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Introduction to Photogrammetry

Dr. Muhammad Zulkarnain Abdul Rahman

Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Table of contents
1. Definition of photogrammetry
2. Main idea of photogrammetry
3. Applications of photogrammetry
4. UAV photogrammetry
5. UAV photogrammetry components
6. Type of UAV system
7. Sensors for UAV system
8. UAV classification
9. Technical principal of photogrammetry
10. Photogrammetry workflow
11. Best Photogrammetry Software
12. Flight planning
13. UAV Photogrammetry Vs Other technology
Definition of Photogrammetry
Photogrammetry - the art, science and technology of acquiring
information of physical object and environment through the
process of recording, measurement and intepretation of
photographic image, pattern of electromagnet energy and other
phenomenon (Slama, 1980; Wolf, 1983).
The main idea of Photogrammetry

Establish the geometric
relationship between the
image and the object as it is
existed at the time of the
imaging event
After the relationship

02 established – we can
derive information
about the object
strictly from its
Analog vs Digital
Application of Photogrammetry

Medical Mapping
Topography, landuse,
Surgery, cosmetic etc.. landcover, base
map,agriculture etc…

Archeology Planning & Design

Highway, bridge, pipeline,
Historical sites, artefact, transmission line, dam
historical building etc… etc…

Architecture & Hazard

Engineering management
Building, monuments, Flood, landslide,
model or car, ships, aero technological hazard,
plane, instruments etc… earthquake etc…
UAV Photogrammetry
A Drone/UAV - "powered, aerial vehicle that does not carry a human operator, uses
aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift, can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely,
can be expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal or nonlethal payload“

Other names for UAV Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV), Remotely Operated Aircraft
(ROA), Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS), Unmanned
Aircraft System (UAS) is also being used (Colomina et al., 2008).
UAV’s Photogrammetry components
Type of UAV system

01 02 03 04
• Use a wing like a normal • Very popular in manned FIXED WING VTOL
• Small camera in the air for aeroplane to provide the lift aviation, but currently
a short period of time rather than vertical lift rotors only fill a small niche in • Merging the benefits of fixed-
• The easiest and cheapest • Efficient energy consumption the drone world wing UAVs with the ability to
option • Able to cover longer distances, • Has the benefit of much hover is a new category of
• Limited endurance and map much larger areas, and greater efficiency over a hybrids which can also take
speed, making them loiter for long times multi-rotor off and land vertically
unsuitable for large scale monitoring • Complex, cost, vibration,
aerial mapping • Inability to hover in one spot and also the danger of
their large spinning blades
DJI Phantom 4 Pro
Cost = $1,600

Flight Time = 28 minutes

Coverage = 150 acres

Camera = 20MP Exmor R CMOS

Max Speed = 44 mph

Primary use: ameture videography &

DJI Inspire 1
Cost = $2,800

Flight Time = 18 minutes

Coverage = 100 acres

Camera = 12MP & 16MP

Max Speed = 49 mph

Primary use: videography & inspection

DJI Spreading Wings S1000
Cost (package)= $8,900

Flight Time = 15 minutes

Coverage = 100 acres

Camera = Professional grade

Max Speed = 58 mph

Primary use: Professional photos & industrial

Event 38: E384
Cost (package)= $3,300

Flight Time = 100 minutes

Coverage = 400 acres

Camera = 18-28 MP

Max Speed = 29 mph

Primary use: surveying & mapping

Assembly video
Sensefly Ebee RTK
Cost (package)= $25k

Flight Time = 40 minutes

Coverage = 300 acres

Camera = 20 MP

Max Speed = 40 mph

Primary use: Surveying & mapping

Takeoff video
Trimble UX5
Cost (package)= $50k

Flight Time = 50 minutes

Coverage = 400 acres

Camera = 24 MP

Max Speed = 50 mph

Primary use: surveying & mapping

Photo of launch
Cost (package)= $7,500

Flight Time = 45 minutes

Coverage = 400 acres

Camera = 24 MP

Max Speed = 40 mph

Primary use: surveying & mapping

Sensors for UAV system
FLIR Vue Pro,
Multispectral FLIR Vue Pro R ,
3P, Parrot DJI Zenmuse XT
Sequoia Premium / FLIR
RedEdge® by Thermal
MicaSence Camera, DJI
Zenmuse XT2

Normal RGB Hyperspectral

camera HYSPEX Mjolnir V-
Snoopy A-Series
DSLR, compact 1240
Drone LiDAR
camera, built-in Hyperspectral
System, Phoenix
camera Camera, Hyspex
Mjolnir S-620
LIDAR Solution,
Camera, Hyspex
SWIR-384, Hyspex
UAV classification
Photogrammetry concept
Stereoscopic parallax
• The displacement of an object caused
by a change in the point of observation
is called parallax.
• Stereoscopic parallax is caused by
taking photographs of the same object
but from different points of
Photogrammetry concept
• We need to have vertical photo
• Overlapped photos
Causes of Y-parallax
• Essential condition for comfortable stereoscopic viewing:
the line joining corresponding images be parallel with the
direction of flight
• If not: Y-parallax exits
• It appears because:
– Improper orientation of the photos
– Variation in flying height
– Tilt of the photos
• Most serious Y-parallax is due to improper orientation of
the photos
Photogrammetric workflow

