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GROUP STUDY - PART 3 (Compiled by WORTH KIDD) For, the first law that has been given to man from the beginning is: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me." And when mam has faltered, has altered that, which has deprived others from giving expression to that birhrisht, that command that has come to man throughout the azes then there arises that which creates those things that are the fruits of che evil influences that are in the earth. Such as: Hate jealousy, avarice, and the like These make for he creating of those conditions in all walks of life for power, for position forthe love of money and that it will bring in ss associations un the ives of individuals. 3976-14 ‘Beautiful muths without personal application by the one presenting them is indeed casting pearls to [the] swine [of oneself] 3 KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING there are no short cuts to knowledge, to wisdom, to understanding - these must be lived, must be experienced by each and every soul. 302 nowledge without activity becomes stamiblingblocks rather than wisdom to a body ioe. ‘the misapplication, the misinerpretation of such knowledge brings into the experiences of individuals, of groups, of uations, that which exalteth man's ‘power and he forgets God, 562.98 ‘The Knowledge af the Lord is only the BEGINNING of wissom The application of Knowledge in thy experience is to da GOOD to - those of the household of futh? Yea, 10 those that berate thee, to those that speak: unkind of Him, to those that fear not man nor regardeth not God. Let love and patience and mercy bbe WITH thee. For in doing these ye have that Knowledge that suspasseth al the wisdom of the earth, For who is wise? He that loveth the Lord and docth His ways. 8 ‘Knowledge without works is sin. 815.7 KNOWLEDGE is not ALWAYS understanding. for these are as knowledge inthe daily experiences that are as miracles, yet they become co often as everyday facts that there is no understanding in the mercies ar the glories that are showered upon the sons of men fram an All-Wise Creator Few get understanding that have mere knowledge, 9 ‘ruc Knowledge is that those comect interpretations of experiences, other than thine own, are what hath i wrought in the experience of those that apply seme mi thes dealings with thei fellow msn day by day’? Not whether it has trought riches ot fame, or thove things that are even well-spoken of by those of ‘the world, but has it made in the experience ofthe individual a better neighbor, « kindlier friend, a more long suffering one with those that would hinder” ‘Doth it bring patience? Doth it bing love m any manifested form? THIS shows as to whether the tue Knowledge is manifested inthe experience of any indivicoal In secking understanding is well: in application of that ALREADY UNDERSTOOD is betters given, each in their own way and manner may aid, of ‘hinder, according to the application oftheir own abilities, own talent, own understanding ..In general, keep that known in APPLYING self TO that as is |known, being more gentle, more loving, more in kindness to al, for litle by little we gain that understanding that comes from keeping a beatta mind, a life in the light ‘MEDITATION [As self will mecitate upon that as has been given then in seeking those answers to that 2s COMES to self, inthe awareness of the various conditions physical, mental, spiritual, thet are awakened through the erudy of that given, will there be seen, fel, known, understood, thar thar will AWAKEN selfto a ‘more close UNISON of purpose, for indecisions have often racked the MENTAL body of this entity, but with UNISON of the mental visions will there come ‘more peace, more harmony, more unison of purpose. 262-8 For [the lessons] aze founded rather inthe ideal set in the manner of each of the meditations for cack lesson is presented; that the individual development is sought, or enlightenment respecting the approach of individual toa thought or a fact that exists in the character of the lessons that may be presented through such channels Sexe such as presented in the lessons - and thst may be presented ftom time to time - may never be called tenets, but should EVER as outlined that which has beet applied in the experience of individuals as PRODUCING something in their experience And when s0 used, so presented, so used in the presenting of seme fiom period to period, these may then become those very things that have had their influence sn the earth inthe ages hroughout. L SERVICE In eligious experience one is told WHAT to expect, how to expect and when to expect! In the soul or psychic expersence one attunes the God-self to the universal! Hence the application or experience is from within and in communion with the influence of God-force in the individual life. Hence all of these should he taken into consideration. Not as a confusing but rather as given, thatthe first things are done FIRST! What isthe fist thing? SELF and the willingness to give celf, willingness to suffer in self m ideas sn the physical surroundings, for an IDEAL! Not merely idealistic but an ideal that cequires fest COURAGE: the dare to do the impossible, For with God nothing is impossible, and the individual that may gnve himself asa channel through which the influences of good may come to others may indeed be guided er shown the way 166. Inthe manner, the way ye attend, ye treat or ye hold - in thy mental self hy ‘manner, the concept ye hold of thy Creator! 160: y brothe:’s position, or thy neighbor's or thy feiend's as thy own, THAT is the

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