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Philosophical Foundations of Scientific Thought


1. Read a completed thesis or dissertation that utilized qualitative approach. Take note of

the title, name of the researcher, school/publisher and date of publication.

The completed research that I read is the dissertation of my supervisor (1) entitled:


AND STUDENTS PERFORMANCE. This was successfully defended and completed by

(2) DR. ELVIE BUHAT DELA CRUZ, Head Teacher III of Carmen National High School,

Carmen, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija. She submitted this dissertation thesis to the Graduate

School faculty of (3) Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, a reputable

state university in the province of Nueva Ecija. This dissertation has been part of the

school library of NEUST and the rest of the NEUST- Graduate School last (4) June 29,

2022. Not yet published in any international publication.

2. Identify the six (6) elements that made the paper a qualitative research or what made it

different from a quantitative research in terms of the following: (10 points each or 60 points

in total)

2.1 Statement of the Problem/ Purpose

Based on the dissertation of Dr. Elvie B. Dela Cruz the following are the statements

of the problem included in her study.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed at determining how the instructional leadership of school heads

influence the performance of teachers and students.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. How may the instructional leadership of the school heads be described in terms of:

1.1. Being a Resource Provider;

1.2. Being an Instructional Resource;

1.3. Being Communicator; and

1.4. Having a Visible Presence?

2. How may the performance of teachers be described?

3. How may the performance of the students be described?

4. What influences do the instructional leadership of the school heads exert on the

performance of teachers and students?

5. Based on the result of the study, what are the best practices of the school head to

increase the performance of the teachers and students?

Annotations: The common way that we start our Statement of the Problem in Quantitative

research is by identifying who are the respondents and how to we describe them in terms of

age, sex and other details needed in the study. They will serve as a great factor in the

conduct of our study through survey questionnaires that they need to answer. Meanwhile, in

the statement of the problem in this Qualitative research, the opening statement pertains

to the description of the title and the objectives in seeking answer to the problem itself.
2.2 Research Design

Research Design

In this study, qualitative research design was used to describe the instructional

leadership of school heads, performance of teachers, and performance of students in four

(4) Junior High Schools (JHS) in the School Division Office (SDO) Zaragoza Annex,

Division of Nueva Ecija. School leaders function as instructional providers of rich learning

for their students. They supervise as well as provide technical assistance to principals and

teachers. The head teachers are superior instructors who monitor the instruction of the

teachers. Teachers are individuals who have direct connection with students a person

whom the instructions are relied upon. Nevertheless, there may be instances when

communication and relaying of instructions will be disrupted, which will have an influence

on the students’ learning.

A qualitative research approach is used to identify and characterize a phenomenon

as it is lived and experienced by a group of people (Groenewald, 2004). This study design

enables the researchers to generate valuable insights from individuals’ experiences using

inductive, qualitative methods such as interviews, discussions, and participant observation,

and to represent them from the perspective of the research design participants. The

primary goals of qualitative research are to explore reality from people’s accounts of their

experiences and feelings, as well as to generate detailed descriptions of the event.

Qualitative research studies in educational contexts often include participants’ lived

experience, perceptions, and feelings regarding a phenomenon (Turkish Online Journal of

Qualitative Inquiry, January 2015). This method was employed in this study since the

questions in the surveys and interviews asked participants to recollect their experiences at

their institutions in order to respond how instructors’ and students’ performance were

influenced. Furthermore, the study focused on how these individuals subjectively felt about

instructional leadership in their school and how it was applied.

Annotations: Qualitative research design as presented in the dissertation of Dr. Dela Cruz

emphasized in gathering personal and first-hand experiences from the participants of the

study and vividly describe them one by one. Also, qualitative research usually provide

observation and answers from interviews that are explicitly explained and verified.

Therefore, the concepts and experiences are more important than the numerical value and

measurable data of the study. Meanwhile, quantitative research design focuses on the

variables of the study and testing of hypothesis. Statistical treatment is also a great part of

the investigation. Both are useful in the analysis of data, but varies in the collection of data.

2.3 Research Instrument

Research Instruments

The data collection approach that the researcher used was the interview. To be

exact, a semi-structured interview guide (Appendix A and B) was utilized during the focus

group discussions. The researcher developed a research instrument, which is comprised

of questions addressing and characterizing instructional leadership of school heads,

teacher job performance, and student academic success.

Annotations: Qualitative research instrument needs a connecting instrument to come up

to the target participants and objectives. Since qualitative research focuses on the

content of the study, a detailed questionnaire is used to answer all the needed data.

Meanwhile, in quantitative research, the instrument that is commonly used is the

questionnaire that is usually in a checklist form. No additional explanation is needed to

supply to the answer given. Usually, the checklist come in a scale to identify the intensity

of the answer, unlike in qualitative research instrument, the participants really have to

explain their answer.

2.4 Data Gathering Procedure

Data Gathering Procedure

Annotations: These are the data gathering procedures utilized by the researcher. These

steps are more comprised than the detailed procedures used in a quantitative research.

The stages are then explained one by one through so called “phase”. The inclusion of

the problem and the related literature are never part of a quantitative research.

2.5 Data Analysis

Data Analysis

The six (6) interviews to school head and head teachers and fifteen (15) focused

group discussions to head teachers and teachers were transcribed and subjected to

Collaizi’s method (Sanders, 2003.) In this study, instructional leadership of school heads

affects performance of teachers and students were categorized based on similarities and


differences. Thorough review on the data coming from the respondents were verified

having the meaningful, truthful, unique, and beneficial to the study. By using the actual

research data, the technique of Colaizzi’s data analysis was used to extract, organize and
analyze the data. This resulted in the Colaizzi’s strategy effectively being utilized in

identifying significant statements from the transcribed interview and meanings being

formulated from the significant statements.

Annotations: Since data collection process of quantitative and qualitative research

differs from one another, the way they analyze data is also different. In qualitative

research, the answers from the interview are identified, examined and well- processed in

explanations and concepts. No tables and numerical interpretations can be seen. On the

other hand, quantitative data analysis shows more numbers, statistics and tables and the

results are more subjective.

2.6 Presentation of Results

Presentation of Results

Annotations: As seen on the example above, a part of the presentation of data from the

study of Dr. Dela Cruz, it can be clearly analyze that interview question and answer

really matters in the appreciation of the research study. Interview answers, regardless of

the language use, as long as given by the participant can be utilized in the presentation

of data.Collectively, lines from the interviews are used, unlike in quantitative research,

summary and data were presented using tables and numerical values.

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