to coat, then cover and
or until they release their flavours. Add the curry allow to marinate in the refrigerator for 1—2 hours.
leaves, turmeric and chilli powder, then season with
salt and cook over gentle heat for about 30 seconds. To make the spice mix, put all the spices in a spice
grinder, small food processor or mortar and pestle
Add the chopped tomatoes and cook for about and grind together. Set aside.
5 minutes, or until they turn soft, then add the
Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan over medium
tamarind paste and mix well.
heat, add the sliced onions and saute for about
Add the fish fillets, cover and simmer in the sauce 5-7 minutes, or until the onions turn golden brown.
for about 10—15 minutes, or until the fish is cooked. Add the marinated chicken and stir well. Moisten
with a little water and cook for 25-30 minutes, or
Add the coconut cream and warm through.
until the chicken is tender. When the chicken is
Sprinkle over the lemon juice and serve hot with
cooked, add the freshly crushed spices and sprinkle
steamed rice.
over the lemon juice.


Cook the basmati rice in a large heavy-based pan
of boiling salted water until al dente, then drain and
spoon over the chicken. Sprinkle with the saffron-
Murgh Biryani
infused milk and cover the rice with a damp clean
Chicken Biryani tea (dish) towel.

Preparation time 45 minutes Cover with a lid and transfer the casserole dish
Cooking time 114 hours or pot to the oven and cook for about 10 minutes,
Serves 4-6 or until the chicken is cooked.

1 teaspoon saffron threads_ Remove from the oven and serve hot with
1 Mi teaspoons hot milk cucumber raita.
250ml / 9fl oz (1 cup) oil
500g /1 lb 2oz onions, sliced
50g / 1%oz ginger, crushed
50g / 1%oz garlic cloves, crushed
10Og / 3!6oz green chillies, slit
600ml / 1 pint (21/2 cups) natural (plain) yoghurt
1 x 1-kg / 214-lb chicken, cut into large pieces
50g / 1%oz roasted cashew nuts
25g /1 oz raisins
juice of 1 lemon
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
1 small bunch mint leaves, chopped
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 kg / 2141b premium grade basmati rice

Preheat the oven to 220—240°C/ 425~475°F/Gas

mark 7-9.

Put the saffron threads in a small bowl, add the hot

milk and allow to soak until required.

Heat the oil in a large heavy-based casserole or

ovenproof pot over medium heat, add the sliced
onions, season with salt and cook until the onions
have caramelized. Add the crushed ginger and
garlic and slit chillies, then add the yoghurt and stir.
Now add the chicken and cook for a few minutes
to seal. Add the roasted cashew nuts, raisins
and lemon juice and cook for about 5 minutes.

Add the chopped coriander and mint leaves to the

chicken together with the garam masala, then cover
with a lid and set aside.


Ashish Joshi
Paatra Bhunee Chaat
Paatra Indian Salad
Jaypee Vasant Continental
Basant Lok, Pratik Market Preparation time 114 hours, plus marinating time
New Delhi Cooking time 6-8 minutes
India Serves 4

The menu at Paatra showcases a diverse collection 2 large potatoes_

of dishes from Punjab and traces the ancient
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
culinary route from Amritsar to Lahore. At the helm
of the operation is chef Ashish Joshi who — with
nearly 20 years of experience — creates a vibrant 2 sweet potatoes
collection of recipes made with freshly-ground 1 pineapple, peeled and cut into 5 x 5 x 2.5-cm /
spices and cooked in authentic vessels to preserve 2x2x1 -inch thick chunks
the real flavours. Joshi has worked all over Asia, oil, for deep-frying
organized culinary festivals in India and appeared on
2 guavas, cut into chunks
various cookery shows.
2 pears, cut into chunks
3 apples, cut into chunks
6 mushrooms, blanched
Menu 2 each of red, yellow and green peppers, cored
and cut into 5 x 5 x 2.5-cm / 2x2x1 -inch

Bhunee Chaat thick chunks

Paatra Indian Salad butter, for basting

1 teaspoon Chaat Masala (see page 31)

Matterwali Tikki
Pan-grilled Pea Patties For the marinade
2 teaspoons sugar_
2 teaspoons ground pomegranate
Shadras Subziyan
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
Stir-fried Vegetables
2 teaspoons white (malt) vinegar
salt and black salt
Amritsari Tawa Murg
2 tablespoons hung natural (plain) yoghurt
Pan-fried Amritsari Chicken
(see page 793)
1 teaspoon red chilli, roasted and crushed
1 teaspoon paprika
2 teaspoons red chilli paste
Y2 teaspoon ground amchoor
1 teaspoon Chaat Masala (see page 31)
V2 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
V2 teaspoon black peppercorns, crushed
4 tablespoons oil
1 teaspoon roasted ground ajwain
1/2 teaspoon black cardamom

Cut the potatoes into barrel shapes, then into slices

icm / Zi inch thick. Blanch the potato slices in a large
pan of water with the turmeric and salt to taste.
Drain and pat dry with kitchen paper (paper towels).

Meanwhile, boil the sweet potatoes in a pan of

water for about 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain and
leave until cool enough to handle. Peel off the skins
and cut into i-cm / 'A-inch thick slices.


Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a kadhai or For the filling
large, deep pan to i8o‘C/350°F, or until a cube of 25g /1 oz processed cheese, grated_
bread browns in 30 seconds. Carefully add the 1 teaspoon fresh mint, chopped
potatoes and deep-fry over medium heat until nearly
25g /1 oz paneer, grated
cooked. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain
Vi teaspoon chopped ginger
on kitchen paper.
Vi teaspoon chopped green chilli
Carefully add the sweet potatoes to the hot oil 14 teaspoon yellow chilli powder
and deep-fry over medium heat until light brown, 1 teaspoon raisins, roughly chopped
then remove with a slotted spoon and drain on
kitchen paper. Cook the peas in a pan of boiling water for about
5 minutes, or until tender. Drain and allow to cool,
To make the marinade, put the sugar and ground then roughly chop.
pomegranate on a flat tray and add the vinegars.
Mix with the palms of your hands until the mixture Cook the potato in a pan of boiling water for about
is smooth. Now add all the remaining ingredients io minutes or until tender. Drain and leave to cool,
and mix well. Add the prepared fruits and vegetables then peel and grate. Set aside.
to the marinade and mix well until each piece is
coated. Set aside for 15 minutes. Heat the ghee in a wok over medium heat, add the
cumin seeds and saute for about 1—2 minutes,
Preheat the oven to igo'CAjgsT/Gas Mark 5. Thread or until they start to crackle. Add the turmeric and
the fruits and vegetables alternately onto several asafoetida then season with salt and stir. Add
metal skewers. the roughly chopped green peas and saute until the
moisture has evaporated. Add the grated potatoes
Roast in the oven for about 5 minutes or until the and stir-fry for 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and
kebabs change colour. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.
baste with butter then roast again for 1 minute.
Remove the fruit and vegetables from the skewers, Add the chopped ginger, green chillies, yellow
sprinkle with chaat masala and serve hot. chilli powder, roasted ground cumin, garam masala,
cornflour and breadcrumbs, mix well and season
with salt. Divide the mixture into 16 equal portions
and set aside.

To make the filling, mix all the ingredients together

Matterwali Tikki
in a bowl and season.
Pan-grilled Pea Patties
Flatten each portion of pea mixture against the
Preparation time 1Vi hours palms of your hands and place a little filling in
Cooking time 8-10 minutes the centre. Seal and flatten again into patties. These
Serves 6 cakes can be made smaller in size if required.

1kg / 2141b green peas_ Heat enough ghee for shallow-frying in a non¬
1 large potato stick pan, add the patties, in batches, and shallow-
lOOg / 31/20Z (scant Vi cup) ghee, plus extra for fry over low heat for about 8-10 minutes, turning
occasionally until both the sides have a golden-
coloured crust. Remove from the heat, sprinkle
4 teaspoons cumin seeds with chaat masala and serve hot.
Vi teaspoon ground turmeric
Vi teaspoon asafoetida
1 x 10g / 14oz piece fresh ginger, peeled and
finely chopped
3 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
Vi teaspoon yellow chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin, roasted
Vi teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
20g / %oz cornflour (cornstarch)
30g /114oz breadcrumbs
Chaat Masala (see page 31), for sprinkling


To make the red gravy, heat 2 tablespoons oil in
a pan, add the cumin seeds and half of the crushed
Shadras Subziyan coriander and saute over medium heat for about
1-2 minutes, or until the seeds start to crackle. Add
Stir-fried Vegetables
the chopped onion and saute over medium heat
for about 5-7 minutes, or until light brown. Add
Preparation time 1 Vi hours the chopped tomatoes and season with salt. Cook
Cooking time 6 minutes for about 3—5 minutes, or until the tomatoes are
Serves 4 soft. Add the tomato puree and cook until the oil
separates out. Remove from the heat and set aside.
1 small broccoli, cut into florets_
1 small courgette, trimmed and cut into Heat the remaining oil in a frying pan (skillet), add
diamond shapes the garlic and saute until light brown, then add
the remaining crushed coriander seeds and the
50g / 1%oz baby corn, cut into diamond shapes
peppercorns and cook until golden brown. Add the
10 asparagus spears, cut into diamond shapes blanched vegetables and stir-fry over medium heat.
50g / 1%oz mushrooms
1 red and yellow (bell) pepper, cut in half, cored and Now sprinkle over the mustard paste, chilli powder,
cut into diamond shapes turmeric, roasted ground cumin, ground fenugreek,
ginger and green chillies and stir-fry for a few
3 tablespoons oil
minutes until the moisture has evaporated. Add the
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
red gravy, increase the heat to high and stir-fry. Add
3 teaspoons coriander seeds, crushed the chopped coriander and garam masala then check
1 large onion, finely chopped and adjust the seasoning.
10Og / 3y2oz tomatoes, finely chopped
4 tablespoons tomato puree Transfer to a bowl, garnish with the extra coriander
and serve hot.
20g / 3Aoz garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 teaspoon black peppercorns, crushed
2 teaspoons mustard paste
2 teaspoons chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground turmeric_
1 teaspoon cumin seeds, roasted and crushed
1 teaspoon ground fenugreek
1 x 15-g / V2-OZ piece fresh ginger, peeled and
finely chopped
5 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
15g / I/20Z coriander (cilantro), finely chopped,
plus extra to garnish
t teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)_

Blanch the broccoli in a pan of boiling water for

a few minutes, then drain and refresh under cold
running water. Set aside.

Blanch the courgette, baby corn and asparagus in

a pan of boiling water for a few minutes, then drain
and refresh under cold running water. Set aside.

Blanch the mushrooms in a pan of boiling water for

a few minutes, then drain and refresh under cold
running water. Set aside.


Add the chopped garlic to the ghee in the pan and
saute for 2 minutes, then add the onions, ginger,
green and red chillies, and stir-fry for 5 minutes.
Amritsari Tawa Murg
Pan-fried Amritsari Chicken Now add the chopped tomato and saute until soft,
then add the tomato puree, remaining ground
Preparation time 1 hour, plus marinating time fenugreek, chilli powder and roasted ground cumin
Cooking time 20 minutes and cook until the oil separates out.
Serves 6
Return the chicken to the pan and cook for
5 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)_ 2 minutes, then sprinkle with the chicken stock,
5 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) garam masala and chopped coriander and stir. Check
1 teaspoon chilli powder _ and adjust the seasoning, then sprinkle with the
lemon juice. Mix and transfer to a flat serving dish.
1 teaspoon ground dried fenugreek
Serve hot garnished with extra chopped coriander.
1kg / 2141b boneless chicken legs, cut into 7-8 pieces
4 tablespoons ghee
1 teaspoon black cumin seeds
1 teaspoon coriander seeds, crushed
1 tablespoon black peppercorns, crushed
20g / %oz garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 large onions, finely chopped
1 x 20-g / %-oz piece fresh ginger, peeled and
finely chopped
2 green chillies, de-seeded and finely chopped
4 fresh red chillies
1 large tomato, finely chopped
200g / 7oz (1 y2 cups) tomato purbe
y2 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin, roasted
3 tablespoons chicken stock
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
30g / VAoz coriander (cilantro), finely chopped, plus
extra to garnish
juice of 1 lemon

To make the marinade, mix the ginger paste,

garlic paste, chilli powder and half of the ground
fenugreek in a shallow dish and season with salt.
Add the chicken pieces and turn to coat well.
Cover and set aside in the refrigerator for at least
30 minutes.

Heat the ghee in a tawa or large frying pan (skillet),

add the black cumin seeds, crushed coriander
and black peppercorns and saute over medium heat
for about 1-2 minutes, or until they start to
crackle. Add the marinated chicken, together with
the marinade and stir-fry over medium heat for
8—10 minutes. Remove from the pan and set aside.

Vikrant Kapoor
Zaafran Lasooni Tali Machli
Pan-roasted Barramundi
Level 2, 345 Harbourside
Shopping Centre Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
Darling Harbour 2000 Cooking time 3-5 minutes
Sydney Serves 4
2 skinless boneless baby barramundi fillets
Lobster curry, baked salmon and baby snapper juice of 1/2 lime
roasted in the tandoor oven may not be the vegetable oil, for pan-frying
hallmarks of conventional Indian cuisine,
but Zaffran's unconventional menu has earned
praise from patrons and critics alike. Drawing
inspiration from the most basic dishes to the most For the marinade
complex, Vikrant Kapoor modernizes each dish juice of Vz lime_
without compromising the traditional methods 11/2-2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
of Indian cooking.
l/2-l teaspoon green chilli paste
V2-I teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon cornflour (cornstarch)
pinch of ground white pepper

Menu Cut each baby barramundi fillet in half and remove

all the bones. Put the fillets in a shallow non-metallic
Lasooni Tali Machli dish. Season with salt and sprinkle with lime juice.
Pan-roasted Barramundi
Mix all the marinade ingredients together in a bowl
then rub the marinade all over the fillets. Cover
Badanjoon Nirali and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours
Aubergine (Eggplant) Discs with Spiced
Lentil & Bean Topping Brush a little oil on a non-stick pan and heat the
pan over medium heat. Add the fish and pan-fry for
Mirch ka Chaap 3—5 minutes on both sides, or until cooked.
Lamb Cutlets with Chilli & Tamarind

Bhuni Salmon Machchi

Baked Salmon

Zaaffran Kay Jheengey

Tandoori King Prawn (Jumbo Shrimp)

Soya-Sarasonwala Daliya Bharta

Dill & Wholegrain Mustard Mash


To make the yoghurt topping, put all the ingredients
in a bowl and whisk together, then set aside.
Badanjoon Nirali
For the mixture, blanch the mung beans and brown
Aubergine (Eggplant) Discs with Spiced lentils in a pan of hot salted water, then refresh in
Lentil & Bean Topping iced water. Set aside.

Preparation time 20-25 minutes Heat the oil in another pan over medium heat, add
Cooking time 20 minutes the garlic and onions and saute for about 5 minutes,
Serves 4 or until translucent. Add the chilli powder and
turmeric and stir for 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes,
2 aubergines (eggplants)_ then increase the heat to high and stir-fry for
14 teaspoon chilli powder about 2 minutes. Reduce the heat and simmer for
a further 2-3 minutes. Finally, add the blanched
vegetable oil, for deep-frying
mung beans and brown lentils, stir and adjust the
cornflour (cornstarch) and flour, for dusting seasoning. Cover and set aside.
chilli powder, for sprinkling
Chaat Masala (see page 31), for sprinkling Peel the aubergines and cut widthways into approxi¬
salt mately i-cm / /2-inch thick discs. Using a sharp
knife, make gashes on the discs, then sprinkle over
the chilli powder and season with a little salt.
For the mixture
60g / 2oz (% cup) sprouted mung beans_ Spread the cornflour and flour out on a large plate,
60g / 2oz (% cup) sprouted whole brown lentils add the aubergine discs, one at a time, and toss to
4 tablespoons vegetable oil coat. Set aside.
5 garlic cloves, chopped
Heat the oil for deep-frying in a deep, heavy-based
40g / 1 y2oz (14 cup) chopped onions
pan to i90°C/375‘F or until a cube of bread browns
1 teaspoon chilli powder
in 30 seconds. Working in batches, carefully
small pinch of ground turmeric lower the aubergine slices into the hot oil, and
10Og / 31/20Z (1 medium) tomato, blanched deep-fry for about 5 minutes, or until golden.
and chopped Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
home-made date and tamarind chutney paper (paper towels).

To assemble the dish, place 2 aubergine discs on a

For the mint and coriander (cilantro) chutney plate. Sprinkle lightly with chilli powder and chaat
1 bunch mint_ masala, then place a large spoonful of the warm
1 bunch coriander (cilantro) lentil and onion mixture on to the discs and spread
1 green chilli evenly. Spoon over a little of both the chutneys
1 small piece fresh ginger and then the seasoned yoghurt topping. Sprinkle
with sev and serve.
1-2 garlic cloves
juice of 14 lemon
1 teaspoon sugar

For the yoghurt topping

10Og / 314oz (14 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1-114 teaspoons sugar
ready-made sev

First, make the mint and coriander chutney. Pick

off the leaves from the mint and coriander and
cut some of the tender stems into small pieces. Put
all the ingredients in a blender or food processor
and process, adding just enough water to make a
smooth paste. Adjust the seasoning, then set aside.


Mirch ka Chaap Bhuni Salmon Machchi
Lamb Cutlets with Chilli & Tamarind Baked Salmon

Preparation time 35-40 minutes Preparation time 10-15 minutes

Cooking time 3-4 minutes Cooking time 5-7 minutes
Serves 4-8 Serves 4

8 lamb cutlets, trimmed and lightly beaten 4 skinless boneless salmon steaks, about
1 tablespoon chilli powder 140-160g / 4%-5V20z each
V2 tablespoon ground turmeric
50g / 1%oz [V2 cup) ground coriander For the marinade
8-10 curry leaves 10Og / 3V2OZ (1/2 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
1V2 tablespoons vinegar 1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour, roasted
1 teaspoon tamarind paste 1 teaspoon ajwain seeds
V2 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
V2 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57) 1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1-2 tablespoons white sesame seeds 1 teaspoon green chilli paste
juice of V2 lime 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
salt 1 tablespoon mustard oil
1 tablespoon chilli powder
For the coorgi-style masala powder 1 teaspoon ground fenugreek
2 green cardamom pods juice of V2 lemon
1 clove salt
1 bay leaf
V2 star anise For the tartar of prawns (shrimp)
4 small prawns (shrimp), chopped_
To make the coorgi-style masala powder, blend all 4 tablespoons chopped onions
the ingredients in a spice grinder to make a powder.
4 tablespoons chopped tomatoes
Put the lamb cutlets in a large shallow non-metallic 1 teaspoon chopped fresh ginger
dish. Put all the spices in a bowl, add the vinegar, 1 tablespoon fenugreek leaves
tamarind, ginger and garlic pastes and mix together. 4 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
Pour over the lamb and massage, then cover and set 1 tablespoon chopped green chilli
aside in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or overnight
V2 teaspoon ajwain seeds
as preferred.
Preheat the oven to 20o‘C/40o“F/Gas mark 6. Put
Preheat a charcoal barbecue or grill (broiler) to the salmon in a large shallow non-metallic dish. Mix
moderately hot. Spread the sesame seeds out all the ingredients for the marinade together in
on a plate and use to coat the lamb cutlets. Cook a bowl. Rub the marinade liberally over the salmon,
on the preheated barbecue or under the grill for then cover and leave to marinate in the refrigerator
3-4 minutes on each side until medium or well-done, for 30—45 minutes.
depending on how you like your lamb.
Mix all the ingredients for the prawn tartar together
Alternatively, preheat the oven to 20o’C/40o’F/Gas in a bowl and season with salt. Uncover the
Mark 6. Put the lamb cutlets in a large non-stick salmon and spread the prawn tartar over the top
pan and sear over high heat until browned, then of the steaks.
transfer to a roasting tin (pan) and roast in the oven
for about 5—7 minutes until medium or well-done, Bake the salmon in the hot oven for 5-6 minutes,
depending on how you like your lamb. or until cooked but still slightly pink in the centre.

Squeeze the lime juice over the lamb cutlets and Remove from the oven and set aside for 2-3 minutes.
serve hot with a cucumber raita and a salad. Serve with mint chutney.


Zaaffran Kay Jheengey Soya-Sarasonwala Daliya Bharta
Tandoori King Prawn (Jumbo Shrimp) Dill & Wholegrain Mustard Mash

Preparation time 10 minutes, plus marinating time Preparation time 30 minutes

Cooking time 10 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 10-12 portions

4 king prawns (jumbo shrimp), peeled with tail intact 500g / 1 lb 2oz (4-5 medium) potatoes, peeled
juice of y2 lime and diced
Ve teaspoon Tabasco sauce 150g / 5oz (10 tablespoons) butter
salt 10Og / 3y2oz (% cup) chopped onions
4 tablespoons wholegrain mustard
For the marinade 150-200ml / 5-7fl oz (%-scant 1 cup) cream
2 tablespoons cream cheese or Cheddar cheese 150-200ml / 5—7fl oz (%-scant 1 cup) milk
mixed with cream 1 bunch dill, chopped
juice of y2 lime salt
y2 -1 tablespoon natural (plain) yoghurt
y2 -1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57) Put the potatoes in a large heavy-based pan, pour
in enough water to cover and bring to the boil. Cook
y2 -1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
for about 15 minutes, or until soft and mashy. Drain,
y2 -1 teaspoon ground green cardamom_ return to the pan and mash, then set aside.
y2 -1 teaspoon ground mace
soaked saffron Heat the butter in another heavy-based pan over
salt medium heat, add the chopped onions, then reduce
the heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for about
Put the prawns in a shallow non-metallic dish, 7 minutes, or until onions are translucent.
season with salt and sprinkle with the lime juice
and Tabasco sauce. Cover and set aside for Add the mustard and potato mash and cook for
io—i5 minutes. 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour in the cream
and milk and cook for a further 3—5 minutes stirring
Mix all the ingredients for the marinade together constantly. Finally, add the chopped dill.
in a bowl, season with salt and rub over
the prawns. Cover and leave to marinate in the
refrigerator overnight.

The next day, preheat a tandoor or grill (broiler)

to moderately hot. Thread the prawns through metal
skewers and roast in the preheated tandoor or
under the grill for 2-3 minutes, or until cooked.


Joy Kapur
Maharani Channa Masala
Chickpea (Garbanzo Bean) Curry
1122 Post Street
San Francisco, CA94109 Preparation time 20 minutes, plus cooling time
United States Cooking time 8-10 minutes
Serves 4
Born in India, Joy Kapur moved to San Francisco
in 1967 and, after finishing a business degree from 1 large potato, unpeeled_
Golden Gate University, plunged into the restaurant 1 tablespoon ghee or oil
business. Since 1971 he has opened nine restaurants
1 large onion, chopped
in the Bay Area. In its fifteenth year of business,
Maharani continues to bring traditional cuisine to 1 large tomato, pureed
San Francisco with a varied menu of authentic Indian 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
dishes served in a unique and creative environment. 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
y2 teaspoon ground cumin
y2 teaspoon ground coriander
y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
Menu y2 teaspoon chilli powder
450g /1 lb canned chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
Channa Masala 1 teaspoon salt or to taste
Chickpea (Garbanzo Bean) Curry coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish

Cook the potato in a pan of boiling water for about

Murg Tikka Masala
10 minutes or until tender. Drain and allow to cool,
Chicken Tikka Masala then peel and cut into cubes. Set aside.

Goawali Machchali Heat the ghee or oil in a frying pan (skillets), add
Goan Fish Curry the onion, tomato, ginger and garlic pastes, cumin,
coriander, turmeric and chilli powder and cook for
2 minutes. Add the potatoes and chickpeas and
Bakare ke Gosht ka Vindaloo 125ml / 4‘/2fl oz O/2 cup) lukewarm water and cook for
Lamb Vindaloo 5 minutes or until hot. Garnish with coriander.

Gajar Halwa
Carrot Halwa



Preheat the grill or the tandoor and position a rack
about 23cm / 9 inches from the heat. Remove the
chicken from the marinade and scrape off as much
Murg Tikka Masala of the excess marinade as possible. Sprinkle the
Chicken Tikka Masala chicken with salt and pepper and spread the pieces
on a baking tray (sheet). Grill the chicken, turning
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time once or twice, for about 10 minutes until just cooked
Cooking time 40 minutes through and browned in spots. Transfer to
Serves 4 a chopping board and cut into 5-cm / 2-inch pieces.

1,2kg / 2M) skinless boneless chicken breast Heat 2 tablespoons of oil or ghee in a large
freshly ground black pepper enamelled cast-iron casserole until shimmering.
4 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee Add the onion, garlic and ginger and cook over
medium heat, stirring occasionally, for about
8 minutes until tender and golden. Add the garam
2 cloves garlic, chopped masala, chilli powder and cayenne and cook,
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled stirring, for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes with their
and chopped juices and the sugar and season with salt and
2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31) pepper. Partially cover and cook over medium heat
for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until
1 teaspoon chilli powder
the sauce is slightly thickened. Add the cream and
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
ground almonds and cook over a low heat
tomatoes for a further 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until
1 teaspoon sugar thickened. Stir in the chicken and simmer gently
250ml / 9fl oz (1 cup) cream for 10 minutes, stirring frequently, until the chicken
1 tablespoon ground almonds is cooked through. Garnish with coriander and lime.

