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GROUP STUDY - PART 5 (Compiled by WORTH KIDD) CREATION God moved, the spirit came into activity. Inthe moving it brought light, and then chaos. In this light came creation of that which in the earth came to be ‘matter, n the spheres about the earthy space and time, and in patience ithas evolved through those activites until there are the heavens and all the constellations the stars, the universe as it is known - or sought to be mown by individual soul-entities in the material plane 350 ‘Fust that of a mass, which there arose the mist, and then the rising of same with light breaking OVER that as it SETTLED itself as 2 companion of those in ‘the universe, as it began its NATURAL (of now natural) rotations, withthe varied effects UPON the various portions of same, as slowly - and s slowly - seceding or gathering closer to the sun, from which it receives its impetus for the awakening of the elements that give lif itself, by radiation of like elements fom thar which i receives fom the sun 364 GOD, the Father, then, isthe Creator - the beginning and the end, In HIM is the understanding, BY and through those influences that have taken form - in ‘universes - to meet the needs of each soul - that we might find our way to Him, 305 In the beginning. when there was the creating, or the calling of individual entities into being, we were made to be the companions with the Father-God, SoD God seeks all to be one with Him. And as all things were made by Him, that which i the creative influence in every herb, mineral, vegetable or individual activity IS that same force ye call God, - and SEEKS expression! Even as when God said, "Let there be light,” and there was light ‘YOU WERE THERE In that before this, we find [thie Baity was) in the beginning, when the fist of the elemente were given, and the forces set in motion that brought about the sphere as we find called earth plane, and when the morning stars sang together, and the whispering winds brought the news of the coming of mats indwelling. ofthe spat ofthe Crestor. became the living soul. This enuty came into being with ths multitude 204.8 Inthe one before this, we find [this Entity was] in the beginning, when all forces were given in the spirinal force, and the morning stars sang together in the lory of the coming of the Lord and the God to make the giving of man's influence and developing in the world’s forces. ‘YOU ARE A SOUL - ANENTITY (Q Does the sout's entity change in reineamation? (A) The ENTITY? The soul is the ENTITY! The entity is the soul and the mind and the body of same, ee? These only enter matter or anew houee, in 1494.1 a soul, an entity as a continuous stream of experience - and the activites in the earth’ plane as a lesson that is leamed by the entity - the experiences ‘through the astrological sojoums become rather as a digesting or an assimilating of that which has been experienced or gained in the lesson 12301 ‘This process of building up the entity has been going on for ages. The great factors of heredity, environment, kerma, ought vibration and the actions of ‘universal law and in the planes beyond the physical, all have their influence upon the entity just as the desires and vibrations of the physical organs arract ‘dll ti comiptatlite ofthe pliysical bey."Vou arc a evel of ast only te dovelopmacat of the race bios yuu, bt leo the xvas evclopincat ‘which has been going on since your creation as an individual soul 0 ‘YOUR PURPOSE AS A SOUL-ENTITY ‘What then, ye may ask ARE the purposes for a soul manifesting in flesh in ANY individual entity? Inthe beginning, all souls that were as portions ofthe ‘thought of God were given the opportunity for expression, as to be companions for that Creative Force - or God 242061 ‘For cach entity in the earth is wht it is because of what it has been! And eack moment is dependent upon another moment. So a sojouun in the earth, as indicated, is as a lesson in the school of life and experience 2823-3, ‘Yourself, as an entity, as 2 soul-enitv; made in the beginning as the breath of God to be a companion with Him throughout eternity 358L1 ‘Let each individual mow thar it eae into life with @ purpose from God, Let each individual kw that iis as a harp upon which the breath of God would play 281-60 For, the purpose of an entity's entrance into the earth (and this might apply to all) s to manifest the personality of God in the own individuality and personality. For each soul is as a corpuscle - yea, as a thought - inthe mind and the heart of God. Thivs tote individual entity, to know God He must be ‘personal in shy life when applied in thy relationships to any purposefulness the entity smmemprs, 335 Fer, the experience or sojour in the earth is not by chance, but the natural spiritual and soul evolution of the entity: that may be aware ofits relationships to God - thsough its relationships to 1 fellow men: recognizing in each soul, as well as im self, those possibilites those opportunsties, those duties, those obligations that are a portion ofeach soul-entiy's manifesting ina material plane. ey In this petsod of man's experience im the easth there isthe grester need that he, man, consider the purposes (and the needs) of God in his daily life. There is ‘the need for such thought. such meditation on this universal consciousness, this field, to be manifested by man's love, man’s activity towards his fellow man. For, the basic ruth that must be presented throughout the study of this subject, is. "Inasmuch as ye do it unto the Teast of thy brethren, ye do at unto ty Maker 262.129 the purpose is that the individual ehould glorify God, having an ideal. Have a higher puspose..something creative, something helpful, something which ranifests the glory of the Creative Forces..the manner i the purpose that ye treat thy fellow man, ye treat thy Maker lis evident that there isthe inclination, ffom the manner of seasoning ofthe entity, co judge by material accomplishments. This should not be so. For iti in “Hi that ye are given life, that ye live and move and have thy being. Thus, is the purpose in an experience in the earth only to be born, to live three score and fen years and pass out? or 3s it a a day, as a moment in etermity”” ‘Life then is purposefol. What is life? It i a manifestation ofa soul, Remember that selfs bods, mind and soul As the soul would knox, does know, itis the sift ofthe Creator. the Maker. The purpose in lf, then. is not the gratifying of appetites nor of any selfish desires. but sts tha the entity, the soul. may make ‘the earth, where the entity finds ite consciousness, a better place in which to live

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