01 02 03 04
• Area of interest • Fight approval • Interior orientation • Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
• Spatial resolution (GSD) • Weather condition • Relative orientation (require • Digital Surface Model (DSM)
• UAV system • Terrain condition tie points) • Orthophoto
• Camera/Sensor (flat or undulating • Absolute orientation • 3D Building Models
• Endlap/sidelap terrain) to maintain (requires GCP) • Contour Maps
• Flight altitude scale or resolution • Orthorectification • Planemetric features (road
• Flight lines • Obstacles • Generation of point clouds edges, heights, signs, building
• Control points • Coverage of photos • Generation of DSM footprints, etc)
• Check points • Generation of DTM • Volumetric Surveys
• Camera calibration • Generation of orthophotos • Report on the quality of output
Best Photogrammetry Software

• DroneDeploy 3D mapping mobile app

• Pix4D Mapper photogrammetry software
• DroneDeploy Enterprise 3D Map Software
• AutoDesk ReCap photogrammetry Software
• SimActive Correlator3D™ Software
• Maps Made Easy orthophoto and 3D models software
• 3DF Zephyr photogrammetry software
• Agisoft PhotoScan photogrammetry software
• PrecisionHawk 3D map software
• Open Drone Map photogrammetry software
• ESRI Drone2Map for ArcGIS
• Agisoft Metashape 3D Software
Orientation procedures for Digital
• Still require 3 steps: 1) Interior 2) Relative and 3)
Absolute orientation
• Digital photogram allows greater automation process
• Interior orientation
– Requires pointing the fiducial marks and the fiducial marks
can be found by means of template matching of the
standard image of fiducial mark
– Once all fiducial marks are located – a 2dimensional
transformation can be computed to relate image
coordinate (row and column) with fiducial axis system
Exterior Orientation
• Defines the position and orientation of the camera when the
photo was acquired by associating GCP coordinates (X,Y,Z)
with the image space coordinates
• Defines the relationship between ground space coordinate
system (X,Y,Z) and the image space coordinate system (x,y,z)
• Three rotation angles are commonly used to define angular
– Omega (ω)
– Phi (φ)
– Kappa (ĸ)
Relative orientation
Reconstruct relative geometry of two images
• Produces a relative model
• Not concerned about absolute scale or ground coordinates
• Hold one photo fixed, adjust other to fit
• 3 rotations: ω (omega), Φ (phi), Κ (kappa)
• 3 translations: X, Y, Z (but X doesn’t matter at this step)
Orientation procedures for Digital
• Relative orientation
– Pattern matching assisted process
– Small arrays of left image in the standard pass point
are matched with the subarrays from the right image
– Once a sufficient pass points have been matched
(generally minimum 6 points) a relative orientation
can be computed
– The accuracy of the orientation can be improved by
increasing additional matched points
– Increase redundancy in the least squares solution
Absolute orientation
Reconstruct actual photo/ground relationship
• “Scaling” & “leveling”
• Coordinate transformation from block coordinates to ground
• Need to have control points (both sets of coordinates known)
• Based on collinearity equations
Orientation procedures for Digital
• Absolute orientation
– 3D measurement must be made on the GCP which appear in the
– With a standards marker the GCP can be searched by using a
standard template image
– Or the marker of the GCP can be manually located by the user.
Depending on the transformation function once the minimum
number of GCP has been achieved (2nd polynomial requires at
least 3 GCPs) the remaining GCP can be automatically located by
the system
– Block aerotriangulation on the digital images allows automation
in the absolute orientation
– Block aerotriangulation determines exterior orientation for each
Ground sampling distance (GSD)
• The distance between two consecutive pixel centers measured on the
• The bigger the value of the image GSD, the lower the spatial resolution of
the image and the less visible details
• The GSD is related to the flight height: the higher the altitude of the flight,
the bigger the GSD value
How to select Camera Focal Length and Flight Altitude
considering the desired Ground Sampling Distance and
Terrain to map?

• At a defined altitude, increasing the focal length:

– A smaller area is captured, and therefore:
– The Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) value will decrease: one pixel will
capture a smaller area and therefore the image will have a higher
spatial resolution.

• At a defined focal length, decreasing the altitude:

– A smaller area is captured, and therefore:
– The GSD value will decrease: one pixel will capture a smaller area and
therefore the image will have a higher spatial resolution.
How to select Camera Focal Length and Flight Altitude
considering the desired Ground Sampling Distance and
Terrain to map?