For the masala marinade

225ml / im oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon finely grated fresh ginger
11/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1V2 teaspoons ground coriander
% teaspoon ground cardamom
Va teaspoon cayenne pepper
14 teaspoon ground ground turmeric
Vi teaspoon freshly ground pepper
2 tablespoons tomato puree

To garnish
coriander (cilantro) leaves

First make the masala marinade. Combine the

yoghurt, garlic, ginger, cumin, coriander, cardamom,
cayenne and turmeric in a large stainless steel bowl.
Season with salt and pepper.

Using a sharp knife, make a few shallow slashes

in each piece of chicken. Add the chicken to
the marinade, turn to coat and marinate in the
refrigerator overnight.


Goawali Machchali Bakare ke Gosht ka Vindaloo
Goan Fish Curry Lamb Vindaloo

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 10 minutes

Cooking time 40 minutes Cooking time 35 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

2 tablespoons mustard powder 1-2 teaspoons chilli powder

2 tablespoons oil or ghee 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 large onion, chopped 2 teaspoons cumin seeds
1 teaspoon ground turmeric 2 teaspoons coriander seeds
4 garlic cloves, chopped 125ml / 4y2fl oz O/2 cup) vinegar
1 x 7.5-cm / 3-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 6 tablespoons oil or ghee
and chopped 2 teaspoons ground mustard seeds
1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
4 green chillies 2 teaspoons Garam Masala (see page 31)
900g / 21b catfish fillets, cut into pieces 1 large onion, finely chopped
4 teaspoons lime juice 2 garlic cloves, minced
4 tablespoons oil
Put the mustard powder in a small bowl, add an 900g / 21b lean boneless leg of lamb, cut into pieces
equal amount of water and mix together. Heat the
coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish
oil or ghee in a non-stick frying pan (skillet), add
the onions and mustard paste and fry, stirring, for salt
io minutes. Add 750ml / i!4 pints (3'4 cups) lukewarm
water and all the spices and chillies. Bring to the Put all the spices and vinegar in a bowl and mix together.
boil and add the fish fillets. Reduce the heat to
medium-low and cook for 30 minutes, or until the Heat the oil or ghee in a large pan, add the spice
fish is cooked. Squeeze over the lime juice. and vinegar mixture and fry for 10 minutes. Add the
lamb and continue to cook, stirring, for 20 minutes.
Add some water and cook for a further 5 minutes
on low heat. Garnish with coriander.


Gajar Halwa
Carrot Halwa

Preparation time 20 minutes

Cooking time 55 minutes, plus cooling
Serves 4

125g / 4!4oz (V2 cup) ghee_

220g / 7I/2OZ (2 medium) carrots, grated
60g / 2oz (!4oz) double (heavy) cream
125g / 414oz (1/2 cup) sugar
2 tablespoons slivered blanched almonds
y2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 teaspoon rosewater, optional
% cup chopped pistachios and slivered almonds,
to decorate

Heat the ghee in a large, heavy-based pan, add the

grated carrots and bring to the boil, stirring
frequently. Reduce the heat and cook, uncovered,
at a slow boil for 20 minutes, stirring frequently.

Add the cream and continue to cook, uncovered, for

15 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the sugar and
almonds and cook for a further 10 minutes, stirring
frequently, until the mixture begins to stick to the
base of the pan. Remove from the heat and allow to
cool to room temperature. Stir in the cardamom and
rosewater, if using. Serve decorated with chopped
pistachios and slivered almonds.


Alfred Prasad
Tamarind Sada Chaawal
Steamed Rice
20 Queen Street
London W1J 5PR Preparation time 10 minutes, plus soaking time
United Kingdom Cooking time 15 minutes
Serves 4
Alfred Prasad's original take on traditional Indian
cuisine has earned him the title of youngest 490g / 1 lb (generous 2 cups) basmati rice
Indian chef to receive a Michelin star. Aiming to salt (optional)
use the freshest of locally available produce,
1 tablespoon vegetable oil (optional)
organic foods and sustainable ingredients, Prasad
prides himself on his creative combinations and
Measure the rice in a measuring jug, then transfer
believes each meal should be presented as a
to a bowl and pour twice the quantity of water as
complete sensory experience.
rice into a large heavy-based pan. Set aside.

Rinse the rice under cold running water, then pour

over enough cold water to cover and allow to soak
for about 20 minutes.
Drain the rice and add it to the boiling water, stir
gently, cover with a lid, reduce the heat and allow to
Sada Chaawal simmer for 15 minutes.
Steamed Rice
Remove the pan from the heat, uncover and set
Bhindi Channa aside for a further 5 minutes. Using a flat wooden
Spiced Okra & Chickpeas spoon, turn the rice from the edges before serving.
(Garbanzo Beans)

Hariyali Macchi
Monkfish Kebabs

Murgh Makhni
Chicken Tikka in Creamed Fresh

Ajwaini Jhinga
Marinated Tiger Prawns (Shrimp)


Bhindi Channa Hariyali Macchi
Spiced Okra & Chickpeas Monkfish Kebabs
(Garbanzo Beans)
Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time
Preparation time 40 minutes Cooking time 10 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Serves 4
Serves 4
2 tablespoons vegetable oil_
1 tablespoon vegetable oil_ 1 tablespoon gram (chickpea) flour_
1 teaspoon cumin 12 chunks monkfish
200g / 7oz canned chickpeas (garbanzo beans) juice of 1 lemon_
650g / 1 y2lb okra, cut into 2-cm / 1 -inch pieces 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
y2 teaspoon channa masala 1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
y2 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) y2 bunch mint leaves, chopped
V* bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped 1 bunch coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped
1 handful of spinach, chopped
For the masala sauce 2 lime leaves, chopped
3 tablespoons vegetable oil y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 sticks cinnamon 3 tablespoons lemon juice, plus extra for sprinkling
2 cardamom pods 1 tablespoon ground cumin
2 cloves 1 tablespoon ground coriander
2 onions, chopped 3 green chillies, chopped
iy2 teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57) y2 teaspoon Chaat Masala (see page 31), to serve
1 y2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57) salt
y2 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground coriander Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a heavy-based pan
over low heat, add the gram (chickpea) flour and stir
y2 teaspoon ground turmeric
constantly until it turns light brown. Remove the pan
4 tomatoes, chopped from the heat and allow to cool. Put the monkfish in
y2 tablespoon tomato puree a large, non-metallic dish and sprinkle over the juice
salt of 1 lemon, then add the ginger and garlic pastes and
season with salt. Mix well, cover and set aside.
Make the masala sauce first. Heat the oil in a large,
heavy-based pan over medium heat, add the whole Put the mint, coriander, spinach and lime leaves
spices and saute for a couple of minutes. Add in a food processor or blender, add the remaining
the chopped onions and cook for about 5-7 minutes, oil, the turmeric and 3 tablespoons lemon juice
stirring occasionally, until the onions are golden and process until smooth.
brown. Add the ginger and garlic pastes and saute
briefly, then add the ground spices followed by Put the browned gram flour, ground cumin and
the fresh tomatoes and tomato puree. Saute over coriander, chillies and the green paste in a large
high heat for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. bowl and mix together, add the monkfish, mix well
Season with salt, then remove the pan from the and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Preheat
heat and set aside. the tandoor, charcoal barbecue or grill (broiler) to
moderately hot.
Heat the remaining oil in another pan over medium
heat, add the cumin, chickpeas, okra and channa Cook the fish in the preheated tandoor, on the
masala and saute for a few minutes. Add the masala barbecue or under the grill for 3 minutes, then turn
sauce and saute for a further few minutes. over and cook for a further 2 minutes. Increase
the heat and cook for a further 2 minutes on each
Add a sprinkling of garam masala and the chopped side or until browned.
coriander, then check the seasoning and serve hot.
Serve hot sprinkled with some extra lemon juice and
the chaat masala.


To make the makhni sauce, heat the oil in a heavy-
based pan over medium heat, add the whole spices,
Murgh Makhni then the green chillies, ginger and bay leaves and
saute for 2 minutes.
Chicken Tikka in Creamed
Fresh Tomatoes Add the whole fresh tomatoes and simmer over
a medium heat until the tomatoes have cooked to a
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus marinating time pulp. Remove the pan from the heat and transfer
Cooking time 10 minutes the mixture to a blender. Process until smooth, then
Serves 4 pass the puree through a sieve (strainer) into a
clean pan.
For the chicken tikka
16 boneless chicken thighs_ Return the pan to the heat and bring to the boil.
Add the chilli powder, honey, butter and tomato
1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
puree, then season with salt to taste and simmer
1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
for a further 20 minutes. Sprinkle over the
225g / 8oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt fenugreek leaves.
1 tablespoon Kashmiri chilli powder
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31) To finish, heat a little butter in a large, heavy-based
salt pan over medium heat, add the chicken thighs
and saute until piping hot. Add the makhni sauce
and the cream, reduce the heat and simmer for a
For the makhni sauce few minutes before serving garnished with a swirl
3 tablespoons vegetable oil_ of cream.
4 sticks cinnamon
5 cardamom pods
5 cloves
4 green chillies
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger
2 bay leaves__
12-15 ripe tomatoes _
1 tablespoon Kashmiri chilli powder_
1 tablespoon honey_
25g / loz (2 tablespoons) butter, plus extra for frying
Vt. tablespoon tomato puree_
2 teaspoons dried fenugreek leaves_
250ml / 8fl oz (1 cup) single (light) cream,
plus extra to garnish

For the chicken tikka, put the chicken thighs in a

large shallow dish, add the ginger and garlic pastes
and season with salt, then mix well.

Put the yoghurt in another bowl, add the chilli

powder and garam masala and whisk to combine.
Pour this mixture over the chicken, turn to coat,
then cover and allow to marinate in the refrigerator
for at least 4 hours. Preheat a tandoor, charcoal
barbecue or grill (broiler) to moderately hot.

Cook the chicken in the preheated tandoor, on the

barbecue or under the grill for 4 minutes, then
turn over and cook for a further 3 minutes or until
cooked through. Set aside.



Ajwaini Jhinga
Marinated Tiger Prawns (Shrimp)

Preparation time 15 minutes, plus marinating time

Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4

12 raw tiger prawns (jumbo shrimp), peeled

and deveined
juice of 1 lime
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons gram (chickpea) flour
225g / 8oz (1 cup) natural (plain) yoghurt
3 teaspoons paprika
Vz teaspoon ajwain seeds
1 Vz teaspoons Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 y2 teaspoons Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Vz bunch chives, chopped

Put the prawns in a non-metallic dish. Sprinkle the

lime juice and 'h teaspoon of salt over the prawns
and mix well. Set aside.

Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a heavy-based pan

over low heat, add the gram (chickpea) flour and
stir constantly until it turns light brown. Remove the
pan from the heat and allow to cool.

Put the yoghurt, paprika, ajwain seeds, ginger and

garlic pastes, the remaining oil and the gram flour
paste in a bowl and season with salt. Mix well then
add the prawns.

Add a sprinkling of chopped chives, then cover

and leave to chill in the refrigerator for about
20 minutes.

Preheat a tandoor, charcoal barbecue or grill

(broiler) to moderately hot.

Cook the prawns in the preheated tandoor, on the

barbecue or under the grill for about io minutes,
or until cooked through. Serve hot accompanied
with salad.


Suvir Saran
Devi Kararee Bhindi
Crispy Okra Salad
8 East 18th Street
New York, NY 10003
Preparation time 15 minutes
United States Cooking time 5-7 minutes per batch
Serves 4
Suvir Saran is a respected restaurant owner and
authority on Indian food in America. His upscale corn oil, for deep-frying__
New York restaurant, Devi, offers the authentic
700g / 1 lb 8I/2OZ okra, stems removed and thinly _
flavours of Indian home cooking and received
a Michelin rating in 2007 and 2008, as well as a ' sliced lengthways_
three-star rating from New york magazine and two Vz small red onion, thinly sliced_
stars from The New york Times. 3 small or 1 large tomato, cored, de-seeded
and thinly sliced_
5g / Vsoz chopped coriander (cilantro)
juice of 1/2 lemon, or more to taste
Menu 1 y2 teaspoons Chaat Masala (see page 31)_
1 teaspoon salt, or to taste
1 Kararee Bhindi
Crispy Okra Salad Heat 5cm / 2 inches of oil in a large heavy-based
pan to i8o°C/35o’F or until a cube of bread browns
in 30 seconds. Add one-third of the okra and fry for
2 Teekhe Achari Jhinge Wale Luqme about 5-7 minutes until browned and crisp. Remove
Prawn (Shrimp) Balchao Bruschetta with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
and repeat with remaining okra, making sure the oil
3 Gobi-Matar-Mithee Lai Mirch temperature comes back to i8o°C/35o”F before frying
Stir-fried Cabbage with Red (Bell) additional batches.

Peppers & Peas Toss the okra in a large bowl with the onion, tomato,
coriander, lemon juice, chaat masala and salt. Taste
4 Dhansaak for seasoning and serve immediately.
Lentil & Vegetable Stew

5 Devi ki Mashhoor Chaampen

Devi’s Famous Lamb Chops

6 Jhingha Poha Pulao

Prawn (Shrimp) Poha Paella


Teekhe Achari Jhinge Wale Luqme Gobi-Matar-Mithee Lai Mirch
Prawn (Shrimp) Balchao Bruschetta Stir-fried Cabbage with Red (Bell)
Peppers & Peas
Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 15-20 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes
Serves 8 Cooking time 15-30 minutes
Serves 6
For the prawns
450g / 1 lb medium prawns (shrimp),_ 3 tablespoons corn oil_
peeled and deveined 1 Vz teaspoons cumin seeds
juice of 1 lemon or lime 1 teaspoon ground turmeric_
2 teaspoons salt 3 dried red chillies
Vz teaspoon cracked peppercorns 1.6kg / 3Vz\b head of cabbage, cored
Vz teaspoon cayenne pepper and finely chopped
2 red (bell) peppers, de-seeded and finely chopped
For the sauce 120g / 4oz frozen peas
3 tablespoons corn oil_ 1 Vz teaspoons salt
16 curry leaves, roughly torn
4-8 dried red chillies (optional) Heat the corn oil with the cumin seeds, turmeric
1 Vz teaspoons cumin seeds and chillies in a large pan or wok over medium-high
heat, stirring occasionally, until the chillies become
14 teaspoon cracked peppercorns
smoky, about 3 minutes. Add half of the cabbage and
2 red onions, chopped all of the red peppers and peas and stir to combine
2 teaspoons salt with the spices. After a couple of minutes the
1 tablespoon sugar cabbage will start to wilt. Now stir in the remaining
1 tablespoon white-wine vinegar cabbage. Cook, stirring frequently, until the volume
has reduced by one-third and the cabbage looks very
350g / 12oz boxed or canned chopped tomatoes
browned, about 15—30 minutes (depending on your
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
pan or wok). Mix in the salt and serve warm or at
4 slices of bread, preferably brioche, brushed with room temperature.
melted butter, toasted and sliced diagonally into
8 pieces

Place the prawns in a large resealable plastic bag.

Add the lemon or lime juice, salt, pepper and
cayenne and shake to incorporate. Put into the
refrigerator while you prepare the sauce.

Put 6oml / a'/zfl oz water next to your hob. Heat the

corn oil, curry leaves, chillies (if using), cumin seeds
and cracked pepper in a large pan over medium-high
heat until the cumin browns, about 2 minutes. Add
the onions and salt and cook for 7—10 minutes, or
until they are browned and sticky. When the onions
start sticking to the base of the pan, splash with
water and stir and scrape up. Stir in the sugar and
vinegar and cook for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes
and cook for about 4 minutes until the texture of the
sauce is thick and jammy. Add the butter and once
melted, add the prawns, cooking until curled and
opaque, about 2-4 minutes. Place 3 or 4 prawns on
each toasted brioche, spoon some sauce over the top
and serve.


Grind the spice blend ingredients in a coffee grinder
or small food processor until a fine powder forms
Dhansaak and set aside.
Lentil & Vegetable Stew
Blend the herb paste in a food processor with 60ml
/ 2/20 oz ('/« cup) water until smooth and set aside.
Preparation time about 114 hours
Coking time 45 minutes Place 225ml / 7‘/2fl oz (1 cup) water next to your hob.
Serves 8-10 Heat the 60ml / 2l4fl oz (14 cup) olive oil and the
cumin seeds in a large pan over medium-high heat
For the spice blend until the cumin is toasted and browned, about 2
1 cinnamon stick, 2.5cm (1-inch) long minutes. Add the finely diced onions and the salt and
cook for about 12-15 minutes until the onions are
8 cardamom pods
deep brown. Stir frequently and splash with water,
1 tablespoon coriander seeds scraping up any browned bits from the base of the
1 Vz teaspoons cumin seeds pan when the onions begin to stick. Add whatever
1 teaspoon fennel seeds water remains in the jug and cook until
1 teaspoon mustard seeds it evaporates, about 3 minutes.
1 teaspoon turmeric
Reduce the heat to medium, add the lentils and
Vz teaspoon whole black peppercorns 3 tablespoons of the spice blend and cook for
Va teaspoon fenugreek seeds 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Add 2 litres / 3/2
14 teaspoon whole cloves pints water and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat
to medium-low, cover and simmer for 30 minutes,
stirring frequently.
For the herb paste
45g / 1 Vzoz coriander (cilantro)_
Meanwhile, heat the remaining 3 tablespoons of
25g / 1 oz mint olive oil in a medium frying pan (skillet) over
1 x 7.5-cm / 3-inch piece fresh root ginger, peeled medium-high heat for 30 seconds. Add the coriander
and roughly chopped paste and cook for 2 minutes, stirring. Once the
lentils have cooked for 30 minutes, add the cooked
1 jalapeno chilli, de-seeded and roughly chopped
coriander paste and the tomatoes, aubergine,
3 dried red chillies
sweetcorn and chopped onion to the pan.
6 garlic cloves, roughly chopped Bring everything to the boil and add the remaining
spice blend. Reduce the heat to medium-low, cover
For the stew_ and cook until the aubergine is completely soft,
60ml / 2m oz (14 cup) extra-virgin olive oil,_ about 45 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes. Taste
for seasoning and serve.
plus 3 tablespoons
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
2 red onions, finely diced, plus 1 red onion, chopped
1 tablespoon salt, plus 2 teaspoons _
450g / 1 lb lentils (a combination of brown, green, red
and yellow) __
3 large tomatoes, chopped _
600g / 1 lb 5 oz aubergine (eggplant)_
cut into 2.5-cm / 1 -inch chunks_
350g / 12oz frozen or fresh sweetcorn kernels _


Devi ki Mashhoor Chaampen Jhingha Poha Pulao
Devi’s Famous Lamb Chops Prawn (Shrimp) Poha Paella

Preparation time 15 minutes plus draining and Preparation time 10 minutes

marinating time Cooking time 10-15 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes Serves 8
Serves 4
900g / 21b peeled and deveined large prawns (shrimp)
225ml / 7Vifl oz (1 cup) natural yoghurt, drained, juice of Vi lemon_
sour cream or creme fraTche salt_
900g / 21b lamb rib chops (8-10), cut into 2.5-4cm / 1 Vi teaspoons ground turmeric_
1 -1Vi inches thick 14 teaspoon cracked peppercorns
60ml / 2Vifl oz [Va cup) malt vinegar 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
juice of 1 lemon 36 curry leaves, roughly torn
8 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 tablespoon mustard seeds
1 x 7.5-cm / 3-inch piece fresh root ginger, 1 Vi teaspoons cumin seeds
peeled and grated 2 medium red onions, quartered and
1 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31) thinly sliced crossways
1 tablespoon toasted cumin 200g / 7oz (1 Vi cups) frozen peas
1 teaspoon ground cardamom 4 cups thick poha, rinsed in cold water and drained
Vi teaspoon cayenne pepper 14 teaspoon cayenne pepper
14 teaspoon ground mace 30g /114oz chopped coriander (cilantro)
14 teaspoon ground nutmeg Vi lemon, cut into wedges, to serve
2 tablespoons corn oil
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted Place the prawns in a large bowl and mix them with
the lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of salt, V* teaspoon of
Drain the yoghurt (if using) in a muslin (cheesecloth)- turmeric and the pepper and set aside.
lined sieve (strainer) or coffee filter for 2—4 hours.
Melt the butter with the curry leaves, mustard seeds
Cut 3 or 4 deep slashes in each of the lamb chops and cumin seeds in a large pan or wok over medium-
(take care not to cut all the way through the chop). high heat, stirring frequently, until the cumin begins
Mix all of the remaining ingredients except for the to darken, about 2-3 minutes. Add the onions, 7*
oil and butter in a large resealable plastic bag. Add teaspoon turmeric and 1 tablespoon of salt and cook,
the chops and turn to coat in the marinade. Seal stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes. Add the peas and
and allow to marinate in the refrigerator overnight. cook for 2 minutes, then add the prawns and cook
for a further 2 minutes. Stir in the cayenne pepper
Heat the grill to medium-high (you should be able to and poha and cook for iVi minutes. Drizzle 125ml /
hold your hand 13cm / 5 inches above the grate for 4'/zfl oz (‘A cup) water around the edges of the pan,
no more than 3-4 seconds). Add the oil to the bag, then reduce the heat to medium-low, cover and
reseal and, using your hands, massage the chops on cook for 7 minutes. Remove the lid and fluff. Taste
the outside of the bag to incorporate. Remove the for seasoning and sprinkle with chopped coriander.
lamb from the marinade, place on the grill and cook Serve with lemon wedges.
for 4—5 minutes on each side. Transfer to a baking
sheet and let the lamb rest for 5 minutes. Brush
with melted butter and grill until each side is evenly
browned, about a further 5 minutes per side.


Vivek Singh
Cinnamon Club Kali Daal
Black Lentils
The Old Westminster Library
30 Great Smith Street Preparation time 10 minutes, plus soaking time
London SW1P 3BU Cooking time 1 hour 25 minutes
United Kingdom Serves 4-6 people

Since it first opened its doors in 2001, the Cinnamon 250g / 9oz (1 Vz cups) black urad dal_
Club in Westminster has established itself as the one 1 teaspoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
of the world’s best Indian restaurants. Chef Vivek 1 teaspoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
Singh has challenged the perceived boundaries of
1 teaspoon salt
Indian food and his menus successfully marry Indian
flavours and spicing with Western culinary styles. 1 teaspoon chilli powder
2 tablespoons concentrated tomato puree (paste)
150g / 5oz (10 tablespoons) slightly salted butter
1 teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
1/2 teaspoon ground dried fenugreek leaves
Menu y2 teaspoon sugar _
2 tablespoons single (light) cream
I Kali Daal
Soak the dal in a bowl of water overnight.
Black Lentils
The next day, drain the dal and transfer to a pan.
l Khumb aur Kumhdey ka Phool Pour over 1 litre / \V* pints (4% cups) water and
Courgette (Zucchini) Flower Stuffed with cook for about 1 hour until the lentils are thoroughly
Corn & Mushroom cooked but not completely mashed.

Add the ginger and garlic pastes, salt and chilli

3 Quinoa Upma powder and boil for a further 10 minutes. Add the
Curry Leaf & Tomato Quinoa tomato puree and butter and cook for further
15 minutes, or until the dal is thick. Take care that
4 Banjara Chakoor the mixture does not split — the butter should
Peanut & Dried Mango Crusted not separate from the dal. Add the garam masala,
dried fenugreek leaves and sugar and check the
seasoning. Add the cream.

5 Imli Mein Lipatee Strawberri

Wala Shrikhand
Shrikhand Cheesecake with Tamarind-
Glazed Strawberries


Fill the flowers evenly with the mixture.

Put the flour, salt, cumin, lemon juice and

Khumb aur Kumhdey ka Phool 1 tablespoon water in a bowl and mix together
Courgette (Zucchini) Flowers Stuffed to make a batter.
with Corn & Mushrooms
Heat the oil for deep-frying in a deep pan to
Preparation time 25 minutes i90°C/375°F, or until a cube of bread browns in
Cooking time 10 minutes 30 seconds. Dip the flowers lightly into the batter
Serves 4 then carefully lower them into the hot oil and
deep-fry for a few minutes until the batter is crisp
4 courgette (zucchini) flowers and the filling is cooked through. Remove with a
oil, for deep-frying slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper.

Serve with tamarind chutney and mango puree.

For the filling
1 tablespoon corn or vegetable oil_
1 tablespoon finely chopped red onion
1 tablespoon canned corn kernels
I/2 green chilli, finely chopped
2 tablespoons assorted finely chopped mushrooms
I/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
juice of 1/2 lemon
Vz teaspoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
2 tablespoons boiled grated potato (optional)

For the batter

2 tablespoons cornflour (cornstarch)_
Vz teaspoon salt
Vz teaspoon cumin seeds or black cumin seeds
juice of Vz lemon

Open the courgette flowers, taking care not to tear

the petals, and remove the stigmas and any insects
from inside. Pat the flowers dry with kitchen paper
(paper towels) and set aside.

