Pacleta-Dll-Cot1 Sped

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Grade 7

School Marikina Science High School Grade Level

LOG Teacher Joshua Caleb P. Pacleta Learning Area
April 21, 2022 | 8:00am – Fourth Quarter
Teaching Dates & Time Quarter
A. Content Standards Identify the different types of layout techniques and the elements of design
B. Performance Standards
Apply the principles of layouting for a newsletter front page
C. Learning Competencies/
Produce a front-page layout and design of a newsletter
Objectives with Code
II. CONTENT Layout and Page Design
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources
The teacher will first cite the classroom norms: N-ever settle for mediocrity; E-
ngage in discussion; W-ork with integrity and; S-eek for answers (9:00-9:02)

He will also do a check-in with the students. They will pick a thing that describes
what they feel right now and show it in front of the camera. A few students will be
A. Reviewing previous lesson
asked to share why they picked that up. They will be given 30 seconds. (9:02-
or presenting the new lesson

The teacher will ask the students about rundown of the lessons that transpired
during the 3rd quarter. He will ask them about the correlation or significance of
these lessons to the new lesson (9:05-9:08)
The teacher will give the goals for today’s lesson. (9:08-9:10)

He will flash two spaghettis – one was poorly styled (plating), the other was done
B. Establishing a purpose for
excellently. (9:10-9:12)
the lesson
He will ask the students what they feel toward each spaghetti. He will also ask
them which spaghetti is pleasing to the eyes and that they will eat. (9:12-9:16)
The teacher will flash two versions of The Wall Street Journalism issues and will
relate the students’ comments about the new topic. (9:16-9:18)

After gathering enough answers, the teacher will now relate this to the lesson –
C. Presenting that packaging really matters in the field of journalism. No matter how good the
examples/instances of the article is, if it was poorly packaged, the reader won’t be an eye nor be interested in
new lesson reading it. (9:18-9:19)

The teacher will synthesize the students’ answers which will lead to the point that
before a newspaper gets printed, careful planning on the layout and page design
must be executed first. (9:19-9:20)
D. Discussing new concepts The teacher will now differentiate Layout vs Design. Use your common sense.
and practicing new skills #1
He will flash two types of layout and will let the students analyze them. The teacher
will ask the similarities and differences between the two layouts. Select students
will be called to orally give their answer. (9:20-9:24)

The teacher will flash two types of newspaper layout used for front pages: The
Symmetrical and Asymmetrical. He will also teach them the different patterns in
layouting: The X Format, Curve Format, The L format, J Format, and Umbrella
Format. (9:24-9:30)

CHECK-IN (9:30-9:32)

Moreover, the teacher will also discuss the two type of newspaper page design:
The Traditional and The Progressive. (9:32-9:35)

The teacher will now discuss the different elements that come into play in the field
of layout and page design. These are Typography, Illustration, and Photos. (ICT
Integration – Desktop Publishing) (9:35-9:37)

Learning Competency: Create a new publication from template; insert and

format text elements in the publication; insert and format of picture elements
in the publication; insert and format shapes elements in the publication;

CHECK-IN: (9:37-9:38)
CHECK POINT (9:38-9:40)
In conjunction, the teacher shall now discuss the elements of design which are
essential in coming up with a good newspaper layout. These are Line, Color,
Value, Shape and Form, Space, and Texture (MAPEH Integration, particularly
ARTS) Learning Competency: Appreciates the artifacts and art objects in
terms of their uses and their distinct use of art elements and principles
E. Discussing new concepts (A7PL-lh-2) (9:40-9:45)
and practicing new skills # 2
CHECK-IN: (9:45-9:47)

He will flash examples on how each element was applied in the layouting and page
Check for understanding: Using the elements of design, the student will do a layout
for a certain article that will be provided by the teacher. The students have the
freedom on how they will utilize the line, color, value, shape and form, space, and
texture in relation to the theme of the article. (9:47-9:48)

Using what they learned, they will revise their outputs in this part of the session.
They will be given 3 minutes. (9:48-9:51)
F. Developing mastery (Leads
to Formative Assessment) The teacher will call 1 or 2 students to explain their work. The teacher will critic the
select outputs. The teacher will critic. (9:51-9:55)

Link to Canva:
G. Finding practical applications Question from the Teacher: In what ways can you apply the principles and
of concepts and skills in techniques in layouting in your life as a student? Can you use these principles and
daily living techniques beyond school requirements? How? (9:55-9:57)
The students will be asked to write their key takeaways at Padlet.

Instruction: In two sentences, write your major learning or key takeaway in our
lesson. (9:57-9:59)
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions of the lesson
Link to padlet:

The teacher will then synthesize the key takeaways of the class into three salient
points. (9:59-10:00)
I. Evaluating learning (HOMEWORK)

The class will be divided into 10 groups. Using Canva, each group will be assigned
to come up with a front-page layout of a newsletter. The template will be provided
by the teacher. The members of each group are already pre-assigned. The
materials such as the photos, the three articles, masthead, and the contents for the
“What’s Inside” will also be provided to the students. These materials are found on
the Goggle folder that the teacher will give to the students.

Note: For the student with special needs, she will be given a choice to either
to work with a group or do it individually so as to be single-mindedly focused
on the task.

If she chooses to work by herself, she will be given a worksheet wherein she
will just cut out the picture and articles to be pasted on a clean sheet of
paper. Like the one shown below

J. Additional activities for
application for remediation
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Submitted by: Checked by: Submitted to:

Teacher I Department Coordinator Master Teacher I OIC, Principal

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