• Overlap:
– Low altitude with big focal length will request a very high image rate in
order to maintain a good overlap.
– For a given focal length and a given image rate, increasing the altitude
will increase the overlap.
Ground control point (GCP)
• A ground control point (GCP) is a point of known coordinates in the area
of interest.
• Its coordinates have been measured with traditional surveying methods or
have been obtained by other sources (LiDAR, older maps of the area, web
map service).
• Ground control points can be used in Pix4D Desktop to increase the
absolute accuracy of the project.
• Well distributed and well defined GCPs

GCP coordinate data is used to align and geo-

reference photogrammetric data to their correct
geospatial position.

Visible targets are designed to be easily seen in

photos with a center point that can be accurately
and precisely marked.
Ground control point (GCP)
• Minimum 3 GCPs to solve elements of exterior orientation for absolute
orientation process
• Direct geo-referencing requires onboard GPS instrumentation and IMU in
• Indirect geo-referencing uses GCPs
• Ground Control Points, or GCPs, are marked points on the ground that
have a known geographic location.
• In aerial surveying, a drone can be used to autonomously collect photos of
the survey area. If used, GCPs must be visible in these aerial photos.
• The photos are then processed in the cloud using drone mapping
software. A common solution for collecting and processing drone data,
used by many mapping professionals, is DroneDeploy.
• Services like DroneDeploy create 2D orthomosaics, 3D models, digital
elevation models (DEMs), and 3D point clouds from drone images.
• For aerial survey applications GCPs, are typically required as they can
enhance the positioning and accuracy of the mapping outputs
Camera Calibration
Camera calibration is the process of finding the true parameters of the
camera that took your photographs. Some of these parameters are
focal length, format size, principal point, and lens distortion.
Camera Calibration
Image acquisition plan for terrain with height
• Single flight following the terrain elevation variation (recommended)
• It is the recommended method since the GSD will be constant for the
project since the height difference between the UAV and the terrain is
Image acquisition plan for terrain with height
• Multiple flights at different constant altitudes
• Perform multiple flights at different altitudes with the flight lines perpendicular
to the slope. It is important that the there is overlap between the flights.
• The GSD will be approximately constant for the project since the height difference
between the UAV and the terrain is maintained.
Image acquisition plan for terrain with height
• If the height difference between the UAV and the terrain is not maintained
(keeping constant flight altitude):
• It will affect the GSD: The GSD will not be the same over the whole project
because of the variations in elevation of the terrain. In Figure 3, the obtained GSD
in A has less resolution than in B.
• It will affect the overlap: The overlap will be lower in the higher point B, if the
image rate is the maintained.
• It may affect the reconstruction or even fail if the height difference between the
higher and lower point is twice or higher (if the highest GSD exceed twice the
lowest GSD)
Suitable flight plan
General case
• The recommended overlap for most cases is at least 75% frontal overlap (with
respect to the flight direction) and at least 60% side overlap (between flying
• It is recommended to take the images with a regular grid pattern (Figure 1).
• The camera should be maintained as much possible at a constant heightover the
terrain / object to ensure the desired GSD.
Suitable flight plan
Forest and dense vegetation
• Trees and dense vegetation often have a very different appearance
between overlapping images due to their complex geometry (thousands
of branches and leaves).
• Therefore, it is difficult to extract common characteristic points
(keypoints) between the images.
• In order to achieve good results, it is recommended to use a grid image
acquisition plan as the one described in the General Case section by
applying the following changes:
1. Increase the overlap between images to at least 85% frontal overlap and at least 70%
side overlap.
2. Increase the flight height: At higher altitude, there is less perspective distortion
(therefore causing less appearance problems) and the dense vegetation has better
visual properties.
Suitable flight plan
Flat terrain with agriculture fields
• In cases where the terrain is flat with homogeneous visual content such as
agriculture fields, it is difficult to extract common characteristic points
(keypoints) between the images.
• In order to achieve good results, it is recommended to use a grid image
acquisition plan as the one described in the General Case section by
applying the following changes:
1. Increase the overlap between images to at least 85% frontal overlap and at least 70%
side overlap.
2. Fly higher. In most cases, flying higher improves the results.
3. Have accurate image geolocation
Suitable flight plan
Building reconstruction
• Reconstructing 3D buildings requires a specific image acquisition plan:
1. Fly around the building a first time with a 45° camera angle.
2. Fly a second and third time around the building increasing the flight height and
decreasing the camera angle with each round.
3. It is recommended to take one image every 5-10 degrees to ensure enough overlap,
depending on the size of the object and distance to it. Shorter distance and larger
objects require images every less degrees.
Suitable flight plan
Corridor mapping
• Mapping corridors such as railways, roads or rivers requires at least 2 flight
• For a dual track it is recommended to use at least 85% frontal overlap and
at least 60% side overlap.
• It is possible to use nadir images or oblique images (with an angle
between 0º (nadir) and 45º pointing in both tracks to the center of the
corridor). For flat terrain it is recommended to use nadir images.
Flight planning software

• Drone deploy
• DJI GSP pro
• Topoflight
UAV Photogrammetry Vs Other technology

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