For the filling, heat the oil in a heavy-based pan

over medium heat, add the onion and saute for
about 5 minutes, or until it is soft and starts to
change colour. Add the corn kernels and the green
chilli and saute for a further 2-3 minutes. Add the
mushrooms and cook for a further 1-2 minutes, then
add the turmeric and saute for 1 minute. Add the
salt, coriander, lemon juice and garam masala. If
the mix is too coarse remove the pan from the heat
and allow to cool. When cool add the grated boiled
potato for more binding and mix well to combine.


Quinoa Upma Banjara Chakoor
Curry Leaf & Tomato Quinoa Peanut & Dried Mango Crusted
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus soaking time
Cooking time 10 minutes Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
Serves 4 as an accompaniment, 2 as a main course Cooking time 6-7 minutes
Serves 4
10Og / 3y20z (% cup) quinoa
salt 4 whole partridges, cut in half lengthways_
1 teaspoon salt
For the tempering 3 tablespoons malt vinegar
2 tablespoons vegetable or corn oil_ 1 tablespoon Ginger Paste (see page 57)
1 whole dried red chilli, broken into 3 pieces 1 tablespoon Garlic Paste (see page 57)
1 teaspoon mustard seeds 200g / 7oz (scant 1 cup) Greek yoghurt
20 curry leaves 2 teaspoons amchoor powder
1 large onion, finely chopped 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, roasted and crushed
1 fresh green chilli, finely chopped 3 tablespoons roasted peanuts, coarsely crushed
1 x 1 -cm / n/2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 2 green chillies, finely chopped
and finely chopped 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 tomato, coarsely chopped 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro) stems
V4 teaspoon chilli powder juice of y2 lemon
V2 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon finely chopped coriander (cilantro) Put the partridges in a large shallow, non-metallic
dish. Add the salt, vinegar and the ginger and garlic
or basil
pastes. Put the yoghurt, amchoor powder, cumin
juice of Vi lemon seeds, crushed roasted peanuts, chopped green
chillies and oil in a bowl. Add the coriander stems,
Soak the quinoa in a bowl of water for 15 minutes, then pour over the partridges and mix well. Cover
then drain and refresh in cold water. Pour about and marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
300ml / 'h pint (1 '/< cups) water into a large, heavy- Put several wooden skewers in a bowl of water and
based pan, season with salt, add the quinoa and allow to soak for 30 minutes.
bring to the boil. Cook for about 15-18 minutes, or
until the grains are cooked but still retain some Preheat the oven to 20o‘C/40o”F/Gas Mark 4 and
bite. Quinoa develops a white ring on the outer preheat the grill (broiler). Thread the partridges on
circumference of each grain when ready. If there is to the soaked wooden skewers and cook in the
any excess water left in the pan, drain the quinoa oven for 3—4 minutes, then finish under a hot grill
through a colander. for 3 minutes.

For the tempering, heat the oil in a large, heavy- Remove the partridge from the skewers and serve
based pan over medium heat, add the dried red with curry leaf and tomato quinoa.
chilli and mustard seeds and allow them to crackle
and splutter for about 30 seconds. Add the curry
leaves and fry for about 30 seconds, or until they
turn crisp. Add the onion and cook for 6-8 minutes,
or until it starts to turn golden. Now add the
finely chopped green chilli and ginger and stir for
a minute. Add the chopped tomato, \'h teaspoons
salt and the chilli powder and cook for a further
8-10 minutes until most of the moisture from the
tomatoes has evaporated and the onion and tomato
mixture begins to come together. Add the cooked
quinoa and mix for a minute or two until heated
through. Finish with the sugar, a sprinkling of
coriander or basil and the lemon juice. Serve hot.


For the crumble, put the flour, sugar and ground
almonds in a bowl and mix together to combine. Add
the butter and rub it in with your fingertips. Place
Imli Mein Lipatee Strawberri
the crumble on a baking tray (sheet) and bake in
Waia Shrikhand the oven for 5 minutes, or until crisp. Allow to cool,
Shrikhand Cheesecake with Tamarind- then break into small pieces. Transfer to the base
Glazed Strawberries (bottom) of 8 individual ring moulds.

Preparation time 50 minutes, plus chilling time For the cheesecake, put all the ingredients in a
Serves 8 bowl and fold together gently. Half-fill the ring

moulds with the mixture, making sure the top is

For the tamarind glaze smooth. Chill in the refrigerator until set.

160g / 5V20Z [% cup) sugar_

To make the spice mix, roast the spices then crush
450ml /15fl oz (scant 2 cups) tamarind puree in a mortar with a pestle. Set aside.
1 x 2.5-cm / 1-inch piece fresh ginger, finely chopped
4 tablespoons lime juice To serve, unmould the cheesecakes and place them
finely grated zest of 2 limes in the centre of a serving plate. Hull the strawberries
and slice them in half, then put them in a mixing
20 mint leaves, cut into fine julienne
bowl, add a spoonful of the tamarind glaze and
mix gently, ensuring all the strawberries are evenly
For the cheesecake glazed. Spoon in an even fashion around the
250g / 9oz (generous 1 cup) hung natural (plain) cheesecake and lightly sprinkle the roasted and
yoghurt (see page 793) crushed spices over the top. Decorate with a sprig
10Og / 3y2oz mascarpone cheese of fresh mint or strawberry.
100ml / 3V2fl oz (I/2 cup) double (heavy) cream,
80g / 2%oz (heaped V& cup) caster (superfine) sugar
1 teaspoon ground green cardamom

For the crumble

500g / 1 lb 2oz (3% cups) plain (cake) flour
500g / 1 lb 2oz (2V2 cups) caster (superfine) sugar
315g / 11 14oz (31/3 cups) ground almonds
500g / 1 lb 2oz (4y2 sticks) butter

For the spice mix

30g / 114oz (V3 cup) coriander seeds
30g / 1 y4oz (V4 cup) fennel seeds

To serve
6-8 strawberries per person
mint sprigs

Preheat the oven to i8o°C/35o°F/Gas Mark 4.

To make the tamarind glaze, put the sugar in a flat

pan over low heat and cook until caramelized, then
add the tamarind puree. Cook over low heat until
thick, then add the ginger and remove the pan from
the heat. Whisk in the lime juice and zest and allow
to cool. Once cooled, fold in the mint. Set aside.



Radisson’s Murg Kandahari
Chicken with Pomegranate
Swarna Jayanti Marg
New Delhi Preparation time 20 minutes, plus marinating time
India Cooking time 10 minutes
Serves 4
Within an impressive 25-year career and advanced
culinary skills, Meraj-ul-Haque specializes in the 40g / 1 teoz p/3 cup) gram (chickpea) flour, roasted
cuisine of Lucknow. Several generations of his family 150g / 5oz pomegranate seeds
have worked in the restaurant business and it was
50ml / 2fl oz pomegranate juice_
no surprise that cooking was a natural calling. As the
head chef of Radisson in New Delhi, he has created 50ml / 2fl oz beetroot puree
a vibrant menu of richly spiced and intensely 50ml / 2fl oz hung natural (plain) yoghurt_
flavoured dishes. (see page 793)_
3g red chilli powder__
1kg / 2141b chicken, skinned and cut into 8-10 pieces
5g / Vaoz Chaat Masala (see page 31)
Put the roasted gram flour and hung curd in a
Murg Kandahari large shallow dish and mix together, gradually
incorporating all the other ingredients except
Chicken with Pomegranate
the chicken and chaat masala. Season with salt to
taste. Add the chicken pieces and spread the
l Dum ki Makai marinade over until coated. Cover and allow to
Spiced Tomatoes & Corn marinate in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.

Preheat a charcoal grill or oven, if using. Remove the

3 Achari Machhi Tikka
chicken from the marinade and thread onto metal
Boneless Fish Cubes in Pickling Spices skewers. Grill until done to your taste. Sprinkle with
chaat masala and serve hot.
l Kaju Subz ke Shami
Vegetarian Shami with Cashew Nuts


Dum ki Makai Achari Machhi Tikka
Spiced Tomatoes & Corn Boneless Fish Cubes in Pickling Spices

Preparation time 15 minutes Preparation time 30 minutes, plus marinating time

Cooking time 15 minutes Cooking time 5 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 tablespoon oil_ 30g /1 Vtoz gram (chickpea) flour, roasted

1 bay leaf 2 tablespoons hung natural (plain) yoghurt
1 black cardamom pod (see page 793)
1 x 1 -cm / 1/2-inch cinnamon stick 4 teaspoons single (light) cream
I/2 teaspoon black peppercorns 1kg / 2141b boneless fish, cut into chunks
2 cloves 2 teaspoons mustard oil
1 medium-sized onion, chopped 8g / V30Z fennel seeds
2-3 garlic cloves, crushed 2g kalonji seeds
y2 teaspoon ground coriander 2g fenugreek seeds
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 3g cumin seeds
14 teaspoon Kashmiri red chilli powder 3g caraway seeds
a small pinch of ground turmeric (optional) lOg / y2oz Garam Masala (see page 31)
1 teaspoon sugar 20g / %oz pickle paste with oil
salt salt
10Og / 31/2OZ tomatoes, diced 5g / Vsoz Chaat Masala (see page 31)
200g / 7oz baby corn, medium-sized cobs
2 green chillies, de-seeded, to garnish Put the roasted gram flour, curd and cream into a
large shallow dish and mix together. Add the fish and
phulka or boiled rice, to serve
stir until the fish chunks are coated. Cover and leave
to refrigerate for 1 hour.
Heat the oil in a pan, add the bay leaf together with
the other whole spices and stir-fry until they start
Heat the mustard oil over high heat in a heavy-based
to change colour. Add the onions and garlic and
pan to smoking point. Add the spice seeds and stir-fry
stir-fry over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes
for about 1 minute or until they start to crackle,
until the onions are translucent. Add the ground
then remove them from the pan and put them in
spices together with salt to taste, the sugar and
another large shallow dish with the pickle paste and
tomatoes. Continue cooking until the sauce is slightly
mix together. Season with salt to taste.
thickened. Add the baby corn and mix well, then
cover, reduce the heat to low and simmer for about
Remove the fish from the first marinade and remove
5 minutes. Garnish with the green chillies and enjoy
the excess marinade. Add the fish to the second
with phulka or boiled rice.
marinade and stir until the fish is coated.

Preheat a charcoal grill or grill, if using. Remove

the fish from the marinade and thread through
several metal skewers then grill until done to your
taste. Sprinkle with the chaat masala and serve hot.


Now add the carrots to the oil and fry until cooked.
Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen
Kaju Subz ke Shami paper. Add the peeled potatoes and fry until golden
brown, then remove with a slotted spoon and allow
Vegetarian Shami with Cashew Nuts
to drain on kitchen paper. Add the paneer to the oil
and stir-fry for about 2 minutes.
Preparation time 40 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes Put the vegetables and paneer in a bowl and add
Serves 4-6 the peas. Mix to combine, then pass the mixture
through a mincer into a clean bowl. Add the roasted
200g / 7oz potatoes, unpeeled_ gram flour and cashew nuts together with the ground
oil, for shallow-frying spices and season with salt to taste.
200g / 7oz beans
With damp hands, shape the mixture into balls and
200g / 7oz cauliflower florets
press between the palms of your hands to form patties.
10Og / 3V20Z carrots, sliced
150g / 5oz paneer (see page 59, grated) Heat enough oil for shallow-frying. Add the patties,
150g / 5oz peas in batches if necessary and shallow-fry until a crisp
50g / 1%oz gram (chickpea) flour, roasted crust is formed on the outside. Turn the patties
over carefully and shallow-fry the other side until
10Og / 31/20Z cashew nuts, broken and roasted
a crisp crust is formed. Remove with a slotted spoon
5g / Vaoz cumin seeds, roasted and ground
and drain on kitchen paper.
5g / Vsoz Garam Masala (see page 31)
2-3 green chillies, de-seeded and chopped
5g / Vsoz fresh root ginger, peeled and chopped
5g / Vsoz coriander (cilantro), chopped

Cook the potatoes in a large pan of boiling water for

about 10-15 minutes, or until tender. Drain and leave
until cool enough to handle, then peel off the skins.
Set aside.

Heat the oil in a karhai or heavy-based frying

pan (skillet), adds the beans and fry until cooked.
Remove the beans with a slotted spoon and drain
on kitchen paper. Add the cauliflower to the same
oil and fry until cooked, then remove with a slotted
spoon and drain on kitchen paper (paper towels).


Vikram Vij and Meeru Dhalwala

1480 W11th Ave

Vancouver, BC V6H 1 LI

Vikram Vij and Meeru Dhalwala, the husband-and-

wife team behind Vancouver's top-rated restaurant
Vij's, are devoted to seasonal recipes, sourcing
much of their produce within the province and
making an effort to serve only local, sustainable
seafood and organic poultry and meats. Vij's has
earned numerous accolades since opening in 1994.


1 Chownki Mausami Sabziyan

Seasonal Vegetables Sauteed
in Ghee & Cumin, Kalonji & Yellow
Mustard Seeds

2 Sarasondane wali Phali aur Alu

Green Beans & New Potatoes in
Mustard Seed Curry

3 Khatta Mitha Barhe ka Salan

Beef Tenderloin Marinated in
Demerara Sugar & Tamarind, with
Black Cumin Curry

4 Saunfiya Kalaunji wala Gosht

Oven-braised Goat Meat in Fennel
& Kalonji Curry


Chownki Mausami Sabziyan Sarasondane wali Phali aur Alu
Seasonal Vegetables Sauteed in Ghee & Green Beans & New Potatoes in
Cumin, Kalonji & Yellow Mustard Seeds Mustard Seed Curry

Preparation time 10 minutes Preparation time 15 minutes, plus soaking time

Cooking time 8-10 minutes Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Serves 4 Serves 4

1 tablespoon cumin seeds_ 250g / 9oz (5-6) new potatoes_

1 teaspoon kalonji seeds 125ml / 4M oz (y2 cup) vegetable oil or ghee
2 tablespoons yellow mustard seeds 6 large tomatoes, purbed
125g / 4V2QZ (y2 cup) ghee_ 1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 small tomato, finely chopped 1 tablespoon black mustard seeds, ground
1 tablespoon ground coriander 2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon crushed dried red chilli flakes
y2 teaspoon crushed cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 large turnip, about 225g / 8oz, cut into thin rounds 250g / 9oz (1% cups) green beans, strings removed,
then cut into quarters cut in half lengthways
1 small head of green cabbage, cut into 1 -cm /
Soak the potatoes in a large bowl of water for
y2-inch wide and 5-cm / 2-inch long strips
10 minutes to loosen any dirt. Drain and thoroughly
1 small head of purple cabbage, chopped
wash, then cut each one into 4—6 slices. Set aside.
6 tablespoons lemon juice
Put a medium-sized pan over medium-high heat, add
Put the cumin, kalonji and yellow mustard seeds the oil or ghee and tomatoes and stir. Add the cumin,
in a small bowl and mix to combine. Heat the ghee ground mustard seeds, salt, chilli flakes and turmeric
in a medium-sized pan over high heat for 1 minute. and stir well. Saute for 5—8 minutes, or until you see
Reduce the heat to medium and immediately add the oil glistening on top.
the mixed seeds.
Pour in 1 litre / i’A pints (4‘A cups) water and bring
Stir well and allow to sizzle for 1—2 minutes, or until to the boil. Reduce the heat to medium and boil for
you can hear the first popping sound of the mustard 12—14 minutes, stirring occasionally. The spices and
seeds. You basically want to cook the seeds, but not water should be very well mixed together at the end
burn them. of cooking.

Immediately add the tomato and stir. Add the Gently add the potatoes, cover with a lid and cook
coriander, salt and cayenne and cook for 3—4 at a medium boil for 5-8 minutes. Uncover, add
minutes. At this point add your choice of vegetables, the green beans, stir well and cook for a further
depending on their cooking times. For this particular 5 minutes. Serve piping hot.
recipe, add the turnips and cook, stirring frequently,
for 2 minutes.

Just before serving, add the cabbages and cook over

medium-high heat for 2-3 minutes. Stir in the lemon
juice and serve with plain basmati rice.


Add the onions to the melted ghee with the cumin
seeds and saute for 8—10 minutes, or until the
onions are browned. Add the flour, stir well and
Khatta Mitha Barhe ka Salan
reduce the heat to low. Cook, stirring frequently, for
Beef Tenderloin Marinated in 6—7 minutes, or until the flour darkens to a tannish-
Demerara Sugar & Tamarind, brown colour. Add the salt, cayenne, ground cumin,
with Black Cumin Curry coriander and tomato. Stir well and saute for
5 minutes. This masala will be quite doughy. Add the
Preparation time 40 minutes, plus marinating time chicken stock and stir well, then increase the heat
Cooking time 4-8 minutes to medium. Bring to the boil, uncovered, then turn
Serves 4 off the heat.

150g / 5oz (3A cup) demerara (raw brown) sugar To finish the beef, preheat the grill (broiler), or
barbecue or a stovetop cast-iron grill (griddle) pan
80g / 3oz (% cup) tamarind paste
to high. Grill the marinated steaks on one side for
3V2 tablespoons ground coriander about 2 minutes, then turn and grill the other side
1 tablespoon cayenne pepper for a further 2 minutes for medium-rare. If you
V2 tablespoon salt prefer your steaks well-done, continue cooking each
6 tablespoons vegetable oil side for another minute or two.
6 beef tenderloin steaks, about 150-175g / 5-6oz each
Spoon the curry over each steak and serve with
rice. You could serve the Green Beans C Potatoes in
For the black cumin curry Mustard Seed Curry (see page 770) as a side dish.
125g / 4V2QZ (V2 cup) ghee_
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
400g / 14oz (2V2 cups) finely chopped onions
75g / 2y2oz (% cup) plain (all-purpose) flour
1 tablespoon salt
y2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon ground coriander
1 large tomato, finely chopped
1.25-1.5 litres / 2-2y2 pints (5-614 cups) organic
chicken stock

The key to this recipe is the balance between the

sugar and the tamarind. Mix the two ingredients
together, then taste. Adjust the sweetness or tartness
according to personal preference. Add the coriander,
cayenne salt and oil in a large bowl and mix to
combine. Pierce each tenderloin steak 5 or 6 times
with a knife, then put the steaks into the sugar-
tamarind mixture and turn to coat. Make sure the
steaks are well covered. Cover and allow to marinate
in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, and ideally
6—8 hours.

For the curry, heat the ghee in a medium-sized pan

over medium-high heat, add the cumin seeds and
allow them to sizzle for 30-45 seconds, or until
they are darker brown, but not quite black. Don't
let them turn black. Alternatively, dry roast the
cumin seeds in a dry, small, heavy-based frying pan
(skillet) over high heat for 1-2 minutes, or until they
are dark brown.


Pour in about 1.2 litres / 2 pints (5 cups) water and
stir well. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat
Saunfiya Kalaunji wala Gosht to low and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove the pan
from the heat and set aside.
Oven-braised Goat Meat in Fennel
& Kalonji Curry To finish, wearing plastic gloves, peel the meat off
the bone (be sure to get all the meat stuck on the
Preparation time 2 hours 50 minutes, bone), then discard the bone and stir the meat back
plus cooling time into the roasting tin. Place on the hob (stove top),
Cooking time 15-20 minutes cover again and bring to the boil over medium-high
Serves 8 heat. Uncover and boil for about 10 minutes, until
there is enough liquid to keep the meat, onions
about 4.5kg / 101b leg of goat, fat trimmed and tomatoes moist, but the mixture is not soupy.
900g / 21b (about 4 large) tomatoes, chopped
Return the curry to medium heat and add the goat
2 onions, chopped
meat, tomatoes and onion. Mix well and heat until
1 tablespoon salt
beginning to boil.
V2 tablespoon cayenne pepper
Vi teaspoon ground black pepper Serve with rice, naan or fresh baguette.
1 tablespoon Garam Masala (see page 31)
Talk to your butcher when purchasing goat. An
older goat will take longer to cook and, in terms of
For the fennel and kalonji curry
cooking, is defined as more than a year old.
2 tablespoons fennel seeds_
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon kalonji seeds
1 teaspoon ajwain seeds
125ml / Am oz (I/2 cup) vegetable oil
6 large tomatoes, pureed
2 teaspoons salt_
1 teaspoon ground turmeric_
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Preheat the oven to 22o‘C/425°F/Gas 7.

Place the leg in a large roasting tin (pan) and add the
tomatoes, onions, salt, cayenne, black pepper, garam
masala and 1 litre / i3/« pints (4% cups) water. Mix
well, then cover with a lid or seal tightly with foil
and cook in the oven for 2 hours. Remove from oven
and allow the meat to cool.

To make the fennel and kalonji curry, put the

fennel, cumin, kalonji and ajwain seeds in a heavy-
based pan and cook over medium heat, stirring
constantly, until the fennel develops a yellowish
tinge, about 2-3 minutes. Transfer the spices into
a bowl and allow to cool.

When the spices are cool, put them in a spice

grinder and grind to a powder.

Combine the oil and pureed tomatoes in a medium

to large pan over medium-high heat, add the ground
spice mixture, salt, turmeric and cayenne, stir
and cook for 5-8 minutes, or until you see the oil
glistening on the tomatoes and they have become
more 'paste like'.



A seed similar to thyme in flavour, and similar to

caraway or cumin seed in appearance. Used dry
roasted to give a pungent flavour to dishes.

Alkaline water
Water that is neither acidic nor neutral. Used in
north Indian cooking, and thought to have health
benefits by helping balance the acidity in the human
body. Alkaline, or ionized, water can be purchased,
or produced from a tap (faucet) with an alkalizer
attached. Ordinary water can be substituted.

A spice made from the dried berries of a small tree.
The name is derived from the berry's fragrance,
thought to resemble a blend of cinnamon, cloves and
nutmeg. A key flavouring for kebabs.

Glossary Almonds

The seed of the fruit of the almond tree, which has

a nutty flavour and texture. Used raw, blanched or
roasted, in whole, flaked, slivered or ground form, in
both savoury and sweet dishes.

i ■ ■

A chemical compound with many applications, alum

powder is dissolved in water and used in cooking
to reduce the bitterness or astringency of some
ingredients, and in pickling foods. It can often be
found in the spice section of grocery stores.


An exotic plant, also known as bathua or pigweed,

the leaves and grains of which are edible and highly
nutritious. The leaves are eaten as a vegetable in
many areas of the world. Use spinach instead.


Amchoor Ash gourd

A flavouring made from raw unripe mango, which Thought of as one of the many varieties of gourd,
has been dried and powdered. It is used as a but actually a fruit, eaten in India, where it is known
garnish for sprinkling on savoury dishes, or for as petha. The white flesh is most often used as a
making chutneys. vegetable in curries, but the immature fruit can be
quite sweet, and is sometimes used as an ingredient
in sweets.

Amla ——.

Also known as Indian gooseberry, a greenish- Badhi

yellow fruit that has a sour, astringent taste. It is
often pickled. It is also eaten raw or cooked in A dried spice tablet made from ground lentils and
various dishes. spices, eaten fried or used as an ingredient. If you
cannot buy them, use a spice mixture instead.

Bael fruit
The fruit or seed of an annual flowering plant, used
to add a liquorice flavour to dishes. Also thought to Also known as Indian quince, and grown throughout
aid digestion. Known as daunt in India. India and most of the southeast countries. Greatly
valued for its therapeutic qualities.

Bamboo shoots
A small yellow-orange coloured stone fruit, used
fresh or dried in Indian cooking in drinks and sweets The edible shoots of some types of bamboo plants.
and also in some meat dishes. Hunza apricots are Used most often in Asian cooking. Fresh shoots
small, round, hard and beige in colour. They come require careful preparation, but canned and frozen
from wild apricot trees in Kashmir, Afghanistan and shoots are bought ready to use. Bamboo shoots are
Turkey, where the fruit is dried on the tree before used as a vegetable in many different types
harvesting, and need to be soaked before using. of dishes.

Arhar Banana leaves

Whole or split yellow lentils, also called toor or Used as plates in India, and also to wrap food in for
tocver lentils. Can be bought whole, but is usually cooking. Can be bought frozen, and thawed under
sold skinned and split. Has a mild, nutty flavour. warm running water. If you cannot buy them, use foil
instead, although the subtle flavour of the banana
leaf will be absent from the finished dish.

Asafoetida .

Made from sap from a plant, which can be obtained Banana stems
as an amber-coloured resin, or crushed into powder.
Uncooked, it has a strong unpleasant odour, but it The tender core of the banana plant, used as a
takes on a pleasant, onion-like smell after heating. vegetable in curries.


Basmati Bitter gourd

A variety of long-grain, polished rice grown A bitter vegetable with a knobbly green skin, known
extensively in India. With a unique fragrance, it is as karela in India. Comes in many varieties ranging
used extensively in pulaos and biryani. The basmati from short to long, dark green and pale green.
rice of Dehradoon is particularly noted. Cooked as a vegetable throughout India. It can be
found in Asian grocery stores.

Bay leaf
Black cumin
The leaf of the bay tree, used fresh or dried to give
curries a flavour similar to strong cinnamon. The A spice made of the dried seeds of a plant from
leaf is used for flavour only, and is not eaten. the same family as cumin, known as &hahi jeera,
iiyah jeera or kala jeera in India. Darker in colour
than regular cumin, and with a more complex,
sweeter flavour. Traditionally used extensively in
Belan small quantities in dishes from the royal kitchens of
Awadh and Hyderabad.
A type of rolling pin, used most often with a circular
rolling board to roll out breads.

