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GROUP STUDY - PART 2 (Compiled by WORTH KIDD) ‘As each have gathered here - as each gathered here has been associated in their various experiences inthe earth, as each las prepared themselves for a channel through these experiences - 9 may they, asa group, combine their efforts in a cooperative manner to give to the individual, the proup, the classes, ‘the masses, that as they receive, as they have geined inthis experience To some are given to be teachers, 0 some are given tobe healers, to some are given to be interpreters. Let each, then, do THEIR job and their part WELL, IN the manner as is given TO them, knowing - an the forces as manifest through them - they become, then, a light in THEIR own respective action and field of endeavor As the forces manifest in their various ways and manners, 10 some will be given those of prophecy, to some will be given those of teaching, to some will be sven those of ministration, to some as ministers. Then, in the ways as thev present themselves: for, as has been given, he that receives shall give, he that cometh together in that name that will give, even as has been promised, "as I have given and am IN the Father, o in ME may YE do as Thave dene, and GREATER things than Thave done shall ye do, for I go TO the Father, and ye in me, as ve ask in my name, so shall it be DONE unto yeu! ‘Then, as there cometh inthe minds, hearts, souls of each, so will there be given - in that selfsame hour - THAT as YE shall do! (Q Ontline for us the steps which we must tae that we may become more of one mind, that we may be of the greatest influence for good, (A)As should be for each to lear that first LESSON as should be given unto others: Let all dwell ogether m ind as of one purpose, one aim, or, FIRST learn coaperstion! Learn wit that means in a WAITING, in a WATCHFUL, in a world SEEKING TO leno, TO see, a sign There, as has been given, will conly BE the sign GIVEN TO those that have drunk ofthe cup that MAKES for cooperation in EVERY SENSE of enlightening a seeking desiring world Cast not pearls before vine, neither be thon over-anxions for the moment WATT ye on the Lord: for, as fins been promised, he that SEEKS shall find, and ye WILL receive - each of you powers fiom on high USE that m a constructive, m a manner as befite that desire ofthe group, of each. Thank not of thine OWN desire, but let that mind be in you as was in Him, as may be in all those SEEKING the way. ‘What taught chy Master? Any new tenet. "Love the Lord thy God with all chine heart, and thine mind, and thine body, and thy neighbor as thyself" 2604 In secking, do nor seek something far, nor yer something new: rather that there ae the proper ideals, the proper valuations of thet ALREADY in hand. Fer, thst [dedication] is what ye look for inthis [Work] that ye present in those lessons, that they may build in the hears, minds, bodies and lives of those ‘that APPLY them - not learn, not simply have knowledge of ut APPLY thems - thar which may be presented from lesson to lesson in their daily experience ~ that there may again come the areater influences in the activity of individuals that may save a world, may save amation, may save the peoples. 262-61 ‘TRUTH iss experience. Hence IS an earning, through the manners in which a finite mind becomes conscious of what truth is. Hence mth is a growth, and dhence an EARNING. a yearning, a growing and is EARNED by he or she that applies that known in the manner that IS in keeping with His will rather than ‘thar there may be the satisfying of sel’s own desires. Not that man should deny that this or thet force exists, to make self believe, bur rather that the truth is as that which may be eared through the EXPERIENCING of the knowledge and understanding concerning the laws of truth, for HE is TRUTH! she basis of that aught by Him IS that che way, the th, the light may be fiee forall and thatthe choice im the present, as then, must be within the individual other than that as may be given as authoritative by any group or individual who would act inthe capacity of a director 7622 ‘Then, dost thou seek to enter sno the glories of the Father? Whosoever vsll may come, may take ofthe water of life fieely - even as flows ftom the dhrone of the Lamb For, the vary leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations, and - i ye will accept - the blood cleanses from all unrighteousness. How? From what? Saves self fiom what? To what are ye called? To know that only fiom the falling away of self may ye be saved. Unto the glonifying of self mm Him may ‘ye be saved Then, whosoever will, come! 28116

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