Black rock salt

Bengal gram A purplish-brown coloured rock salt with a smoky

flavour, known as kala namak.
Black chickpeas (garbanzo beans), also called kala
channa in India. More a deep red colour than black,
used in the same way as regular chickpeas but with a
slightly nutty flavour.
Black-eyed beans

See Lobiya beans.

Bhojwar masala ■

A Hyderabadi spice mixture, which is a ground blend Blanching nuts

of spices including coriander, sesame seeds, cumin
and bay leaf, commonly used in Hyderabadi dishes.
To blanch nuts yourself, put them in a bowl and
cover with boiling water. Leave for 2 minutes, then
drain and allow to cool slightly. Use a clean doth to
rub off the skins.

Literally 'fried rice', biryani is arguably the best-

known rice dish in Indian cuisine. It has many Boora
regional variations, but the dum Id (slow-cooked
in a sealed pot) recipe from Hyderabad is the An unrefined Indian sugar, produced by boiling the
most prized. juice of the sugar cane, skimming away impurities,
and drying and then powdering the resulting syrup.
Caster (superfine) sugar can be used instead.



Boti Camphor
A sharp cutting tool from Bengal, used to cut meat
White resin with a strong aroma and pleasant cool
before cooking.
taste. Used in miniscule quantities in cold drinks,
sweets and some aromatic spices. Some forms of
camphor are hazardous to health, and only the
variety clearly labelled 'edible camphor’ should
Bottle gourd be ingested.

A bottle-shaped pale green fruit, with a nutty flavour.

Used in curries throughout India, where it is known
as lauki. Squash can be used as an alternative.
Candied sugar

Unrefined sugar available in two forms: crystalline

Broken rice and in lumps. Known as mi&ri in India.

Rice whose husk has been cracked during harvesting

or milling. Broken rice absorbs more moisture
during cooking. Caraway seeds

A spice used to flavour rice dishes, breads, biscuits

and cakes, and also in many fish recipes. Also valued
Broken wheat for its carminative, digestive properties.

Wheat that has been coarsely milled. Broken wheat,

also called cracked wheat or dalia, is prepared with
un-boiled wheat grain, and is sold both roasted and
un-roasted. Most commonly prepared as sweet or
savoury porridge for breakfast, and considered the
A spice made from the dried pods of the cardamom
best diet for the infirm, ailing or convalescent, as it
plant, used in both sweet and savoury dishes,
is easily digested.
and known as etaichi in India. The most common
variety has green pods, while the other has black-
brown pods with a more astringent flavour. Ground
green cardamom is also available from Asian
grocery stores.

A fermented milk drink. In India, buttermilk is the

liquid left over when yoghurt is churned to make
butter. It is known as chaat> and is used primarily
in milk-based drinks. Outside India, artificial, or Cassava
'cultured', buttermilk is readily available and is a
fine substitute, although possibly thicker than the Obtained from palm roots, like sago, cassava is
traditional version. the edible root of a tropical plant enclosing white
starchy flesh within brown rind. Originally from
Brazil, Cassava was imported to India to combat
famine by a prince in Kerala in the 19th century.
It is eaten boiled or cooked (like potatoes) as a
Cambodge petals curried vegetable.

Petals from the fruit of Garcinia ccmbcgia,

or Malabar tamarind, also known in India as
brindleberry. The petals and dried berries are used
as a spice and a souring agent in cooking. Kokum
can be used as an alternative.


Chaar magaz Chhena

A mixture of four seeds - pumpkin, melon, squash Fresh curd cheese, produced by boiling milk, then
and watermelon. It is a used as a paste to give curdling it and hanging it in muslin (cheesecloth) to
flavour and thickness to curries. produce a semi-solid product that is kneaded until
smooth. Used in desserts. See page 59 for recipe.

Chicken, dressed
Savoury street-side finger food, including tikki,
papri, gujiya, gel gape, pani puri, alu, and A chicken with the internal organs and head
many more. Chaat are served with an assortment removed, and plucked.
of sweet and tangy chutney and spice powders,
and are commonly prepared at and served from
khumcha and redhiivallaha& (vendors with a
portable kiosk or pushcart). Chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
A round, pale yellow pulse (legume), often used
whole in dal and in a dry tangy, strongly spiced
Chabaina dish with or without potatoes. Chickpeas are
also ground in India to make gram flour, which is
A snack or a very light meal, literally something to used frequently in Indian cooking. Canned cooked
nibble on. chickpeas are readily available, and can save
much time in the kitchen.

Chakki or chakla
A round flat disc or rolling board made of wood
or stone, and often mounted on small low legs, The tender shoots of the tamarind plant, used in
on which breads are rolled out with the help of a Hyderabad and elsewhere in Andhra Pradesh as a
rolling pin, known as a belan. souring agent in dishes.

Chana dal Chillies

Split black chickpeas (garbanzo beans), produced The fruits of certain varieties of capsicum plant,
by skinning and splitting the yellow kernel of black with a unique hot flavour essential to many curry
chickpeas, chana dal is sweet and nutty and the most dishes. They may be green, yellow or red in colour,
commonly used pulse in India. Regular chickpeas or according to their ripeness. The hottest parts of
yellow lentils can be used as an alternative. the chilli are the seeds, which are often discarded
before use. Chillies may be used whole, slit open or
chopped, and may be either fresh or dried.

Chayote Many varieties of chilli are used in India. Fresh

green chillies, both small round ones called
birdseed and longer ones are common. Dried whole
A gourd, also known as custard marrow, that grows red chillies from Rajasthan (Nagori) and Andhra
on climbing vines and is shaped like a large green-
Pradesh (Rasampatti) are particularly prized for their
white pear. It has a sweet, mild-flavoured flesh. pungent flavour.


Kashmiri red chillies are very mild and valued
for giving dishes a scarlet hue without increasing
the heat of a dish. Red chilli powder is almost as Cloves
commonly used across India in everyday cooking
as turmeric and ground coriander. Chilli powders, A strong spice made from the dried buds of a tree,
flakes and pastes are also widely available. known as laung in India. Used to give flavour
to vegetables, pulses, meat dishes or rice. Used
whole or ground, often in combination with black
cardamoms, or as an ingredient in garam masala.
An earthenware pot used in Hyderabad to cook a
meat speciality. Cluster beans

A plant native to India, the fresh tender pods of

which are used as green beans. The beans can also
Chironji be ground and used as a thickening agent, as can the
gum from the plant.
Also known as priyala seeds, these seeds have a mild
flavour similar to almonds. They are used whole in
desserts and ground as a thickener in other dishes.

An oily nut grown on a coconut palm, with a coarse

Cinnamon brown exterior and white flesh. The flesh can be
used fresh or dried in large or small pieces, or
A spice made from the thin dried inner bark of the grated and dried (dessicated), and is added to dishes
cinnamon tree, with a warm flavour suitable for to give flavour and texture. The liquid inside the
sweet and savoury dishes. Known as dalchini in fruit is called coconut water. Alternatively, liquid
India. It is used ground, or in sticks that are cooked can be extracted from the coconut meat to make
with dishes to release their flavour, but not eaten. coconut milk, or a slightly thicker version, coconut

To make fresh coconut milk, grate the flesh of a

Citric acid fresh coconut into a bowl. Cover with water and
leave to soak for 30 minutes. Pour the mixture
A naturally occurring acid found in citrus fruits. through a clean piece of muslin (cheesecloth) or
Used in Indian cooking in powdered form as a into a clean bowl. This first extract is thick, and is
souring agent instead of fresh lime juice. It can also used like coconut cream. It requires careful handling
be used to add flavour and to tenderize meat. when cooking, and should be added to dishes slowly
only after reducing the heat. Otherwise it will curdle.

To make a thinner coconut milk, return the soaked

Clarify coconut to the bowl, cover with water and repeat
the soaking and straining process. This coconut milk
To remove impurities from a liquid, as with butter, can be boiled for longer periods
which can be melted to remove the milk solids and
obtain the purified fat (ghee).

Coconut feni

A liquor made from the sap of the coconut palm.


Coconut vinegar Cumin

Made by fermenting the coconut water found inside An essential ingredient in Indian cooking, available
the nut with yeast and a culture. It has low acidity ground or as whole seeds, with a nutty, warm
and a musty taste. flavour. Known as jeera in India. Used in all
mixed spices and curry powders, and to flavour
a range of pulses and vegetable dishes, as well as
yoghurt dishes.

A tropical plant, grown mostly for its root, or tuber,

and also called taro root. In India, the stem, roots Curd
and leaves are eaten. The entire plant contains a
chemical that can irritate the skin and should be See Yoghurt.
carefully prepared before it can be eaten.

Curry leaves
Coriander (cilantro)
An aromatic leaf known in India as kadipatta,
An annual herb, the entirety of which is used in
similar in appearance to the bay leaf, but much
Indian cooking: the fresh leaves as a garnish or
smaller in size, with a warm, lemony smell. In south
in green chutney; the whole seeds in temperings,
India, curry leaves are used to flavour vegetables,
pickling spices and some non-vegetarian dishes; the
lentils and breads. They are available fresh or dried.
powdered seeds, or ground coriander, is among the
most commonly used spices in everyday cooking.

Cornmeal (corn flour)
A collective term in India for dishes prepared with
lentils, pulses (legumes) and dried beans. Also refers
Made from whole dried corn kernels that have been
to dried split pulses before they are cooked. See
hulled, dried and ground. Used to make breads, and
individual entries.
in combination with other flours in baking. Not to be
confused with cornflour (cornstarch), which is made
from the endosperm part of the kernel only, and is
used for binding or thickening.

A broad circular pot used to cook rice dishes, such

Cowpeas as pulao and biryani. The larger, profession version
of this pot is called a deg.
See Lobiya beans.

Cream of tartar
A smoking technique that adds flavour to cooked
A by-product of wine making and used in powdered meats by placing them around a small dish of
form in cooking to help stabilize, to give beaten burning charcoal, to which spices and a few drops of
whites volume, in some baking powders and in sugar oil are added, producing smoke. The entire dish is
syrup to prevent crystallization. then covered for a few minutes.


— -

Dough seals Fermented fish

To seal a pot with dough, put i20g / 40Z (1 cup) flour Fish that is left for several months to ferment and
in a bowl and slowly add about 60ml / 2fl oz (V< cup) which sometimes reduces to a paste or liquid. Used
water, or enough to make a soft dough. Knead the as the main flavouring in many dishes in northeast
dough on a lightly floured work surface for a few Indian cuisine.
minutes, then shape into a long sausage. Press the
dough onto the rim of the pot, cover with the lid,
and pinch to seal.
Flour, plain (all-purpose)

Made from highly refined ground wheat, high in

Drumsticks nutrition and fibre. Used to make snacks, pastries,
breads and other baked goods.
An extremely popular vegetable in south Indian
cuisine as an ingredient in sambhar, drumsticks are
the immature long green pods of the Moringa tree,
known as sahjan ki phalli. The flowers and leaves of Flour, wholemeal (whole wheat)
the tree may also be eaten.
Made from whole ground wheat. Used as an
alternative to plain (all-purpose) flour.

Dry roasting —

See Roasting. Garam masala

A blend of spices used mostly in north Indian

cooking, and particularly in meat dishes. Common
Dum ingredients include cinnamon sticks, bay leaves,
cloves, cardamom pods, mace blades and black
A traditional method of slow cooking in which the peppercorns. The spice mixture may be fried in hot
food is steamed in a sealed container, retaining all oil or ghee (before other ingredients, such as meat,
its cooking juices. During cooking, charcoals are are added), or tied together in a small piece of clean
placed on top of the lid to distribute the heat evenly. muslin (cheesecloth) and added to a pot during
On some occasions the pan is also placed on a bed cooking. See page 31 for recipes.
of hot coals. Used extensively in Mughal cuisine.

Fennel seed
The bulb part of the garlic plant, which can be
A herb with a liquorice-like flavour. The leaves of the divided into cloves which have a pungent white
plant are edible, but in Indian cuisine it is the seeds flesh. Used in a wide range of savoury dishes.
which are used most often, and sometimes form part
of garam masala. Fennel seed is used extensively To make garlic water, soak 2 tablespoons crushed
with dried ginger powder in Kashmiri cuisine. garlic in 125ml / ^fl oz O/2 cup) water for 5
minutes, then strain through a piece of fine muslin
(cheesecloth) or fine sieve (strainer).

Fenugreek —

An aromatic bittersweet spice known as methi in

Gentlemen’s toes
India. The seeds have a strong flavour, and the
chopped and dried leaves (ka&cori methi), are See Round gourd.
milder. Both the seeds and leaves are used to add a
wholesome touch to curries, pickles and chutneys.



Gongura leaves Grinding spices

A bitter acidic leaf vegetable that comes in two The best way to grind spices is in a mortar with a
varieties, green stemmed and red stemmed. The pestle, or in a clean spice grinder kept especially for
latter is more sour. Gongura is often used in pickles, spices. Ground spices are best used fresh, although
and also in curries. they can be stored in an airtight container for a
short time.

Butter which has been clarified to remove the milk
solids and obtain the purified fat. Used to prepare A traditional cooking vessel with a narrow neck,
cooked desserts and to cook many Mughal dishes. originally made from clay. Often covered and sealed
and used in dum (slow) cooking.

Hatha i
A vital ingredient in Indian cooking, ginger has a
strong pungent flavour. The fresh root of the ginger A ladle made of wood, which is used to stir dishes.
plant, which is used grated or pounded gives a warm,
citrus flavour to dishes. Dried ginger (<jaunth) is a
spice made from ground ginger roots, with a more
woody, less pungent flavour than fresh ginger. Hemp seeds

The seeds of Cannabis plants, hemp seeds are not

toxic. Ground to a paste, they are used to thicken
Gold leaf gravies and to impart a nutty flavour to dishes.
Combined with pomegranate seed they make a
An extremely thin, edible sheet of gold used to tangy chutney.
decorate sweet dishes and some exotic savoury
vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies.


Gourd Steamed dumplings made with a lightly fermented

batter of rice flour and ground lentils, and usually
Many varieties of gourds, also called marrows or served with powdered spices and coconut chutney or
squash, are cooked in India. See individual entries sambhar. This ancient dish is very popular as a light
for more detail. breakfast all over Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and
Andhra Pradesh.

Gram flour
Idli thattu
Known as besan in India, gram flour is made from
ground dried chickpeas (garbanzo beans), sometimes A traditional metallic steamer used to cook idlis. Idli
roasted, then ground into a powder. It is often moulds are now made to fit inside pressure cookers.
used in batters for deep-frying. It is also known as
chickpea flour.



Ittar Kalonji seeds

Fragrant edible essences, such as rosewater or Small black seeds, also known as nigella seeds or
kewra water, used in small quantities in desserts, black onion seeds, which have a peppery flavour,
and in some savoury dishes. and are used extensively in vegetable dishes, breads
and pickles.

A large fruit which grows on a tree. It can be
cooked into curries or used raw to make a variety A wok-like cast-iron vessel, used for deep-frying
of vegetable dishes. It can be found in Asian grocery breads, snacks and sweets.
stores. Jackfruit contain a white substance that
numbs the hands. Some Indian stores sell cleaned
and cut jackfruit, but if you buy a whole fruit you
might like to wear gloves when handling it. Kashmiri chilli water

Water in which whole dried red Kashmiri chillies

have been soaked and then squeezed to extract the
Jaggery colour of the chillies.

An unrefined sugar made from sugar cane, in which

the sugar crystals are not separated from the
molasses. Mainly used in sweet preparations in Kashmiri red chilli powder
south India and Bengal.
A special type of red chilli powder used as a spice
in many Kashmiri dishes. Milder than other chilli
powders, and it is also used as a colouring.

A strongly aromatic grass valued in Uttarakhand for

its unique aroma. Traditionally used as a tempering Katori
for dal. It can also be substituted for garlic.
Small and large serving bowls used mainly for
dishes with sauce. A number of katori arranged on
a thali allow diners to eat as much as they want in
Jharji the order they want, according to their mood.

A large, long-handled slotted spoon used to remove

items from hot oil.
Kewra water

An essence extracted from the leaves and flowers

Kachri of a plant of the screw pine family. Gives a delicate,
floral taste to desserts and some savoury dishes.
A member of the melon family, grown in the desert Rosewater can be used instead, although it has a
areas of India, mainly in Rajasthan. It is has a different flavour.
bittersweet flavour and is used both as a vegetable
and as a meat tenderizer. It can be dried and also
ground and sold as a powder.


Khand Kohlrabi

A type of unrefined sugar, similar to jaggery or palm A member of the cabbage family, with a similar taste
sugar, which is sold in crystalline lumps rather than to turnip. Can be eaten raw or cooked in the manner
small crystals. of other types of turnip.

Khoya Kokum
A powdered product made from milk, by gradually The plum-like fruit of a tree grown on the western
heating whole milk and then drying it. Used coast of India. It gives a purple colour and sour
extensively as an ingredient in many sweet dishes flavour to fish dishes and some vegetarian curries.
throughout India, and also known as mawa. See
page 58 for recipe.

Khoya can also be grated before being added Korma

to dishes, and milk powder may be used as an
alternative if necessary.
A dish in which the meat has been marinated,
then slowly braised in a thick sauce. Korma are
considered subtler and more aromatic than other
non-vegetarian dishes.

Vetiver, a grass plant grown throughout India, from

which an essence is extracted that is widely used Kulcha
to flavour savoury Mughal dishes and many sweet
A type of bread from Punjab that is mostly deep-
fried, but sometimes cooked in a tandoor. Usually
served with chickpeas (garbanzo beans), or stuffed
with paneer or potatoes. In Amritsar, the making of
Kidney beans kulcha is considered an art form.

Dark red coloured beans with a strong nutty taste.

Kidney beans from Kashmir are well known for their
unique taste and colour. Known as rajma in India. Kulthi
A small oval-shaped bean, often with a wrinkled
appearance, ranging in colour from black to brown
Kofta to red. Most often used whole, it has an earthy
flavour. Channa dal can be used as an alternative.
Small meatballs, sometimes sausage-shaped, served
in gravy. There are many regional variations of
kofta, including numerous vegetarian recipes
prepared with bottle gourd, unripe plantains, Kurcha
potatoes or paneer.
A flat spatula with a long or short handle, used to
scrape the food that sticks to the sides or bottom of
a cooking vessel when a dish is fried or boiled for a
long period of time.



Lobiya Masoor

Black-eyed beans or cowpeas. Medium-sized, When whole, these lentils are green-brown in colour
oblong beans that are creamy white with a black and take a long time to cook. The split version are
'eye' on one side. Their skin is quite thick and red and take much less time to cook, although they
they need to be soaked overnight before cooking. actually turn golden brown during cooking. The split
They have a nutty aroma and a creamy taste that version is called masoor dal.
is slightly earthy.

Lotus puffs
A variety of cereal crop and its grains, used as an
Puffed-up lotus seeds known as taal makhana, used alternative to rice. The seeds can be used whole or
to prepare a kheer (rice pudding) or paired with ground and have a slightly nutty taste. Hulled millet
dried fruits and nuts, and even green peas, to make is also often called birdseed in the US.
a vegetarian delicacy.

Millet flour
Lotus roots
Made from ground millet grains, with a slightly nutty
The roots, or stems, of the lotus flower, which grow flavour. Used to make breads including chapatis and
under the water. Known as kamal kakadi, nadru roti, and in other dishes.
or bhain in India. They can be boiled or fried,
in the same way as other vegetables, and cooked
into curries; those from Kashmir are particularly
renowned. Mint

A leafy, aromatic herb used fresh or dried in

chutneys, salads, fruit drinks or as a garnish.

The aromatic fruit surrounding the nutmeg kernel,

which can be used whole and dried, or ground, in Mixed pickle
sweet and savoury dishes. Known as javitri in India.
Literally a five-coloured variety of mixed pickle,
popular all over north India. The most common
combination is mango, lemon, green chilli, carrots in
Malai oil. In Punjab, turnips, cauliflowers and carrots are
pickled in vinegar and oil and a little sugar. Mixed
pickles are served with paratha instead of vegetables
A type of clotted cream obtained from boiled milk,
used in many sweets. It is also used into enrich or as an accompaniment.
pulses (legumes) and other vegetable dishes.

Mizo anthurium
A local herb in Mizoram, northeast India. Mustard
leaves can be used instead.
This term can be used to describe any spiced dish, or
to refer to a combination of spices (spice mixture).


Mogodi Mustard

Mildly spiced dried lentil dumplings made with Mustard seeds, both yellow and black, are widely
moong beans, and cooked as dal or paired with used in Indian cooking. Oil pressed from these is the
vegetables. Popular in Rajasthan, mcgodi were preferred cooking medium in large parts of rural
traditionally made at home but are now available north India and in Bengal. The seeds and oil are
ready-made from stores throughout India. commonly used in tempering and are an essential
ingredient in pickling spices. The fresh green leaves
of the plant are a popular vegetable.

Mogra flowers —

A variety of jasmine valued for its delicate fragrance. Nutmeg

The petals are used as a garnish and the essence, or
ittar, is used to aromatize Awadhi and Hyderabadi An aromatic spice derived from the kernel of the
delicacies. mace fruit, which can be used freshly grated or
ground. It is a key ingredient in garam masala.

A pleasantly pungent type of white radish used fresh
in salad and raitas, as well as cooked and paired Also known as bhindi or ladyfingers, a long, green,
with potatoes and tomatoes, or served on its own. pod-like fruit with a ridged and slightly furry skin.
Used as a vegetable in curries and also stir-fried with
spices, or pickled.

Moong dal —

A type of green lentil (which is yellow once the skin Paatra

has been removed). Slightly larger and coarser than
whole yellow lentils. It has a stronger flavour - nutty A dish that is cooked wrapped in a leaf, usually a
and sweet - than most other lentils. banana leaf. In this way meats or vegetables can be
steamed, pan-grilled or roasted without losing any of
their cooking juices.

Morel mushrooms —

A highly sought-after edible fungus with a spongy

Paanch phoren
appearance. In India, it is found almost exclusively
This is a mixture of five spices, consisting of
in Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.
fennel, cumin, kalonji, mustard and fenugreek seeds.
It is the preferred tempering in Bengal. See page
55 for recipe.
Mowal extract

Obtained by soaking mowal flowers, also called

cockscomb flowers, in water to extract the colour. Paneer
The extract is used to add colour to Kashmiri
delicacies, such as Roghanjosh. A cheese made by coagulating milk using heat
and acid, and then draining off the whey. It has a
crumbly texture and mild flavour. It is used to make
starters such as tikkas and kebabs, stuffings for
breads, or is often mixed with vegetables or salads.
See page 59 for recipe.



Papad Pav
Dried mango, also known as mango leather, a Mini loaves of bread that are served with spicy bhaj
mixture of mango pulp and sugar that has been left as a street-side snack. Derived from the Portuguese
in the sun to dry. Traditionally eaten as a snack, it 'pau', which means bread.
is sweet and chewy, with a consistency similar to

Papita The original pepper that provided the pungency in
Indian dishes before the Portuguese introduced chilli
A sweet fruit with orange flesh and black seeds, peppers to the subcontinent.
papita, or papaya, is an indispensable part of the
fruit chaat, a spicy fruit salad. The raw flesh is also
often used in marinades as a meat tenderizer. It is
easy to make: just process washed unripe papaya Pistachio
skin with a little water in the food processor or
blender to a paste. Alternatively, use a mortar A green nut with a distinctive flavour, used in many
and pestle. savoury and sweet dishes and as a garnish.

Paraat Plantain
A large, round metal tray used in bread making to A term which refers to both the smaller, yellow fruit
hold the dry ingredients and to knead the dough on. that is eaten raw (banana), and its larger relative
Also used by professional sweet sellers to display (plantain), which is cooked in curries. Plaintains can
their produce. be found in Asian grocery stores.

Parkia seeds Pomegranate seeds

Cluster bean seeds commonly used in North Eastern
The sweet, ruby-coloured seeds of the pomegranate
Indian cuisine. Usually dry roasted with ginger and
fruit. Used either partly dried, or fully dried and
garlic, or mixed with shrimp. ground, the seeds add a tart and tangy flavour to
dishes and chutneys.

Poppy seeds
Boneless fillets from a leg of lamb, either cut thinly
or pounded until thin. Used to prepare delicate The small black seed of the poppy flower. Lightly
kebab and korma dishes, and especially popular in toasted and ground, they are used to give texture
Awadh, Delhi and Hyderabad. to sauces, and to flavour breads, as well as meat and
vegetable dishes.


A cooking vessel with a small mouth, used to slow-

cook food in its own steam (dum). Also known as
a deg. It is often used to prepare pulao or biryani
dishes. The pateeli is often made with aluminium
or stainless steel, and clad with copper or lined
with tin.


Pressed rice Rice flour

Also called flattened, beaten or flaked rice, this is Made from finely ground rice. Used, along with
rice that has been hulled, cleaned, soaked, pressed ground lentils, to produce a batter that is fermented
and dried. Bland on its own, pressed rice absorbs to prepare dosai and idli in south India. Also used
large quantities of liquid (and therefore flavour) as a thickening agent in sauces or in a batter used to
when added to dishes. prepare crisp fritters.

Plums (dried) Ridged gourd

Known in India as alubukhara, dried plums are used Long, dark green ridged fruit, with a think skin and
as a souring agent. a soft interior. The skin can be made into chutney,
but it is often removed and discarded, and only the
interior is used as a vegetable in curries.

Puffed rice .

Produced by heating rice grains under pressure until Roasting spices

they heat up. Often used as a garnish for snacks.
To roast spices heat a small, clean, dry frying pan
(skillet) over medium-low heat. Add a little ghee
and the spices, seeds or nuts and cook, stirring
Pulao frequently, until aromatic and lightly browned.
Remove immediately from the pan. To dry-roast
A dish in which rice is cooked together with meat or ingredients, omit the ghee and cook in a clean
vegetables. dry pan.

Pulses (legumes) Rose petals

A generic term for all varieties of lentils, dried Sun-dried rose petals that are ground for use in
beans and split peas, pulses (known as dal) are the savoury dishes, sprinkling on rice dishes or to make
principal source of protein for most Indians. See cooling sherbets.
individual entries for more detail.

Rose water
Distilled from fresh rose petals, this fragrant essence
A dish of yoghurt mixed with vegetables and fresh or is used for flavouring sweets and cold drinks. It is
dried fruits, served as an accompaniment. also used in some Mughal dishes.

Rasam powder Round gourd

A blend of piquant spices used to prepare soupy Also called gentlemen's toes, Indian round gourd or
pepper water in south India.
baby pumpkin. It is native to India, where it features
in many dishes. The seeds are also edible and are
often roasted.


Sago Sirka

Small white pearls of starch made from the pith of a A vinegar, which may be made from coconut, sugar
palm-like tree, with a bland but creamy taste. They cane and rosehip (jamun). A popular souring agent,
are soaked in water and cooked, then incorporated it also acts as a preservative.
into savouries or sweets.

Soya beans
Small round legumes (pulses) that can be eaten fresh
A spice made from the dried stigmas of the saffron (green) or dried (yellow and black), and also made
crocus. With a unique, delicate flavour, saffron into a variety of products, including tofu and soya
is also used as a colouring. It is one of the most milk. In India, black soya beans predominate, and
expensive spices, but a tiny pinch is enough to are cooked like lentils in Uttarakhand, and also
flavour a dish. eaten dry roasted as a nutritious snack.

Semolina flour Sorrel leaves

Made from semolina and often used in place of See Gongura.

wheat flour.

Snake gourd
Sesame seeds
A very long, green, soft-skinned fruit with a white
interior. Slightly bitter in flavour, used in large
The seed of the sesame plant, found in black and
quantities as a vegetable in Indian cooking.
white varieties. They have an oily, nutty flavour and
are used in small quantities as a thickening agent
and for making sweet dishes and snacks.

Star anise

Sharashi A spice made from the dried fruit of a shrub native

to East Asia. It is shaped like a five-pointed star,
with shiny seeds that have a flavour similar to anise.
Caliper-shaped iron tongs used to handle hot pots
Sometimes used in Kashmiri, Chettinad, and Goan
and pans safely. Also known as &ande&i.
dishes, the star anise should be cooked with the dish
to release its flavour, but not eaten.

Sterilizing jars
Flavoured sugar syrup blended with the juice or pulp
of fruit or flowers. To sterilize jars, wash the jars and lid thoroughly in
hot, soapy water. Rinse well, then place jars and lids
open-side up, without touching, on a baking tray.
Transfer to an oven preheated to 120‘C / 250'F, and
Silver foil leave for at least 30 minutes. Alternatively, boil the
jars and lids in a large pan of water for 15 minutes.
A very fine, edible silver sheet used to decorate Take care to ensure that the jars are already warmed
sweet and savoury dishes, or betel leaf (paan). before placing them in a hot oven.


Succh bari Tawa

A combination of aromatic and flavourful spices, A flat iron griddle used to cook many Indian breads,
shaped into a cake, that impart a distinctive flavour such as chapatis, parathas and dosas. It is also used
to various Kashmiri delicacies. A small piece of for very shallow-frying and pan-grilling. Tikki or
&ucch bari is broken off and crumbled into the dish tikka (spiced patties) are also finished on a tawa.
being cooked. Traditionally made at home, ducch
bari are now available ready-made at Indian stores.

Sugar cane juice A mixture of spices that has been fried in oil or ghee
to release the flavour, and which is added to a dish
The liquid produced when sugar cane is pressed. before serving.
Popular in India as a drink (often sold by street
sellers), or as a sweetening ingredient in recipes,
particularly desserts and drinks.
A large circular eating plate, traditionally made
Sugar syrup of metal, brass and bell metal, now often made of
stainless steel.
A mixture of sugar and water, produced when sugar
is dissolved into hot water. The mixture is then
boiled to achieve the desired consistency. See page
59 for recipe. Tinda
See Gourds.

Tamarind —

A fruit used extensively in India as a souring agent, Toddy

where it is known as imli. It can be bought as a
concentrate, or de-seeded and dried. The dried A drink comprising water, spirits, sugar, spices or
fruit is ground, pulped or soaked in water to extract lemon, or fermented coconut water. Considered
its flavour. restorative for the ill or infirm.

The clay tandoor oven used in the Indus valley dates
as long ago as 3,000 BC. Traditionally they were Split yellow lentils. See Arhar.
heated with burning charcoal, but modern tandoor
ovens are often heated with electricity. A skilled
tandoor cook can manipulate the heat of the oven to
bake, roast or grill a variety of foods. Turmeric

A spice made from the rhizome of the turmeric plant,

which is ground to make a bright yellow powder. It
Tandoori masala
has a warm, dry flavour and is found in almost all
curries and pickles. It also has antiseptic properties.
A blend of aromatic and piquant spice powders to
be sprinkled over dishes prepared in a tandoor
(clay oven).



Ulta tawa Wheat germ

Literally 'upside-down griddle’, a curved griddle used The embryo of wheat kernels, which are separated
in Awadh to cook a particular type of paratha. out before wheat is ground into flour. It is used in
baking along with other flours, in particular for rich,
chewy desserts from Awadh.

Urad dal

Whole or split black lentils, also called black gram. Yam

They are small and oblong in shape with a black
skin and a creamy white flesh, often used in curries. Elephant’s foot yam, cooked dry or with a sauce,
Skinned urad dal is white and has a milder flavour, is popular all over India, where it is known as
and is often ground into flour or paste. zimikand or &uran.

Vada Yoghurt
Deep-fried lentil dumplings, which are a popular A milk product made by coagulating milk with the
snack in south India. They are also eaten in north
help of a fermenting agent. Usually called curd in
India, often with curd or chutney. India. It can be eaten plain, sweetened with sugar or
fruits, or mixed with water to make lassi.

To cook yoghurt, heat a little ghee in a pan over low

Water chestnuts (green) heat. Pour in the yoghurt and saute until it is light
brown, then remove from the heat and set aside.
Eaten raw and also cooked in spicy aromatic sauce.
Also consumed in the form of flour, after drying and To hang yoghurt, line a sieve (strainer) with a piece
grinding. of clean muslin (cheesecloth). Holding the sieve over
the sink, pour in the yoghurt. Bring the sides of the
muslin together to form a pouch and tie with kitchen
string (twine). Hang over a container to catch the
Waxy gourd draining liquid, for 30 minutes for slightly thickened
yoghurt, and up to 1 day in the refrigerator to
Known as parval in India, waxy gourd has a whitish produce a solid.
waxy skin, which means it can be stored for several
months if needed. The white flesh is eaten as a To make sour yoghurt, add a few drops of lemon
vegetable in pickles, curries and other dishes. juice or vinegar and stir to combine.

Wearing gloves
Some ingredients, such as colocasia in its raw form,
contain toxins. These are destroyed by cooking
(or, in the case of colocasia, by soaking the roots
overnight), but you might want to wear gloves when
dealing with the raw leaves, which are acidic and
can cause irritation.

Similarly, jackfruit contains a white substance that

numbs the hands. Most grocery stores sell cleaned
and cut jackfruit, but if you buy a whole fruit, you
might like to wear gloves when handling it.


Many of the ingredients and
equipment listed in the glossary
that you will need for the recipes
are widely available in markets,
grocery stores and supermarkets in
major cities, as well as in Indian
stores. If they are not available near
you, here is a list of selected online
suppliers specializing in Indian
ingredients, utensils and cookware.

www. ishopindian. com
Stocks Indian food (including fresh breads) and
UK organic spice blends.

www.hampshirefoods.co.uk/home www.kalustyans.com
Stocks Asian and Indian foods and spices as well Email: sales@kalustyans.com
as kitchen utensils. An international speciality food store specializing
in south Asian and Middle Eastern products.
www.indianmart.co.uk Indian food, spices, cookware and kitchen utensils
Email: info@indianmart.co.uk are available.
Stocks Indian food (including fresh fruit and
vegetables) and spices. www.patelbrothersusa.com
E-mail: info@patelbrothersusa.com
www.itadka.com E-mail (orders): orders@patelbrothersusa.com
Email: info@itadka.com Good for canned, dry and powdered Indian
Indian food (including fresh vegetables), spices food products as well as sweets, snacks, spices
and a limited range of kitchen utensils are available. and cookware.
Regional Indian products are also stocked.

Email: infossiras.co.uk
Stocks Indian food (including fresh fruit and Canada
vegetables), Halal butchers and kitchenware.
www. indiaauthentic. com
www.spicesofindia.co.uk Email: contactus@indiaauthentic.com
Email: sales@spicesofindia.co.uk Stocks Indian food and spices.
Stocks Indian food (including spices, fresh fruit and
vegetables as well as freshly made sweets), cookware, www. eastwestbazaar. com
and utensils. Email: custserv@eastwestbazaar.com
Good for Indan sweets, canned products and spices.
Emai 1: customerservices@theasiancookshop.co.uk
Stocks Indian and Asian food, spices, cookware
and utensils.
Stocks a small range of Indian food and spices.
www.indianblend.com Email: spices@hindustan.com.au
Email (general): info@indianblend.com Email: vs@hindustan.com.au
Email (sales): sales@indianblend.com Stocks Indian food, including rice, flour, oil, dried
Good for spices and lentils, and has a small selection fruit, nuts, herbs, spices and pulses (legumes).
of cookware and kitchen utensils.
www.indianfoodsco.com Email: sales@indiabazaar.com.au
Has a good supply of Indian food with organic Primarily stocks Indian herbs and spices as well as
alternatives. some Indian food (rice, lentils, flour, sweets, pickles,
chutneys, oils, teas).
Email: service@Indiaplaza.com
Stocks a wide range of cookware and kitchen utensils
for Indian cooking.


Amritsari kulcha 623 spicy sweet and sour aubergines
A Amritsari machhali 362, 399 (eggplant) 250, 395
amrud ki subzi 335 stir-fried peelings and scraps 325
aa 366 ande ka achar 84 stuffed aubergines (eggplant) from
aab gosht 440 ande ki biryani 634 Andhra 254,275
aam ada diya bhaaja moong dal 577 ande ki piyosi 711 stuffed spicy aubergines (eggplant)
aam ka achar 77 Andhra chilli fritters 100 from Maharashtra 249
aam ka panna 725 Andhra chicken pulao 663 sweet and sour minty aubergine
aamati 549, 562 Andhra fish curry 369 (eggplant) 255
aamras 686, 724 Andhra fried fish 369 tangy mashed ‘Southern’ aubergines
acha kozhi 515 Andhra pulussu 324 (eggplant) 255
achari gobi 259 Andhra tamarind curry 324 whole aubergines (eggplant) in
achari gosht 422 ankur ka raita 86 pickling spices 253
achari paneer 313 annanas ka raita 48, 86 avakk 47, 76,117
achari paneer tikka 95 annanas ka sherbet 722 avasara adai 148
achras 463 aoshi 536 avasara vada 112
adrak ka sherbet 720 appam627 avial 330
adrak ki chutney 64 apple chutney 76 Awadhi gosht biryani 655
adraki chaamp 117, 212 apple juice 723 awushi kulho 526
ajwain-flavoured colocasia (taro root) ar sawchiar 664
243 arabi ka raita 87
ajwaini arabi 243 arabi ke kebab 112
akha peenda 464 aratidhoota pappu 574 B
akki roti 618 arbai ke patte 264
aksa pok 513 arek 532 baadam ka doodh 720
akshi 536 arhar ki dal 542 baadam ka sherbet 720
ale bele 690 arisi pulao 168 baadam ki jaali 712
all-in-one lamb, dal, vegetable and rice arisi upama 164 baadam pasanda 420, 453
curry 462-3 aromatic garam masala 31 baadami chawai bariyan 645
almonds aromatic lamb in a tasty sauce 460 baant445
almond chops 427 aromatic slow-cooked biryani 654 badaam ki kheer 694
almond marzipan 712 arsa llodos 523 baghare baigan 250, 395
almond milk pudding 694 artikai kura 345 baghare bhaji 320
almond milkshake 720 artikai pachadi 347 baghare gajar 320, 385
almond sherbet artikai podi 40, 346 baida paratha 611
a/oo baigan sookha 229 artikai vepudu 346 baigan ka bharta 251,398
a/oo chaat 159 arum stalk curry 337 bajare ki roti 620
a/oo chholey 158, 196 asafoetida and cumin-flavoured bajan-methi na tepla 622
aloo chop 214 potatoes 227 bajre ki kheer 695
a/oo chutneywale 240 ash gourd baked bread from Amritsari 623
a/oo dum 228, 393 ash gourd curry with coconut milk baked bread with savoury topping 157
aloo gobi methi ka tuk 348 290 baked chicken 495
aloo gosht 412 fried ash gourd 291 baked egg halwa 711
aloo ka paratha 44, 611 mixed vegetable curry from baked fish 125, 127,174
aloo ka qorma 239 Karnataka 329 baked masala chicken with hard-boiled
aloo ka salan 452 yoghurt curry with ash gourd from eggs and potatoes 522
a/oo ke gutake 235,273 Palakkad 291 baked masala fish 370
aloo ke kebab 109 aso adin 449 baked masala minced (ground) lamb
aloo ke khulle 120,159 attirachi peralan 443 487
a/oo ke matar tikki 108-9, 119 aubergines (eggplant) baked spicy minced (ground) meat 417
aloo kele ki bhujiya 233 Andhra tamarind curry 324 balchao 41, 408
aloo ki kheer 709 aubergine (eggplant) fritters 101 ‘bamboo curtain’ kebab 191
aloo ki tarkari 239 aubergine (eggplant) in mild yoghurt bamboo shoot and water chestnut
a/oo ki tehari 643 sauce 251 sauce 333
aloo masala 237 aubergine (eggplant) rasam 564 bamboo shoots with green chillies 342
aloo matar ka achar 82 aubergines (eggplant) with spicy bananas
aloo matar rasedar 232 filling 253 banana chips 169
aloo matar sookhe 236 batter-fried aubergine (eggplant) banana flowers wrapped in banana
aloo methi 234 103, 114 leaves 338
aloo methi ki sabzi 241 curried aubergine (eggplant) in banana fritters 105
aloo posto 227 coconut sauce 256 banana milkshake 720
aloo Simla mirch 232, 475 curried aubergines (eggplant) 256 banana stem cooked with rice 344
aloo tamatar 241 fried aubergines (eggplant) 254 banana stem curry 341
aloo tamatar ka chokha 231 Gujarati vegetables 328 bananas in spicy yoghurt sauce
aloo tikki awadh 108 potatoes with aubergine (eggplant) 347
aloo vadiyan 230 229 curried bananas with coconut 345
aloogadda vepudu 235 rice with aubergine (eggplant) 644 dal with banana stems 574
alubhokhara qorma 456 roasted mashed aubergine (eggplant) green banana dumplings in yoghurt
alubokhara kofta 298 251,398 133
ambat dahyatil machhi 173 sour Kashmiri aubergines (eggplant) savoury bananas 346
amras ki boti 424 252 savoury green bananas 40, 346


spiced potatoes and bananas in bhutua 493 coiled paratha 610
yoghurt 233 biryani (I) 606, 651 corn bread 619
spicy green banana balls in sauce biryani (II) 652 crisp bread 617
342 biscuits (crackers) deep-fried bread 626
Bangla pulao 636 biscuits (crackers) in spicy yoghurt deep-fried gram (chickpea) flour
baqarkhani roti 626, 677 154 bread 616
barbecued pork 472, 533 coconut biscuits (crackers) 154 flaky bread 625
bataer masaledar 528 flaky savoury biscuits (crackers) 152 fenugreek bread 619
batani kadala kari 271 fried rice flour biscuits (crackers) 156 garlic naan 591
batata vada 135 gram (chickpea) flour biscuits 152 handkerchief bread 478, 616
battered chops 448 rice flour and cashew nut biscuits Kashmiri fermented bread 625
batter-fried aubergine (eggplant) 103, (crackers) 156 Kerala paratha 615
114 savoury fried rice flour biscuits layered paratha 609
batter-fried green chillies 102 (crackers) 156 lentil bread 620
batter-fried lamb ribs 440 savoury pastry crescents 153, 677 lentil-filled puffed bread snack 123,
batter-fried spinach 103,117 biscuits (cookies) 157
batter-fried spinach leaves 263 puffed biscuits (cookies) with tangy Maharashtrian bread 621
bauhinia water 155 mildly-sweet milk bread 624
flowers of the bauhinia tree 324 sweet jaggery biscuits (cookies) 714 millet bread 620
beef with sorrel leaves 537 sweet saffron, coconut and cashew mixed-flour bread 276, 598-9,
beej 169 biscuits (cookies) 681, 714 600-1, 621
beetroot (beet) bisi bele huli anna 548, 666 moong dal paratha 613
beetroot (beet) chutney 42, 69 bitter gourd paratha 596, 609
beetroot (beet) curry 323, 548 bitter gourd curry with fried coconut paratha cooked on the griddle 610
beetroot (beet) with asafoetida 345 293 paratha from Malabar 614
beetroot thuviyal 42, 69 dry-fried bitter gourds 295 plain stuffed bread 618
beguni 103, 114 fried bitter gourd 293 poori 592, 593
bell peppers see peppers mixed vegetables with bitter gourd poori stuffed with urad dal 592, 594
Bengali mutton biryani 661 351 puffed bread 622
Bengali samosas 132 slow-cooked stuffed bitter gourds rich kulcha 624
Bengali lamb biryani 661 292 rice pancakes with coconut milk 627
Bengali pulao 636 stuffed bitter gourds in mustard rice roti from Karnataka 618
bervin poori 158, 592, 594 sauce 294 rich sweet bread 626, 677
bervin roti 618 tangy deep-fried bitter gourds 295, semolina paratha 614
besani poori 616 278 shallow-fried bread with egg 611
bhaang ki chutney 76 black cumin-flavoured turnips 340 shallow-fried fenugreek and millet
bhagar bhaath 633 black dal balls in mustard sauce 582 bread 622
bhajela saranga 125, 127, 174 black pomfret 175 shallow-fried spicy peas and paneer
bhaji ani kolambicha stew 407 bohri chicken 512 stuffed bread 612
bhakri 621 Bohri Muslim pulao 664 shallow-fried spicy potato-stuffed
bhare baghare tamate 318 boiled onion paste 57 bread 44, 611
bhareli vangi 249 boksa pok 533 spinach paratha 195, 613
bharwan aloo 120, 237 Bombay machli, baingan aur chigur 367 spiral paratha 612
bharwan baigan 253 bonbons 702 sweet paratha 615
bhanvan bhindi 245 boneless chicken on skewers 498 tomato and cheese naan 591
bharwan ghiy 301 boneless lamb kebabs 183 broad beans (fava beans)
bhanvan guchhi 269 boneless pan-fried lamb 210 broad (fava) beans with coriander
bhanvan karele 292 boorelu appalu 714 (cilantro) 326, 388
bharwan khumb 270 borarjhaal 582 stir-fried broad (fava) beans 347
bharwan parwal 281, 299 bottle gourd (calabash) buckwheat flour pancakes 627
bharwan pasande 455 bottle gourd (calabash) kofta 302 bund gosht 420
bhanvan phoolgobi 124,160 bottle gourd (calabash) raita 86 butter chicken 501
bhanvan tinde 282, 302, 594 bottle gourd (calabash) with chana buttered rice 631
bhatura 626 dal 296 butterfish see pomfret
bheja 493 chana dal with bottle gourd 560, 567 buttermilk curry 322
bhindi ka patala salan 488 kofta stuffed with dried plums 298 button (white) mushrooms in yoghurt
bhindi pyaz 246 spicy baked bottle gourd (calabash) sauce 96
Bhopali mirchi peeth 307 297, 397
Bhruchi masala 54 stir-fried peelings and scraps 325
whole stuffed bottle gourd (calabash)
Bhruchi curry powder 54
bhuja haaz 529 297 C
bhuna gosht (!) 422 braised jackfruit with yoghurt sauce 267
bhuna gosht (II) 423 braised lamb in aromatic sauce 414 cabbage
bhuna keema 483 braised potatoes 239 dry cabbage in masala 262
bhuna kekra 411 breads fried savoury cabbage 261,550
bhune kebab 213 baked bread from Amritsari 623 Kerala stir-fried cabbage with
bhunee machhali 358 baked bread with savoury topping coconut 261
bhuni besan bhindi 244 157 stir-fried cabbage and carrots 260
bhuni mungphali 295 bread baked in a clay oven 617 spicy cabbage and peanut raita 86
, bhutta methi palak 330 buckwheat flour pancakes 627 calabash see bottle gourd
chapati 623 cardamom tea 726
bhutta seekh kebab 95


cardamom-flavoured lamb 434 chharra aloo 231 saffron chicken 498
caril de galinha 508 chhena 59 savoury chicken with tomatoes 520
carrot bonda 165 chholar dal 566 shredded chicken with (bell) peppers
carrots chicken 119, 221
carrot dessert 682, 715 Andhra chicken pulao 663 sorrel-flavoured chicken 511
carrot halwa 710 baked chicken 495 sour chicken 507
carrot water 727 baked masala chicken with hard- spicy chicken drumsticks 505
fried spicy carrot snacks 165 boiled eggs and potatoes 522 spicy chicken legs 514
peas and carrots 339, 392 Bohri Muslim pulao 664 spicy chicken supremes 222
savoury fried carrots 320,385 boneless chicken on skewers 498 spicy grilled (broiled) chicken pieces
stir-fried cabbage and carrots 260 celebratory chicken korma 502 197, 217
cashew nut fritters 104 charcoal-grilled chicken 519 steamed chicken patties 222
cashew nut paste 35, 58 chicken and lentil kebabs 216 Sterling chicken 500
cassava porridge 343 chicken biryani from Lucknow 662 stir-fried chicken 523
cauliflower chicken Chettinad 511 stuffed chicken 515
cauliflower fritters 103 chicken curry (I) 500 tandoori chicken in spicy tomato
cauliflower in pickling spices 259 chicken curry (II) 517 sauce 518
cauliflower masala 258 chicken curry (III) 525 white chicken 522
cauliflower with fenugreek and chicken curry from Chettinad 512 white chicken curry 523
potatoes 348 chicken curry from Mangalore 510 white chicken pulao 661
cauliflower with oranges 257, 557 chicken fillet kebabs 221 whole stuffed and baked chicken
cauliflower with potatoes 329 chicken in a rich scarlet sauce 518 504
grilled (broiled) cauliflower 166 chicken in coconut sauce 521 chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
peppery cauliflower curry 257 chicken in Rezala sauce 525 chickpea (garbanzo bean) curry from
piquant cauliflower 258, 467 chicken in white sauce 499 Mangalore 569
spicy cauliflower and yam 259 chicken ishtoo 501 chickpea (garbanzo bean) pulao 637
stir-fried peelings and scraps 325 chicken kebabs 217 chickpeas (garbanzo beans) from
stuffed grilled (broiled) cauliflower chicken kebabs from the pot 497 Rawalpindi 469, 568
124,160 chicken 504 potato and chickpea snack 158, 196
celebratory chicken korma 502 chicken legs in chilli sauce 509 potato, yoghurt and chickpea
ceremonial meat porridge 421 chicken masala 495 (garbanzo bean) raita 87
cha sha tub sha ra sha 504 chicken pakora 223 rice with urad dal, chickpeas
chaaman 314 chicken pulao 665 (garbanzo beans) or peas 667
chaamp 446, 472 chicken pulao with mustard leaves sour chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
chaamp baadami 427 664 569
chaar magaz ka murg 524 chicken stew 516 Chieftain’s Chicken 496
chaat masala 31 chicken with aromatic whole spices chikkudu vepudu 347
chakra vazhikilangu poriyal 238 475, 496 chillies
chana dal chicken with curry leaves 517 Andhra chilli fritters 100
chana dal chutney 73 chicken with drumsticks in a spicy batter-fried green chillies 102
chana dal dessert 706 tamarind-flavoured sauce 519 chilli chicken 506
chana dal fritters 100 chicken with fenugreek leaves 477, chilli fritters 102, 116
chana dal lauki waali 560, 567 520 chilli-flavoured hot lamb in sauce
chana dal with bottle gourd 560, 567 chicken with ginger 513 438, 471
chana dal with coconut 566 chicken with green herbs 521 stuffed green chillies 288, 319
ribbed gourd with chana dal 207, chicken with melon seeds 524 chimbori shengdanya kalwan 411
296 chicken with potatoes 526 chincheche Taiwan 373
chandi qorma 500 chicken Xacuti 392, 510 chinchi gulatala jawla 405
chandrakanthalu 681, 714 Chieftain’s Chicken 496 chingur ka salan 489
chane aur aloo ka raita 87 cold chicken korma 516 chintakaya pulihora 642
chane ki dal ki tehari 667 cold curried chicken 526 chintakkai chaamp 450
chapa pulussu 367 dry masala chicken 524, 556 chintapandu koythamira chutney
chapali kebab 185 fenugreek-flavoured chicken 220, 65
chapaati 623 515 chintapandu thokku 66,207
chapati 623 garlic-flavoured chicken 219 chippa gosht 415
charchari 325 ginger chicken with mustard 514 chitrannum 640
charcoal-grilled chicken 519 Goan chicken curry 508 chooran ke karele 295, 278
chashni 59 Gongura chicken 511 chooza chaat 119, 221
chatpate kulche 157 grilled (broiled) chicken 218 chooza makhani 518
chatpati gobi 258, 467 Imperial Chicken 503 chops 446, 472
cheela 140 Indian-style chicken stew 501 chowgara 348
cheera thoran 236 mango chicken 508 chukandar ki subzi 323, 548
cheese fritters 105 mildly spiced chicken 39, 499 chunke matar 283, 304
cheese ke bhajiya 105 mild-tasting chicken 512 churma laadoo 699
chemeen ada 383, 554, 555 Mughlia chicken in rich sauce 503 chutney ani kelwatla saranga 377
chemeen karl 402 pepper chicken 216 chutney-coated potatoes 240
chenigapappu chutney 73 pepper chicken from Chettinad 476, chutneys
Chettinad murungaikkai sambhar 544, 513 apple chutney 76
608 pepper chicken in thick sauce 507 beetroot (beet) chutney 42, 69
Chettinad sambhar podi 49 pomegranate-flavoured chicken 219 chana dal chutney 73
Chettinad sambhar powder 49 Prince-like chicken curry 506 coconut chutney 38, 67, 115


coconut chutney with seasoning colocasia (taro root) in yoghurt sauce dakshini hari chutney 74
43, 68 243 dal
curry leaf chutney 44, 70, 597 colocasia (taro root) kebabs 112 all-in-one lamb, dal, vegetable and
dry ground chutney 74 colocasia (taro root) raita 87 rice curry 462-3
Egyptian lentil chutney 37, 63 Rajasthani vegetarian skewers 92-3 black dal balls in mustard sauce 582
garlic chutney 64 slow-cooked colocasia (taro root) chana dal chutney 73
ginger chutney 64 242 chana dal dessert 706
mint chutney 66 spicy colocasia (taro root) 242 chana dal fritters 100
moong dal chutney 73 vegetarian skewers 92 chana dal with bottle gourd 560, 567
mustard chutney 72 cookies see biscuits chana dal with coconut 566
onion chutney 63 coriander (cilantro)-flavoured fish 378 chicken and lentil kebabs 216
peanut chutney 72 coriander leaf power 56 chickpea (garbanzo bean) curry from
preserved Indian plums 68 coriander-flavoured lamb 430 Mangalore 569
raw green mango chutney 75 corn bread 619 chickpeas (garbanzo beans) from
raw tamarind chutney 66, 207 corn dessert 698 Rawalpindi 469, 568
sesame seed chutney 71 corn kebabs on skewers 95 coconut and vegetable curry 331
Southern green chutney 74 corn with mixed greens 330, 334 creamy black dal 48, 582
sweet green mango chutney 75 crab curry 410 crispy deep-fried savoury rings 98
tamarind and coriander (cilantro) crab curry with coconut 409 dal and buttermilk curry 581
chutney 65 crab curry with peanuts 411 dal ka kima 577
tamarind and ginger chutney 65 crackers see biscuits dal ki kachori 123,157
tangy chutney of hemp seeds and creamy black dal 48, 582 dal ki kaleji 580
mint 76 creamy, chilled yoghurt 674, 693 dal makhani 48, 582
tomato chutney 45, 70, 120 creamy milk sweets 692 dal nizami 584
tomato coconut chutney 67 creamy spiced rice with almonds 645 dal paratha 613
yoghurt chutney 41, 69 crisp bread 617 dal with banana stems 574
classic kebabs 187 crisp wafer-thin pancakes 144 dal with spinach 547, 563
classic mustard greens 262 crispy deep-fried savoury rings 98 dal with vegetables 544
cluster bean curry 323 crispy okra with onions 246 deep-fried lentil snacks 136
coconut crispy quail 529 dried moong dal dumplings 578
chana dal with coconut 566 cumin seed rasam 561 drumstick sambhar from Chettinad
chicken in coconut sauce 521 cumin-tempered gourd 299 544, 608
coconut and gram (chickpea) flour cumin water 727 dry black lentils 399, 583
patties 112 curried aubergines (eggplant) 256 dumpling and yoghurt curry 578
coconut and prawn (shrimp) pulao curried aubergine (eggplant) in coconut Egyptian lentil chutney 37, 63
604, 650 sauce 256 fish and moong dal sprout stew 378
coconut and rice pancakes 689 curried bananas with coconut 345 fish with lentils 360
coconut biscuits (crackers) 154 curried braised fish 372 fried lentil dumplings 135
coconut chutney 38, 67, 115 curried fish from Hyderabad 357 fried moong dal cubes in sauce 580
coconut chutney with seasoning curried ladyfish 375 fried moong dal dumplings 578
43, 68 curried lamb pulao 656 fried rice and black lentil dumplings
coconut paste 35, 57 curried potatoes with tomato 241 134
coconut rice 632 curried prawns (shrimp) 404 gram (chickpea) flour and yoghurt
coconut rice pudding 679, 696 curried prawns (shrimp) with onions 401 curry 570
coconut toffee 671 curried spice potatoes 237 gram (chickpea) flour in tamarind
coconut-filled pancakes 690 curried spinach 320 curry 572
ginger curry 322, 605 curried tomatoes and onions 317 green gram balls in yoghurt sauce
mixed vegetable curry 327 curried turnips 321 581
paneer in tamarind coconut curry curry leaf chutney 44, 70 green lentil fritters 101
315 curry leaf powder 56 green lentil pancakes 146
potato curry with coconut 238 curry of feet and marrow bones 491 green moong dal flavoured with
preparing fresh coconut 204-5 coconut milk 706
red chilli curry 375 home-style kidney beans 586
sesame seed and coconut balls 118,
155 D Kashmiri red kidney beans 193, 586
lamb with lentils 419
steamed rice and coconut snacks lentil bread 620
168 dahi ka dungara gosht 452 lentil dumpling with coriander and
steamed rice with coconut 631 dahi ka keema 490 potatoes 336
sweet coconut balls 709 dahi ke aloo 228 lentil-filled puffed bread snack 123,
sweetened semolina and coconut dahi ke baigan 251 157
balls 672 dahi ke kebab 111 lentil powder 51
tomato coconut chutney 67 dahi ki chutney 41, 69 lentil spice powder 55
coffee 726 dahi ki gujiya 153, 677 mixed dal 278-9, 558-9, 562, 585
coiled paratha 610 dahi ki karhi 571 mixed vegetable patties 106
cold chicken korma 516 dahi ki machhali 361 moong bean dal 576
cold coffee 725 dahi ma bheeda 249 moong bean dessert 701
cold curried chicken 526 dahi papri ki chaat 154 moong dal 575
cold paneer in pickling spices 198, 311 dahiwala meat 435 moong dal chutney 73
colocasia (taro root) dahiwale aloo 234 moong dal paratha 613
< ajwain-flavoured colocasia (taro root) dahiwali lauki 300 moong dal with spinach 580
dakhani paneer 315 moong dal with vegetables 579


paneer scramble 312 chana dal dessert 706 dhingri dulma 268
pepper-flavoured porridge 151 coconut and rice pancakes 689 dhokla 150
pepper water with green chickpeas coconut-filled pancakes 690 dhoop chhaun keema 489
570 coconut rice pudding 679, 696 dhyatle sukha 377
pigeon pea dal 542 coconut toffee 671 dibba roti 140
pigeon peas in rice konji 542 corn dessert 698 do pyaza 432
plain stuffed bread 618 creamy milk sweets 692 dohneiiong 535
poori filled with black lentils 158 creamy, chilled yoghurt 674, 693 doi jhingri 382
red or black dal 573 deep-fried rice flour balls 707 doi maachh 376
ribbed gourd with chana dal 207, dessert of dates 712 doi nei 531
296 fried bread sweets 699 doodh ka sherbet 127, 685, 721
rice and lentil pancakes 142 frothy delight 693 doodhiya bataer 529
rice and lentil pancakes from giant rosogollas 713 dosa 141
Malabar 147 green moong dal flavoured with dosai chilli powder 50
rice flour and lentil snacks 167 coconut milk 706 dosai milagu podi 50
rice with lentils 548, 666 Hyderabadi bread pudding 695 double ka meetha 695
rice with urad dal, chickpeas ice creami 691 dried Bombay duck cooked with
(garbanzo beans) or peas 667 jaggery biscuits (cookies) 714 aubergines (eggplant) and tamarind
‘Royal Salute’ dal 584 khoya bonbons in syrup 704 leaves 367
savoury deep-fried snack 134 milk and potato dessert 709 dried fish in yoghurt 377
savoury pastry crescents 153, 677 milk and rice dessert 704 dried moong dal dumplings 579
semolina and green lentil savoury milky Clay of Paradise 692 drumsticks (vegetable)
151 moong bean dessert 701 chicken with drumsticks in a spicy
sour chickpeas (garbanzo beans) pearl millet and milk pudding 695 tamarind-flavoured sauce 519
569 pistachio-flavoured ice cream 677, drumstick curry 341
spice mixture for pepper water 53 691 drumstick sambhar from Chettinad
spicy lentil dumplings with potatoes rice cakes steamed in banana leaves 544, 608
230 707 lamb and drumstick curry 482
spicy lentil pancakes 141 rice cooked in sugarcane juice 715 Tamil Nadu dal with drumsticks 543
spicy lentil powder 52 rice flour dumplings in sweet milk dry black lentils 399, 583
spicy pigeon pea curry from 672 dry cabbage in masala 262
Mangalore 541 rice pudding 694 dry ground chutney 74
split red dal 545, 573 rich gram (chickpea) flour confection dry khichari 285, 602, 638
steamed green lentil dumplings 137 705 dry masala chicken 524, 556
steamed lentil sponge cake 150 rich wheatgerm dessert 697 dry meat kebabs 191
sweet and sour yoghurt soup 572 saffron, coconut and cashew biscuits dry spicy pumpkin 289, 277
sweet and tangy yellow dal 549, 562 (cookies) 681, 714 dry-fried bitter gourds 295
Tamil Nadu dal with drumsticks 543 saffron-tinged semolina (farina) 705 dum aloo 229
tempered yellow dal 543 semolina and milk pudding 695 dum ka masala 51
thick pancakes 140 semolina halwa 710 dum ka murg 522
thick yellow toor dal 565 shallow-fried bread with sweet filling dum kathhal 267
vegetable curry with crisp gram 702 dum ke kebab 190
(chickpea) flour balls 571 sheer birinj 696 dum ki arabi 242
whole moong beans and vegetable stewed apricots with clotted cream dum ki bharwan mirch 306, 470
casserole 326 671,673 dum ki bhindi 244
yam leaf wraps with spicy lentil paste sweet coarse grain dessert 709 dum ki lauki 297, 397
filling 264 sweet coconut balls 709 dum ki machhali 355
yellow dal with vegetables 575 sweet globes 703 dum nadru 339
yoghurt and gram (chickpea) flour Sweet Morsel for the Prince 698 dum raan 446
curry 571 sweet nutty pastry 713 dumpling and yoghurt curry 578
dalcha gosht 419 sweet pancakes filled with dried fruit
daniwal qorma 456 690
darshahi kaliya 441 sweet pretzels 703
deep-fried bread 626 sweet rice and milk 693 E
deep-fried gram (chickpea) flour bread sweet sesame balls 699
616 sweet stuffed kachori 700 eggplant see aubergines
deep-fried lentil snacks 136 sweet yellow rice 697 eggs
deep-fried liver koftas 215 sweet yoghurt 693 egg and rice biryani 634
deep-fried potato dumplings 135 sweetened semolina and coconut egg pickle 84
deep-fried rice flour balls 707 balls 672 savoury scrambled eggs 212
deep-fried spare ribs 192, 206 syrup-soaked pancakes 676, 689 Egyptian lentil chutney 37, 63
deep-fried vegetable fritters 97 syrup-soaked pretzels 708 elaichi ki chai 726
deewani handi 351 thickened milk 678, 694 elayachi gosht 434
dessert of dates 712 wax gourd sweets 708 elephant’s foot yam and plantain curry
desserts wheatgerm halwa 711 with fried coconut 334
almond marzipan 712 dhan-dal patio 360 elephant’s foot yam with green peas 303
almond milk pudding 694 dhaniwai qorma 430 erachi verthathu rachathu 461
baked egg halwa 711 dhaniya aloo mangodi 336 erha meen mulkitathu 384
bonbons 702 dhansak 462 erisseri 334
carrot dessert 682, 715 dhansak masala 54
carrot halwa 710 dhansak masala 54


F pearl fish pan grilled in banana leaf
359, 396
ganth gobi 260
garam masala (I) 31,33
piquant fish fry 359, 397 garam masala (II) 31
fava beans see broad beans pomfret (butterfish) with green garam masala Kashmiri 56
fennel-flavoured lamb cooked in a masala chutney and bananas 377 garbanzo beans see chickpeas
sealed pot 420 pomfret pulao 649 garhua 491
fenugreek roast fish 354 garlic chutney 64
fenugreek bread 619 roast fish with mint 171,472 garlic naan 591
fenugreek fritters 104 salt and pepper fish 174 garlic paste 35, 57
fenugreek rice 634 slow-cooked aromatic fish 355 garlic-flavoured chicken 219
fenugreek seed rasam 561 sour fish 379 garlic-flavoured paneer 162
fenugreek seeds with raisins 337 South Indian fish curry 367 gatte ka pulao 639
fenugreek-flavoured chicken 220 spicy fish curry with tamarind 368 ghashhi 569
fenugreek-flavoured chicken 515 spicy fish with vegetables 274, 352 giant rosogollas 713
Rajasthani fenugreek 350 spicy fried fish 373 gil e behisht 692
filter kaapi 726 spicy fried fish roe 173 ginger chicken with mustard 514
fish spicy sardines 366 ginger chutney 64
Andhra fish curry 369 spicy stuffed pomfret (butterfish) 357 ginger curry 322, 605
Andhra fried fish 369 spicy whitebait 175 ginger paste 35, 57
baked fish 125, 127, 174 stir-fried spicy fish 381 ginger pickle 39, 84
baked masala fish 370 stuffed fish 356, 400 ginger-flavoured chops 117, 212
black pomfret 175 sweet and sour fish 172 ginger-flavoured moong beans 554,
coconut red chilli curry 375 thyme-flavoured fish 170 555, 576
coriander (cilantro)-flavoured fish 378 whole stuffed fish 355 ginger-lemonade sherbet 720
curried braised fish 372 five spice mixture 55 girda 625
curried fish from Hyderabad 357 flaky bread 625 Goan chicken curry 508
curried ladyfish 375 flaky savoury biscuits (crackers) 152 Goan fish curry (I) 374, 395
dried Bombay duck cooked with flower batata bhaji 329 Goan fish curry (II) 374
aubergines (eggplant) and flowers of the Bauhinia tree 324 Goan pork curry 480, 530
tamarind leaves 367 fried ash gourd 291 Goan prawn (shrimp) curry 382
dried fish in yoghurt 377 fried aubergines (eggplant) 254 goat
fish and moong dal sprout stew 378 fried bitter gourd 293 chicken, lamb and goat meat 504
fish and tamarind curry 373 fried bread sweets 699 goats’ leg soup 448
fish biryani 603, 646 fried fish fillets 363 spicy kid soup 457
fish cooked in banana leaf wraps fried fish from Amritsar 362, 399 gobi kali mirch 257
365, 394 fried fish in tomato sauce 371 gobi rajwadi 259
fish cooked in yoghurt sauce 361 fried fresh mackerel 171 gobi tandoori 166
fish curry cooked with coconut 372 fried green peas 283, 304 gogli 340
fish curry from Deccan 368 fried lamb 418 go! maas kaachar 423
fish curry from Madras 364 fried lentil dumplings 135 golden fried prawns (shrimp) 409
fish curry with coconut 365 fried moong dal cubes in sauce 580 golden lamb curry 415
fish fry 363 fried moong dal dumplings 117, 578 Gongura chicken 511
fish head curry 364 fried okra coated in gram (chickpea) gongura pachadi 83
fish in banana seeds 354 flour 244 gosht ka achar 85
fish in hollow bamboo 380 fried onion paste 57 gosht ki khurchan 458
fish in red chilli chutney 376, 465, fried pork 532 gota siddho 326
466 fried rice and black lentil dumplings 134 gourds see ash gourd; bitter gourd;
fish in tomato sauce 362 fried rice dumplings from Chettinad bottle gourd (calabash); ribbed
fish in yoghurt sauce 376 133 gourd; snake gourd; wax gourd
fish kofte 363 fried savoury cabbage 261,550 gram (chickpea) flour and yoghurt curry
fish korma pulao 648 fried savoury rice 633 570
fish patties 728,176 fried semolina dumplings 132 gram (chickpea) flour biscuits 152
fish pulao 650 fried slivers of meat 447 gram (chickpea) flour dumpling rice 639
fish quorma pulao 648 fried soured cream fish 173 gram (chickpea) flour in tamarind curry
fish roasted in banana leaves 379 fried spiced Bombay duck 371 572
fish stew 366, 380 fried spicy carrot snacks 165 gram (chickpea) flour rolls 166
fish with lentils 360 fried spicy onion snacks 161 gram flour yoghurt and gram (chickpea)
fish with poppy seeds 353 frothy delight 693 flour curry 571
fish with radishes 361 green (bell) pepper curry 307
fried fish fillets 363 green banana dumplings in yoghurt 133
fried fish from Amritsar 362,399 green gram balls in yoghurt sauce 581
fried fish in tomato sauce 371 G green lentil fritters 101
fried fresh mackerel 171 green lentil pancakes 146
fried soured cream fish 173 ga archa meen kari 365 green mango sherbet 722
fried spiced Bombay duck 371 gaderi ki dahidali subzi 343 green moong dal flavoured with coconut
Goan fish curry (I) 374, 395 gajarburfi 710 milk 706
Goan fish curry (II) 374 gajar ka halwa 682, 715 green paneer skewers 94
grilled (broiled) trout 358 gajar kaanji 727 green pea curry 305
hilsa pulao 647 gajar matar 339, 392 green pea raita 85
- hilsa with pineapple 353 galouti 186 grilled (broiled) cauliflower 166
Kashmiri fish curry 358 ganne ke ras ki kheet 715 grilled (broiled) chicken 218


grilled (broiled) ginger prawns (shrimp) karam kalle ka raita 86
177 J karamkalla 262
karepaku karam 52
grilled (broiled) paneer in pickling spices
95 jackfruit karhai jhinga 176
grilled (broiled) trout 358 braised jackfruit with yoghurt sauce karhai machhali 381
grilled lobster 411 267 karhai paneer 313
grilled mushrooms in pickling spices jackfruit pickle 79 karhi pakori 578
97, 113 jackfruit pulao 635 karimeen polichattu 359, 396
grilled stuffed paneer 163 jackfruit with onions 266 karipatta chutney 44, 70, 597
grilled stuffed tomatoes 161 raw jackfruit curry 265 kariveppilai podi 56
guava curry 335 spicy baked jackfruit 267 karpodi 51
Gujarati vegetables 328 sweet jackfruit pickle 80 Kashmiri fish curry 358
gulab jamun 704 jaggery biscuits (cookies) 714 Kashmiri garam masala 56
gurde ka keema 490 Jaipuri subz seekh 92-3 Kashmiri kofte 485
gurh ka paratha 615 jal jeera 727 Kashmiri leafy greens 263, 276
gurh keri 77 jalebi 703 Kashmiri murg kebab 217
gushtaba 390, 436 jalebi paratha 612 Kashmin pulao 636
gutti vengkayya 254, 275 jangir 708 Kashmin qorma 458, 473
gwarphali 323 jangli maas 425, 469 Kashmiri red kidney beans 193, 586
gypsy meat 444 jardalu boti 433 Kashmiri seekh kebab 184
jauzi halwa 697 Kashmiri fermented bread 625
jeera rasam 561 Kashmiri paneer 314
jhinga adraki 177 Kashmiri pulao 636
H jhinga dopyaza 401
jhinga nariyal ka pulao 604, 650
kath kaha 327
kathhal dopyaza 266
haak 263, 276 jhingri maach malai 381 kathhal ka meetha achar 80
halim 421 jhingri machher malikari 405 kathhal ki subzi 267
handiwala murg 497 kathi kebab 183
handkerchief bread 478, 616 kathirakkai 101
hara mahi tikka 171,472
hare jhinga 178 K kathirakkai poriyal 256
kathirikkai rasam aubergine (eggplant)
hare masale ka murg 521 rasam 564
hari matarke kofte 581 kaapi 725 kebab cooked on a stone 189
hariali paneer tikka 94 kabargah 440 kebabs baked in a slow oven 190
heeng jeere ke atoo 227 kabuli chaneda pulao 637 keema khichari 657
hilsa pulao 647 kacchi biryani 653 keema matar 483
hilsa with pineapple 353 kachche kele ke kofte 342 keema upama 215
hingwali chukandar 345 kachhe keeme ki tikya 185 kele ka doodh 720
hirvya kelyatil jawla 407 kachnar ki kali 324 kele ke dahi bare 133
home-style kidney beans 586 kadalaparippu payasam 706 keoti dal 278-9, 558-9, 562
home-style prawn (shrimp) curry 402 kahoor ka halwa 712 Kerala paratha 615
hot lamb curry with local spices 454 kaikari masala vade 106 Kerala stir-fried cabbage with coconut
Hyderabad dum ki biryani 654 kairas 307 261
Hyderabadi bread pudding 695 kairi ka do pyaza 482 kesar elaychi sherbet 724
kairi ka sherbet 722 kesari bhaath 705
kairi ki chutney 75 khad murg 495
kairi ki kadhi 587, 607 khageena 212
I kairi ki mhithi chutney 75 khandavi 166
kairi murg 508 khara bheeda 247
ice cream 691 kaju khumb makhane 272, 552 kharbuje ka panna 725
iced tea 726 kakori kebab 180, 193 khare maash ki dal 583
idli 149 kala saranga 175 khare masale ka ghost 425
ilish maachher pulao 647 kalakand 692 khare masale ka gosht 451
illi 532 kaleji ka salan 492 khare masale ka murg 475, 496
illich maachh annanas 353 kaleji kebab 215 khas garam masala 31
illigada chutney 64 kaleji masala 492 khasta kachori 134
imli aur adrak ki saunth 65 kaleji pulao 657 khasta roti 617
imii ka soda-paani 725 kali mirch ka murg 507 khatta meetha do pyaza 426
imli ka sutt 58 kaliya 441 khatta meetha kaddu 290
Imperial biryani 656 kaliya baans singhara 333 khatta murg 507
Imperial Chicken 503 kalmi bare 100 khatte atoo 233, 279
Indian cheese rice 644 kamala phoolkopi 257, 557 khatte chole 569
inji thokku 39, 84 kamrakh ka achar 80 khatte meethe baigan 255
injipuli 322, 605 kan guchhi 271 khatti meethi machhali 172
invigorating lamb curry 413 Kandahari murg tikka 219 khawamdum 449
'Iris’ kofta 481 kande batatyatli macchi 410 kheer694
ishtoo (!) 285, 431 kande ki subzi 335, 389 khichari with moong dal 666
ishtoo (II) 432 kandi podi 52 khilwan khichari 287, 602, 638
istoo 349, 554 kane kari 375 kholamba 541
kappa puzhukku 343
khoobani ka meetha 671, 673
karadla igguru 571 khopra paak 671


khoya 58 aromatic slow-cooked biryani 654 lamb in yoghurt sauce (II) 441
khoya bonbons in syrup 704 baked masala minced (ground) lamb lamb in pickled spices 422
khoya matar 305 487 lamb in plum sauce 456
khumb dopyaza 269 baked spicy minced (ground) meat lamb kebabs 187,208
khumb hara pyaz 268 417 lamb kidney curry 490
khumb ki tikki 110 ‘bamboo curtain’ kebab 191 lamb koftas in sauce 485
khumb shabnam 96, 272 battered chops 448 lamb korma (I) 450
khurmi naan 591 batter-fried lamb ribs 440 lamb korma (II) 451
khusk pasande 191 Bengali lamb biryani 661 lamb masala 436
khuska 631 boneless lamb kebabs 183 lamb patties 189
khuzi paniyaram 133 boneless pan-fried lamb 210 lamb pickle 85
kidney beans braised lamb in aromatic sauce 414 lamb ribs in sauce 441
home-style kidney beans 586 cardamom-flavoured lamb 434 lamb stew (I) 285, 431
Kashmiri red kidney beans 193, 586 ceremonial meat porridge 421 lamb stew (II) 432
king prawns Gumbo shrimp) with baby chicken, lamb and goat meat 504 lamb stew (III) 430
(pearl) onions 177 chilli-flavoured hot lamb in sauce lamb stew with ginger 449
kobari kori pulussu 521 438, 471 lamb stock pulao 660
kobari pachadi 43, 68 chops 446, 472 lamb with sweetcorn kernels 428
kobarimasam pulussu461 classic kebabs 187 lamb with kachri 423
kobbaraiannam 632 coriander (cilantro)-flavoured lamb lamb with lentils 419
kochu sagarghonto 337 430 lamb with potatoes 412
kofta curry 486 curried lamb pulao 656 lamb with potatoes in yoghurt sauce
kofta stuffed with dried plums 298 curry of feet and marrow bones 491 452
kohlrabi 260 deep-fried liver koftas 215 lamb with rich sauce 414
kokam ni karhi 572 deep-fried spare ribs 192,206 lamb with tender tamarind leaves
kokum curry 321,395 dry meat kebabs 191 and flowers 489
kolambini bharaleli bhaji 406 fennel-flavoured lamb cooked in a lamb with turnips 459
koli milagu masala 476, 513 sealed pot 420 lamb, potato and okra curry 488
kondapur koli thalna 509 fillets on skewers 184 lambs' brains 494
konju masala 401 fried lamb 418 lambs’ feet 491
koorina kakarkaya 294 fried lamb with coconut 442, 608 liver curry 492
kootu powder 49 fried slivers of meat 447 liver pulao 657
kon gassi 517 ginger-flavoured chops 117,212 lukhmi 192
kori tamatar 520 golden lamb curry 415 Maharashtrian hot lamb curry 431
korioora munakkai 519 gypsy meat 444 mango-flavoured lamb 424
kossha mangsho 429 hot lamb curry with local spices 454 mashed pasanda 458
kosu podi 261,550 invigorating lamb curry 413 meatball curry 486
kothimalli podi 56 ‘Iris’ kofta 481 ‘melt in the mouth’ smoked kebabs
kothmiratil machhi 378 kebab cooked on a stone 189 186
kotu podi 49 kebabs baked in a slow oven 190 minced (ground) lamb and peas 488
kozhi appakari 514 lamb biryani (I) 606, 651 minced (ground) lamb cake topped
kulfi 691 lamb biryani (II) 652 with eggs 489
kumbalanga olan 290 lamb biryani from Lucknow 655 minced (ground) lamb cutlets in
kumhare ki subzi 289, 276 lamb and drumstick curry 482 yoghurt sauce 484
kundan kaliya 415 lamb and yoghurt curry 429 minced (ground) lamb kebabs on
kundan murg 522 lamb and vegetable korma 449 skewers 184
kurkure karele 293 lamb chops with tamarind 450 minced (ground) lamb skewers 180,
kurma pulussu 265 lamb cooked in a clay pot 415 193
kurmo pachadi 79 lamb cooked in yoghurt 490 minced (ground) lamb with orange
kurmu pulao 635 lamb cooked with apricots 433 peel and juice 485
kursi miyani 180 lamb cooked with aromatic whole minced (ground) lamb with peas
kurugayulu upama 126,164 spices 425 474, 483
kurumulagail verthatu chemeen 383 lamb cooked with ground coconut minced (ground) lamb with raw
461 mango 463
lamb cooked with whole spices 451 Morning Delight 433
lamb curry (I) 429 overnight meat pot 439
L lamb curry (II) 443 pasanda with almonds 453
lamb curry (III) 454 pearl pulao 658
laal kalwan 375 lamb curry with water chestnuts 460 peppery lamb curry 457
laal maas 444 lamb fillets on skewers 184 potato with minced (ground) lamb
lachha paratha 610 lamb fillets with cashews and 214
lachko dal 565 almonds 420 pot-roasted lamb 435
lacy rice pancakes from Palakkad 147 lamb in a spicy sauce 445 pounded meatballs in light
lagan ka keema 487 lamb in coconut sauce 461 cardamom sauce 390, 436
lal imli ka achar 83 lamb in coriander (cilantro) sauce pounded meatballs in piquant sauce
lal machhali 376, 465, 466 456 437
lamb lamb in gram (chickpea) flour and Prince-like curry 418
all-in-one lamb, dal, vegetable and yoghurt curry 428 Punjabi lamb curry 434
rice curry 462-3 lamb in milk sauce (I) 440 Rajasthani lamb in rich white sauce
almond chops 427 lamb in milk sauce (II) 445 424
aromatic lamb in a tasty sauce 460 lamb in yoghurt sauce (I) 435 Rajasthani sweet and sour lamb 426


red-hot lamb 444 limes sweet green mango chutney 75
roast lamb 443 lime-flavoured pepper water 575 sweet mango drink 686, 724
roasted lamb 423 lime pickle 78 mangupullu 98
roasted lamb kebabs 182 sweet lime pickle 78 mansho jhol 454
roasted minced (ground) lamb 483 liver ‘marbled’ potatoes in sauce 231
Royal Patiala leg of lamb 211 liver curry 492 martswangan qorma 438, 471
rustic hunter’s lamb 425, 469 liver pulao 657 masala chaamp 448
saffron-flavoured lamb 458, 473 spicy liver 492 masala chai 197, 687, 726
saffron-flavoured meat cooked with lotus root masala dosa 143
rice 653 lotus root kebabs 111 masala idli 138
sandal kebab 185 lotus root curry 338, 391 masala milkshake 719
savoury baked minced (ground) lamb spicy baked lotus roots 339 masala pomfret 357
213 lukhmi 119,130,192 masala siyam 134
savoury green mango, lamb and lukhmi 119,130, 192 masala tea 197, 687, 726
onions 482 lychee squash sherbet 723 masala vada 135
savoury minced (ground) meat pulao masale arabi 242
657 masaledar mutton 436
scarlet rich lamb curry 438 mashed pasanda 458
sedan-chair kebab 180 mashed potato and tomato 231
sheep’s brains with coconut milk masiyal 564
493 masoor dal 545, 573
skewered spicy lamb fillet 181 maacher jhol 274, 352 masoorki chutney 37, 63
slow-cooked aromatic leg of lamb maachher roast 354 masoor ki dal 573
416, 468 maans ke soole 181 masoor pappu charu 574
smoked lamb cooked with yoghurt maas banjara 444 masor tenga 379
452 maas ki karhi 428 maspatotia 379
the Sovereign’s Favourite 421 machhali ka qorma 372 matar ka raita 85
spiced lamb 432 machhali ka salan 357 matar ki phali 284, 304
spiced lamb baked with yoghurt and machhali ke kofte 363 matar ki tarkari 305
papaya 446 machhali musallam 356,400 matar paneer 315
spicy fried lamb from Telangana 447 machhali tamatarwali 362 matar pulao 638
spicy fried offal (variety meats) 493 machhi kebab 128,176 matar-paneer ka paratha 612
spicy lamb tikka on skewers 182, machu rasin chisik 537 mathok brenga 380
194 maddur vada 129 matthi 152
spicy liver 492 magaj masala 494 mawe ki kachori 700
spicy roast lamb 422 Maharashtrian bread 621 meat beliram 434
steamed slices of lamb 211 Maharashtrian hot lamb curry 431 meatball curry 486
stuffed lamb kebabs 124,188 mahi kaliya 368 meen biryani 603, 646
stuffed pasanda 455 mahi pulao 650 meen Dakhani 368
succulent spicy lamb 188 mahi tikka ajwaini 170 meen godavari 369
sweet lamb pulao 659 mai kan 291 meen molly 372
thick and spicy lamb curry 437 majjida karhi 581 meen thala kari 364
‘uncooked’ meat patties 185 majjige huli 329 meetha nimboo ka achar 78
vegetable-coated skewers 186 makhani chawal 631 meethi lassi 545, 683, 719
vermicelli with minced (ground) lamb makki ka halwa 698 'melt in the mouth’ smoked kebabs 186
215 makki ka soweta 428 methi ke chawal 634
whole roasted leg of lamb 464 makki ki roti 619 methi ki roti 619
lassi masalewali 719 Malabar adai 147 methi makhani palak 334
lauki ka raita 86 malai kofta 310 methi murg 477, 520
lauki ke kofte 302 malgoba 437 methi murg 515
lauki ki seekh 93 malpoa 676, 689 methi pakora 104
lauki musallam 297 mamri kaya pulihora 641 methis kishmish 337
layered paratha 609 mamsummunakkai pulussu 482 meve ki gujiya 713
layered rice and potatoes 643 mandhiya 542 mild raw mango pickle 77
leechi ka sherbet 723 Mangalore saar 567
mildly spiced chicken 39, 499
lehm e murgan 412 mangoes mildly sweet milk bread 624
lehsuni murg tikka 218 green mango sherbet 722 mild-tasting chicken 512
lehsuni naan 591 mango chicken 508 milgai bhajiya 100
lehsuni paneer tikka 162 mango pickle with jaggery 77 milk and potato dessert 709
lemon rice 646 mango water 725 milk and rice dessert 704
lemon sherbet 724 mango-flavoured lamb 424 milk, thickened 678, 694
lemon tea 727 mild raw mango pickle 77 milk-based sherbet 127, 685, 721
lemonade 724 minced (ground) lamb with raw
milky Clay of Paradise 692
lentils see also dal mango 463 millet bread 620
lentil bread 620 raw green mango chutney 75
minced (ground) lamb and peas 488
lentil dumpling with coriander and raw mango curry 587, 607
minced (ground) lamb cake topped with
potatoes 336 raw mango pickle from Telangana eggs 489
lentil powder 51 47, 76,117
minced (ground) lamb cutlets in yoghurt
lentil-filled puffed bread snack 123, savoury green mango, lamb and
sauce 484
157 onions 482
minced (ground) lamb kebabs on
lentil spice powder 55 spicy mango-flavoured rice 641 skewers 184


minced (ground) lamb skewers 180, 193 murg banjara 514 nariyal ki kheer 679, 696
minced (ground) lamb with orange peel murg biryani 662 nariyal tamatar ki chutney 67
and juice 485 murg dalcha kebab 216 nariyalna doodh ma bheeda ne colmi
minced (ground) lamb with peas 474, murg ishtoo 516 404
483 murg kali mirch 216 nejandu kari 410
minced (ground) lamb with raw mango murg ke mokul 39, 499 nejandu thoran 409
463 murg ke parche 221 neyappam 707
mini loaves with tangy vegetables 121, murg ke soole 498 nimakai rasam 575
139 murg lazawab 526 nimboo ka achar 78
mint chutney 66 murg manpasand 222 nimboo ka sherbet 724
mint rasam 560, 566 murg methi tikka 220 nimbuwali chai 727
mirchi ka salan 288, 319 murg mumtaz 502 nimish 693
mirchi vada 102 murg musallam 504 nishashte ka halwa 711
mirchiwala gosht 457 murg parche 222
mishti doi 693 murg pulao 665
missi roti 620 murg qorma 503, 505
mith miryatii machhi 174 murg rezhala 525 O
mixed dal 278-9, 558-9, 562, 585 murg roganjosh 518
mixed vegetable curry 327, 331 murg Shahjehani 503 odi pulao 663
mixed vegetable curry from Karnataka murg sheora-natwara 496 okra
329 murga ka sated pulao 661 crispy okra with onions 246
mixed vegetable patties 106 musallam bharwan machhali 355 fried okra coated in gram (chickpea)
mixed vegetable pickle 82 musallam raan 416, 468 flour 244
mixed vegetable stew with coconut milk mushrooms lamb, potato and okra curry 488
332 button (white) mushrooms in yoghurt okra in tamarind sauce 247
mixed vegetables (I) 330 sauce 96 okra in yoghurt sauce 249
mixed vegetables (II) 333 grilled mushrooms in pickling spices prawns (shrimp) with okra in coconut
mixed vegetables (III) 351 97, 113 milk 404
mixed vegetables from Deccan 348 morels with yoghurt 271 savoury okra 247
mixed vegetables with bitter gourd 351 mushroom patties 110 slow-cooked okra in yoghurt sauce
mixed vegetables with whole spices 348 mushroom, (bell) pepper and paneer 244
mixed-flour bread 276, 598-9, 600-1, curry 268 spicy fried okra 248
621 mushrooms cooked with onions 269 spicy Southern okra 246
mochar paturi 338 mushrooms in yoghurt sauce 272 stir-fried okra with sesame seeds
molagai 102,116 mushrooms with cashew nuts 272, from Andhra 248
molaggai podi 56 552 stuffed okra 245
molagu saadam 634 mushrooms with spring onions whole spicy okra 245
molgai podi 74 (scallions) 268 oma bedoi saonai 472, 533
mologootal 579 pea and mushroom curry 271 oma eoni 532
moog aur palak ki dal 547, 563 stuffed morels 269 ondhiya 328
mooli ka raita 85, 195 stuffed mushrooms 270 onion bhajiya 98
mooli raita 85,195 musk melon drink 725 . onions
moong bean dal 576 mustard chutney 72 boiled onion paste 57
moong bean dessert 701 mutanjan pulao 659 fried onion paste 57
moong dal 575 muthapappu 331 fried spicy onion snacks 161
moong dal 575 muttakos thoran 261 onion bhaji 98
moong dal aur palak 580 muttakose kilangu 260 onion chutney 63
moong dal chutney 73 mutton barra kebab 182 onion fritters 99, 114
moong dal khichari 666 mutton coconut fry 442, 608 onion pakoras 99
moong dal khilwan 576 mutton kolhapuri 431, 454 onion pickle 81
moong dal ki chutney 73 mutton qorma 450 spicy onions in sauce 335, 389
moong dal paratha 613 Mysore bonda 161 overnight meat pot 439
moong dal with spinach 580 Mysore masala dosa 145 oysters in green masala 179
moong dal with vegetables 579 mysore pak 705
moongphali ki chutney 72
moongphali masala 53
mor kozhambu 322
morels with yoghurt 271 N paanch phoren 55
morning delight 433 paitham parappu idli 137
moru kalli 167 nadru ke kebab 111
nadru yakhani 338, 391 pakoras 97
moti kebab 188 palak 263
moti pulao 658 Naga-style pork stew 532
nahari 433 palak paneer 312, 560
moticoor laddu 703 palak paratha 195, 613
mugatli machhi 378 nalli aur paye 491
namak ke baigan 254 palakkayalu 154
Mughlia chicken in rich sauce 503 palang ka kapha 265
muj gaad 361 namkin lassi 719
narangi keema 485 palpayasam 672
mujh 340 pancakes
munakkaigguru 341 nargisi kofte 481
nargisi seekh kebab 96 buckwheat flour pancakes 627
mundhiri parappu pakora 104 coconut and rice pancakes 689
, mung bean sprout raita 86 nariyal ke laddu 709
nariyal ki chutney 38, 67, 115 coconut-filled pancakes 690
mung dal ka halwa 701


crisp wafer-thin pancakes 144 pappu charu 587 shredded chicken with (bell) peppers
green lentil pancakes 146 pappu charu 688, 723 119, 221
lacy rice pancakes from Palakkad pappu dosakal 296 stuffed (bell) peppers 306, 470
147 pappuchakkalu 156 peppery cauliflower curry 257
quick semolina and gram (chickpea) papri 152 peppery lamb curry 457
pancakes 148 parappu podi 55 peppery paneer skewers 94
rice and fenugreek leaf pancakes paratha 596, 609 pesarattu 141
146 paratha 596, 609 pesarcharu 570
rice and lentil pancakes 142 paratha cooked on the griddle 610 pesaru punukulu 101
rice and lentil pancakes from paratha from Malabar 614 phalon ki chaat 169
Malabar 147 pasanda phirni 704
rice pancakes from Mysore 145 mashed pasanda 458 phool gobi 258
rice pancakes with coconut milk 627 stuffed pasanda 455 phulka 622
sago pancakes with chopped greens pasanda with almonds 453 pickles
144 parippu payasam 706 egg pickle 84
savoury eggless pancakes 148 parval ki mithai 708 ginger pickle 39, 84
savoury rice pancakes 141 pasanda kebab 187,208 jackfruft pickle 79
semolina pancakes 122,142 pasande ki seekh 184 lamb pickle 85
spicy lentil pancakes 141 pata bhaja 103, 117, 263 lime pickle 78
spicy stuffed pancakes 143 patisapta 690 mango pickle with jaggery 77
sweet pancakes filled with dried fruit patrani machli 365, 394 mild raw mango pickle 77
690 patthar kebab 189 mixed vegetable pickle 82
syrup-soaked pancakes 676, 689 paturi maachh 354 onion pickle 81
thick pancakes 140 pavakka theeyal 293 papaya pickle 79
vegetable pancakes 143 payatham parappu dosa 146 potato and pea pickle 82
vegetarian pancakes 140 payatham pezhukku 576 raw mango pickle from Telangana
paneer 59, 203 paye ki yakhni 448 47, 76,117
cold paneer in pickling spices 198, payesh 693 red tamarind pickle 83
311 peanut chutney 72 sorrel leaf pickle 83
garlic-flavoured paneer 162 pearl fish pan grilled in banana leaf 359, star gooseberry pickle 80
green paneer skewers 94 396 sweet jackfruit pickle 80
grilled (broiled) paneer in pickling pearl millet and milk pudding 695 sweet lime pickle 78
spices 95 pearl pulao 658 tomato pickle 81
grilled stuffed paneer 163 peas pigeon pea dal 542
Indian cheese rice 644 elephant’s foot yam with green peas pigeon peas in rice konji 542
Kashmiri paneer 314 303 Pindi chana 469, 568
mushroom, (bell) pepper and paneer fried green peas 283, 304 pineapple raita 48, 86
curry 268 green pea curry 305 pineapple sherbet 722
paneer and pea curry 315 green pea raita 85 pinni 702
paneer and (bell) peppers in tomato minced (ground) lamb with peas 474, piquant cauliflower 258, 467
sauce 313 483, 488 piquant fish fry 359, 397
paneer in creamy tomato sauce 311 moong dal with peas 577 piquant potatoes in spicy yoghurt 159
paneer in pickling spices 313 paneer and pea curry 315 pisa kaju 35, 58
paneer in tamarind coconut curry pea and mushroom curry 271 pisa nariyal 35, 57
315 pea pulao 638 pisi adrak 35, 57
paneer in thick tomato sauce 314, peas and carrots 339, 392 pisi khas khas 58
387 peas in the pod 284, 304 pisi lehsun 57
paneer scramble 312 peas with thickened milk 305 pista kulft 677, 691
paneer with spinach 312, 560 potato and pea patties 108-9, 119 pistachio-flavoured ice cream 677, 691
peppery paneer skewers 94 potato and pea pickle 82 plain boiled rice 631
Rajasthani curried paneer 309 potatoes and peas in sauce 232 plain rice 631
shallow-fried spicy peas and paneer potatoes with peas 236 plain stuffed bread 618
stuffed bread 612 shallow-fried spicy peas and paneer plain utthapam 148
stir-fried paneer 162 stuffed bread 612 plain yoghurt rice 635
stuffed paneer dumplings 310 pepper chicken 216 plantain flower patties 129
stuffed paneer in a spicy tomato pepper chicken from Chettinad podi chapa 369
sauce 308 476, 513 podi mamsam 447
paneer di bhurji 312 pepper chicken in thick sauce 507 podi sambhar 122, 565
paneer Jaipuri 309 pepper chutney 71 poha pulao 106, 118
paneer jhaal frazie 162 pepper prawns (shrimp) 383 pomegranate-flavoured chicken 219
paneer ke chawal 644 pepper rice 634 pomfret (butterfish)
paneer makhani 311 pepper water with green chickpeas 570 black pomfret 175
paneer pasanda 308 pepper-flavoured porridge 151 pomfret (butterfish) with green
paneer tikka kali mirch 94 peppers (bell peppers) masala chutney and bananas 377
pant poor! 155 (bell) pepper chutney 71 spicy stuffed pomfret (butterfish) 357
panther jhol 430 (bell) pepper and peanut curry 307 pomfret pulao 649
pao bhaji 727,139,165 green (bell) pepper curry 307 pongal 151
papad methi ki subzi 350 mushroom, (bell) pepper and paneer poongobi pakora 103
papaya pickle 79 curry 268 poor/ 592, 593
paper dosa 144 savoury potatoes and (bell) peppers poori filled with black lentils 158
papite ka achar 79 232, 475 poori stuffed with urad dal 592, 594


poppy seed paste 58 potatoes with yoghurt 228 puffed biscuits (cookies) with tangy
poriyal podi 50 rich and spicy potatoes 229 water 155
poriyal powder 50 savoury potatoes and (bell) peppers puffed bread 622
pork 232, 475 puli bongarulu 167
barbecued pork 472, 533 sour potatoes 233, 279 pulinkari 350
fried pork 532 South Indian spinach and potatoes puliyadorai masala 54
Goan pork curry 480, 530 236 pumpkin
Naga-style pork stew 532 spiced potatoes and bananas in dry spicy pumpkin 289, 276
pork curry 537 yoghurt 233 pumpkin curry 289
pork in dark sauce 531 spicy lentil dumplings with potatoes skewered pumpkin 93
pork ribs 536 230 stir-fried peelings and scraps 325
pork skin with millet 531 spicy potatoes 235 sweet and sour pumpkin 290
pork stew 537 stir-fried peelings and scraps 325 pungent chilli powder 56
pork stew with bamboo shoots 532 stuffed potatoes 120,159, 237 Punjabi lamb curry 434
pork stew with ginger 532 potoler dolma 300 puragayalu pulussu 331
pork with bamboo shoots 536 pot-roasted lamb 435 puran poli 702
pork with black sesame seeds 535 pounded meatballs in light cardamom pureed spinach 265
pork with dried bamboo shoots 536 sauce 390, 436 puttu 631
pork with fermented bamboo shoots pounded meatballs in piquant sauce pyaz ka achar 81
534 437 pyaz ki chutney 63
pork with fermented soya beans 535 paratha 595, 609
pork with fermented soya beans and paratha cooked on the griddle 610
tomatoes 536 prawns
pork with mustard leaves (I) 533 coconut and prawn (shrimp) pulao Q
pork with mustard leaves (II) 533 604, 650
pork with sorrel leaves 534 curried prawns (shrimp) 404 qabooli 641
spicy pork and liver curry 530 curried prawns (shrimp) with onions qorma asafjahi 421
Portuguese-style fried prawns (shrimp) 401 qorma dipasand 451
408 Goan prawn (shrimp) curry 382 qorma pulao 656
poshto maachh 353 golden fried prawns (shrimp) 409 quail
potatoes grilled (broiled) ginger prawns crispy quail 529
asafoetida and cumin-flavoured (shrimp) 177 quails stuffed with savoury minced
potatoes 227 home-style prawn (shrimp) curry 402 (ground) chicken 479, 527
braised potatoes 239 king prawns (jumbo shrimp) with stuffed quails in spicy sauce 528
cauliflower with potatoes 329 baby (pearl) onions 177 quick semolina and gram (chickpea)
chutney-coated potatoes 240 pepper prawns (shrimp) 383 pancakes 148
curried potatoes with tomato 241 Portuguese-style fried prawns quorma dum pukht 414
curried spice potatoes 237 (shrimp) 408
deep-fried potato dumplings 135 prawn (shrimp) balchao 41, 408
layered rice and potatoes 643
lentil dumpling with coriander and
prawn (shrimp) curry 403
prawn (shrimp) cutlets 383, 554, 555
potatoes 336 prawn (shrimp) Malai curry 381
raan patialashai 211
‘marbled’ potatoes in sauce 231 prawns (shrimp) and sole in fennel
rabri 678, 694
mashed potato and tomato 231 sauce 384
radishes in thick yoghurt sauce 340
milk and potato dessert 709 prawns (shrimp) cooked in yoghurt
ragi halwa 709
piquant potatoes in spicy yoghurt 382
159 prawns (shrimp) in coconut sauce
bottle gourd (calabash) raita 86
potato and chickpea (garbanzo 405
colocasia (taro root) raita 87
bean) snack 158, 196 prawns (shrimp) in green chutney
green pea raita 85
potato and pea patties 108-9, 119 178
mooli raita 85, 195
potato and pea pickle 82 prawns (shrimp) with okra in coconut
mung bean sprout raita 86
potato and yoghurt curry 230 milk 404
pineapple raita 48, 86
potato curry 228, 393 prawns (shrimp) with raw green
potato, yoghurt and chickpea
potato curry with coconut 238 bananas 407
(garbanzo bean) raita 87
potato kebabs 109 prawns (shrimp) with stewed
spicy cabbage and peanut raita 86
potato patties 108 vegetables 407
raj kachori 136
potato with minced (ground) lamb prawns (shrimp) with stuffed
Rajasthani arabi 243
214 steamed (bell) peppers 406
Rajasthani boti kebab 182,194
potato, yoghurt and chickpea prawns (shrimp) with tomato 402
Rajasthani curried paneer 309
(garbanzo bean) raita 87 spicy prawn (shrimp) curry 401
Rajasthani fenugreek 350
potatoes and peas in sauce 232 spinach with dried prawns (shrimp)
Rajasthani karhi 570
potatoes in sauce 239 403
Rajasthani lamb in rich white sauce
potatoes in yoghurt sauce 234 stir-fried prawns (shrimp) 176
potatoes tempered with cumin 235, sweet and sour prawns (shrimp)
Rajasthani sweet and sour lamb 426
273 405
Rajasthani vegetarian skewers 92-3
potatoes with aubergine (eggplant) preserved Indian plums 68
rajbhog 713
229 pressed rice with vegetables 106, 118
rajma 193, 586
potatoes with fenugreek 234 Prince-like chicken curry 506
ranith gaad 358
potatoes with fenugreek leaves 241 Prince-like curry 418
rarha meat 435
potatoes with peas 236 pudina rasam 566 rasakalan 291
potatoes with poppy seed paste 227 pudine ki chutney 66


rasam hilsa pulao 647 coconut rice pudding 679, 696
aubergine (eggplant) rasam 564 Imperial biryani 656 deep-fried rice flour balls 707
carrot water 727 Indian cheese rice 644 milk and rice dessert 704
cumin seed rasam 561 jackfruit pulao 635 regal milk and rice dessert 696
fenugreek seed rasam 561 Kashmiri pulao 636 rice cakes steamed in banana leaves
lime-flavoured pepper water 575 khichari with moong dal 666 707
mint rasam 560, 566 lacy rice pancakes from Palakkad rice cooked in sugarcane juice 715
pepper water with green chickpeas 147 rice pudding 694
570 lamb biryani from Lucknow 655 sweet rice and milk 693
rasam from Mangalore 567 lamb stock pulao 660 sweet yellow rice 697
spice mixture for pepper water 53 layered rice and potatoes 643 rich and spicy potatoes 229
spicy pepper water 574 lemon rice 646 rich gram (chickpea) flour confection
spicy tamarind pepper water 587 liver pulao 657 705
tomato pepper water 556, 585 pea pulao 638 rich kulcha 624
rasam podi 53 pearl pulao 658 rich sweet bread 626, 677
rasedar baigan 256 pepper rice 634 rich wheatgerm dessert 697
rasgulla ki subzi 336 pepper-flavoured porridge 151 rista 437
rasse misse rajma 586 plain boiled rice 631 roast fish 354
rava bonda 132 plain rice 631 roast fish with mint 171, 472
rava dosa 122,142 plain yoghurt rice 635 roast lamb 443
rava idli 149 pomfret pulao 649 roast mutton 443
rava laddu 672 pressed rice with vegetables 106, roasted lamb 423
rava pongal 151 118 roasted lamb kebabs 182
rava sevai idli 137 rice and dried fruit kedgeree 641 roasted mashed aubergine (eggplant)
raw green mango chutney 75 rice and fenugreek leaf pancakes 251,398
raw jackfruit curry 265 146 roasted minced (ground) lamb 483
raw mango curry 587, 607 rice and lentil pancakes 142 roasted split moong dal with galangal
raw mango pickle from Telangana 47, rice and lentil pancakes from 577
76, 117 Malabar 147 rogani kulcha 624
raw tamarind chutney 66, 207 rice cooked with chana dal 667 roghanjosh 438
rawa payasam 695 rice flour dumplings in sweet milk roomaii roti 478, 616
Rechiado prawns 408 672 rose cordial sherbet 722
red amaranth leaves 264 rice flour and cashew nut biscuits rosogolla 701
red or black dal 573 (crackers) 156 rosogolla 701
red tamarind pickle 83 rice flour and lentil snacks 167 rotuai 342
red-hot lamb 444 rice pancakes from Mysore 145 roya vepaddu 409
regal milk and rice dessert 696 rice pancakes with coconut milk 627 Royal Patiala leg of lamb 211
reshmai gosht 447 rice roti from Karnataka 618 ‘Royal Salute’ dal 584
rezhala 429 rice with aubergine (eggplant) 644 royya alu pulussu 403
ribbed gourd with chana dal 207, 296 rice with lentils 548, 666 rustic hunter’s lamb 425,469
rice rice with moong dal 608, 665
Andhra chicken pulao 663 rice with urad dal, chickpeas
aromatic slow-cooked biryani 654 (garbanzo beans) or peas 667
Bengali lamb biryani 661 saffron rice 633 S
Bengali pulao 636 saffron-flavoured meat cooked with
biryani (I) 606, 651 rice 653 saadam 631
biryani (II) 652 savoury coconut rice 632 saanth-bajrae ka soweta 531
Bohri Muslim pulao 664 savoury fried rice flour biscuits 156 saboodana khichari 168
buttered rice 631 savoury minced (ground) meat pulao saboodana utthapam 144
chicken biryani from Lucknow 662 657 saboodanavada110
chicken pulao 665 savoury rice pancakes 141 saboodana ki khichari 645
chicken pulao with mustard leaves savoury rice snack 164 sabut achari baigan 253
664 semolina and rice patties 129 sabut bhindi 245
chickpea (garbanzo bean) pulao 637 spice mixture for tamarind rice 54 safed maas 424
coconut rice 632 spicy mango-flavoured rice 641 safed saalan 445
creamy spiced rice with almonds 645 spicy steamed rice dumplings 138 saffron and cardamom sherbet 724
crispy deep-fried savoury rings 98 spicy stuffed pancakes 143 saffron chicken 498
curried lamb pulao 656 steamed rice and coconut snacks saffron rice 633
dry khichari 285, 602, 638 168 saffron, coconut and cashew biscuits
egg and rice biryani 634 steamed rice balls 139 (cookies) 687, 714
fenugreek rice 634 steamed rice with coconut 631 saffron-flavoured lamb 458, 473
fish biryani 603, 646 sweet lamb pulao 659 saffron-flavoured meat cooked with rice
fish korma pulao 648 sweet rice 640 653
fish quorma pulao 648 sweet rice with cashew nuts and saffron-tinged semolina (farina) 705
fried rice and black lentil dumplings spices 640 sago
134 tamarind rice 642 sago flavoured with coconut and
fried rice dumplings from Chettinad thick pancakes 140 coriander (cilantro) 168, 645
133 tomato rice 642 sago pancakes with chopped greens
fried savoury rice 633 white chicken pulao 661 144
gram (chickpea) flour dumpling rice rice desserts sago patties 110
639 coconut and rice pancakes 689 sakin gata 707


salt and pepper fish 174 sesame seed and coconut balls 118, sour Kashmiri aubergines (eggplant) 252
salty cream tea 727 155 sour potatoes 233, 279
salty yoghurt shake 719 sesame seed chutney 71 sour vegetable curry 350
sambhar 543 sweet sesame balls 699 South Indian fish curry 367
sambhar masala (I) 32, 34 shabdeg 439 South Indian spinach and potatoes 236
sambhar masala (II) 32 shahalyat kalve 179 Southern green chutney 74
sambhar with fresh ground spices 122, Shahi biryani 656 the Sovereign’s Favourite 421
565 Shahi qorma 418, 504 spice mixtures
samosas 115,131 Shahi tukra 698 aromatic garam masala 31
samudri seekh 172 shai dum ki machhali 370 Bhruchi curry powder 54
sandal kebab 185 shalgam gosht 459 chaat masala 31
sandali murg 523 shalgam ki subzi 321 Chettinad sambhar powder 49
sarangyacha pulao 649 shallow-fried bread with egg 611 coriander leaf power 56
sarson da saag 262 shallow-fried bread with sweet filling curry leaf powder 56
sarson ki chutney 72 702 dhansak masala 54
sarvari 667 shallow-fried fenugreek and millet bread dosai chilli powder 50
sasranga 417 622 five spice mixture 55
savoury baked minced (ground) lamb shallow-fried spicy peas and paneer garam masala (I) 31,33
213 stuffed bread 612 garam masala (II) 31
savoury bananas 346 shallow-fried spicy potato-stuffed bread Kashmiri garam masala 56
savoury chicken with tomatoes 520 44, 611 kootu powder 49
savoury coconut rice 632 shami kebab 187 lentil powder 51
savoury deep-fried snack 134 sheep’s brains with coconut milk 493 lentil spice powder 55
savoury eggless pancakes 148 sheer birinj 696 poriyal powder 50
savoury fried carrots 320,385 sheer birinj 696 pungent chilli powder 56
savoury fried rice flour biscuits sheer chai 727 sambhar masala (I) 32, 34
(crackers) 156 sheermal 624 sambhar masala (II) 32
savoury green bananas 40, 346 shellfish in onion masala 410 spice mixture for dum dishes 51
savoury green mango, lamb and onions sherbet-e-gulab 722 spice mixture for pepper water 53
482 shevandi kada 177 spice mixture for tamarind rice 54
savoury minced (ground) meat pulao shikanji 724 spicy ground flavouring 52
657 shola e dil 479, 527 spicy lentil powder 52
savoury okra 247 shorba marag 457 spicy peanut masala 53
savoury pastry crescents 153, 677 shredded chicken with (bell) peppers tandoori chaat masala 51
savoury potatoes and (bell) peppers 119, 221 traditional valsad masala (dry) 55
232, 475 shrikhand 674, 693 traditional valsad masala (green) 55
savoury rice pancakes 141 shrimp see prawns spiced lamb 432
savoury rice snack 164 shufta 474, 488 spiced lamb baked with yoghurt and
savoury scrambled eggs 212 shukto papaya 446
savoury semolina with vegetables 126, shyaem 484 spiced potatoes and bananas in yoghurt
164 shyama 585 233
savoury split black lentil dal 583 sika murg 519 spiced spinach 263
savoury steamed vermicelli dumplings sikampoor kebab (I) 124,188 spicy baked bottle gourd (calabash)
137 sikampoor kebab (II) 189 297, 397
scarlet rich lamb curry 438 Simla mirch ki chutney 71 spicy baked jackfruit 267
seafood skewers 172 sindhi karhi spicy baked lotus roots 339
seb ka ras 723 singhara 132 spicy cabbage and peanut raita 86
seb ki chutney 76 singhare ka salan 460 spicy cauliflower and yam 259
sedan-chair kebab 180 sirkewala achar 82 spicy chicken drumsticks 505
seekh gilafi 186 sitaphal ki subzi 289 spicy chicken legs 514
sembharachi kodi 382 skewered pumpkin 93 spicy chicken supremes 222
semolina skewered spicy lamb fillet 181 spicy colocasia (taro root) 242
fried semolina dumplings 132 slow-cooked aromatic fish 355 spicy fish curry with tamarind 368
quick semolina and gram (chickpea) slow-cooked aromatic leg of lamb 416, spicy fish with vegetables 274, 352
pancakes 148 468 spicy fried fish 373
saffron-tinged semolina (farina) 705 slow-cooked colocasia (taro root) 242 spicy fried fish roe 173
savoury semolina with vegetables slow-cooked okra in yoghurt sauce 244 spicy fried lamb from Telangana 447
126,164 slow-cooked stuffed bitter gourds 292 spicy fried offal (variety meats) 493
semolina and green lentil savoury smoked lamb cooked with yoghurt 452 spicy fried okra 248
151 snake gourd curry 303 spicy green banana balls in sauce 342
semolina and milk pudding 695 Sofiyani pulao 664 spicy grilled (broiled) chicken pieces
semolina and rice patties 129 sol karhi 321,395 197,217
semolina halwa 710 sookhe masala ki machhali 373 spicy ground flavouring 52
semolina pancakes 122,142 sookhe masale ka murg 524, 556 spicy kid soup 457
semolina paratha 614 sookhi mangori 579 spicy lamb tikka on skewers 182,194
semolina snack 150 sorpatel 530 spicy lentil dumplings with potatoes 230
steamed semolina cakes 149 sorrel leaf pickle 83 spicy lentil pancakes 141
steamed spongy cakes 149 sorrel-flavoured chicken 511 spicy lentil powder 52
sweetened semolina and coconut sour chicken 507 spicy liver 492
sour chickpeas (garbanzo beans) 569 spicy mango-flavoured rice 641
balls 672
sesame seeds sour fish 379 spicy milkshake 719


spicy onions in sauce 335, 389 stuffed chicken 515 tabathyu 532
spicy peanut masala 53 stuffed fish 356, 400 tadka dal 543
spicy pepper water 574 stuffed green chillies 288, 319 taftan 625
spicy pigeon pea curry from Mangalore stuffed grilled (broiled) cauliflower 124, tala gosht 418
541 160 tala pisa pyaz 57
spicy pork and liver curry 530 stuffed lamb kebabs 124,188 fa/e/a bangda 171
spicy potatoes 235 stuffed marrow 301 taleli gaboli 173
spicy prawn (shrimp) curry 401 stuffed morels 269 taleli masala boomla 371
spicy roast lamb 422 stuffed mushrooms 270 tali mangori 117,578
spicy sardines 366 stuffed okra 245 tali sem ki phali 326, 388
spicy Southern okra 246 stuffed paneer dumplings 310 tamarind
spicy steamed rice dumplings 138 stuffed paneer in a spicy tomato sauce Andhra tamarind curry 324
spicy stuffed pancakes 143 308 raw tamarind chutney 66, 207
spicy stuffed pomfret (butterfish) 357 stuffed potatoes 120, 159, 237 red tamarind pickle 83
spicy sweet and sour aubergines stuffed quails in spicy sauce 528 tamarind and coriander (cilantro)
(eggplant) 250 stuffed round gourd 282, 302, 594 chutney 65
spicy sweet potatoes 238 stuffed spicy aubergines (eggplant) from tamarind and ginger chutney 65
spicy tamarind pepper water 587 Maharashtra 249 tamarind extract 58
spicy tomatoes and radishes 315 stuffed tomatoes 318 tamarind rice 642
spicy vegetables with buttered bread stuffed wax gourd 281, 299 tamarind rice, spice mixture 54
165 subz ke kakori 92 tamarind soda water (club soda)
spicy wax gourd in yoghurt sauce 300 subz ke shami 107 725
spicy whitebait 175 subz khara masala 349 tamatar bhatkalikura 286, 316, 468
spicy yoghurt shake 719 subz seekh 91 tamatar chaaman 314, 387
spinach subzi panchmel 333 tamatar ka achar 81
batter-fried spinach 103, 117 succulent spicy lamb 188 tamatar ka kut 287, 317
batter-fried spinach leaves 263 sugar syrup 59 tamatar mooli 316
curried spinach 320 sugared marsh melon seeds 169 tamatar pachadi 319
dal with spinach 563 suji halwa 710 tamatar pulihora 642
moong dal with spinach 580 suji paratha 614 tamatar pyaz ki subzi 317
paneer with spinach 312, 560 sukhi urad ki dal 399, 583 tamatar rasam 556, 585
pureed spinach 265 sweet and sour fish 172 tamatarwale jhinge 402
South Indian spinach and potatoes sweet and sour minty aubergine tamba di bhaji 264
236 (eggplant) 255 Tamil Nadu dal with drumsticks 543
spiced spinach 263 sweet and sour prawns (shrimp) 405 Tamil Nadu piquant soup 563
spinach mash 564 sweet and sour pumpkin 290 tandoori achari khumb 97, 113
spinach paratha 195, 613 sweet and sour yoghurt soup 572 tandoori bharwan paneer 163
spinach with dried prawns (shrimp) sweet and tangy yellow dal 549, 562 tandoori bharwan tamatar 161
403 sweet basil seeds sherbet 722 tandoori chaat masala 51
yam leaf wraps with spicy lentil paste sweet coarse grain dessert 709 tandoori chicken in spicy tomato sauce
filling 264 sweet coconut balls 709 518
spiral paratha 612 sweet globes 703 tandoori murg 218
split red dal 545, 573 sweet green mango chutney 75 tandoori roti 617
star gooseberry pickle 80 sweet jackfruit pickle 80 tangy chutney of hemp seeds and mint
steamed chicken patties 222 sweet lamb pulao 659 76
steamed green lentil dumplings 137 sweet lime pickle 78 tangy curried tomatoes 287, 317
steamed lentil sponge cake 150 sweet mango drink 686, 724 tangy deep-fried bitter gourds 295
steamed rice and coconut snacks 168 Sweet Morsel for the Prince 698 tangy fresh fruit 169
steamed rice balls 139 sweet nutty pastry 713 tangy mashed ‘Southern’ aubergines
steamed rice with coconut 631. sweet paratha 615 (eggplant) 255
steamed semolina cakes 149 sweet pretzels 703 tangy tamarind and pepper apertif 688,
steamed slices of lamb 211 sweet rice 640 723
steamed spongy cakes 149 sweet rice and milk 693 tangy tomatoes in yoghurt 319
Sterling chicken 500 sweet rice with cashew nuts and spices tapala chakku athis 142
stewed apricots with clotted cream 671, 640 taro root see colocasia
673 sweet sesame balls 699 tash kebab 211
stir-fried broad (fava) beans 347 sweet stuffed kachori 700 tatti gosht 191
stir-fried cabbage and carrots 260 sweet yellow rice 697 fawe de tikke 210
stir-fried chicken 523 sweet yoghurt 693 teekha murg tikka 197, 217
stir-fried duck 529 sweet yoghurt shake 545, 683, 719 tempered yellow dal 543
stir-fried okra with sesame seeds from sweetened semolina and coconut balls tengaipal pitha kotu 332
Andhra 248 672 thair saadam 635
stir-fried paneer 162 syrup-soaked pancakes 676, 689 thali peeth 276, 598-9, 600-1, 621
stir-fried peelings and scraps 325 syrup-soaked pretzels 708 thanda achari paneer 198, 311
stir-fried prawns (shrimp) 176 thanda qorma 516
stir-fried spicy fish 381 thandai 684, 721
stuffed aubergines (eggplant) from
Andhra 254, 275 T thandai 684, 721
thandi chai 726
stuffed (bell) peppers 306, 470 thatte vada 156
stuffed bitter gourds in mustard sauce taarqorma 414 the rassam 563
294 tabakmaaz 192, 206 thenga chertha ulli sambhar 544


thengaai saadam 631
thengakkai kori 517 V Y
thevo chu 536
thick and spicy lamb curry 437 vaarzhaikkai 105 yakhni 460
thick pancakes 140 valsadi hara masala 55 yakhni pulao 660
thick yellow toor dal 565 valsadi masala 55 yam
thickened milk 678, 694 vandakkai masala pachadi 246 elephant’s foot yam and plantain
thokan 500 vangi bhaath 644 curry with fried coconut 334
thor muri ghonto 344 vatticha mathi kari 366 elephant’s foot yam with green peas
thotikura tetakaya 403 vazhai thandu kari 341 303
thyme-flavoured fish 170 vazhaiappazham chips 169 spicy cauliflower and yam 259
tlkaht modaka 175 vazhaiappoo vada 129 yam in yoghurt sauce 343
tikha maslyatil tali macchi 359,397 veerakkaikura 207, 296 yam leaf wraps with spicy lentil paste
til ki chutney 71 vegetable and egg skewers 96 filling 264
tilgul 699 vegetable curry with crisp gram year chapa 371
to khan 525 (chickpea) flour balls 571 ye! adai 689
tomatoes vegetable pancakes 143 yellow dal with vegetables 575
curried potatoes with tomato 241 vegetable stew 349, 554 yoghurt 674
curried tomatoes and onions 317 vegetable-coated skewers 186 biscuits (crackers) in spicy yoghurt
grilled stuffed tomatoes 161 vegetable-filled pastries 119,130 154
mashed potato and tomato 231 vegetarian pancakes 140 creamy, chilled yoghurt 674, 693
paneer in thick tomato sauce 314, vegetarian patties 107 plain yoghurt rice 635
387 vegetarian seekh kebabs 91 salty yoghurt shake 719
savoury chicken with tomatoes vegetarian skewers 92 spicy yoghurt shake 719
520 veinchana royyaalu 404 sweet and sour yoghurt soup 572
spicy tomatoes and radishes 315 vendakkai igguru 248 sweet yoghurt 693
stuffed tomatoes 318 vendakkai nouvala pod 248 sweet yoghurt shake 545, 683, 719
tangy curried tomatoes 287, 317 vendakkai pulussu 247 yoghurt and gram (chickpea) flour
tangy tomatoes in yoghurt 319 vendaya keerai adai 146 curry 571
tomato and cheese naan 591 vendaya rasam 561 yoghurt curry with ash gourd from
tomato chutney 45, 70, 120 vengayya 99,114 Palakkad 291
tomato coconut chutney 67 vengayya pakora 99 yoghurt and rice flour savoury 167
tomato curry with coconut and venkayya thuvaiyal 255 yoghurt chutney 41, 69
spinach 286, 316, 468 venu pongal 608, 665 yoghurt patties 111
tomato pepper water 556, 585 vermicelli with minced (ground) lamb see also raitas
tomato pickle 81 215
tomato rice 642 verum arisi adai 147
tonk 45, 70, 120
topa kooler achair 68
vindaloo 480, 530
voksa 536 Z
torai 303
zafrani pulao 633
torai jeerewali 299
zarda 697
traditional valsad masala (dry) 55
traditional valsad masala (green) 55
W zarda pulao 640
zimikand-matar 303
trami kokur 498
wak al galda 534
trami kokur safed 499
wak me-a-mesang pura 534
traphe dandan 627
wak pura 533
tsuk wangun 252
wak serjak 537
tulasi sherbet 722
warqi paratha 609
tungrumdai 535
wax gourd
cumin-tempered gourd 299
black cumin-flavoured turnips
spicy wax gourd in yoghurt sauce
curried turnips 321
stuffed wax gourd 281, 299
lamb with turnips 459
wax gourd curry 300
wax gourd sweets 708
wheatgerm halwa 711
U white chicken 522
white chicken curry 523
ubala pisa pyaz 57 white chicken pulao 661
ulte tawe ka paratha 610 whole aubergines (eggplant) in pickling
‘uncooked’ meat patties 185 spices 253
undrally 139 whole moong beans and vegetable
upama 150 casserole 326
uppu vada 118,155 whole roasted leg of lamb 464
uralaikizhan sagu 238 whole spicy okra 245
uralikizhan moru kozhambu 230 whole stuffed and baked chicken 504
utthapam 143 whole stuffed bottle gourd (calabash)
whole stuffed fish 355
wookhan 537


Pushpesh Pant was born in 1946 in Nainital, Recipe Notes
northern India, and is a professor at the Jawaharlal Unless otherwise stated, eggs and individual vegetables and
fruits, such as onions and apples, are assumed to be medium.
Nehru University in New Delhi. A regular recipe
columnist and author of many cookbooks in India,
Cooking times are for guidance only, as individual
he has spent two decades collecting authentic ovens vary. If using a fan oven, follow the manufacturer’s
family recipes from all over the country, which instructions concerning oven temperatures.
have been carefully edited, tested and collated to
produce a remarkable collection documenting the Some recipes include raw or very lightly cooked eggs or meat.
rich diversity of Indian cuisine. These should be avoided particularly by the elderly, infants,
pregnant women, convalescents and anyone with an impaired
immune system.

Both metric and imperial measures are used in this book.

Follow one set of measurements throughout, not a mixture, as
Author’s acknowledgements
they are not interchangeable.

I would like to dedicate the book to the fond All spoon and cup measurements are level, unless
memory of my mother, Jayanti Pande, whose otherwise stated. 1 teaspoon = 5ml; 1 tablespoon = 15 ml.
brilliance as a scholar was matched by amazing
Australian standard tablespoons are 20ml, so Australian
creativity in the kitchen.
readers are advised to use 3 teaspoons in place of
1 tablespoon when measuring small quantities.
I am indebted to many people who have assisted
me in various ways while 1 was working on this
book. I would like to thank first of all my son Phaidon Press Limited
Indrajit who shares my passion for Indian food and Regent’s Wharf
has been a research associate and invaluable aid All Saints Street
London N1 9PA
in the trial kitchen.
Phaidon Press Inc.
Gifted chefs Muhammad Farouk and Miraj ul 180 Varick Street
Haq of Lucknow, Javed Akbar the gourmet from New York, NY 10014
Hyderabad, Qamar Agha and the late Pt Arun
Kaul and Rashmi Dar have been generous with www.phaidon.com
recipes and insights about Awadhi, Hyderabadi
First published 2010
and Kashmiri cuisines. © 2010 Phaidon Press Limited
ISBN 978 0 7148 5902 6
HK Dua's invitation to write a food column for
his newspaper Tribune provided much needed A CIP catalogue record for this bock is available from
encouragement, and readers' feedback, often the British Library.
critical, helped me fine-tune the recipes.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any
Rai An and Krishna of Varanasi opened my eyes form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
to the lost riches of vegetarian food. Mahavir recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
and Govind have rendered invaluable assistance in Phaidon Press Limited.
tidying up an unwieldy mass of information
and shaping the manuscript. Designed by Frost Design
Recipe photographs by Andy Sewell
Food preparation and styling by Nikita Gulhane with
I would also like to thank Promod Kapoor of Sarojini Gulhane
Roli Books for inspiration and support, and Other photographs by Shubhangi Athalye 538-539; Ian Cowe
for introducing me to the wonderful editorial team 668-669; Jan Enkelmann 60-61; Indrajit 6-7; Meena Kadri
at Phaidon Press who have transformed my ugly front endpaper, 4-5, 28-29, 88-89, 224-225, 588-589, 716-
duckling into a beautiful swan! 717, 728-729, 774-775, 798-799; Max Lieberman 794-795;
Pau Sarradell back endpaper; Karen Stocked 628-629.
Printed in Italy
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1 *-
ISBN: 978-0-7148-5902-6

is the definitive collection
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India. From dais to curries
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it contains over 1,000
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celebrating the vibrant
tastes and textures of this rich
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